om spirit Find perfect balance and health through ayurveda, yoga`s


om spirit Find perfect balance and health through ayurveda, yoga`s
om spirit
Ayurvedic clinic:
Find perfect balance and health through ayurveda,
yoga’s sister science. By Thomas Mueller
he concept of colour therapy
or ‘chromotherapy’ and the
positive influence of sunlight
in the treatment of particular
diseases goes back thousands
of years.
And for good reason. Colour has its own
energy vibration which can either increase
or reduce the flow of energy through a
specific organ.
It also has a very specific effect on the
different organs and organ systems of the
body, thus balancing any organ or system
that may have become abnormal in its
functioning or condition.
Consider the actual colour of the sun
as being white. It is only when the light
from the sun passes through the earth’s
atmosphere that it changes to the yellow
we perceive when we look up in the sky.
The most complete colour is represented
in its ultimate form by the white light of the
sun. It is the pure prana, or life-restoring
energy of nature, which in its essence
contains the full colour spectrum: violet,
indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
These can be seen as the seven rays of
the sun, both physical and subtler bodies.
Ayurveda recognises colour as the pranic
life force nutrition that energises each cell.
Clinical practice
In clinical practice, I use colour therapy in
three different ways:
n Gem frequency therapy, using
modern technology combined with
precious gemstones
n P
rescription of gemstones based on
your vedic astrology horoscope
n E
lemental colour consultation to balance
the flow of prana between the physical
and subtler bodies
The three doshas, Vata (space and air), Pitta
(fire and water) and Kapha (water and earth),
are a condensed expression of the five
elements. Each of these elements has an
associated colour:
n Space – indigo
n Air – blue
n Fire – red
n Water – silver
n Earth – yellow
How you can use colours
Getting an understanding of your own
elemental colour scheme based on your
ayurvedic skin tone helps you to get closer
to your real self, the person you are
in essence.
How? By stripping away mental and
emotional behaviour patterns that could
suppress your true nature and prevent
you from being well and living life to your
fullest potential.
INDIGO: colour of the awareness body.
Instantaneously links your individual self with
your higher self and thus activates your very
own inner self-repair mechanism.
BLUE: the colour of the mental body.
Blue, the first of the three primary colours,
representing vata dosha in ayurveda, brings
clarity, enhances creativity and intelligence.
RED: the colour of the energy body.
Red, the natural colour of pitta dosha,
known to enhance digestion and all
metabolic activities. Improves absorption
and self-confidence.
SILVER: the colour of the emotional body.
Balances the emotional body, brings
a sense of serenity and detachment,
enables you to relate and understand
others with ease and comfort.
YELLOW: the colour of the physical body.
Yellow, the final of the three primary
colours in ayurveda, is related to kapha
dosha. Grounding earthy yellow hues
provide a sense of harmony, safety
and security.
Which colour
will you choose?
Anything we do, be it work, exercise,
eating or the colours we choose to wear
on a daily basis, can offer the key to
‘balance’ in our lives.
Energy needs to flow. An unobstructed
flow of prana supports the experience
of wellbeing. Choosing a specific colour
with a specific purpose not only helps in
aligning the five elemental bodies but also
more importantly allows the full free flow
of prana.
Thomas Mueller is a London-based
ayurvedic practitioner and wellbeing
stylist and a member of the Ayurvedic
Practitioners Association (
om spirit
(from Ayush meaning lifespan)…
Veda Sanskrit
(from vid meaning to know)…
A young woman, aged 33, came to
the clinic suffering from eczema,
poor memory and what she called
‘mood swings’. Whilst taking her
pulse I realised the amount of heat
and aggression she was storing.
Her condition was influenced by a
stressful life as a finance manager
in a large company. Over a period of
four months her physical condition
improved considerably, however,
her mood was still mostly down and
she lacked confidence despite her
successful career. One day, I asked if
she always wore black, even outside
work. The answer was ‘yes’, and
when I asked her why, she said it was
because it made her feel safe. We
agreed to do an assessment where we
discussed the relationship between
her exterior appearance and her
mental and emotional state.
GENERAL: lack of space and air
elements, excess of earth element
EMOTIONAL TYPE: earth, withdrawal
and mood swings, tendency towards
depression, lethargy, lack of
motivation and flexibility, too serious
and unapproachable.
MENTAL TYPE: fire, internal heat,
analytical and critical of herself, rigid
in her thinking, serious and intense
in nature. Wearing mostly black
prevents lightness to come in on all
levels, enhancing her rigidity and lack
of openness and responsiveness.
Colour has its own
energy vibration which
can either increase
or reduce the flow of
energy through
a specific organ.
GENERAL: increase the elements of
space and air.
introducing colours from the space
and air scheme (blue and indigo
tints) to allow her to get in touch with
her higher self and to cool down her
emotional turmoil.
MENTAL TYPE: adding tints from the
blues and indigo range to allow her
to increase creativity and to create a
readiness to change, allowing her to
be more playful. Colour choices were
supported by wearing clothing that
was flowing and less stiff and formal.
Ayurveda Sanskrit
• Science and art of improving
quality of life and longevity…
• ageless knowledge of health
through life…
• the oldest complete
health system…
After a few weeks I noticed she
walked with more confidence and
mentioned that, by wearing the
colour purple, she felt that she was
no longer alone and somehow more
connected to herself. She also noted
that people had started talking to
her and complimenting her on her
transformation. Finally, this client
was able to open herself up to be
seen and valued for what she does
and who she really is.
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Ayurvedic Professionals
For your health needs