Конкурс «Школа как жизнь» Номинация


Конкурс «Школа как жизнь» Номинация
ГБОУ гимназия 168
г. Санкт-Петербург, Невский проспект, 169, тел.2712604
Конкурс «Школа как жизнь»
Номинация: «Проект»
Лучшие российские бренды в дизайне.
Современные известные дизайнеры.
В рамках проекта «Дизайн в России и в Финляндии.
История и
Автор: Борисова Зарема Черменовна
учитель английского языка
тел. +7 9112948347
Our meetings have already become annual and each year the delegation
from Kaunianen come to Saint-Petersburg to our school, we hold a conference
on the subject which is previously agreed with Paivi. Thus, this year we have
chosen Design, a very wide approach: design and designers, famous Russian
brends in different spheres of life. We have taken fashion designer Kira
Plastinina, tennis princess Maria Sharapova, famous Russian crafts and
decoration techniques used in Khohloma and Gzhel, Imperial Lomonosov
Porcelain Manufacture and worldwide-known Folk Dance Company under the
leadership of Igor Moiseev.
But at the beginning a few words about the place which gave birth to our
historical city, the place where St.-Petersburg was founded, St.Peter and Paul
It’s true that most significant brands of Russia nowadays are linked with raw
materials, production and processing of natural recourses. Simple but really
known examples are oil exporter “Lukoil” and “Gasprom”. Though we export
mostly raw materials, Russia is known as the manufacturer of some premiumquality products, such as porcelain from Imperial Lomonosov Porcelain
Manufacture. Its history of the Imperial Lomonosov Porcelain Manufacture
goes back to 19 century. Am I right, Dasha? You are a better expert today, I
The Imperial Porcelain Factory is a producer of hand-painted ceramics in SaintPetersburg.
Imperial Years
• Founded in 1744, the porcelain factory was created by the order of
Empress Elizabeth to "serve native trade and native art." The factory
produced wares for the ruling Romanov family and the Russian Imperial
1762-1801. Catherine’s Porcelain.
• From the very beginning of Catherine the Great’s reign the factory was
obliged to produce fine porcelain and to bring profit. The Imperial Court’s
need for porcelain was large and the permanent orders from the Court had
let the factory keep to the highest quality of the expensive porcelain.
1825-1894 Historical period.
• In 1889 the new glaze sang-de-boeuf formula was invented. Since 1892 the
underglaze decoration technology had been mastered with the help of the
Danish experts. The Russian Emperor was married to a Danish princess
and paid interest to the underglaze painting.
After the Revolution.
• Its best-known pattern, cobalt net, first appeared in 1949. The design is
based on a pink net pattern that was painted on raised lines cast into the
porcelain dinnerware pieces of Catherine the Great. The factory has
actual examples of Catherine's dinnerware with this design. The new
design pattern is a combination of intersecting lines of cobalt blue with
inverted tear drops of cobalt blue and 22 karat gold accents.
Return to Old Name.
• On 29 May 2005, the stockholders of Lomonosov Porcelain Factory
passed a resolution to return to their pre-Soviet name, the Imperial
Porcelain Manufactory. The factory has recently started to produce handmade copies of porcelain from the range of Imperial porcelain exhibited in
the State Hermitage Museum collection.
And now traditional Russian crafts.
• Khokhloma or Khokhloma painting (Хохлома, Хохломская роспись in
Russian, or Khokhlomskaya rospis') is the name of a Russian wood
painting handicraft style and national ornament, known for its vivid
flower patterns, red and gold colors over a black background
• An original technique of painting wood in a goldish color without
applying real gold is typical of Khokhloma, a remarkable and ingenious
invention of Russian craftsmen. Wooden blanks are covered with
aluminum powder,and ornament is drawn right on it. Than products are
covered with a special varnish 4 or 5 times. After that silver turn into gold.
• Gzhel is a style of ceramics which takes its name from the village of Gzhel
and surrounding area, where it has been produced since 1802.
As gas and oil are not aimed at retail customers, we have none of brands from
clothes manufacturing. Here we can directly go to our students ….. who claim
that the fashion designer, they are going to tell us, is really well-known.
KiraSergeevnaPlastinina(born June 1, 1992, in Russia) is a Russian fashion
designer. On September 27, 2008 Kira debuted at Milan Fashion Week with her
new high-end line called KiraPlastininaLublu.
Her father, Sergei Plastinin, is a millionaire and former CEO of a large dairy
corporation called Wimm-Bill-Dann. He invested significant capital in his
daughter's vision. Together they have opened up stores in Europe, and later the
United States in May 2008. SheattendsSouthernMethodistUniversityinDallas.
The unique solution of the collection is its color palette, unusually wide for
autumn and winter: rich orange, coral, sophisticated shades of beige, camel,
ocher and green tones and droplets of sky blue, white, ash-pink.
The main features of the collection are neat, feminine, pure forms, graphic color
blocks and brightly accentuated details - collars, cuffs, piped patch pockets, and
large trims.
It’s common knowledge that Russia is well established on the global market due
to its arts, culture and sports. Russian famous tennis player M. Sharapova is
called Tennis Princess.
 Maria Sharapova was born in 1987. Russian professional tennis player.
 As of October, 2012 she is ranked World №2. Sharapova has won 27 WTA
singles titles, including four Grand Slam singles titles. She has also won
the year-end WTA Tour Championships in 2004. The Women's Tennis
Association has ranked Sharapova World №1 in singles on five separate
occasions, for a total of 21 weeks. She became the World №1 for the first
time on August 2005, and regained the ranking for the fifth time on June
, 2012. She has been in seven Grand Slam finals with a record of 4–3.
Future profession.
 Sharapova made her professional breakthrough in 2004 at age 17, when
she defeated two-time defending champion and top seed Serena Williams
in the 2004 Wimbledon final for her first Grand Slam singles title.
Sharapova returned to the game in May 2009, returning to the top 10 in
March 2011 and capturing her fourth grand slam title at the 2012 French
Open. In the same year, she won an Olympic silver medal in the London
2012 Olympics, losing the final to Serena Williams.
In New York, hosted a presentation of her own candy brand called Sugarpova.
In the Patisserie collection includes 12 kinds of Marmalade original design:
from women's shoes to tennis balls.
Moiseev folk dance company is one of
the most popular dance companies of the
20th century. At the age of 95 Igor
Moiseev was awarded the UNESCO
Mozart Medal for outstanding
contribution to world music culture.
Igor Moiseyev
Igor Moiseyev's folk dance ensemble is celebrating its birthday on February 10 on this day 75 years ago the choreographer held the group's first rehearsal. Photo:
the dance Summer performed by a female group from the ensemble.
d a new genre of choreography: beginning with simple folk dances, he moved on to
choreographic miniatures, colorful artistic interpretations of the folk dances of the
world. Photo: the Ukrainian dance "Stoneflies. A Suite," 1966.
Since 1938, the company started touring in Russia and around the world: it has
meanwhile circled the globe twice. Photo: an Egyptian dance (folk rhythms)
performed by soloists from the Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble, 2009.
After their tour of Finland in 1945 and of post-War Europe in 1946, the Moiseyev
Dance Company started to be called a "peace and goodwill ambassador." Photo:
the Russian dance Summer.
"In France in 1955 we became the first troupe from the Soviet Union to literally
tear down the Iron Curtain that divided the Soviet Union and Europe, and then in
1958 in the United States it was we who melted the ice of the Cold War".
The choreographer created
a total of 300 productions,
including Mongolian,
Korean, Belarusian,
Italian, Greek, Gypsy and
many other folk dances.
Photo: the Mongolian
dance Tsam.
In conclusion, it won’t be fair if we don’t say at least a word about one more
Russian brand. When foreigners are asked about Russian brands, they notice that
the first thing which comes to their minds is Russian product “vodka”. This is
directly related to some kind of stereotype about the Russians, but you don’t forget
that alcohol is a health hazard.
Summing up, we’ve presented a short list of Russian brands. We haven’t
mentioned Lada or Avtovaz, the best what we have in our car industry, a weapon
designer Kalashnikov, the third largest Russian telecommunication operator
“Beeline”, banking company Sberbank and many others.
However, we highly appreciate the world famous Finnish brands which are very
popular in Russia: Nokia, Fazer, Valio. We expect to hear about these at the
conference in Finland.
Каталог ресурсов:
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Sharapova
2. http://www.wtatennis.com/players/player/9499/