Senior Helps Build School in Belize


Senior Helps Build School in Belize
St. Charles North High School
August 2012
First Day of School Edition!
In This Issue:
Choir Goes to Italy - p. 2
Back to School Tips - p. 3
NFL Preview - p. 4
Senior Helps Build School in Belize
by Andrew Stevens
Managing Editor
This summer, I had the unique opportunity to travel to Belize for a humanitarian project. I took this trip with my older
sister, 18 teenagers from across the U.S. and
Canada, and four adult leaders. Our group
was one of four that volunteered to build a
cafeteria for a school in a town outside of
Corozal, Belize which is very close to the
Mexican border. When we arrived to the
work site, the group ahead of us had built
the foundation, and we were faced with the
daunting task of putting up the walls. To
do this, we worked alongside four Belizean
foremen to make our own mortar, lay the
bricks, and make the pillars that would
hold up the roof when the next group got
Let me paint a picture of what Belize
is like. Belize is located south of Mexico,
and east of Guatemala. It’s eastern border
along the Caribbean is home to the second
biggest coral reef in the world, behind the
Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The entire
country is decorated with palm trees, and
in some parts they even have dense rainforests, which brings me to the humidity.
The second I got off the plane, the heat
and humidity were unbearable. That entire country was a sauna. Many Americans
retire to Belize because of its beaches and
warm weather, but also because Belize is
the only Central American country that
cites English as their national language;
however, because I was so close to Mexico,
almost everyone knows Spanish too. Some
people in central and southern Belize even
speak Creole.
We worked nine of the seventeen days
we were there, but we also spent a lot of
time being tourists. Some of the highlights
of these days were cave tubing, zip lining through the rainforest, visiting Mayan
ruins, and snorkeling. We were away from
home on the 4th of July, so we had our own
celebration while we were there and attended a local talent show.
Belize is a third world country, put
simply. While I was there, even in our
hotel, we weren’t allowed to drink the
water because it was contaminated with
aid in the area and ultimately how much
the project affected them.
My seventeen days in Belize were
definitely an eye opening experience. I had
always known what conditions were like in
a third world country, but I wasn’t aware
of what poor conditions they lived in until
my trip. I really liked being able to drop
Photo Courtesy of Andrew Stevens
Volunteers build walls for a school cafeteria in Belize.
parasites. You had to be careful not to swallow water in the shower and had to use
bottled water to brush your teeth. Before
I left for Belize, I had to be vaccinated for
Hepatitis A and B and take typhoid pills
so I wouldn’t contract diseases. The people
there have to work very hard to scrape by.
The father of one of the families we visited
works as a security guard a few hours from
home. He had left that morning before 4:00
a.m. and got home around 8:00 p.m., and
I’d assume, by the look of their house, he
doesn’t make very much. It was only about
two or three rooms and their living room
was about the size of my bedroom. Seeing
the conditions these people lived in made
me realize the necessity for humanitarian
everything and leave America so that I
could do something for someone other than
myself and to help people I hadn’t even
met before I agreed to make the trip. The
kids were really grateful for us being there.
We were able to spend a lot of time with
them, playing with them during breaks and
teaching them some English in the classroom. Doing this served as a motivation to
us. It was great to see that your work made
such an impact on someone’s life, and that
they really appreciated it. I really hope I get
a chance to do something like this again,
and I recommend everyone to take an oppurtunity like this one, for it really is life
Our Student Body President Addresses You
by Olivia Cesarone
Student Body President
As your new Student Body President, I
plan to communicate directly with you as
often as possible. This year I’ll be taping
“fireside chats” for video announcements
to try to keep the student body up to date
on upcoming events for the whole school.
Homecoming is quickly approaching,
and with this year’s theme of “Childhood
Stories,” we have been busy all summer
getting ready. Festivities will kick off October 5th with float building. It’s a shortened
week so Tuesday will start with Class Color
Day along with the Pep Assembly and
window painting downtown after school.
Wednesday will follow with America Day
(hang onto your red, white, and blue) and
Co-Ed Volleyball in the evening. Thursday
is Dorm/Snuggie Day and Star Wars will
be in the evening. Friday consists of our
school spirit competition, and then early release for the parade and football game. The
dance, as always, will be on Saturday. Look
for promotional signs for important voting
information and sale dates!
Page 2
Performs At The Vatican
by Joey Doody
Contributing Writer
Every two years, the St. Charles North
we got to walk around every city that we
Chorale and Bel Canto take a trip to Euwent to.”
rope over summer break, and this summer
Along with the Vatican and the Panthey were fortunate enough to visit Italy,
theon, these SCN students sang in cities
where they sang the 4:00 p.m. Mass at the
including Perugia, Florence, Rome, and
Vatican. For those of you who don’t know,
the Vatican is a cathedral where the Pope
“My favorite part of the trip was
gives mass.
visiting the small town of Assisi. It was
Aaron Benshish, a member of the Chothis beautiful little town in Tuscany. The
rale said, “It was overwhelming being part
history was fascinating. The people were
Photo Courtesy Travis Volmer
of an authentic Vatican service. Singing
very friendly as well,” said Aaron BenshThe North choir sings at the 4:00 p.m. Mass.
there was an unforgettable experience.”
Not only did they sing in the Vatican,
Between the Cathedrals, monuments,
first soloist sang, we couldn’t believe what
but also in the Pantheon. The Pantheon
history, the people, and the food, a trip to
we heard; it was that good. It gave everyis used as a Roman Catholic Church, and
Italy seems to include a little bit of someone chills.”
is currently the world’s largest concrete
thing for everyone. When asked if they
While the highlight of the trip was
dome. Travis Volmer, a member of the
would recommend visiting Italy to their
being given the opportunity to sing in
Chorale, said,“When we sang in the Panpeers, both members of the Chorale said
renowned cathedrals such as the Vatican
theon, there is no way to describe how it
they would definitely suggest that everyand the Pantheon, Volmer said, “We had
sounded. The echo was amazing. When our tour guides that took us everywhere, and
body should take the chance to go to Italy.
Useless Blather
by Ryan Conlon
Layout staff
•These are actual towns in the United States: Deadhorse, Alaska;
Hell, Michigan; Nameless, Tennessee; Nothing, Arizona; Townville, Missouri; and Whynot, North Carolina. Behold, some of the
laziest names in history.
•The City of Detroit has legally forbidden all employees from
wearing perfume, cologne, or any scented deodorant, lotion, gel,
hair spray, etc., on the job. So apparently being smelly is the new
•In America, February is Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month. Was this really such a pressing issue in our Country
we had to devote a whole month to raise awareness for it?
•Most of the world’s countries do not use daylight savings time. It
is primarily used in the Northern Hemisphere. Lucky us.
•The annual secret service budget in the United States is roughly
$1.5 billion. Well, too bad we’ll never know where the money
goes due to the whole “secret” part.
•A person from Delaware is known as a Delawarean. How original.
Top Movies of the Summer
as chosen by the Stargazer staff
1. The Dark Knight Rises
The movie was full of suspense, with everyone on the edge.
2. Brave PG
The movie had a great plot and was excellent for every age.
3. The Amazing Spiderman PG-13
The director created a unique interpretation, and was full of action and
remarkable acting.
4. Ted R
While vulgar at times, the plot line was clever and filled with humor.
5. Snow White and the Huntsman PG-13
The movie took a dark take on the classic fairy tale, with a clever plot.
•Seventy-four percent of Americans say they like dogs more as
opposed to people that like cats more, according to an Associated
Press survey. The poll also found that fifteen percent dislike cats,
while only two percent dislike dogs, and that twenty-eight per
cent of Americans would give CPR to a dog or cat. I’m not sure if
I would give CPR to a cat or dog, seems like a lot of responsibility
being able to help revive not one but two animals.
•Nevada is the third largest gold mining district in the world (be
hind South Africa and Australia) and the Comstock Lode, in Ne
vada, is the largest silver deposit ever found anywhere. Wow, why
does Nevada even need gambling?
•American workers took an average of 14 sick days in 2007. Why do I
get the feeling that the word sick should be in quotation marks?
•The biggest snow person ever built was by the residents of Bethel, Maine, in 2008. The 122-foot 1-inch snow woman didn’t entirely melt until July that same year. To be fair, defying nature is one of the few
things to do in Maine.
August /September Events
30 & 31
1st Day of School!
Boy’s Varsity Soccer Home Game (4:30-6:30 p.m.)
Girl’s Varsity Volleyball Home Game (5:30-7:30 p.m.)
Freshman Student
Boy’s Volleyball Home Game (7:30-10:00 p.m.)
Girls Varsity Tennis Home Game (8:00-10:00 a.m.)
Book Club meeting (2:30 p.m.)
Reach meeting (2:30 p.m.)
GSA meeting in room 224 (2:30-3:15 p.m.)
Girls Varsity Swimming Home Meet (5:00-7:00 p.m.)
Future Educators Association meeting in room 409
Stargazer Summer Staff
Ryan Hartson Editor in Chief
Katlyn bolf Layout Staff
andrew stevens Managing Editor Cory bender Layout Staff
Joey doody Contributing Writer
ryan conlon Layout Staff
Council Elections (Online)
Page 3
Back to School
Over the Summer, We Dealt With A Lot
Photo Courtesy of Matt Lynch
Construction on 64, preventing kids from getting to East for summer school.
Photo Courtesy of Matt Lynch
Those that drive could seldom go anywhere without seeing these glorious orange
10 Ways to Get Out of the Summer Blues
by Katlyn Bolf
Layout Staff
Summer is a wonderful thing. You don’t have to worry about tests, or homework assignments. But how do you go from a day waking
up at noon, to waking up at six in the morning? How do you go from laying out by the pool all day, to being in a classroom for eight
hours and having to study? Now the peace is gone, and you’re under a ton of stress, and it’s only the first day of the year!
Just kidding. Here’s a list of tips to make the transition easier on you. You’re welcome.
1. Always remember: It’s a new year: There are new students, new grades, new opportunities, and new choices so that you can make
this year your best one yet!
2. Be prepared: Make sure you have plenty of pencils, paper, and the proper supplies for each class.
3. Get used to taking notes again: I know it’s a drag, but jotting down important information in your notes will help you down the
road, rather than remembering an entire lecture.
4. Think about your future: Which will help you later on in life: playing video games until midnight or studying for a test that’s
worth 15% of your grade?
5. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier: Studies have shown that teenagers that get at least eight hours of sleep every night, generally have higher GPAs than students who get less.
6. Eat breakfast: You could spare five minutes every morning to eat something. It will increase your brain activity, improve your
mood, and actually help you eat healthier. After all, it is the most important meal of the day.
7. Get used to the fact that you have responsibilities now: Deciding to skip a day because you “don’t feel like it” isn’t a habit you
should be comfortable with anymore. How will you survive out there if you don’t go to work because you’d rather sit home in your
pajamas? Life doesn’t take rain checks, and it’s for the best if you get used to doing what’s necessary now, rather than finding out
8. Get motivated:“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” A brilliant psychologist
named Wayne Dyer created this philosophy. For a majority of your life, events will happen to you. The only choice you will have is
how to respond to it. For example, going to school or studying for a test or making the team. If you don’t accept the fact that you actually have to do things now that you’re a young adult, you’ll be sure to have a difficult future.
9. Be Involved: A sophomore at North named Zach Greiter said that starting football was his way of getting used to school again. So
by going to sporting events and getting involved with clubs and activities will help you get back the school spirit and make your year
worthwhile (maybe join Stargazer!)
10. Organization is key: Get a planner and use it. It helps stay on track, which will help you earn better grades and decrease stress.
Organize your locker as well. There are colorful and unique locker organizers and shelves that you could make/buy that will make
your locker less gloomy looking, while giving you more space. A clean locker is a happy locker.
Page 4
The Contradictory Athlete: Michael Phelps
by Ryan Hartson
If you just look at Michael Phelps’ raw statistics, they’re nothing short of remarkable.
He has 22 total medals in Olympic play, the
best ever, including 18 gold medals. That’s
double the athletes in second place (four
tied with nine). He has eight gold medals
in one Olympic year (2008, Beijing). That’s
great, but this is 2012.
All you heard about going into ‘08 was
how hard Phelps was working and how
much he loved being in the pool. Cameras were always panning to his mother
in the crowd cheering him on with tears
in her eyes. It was a great Olympic story.
He won all the medals, and America fell
in love with the boy with a winning smile.
Then he made it back from China, and as
these things usually go, Phelps went Hollywood. According to the Davie-Brown
Index, a metric used to measure endorsement appeal, Phelps was recognized by
95% of American consumers. He was more
recognizable than Michael Jordan or Tom
Hanks. Whether it be Wheaties, Subway, or
the Sports Illustrated cover, Michael Phelps
was everywhere.
And what happens when the great
American story ends? Well, it depends on
the athlete. Tiger Woods, yeah, not a good
example. What about Brett Favre? His
wife changed his texting plan. Lance Armstrong? Maybe he did steroids, maybe not,
but we still like him. And despite all the
gambling and drinking, we never stopped
loving Michael Jordan, and now he runs
a spectacularly below average basketball
team. Where does Phelps fit into that? He
was caught by TMZ smoking marijuana.
The endorsements were gone, and everyone stopped caring. It wasn’t even that
the general public was outraged by the pot
smoking scandal, it was just over. People
turned the page: it’s not football, it’s not
even golf, it’s swimming. The American
public isn’t required to care about swimming any more than once every four years.
As soon as Phelps tripped up, the public
took a collective yawn and the eight-goldmedals-in-one-Olympics athlete was out of
the spotlight.
After all that, it was up to him to start
preparing for the 2012 Summer Olympics
in London.
Leading up to the Olympics, Phelps
was talking about his goals for the games
and said,“Now it’s just a matter of how
many toppings I want on my sundae,” according to the Associated Press.
Really? Oh yeah, he’s totally motivated,
and he’s going to kill it at these games.
Let’s pump the brakes here for a second.
Why did he even go to the Olympics? It’s
fairly clear from every interview he does
and his general demeanor that he doesn’t
want to be there. Phelps admitted on multiple occasions that he hasn’t worked as hard
as he has in previous Olympics. Listen,
that’s fine. If you’re not going to work hard,
that’s a “you” problem. But let’s take this
all into account when you consider his 2012
performance, which in its own way, was
the most impressive of his career.
Phelps won four golds, two silvers, and
one fourth place finish (we won’t talk about
that one). The swimmer that obviously
doesn’t care anymore. The swimmer that
talks more about retirement than upcoming
events. That swimmer dominated another
Olympics. What exactly does it say about
the rest of the field? Who else actually
put the endless hours in, actually worked
until they threw up, and then the slacker
smoked all of them again? It’s obvious
now that Phelps is the greatest swimmer
of all time. His work ethic dwindled, his
hunger faded, yet he still dominated. All
the criticism of Phelps is completely fair
- he doesn’t care anymore - but not caring and still ruling the world is, in its own
way, more impressive than outworking the
world and dominating.
Apparently, Michael Phelps can have
as many toppings on his sundae as he
2012 NFL Season Preview
by Cory Bender
Layout Staff
The NFL season is quickly approaching, and it
looks like another amazing year of football is
upon us. Here’s a preview of the NFC North,
the Jets, and the Broncos.
Let’s start with the Chicago Bears. They
started off hot last year. Jay Cutler was playing
phenomenally and the defense was a well-oiled
machine. Then, injuries hit the team’s star players. They ended up going 8-8, just missing the
playoffs, as well as leaving fans disappointed.
With the addition of Brandon Marshall, watch
out for Jay Cutler to have a huge season, while
paired with his new, legitimate receiver. Be sure
to look for this team in the playoffs.
Now it’s time for the division leader from
last year: the Green Bay Packers. Last season,
they had a 15-1 record, but ended up losing
their playoff game to the New York Giants.
Aaron Rodgers was the league MVP, and took
the offense to a whole new level. As usual, they
didn’t go after too many big names in free agency; however, they did pick up Jeff Saturday, the
long time center for Peyton Manning. This is
a huge upgrade for the Packers’ offensive line.
The defense last year was noted to be decent,
but the Packers led the league in takeaways
last season. The Packers’ offense is still a huge
threat with Rodgers leading the way, and if the
team stays healthy, they should still be in the
hunt for the NFC North crown.
Next are the re-surging Detroit Lions who
finished with a 10-6 record last season. The
Lions quarterback, Matthew Stafford, completed his first full season as a starter. He threw
for 5,038 yards and 41 touchdowns. Not bad
for a guy with a million injuries in his career.
For most of the season, the Lions and Bears
battled for the second spot in the division, until
the Bears’ injury bug hit. The Lions ended up
losing to the Saints in the Wild Card round, but
gave a good effort with a final score of 45-28.
So far in the off-season they have released
safety, Aaron Berry, and there have been seven
players arrested. The team will have to get
mentally stable to perform this season. If Calvin
Johnson can still put up big numbers, this team
will be fine.
Last and definitely least: the Minnesota
Vikings. The first year with Christan Ponder as
quarterback didn’t turn out well, with a season
of 3-13. Adrian Peterson battled injuries all
season long, again, and the defense couldn’t
help the struggling offense. But on the upside,
Ponder looks like he can develop to be a good
quarterback in the league. If Adrian Peterson
stays healthy, he can take the pressure off of
Ponder and get the offense going. The Vikings
also drafted offensive tackle, Matt Kalil, who
will look to improve the line, and keep Ponder
from running around defenders.
The Broncos, as well as a lot of football
fans, were mesmerized by Tebow-Mania. After
having a great season with Tebow, they beat
the Steelers in the wild card round, but then
got crushed by the Patriots. With Peyton Manning in the market and John Elway not being
Tebow’s biggest fan, the team traded Tebow
to the Jets and acquired Manning in the offseason. On paper, the Broncos are a Super
Bowl contender. However, I’m cautious about
it. Manning has had two or three surgeries on
his neck in the past two years, so he will not be
as great as he used to be. However, if he plays
anywhere near his level, this team can win. The
defense is young and wrecks havoc on their opponents, and Manning will have a great running
game, and will be making great connections
with his new receivers. Look for them to win
their division.
Next is the New York Tebows, I mean the
Jets, sorry. The Jets missed the playoffs last
year, and once again couldn’t put up enough
points to win. The Jets got Tebow to give Mark
Sanchez a backup, so Sanchez will need to
improve his game, and especially his accuracy
with all of the pressure on him now. (You know
you’re on the hot seat when your backup has a
press conference.) The defense is old, but can
still shut down teams, and will look to give the
Jets’ offense a chance to put up a lot of points
this season.
In short, last year we saw Tebow-mania - a
year of hype. This year will be full of questions: what will happen with the Saints? How
is Tebow going to be as a back-up? How will
Tebow and Rex Ryan interact? Can Manning
stay healthy? Watch the games and keep checking in on SportsCenter for updates throughout
the season. Or, for updates on specific players
throughout the week, check your fantasy football league.
A full review for each team can be found on
page 5.
Page 5
Fall Football Team Preview
by Cory Bender
The NFL season is quickly approaching, and it
looks to be another great year of football is upon us.
I’m here to break down all the divisions and story
lines of the year.
Let’s start with the NFC North, with the division
leaders from last year, the Green Bay Packers. Last
season they had a 15-1 record only to end up losing
their playoff game to the Super Bowl Champion
New York Giants. Aaron Rodgers was the league
MVP, and took the offense to a whole new level.
As usual, they didn’t go after too many big names
in free agency but did pick up Jeff Saturday, the
long time center for Peyton Manning, which will
be a huge upgrade for the Packers’ offensive line.
The lineman in the past few years have struggled to
stay healthy, however, Saturday isn’t known to be
injury prone. The defense last year was noted to be
decent, but the Packers lead the league in takeaways
last season. The Packers offense is still a huge threat
with Rodgers leading the way, and if the team stays
healthy, they should still be in the hunt for the NFC
North crown.
Next is the re-surging Detroit Lions, who finished
with a 10-6 record last season. The Lions quarterback, Matthew Stafford, completed his first full
season, and it was great. He threw for 5,038 yards
and 41 touchdowns. Not bad for a guy with a million injuries in his career. The Lions and Bears for
most of the season were battling for the 2nd spot
in the division, but when the Bears’ injury bug hit,
the Lions took a huge advantage. The Lions ended
up losing to the Saints in the Wild Card round, but
gave a good effort in the first playoff game, and
played the best they have in over a decade. So far
in the off season, they have released Aaron Berry,
safety, as well as there have been 7 players arrested.
The Lions character has been questioned for the
past few years and is deserved, however, I believe
they can conduct themselves. Yes, Ndamkouh Suh
stomped on someone last year, and coach Swharts
had an argument with coach Jim Hargbough. But, I
think they can learn from it and have a chance to go
deep in the playoffs. If Calvin Johnson all of sudden
falls into the Madden curse, however, then there
will be problems.
Now we have the Chicago Bears. They started off
hot last year. Jay Cutler was playing phenomenal
and the defense looked like a well oiled machine.
Then as I stated earlier, the injury bug hit, impacting Cutler and Forte the most. They ended up going
8-8, missing the playoffs, and leaving many fans
disappointed. I am intrigued to see, however, the
new receiver they got in the draft, Alshon Jeffery.
He is a guy who I saw in college make some amazing grabs, and should go well with Brandon Marshall, who is someone Cutler can throw to without
dropping the ball. Yes, Marshall has not been as
productive since he was in Miami, however, Cutler
makes his receivers better. Watch out for this team
in the playoffs.
Last and finally not least, is the Minnesota
Vikings. The first year with Christain Ponder as
quarterback didn’t turn out well, going 3-13. Adrian
Peterson battled injuries all season long, again, and
the defense couldn’t help the struggling offense. On
the upside, is that Ponder looks like he can develop
to be a good quarterback in the league.
Now we have the NFC South, with the Saints.
Drew Brees had a record breaking season, and was
in the running for the league’s MVP. Last season,
they beat the Lions in the Wild Card round, but
then lost to the 49ers in the closing seconds. The
Saints this off season were hit hard, with suspension
of players and coaches who have allegedly participated in player bounties. They lost Coach Sean
Peyton for an entire year, linebacker Jonathan Vilma
is also gone for the year, head coach Joe Vitt is gone
for 6 games, and defensive end Will Smith is gone
for four. With all of the distractions from this off
season and no real coaching presence, I just don’t
see a Super Bowl contending team that I’m used to
seeing. However, if Drew Brees stays healthy, then
anything is possible because he is, for the most part,
a great offensive coordinator.
Now we have the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons
once again got into the Playoffs, but only to lose in
their first game for the 3rd year in a row. The Falcons went out and got former Eagles corner back,
Asanute Samuel, and re signed Brent Grimes. The
Falcons will look to take the division crown, with
the Saints in limbo.
The Panthers last season finished the season with
a 6-10, record and ultimately were in almost every
game. Rookie quarterback, Cam Newton, rejuvenated the offense and threw for over 3,000 yards and
ran for over a thousand. With the return of middle
linebacker, Jon Beason, watch out for this team to
make a run at the top spot in conference.
Next is the Buccaneers. The Bucs ended up having a surprisingly bad season with a 4-12 record.
Quarterback Josh Freeman took a few notches down
in play, and his receivers didn’t help him much
either. The Bucs signed long time Chargers receiver,
Vincent Jackson, who should spark the team’s offense this season.
Now onto the NFC West. The 49ers took the NFL
by storm and surprised many people by getting to
the NFC Championship game. Alex Smith played
great, and showed a huge upside for future games.
The defense is still going strong, and the team
ended up getting Mario Manningham to help support Alex Smith. Watch out for this team to be in the
Super Bowl. They have a great defense, a coach who
put trust in Alex Smith to perform, which has so far
paid off, and if Frank Gore stays healthy, their running game will be excellent, as usual.
The Seahawks last year had a disappointing year
after beating the Saints in the epic wild card game
from the year before. They really struggled with
finding the right quarterback and the defense didn’t
perform well either. The organization is hoping that
former backup, Matt Flynn, can be there as quarterback. He has done decent in Green Bay, and then
had a monster game for throwing over 500 yards
and 6 touchdowns in a week 17 win against the Lions. If Flynn plays anywhere near that kind of level,
the Seahawks offense should perform great. He will
have a good running game with Marshawn Lynch,
and has a good receiver, Sydney Rice.
Up next are the Arizona Cardinals. The Cardinals
last season were hoping quarterback, Kevin Kolb,
would carry them into playoff contention. However,
he underperformed majorly, and was outplayed by
his backup, John Skelton. The team is very young
and has doubts with the quarterback position. This
will not help them at all. Larry Fitzgerald will still
put up good numbers, but the wins won’t come in
until they have a definitive quarterback.
Now off to the St. Louis Rams. The Rams had a 2-14
record falling into another high draft pick. Their
most explosive wide receiver Brandon Lloyd signed
with New England. However, the defense will be
lifted with the signing of Cortland Finnegan and
new coach Jeff Fisher should get this team back on
track. Sam Bradford’s health will most likely be a
concern again. Don’t expect a lights out year, but
look for Bradford to put up some decent numbers.
And now for the last division in the conference,
the NFC East. First up is the Super Bowl champions,
the New York Giants. Eli Manning, at the beginning
of the year, was asked if he was an elite quarterback,
and he responded with a confident “yes”. Despite
his cockiness, he definitely proved it by winning
another Super Bowl, and having one of his top
statistical seasons in his career. The Giants pulled
another deep run in the playoffs, and got another
Super Bowl win against the Patriots. The off season
for the Giants has been decent, except for the loss of
receiver Mario Manningham signing with the 49ers.
However, the Giants still have Hakeem Nicks, and
the surprise of last year being Victor Cruz. The
running game will still be solid and the defense
will take care of business as usual. If this team stays
healthy, look for them to repeat.
The Dallas Cowboys last season ended up missing the playoffs by losing the last game of the season to the Giants. Once again, Tony Romo and the
boys didn’t step up in the big game. The off season
has not been the best with 2nd year receiver Dez
Bryant getting arrested for hitting his own mother.
Bryant has had some off field issues, but this has
obviously been the most scrutinized act he has ever
done. His quarterback, Tony Romo, is still supporting him, which is great, because the team needs
Bryant to make plays and stay out of trouble. This
team has the talent on both sides of the ball to win
it all, they just don’t seem to play when everything
is on the line. That won’t change overnight, but I
believe this team will find some mental toughness
and make a good playoff run.
Next is last years biggest story, the Eagles. The
team had made many flashy picks in free agency,
adding talent on offense and defense, making
them the best team on paper by many people. The
“Dream Team” as Vince Young called it, went 8-8
and underperformed for most of the year. Their
linebackers were exposed, and Michael Vick once
again had injury problems and the team never got a
good run. After the disappointing year, I think the
team will be motivated to achieve more. The defense will keep on improving, and should be feared
by many teams. If Michael Vick can at least stay
healthy for 80% of the season, this team can contend
for the Super Bowl.
Last is the Washington Redskins. They will be
looking to see whether the number 2 pick in the
draft, Robert Griffin III (RG3), is as good as they’re
paying him. He should have success under Mike
Shanahan’s system. He will get help from the team
signing of Pierre Garcon, and the defense will once
again be a machine. Don’t expect a playoff run, but
look for 5 or 6 wins from this team.
Now it’s time to transition to the AFC, and start
with the North division. The Ravens won the division last year and made it all the way to the AFC
Championship game, only to lose on a missed field
goal. The team is looking to rebound from their disappointing loss, and looks like they can make one
last playoff push. The defense is starting to get old,
and linebacker Terrell Suggs will be gone for about
a month of the season. On the plus side, the team
gave star running back, Ray Rice, a 5 year extension,
and Joe Flacco looks like he will have another good
year. Watch out for 2nd year receiver, Torrey Smith,
for he has a lot of potential, and could really help
this team go far in the playoffs.
Next we have the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Steelers ending up going 12-4, but lost both games to
the Ravens so they ended up getting a wild card
match up with the Broncos. Many people, including
myself, picked them to win, but Tim Tebow made
another clutch throw and got the win on the first
play in overtime. The off season has not been the
best for the team, with a big dispute with receiver,
Mike Wallace, about getting a different contract. The
team ending up re signing Antonio Brown, so watch
out for Mike Wallace’s numbers. It doesn’t help that
quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, is injured again
and James Harrison can’t seem to keep his mouth
shut. The team is getting older and I really don’t
expect a division crown this year.
The Bengals last season ended up showcasing
their rookies with quarterback, Andy Dalton, and
receiver, AJ Green. They did good enough to get
into the playoffs as the 3rd seed in the division.
They lost to the Texans in a hard fought wild card
game. There is so much upside to this team, and
since they are a young team, it seems like they are
only going to keep on improving. They drafted
corner back, Dre Kirkpatrick, which will help their
secondary if he is as good as experts think he is.
With the Ravens and Steelers getting older, look
for this team to take the crown in a few years. They
could make the 2nd seed in the division if they can
get a hot start.
Next up is the Cleveland Browns, who has had
another disappointing season. The Browns fans
should be excited for rookie running back, Trent
Richardson. Richardson looks to strengthen the offense with his power running ability, and give this
team a spark. They also drafted Oklahoma State
quarterback, Brandon Weeden, who will look to
provide a good passing game for the Browns.
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Football Preview continued
by Cory Bender
The NFL season is quickly approaching, and it
looks to be another great year of football is upon us.
I’m here to break down all the divisions and story
lines of the year.
Let’s start with the NFC North, with the division leaders from last yea Off to the AFC South,
starting with the Houston Texans. Last year, they
once again had a number of injury problems, but
still got the 1st seed in division. They beat the
Bengals in round 1, but lost to the Ravens with
backup quarterback, TJ Yates, having to play for the
injured Matt Shaub. Mario Willams, the long time
linebacker/defensive end, left to go play with the
Bills, which will be a huge loss for their defense.
They do have 2nd year DE JJ Watt who shined on
the team last year and look for young linebacker,
Brian Cushing, to get better. The team has the talent
on offense also with arguably the best receiver in
Andre Johnson, star running back Arian Foster and
quarterback Matt Shaub. They need to stay healthy
in order to make a run at the Super Bowl, and will
be a contender in the conference this year.
Next is the Titans, who finished at 9-7 but missed
the playoffs. The loss of Pro Bowl corner back, Cortland Finnegan, will hurt the defense majorly this
season. Receiver, Kenny Britt, has been struggling
to stay out of legal trouble again this off season, so
their best receiver will most likely under perform.
Matt Hasselback has been playing solidly but will
most likely look to hand the ball off to Chris Johnson as he looks to rebound from his disappointing
The Jaguars are up next. The Jags, on paper, look
to be a team with a lot of talent offensively and
rightfully so. Running back, Maurice Jones Drew,
has been battling for a new contract, but he will
most likely have another great year. The Jags drafted Oklahoma State’s star receiver, Justin Blackmon,
in the first round of the draft. He will be 2nd year
quarterback Blaine Gabbert’s favorite receiver who
looks to improve on a disappointing year.
Last up is the Peyton Manning less Colts. Last
season was very disappointing, as Peyton Manning
didn’t take one snap for the entire year. With his
neck being a major concern for the Franchise, the
Colts released their longtime quarterback and drafted Andrew Luck. The Colts hope to build around
the quarterback who is the most highly talked about
rookie quarterback, possibly since Ryan Leaf. Don’t
expect too many wins as the team is rebuilding at
almost every position, but they could be deadly
once Luck gets more years under his belt.
Time to dive into the AFC West, where all of the
talk is about Peyton Manning and his new team, the
Denver Broncos. The Broncos last year were mesmerized by Tim Tebow, as well as a lot of football
fans. They beat the Steelers in the wild card round
but then got crushed by the Patriots. With Peyton
Manning in the market, and John Elway not being Tebow’s biggest fan, the team traded Tebow
to the Jets and got Manning in the off season. On
paper, this team is a Super Bowl contender this
year. However, I want to be cautious about it, for
Manning has had 2 or 3 surgeries on his neck in the
past 2 years. He will not be as great as he used to
be, but if he plays at anywhere close to his level of
play this team can win. The defense is young, and
wrecks havoc on their opponents. Manning has a
good running game and will make great connections with his new receivers. Look for them to win
their division.
Next are the San Diego Chargers. They once
again had all of the talent, and yet could not get
a hot start or really anything to go well for them.
They put themselves in a lot of games, but couldn’t
get the job done. Vincent Jackson jumped ship to
the Buccaneers so the receiving core will diminish a
lot this season. This will not help Philip Rivers, who
is trying to rebound from his disappointing season.
With Antonio Gates getting older and the defense
not playing at a high level, look for them to dip in
the standings.
The Oakland Raiders last season were a very
interesting team. They went 8-8 and were in position to get into the playoffs but couldn’t make it. In
the beginning, they looked like a huge threat, and
then two games later they looked awful. The team
has a new GM, as well as a new coach, and they are
looking to build around Carson Palmer. The team
will most likely backslide in the standings.
The Chiefs last season had a chance to win the
division, but fell just one game short. The team had
injury problems with many of their key players
including Matt Cassel, Dwayne Bowe and Jammal
Charles. If the team stays healthy for most of the
year, they can fight for the division with the Broncos. The defense will be lead by young linebacker,
Thamba Hali, and safety, Eric Berry. This team
looks to have a lot of potential than we have seen in
recent years.
Now for the last division in the NFL, the AFC
East. The Patriots last season went 13-3 and lost in
the Super Bowl to the Giants. Many experts criticized that the receivers on the team weren’t good
enough and needed to give star quarterback better
weapons. They went out and signed Brandon Llyod
who has had some good years and will only get better from playing with Brady. The defense may not
have the biggest names, but they do a fantastic job.
As long as Brady stays healthy, this team will once
again have a shot at the Super Bowl.
Next is the New York Tebows, I mean Jets sorry.
The Jets missed the Playoffs last year and once again
couldn’t put up enough points to beat good teams.
The Jets got Tim Tebow to give Mark Sanchez a
backup. Sanchez will need to improve his game
with all of the new pressure, and especially his accuracy. (You know you’re on the hot seat when your
backup has a press conference.) The defense is old,
but can still shut down teams and will look to give
the Jets offense a chance to put up a lot of points
this season.
The Dolphins had another disappointing season
and missed the playoffs. The team lost Brandon
Marshall to the Bears in free agency and signed
Chad Johnson/Ochocinco. Chad has not had a productive season in a few years. The Dolphins drafted
quarterback Ryan Tannehill who will most likely
back up Matt Moore for the time being. Expect the
Dolphins to have about a 4-12 season.
And last, but certainly not least, is the Buffalo
Bills. The Bills in the first few weeks of the season
got hot and even beat the Patriots. Ryan Fitzpatrick
was paid and then his numbers dipped and the Bills
started to fall apart. This team will have a decent
year if they stay healthy and if receiver Stevie Johnson can develop into a great player.
Well that’s all of them. Every team has been previewed for the season. With so many story-lines and
great teams, football fans everywhere can’t wait for
this season to approach us.
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