our 2012 Report to the Community
our 2012 Report to the Community
2012 ST. ANDREW’S REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY Serving More Than 8,700 People Each Year R CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Our Vision A society where all elders are respected, productive, secure, and fulfilled. Our Mission Empower elders and their caregivers through choices and options that foster a vital life. Our Core Philosophy We honor each person’s uniqueness and dignity and believe our mission will bring vitality throughout the life of elders. St. Andrew’s 2012 Board of Directors Chair Ralph H. Thaman, Jr. Vice Chair Karen Marino President & CEO Mary Alice Ryan Secretary Kathy Linsin Treasurer Mark B. Hillis Board of Directors We understand our society’s elder service system is complex and remain committed to our skill of providing the most appropriate choices and options in service and support that will bring confidence and peace of mind to those we serve. We are committed to being on the “cutting edge” in innovative, holistic programs and services that are quality driven, ethical, cost-efficient and elder-centered. We are committed to our faith-based tradition of service which inspires us to honor our commitments and to the best of our ability serve regardless of religious affiliation or ability to pay. Lisa Bernstein Alan E. Brainerd David Breckenridge William Broderick Tammy Burton Marylou Calzaretta David Cissell Robert P. Elsperman Michelle McClure Timothy McFarlin Jeff Miller, Jr. Marie Oetting Rev. Cedric Portis The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith William Showalter Emeritus Board Member Marvin Wool Honorary Members Mary Ann Lee Blanche M. Touhill, PhD Douglas H. Wilton Dear Friends and Supporters of St. Andrew’s, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” - Mark Twain Age is not about how old you are but how old you feel. Through our programs, communities and services, St. Andrew’s continues to incorporate our mission and vision by empowering seniors and fostering vital lives. The following pages contain a glimpse of the extraordinary work that St. Andrew’s has accomplished in 2012. Many people don’t realize that over 60% of the population we serve are low-income. We hope you will take a moment to read about some of the seniors whose lives have been greatly impacted by our programs. Many of these life-changing programs are only made possible by the generosity of our dear friends. We are proud to share with you the names of our generous supporters and how their support has impacted the lives of area seniors and other 2012 highlights. Thank You! We hope you will join us in 2013 and support the mission of St. Andrew’s! Sincerely, Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “I enjoy getting out and doing things for people. Mary Alice Ryan President and CEO Ralph H. Thaman, Jr. Chair, Board of Directors I’ve always had this push to go a little further.” Robert Bess “I believe that learning and teaching are both important for a fulfilled life.” William Ball 1 What is St. Andrew’s? Growing older carries a unique set of challenges, for the senior, the family and other potential caregivers. When crises occur, most of us aren’t prepared to act. We haven’t pre-planned. We don’t know where to find the resources we need. We often don’t even know what questions to ask. That’s where we come in. For the past 50 years, St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System, a not for profit organization, has been the place where seniors, their families and caregivers find answers. Whether it’s occasional help that allows a senior to remain independent at home, a comfortable retirement residence that feels like home, or an assisted living or skilled nursing facility, St. Andrew’s can provide whatever you need. Thanks to donations to our Charitable Foundation, we are able to assist seniors at all income levels. We help them find and access the support they need and, most important, we help them Worry Less. There are over 335,000 people in the St. Louis metro area over the age of 65 Created in 1961 as a non-profit partnership of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri and The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, St. Andrew’s is non-sectarian, faith-based and expert at serving both older adults and their caregivers. Community connections. Compassion and optimism. Cutting-edge innovation that improves - and often extends - lives. Illinois Missouri 9 Kirksville St. Charles 70 The St. Andrew’s Family 1 Greenville St. Peters 7 40 10 Granite City 270 11 2 St. Louis 3 4 5 6 13 12 Ballwin 8 East St. Louis 44 55 Communities 1. Almira Manor, Greenville, IL 2. Brooking Park, Chesterfield 3. Friendly Village I & II, St. Louis 4. Gillespie Village, St. Louis 5. Latter Glory Manor, St. Louis 6. Mercy Seat Apartments, St. Louis 7. Mizpah Manor, Bridgeton 8. Rush Senior Gardens, East St. Louis 9. St. Andrew’s Apartments, Kirksville 10. St. Andrew’s of Jennings I & II, Jennings 11. The Willows at Brooking Park, Chesterfield 12. Tower Grove Manor, St. Louis 13. Zion Corner Apartments & Sammie E. Jones Residence, St. Louis See map at left. What We Do Retirement Communities: Designed for seniors with amenities that include dining, housekeeping, maintenance, on-site activities and special features. Assisted Living / Sheltered Care: Full-service apartment communities with staff who provide assistance with activities of daily living, such as help with bathing, dressing and medication management. Nursing Homes / Skilled Care: Licensed communities that provide skilled nursing services and 24hour care under the supervision of licensed nurses, including our Avalon Medicare Rehabilitation Unit. Alzheimer’s / Dementia Special Care: Communities offering specialized care and accommoda- tions for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and other forms of memory loss. In 2012, Brooking Park opened a new Memory Care household, which provides care for up to 20 residents living with a dementia-type diagnosis in a home-like setting designed to engage mind, body and spirit. St. Andrews & Bethesda Home Health: Medicare-certified in-home care for seniors particularly for those times — after surgery, illness, hospital stays — when medical care and rehabilitation are what is needed. In-home Supportive and Specialty Services: Senior Solutions – offers personal care assistance, nursing care, 24-hour live-in support, nutrition and medication management, geriatric care management, massage therapy, housekeeping, companionship, escorting and transportation, errand running, home safety assessments, and minor home repair. Geriatric Care Management: An experienced eldercare specialist provides evaluations, counsel, information and referral, and guidance to seniors and their families, assisting them in dealing with issues of aging, securing services, and in navigating the maze of services and programs. The Caring Workplace: This “corporate eldercare program,” provided by Senior Solutions, helps to make senior- and caregiver-related services available through the caregiver’s workplace. Senior Solutions helps more than 4,000 local employees who participate in the program balance work and care for older loved ones. St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation: The foundation was formed to help the ever-growing number of older adults who have outlived their resources. You will read more about the Foundation, the lives we impact, and our extraordinary supporters in the following pages. 3 St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation In a world where seniors are living longer and health care costs are constantly on the rise, millions of seniors have discovered that their savings just are not enough to cover even their most basic needs. As the cost of aging goes up, so too, does the need for charitable care and financial assistance. The St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation supports older adults who have outlived their resources. Last year, our foundation provided more than $1.1 million to help bridge the gap between what seniors and their families can afford and what seniors need to live healthy, secure and fulfilled lives. Where Funds Go Employee Assistance 1% Financial Assistance 24% HUD Bus 4% Spiritual Outreach 25% HUD Bus Spiritual Outreach Low Income Assistance Fund 46% Low-Income Assistance Fund Financial Assistance Funds Employee Assistance Adopt-A-Senior dopt-A-Senior program prog reached over 600 low-income seniors Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “I’m blessed to be physically and mentally healthy, so I’m going to make the most of every day.” Carolyn Biemdiek Community Events: Golf: On August 6th, friends of St. Andrew’s came out to play in support of St. Andrew’s at the 1st Annual St. Andrew’s Loving Hope Golf Outing. Thanks to the tremendous guidance and dedication of our Chair, Roger Stueckel, and his volunteer committee of Willows’ Residents, the event was more successful than we could have imagined. We are thrilled to report that in its inaugural year, the golf outing raised more than $40,000 to provide charitable care to residents of Brooking Park who have outlived their resources. Thank you to all who joined in the fun! Circus: Come One, Come All…In celebration of Grandparent’s Day and to raise funds for the Financial Assistance Program at Brooking Park we brought out the “Big Tent.” On September 8th, residents, friends, and family members gathered for the Brooking Park Circus, featuring great food, a bounce house, games, face painting, balloon animals, a silent auction, and even a dunking booth. Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “Take care of yourself and trust in God.” Herman Davis “I always save the best for last.” Alice Creamer “Give more than you take.” Bill Creamer 5 Your Gift Changes Lives Meet Geraldine”Jerry” Jerry is one of the most dynamic characters at St. Andrew’s Brooking Park. Tatjana, the Brooking Park Activities Director, is especially fond of her, explaining, “She is so full of life and such a blessing to all of us.” A widow for almost 30 years, Jerry had always been very self-sufficient. However, 7 years ago, when her health was declining, Jerry and her children decided she that she should move to Brooking Park. She has, since, made a great home for herself at Brooking Park. She enjoys the activities; an avid sketcher throughout her life, she especially enjoys the art classes. Jerry loves life. “Life is short and I’m making the most of it,” she laughs. Her daughter, Bridget, says “She has always been a giver. We had four girls in our family and she was always there to help…unconditionally and without judgment.” She wanted her children to share in her lust for life and made sure that they had the “full experience.” “She was always such fun,” Bridget laughs as she recalls that, when she was in high school, her dates would come early just to have the opportunity to chat with her mom. Jerry’s just as entertaining and magnetic today as she was then. She loves people and they love her. Anyone who knows Jerry, will tell you that she is spirited and adventurous. She loves to learn. Even though she never went to college, she has always been in constant pursuit of knowledge; reading everything she could get her hands on - including the dictionary, encyclopedia and, of course, the Bible. Jerry also loves to travel, although, she hasn’t actually taken many trips. She traveled vicariously through her children; always hungry for every last detail of any journeys they had taken. “I travel all the time,” Jerry exclaimed before adding, with a mischievous grin, “in my dreams.” At 87,, she continues to live a full life and delight those around her. “Every day is a good day,” Jerry c resolves. She shares that famous adage with everyone she meets in each and every good day of her extraordinary life. ext ry li Geraldine financial aid recipients. ra raldine is alsoo oone of our ur fin ipient When her family realized that it would not be financially possible to continue at Brooking Park, cco nuuuee too keep keep their heir mother m k, St. S Andrew’s Charitable Foundation was able to help. Through our Financial Financ Fin Fi in a Assistance sis istance nnce Program, PPr ram, our supporters help alleviate all iate part of the financial burden of some residents by paying the displacement a portion portion of o their heir eir irr monthly t bill. thly bi Our generous donorss prevent p displacem of wonderful people like Jerry who will about you! ccontinue tiinue ti ue to live l life too thee fullest ful st without wi w thouutt worrying w wo worr about having to leave her new home. Thank Th Your Gift Changes Lives MeetJoAnn At 63, Joann had to learn to walk again. Just 3 years earlier, JoAnn had been working and living a very normal life. She began experiencing confusion and extreme pains in her feet and legs. However, without insurance, she could only rely on free clinics for healthcare. Her sister, Kris, realized the seriousness of the situation and brought her to the emergency room of the local hospital. A physician identified that her feet and legs were infected with gangrene due to a blockage in a main artery that had gone undiagnosed for 2 years. If he had performed the operation any later, he was quite sure that she would have lost her legs, if not her life. In fact, JoAnn’s health had so deteriorated that she had a stroke and a minor heart attack on the operation table. After several more operations, JoAnn’s road to recovery began. The stroke had left JoAnn in a confused state, often not able to remember things. In addition to the amputation of her toes, JoAnn had developed neuropathy in her legs and feet which further complicated walking. She started in a wheelchair and then gradually was able to walk with the assistance of a walker. With her new disability, the house she had owned for more than 20 years was no longer safe. The kitchen floor had warped and she risked falling every time she walked across the room. The light in her bathroom was broken and she was showering in the dark. Having limited income and not able to work, she wasn’t sure where to turn. Kris started making phone calls and soon was connected with St. Andrew’s. Through our Project Independence program, Senior Solutions was able to install a new vinyl laminate Allure floor in her kitchen and fix the light in the bathroom. “Senior Solutions sent John over and I just can’t thank him enough. He was so kind and he did such a wonderful job,” JoAnn remembers. Kris recalls, “There was still a lot more we need to do, but just having the floor fixed and knowing someone was out there to help, made all the difference. It was the catalyst for reclaiming control of her life again… My sister and I have always been close and then, all of a sudden, she just went to another land for a while and she was gone… I’m glad to have her back.” JoAnn nods in agreement saying “I didn’t realize how bad it was. It’s hard to imagine that I died and came back to life…and here I am.” Today, JoAnn is healing and reclaiming her life. She has learned to walk again with the assistance of a cane. Her house is still a “work in progress,” but it has come a long way thanks to a lot of help from family, friends, local organizations, and the extraordinary supporters of St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation. So many seniors, like JoAnn, by no fault of their own, find themselves in need of a little help. Our generous supporters help people like JoAnn live safely in their own homes. Thank you. 7 Your Gift Changes Lives Meet Gladys Gladys is just one of the extraordinary seniors we are helping. Gladys was just 10 when her mother died; she was forced to grow up fast to take care of her ailing father and her brother. Gladys never stopped caring for others. Today Gladys is 88 and her neighbors say she is the “backbone of their community.” Gladys wasn’t used to asking others for help, but when her doctors told her she would have to be in a wheelchair for at least 8 months, she knew it was her time to ask for help. Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, St. Andrew’s CNA, Donna, visits Gladys several times a week to help her with the many things that Gladys can’t do for herself. Things that many of us take for granted like getting dressed, taking a bath, or preparing meals. “If it weren’t for St. Andrew’s, I don’t know what I’d do” says Gladys, “It would be devastating to leave my home…there’s no place like home.” Thanks to our donors, Gladys is able to remain independent in her home and in a community that she loves. There are millions more seniors just like Gladys; seniors who thought their future was secure. Yet, due to unexpected illness or hardships, they find they need extra help in meeting the challenges of daily living. Fortunately, St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System is here to help. Through our Charitable Foundation, we provide seniors with services that enable them to remain in their homes. We arrange for minor home repairs to correct problems that may threaten their safety. We provide transportation to help them get to the grocery store. We help those that are already in our care, continue to stay in the safe and healthy environment that they had envisioned for their golden years. Senior Solutions Provided 817 seniors with in-home services Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “I’ve always got a project I’m working on. There’s no time to think about getting older.” Bob Hermann “Assume nothing.” Mary Lee Hermann St. Andrew’s Friends Friends is a group of individuals that come together for one cause…to help seniors. Our mission is simple: • Raise the profile of St. Andrew’s and always spread the word • Raise funds for those who need it most • Provide Quality of Life Programs to low-income communities For many years now, we have been working as a team to help improve the lives of thousands of seniors. We are always looking for new, innovative ways to provide even better resources to the seniors that we so dearly love…and we have fun doing it. If you would like to be a part of our efforts, please contact Ashley at 314-726-0111. Letter From Terry Coleman: Worry Less Thanks To Our Friends Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to tell you that 2012 was an amazing year for the Friends Board of St. Andrew’s! We increased the amount of funds raised to support low income seniors; drastically expanded the Adopt-A-Senior program by providing gifts to over 600 seniors; and continued to provide quality of life programs to seniors. We are always interested in finding new people to join us in supporting the health and well-being of seniors in need. If you would like to join our Friends group please contact Ashley at 314-726-0111. Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “This is going to be a great day!” Juanita Hartwig Warmest Regards, g Terry Coleman Chairman, Friends Board “At some point we begin to wear out and fall apart. Accept it and get over it!” Augusta “Gussie” Feehan 9 Friends Programs Transportation: To help assure low-income seniors will have the ability to get to and from the pharmacists, grocery stores, doctors appointments and more, the Friends Group funds a bus that provides more than just transportation to residents – it opens the door for increased social activity, grants greater physical mobility, provides a sense of dignity, and fosters independence. Adopt-A-Senior: Thanks to the generosity of many individuals and companies, our Adopt-A- Senior program was more successful than ever. This year, over 600 low-income seniors had an extra special Holiday Season! Seniors living in our low-income communities each received a Walgreens gift card, while over 60 seniors who we serve in their homes received generous presents such as clothing, cookware, fruit, gift cards, mattresses, refrigerators, computers, furniture, TV’s and even a stove! The feedback from the seniors was one of appreciation and thankfulness! Quality of Life Programs: Friends further strives to enhance the lives of seniors through quality of life programs. Whether it is through music, gardening, or love of animals, the Friends work to bring joy to our low-income residents. Lucille and “Red” Through our Adopt-A-Senior program, our supporters provided household items, furnishings, and, even a new mattress, to make this formerly homeless couple’s new apartment a home just in time for Christmas. “We are so blessed. Thank you!” Lucille Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “There’s something about a young person that makes you happy.” Delores Mars St. Andrew’s Friends Board List St. Andrew’s Derby Brunch St. Andrew’s Friends held its first Annual Derby Day Brunch in May. Derby Chairs, Karen Gosser and Lana Shepek pulled out all the stops to make it a “winner’s circle” event! Featuring traditional “derby” dishes and refreshments from local restaurants, carriage rides, music, and an enthusiastic crowd dawning their “derby” hats, the event was a spectacular success and raised more than $25,000 for seniors in need. Save the Date for our 2nd Annual Derby Brunch on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at the fabulous Magic Chef Mansion. To reserve your seat now, contact Ashley at 314-678-1245 or [email protected]. Chairman Terry Coleman Emeritus Chairmen Michael & Rosemary Wick Virginia Trent Board Members Fanny & Ronald Bohlen Alan E. Brainerd Lynette Broeg Rev. Sarah DeYoung Brouwer Millie Cain D’Arcy Elsperman Karen Gosser Lynn Hamilton Anna Harris Anna Lee & Alex Kerckhoff Nan & Richard Klassen Rev. W. Clarence Koon, Jr. Linda & Paul Lee Margaret Rambo Darlene & Charles Roland Peggy Symes Phyllis Tirmenstein Anne & James von der Heydt Carol Marie Will Housed over 2,500 seniors throughout St. Andrew’s communities. Ageless: Remarkable A R ka Saint Louisans “As long g as you do anyth anything you are interested in, keeps you young.” n, that keep Virginia Leitner 11 Ageless Goes Beyond a State of Mind for St. Andrew’s Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisans Gala: It is our award winning program honoring seniors over the age of 75 who are living active and vital lives. Our honorees exemplify St. Andrew’s vision of a society where all older adults are respected, productive, secure and fulfilled. The Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisans Gala is our signature event, honoring 20 individuals and /or couples each year who are celebrating life and redefining aging. It’s a festive and elegant evening; the honorees are inspiring; and the funds raised help St. Andrew’s provide over $1.1 million in charitable care to St. Louis’ seniors. Save the Date: 2013 Ageless-Remarkable Saint Louisans Join us on November 10, 2013, at 6 o’clock in the evening at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch as we mark the 11th year of recognizing contributions made by Saint Louisans 75 years and better. For information, including tickets and sponsorship opportunities, please call 314-726-0111. Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “Stay active and always have an optimistic look on life.” Dorothy Jane Mahaffey Carpenter Moore 1 Ageless Society: Over 200 honorees have been selected since we began the Ageless program in 2003. After a year as an Honoree, those individuals are welcomed into the Ageless Society. We look to this “alumni” group to sustain the Spirit of Ageless going forward. Led by Harris Frank, members of the Ageless Society serve as members of many of St. Andrew’s volunteer committees. Ageless Society members often nominate candidates for future consideration, and they contribute financially to support the Ageless program and St. Andrew’s mission. Ageless Voices: In 2012, St. Andrew’s Ageless Society launched the first discussion of the newly created Ageless Voices Lecture Series. Our Ageless Voices Lecture Series not only gives us an opportunity to help educate the public on topics like conservation, technology and the environment, but it also serves as a way for our Ageless Society members to give back to their community. Save the Date for our upcoming Ageless Voices Discussions: • May 13 - Holocaust Center • June 17 - Touhill Center • September 12 - Grant’s Cabin For more information, contact Bernadette at 314-802-1937 or [email protected]. St. Andrew’s provides housing to nearly 1,400 seniors every year at all economic levels. Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “Speak your truth, have compassion and take care of the poor.” Sr. Jeanne Marie Meurer, FSM 13 Thank You for helping us reach out to St. Louis Seniors in need... We gratefully acknowledge each of our donors for their support and generosity. Every effort has been made to accurately recognize our donors. Please accept our sincere apologies if any errors have occurred, and contact the St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation with corrections at 314-726-0111. Visionary - $100,000 + Sansone Trust President - $50,000 - $99,000 Ballmann Family Private Foundation St. Louis Area Agency on Aging Mr. Marvin S. & Mrs. Harlene E. Wool Champion - $25,000 - $49,999 Crawford Taylor Foundation Wells Fargo Advisors Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “It’s great if you are healthy, and in gratitude to God for that health, you should do something for other people.” Sr. Thelma Marie Mitchell, FSM * Annual St. Andrew’s Society Membership is given in gracious thanks to those who have given $1,000 or more to help St. Louis Seniors in need. * Ambassador - $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous BSI/James & Karen Shaughnessy Cape Albeon Centene Charitable Foundation Daughters of Charity Foundation of St. Louis Ms. Juanita Hartwig Healthlink Margaret Blanke Grigg Foundation Roland Quest Memorial Fund of the Greater St. Louis Community Foundation, Phyllis R. Tirmenstein Mary Alice & John Ryan Victor & Selene DeLiniere Charitable Foundation * Leadership - $5,000 - $9,999 BJC HealthCare BKD Foundation/Ken Marx BMO Harris Bank Mr. & Mrs. William H. Broderick Edward Jones Hercules Construction Management gement Company Comp Robert & Mary Lee Hermann n Interlock Pharmacy Systems, LLC LL Ladue Chapel Mission Councill Mr. & Mrs. John Schobel St. Louis Philanthropic Organization, Inc. * Benefactor - $2,500 - $4,999 Mrs. Sue Bahle Ms. Ann R. Bannes Bethesda Health Group, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bodine Mr. & Mrs. David Breckenridge Cain Brothers & Co. LLC Charles L. Crane Agency Co./ Butch James Mr. & Mrs. Jim Coleman Commerce Bank Dr. William H. Danforth Mr. Thomas P. Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elsperman Emerson Charitable Trust Falk Family Foundation Herman T. & Phenie R. Pott Foundation The Ladue News Ms. Kathy Linsin Maryville University McKesson Medical Surgical Paric Corporation Rehab Choice, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William D. Showalter SSM Healthcare System - St. Louis St. Luke’s Hospital Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. TeamFour/Saur Architects Mr. & Mrs. James von der Heydt * Partner - $1,000 - $2,499 A.R.E. Realty & Investment Co. Inc. Mr. Rob Adams Anonymous Mrs. Martha Austin Mr. Donald Beimdiek Ms. Lisa M. Bernstein Mr. C. Robert Bess Father Lawrence Biondi Ms. Barbara Boeving Buckingham Asset Managment Mr. & Mrs. Chad Burton Corporate Insurance Management Elder & Mrs. Herman E. Davis Design Extra Mr. & Mrs. s. Gregory Elliott Enterprisee Holdings Found Foundation Young Ernst & Youn Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Farre Mr. Vinny Ferrari Ferra First National Bank of St. Louis Mr. Harris rris Frank Gosser Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gosse Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C. G Ronald E. Gribbins, Ph.D. D. Mrs. Anna Harris Ms. Yvette Hartsfield G. Fred Heimburger Family, Ella A. Heimburger Fund of the Greater ater Saint Louis Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hillis James C. Thompson & Co. Mr. Harold James Pauline & Ernest G. Jaworski, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klassen Rev. & Mrs. Clarence Koon Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mantia Ms. Karen L. Marino Mathews-Dickey Boys’ & Girls’ Club Mrs. Christy McCorkell Mr. & Mrs. Sanford N. McDonnell Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McFarlin Diane & Terry Meatheany Mrs. Dorothy Miller Power Up Electrical Contractors Ms. Darlene Scaglione Sr. Susan Scholl Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sellinger Dr. & Mrs. William H. Sheffield Square Up Builders, LLC St. Louis Association of Realtors St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Stock & Associates Mr. Roger Stueckel Mr. & Mrs. Don Svoboda Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Thaman, Jr. Ms. Phyllis Tirmenstein Mr. & Mrs. William Van Luven Mr. Stephen M. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. William Wolff World Wide Technology Foundation Steward - $500 - $999 Ms. Toni Anderson Aon Foundation (Ms. Carolyn E. Labutka) Armstrong Teasdale, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Frank Baker Dr. Jeanne Brand Billings Mr. & Mrs. Phil L. Bockman Ms. Rebecca Boerner Mr. Alan E. Brainerd Ms. Mary A. Bruemmer Ms. Marjorie Ann Bussing Ms. Millie Cain Ms. Mary Calzaretta Mr. & Mrs. David Cissell Mr. & Mrs. James Combs Mr. Peter Czajkowski Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Doerr Mr. & Mrs. Leo Drey Drury Hotels Mrs. Marjorie (Midge) Eddy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Feimer First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood Ms. Susan E. French Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fulstone Gershman Investment Corporation Mr. Paul R. Hales, City House in Grand Center Ms. JoAnn Hejna Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Samuel Hopmeier Mr. Jeffrey L. Huntington Mrs. Janet Johnston Mr. Kevin Kast Mr. & Mrs. Newell S. Knight, Jr. Dr. Wilfred & Ann Lee Konneker Ms. Marilyn Krisanic Mrs. Mary Ann Lee Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lee Legacy Senior Care, LLC Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C. Mr. Thomas A. Loew & Ms. Charlotte Bukowski Dr. Phillip & Rev. Helen Ludbrook The Marian Foundation McCormack Baron Salazar Mobile Eye Care Solutions Mrs. Margaret Moore Sarah & John Schoon Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schreimann Mr. Walter Shifrin Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith Mr. & Mrs. George Springman St. Louis University Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Q. Svoboda Ms. Peggy Symes Mr. Joseph & Dr. Blanche Touhill Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “God has a plan and goal for each and everyone of us. It is our obligation to use the gifts He has given us to serve Him and help others.” Dr. Norman Freiberger 15 The Honorable & Mrs. George H. Walker Western Textile Healthcare Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Wiltse Mr. Steven G. Woodruff Ms. Esther Worthington Advocate - $249 - $499 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Altvater The BackStoppers Inc. Mr. Milton Hieken & Ms. Barbara Barenholtz Mr. & Mrs. Ron Bohlen Rev. Mary Gene Boteler The Brentmoor Retirement Community Ms. Margo Brettmann Mr. & Mrs. John Brightman Ms. Virginia R. Campbell Kristen & Thomas Canter Mr. Clarkson Carpenter Ms. Karen Carter Ms. Ameerah Cetawayo Ms. Katherine M. Claggett Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cornelius DART Chart Systems Mr. Henry Dubinsky Ms. Wendy Duncan Ms. Maureen Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Eckelman Ms. Jo Ann Emmerich Ms. Katherine A. Engelhardt Ms. Jeanne Fiddleman Steven & Kim Fons Mr. George L. Fonyo Mr. Brian Warner & Ms. Susan Franklin Ms. Eleanor Gershien Ms. Barbara Gervais Mr. Todd Goodrich Mr. Mark H. Goran Mrs. Anita S. Graves Mr. J. Robert Green Troy & Bernadette Groner The Hauser Group Ms. Dorothy Henke Ms. Shirley Herr Mrs. Jean M. Hobler Mr. Bernard Huger Ms. Helen Hume John Burroughs School Mrs. Nancy Knowles Rev. John Kotovsky Ladue Chapel Women’s Association Lawrence Group Architects, Inc. Mrs. Agnes Levin Mrs. Nancy Lich Mrs. Ruth Malvern Dr. Mary McFarland Mr. Charles Miller SJ Morrison Mr. Joe Mulligan Ms. Kathleen A. Mullins Mrs. Armarie Murphy Mr. John Nelke Mr. & Mrs. Steven Nystrom Mrs. William T. O’Byrne Mr. & Mrs. John O’Connell Ms. Nancy O’Farrell Mr. Thomas F. Ostertag Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Percy Mr. Eliot Planells Ms. Pat Plumley Mrs. Kathleen Pohl Ms. Cheryl Proyaseng Roberta Rassieur Ms. Patricia Rich Mr. & Mrs. Charles Roland Terree Rowbottom Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt Ms. Katherine Scott Ms. Lana Shepek Mr. William Siedhoff Dr. & Mrs. William A. Sims, Jr. Mr. Martin Herbert & Ms. Sharon L. Slane Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “Be happy. Be healthy. Be involved. Be open to new ideas. And be a person for others.” Mary Bruemmer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Steinmeyer Ms. Norma Stern TGM Entrance Campaign Cash Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tooke Michael & Toni Vaughn Walter Knoll Florist Mr. & Mrs. James Webb Ms. Carol Marie Will Mrs. Adrianne Williams Mr. & Mrs. Hill Williams Douglas & Jean Wilton Mr. John Wunderlich Mr. John Yunker Supporter – up to $249 Ms. Charlita Adkins Ms. Barbara Anderson Ms. Dianne Carter Anderson Anonymous Rob & Vicki Apatoff Ms. Rosemary Armbruster Ms. Edna M. Baer Ms. Virginia Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Bailis Mr. Steve Ball Mr. & Mrs. Tom Baranowski Mr. William Baur Ms. Cheryl L. Beach Ms. Jane Ann Beavers Mrs. Frances Bell Mr. & Mrs. Pete Benoist Mr. William Bergfeld, Jr. Mr. Joseph E. Birk, Jr., Esq. Mr. Benjamin M. Bishop Ms. Julie Blankenship Ms. A. Roxanne Blankenship Marci & Ken Bluestone Ms. Lori Bockman Donald & Dorothy Boekemeier Bonhomme Presbyterian Church Mr. Staunton E. Boudreau Margaret & Joseph Boveri Mr. Kenneth Brockman Mrs. Wilhelmina Broderick Mrs. Lynette Broeg Ms. Christine Brooks Mr. David Bruns Mr. & Mrs. John R. Buchheit Mrs. Dorothy Budke Mr. Richard Burk Mr. Warren Burnett Colby Bushnell Paul & Elissa Cahn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cannon Ms. Frances Capra Drs. Bruce & Joan Carr Mr. Timothy Case Ms. Susan Caudle Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Causey Charles E. Jarrell Contracting Company, Inc. Ms. Rosemary Clark Ms. Barbara Cooper Mrs. Mary Jane Conrades Ms. Lois M. Cook Mr. Marion F. Cowling Dr. Joe Craven Mrs. Geraldean Crowder Mr. Sean Cullen Ms. Margaret Daake Ms. Rebecca Davidson Ms. Sara Davidson Mr. Anthony Davis Ms. Jessica Denham Mr. William Deuchler Ms. Charlotte Dicken Mr. & Mrs. Constantino DiFranco Ms. Carol DiSanza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donahue Mr. Andrew Downing Mrs. Charles Drew Mr. Charles Drury Ms. Judith Dubin Ms. Catherine A. Dulle Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Edwards Ms. Marcia Egilsrud Mr. Dirk Elsperman Mr. Mark Enger Mr. Tom Eschen Mr. Brian Fallon Ms. Gloria Fawl Augusta Feehan First Class Solutions Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fister Mr. John Flaig Ms. Carla Flamm Mr. & Mrs. JB Fleming Mr. Joseph M. Flores Mr. Robert A. Franken Ms. Frankie M. Freeman Dr. Robert Freeman Dr. Norm Freiberger Mrs. Frances Frey Dr. & Mrs. John Wm. Fries Ms. Mary Fry Mr. & Mrs. James Gabbert Mrs. Barbara Gaebe Ms. Estelle Garden Ms. Marguerite Garrick Gateway Industrial Products Gateway Market Supply Mrs. Kathleen M. Geldmacher Mr. Kenneth Geldmacher Mr. Michael Geller Geotechnology, Inc. Ms. Joan Gerard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goellner Mr. Edward Golterman Mrs. Carol Graham Mr. & Mrs. Karl Grattendick Ms. Anna Gravatte Green Trails Mobil Mrs. Barbara Gregston Mr. & Mrs. Larry Grieshaber Mr. Charles R. Grigg Dr. Charles Gulas Ms. Linda Hagler-Reid Ms. Janice C. Hamm Ms. Dawn Hammack Ms. Diane R. Haneklau Ms. Debbie Hardison Ms. Connie Jean Harris Mr. William R. Heimburger Dieter & Renita Heinzl Ms. Caryn Hembrock Mr. Gerry Hempstead Mr. Kim Henderson Mr. Kyle Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Henges Dr. & Mrs. Albert E. Hesker Ms. Debra Hettenkofer Mrs. Sally Higginbotham Dr. Matthew G. Hile Mrs. Becky Hogan Mr. Tim S. Hudwalker Mr. John Hunt Ms. Patricia Hyde Ms. Laura Jilke Mr. Charles Johnson Evah Johnson & Mildred Johnson Ms. Kelly Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson Ms. Beverley A. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kane Mr. Pat Kelly Mrs. Bonnie Bess Kimker Dr. & Mrs. James Kimmey Mr. Richard King Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. King Ms. Nancy Kinney Ms. Jane Klamer Mr. Steven Kleiman James Knipshild & Lisa Ward Mr. David L. Knocke Mrs. Melissa Crawford Kornberger Mr. Kent Kreh Mrs. Elizabeth Kruvand Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Landholt Mr. James Lane Ms. Mary Lanwerth Mr. Donald Lasater Ms. Johanna Lauless Mr. Tim LaVelle Ms. Sally Levy Mr. & Mrs. James Lich The Hon. Judge & Mrs. Stephen N. Limbaugh Ms. Betty K. Little The Lodge of Four Seasons Ms. Carol Loeb Lola & Penelope’s Mrs. Lucy M. Lopata Ms. Stacy Tew Lovasz The Lowenbaum Partnership Mrs. Leslie Lucia Mr. Donald Lundgren Barbi & Bill Macon Ms. Suzanne Magee Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maier Mrs. Mary Katherine Martz Mr. Edgar B. McDonald & Ms. Linda L. Lewis Pastor & Mrs. Willie R. McMiller Mr. William McReavy Mr. Arthur L. McWilliams Meiners Contracting LLC Ms. Janice M. Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Daniel Merker Mr. Frank Merrins Ms. Penny Miller Ms. Mary Mooney Mrs. Barbara Moore Ms. Marie Moore Mr. Dave Muckerman Ms. Kim Muehlemann Mrs. Peggy Muehlemann Mrs. Amy B. Murphy Mr. Justin Nangle Dr. Homer E. Nash, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Nuetzel Mrs. Nancy O’Brien Mr. Jim O’Donnell Mrs. Anne O’Connell Ms. Peggy Olson Alicia J. Palij Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Palmer Mr. Howard Park Ms. Beatrice Parks Ms. Adrienne Patton Mr. & Mrs. Russell Pautler Ms. Cindy Penning Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Pepper Ms. Sue B. Phillips Pizzo & Associates Rev. Msgr. Salvatore E. Polizzi Mrs. Katherine Ponte Ms. Phyllis Powers Ms. Margaret Rambo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Raphael Mr. Kent Rapp Mr. Benjamin Rassieur Ms. Margaret Rassieur Ms. Sally Ravensberg Ms. Jeanne Redington Mr. Justin Reise Mr. & Mrs. H. William Reisner, Jr. Mr. Bruce Rhodes Mr. Charles Riley John & Geraldine Romer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Roock Rabbi & Mrs. Elliot Rosenstock Mr. & Mrs. D.C. Rucker Ms. Mary Rumy Mr. & Mrs. John Patrick Ryan Mr. Andrew Sabin Mrs. Virginia Sanden Mr. Bob Scarborough Mrs. Marjorie Schattgen Mr. Vern H. Schneider Dr. Egon Schwarz Seco Investments Inc. Mrs. James A. Sedgwick Mr. Neil Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Leo Senay Mrs. Ellen Shafer Mr. James Sheffield Mr. Fred Sher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sherwood Ms. Peggy F. Shores Ms. Patricia Shultz Leonard & Eleanore Siennick Ms. Nanne B. Simonds The Right Reverend & Mrs. George Wayne Smith Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “It’s fun helping people solve their problems.” Leroy Sachs 17 Shirley Stoecker Mr. Damion Stokley Mrs. Terry Stone Ms. Eleanor M. Thomas (Sissy) Dr. Rance Thomas Delores Torian Mrs. Virginia Trent Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trigg Ms. Lynn Turigliatto Ron & Ashley Turigliatto Ms. Trisha Turigliatto Dr. Terri Turigliatto-Fahrney Mr. & Mrs. Clarence M. Turley, Jr. Ms. Toni Vaughn Mrs. Betty Von Hoffmann Mrs. Alice H. Vosburgh Kathy Barr Wakefield Mrs. Cheryl Ward Ms. Eulalia J. Watkins Ms. Aimee Watson Ms. Clara Wehrli Ms. Elizabeth Wesolich Mr. Michael Wheelehan Mr. Charles White Ms. Carolyn Whitmore Ms. Dorothy Willis Ms. Sharon Wilson Ms. Patricia B. Wiltse Ms. Ann Withrow Mr. Richard Witte Mr. & Mrs. John Yates Dr. Paul Young Ms. Elizabeth Zimbalist Miriam Zukoski Gifts-In-Kind Abby Keough Custom Creations Mr. & Mrs. Matt Badler Ms. Hilary Bair Mr. William E. & Mrs. Eva S. Ball Mr. Brett Beebe Bodley Group Mr. Ron & Mrs. Fannie Bohlen Andrea & Nick Bommarito Mr. Alan E. Brainerd Mrs. Lynette Broeg Build-A-Bear Workshop Ms. Martha Austin Bynum Casa Loma Ballroom Challenger Learning Center Mrs. Maria Clifford Mr. & Mrs. Jim Coleman Ms. Jan DaGue Mr. Brent Dalrymple The Golf Club at Deer Chase Design Extra Ms. Charlotte Dicken Mr. & Mrs. Constantino DiFranco Dogwood Hills Golf Club Drury Hotels Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Elliott Esse Health Ms. Denise Franklin Ms. Susan E. French Rose & Greg Friederich Mrs. Carol Gabbert Galt Industries Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Karen Gosser Mrs. Anita S. Graves Green Trails Mobil Troy and Bernadette Groner Ms. Juanita Hartwig The Hauser Group Ms. Missy Hill Mr. Mark & Mrs. Patricia Hillis Ms. Evah Johnson & Ms. Mildred Johnson Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “I have never worried about how old I am.” Billie McKindra Phillips Kennelwood Pet Resorts Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klassen Ms. Shari Klein Ms. Ann Kletzker Rev. & Mrs. Clarence Koon Michael & Tess Leinaur Janet & Dave LeMay Mrs. Nancy Lich Lion’s Choice The Magic House Maggiano’s Little Italy Ms. Karen L. Marino Mrs. Mary Katherine Martz Massage Envy of Maplewood Mr. Dennis McCaffrey Mr. Tim & Mrs. Amy McFarlin Missouri History Museum Mr. Marc & Mrs. Maureen Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mueller Ms. Donna Murray Mr. Brian & Mrs. Kate Nottingham Mr. Jim O’Donnell Ms. Peggy Olson Ms. Stephanie Payne Ms. Marilyn Ratkin The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis Richters Florist Mr. & Mrs. Charles Roland Ms. Mary Ellen Roth Mary Alice & John Ryan Mr. John Patrick & Mrs. Janet Ryan Shedd Aquarium Sheraton WestPort Mr. William & Mrs. Pat Showalter Six Flags St. Louis Skyview Car Wash Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House St. Andrew’s Senior Solutions Staff St. Louis Business Journal St. Louis Rams St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaners Straub’s Markets Mr. Roger Stueckel Sunshine Drapery & Interior Design Ms. Peggy Symes Tan-Tar-A Resort Time for Dinner Mr. Ron & Mrs. Ashley Turigliatto Upper Limits Indoor Rock Climbing Gym Mr. James & Mrs. Anne von der Heydt Wacky Warriors Mr. Richard White Ms. Sue Wilhelm Ms. Carol Marie Will Mr. & Mrs. John Yates Yellowstone Cafe Tributes Ms. Toni Anderson Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Mr. William Ball Mrs. Sue Bahle Ms. Phyllis Tirmenstein Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mr. Martin Herbert & Ms. Sharon L. Slane Ms. Debra Hettenkofer Mr. Edgar B. McDonald & Ms. Linda L. Lewis Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan St. Andrew’s Senior Solutions Staff Mrs. Toni Vaughn Ms. Rebecca Boerner Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mr. Greg Elliot Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elsperman Mr. Dirk Elsperman Ms. Pam Ervin Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mrs. Carolyn Farrell Mr. Timothy Case Ms. Yvette Hartsfield Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Ms. Juanita Hartwig Mrs. Sue Bahle Mr. Roger Stueckel Ms. Phyllis Tirmenstein Mrs. Deb Hettenkofer Ms. Ann R. Bannes Ms. Brenda Jenson Ms. Ann R. Bannes Ms. Peggy Keith Ms. Ann R. Bannes Ms. Jennifer Krpan Ms. Ann R. Bannes Ms. Naima Lewis Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mrs. Diane Meatheany Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Ms. Katie Nelsen Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sellinger Hank & Gini Schreimann The Hon. Judge & Mrs. Stephen N. Limbaugh Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Mr. Walter Shifrin Mr. Timothy Case Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith Mr. Neil Seitz Ms. Heather Spindler Ms. Ann R. Bannes Ms. Debbie Hardison Mr. & Mrs. David Steward Ms. Juanita Hartwig Mr. Roger Stueckel Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Q. Svoboda Ms. Phyllis Tirmenstein Ms. Shirley Stoecker Ms. Toni Vaughn Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mrs. Anne von der Heydt Mr. Timothy Case Ms. Aimee Watson Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mr. John Wessling Ms. Ann R. Bannes Ms. Patricia Hyde Mr. Warren Burnett The Willows Transportation Driver Mrs. Barbara Gaebe Memorials Mr. Melvin Bahle Ms. Juanita Hartwig Mrs. Alice H. Vosburgh Ms. Elizabeth Benner Mr. James Knipshild & Ms. Lisa Ward Ms. Penny Miller Mrs. Sarah & John Schoon Mrs. Elizabeth Betty Flaig Mrs. Sue Bahle Mrs. Fran Frey Mrs. Sue Bahle Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker Mrs. Barbara Gaebe Mrs. Sue Bahle Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker Ms. Martha Austin Bynum Ms. Sara Davidson Mrs. Patricia Drew Ms. Juanita Hartwig Mr. & Mrs. Richard Klassen Mrs. Nancy Knowles Mr. James Lane Mrs. Ruth Malvern Mrs. Anne O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. H. William Reisner, Jr. Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Ms. Ann Withrow Katie Mae & Roy Grissom Ms. Connie Jean Harris Frances Jacoby Mary Fry Ms. Sue B. Phillips Mr. Otto Alex Kerkoff, Jr. Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Alice Ryan Dr. William Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Don Svoboda Dr. John Martz Ms. Edna M. Baer Mrs. Sue Bahle Ms. Juanita Hartwig Mrs. Anne O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Don Svoboda Ms. Joanne Merker Ms. Lynn Heimburger Wright Ms. Edna Mitchell Western Textile Healthcare Mrs. Clementine Ortmann Mrs. Kathleen M. Geldmacher Ms. Louise Roemer Ms. Ann R. Bannes Mr. James Sedgwick Mr. Rob & Mrs. Vicki Apatoff Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mariann Baker Mrs. Sue Bahle Mr. William Bergfeld, Jr. Mr. Ken & Mrs. Marci Bluestone Mr. Colby Bushnell Ms. Lois M. Cook Dr. Joe Craven Mr. Charles Drury Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Edwards Mr. Michael Geller Ms. Juanita Hartwig Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Anne Henges Mrs. Janet Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kane Mr. Steven Kleiman Mrs. Nancy Knowles Mr. Donald Lasater Ms. Betty K. Little Mr. Bill & Mrs. Barbi Macon Mr. Dave Muckerman Mr. William McReavy Mrs. Anne O’Connell Mr. Kent Rapp Mr. Benjamin Rassieur Ms. Margaret Rassieur Ms. Sally Ravensberg Mr. Charles Riley Mr. Bob Scarborough Mrs. Marjorie Schattgen Ms. Phyllis Tirmenstein Benjamin M. Bishop Trust Mr. Bill Zukoski Miriam Zukoski Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “Work keeps my mind occupied and busy and probably leads to a longer life. I enjoy it.” Walter G. Shifrin 19 Thanks for Your Support Your generosity is making a difference in the lives of St. Louis seniors. You can Help Seniors Worry Less Your gift to the St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation makes a vital impact in the lives of low-income and financially troubled seniors. Your generosity can help provide them with care, shelter, food, and even help with small home repairs to ensure their safety at home. Your Gift of: • $2,500: Can support a home-bound senior who would otherwise not be able to remain in his/her home, for a year. • $1,000: Can help a senior, whose financial resources are exhausted, continue to stay in one of our facilities by proving financial assistance. • $500: Ensure that a senior can remain safely in their home by providing a much needed minor home repair such as installing a handrail in their bathtub or fixing a broken door. • $250: Can provide a low-income senior with two weeks of home care to assist in their everyday needs like preparing meals and bathing. • $100: Can help pay for transportation services to the grocery store, medical appointments and other outings for seniors living in our communities. Ways To Give: • Financial gift of cash or stock • Make a Planned Gift • Gift in Kind • Volunteer • Charitable Gift Annuity • Consider an IRA Roll-Over • Include St. Andrew’s in your will • Honor a loved one with a Memorial or Tribute Gift Your gift is an investment in the future for you, your family, your friends and your community. To learn more, or to request some of our informative brochures, contact the Foundation staff at 314-726-0111. Unveiling New Web Pages to help you Worry Less… Visit www.standrews1.com/giving to read new articles and interactive features like our Gift Illustrator. We hope it will be a useful resource that will help you Worry Less. If you would like additional information, please contact Bernadette McCaffrey Groner at 314-802-1937 or [email protected]. Ageless: Remarkable Saint Louisans “Growing older is really a learning process.” Glenn Sheffield “I just keep moving. As soon as one thing ends, I start with another.” Betty Sims 21 R CHARITABLE FOUNDATION 6633 Delmar Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63130 P: 314-726-0111 F: 314-726-2773 Email: [email protected] www.standrews1.com