Newsletter in PDF form 3 meg file


Newsletter in PDF form 3 meg file
Remember When Cruise Assoc. Inc.
P O Box 11967
Phoenix, Az 85061-1967
December 2005
Expiration Date
Membership & Renewal Form
RWCA Staff Listing
The Editor Sez..
Prez Sez
V.P. Message Sellers Sez
Dee’s Notes & Ken’s Kar Shows
BDays, Newbies, Renewals & Classifieds
Wickenburg Winners
Wickenburg Pics
Coming Events
Appreciation Cruise flyer
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Page 12
The ‘59 winner
Story on page 2…...
Make checks Payable to: RWC A
Annual Membership Dues: $20.00
Send Checks to: RWC A P.O. Box 11967, Phoenix AZ 85061-1967
( Please Print )
Today’s Date: ____/____/____
Last Name________________ First Name _____________Spouse Name____________
Street Address ___________________________Internet Address__________________
City ______________________________State_______ Zip_______________________
Home Phone (
)_____________________Business Phone (
Your Birthday( month & day ) _____/_____ Spouse Birthday (month& day) _____/____
Trade / Profession ( optional ) _____________________ Spouse __________________
Year of Car ________Make ____________Body Style _______Color______ Eng _____
This is a : (circle one )
New Membership
Information Change
A Winners Smile !!!!
Our project for this year was a 1959 Chevy station wagon restored by RNR Performance of Phoenix. On Sunday Dec 4th the winning ticket was drawn and the winner
was George Garcia of Phoenix. George wasn't present at the drawing and took possession on Monday the 5th and a happier man would be mighty hard to find !!! George
is a carpenter working at a custom cabinet shop down the
A Winners Smile !!!!
street from RNR. He was driving
by and noticed the 59 and heard
the story so then he would stop
by RNR to check on the car being restored and buy tickets
while he was there. He had
bought about 100 tickets in all.
You may have already seen him
at the local car shows with his
kids and the neighborhood kids
along for the ride !!!
Congratulations George !!!!!
Bill Walker
Dick Sellers
Dee Giuntoli
Jeri Myers
Sgt. At Arms
Equipment Mgr.
Don Beres
Gene Remo
Bob Myers
Candid Camera
Monica Gillespie
(602) 803-0623
Bob Myers
Public Relations
Dee Giuntoli 602-938-3068
Ken Schaaf 602-938-3068
Sherry Beres
Bob Royal
Great weather = great turnout !!!
Bob Myers Editor
Yahoo..and I don't mean anything to do with the internet….
I mean YAHOO ! !....what a year we have had !!!!! Give yourselves a well
deserved pat on the back !!! Because of the combined efforts of everyone involved RWCA’s Toyz For Totz and Cops Who Care were able to help over 1000
kids whose Christmas would have been mostly nothing !!
As the story goes a journey starts with the first step as does our year long effort to put
a smile on an unknown kid who through no fault of their own will have few or no presents under the Christmas tree and maybe no tree either !!!.
One way we raise funds is on the second Sunday of each month RWCA provides the
food concessions for the Car parts swap meet at the Greyhound Park at 40th St &
Washington. In order to make that happen there are a lot of behind the scenes activities that must take place. There has to be a place to store the trailer and all the equipment and spare equipment, refrigerators and freezers full of product. Dick Sellers Ace
Auto 602-268-0454 stores all that equipment Then there is the preparation of the
trailer with the product and this is done on the Saturday before the swap meet and
generally by four or five people for several hours. Also someone has to go out and buy
the product ( hot dogs, bratwurst, buns, condiments ) to put in the trailer for the swap
meet. Someone needs to use their truck to tow the trailer to and from the swap meet.
Doughnuts get picked up on Sunday morning on the way to the swap meet. The
setup at the swap meet takes 6 or 8 people about an hour… then in about 5 hours the
process is reversed. Of course during the time there we will work selling a couple of
hundred brats & hot dogs soda & water. After everything is loaded back into the trailer
it is pulled back to Ace Auto and unloaded
Then there are more behind the
scene activities like the banking ..accounting ..secretarial letters ..meeting minutes
..membership data base ..newsletter ..weekday car shows ...setting up cruises & car
shows...taking the raffle car to all the car shows possible and all the while preparing
for Toyz For Totz the next December !
Now this isn't meat to be a rant … just informational because I don't believe most people actually know what it takes to keep RWCA afloat . Also this is a plead for help ! Do
you realize that all I have been talking about is done by about 10 people and most of
them have been doing multiple jobs for several years ! So if you have any spare time
and would like to help please call or contact any of the board members !
Thanks to all the members/vendors/contributors that make it all happen...we couldn't
do it without you !!!!!
Thank you each and everyone and may we all have a glorious New Year !!!!
Bill Walker President
The Year is almost to the end. The best part is yet to come. The to ys will be distributed to the kids
on Dec 23. I haven’t been up there for this in a number of years. We will take pictures to share in
the next news letter.
I would like to thank each and every person who had a part in this years push from the start to the
finish for all their efforts. I do believe we had our best year yet. We delivered more toys and Love to
the kids that we have ever done before. The weather for the show was the great and all went well.
Sorry about running out of food. Parking will always be a problem, not much we can do but try
harder and ask folks to restrict the use of extra space. It was a great show.
The 59 Chevy Wagon was the most exciting raffle item the Club has ever had. That car created
more interest that we have had before. A special Thanks to the Group of folks that are RNR Performance Machine they put their heart and soul into the 59 Chevy this past year. I hear Remo driving down the road and sees the 59 Chevy wagon. Gene pulls up and gives the thumbs up. The
driver not knowing who Gene is gives thumbs up and the biggest grin you would ever want to see. I
am sorry that every one who bought a ticket can’t have that kind of joy.
The joy I really like to see are those kids receiving the gifts for Christmas.
The Toyz for Totz toy drive, we are a part of a puzzle whose end result is that kids are given toys.
Another piece of the puzzle provides food the families for the Christmas meal. The end result is that
kids and families who need help are getting it. I do know that no other organization is helping in this
area of need. So again a very special Thanks to all.
I heard fairly loud and clear that the word Cruise seems to be going out of the Organization name. I
would say it was not intentional but they may be right. On January 15, 2006 @ 07:30 am we will
meet at 35 ave and Northern for a Breakfast Cruise to Pioneer Village. We will leave the Lot at 08:00
am and proceed north on 35ave to Deer Valley and turn right. We will get on the freeway and proceed north to Pioneer Road turn off 1.25 miles north of the Carefree highway. Careful the food is
very good. See Ya there.
Question How do you dress up a 1966 Mustang without spending a lot of money?? The best answer
will win a Tee Shirt.
Dick Sellers
It has been over 20 years that R.W.C.A has been helping the Cops Who Care with toys for kids in
the Wickenburg area. Last year the club also adopted 6 families, with 14 kids. The families got a gift
certificate for food and the kids got toys. This year the club was blessed with a car that made it possible to help more needy families. This year the club adopted 9 families with 35 kids. Each family received food only gift certificates and all the kids got toys.
In October the City Of Phoenix had an article in the paper about home bound seniors. We
called to check out their needs and were advised that they did not need our money at this time, as
they had been over whelmed with help. So I checked with the South Mountain Adult Care Center,
which is one of the Centers that Ken sets up car shows for the seniors. I got a list of what their 52
clients wanted for Christmas, and then I called Joann Hull and she was good enough to go shopping
for the seniors to get what they wanted for Christmas. Santa is to be at the Center at 1p.m December 22nd.
All of what the club does is made possible with the help from the members and their friends
working together. Some take time out of there day to help build a car for raffle or to work the swap
meet and some sell tickets then early one Sunday Morning a hand full of people go shopping for kids
who otherwise may have been forgotten in the fast Country we live in. This is a different way to
cruise but sometimes a few short cruises come to have good results.
We have had a 1966 Mustang Donated to the
club 2006 it does not need a lot of work and if you
would like to help call Dick @ 602-268-0454 Or Bob
@ 602-943-3532. The Mustang club has offered to
do things to the car. We still have a 1971 Chevelle
that needs a lot for 2007. We had a need for an appraisal service for the club and Michael came
through for us. If you have a need give Michael a
“Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All”
Some of the folks at the senor center
Public Relations
Dee Giuntoli
Hello there “Remember When” friends . . . . . Our Toyz for Totz Cruise and Car Show is
finished for another year! WHEW!!!! I want to express my THANKS AND GRATITUDE to all of you who
came through AGAIN. Your help in donating theme baskets or items for the Chinese Auction, those of you
who donated door prizes, the helpers in parking, in the concession stand, those selling 50/50 tickets and our
raffle tickets, those running our roulette wheel game, WE THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! I
want to especially thank Rosemary Maglio and the Classy Classics Car Club of Wickenburg for all their assistance. The Crafters and Vendors had a marvelous display again this year and they fill a great need for those
non-car buffs to have something additional to do. The music by the Cruisin’ DJ’s was non-stop and catchy for
those of you swinging to the music as you wandered through those 400 plus cars. Once again, the animal
display was another point of interest to see. But listen, I’m so excited, I just have to tell you that our Chinese Auction netted a cool $1,610.00 for the “kids!” THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYONE !!! Weatherwise, we couldn’t have asked for a better day. Thank you, Lord, for looking after us.
I understand we ran out of raffle tickets, we ran out of food, and we ran out of time!! Believe me, we were
back at the “drawing board” this last meeting and have a whole new schedule for next year. I do hope you’ll
give us another try then. And finally, the Cops Who Care organization, as usual, was right there lending a
hand too. They have a lot of work cut out for themselves prior to the BIG Christmas weekend. The toys
RWCA purchased, those purchased by the Over The Hill Gang-Phoenix, all the toys you individually brought
to fill the toy truck….they separate, sort by family, wrap, and distribute before the holiday. WOW, if you
didn’t see that truck, you REALLY MISSED IT! Don DeVean and family are always there each year gathe ring
the toys. Our “assembly line” at the drop off spot is amazing to watch, and even more exciting to be a part
of. But the Cops Who Care, seeing that all those toys get to the kids, which will make them very happy this
Christmas, is what it’s all about. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for being you!
We’re looking forward to our “Appreciation Cruise” on February 19th at South Mountain Park. If you want
to help with games, please give me a call. We’re running out of ideas. You can reach me at 602/938-3068
or [email protected]. Love you all, Dee
By Ken Schaaf Public Relations
HELP, CLUB MEMBERS !! Need a change of pace? Do something different?
Occasionally, RWCA is asked to provide cars for some weekday functions
such as at schools, clubs or churches. We are now making a “call list” for
those people interested in participating. If you are retired OR have some extra weekday
time, join us and have some fun. No money involved, but good PR for the club. Give us a call
with your name, type of vehicle and phone number. Thanks !
Your PR Department – Ken 602-938-3068 or Dee 602-938-3068
Jeff Hoch
6 Dec
George Krasnowski 7 Dec
Kevin Thompson
9 Dec
Bill Walker
10 Dec
Carrie Spignesi
11 Dec
Ira Carroll
15 Dec
Jerry Jess
17 Dec
Bob Myers
17 Dec
Marsha Remenap
18 Dec
Karen Kleppe
19 Dec
Kurt Mccaw
20 Dec
Janice Haines
23 Dec
Harland Newland
24 Dec
Joan Benedetto
28 Dec
Lori Finney
29 Dec
Bill Damon
31 Dec
Leslie Chesser 41 Willys Coupe
Leonard Culbertson …...Walking…..
Eric Lee 57 Chevy Sedan
David & Vicky Lynch 66 Dodge Sedan
Lyle & Emily Phillips 49 Cad Sedan
Bryan Fenwick 62 Ford PU
And a bonus Santa !
..and the cars kept coming and
Digging deep….....and the winner is…..
Neil & Rob from RNR Performance received an appreciation award from RWCA for the their work on
the ‘59 wagon. Rich took the day off.
Unloading the trailer is an assembly
line affair…….down the line…….
…...then into the sorting room !
January 2006…….HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!
Jan 8
Phx Classic Car Swap Meet 40th st & Washington (602) 273-9621
Ext 21
RWCA will be doing Brats & Hotdogs...stop by & see us !!
Jan 10
RWCA Meeting Lou Grubb Chev 27th Ave & Camelback 623-776-9980
( Meeting Starts @ 6:30 pm Done by 8:00 ? Then out to eat ! )
Jan 13-15 World of Wheels Phx Civic Plaza Info: AJ 623-362-8763
Jan 15
RWCA Breakfast Cruise to Pioneer Village Info: page 5 Prez Sez
Jan 14-22 Barrett Jackson Car Auction—Scottsdale Info: 480-421-6694
Jan 24
RWCA Meeting Lou Grubb Chev 27th Ave & Camelback 623-776-9980
( Meeting Starts @ 6:30 pm Done by 8:00 ? Then out to eat ! )
February 2006
Feb 4
Feb 4-5
Feb 12
Benefit Car Show for Phx PD & FD-Peoria Sports ComplexCoyote Cruisers Info: Bill 602-300-5606
Quartzsite Classic Car Show– Quartzsite, Az Info: Kenny 800-969-5464
Phx Classic Car Swap Meet 40th st & Washington (602) 273-9621 Ext 21
RWCA will be doing Brats & Hotdogs...stop by & see us !!
Feb 14
RWCA Meeting Lou Grubb Chev 27th Ave & Camelback 623-776-9980
( Meeting Starts @ 6:30 pm Done by 8:00 ? Then out to eat ! )
Feb 19
RWCA Appreciation Cruise …...see flyer on page 12
Feb 25
Catch a Wave Car Show-Tempe-Info: Bill 480-345-9521
Feb 26
United We Drive Car Show hosted by Ariz Automobile Hobbyists at
Sanderson Ford 5300 nw Grand Ave. Info: Dan 623-435-8961
Feb 28
RWCA Meeting Lou Grubb Chev 27th Ave & Camelback 623-776-9980
( Meeting Starts @ 6:30 pm Done by 8:00 ? Then out to eat ! )
For a more complete & updated listings go to…. OR
Date Feb 19th 2006
35th Ave & Northern ( NW Corner )
Meet : 9:00 AM and Leave 9:30 AM
Cruise to South Mountain Park
We will have food & drinks
Games- Food - Fun
Visit our web site
Info: Bob 602-943-3532
Dee 602-938-3068 Dick 602-268-0454