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PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Paid for by Meg Whitman for Governor 2010 20813 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 150 Cupertino, CA 95014 PAID Permit 2388 Los Angeles, CA A $50,000 PARTY BUS? WHITM-046 YOU WORK HARD FOR YOUR MONEY... SO, HOW DOES THE CALIFORNIA NURSES ASSOCIATION SPEND YOUR UNION DUES? THE ANSWER IS SHOCKING. MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE: Is this how nurses’ hard-earned money should be spent by their union bosses? MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE: The way Rose Ann DeMoro spends your union dues will make you sick. GET THE FACTS ON MEG WHITMAN THE UNION BOSSES DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW. • M e g W h i t m a n S u p p o r ts N u r s e s Rose Ann DeMoro is executive director of the California Nurses Association and a former Teamster organizer. The truth is Meg Whitman values the important work nurses do every day. Her husband, Griff, is a doctor, and s h e kn ows th e vi tal ro le n u rse s p lay in maintaining the public’s health. But DeMoro isn’t a nurse, she’s a political operative who has turned the CNA into an arm of the Democrat Party. • N ur s e- to- Pati ent Rati os Meg Whitman strongly supports California’s nurse-to-patient ratios. She is 1 0 0 % op p o s e d to any effort to weaken these ratios. 100% of CNA Political Contributions to Democrats • N u r s i n g S h o r ta g e Under DeMoro, 100% of the $1.5 million the union has spent on politics in 2009–2010 has gone to Democrats and liberal causes. Wouldn’t it be better for nurses to work with BOTH parties? Source: California Secretary of State $293,000 for DeMoro’s CNA Salary, and another $142,000 for her husband Together, DeMoro and her husband earn more than 7 times the median salary of a nurse in the United States. They’re having fun on the road, but does it help nurses? Source: California Nurses Association, Form L-2 Expensive Las Vegas Junkets Last year, DeMoro spent more than $200,000 on events at expensive hotels, including $50,000 at a resort in Las Vegas. Source: California Nurses Association, Form L-2 $50,000 for a Party Bus... DeMoro recently spent $50,000 of union dues from hardworking nurses to rent a party bus to follow Meg Whitman around the state and disrupt her events and speeches. CNA’s leaders may be having fun on the road, but does this help nursing? GET THE FACTS. KNOW THE TRUTH. California has some of the best and brightest nurses and healthcare professionals in the world—you deserve to make an informed choice. Find out more about Meg’s position: M e g i s c o m m i t t e d to a d d r e s s i n g t h e n u r s i n g s h o r t a g e . She will take a portion of the savings achieved from her plan to require work for welfare and invest the money in the UC and CSU systems to train new nurses. “California nurses are the glue that holds our healthcare system together. I oppose changing our state’s ratio law.” – Meg Whitman
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