mont kiara buyer`s guide
mont kiara buyer`s guide
MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE 2014 EDITION What the buyer absolutely needs to know before parting with cold, hard cash for one (or a few!) of these exotic Mont Kiara gems! 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Read this first! SO MY LAWYER CALLED ME UP AT 3.15AM LAST WEDNESDAY… W hen I first published this guide at, I had wanted the guide to be a “no holds barred” review of Mont Kiara – the good, the bad and the downright ugly. After 1,000 or so downloads, my lawyer Ngork (yes, that’s the dude’s name. Don’t laugh) panicked, and called me up in the wee hours of Wednesday to ask me to put up a standard disclaimer to, well, protect myself from potential lawsuits. To paraphrase Ngork, I gotta get my arse covered. So here’s the standard disclaimer:- We are not responsible for the decisions that you choose to make arising from the information that you gathered from reading this guide or from We cannot be held responsible for any losses that you may incur from the decisions that you choose to make. The content presented in this guide is for informational purposes only, and we do not guarantee its timeliness and/or accuracy. The information that we provide here does not constitute recommendations to buy and/or to sell. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions above, well, then just delete this document and go on your merry way. Page 1 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE BUT IF YOU DO… THEN START DIGGING IN! We had loads of fun putting together this guide, and we reckon that you’ll like it, too. Overall, we are impressed with what Mont Kiara has got to offer (although there are some duds that you’ll need to avoid – more on this later), and since you’re downloading this guide, I am assuming that you’re interested in acquiring one a Mont Kiara property (good call). We’ve got your back - you will get all the essential tools and knowledge that will turn you into a Mont Kiara guru before you can say “RPGT”. Let’s get started! Turn the page! Khai Yin (Founder, [email protected] (Email me anytime) +6012-3260111 (Call me during office hours) GoodPlaceHQ, C-8-6-13A, Setiawalk, 47160 Puchong, Selangor (9am-4pm weekdays) PS: Remember to visit where we talk about Malaysia property all day, every day. Oh, and we are refreshingly guru-free. Page 2 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE PPS: Check out the GoodPlace DealMatcher service where we help readers research buying and selling opportunities not found in the property classified sites. We think it’s a better way to search – less stressful, less time consuming, and ultimately more fun! Check it out – Page 3 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Mont Kiara you say? Smart choice… if you can avoid the duds! S ince you’re already reading this guide, I am going to assume that you are already somewhat familiar with Mont Kiara – where it is, its defining characteristics, etc. We are not going to waste time talking about the origins (Segambut backwater magically transformed into an upmarket condo enclave), its population mix (expats haven, and especially attractive to the Korean and the Japanese) and its perceived ‘glut’ (more on this shortly). Lumina Kiara: Nicely designed condo & semi-d in the heart of Mont Kiara Instead, this guide will answer these three burning questions:1. Is there a glut in Mont Kiara? 2. Where are the best investment opportunities within Mont Kiara? 3. What’s the fair price to pay for <your desired property name>? Page 4 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Is There A Glut In Mont Kiara? H ere’s a smart-alecky answer: it depends what people actually mean by the word “glut”. Yes, the supply is indeed outpacing demand in total, but this is often irrelevant especially when you are considering specific areas or property. In fact, I just made a trip to JPPH (Jabatan Penilaian & Perkhidmatan Harta) in One Sentral to do a search for Mont Kiara property transactions for the past three months (I’ll share this data later in this report). Here’s the stack of data sheets that the good folks at JPPH gave (OK, sold) me – Look at this stack of data sheets on Mont Kiara I took (bought) from JPPH! Page 5 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE The picture above shows the data sheets for all Mont Kiara transactions for the past three months (one piece of data sheet represents one transaction). Quite hefty! So here’s what you need to know: people are still buying and selling Mont Kiara condominiums on a daily basis. The fact that there is a healthy volume of transactions mean that people are getting what they want; i.e. they are finding properties in Mont Kiara that are (deemed to) worth the asking prices. In short, there are still good value properties to be had… but you’ll need to know where to find them. We will show you how in this report. THE “GLUT” PERCEPTION IS GOOD FOR YOU The perception that “there is a glut in Mont Kiara” also works in your favour. How so? It means that the buyer (you) will have the upper hand when you negotiate for a good price, especially when there are more choices of properties that are made available to you with supply outpacing demand. The Sophia – an older condo which enjoys a very good location in central Mont Kiara Ultimately, the decision to buy or not to buy is yours; you can choose to wait for prices to flatten (maybe) or crash entirely (unlikely), but nobody will be able to tell you how things Page 6 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE are going to be in the future. What you can do is to learn as much as possible about Mont Kiara (especially the latest pricing trends, infrastructure development and incoming supply), and this is what this GoodPlace Buyer Guide is written for. Now let’s dive headlong into the biggest burning question that you have… turn the page. Page 7 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE What Are The Best Properties To Buy In Mont Kiara? T his is a loaded question of sorts because there’s really no “right” answer to this question (beware of those who claim to know, because they, well, don’t). It depends on your own specific requirements which in all probability will be different from the other guy (or gal):REQUIREMENTS ASPECT QUESTION Why buy? Size? Type? Budget? Amenities? Location? Views? Own stay? Investment? Short- or long term? Sq ft? Number of rooms? Single/double/duplex? Condo? Landed? Town villa? Semi-d? Bungalow? Total price? Monthly instalments? Down payments? Day care? Yoga room? Olympic sized pools? Specific preferences? Walkability? Low/high unit? Skyline or neighbor view? These are also questions that I ask when readers ask me for help via the DealMatcher service, by the way. It’s staggering to me that people actually start looking around for properties without knowing exactly what they want. Do yourself a favour and fill up the questionnaire above. It will cut short the amount of work you will have to do, and save you from wasting time going viewing properties that do not fit the bill. Once you’re ready, go on to the next section on how to analyze Mont Kiara properties… HOW TO ANALYZE MONT KIARA PROPERTIES Mont Kiara can be segmented into four clusters of “mini” enclaves, namely, Page 8 Central East West Dutamas © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE I’ve taken the liberty of use my two year old toddler Chloe’s beloved mini iPad and drew the following (pardon the scrappiness):- Page 9 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE You’ll notice that I have avoided calling Dutamas “North” – simply because there is a deliberate move by developers to rebrand the area as “North Kiara”. Each of these mini-clusters has their own defining characteristics, and correspondingly, their own niche of tenants and buyers. Part of our analysis will involve “walkability”. Especially true for Mont Kiara condominiums, being able to walk to nearby amenities and transportation choices is becoming more important by the day (and especially so with the horrendous Mont Kiara traffic which doesn’t seem to get better). The Walkability Map for Mont Kiara. You should get a copy of this map together with this guide. If you haven’t received it, email me at [email protected] Our small R&D team here at has been experimenting with a new feature that computes the walkability of a neighbourhood by pulling together a couple of data points to compute what we call the GoodPlace Walkability Scores (GWS). The GWS is built on using Google Maps and is scored using the walking distances to: Page 10 Basic amenities such as restaurants, clinics and schools. Secondary amenities such as drinking spots, entertainment outlets, laundrettes, shopping centres and police stations. Transportation points (taxis, train stations). © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE The maximum GWS score is 100 (like, if you’re right on top of the Pavilion mall), while the minimum is 1 (you’re on top of the Everest). Note: We have previously rolled out this feature for KLCC condominiums; if you’d like to download a beautiful map of KLCC properties with Walkability scores then click here. Now let’s examine each of these mini-clusters one by one: in terms of main characteristics, supply levels, walkability, pricing and a summary of each cluster’s pros and cons. Let’s go! Page 11 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE MONT KIARA CENTRAL Villa Mont Kiara commands the highest price PSF in central Mont Kiara, and deservingly so! T his is where it all got started, lads. The Central area is the nerve of Mont Kiara where most of the “first generation” condominiums are as well as the venerable Plaza Mont Kiara, the new(ish) One Mont Kiara mall as well as the Mont Kiara International School (MKIS). MONT KIARA CENTRAL Almaspuri Angkupuri Arcoris (under development) i-Zen Kiara 1 i-Zen Kiara 2 Kiara 163 (under development) MK10 MK11 MK28 Mont Kiara Aman Mont Kiara Astana Page 12 Mont Kiara Banyan Mont Kiara Bayu Mont Kiara Damai Mont Kiara Meridin Mont Kiara Palma Mont Kiara Pelangi Mont Kiara Pines Mont Kiara Sophia The Residence @Mont Kiara TWY Villa Mont Kiara © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Despite being the “oldest” area in Mont Kiara there’s a good mix of old and new condominiums lying on the main artery of Jalan Kiara 1, and at the time of the publication of this guide there are still developments on possibly the final tract of land in the central area (Arcoris and Kiara 163 just right next to Plaza Mont Kiara). The biggest selling point of central Mont Kiara properties remains are their walkability. By the virtue of their location, properties in central Mont Kiara consistently score high in the walkability chart – Central Mont Kiara properties have the best walkability scores in the enclave Page 13 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Being the entry point to the enclave means that congestion is a major issue, although there is a concerted effort among residents to overcome this issue (see the updates at this blog). Pricing Analysis Note: the analysis above is based on the data collected in the first quarter of 2014; for the availability of updates please go to or email me at [email protected] P rices for the “first generation” condominiums seem to be stuck between the RM500 – 600 PSF band, and asking prices were flat for at least the last three months. There could well be some opportunities in these older condominiums which have superior walkability and reportedly perform well in the rental market (targeting expat families with school going children). Newer condominiums like MK10, MK11 and MK28 have also stabilized at around the RM750-850 PSF levels (down from RM1,000 PSF last year), perhaps due to the anticipation of increased supply into the area (notably Arcoris). We opine that the newer condominiums should be fairly priced at RM1,000 PSF and above (similar to KLCC levels), but prices could remain depressed for the time being. We have also observed a hike in the asking prices for i-Zen Kiara 2 for the past few months although i-Zen Kiara 1 remains flat; as we expect the prices of these two condominiums to be pegged against each other, we shall be cautious about this anomaly. As expected, transactions for Villa Mont Kiara and The Residence @Mont Kiara were few (by the virtue of the prices); however, we did manage to find transaction records for the former at around the RM1,200 PSF level. Supply Analysis We are somewhat concerned that the property portals are seemed to be flooded by listings that do not look all that legitimate. For example, MK11 has got more than 400 Page 14 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE (yes, 400!) units advertised for sale at one of the most popular property classifieds website around. These can’t be all legitimate! Bogus listings are a problem everywhere, but it does seem to be a perennial problem for Mont Kiara properties. This is of no surprise because, well, scammers go where the money changes hands. The modus operandi is remarkably familiar – first, the agent would pull you in with a listing which prices the property at 10-20% lower than the other ads. Once you’re in, you will then be sold OTHER properties instead. We have been lobbying for stricter moderation at the property portals to weed out bogus (or “ghost”) listings. Meanwhile, please do exercise extreme caution when contacting agents through these public, “free for all to post anything” portals. Alternatively, you can also get me to do the research for you since I look at listings every day and work with agents to verify the accuracy of the listings (and the asking prices). More information can be found here – The service, just like this report, is free. Summary of Opportunities 1. Look out for good units in the older tier; we especially like Almaspuri (low RM500 PSF transacted prices) as well as Mont Kiara Pines (bargain for RM550 PSF, but we have seen transactions at around RM580 PSF). 2. Newer condominiums (MK10, MK11) may be at a bargain at sub RM1,000 PSF levels, but the plus sizes may prove troublesome in the rental and subsale market (for now). 3. Wait-and-see for i-Zen. 4. Watch out for bogus listings! 5. For a blow-by-blow comparison (prices, walkability, pros and cons) between the properties in Mont Kiara Central, open up the Comparison Table document (in Excel format). If you don’t have this document, email me – [email protected] Page 15 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE MONT KIARA CENTRAL: SUMMARY PROS CONS Superior walkability Strong rental appeal Best-of Sunrise condos Page 16 Upper tier prices (for the newer condos) Chronic traffic jam situation Some condos are showing their age © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE MONT KIARA EAST A view of Seni and Kiaraville from the highway. Oversupply seems to be a perennial problem in the eastern side of Mont Kiara. T he eastern part of Mont Kiara is centered around the commercial area of Solaris Mont Kiara (not to be confused with Solaris Dutamas which is also popularly known as Publika shopping centre). MONT KIARA EAST Duta Nusantara Duta Tropika Hartamas Regency 1 Hartamas Regency 2 Icon Residence (under development) Page 17 Lumina Kiara Pavilion Hilltop (under development) Seni Mont Kiara Solaris Dutamas Tiffani Kiara © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Kiaraville La Grande Kiara Villa Aseana Mont Kiara East seems to suffer most from the glut situation, with the condominiums and landed properties along Changkat Duta Kiara alone (Kiaraville, Seni Mont Kiara, Villa Aseana, Tiffani and the upcoming Pavilion Hilltop) contributing the majority of supply in the area. For this reason, rental yield seems to be taking a beating, and there could be a limited upside for the time being. By the virtue of being near both Solaris Dutamas and Solaris Mont Kiara (both walkable for tenants in the Hartamas Regency condominiums), walkability scores are high and second only to Mont Kiara Central. Schools, however, are not within walking distance, and this may factor into the rental decisions of families with school going children. A good number of units also suffer from being close to the highway, which means that there are problems of noise and dirt. Mont Kiara East is also home to a number of high-end, landed properties (Duta Tropika, Duta Nusantara, Villa Aseana); these are priced beyond the cookie cutter Mont Kiara condominium with prices much nearer to semi-detached homes and bungalows you can find at Kenny Hills or even Damansara Heights. With the upcoming Pavilion Hilltop and Icon Residence in the horizon, we do expect a positive spillover effect to the rest of the area – and in particular Hartamas Regency 1 and 2 as well as Seni. Pricing Analysis Note: the analysis above is based on the data collected in the first quarter of 2014; for the availability of updates please go to or email me at [email protected] P rices for Mont Kiara East condominiums (excluding landed properties) are on par with (or slightly lower than) the central and west, and at a premium compared to Dutamas. For the past three months, we did see some upward Page 18 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE movement of asking prices, especially Kiaraville and Tiffani Kiara. This might be a slight spike which will even out in due course, or may be part of an upward trend sparked by the launch of the RM900+ PSF Pavilion Hilltop. Predictably, older condominiums such as Hartamas Regency 1 and 2 as well as La Grande Kiara transact at a lower price (sub RM500 PSF), and these are widely seen as “value buys” in the area. Landed properties like Villa Aseana, Duta Nusantara and Duta Tropika transact regularly at RM1,000+ PSF, which we think is fair. At the time of the publication of this report we did not manage to get hold of transacted records for Solaris Dutamas, but a quick cursory check at the local property portals returned listings for condominium units asking for a range of prices from RM700 PSF (bigger units at 4,000+ SQ FT) to RM950+ PSF (smaller units at 1,000+ SQ FT). Supply Analysis Mont Kiara East is as oversupplied as it is currently; however, we do not think that the launch of Pavilion Hilltop and Icon Residence will worsen the situation. Pavilion Hilltop will probably source its buyers and tenants from downtown Kuala Lumpur with a pricing tier which is a notch above Seni and Kiaraville, while Icon Residence will perhaps compete head-on only with Solaris Dutamas, being an integrated development less than 2km up north on Persiaran Dutamas. Being the area with overflowing supply means that the competition for buyers and tenants is stiff, and it’s no surprise that we can find many instances of “bogus” listings due to aggressive competition. Quick tip: if you happen to see a listing which is at 10-20% lower price than the average, then exercise caution when you call the agent. Get the agent to confirm that the property does exist, and is in fact up for sale. Alternatively, you can just use the DealMatcher service. Page 19 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Summary of Opportunities 1. There has been renewed interest in mid-range condominiums like Kiaraville and Lumina Kiara as reflected in the asking prices in the past three months. These have been transacting at about RM650+ PSF; there could be opportunities to buy at <RM600 PSF. 2. Landed properties like Villa Aseana, Duta Nusantara and Duta Tropika may be good alternatives to Damansara Heights and Bukit Tunku as transacted prices seem to be stuck at RM1,000+ PSF at the moment. 3. There could be “value buy” opportunities in the older condominiums with great walkability – i.e. La Grande Kiara and Hartamas Regency 2 (which we prefer over Hartamas Regency 1). Both have been transacting at sub RM500 PSF levels during the time of the publication of this report. La Grande Kiara’s asking prices are also seen to be dipping somewhat for the past few months. 4. Oversupply situation means that there are lots of “ghost” listings in the property portals. Be skeptical when you see 300+ available units for sale at any site, and watch out for agents advertising the same unit in separate listings in a short period of time (i.e. posted on the same day). 5. For a blow-by-blow comparison (prices, walkability, pros and cons) between the properties in Mont Kiara East, open up the Comparison Table document (in Excel format). If you don’t have this document, email me – [email protected] MONT KIARA EAST: SUMMARY PROS CONS Superior walkability Near major commercial areas Competitive prices for older condos Page 20 Higher density than the average Some properties face the highway Oversupply situation is prevalent © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE MONT KIARA WEST Kiaramas Sutera, where the air is crisp and the views are awesome. We like it a lot! T he Mont Kiara West area consists of the hilly Kiaramas mini enclave, as well as the cluster of condominiums along Jalan Kiara 3 (which connects up to Jalan Segambut) and Jalan Kiara 5. MONT KIARA WEST Aman Kiara Amarin Kiara Casa Kiara 1 Casa Kiara 2 Ceriaan Kiara Flora Murni Gateway Residences Page 21 Kiara Hills Kiaramas Ayuria Kiaramas Cendana Kiaramas Danai Kiaramas Sutera Laman Suria Lanai Kiara © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Hijauan Kiara Kiara 1888 Kiara 3 Kiara 9 Kiara Designer Suites One Kiara Residensi 22 (under development) Sunway Vivaldi Verve Suites Vista Kiara The Kiaramas mini-enclave is the most livable spot in the entire Mont Kiara in our opinion; the air is crisp and fresh, and the view is amazing. The Kiaramas condominiums (Ayuria, Cendana, Danai and Sutera) are also evenly spaced out; there’s none of that claustrophobic feeling that one gets when walking up, say, Changkat Duta Kiara in the west. The Jalan Kiara 3 and 5 areas are more “mainstream” Mont Kiara, and nearer to amenities, schools and commercial areas. There are also a handful of nicely landscaped mixed residential properties which has found its appeal among families which would prefer larger sizes and space not found in the typical Mont Kiara condominium. Predictably, the Kiaramas condominiums lag its counterparts in the areas nearer to central Mont Kiara in terms of walkability - MONT KIARA WEST: WALKABILITY SCORES Flora Murni Residensi 22 Vista Kiara Casa Kiara 1 Ceriaan Kiara Laman Suria Sunway Vivaldi Lanai Kiara Kiara 1888 Kiara 9 Kiara Hills One Kiara Aman Kiara Gateway Residences Hijauan Kiara Page 22 79 78 77 76 76 76 76 75 74 74 74 74 70 70 70 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Verve Suites Kiara Designer Suites Amarin Kiara Casa Kiara 2 Kiaramas Ayuria Kiaramas Cendana Kiaramas Danai Kiaramas Sutera Kiara 3 70 64 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 Pricing Analysis Note: the analysis above is based on the data collected in the first quarter of 2014; for the availability of updates please go to or email me at [email protected] S unway’s Kiara Hills have been consistently in the RM1,000+ PSF range, but we have records of transactions at even sub RM900 PSF levels; there might be some bargains to be had especially when compared to other landed properties in the Mont Kiara enclave which transacts at RM1,000 PSF and above. The Verve Suites by Bukit Kiara Properties (BKP) seems to be an anomaly pricing wise; apart from Amarin Kiara (landed property in Kiaramas which belongs to a different tier) – transacted prices were above RM1,000+ PSF. Kiaramas Danai, the newest of the Asia Quest condominiums, predictably lead the pack at RM700+ PSF, although the Cendana and Sutera are still relatively affordable at sub RM600 PSF levels. We also see some picking up in terms of asking prices for Kiaramas Sutera although this trend may not sustain for long given the supply levels in the area. An obvious laggard in terms of transacted prices is Ceriaan Kiara where we have seen units exchanging hands for as low as RM470 PSF. Asking prices as we have tracked at the local property portals have been flat for the past three months for Ceriaan Kiara, which is in contrast with the rest of the properties in Mont Kiara West. The following chart shows the pricing tiers between Mont Kiara West properties – Page 23 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Pricing tiers for Mont Kiara West properties Page 24 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Average transacted prices are shown above for past three months from publication of this report in RM PSF. Supply Analysis The incoming supply into Mont Kiara West has stabilized somewhat; few new developments are in store apart from UEM Sunrise’s Residensi 22 (or MK22) which has been slated to complete in 2017. The oversupply situation afflicting the condominiums lining up Jalan Kiara 3 and 5 results in rather depressed pricing; most transact typically between RM500-650 PSF (this has been flat for the last twelve months). We do expect the extension of Mont Kiara into the heart of the Segambut area beyond the artificial “borders” now formed by Kiara 1888 and Kiara 9; the squatter area remains the last sizable tract of land which could well be turned into upscale condominiums like the rest of Mont Kiara. Summary of Opportunities 1. Kiara 3 remains somewhat underpriced (see the tiering chart above) with sub RM550 PSF transacted priced, but this could be due to the fact that it’s right smack in the middle of the Segambut village. If you’re bullish about the area, and you’re confident that the rest of Segambut Dalam will eventually be absorbed into Mont Kiara then you might want to consider this property. Caution: prices have been rather flat for a couple of years and so this might be a long-term play. 2. Ceriaan Kiara is another obvious opportunity, but the low-ish price could be driven by its developer (let’s face it – YNH is no Sunrise), and also its plain, undifferentiated proposition. Asking prices have been hovering around RM600+ PSF, but average transacted prices are at RM470 PSF levels. As the popular saying goes, whenever there’s a gap there’s an opportunity… 3. Kiaramas Ayuria and Kiaramas Danai seem expensive at RM700+ PSF transacted, and in contrast, Kiaramas Cendana and Kiaramas Sutera look Page 25 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE comparatively cheap at RM500+ PSF. We do note that the latter’s asking prices have been on an upward slope for the last three months. 4. As with the rest of Mont Kiara, oversupply situation means that there are lots of “ghost” listings in the property portals. Be skeptical when you see 300+ available units for sale at any site, and watch out for agents advertising the same unit in separate listings in a short period of time (i.e. posted on the same day). 5. For a blow-by-blow comparison (prices, walkability, pros and cons) between the properties in Mont Kiara West, open up the Comparison Table document (in Excel format). If you don’t have this document, email me – [email protected] MONT KIARA WEST: SUMMARY PROS CONS Some of the best locations inside Mont Kiara Competitive “mid-tier” pricing at RM550+ PSF Good mixed residential with good landscaping Page 26 Some condominiums are next to the Segambut slums Kiaramas condos + Sunway Vivaldi facing the highway Traffic conditions on Jalan Kiara 5 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE DUTAMAS We are not fans of the Dutamas area, but we’ll make an exception for the Mesra Terrace T he Dutamas area refers to the northern side of Mont Kiara where Jalan Dutamas Raya is located. We have been somewhat indifferent about the properties in this area, and we will explain exactly why next. DUTAMAS Anggun Puri Changkat View Concerto (under development) Duta Ria Menara Duta 1 Page 27 Menara Duta 2 Mesra Terrace Sutramas Verdana Villa Makmur © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Despite the rebranding effort of the area into “North Kiara”, Jalan Dutamas Raya still retains its “Dutamas apartment” feel with clusters of low- and medium-cost flats populating the area. Its transformation into an upscale residential area will take time. On the other hand, the launches of projects such as Concerto (by BCB) and Verdana (by BRDB) will somewhat have a “halo effect” on the rest of the area. Mid-tier condominiums such as Changkat View and Sutramas will benefit the most. Mesra Terrace sticks out like a sore thumb with its English Colonial inspired façade, and it would not look out of place if it were in Damansara Heights. Its transacted prices at a low-ish RM500+ PSF on average reflect its rather unfortunate location rather than the quality of the property itself. Anggun Puri is also attractive by the virtue of its location at the very end of Jalan Dutamas Raya up the hill next to the French school. It may have a niche rental market driven by demand from expatriate families with children going to the French school, and with Verdana being built in the opposite we do expect prices to etch up slightly in the future. Walkability among Dutamas properties remains low relative to the rest of Mont Kiara; most amenities are not reachable by foot, and the closest commercial areas and schools (apart from the French school) are in the East and Central areas respectively. Pricing Analysis Note: the analysis above is based on the data collected in the first quarter of 2014; for the availability of updates please go to or email me at [email protected] P rices for Dutamas condominiums are at the lower end of the spectrum, although this may set to change with the new launches (Concerto is set to launch at RM650 PSF, which is markedly higher than Verdana’s RM500 PSF). Mesra Terrace may be the most expensive of the lot at RM524 PSF transacted, but this price is an absolute steal for a landed property. Page 28 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Looking at the trends of asking and transacted prices, it’s clear that buyers do not typically consider Dutamas Raya as part of Mont Kiara (and hence the reluctance on our part to call it Mont Kiara North). Dutamas condominium prices are markedly lower than Mont Kiara Prices shown in the above chart are the average transacted figures for condominiums and apartments only (landed properties are removed to prevent the skewing of figures). Page 29 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE Supply Analysis The supply situation in Dutamas is somewhat manageable compared to Mont Kiara, but the real challenge is to successfully attract buyers into the area to build up the demand levels. In aggregate, Verdana and Concerto will supply some 1,100+ units into the area, but the target market will be somewhat different with slightly higher pricing. The “ghost listings” problem is less prevalent in the Dutamas area, but if you want to save yourself from the hassle of looking at advertisements in the newspapers or at the online portals, then use our free DealMatcher service. Click here. Summary of Opportunities 1. Mesra Terrace remains our favourite; despite its surrounding location RM550+ PSF is a good deal for landed property in this area. 2. Anggun Puri could be a good opportunity given the launch of Verdana in the opposite tract of land, as well as its proximity to the French school. Its location at the end of Jalan Dutamas Raya and on top of the slope is also advantageous. We do not have records of transacted prices during the publication of this guide, but aim for <RM500 PSF if possible. 3. For a blow-by-blow comparison (prices, walkability, pros and cons) between the properties in Dutamas, open up the Comparison Table document (in Excel format). If you don’t have this document, email me – [email protected] DUTAMAS: SUMMARY PROS New projects may halo onto existing properties Prices are more competitive than the rest Some high quality selected properties Page 30 CONS Less “Mont Kiara” than the rest despite rebranding into “North Kiara” Cluster of mid- and low priced apartments Below average walkability & traffic conditions © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE The GoodPlace DealMatcher (Free Service) W e know that property hunting can be a real hassle. Looking through listings at online property portals or inside the classifieds newspaper sections can be a chore, and a sure time waster. Since my job is to look at the classifieds everyday (yes, I have no life) why don’t you let me know what you’re looking for and I’ll check if there are good deals for you? I also talk regularly to my agent friends who are able to get exclusive listings that you’ll never see advertised at property sites and newspapers. Enter the details of what you need in this page:- Once you submitted the form, I’ll get back to you with a shortlist of options from my research, and connect you up with an agent friend who can bring you around for property viewings if you like. You can expect a reply from me within 24 hours (if the request is submitted during the week). To follow up, just email me at [email protected] I hope you enjoyed this report, and if you have filled in the DealMatcher request above, we’ll talk again over email. See you soon, Page 31 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE PS: SERVICE STATUS UPDATE: There could be a delay for a couple of hours now as my inbox has been exploding with requests (below is a screenshot of my inbox on a typical day) – I get lots of queries every day, but I help each and every one of my readers who ask, so don’t worry! Nevertheless, keep the requests coming in – I will answer every query personally, and that’s a promise. Just be patient and give me some time to research, talk to agents, etc. Page 32 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE PPS: This service is free. I’ll probably start charging a small fee when the enquiries become too many for me to handle without hiring somebody to help me, but for now, it’s entirely complimentary. PPPS: We will only email you regarding the property that you ask for. This means that you won’t get spammed over email or SMS about other crap that you don’t need. If you do receive spam (highly unlikely) from the agent then let me know so that I can (1) ban the agent from, and (2) make him or her do the Walk Of Shame in the courtyard of Plaza Mont Kiara:- Page 33 © 2014 MONT KIARA BUYER’S GUIDE © All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under Malaysia law. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Company Information C-8-6-13A, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Tel +6012-3260111 Page 34 ©
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