G2 for Avon - GreenSquare Group
G2 for Avon - GreenSquare Group
AVON • Chippenham • Melksham • Trowbridge • Corsham • Bradford on Avon • and villages ISSUE 5 AUTUMN 2013 GREENSQUARE RESIDENTS’ MAGAZINE Hundreds of new homes on the way by 2015 Older Persons Summer Forum On the road with the Big Blue Bus Crafting a brighter future in Rudloe me of total inco ws the l value of our page sho tota 2. 013: this period and the e March 201 2012/2 quare ed sinc Report Group for the increas by GreenS Annual re see has is kept enSqua the Gre , which you can amount that you can see the e pag the ties is and , . This plus proper been paid centage ined sur and the The reta rest and tax has in rent as a perd by the Group amount d are owe staff employe average once inte of that we g with the amount number bers, alon ws the rd Mem also sho d. pay of Boa average es they receive of expens HOMES OF NUMBERINTS* COMPLA 143 E HAVE MOR WE NOW DEAL WITH TO STAFF INTS, SO COMPLA URES FIG THESE IMPROVE. 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You canlved with Annual to com nts rec been invo ur cases of complai paid in relation r area have avio beh ts ial you soc d residen Group hasy residents in many anti satisfie how man projects; how ed; and how clos nity vices. commu n successfully quare ser have bee with GreenS rall are ove OF £ Annual report S HOMEON 98 NE11W0 BUILT IN AV 1 T IL WE BU SQUARE 10,089 ED INVOLV PEOPLE UNITY IN COMMECTS PROJ GROUP w the e we sho by 013: her 2012/2 and managed in Report ed those are new Annual es own of hom how many of of number number We try quare andl as the total r. GreenS past yea and wel as the r a, sible, your are have built ove s that kly as pos we homes homes as quic rage time in day this lly, to let our can see the ave perties. 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It is that time of year again, when we produce our annual report for residents. This year we are including this information within the magazine rather than publish a separate document. Throughout these pages we have included snapshots for the year ending 31 March 2013 and created ‘infographics’ to show headline facts and figures for the year. Hello Howard Howard Toplis (pictured left) has started in his role as GreenSquare’s new group chief executive, after taking over the reins from Dave Ashmore (pictured right). Hilary Gardner, GreenSquare board chair, said: “Howard’s years of experience as chief executive at Tor Homes, together with his outstanding leadership and entrepreneurial skills, will bring refreshed impetus to what we do. We are absolutely confident we have chosen the right successor to take the Group forward to even greater success.” If you would like to find out more about any of the facts and figures included in this magazine, or read our annual report and financial statements in full, please get in touch; these documents are also available to download from our website. Ann Cornelius, Executive Director (Customers & Communities) 4 9 10 11 16 Hundreds of new homes on the way by 2015 Howard wasted no time in getting out to meet GreenSquare residents. He recently joined staff and local people at a cleanup day to lend a hand and help spruce up the area. Resident Academy Awards Residents’ Business Plan update Lew Fryer, community involvement officer, explained: “The event went really well and it was a great opportunity for residents to meet and get to know Howard a bit better. All the volunteers put a huge amount of effort in to cleaning up and it proved really successful!” On the road with the Big Blue Bus Your new contact centre with Esther Lim Annual report infographics Local focus News in brief Money matters Planned maintenance Contact us 2 Howard lends a hand GREENSQUARE AVON AREA 5,8,13,14 6-7 11 12 15 16 We run regular community clean up days to give residents the chance to dispose of unwanted items, recycle and help litter pick in their area. KEE COM PING CLEAMUNITIE S N “Everyone really enjoyed the singing and it was great to see everyone joining in.” Residents enjoy social event One hundred GreenSquare residents from all across the north Wiltshire area attended a social event this summer, at the Beversbrook Sports Centre in Calne. Those at the event had the chance to find out more about Welfare Reform changes, vote on their favourite gardens at GreenSquare developments, and enjoy a ‘Singing for the Brain’ sing-a-long led by the Alzheimer’s Society. GreenSquare’s community officers gave a presentation on the merits of living in sheltered housing and there was a raffle to win a variety of prizes. As part of a presentation on Welfare Reform, residents took part in a ‘The Price Is Right’ game. They were invited to guess how much a basket of shopping would cost if the items in it – which included Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, a pint of milk, Fairy washing up liquid, Tetley tea bags and butter – were all Sainsbury’s own-branded goods rather than branded products. Hazel Lugg, a GreenSquare resident from Calne, guessed the closest with an estimated saving of £7.50 and won the basket of shopping, which was worth £11.76. She said: “I said the number off the top of my head, so I was rather shocked to win! I can’t remember the last time I won anything so I am delighted. I am surprised at how much you could save by switching to supermarkets’ own-brands.” Linda Allen, a GreenSquare resident from Corsham also attended the event. She added: “Everyone really enjoyed the singing and it was great to see everyone joining in. There was a fantastic turn out at the event despite the extremely hot weather – personally, I think it is nice to get involved.” Every year we report on all our community involvement projects to the GreenSquare boards. For every project we do, we look at cost, success rate, and if there are improvements to be made. The projects vary in size – some happen in one or a few local areas, whilst others involve residents in all the areas in which we have homes. All aim to improve residents’ quality of life and give us feedback on how we can provide a better service. We hope this project work will help to create better neighbourhoods where people want to live, and where they can live and work happily alongside their neighbours. Throughout this edition of G2 we have highlighted some of the key projects in 2012/13 – look out for the ‘making an impact’ stampo these are identifiable by the stamp! If you’d like to see the full detailed impact report for 2012/2013 please get in touch (contact details are on back cover). CONTACT US SEE PAGE 16 3 HundredsSERVICES of new homes on NUMBER the OFway by 2015 44,526 PHONE CALLS* WE NOW HAVE MORE STAFF TO DEAL WITH COMPLAINTS, SO THESE FIGURES SHOULD IMPROVE. UMBER OF MPLAINTS* 143 VON 56 GreenSquare’s in-house construction *GREENSQUARE GROUP FIGURE company is set to develop 225 homes by 2015 – working in Swindon, Wiltshire, COMPENSATION PAID IN Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire. ATISFACTION H COMPLAINTS HANDLING* 44% RELATION TO COMPLAINTS £12,000 TARGET 60% New homes under construction in Faringdon, and (right) a development at Oak Close, Calne. AINTS RESOLVED TARGET TIME* MOST COMPLAINTS WERE ABOUT 65% REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE TARGET 99% 44% 87% OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH GREENSQUARE SERVICES UMBER OF TISOCIAL VIOUR CASES 157 Construction Manager Ernie Randell said: “Using our in-house team for many of GreenSquare’s developments means we can focus on 81% delivering high-quality, sustainable, and valuefor-money design and build services. The coming year will see us working on up to ten sites at any given time across all the GreenSquare areas of operation. This is an exciting time for both GreenSquare and the communities where we are building 185 new homes. These projects also mean we will be creating real jobs in several local communities and helping to drive local growth.” Projects include 36 family homes in Faringdon, 17 homes in Corsham, 90 family homes of the former Trowbridge Rugby Club site, 38 family homes at the former jam factory site in Easterton, and 22 flats for affordable rent in Banbury. Residents consulted on Rudloe improvements ACTION WITH THE SB IS DEALT WITH Report 2012/2013: This page shows the number laints received ands how much compensation the as paid in relation to complaints. You can also see ny residents in your area have been involved with nity projects; how many antisocial behaviour cases en successfully closed; and how satisfied residents all with GreenSquare services. 4 GREENSQUARE AVON AREA GreenSquare is looking at the potential to redevelop areas in Rudloe, near Corsham, and recently held a consultation event there. Local residents had the chance to give feedback on initial proposals to build new homes on garage sites which had been identified as underused spaces that were hotspots for vandalism and fly-tipping. And children from the neighbourhood were able to enjoy craft activities. Feedback also showed that residents are IN COMMUNITY keen for more activities to be held at the community centre and PROJECTS that there is a need for a local shop. We will continue to work closely with residents and provide updates on any decisions made. PEOPLE INVOLVED HOMES TOTAL HOMES 11,040 * AVON 3,707 OWNED AND/OR MANAGED BY GREENSQUARE WE BUILT 198* NEW HOMES 110 BUILT IN AVON *GREENSQUARE GROUP FIGURE 10,089 REPAIRS COMPLETED Annual Report 2012/2013: here we show the number of homes owned and managed by GreenSquare and how many of those are in your area, as well as the total number of new homes we have built over the past year. We try to let our homes as quickly as possible, and here you can see the average time in days that it takes us to let empty properties. Finally, this page shows how many repairs we carried out across the Group and the percentage of those that were completed “right first time”. HOW LONG EMPTY HOMES TOOK TO LET 89% COMPLETED FIRST TIME 38 DAYS In this section we feed back on action we have taken in your area as a direct result of comments and requests from you. 4 Residents at The Old School Caught on camera Sheldon Road clean-up day Residents on Sheldon Road, Palmer Street, and Ladyfield Road in Chippenham, pitched in to clear up the area and managed to fill the skip to overflowing! Yard, Corsham, contacted GreenSquare about problems with parking around school drop off and pick up times due to new traffic restrictions outside the school. The neighbourhood officer arranged a meeting for residents to speak to Wiltshire Council, the school, the Pound Arts Centre and the police. They looked at options to resolve the problem. Working in partnership, residents have taken action to prevent parking problems in the new school year. 4 A consultation project has taken place with residents of the Pound Mead development to gather their views on their homes and their community. Results are being analysed and plans are being drawn up to complete community improvements in the area. 4 Residents at Sandy Lea Resident Inspectors The team was set up in 2009 to take a closer look at the services GreenSquare provides in your homes and neighbourhoods. Pictured: Resident inspectors planning a practice inspection at the Swindon office. Avenue, Rudloe, told our caretaker they were having problems with birds ‘dirtying’ their clean washing. The caretaking team cut back some of the greenery overhanging the washing line area and for now the problem has been resolved! 4 Following consultation with residents living in the flats at Dickens Avenue in Corsham, volunteers have replanted the flower containers at the front of the flats. GreenSquare has provided new plants and the volunteers are earning Spice ‘time credits’ in recognition of their efforts. 4 ‘Ready To Move‘ training has been provided for new residents moving into some of our new homes in Melksham. New residents attended a course to learn about their tenancy agreement and how to be a good neighbour and were given budgeting advice. Feedback has been positive and everyone found the training interesting and very useful. 4 Our caretaker has continued to clear away bulk refuse which has been dumped and cleared a court yard at Methuen Way in Corsham, where a resident had moved away and made no arrangements to dispose of their unwanted items. GreenSquare is using social media because it provides a positive way to communicate with residents and other stakeholders and allows them to talk to us. D E AN N I L ON AL SOCI We launched our Facebook pages in June 2012, and have one for each of our three areas. The Avon page currently has 330 likes. People can also follow our corporate Twitter feed and we have a channel on YouTube. If you haven’t already done so, check out us out on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube – and don’t forget to like us and follow us! fb.com/greensquareavon • twitter.com/greensquareavon CLEAR RENT ACCOUNT PRIZE DRAW WINNERS (APRIL 2013) 1ST PRIZE £300 Mr C, Chippenham • 2ND PRIZE £150 Mrs P, Corsham • 3RD PRIZE £100 Miss H, Chippenham 6 GREENSQUARE AVON AREA YOUT INCL H USIO N DRAWING BY Rowan Hooper (age 10) Our work with youth projects and partners has encouraged young people across our areas of operation to get involved with their communities and has helped to engage young people in a variety of activities and projects. Portway Garden PROJECT Residents at Portway in Chippenham have been involved with a food growing project in the communal gardens at the development since June 2012, and it has proved a great success so far! The project, which is funded by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust with help from GreenSquare, has encouraged a number of residents to take a keen interest in gardening and so far they have established trees for a small orchard, raised beds for growing vegetables, and created a small scale wildflower meadow and sensory garden. Barry Bartlett, a Portway resident, has been heavily involved with the project and was recently nominated as a Local Food Hero, in recognition of all his hard work, and came runner up in the South West region. Barry (pictured) said: “The garden project has really thrived over the past year and all the residents involved have put in a lot of hard work and hours into the garden. It all started because we just wanted a garden, so began doing some bits and pieces about the place. Then, Gary from the Wildlife Trust became involved, and with Gary’s help we were able to do more and more to the gardens and it has gained momentum from there. I really enjoy it and I know a lot of the other residents do too. Looking to the future, it would be great if we could get to the point of self sufficiency.” As part of our Community Investment Fund, residents can get involved in the decision to award grants to projects in their local communities. COM FUN MUNIT Y DS In Chippenham, we have been working with community development agency Kandu Arts to set up an inclusion through football project called Kandu Kicks, which held its annual Kandu Cup in August. Helen Barbrook, Head of Community Involvement (Avon and Marden), said: “This is a fantastic project, which not only allows young people to indulge their passion for sport but is a way to build confidence and encourage team work.” Michelle Redfern, Kandu Project co-ordinator, added: “The young people involved in the project are showing real commitment and may have thrived on opportunities that go beyond the football training itself. In August, we took 16 young people to the Olympic Park in London, to a tournament hosted by national charity Street Games – one Kandu Kicks team finished a fantastic third place in the under 16 age group!” CONTACT US SEE PAGE 16 7 RESIDENTS AVERAGE LENGTH OF TENURE 9.3 YEARS 85+ 61% FEMALE MALE 16-24 25-44 65-84 AGE 39% 37% HAVE A DISABILITY OR LONG TERM ILLNESS 45-64 WHITE BRITISH 94% ETHNICITY CHRISTIAN 46% 2% 12% WOULD RATHER NOT SAY RATHER NOT SAY RELIGION OTHER 6% BLACK AND MINORITY 7% 45% 86% HETEROSEXUAL SEXUALITY NO RELIGION 2% BISEXUAL; LESBIAN OR GAY MAN; OR UNSURE Annual Report 2012/2013: this page shows the profile of GreenSquare residents in your area, displayed as a breakdown of age, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity and the percentage of residents with a disability. (These figures are based on the people who provided us with information.) Also shown is the average length of time that people have had a tenancy with GreenSquare. Resident NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS* 143 ACADEMY AWARDS SERVIC WE NOW HAVE MORE STAFF TO DEAL WITH COMPLAINTS, SO THESE FIGURES SHOULD IMPROVE. Over the past year, the Academy has run an intensive, accredited course on Governance for new resident members of NUMBER OF Boards in the Communities partnership with the Workers PHONE CALLS* Education Association (WEA), which has been completed *GREENSQUAR by nine Board members. An ‘Academy Awards’ ceremony was held in August, complete with PAID IN afternoon tea, to recogniseCOMPENSATION the RELATION TO COMPLAINTS hard work of the participants and present them with their qualification certificates. 44,5 AVON 56 ARE U Q S N GREE EMY ACAD SATISFACTION WITH COMPLAINTS HANDLING* 44% “learning is not a spectator sport TARGET 60% and keep – you have to participate your eye on the ball at all times” COMPLAINTS RESOLVED IN TARGET TIME* 65% SKILLS FOR LIFE TARGET 99% The GreenSquare Academy was set up in April 2012 to support resident members of the Communities Boards to be effective in their role as decision makers. It offers training designed specifically for new members of the Boards, as well as a skills programme in GreenSquare neighbourhoods, which includes courses in: DIY; community journalism; interpersonal skills; customer care; active citizenship; first aid; cake decoration; singing; and arts & crafts. NUMBER OF ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CASES 157 Pictured top: Communities Board members celebrate completing the accredited course on Governance at the Resident Academy Awards. Eve Crook, Marden Communities Board member, was presented MOST COMPLAINTS WERE A with the Angela Richardson REPAIRS AND Award (in memory of Angela Richardson, WEA tutor) for MAINTENANCE her commitment and dedication to the Academy and her achievements as a board member. Eve said: “One thing I learnt while doing OVERALL SATISFACTION this course was that learning is WITH notGREENSQUARE a spectator sport – you have to participate and keep your eye on the ball at all times. It’s not the easiest thing having to teach ‘old dogs’ new tricks, but with the help and support of our wonderful tutors, Angela Richardson (RIP) and Pearl Ryall, we all managed to pull through in the end. 4 SERVICES Pictured above: Residents with their awards after completing the Skills for Life course. 81% If you would like more information about any of the courses offered by the GreenSquare Academy, please contact Julie Bielby (contact details back cover) or email [email protected] SATISFACTION WITH THE WAY ASB IS DEALT WITH ENT RESID INY SCRUT PANEL £12,000 “It was a great honour to receive the Angela Richardson Award. I only wish she was here to see how her hard work and support paid off.” In addition, bronze, silver and gold awards were presented to Simon Isted, Pat Denyer, and Louise Pettinger respectively, in recognition of their academic achievements and application of what they learnt on the course in their roles as Board members. 185 PEOPLE INVOLV Annual Report 2012/2013: This page shows the number of complaints received andsPanel how exists much to compensation GreenSquare’s Resident Scrutiny examine the the work of the Group. Group has paid in relation complaints. also It is totally resident-led, has up toto12 members, You and can meets 10see times a year. Its many residents in yourdecisions area havemade been by involved with role ishow to examine and scrutinise GreenSquare, by looking at community projects; how many budgets, antisocialcomplaints, behaviour cases performance reports, board reports, and it can ask to see have been successfully and how satisfied residents any documentation or speak closed; to any staff, executive team or board member. are overall with GreenSquare services. CONTACT US SEE PAGE 16 IN COMMUNITY PROJECTS 9 LTING U S N O C ENTS RESID The Residents’ Business Plan empowers residents to influence business priorities on value for money, homes, customer service, neighbourhood and community issues. We work with a steering group of residents to identify key themes for spending and consult residents for their feedback on an ongoing basis. RESIDENTS’ BUSINESS PLAN UPDATE What you think we can do better Over the past couple of months, we have been carrying out consultations for the Residents’ Business Plan, asking you what we could do better, and so far we’ve had 337 comments from residents. We got in touch with you in a variety of ways via: Facebook; email; G2; local events; clean up days; family events and by knocking on doors. Since the closing date in August, we have collated all of the feedback we’ve received and a steering group It’s good to talk Speaking to and listening to residents is what the Viewpoint customer research team at GreenSquare is all about. Between September 2012 and July 2013, the team made contact with almost 5,000 residents. The team carries out surveys to check and measure satisfaction about a variety of services provided by GreenSquare. This includes completed repairs and planned maintenance, closed formal complaint cases, and general enquiries made through our contact centre. We use the feedback we receive to find out what we’re doing well and where we need to improve. We also carry out a monthly survey of residents asking general questions about what you think of us as a landlord – 10 GREENSQUARE AVON AREA “what reside n want” ts these results are then compared nationally to other housing providers. Our team of fully trained researchers use the telephone to conduct the surveys as it is cost effective (compared to postal surveys), and the response rate is much higher. If you would like more information about Viewpoint customer research, please contact Jen Eastman on 01249 465465 or email jen.eastman@ greensquaregroup.com of residents has worked to identify general themes and priorities to put forward as proposals for inclusion in the Corporate Plan. Members of the steering group will now present their findings to senior managers and at each of the Communities Board Annual Meetings. The priorities chosen to be taken forward will be included in the budgets for 2013-14. Keep an eye out in the next G2 and on our website for more details. We’ll introduce ourselves as GreenSquare’s Viewpoint Customer Research team and tell you how long a survey is expected to take. You don’t have to take part if you don’t want to. We use different random lists of names each time. All replies are confidential and we will only contact you again if you have asked us to. We really value the feedback we get from our customers. news in brief Wiltshire Time Credits A ‘time credit’ is a way of recognising volunteering. So, if you volunteer your time for the benefit of your neighbourhood or community, you can earn a time credit: one hour of volunteering = one time credit. ON THE ROAD GreenSquare took the ‘Big Blue Bus’ back out on the road during the summer holidays on a pet-themed road trip, visiting residents at various locations in Wiltshire. From Castle Combe to Yatton Keynell to Corsham and Chippenham, approximately 200 residents attended the events, which were focused around pets and their wellbeing. With help from Wiltshire Council’s dog warden service, the You can spend your time credits at Bowood House, Curves Gym, Laser Quest, Corsham Pound Theatre, The Olympiad, Chippenham History Centre, Spirithill Trail, GreenSquare’s helping hand DIY or garden service and more...! team managed to microchip more than 40 dogs. Sue Chapman, Community Involvement Officer at GreenSquare, explained: “We had great fun jumping aboard the Big Blue Bus and visiting residents (and their pets!) throughout the county. It was a great way for people to provide us with feedback and ask us any questions. Hopefully we will be back on the road soon coming to a neighbourhood near you!” GreenSquare’s Digital Inclusion project aims to help residents to get online to share the benefits of being digitally enabled. By giving residents access to PCs and training, it not only gives them the opportunity to improve their computer and internet skills but also offers them greater access to digital services and increases the ways they can get in touch with us. DIGITA INCLUSL ION In Avon and Marden, we employ two IT learning coordinators, with a focus on providing one on one support to residents of working age. Community Involvement Officer Julie Bielby said: “We are seeing more and more people using tablets and mobile devices to go online, so these open sessions are run on an individual need basis – people have specific questions and our IT learning coordinators are there to answer them. With updates about Welfare Reform changes, job applications and access to Wiltshire Home Swappers now most often online, it is vital that people have the necessary skills to find the information they need.” For more information contact Julie Bielby. Email julie.bielby@ greensquaregroup.com or phone 01249 465465. What matters to you? Wiltshire Council and its partners are committed to developing and delivering services that reflect the differing needs of local communities. With this in mind, they are inviting people who live in Wiltshire to complete their residents’ survey “What matters to you?” A full report will be produced once the results of the survey have been analysed. The report will be publicly available on the council website www.wiltshire. gov.uk If you have a few moments spare, why not complete the survey? Your comments and input are very important and will help them to shape the future of your local area. Please visit www.wiltshire. gov.uk/whatmatterstoyou to complete the survey. CONTACT US SEE PAGE 16 11 HOMES What can I do to make sure I’m ready? TAL MES 1,040 money matters * OWNED AND/OR MANAGED BY GREENSQUARE Make sure you have a bank account – you will need this to receive your benefit payments, and to pay bills by Direct Debit. AVON 3,707 Check whether you can set up automated bill payments – please ask us how if you need more details. Universal Credit ON OUR DOORSTEP Universal Credit is a new benefit that has started to replace six existing benefits with a simpler, single monthly payment if you’re out of work or on a low income. Universal Credit will help you to be better off in work, start a new job or work more hours. It will eventually replace: Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance; Incomerelated Employment and Support Allowance; Income Support; Working Tax Credit; Child Tax Credit; and Housing Benefit. Draw up a monthly budget – Universal Credit is paid monthly, so you may need to make changes to the way you budget to make it easier to manage your finances. Make sure you have access to the internet – you will be expected to claim Universal Credit and manage your account online. How can we help changes to the way we COLLECT RENT What are we doing? From April 2014, we plan to divide the annual rent we charge by 52 weeks and collect rent every week of the year. This is instead of dividing the annual rent by 48 weeks and not collecting rent for 4 weeks during the year. What does this mean? This means that your weekly rent amount, including any service charges you have to pay, will reduce. The annual rent you pay will be the same as if we were to collect the higher rent for 48 weeks. * 198 E BUILT NEW HOMES 110 BUILT IN AVON When will it affect me? Universal Credit is being gradually rolled out across the UK and is being extended to more groups of people from October 2013 – the nearest to GreenSquare’s area of operation is Bath. We will keep putting updates in G2 magazine, on our website and Facebook pages to keep you up to date about when GreenSquare will be affected. We have return-to-work initiatives such as the Whatever! project and What Now! project – for more information please contact Lisa Wroe, Employment and Training Advisor. We will put regular updates in *GREENSQUARE FIGURE our magazine, on GROUP our website and on our Facebook pages. We will also provide updates or be available to answer questions at community events. It will make things clearer for all those who have help with their rent from Housing Benefit, or who pay monthly, including by Direct Debit. This will also make it easier for residents to budget when Universal Credit is introduced. You rent account will then show a more up to date picture of what you have paid. We will also be working in the same way with all our tenancies across the GreenSquare Group, saving money and allowing us to provide you with better services. 89% Information on changes to benefits and managing budgets can be found on www. moneyadviceservice.org.uk 10,089 Why are we doing this? What do I need to do? REPAIRS COMPLETED COMPLETED FIRST TIME Employment and There is nothing you need to Support Allowance Income Support t 2012/2013: here we show the Jobseeker’s Allowance mes owned and managed by and how many of those are in Child Tax Credit well as the total number of new e built over the past year. We try es as quickly as possible, and Working Tax Credit see the average time in days that HOW LONG EMPTY et empty properties. Finally, this Housing Benefit HOMES TOOK TO LET ow many repairs we carried out oup and the percentage of those pleted “right first time”. If you have any questions please contact the Welfare Reform Project Team, or email [email protected] UNIVERSAL CREDIT 12 GREENSQUARE AVON AREA do now. We will let you know in the new year how any changes will affect the rent that you need to pay. What do you think about the change? More information is available on our website and on our Facebook pages. You can also email rent. [email protected] or phone us (details back cover). 38 DAYS MONEY Annual Report 2012/2013: this page shows the total income of the GreenSquare Group for the period and the total value of our properties, which you can see has increased since March 2012. The retained surplus is the amount that is kept by GreenSquare once interest and tax has been paid, and you can see the amount that we are owed in rent as a percentage. This page also shows the number of staff employed by the Group and the average pay of Board Members, along with the average amount of expenses they received. RENT OWED 2.6% TOTAL VALUE OVER OF PROPERTIES £ 2012 OVER £384 MILLION* NEARLY £3 2013 £545 MILLION* RETAINED SURPLUS TOTAL INCOME 2013 FOR THE YEAR 2013 AFTER INTEREST & TAX OVER MILLION* 523 £56 MILLION * NUMBER OF STAFF EMPLOYED BY GREENSQUARE* AVERAGE PAY PER BOARD MEMBER* £1,608 AVERAGE EXPENSES PER BOARD MEMBER* £259 For more detailed information about figures on this page please contact us – or visit www.greensquaregroup.com where you can download the 2012-2013 GreenSquare Report and Financial Statements. *GREENSQUARE GROUP FIGURE NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS* 143 AVON 56 WE NOW HAVE MORE STAFF TO DEAL WITH COMPLAINTS, SO THESE FIGURES SHOULD IMPROVE. *GREENSQUARE GROUP FIGURE 44% COMPENSATION PAID IN RELATION TO COMPLAINTS £12,000 TARGET 60% COMPLAINTS RESOLVED IN TARGET TIME* MOST COMPLAINTS WERE ABOUT 65% REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE TARGET 99% 157 44,526 NUMBER OF PHONE CALLS* SATISFACTION WITH COMPLAINTS HANDLING* NUMBER OF ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CASES SERVICES 44% OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH GREENSQUARE SERVICES 81% SATISFACTION WITH THE WAY ASB IS DEALT WITH Annual Report 2012/2013: This page shows the number of complaints received ands how much compensation the Group has paid in relation to complaints. You can also see how many residents in your area have been involved with community projects; how many antisocial behaviour cases have been successfully closed; and how satisfied residents are overall with GreenSquare services. 185 87% PEOPLE INVOLVED IN COMMUNITY PROJECTS KEEP WARM stay safe and save money TOTAL • Yellow or orange flames. HOMES • Sooting or staining around Look out for: Gas safety check 11,040 Be sure to:OWNED AND/OR MANAGED BY • Book an GREENSQUARE annual service. • Maintain your appliances and have them checked regularly. • Allow fresh air into your room. • Keep the chimney or flue clear. We will write to you with details of a pre-booked appointment, offering you a date and time for our specialist contractor to carry out your gas service and safety check. We want to make sure you will be at home for the appointment and can offer weekend or evening visits if you cannot be at home during the day. If the appointment we offer is not convenient, please contact us to re-arrange. If you smell gas, or suspect a gas or carbon monoxide leak, you should immediately: • Open all doors and windows; • Shut off the gas supply at the meter control valve; and • Call the Gas Emergency freephone number on 0800 111 999. Carbon monoxide is an odourless, colourless gas – you can’t see it, you can’t taste it and you can’t Do you have concerns about an appliance? Need to check when your annual service is due? Or need help and advice about repairs to your home? Phone the contact centre on 01249 465465. Problem with your... What to try Heating programmer / timer Check that you can turn your heating settings from ‘timed’ to ‘continuous’ or ‘on’. This will enable you to have heating until we complete the repair to the time clock / programmer. Gas Electricity surveyor visits Planned AVON 3,707 maintenance The following properties are due to receive the planned maintenance service within the next six months. This involves a surveyor visiting your home and looking to see whether any work is required, both inside and outside the property. This will help us to plan when we need to replace items in your home. You can expect our surveyor to look at the following: Inside – the kitchen; bathroom; ceilings in all the rooms; loft or attic; floors; stairs; heating and hot water systems; electrics; and doors. Outside – the roof; walls; garden; paths; boundary fences; gutters; and doors. * 198 WE BUILT NEW HOME 110 BUILT IN A Be alert! Radiators * an appliance. • Frequently blown pilot lights. • Appliances not working correctly. If you have a gas appliance you probably know that GreenSquare has a legal duty to make sure it is checked for safety at least once a year. This service is free for our customers – and also helps ensure that your appliance is working efficiently, which can save you money on your fuel bills. Room thermostat HOME smell it, but carbon monoxide poisoning might cause drowsiness, headaches, nausea, chest and stomach pains. If the boiler has heated your property to the temperature set on your room thermostat, the heating will go off until the temperature drops below that setting. On extremely cold days, you may need to turn the thermostat up for additional heat. If your radiatorAnnual is cold at the top, there may here be airwe show the Report 2012/2013: trapped in the system and it might need bleeding to number of homes owned and managed by release the trapped air. There is a help section in your GreenSquare and how many of those are in repairs handbook how as to do this. youronarea, well as the total number of new homes we have built over the past year. We try If you have a pre-payment meteras always try as to ensure to let our homes quickly possible, and you have credithere on your meter. Check that your meter you can see the average time in days that has power anditistakes not displaying any error messages. us to let empty properties. Finally, this page shows how many repairs carried out If you have no power to the boiler, check other we electrical across the Group and the percentage of those appliances to make sure you are not experiencing a that were completed “right first time”. power cut. Also, check your fuse box to see if any trip switches need resetting. After the survey, the surveyor will discuss with you all the repair and improvement works they have identified. *GREENSQUARE GROUP FIGURE CHIPPENHAM Spinney Close, Westcroft, Clover Dean, Croft Court, Litherland Close, The Firs, Derriads Green, Down View, Gascelyn Close, Southmead, Gascelyn Place, Kingsley Road, Littledown and School Walk 89% 10,089 BOX Bargates, Barn Piece, Brunel Way, Hazelbury Hill, Queens Square, Springfield REPAIRS House, Ben Cross, The Barton, COMPLETED The Ley and Vine Court COMPLETED FIR PURTON High Street, Blacklands, Kibblewhite Close, The Peak, Upper Pavenhill , Reids Piece and Witts Lane HOOK Bolingbroke and Hook Street If you would like to find out more aboutHOW planned LONGmaintenance EMPTY please contact James Bunce or HOMES TOOK TO LET Ken Neale on 01249 465465 or visit www.greensquaregroup.com CONTACT US SEE PAGE 16 38 DA 15 new contact centre with Esther Lim “Wow, what an exciting and busy time the last year has been for all things customer service at GreenSquare! “To improve our customer service further, we set up our new contact centre, which created a single point of contact for all customers. “The contact centre is now a ‘one-stop shop’, which means that residents calling in can have all their queries answered there and then. This has freed up time for other teams for personal visits to residents’ homes if needed. “We made the reception friendlier with more interview rooms should customers need privacy. And we added a computer kiosk to access online help from HomeSwappers to Citizens Advice Bureau. “We have set up Facebook and Twitter accounts for residents to ask any questions, and give us their comments and suggestions. “We are always striving to improve our customer service and we want to provide value for money in all the things we do.” Esther Lim, Customer Services Officer with Kathleen Thompson The Whatever! project (for people aged between 16 and 24) and the What Now! project (for people aged 25 or over) are exciting schemes available to GreenSquare residents which help to improve people’s employability, practical skills, confidence and experience in the workplace. Kathleen Thompson, a resident from Corsham, took part in the What Now! project. She said: “I heard about the ‘What Now!’ project in May of this year. Having been out of the workplace for almost a year, whilst continuing to actively look for office work, I enrolled in the project. “I completed six weeks of the thirteen-week placement working at GreenSquare’s Chippenham office. From the outset, I was warmly welcomed by all staff, given a chance to ‘find my feet’ by gradually being introduced back into the workplace and encouraged at every opportunity. This project allowed me to regain my confidence and to update my office skills.” Kathleen was recently offered a full time temp-to-permanent role in Bristol, which she started in August. She added: “I would highly recommend the ‘What Now!’ project to anyone who has been unemployed for some time, feels discouraged and would simply like to update their office skills. At the end of the project, you will also receive a reference detailing the recent relevant experience that so many interviewers ask for. I believe the confidence boost and reference is what clinched the job offer for me!” If you would like to have any part of this explained or translated, or in a different format such as in larger print, or on audio tape, please contact us on 01249 465465 to discuss your needs. Jeśli wymagają Państwo wyjaśnienia jakiegoś fragmentu albo jego tłumaczenia, albo w innym formacie, takim jak duży druk, albo na kasecie audio, proszę się z nami skontaktować pod numerem telefonu 01249 465465, aby przedyskutować Państwa potrzeby. Herhangi bir kısmının izah edilmesini veya tercüme edilmesini, ya da iri harfler veya ses bantı gibi başka bir fotmatta verilmesini isterseniz, lütfen ihtiyaçlarınızı konuşmak için bu numaraya telefon edin: 01249 465465. All customer enquiries Phone 01249 465465 • email [email protected] Methuen Park, Chippenham SN14 0GU www.greensquaregroup.com