faith formation - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
faith formation - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Churc Church h 1602 Thousand Oaks Drive - San Antonio, TX 78232 Our Mission Statement: to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all God’s people by word and action. PARISH DIRECTORY Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Kevin E. Ryan PARISH OFFICE HOURS: PASTORAL OFFICE - 494-1606 Pastor Pastoral Administrator Pastoral Associate Development Director Asst. Bookkeeper Administrative Asst. Parish Data Services Deacon Deacon Deacon Deacon Rev. Msgr. Kevin Ryan Dot Hamlin Catherine Lopez Shane Hamilton Brenda Houchens Marisa C. Knuffke Zulaika L. Muñiz Gil Hernandez Raul Adam Steve Marques Larry Brisiel Ext. 312 Ext. 311 Ext. 315 Ext. 306 Ext. 313 Ext. 300 Ext. 327 488-6296 646-7632 269-1339 391-0636 Catherine Lopez Carroll Migura Dolores Martinez Courtney Guernsey Kathleen Bedingfield Ext. 315 Ext. 307 Ext. 316 Ext. 330 Ext. 303 LITURGY OFFICE - 494-1660 Liturgy/Pastoral Care Liturgy Asst. Music Director Music Director Asst. Sunday Receptionist FAITH FORMATION/RELIGIOUS ED.-494-7434 Director of Adult Faith Formation - Paul Vance Ext. 326 Christian Initiation Ministry (R.C.I.A.), Spiritual Direction, Quinceañeras - Anne Kemper Ext. 329 Director of High School Youth Ministry - Cindy Hamilton Ext. 331 Asst. High School Youth Minister - Daniel Glaze Ext. 334 Coordinator of Middle School Youth - Dorothy Godines Ext. 332 Administrative Asst. Youth Offices - Brenda Mireles Ext. 333 Director of Elementary Faith Formation - Theresa Crow Ext. 324 Baptism & Childcare Coordinator - Donna Scalia Ext. 325 PRE-SCHOOL OFFICES - 494-9282 Co-Directors Administrative Asst. Kathy Glendening Connie Magott Sharon Pena Ext. 321 Ext. 322 Ext. 337 PHYSICAL PLANT - 494-9399 Manager Team Leader Custodians George Wetherill Juan Olivo Rosa Hernandez Irene Marin CHURCH REGISTRATION Are you new in the parish? You are invited to register in the Pastoral Office, Monday-Thursday 9:00—5:00; Friday 8:00—4:00 (Closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM), or in the Pastoral Offices located in the church on Saturday or Sunday. Registration forms are also available on our website: MONDAY-THURSDAY 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM FRIDAY 8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM (CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:00—1:00 PM MON.-FRI.) PHONE: 494-1606 - FAX: 494-4957 FOR AFTER HOURS EMERGENCIES: PHONE 494-1606 AND FOLLOW ANSWERING MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS MASS SCHEDULE: SUNDAY: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM 8:15 AM, & 6:30 PM 6:30 AM 6:30 AM & 8:15 AM 6:30 AM & 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 5:00 PM COMMUNION SERVICES: MONDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SACRAMENTAL PREPARATIONS: FOR INFORMATION ON PREPARING FOR THE SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM, FIRST RECONCILIATION, FIRST EUCHARIST, OR CONFIRMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE FAITH FORMATION OFFICE AT: 494-7434, Ext. 325. ANOINTING OF THE SICK TO SCHEDULE AN ANOINTING, PLEASE CALL: 494-1606, EXT. 315, OR EXT. 307 6:30 AM 8:15 AM 6:30 AM 7:30 AM RECONCILIATION SERVICES: SATURDAY 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (OR BY APPOINTMENT 494-1606) ADORATION HOURS: TUESDAY 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM MATRIMONY: FOR INFORMATION ON PREPARATION FOR MATRIMONY, PLEASE CONTACT THE PASTORAL OFFICE AT: 494-1606 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time-July 28, 2013 You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. — Colossians 2:12 CHALLENGING GOD Ancient Judaism held in highest regard those figures in its tradition who were willing to challenge God. This was particularly characteristic of the two patriarchs most highly esteemed, Abraham and Moses. This boldness in addressing God is present in today’s story from Genesis, when Abraham attempts to save the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. This resonates with the Gospel passage—the Lord’s Prayer—since it was truly bold of Jesus to address the Lord God as “Abba.” Our familiarity with this prayer most likely makes us unaware of this. The boldness of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus in addressing God is an expression of a deep, intimate relationship. We tend to argue most heatedly with and speak most tenderly to those whom we love the most. This very human trait is what generates the wide variety of emotions expressed toward God throughout the psalms. Hopefully our own relationship with God is intimate enough that we don’t only come asking for favors or with heads bowed meekly, but also ready to question and argue, to praise joyfully, and to embrace our relationship with God lovingly. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS SATURDAY, July 27th Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15; Mt 13:24-30 5:00 PM SAINTS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: † Roland Olfers Requested by Sophie Olfers SUNDAY, July 28th Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13 8:00 AM † Fred M. Montez Requested by Minerva Montez & family 10:00 AM † Kelli Wayman Saturday: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Martha St. Peter Chrysologus St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Eusebius of Vercelli; St. Peter Julian Eymard; 1st Friday Blessed Virgin Mary; 1st Saturday Requested by Christopher Wayman 12:00 PM DECEPTION † Lillian Edmunds Requested by the Edmunds family 5:00 PM † Beatrice Muñiz Requested by Elizabeth Guerrero MONDAY, July 29th Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23 or Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 8:15 AM Indeed, it is not in human nature to deceive others for any long time, without in a measure deceiving ourselves, too. —John Henry Newman † Frank Buckley Requested by Elly Francis 6:30 PM WE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR COMMUNITY † Zenaida Rojas Requested by Jane Marie Koloske TUESDAY, July 30th Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-11; ;Mt 13:36-43 6:30 AM † Angela Catalla Requested by Godwin Catalla WEDNESDAY, July 31st Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Mt 13:44-46 6:30 AM Jacob R. Hildebrand Special Intention requested by Chuck & Diana Hildebrand 8:15 AM † John & Becky Marion Requested by the Thabet & Schulze families THURSDAY, August 1st Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8, 11; Mt 13:47-53 6:30 AM The St. Mark Community Special intention 8:15 AM Carina Ciomperlik Requested by Herman & Barbara Ahr FRIDAY, August 2nd Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 8:15 AM † Melvin O Requested by Jeanette Hubertus SATURDAY, August 3rd Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 5:00 PM † John & Winnie Burke Requested by their son Ed Burke SUNDAY, August 4th Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 8:00 AM † BJ Mahoney 10:00 AM † Dolores M. Valero Requested by Pat Peak Requested by the Valero family 12:00 PM † Holy Souls in Purgatory Requested by the Criminal Justice ministry 5:00 PM † John Sarabia Requested by Bob & Alicia Wilmore Genevieve Aelvoet Lisa Anthony Frank Ayala Alyssa Banda Kristine Belcher Laura Boes Bobbie Bozek Sandra Brown Rodney Burks Billy Callanan Pat Carney Rita Calvin Kathie Jo Chance Sara Clancey Robert Clifford Begonia Cole Jack Connor Rodolfo Cortez Georgia Crow Angelita M. Cruz Abigail Cuevas Liz Czervinske Michael Czervinske Winfried Daum Conner Davey Mary Delatte Carmen Drury Robert Drury Terri Ehrlich Nina Erdman David R. Fischer William Fitch Manda Gates Gary Gates Russell Gawrys Florence Gibson Irma Gonzales Benjamin Hami Darlene Harrison Hayden Harrison Lawton Harrison Marie Harrison Debra Harty Krista Heiser Martha Henderson Robert Henderson Tyler Hoffman Catherine Holzmann Frank D. Holzmann Michael Hood Conor Hopkins Jane Houser Richard Houser Doris Hoyt Payton Hrncir Elizabeth Huff Josephine Huizar Humpal Family Stefanie Hunt Beth Jones Gale Kahnweiler Al Keegan Stephanie Keegan Kelly Klar Bishop Thomas Flanagan Andrew Klauenberg Ayden Frail Ehren Klauenberg Verlene Francis Ryan Knuffke Valerie G. Franklin Donna Kozowyk Nora Mae Fulmer Matt Kreger Enrique Garcia Connie Kuykendall Lucila & Federico Garcia David Lawhon Maria Garcia Pearl Leija Pedro Garza Baby Brody Lewis Doyle Gates Jean Macina Ken Macinga Brad Marbach Matthew Margotta Araceli Martinez Cruz Martinez Ozzie Martinez Lucia Masters John Mazzuca Chris J. McConnell Mary Ellen McGinley Connie McRae Christen McWhorter Saba Mebrahtu Gayle Medina Camilo Medrano Lani A. Mejia Martha Melton Deacon John Michel Jeri Minyon Mary Minyon Lisa Perri Molina Melba Moody Hilde Moore Mary Moreno Vanessa Muñiz Helen Newcomb Sylvester N. Obi Dorothy Reis Randy Resendez Lucy Respondek Robert Richmond Mary Louise Rieber Elida Robles Lorena Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez M. W. Rollin Ann Rotter Frank Samas Richard M. Sanchez Olivia Sandoval Morgan Schooley Linda Rodriguez Schwind Cecile Simecki Joe Slaven Mary Ann Sperry James Spruel Judey Stallard Gina Sullivan Harrison Szymczak Karen Taylor Grace Toland Sharon Tschirhart Preston Tschirhart Joe Urbina Peggy Hayes Obringer Chuck Van Alen Joseph M. Volmer Jim Oesterling Josette Wakil Ruth Ortega Sam Watson Fr. Pat O'Shea Sherie Lawhon Webster Rachael Papa Alicia Wilmore Sharon Parker John Wissinger Harold Payne Virginia Ybarbo Alexis Perez Walter Young William Petray Alfred Zeringue Kate Phelan Adam Zurovec Janet Pircher Fairlie Zwartjes Angela Portillo Raymond Zwartjes Eva Quiñones Craig Raddick Tina Raisch We offer our prayers and sympathy to our parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. Sixto Elizondo, Jr. (If you wish to be added or removed from the prayer list, please contact the Pastoral offices @ 494-1606. Thank you!) TREASURES FROM OUR CATHOLIC TRADITION THIS WEEK AT ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST Monday, July 29th Senior Nutrition Luncheon Women's Alcoholics Anonymous Monday Night Prayer Group Apart from the period from Thanksgiving through Christmas, the summer is a favored time for family reunions. We trace family trees and recall our origins. Worship has a family tree as well, and the way we celebrate today has been influenced by various styles and customs through the centuries. We are Western Christians of the Latin Rite. By far, we are the most numerous Western Christians, but there are other ritual families as well. The Archdiocese of Milan in Italy follows the Ambrosian Rite, Toledo in Spain preserves the Mozarabic Rite and the Arab language, and Lyons in France is home to the Gallican Rite. Other liturgical families, such as the Celtic in Ireland and the Sarum in England, faded away after the Reformation. Until recent times, members of some ancient religious orders such as Carmelites and Trappists followed a pattern of Mass that varied slightly from the plan observed in Latin Rite parishes. Isn’t the Catholic Church the same everywhere? Not at all. It never has been! The existence of so many liturgical families in the West reminds us that unity, not uniformity, is what the Church seeks to achieve among her children. We are united in faith, but wonderfully diverse in rituals, ceremonies, languages, customs, and —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. spirituality. Tuesday, July 30th Library Open Eucharistic Adoration Centering Prayer Group Faith Formation Catch-up Youth Group (High School) AM A.C.T.S. Women's Reunion Secrets of the Rosary Boy Scouts Troop 500 Meeting Wednesday, July 31st Library Open Youth Group (High School) AM Eucharistic Adoration Elementary Faith Formation Catch-up Youth Group (High School) PM Spirit & Word Core Meeting A.C.T.S. Men's Prayer Group Alcoholics Anonymous Shalom CH #201 Brides Rm. Library Adoration Brides Rm. Shalom New Leg. CH #201 Holy Fam. BrotherHood Library New Leg. Adoration Shalom New Leg. CH #202 CH #201 Charism ST MARTHA (MEMORIAL) St. Martha was the sister of Mary and of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The three were dear friends of Jesus and he was a welcomed guest in their home. During one such visit, Mary sat attentively at the feet of Jesus, drinking in his every word and taking delight in just being in his presence. Martha, on the other hand, was busy with all the little tasks that hospitality required for so honored a guest. If she had served with a glad heart, just happy to be of service to the Lord, the story might have ended there. But Martha, perhaps a little envious of Mary's complete absorption in the Lord, asked Jesus to insist that Mary help her out with the chores. Poor Martha! Not only did the Lord not urge Mary to rise and help her, he also chided her gently for her anxious fretting about the details. Make no mistakeJesus loved Martha! STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Today we are reminded that God is just and merciful. Abraham pleaded with the Lord to spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah if ten innocent people could be found. But justice demanded that the wicked people be punished. This justice became the foundation of the Mosaic law and Jewish society. St. Paul explained to the Colossians that when we turn to God in faith our sins can be forgiven. Jesus teaches us that we can exhibit justice and still reflect the mercy God shows to us. He explains that we will receive good gifts from our heavenly Father, just as our earthly father gave us what we needed. May we accept God’s mercy. Thursday, August 1st Youth Group (High School) AM Small Faith Community Eucharistic Adoration Faith Formation Catch-up Young Adults Community Alcoholics Anonymous Adoremus Te Christe Group Youth Group (High School) PM New Leg. Matt/Mark Adoration Shalom Matt/Mark CH #202 Library New Leg. Friday, August 2nd Youth Group (High School) AM SLK Lock In Quilters Divine Mercy R.C.I.A. Ministry Saturday, August 3rd SLK Lock In 1st Saturday Prayer Group Retrouvaille Reconciliation New Leg. New Leg./Gym CH #201/202 Adoration Shalom New Leg./Gym Day Chapel CH #201 Sanctuary Sunday, August 4th - *2nd Collection- PROPAGATION OF FAITH Hospitality Sunday Library Open Catechumenate for Children R.C.I.A. Breaking Open the Word Retrouvaille Teen ACTS Reunion Gym Library New Leg. Shalom #3 CH #201 New Leg. COMMUNITY AND SERVICE Kudos this week goes to the Teen Volunteers for their tremendous help and support with the Mobile Loaves and Fishes/Goodwill fundraiser: SOCIETY OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Brett Lindsey, Bradley Lindsey, Jacob Sandoval, Ali Klemm, Kye Moravitz, Cory Moravitz, Ashley Hernandez, Joey Moore, Jay Barker, Nathan Narvid, Tristan Narvid, and Lizzie White The mission of our Society is to increase devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and protect the unborn child. Our next meeting will be August 6th. The Board will meet at 6pm, and our general meeting is at 7pm. For more info, contact Loretta Charles at 210-317-5170 or by email at [email protected]. Great job!!! ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MINISTRY Have you thought of becoming a Eucharistic Minister? We need additional ministers at all Mass times. Our next training will be Aug 5th after the 6:30pm Mass. Call Catherine Lopez at 494-1606 to sign up for training. We have been there.… We can help! Weekly AA Meeting Schedule Women’s Meeting: Each Monday at 12pm in Christopher Hall in Room 201. Open Group Meeting: Each Wednesday at 8pm in the Community Center in the Charism Room on the second floor. Open Group Meeting: Each Thursday at 7pm in Christopher Hall in Room 201. For further information, call Terri at 213-8362 or the AA Help-Line @ 828-6235. Technical Talent Needed We Need YOU! Our parish continues to move forward in this digital age and we need your help. We are looking for parishioners to help in the following areas: 7th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser Saturday, Sept 7, 2013 Silverhorn Golf Club Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus—7613 CHRISTOPHER HALL INFORMATION Book your ANNIVERSARY party today! Check out or call Gary Richmond at 404-9101 for more information. Sound Board Operators DVD Presentation Assistants Computer Presentation Assistants Photographers Videographers Training will be provided and all ages are invited. For more info contact Shane Hamilton at 494-1606 x3 06 or email [email protected]. YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS’ CLUB & THE SENIOR SOCIAL LUNCHEON A free nutritious meal is provided by San Antonio every Monday at 11:30 A.M. for all seniors over the age of 60. Afterwards, on every 2nd and 4th Monday, come and join "The Young at Heart Seniors’ Club" for fun and games. Membership annual dues are $10.00. If you have any questions, please contact: Rosie @ 494-1805 or Arnold @ 499-5295 for info on the Seniors’ Club; or Catherine Lopez @ 494-1606 for info on the Senior Social Luncheon. Life After Loss Would like to invite you to join us in a sixweek program for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This program is designed to give you an opportunity to: Understand the process of grief Assess where you are in this process Discover how your loss can transform you into becoming a better person Plan for how you will continue to heal and live a good life Place: St. Mark the Evangelist 1602 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX 78232 *Matthew/Mark Room Contact: Catherine Lopez, 494-1660 Dates: Thursdays September 12th, 19th, 26th & October 3rd, 10th, 17th. Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm Facilitators: Dr. Don Hanson and Vivian Vance COMMUNITY AND SERVICE St. Vincent de Paul St. Mark the Evangelist Day Care Opening Soon! For more information about SVdP please call Rich Miller at 858-0399. The pantry is in need of the following items: Boxed Pancake Mix Cereal Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes Peanut Butter Canned Mixed Fruit Paper Towels Please say a special prayer each day for the poor and forgotten in our parish. ** Help Wanted ** Summer is a great time to relax on vacation and get away from it all. Although you may be away, the parish continues to run and we still need your support. Be sure to send in your stewardship pledge before you leave or while you are away. The daily operations of your parish rely on you. St. Matthew Catholic Church Knights of Columbus #8065 Casino Night Great Food, Gaming & Prizes, Silent Auction too! $40.00 per person, includes $1000 in chips! Live Entertainment - $10 per $1000 chips! 08/17/2013 - the McDonald Center Please call 279-3858 for more info. St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church is opening a Day Care Center. We are seeking full time and part time teachers and assistants. Candidates must have a high school diploma, possess excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, and enjoy working with children. If interested, qualified candidates should submit their resumé with professional references to Kathy Glendening, Preschool Co-Director via email to [email protected]. Let's Play BUNCO! For Love of Austin 2nd Annual Austin Whistler Memorial Benefit for A.C.T.S. Women in Recovery St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church - Shalom Rm. Sunday, September 29, 2013 @ 6:30 p.m. *Snacks to be served *Cash & Prizes to be awarded *Tickets $20.00 ***Buy tickets early - seating is limited! !! No tickets will be sold at the door! Attention Texas A&M Incoming Freshman and Transfer Students St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University in College Station invites each incoming freshman and transfer student to one of the two Connect 2013 Retreats: Monday, August 19 through Tuesday, August 20; or Friday, August 23 through Saturday, August 24. Connect 2013 is a great way to start college life, learn about the dynamic Catholic presence at TAMU and make new friends. For more information or to register, call : 979-846-5717 or visit . FAITH FORMATION FAITH FORMATION CLASSES 2012-2013 *Faith Formation for Pre-school age Children : on summer break. *Formation for Special Needs Children : on summer break. *Faith Formation-Elementary (K-5 grade) : on summer break. LifeTeen and The EDGE are on summer break. *The Catechumenate for Children (RCIA/CFC) the process for sacramental preparation for older children, meets every Sunday at the 10am Liturgy and then in New Legacy. July brings our vacation break. Remember to come to Mass each week. Regular sessions resume August 18 with the 10am liturgy and then in New Legacy until 12:30pm. *RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) the conversion process for those wanting to inquire about entering the Catholic Church, or for those wanting to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, meets Sunday mornings at the 10:00 am Mass, and Wednesday evenings from 7:15 pm–9:00 pm in the Shalom Room and the Holy Family Room. Everyone is welcome to join us. Host a Catholic CHILDCARE INFORMATION Childcare is available in the Noah's Ark room for ages 1+, when scheduled ahead of the event. During evening events, for the safety of your children and the caregivers, please ONLY enter and exit through the doors across from the Community Center. Contact Donna Scalia at 494-7434 x 325 for more information. GUADALUPE RADIO NETWORK Be sure to tune in to Catholic Radio 89.7 FM KJMA on the Guadalupe Radio Network. Each day more and more people grow closer to Christ and become more knowledgeable about our beautiful Catholic faith simply by tuning in to 89.7 FM KJMA. For more information, please call GRN Richard Reyna at 579-9844 x 1 or visit Find St. Marks on Facebook! High School Exchange Student Catholic volunteers, with or without children at home, are needed to host Catholic international high school students for the upcoming school year. The students speak English, are covered by medical insurance, have spending money for their personal expenses, and hope to arrive in AUGUST for enrollment in their new high school. For more information, please call Yvette at 800-941-3738. Time is precious for us….. ….and critical for the unborn. The Women’s Haven Ministry is now recruiting for volunteers. For more information, please call Iris Perez at: 210-710-9160. E-Bulletin Now Available Interested in receiving the St. Mark bulletin in pdf via your email? Scan this QR code and sign up today! Campbell’s Soup Labels Elementary Faith Formation is collecting soup labels to purchase supplies needed for our parish. You can bring your labels with you on any Faith Formation Sunday. Please include the barcode as shown in the picture below. WHAT A SUCCESS FOR MLF! Mobile Loaves was able to fill 3 trucks for Goodwill donations thanks to the generosity of the parish and people from the community who brought items. MLF will receive $3,000! Ellen Klemm lead the project and deserves our heartfelt thanks for her work in helping our poor and hungry in San Antonio. ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN The St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Bulletin is published by J. S. Paluch Company, 3708 River Rd., Franklin Park, IL 60131. The Bulletin is subsidized by our advertisers who contract directly with J. S. Paluch. If you would like to advertise in the Bulletin, please contact our parish ad consultant Bruce Cloud at (512) 422-2912. If you have announcements, articles, or information for the parish Bulletin, contact the Pastoral Office. FAITH FORMATION YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY The Great Adventure Series Coming Soon….. Psalms: The School of Prayer and… SUNDAY NIGHT PRIME Sunday's 7:00 PM ET First Corinthians- The Church and the Christian Community The Young Adult Ministry is a community of young adults from Holy Trinity, Padre Pio, and St. Mark that gather to share in fellowship and faith. Our hope is to grow and develop in stronger relationships with God. For more information, please contact Amy Calvet at [email protected] or Eric Mejia at [email protected]; check out our Facebook group: The Young Adult Community of Holy Trinity, Padre Pio, and St. Mark the Evangelist. Blessed Sacrament School THE WORLD OVER WITH RAYMOND ARROYO Thursday's 8:00 PM ET LIBRARY NEWS LIVING FAITH and LIVING FAITH FOR KIDS booklets for July thru September are now available on the Pamphlet Rack. As always, your donation is greatly appreciated. Library Hours Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30-10:30am Sunday 8:30-12pm THANK YOU FOR USING YOUR PARISH ID LABELS Info. and Registration available on August 4 in the Community Center Gym and August 10-11 and August 17-18 in the Narthex after all Masses. Classes start on September 10. Tuesdays @ 9-11 am or 6:45-8:30 pm Childcare will be available! For further information or to register please contact: Sheryl Parker at (210) 2741031 or Elida Robles at (210) 491-9896 Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is enrolling students for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8. Interested families may contact the school Office at 824-3381 to schedule a tour and informational meeting with the principal. For more information, please contact Mr. Michael Fierro at: [email protected] Register your children now for the 2013-14 Faith Formation Year. Call 494-7434 for more info. PLEASE ASSIST US IN KEEPING OUR SANCTUARY CLEAN. St. Mark self-addressed envelopes are available in the Sunday Church Office between weekend Masses, or in the Pastoral Office during the week. For labels and/or envelopes, call Zulaika at 494-1606, ext 327. Please advise Data Services, 494,1606, ext. 327, of all address changes so we can reduce returned mail postage costs. Thank You! Register for the 2013/2014 School Year! Catechists Needed for the 2013-14 Faith Formation Year. Call 494-7434 for more info. Before you leave Mass. . . kindly take a moment to tidy your pew by placing hymnals and worship aids in their respective places and picking up stray bulletins and personal belongings e.g., prayer books, children’s books, tissues. Help us make our worship space welcoming and presentable for the next Mass. What a perfect opportunity to teach our children to respect God’s house. Thank you for helping. WORSHIP AND WORD The Secrets of the Rosary WINGS & BEYOND FIRST SATURDAY PRAYER GROUP You are invited to come pray with us weekly and learn Mother Mary’s secrets, using St. Louis de Montfort’s holy book, Secrets of the Rosary. We will pray the Rosary and study a secret a week from this book. He shows us that the Rosary is the cure for every ill, not just for ourselves, but for our suffering world. Wings is a supportive gathering of individuals sharing thoughts and feelings after the loss of a relationship through divorce, death or separation. Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of each month at 6:30pm in the Matthew/Mark Rooms. Snacks are provided. Call Jackie Salcito at 494-4086 or Mary Lou at 495-3197 for info. For over 20 years, the First Saturday Prayer Group has been meeting for a Rosary and Communion Service. Come join us at 9am in the Day Chapel on the 1st Saturday each month. When: Every Tuesday evening, from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm in the Charism Room Our prayer journey through the Rosary begins with St. Louis, but it will also take us to Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorjie, and other places for Mary’s presence to us. For more information call David Nelson at 885-5175 or Stan Harmen at 495-4144. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP The Spirit and the Word Charismatic Praise and Prayer Group is on summer break with meetings resuming on Wednesday, August 28 at 7pm in room #202 of Christopher Hall. The next Healing of the Family Tree Mass will be August 21st. DIVINE MERCY: Adoramus Te Christe Prayer Group Jesus, I Trust In You “My soul magnifies the Lord.” Our contemplative prayer group meets every Thursday from 7 - 8:30 PM in the Library. We do Centering Prayer and then discuss a form of contemplative prayer practiced by such masters as Saints Benedict, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Ignatius Loyola. The group has responsibility praying for parish ministries, and conducting a Contemplative Retreat once a year for the Parish. For more information contact Stan Harmen 495-4144. The Ministry of Divine Mercy is dedicated to Jesus - the Divine Mercy in human flesh, whose love for us never ends, and is most present in our darkest moments; and to Mary, the Mother of the Blessed Sacrament. Through her intercession as Our Lady of Guadalupe, may all come to a deeper appreciation of the gift and sanctity of life. Please call Jeri Minyon at 599-8928 for more information or email her at [email protected]. Our group will be on summer break from June 17-September 9. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated after the 6:30 am Mass on the third Thursday of the month, and on the first Monday after the 6:30 pm Mass. For more information please call Catherine Lopez, Pastoral Associate at 494-1606. Centering Prayer Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto thine. Centering Prayer Group meets every Tuesday from 11am to 12pm in the Family Room. All are welcome to come and see what Centering Prayer is about. For more information please contact Jo Ann Anders at 210-496-1255. WOMEN'S ACTS PRAYER GROUP MEETING All ACTS Sisters are invited to gather for Prayer and Fellowship the first Saturday each month at 10am in the Shalom Room. Please bring your Gentle Spirits, Kind Hearts and Beautiful Voices. Returning Sisters, remember to bring your Blessings Journal. Our group is currently on summer break. We will resume gathering in August. Weekly Sunday Holy Rosary St. Mark’s prays the Rosary every Sunday before the 10:00 Mass. Parishioners are encouraged to come and pray the Glorious Mysteries and honor our Mother Mary. The Rosary begins at 9:25 am in the Sanctuary and finishes early enough for Mass preparations and announcements.
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