Handout #24 Courage to Conquer
Handout #24 Courage to Conquer
ForNTsficFoNDnRD r KEE CouRhcE toGoueuER o P YouRPnrtENcE (ron rF you LosE rr you LosE yorRr COMPOSIIREICONFIDENCE-ASSTIRAN WIIL rY be tt*noo t for the moorr r rY that l s the tfr le You rs shoo t-tre frrg for the moollr and while You going for this goal, rememben You have to PaY the Price. cons ranr d,e vol?:*:"::;'Tlfrttn"3ir ache r constant practicer and 10the ve r valtv to vouroi?:"*:rvtr,lns have " lou-* vou b thqq .HE,Tr1],+- glvg= yoq lfrg .ggu.r.age - r-gsarqle s p ,o.{ , thq p,To of en} ' '|r AND r SUCCESS. rS yr CqgJtrolr$ 3 Oftentlmes outruns sklll P+T4SIVI}E.. errd outwlts lmpulslvon€ss . EATIENC_E rS P&oIUCTTIEI In tlme the nnrlbemy leaf b ecomes sllk. PATIENCE IS. VTSION ARY: Vlsuall?,es the rtpened, graln as the fnritlon of e s 6rles of successlve s,teps of wonklng and $ta I tlng ' r - Se curlng the land, breaklng the soll and plantlng the seed o Natune'wtse enough to walt and, perslstent enough to eventually FonYou R PeRsoMA\ I*torrYATtoN have her way3 and so can la&rre lf he wlI I add Patlence to H*Y* PPj i..P4c q . Al 1 thlngs are Pl*.*&e*qq. difficult before they become easy. PATIB.I{C_8 rs A PoDSESSoRt sp An drror doesnt t become a v The aronld belongs to hlm who you refus e mls take untll bldos hls tlme. to correc t lt. Leroy Brownlow $K person do somewho wants to The ds I 4 9o,o*,, le**e.r. jakq?q q llttlg an excuSoo .Jf more than hls sh,are of the blame ' a llttle less than hls Ideas are funny things; theY do. OK rryiIl lcrow as much of GOD as we are wifling to Put lnto PraQr tice r and no moroo JK One can not always be a heror We butr one can De a ot to Pic piocos lila.fro o shane of credlt. o,-o-, O-0.r.0 lt lsntt the thlng we do on s&yr but all in the way we d,o rf or say lt. trltrhat would the egg amount to, prayr lf the hen got up on the perch to lay lt? rl tff/ffi,/0rrg6*,