SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Women`s 100
SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Women`s 100
SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/14:50 Women’s 100 Metres Golden League Event 2007 World Best: 10.90 Torri Edwards USA Carson Age 20 May 07 (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, FRA LOUAMI Carima FRA 28y 42d 1979 4 under-23 ECH 4x100 2001; ht ECH 100 2006 In 2007: 2 French indoor 60; 2 Sotteville-lès-Rouen 100; 2 Noisy-le-Grand 100 2, GRE KARASTAMATI Maria GRE 22y 194d 1984 11.39 11.03 -05 2005 European under-23 Champion at 100m ... 100m time down from 11.48 to 11.03 in 2005 200 pb: 24.25 -04. 2 Balkan 100 2004; 3 EIC 60 2005; 1 under-23 ECH 100 2005; 3 ECP 100 2005; sf WCH 100 2005. 1 Greek 100 2005/2007 ... coach-Yeóryios Panayiotópoulos (same as Fani Halkia) In 2007: 1 Athens 100; 1 Greek 100 3, POL ONYSKO Daria POL 25y 328d 1981 11.39 11.39 -07 2007 European indoor bronze at 60m ... 2006 European finalist at 100m 2 under-23 ECH 100 2003; 7 ECP 100 2004 (2005/2006-8); ht EIC 60 2005; 8 ECH 100 2006; 9 WCP 100 2006; 3 EIC 60 2007. 1 Polish 100 2003/2004/2005/2006 In 2007: 3 EIC 60; 1 Hengelo 100 ‘B’; 1 Biala Podlaska 100; 6ht Znamenskiy Memorial 100 4, BLR SAFRONNIKOVA Natalya BLR 34y 115d 1973 11.55 11.05 -03 (Née Vinogradova) ... the rightful 2003 World Indoor Champion at 200m, following the disqualification of Anastasiya Kapachinskaya 60 pb: 7.04 -01. 200 pb: 22.68 -01 (23.81 -07). sf OLY 200 96 (2004-qf); sf ECH 100/200 98; sf WCH 100 99 (2001-qf); 3 WIC 200 2001 (2003 -6); 1 ECP 200 2001 (95/96-6, 97-4); 2 ECP 100 2001 (95/96-6, 97-3); 3 WSG 200 2001; 6 WCH 200 2003 (95/97-ht, 99/2001-sf); 3 ECH 4x100 2006. 1 Belarus 100 94/95/96/97/98 (1 200 95/96/97/98/2002) In 2007: 2 Belarus indoor 60/200; 1 Belarus Cup 100/200 5, RUS POLYAKOVA Yevgeniya RUS 24y 25d 1983 11.20 11.20 -07 2007 European indoor silver at 60m ... 11.09w -07. 6 under-23 ECH 4x100 2005; 2 EIC 60 2007. Coach-Nikolay Chemerisov In 2007: 1 Russian indoor 60; 2 EIC 60; 1 Sochi 100; 1 Znamenskiy Memorial 100 6, GER SAILER Verena GER 21y 250d 1985 11.42 11.42 -07 2006 German Champion at 100m ... 100 pb: 11.43 -06. 6 EJC 100 2003; 5 WJC 100 2004; 3 under-23 ECH 100 2005; sf ECH 100 2006; sf EIC 60 2007. 1 German 100 2006 In 2007: 2 German indoor 60; 8sf EIC 60; 1 Weinheim 100; 2 Dessau 100; 1 Regensburg 100; 2 Biberach 100 ‘B’ 7, ESP ALOZIE Glory ESP 29y 175d 1977 11.69 10.90 -99 Former European Champion at 100m Hurdles ... 2000 Olympic silver & four World silvers, indoors or out 11.50w -07. 100H pb: 12.44 -98 (13.35 -07). 2 WJC 100H 96; 1 African Champs 100H 98; 1 WCP 100H 98 (2002-3); 2 WIC 60H 99/2003/2006 (2004-ht); 2 WCH 100H 99 (2003-4, 2005-sf); 1 African Games 100H 99; 2 OLY 100H 2000 (2004-sf); 1 ECH 100H 2002 (4 100); 1 ECP 100H 2003 (2004-3); 4 EIC 60H 2005; 4 ECH 100H 2006 . Based in Spain since 1997... originally won 2002 European indoor gold, but later stripped of title when it was confirmed that her Spanish citizenship had not come through in time ... coach-Rafael Blanquer ... 1.55 tall In 2007: 1 Spanish indoor 60H; 1 Zaragoza 100; 2 La Laguna 100; 1 Valencia 100; 3 Herrera 100; 2 European Clubs Cup 200; 1 Spanish Clubs 100H; 4 Paris 100H 8, UKR SHTANHYEYEVA Iryna UKR 25y 135d 1982 11.32 11.31 -05 200 pb: 22.92 -07. 4 ECH 4x100 2006; ht EIC 60 2007. 1 Ukrainian 100 2005 In 2007: 1 Ukrainian indoor 60; 4ht EIC 60; 1 Ukrainian Universities 100/200; 1 Filothei 100; 1 Kalamáta 100/200; 2 Paris 200 © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) 11.44 Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 11.42 -05 SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/15:45 Women’s 400 Metres Golden League Event 2007 World Best: 50.15 Natasha Hastings USA Sacramento Age 9 Jun 07 (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, ESP RECIO Belén ESP 26y 315d 1980 53.46 53.46 -07 Double Spanish Champion in sprints in 2004-2006 ... 100 pb: 11.57 -06 (11.87 -07). 200 pb: 23.39 -06 (23.99 -07). ht WCH 4x100 2003; ht EIC 200 2005 (5 4x400); 9 ECP 200 2006; sf ECH 200 2006 (ht 100); ht EIC 60 2007. 1 Spanish 100/200 2004/2005/2006 ... coach-Angel Moreno In 2007: 1 Spanish indoor 200 (2 60); 7ht EIC 60; 1 Motril 100/200; 1 Murcia 100/200; 1 Lleida 100; 4 Herrera 100; 1 Catalan 400 2, UKR SHCHERBAK Oksana UKR 25y 119d 1982 52.54 (Née Kholodkova) ... 2006 Ukrainian Champion ... 6 ECH 4x400 2006. 1 Ukrainian 2006 In 2007: 1 Bar; 1 Ukrainian Universities; 1 Ukrainian Cup 3, FRA DESERT Solène FRA 24y 325d 1982 52.50 51.52 -05 (Desert pronounced Des-ERR – the t is silent) ... 200 pb: 23.26 -02. 2 under-23 ECH 400 2003; ht WIC 200 2003; 3 ECP 2004 (2005-5); ht WCH 2005; sf ECH 2006. 1 French 2004. Born-Brest ... coach-Laurent le Bras In 2007: 1 French indoor; 1 Nantes; 1 Noisy-le-Grand 200; 4 Paris 200 4, GRE HALKIÁ Faní GRE 28y 141d 1979 52.06 50.56 -04 2004 Olympic Champion at 400m hurdles, having improved from 56.40 to 52.77 at that event in 2004 200 pb: 24.28 -02. 400H pb: 52.77 -04. 1 Balkan junior 400H 98; ht WJC 400H 98; ht WCH 4x400 2003; 6 WIC 400 2004; 1 ECP 400H 2004; 1 OLY 400H 2004; 2 ECH 400H 2006; 5 WCP 400 2006. Attended IAF “Masterclass” with Merlene Ottey in 1998 ... stopped athletics in 2000/2001 disillusioned because of persistent injuries ... during this time she worked as a waitress in Mykonos and studied to become a television journalist ... met up with coach-Yórgos Panayiotopoulos (5 WCH 200 1997) in 2001 51.23 -06 In 2007: 1 Athens 400; 1 Greek 400 She’s not hurdling currently because of a sore knee 5, POL RADECKA Zuzanna POL 32y 82d 1975 52.16 51.58 -05 (Married name-Pakaszewska) ... 1999 World Student Games silver at 200m 100 pb: 11.29 -00. 200 pb: 22.96 -99/00. sf WIC 60/200 99; 6 ECP 100/200 99; 2 WSG 200 99; qf WCH 200 99; sf EIC 200 2000; sf OLY 4x100 2000 (200-ht); 3 ECH 4x400 2002; 4 WIC 4x400 2004. 1 Polish 100/200 99. 1 Polish indoor 60/200 99/2000 ... coaches-Andrzej Siennicki & Edward Bugala In 2007: 2 Polish indoor 400; 6sf EIC 400; 1 Lódz 400; 2 Polish Universities 200/400; 1 Biala Podlaska 400; 6 Znamenskiy Memorial 400; 4 Kusocinski Memorial 400 6, BLR YUSCHANKA Yulyana BLR 22y 312d 1984 51.38 51.38 -07 (Née Zhalniruk) ... ran first leg for Belarus relay team which won European indoor gold in 2007 8 EJC 2003; 8 under-23 ECH 2005; 2 ECH 4x400 2006; 1 EIC 4x400 2007. Ran heat of 2006 World indoor 4x400m, so awarded silver won by Belarus in the final In 2007: 1 EIC 4x400; 1 Belarus Universities; 1 Belarus Cup; 1 Kusocinski Memorial ‘B’ 7, RUS KASHCHEYEVA Zhanna RUS 24y 331d 1982 Ran third leg for Russian team which won European indoor relay silvers in 2007 1 Russian under-23 indoor 2004. 1 Russian indoor 2007 In 2007: 1 Russian indoor; 2 EIC 4x400; 2 Sochi; 2 Znamenskiy Memorial 8, GER HOFFMANN Claudia GER 24y 195d 1982 52.43 51.79 -06 European Junior relay silvers in 1999 & 2001 ... 6 EJC 99 (2 4x400); 5 WJC 2000; 4 EJC 2001 (2 4x400); 6 under-23 ECH 2003 (3 4x400); 6 WCH 4x400 2005; sf WIC 2006; 3 ECP 2006 (2005-7); sf ECH 2006; sf EIC 2007. 1 German 2005/2006 In 2007: 1 German indoor; 4sf EIC; 3 Dessau 200 ‘B’; 4 Zeulenroda 200; 1 Regensburg; 2 Kusocinski Memorial ‘B’ © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) 51.34 Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 51.34 -07 SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/15:10 Women’s 800 Metres 2007 World Best: 1:58.33 Maria Mutola MOZ Eugene Age 10 Jun 07 (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, GER GRADZKI Monika GER 27y 275d 1979 2:01.15 2:00.16 -06 Twice second in European Cup ... twice German Champion ... ht WIC 2004; 5 EIC 2005; 2 ECP 2005/2006; sf WCH 2005; ht ECH 2006. 1 German 2005/2006 (1 indoor 2004) In 2007: 5 Rehlingen; 3 Kassel; 7 Kusocinski Memorial 2, ESP MARTÍNEZ Mayte ESP 31y 36d 1976 1:58.29 -02 2002 European silver at 800m ... 2003 World indoor bronze at 800m 2:01.04i -07. 1500 pb: 4:05.05 -05 (4:09.17 -07). 400 pb: 53.67 -03. 6 EJC 800 95; sf OLY 800 2000/2004; 2 ECH 800 2002 (2006-7); 2 WCP 800 2002; 3 WIC 800 2003 (2001-ht, 2004-sf); 3 ECP 800 2003/2006; 2 EIC 800 2005; 5 WCH 800 2005 (2001-7); 5 EIC 1500 2007. 1 Spanish 800 2000-2006 ... coach-Juan Carlos Granado In 2007: 1 Spanish indoor 800; 5 EIC 1500; 1 Saron Mile; 1 Gijon Mile; 4 Herrera 1500; 1 Cornellá Mile; 10 Oslo 1500 3, UKR KREVSUN Yuliya UKR 26y 196d 1980 2:01.15 2:00.49 -02 (Née Gurtovenko) ... 1999 European junior silver at 800m ... 1500 pb: 4:13.43i -07. 2 EJC 800 99; 5 under-23 ECH 800 2001 (2 4x400); 6 ECP 800 2002; ht WCH 800 2003. 1 Ukrainian 800 2002 In 2007: 2 Ukrainian indoor 800; 4sf EIC 800; 6 Znamenskiy Memorial 800; 2 Biberach 800 4, FRA GUEGAN Elodie FRA 21y 186d 1985 2:01.07 2:00.90 -06 150 pb: 4:10.62 -07. 5 WJC 2004; 3 under-23 ECH 2005; 1 French under-23 2005. At EXC: 2004-22J In 2007: 1 French indoor; 1 Rehlingen; 7 Lille 1500 5, GRE FILANDRA Eleni GRE 23y 162d 1984 2:02.16 2:01.68 -05 4x Greek Champion ... 400 pb: 54.23 -05. sf World Youth 2001; ht EJC 2003; 6 under-23 ECH 2005; 8 WCP 2006. 1 Greek 2004/2005/2006/2007. 1 Greek indoor 2006/2007 ... coach-Hristos Papahristos In 2007: 1 Greek indoor; 4 Balkan indoor; 7sf EIC; 2 European Clubs Cup; 3 Kalamáta; 1 Greek 6, POL SETOWSKA-DRYK Ewelina POL 27y 109d 1980 1:59.64 1:58.96 -06 2006 World Indoor finalist ... 400 pb: 53.56 -06, 53.67i -06 (54.45 -07). 400H pb: 57.17 -04. 7 WSG 400H 2003; sf EIC 2005; sf WCH 2005; 5 WSG 2005; 6 WIC 2006; sf ECH 2006 (3 4x400); ht EIC 2007 In 2007: 1 Polish indoor; 4ht EIC; 5 Hengelo; 5 Belgrade; 4 Biala Podlaska 400; 2 Kusocinski Memorial 7, BLR USOVICH Svetlana BLR 26y 251d 1980 2:02.43 1:58.17 -05 (Pronounced “Oo-SOV-ich”) ... 2005 European Indoor 400m silver ... 2:00.53i -07. 400 pb: 50.79 -04. 1 EIC 4x400 2002/2007; 7 ECH 400 2002; 6 WIC 400 2003 (2004-sf); sf WCH 400 2003; 2 WIC 4x400 2004; sf OLY 400 2004; 2 EIC 400 2005; sf WCH 800 2005; 2 ECH 4x400 2006. 1 Belarus 400 2002. Elder sister of fellow 400m international Ilona who also won European indoor silver in 2007 In 2007: 4 Belarus indoor 400; 1 EIC 4x400; 1 Belarus Cup 800 8, RUS ZBROZHEK Oksana RUS 29y 162d 1978 1:58.80 1:58.06 -04 2007 European Indoor Champion at 800m ... 1500 pb: 4:08.16 -05. sf WJC 800 96; ht EIC 1500 2005; 1 EIC 800 2007. 1 Russian indoor 800 2005/2007. Studied Journalism at the University of St. Petersburg ... Coaches-Iakov Yelianov & Svetlana Pleskach-Styrkina In 2007: 1 Russian indoor 800; 1 EIC 800; 7 Sochi 400; 2 Znamenskiy Memorial 800; 1 Prague 800; 1 Kusocinski Memorial 800 © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) Please check with final start lists in case of late changes SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/15:30 Women’s 3000 Metres 2006 World Best 8:35.76 Meseret Defar ETH Oslo 15 Jun 07 Age (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, FRA COULAUD Julie FRA 24y 320d 1982 9:19.96 -05 French record holder at steeplechase ... 8:58.83i -06. 3000SC pb : 9:32.08 -07. 1500 pb: 4:11.07 -05. ht WJC 1500 2000; 8 under-23 800 2001; 10 under-23 1500 2003. At WXC: 2001-44J, 2004-78 short, 2005-41 short, 2006-29 long. At EXC: 99-40J, 2000-20J, 2001-9J, 2005-27, 2006-5 ... born-Saint-Chamond ... self-trained In 2007: 2 French long course XC; 2 Lille 3000SC 2, GRE EFEDÁKI Konstadína GRE 28y 265d 1978 8:55.77 -05 Greek record holder at 1500m & 3000m ... 8:53.95i -05. 5000 pb: 16:57.89 -02. 800 pb: 2:01.59 -04. 1500 pb: 4:05.63 -04. ht WIC 1500 200; 3 ECP 1500 2003 (6 3000); 8 ECP 800 2004; sf OLY 1500 2004; ht WCH 1500 2005. 1 Greek 1500 2003/2004/2005 ... coach-Periklís Giólias In 2007: 3 Greek 1500 3, POL CHOJECKA Lidia POL 30y 149d 1977 8:31.69 -02 Fifth & sixth in past two Olympic 1500m finals ... twice European Indoor Champion at 3000m 8:38.21i -07. 5000 pb: 15:04.88 -02. 1500 pb: 3:59.22 -00. 800 pb: 1:59.57 -99. 1 EJC 1500 95; 5 WJC 1500 96 (94-7); 3 WIC 1500 97/99 (2003-ht); 3 WSG 1500 97; 2 ECP 3000 99/2004 (2002-3); 1 under-23 ECH 1500 99 (97-2); 5 OLY 1500 2000 (2004-6); 5 WCH 1500 2001 (99 -9); 2 ECP 1500 2002; 1 EIC 3000 2005/2007 (2000-2); 3 WIC 3000 2006; 5 ECH 1500 2006 (2002-9, 98-6); 2 WCP 3000 2006; 1 EIC 1500 2007 (98-2). At EXC: 2002-13. 1 Polish 1500 2002 & 10,000 2007 ... her partner Jean-Marc Leandro is Gabon record holder at 1500m, 3000m & Marathon ... coach-Zbigniew Król In 2007: 4 Stuttgart 3000; 1 Polish indoor 3000; 1 EIC 1500/3000; 1 Polish 10,000; 2 Bydgoszcz 1500; dnf Oslo 5000 4, BLR STARAVOITAVA Nastassia BLR 24y 231d 1982 9:00.67 -06 9:53.74i -07. 5000 pb: 15:36.69 -06. 1500 pb: 4:12.11 -06 (4:14.80 -07). 4 EJC 1500 2001; 13 ECH 5000 2006. At WXC: 2006-48 short. At EXC: 2000-22J In 2007: 6 Belarus indoor 3000; 1 Belarus Universities 1500; 2 Belarus Cup 1500 5, RUS GALKINA-SAMITOVA Gulnara RUS 28y 349d 1978 8:49.48 -04 Smashed world 3000 steeplechase record with 9:01.59 in Iráklion on July 4, 2004 5000 pb: 14:53.70 -04. 1 ECP 3000SC 2003; 7 WCH 5000 2003; 6 OLY 5000 2004. 1 Russian indoor & outdoor 3000SC 2003. Married 400m runner Anton Galkin on October 30, 2004 ... coach-Tatyana Ksenchenko In 2007: 5 Russian indoor 1500; 1 Sochi 2000; 1 Znamenskiy Memorial 3000SC (9:14.37, a time only she has ever beaten) 6, GER MÖLDNER Antje GER 23y 9d 1984 9:00.74 -04 2005 German Indoor Champion at 1500m ... 9:30.56i -07. 1500 pb: 4:08.81 -05 (4:14.68 -07). ht WJC 1500 2002; 6 EJC 1500 2003; 5 ECP 3000 2004; ht EIC 1500 2005; 6 ECP 1500 2006. 1 German under-23 1500 2004 & indoor 1500 2005/2006 (1 indoor 3000 2006). At EXC: 2003 -14J In 2007: 2 German indoor 3000; 1 Koblenz 5000 ‘B’; dnf Dessau 1500; 5 Kassel 1500; 2 Potsdam 1500 7, ESP CHECA Dolores ESP 24y 178d 1982 10:22.35 -05 2006 Spanish Indoor Champion at 3000m ... 8:59.03i -07. 1500 pb: 4:16.37 -04. 8 EIC 3000 2007. Her twin Isabel ran 9:18.99 for indoor 3000m in 2006 In 2007: 1 Spanish indoor 3000; 8 EIC 3000; 6 Barcelona Mile; 2 Catalan 1500; 8 Lille 1500; 1 Santander 800/1500 8, UKR GOLOVCHENKO Tatyana UKR 27y 130d 1980 8:50.67 -04 Surprise European Cross Country Champion in 2006 ... 800 pb: 2:00.81 -04. 1500 pb: 4:05.01 -06. 9 EIC 3000 2005; 2 WSG 1500/5000 2005; 11 WIC 3000 2006; 6 ECP 3000 2006 (2004-7); 10 ECH 1500 2006. At EXC: 2002-50, 2006-1. 1 Ukrainian 1500 2006. Coach-Petr Saiko In 2007: 8 Edinburgh XC © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) Please check with final start lists in case of late changes SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/16:25 Women’s 3000m Steeplechase 2007 World Best: 9:14.37 Gulnara Samitova RUS Zhukovskiy Age 9 Jun 06 (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, GER DREIER Verena GER 22y 159d 1985 9:53.25 9:48.90 -06 2004 World Junior Steeplechase finalist ... 7 EJC 3000SC 2003; 5 ECP 3000SC 2004/2005; 5 WJC 3000SC 2004; 5 under-23 ECH 3000SC 2005; ht ECH 3000SC 2006. At EXC: 2003-13J, 2004-7J, 2006-47u23. 1 German 2005/2006 In 2007: 4 Koblenz 5000 ‘B’; 10 Neerpelt 3000SC 2, ESP FUENTES-PILA Zulema ESP 30y 29d 1977 10:00.89 9:40.36 -06 Spanish record holder ... 1500 pb: 4:04.72 -04. 3000 pb: 8:52.90 -04. 8 EIC 1500 2002 (2006-ht); ht WIC 1500 2003; 3 ECP 3000 2004; 7 ECH 3000SC 2006. 1 Spanish 3000SC 2002. At WXC: 2003-26 short, 2004-65 short, 2005-50 short. At EXC: 2002-23. Has two sisters who are also international runners – Iris (2002 European 1500m finalist) & Margarita In 2007: 2 Spanish indoor 3000; 6ht EIC 1500; 1 Iurreta 5K; 3 Muriedas Mile; 1 Valencia 3000SC; 5 European Clubs Cup 3000; 1 Spanish Clubs 1500; 16 Oslo 3000SC 3, UKR GORPYNICH Valentina UKR 24y 103d 1983 9:43.48 9:43.48 -07 Ukrainian record holder ... 7 ECP 2004; 11 under-23 ECH 2005 (2003-13); 4 WSG 2005. 1 Ukrainian 2003/2005 In 2005: 1 Mykolaiv; 1 Kiev; 1 Ukrainian; 11 under-23 ECH 4, FRA DUARTE Sophie FRA 9 European under-23 2003 ... In 2007: 5 Neerpelt; 3 Lille 5, GRE KOKKINARÍOU Iríni GRE 26y 129d 1981 9:42.97 9:42.97 -07 Greek steeplechase record holder ... 1500 pb: 4:21.33 -07. ht ECH 3000SC 2006; 9 WCP 3000SC 2006 In 2007: 2 Greek indoor 3000; 3 Balkan indoor 1500; 12 Balkan XC; 1 Athens 3000SC (May 11); 1 Athens 1500 (May 12); 1 Greek 3000SC (2 1500) 6, POL KOWALSKA Katarzyna POL 22y 77d 1985 10:05.47 9:42.50 -06 2005 European under-23 Steeplechase Champion ... 5000 pb: 16:11.82 -06. ht WJC 3000SC 2004; 1 under-23 ECH 3000SC 2005; 3 ECP 3000SC 2006; 8 ECH 3000SC 2006; 8 WCP 3000 2006. 1 Polish under-23 5000 2006. At EXC: 2004-21J, 2006-9u23 In 2007: 2 Polish XC; 2 Polish 10,000; 9 Doha 3000SC 7, BLR BAKHANOUSKAYA Iryna 8, RUS SIDORCHENKOVA Yelena RUS 27y 23d 1980 9:38.73 9:27.35 -06 2006 European Cup Steeplechase winner ... 1500 pb: 4:08.78 -05. 3000 pb: 8:55.15i -03. ht WIC 3000 2003; 1 ECP 3000SC 2006; 5 ECH 3000SC 2006. At WXC: 2006-27 short In 2007: 5 Sochi 2000; 2 Znamenskiy Memorial 3000SC; 13 Oslo 3000SC BLR © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) 25y 21/22y 327d 1981 1985 9:38.73 10:17.62 Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 9:38.73 -07 10:13.8 -06 SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/14:30 Women’s 400 Metres Hurdles Golden League Event 2007 World Best: 54.14 Melaine Walker JAM Eugene Age 10 Jun 07 (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, GRE HANTZÍ-NEAG Hristína GRE 30y 178d 1976 56.40 56.15 -05 Greek #2 after Olympic Champion Fani Halkía ... 5 ECP 2005; sf WCH 2005; sf ECH 2006; 1 Balkan Games 2006; 8 WCP 2006. 1 Greek 2002/2005/2006. Ex-Romania, has lived in Greece since 1998 In 2007: 2 Haniá; 1 Greek 2, POL JESIEN Anna POL 28y 195d 1978 55.22 53.96 -05 (Pronounced “Yeshen”) ... (Née Olichwierczuk) ... 2005 European Cup winner ... fourth in Helsinki ... Polish record holder 400 pb: 51.92 -06. ht OLY 2000/2004; 3 ECH 400/4x400 2002; 1 ECP 2005 (99-7, 2002-2, 2006-5); 4 WCH 2005 (2001-sf, 2003-ht); 6 ECH 2006 (3 4x400); 3 WCP 2006. 1 Polish 99/2000/2002/2005 (1 400 2006). “Jesien” means “autumn” in Polish ... coach/husband Pawel Jesien and 51.08 for 400m hurdles in 2000 In 2007: 1 Biala Podlaska; 2 Bydgoszcz; 2 Kusocinski Memorial 3, BLR VIDZERNIKAVA Krystsina BLR 24y 45d 1983 In 2007: 8 Belarus indoor; 1 Belarus Universities indoor; 1 Stayki; 1 Belarus Cup 4, RUS PECHONKINA Yuliya RUS 29y 63d 1978 54.41 52.34 -03 (Née Nosova) ... World Champion & record holder at 400m Hurdles ... Outdoor 400 pb: only 53.22 -01. 400H pb: 52.34 -03. dnf ht WJC 96; 6 EJC 97; ht ECH 98; 1 ECP 2001/2002 (2000-6); 1 WIC 4x400 2001/2003; 2 WCH 2001 (3 4x400); 1 WCP 2002; 3 WCH 2003 (2 4x400); 8 OLY 2004 (2000-sf); 1 EIC 4x400 2005; 1 WCH 2005 (1 4x400); 1 WCP 2006. 1 Russian 99/2001/2003/2004. Coach-Valentina Maslakov, she started training for athletics at age 12 ... now divorced from international hurdler Yevgeniy Pechonkin ... lives-Yerino, near Moscow ... 1.80 tall In 2007: 1 Sochi 58.66 58.33 -06 Only ran two races in 2006 due to injury 5, GER URBANSKY Ulrike GER 30y 78d 1977 55.38 54.57 -00 Former World Junior Champion ... 400 pb: 52.58 -98. 2 EJC 400H 95; 1 WJC 400H/4x400 96; 6 ECH 98; 3 WSG 99; 2 under-23 ECH 99; 2 ECP 2000; sf OLY 2000/2004; 6 WCH 2005 (99-sf). 1 German 2000 In 2007: 1 German Universities 6, ESP FORCADELL Laia ESP 25y 17d 1982 57.43 57.11 -05 2006 Ibero-American Champion ... 400 pb: 54.22 -06. 5 EIC 4x400 2005; 9 ECP 400 2006; ht ECH 2006. 1 Ibero-American 2006 ... coachArmando Álvarez In 2007: 2 Spanish indoor 400; 1 Spanish Universities; 1 Catalan; 1 Oviedo; 1 Cordoba 7, UKR OPRYA Maryna UKR 24y 277d 1982 (Née Ivanova) ... 3 Ukrainian 2005 ... In 2007: 5 Ukrainian indoor 400 8, FRA JEMAA Dora FRA 22y 162d 1985 57.01 56.69 -06 100H pb: 13.10w, 13.39 -05 (13.49 -07). 6 EJC 2003 (2 4x400); ht WJC 2004; 3 under-23 ECH 4x400 2005. 1 French 2006 In 2007: 4 French indoor 200; 1 Montbéliard; 1 Nantes; 3 Geneva © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) - Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 56.98 -04 SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/13:50 Women’s Pole Vault Golden League Event 2007 World Best: 4.88 Jenn Stuczynski USA New York Age 2 Jun 07 (Days) Born 29d 1983 Season’s Best Personal Best 1, BLR TARATYNAVA Yulia BLR 24y 1 Belarus 2006 In 2007: 3 Belarus Indoor Cup; 1 Belarus indoor; 2 Belarus Cup 2, RUS GOLUBCHIKOVA Yuliya RUS 24y 88d 1983 4.60 4.60 -06/07 2002 World Junior silver ... 2007 European Indoor silver ... 2007 Russian Indoor Champion 4.71i -07. 2 WJC 2002; =9 WSG 2005; 2 EIC 2007. 1 Russian under-23 2005 & indoor 2007 ... coach-Oleg Diazdinov In 2007: 1 Russian indoor; 2 EIC; 1 Doha; 1 Sochi; 1 Kassel; 1 Lille; 4 Oslo 3, GER HINGST Carolin GER 26y 277d 1980 4.61 4.66 -04 Fourth at 2005 European Indoors ... 3 under-23 ECH 2001; 10 WCH 2001/2005 (2003-dnq); dnq ECH 2002; dnq WIC 2004; dnq OLY 2004; 4 EIC 2005 (2007-dnq); 2 ECP 2005 (2004-nh). 1 German indoor 2005 ... 1.70 tall In 2007: 5 German indoor; dnq EIC; 4 Doha; 1 Saulheim; 2 Kassel; 1 Regensburg; 4 Biberach 4, ESP AGIRRE Naroa ESP 28y 39d 1979 4.40 4.50 -06 2004 Olympic & 2005 World finalist ... Spanish record holder ... LJ pb: 6.36w -05, 6.35 -07. 5 Mediterranean Games 2001; =6 OLY 2004; 1 Ibero-American 2004; dnq EIC 2005/2007; 9 WCH 2005 (2003-dnq); 6 WIC 2006 (2004-dnq); 4 ECP 2006 (2004-7); 6 WIC 2006 (2003-dnq); 7 ECH 2006 (2002-10). 1 Spanish 2006 ... coach-Jon Karla Lizeaga ... 1.76 tall In 2007: 1 Spanish indoor; dnq EIC; 1 San Sebastián (Mar 10); 1 San Sebastián (Apr 21); 1 Zaragoza; 1 Valladolid; 1 Oviedo; 1 Sabadell; 1 San Sebastián; 3 Saulheim 5, UKR KUSHCH Nataliya UKR 24y 110d 1983 4.40 4.50 -04 2005 European under-23 Champion ... =5 World Youth 99; 2 EJC 2001; 6 WJC 2002 (2000-dnq); dnq WIC 2003; 4 under-23 ECH 2003; dnq WCH 2003/2005; 3 ECP 2005 (2002-6=); 1 under-23 ECH 2005 ... 1.68 tall In 2007: 1 Ukrainian indoor; nh Lille; 4 Prague; 3 Kusocinski Memorial 6, FRA BOSLAK Vanessa FRA 25y 12d 1982 4.35 4.70 -06 French record holder indoors & out ... 3 WJC 2000 (98-6); 3 EJC 2001; =11 ECH 2002 (2006-dnq); dnq/nh WIC 2003; 2 under-23 ECH 2003; =5 WIC 2004; =6 OLY 2004; 8 WCH 2005 (2003-dnq); 5 WIC 2006; 2 ECP 2006 (2001/2004-5, 2002-3). 1 French indoor 99/2001. 1 French 2003/2004/2005 ... student of physiotherapy ... born-Lesquin ... 1.67 tall In 2007: 1 French indoor; =6 EIC; 1 Montreuil-sous-Bois; 4 Lille; 2 Noisy-le-Grand 7, GRE SKAFÍDA Afrodíti GRE 25y 95d 1982 4.31 4.48 -05 Greek record holder ... 8 under-23 ECH 2003; dnq OLY 2004 (no height); 4 ECP 2005; 3 Mediterranean Games 2005; dnq WCH 2005; 6 WCP 2006. 1 Greek under-23 2002/2003/2004 (1 Greek 2005/2007) ... 1.67 tall In 2007: 2 Athens; 1 Greek 8, POL PYREK Monika POL 26y 315d 1980 4.60 4.75 -06 (Pronounced “Pir-eck”) ... 2005 World silver, 2003 world bronze ... 2001 European under-23 Champion ... has set 68 Polish records indoors or out though now supplanted by Anna Rogowska 4.52i -07. 10 EJC 97; 3 WJC 98; 1 under-23 ECH 2001; 3 EIC 2002 (2000-9); 3 WIC 2003 (99-11, 2004-5=, 2006-4); 4 OLY 2004 (2000-7); 2 WCH 2005 (2001-3, 2003-4=); 1 ECP 2006 (2002-2, 2004-4); 2 ECH 2006 (98-7, 2002-dnq); 5 WCP 2006. 1 Polish 99-2002/2004/2005 (1 indoor 99/2000/2002/2003/2004/2005) ... voted Polish woman athlete of 2003 ... coach-Vyacheslav Kalinichenko ... 1.70 tall In 2007: 1 Biala Podlaska; 1 Poznan; 2 Oslo 3.80 Won 2006 European Cup with a cup record 4.75 © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 4.10 -04 SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/14:05 Women’s Triple Jump Golden League Event 2007 World Best: 14.99 Yargelis Savigne CUB Caracas Age 11 May 07 (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, POL TRYBANSKA Malgorzata POL 26y 2d 1981 14.24 14.24 -07 Polish record holder at triple jump ... 2006 European finalist in both long & triple jump LJ pb: 6.81w -07, 6.71 -06 (6.54 -07). 6 under-23 ECH LJ 2003; 6 ECP LJ 2004 (2005-7); 11 ECH LJ 2006 (12 TJ); 5 WCP LJ 2006. 1 Polish LJ 2006. Brother is NBA Basketball player Cezary Trybanska (2.17 tall) In 2007: 1 Polish indoor TJ (2 LJ); dnq EIC LJ; 1 Herrera LJ; 1 Leszno TJ; 2 Belgrade LJ; 1 Biala Podlaska; 2 Kassel LJ; 6 Znamenskiy Memorial LJ 2, BLR SAFRONOVA Natalya BLR 32y 347d 1974 14.01 14.65 -00 (Née Klimovets) ... Belarus record holder ... LJ pb: 6.66 -06. 7 ECH TJ 98; 5 WSG TJ 99; dnq WCH TJ 99; dnq OLY TJ 2000/2004; 2 ECP TJ 2001 (8 LJ); 12 WCH TJ 2001 (2003/2005-dnq); 2 WSG TJ 2001; 12 WIC TJ 2004 (2006-dnq); 6 EIC TJ 2005 (2007-8); 8 ECH TJ 2006 (dnq LJ). 1 Belarus TJ 2000-2003/2006 (1 LJ 2006) In 2007: 1 Belarus indoor TJ (3 LJ); 8 EIC TJ; 1 Belarus Cup TJ 3, RUS GUROVA Viktoriya RUS 25y 32d 1982 13.95 14.65 -04 2003 European under-23 Champion at triple jump ... 2005 European Indoor Champion LJ pb: 6.72 -07. 3 EJC TJ 2001; 1 under-23 ECH TJ 2003; 2 WSG TJ 2003; dnq OLY TJ 2004; 1 EIC TJ 2005; 10 WCH TJ 2005. 1 Russian indoor TJ 2005 In 2007: 4 Sochi LJ; 3 Znamenskiy Memorial TJ 4, GER DEMUT Katja GER 23y 184d 1983 14.09 14.09 -07 2003 German Champion ... 7 WJC 2002 (2000-dnq); 5 European under-23 2003 (2005-12). 1 German 2003 (1 indoors 2007) In 2007: 1 German indoor; 1 Wesel; 2 Dessau; 1 Zeulenroda; 1 German Universities 5, ESP CASTREJANA Carlota ESP 34y 59d 1973 14.18 14.60 -05 Spanish record holder ... 2007 European Indoor Champion ... 14.64i -07. LJ pb: 6.73w -06, 6.47 -98. HJ pb: 1.89 -96. 11 WSG 99/2001; dnq OLY 2000/2004; 11 ECH 2002/2006; 6 WIC 2003; 4 ECP 2004 (2003/2006-5); 2 Mediterranean Games 2005 (2001-3); 11 WCH 2005 (2001/2003-dnq); dnq WIC 2006; 1 EIC 2007 (2002-8, 2005-3). 1 Spanish HJ 96 (1 indoor 95/97). 1 Spanish 2000/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006 (6x) ... a member of the Spanish Olympic basketball team in 1992 ... coach-Juan Carlos Alvarez ... 1.88 tall In 2007: 1 Spanish indoor; 1 EIC; 4 Herrera; 6 Turin; 1 Burgos 6, UKR SALADUKHA Olga UKR 24y 19d 1983 14.38 14.41 -06 14.50w -06. 9 EJC 2001; 5 WJC 2002; 4 under-23 ECH 2005; 2 WSG 2005; 1 ECP 2006; 4 ECH 2006; 4 ECH 2006; 6 WCP 2006 In 2007: 1 Ukrainian indoor; 1 Filothei ; 3 Kalamáta; 3 Turin 7, FRA N’ZOLA Theresa FRA 23y 205d 1983 14.33 14.33 -07 2007 European Indoor triple jump bronze ... LJ pb: 6.32 -07. dnq EIC TJ 2005; 8 under-23 ECH TJ 2005; 7 ECP TJ 2006; 9 ECH TJ 2006; 3 EIC TJ 2007. 1 French junior TJ 2002; 1 French under-23 TJ 2003/2004. Ex-Angola; IAAF approved her transfer to France from November 23, 2003 In 2007: 1 French indoor (8 LJ); 3 EIC TJ; 1 Bourg-en-Bresse LJ; 2 Montbéliard LJ; 1 Forbach TJ; 2 Nantes LJ; 1 Pierre-Benité TJ (2 LJ); 6 Paris LJ 8, GRE DEVETZÍ Chrisopiyí GRE 31y 172d 1976 14.52 15.32 -04 2004 Olympic & 2006 European Triple Jump silvers ... 15.01w -07. LJ pb: 6.83 -06 (6.56 -07). 5 Mediterranean Games TJ 2001; dnq EIC TJ 2002/2005; 7 ECH TJ 2002; 3 WIC TJ 2004 (2003-dnq); 2 ECP TJ 2004/2005 (2003-4); 2 OLY TJ 2004; 5 WCH TJ 2005 (2003-8); 2 ECH TJ 2006 (10 LJ); 2 WCP TJ 2006 (3 LJ). 1 Greek TJ 2002-2007 (1 LJ 2006/2007). First practised artistic gymnastics and volleyball before starting in athletics as a hurdler ... hobby-sketching ... superstition: she feels that birds give her good luck ... coach-Athandsios Sioúdris In 2007: 1 Athens LJ; 3 Filothei LJ; 1 Greek LJ/TJ © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) Please check with final start lists in case of late changes SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/14:45 Women’s Discus Throw 2007 World Best: 68.06 Franka Dietzsch GER Halle 19 May 07 Age (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, ESP QUINTANAL Irache ESP 28y 278d 1978 53.75 59.16 -04 SP pb: 17.33 -07. 7 EJC DT 97 (8 SP); 10 under-23 ECH SP 99; 9 WCP SP 2002; 8 ECP DT 2004/2006; dnq OLY SP 2004; dnq EIC SP 2007. 1 Spanish SP 2002/2003/2004 (1 indoors 2003/2007). 1 Spanish DT 2004/2006 ... 1.74/75kg In 2007: 2 Spanish Clubs indoor SP; 1 Spanish indoor SP; 1 Los Realejos SP/DT; dnq EIC SP; 6 European Throws Cup SP ‘B’ (7 DT ‘B’); 1 La Laguna SP; 1 Valladolid SP; 2 Herrera SP; 1 Mataró SP/DT; 1 Catalan SP/DT 2, UKR SEMENOVA Nataliya UKR 24y 351d 1982 60.83 63.11 -03 (Née Fokina) ... 2003 World Student Games Champion ... 6 WJC 2000; 1 EJC 2001; 1 under-23 ECH 2003; 1 WSG 2003 (2005-8); 7 ECP 2004; dnq OLY 2004; 9 WCH 2005; 9 ECH 2006 ... 1.80/90kg In 2007: 2 Ukrainian winter; 1 European Throws Cup ‘B’ 3, FRA ROBERT-MICHON Mélina FRA 27y 340d 1979 63.48 65.78 -02 French record holder ... 2001 European under-23 Champion ... 2 WJC 98; dnq OLY 2000/2004; 1 under-23 ECH 2001 (99-12); 3 WSG 2001 (99-8); 12 ECH 2002 (98/2006-dnq); 2 ECP 2003 (2000-5, 2001-6, 2002-8, 2004-4, 2006-7); 11 WCH 2003. 1 French 2000-2004/2006 ... bornVoiron ... coaches-Serge Debie & Jérôme Simian ... 1.80/83kg In 2007: 1 Sasolburg; 1 French winter; 2 European Throws Cup; 1 Vénissieux; 1 Montgeron; 5 Halle; 1 Marseille 4, GRE KALPAKÍDOU Dorothéa GRE 23y 275d 1983 dnq WJC 2002. 1 Greek under-23 2004 & senior 2007 ... 1.84/90kg In 2007: 1 Alexandroúpoli; 5 Haniá; 1 Greek 5, POL WISNIEWSKA Joanna POL 35y 29d 1972 62.85 63.97 -99 2004 Olympic & 2005 World finalist ... dnq WJC 90; 2 WSG 99; 2 Francophone Games 2001; 9 ECH 2002 (2006-12); 3 ECP 2004 (99-4, 2002 -5); 10 OLY 2004; 12 WCH 2005 (99/2001-dnf); 12 ECH 2006. 1 Polish 99/2000/2002. Coach-Witold Suski ... 1.87/82kg In 2007: 5 European Throws Cup; 1 Florence; 4 Belgrade; 3 Haniá; 1 Lublin champs; 5 Kusocinski Memorial 6, BLR YATCHENKO Iryna BLR 41y 235d 1965 63.80 69.14 -04 2003 World Champion ... 5 ECH 90 (98-8); 3 ECP 95; 3 OLY 2000/2004 (92-7, 96-12); 1 WCH 2003 (91-7, 95/99/2001-9, 97-5); 10 ECH 2006. 1 Belarus 97/2003/2004. Husband-Igor Astapkovich (3x WCH HT silver) ... born-Gomel ... 1.86/105kg In 2007: 1 Belarus Universities; 1 Belarus Cup; 1 Stayki 7, RUS PISHCHALNIKOVA Darya RUS 21y 339d 1985 63.13 65.55 -06 2006 European Champion ... 2004 World Junior silver ... 1 European Youth 2001; 2 World Youth 2001; 3 EJC 2003; 2 WJC 2004 (2002-8); 6 WSG 2006; 2 under-23 ECH 2005; 2 ECP 2006; 1 ECH 2006; 4 WCP 2006. Younger brother Kirill is a 2.00 tall basketball player ... older brother is international discus thrower Bogdan Pishchalnikov, they are each coached by their parents Tatyana (née Matrosova) & Vitaliy ... he had a discus pb of 67.76, she 61.62 ... 1.90/103kg In 2007: 1 Russian winter; 1 Adler; 1 Sochi; 1 Znamenskiy Memorial 8, GER DIETZSCH Franka GER 39y 152d 1968 68.51 69.51 -99 World Champion in 1999 & 2005 ... former European Champion ... 2 WJC 86; 4 WSG 89; 4 OLY 96 (92-12, 2000-6, 2004-dnq); 1 ECH 98 (94 -9, 2002-5, 2006-2); 1 WCP 98; 1 WCH 99/2005 (91/97/2003-dnq, 93-8, 95-7, 2001-4); 1 ECP 2001/2005/2006 (97/2004-2, 99/2002-3, 2003 -4). 1 German 97-2001/2003/2004/2005. Started discus throwing at age 13 ... won her 1999 World title at her fifth World Championships ... 1.83/90kg In 2006: 1 Kienbaum; 1 Wiesbaden Cup; 2 Halle; 1 Neuwied-Engers; 3 Dessau; 2 Hengelo; 1 Kassel; 1 Schönebeck (68.51, her best since 1999); 1 ECP; 1 Cuxhaven; 1 German; 1 Nuremberg; 2 ECH; 1 Thum; 1 Rieti; 1 Berlin; 1 World Athletics Final © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) 56.43 Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 56.76 -06 SPAR European Cup 2007 • Biographical Summaries Sat/16:00 Women’s Javelin Throw 2007 World Best: 68.08 Christina Obergföll GER Halle 19 May 07 Age (Days) Born Season’s Best Personal Best 1, GER OBERGFÖLL Christina GER 25y 305d 1981 68.08 70.03 -05 European record holder, made astonishing breakthrough from 64.59 to 70.03 to win silver in 2005 Worlds 8 WJC 2000; 8 under-23 ECH 2003 (2001-9); 8 WSG 2003; dnq OLY 2004; 2 WCH 2005; 4 ECH 2006. Boyfriend is javelin thrower Christian Nicolay... 1.75/71kg In 2007: 1 Halle; 1 Kassel; 1 Cottbus (beat Nerius) 2, ESP CHILLA Mercedes ESP 27y 155d 1980 60.16 63.20 -06 2006 European bronze ... Spanish record holder ... dnq WJC 98; 10 EJC 99; 2 under-23 ECH 2001; 6 WSG 2001; dnq OLY 2005; dnq WCH 2005; 3 ECP 2006 (2003-6, 2004-5); 3 ECH 2006. 1 Spanish 2003-2006 ... 1.68/54kg In 2007: 1 Valencia; 1 Herrera; 3 European Clubs Cup; 4 Glasgow; 1 Spanish Clubs 3, UKR LYAKHOVICH Tatyana UKR 28y 34d 1979 60.58 63.07 -04 Ukrainian record holder ... 1999 European under-23 silver ... 8 WJC 98; 2 under-23 ECH 99 (2001-5); 4 ECP 2004 (2002-5); 8 OLY 2004 (2000-dnq). 1 Ukrainian 2004 ... 1.71/75kg In 2007: 1 Ukrainian winter; 5 European Throws Cup; 1 Kiev; 7 Lille; 2 Copenhagen 4, FRA BISSOLY Séphora FRA 25y 229d 1981 2006 French Champion ... 2 Francophone Games 2005; dnq ECH 2006 In 2007: 1 Port-of-Spain; 2 Marseille 5, GRE LIKA Savva GRE 36y 361d 1970 58.40 62.89 -04 5x Greek Champion ... 9 OLY 2004; dnq WCH 2005; dnq ECH 2006; 6 WCP 2006. 1 Greek 2003/2004/2005/2006/2007. Ex-Albania ... coachIoánnis Peristéris ... 1.73/68kg In 2007: 1 Athens; 5 European Clubs Cup; 4 Kalamáta; 1 Greek 6, POL MADEJCZYK Barbara POL 30y 265d 1976 61.66 64.08 -06 2006 European Cup winner with a Polish record ... 1 WSG 2003; 12 OLY 2004; dnq WCH 2005; 1 ECP 2006 (2004-6, 2005-2); 7 ECH 2006; 4 WCP 2007. 1 Polish 2003/2004/2005/2006. Coach-Leszek Walczak ... 1.79/78kg In 2007: 1 Slupsk; 7 Glasgow; 1 Lille; 2 Prague 7, BLR SHYMCHUK Natalya BLR 25y 265d 1981 59.40 62.01 -06 12 WJC 2000; 4 under-23 ECH 2005; 6 WSG 2003 (2005-11); dnq OLY 2004; dnq ECH 2006 ... 1.80/80kg In 2007: 1 Belarus winter; nm European Throws Cup; 2 Stayki 8, RUS GROMOVA Oksana RUS 26y 272d 1980 60.09 dnq WJC SP/JT 98. 1 Russian junior 98 In 2007: 2 Adler; 4 Russian winter; 1 Moscow; 1 Sochi; 1 Znamenskiy Memorial; 4 Prague © Mark Butler 2007 ([email protected]) 54.15 Please check with final start lists in case of late changes 59.52 -06 61.12 -03
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