Walk for Awareness gains National Appeal, brings Community


Walk for Awareness gains National Appeal, brings Community
Volume 12 Issue 5
May 2013
Walk for Awareness gains National Appeal,
brings Community Closer at 3rd Annual
Special points of
Highlights & Pix from
2013 CFH Oshkosh
Walk pg 1
More Walk Pictures pg 2
Celebrities, Guns &
Suicide pg 3
Oshkosh's 3rd Annual Chester Marcol 5K Walk for
Suicide Awareness was a huge success this year.
Tripling our participation with a total of over 700
walkers, we were greeted with a beautiful, sunny
and warm day to host our event with many people
from all over the country. Participants came in from
many places including Lyndeborough, NH; Saint
Cloud, MN; Arcadia, IN; Pella, IA; Edina, MN;
Shelbyville, MI; San Clemente, CA; Irvine, CA and
(of course) ALL over Wisconsin.
Special Thanks to David
Bikowski of Oconto for
IT assistance with this
month’s newsletter.
Summer will be here
soon. Enjoy the warm
weather and Please Stay
Donate to support our
cause in spreading the
word that survivors are
not alone.
Save a Tree! Sign up for
an email newsletter!
Multiple mental health and counseling services were represented. Community
For Hope of Greater Oshkosh, WMHI, NAMI, UWO LGBTQ Resource Center, Christine Anne Center, UW Counseling Center, a veterans table, Rustic
Fence, PFLAG (to name a few) and of course Chester Marcol was there, along
with his wife Carole. This year’s walk coordinators included Jenny Wesner,
Liz Zimmerman and Kim Lewis. Please thank them for their hard work in putting together the walk this year for a third year in a row!
A "Memory Wall"
was attended by a US
Navy Color Guard
and displayed the pictures of our lost loved
ones from
suicide. Omro 5th
Grader Franki Sakschek sang the National Anthem for the
very first time. She
“Survivors of Suicide: Helping Those Cope with the Loss of a Loved One by Suicide”
Survivor Phone List
Patti Ahrens
Darla & Jim Barker
Jeff Berger
Melissa Blank
Julie Bixby-Wendt
Curtis Boettcher
Alvina Chambers
Bonnie Coonen
Nancy Freimuth
Virginia Foster
Richard Gear
Mike & Joann
Richard & Debbie
Kim & Steve Nissen
Susan Marjenka
Donna Michalkiewicz
Tim & Sandy Page
Tina Peck
John & Pam Reilly
Melissa Reilly
Julie Reiser
Linda Schabloski
Ingeborg Silbaugh
Dan & Sally
Tom Somenske
Pam Tonagel-Hendricks
Alan Toney
Linda Van Stralen
Jenny & Andy Wesner
Warren & Wendy
Liz Zimmerman
Page 2
Area Support Groups in Northeast Wisconsin
Survivors of Suicide (S.O.S.)
Ripon, Appleton, Oshkosh
Service: once a month no
cost support groups for
those who have survived the
death of a family member,
friend or special person by
suicide. Minimum age to attend is 14 years.
Ripon 1st Thursday. Immanuel United Methodist Church,
401 W. Fond du Lac St. 6:308:30 p.m. 920-229-6432
Oshkosh 3rd Thursday.
United Way Oshkosh Area, 36
Broad St. 6:30-8:30 p.m.
For more information email:
Appleton 2nd Monday. Fox
Valley Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, 2600 E. Phillip Ln.
6:30-8:30 p.m. 920-731-0849
For more info email Barb:
[email protected]
A Time to Mourn Group
A six-week grief group offering support for adults who
have experienced the death
of an adult loved one. Co-led
by professionals trained in
grief support. Offered three
times per year. This is a
closed group which means
adult members must make a
6 week commitment to this
course and the group does
not allow new members in
the duration of the 6 weeks.
You must call to sign up
prior to the first session.
Held: Lutheran Homes of
Oshkosh, 225 N. Eagle St.
Oshkosh, WI 54902
Contact: Lutheran Homes of
Oshkosh Chaplain Cathie
VanderVelden: 920 232-5274
Cost: Free
General Bereavement Support Group—Oshkosh
General grief support group
where attendees are accepted
at any time regardless of age
or religious denomination.
Grief discussions focus on
events of the death, related
feelings, coping skills, validation, and support for group
Affinity Visiting Nurses
Hospice Programs
Service: Open to any adult
grieving the death of a loved
one at not cost. Refreshments
and handouts are provided.
Contact: Affinity Visiting
Nurses 866 236-8500 or at
Oshkosh: 3rd Thursday of
each month at the Oshkosh
Senior Center, 200 N. Campbell Rd. 6 p.m.
Appleton: 1st Tuesday of
each month at Thompson
Community Center 820 W.
College Ave, Appleton.
Groups at 2:30 p.m.
Held: St. Jude Parish, 1025 W.
5th Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54902
(enter through parish office
Young Adult Appleton: 3rd
Wednesday of each month at
Harmony Café, 233 E. College
Ave. 5:45 pm.
Contact: Linda Hillary, MS
920 233-8044
Ripon (New!): 3rd Monday of
each month at Mug Coffee
House, 307 Watson St. 6 p.m.
Cost: Free
How often: First and Third
Thursdays of each month
from 7:00—8:30 p.m.
***New Fox Cities Group***
Survivors After Suicide meets
on the first Thursday of the
month at 6 pm at Shepherd
of the Hills Church N1615
Meadowview Drive,
Greenville. for more info,
contact Jen at
[email protected]
rg or Jeanette at
Peace through Grief
This is an Affinity Nurses
program offered at their Neenah office. This 6-week program provides information
and support, looking at all
aspects of grief. For those
interested, pre-registration is
required, to allow for ample
curriculum and supplied for
each participant. Please contact the Affinity Nurses hotline 866 236-8500 for dates.
Page 3
Volume 12 Issue 5
Getting Guns out of the Home the Best Method to Suicide Prevention
by Adam Campbell Editor
Winnebago County Coroner Barry important to be aware of loved
The use of firearms in completing Busby says friends need to be aware one’s activities and to demonstrate
suicide prove to be the most fatal. of cries for help. Social media outlets caring support.
According to an article printed in USA such as Facebook are portals to how
The people who may appear happy
Today titled “McCready’s death fac- friends are feeling and reacting to on the outside, may truly be in pain
tors in gun debate” suicide attempts life’s challenges. He says students on the inside. Even those who apusing guns are 85 percent fatal.
can alert teachers to intervene. pear to have it all have taken their
Country singer Mindy McCready
“Teachers get own lives. Well-known figures such
took her own life Nine out of 10 survivors of a suicide professionals as Ernest Hemingway, Jovan Belcher
after the loss of attempt do not go on to die by suicide. involved before and Kurt Cobain have all fatally shot
her boyfriend to
[students] act,” themselves. Easy access to firearms
suicide. She had made several at- Busby said.
allowed them to complete suicide.
tempts at suicide with pills, but in the Busby says it’s never easy consoling
Much has been said about the acend completed suicide by copying the the parent of a loved one who has cess to guns in relation to suicide.
tactics of her boyfriend. She used a completed suicide. “It’s trying to Statistics in the U.S. Army show that
make sense out of the senseless.” military personnel with no access to
According to USA Today: Though Busby says there are many coping personal firearms overseas are far
guns are involved in just 5.6% of sui- mechanisms that
less likely to complete suicide attempts, they account for 55% loved ones use to 62 percent of gun-related cide than their U.S. base
deaths are suicides.
of suicide fatalities. Again guns are grieve including
counterparts. Therapists
the major factor. The National Rifle prayer and talking with others. Also say getting family members to hold
Association, however, says guns don’t re-thinking how we process people’s and lock weapons for loved ones is
play a major role in suicide. They ar- actions, especially when they show the easiest suicide prevention
gue that those who complete suicide signs of depression or dependent method available.
always find a means to do so. Psy- behavior. Alcohol, tobacco, and
chiatrists say keeping firearms away drugs can be triggers that may lead Information for this article can be found
from the Feb. 19 print version of USA
from depressed patients can save to thoughts of suicide. He says it’s Today page 3A.
their lives.
Grief Support Groups for Children, Young Adults and Men
Grieving Children Center, Appleton
Meets from 6:45 - 8 PM at the Boys and Girls
Club of the Fox Valley, 160 S. Badger Ave. Appleton. Contact is the Center for Grieving Children Director Loris Damerow, coordinator of this
group. Teens may call anytime to join 920-7505839 or email at [email protected]
S.O.S. Grief Support Group Valley Adolescents 14-24 years
Where: Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2600 E. Phillip Ln. Appleton on the
third Monday of the month, 6:30—8:30 p.m.
Free. Contact Barb Bigalke by email: [email protected]
S.O.S. Grief Support Group Oshkosh
Where: Meets at the Hooper Community
Center 36 Broad St Suite 140 Oshkosh,
every 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm.
More info: 920-230-4840
Compassionate Friends Group
For those who have experienced the
loss of a child, meets every 4th Thursday at Faith United Methodist Church,
1025 Tullar Rd. Neenah, 7 p.m.
Grief Relief
Men Journeying through Grief
Offers ongoing peer support groups for
children and teens ages 5 to 17 in the Fond
du Lac area. Groups are ongoing, meeting
once a month. Also offered are groups for
adult caregivers. No cost; contact Terri at
920 926-4960.
A gathering of men who have experienced the death of a loved one, recent
or past. Gatherings include supper,
discussion, grief information and resources. There is no cost, contact Affinity Visiting Nurses at 866-236-8500
for more information. Now meets at
816 W. Winneconne Ave. Neenah. First
Wed of ea. month 6 p.m.—8 p.m.
For more info on grief support groups please email the Fox Valley Grief Network at:
[email protected]
Survivors of Suicide (S.O.S.)
Community of Hope of Greater Oshkosh
36 Broad Street Suite 140
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Info Only Phone: 920-230-4840
E-mail: [email protected]
We Will Never Forget You
Nick Ahrens * May 15, 2001 * 14
Son of Patti Ahrens 920-688-2678
Cody Barker * Sept. 13, 2010 * 17
Cheryl Berger * Sept. 17, 2011 45
Rick Biesterveld * Jan. 28, 2010 * 48
Jeff Blank * Feb. 21, 2012 * 52
“Skippy” Bixby * Sept. 17, 2006 * 44
Mark Boettcher * March 14, 2011 * 43
Mike Boos * Sept. 20, 2011 * 24
Gaylord Christians * Sept. 12, 2011 * 27
Alex Cornelius * Sept. 2, 2011 * 15
Steven Keppler * May 8, 2007 * 48
Tomorrow life goes back to
normal…I’ll go to work…I’ll style
my hair…I’ll smile at people…I
will act like I’m OK and life is
normal…But it’s not and I’m not
normal or OK…I’ll talk to people…I’ll listen to people…I’ll listen to their pain…I’ll try to act
normal and OK…But inside my
heart is broken, and I’m not
sure how to make it OK.
Debra Lee Disbrow * Apr. 27, 2011 * 59
Devon Finger * Nov. 13, 2011 * 50
Matt Foster * Nov. 8, 2011 * 45
Jo Gear * Nov. 27, 2006 * 58
Shane Hopfensperger * Feb. 28, 2004 * 25
Deb Kosmer, MSW, CSW, CT
[email protected]
Son of Sandee Keppler
Grant Laib * June 29, 2011 * 27
Tanner Logan * Sept. 14, 2004 * 17
Ted Marjenka * July 21, 2010 * 62
Jeremy McKendry * Oct. 10, 2011 * 21
Bonnie Michalkiewicz * Apr. 5, 1999 * 14
James Page * Dec. 4, 2004 * 16
Amanda Reilly * Oct. 15, 2007 * 26
John Reiser * Oct 13, 2010 * 51
Andrea Schabloski * Aug. 31, 1999 * 16
Erik Smithback * Feb. 28, 2010 * 22
Grace Somenske * Nov. 7, 2008 * 59
Craig Edward Tonagel * Dec. 3, 2002 * 33
Mark F. Vermeern * Apr. 25, 2006 * 19
Salvatore Vitale * Sept. 14, 1999 * 27
Alex Wesner * July 31, 2007 * 18
Justin Zimmer * Jan. 15, 2006 * 15