ACTION V. BEDEVILMENTS - Region 6 of Overeaters Anonymous
ACTION V. BEDEVILMENTS - Region 6 of Overeaters Anonymous
MESSENGER The Bi-Annual Newsletter of Region 6 of Overeaters Anonymous Spring 2008 ACTION V. BEDEVILMENTS A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR i, my name is Karin, and I am a compulsive overeater. I am grateful to be serving as the Region 6 Chair. I have been in OA for 18 years and recently celebrated 16 years of abstinence. I have lost 50 pounds but gained so much from being a member of this fellowship. I have a relationship with a Higher Power who does for me what I cannot do for myself. I am recovering one day at a time and must continue to practice the 12 Steps and traditions which have brought me recovery. H hen I came into OA 18 years ago I was hopeless. I couldn't stop eating. It took me over two years to get abstinent because I still wanted to control my food and weight and do it my way. I didn't want to be different. I wanted to be normal. I'm not sure I ever was normal when it came to food. I was living in the “bedevilments” which are described on page 52 of the Big Book. W “We were having trouble with personal relationships, we couldn't control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldn't make a living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, and we couldn't seem to be of real help to other people.” hese are the promises of relapse. After more suffering and pain I admitted and accepted that I am powerless over food and my life was unmanageable. I surrendered. With the help of my sponsor I began working the steps as outlined in the Big Book. I became convinced that “God could and would if He were sought.” I took action and things in my life got better and they continue to, if I do my part. Now I am mostly living in the promises of Step 9 which are found in the Big Book on pages 83-84. T ome of these promises are: a new freedom and a new happiness, serenity, peace, that we can be helpful and useful to others and our attitude and outlook upon life will change. S W hat a difference my life is today. Of course it is not perfect but there is lots of progress. Sometimes I find myself living in the “bedevilments” in recovery. The door swings both ways. Then I have to take action with the steps so I don't return to overeating. I go to meetings, talk to my sponsor, write step work, pray, do service. This gets me back on track. Doing service gets me out of myself and my problems. The most important service I can do is talk to another compulsive overeater, sharing my experience, strength and hope. am grateful for the life I live today. I experience joy and freedom (most of the time). I have a busy life with my husband of almost two years, five kids between us and one dog. My health is back on track too. I received good news last week after some more tests that I am cancer free. Now I am looking to expand my career in meeting planning. I am active in OA service. I am happy to give back to the program that saved my life. I ince chairing the Fall Assembly in Albany I have attended the Region Chairs Committee meeting in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware in October, attended and spoke at an OA special event in Montreal, lead a retreat in November and chaired the Board teleconference call in January 2008. The Region 6 Board will be busy preparing for the Spring Assembly on April 12th. S – Karin Rhodes Hepburn, Region 6 Chair [email protected] / 613-828-4413 PA GE 2 THE MESSENGER S PRIN G 2008 REGION SIX CONTACTS WHAT IS REGION SIX? Please direct R6 correspondence to: Helen F., Region 6 Coordinator 16 Pine Avenue St. John, New Brunsw ick E2M-6J8 Canada E-mail: [email protected] Region Six consists of Overeaters Anonymous meetings and intergroups from the follow ing geographical locations: New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Central and Eastern Ontario, Quebec, New foundland, New Brunsw ick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edw ard Island. Please mail R6 contributions to: Zazu G. R6 Treasurer P.O. Box 3073 Milford, CT 01970 USA Please make checks payable to: REGION SIX OA The follow ing information allow s us to properly acknow ledge your group’ s contribution. WSO Group Number Meeting Name Meeting Day & Time Your cancelled check is your receipt. Your intergroup w ill receive an acknow ledgment at either the next R6 Assembly or mailed w ith the next issue of The Messenger to your intergroup. Please ask your groups to be as generous as possible. Thank you for your support, service and contributions. T HE M ESSENGER is the publication of Region 6 Assembly of Overeaters Anonymous 7 Porter Park Cambridge, M A 0 2 1 4 0 -2 1 0 7 The purpose of Region 6 of Overeaters Anonymous is: • To further the OA program in accordance w ith the Tw elve Steps and Tw elve Traditions of OA; • To maintain a communications center for Region Six. Specifically excluded is the endorsement of any outside enterprise as outlined in Tradition Six; • To provide a forum for the selection of Regional and General Service Trustee nominees; • To provide unity of groups and organization of Intergroups w ithin Region Six; • To host Region Six Marathons and Conventions as deemed necessary by Region Six; • To w ork for OA as a w hole w ithin the Region or Committees appointed by World Service. The next Region 6 Assemblies are scheduled for: April 12, 2008 September 20, 2008 at the Quality Inn, Albany, NY located Route 9W, just south of Exit 23 on the NY State Thruway. Editorial Policy The M essenger is t he bi-annual new slet t er of Region Six of Ov ereat ers A nony m ous. The deadline f or copy is M ay 1 f or t he Fall Edit ion and Nov em ber 1 f or t he Spring Edit ion. M at erial cannot be ret urned nor c an pay m ent be m ade. A ll subm issions t o t he edit or m ust b e signed and w hen published, w ill appear w it h f irst nam e and last init ial unless ot herw ise request ed. Nam es w ill be w it hheld upon request . The M essenger reserv es t he right t o edit all subm issions f or lengt h and c larit y . Ot her OA groups m ay reprint w it hout perm ission. W e ask t hat y ou cit e t he w rit er and The M essenger as y our sourc e. Court esy copies of reprint ed art icles are apprec iat ed. The opinions ex pressed are t hose of t he w rit er, not t hose of Region Six or OA as a w hole. Please address all subm issions and correspondenc e t o The M essenger v ia e-m ail t o: New slet t er@OA region6 .org or v ia US Post al Serv ice in care of t he Region Six Coordinat or at t he address designat ed above. THE MESSENGER STAFF The M essenger is produced t hrough t he ef f ort s of t he m em bers of t he Region Six New slet t er Com m it t ee. W e are: Gast on L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chair M arily n C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edit or Elsa P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proof reader Diane P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proof reader Diana G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design & Lay out J acqueline L. . . . . . French Canadian Coordinat or J ennif er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St ev e M . . . . WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG Com m it t ee M em ber W ebsit e & Publicat ions Coordinat or S PRIN G 2008 THE MESSENGER PA GE 3 IT TAKES TWO….OR DOES IT? I started coming to OA in 1990. At t hat time, I could binge for a mere $10 a day (that didn' t include ordering takeout or binging at restaurants). But I could get a crackley bag, a Family Pak of 10 or 12, a dozen assorted, a cold pint, quart or gallon, or some things that could be boiled or melted, and do it up pretty w ell for $10. I spent much more than that, of course, on a regular basis. I couldn' t afford it but I spent it. Then, once I w as good and disgusted w ith myself, I might decide to buy a diet book (anyw here from $7 to $20 depending on w hether it w as paperback or hardcover), join a diet club (can' t recall how much that cost, but adding in their “ Special Food” – ugh! I' m gagging a little just remembering the taste of it – that added up to a pretty sum), or undergo a liquid protein diet (in 1986 this set me back several hundred dollars A MONTH for blood tests and individual and group sessions w ith the psychiatrist w ho ran it). I don' t remember w hat year OA started the “ It Takes Tw o” campaign and am too lazy to do the research, but it w as probably not long after I came to OA. It w as a radical notion to ask OA members, w ho had been throw ing a buck in the basket since 1960, to up it to $2. Many meetings still include “ OA suggests a $2 donation” in their format w hen the 7th Tradition is passed. 21 percent? 60 percent is made up by literature sales. Now , w e love and value our literature, but I don' t think most of us w ant OA' s f inancial health to rest too heavily on sales. OA World Service conducts itself just as any other service body: money is not hoarded, and anything over operating expenses is plow ed back into our primary purpose. This includes funding delegates to the World Service Business Conference and providing more money for Conference committees (Public Information and Professional Outreach, Tw elfth Step Within) to carry the message. Here is a thought: w hat proportion of our quality of life can w e attribute to OA? One percent? Five percent? More? How does t hat figure reflect w hat w e throw in t he basket at a meeting or how w e support OA through our time? When w e pay for our intergroup answ ering service, travel expenses to R6 Assembly, copying of flyers…. are the prices the same as they w ere back in the 1990s w hen It Took Tw o? We think not. Ten dollars doesn' t buy as much binge food as it used to. So maybe, instead of It Takes Tw o, w e could – GIVE AS THOUGH OUR LIVES DEPENDED ON IT! This is the time in the article w here you get to groan, “ Oh, God, they have their hand out again!” But, w ho are “ they” ? Did you know , though, that the OA annual operating budget – that' s all the operating expenses for the World Service Office (payroll, utilities, insurance, paper clips), the World Service Business Conference, Lifeline Magazine, the OA. ORG w ebsite, the Board of Trustees, and every bit of outreach that OA does at that level – public aw areness, professional exhibits – of that $1.75 million, only a portion is funded by member contributions – WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG - M argaret A nn, Region 6 Trust ee Trust ee@OA Region6 .org THE MESSENGER PA GE 4 COMMITTEE REPORTS Region Six Assembly - September 29, 2007 BYLAWS In at t endanc e: Chair, Bruc e R. (Ot t aw a Dist ric t IG) Karin R-H. (R6 Chair) f our delegat es; A nn W . (Parliam ent arian). ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING 1 . Current m ot ion(s) 2 . Com m it t ee proc edures 3 . Term s/dut ies of R6 of f ic ers DECISIONS M A DE 1 . Cont inue t o look at by law s m anual and suggest updat es w here nec essary . GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1 . Draf t m ot ions dealing w it h dut ies of R6 of f icers. 2 . W ork w it h ot her com m it t ee Chairs t o hav e procedures m ov ed t o com m it t ee proc edures m anual. A SSIGNM ENTS A ND DEA DLINES 1 . M ot ions t o be draf t ed by m id-February . 2 . M ot ions f rom ot her com m it t ees t o be subm it t ed t o By law s Com m it t ee t w o w eeks prior t o deadline. CONVENTION In at t endance: Chair, Robert a L. (Nassau Count y IG); t w ent y delegat es ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING 1 . Conv ent ion 2 0 0 8 (“ Discov ery 2 0 0 8 " /Sout h Coast al M ass IG, Ply m out h); Gil P. and Barbara (Co-chairs) a. Em phasis: Regist er early , as t here are only 1 7 2 room s. A lso, a person m ust be st ay ing t here t o get t he m eal pack age. b. Ex c it ing new ev ent s. add Bingo Sat urday night ; m erc handise and raf f les. c. Phot os t o be t aken, if people desire. 2 . Conv ent ion 2 0 0 9 (“ Serenit y In Sy rac use-The Key Is W illin g n ess” / Great er Sy rac u se IG, Sy rac u se); Updat e f rom Rut h (Great er Sy rac use IG). 3 . Conv ent ion M anual t o be put on R6 w ebsit e. DECISIONS M A DE 1 . Elect ed of f icers 2 0 0 7 -2 0 0 8 : Robert a, Chair; Charlie, v ic e-Chair (Rut h f rom Great er Sy rac use IG, cont ingenc y ): Laura R., Sec ret ary , (Ly nn f rom Great er Rochest er IG, cont ingenc y ). 2 . 2 0 0 8 : M ak e a list of m at erials t o be passed on (R6 banner, easels, w alk ie-t alk ies, t im ers, w ork shop and m arat hon f orm at s). S PRIN G 2008 GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1 . Host ing com m it t ees w ork ing on det ails of conv ent ions. 2 . List num ber of room regist rat ions on-line, and ot her hot els in area as capacit y is reached. 3 . Program Com m it t ee looking int o Friday af t ernoon session (perhaps only one): Ex pec t at ions discussion 3 :0 0 - 4 :3 0 pm and/or Body Im age 4 :3 0 - 6 :0 0 pm A SSIGNM ENTS A ND DEA DLINES 1 . Need v olunt eers f or 2 0 1 0 Conv ent ion. FINANCE In at t endance: Out going Chair, Louise Y. (Great er Sy racuse IG); Inc om ing Chair, A ly ssa (Great er NY M et ro IG); Karin R-H. (R6 Chair); Zazu ( R6 Treasurer); six delegat es ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING 1 . Fund raising is in t he black af t er W orld Serv ice Conv ent ion. 2 . Treasurer ask ing reps here t o t ake f und-raising it em s t o sell at int ergroup f unct ions. 3 . Treasurer present ed t w o budget ov erride proposals. One w as regarding t he t ax prep person, and t he ot her concerned t he recov ery of R6 f inanc ial rec ords. 4 . A udit ed Treasurer' s f inancial records & check signing securit y procedure. DECISIONS M A DE 1 . New Chair is A ly ssa 2 . Im plem ent ed m ore det ailed and com prehensiv e procedure f or “ audit ing” records. GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1 . New securit y procedures f or check signing. 2 . New procedures f or rev iew ing/audit ing records. 3 . Int egrat e sim ple st at em ent s about t hese processes in by law s. 4 . Describe abov e in det ail in Policy and Procedures m anual. A SSIGNM ENTS A ND DEA DLINES 1 . Zazu w ill w ork w it h m em bers on language f or procedure changes. Deadline: Spring A ssem bly . WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG q THE MESSENGER S PRIN G 2008 PA GE 5 COMMITTEE REPORTS Region Six Assembly - September 29, 2007 5. IGOR (Intergroup/Outreach) 6. 2. Quilt : Discussed w ay s t o announc e in new slet t er t hat som eone is needed t o m anage t he projec t . Som eone NEWSLETTER m ay w ant t o head a com m it t ee t o begin. In at t endance: Chair, Gast on (IG OA Franc ais de M ont real); Put St ev e (W ebsit e and Publicat ions Coordinat or); six delegat es plans in m ot ion to cont ac t int ergroups and ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING unaf f iliat ed groups. 3. Ideas t o ent ice people t o c om e t o Region (scholarships). 4. M ailings: c ollat ed and t o be sent out by com m it t ee; 1. print f rom t heir com m it t ee' s report . This needs t o be done bef ore report s are subm it t ed t o t he Secret ary . 5. Cam paign f or loc al int ergroups t o af f iliat e. 6. W here is pam phlet about Region 6 ? 2. DECISIONS M A DE Dist ribut ed Region 6 Handbook . Inf orm at ional. a. Post ed on w ebsit e and 1. w ork ed on in com m it t ee; Do not hold up m ailing t o w ait f or m ore enc losures; 1. 2. 3. and inf orm at ion to be com m unicat ed to Ex plain $ 2 5 0 sc holarship f und. sheet f rom French Div ision of t asks am ong m em bers of com m it t ee: 4. Deadline dat es: Proof read v ersion by Decem ber 1 ; PI/HIPM In at t endance: Chair, Nat alie (Ocean and Bay IG); 1 4 Personal cont ac t w it h one or t w o int ergroups not delegat es ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING represent ed at t his A ssem bly . 2. Begin ef f ort t o cont act unaf f iliat ed groups. 3. Cov er let t er f or int ergroup m ailing f or unaf f iliat ed 1. Talked about w hat t he PI/PO is about , and t he PI Blit z. 2. W ent around t he t able t o let us know w hat our int ergroups are doing: ads, diner f und raising, PI t ool groups. 4. st y le (Public Information/Hospitals, Institutions, Professional, Military) A SSIGNM ENTS A ND DEA DLINES 1. cont ribut e lay out by J anuary 7 ; f inal v ersion due by February 1 . unaf f iliat ed groups. 3. w ill proof reading, edit ing, lay out . groups. Ideas Gast on Language Serv ice Board. GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY Cov er let t er t o be w rit t en t o send inf o t o unaf f iliat ed Elsa w ill f ind out w het her W SO has a st y le sheet in order t o sim plif y edit ing process. Dec ide sc holarships; aw ard Cent ral M ass IG $ 2 5 0 scholarship. Deadline by lat e February . 2. The M essenger in A SSIGNM ENTS/DEA DLINES m ail t oday . 1. Publicat ion and dist ribut ion of English, and French. Put t oget her m ailings t o all unaf f iliat ed groups and int ergroups not represent ed at Region. 4. By acclam at ion, Gast on cont inues as com m it t ee Chair. GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1. w ill be rev iew ed in t he Spring. 3. Discussion of budget ov erride by $ 3 0 0 .0 0 due t o loss of non-prof it st at us. DECISIONS M A DE 2. The Chair of each R6 com m it t ee should ask it s m em bers w het her t hey w ant t heir nam es om it t ed in Sc ot t w ill m ail. 1. Include a list of ex ist ing int ergroups, and set up a cont act t ree t o call each ot her. ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING 1. f or unaf f iliat ed groups on updat ing inf orm at ion f or W orld Serv ice. In at t en danc e: Chair, Ly n (Green M ount ain Nort h IG); Helen F. (R6 Coordinat or); sev en delegat es. Include f orm kit . Include f orm f or unaf f iliat ed groups on how t o f orm an 3. PI Blit z proposal: Sy racuse- ad on prescript ion drug bag. int ergroup. WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG THE MESSENGER PA GE 6 S PRIN G 2008 COMMITTEE REPORTS Region Six Assembly - September 29, 2007 DECISIONS M A DE 1. 2. 2. bet w een t he Region and W orld Serv ice, people w ho allow Great er Sy rac use IG t o do dist ribut ions in each hav e know ledge about y out h in OA . This dialogue w ill count y . t ake place via e-m ail and phone cont act . Elect ions: Chair: posit ion open; v ic e-Chair: posit ion open; Secret ary : Sam ant ha, (Sout hw est ern CT IG). A SSIGNM ENTS/DEA DLINES 1. GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1. Gary w ill cont act Charles A loisio (Young People W orld Serv ice Com m it t ee Chair), w it hin t he w eek (Oc t . 1 st ), Dev elop surv ey ; St ev e w ill put it on w ebsit e. A SSIGNM ENTS/DEA DLINES 1. Long t erm : Increase com m unicat ion t o open dialogue A v ot e w as passed approv ing a PI blit z f und of $ 9 9 0 t o about e-new slet t er. 2. Fran w ill order “ OA 1 2 St eps For Yout h” CD/t ape and Sam ant ha, M ary Rose and Carol w ill dev elop surv ey t o ot her Young People relat ed pam phlet s or lit erat ure. She go on w ebsit e. w ill send t hese t o t he Com m it t ee m em bers in t he m ont h of Oct ober. 3. TWELFTH STEP WITHIN Lisa w ill cont act Chair o f W orld Serv ice Lit erat ure Rev iew In at t endanc e: Chair, Tina C. (Nort h Shore IG); elev en Com m it t ee, about updat ing t he booklet , A Kid' s V iew . delegat es. ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING 1. St at us of sponsorship; report subc om m it t ee com m it m ent t o abst inenc e. 2. Ex ploring w eb presenc e; com m it t ee com m unicat ions. 3. Elect ions DECISIONS M A DE 1. Our m orning w orkshop on div ersit y in OA w as led by Go f orw ard on “ Com m it m ent t o A bst inenc e” as nex t Danielle S. (M BI). A f t er her brief qualif icat ion, Danielle led t he project ; agreed on lit erat ure. group t hrough an ex erc ise w here w e could all ident if y w it h GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1. 2. som e group w it hin OA . W e all st art ed by st anding up, or Diane w ill do f irst draf t on let t er in 4 -6 w eeks, t hen raising o ur hand if w e could not st and. Then, one by one, send t o c om m it t ee t o get f eedbac k . cat egories of m em bers w ere asked t o sit dow n. Som e Tina and Diane w ill m ak e f inal dec ision on let t er. ex am ples of cat egories included: A SSIGNM ENTS/DEA DLINES 1. M ORNING W ORKSHOP First draf t in 4 -6 w eek s; done by nex t A ssem bly . YOUNG PEOPLE Chair, Gary O' C. (Cent ral M ass IG); Lau ra N. (Secret ary ); • People w ho hav e at t ended 9 0 day m eet ings • People w ho hav e at t ended a H.O.W . m eet ing • People w ho hav e at t ended a1 0 0 -pounder m eet ing • People w ho hav e at t ended a Gay /lesbian/bisex ual and t ransgender m eet ing A f t er Danielle w ent t hrough a long list , a f ew people w ere t w o delegat es st ill st anding. The rem aining people w ere ask ed t o sit if t hey ISSUES DISCUSSED A T M EETING 1. Young people' s t elephone m eet ing. had ev er had a judgm ent al t hought about t hese m eet ings. 2. Past A ssem bly goals. Fiv e people rem ained st anding. D an ielle ex plained t hat 3. New lit erat ure f or y oung people. norm ally t here is no one lef t st anding at t he end. The point 4. Ret ent ion of y oung people. w as t hat w e hav e all judged each ot her, or som e groups, at som e point in t im e. W e need t o st op judging, and f ocus on DECISIONS M A DE 1. A ssignm ent s f or nex t A ssem bly - Fran, Gary , Lisa. GOA LS/A CTIONS TO BE COM PLETED BY NEX T A SSEM BLY 1. t hat w hich binds us t oget her. W e t hen broke int o groups. W e w ere giv en 4 quest ions, Receiv e e-new slet t er f or y oung people. It w ill be sent and t hen asked t o share t he answ ers w it h one person in our t o Gary (Chair) f rom Charles A loisio at W orld Serv ice. group. WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG THE MESSENGER S PRIN G 2008 M ORNING W ORKSHOP CONTINUED The quest ions w ere as f ollow s: 1. 2. BYLAW AMENDMENTS/POLICY MOTIONS som e plac e (at a m eet ing, ev ent , Conv ent ion or The chair requ est ed t hat t he By law /Policy m ot ions be business m eet ing), and had t he f eeling of being an post poned t o t he Spring A ssem bly in f av or of v ot ing on t he out sider? com m it t ee. How did y ou f eel as y ou int erac t ed w it h ot hers in t his COMMITTEE MOTIONS W hich f eeling st rongly ref lect s y our response? Silence? Denial? A c t iv e cooperat ion? 4. SUMMARY M OTIONS & VOTES Can y ou t hink of a t im e in program w hen y ou w ere in sit uat ion? 3. Finance Committee. The t reasurer present ed a m ot ion f or a budget ov erride of W hat did it cost y ou t o ac t unnat urally ? $ 1 5 0 .0 0 t o address t he increased f ees f or t ax preparat ion W e learned t hat judging people is a nat ural reac t ion, but serv ices. There w as a quest ion as t o w het her t his w ould be not alw ay s a good nat ural react ion. It ' s easy t o judge ot hers, a one t im e inc rease. and our selv es as w ell. ongoing ex penses. She t hen ask ed t he group t o w rit e f or 1 0 m inut es, and answ er t hese 3 quest ions: 1. PA GE 7 How /w hen hav e y ou judged ot her OA m em bers in t he program ? 2. W hat does it cost t hem ? 3. W hat does it cost y ou? The answ er is “ no” as t hese are This m ot ion w as passed by a 2 / 3 m ajorit y . The t reasurer present ed a second budget ov erride f or $ 5 0 0 .0 0 o be used t o recov er R6 f inancial rec ords and if necessary t o init iat e legal act ion. In response t o a quest ion f rom a delegat e, it w as st at ed t hat t his is an est im at e and A f t er t he m em bers f inished w rit ing, she ask ed us each t o select a part ner dif f erent f rom t he one w e had t han t he f irst t im e and share our answ ers. Finally , w e w ere encouraged t o respect m em bers' anony m it y . Danielle read an inspirat ional OA say ing t o c lose t he session. hopef ully w ill not be m ore ex pensiv e unless legal act ion is needed. This m ot ion w as passed by a 2 /3 m ajorit y . New sletter Committee. W ebsit e and publicat ions coordinat or present ed a budget override mot ion for $ 3 0 0 .0 0 in ant icipat ion of increased print ing and dist ribut ion cost s f or t he R6 new slet t er if t he region' s t ax q q q q q q exem pt st at us is not regained f or t he next M essenger mailing. There w as som e discussion about using email t o cut cost s. This is not possible as most groups do not have email. The budget override w as passed by a 2 /3 majorit y. TWO NEWBIES AT A CONVENTION Catskill, NY. October 2006. Midnight. Two relative newcomers from Massachusetts are making their first pilgrimage to the Region 6 Convention. It is raining. It is dark. And perhaps most frightening of all: breakfast is not being served for several hours. We are pleased to report that they survived until then… And so began the maiden voyage to our first R6 Convention. And it was worth every second. What a gift it was to spend a weekend immersed in program, fellowship and fun; indeed, "…we aren't a glum lot". (BB page 132.) Attending meaningful workshops, hearing powerful (and inspiring) keynote speakers, and dancing Saturday night away with our friends – new and old -- were just a few of our personal convention highlights. We were among our own kind that weekend, and it felt fantastic. We left Sunday afternoon feeling tired and elated, spiritually nourished and emotionally centered -- better than any food has ever tasted, for sure. The experience was so wonderful that we already have registered for the next R6 Convention. It will be held the weekend of October 24-26, 2008 at the Radisson Hotel in Plymouth, MA, and we can't wait. We urge you to register now as space is limited. For more information, go to W W W .OAR E G IO N 6. O R G Let's Discover Recovery – Together, We Can WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG THE MESSENGER PA GE 8 S PRIN G 2008 W RITINGS OF THE M EMBERS OF REGION 6 A MOMENT REPRESENTING A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING I CAN’T. GOD CAN. LET HIM. hen I hit this final bottom, I began to pray in earnest, one to one, w ith my Higher Pow er. I asked his help and told Him, I' d do anything. I w as told in order to recover. I w as desperate and w ithin 5 minutes I felt His presence in my living room. I knew w ith certainty that if I didn' t turn my w ill and life over to my Higher Pow er that I w ould die. I also knew that If I follow ed His direction and kept my w ord about being w illing to go to any length that there w as still hope for me. After 10 years of relapsing before that might, I still believed it could happen for me. The next morning I w oke up and knew that everything w as about to change. That w as over seven years ago, and one day at a time w ith my Higher Pow er' s help, I have remained abstinent. I found out tw o years after that might I prayed that I had suffered a stroke that might. I' d seen a doctor because I w as having memory loss and he told me that I' d had w hat they called a “ silent” stroke, meaning there w ere no visible symptoms. I realized then that my instincts had been correct back then, and that Higher Pow er hat interrupted my death that night. W – Andrea. F. Greater NY Metro IG AHA! MOMENT ne of my biggest aw akening came several years into OA. Early on I began to sponsor, I said a prayer each time the phone rang: “ God, please, give me the w ords that you w ould have me say so I can help my sponsee.” Being shy and basically a listener it seemed overw helmed to have a sponsee call on a daily basis and my mind w ould often go blank. Many years into recovery I began do re study the Steps and Steps 6 and 7 took on new meaning. All I had to do w as become w illing. It' s sound simple but for me w ith my “ I' ll do it myself” attitude it w as an AHA moment. When I w as w illing , I could ask my HP for help to change and then relax and do the first w ork. The first w ork for me w as done in my fourth Step w hen I became aw are of a defect O and then discerned the appropriate behavior. My shyness and reluctance to talking about myself w ould be replaced by my concern for the recovery of others and how my experience w ould help them. My HP w as doing for me w hat I could not do for myself. – Louise Greater Syracuse IG READY TO ACCEPT he aw akening w as w hen I w as ready to accept I w as eating myself to death – and the doctors said I w ould die if I didn' t change my eating behaviors and life styles. OA gave me hope that w ith help of the group, Steps, tools, service I could recover. It' s a daily aw akening each morning w ith my 10th Step and journaling, meditation, and OA literature books and commitment to my food plan. T – Anonymous CEASES FIGHTING t w as 2:30 am in May, 2004 I had been craw ling through the Big Book, guided by my sponsor, since the previous August. She had guided me through three Step 4' s and tw o Step 8' s and I had just finished living, meditating and w riting on the 9 t h Step promises. I At that moment, I read the Big Book w ords “ And w e ceased fighting anything, even alcohol.” Something in my psyche cracked open w ith those w ords, as I realized that, indeed, I had ceases fighting. Although I w as at that time, abstinent for eight years, it is from that moment that I mark my recovery. – Mary Rose D. GROWING AS GOD WANTS ME TO BE moment of spiritual aw akening for me happened at the end of a meeting tw o mont hs ago. As I w as getting up to leave, I w as chatt ing w ith others w ho w ere packing up as w ell. Someone started talking about a w oman (Mary) w ho had shared during the meeting. Just after she began talking about w hat Mary said and how she’ d acted, I said that I w as trying A WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG THE MESSENGER S PRIN G 2008 PA GE 9 W RITINGS OF THE M EMBERS OF REGION 6 A MOMENT REPRESENTING A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to minimize gossip in my life and I had to leave. And I left the room. I know that this experience w as a time of God doing for me w hat I couldn’ t do for myself because tw o months prior, I had also been discussing Mary. Thanks to the Step w ork I continue w ith the help of my Higher Pow er, I am grow ing every day closer to the king of person God w ants me to be. I’ m so grateful that HP continues to offer me these opportunities to demonstrate my w illingness to learn a new w ay and to become God-centered. This program continues to be a huge gift in my life. Thank God for OA! – Anonymous GOD CAN AND DOES TRANSFORM w as attending an OA meetings in Rutland, Vermont. The time of the year w as early spring, the time of year the sap runs in the maple trees. There w as a large w hite pine tree at the edge of the w alk leading into the meeting. I felt the first w arm air current , in the air as I approached the w alk w ay from the parking lot. I looked up at this w hite pine and the needles seemed to have lost their stability of w inter. Instantly I reached up and touched them. Pine needles felt like luscious silk. I felt like I w as being introduced to God and that God can and does transform. I felt there w as hope for my ow n rigidity and inability to let go of the w eight I had collected in increasing amounts since I w as 13 years old though my earliest memory of addictive eating w as age 7. I In the past 18 years in program, my Higher Pow er has revealed him/her self in daily synchronistic w ays through other OA members, my relationship w ith my spouse, family members, community, in my meditation and prayer allow ing me to go back and collect all of w ho I left behind in addiction. So that I am coming to w holeness more is truly revealed each day in this process. Service today is my lifeline for continued recovery. I do w hat I can w hen I can. Service off sets the w eakness that inherent in me as a result of my humanity and my addiction. Thank you OA. GIFTS efining spiritual moment w ith my Higher Pow er: w hen I realized the gifts I w as given could not have come from me. D – Anonymous KNOW – ABLE – APPRECIATE have been given many moments in program that I know are my Higher Pow er w orking through me. Being able to appreciate the ocean or a beautiful moon; being able to enjoy the company of others and actually listen! Being able to enjoy the company of friends and family, and to say no! No to things I don’t agree w ith; no to things that w ill cause me to be resentful and no to the food. I – Anonymous HEART LIGHTENS WITH PRAYER ' d been in OA for about 7 months. I had not had a relationship w ith a Higher Pow er before I found OA and w as w orking to overcome my preconceived ideas of w hat HP w as in my life. My husband called me at w ork to pass on some bad new s he received from his doctor. I hung up the phone and put my head in my hands. I tried to come up w ith a list of w hat I could do to help, but this w as my husband' s problem and the actions needed to be his. I felt myself begin to cry because I didn' t have a constructive w ay to help him, and then it struck me. My head popped up, my heart lightened and realized for the first time that praying for my husband and my his health w as a productive, helpful and useful action that I could take. Thank you OA for show ing me how to access this loving and pow erful force in my life. P.S.: My husband is fine. Thanks H.P. I – Lyn q q q q q q – Ellen B. WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG THE MESSENGER PA GE 10 S PRIN G 2008 W RITINGS OF THE M EMBERS OF REGION 6 A MOMENT REPRESENTING A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING SPIRITUALLY INSPIRED had been exposed to OA for several months by a love one w ho w as in program. But I did nothing about my overeating until w aking up yet one more morning – march 12, 1987 to be precise – and w as disgusted w ith myself for feeling stuffed again. That day, for the first time in my life, are a sensible breakfast and a moderate lunch until that day I had starved myself routinely in order to save up my calories for late-night binging. I More miraculous, I actually stopped eating after dinner... no food orgy once the rest of my family w ent to bed. I don' t know how this event came to pass. Never before had I refrained from nocturnal gorging. Why this night? I Had no answ er then... But as one day of 3 meals w ith nothing in betw een turned into tw o, tw enty, 200, 2,000 and now more than 6500 days, I know the answ er: GOD. Who or w hat else than a Pow er outside myself kept me from doing w hat I w as constitutionally incapable of doing for myself over the first 40 years of my life. The miracle w as certainly spiritually inspired. The aw akening part came only years later after I had finally realized, that God not me, had stopped me from the starve-binge circle. What a freedom it has been to let go – finally – of this (for me) addictive substance. What surrender it is! What further letting go of my self-reliance and arrogance. I got on my knees tw o months ago and asked God to give me the w illingness and ability to me w ithin my plan of eating and to do God' s w ill for me. I had no idea at all that HP' s w ill for me to let go the substance I w as holding onto so tenaciously. I accepted flour and yeast w ere a problem for me. I accepted that a slice w as too much and loaf w as not enough so I had better abstain completely. And this is w hat I have learned: one day at a time the craving and lust for bread products is gone. It is not an option so it' s not a It w ill only be a problem if I take back my w ill and make it an option. My disease is progressive. My bread lust is progressive and boundless. I see w hat HP' s w ill is for me and today – one day at a time – I am going over the w inning side. I am surrendering and doing God' s w ill for me. Trust me, this is a miracle. – Margie – Gil FREEDOM w enty-one years in program and I have had a spiritual aw akening and profound emotional and spiritual grow th. How ? By giving up bread! T One day at a time I have made a decision not to eat flour and yeast in combination, so it' s not just bread. It' s all the forms breads – yeast and flour – can take. For 21 years in OA I have clung to my right to eat bread even though an honest appraisal of my doing so w ould reveal this simple fact: one flour/yeast product w as never enough and a loaf, a dozen, a plastic bag full w as never enough, and ANY – even a w hiff of fresh dough w as too much. WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG THE MESSENGER S PRIN G 2008 PA GE 11 WHICH STEP ARE YOU ON? FIRST STEP PRAYER Dear Lord, I adm it t hat I am pow erless over m y addict ion. I adm it t hat m y lif e is unm anageable w hen I t ry t o cont rol it . Help m e t his day t o underst and t he t rue m eaning of pow erlessness. Rem ove f rom m e all denial of m y addict ion. SECOND STEP PRAYER Heavenly Fat her, I know in m y heart t hat only you can rest ore m e t o sanit y. I hum bly ask t hat you rem ove all t w ist ed t hought and addict ive behavior f rom m e t his day. Heal m y spirit and rest ore in m e a clear m ind. THIRD STEP PRAYER God, I of f er m yself t o Thee To build w it h m e and t o do w it h m e as Thou w ilt . Relieve m e of t he bondage of self , t hat I m ay bet t er do Thy w ill. Take aw ay m y dif f icult ies, t hat vict ory over t hem m ay bear w it ness t o t hose I w ould help of Thy Pow er, Thy love and Thy w ay of lif e. M ay I do Thy w ill alw ays! FOURTH STEP PRAYER Dear God, It is I w ho has m ade m y lif e a m ess. I have done it , but I cannot undo it . M y m ist akes are m ine and I w ill begin a searching and f earless m oral invent ory. I w ill w rit e dow n m y w rongs, but I w ill also include t hat w hich is good. I pray f or t he st rengt h t o com plet e t he t ask. FIFTH STEP PRAYER Higher Pow er, M y invent ory has show n m e w ho I am , yet I ask f or Your help in adm it t ing m y w rongs t o anot her person and t o You. A ssure m e, and be w it h m e, in t his St ep, f or w it hout t his St ep I cannot progress in m y recovery. W it h Your help, I can do t his and I w ill do it . SIX TH STEP PRAYER Dear God, I am ready f or Your help in rem oving f rom m e t he def ect s of charact er w hich I now realize are an obst acle t o m y recovery. Help m e t o cont inue being honest w it h m yself and guide m e t ow ard spirit ual and m ent al healt h. SEV ENTH STEP PRAYER M y Creat or, I am now w illing t hat you should have all of m e, good and bad. I pray t hat you now rem ove f rom m e every single def ect of charact er w hich st ands in t he w ay of m y usef ulness t o you and m y f ellow s. Grant m e st rengt h. as I go out f rom here t o do Your bidding. EIGHTH STEP PRAYER Higher Pow er, I ask Your help in m aking m y list of all t hose I have harm ed. I w ill t ake responsibilit y f or m y m ist akes and be f orgiving t o ot hers as You are f orgiving t o m e. Grant m e t he w illingness t o begin m y rest it ut ion. This I pray. NINTH STEP PRAYER Higher Pow er, I pray f or t he right at t it ude t o m ake m y am ends, being ever m indf ul not t o harm ot hers in t he process. I ask f or Your guidance in m aking indirect am ends. M ost im port ant , I w ill cont inue t o m ake am ends by st ay ing abst inent , helping ot hers and grow ing in spirit ual progress . TENTH STEP PRAYER I pray I m ay cont inue; To grow in underst anding and ef f ect iveness; To t ake daily spot check invent ories of m yself ; To correct m ist akes w hen I m ake t hem ; To t ake responsibilit y f or m y act ions; To be ever aw are of m y negat ive and self -def eat ing at t it udes and behaviors; To keep m y w illf ulness in check; To alw ays rem em ber I need Your help; To keep love and t olerance of ot hers as m y code; and To cont inue in daily prayer how I can best serve You, M y Higher Pow er. ELEV ENTH STEP PRAYER Higher Pow er, as I underst and You, I pray t o keep m y connect ion w it h You open and clear f rom t he conf usion of daily lif e. Through m y prayers and m edit at ion I ask especially f or f reedom f rom self -w ill, rat ionalizat ion and w ishf ul t hinking. I pray f or t he guidance of correct t hought and posit ive act ion. Your w ill, Higher Pow er, not m ine, be done. TW ELFTH STEP PRAYER Dear God, M y spirit ual aw akening cont inues t o unf old. The help I have received I shall pass on and give t o ot hers, bot h in and out of t he Fellow ship. For t his opport unit y I am grat ef ul. I pray m ost hum bly t o cont inue w alking day by day on t he road of spirit ual progress. I pray f or t he inner st rengt h and w isdom t o pract ice t he principles of t his w ay of lif e in all I do and say. I need You, m y f riends and t he program every hour of every day. This is t he bet t er w ay t o live. q q q q q q WWW .OA REGION 6.ORG TOGETHER WE CAN!