BLAl\CHE. T - Ultraceuticals
BLAl\CHE. T - Ultraceuticals
{ .$: * ilv *3_ 8g #V {\ r' I BLAl\CHE. "ehaos zs T ryfriend" SuppleIJP Although enrollients rvill do Iittle ntore than make vour skin flll in the uaps benveen dead skin cells, the nerv-qeneration of nor-rrishing soft and oil-based serunrs have I kn:rck lorplunrpine trp thc corrrplcrior: to qivc ir il qor.gcous- ly nourished look. And becansc nuny of thenr ntiuric the lipids in or.rr skin, rhey penetrate easilr,', so vou don't qet the "shine". Add to that the fact you'rc nr:rssaqing thenr in to vorlr skin, stinrulatinq youl circulation :it the slnre tinrc', and the knock-on effect is a qorgeous glorv. Oils, unlike serunts, don't contain :rctr\re inqre die nts, but you'll often flnd thev're firll of ilntioxidants such :rs vitarlirr E, rvhich is sonrething thlt helps recluce reclness, [)ann seys. SOME OF THE BEST.OUALITY OILS WE'VE TRIALLED: Darphin .lasm ne Aromatic Care (7), $160, Sanctuary Spa Theraprst's Secret Fac a Oil (10), $30 Clarins Lotus Face Treatment O (12), $49. A c ever trick-of-the-trade io try if you need to fix chapped sk n s pop open an evening-pr mrose capsu e (the stuff you ingest) and rub it over your face before you go to bed. Be warned. though, it can get pretty greasy. Lock& LOAD Svdney-based cosnretic slllqeon Dr Willianr Moonev believes vou should appr-oach winter rs the tinre to schec[rle all your rejuver-ratinr-l trertnrcnts. rvhen the sun's rntensiry is at its lou'cst. "Sunrnrcr is rvhen rve cxperience cl,trr.rscd skin cells: itls llso u'hen skin pigrrrcrt bccontes r.nolc prontinent. [f you rvant to :ninrrnisc this, the best tinrc to do so is in thc cooler nronths using hser. Laser can't l'. ttttl'lclttcrttcd.r ncck Prior ro. ')r ilttct.. .lr)\' \ul e\posrlre! so itls usuallv too hard to :chcdtrlc in sunller," he savs. Although dorvntirnc related to laser treatnrents is norv nrininral, niaybe sonrethinq a littlc less invasive is nrore your spced. Often :r prolessional-streltsth exfbliation tre:rtlllcnt is enoush to polish up dull skin cells, or if itls sonrethir-rq rnore clhmng you're lttcr, :r As vour lips don't conrrrin ;rnv lipid (oil) glands, thcr,'rc prone to cl'r'ness lnd crackinq dunnq wintcr. "ln Clhinese tlce readins it\ belic'vecl thrrt the lip beconrcs dry due to \trc\\. rr Iri, lt Itlrkes \('ltsc .ls irr ivirrter. u,e ch:urqc our cliet to richcr fbods that put stress on our-diqestivc svstcnrs," srys Hobson. Td gc't ric'l of flakr.' skin, trv qcnrh'e-\fbliatinq once l n.cek. Follos' rvith :r protective sherbutter b:rsecl lip bahri tirll of esentr:rl tirtry acids. Avoidrne lipstick r,vill also help. BAZAAR LOVES: Dior Creme de Rose (6), g4B; By Terry Or de Rose Baume Precieux Repairwear Intens ve Lip Treatment, $48. grert rcntedy is colloidrrl oirtnle:rl. You can buy DIY nr:rsks for at-holne Llse. $ll5; Dr Dennis Gross Feruiic Acid + Ret ro Brighten ng Sc Lrt .r I L/ FRIET\IT) Your skin b:rrricr crrn be courpr-onriserl for. various feasolrs, orrc bcing e lrrck of f]rtn. acids.These :rrc rhc building blocks of vour skin: rvithout thcsc lipids volrr skin cln't hold ort to nroistlrre. hou.cver n1:lr)\, olrclitre bottles of u'lter r.ou're chusgiuq a drv. Either tr,v c:rtinq :r lot of s:rlnrotr or opt for a daily frsl-r oil snpplenrenr thatls rrcl-r in orueqa-3s. Salnron is :rlso :rn lnr:rzir.rg source of vit:rnrin l), so if you're st:ryinu out ofthc rrrrr tbr ;rrrti-.rgcirrq rc;lsor)\. it scr-vc. up a double n'hrrnrnrv of goodncss. I Estd e L auder Re-Nutriu Rep lenishing THREE OF THE BEST PIGMENTATION. BLASTING DIY-ERS: YSL Forever Light Creator Serum, $l2O; Dermalogica Fxtreme C (8). (9) 964: Absolution Le Baume (17), $'l9.50; Clinique ff)Fatisyour w Comfort Creme,,ff zoi, hydr ate s s kin and helps create a healthier barrier LAUDER rv !8 Comi({l, ' r13), $140. /"j.j tt,rnl'r.n'tr ' ) \1 .,\ U tll) -'