White Hat Thinking: Complete an A – z of Charlotte`s Web. Complete


White Hat Thinking: Complete an A – z of Charlotte`s Web. Complete
White Hat Thinking:
 Complete an A – z of Charlotte’s Web.
 Complete a story map.
 How would you care for a pet? What would you
 Write words to describe the characters on their
 Wilbur is looking for a friend. Make a “Wanted” poster for a
friend. Describe the sort of person you are looking for.
 Children create a spider’s web and ‘weave’ a word that Charlotte
would use to describe them. Children to write an explanation f
why they chose that would.
Red Hat:
 Draw a story map of one of the characters showing all the
different feelings they felt during the story.
 Make a puppet showing how you would feel if you were Wilbur.
Yellow Hat:
 What were the good things that happened in the story?
 Who is your favourite character in the story? Why?
 What would be the good thing about having eight legs?
Black Hat:
 What would the bad things be about having eight legs?
 What were the bad things that happened in the story?
Green Hat:
 How would you save Wilbur?
 Create a diorama of your favourite scene in the story.
Blue Hat:
 Write a shopping list for what you would need to buy if you were
getting a new pet.
Design a
bookmark for
our class book
– Charlotte’s
Green Hat