2015-02-26-Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee
2015-02-26-Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee
FEBRUARY 26, 2015 RIO NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 PM RIO CIVIC CENTER, 1255 DIXIE HWY. JENSEN BEACH, 34957 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 13, 2014 3. NEW BUSINESS A. New NAC Member – Stret Whitting B. Presentation by Martin County Attorney Office: Sunshine & Ethics Law C. Members - Declare Conflict of Interest (Complete Form 8B) 4. UPDATES A. Public Art/Artist Call for the Roundabout Project – Presentation by Linda Fasano B. Landscape Plan 1145 NE Sumner Avenue C. Landscape Plan 1278 NE Sago Drive D. Landscape Plan 1318 NE Sago Drive E. Update on Stuart Harbor development project by CRA Staff F. Rio Town Center Roundabout – Pavers removal and relocation/Proposed pocket park G. Rio TIF Projection 5. COMMENTS A. Public B. Members C. Staff 6. ADJOURN Members & Term Expiration Debra Harsh Sue Kloosterman Jim Lopilato (Vice-Chair) Jill Pinkham Stret Whitting Staff Kevin Freeman Edward Erfurt Nancy Johnson Pinal Gandhi-Savdas 11-Sep-2015 11-Sep-2016 11-Sep-2017 11-Sep-2017 11-Sep-2017 M. Brent Waddell Richard Zurich (Chair) Estanislao Field Myra Galoci 11-Sep-2017 11-Sep-2017 11-Sep-2017 11-Sep-2018 Community Development Director Urban Designer Community Development Specialist Community Development Specialist 2015 Meeting Dates – Rio NAC th Thursday, February 26 st Thursday, May 21 th Thursday, August 20 Thursday, Novembe 1 of 17 NOVEMBER 13, 2014 RIO NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 6:00 PM – RIO CIVIC CENTER 1255 NE DIXIE HIGHWAY, JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA 34957 PRESENT Chairperson ..............................................................................................................Rick Zurich Vice Chairperson ......................................................................................................Jim Lopilato Members...................................................................................................................Jill Pinkham Debra Harsh Brent Waddell Myra Galoci Robert (Bob) Taylor Sue Kloosterman ABSENT………………………………………………………………… Estanislao (Stan) Field STAFF PRESENT Community Development Director............................................................................Kev Freeman Community Development Specialist.........................................................................Pinal Gandhi-Savdas * Indicates a motion ** Indicates a vote *** For the record comment 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm. Mr. Zurich informed about the upcoming Rio indoor flee market and bake sale. Mr. Zurich announced that he has to leave early and the Vice-Chair will serve as a Chair during his absence. Mr. Zurich announced that Bob Taylor will be resigning from the NAC effective January 1, 2015. Ms. Jill Pinkham raised concerns about roadway safety in western Rio, missing crosswalks and sidewalks, and CR-707 missing link to pedestrian route. Ms. Pinkham continues to push for pedestrian safety through making requests for service through County website. Mr. Joseph Angelico from Martin County Sherriff’s Office provided community oriented policing update. 2. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes: October 2, 2014 * Brent Waddell motioned to approve the Minutes. ** Myra Galoci seconded and the motion carried 6–0 with Sue Kloosterman, Debra Harsh and Stan Field absent. 3. NEW BUSINESS A. New NAC Member – Estanislao (Stan) Field Mr. Rick Zurich announced the new NAC member; however, he was not present at the meeting. 2 of 17 Rio NAC Meeting B. November 13, 2014 th Approve Rio NAC Meetings dates for 2015: February 19 , st th th May 21 , August 20 , and November 19 . * Brent Waddell motioned to approve the 2015 meeting dates. ** Bob Taylor seconded and the motion carried 6–0 with Sue Kloosterman, Debra Harsh and Stan Field absent. 4. UPDATES A. Proposed digital sign design for the Rio Civic Center. Ms. Pinal Gandhi-Savdas made the presentation and proposed 3 designs. Mr. Bob Gralak from Flamingo Signs prepared the designs. Ms. Savdas and Mr. Gralak answered questions concerning insurance for the sign, display, messaging, and Red LED vs. Colored LED. Ms. Sue Kloosterman arrived at 6:25 PM. Mr. Rick Zurich left at 6:30 PM. * Brent Waddell motioned to approve the design with Rio community logo with “Rio Civic Center” in teal color on the identification sign and Martin County logo with “Operated by the Martin County Board of County Commissioners” in blue color on the pedestal and LED display of 16 mm, 35x128 pixel matrix, 4 rows, Red LED, 7.15’ x 2.08’ cabinet size. ** Jill Pinkham seconded and the motion carried 6–0 with Debra Harsh, Stan Field and Rick Zurich absent. * Myra Galoci motioned to amend the CRA Plan to allow the installation of digital sign at the Rio Civic Center and take a Resolution to BOCC for approval to move forward with constructing the proposed sign. ** Brent Waddell seconded and the motion carried 6–0 with Debra Harsh, Stan Field and Rick Zurich absent. B. Update of Rio Town Center (f.k.a. Stuart Harbor) development project. nd Mr. Kev Freeman provided update on the project. Mr. Freeman informed that 2 Round of comments were released and has substantial changes requirements. Mr. Freeman agreed to email the review comments to everyone on Rio contact list. Mr. Freeman explained that the applicant has not made their determination if they will continue with the development review process. The community raised concerns about the annexation of the development site parcel into the City of Stuart. Mr. Freeman explained the process of annexation. The community will nd determine what stand to take upon review of 2 Round of staff report. C. Code Sweep Update. Mr. Kev Freeman presented the interim report on code violations in Rio. The Code Enforcement is still working on number of cases. Mr. Freeman will request a report on how the cases were resolved. Mr. Freeman encouraged continuing informing County of code violations through requests for service on County website. 5. COMMENTS A. Public Ms. Julie Priest updated on upcoming community events and volunteering activities. Ms. Priest provided on list of concerns, including crosswalk and sidewalk, associated with All Aboard Florida. Ms. Priest provided update on Rio Porches development. 3 of 17 Page 2 of 3 Rio NAC Meeting November 13, 2014 Staff provided update on landscaping in western Rio and CR-707 missing link streetscape improvements, including sidewalks connectivity. Debra Harsh arrived at 7:05 PM. B. Members Mr. Bob Taylor expressed concerned about sidewalk requiring repair. Mr. Freeman advised to send the information through request for service on the County website. Ms. Myra Galoci expressed that mosquitos issue has been resolved through request for service. C. Staff None 6. ADJOURN * Brent Waddell motioned the meeting to be adjourned at 7:20 pm. ** Myra Galoci seconded the motion and the motion carried 7–0 with Stan Field and Rick Zurich absent. 4 of 17 Page 3 of 3 ITEM 4B RIO NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE FEBRUARY 26, 2015 PREPARED BY: Edward Erfurt, Urban Designer TITLE: Landscape Plan – 1145 NE Sumner Avenue SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulation 3.264.E. Landscaping, Prior to the issuance of a building permit or paving permit, a landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee, following a recommendation from County staff. This permit is for a new single family home at 1145 Sumner Avnue. This parcel is located in the Rio Western Overlay and in the Mixed-Use Overlay. The permit number is 2014100435, and the submitted landscape plan is attached to this agenda item. Landscape Plan Checklist and General Requirements (3.264.E.): (1) The required landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan has been prepared by Daniel J. Sugg, Landscape Architect, which meets the requirements of the code. (2) All developments shall provide at least one tree per thousand feet of total site area. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan illustrates the following: Site Area 12197 square feet Tree Count Required 12 Tree Count Provided 12 All of the minimum required trees are native and the landscape plan fulfills the minimum tree count as required by code. ITEM 4B page 1 5 of 17 Vehicular Use Area Requirements (3.264.E.3): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application Buffer Requirements (3.264.E.4): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application Plant Size, Species, and Maintenance (3.264.E.5-11): (3) Tree size. At the time of planting, all required trees shall have a minimum height. Trees shall be a minimum height of 12 feet at the time of planting. STAFF NOTE: All of the minimum required trees are 12 feet in height which meets the requirements of the code. (4) Tree species. At least 75 percent of all trees planted to satisfy the landscape requirements shall be native species. STAFF NOTE: The landscape plan includes 24 Sable Palms and 1 Queen Palm for a total of 25 Native Trees. 100% of the minimum required trees are native as required by code, which exceeds the code requirement. Tree Species Common Native Non-Native Name Coccolba Pigeon Plum 12 Diversifolia Total 25 2 Fences, Walls, and Gate Houses (3.262.E.12-13): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application ITEM 4B page 2 6 of 17 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the proposed Landscape Plan be approved by the Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee for 1145 NE Sumner Avenue. ITEM 4B page 3 7 of 17 8 of 17 ITEM 4C RIO NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE FEBRUARY 26, 2015 PREPARED BY: Edward Erfurt, Urban Designer TITLE: Landscape Plan – 1278 Sago Drive SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulation 3.264.E. Landscaping, Prior to the issuance of a building permit or paving permit, a landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee, following a recommendation from County staff. This permit is for a new single family home at 1278 Sago Drive. This parcel is located in the Rio Community Redevelopment Area. The permit number is T163640, and the submitted landscape plan is attached to this agenda item. Landscape Plan Checklist and General Requirements (3.264.E.): (1) The required landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan has been prepared by Florida Exotic, which meets the requirements of the code. (2) All developments shall provide at least one tree per thousand feet of total site area. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan illustrates the following: Site Area 9670 square feet Tree Count Required 10 Tree Count Provided 11 STAFF NOTE: The landscape plan fulfills the minimum tree count as required by code. ITEM 4C page 1 9 of 17 Vehicular Use Area Requirements (3.264.E.3): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application Buffer Requirements (3.264.E.4): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application Plant Size, Species, and Maintenance (3.264.E.5-11): (3) Tree size. At the time of planting, all required trees shall have a minimum height. Trees shall be a minimum height of 12 feet at the time of planting. STAFF NOTE: All of the minimum required trees are 12 feet in height which meets the requirements of the code. (4) Tree species. At least 75 percent of all trees planted to satisfy the landscape requirements shall be native species. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan illustrates the following: Tree Species Common Native Non-Native Name Quercus Virfinana Cephalanonthus Occibentatis Live Oak 5 Green 5 Button Wood Total 10 10 Total Trees STAFF NOTE: All of the trees meeting the minimum tree requirement are native. Fences, Walls, and Gate Houses (3.262.E.12-13): ITEM 4C page 2 10 of 17 STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application RECOMMENDED ACTION: The proposed Landscape Plan meets all required landscaping and buffering to the maximum extent possible. Staff not recommends approval of the submitted plan by the Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee for 1278 NE Sumner Avenue. ITEM 4C page 3 11 of 17 12 of 17 ITEM 4D RIO NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE FEBRUARY 26, 2015 PREPARED BY: Edward Erfurt, Urban Designer TITLE: Landscape Plan – 1318 Sago Drive - Lot 14 SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulation 3.264.E. Landscaping, Prior to the issuance of a building permit or paving permit, a landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee, following a recommendation from County staff. This permit is for a new single family home at 1318 Sago Drive. This parcel is located in the Rio Community Redevelopment Area. The permit number is T163643, and the submitted landscape plan is attached to this agenda item. Landscape Plan Checklist and General Requirements (3.264.E.): (1) The required landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan has been prepared by Florida Exotic, which meets the requirements of the code. (2) All developments shall provide at least one tree per thousand feet of total site area. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan illustrates the following: Site Area 11543 square feet Tree Count Required 12 Tree Count Provided 13 STAFF NOTE: The landscape plan includes 13 trees, which exceeds the code requirement. ITEM 4D page 1 13 of 17 Vehicular Use Area Requirements (3.264.E.3): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application Buffer Requirements (3.264.E.4): STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application Plant Size, Species, and Maintenance (3.264.E.5-11): (3) Tree size. At the time of planting, all required trees shall have a minimum height. Trees shall be a minimum height of 12 feet at the time of planting. STAFF NOTE: All of the minimum required trees are 12 feet in height which meets the requirements of the code. (4) Tree species. At least 75 percent of all trees planted to satisfy the landscape requirements shall be native species. STAFF NOTE: The proposed landscape plan illustrates the following: Tree Species Common Native Non-Native Name Quercus Virfinana Cephalanthus Occibentatis Live Oak 6 Green 6 Buttonwood STD Sable Palmetto Sable Palm Total 1 13 13 Total Trees STAFF NOTE: All of the trees meeting the minimum tree requirement are native. Fences, Walls, and Gate Houses (3.262.E.12-13): ITEM 4D page 2 14 of 17 STAFF NOTE: These requirements are not applicable to this permit application RECOMMENDED ACTION: The proposed Landscape Plan meets all required landscaping and buffering to the maximum extent possible. Staff not recommends approval of the submitted plan by the Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee for 1318 NE Sumner Avenue. ITEM 4D page 3 15 of 17 16 of 17 RIO CRA: PROJECTED TIF REVENUE BASE YEAR Year Base Taxable Value 2000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 91,321,557.00 Projected Increase 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% CRA Plan Existing CRA Plan Revised Projected Taxable Taxable Value Value 143,628,277.00 $147,937,125 $152,375,239 $156,946,496 $163,224,356 $168,121,087 $171,483,509 $174,913,179 $178,411,442 $181,979,671 $185,619,265 $188,091,003 $197,495,553 $207,370,331 $217,738,847 $240,057,080 $252,059,934 $264,662,931 $277,896,077 $291,790,881 $306,380,425 $321,699,446 Increment Value TIF Generated 75%TIF $52,306,720 $56,615,568 $61,053,682 $65,624,939 $71,902,799 $76,799,530 $80,161,952 $83,591,622 $87,089,885 $90,658,114 $94,297,708 $480,270 $519,833 $560,583 $602,555 $660,197 $705,158 $736,031 $767,522 $799,642 $832,405 $865,823 $360,202 $389,875 $420,437 $451,916 $495,148 $528,868 $552,023 $575,641 $599,731 $624,304 $649,367 $350,000,000 $300,000,000 $250,000,000 $200,000,000 Revised $150,000,000 Existing Plan $100,000,000 $50,000,000 $0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 17 of 17