Bulletin - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church


Bulletin - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
1602 Thousand Oaks Dr. - San Antonio, TX 78232
Our Mission Statement:
to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to
all God’s people by word and action.
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Kevin E. Ryan
PASTORAL OFFICE - (210) 494-1606
Pastoral Administrator
Development Director
Development Asst.
Asst. Bookkeeper
Parish Data Services
Administrative Asst.
Rev. Msgr. Kevin Ryan
Dot Hamlin
Pamela Raines
Laura Boren
Rich Mazzara
Brenda Houchens
Zulaika L. Muñiz
Pat Flores
Gil Hernandez
Raul Adam
Steve Marques
Larry Brisiel
Hipolito Huerta
Ext. 312
Ext. 311
Ext. 345
Ext. 344
Ext. 319
Ext. 313
Ext. 327
Ext. 300
LITURGY OFFICE - (210) 494-1660
Liturgy/Pastoral Care
Liturgy Asst.
Music Director
Sunday Receptionist
Robert Martinez
Carroll Migura
Gary Marks
Kathleen Bedingfield
Ext. 315
Ext. 307
Ext. 330
Ext. 303
FAITH FORMATION - (210) 494-7434
Paul Vance
Anne Kemper
Elizabeth Herring
Rita Cabello
Ext. 326
Ext. 329
Ext. 324
Ext. 320
YOUTH MINISTRY - (210) 494-1959
Frank Peacher
Brenda Mireles
Ext. 334
Ext. 332
Ext. 333
PRE-SCHOOL - (210) 494-9282
Administrative Asst.
Kathy Glendening
Connie Magott
Kim Hicks
Ext. 321
Ext. 322
Ext. 337
PHYSICAL PLANT - (210) 494-9399
Team Leader
George Wetherill
Ext. 318
Juan Olivo
Rosa Hernandez, Hector Rendon,
Miguel Martinez, Jenny Alarcon
Are you new in the parish? You are invited to register in the
Pastoral Office, Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm or Friday, 8am4pm (closed 12pm-1pm) or in the pastoral office located in the
church on Saturday or Sunday. Registration forms are also
available on our website: www.stmarkevangelist.com.
(‘½Êݛ— ¥ÊÙ ½çđ« ¥ÙÊà 12:00—1:00 Öà MÊėƒù-FÙ®—ƒù)
PHONE: (210) 494-1606 | FAX: (210) 494-4957
AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCIES: ‘ƒ½½ (210) 494-1606 ƒÄ— ¥Ê½½Êó ƒÄÝó›Ù®Ä¦ Ñ«®Ä› ®ÄÝãÙç‘ã®ÊÄÝ
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*(LƒÝã HÊç٠ʥ A—Êكã®ÊÄ ®Ý ¥ÙÊà 8-9ÖÃ)
: (210) 494-7434, Ext. 320.
, F
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(210) 494-1606,
. 315
. 307.
: (210) 494-1606.
July 17, 2016
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our posture is often a tip-off to our hospitality and reverence for the Lord.
Note the actions of Abraham as he greeted the Lord in the presence of three
men who appeared near his tent. He ran from the entrance of the tent to greet
them. He bowed to the ground as he met them. He and Sarah, his wife, hastened to prepare a meal and bring food and water to their guests.
In the Gospel story, Jesus’ friend Mary sat at his feet in order to listen to
him speak.
How do we welcome and reverence the Lord? What do our actions show?
Do we remember the Lord’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament? How do we
welcome the Lord in the scripture readings? How do we acknowledge his
presence in our brothers and sisters, both at Mass and afterwards?
Whether we kneel, stand, or sit in the Lord’s presence, may our hearts and
minds always be attuned to him.
MONDAY, July 18
Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42
8:15 AM
† Helen Ott
Requested by the St. Mark’s Quilters
6:30 PM
Eileen and Rick Pape
Special intention requested by Jackie and Joe DePonte
TUESDAY, July 19
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50
6:30 AM
† All souls in purgatory
Requested by anonymous
Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17; Mt 13:1-9
6:30 AM
8:15 AM
† Frank Gentry
Requested by Happy and Patrick Von Dohlen
† Annie Machicek
Requested by Wilma and Richard Schaefer
First Reading — Abraham and Sarah show hospitality to messengers
of the LORD (Genesis 18:1-10a).
Psalm — He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord
(Psalm 15).
Second Reading — Paul speaks of the stewardship given to him to
complete the word of God, the mystery hidden from ages past
(Colossians 1:24-28).
Gospel — Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.
Mary has chosen the better part (Luke 10:38-42).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c)
1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-11; Mt 13:10-17
St. Camillus de Lellis
St. Apollinaris
St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Jer 3:14-17; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
St. Mary Magdalene
8:15 AM
St. Bridget of Sweden; Blessed Virgin Mary
6:30 AM
St. Mark’s Community
8:15 AM
† Helen Ott
Requested by the St. Mark’s Women’s Guild
FRIDAY, July 22
† Molly Wagener
Requested by Lou and Carl Wagener
Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30
5:00 PM
† Kelli Kristine Wayman
Requested by the Wayman Family
SUNDAY, July 24
Gen 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
† Robert L. Persyn
Requested by Joyce and Dennis Ullich
† Mary Ann Pinto
Requested by Marcia and Porter Sparkman
† Merlin D. Hehn
Requested by Terry Livingston
† Ambrosio Vazquez Quevedo
Requested by the Vazquez and Quevedo Families
† Darlene Morris
Requested by Roxanne and Robert Muzny
Among the attributes of God, although
they are all equal, mercy shines with even
more brilliance than justice.
—Miguel de Cervantes
Tom Baker
Danielle Baksic
Jacob Bowers
Dolores Celedon
Bill Clark
Denith Garza
Glen Gibbs
Celina Gonzalez
Donald Hackl
Carl Hallenberger
Kevin Hutton
Rosalie Kasaba
Don Kersting
Sharon Koehler
Kelly Larson
Phillip Ledwig
Norma & Adolfo Lopez
Erik Luis
Ken Macinga
Zoe Macinga
Connie Marszalek
Trisha Martin
Saba Mebrathu
Lani Allen Mejia
Hilde Moore
Peggy Hayes Obringer
Robert Oyervides
Sarah Paquette
Frank Perri
Lisa Perri-Molina
Craig (Bubba) Radick
Andy Ramos
Linda Shoe
James Spruel, Jr.
Janet Spruel Jenkins
Sharon Stelleges
Darrell Tomblin
Brinley Tschirhart
Dwayne Urban
David Williams
Kenneth Williams
Susan Winter
Dionicio Ysassi
Alice Zamora
Cely Zamuco
Prayer list requests can be made by calling the pastoral office or sending an
email to Pat Flores at [email protected]. Names of the sick will
be listed for three months. A er three months, names will be removed.
Should you need to keep a loved one on the prayer list, please contact the
pastoral office, and the name will be added for an addi onal three months.
We offer our prayers and sympathy to our parishioners
who have experienced a death in their family:
Serena Nweremizu
July 17, 2016 | Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Last Sunday's "Good Samaritan" running parishes, schools, hospitals,
parable concluded with Jesus' com- and social service ministries
"second-class" discipleship? No;
mand: Go provide hands-on merJesus' example is not either/or
cy to the next person you
but both/and: silent communmeet, no conditions, no limion with God, boundless
its, no exceptions. But tocompassion for people. If
day, Jesus seems to critiwe do not seek Jesus in
cize Martha's hands-on
silent prayer, how will we
mercy of hospitality,
find Jesus in all others? If
while praising Mary's
we do not serve Jesus in
"hands-off" as "choosing
others, will our worship,
the better part" (Luke
despite its beauty, be any10:42). Mary sat listening
thing but empty ritual? This
(10:39), leaving Martha
Jubilee Year of Mercy offers us
"burdened with much serving
Jesus' two-fold challenge: both "go
by herself" (10:40). So, is the conand do" and "sit and listen."
templative life of prayerful silence
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S.
"superior," but the active life of
Paluch Co., Inc.
earning a living, raising a family,
The French Revolution is hardly a
“treasure” in our story, yet in 1789 it
began to dismantle the way the world
was organized: feudalism. The collapsed society had three basic divisions: those who work, those who
fight, and those who pray. There
wasn’t a great deal of movement
among the ranks, yet one way to
move out of the workers and the
fighters was in the direction of the
folks who prayed. These were the
First Estate, the clergy.
One of the key persons in any
manor or village was the priest. He
could read, at least a bit, and so was
the source for pronouncements and
news from government and Church.
He was assigned to celebrate the
sacraments frequently and in conformance with certain rules.
Seminaries did not exist before
the Reformation. Astute Protestant
reformers then forced the Catholic
world toward a more educated and
able clergy. Before that, young men
apprenticed with a priest to learn the
essentials, and would be presented
to the bishop for ordination. Other
priests emerged from the university
system, where students were required to be invested as clerics. Still
others were monks, ordained not so
much for ministry outside the monastic walls, but to offer Mass only for
the intentions of the community’s
Good Morning Mondays
Young at Heart Seniors’ Club
Alcoholic Anonymous
Catechist Training
Monday Night Prayer Group
Divine Mercy
SVDP Meeting
CH #202 & CH #203
CH #201
CH #205
Eucharistic Adoration
Centering Prayer Group
Boy Scout Troop #500
Theology of the Body
Bible Study Team Meeting
Archdiocese Town Hall Meeting
Chapel of the Reservation
Aquinas Hall
Offices Closed for
Staff Development
Offices Closed for
Staff Development
SVDP Meeting
CH #201
CH #201 and # 202
Chapel of the Reservation
CH #201
Catechumenate for Children BOW
Spanish Divine Mercy
Boy Scout Troop #500
New Legacy
Day Chapel
St. Mark’s parish has a new start for
the Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy.
Please join us.
Where: Christopher Hall, Room 205.
What: Study the Diary of St. Faustina
and Divine Mercy using guidebooks of
Marian Fathers.
Jesus told Faustina, “I unite Myself
with you, take away your misery and
give you my mercy. I perform works
of mercy in every soul.”
Come and partake of his merciful love
with us. For more information, call
Stan Harmen at (210) 495-4144 or
Annette Kurburski at (210) 404-9991.
Jesus, I trust in you!
St. Mark’s prays the Holy Rosary
every Saturday before the 5pm Mass,
and before the 8am Mass on Sunday.
Parishioners are encouraged to
come and pray the Mysteries and
honor our Mother Mary.
The Rosary is held in the Main
Sanctuary and begins at 4:25pm on
Saturday and 7:30am on Sunday.
for July 2016
What does mercy look like through
the eyes of another person? We know
how we would like people to act with
mercy toward us, but what is mercy to
a family member, our coworker, or the
person we walk by every day? For
each of us, there are particular things
that are meaningful to us and speak
to our need for mercy. In spite of these
differences, we are still able to minister
to one another, because the love of
God surpasses our differences and
draws us all into the one Body of Christ.
In order to show others the love of
God through acts of mercy and compassion, we need to be attentive to
their needs and the way in which God
is working in their lives.
1. Volunteer some of your time this
month at a place where you will
meet a variety of people—for instance, a local community center, a
food bank, or a homeless shelter.
Though everyone might have different needs, all are searching for the
love and mercy of God. Reflect on
the way your need for God's love is
similar to their need for God's love.
2. Spend some time talking with a
younger or older relative or friend.
Sometimes we ignore those whose
perspective on life is different or far
removed from ours (being much
younger or much older than us).
Listen to what is important to them,
recognizing God's love acting in
their life and the way in which you
can best act with mercy and compassion toward them.
of Mercy
provided by
United States
of Catholic
Is your child interested in becoming an altar server? Do you
have an older child who would
be able to carry the cross?
To qualify, altar servers need to;
1) have made their First Communion; and 2) attend a onehour training session.
Parents can pick up a form in
the altar server room or download it from the St. Mark's website on the altar server page.
Completed forms can be left in
the altar server room or scanned
and sent via e-mail
to [email protected].
Thank you in advance for your
time and dedication to our ministry!
Are you prepared when you come to
Mass each Sunday? Have you read the
scriptures that are to be covered, and
reflected on, during the Homily? Most
Come join our small faith group.
When: Every Thursday, 9:30am–
Where: Matthew/Mark room
Why: To read the scriptures for the
following Sunday and discuss and reflect on what they mean to us.
To socialize and make new friends.
To celebrate birthdays and special
occasions. To offer help, encouragement, and support.
Supplies: “At Home With the
Word” booklet and “Prepare the
Word” monthly pamphlet.
Congratulations to...
Gary Marks
Director of Music
Please join the St. Mark’s parish community in congratulaƟng
Gary Marks as our new director of music. Serving as organist
and assistant director of music at St. Mark’s for almost two
years now, Gary has previously served as director of music for several Catholic
churches across the country. Gary graduated from Boston University School of
Theology with Master degrees in Sacred Music and Divinity and won first prize in
the William C. Hall Pipe Organ CompeƟƟon.
Gary took on the director posiƟon when Dolores MarƟnez, director of music for
the past eight years, prayerfully decided to begin a new career journey.
CongratulaƟons, Gary! We are thankful for your contribuƟons so far and look forward to your future ones!
Assistant bookkeeper Brenda Houchens (right) gives
Dolores Mar nez a goodbye hug at a special farewell
luncheon the St. Mark’s staff held last week. We are
very grateful for Dolores’ contribu on to our parish
community, and we wish her lots of luck and many
blessings in her future endeavors. Thank you, Dolores!
Sunday TV Mass
for the Homebound
Heart of the Nation televises Catholic Mass for the homebound every
Sunday morning in San Antonio. Please share the time and channel information with friends or family members who are unable to get to
church because of age, illness, or other struggles.
TV Mass time and channel lineup:
NEW! KMYS (CW35) at 6:30am
Warner Cable and US Online
KPXL (ION) at 5:30am
Time Warner Cable and US Online channel 2;
Upliftv on DirecTV at 10am
Prayer intentions from viewers, uplifting homilies, a Prayer for Spiritual
Communion during distribution of the Holy Eucharist and closedcaptioning make Heart of the Nation's My Sunday Mass on TV and
online a time of spiritual comfort and hope. To watch the
Is there such a thing as a stewardship of
recreation? Some people might dismiss
the thought. But they’d be wrong.
In his book, The Gift of the Jews, author
Thomas Cahill observes that, in receiving the Ten Commandments, the ancient
Hebrews did something no other ancient
society had ever done: they established
a day of rest. “The God who made the
universe and rested bids us to do the
same, calling us to a weekly restoration
of prayer, study, and recreation (or recreation).”
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere at least, probably no other
month bids us to relax as the month of
July does. Backyard barbecues, days
at the pool or the beach, a recreational
outing or simply the lazy idleness of a
mid-year Sunday afternoon invite us to
slow down. And this invitation should be
heeded. Sometimes, our society induces
in us a sense of guilt if we’re not
“doing.” But turning off the computer
and the phone and spending quality
time with those around us, or finding
time for our own interior lives, is stewardship of our time which leads to the
place where God dwells. It’s a good
example for our kids as well: July presents a wonderful time to “rest” from all
the electronic screens and busyness that
dominate their young lives.
July is also the month when U.S. citizens
celebrate the proclamation of their
freedom. When the Hebrew people
first received the Ten Commandments,
they too had just received their freedom from the Egyptians after a sojourn
in the wilderness. Cahill thinks it’s no
coincidence that a people recently liberated were in need of a directive to
rest and reflect. “Leisure,” he writes, “is
the necessary ground of creativity, and
a free people are free to imitate the
creativity of God.”
So, the next time you feel guilty about
a quiet, reflective time of doing
“nothing” remember that recreation
also means “re-creation” and that to be
a truly creative person, a steward of
our interior resources, we must honor
our need to rest, relax, be with others,
read and play.
Provided by the
International Catholic Stewardship Council
Income 210,962
2,531,544 2,474,948
Expenses 222,292
2,667,516 2,629,451
I give out of recognition
and gratitude to God for His
many blessings, and I place
my trust in Him to provide
me with what I need.
Please be sure to include your Parish ID # on all contributions. If you need your ID number, call Zulaika Muñiz at (210) 494-1606, ext 327, or see Kathleen Bedingfield in the Sunday church office on weekends. Self-addressed envelopes are also available in the
Sunday office between weekend Masses or in the pastoral office during the week.
Want one less thing to worry about? Set up your offering online and leave your
checkbook at home forever! Go to https://stmarkevangelist.weshareonline.org/.
This process is private and secure and saves time and paper, and you can change
the frequency or the amount of your contribution right from your computer.
St. Mark’s Youth Ministry
Summer Lifeteen
This year’s Summer Lifeteen Kick-off
(SLK) Lock-in is July 29-30, and we CANNOT wait to see YOU there!!! SLK is a
night of games, fellowship, prayer and
growth with the Lord in preparation for
the upcoming year. The entire night is
planned by some of the incoming junior
and senior teen leaders. And, YOU are
invited to be a part of the night!
Parish-wide registration for the new Catholic Scripture Study International Bible Study entitled
“Joshua, Judges, and Ruth” will be held after Masses on August 13-14. This 28-week study
begins September 6, and the cost is $50 for materials. Classes are held on Tuesdays in the
morning (9—11am) and evening (6:45—8:45pm), with babysitting provided
upon request for children 12 months and older. Contact Sheryl Parker at
(210) 274-1031 for Tuesday morning classes and Carolyn Hrncir at (210)
422-2255 for Tuesday evening classes. Watch the bulletin for an upcoming
flyer, and check the newsletter for more details.
Who: High school teens, young adult
chaperones, and adult chaperones
What: Kick-off lock-in
Where: New Legacy
When: 7:30pm Friday, July 29—7am
Saturday, July 30
Cost: $15 (except for chaperones), includes a t-shirt, food, supplies, etc.
What to bring: Modest dress (all shirts
need sleeves, long shorts), snack to share
For more informa on, contact Kelly Vazquez at
(210) 734-1679 or [email protected].
St. Mark’s Criminal Justice Ministry
2nd Tuesday of the Month
Christopher Hall | Room 201
If you’re looking for a way to serve your fellow man, or if
you’re just curious, come and join us. All are welcome.
the homebound
Retreats | VisitaƟon | RCIA | Bible study | Compassion | CommunicaƟon
Spirituality | Assistance | Prayer | Communion Services | Support
For informa on, contact:
Gerald Gaenslen at (210) 789-2409 or [email protected] or
Bill Scho (210) 218-5573 or wr.scho @a .net.
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” MaƩ. 25:40
Got a car?
Give a Ride.
Help us keep our senior ci zens living in
Northeast San Antonio stay in their
homes and live independently.
Northeast Senior Assistance (NESA) is
in dire need of more volunteer drivers
to take clients to doctor appointments
and to grocery shop.
As our community ages, the demand
for our services increases and we are
already overworking those volunteers
on our current roster. With United Way
funding we have started a television
campaign with our sister agencies, and
together we are called: Drive A Senior
If you know someone who has extra
Ɵme on their hands who might be able
to drive a person once a week or once a
month, please tell them about NESA
and send them our way. It’s just like
taking a family member. If you are concerned about gas, don’t worry. Mileage
is reimbursed.
It is truly a fulfilling experience to be
able to give back to the community and
pay it forward…take a chance and try it
Call (210) 967-6372 for more info.
North San Antonio
The Chapter’s normally scheduled
meeting has been moved from July 21
to July 28 to host the San
Antonio Parole Board, who
will be providing an overview of the parole process28
es and respond to questions.
If you have any questions, please
contact Lucia Hamilton, TIFA board
member, at (210) 858-7602 (home) or
(915) 204-5870 (cell). Look forward to
seeing you there!
We all know someone who is
homebound...a family member, a
loved one, a close neighbor, or a
distant relative. Perhaps we have
been homebound ourselves at
some time in our lives.
Whether we have experienced it
or can imagine it, being home‐
bound can be difficult and dis‐
couraging. Let us take some time
today to remember the home‐
bound and their particular chal‐
lenges, including not being able
to celebrate Mass with our parish
We pray for…
our homebound parishioners
whose health or other circum‐
stance makes it difficult to
attend Mass and other parish
the loved ones and caregivers
of our homebound parishion‐
ers as well as those who vol‐
unteer to offer continued spir‐
itual care, such as Extraordi‐
nary Ministers;
our parish community so that
we all become aware of fellow
parishioners who can no long‐
er join us in celebrating Mass
or fellowship; and
the bereaved and those away
on military service.
“God is our refuge and
our strength, an ever-present
help in distress. Thus we
do not fear…” Psalms, 46:2-3
Feasibility Study: A end a Town
Hall Mee ng or Respond Online!
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is working to address several opportuniƟes and
needs facing our archdiocese. Over the
next several weeks, the archbishop is
asking every parishioner to fill out a feasibility study survey which will gather
YOUR feedback regarding the proposed
archdiocesan-wide needs. Please go
online to www.archsa.org/campaignstudy
to learn more and provide comments.
The password is archsurvey.
Jacob Rokey
Troop 500
If it is more convenient, please consider
aƩending one of these town hall
1. Tues. | Jul. 12 | 6pm
Holy Name Church
3814 Nash Blvd., San Antonio 78223
2. Wed. | Jul. 13 | 6:30pm
Sacred Heart Church
1009 Trail St., Floresville 78114
St. Mark’s Women’s Guild –
Membership News Update
3. Thur. | Jul. 14 | 6:30pm
St. Anthony de Padua Church
102 Lorenz Rd., San Antonio 78209
4. Mon. | Jul. 18 | 6:30pm
St. John Berchmans Church
1147 Cupples Rd., San Antonio 78226
5. Tues. | Jul. 19 | 6pm
St. Mark the Evangelist Church
6. Tues. | Jul. 26 | 6pm
St. Luke Church
4603 Manitou, San Antonio 78228
7. Wed. | Jul. 27 | 6:30pm
St. Anthony Mary Claret Church
6150 RoŌ Rd., San Antonio 78253
8. Thur. | Jul. 28 | 6pm
St. Peter the Apostle Church
202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne 78006
9. Tues. | Aug. 2 | 6:30pm
Sts. Peter & Paul Church
386 N. Castell, New Braunfels 78130
10. Wed. | Aug. 3 | 6:30pm
Sacred Heart Church
307 E. Losoya St., Del Rio 78840
11. Thur. | Aug. 4 | 6pm
St. Mary’s Church
Did you know that Natural Family Plan‐
ning (NFP) is just as effective as the birth
control pill but without all the harmful side
effects? Learn NFP with the Couple to Cou‐
ple League. It's safe, healthy, effective, low
cost and marriage‐strengthening.
New class series begins on July 31 at
St. Anthony Mary Claret Church (6150 Roft
Rd., San Antonio, 78253). Register for ma‐
terials at www.learnNFP.com. Call Nicole
or Chris Glowe at (210) 257‐6616 for ques‐
Can't make the live class? You can also
learn through the self‐paced online class or
choose from many live, online classes
offered. See learnNFP.com for all your op‐
Knights of Columbus
Council #7613
VIP Events
July 20: Chapter meeting,
7pm, Christopher Hall
July 21:
7pm, Christopher Hall
Get ready ladies. Come join us!!! The
Women’s Guild Membership Drive
weekend is Saturday, July 30, and Sunday, July 31. As a member of this ministry, you will help serve the St. Mark
community while having fun and fellowship with new friends. If you were a
member last year, then it is also time to
renew your membership. We are anxious to start another exciting year, and
we especially hope to see YOU in September for our first monthly general
membership meeting. For more information or questions, call Betty
Cannon at (210)
494-2068. All women 18 years old or
better are invited
to join!
The St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church bulletin
is published by J.S. Paluch Company, 3708 River
Rd., Franklin Park, IL 60131. The bulletin is
subsidized by our advertisers who contract directly
with J.S. Paluch. If you would like to advertise in our
bulletin, please contact our parish ad consultant,
Christine V. Lusk at (210) 325-0894. If you have
parish announcements, articles, or information for the
parish bulletin, contact the Pastoral Office.
Let’s bowl…
and let the good times roll!
Wanna have some
fun? Come join the
St. Mark’s Knights of
Columbus mixed
bowling league. It’s
open to men and
women over 18 years old. We bowl
every other Sunday evening at
Brunswick Bowling Alley on Thou‐
sand Oaks near Nacogdoches Rd.
Our organizational meeting is August
28. The first night of bowling is Sep‐
tember 11. For more information,
please contact John Yelverton at
(210) 883‐8058, Jackie Kennedy at
(210) 627‐0615 or Ruth Moore at
(210) 494‐9964.
A full-service
banquet facility
Book your wedding party or other special event at Christopher Hall today!
or call Gary Richmond at
(210) 404-9101 for more info.
St. Mark Quilters
The Lion’s Pride
Do you have a family member or friend
who is in need of the comfort of one of
our quilts? Come by Christopher Hall,
room 201, on any
Friday between 9am
and 3pm and select
one of our comfort‐
ing quilts. If you
would like to join our
quilting bee, come
by and check us
out. We have all the
tools you might need, including donat‐
ed fabric and sewing machine. Call
Wanda Hopson at (210)844‐6333 or Pat
Brookes at (210) 415‐3933 for more
St. Matthew’s Catholic Church
of Jourdanton presents their
2016 Music Festival
Saturday | August 6 | 4pm—12am
Jourdanton City Park
Zanderson Ave./Hwy 16
Jourdanton, TX
Come join us for a great evening of
awesome music, dancing, food,
drinks, silent auction and lots of fun!
Music by:
David Farias
DJ Sound FXs
Tejano Crossroads
Los RV Boyz
Los Cazadores
to benefit
St. Matthew
You chose each other to share the rest
of your lives with! Invest in yourself and
each other to make the
best marriage you
can…the kind of marriage that God wants for
you. The marriage that
you were meant to
have…two conjoined
rings with Jesus in the center, holding
you together! Sign up TODAY to attend
a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend.
Sign up for the July Marriage Encounter Weekend, July 22-24, at
Oblate Renewal Center!
Jourdanton, TX
Free admission!!!
Bring your lawn chairs!
Bikers welcome!
Absolutely NO ice chests permitted!
Msgr. Kevin has been a friend to Girl
Scouting in the San Antonio area for
over 40 years, and St. Mark's parish gra‐
ciously sponsors GS Troop 2346. We wel‐
come prospective members to visit one
of our meetings. Call Sandy Finleon at
(210) 494‐1807 if interested.
Time is running out to advertise in the Guide Book & Directory!
If you want to be included as an advertiser, be sure to contact us a.s.a.p. The Guide Book and Directory will go out to
4200 families, so you want to have YOUR business in it. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about
advertising in our book, please call Pamela Raines at (210) 494-1606, ext. 345.
Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory.
17 de julio de 2016
Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura — Abraham y Sara muestran hospitalidad a los mensajeros del Señor (Génesis 18:1-10a).
Nuestra postura es muchas veces un indicio de nuestra hospitalidad y reverencia por el Señor. Observa las acciones de Abraham
cuando saludó al Señor en presencia de tres hombres que aparecieron
cerca de su tienda. Corrió desde la entrada de la tienda a saludarlos.
Se postró en tierra a su encuentro. Él y Sara, su esposa, se apresuraron a preparar una comida y llevarle alimento y agua a sus invitados.
En el relato del Evangelio, María, la amiga de Jesús, se sentó a sus
pies para escucharlo hablar.
¿Cómo le damos la bienvenida y reverenciamos al Señor? ¿Qué
demuestran nuestras acciones? ¿Recordamos la presencia del Señor
en el Santísimo Sacramento? ¿Cómo le damos la bienvenida al Señor
en las lecturas de las Escrituras? ¿Cómo reconocemos su presencia
en nuestros hermanos y hermanas, tanto en la Misa como después?
Ya sea que nos arrodillemos, nos pongamos de pie o nos sentemos
ante la presencia del Señor, que nuestro corazón y nuestra mente esté
siempre en sintonía con él.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
América es un continente nacido del mestizaje que tomó a los
europeos, los indígenas y los africanos para engendrar algo nuevo.
Normalmente pensamos en el mestizaje de sangre que produjo nuevas razas latinoamericanas. Pero también existe el mestizaje cultural
que produce nuevos elementos latinoamericanos. Uno de estos es el
sarape, hijo de la tilma pre-colombina y el manto español. Este
mestizaje en tela tiene sus principios en el siglo XVIII con una proliferación de talleres en Zacatecas, Saltillo y otros lugares. Esta cobija
colorida, de algodón o lana, fue desarrollada para añadir color y
belleza a los charros de siglos pasados.
A través de la historia el sarape ha sido usado por vaqueros,
jinetes, soldados y revolucionarios. Hoy día el sarape, jorongo, frazada, gabán o cobija se ha convertido en símbolo de tradición mexicana y se encuentra decorando hogares, restaurantes e iglesias.
México no es el único país que ha desarrollado un mestizaje en tela,
también Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador y otros más tienen sus
telas y tapetes particulares que mezclan los colores y los diseños
para celebrar el talento y la creatividad del mestizaje latinoamericano.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Salmo — ¿Quien será grato a tus ojos, Señor? (Salmo 15 [14])
Segunda lectura — Pablo habla de la responsabilidad que se le ha
encomendado de completar la Palabra de Dios (Colosenses 1:24-28).
Evangelio — Marta, te preocupas de muchas cosas. María ha escogido la mejor parte (Lucas 10:38-42).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I (c) 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral
Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso.
Todos los derechos reservados.
La Alegria del Evangelio: La fe obra en el amor
"... Yo soy un ministro, de acuerdo con el encargo de Dios que
me ha dado de anunciar la palabra de Dios." Colosenses 1:25
Lo creas o no, todos estamos llamados a evangelizar ‐ a
crecer continuamente en nuestro conocimiento y relación con
Jesús y compartirlo con otros. Podemos no ser llamados a
evangelizar como San Pablo, pero deberíamos buscar opor‐
tunidades para compartir nuestra Fe con quienes tenemos
más cerca, como nuestra familia y amigos.
Alguna vez se te ha explicado por que la iglesia Católica no acepta el
uso de los anticonceptivos? Para la mayoría de nosotros, la respuesta
es, NO. Aprende más sobre tu fe Católica y descubre un método natural para planificar tu familia que es seguro, saludable y eficaz. Habrá
una serie de clases sobre la Planificación Natural Familiar ensenado
por La Liga de Pareja a Pareja. Las clases empezaran el 23 de julio
en la parroquia de Our Lady of Guadalupe en Helotes (13715 Riggs
Rd). Quien quiera un método saludable y moral para planear su familia es invitado. Para más información sobre el costo y registración,
favor de llamar a Lorenzo y Dolores Guzmán: (210) 679- 8805 o email [email protected].
17 de julio de 2016 | Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La parábola del domingo pasado terminaba
con la orden de Jesús: vayan a hacer obras de
misericordia a su prójimo, sin condiciones, sin limites, sin excepciones. Pero
hoy, Jesús parece que reprocha que
Marta esté practicando la obra de misericordia de la hospitalidad, por el contrario parece que elogia a María "quien
está haciendo nada" como que "escogió
la mejor parte" (Lucas 10:42). María
está sentada escuchando (10:39), dejando a Marta "sola con todo el quehacer" (10:40). ¿Entonces parece que la
vida contemplativa del silencio es
"superior" y, una vida activa, de trabajo, de familia, de hacer algún tipo de
pastoral en la Iglesia, en la escuela, en un hospi-
tal o de asistencia social es un discipulado de
"segunda clase"? La respuesta es NO. El ejemplo
de Jesús no es: esto/aquello sino ambos/
y; una comunión en silencio con Dios, una
compasión sin límites por las personas.
Si no buscamos a Jesús en la oración en
silencio, ¿cómo encontraremos a Jesús
en nuestros prójimos? Si no servimos a
Jesús en el prójimo, ¿nuestra adoración,
alabanza, culto, pese a su hermosura,
será cualquier cosas además de un ritual
vacío? Este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, Jesús nos ofrece dos desafíos de
Jesús: ambos "vayan y hagan" y
"siéntense y escuchen".
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch
Co., Inc.
Actualización sobre el Estudio de Factibilidad: Asista a una reunión comunitaria o
participe en línea!
El Arzobispo Gustavo García‐Siller trabaja para
atender varias oportunidades y necesidades en
nuestra arquidiócesis. En las próximas semanas,
el arzobispo pide a cada parroquiano que com‐
plete la encuesta del estudio del estudio de facti‐
bilidad, el cual recopilará SU opinión acerca de
las necesidades a nivel arquidiocesano. Por favor
visite en línea www.archsa.org y haga clic en el
botón www.archsa.org/campaignstudy para
mayor información y para compartir sus comen‐
tarios. La contraseña es archsurvey. Si le parece
más conveniente, por favor considere asistir a
una de las siguientes reuniones comunitarias
(buscar en la página 8 para la lista de iglesias).