APCM booklet - The Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley
APCM booklet - The Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley
Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley Annual Parochial Church Meetings 23 April 2015 36 Pages 2-4 Minutes of APCM 2014 for St Michael and All Angels 5-7 Minutes of APCM 2014 for Christ Church 8-9 Annual Report 2014 from Rev’d Shona Hoad 10-13 Report and Financial Statement 2014 for St Michael and All Angels 14–18 Report and Financial Statement 2014 for Christ Church 19 Fabric Report for St Michael and All Angels 20 Fabric Report for Christ Church 21-23 PCC and Churchwardens Reports 2014 for St Michael and All Angels 24-26 PCC and Churchwardens Reports 2014 for Christ Church 27 Report from Publicity committee 2014 28 Report from Children and Young People’s committee 2014 29 Reports from St Michael and All Angels and Christ Church Flower 2014 29 Christ Church Electoral Roll Report 30 Report from Social and Fund Raising Committee 2014 31 Report from Stewardship Committee 2014 32-33 Bradford Deanery Synod Report for 2014 34 Sidespersons for St Michael and All Angels and Christ Church St. Michael’s Atworth Annual Parochial Church Meeting held in the Church Hall, Atworth on Thursday 1st May 2014. Held concurrently with the APCM of Christ Church, Shaw. Present: Rev’d Ruth Gillings Mr C Boyle - Vice Chair Mrs I Boyle Mr G Canfield Mrs C Canfield Mrs M Cooke Mrs M Donald Mrs M Evans Mrs E Harvey Mr R Hiscocks Mrs J Hiscocks Mrs C Horton Mrs A Lee Mr B Mitchell - Churchwarden Mrs J Mitchell Mr D Nott - Secretary + Deanery Synod Mrs F O’Donohoe - Deanery Synod Mr C Rees Mr R Slingsby Mrs M Slingsby Mrs L Spencer - Churchwarden Mrs C Vost Mrs E Weldon Charles Boyle welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a prayer. A short meeting was held prior to the APCM to elect the Churchwardens (see separate minutes). 1.Apologies: Mr Frank Lebrocq, Ms Sue Morris 2.Minutes of the last APCM held on Tuesday 19 March 2013: a correction was made to the spelling of Isabel Boyle, after which the minutes were deemed to be correct and duly signed. 3.Matters arising: Frances O’Donohoe was required to step down as Treasurer due to her LLM training and Lynne Spencer as Churchwarden had taken over on a temporary basis. It was stressed that this situation could not continue and that a Treasurer had to be found. No volunteers were forthcoming from the meeting. 4. Receive and adopt Financial Report and Accounts: (pages 13-16) Lynne Spencer commented that the share had been paid in full and that outgoings are only just covered by receipts. Away giving had achieved a good result. The Church Hall income does not cover costs. It was noted that the excess funds from the Holiday Club will be earmarked for the Holiday Club, and the same would also apply to the J. Brown funds. Frances O’Donohoe proposed that the Financial Report and Accounts be adopted; seconded by Brian Mitchell. Agreed unanimously. 5. Receive and adopt the Fabric and Inventory Reports: (page 23) There were no queries on this report. 6. PCC and Churchwardens Report: (pages 26-28) There were no questions on this report. It was pointed out that Rev’d Ruth Gillings and Chris Rees are not licensed to the Melksham Group but exclusively to the Benefice. Charles Boyle thanked Claire Horton and Frances O’Donohoe for their service to the PCC . 2 35 Sidespersons/Welcomers St Michael and All Angels, Atworth Christ Church, Shaw Margaret Beament Margaret Beament Ian Beveridge Ian Beveridge Fran Sideway Dianne Briggs Dianne Briggs Clive Briggs Clive Briggs Lynne Spencer Irene Roberts Brian Roberts Maureen Cooke Margaret Evans Marilyn Slingsby David Harris Richard Slingsby Ann Harrison Margaret Evans Sylvia Bennett David Harris Rob Hiscocks Helen Roberts Betty Laister Caroline Vost Derek Laister Althea Lee David Nott Brian Mitchell Mary Harris David Nott Margaret Mylchreest Louise Noizet Marilyn Slingsby Mary Harris Richard Slingsby Gay Harris James Peters Ron Harris Barbara Price Margaret Mylchreest Lesley Ratcliffe Alan Ratcliffe Caroline Venton Sue Whiteford They were stepping down on the request of the Diocese due to their LLM training commitments. 7. Receive Deanery Synod Report: (pages 33-34) This report was submitted by Anne Willis, Deanery Secretary. Rev’d Ruth Gillings pointed out that the name of Rev’d Alison Souter should be Sownton, and that Rev’d Ruth McCreadie, Holt and Broughton Gifford should be added. No other comments on this report. 8. Receive Reports from the Benefice Committees: (pages35-43) i). Social and Fund Raising. (page 35) No comments on the report except to thank the committee for all their efforts. Margaret Beament thanked parishioners for their support in the past and encouraged as many as possible to participate in the future. ii).Stewardship.(page 36) Jonathan Rumens asked for more PCC members to join the committee to ensure a quorum. iii.) Children and Young People: (pages 37-38) It was noted that there was a typo in the report - Christdingle instead of Christingle. Sue Evans mentioned that there as a shortage of leaders which affected the work of the committee, and asked for additional volunteers. iv.) Worship: (pages 39-40) Chris Rees mentioned that the pattern of services continues except for the addition of a joint service on any 5th Sunday of a month. LLM training was continuing for Chris and had started now for Claire Horton and Frances O’Donohoe. Chris thanked all those involved in the music of the churches, the duty rotas, as well as the Churchwardens and others involved in arrangements during the interregnum. v.) Publicity: (page 41) There were no questions. Pam Drewett reported that she is working on the next Christmas card and that this may be a joint effort with the Whitley Methodist Church. New designs would be need by July. vi.) Benefice Steering Group: (page 42) Most issues have now been dealt with and comlpeted before the 5 year term. 9. Atworth Flower Report: (page43) Maureen Cooke and all those involved in the flower arrangements were thanked. There is presently a balance of £252.44 in the flower fund. 10.Receive the Report from the Atworth Electoral Roll Officer: Rob Hiscocks reported that last year was the 6th in the cycle, The new roll has 78 names. Mr Harry Adam asked for clarification on whether members on both electoral rolls of the Benefice can vote on both PCCs. Rev’d Ruth Gillings stated that this was the case and would provide an extract of the authority. 11. Election of Deanery Synod Atworth: David Nott was proposed by Maureen Cooke and seconded by David Hough, 34 3 12. Election of PCC lay members for Atworth: Due to some reaching their 3 year term and others standing down there were 5 vacancies on the PCC. The following 5 persons had been proposed and seconded:Maureen Cooke, Margaret Evans, Jean Hiscocks, Richard Slingsby and Liz Weldon. The proposal to elect all 5 was made by Caroline Vost and seconded by Lynne Spencer. Meeting agreed unanimously. 13. Appointment of Sidespersons:Proposed list - Margaret Beament, Ian Beveridge, Clive Briggs, Dianne Briggs, Maureen Cooke, Margaret Evans, David Harris, Mary Harris, Ron Harris, Gay Harris, Rob Hiscocks, Jean Hiscocks, Althea Lee, Brian Mitchell, Louise Noizet, David Nott, Doreen Owens, Dawn Rossi, Richard Slingsby, Marilyn Slingsby, Fran Sidaway, Lynne Spencer and Caroline Vost. It was proposed by David Nott and seconded by Richard Slingsby that the sidepersons listed be appointed en bloc. All agreed. 14. Appointment of independent examiner of the accounts - Atworth: It was proposed by Graham Canfield and seconded by Isabel Boyle that Bernard Kain be appointed the independent examiner. All agreed. 15. AOB i. Richard Slingsby gave a big ‘thank you’ to the current helpers but made an appeal for more help with mowing in the Atworth churchyard ii. The question was raised as to whether a member of the PCC must attend meetings; it was pointed out that members are required to attend. As ex officio members Rev’d Ruth Gillings, Chris Rees, Claire Horton and Frances O’Donohoe are invited to attend PCC meetings but are not able to vote. iii. Charles Boyle told the meeting that in the absence of an incumbent he had presented a short report of the activities of the parish to the civil Parish Council. The report was available on the Atworth Parish and Yer Tiz websites. 16. Vote on Benefice Charities for 2015. Médicins Sans Frontières and Support for Young Carers Melksham were voted as the charities to be supported by the Benefice in 2015. The meeting ended with The Grace. Lay Pastoral Assistants: Training for new LPA's has been accepted during this winter. Eighteen candidates are registered and are meeting in the church hall of St Michael and All Angels, Hilperton. Session themes include: 'Who are we?', 'Who am I', Journey of life', 'Learning to listen', 'Engaging with families', 'Coming alongside those with acute and chronic illness', 'Valuing later life', 'Why and when we visit', 'Trips, Triggers and Traps'. Optional extras are - 'Our role at a time of loss', Developing listening skills', Nurturing the spirituality of children and young people' and 'Know our limits'. Thanks go to all guest speakers and in particular to Revd. Stephen Ball who has facilitated this training, as well as leading some sessions. Thanks also to those incumbents and PCC's who have sponsored and supported these candidates. On the 18 April 2015, LPA's from throughout the Diocese will meet in the Cathedral for a day of workshops which will end in the re-commissioning of over 900 LPA's". Share: Share for 2014 totalling £674,386 was fully paid which is only the second time in the last 10 years and which is a terrific result. All PCC’s, especially their treasurers, need to be thanked for their commitment and hard work. Sudan: Dave Lewis provided regular updates and the dire situation in The Sudan was regularly discussed. Very sadly the Rev Timo was not able to obtain a visa for his proposed visit to the Deanery, despite an appeal and l etters from the Bishop and Rural Dean. The Deanery has contributed very generously indeed to the special Kadugli Fund. The money will go towards teachers’ salaries (about £1,500 pa); school uniforms and school dinners; bicycles for diocesan staff and solar chargers for laptops. Publicity: There is an opportunity to develop a Deanery website within the Salisbury Diocesan website. If anyone knows of somebody willing to do this (and they do not have to be a member of synod, PCC or even a regular churchgoer, please contact the Deanery Secretary. We really should be properly in the 21st century! Synod is open to all those who wish to attend. Meeting dates are arranged well in advance, even if the venue and subject may not be, and every effort is made to meet on different days of the week. The intention is to share good practice around the Deanery, and to be a place where ideas can be shared. Deanery dates for 2015 are Wednesday 21 January, Wednesday 24 June and Thursday 22 October. Venues to be announced. Hoping to meet you in 2015 4 Anne Willis Deanery Secretary 33 SYNOD REPORT FOR 2014 Synod met three times in 2014: at St James Church, Trowbridge on 25 March at Beanacre on 18 June, and at St John’s, Upper Studley on 23 October. Topics covered in Synod included the Rural Dean, Andrew Evans, speaking on his recent visit to Colombia; David Robinson on Dispelling the Myths of Share; ‘Working Together’ covering various projects between churches and the community: and a major update on the situation in The Sudan. Synod voted firmly in favour of Women Bishops. Clergy Movements: Appointments; Rev’d Shona Hoad to Atworth, Shaw and Whitley Deaths Canon Bill Matthews of Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon, Rural Dean for ten years; Gerald Gibson, Lay Chairman for twelve years who had died aged 102; Canon Chris Brown, late Rector of Trowbridge, Rural Dean and Chaplain to the Devizes branch of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers. Lay newcomers included Kate Jackson, children and families’ worker at St James Trowbridge and Keevil; Dan Webb, part time Youth worker at Trowbridge St Thomas and part time Youth for Christ in Trowbridge secondary schools. Lay Members: Officers for the new triennium were elected. The Lay Chairman, Roy Brown, had decided not to stand again, and Synod thanked him for all his work. John Joy was elected Lay Chairman, Anne Willis secretary and David Robinson Treasurer. Jen Wilson volunteered to be Deanery Representative to the Wilts Historic Churches Trust. Diocesan Synod: Anne Willis stood down from Diocesan Synod. There will be elections to Diocesan Synod in 2015. Please consider standing. General Synod: members are reminded that elections to General Synod will take place in 2015. Deanery Plan: This had been regularly updated and achievements will also be added; including the very large take-up for Open the Book. There were some very positive signs of growth in the Deanery. The challenge of the large number of new homes in the Deanery must be met. Possibilities in Trowbridge included a Pioneer Ministry for novel and creative approaches, and a Church School. MINUTES OF ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING OF CHRISTCHURCH, SHAW on Thursday, 1 May 2014 at Atworth Church Hall Held concurrently with the APCM of Atworth PRESENT Mr H Adam Mrs S Melvin [Secretary] Mrs L Adam Mrs D Owens Ms M Beament [Deanery Synod] Mrs A Peters Mrs S Bennett Mr J Peters Mr C Briggs [Churchwarden] Mrs B Price Mrs D Briggs Mr A Ratcliffe Mrs P Drewett Mrs L Ratcliffe Mrs S Evans [Churchwarden] Mr B Roberts [Treasurer] Rev R Gillings Mr J Rumens Mrs A Harrison [Deanery Synod] Mrs C Venton Mr D Laister Charles Boyle welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a prayer. A short meeting was held prior to the APCM to elect the Churchwardens, please see separate minutes. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Mr R Evans, Mr G Gillings, Mr D Harris, & Mrs M Harris. 2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – 19.03.2013 A correction was made to Rev R Gillings title, after which the minutes were agreed and signed as a true record. Proposed Mrs P Drewett, Seconded Mrs L Ratcliffe. Passed unanimously. MATTERS ARISING None. 3. RECEIVE AND ADOPT FINANCIAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS Mr B Roberts commented briefly on his report [p17-18], thanking the Social Committee for the 19 Social Events. Mr J Rumens was thanked for continuing to independently examine the accounts. Mr A Ratcliffe thanked Mr B Roberts for his work as Treasurer over the years as he was stepping down from the role. Mr D Laister proposed the Accounts be adopted. Seconded by Ms M Beament, Passed unanimously. Courses: Uptake on courses remains very low in the Deanery, and it is to be hoped that the Diocesan initiative in the autumn of 2015 will meet a good response. 4. RECEIVE FABRIC AND INVENTORY REPORTS The Fabric Report [p24-25] details the work carried out during 2013 and highlights the outstanding repairs due to the Spire from the Quinquennial Survey in 2011.Mr A Ratcliffe thanked the Fabric Committee for all their hard work. The Churchwardens countersigned the Inventory at the end of the meeting. There were no questions raised. Proposed Mrs B Roberts, Seconded Mrs P Drewett. Passed unanimously. 32 5 5. PCC & CHURCHWARDENS REPORT The Churchwardens Report is on p29-32 of the Reports Booklet. There were no questions raised. The Churchwardens countersigned the Inventory at the end of the meeting; there were no changes from the previous year. Mr A Ratcliffe thanked Mrs S Evans and Mr C Briggs for their work over the last year, especially since Rev J Perrett left. It was pointed out that Rev R Gillings and Chris Rees are not licensed to the Melksham Group but only to the Benefice. 6. RECEIVE DEANERY SYNOD REPORT The Bradford Deanery Synod Report [p33-34] - no questions posed. Rev R Gillings pointed out that the name of Rev A Souter should be Sownton and that Rev R McCreadie should be added. 7. RECEIVE REPORTS FROM BENEFICE COMMITTEES Social and Fund Raising Committee Report [p35] Ms M Beament thanked all those who attended the Social Events in 2013 and asked that they please continue to support the Social Events planned for 2014. Mr C Briggs thanked the Committee for all their hard work. Stewardship Committee Report [p36] Mr J Rumens thanked his fellow members and asked for more PCC members to join the Committee to ensure a quorum. Mr C Briggs thanked the Committee for all their hard work. Children and Young People Committee Report [p37-38] Mrs S Evans was encouraged with the good things going on and thanked the Committee for their work. New leaders are needed for Sundays as there is a shortage of volunteers. Worship Committee Report [p39-40] Chris Rees mentioned the pattern of services with the additional joint service on a 5th Sunday. The new sound system was appreciated; Rev R Gillings was now back up and running. He thanked all those who have been involved in the music, rotas and church arrangements during the interregnum, and especially the Churchwardens. Publicity Committee Report [p41] Mrs P Drewett reported that work was taking place on the Christmas Card for 2014, which is to be produced jointly with the Whitley Methodist Church, designs are required by July and may be sponsored. Mrs D Briggs thanked Mrs P Drewett for taking on the organisation of the Christmas Card project. Steering Group [p42] There were no questions. Stewardship Committee Report for 2014 Function To release the God given gifts of time, ability, and money to resource mission within our wider community Committee Members Jonathan Rumens (Chair), Althea Lee, Betty Harvey, Lesley Adam, Lynne Spencer, Shona Hoad, Alan Ratcliffe/James Peters The major work of 2014 has been to follow on from the appeal in late 2013. Ensuring sufficient income is available to cover day-to-day costs, and maintenance of our Churches, remains challenging Also Alzheimers & Water Aid - £900 was raised for each Christian Aid - £836 was raised £623 was raised in support of Embrace the Middle East We also supported Papua New Guinea, the Sudan, British Heart Foundation, Horse World, and Wizzybugs A total of £4,200 was raised And For Operation Christmas Child, 65 boxes were filled and sent Lent Lunches were organised A calendar for 2015 was produced, in support of Shaw John Kilbee (Diocesan Advisor) spoke to a JPCC meeting, on the subjects of Stewardship and Legacies Jonathan Rumens 8. RECEIVE FLOWER REPORT Mrs S Bennett thanked the flower arrangers for their hard work and for all the donations received in 2013. A Flower Festival has been arranged for 27-29 June 2014. Ms M Beament thanked the flower arrangers for the beautiful arrangements in the church. 6 31 Social and Fundraising Committee Report for 2014 The Social and Fundraising Committee organised 13 varied and enjoyable events for 2014 raising over £6,000 to help fund our churches. As usual it was the events where lots of food was provided that were the best attended. But, it was Greta's Sponsored Walk and the Christmas Coffee morning that raised the most with over £1,000 raised at each of these events. The Summer Garden Party was a highlight with superb weather, a beautiful garden and lots of tasty home cooked food. Other events included a TV Quiz Show based Quiz Evening, Skittles night at the White Hart and the year ended with an excellently attended concert by Stonar School. Thanks goes to all those who opened their houses, cooked a cake, helped wash up, flipped a pancake, grew a plant, provided a raffle prize or put up tables and chairs and much more. Without all this help the Committee could not lay on these events. Most thanks goes to all who attended these events. Without you we would not be able to raise such a large amount. For 2015 we have an equally enjoyable calendar of events and we encourage you to attend as many as you can and to bring all your families and friends to them. The more people who support these social events the more money we can raise for our beloved churches. If you would like to join our small, but beautifully formed committee or would like a list of our 2015 calendar please contact Margaret Beament on 01225 899302. 9. RECEIVE REPORT FROM ELECTORAL ROLL OFFICER The number on the Electoral Roll is now 107, an increase of 4 from last year. Mr H Adam asked for clarification on whether members on both electoral rolls of the Benefice can vote on both PCC’s. Rev R Gillings confirmed this was the case. 10. ELECTION OF DEANERY SYNOD REPRESENTATIVES – 2014-17 Nomination Forms have been received from Mrs A Harrison & Ms M Beament. Election of Mrs A Harrison. Proposed at the meeting by Mrs D Briggs, Seconded by Ms M Beament. Passed unanimously. Election of Ms M Beament. Proposed at the meeting by Mrs B Price, Seconded by Mrs L Ratcliffe. Passed unanimously. 11. ELECTION OF PCC MEMBERS 2014-17 Mrs P Drewett & Mr D Harris have completed their three year term and have completed Nomination Forms for re-election. There are 5 PCC vacancies. Mrs P Drewett - Proposed by Ms M Beament, Seconded - Mr B Roberts Mr D Harris - Proposed by Mrs A Harrison, Seconded - Mr D Laister, both elected unanimously. Nomination Forms have also been received for – Mrs L Adam - Proposed by Mr A Ratcliffe, Seconded - Mrs A Harrison Mr S Hall - Proposed by Mrs S Evans, Seconded - Mr B Roberts and Mr J Peters - Proposed by Mrs L Ratcliffe, Seconded - Ms M Beament. All three new PCC members were elected unanimously en-bloc. 12. APPOINTMENT OF SIDESPERSONS A list of proposed sidespersons/welcomers is given on p44. Proposed Mr B Roberts, Seconded - Mrs S Evans that the list is accepted en-bloc. Passed unanimously. 13. APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT EXAMINER OF THE ACCOUNTS Mr J Rumens is happy to continue as Independent Examiner of the Accounts. Proposed - Mr C Briggs, Seconded - Mrs A Harrison. Passed with one abstention – Mr J Rumens. 16. ANY OTHER BUSINESS A query was raised as to whether a member of the PCC must attend meetings. It was pointed out that members are required to attend. As ex-officio members Rev R Gillings, Chris Rees, Mrs C Horton & Mrs F O’Donohoe are invited to attend PCC meetings, but are not able to vote. 17. VOTE FOR BENEFICE CHARITIES 2014 Medecins Sans Frontieres and Support for Young Carers, Melksham were voted for the coming year. The meeting closed with The Grace. S Melvin Secretary 30 7 Signed…………………………………… Report for Annual Meeting Arriving as I did in July to a wonderful welcome reception following my licensing service, time seems only to have gathered pace ever since. Looking at the reports of the various groups within the benefice it is not hard to see why time flies! There is much energy and enthusiasm in both parishes and the commitment across the Benefice is a real encouragement and should be celebrated. During the vacancy the Benefice has managed to continue meeting various community needs as well as maintaining the social activities and fundraising efforts that help keep the two parishes running. It has been a privilege to step in to developing community links as they are built and strengthened. From the very young (pre-school/nursery groups), through our own village church schools and Stonar school, to the elderly (Blenheim and Mavern care homes) we are able to connect with people where they are. Church is never about the buildings – although of course we do have a responsibility for their continued upkeep as we are custodians for this time – rather our presence in the community as we live out our faith. We need to be mindful too of the virtual world that most people take for granted these days and our website is a signpost for people seeking to know more about who we are, what we believe and what we do. Keeping ourselves current and relevant is something that we will need to continue addressing as we move forward. As we look back over the last year there will inevitably be high points to celebrate and growth points to learn from. Our Christian faith is not measured a success or otherwise in terms of numbers at our services on a Sunday but rather how we feel we are growing as a body of believers in Christ. When we are able to support one another, sharing our grief and our joy, encouraging one another, carrying one another’s burdens, taking delight in who we are as people of God then we know that we are on a journey together which is worth pursuing and telling others about. St Michael and All Angels, Atworth Flower Report Christian churches have celebrated their faith through flowers as early as the 4th century. Once again our thanks must go to our Flower Arrangers for all their efforts over the past year. They give of their time as well as paying for their own flowers. We are a small band but enjoy doing the main Church Festivals together and endeavouring to try something new from time to time. Thanks go also to those parishioners who contribute to the flower fund for special occasions. Maureen Christ Church, Shaw Flower Report I would like to thank Veronica and all the other flower arrangers for their hard work for a successful Rainbow Flower Festival which raised £2,186. Many thanks for the generous donations throughout the year. We had two weddings to decorate the church for as well as Easter, Harvest and Christmas. The balance in the flower fund Building Society account at the end of December 2014 was £75.89. Sylvia Christ Church, Shaw Electoral Roll report The 2015 Electoral Roll for the parish of Christchurch Shaw totals 113 persons. Two people were removed from the roll from 2014, one having moved out of the area, the other having passed away. However, two people were added to the electoral roll having moved into the parish. Of the total number of persons on the list, sixty- one people are resident within the parish (53.9%). This means that those who are not resident within the parish comprise 46% of the electoral roll. Comparing the electoral roll to the overall population within the parish, those people resident in the parish on the electoral roll represent 2.5% of the population * The electoral Roll is required under Church Representation Rules to be revised every six years. The next time this is due is March 2019. 8 Source – Office of National Statistics - 2011 census 29 Children & Young Peoples Committee Report for 2014 Committee Members Sue Evans (Chair) Carolyn Venton Louise Noizet (Sec) Sue Whiteford Jean Hiscocks 2014 has remained as always a year which has created a great deal of challenges for us. During the past year the committee has met formally 5 times. Attendances at COAST have remained very low. Leaders numbers had also reduced until Martin Hoad joined our team as an accomplished leader. We are now able to offer COAST on the first, second and fourth Sunday of each month (the third and fifth (when it occurs) and family services). Messy Church now meets in Shaw School on the first Sunday of each month except for April and August. Numbers here remain pretty consistent and is still enjoyed by all who attend. Open the Book continues in both of village schools on a monthly basis. Our links with both of the primary school has greatly improved since the appointment of the new Headteachers. Both churches are now used for the main festivals, Easter, Harvest and Christmas. Shaw School also use the church for their own evening Christingle service. So for the year ahead there will be plans to explore as we look to build God’s Kingdom here: Staff team and the areas of responsibility for individuals to take on Strategic groups that will work with a staff team leader to develop different ministry areas Use of our church centres for community interface (the churches, church hall and website) Beyond the Benefice – how we support mission outside our Parishes A Vision day is planned for the summer when the PCCs can come together and explore where we believe God is asking us to direct our focus and energy at this time and I am looking forward with enthusiasm to all that is to come. Every blessing Shona Our new ascension day service did not occur this year as the day fell in the half term holidays but it is our intention to offer this to both schools in the coming year. This years’ holiday club again was a great success with over seventy children attending over the week. In December, we produced our second ‘Follow the Star’ at Helen Roberts stable. The year, in addition, we offered mince pies and mulled wine. The donkeys arrived from Horseworld (no real baby this year) and we raised enough money from donations to be able to send £76.66 to each of the following charities – Horseworld, British Heart Foundation and Wizzybugs. The nativity service took place in Atworth and we were joined by a small group of children from Churchfields School as well as our regulars. The story was simple but greatly enjoyed by everyone who was there. Finally the committee would like to thank everyone who helps in any way with the childrens work within the benefice, whether its at Open the Book, Holiday Club, Messy Church or in the regular sessions of COAST. We couldn’t provide the numbers of services etc. that we do without your help. Thank you. Sue 28 9 Atworth PCC, St Michael & All Angels Treasurer’s Report for 2014. We have been greatly blessed this year, for in February we received the wonderful amount of £38,836.95; the bequest from Mr Leslie Carpenter. The PCC are in the process of working out how best to spend the money, but most probably the redecoration of the church will have priority. We have already bought a chalice, ciborium and silver plate in commemoration. The other good news is that the Share has once again been paid in full. The finances look extremely healthy due to the bequest, but the underlying trend is that our income is not meeting our expenditure and our shortfall this year would have been £508.67. However, this is not quite as disastrous as it first seems because we have not recovered any tax, due through gift aid, this year (the tax recovered of £2,395.92 is from 2013). It is hoped that this situation can be rectified soon, for we cannot continue to not claim this much needed money. Once again Church Hall income was down, and due to the fitting of a new gas fire and replacement of a window, expenses were up considerably. Also insurance premiums continue to rise. The Hall is a wonderful asset, but we do need to generate more income, otherwise it will continue to be a drain on our resources. I am pleased to report that our away giving has held up strongly despite increased costs in other areas. We increased the amount this year by almost £200, and, of course, that does not include our collection for Christian Aid, the Shoe Box appeal, and the continuing support that we give to the Food Bank. Our support for Papua New Guinea increased by nearly £100. I would like to thank all those who aid our away giving by hosting Lent lunches, collecting for Christian Aid, filling shoe boxes, enabling the mission table, singing carols etc, etc. The Holiday Club was once again a huge success and the amount held in the current account on behalf of the club is £500. The total amount held as ‘Children’s Funds’ is £727.74 (£211.05 in the Jane Brown charity bequest/ Sunday School fund). I would like to acknowledge the sterling work done by the Social & Fund Raising committee, who contribute enormously by facilitating social meetings which are always greatly enjoyed and enhance friendships, not forgetting that much needed essential funds are raised in the process. I would also like to thank those who ‘man’ coffee mornings, and enable the various events to function so successfully. Publicity Committee Report 2015 Committee members: Caroline Vost – Secretary Pam Drewett, Kenneth Spence, Matthew Horwood, Reverend Shona Hoad & Russell Evans – Chair The committee held at least six minuted meetings as well as a couple of less formal gatherings and on each occasion these were kindly hosted by Pam Drewett. Many thanks to Pam for the warmth of her welcome and use of her dining room. Although the work of this committee fits largely within the definition of Publicity, as set out in the Oxford English dictionary, the actual work and efforts of its membership have more and more strayed from what many would regard as the raison d'etre of the committee. The committee has become more of an information - sharing hub that has focused mainly around the development of the Benefice Web Site. From the rather clumsy and crude model we started with, the web site is now an effective and user-friendly resource that enables effective communication internally within the benefice as well as externally with the wider community. Its use and what we can do with it is limited only to our imaginations and I would commend it to everyone. The committee organised and Kenneth and Matthew delivered training to people involved in benefice work so that they could take ownership of their own areas of business and share their information with everyone. Unfortunately we haven’t seen the web site being used as we had hoped and in this regard I feel we miss some opportunities to tell people what’s going on in this benefice. However, undeterred, Kenneth and Matthew have kindly agreed to invite people for refresher training as well as make training available to anyone who contacts them. The committee played a significant role in sending out benefice seasonal greetings at Easter and at Christmas time. Pam has worked wonders insofar as the Christmas greeting card was concerned. Sponsorship as well as design has reflected how much the community likes to involve itself with what we are doing in the benefice. I acknowledge and thank Alan Ratcliffe for his administration of fund raising income and expenditure. Especial thanks to Bernard Kain for once again reviewing the year end accounts. At the latest meeting on 28th January, Russell Evans resigned as chair. He has coordinated this committee for that past six years or so and feels the time is right for a new approach. The committee is not disbanded but rather in suspended animation as the direction and approach the work of this committee is something that Shona would like to pursue after discussion and consultation with others within the benefice. Lynne M Spencer Treasurer Watch this space……………. 10 27 Church Fabric and Churchyard 2014 has continued to be a very active year for the Fabric Committee and the key developments are set out in the Fabric Committee’s report. We should like to thank all the Committee members and others who have stepped in to help when it has been necessary to carry out work in the church and churchyard, especially all the volunteers who helped with the grass cutting. The churchwardens have also periodically carried out inspections of the churchyard to ensure that the regulations regarding monuments and decoration which are highlighted by notices on the churchyard gates and the church door are being adhered to. As a result it has been necessary to remove some artificial flowers from graves. These are marked and retained in the tower for a period of twelve months when they may be disposed of. Children and Young People We continue to look for ways to make the church building accessible to young people and families with children. The children’s area is already established and well equipped with drawing and writing material as well as some (quiet) toys. We were pleased to welcome Shaw School and Shaw and Whitley Pre-school into the church for special services at Easter, Harvest and Christmas as well as end of terms. We are particularly heartened by the continuing close contact between the church and Shaw Primary School, including a spirited and well attended Christingle service in the church organised by the school. Our Open the Book team goes into the school every month to tell and act out bible stories for the whole school. Community Use We continue to welcome the wider community into Shaw Church and look for new ways of encouraging such use. During 2014 the Open Cafe held on Monday afternoons in the Spring and Summer continued to be popular with people living in the village, including residents and staff of Mavern House. We would like to thank all those who volunteer to run the cafe and show a warm welcome to members of our local community. The Inventory The church inventory has been checked and no changes were noted. 26 Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley. St Michael & All Angels Statement of Income & Expenditure for the year ended 31st December 2014 2014 2013 £ £ Payments Church expenses Parish Share 24,657.00 24,552.00 Deanery Share 10.00 10.00 Maintenance & repairs 1,860.70 6,390.54 Heat, light & water 764.90 920.72 Insurance premiums 1,720.60 1,711.24 Churchyard costs 116.10 457.38 29,129.30 34,041.86 Church Hall expenses Maintenance & repairs 2,262.00 94.44 Heat, light & water 320.74 345.85 Insurance premiums 1,178.99 1,169.27 3,761.73 1,609.56 Parish expenses Clergy fees 528.28 1,382.54 LLM/LPA expenses 382.60 375.00 Parish/service costs 740.90 1,858.73 Away Day costs 100.00 1,651.78 3,716.27 Additional expenses Legal (CCLI) 345.13 Away giving 1,410.79 1,235.54 Printing & stationery 117.26 666.97 Returned fees 289.00 Flower fund costs 137.00 107.90 Kneeler project costs 99.00 115.20 Music 355.70 Holiday Club expenses 728.00 480.00 Apollo Light & Sound 210.95 768.82 Snake 183.25 Messy Church expenses 11.29 To Shaw PCC -from Holiday Club166.68 Silverware - from bequest 568.73 3,794.83 4,202.38 Total payments 38,337.64 43,570.09 Excess of receipts over payments 30,138.54 -7,097.72 Total in current account on 01.01.14 7,621.01 Closing balance on 31.12.14 37,759.55 11 Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley. St Michael & All Angels Statement of Income & Expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2014 2014 2013 £ £ Receipts Envelope scheme 2,346.30 3,974.00 Non-scheme envelopes Direct giving via bank Loose collections Free will offering box. 2,442.00 2,288.00 13,546.00 12,018.00 2,208.81 2,464.23 50.02 32.48 20,593.13 Other donations Fabric Fund Kneeler Fund Flower Fund Music Fund Re-decoration Fund General Fund Messy Church 20,776.71 95.00 46.25 142.00 232.44 1,031.76 662.81 119.00 410.00 28.00 557.00 Additional Income Tax recovered 2,395.92 Investment income 235.61 Fuel repayments Fees 905.53 Repaid expenses 577.36 Church Hall income 382.76 Away Day Fund raising 1,747.78 Away giving 1,410.79 Holiday Club 833.35 Miscellaneous Bequest from Mr Carpenter38,836.95 2,210.60 2,448.19 243.56 160.77 2,925.00 1,109.74 616.23 395.00 3,469.71 1,211.31 895.00 10.55 47,326.05 Total Receipts Ministry changes At the beginning of the year advertisements were placed for a new Priest in charge for the Benefice and following a selection process and interviews of three candidates, an offer was made to Reverend Shona Hoad, a curate at St Paul’s Church Dorking. We are delighted to say that Rev’d Shona accepted our offer and was licensed as Priest in charge by the Bishop of Ramsbury on 13 July. Following a subsequent decision by the diocese to lift the suspension of the presentation of the Benefice, Rev’d Shona was licensed as Vicar by the Archdeacon of Wilts on 2 November. We would like to thank all members of the parish who supported the churchwardens during the vacancy. Services In 2014 services continued to alternate with St Michael’s in Atworth so that on the second and fourth Sundays in each month a Sung Communion is held at 9.30 am followed by an informal service – with or without communion, at 11 am. Refreshments are served at the back of the church between the two services and this is well attended. We are grateful to those who serve coffee during this period. In addition, a Said Communion using the Book of Common Worship is held every first, third and fifth Tuesdays in each month at 7 pm. Additional services were held at Christmas and Easter. The following table sets out the numbers and types of services and, where relevant, the average attendances. Average Average Under 16 Type of Service No. of services Total Attendance Attendance Sung Parish Communion 27 59 4 11 am Worship 19 31 3 11am Worship with HC 6 31 5 Weekday Said Communion 24 8 Sanctuary Prayer 6 5 Messy Church 6 37 Weddings 2 Funerals 4 Burial of Ashes 4 Baptisms 7 Shaw School/Preschool services 6 Other 6 A total of 117 services were held, attended by 5163 worshippers. 13,485.06 68,476.18 36,472.37 12 25 Report of the PCC and Churchwardens of Christ Church, Shaw for 2014 Introduction The parish of Shaw and Whitley is part of the Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley and shares services with the church of St Michael and All Angels in Atworth. Our PCC meets jointly with the PCC of Atworth to discuss issues of common concern and your churchwardens meet regularly with the churchwardens of Atworth. Much of the work of the PCC is delegated to joint Committees consisting of members of both PCCs and other members of both congregations. The Benefice is also part of the Melksham Group of churches which covers Melksham, Beanacre, Holt and Broughton Gifford as well as Atworth, Shaw and Whitley. Our church can only run effectively with the help of many, many people who give freely of their time. Listing names runs the risk of inadvertently missing someone so we would simply like to thank all such volunteers for all their work over the past year. Personnel in 2014 Priest in charge Vicar Assistant Curate Licensed Lay Minister Churchwardens Architect Bankers Independent Examiner PCC Secretary Reverend Shona Hoad (from 13 July to 2 November) Reverend Shona Hoad (from 2 November) Reverend Ruth Gillings Chris Rees Clive Briggs, Sue Evans Raymond Winrow of Slade, Smith & Winrow Lloyds Bank Jonathan Rumens Sue Melvin/Anni Beveridge PCC Ex officio *Reverend Shona Hoad (Incumbent) Reverend Ruth Gillings (Assistanr Curate) *Clive Briggs (Churchwarden) *Sue Evans (Churchwarden) Margaret Beament (Deanery Synod) Ann Harrison (Deanery Synod) Elected Ian Beveridge Pam Drewett David Harris *Derek Laister *Alan Ratcliffe (Treasurer) *Brian Roberts (Vice Chair) Carolyn Venton Sue Whiteford Stephen Hall James Peters *Member of Standing Committee The PCC met four times during the year on its own and four times jointly with the PCC of Atworth. In addition, the PCC’s Standing Committee met on two separate occasions to deal with urgent issues, which were subsequently reported to the PCC at their next meeting. During the joint meetings the PCC received reports from the joint committees and from the Benefice Steering Group that has been set up to monitor progress of the Benefice Plan. Our separate meetings have tended to concentrate on financial matters and issues to do with the fabric of the church. 24 13 PCC OF CHRIST CHURCH SHAW TREASURER'S REPORT Introduction 2014 started off with £590 in No 1 Account and Parish Share in arrears of £2250 (less than the predicted figure of £3000). Direct giving by a number of generous members of our Parish paying a year of giving up front enabled this to be paid before the cut off of the end of January. This however left us playing catch up throughout the year. Voluntary Income Direct giving was up £3000 on 2013 which is good. This is what Stewardship aimed to achieve and with envelope scheme down £1820 showing more members paying ‘regularly’ by bank transfer (less cash in hand) and with white envelopes down £500 we can see where this increase has come from in the main. Overall voluntary income is up £2500 on 2013. More church members are Gift Aiding donations increasing Gift Aid Tax refunds although in 2014 fund raising was down, despite the fantastic efforts of our Social Committee and fund raisers, showing total additional income slightly down on 2013. Share Having paid off the final 2013 Share in January it seemed that 2014 was looking quite good up until the latter part of the year; although it meant keeping a sharp eye on transactions. With the lightning strike causing us to pay for repairs before the insurance claim was settled and the treasurer paying one of the bills twice (fool), I believed it prudent to hold back on payments until January when the receipts for the insurance claim, bill overpayment refund and the Gift Aid Tax refund would give some breathing space. This is the reason for bank balance of £3893 at end of December. Figures below should go some way to show where we would have been Before Rev’d Shona Hoad joined us in the summer various priests officiated at our Sunday and mid-week services. We were very grateful for their valuable assistance and we were also extremely grateful for the committed work of the ministry team of Ken Radley, Chris Rees, Frances O’Donohoe and Claire Horton. Their help was invaluable during the interregnum, particularly regarding the 11o’clock service. We are enormously pleased that our curate, Ruth Gillings, is now so much better and is able to continue her valuable service to the Benefice. The Church Hall was fitted with a new window and gas heater, and is a very cosy and comfortable meeting place, which is unfortunately under used. We need to promote it more widely in order for it not to be a drain on our resources. We look forward to the pleasures and challenges that next year will bring, as we begin a new era with Rev’d Shona and our ministry team. Brian Mitchell & Lynne Spencer : 2014 costs and income, > 31/12/14 Diocesan share Share to Atworth Q4 fees Benefice Expenses Tax rebate Refund Apollo EIO EIO £3,558.00 £1,219.37 £250.00 £387.87 £1,847.24 £406.78 £756.78 £558.96 £3,569.76 12-Jan-15 12-Jan-15 12-Jan-15 31-Jan-15 12-Jan-15 26-Jan-15 31-Dec-14 16-Jan-15 £5,415.24 Excess of income over expenditure -£1,845.48 14 23 As always the PCC has endeavoured to deliver our declared vision -‘to be the centre of community life, providing Christian worship, spiritual teaching, pastoral support and friendship for all ages’. The delivery of this commitment is shared with our sister parish of Shaw with Whitley. We are grateful for everyone’s commitment, the lay ministry team which we are privileged to have in the Benefice, our dedicated teams of cleaners and flower arrangers, and those who embellish our services with music, prayers and readings, and, of course, not forgetting our coffee providers. Without the many people who contribute in the many and varied ways, our worship would be much poorer. We must also acknowledge the dedicated work of the LPAs and the leaders of Life Groups. Churchwarden’s Report Church services during 2014 Sunday Parish Communion 11o’clock Live 11o’clock Communion Let’s Celebrate together Wednesday Communion (BCP) Evening Service School Service Baptism Funeral Marriage Burial of ashes Other service Sanctuary Prayer Services 27 14 4 5 21 5 6 0 3 0 1 1 5 Usual attendance 50 20 20 20 10 Parish Communion is celebrated at 9:30am on the first and third Sundays with the 11o’clock service following after the coffee break. Said Communion using the Book of Common Prayer is celebrated at 9:30a.m on the second and fourth Wednesdays. Fifth Sundays, when a combined Communion service is celebrated at 10:30a.m, alternate between St Michael’s and Christ Church. Since October there has been an opportunity for reflection and prayer led by Rev’d Shona on alternate Sunday evenings (held in St Michael’s on the Sundays when the morning services have been at Christ Church). The Churchwardens are indebted to the large team of Sidespeople who officiate at the services, and to the welcomers who make regular worshippers and visitors so welcome. Also our thanks must go to the dedicated and hard working team who keep the grass under control in the churchyard, without their sterling efforts there would be wilderness. New volunteers are always needed for the many jobs that make our church environment and our worshipsomething that we treasure. It is hoped that the much needed re-decoration of the church will be achieved this year, which will further enhance the beauty of our surroundings. 22 BENEFICE OF ATWORTH WITH SHAW & WHITLEY CHRIST CHURCH FINANCIAL STATEMENT for year ended 31st DECEMBER 2014 General (unrestricted) Fund- Receipts and Payments Account RECEIPTS 2014 Envelope scheme £ 281.35 £ White envelopes £ 910.50 £ Direct giving £ 13,793.00 £ Gift Aid donations £ 3,745.40 £ Loose collection £ 2,738.39 £ Freewill box £ 23.09 £ Non gift aided donations £ 528.00 £ 2,101.20 495.00 10,724.00 3,265.00 2,419.03 80.72 386.08 TOTAL VOLUNTARY INCOME Grant Melksham Without Gift aid tax refund Investment income Fees Fund raising Social gift aided donations Mission Teas/coffee Lent lunches Atworth printing Atworth Parish expenses Disinvestment Transfer No. 2 to No. 1 Other receipts **** Insurance claim £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 22,019.73 150.00 8,599.59 373.48 4,099.76 6,552.02 65.00 622.96 369.63 1,437.00 25.17 1,626.68 - £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 19,471.03 250.00 2,771.63 373.48 7,054.27 8,380.13 608.00 487.40 379.86 1,252.90 676.98 165.86 900.00 836.00 £2548.70 TOTAL ADDITIONAL INCOME TOTAL RECEIPTS £ £ 23,921.29 45,941.02 £ 24,136.51 £43,607.54 - £215.22 £2,333.48 2013 **** Pew sale £600.00 Memorial Tablet £105.00 Sudan GA £265.00 Holiday club Share £166.68 Calendar sales £380.00 Calendar sales £110.00 15 Variance General (unrestricted) Fund-Receipts & Payments Account, continued PAYMENTS 2014 2013 Variance Parish share £ 24,360.00 £ 22,803.00 Maintenance £ 4,633.13 £ 2,100.39 Electricity/oil £ 1,407.28 £ 2,904.74 Insurance £ 2,877.01 £ 2,912.62 Service expenses £ 330.80 £ 238.32 Parish expenses £ 1,512.64 £ 1,476.76 TOTAL CHURCH EX£ PENSES £ 35,120.86 £ 32,435.83 2,685.03 Away giving £ 835.00 £ 1,431.22 Fund raising exFund raising half share Atworth Returned fees Printing Stationery/postage Other £ 651.06 £ 2,272.72 £ £ £ £ £ 1,747.78 775.00 590.08 57.97 530.00 £ £ £ £ £ 3,459.71 1,888.27 1,599.16 88.40 20.00 Half share Lent Cash in hand Social Events £ 835.00 £ 778.83 £ 75.00 Transfer No.1 to Licencing Service Expences Salisbury DBF Sudan Appeal Provision repair boundary wall TOTAL ADDITIONAL EXPENSES £ 650.90 £ 1,050.00 £ 504.50 £ 265.00 £ 500.00 £ 7,517.29 £ 13,088.31 -£ 5,571.02 TOTAL PAYMENTS Excess of receipts over payments Total in bank at start of year No.1 account Total in bank at end of year No.1 account £ 42,638.15 £ 45,524.14 -£ £ 3,302.87 £ 590.64 £ 2,507.24 £ 3,893.51 £ 590.64 £ - £1,916.60 16 Report of the PCC and Churchwardens for St Michael & All Angels for 2014 The Church of St Michael and All Angels, Atworth, with Christ Church, Shaw, is part of the Benefice of Atworth with Shaw and Whitley. Services are held in both churches with a considerable overlap of congregations. Atworth Parochial Church Council (PCC) meets four times a year to direct and manage matters relating to the parish of Atworth. Atworth and Shaw PCC members attend joint Benefice meetings, for much of the work is common to both churches. Members are also on at least one sub-committee; these committees have delegated duties to deliver specific components of PCC responsibilities. Sub-committees operate across the Benefice and report to the joint meetings. Further co-operation across the parishes is achieved by the Churchwardens of both churches regularly meeting together. Atworth parish is part of the Melksham Group of Churches, comprising the parishes: Atworth, Beanacre, Great Chalfield, Holt Broughton Gifford, Melksham, Shaw with Whitley. Ordained ministers, who work within these parishes, are cross licensed to officiate in any parish within the Group. PCC Members 2014 Rev’d Shona Hoad (ex officio) Vicar Rev’d Ruth Gillings (ex officio) Curate Brian Mitchell (ex officio) Churchwarden Lynne Spencer (ex officio) Churchwarden/ Treasurer Charles Boyle Vice Chair David Nott Secretary & Deanery Synod Cynthia Canfield Deanery Synod Maureen Cooke, Jean Hiscocks, Liz Weldon, Althea Lee, Margaret Evans, Richard Slingsby, Caroline Vost Personnel Pianist/Choir leader Helen Snowball Organist Kenneth Spencer Bankers Lloyds Bank plc Independent Examiner Bernard Kain Deacon Ken Radley LLM Chris Rees LLMs in training Frances O’Donohoe & Claire Horton LPAs Dianne Briggs, Michele Donald and Barbara Price. In February we were enormously pleased to receive a substantial bequest from Mr Leslie Carpenter, which will in due course be used to fund the re-decoration of St Michael & All Angels. In July we were delighted to welcome the Rev’d Shona Hoad as Vicar of the Benefice, and with her obvious enthusiasm we look forward to co-operating with her and our dedicated ministry team to deliver a refreshed message to the parish. 21 Shaw Church Fabric Report for Year Ending December 2014 The members of the Fabric Committee are:- Ian Beveridge, Clive Briggs, Sue Evans, David Harris, Rev Shona Hoad, Derek Laister, Brian Roberts and Ian Tait. During the year the fabric committee have held four meetings in the church. Churchyard and Grass Cutting After a favourable quote had been obtained in 2013, the large tree that was responsible for the collapse of the boundary wall on the south side in 2012, was cut down in January. This allowed the damaged wall to be reinstated in September. In the summer/autumn a dead hawthorn tree was also cut down by volunteers. Following a very difficult start, due to very wet conditions in the spring, the grass was finally got under control towards the end of the season. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who helped this important task. Birds in the Belfry Following many attempts over the years to keep birds out of the belfry the PCC agreed that stainless steel chicken wire should be installed in place of the old and rusting galvanised wire. This work was completed in October. Security and theft from the Church In March the audio system mixer unit was stolen. A new unit was installed at the beginning of April and the system made more secure. Resulting in this and other thefts the PCC obtained permission to install a CCTV security system consisting of four cameras with a control unit having a 30 day rolling storage capability located in the tower. This was installed during June and July. Storm Damage On 19 September, during a violent storm, lightning struck the church and caused significant damage to the audio and security systems. The new mixer unit, two speakers in the organ loft and the loop amplifier were taken out together with the new security system. These were covered by insurance and gradually replaced with the loop amplifier completing the task in December. Thanks to Bristol Sound Systems we now have a fully functioning loop system. As a result of the storm the boiler room was again badly flooded and took several hours to clear. Following this a major clear out of the boiler room was undertaken a little later in the year. Future Projects Being Considered:- Net Income from Fund Raising Activities (including recovered tax) Shaw Mission Table £ 662.96 Lent Lunches £ 1,670.00 Benefice Social Events Coffee Morning £ 364.32 Champagne Breakfast £ 262.85 Pancake Evening £ 330.60 Quiz Evening £ 287.41 Plant Sale £ 479.10 Village Fayre £ 108.46 Coffee Morning £ 254.80 Garden Party £ 528.50 Skittles Evening £ 112.00 Greta's Walk £ 1,089.11 Beth Concert £ 165.72 Harvest Supper £ 422.69 Coffee Morning £ 1,032.22 Walking Group £ 185.00 Stonar Concert £ 561.00 TOTAL BENEFICE SOCIAL EVENTS Away Giving £ 6183.78 Monies from Shaw Mission Table, and a half share of the proceeds from the Lent Lunches were distributed as follows:Alzheimer's Society Water Aid Embrace the Middle East Monies from carol singing were distributed by Atworth Treasurer to:Alzheimer's Society Water Aid Major Roof Repairs At the end of the year and in the first few days of 2015 an application was made to the Listed Places of Worship: Roof Repair Fund for a grant to a) replace the deteriorating wooden shingles on the spire b) to reinstate the damaged cast iron guttering on the north side and c) repair roof leaks over the chancel. The application for £14,500 was supported by the Archdeacon, DAC and the Architect. If successful the work could be carried in the summer. The Provision of Toilet and Kitchen Facilities A lot of effort has been put in by a few people to raise funds for this major project. Due to lack of success in obtaining external funding we are still unable to start this project. 20 17 £ 417.50 £ 417.50 £ 622.96 Saint Michael and All Angels Fabric Report for 2014 Members: - Brian Mitchell (Chair), Richard Slingsby (Secretary), Charles Boyle, Graham Canfield, Maureen Cooke and Rev’d Shona Hoad (Ex officio). The committee oversees the custody and maintenance of the fabric, goods and ornaments of the Church, its Churchyard and the Church Hall. The Committee met formally twice during the year and continues to be guided by the 2010 Quinquennial Report and instructions and recommendations from the Parochial Church Council. A new Quinquennial inspection is due during 2015. Following a bequest from the estate of the late Leslie Carpenter, the Committee was asked by the PCC to suggest and cost suitable purchases and works, to benefit the Church, as requested in the bequest. The PCC has asked the Fabric Committee to proceed with preparatory work toward the planned redecoration of the Church interior. We have been in discussion with our church architect and the Diocesan Registry. This has resulted in the need for the preparation of a detailed specification and application for a Diocesan Faculty before seeking tenders for the work. Unscheduled work during the year has required a new time clock and a new burner to be fitted to the Church boiler. New PVC windows were fitted to the remaining 2 wooden frames in the Church Hall. The Committee thanks the small and dedicated band of grass cutters who have continued to maintain the Churchyard and the entrance to the Hall, despite reduced numbers this year. We look forward to welcoming a new member to the team in 2015 and continue to seek further volunteers to lighten the load on our current mowers. Thanks go out to everyone who has come forward, during the year, to help with jobs, large and small, necessary to maintain our beautiful Church, Churchyard and Church Hall. 18 19