faith formation - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
faith formation - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Churc Church h 1602 Thousand Oaks Drive - San Antonio, TX 78232 Our Mission Statement: to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all God’s people by word and action. PARISH DIRECTORY Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Kevin E. Ryan PARISH OFFICE HOURS: PASTORAL OFFICE - 494-1606 Pastor Pastoral Administrator Pastoral Associate Development Director Deacon Deacon Deacon Asst. Bookkeeper Administrative Asst. Parish Data Services Rev. Msgr. Kevin Ryan Dot Hamlin Catherine Lopez Shane Hamilton Gil Hernandez Raul Adam Steve Marques Brenda Houchens Marisa Knuffke Zulaika L. Muñiz Ext. 312 Ext. 311 Ext. 315 Ext. 306 488-6296 646-7632 269-1339 Ext. 313 Ext. 300 Ext. 327 LITURGY OFFICE - 494-1660 Liturgy/Pastoral Care Liturgy Asst. Music Director Music Director Asst. Sunday Receptionist Catherine Lopez Carroll Migura Dolores Martinez Courtney Guernsey Kathleen Bedingfield Ext. 315 Ext. 307 Ext. 316 Ext. 330 Ext. 303 FAITH FORMATION/RELIGIOUS ED.-494-7434 Director of Adult Faith Formation - Paul Vance Ext. 326 Christian Initiation Ministry, (R.C.I.A.) Spiritual Direction, Quinceañeras Anne Kemper Ext. 329 Coordinators Elementary Theresa Crow Ext. 324 High School Youth Cindy Hamilton Ext. 331 Asst. to Youth Minister Daniel Glaze Ext. 334 Middle School Youth Dorothy Godines Ext. 332 Data Entry Asst. Shelly Rubio Ext. 333 Baptism & Childcare Coordinator - Donna Scalia Ext. 325 PRE-SCHOOL OFFICES - 494-9282 Co-Directors Administrative Asst. Kathy Glendening Connie Magott Sharon Pena Ext. 321 Ext. 322 Ext. 337 PHYSICAL PLANT - 494-9399 Manager Team Leader Custodians George Wetherill Juan Olivo Rosa Hernandez Irene Marin CHURCH REGISTRATION Are you new in the parish? You are invited to register in the Pastoral Office, Monday-Thursday 9:00—5:00; Friday 8:00—4:00 (Closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM), or in the Pastoral Offices located in the church on Saturday or Sunday. Registration forms are also available on our website: MONDAY-THURSDAY 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM FRIDAY 8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM (CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:00—1:00 PM MON.-FRI.) PHONE: 494-1606 - FAX: 494-4957 FOR AFTER HOURS EMERGENCIES: PHONE 494-1606 AND FOLLOW ANSWERING MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS MASS SCHEDULE: SUNDAY: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM 8:15 AM, & 6:30 PM 6:30 AM 6:30 AM & 8:15 AM 6:30 AM & 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 5:00 PM COMMUNION SERVICES: MONDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ADORATION HOURS: TUESDAY 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM SACRAMENTAL PREPARATIONS: FOR INFORMATION ON PREPARING FOR THE SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM, FIRST RECONCILIATION, FIRST EUCHARIST, OR CONFIRMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE FAITH FORMATION OFFICE AT: 494-7434, Ext. 325. ANOINTING OF THE SICK TO SCHEDULE AN ANOINTING, PLEASE CALL: 494-1606, EXT. 315, OR EXT. 307 6:30 AM 8:15 AM 6:30 AM 7:30 AM RECONCILIATION SERVICES: SATURDAY 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (OR BY APPOINTMENT 494-1606) MATRIMONY: FOR INFORMATION ON PREPARATION FOR MATRIMONY, PLEASE CONTACT THE PASTORAL OFFICE AT: 494-1606 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 22, 2012 Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David.— Jeremiah 23:5a THE DAYS ARE COMING Separation, isolation, and hostility are terrible things. We are, sadly, too familiar with all of them in our modern life, whether we look at world events or events in our own neighborhoods and families. All three readings today refer to these same sad human conditions. The prophet Jeremiah describes world conditions as if the people of his time were sheep who had been scattered by poor leadership and corrupt shepherds. But “the days are coming,” he assures us (Jeremiah 23:5), when a new shepherd, a just king, will come. We meet that king in the second reading and the Gospel. Paul reminds us in the Letter to the Ephesians that all divisions can now cease in Christ Jesus, who has brought us together through his blood. In Mark’s Gospel we see Jesus himself, looking with pity on those searching for him as if they were Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. sheep without a shepherd. TODAY’S READINGS MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS SATURDAY, July 21st Mi 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21 5:00 PM First Reading — I shall gather the remnant of my flock and bring them back to their meadow (Jeremiah 23:1-6). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — In Christ Jesus you who were once far off have become near by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13-18). Gospel — When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he began to teach them many things (Mark 6:30-34). † Anacleto Salinas Requested by Dennis & Lucila Guyer SUNDAY, July 22nd Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 8:00 AM † Fred Montez 10:00 AM † James S. Massey, Jr. Requested by Dora Massey & Family 12:00 PM † Angela Salinas-Fernandez Requested by Tito M. Fernandez 5:00 PM Special Intentions Special Intention requested by Stephanie Galle Requested by Minerva Montez & Family MONDAY, July 23rd Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Mt 12:38-42 8:15 AM Kay Barncord Special Intention requested by Mary DeLatte 6:30 PM † David Cueva Requested by Sylvia Cueva Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Mt 12:46-50 † Gloria Savoy Requested by the St. Mark Quilter's WEDNESDAY, July 25th 2 Cor 4:7-15; Mt 20:20-28 6:30 AM 8:15 AM † George R. De Jarne e, Jr. Requested by Bernadine & Vincent Labus † Luis & Arturro Lizarralde Requested by Fannie Germain THURSDAY, July 26th Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13:10-17 6:30 AM 8:15 AM The St. Mark the Evangelist Community Special Intentions † Emily & Linda Wakil Requested by Yvette Magee FRIDAY, July 27th Jer 3:14-17; Mt 13:18-23 8:15 AM † Lyal Gordon Requested by the St. Mark Quilter's SATURDAY, July 28th Jer 7:1-11; Mt 13:24-30 5:00 PM † Molly Wagener Requested by Carl & Lou Wagener SUNDAY, July 29th 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 8:00 AM † Rebecca "Becky" Marion Requested by Lois Branco 10:00 AM † Annie Hernandez Requested by Gil & Terry Hernandez 12:00 PM 5:00 PM WE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR COMMUNITY Araceli Martinez B.J. Mahoney Dan Perry Enrique Garcia Jerry Orsak Winfried Daum Benjamin Hami Barbara Jungman Kocurek TUESDAY, July 24th 6:30 AM The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. † Kelli Wayman Jane Houser Joe Grogan Robert Clifford Verlene Francis Harrison Szymczak Patrick King, Sr. Gina Sullivan Bill Callanan Michael Hood Laura Boes Richard Houser Martha Melton Adam Zurovec Elizabeth Huff Bobbie Bozek Cindy Visosky Mary Jane Fox Martha Melton Gary Gates Beth Jones Rick Ewaniszyk Bob Ekrut Nora Mae Fulmer Sylvester N. Obi Fr. Pat O'Shea The Humpal Family Robert Benavides Alice Zamora Dorothy Reis Christen McWhorter Stefanie Hunt Harold Payne Kate Phelan Peggy Hayes Obringer Betty Rodgers Peggy Barbee Thomas Mihun Lisa Hunt Celia Fernandez William Petray Frank Perri Isabelle Santos Guadalupe Torres Matthew Ortiz Maria Rodriguez Paul Dickerson Matt Kreger Scott Harris Sandy Harris Dale Barbee Rachel Mora Terri Ehrlich Julie Keegan Stephanie Keegan Maria Ortiz Karen Bernas Bob Marin Mary Gutierrez Rosie Lindquist Esperanza Sample Al Keegan Teresa Berg Frank Ayala Elizabeth Ayala Lynn Hufford Joseph M. Volmer Kelly Klar Lorena Rodriguez Connie McRae Dolores M. Valero Lani A. Mejia Doris Hoyt Valerie G. Franklin Matthew Margotta Fairlie Zwartjes Saba Mebrahtu Jackie Salcito Walter Young Grace Toland Mike Churchman Regina Jenschke Lois Morris Matthew Farmer Connie Kuykendall Mary Ellen McGinley Ken Macinga Liz Czervinske Begonia Cole Conor Hopkins Lucia Masters Raymond Zwartjes Joan Davis Ben Brown Michael Czervinske Kay Barncord Doyle & Manda Gates Bishop Thomas Flanagan M.W. Rollin Elroy & Gail Tschirhart Margaret Harty Minnie Arispe Jose Luis Urbina Cecile Simecki Mitch Achee Victor Zavala Andrew Klauenberg Jean Bailey Ehren Klauenberg Eduardo Cabellero, Jr. Mary Lou Aguilar Dolores Knuffke Mary Delatte Valeria Pena Michael Swierc Tom Gers Donna Mazzara Paul Zuniga Chuck Van Alen Georgia Crow Esmerelda H. Gonzalez Mike Shafer Velma Greer William E. Fitch Jean Macina Amy Klar Tschirhart Tanya Pittman Catherine Holzmann Lisa Perri Molina Sam Szalwinski Craig Radick We offer our prayers and sympathy to our parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. Requested by the Wayman Family We pray for those who have died recently. May they rest in peace. † Ricardo De los Santos Requested by Andrea De los Santos Lyal Gordon & Joan Davis SAINTS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Saturday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bridget St. Sharbel Makhlūf St. James Ss. Joachim and Anne Blessed Virgin Mary THIS WEEK AT ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST Monday, July 23rd Alcoholics Anonymous - 11:00 - 1:30 Young at Heart Senior Club - 12:30 - 2:00 Monday Night Prayer Group - 7:00 - 8:30 Beyond Cana Retreat Meeting - 7:30 - 9:00 CH #201 Shalom Family Rm. Charism x ST. BRIDGET St. Bridget arrived in Ireland a few years after St. Patrick. Her father was an Irish lord named Duptace. As Bridget grew up, she became holier and more pious each day. She loved the poor and would often bring food and clothing to them. One day she gave away a whole pail of milk, and then began to worry about what her mother would say. She prayed to the Lord to make up for what she had given away. When she got home, her pail was full! Bridget was a very pretty young girl, and her father thought that it was time for her to marry. She, however, had given herself entirely to God when she was very small, and she would not think of marrying anyone. When she learned that her beauty was the reason for the attentions of so many young men, she prayed fervently to God to take it from her. She wanted to belong to Him alone. God granted her prayer. Seeing that his daughter was no longer pretty, her father gladly agreed when Bridget asked to become a Nun. She became the first Religious in Ireland and founded a convent so that other young girls might become Nuns. When she consecrated herself to God, a miracle happened. She became very beautiful again! Bridget made people think of the Blessed Mother because she was so pure and sweet, so lovely and gentle. They called her the "Mary of the Irish." Tuesday, July 24th Library Open - 8:30 - 10:30 Library Shalom/Healing/Charism Christmas in July - 9:00 - 12:00 Eucharistic Adoration - 9:00 - 9:00 Adoration Centering Prayer Group - 11:00 - 12:00 Brides Rm. Leaders Meeting 12:00 - 9:00 New Leg. Wednesday, July 25th Pastoral Offices Closed Today Library Open - 8:30 - 10:30 Eucharistic Adoration - 9:00 - 9:00 Spirit & Word - 6:00 - 9:00 RCIA - 6:00 - 9:00 ACTS Men's Prayer Group - 7:00 - 9:00 Library Adoration CH #202 Shalom/Holy Fam CH #201 Thursday, July 26th Pastoral Offices Closed Today Eucharistic Adoration - 9:00 - 8:00 Small Faith Community - 9:30 - 11:30 Adoration Matt/Mark Friday, July 27th Quilter's - 8:30 - 3:30 Divine Mercy Adoration 3:00 - 4:00 CH #201/202 Adoration STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION "Stewardship: A Generosity of Heart" After King Solomon’s reign, the Israelites divided into north and south kingdoms which were eventually conquered. The Israelites were then driven into exile. God spoke through his prophets telling the leaders that he would gather the people to himself and appoint new leaders to shepherd his flock. Jesus sees the people following him and compares them to sheep without a shepherd. St. Paul recognizes that Jesus has destroyed the barriers dividing the old kingdoms and gathered the scattered people together. May we recognize Christ as our Shepherd and bring others to his flock. Saturday, July 28th Reconciliation - 4:00 - 5:00 Sanctuary Sunday, July 29th Breaking Open the Word - 9:30 - 11:30 Shalom #3 Baptism Classes - 11:30 - 2:30 Shalom Young Adults Ministry Meeting - 2:00 - 4:00 - Matt/Mark/Holy Fam. Focolare Meeting - 3:00 - 7:00 Shalom (Note: this is a highlight of events taking place this week at St. Mark) COMMUNITY AND SERVICE YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS’ CLUB & THE SENIOR SOCIAL LUNCHEON ATTN: No Senior Luncheon on July 23rd. A free nutritious meal is provided by San Antonio every Monday at 11:30 A.M. for all seniors over the age of 60. Afterwards, on every 2nd and 4th Monday, come and join "The Young at Heart Seniors’ Club" for fun and games. Membership annual dues are $10.00. If you have any questions please contact: Rosie @ 494-1805 or Arnold @ 499-5295 for information on the Seniors’ Club; or Catherine Lopez @ 494-1606 for information on the Senior Social Luncheon. SOCIETY OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE The mission of our Society is to increase devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and protect the unborn child. Our next board meeting will be July 31st and our next regular meeting will be on August 7th. Witness the exciting foundations of the Church with: Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom. This will be the next bible study in our Great Adventure Series beginning in September! Watch the Bulletin for further details For more info., contact Lulu Garcia at 497-8764 or [email protected]. St. Mark Quilters—The Lion’s Pride We are looking for homes for child-size quilts. If you know of a child who needs healing, is hospitalized, struggling with a long illness or tragedy in their lives, please contact Pat Brookes at 494-5832 or Barbara Gordon at 490-3766. We always welcome new and advanced quilters. Everyone is welcome. We meet at Christopher Hall every Friday from 9am-3:30pm. Attention Texas A&M Incoming Freshman and Transfer Students St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University in College Station invites each incoming freshman and transfer student to one of the two Connect 2012 Retreats: Monday, August 20-Tuesday, August 21; or Friday August 24-Saturday, August 25. Connect 2012 is a great way to start college life, learn about the dynamic Catholic presence at TAMU and make new friends. For more information or to register, call 979846-5717 or visit . Visit us on the web at: St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe Come and gather in prayer and worship to renew your faith and receive grace and strength for the Journey. It is with this renewal that we can share our faith with our families and communities. Sat, September 8, 2012 8am-Noon in the Main Sanctuary Cost is FREE—Love offerings accepted Presented by Fr. James Marshall, S.J. For more information on the Retreat, please contact: Julie Lee 403-0696. CATHOLIC BOOK GROUP Our Catholic Book Group is now on summer break, but will resume again this fall. We invite anyone interested, or maybe you just have a passion for reading, to join us in the parish library from 7-9pm. Our next meeting will be a discussion of: September 6: Compassion, A Reflection on the Christian Life, by Henri Nouwen Unless checked out, books are available in the library for preview. St. Vincent de Paul Pantry is in Need of the following items: Our food pantry needs your help immediately. Many families are in need and you can help. Cereal Mayonnaise Ketchup Mustard Instant Tea Cooking Oil Shampoo Bar Soap Coffee In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Vincent de Paul, a great man of action was also a contemplative. His contemplation of God’s love overflowed into practical love for the poor. Please remember the poor and the forgotten in your prayer. San Antonio Run for Life is a charity organization supporting three non-profit organizations in San Antonio: San Antonio Coalition for Life, Allied Women’s Center, and Guadalupe Home. Families and individuals join together to Run or Walk the 5k certified course showing their commitment in supporting life. Sat, September 8th at 7:30am Blue Star Brewery, 1414 S Alamo Early Registration $25 Event Day Registration $30 COMMUNITY AND SERVICE Hats off to Lili Vasquez and the many ways she contributes to the St. Mark parish. You’ll see her most often at the 5pm Sunday Mass coordinating youth lectors. From LifeTeen to VBS, she has a soft spot in her heart for the young people of our parish. Thanks for all you do, Lili! Call the Faith Formation Office: 494-7434 CHRISTOPHER HALL INFORMATION Do you need space for a celebration? Check out or call Gary Richmond at 404-9101 for more information. USHERS NEEDED The Saturday 5:00 pm Mass time is in need of some smiling and helpful people. Hospitality is so very important. Call Jan Danielski at 490-3171 for more information. Summertime Challenge When you are in town, attend Mass and worship with your church family. Please continue to share of your time, talents, & treasure. Many of us spend money during the summer on travel and are gone several weeks; however, the Church’s needs don’t slow down. Please continue to give with ‘a generosity of heart’. LIBRARY NEWS Visit the St. Mark library where you will find a variety of books, videos, and DVDs for the whole family to enjoy. Library Hours Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30-10:30am Sunday 8:30-12pm Would you like to receive the weekly bulletin via email? Sign up for the e-bulletin delivered each Friday via email at 4pm. To sign up, email [email protected] or call 494-1606 x306 with your email. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Today’s woman faces many challenges and longs for the good of her family, herself, and her future. Come to the Conference for women of all ages on September 21-22 at the Norris Conference Center in San Antonio. The Conference will focus on the search for the Truth of God’s plan in the life of all women and will offer inspirational speakers, Mass, great music and more! Don’t miss this event! Register now; early registration ends August 24. Space is limited. Call the Pilgrim Center of Hope for a brochure at 521-3377. An October Baby Exclusive Viewing! The movie is in the mail on the way to our office! We have Hannah, a college freshman, has gained special privileges to show it before it comes out on DVD. her world turned upside down The showing will be on August when she learns she is the 25th at 6:15pm at St. Mark's. adopted survivor of an attempted abortion. Encouraged by her friend Jason's adventurous spirit, Hannah joins his group of friends on a Spring Break road trip, embarking on a journey to discover her hidden past...and find hope for her unknown future. In the midst of her incredible journey, Hannah finds that life can be so much more than what you have planned. Rated PG-13. WORSHIP AND WORD We are excited to announce that The Bible Timeline—The Story of Salvation will be available again this fall. Presented by Jeff Cavins, this video and small group discussion series takes you on a journey and tells the story. The first class will be Thursday, September 13 at 7pm in Christopher Hall. All are invited to participate. For additional information, please call Bill Schott at 4946717, Don Cosgrove at 490-7385, or Marcia Sparkman at 494-2728. FIRST SATURDAY PRAYER GROUP For over 20 years, the First Saturday Prayer Group has been meeting for a Rosary and Communion Service. Come join us at 9am in the Day Chapel on the 1st Saturday each month. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION MONDAY NIGHT INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP The Intercessory Prayer Group meets on Mondays in the St. Mark Family Room at 7pm. WINGS & BEYOND Wings is a supportive gathering of individuals sharing thoughts and feelings after the loss of a relationship through divorce, death or separation. Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday each month at 6:30pm in the Matthew/Mark Rooms. Snacks are provided. Call Jackie Salcito at 494-4086 or Mary Lou at 495-3197 for info. “The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time that you will spend on earth.” [Mother Teresa] Adoration hours are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am to 9pm and Thursday from 9am to 8pm. Please call: Julie @ 494-4144; Rosemary @ 496-7685; or Sandy @ 404-2379. THANK YOU FOR USING YOUR PARISH ID LABELS St. Mark self-addressed envelopes are available in the Sunday Church Office between weekend Masses, or in the Pastoral Office during the week. For labels and/or envelopes, call Zulaika at 494-1606, ext 327. Beyond Cana Marriage Enrichment Retreat August 17-19, 2012 The Beyond Cana retreat weekend is for couples in strong, Christ-centered marriages. It focuses on couple communication, love and intimacy, all vital components of stable and secure marriage relationships. It is composed of a blend of spiritual and practical talks, periods for couple reflection, prayer, and the introduction of useful tools designed to renew and invigorate your marriage through improved communication. This is all done from a Catholic perspective, with an understanding of marriage as a sacrament. Gift this weekend to each other! Please contact Dave or Jo Ann Dimitriou for details at 618-6672. WOMEN'S ACTS PRAYER GROUP MEETING All ACTS Sisters are invited to gather for Prayer and Fellowship on Saturday, August 4, 2012 in Shalom at 10:00 AM. Please bring your Gentle Spirits, Kind Hearts and Beautiful Voices. Refreshments will be served. Prior to our gathering you are invited to attend the First Saturday of the Month Prayer Group in the Day Chapel at 9:00 AM. All are welcome. This is a Rosary and Communion Service. After this Liturgy we will gather in Shalom. Come One, Come All, to share Petitions, Blessings, Laughter and more. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP The Spirit and the Word Charismatic Praise and Prayer Group Meet on Wednesdays in Christopher Hall at 7:00pm in room 202. Charismatic Healing of the Family Tree Mass takes place every third Wednesday in the Day Chapel at 7:00 pm for praise and worship. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated after the 6:30 am Mass on the third Thursday of the month and on the first Monday after the 6:30 pm Mass. For more information please call Catherine Lopez at 494-1606. DIVINE MERCY : Jesus, I Trust In You The Cenacle meets on Monday evenings from 7-9pm in Christopher Hall, room 202 (elevator available). The Cenacle is devoted to the Diary of Saint Faustina, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Holy Scripture. The Chaplet is sung every Friday at 3:00 pm (25 minutes) in the Adoration Chapel. Please call Jeri at 599-8928 for more info. FAITH FORMATION FAITH FORMATION CLASSES 2011-2012 CATHOLIC EVANGELIZATION MINISTRIES *Faith Formation for Pre-school age Children is now on summer break. Fullness of Truth, and the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, present their Catholic Family Evangelization Conference: *Formation for Special Needs Children is now on summer break. *Faith Formation-Elementary (K-5 grade) is now on summer break. *Faith Formation for High School or “LifeTeen” is now on summer break. “Why the Cross? Salvation and Suffering in Sacred Scripture!” *The Catechumenate for Children (RCIA/CFC) the process for sacramental preparation for older children, meets every Sunday at the 10:00 am Liturgy and then in New Legacy. August 25-26 Hyatt Hill Country Resort *Faith Formation for Middle School or “The Edge” is now on summer break. *RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) the conversion process for those wanting to inquire about entering the Catholic Church, or for those wanting to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, meets Sunday mornings at the 10:00 am Mass, and Wednesday evenings from 7:15 pm–9:00 pm in the Shalom Room and the Holy Family Room. Our featured speakers: Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Brant Pitre, Dr. John Bergsma and Dr. Michael Barber. Youth programming available. For information or to register visit or call 1877-21-TRUTH. Centering Prayer $12.00 in San Antonio $26.00 outside Bexar County $56.00 outside Texas $68.00 out of United States Rolling Hills Catholic School in north San Antonio is now enrolling PK38th Grade. Rolling Hills provides the highest quality education, develops core values and imparts our Catholic faith to produce future Catholic leaders. Tours are available by appointment. For more information call Erin Grosso at 210-497-0323. Please mail along with your check or money order to: Today’s Catholic Newspaper 2718 W. Woodlawn Ave Call the Faith Formation Office: 494-7434 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Contact Donna Scalia at 494-7434 x 325 SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!! City/State/Zip__________________________________________________________ St. Anthony Catholic School, educating students from 3 years through 8th grade, is now enrolling students for the 2012-13 school year. St. Anthony’s is located in the historic Monte Vista neighborhood just north of downtown San Antonio, and has served a diverse student body since 1907. Please contact the Registrar Ms. Mary Martinez at 732-8801 x 120 for information, application materials, and to schedule a tour. Childcare is available in the Noah's Ark room for ages 1+, when scheduled ahead of the event. During evening events, for the safety of your children and the caregivers, please ONLY enter and exit through the doors across from the Community Center. Address_______________________________________________________________ For the answers to any of these questions, please contact either Jo Ann Anders at 210-496-1255 or Denise French at 210-846-3843. Plan to attend a Tuesday or Thursday Morning Centering Prayer meeting in the Family Room in the Church at 11 am – 12 noon each week. CHILDCARE INFORMATION Name________________________________________________________________ What is Centering Prayer? Why attend a Centering Prayer Meeting? What does a Centering Prayer Meeting include? When can I attend a Centering Prayer Meeting? Where can I get more information about Centering prayer? FAITH FORMATION YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY MEETINGS The Young Adult Community of Holy Trinity, Padre Pio, and St. Mark are watching a Theology of the Body Series by Christopher West designed for young adults. If you are interested, the first three meetings are as follows: Calling all Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, Kof C’s or men in general for Middle School ministry! Our young boys are in need of men in our Catholic faith to step up and be those role models that they need in their lives. All God asks for is a “YES,” and He will give you the tools to do His will. Please pray about volunteering for this awesome ministry. If you would like to know more about details, or have any flicker of interest, feel free to contact Dorothy Godines 210-494-1959 ext 332 or [email protected] Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking about it only make it worse? RETROUVAILLE A program to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages will meet on August 10-12,2012. For confidential information: Call 210-632-6369 or visit our website at July 26 – 31, 5:30 PM – I BELIEVE – THE HEART OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH: Dr. D’Ambrosio discusses the nature of the Creed on the three persons of the Trinity. EWTN - On the web at YOUTUBE Miss an episode of your favorite EWTN program? Watch a new video every day including recent homilies, live shows, and more. July 22, 2pm at St Mark in Matthew/Mark Classroom July 29, 2pm at St Mark in Matthew/Mark Classroom If you have any questions or need directions, please contact, call or text, Amy Calvet at (210)473-1304 or [email protected] or Eric Mejia at [email protected] CALLING ALL YOUTH We need help with the ministries for the Sunday 5pm Mass. We need lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, ushers, and choir members. Call Youth Office @ 494-1959. “The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest until it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds.” — Sirach 35:17-18a RECYCLE INKJET and TONER CARTRIDGES If you are currently recycling by returning these empty inkjet and toner cartridges to Canon, HP, Lexmark and the like, consider donating them to us instead. You can start collecting these cartridges and dropping them off in a bin that we set up in the Community Center. You can also request recycle containers, posters, flyers, newsletters for use in your own work place, making it easier and more effective to gather empty cartridges. If you have any inquiries about the program or would like to request recycling resources, please don’t hesitate to call me at 210-494-7434 ext 324 or email me at [email protected]. You can also contact RECYCLE4KIDS by visiting their website,, for further information. GUADALUPE RADIO NETWORK Be sure to tune in to Catholic Radio 89.7 FM KJMA on the GuadaADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN lupe Radio The St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Bulletin Network. Each day more and is published by J. S. Paluch Company, more people grow closer to Christ 3708 River Road, Franklin Park, IL 60131. The and become more knowledgeable Bulletin is subsidized by our advertisers who contract about our beautiful Catholic faith directly with J. S. Paluch. If you would like to advertise in the Bulletin, please contact our parish simply by tuning in to 89.7 FM consultant Jose Valadez. His cell phone is KJMA. For more information, (210)-831-6423 and his direct line and fax line is please call GRN (210)-492-8917. If you have announcements, Richard Reyna at 579-9844 x 1 or articles, or information for the parish Bulletin, contact the Pastoral Office. visit
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