to newsletter. - Seasonal Specialty Stores
to newsletter. - Seasonal Specialty Stores
NEWS SwimmingPoolsand Supplies. Patio Furniturer BilliardTables. ChristmasTrim. Hot Tubs and Home Spa V O L U M E7 N o . 1 . G R A N DO P E N I N G S A L EE D I T I O N. S a l ee n d sS u n d a y ,A p r i l 3 0 t h , 2 0 O O Wetve Moved! Is il. "/ -l We're now the world's largest Seasonal Specialty Store. by DennisDiPaolo Seasonal SpecialtyStoresis beginningits third decadein the Nashuaareaby movinginto a giant, new superstore in Arnherst.We arenow oneof the largestseasonal storesin the world. Fint, somebackground.Our storeopened originallyin SimoneauPlaza(now GlobePlaza)in Nashuain 1981. In thosedays,thatwasthe edge of town! The storewasownedby lhe Robelle pool chemicalcompany,andwascalledFactory Whg do 8O%of our customers use chlorine-fre instead of chlorine or bromine? Because they want a pool thatts fun ... not work! Wapted:100poolsto helptest Baquacil".the Next Generation Seeoage 3 for details than "BUY3 GETI FREE!" Thisis a MUCHbetterd.ea.l (That'sthedealthatotherstoreis runningright now) tr BAOUACTL - BAOUASHOCK n BAQUACm'CK50 23.* Detbonk one ,9.9g Sa\. 20% 11.98 ot urtp O4.l.9otav.20 ll.9E pernnte Ory ll 99sott 20* frod DaseI We've Moved! coditro€{t PoolsandGameTables.Our current Snow Village ceramic houses. Kip McEwen,wasthe JeanneandI tre bothdealeradvisors storemanager. manager,and our to severalof our vendors. initial assistant Tod Blancurrentservicemanager, Mostimoortant.thelovaltvof our studentand chard.wasa hish sch-ool ind our staff hasallowed parttime empl6yee.Jeanneand I customers as us to createa businessthat reflects werein thecorporateheadquarters vice presidentmarketing,and chief our own personalethics. Every to do emoloveeis fullv emDowered decorator. In the early 1980's,we built a what'i rieht. -do nit ma-tterthe cost, whatis chainof elevenstoresin New En- atwaysto andrecommend and always. customer, best'for the tenamed them as Seasonal eland.and SpecialtyStores. Throughoutthe always,alwaystell the truth. wealsomovedthecompany's 1980's Bv 1994.Jeanneand I wereable focus from its initial purposeas a on our own home. discountoutlet for Robelle'sover- to savea deDosit stocksto a hish qualitv.service-ori- ln 1995.we-wereableto Davoff the enteddealerof nationai name-brands. initial Ioanson the busihels. By thatrequiredsellingthe 1996 we had reallv outerown the Ultimately. ln or- Merrimackstore(whichwe leased), stores(mostlv[o emDlovees). givethe'knowledge, but it took a few moreyearsto save them der to and control that only up the depositon the new Amherst experience coines with owners on the floor slore. with thestaff. workingside-by-side To thoseof vou from Nashttaand In 1989.Jeanngand I sold our theeast.veswe did look in Nashua house.borroweda hugeamountof first, but'thereisn'tany largeretail store. land left! Bv the sametoken.we're monev.andboughttheNashua Then,we move-dit to a largerloca- only Ll mifewestof theold store. Noiv that the Amherststreetlights tion in Merrimackon Routel0lA. timed,that'sonly I 1/2minutes. a new sign, and are We couldn'taftbrd seasonal SoecialtvStoresis a federal- However,thenewstoreis way mote tradi:mark, so otlrname efficient. We'li setyou in andout at ly repisterdd is still plural. we do belongto an leastten minutes-faiter. ot storesmoslIycomprrsassocratlon Efficiencv was our first soal, inp former storesof the orieinal we are all individually Since I desii:ned andbuilt theatore but ch;in, and owned,andarequiteoftenin compe- mvself. I could makeit fit mY -know vriur nieds verv closelv. We tition with eachother. ihatoeooleleadvervbrisvlivesthese have davs.ariddon'tneedto'kill time in Our tenvearsin Merrimack or chasingaroundfor products and suc- Iin"es, broushtus inuch happiness cess:due to a wonderfulstaff and thatarenot in stock. The warehouse hasgrown holds 36 tractor trailers of customers. Our reDutation to the Dointthat'we can ma-intain oroductwithoutDuttinsanvthinqin conlinuous srowlhwith a vervsmall ihe aisles. That's ove-r40 trailers budget. By far. fhe ma- when we're full-not to mention advertising JOfllyOl o-Urcustomefscome to us, 6,000squarefeetofoutdoorstorage. because of tne very ntcerecommenIt's a verv short walk from the dationsmadeby ouacurrentcustomers. That hasallowedus in turn, to pool chemicalsto the front counafford senerousreturns,Iots of free ier-where thereare now four cominstead of one. The serviceiand repairs,staff training, Duterrepisters charitvwork. and un- CustomeiPick-UDdoor is even scholarshios. closerto wherevouprobablvoarked. usuallyhilh {for reiail)salaries. andvoucaneasilvolll rishirlDto it. Currentlv. we are the second- Witli six waterla6s,wi now haue larpestbilliarddealerin New Ens- wha! aooearsto be the lareest oool -Ameiica. lan'dandthe only pool and spastoie water laboratorvin North in New Hampshireto be namedto Even so. the riew nisht deoositis rhe Aqua 100 top dealersin North even easierto use. The PartsDeAmeriia. We are one of the partmentaloneis biggerthan some Iargest dealers of Baquacil competitors entirestore! country's pool themicals, Sharklinepbols, is iasual ThePatioFurnitureDepartment Starbfiphtfilters.Telescope flrnituie, Olhausenpool tiibles,and now open enoughto move a baby strollercomfortably,and the Solarirelaxingareato um is an incredibly trv out a set awav trom the fiantlc pice of the Pool Department, The new Hot Tub and HomeSpa featuresovera dozenhot Department tubs on display,with four running. iest-drive.we havea For a priva-te room with chaneins chaneing lockine testins -stereo -"-foi -all area.ihower. and - VCR area, ii;;fii;;i.'"f fi;;: The liphtins in the old storewas so bad, tlat l-sort of over-didit in Amherst.We canlishtevervdeDartment(overa dozentreas)with \ihatever kind of lighting in which you use the product. For instance,the haveverv ooolandoatiodeoartments irnusualliehtstha'tshowcolorsin thi: same tonds as daylight. The new DesienCenter. where you might chooiecolorsfor patiofuiniture,6ar lighting different stools.etc.has.four nalogen, tluolncandescenl, sources: rescentand artificial daylight. For vour comfort and convenience,we have a coffee shop (coffeeand tea is free).an enlarsed children's vouns olayarea.andaTV -for lrea older ihildren to watch classDisnevvideos. A permanent room-will allow ui to offer more consumerseminars,and a CAD/lnternet comDuterwill allow vou to desisndecksand Dlavrooms. or to chec-i<manufactureiweb sites for moreinformation,withoutleavingthe store, The new musicsvstemusesBose CD sDeakers and satellite-supplied oiralitvmusicwith no coiunercials. The lareersoacemeansthatvou can get awa--y frbm Tod when he starts srngrngr All that, and we we.e able to protectthe local wildlife, setasidea brotectedhabitat.and even build a irestins site for the turtles from StumtPond.TheAmherstConservation Committeewas nice enoushto honorus recentlyfor our effor6. Jeanneand I (with Vito and Valentine,the BostonTerriers)thankall for helDingus of our lovalcustomers to create-this environment, aridielcomeevervoneto comevisit whata greatSeas6nal Storecanbe. Baquacil' the Next Generation will be herethis year. Would you like to test it? by DennisDiPaolo ln earlv Februarv.Jeanneand I attendedi very spdcialmeetingin AcaDulco.Mexico, of Baauacil's fifteenbestdealers.We weri asked to run the Betatestinqof a product 'seneral due to be introduced 1o the publicin 2001or 2002.We'v:ebeen waitins a while for this-a Droduct with all the featuresof Baouacil.but unlikeanvDoolsanitizercuirentlv on 'oink the marliei, able to prevent slimeand water mold beforeit sets started. The vounserlab suvs (obviouslv Seencallineit all Starfrekfans)hav-e internallv.Baouacilthe NextGeneiation. Th-eoldtir suvs (mv asel have beencallineit S6n-ofBa"oua:cil. The mirketine deDarimenthas finallvdecided on-Baouacil Ultralin a spelialpurplebonle). A smallsrouoof our customers will be able-totiy it this summerif theyagreeto keepa calendar/diary of howthevusedit and how it worked. As in orevioustestsrun bv us. we will euarinteevour costfor ihe summer,-and Baqlacil will give your Dool extra sDecialattentionby a jusi to iesearchtechiricianassigned our Dools. lfvou'vebeenusinsBaquaPlusto treatirr oreventBiosliire.vou'll love BaouacilUltra-assuminsit worksas wefl in thesetestsas it did in previous tests. It brings you back to monthlv shockingand eliminates entirehishocktest'ineor Baquacheck 50 additions. Anyonecan use BaquacilUltra, probablygoingto choosea andwe'r^e range or Dool wDesano customer orofilesfoi thist?!t. Ifvou are willing to keeo track of vciurresults.I hiehlv reciimmendthit vou ioin rhe pr-ogiam.Do so as soon'aso"ossible. iho[gh. We have not beenallotted enoughBaquacilUltra to provide everyonewho will probablywant to Iry - lt. Of course,the new productdoes not have EPA aDDrovalyet. isn't scheduled to showriDuntil it receives aooroval in earlvMav.We'll orobabli reserve it all in ADril.Yoir best bei will be to comein-asif vou were goinsto Dick-uovourseason''s suDDlv durin'gth'eApril 6ranCOpeningSdld. We'll review the details.eet vou anythingyou needright thEn,lnd write uo an orderfor theneworoduct if you want to try it at April orices. Comeback for vour ooei np'water balance,pick-upyour B'aquacil Uttra then, and start up on the test pro-gram. By now. I suspectthatyou know me. There will be Dlentv6f written informationin the itore-by the time we needit for you. I'll see'to it that vou havenothinsto loseand evervihing to gain aflong as you use'it accordingto directionsandsiveusan honestaicountinsof how ii worked- Pool ScheduleSchedule We'regoingto try a scary(for me) experiment thisyear.Instead ofhaving onepoolschoolin earlyMaywith 100 people,we're going to try to have smallerclassesin our new training center,everyotherweek. PoolSchooll0l Introductionto PoolCa.e Wednesday, 7-9p.m. M a y3 , 1 7 , 3 1 June14,28 Freeto all, but ple{seregister in advance. Grand Opening Sale Marquis soas& hot tubs Save$500'-$1500on anvhot tub in stock Above Ground Pools Save$120to $690on evervcomDlete PremiumPoolPackase Billiard Tables FREE DeluxePlayingPackase $150valuewith silectedtablEs PatioFurniture Saveup to $500on selectedsets ChristmasCollectibles Nothins'son sale.but Seraphim Aneels. FontaniniNativitiesare arrivinp oa|ly: andon displayall year long. Our goal is 10096 customer satisfaction. It is alwavs our intonlion to havo all advsrtissd n€ms readily availabls for sal€. Occ.sionally. .n adv€rtis6d it€m may nor be av6ilabla b€caus6 of sales abovo anticipat€d domand or c rcumsrances b€y SeasonalSpecialtyStores One SeasoralSquare t20 Roure 10lA Amhersl,NH 03031 Whon6ver reasonabld and po..ibl€, i.inchEck€ ar€ isswd or. comparabls value will b€ olr€r6d. WhiLa wo do ou b€6r to tvoid p inaro 6"o's, s€ do Bssrve th6 iioht ro coifoct any in.ccurats p ces or doscripuons at th6 poinl of purchaso, All itsms are not necas*riv sal6 items or mark.downs, blt al rapres€ni waranry inlormarion i6 k€pt .r all 6tor.s lor your insp€ction. ll is olr.dvic6 nov€rto buy an it€m sticny on th€ basir of the waranty alon produ.l s quality and .epltauoh. Wo wiil mak6 6v€ry 6ffon io fill 6v6ry ord6r. and lo issuo rainchacks wh€n thoy.16 availablo. OpnuNG Snrn Gnnxn EveryPool Supplyis on Sale Save20%to 70% off the lowestmarkedpriceon anyswimmingpool,chemical,supply,accessory Take2Oo/o or part in the store.That'sright -if it's alreadymarkeddown 60%, you can stilltake off that! Theonlyexceptionsareabovegroundpoolsthemselves, andthings another2Oo/o pool tables,hot tubs,etc. that havenothingto do with pools-likepatiofurniture, . a . . . Chlorine Bromine Filters Liners Decks . . . . . Auto PoolCleaners SolarHeatSystems Parts& Repairs Sandor DE SolarCov€rs . . . . . CoverPlmps SolarReels Fios€ Ladders All Chemicals . . . . . Bioguard Baquacil HTH Target Robell€ Knocking Opportunity lf you're alreadya customerof ours, you've alreadvnoticedthat out stafl membersalwayss€emknowledgeable, professional, and happywith their work. W€ lry vsry hardto keepthem happy,motivated,and appreciated, We havoalso found thal our customorcand childrenof our customersalsomakegteat stalf membsrs.Wg havea few choicepositionsavailablenow. lf you or someoneyou know is interested;we can use professional,pan-timg,yearprofessional for th€ patio{urnitursandbilliaad An intelligenr, mannerandsenseof roundsalesassociates departments, part-timewintersand full-timesummers,Teachers,collegestudgnts styleare a must. We can also use somegeneralistsr andwork aroundschool andhighschools€niorswouldfindthis to be a greatjob. We olfercollsgescholarships However,we arecompletely vacations. opento anyage/race,creed,or anyoneelss, If you're a new swimmingpool owner,you'll wantto know moreaboutus. CoME vlsrr ouR ALL-NEW SUPERSToRE OneSeasonal Souare 120Routel01A * Amherst,NH Only 1 rnile west of the old store,between WinchendonFurnitureand Sundance Snas. (603)880-8471 Motr-Eril0-8: Sat l0-5: Sunl2-5 Yourstorefor style, semice,and selection." Visit us on Anfu Joryow-ka1gnl CnAt-Cod ,tut! you pay No amual ree.No mteresrrr ihe 6at month-onlv l8% A-P-R- WSA - MasterCard - Discover