02-09-2015 The Mississippi Contractor


02-09-2015 The Mississippi Contractor
February 9, 2015
Volume 61, Number 104
The Mississippi Contractor
Carr Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Horne LLP
Ivey Mechanical Company
Merrill Lynch
MMC Materials, Inc.
5165 Old Brandon Road
Pearl, MS 39208
t: 601.944.0421
f: 601.944.0450
10480 Corporate Drive,
Suite 2
Gulfport, MS 39503
t: 228.897.1711
f: 228.897.2711
Roy Anderson Corp
Region 4
Jackson Area
Membership Meeting
W. G. Yates & Sons Construction
Thursday, February 12
BancorpSouth Insurance Services
T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc.
A&B Electric Co., Inc.
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
5:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m.
Craft Croswell, Inc.
$20.00 person
Eagle Construction
Mike Harrell’s Shop
Home of Probity Contracting Group
F. L. Crane & Sons, Inc.
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
Matthews Cutrer & Lindsay, PLLC
1427 Old Hwy. 49 North, Florence, MS
Metro Mechanical, Inc.
Regions Insurance
Upchurch Plumbing, Inc.
The ABC Band
Calendar of Events
Sponsored by
ABC Merit Choice
Aladdin Construction Co., Inc.
B & B Concrete Co., Inc.
Benson Construction & Masonry
BKD, LLP CPAs & Advisors
Bobcat of Jackson/Hattiesburg
Bracken Construction Co., Inc.
Check this box if you will bring a door prize!
February 11th
Education Training Sales Training and Time
February 12th
Region 4 Mardi Gras Party
February 19th
Region 1 - Membership
Meeting at MSU
February 25th
Region 5 - Hattiesburg
Membership Lunch
YES! I will bring a door prize.
Catering by ‘Your Personal Chef’ MENU Sausage and Chicken Jambalaya, Red Beans with Sausage and
Rice, Gumbo, Garlic Bread Sticks and Cornbread,
White Chocolate Bread Pudding
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Brunini Law Firm
Builders Mutual Insurance Company
Commercial Flooring, Inc.
Daniel Coker Horton & Bell, PA
Galloway Chandler McKinney
Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins,
Burr & Smith
Gipson Steel, Inc.
Pre-registration deadline: February 10, 2015—Contact: Kay Wise
Phone: 601-944-0421 or Fax: 601-944-0450 or e-mail [email protected]
A reservation constitutes a financial commitment unless cancelled prior to February 10.
Please make reservations for the following individuals:
HUB International
Name of Attendees:
Kline Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Pinnacle Turst
Method of Payment
Bill Me
H & E Equipment Services, Inc.
Company Name:
Glass, Inc.
Gregory Construction Services
Credit Card #:
Expiration Date:
American Express
Authorized Signature:
RC Construction Co., Inc.
Robinson Electric Co., Inc.
Ross & Yerger Insurance, Inc.
Roy Collins Construction Co., Inc.
Southeastern Contracting, LLC
Tull Brothers, Inc.
White Construction Company
If you have received this fax in error and wish to be removed from our database, please call 601-944-0421.
Williams Equipment & Supply Co.
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Summary of Construction Projects
02/10....... Laurel.............................Kroger V-355 WIW Remodel....................................................... Bin #JX-43.....................................................................................8
02/10X.... MS State........................Elevator Replacement at Walker Hall........................................... Bin #JX-35.....................................................................................9
02/10....... Pascagoula.....................Cherokee Forest Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements..... Bin #GP-22.....................................................................................11
02/10....... Long Beach....................Long Beach Small Craft Harbor Paving Improvements............... Bin #GP-05.....................................................................................11
02/10....... Gulfport.........................James Hill Park Pier Renovations................................................. Bin #GP-24.....................................................................................11
02/10....... Pascagoula.....................Concrete Pile Repairs at Terminal G Extension............................ Bin #GP-3C....................................................................................10
02/10....... Tupelo............................Storm Damage 2014 - Phase I...................................................... Bin #JX-27.....................................................................................10
02/10....... Tupelo............................2014 Storm Damage Renovations - Phase II................................ Bin #JX-27.....................................................................................10
02/10....... Jackson..........................Hail Damage Office of Capitol Facilities...................................... Bin #JX-52.....................................................................................9
02/10....... Vicksburg.......................Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements............................. Bin #JX-01.....................................................................................9
02/10X.... Jackson..........................Generator Addition - PERS........................................................... Bin #JX-24.....................................................................................8
02/10X.... Gulfport.........................DuPont Ilmente Facility Conveyor Package................................. Bin #GP-3B....................................................................................12
02/10X.... Gulfport.........................DuPont Ilmenite Facility Civil Package....................................... Bin #GP-02.....................................................................................8
02/11........ Jackson..........................IFB For Bid #2015-01 Select Deck.............................................. Bin # JX-49....................................................................................12
02/11........ Hattiesburg....................Repairs to Regional Training Institute Bldg 3701 Vehicle........... Bin #GP-18.....................................................................................12
02/12!...... Biloxi.............................Repair Airfield Storm Drains - Keesler AFB................................ Bin #GP-10.....................................................................................12
02/12!...... Hattiesburg....................Hampton Inn & Home2Suites....................................................... Bin #JX-56.....................................................................................12
02/12....... Kiln, MS........................Lift Station/Wet Well Improvements - Hancock County.............. Bin #GP-06.....................................................................................13
02/12....... Grenada.........................2014 Window Repair for the Keeton Community Arts Center..... Bin #JX-04.....................................................................................13
02/12....... Forest.............................Forest POTW ASB #1, Slope Improvements............................... Bin #JX-47.....................................................................................13
02/13....... Hattiesburg....................Bond Hall Elevator and Office Renovation.................................. Bin #JX-49.....................................................................................14
02/16....... Memphis, TN.................Main Event Entertainment............................................................ Bin #JX-11......................................................................................14
02/17!...... Byram............................Wall Repairs and Renovations - Byram City Hall........................ Bin #JX-25.....................................................................................14
02/17....... Kosciusko......................Roof Replacement City Hall......................................................... Bin #JX-22.....................................................................................15
02/17....... Tupelo............................Joyner Splash Pad......................................................................... Bin # JX-10....................................................................................15
02/19!...... Gulfport.........................Walmart Neighborhood Market - Pass Road................................ Bin #GP-01.....................................................................................16
02/19....... University, MS...............Turner Center - New Roof............................................................ Bin #JX-21.....................................................................................15
02/19....... Puckett...........................Hail Damage Repair - Phase II Puckett Out Buildings................. Bin #JX-08.....................................................................................16
02/19....... Itta Bena, MS.................New Roof and Related Work - HS & MS Cafeteria, Kitchecn..... Bin #JX-18.....................................................................................15
02/20....... Richland.........................New Water Well No. 6 and Appurtenances................................... Bin #JX-32.....................................................................................16
02/20....... Waynesboro...................Meadowlands Commerce Park Water Test Wells ........................ Bin #JX-19.....................................................................................16
02/20....... Pascagoula.....................SRH Exterior Hardening Window, Door & Roof Replacement... Bin #JX-28, GP-07.........................................................................17
02/23!...... Hernando.......................Oak Grove Central HVAC Replacement...................................... Bin #JX-05.....................................................................................18
02/23!...... Hernando.......................Hope Sullivan HVAC Replacement.............................................. Bin #JX-23.....................................................................................18
02/23!...... Hernando.......................DeSoto Central HS and MS Expansion........................................ Bin #JX-41.....................................................................................17
02/23....... New Albany...................New Roof and Related Work - Union County Extension Ctr....... Bin #JX-16.....................................................................................18
02/24!...... Lee County....................1-MDOT-NH-0002-06(021) / 106946301.................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................20
02/24!...... Perry County..................2-MDOT-NH-0014-03(069) / 106949301.................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................20
02/24!...... Franklin County.............3-MDOT-NH-0015-01(131) / 106697301.................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................20
02/24!...... Newton, Lauderdale......4-MDOT-IM-0059-03 (093) / 106187301,302,303...................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................21
02/24!...... Forrest County...............5-MDOT-HSIP-0059-01(114) / 106818301................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................20
02/24!...... Lauderdale.....................6-MDOT-STP-1439-00 (005) / 106928301.................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18
02/24!...... Wayne County...............7-MDOT-ER-2167-00(002) / 106530301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................20
02/24!...... Scott County..................8-MDOT-STP-2904-00(014) / 106926301................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................20
02/24!...... Ridgeland.......................New Preschool and Office of Special Services Relocation.......... Bin #JX-56.....................................................................................19
02/24!...... New Albany, MS...........Additions and Renovations to Union County Heritage Museum.Bin #JX-51, GP-1A........................................................................19
02/24!...... Gulfport.........................Pineville Area Sewer Improvements - REBID............................. Bin #GP-16.....................................................................................21
02/24X.... Moss Point.....................Pipe Rehab & Valve Replacement - Escatawpa River Crossing... Bin #GP-3C....................................................................................21
02/24....... Long Beach....................Landscaping Enhancement Project - Long Beach Harbor............ Bin #GP-1B....................................................................................21
02/24....... Jackson..........................IR Waiting Area Renovations Package B..................................... Bin #JX-48.....................................................................................19
02/25....... Biloxi.............................The South Area Contract Infrastructure Upgrade......................... Bin #GP-4B....................................................................................21
02/26!...... Jackson..........................Central MS Crime Lab (Landscaping) Dept of Public Safety...... Bin #JX-50.....................................................................................22
02/26....... Oxford...........................Old Kinard Water Tank Demolition.............................................. Bin #JX-20.....................................................................................22
03/02....... Raleigh...........................Raleigh Elementary School Renovations 2015............................. Bin #JX-33.....................................................................................22
03/02....... Taylorsville, MS............Taylorsville Attendance Center Renovations................................ Bin #JX-34.....................................................................................22
03/03!...... Webb, MS......................RTU Replacement - West Tallahatchie HS Auditorium................ Bin #JX-55.....................................................................................23
03/03!...... Clinton...........................Admin. Building Generator - Clinton Public School District....... Bin #JX-54.....................................................................................23
03/04!...... Biloxi.............................Caillavet Ball Park - Pkg 5 - Audio Visual................................... Bin #GP-2B....................................................................................23
03/04!...... Biloxi.............................Caillavet Ball Park - Pkg 4 - Signage........................................... Bin #GP-2A....................................................................................23
03/05....... Camp Shelby, MS..........Demolition of Buildings at Camp SHelby Joint Forces................ Bin #JX-09.....................................................................................24
03/09!...... Pascagoula.....................Navigational Channel Restoration................................................ Bin #GP-20.....................................................................................24
03/10!...... Gulfport.........................Terminal 3 M&R Facility.............................................................. Bin #GP-08.....................................................................................24
03/19X.... Jackson..........................Data Center Improvements - Repair Roof Leaks.......................... Bin #JX-07.....................................................................................24
New Project !
X-Bid Date Extended
Just In-Plans arrived too late for publication
JX is the Jackson Bin number, GP is the Gulfport Bin number
If a specific plan room is listed, plans are available in that plan room only
BUT can be made available in either or both planrooms. Just let me know which job you need.
Apparent Low Bidders ........................................................................................ Page 25
The architect/engineer will record issue of set(s) of project plans and specifications, without requirement of plan deposit, to ABC Members by name.
This procedure shall apply to the bidding phase of a project only and has no application to issuance of plans to the successful bidder.
The architect/engineer will call upon the ABC to honor plan deposit guarantee should one of its contractor members:
It shall be the responsibility of the ABC member to identify himself to the architect/engineer at the time plans are issued to be entitled to terms of this agreement.
Not return plans and specifications to architect/engineer within ten (10) days after bids are received without prior agreement of architect/engineer.
Return plans and specifications not in reusable condition, i.e., defaced, mutilated, sheets missing, etc. Discretion will be used to determine whether entire plans or certain sheets thereof need to be replaced.
Not submit a bid after receiving plans under the provisions of this program, unless the contractor should return said plans to the architect at least (3) days prior to the bid opening date.
Future Projects
Information & Dates Listed Subject to Change
Bid Date
Holly Springs
MISSISSIPPI - Requested Projects
Project Name
Quisenberry Roof Replacements
McIntyre Subdivision, Nelson Addition Sanitary Sewer Woodward Avenue Improvements
Arch/Eng (Notes)
JBHM Architects
W. L. Burke, Engineers, PA
Elliott and Britt Engineering, PA
If you have an upcoming project you would like to see listed in the “Future Projects” section of The Mississippi Contractor, contact us by Thursday of each
week at 601-944-0421/800-806-7222. To Verify Membership with MABC go to www.msabc.net and click on “Member List”. Contact us for your username and
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Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Generator Addition - PERS
Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/6/2015)
Divisions: 3,22,26
Desc: Cast-In-Place Concrete / Facility Natural Gas Piping / Electrical / General Provisions of Electrical Systems / Basic Materials and Methods /
Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems /
Conduit / Boxes / Identification for Electrical Systems / Low-Voltage Electrical Service Entrance / Engine Generators / Transfer Switches
Bids To: Cooke, Douglas Farr & Lemons, Architects and Engineers, PA., 3100 North State Street, Suite 200, Jackson, MS 39216
Plans From: Cooke Douglass Farr Lemons Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 366-3110 / Fax (601) 366-3181
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Addenda: 5 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-24
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*BoMac Electric, Inc. Clinton,MS Phone (601) 624-1284 Fax (601) 924-1271
*Cal-Mar Construction Co., LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 932-5409 Fax (601) 939-3566
*Electro-Mech, Inc. Richland,MS Phone (601) 939-6643 Fax (601) 939-4249
Fountain Construction Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 373-4162 Fax (601) 373-4300
Gulf Coast Electric LLC Perkinston,MS Phone (601) 528-0216 Fax (601) 928-7268
Helix Systems Bessemer,AL Phone (205) 565-5165 Fax (000) 000-0000
*Lewis Electric, Inc. Flowood,MS Phone (601) 932-0101 Fax (601) 709-0866
McInnis Electric Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 372-2014 Fax (601) 373-6302
Miller Enterprises LLC Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-1060 Fax (601) 264-4471
Power Systems of MS Biloxi,MS Phone (228) 818-8315 Fax (228) 818-8317
T. A. Harmon, LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 212-5920 Fax (601) 977-0077
Webster Electric Co. Inc. Collinsville,MS Phone (601) 626-0200 Fax (601) 626-0209
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Kroger V-355 WIW Remodel
Laurel,MS / Jones Co (in 1/29/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,26,31,32,33
Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Resilient Floor Tile and Mastic Removal / Cast-In-Place Structural Concrete / Cast-In-Place Concrete Slabs /
Polished Dyed Concrete Finishing and Slab Replacement / Standard Concrete Unit Masonry / Structural Steel Framing / Metal Fabrications / Pipe and
Tube Railings / Miscellaneous Carpentry / Interior Décor Package-Bountiful / Roofing Demolition and Repair / Thermal Insulation / Manufactured Curbs
/ Penetration Firestopping / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Traffic Doors / Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts / Automatic
Entrances / Door Hardware / Glazing / Acoustical Rile Restoration / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings
/ Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Resinous Flooring / Tile Carpeting / Painting / Toilet Compartments / Wall, Door and Fixture
Protection / Toilet Accessories / Loading Dock Equipment / General Store Fixture Installation / EMS Fixture Installation / Fixture and Equipment Plumbing
Connections / Fixtures and Equipment Condensate Drain Connections / Refrigeration System Installation / Refrigeration Controls Installations / Food
Shield Partitions / Entrance Flooring System / Water Based Fire Suppression Systems / Mechanical / Common Work Results for Plumbing / Plumbing
Insulation / Facility Water Distribution / Facility Sanitary Sewerage / Plumbing Equipment / Commercial Plumbing Fixtures / Common Work Results for
HVAC / Common Motor Requirements for HVAC / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / HVAC Insulation / Instrumentation and Control Devices
for HVAC / Facility Natural-Gas Piping / Metal Ducts / Air Duct Accessories / Air Outlets and Inlets / Commercial Kitchen Hoods / Electrical / Common
Work Results for Electrical / Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Raceway and Boxes
for Electrical Systems / Identification For Electrical Systems / Electrical Connections to Vendor Kiosk / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Low Voltage
Circuit Protective Devices / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Low Voltage Controllers / Engine Generators / Lighting / Site Clearing / Earth
Moving / Dewatering / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Paving / Paving Joint Sealants / Unit Paving / Paving Specialties / Chain Link Fences and Gates /
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Piping
Bids To: Sub Bids Only to GC’s Listed - Private Job
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-43
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/29/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 11:00:00 AM
DuPont Ilmenite Facility Civil Package
Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 12/30/2014)
Divisions: 2,3,5
Desc: Demolition / Select Bedding / Foundation Material / Site Earthwork / Grading / Granular Base Course / Geogrid Base Reinforcement / Stormwater
Reinforcement / Hot Bituminous Pavements / Reinforced Concrete Pavement / Curb / Gutter / Painted Traffic Markings / Water Distribution / Steel
Casings / Cast in Place Concrete / Concrete Culvert Pipe / Stormwater Trench Drain / Sewage Force Mains / Grinder Pump Station / Force Main / Traffic
Maintenance / Flowable Concrete Fill / Steel Bollard Guard Post
Bids To: 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS
Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335
Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $0 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-2
Est. Cost: not releasing
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/2/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***Partial List- Call 228-897-1711 For Full List , Phone Fax
Continental Construction Co Memphis,TN Phone (901) 382-4070 Fax (901) 388-2534
*F & F Construction, Inc. Saucier,MS Phone (228) 831-3426 Fax (228) 831-3472
Gulf Equipment Corporation Theodore,AL Phone (251) 653-5075 Fax (251) 654-0470
Hanmore Brothers Biloxi,MS Phone (228) 896-8003 Fax (228) 868-2255
JLB Levens Builders Long Beach,MS Phone (228) 863-0303 Fax (228) 863-4469
*Knowles Construction, Inc. Saucier,MS Phone (228) 832-0801 Fax (228) 831-8028
Necaise Brothers Construction Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 328-4274 Fax (228) 328-4275
Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc Roanoke,TX Phone (871) 491-2703 Fax (866) 491-1627
W. C. Fore Trucking Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 863-1314 Fax
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 9:00:00 AM
Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements - Primary Clarifier Rehab
Vicksburg,MS / Warren Co (in 1/12/2015)
Divisions: 2,32,44
Desc: Mobilization / Site Restoration / Rehabilitation of Primary Clarifier
Bids To: City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, City of Vicksburg, 1401 Walnut Street, Vicksburg, MS
Plans From: Engineering Service Richland, MS / Phone (601) 939-8737 / Fax (601) 939-8799
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-01
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/3/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
Environmental Technical Sales, Inc. Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 295-1200 Fax (225) 295-1800
Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550
J. S. Haren Company Athens,TN Phone (423) 745-5000 Fax (423) 745-5252
Mitchell Contracting Inc Covington,LA Phone (985) 845-7948 Fax (985) 845-2775
*T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Elevator Replacement At Walker Engineering
Mississippi State,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 1/12/2015)
Divisions: 2,4,5,7,9,10,14,15,16
Desc: Demolition / Mortar / Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories / Concrete Masonry Units / Metal Fabrications / Penetration Seals (Fire Protection)
/ Joint Sealant / Modular Carpet / Paint / Interior Signage (MSU) / Fire Extinguishers / Hydraulic Elevator Modernization / Mechanical / General
Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Insulation / Pipe, Fittings and Valves / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / General Requirements /
Basic Materials and Methods / Service and Distribution
Bids To: Office of Procurement and Contracts, Mississippi State University, P O Box 5307, 610 McArthur Hall, 245 Barr Avenue, Mississippi State, MS
Plan Contact: Plans.Fm.Mstate.Edu - Specs, Plans & Planholders Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Columbus, MS /
Phone (662) 327-8990 / Fax (662) 327-8991
Prebid Conference: 01/21 @ 130PM, Small Conf Rm at Gast Bldg, MSU
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-35
Est. Cost: $150,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/26/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*Burks-Mordecai Builders Columbus,MS Phone (662) 327-9559 Fax (662) 327-9567
Century Construction & Realty Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7059
War Construction Tuscaloosa,AL Phone (205) 758-4723 Fax (205) 349-3425
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Hail Damage Office of Capitol Facilities
Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/13/2015)
Divisions: 2,4,5,6,7,9
Desc: Selective Demolition / Minor Demolition for Remodeling / Existing Utilities / Disposal of Material / Job Site Fencing / Lawns and Grassing /
Restoration and Cleaning of Masonry In Historic Structures / Metal Fabrications / Expansion Joint Assemblies / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking
and Curbing / Roof Deck Insulation / Modified Bituminous Sheet Roofing / Preparation for Re-Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and
Downspouts / Roof Specialties and Accessories / Joint Sealers / Painting
Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201
Plans From: Shafer & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-1628 / Fax (662) 324-8239
Prebid Conference: 2/2 @ 11AM, Con Rm, Bureau of Bldg, Grounds & Real
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Tupelo Bin #: JX-52
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
*Accurate Roofing Co., Inc. Potts Camp,MS Phone (662) 333-6300 Fax (662) 333-6389
B Four Plied Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 366-1544 Fax (901) 797-8428
*E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944
*Guaranteed Roofing Co., Inc. Pearl,MS Phone (601) 939-2848 Fax (601) 939-2782
*Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602
*Mandals, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 864-1474 Fax (228) 864-1408
Norman Enterprises Meridian,MS Phone (601) 483-4079 Fax (601) 483-4705
Roofing Solutions, LLC Prairieville,LA Phone (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037
*Rowell Roofing, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-9494 Fax (601) 736-8015
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Storm Damage 2014 - Phase I - the Housing Authority - City of Tupelo
Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 1/19/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,23,26
Desc: Removal and Disposal of Asbestos-Containing Materials / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Masonry
Mortaring / Masonry Accessories / Concrete Unit Masonry / Structural Steel / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Wood Trusses / Finish Carpentry
/ Fiberglass Reinforced Panels / Building Insulation / Fiberglass Shingles / Preformed Siding / Aluminum Soffit and Aluminum Fascia / Flashing and
Sheet Metal / Sealants and Caulking / Wood Doors / Exterior Steel Doors and Frames / Wood Door Frames / Heavy Duty Security Screen Storm Doors
/ Aluminum Windows / Finish Hardware / Gypsum Wallboard / Resilient Tile Flooring / Resilient Sheet Flooring / Painting / Toilet and Bath Accessories
/ Residential Equipment / Mechanical / Operation and Maintenance Data / Basic Materials and Methods / Motors / Duct Insulation / Pipe Insulation /
Refrigerant Piping / Fuel Gas Piping / Plumbing / Furnaces / Condensing Units / Metal Ducts / Diffuser, Registers ad Grilles / Air Filters / Electrical / Basic
Electrical Materials and Methods / Lighting
Plans From: Jones-Zander, Ltd., Architect Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-7115 / Fax (662) 226-7193
Prebid Conference: 1/30 @ 10AM, Mgmt Off, 701 S. Canal St., Tupelo
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-27
Est. Cost: $850,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
Brocato Construction Co. Batesville,MS Phone (662) 563-4473 Fax (662) 563-4473
*Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494
Enscor LLC Arlington,TN Phone (901) 867-2297 Fax (901) 867-9410
Gulf Services Contracting Inc. Mobile,AL Phone (251) 445-8161 Fax (251) 443-8162
Hooker Construction Thaxton,MS Phone (662) 489-2567 Fax (662) 489-2584
JBS Construction Amory ,MS Phone (662) 257-0344 Fax (662) 257-0384
Lubin Enterprises, Inc Memphis,TN Phone (901) 485-4478 Fax (901) 685-6129
Renrock Construction LLC Starkville,MS Phone (662) 324-0101 Fax (662) 324-9009
Roberts Builder Ripley ,MS Phone (662) 837-7835 Fax (662) 837-4549
Sullivan Enterprises Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-4121
Tidwell Contractors, LLC Booneville,MS Phone (662) 315-5045 Fax (662) 257-0858
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 1:00:00 AM
2014 Storm Damage Renovations Phase II - Housing Authority - City of Tupelo
Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 1/19/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,23,26
Desc: Removal and Disposal of Asbestos-Containing Materials / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Masonry
Mortaring / Masonry Accessories / Concrete Unit Masonry / Structural Steel / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Wood Trusses / Finish Carpentry
/ Fiberglass Reinforced Panels / Building Insulation / Fiberglass Shingles / Preformed Siding / Aluminum Soffit and Aluminum Fascia / Flashing and
Sheet Metal / Sealants and Caulking / Wood Doors / Exterior Steel Doors and Frames / Wood Door Frames / Heavy Duty Security Screen Storm Doors
/ Aluminum Windows / Finish Hardware / Gypsum Wallboard / Resilient Tile Flooring / Resilient Sheet Flooring / Painting / Toilet and Bath Accessories
/ Residential Equipment / Mechanical / Operation and Maintenance Data / Basic Mechanical Material and Methods / Motors / Duct Insulation / Pipe
Insulation / Refrigerant Piping / Fuel Gas Piping / Plumbing / Furnaces / Condensing Units / Meal Ducts / Diffuser, Registers and Grilles / Air Filters /
Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Lighting
Plans From: Jones-Zander, Ltd., Architect Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-7115 / Fax (662) 226-7193
Prebid Conference: 1/30 @ 1pm, Mgmt Off at 701 S. Canal St., Tupelo
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-27
Est. Cost: $250,000
Additional Info: Architect called 1/27 and stated that the Phase II spec book is wrong, apparently the cover for Phase II was put on Phase I specs. They
will be replaced, not sure exactly when.
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Brocato Construction Co. Batesville,MS Phone (662) 563-4473 Fax (662) 563-4473
Colom Construction Bay St. Louis,MS Phone (228) 493-6135 Fax (228) 493-6225
Enscor LLC Arlington,TN Phone (901) 867-2297 Fax (901) 867-9410
Hooker Construction Thaxton,MS Phone (662) 489-2567 Fax (662) 489-2584
Innovative Performance Lorman,MS Phone (601) 877-9954 Fax (601) 786-6622
JBS Construction Amory ,MS Phone (662) 257-0344 Fax (662) 257-0384
Lubin Enterprises, Inc Memphis,TN Phone (901) 485-4478 Fax (901) 685-6129
Roberts Builder Ripley ,MS Phone (662) 837-7835 Fax (662) 837-4549
Sullivan Enterprises Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-4121
Tidwell Contractors, LLC Booneville,MS Phone (662) 315-5045 Fax (662) 257-0858
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:30:00 PM
Concrete Pile Repairs At Terminal G Extension
Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 1/21/2015)
Divisions: 2,3
Desc: Site Preparation / Demolition / Prestressed Concrete Piles / Structural Concrete / Structural Reinforcing
Bids To: Jackson County Port Authority, 3033 Pascagoula Street, Pascagoula, MS
Plans From: Compton Engineering Pascagoula, MS / Phone (228) 762-3970 / Fax (228) 769-9079
Prebid Conference: 1/29 @ 2pm
Bid Bond: 55 Plan Deposit: $0 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: 3C
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Advanced Construction and Development Mobile,AL Phone (251) 661-1416 Fax (228) 474-0080
K. R. Borries Construction Co. Gautier ,MS Phone (228) 497-6743 Fax (228) 497-1072
*Key, LLC Madison,MS Phone (601) 898-9892 Fax (601) 898-9896
Topcor Services, Inc. Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 753-7067 Fax (225) 753-7077
Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155
Walters Diving & Marine Pascagoula,MS Phone (228) 762-4381 Fax (228) 762-6880
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
James Hill Park Pier Renovations
Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 1/22/2015)
Divisions: 2,6,16
Desc: Demolition / Brush Clearing / Roadway Excavation / Embankment / Granlar Base Course / Pavement Repair / Riprap / Timber Framing / Timber
Decking / Electrical / Raceway
Bids To: City of Gulfport Procurement Department, 1410 24th Ave, Gulfprot, MS
Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 864-7612 / Fax (228) 864-7676
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-24
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Alamiss Construction, Inc Lucedale,MS Phone (601) 947-2542 Fax (601) 947-8742
*Apple Construction Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 897-1995 Fax (228) 897-1993
M & D Construction Moss Point ,MS Phone (228) 475-1571 Fax (228) 475-6381
Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Long Beach Small Craft Harbor Paving Improvements
Long Beach,MS / Harrison Co (in 1/22/2015)
Divisions: 2,3
Desc: Site Work / Cast In Place Concrete / Paving / Striping
Bids To: City Hall, 201 Jeff Davis Ave, Long Beach, MS
Plans From: A. Garner Russell & Assoc. Engineers Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 863-0667 / Fax (228) 863-5232
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-5
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/2/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Gulf Breeze Landscaping LLC Gautier,MS Phone (228) 497-3356 Fax (228) 497-4754
*Huey Stockstill, Inc. Picayune,MS Phone (601) 798-1610 Fax (601) 798-1867
Landmark Contracting Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 831-4425 Fax (228) 831-4467
*Millennium Construction Diberville,MS Phone (228) 331-1616 Fax (866) 396-3317
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Cherokee Forest Neighborhood Infrastructure Imporvements
Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 1/22/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Directional Drilling / Gas Distribution / Pavement Repair / Water Distribution / Water Services / Tracer Wire / Cast In Place Concrete Structures
/ Drainage Pipe / Box Culvert / Drainage Channel / Gravity Sanitary Sewer / Bypass Pumping / Cleaning / Inspecation / Cured In Place Pipe / Sewer
Manhole Rehabilitation / Subsurface Pipe Inspection / Fencing / Project Sign / Plant Establishment
Bids To: City Clerk, 603 Watts Ave, Pascagoula, MS
Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 436-7612 / Fax (228) 436-7676
Prebid Conference: 1/27 @ 10am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-22
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
BLD Services Kenner,LA Phone (504) 466-1344 Fax (504) 461-5971
*Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494
Graham Construction Escatawpa,MS Phone (228) 475-9739 Fax (228) 475-4574
GT Development & Contracting Pascagoula,MS Phone (228) 366-7205 Fax (228) 762-9815
Gulf Equipment Corporation Theodore,AL Phone (251) 653-5075 Fax (251) 654-0470
Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550
Insituform Technologies Chesterfield,MO Phone (636) 530-8012 Fax (636) 530-8701
John Plott Company Tuscaloosa ,AL Phone (205) 345-5678 Fax (205) 752-3245
Lane Construction Co. of MS Inc. Ocean Springs,MS Phone (228) 872-2414 Fax (228) 872-2445
M & D Construction Moss Point ,MS Phone (228) 475-1571 Fax (228) 475-6381
Slaughter Construction Co., Inc. Gulf Shores,AL Phone (251) 948-7222 Fax (251) 948-2256
Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155
Wilco Madison,MS Phone (601) 853-8880 Fax (601) 853-1700
Bidding: 2/10/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
DuPont Ilmenite Facility Conveyor Package
Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 12/30/2014)
Divisions: 5,9,14
Desc: Structural Steel / Fabrication / Erection / Painting / Conveyors / Conveyor Drive Assemblies / Chutes
Bids To: 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS
Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335
Bid Bond: 10% Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-3B
Est. Cost: not releasing
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/2/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***Partial List- Call 228-897-1711 For Full List , Phone Fax
Continental Construction Co Memphis,TN Phone (901) 382-4070 Fax (901) 388-2534
G.A. West & Co Inc Chunchula,AL Phone (251) 679-1965 Fax (251) 675-0366
Hanmore Brothers Biloxi,MS Phone (228) 896-8003 Fax (228) 868-2255
Robert J. Baggett Mobile,AL Phone (251) 473-3290 Fax (251) 473-7606
The Creel Company Mobile ,AL Phone (251) 460-2722 Fax (251) 480-2774
Bidding: 2/11/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
IFB For Bid #2015-01 - Select Deck
, / Madison Co (in 1/29/2015)
Divisions: See Spec Book
Bids To: Department of Revenue, Jackson, MS
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-53
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/29/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/11/2015 at 1:30:00 PM
Repairs To Regional Training Institute Bldg 3701 Vehicle Exhaust Sys - Camp Shelby
Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 1/13/2015)
Divisions: 23,26
Desc: HVAC Operation / Air Distribution / Conductors / Raceways / Wiring Devices / Low Voltage Circuit Protective Devices / Safety Switches / Fuses /
Low Voltage Contorllers
Bids To: Adjutant General, New Addition, 1st Floor Classroom, Romm #192B, 1410 Riverside Dr, Jackson, MS
Plans From: Allred Architectural Group Ocean Springs, MS / Phone (228) 762-1975 / Fax (228) 769-9545
Prebid Conference: 1/28 @ 10am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-18
Est. Cost: not releasing
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/23/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*B. W. Sullivan Building Contractor, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-2933 Fax (601) 582-2049
Bidding: 2/12/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Repair Airfield Storm Drains - Keesler AFB
Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 2,3
Desc: Earthwork / Clearing / Grubbing / Demolition / Crushed Stone / Crushed Gravel / Slope Protection / Erosion Control / Portland Cement Pavement
/ Geotextile / Runway Painting / Taxiway Painting / Storm Drain Rehabilitation / Flowable Fill / Vegetation Establishment / Storm Drain Line Cleaning /
Television Inspection / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Concrete / Cast In Place Concrete
Bids To: st Contracting Squadron, Jeffery Newcomb, 310 M Street, RM 102, Keesler, AFB, Biloxi, MS
Plan Contact: Www.Fbo.Gov Bid Bond: 20% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-10
Est. Cost: 1,000,000 - 5,000,000
Bidding: 2/12/2015 at 12:00:00 PM
Hampton Inn and Home2Suite
Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Concrete Curb and Gutter / Wye or Tee Branches / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Curing and Finishes / Concrete Inspection and Testing /
Concrete Forms and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement / Mortar and Masonry Grout / Masonry Accessories / Unit Masonry Assemblies / Structural
Steel / Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Handrails and Railings / High Pressure Decorative Laminates – Interior Specs. / Rough
Carpentry / Wood I Joists / Finish Carpentry / Countertops – Interior Spec / Sheet Waterproofing / Water Repellents / Board and Batt Insulation / Exterior
Finish System / Weather Barriers / Elastomeric Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and Downspouts / Roof Accessories /
Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Doors and Panels / Metal-Framed Storefronts / Automatic Entrance
Doors / Aluminum Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Mirrors – Interior Spec / Portland Cement Plaster/Stucco / Gypsum Board Assemblies /
Tile – Interior Spec / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings – Interior Spec / Paints and Coatings / Corner Guards / Flagpoles / Lockers / Fire Extinguishers,
Cabinets and Accessories / Wall Mounted Standards and Shelving / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Swimming Pool / Fire Alarm System /
Passenger Elevators / Chutes / Common Work Results for Fire Suppression / Fire-Suppression Standpipes / Fire Suppression Sprinklers / Mechanical
/ Common Motor Requirements for Plumbing Equipment / Expansion Fittings and Loops for Plumbing Piping / Vibration and Seismic Controls for
Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Plumbing Piping / Plumbing Piping
Specialties / Plumbing Equipment / Plumbing Fixtures / Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment / Vibration and Seismic Controls for HVAC
Piping and Equipment / Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Duct Insulation / HVAC Equipment
Insulation / Air Duct Accessories / Centrifugal HVAC Fans / Air Outlets and Inlets / Packaged Air-To-Air Energy Recovery Units / Packaged Terminal
Air-Conditioners / Self-Contained Air-Conditioners / Small Split-System Heating and Cooling / Radiant Heating Units / Electrical / Low-Voltage Electrical
Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems / Conduit / Boxes /
Identification for Electrical Systems / Remote Control Switching Devices / Lighting Control Devices / Low-Voltage Electrical Service Entrance / LowVoltage Transformers / Switchboards / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Fuses / Enclosed Circuit Breakers / Enclosed Switches / Surge Protective Devices
/ Interior Lighting / Exterior Lighting / Structured Cabling for Voice and Data-Inside-Plant / Fire Detection and Alarm
Bids To: SUB BIDS ONLY to GC - [email protected]
Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-56
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/12/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Lift Station/Wet Well Improvements - Hancock County
Kiln,MS / Hancock Co (in 1/22/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,5,16,33
Desc: Demolition / Grading / Excavation / Fill / Backfill / Site Utility Trenching / Grass Establishment / Concrete Forms / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast
In Place Concrete / Concrete Curing / Metal Fabrication / Electrical / Lift Stations
Bids To: Hancock County Water & Sewer District, 7040 Stennis Airport Road, Kiln, MS
Plans From: Seymour Engineering Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 385-2350 / Fax (228) 385-2353
Prebid Conference: 1/28 @ 10am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-6
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/23/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Kappa Development Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 897-1115 Fax (228) 604-1541
Mitchell Contracting Inc Covington,LA Phone (985) 845-7948 Fax (985) 845-2775
Morrealle Construction LLC Waveland,MS Phone (228) 263-4377 Fax (228) 466-5858
Saunders Constr Biloxi ,MS Phone (228) 436-3334 Fax (228) 374-0507
Bidding: 2/12/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Forest POTW ASB #1, Slope Improvements
Forest,MS / Scott Co (in 1/14/2015)
Desc: Mobilization / demobilization / Removal of Structures and Obstructions / Earthwork / Pollution Control / Sewage Lagoon Liner / Concrete General
Bids To: Forest City Hall, 120 South Davis Street, Forest, Mississippi 39074
Plans From: Waggoner Engineering, Inc. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 355-9526 / Fax (601) 352-3945
Prebid Conference: 1/28 @ 2PM, Forest City Hall Board Rm, 120 S. Davi
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-47
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Anderson Contracting Yazoo City,MS Phone (662) 755-2260 Fax (662) 755-2229
Cain Inc. Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-1451 Fax (662) 289-4059
Central Asphalt Vicksburg ,MS Phone (601) 638-3445 Fax (601) 638-4903
*Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494
D & M Clark Construction, LLC Mize,MS Phone (601) 733-9988 Fax (000) 000-0000
DRC Emergency Services, LLC Mobile,AL Phone (888) 721-4372 Fax (251) 343-5554
Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550
J. C. Cheek Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-1631 Fax (662) 289-6806
*JWB Construction, LLC Taylorsville,MS Phone (601) 374-0239 Fax (601) 797-9947
*S & S Excavation, LLC Benton,MS Phone (601) 572-6661 Fax (662) 673-1131
SEMS, Inc. Baton Rouge,LA Phone (225) 975-7646 Fax (000) 000-0000
Simmons Erosion Control Lake,MS Phone (601) 775-3305 Fax (601) 775-8797
*Southern Rock, LLC Brandon,MS Phone (601) 992-0733 Fax (601) 992-6269
*T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401
Walker Construction, LLC Wiggins,MS Phone (601) 408-8525 Fax (601) 928-4397
Walters Constr Laurel ,MS Phone (601) 428-5515 Fax (601) 425-5334
Wilco Madison,MS Phone (601) 853-8880 Fax (601) 853-1700
Bidding: 2/12/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
2014 Window Repair For the Keeton Community Arts Center
Grenada,MS / Grenada Co (in 1/19/2015)
Divisions: 8
Desc: Wood Windows
Bids To: Grenada City Halll, 152 South Main Street, Grenada, MS
Plans From: Jones-Zander, Ltd., Architect Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-7115 / Fax (662) 226-7193
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-04
Est. Cost: $65,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Double S Inc. Grenada,MS Phone (662) 226-6097 Fax (662) 229-0884
*Hunt Management & Construction Grenada,MS Phone (662) 227-1047 Fax (662) 227-9891
Sullivan Enterprises Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-4121
Bidding: 2/13/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Bond Hall Elevator and Office Renovation - USM
Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 1/15/2015)
Divisions: see specs
Bids To: University Southern Mississippi Physical Plant Division Conference Room
Plans From: The McCarty Company-Design Group, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-4400 / Fax (662) 844-0500
Prebid Conference: 1/29 @ 2PM, Physical Plant Con Rm, USM
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-49
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***No Plans Out , Phone Fax
Bidding: 2/16/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Main Event Entertainment
Memphis,TN / Shelby Co (in 1/29/2015)
Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,21,22,23,26,27,28,31,32
Desc: Underslab Vapor Barrier/Retarder / Concrete Forming and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Floor Finishes
/ Tilt-Up Concrete (With Formliner) / Masonry Mortaring and Grouting / Unit Masonry / Structural Steel Framing / Steel Joist Framing / Steel Decking
/ Cold-Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Pipe and Tube Railings / Decorative Metal / Plastic Fabrications – See Appendix for Info / Rough
Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Architectural Wood Casework / Bituminous Dampproofing / Water Repellents / Thermal Insulation / Exterior Insulation
and Finish Systems – Drainable / Weather Barriers / Metal Wall Panels – See Appendix for More Info / Fiber Cement Siding / Thermoplastic Membrane
Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Roof Accessories / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Plastic Laminate Faced
Wood Doors / Access Doors and Panels / Sliding Glass Doors / Overhead Coiling Doors / Aluminum-Framed Storefronts with Doors / Glazed Aluminum
Curtain Walls / Aluminum Windows / Door Hardware – Memphis, TN / Sliding and Folding Door Hardware / Glazing / Mirrors / Common Work Results
for Flooring Preparation / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Tile Carpeting
/ Wall Coverings / Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Panels / Painting and Coating / Concrete and Masonry Textured Coatings / Slatwall / Signage
/ Metal Toilet Compartments / Folding Panel Partitions / Frameless Glass Operable Partitions / Wall and Corner Guards / Toilet and Utility Room
Accessories / Emergency Rapid Entry Key Cabinet / Fire Protection Specialties / Awnings / Countertops / Site Furnishings / Bicycle Racks / Grading
/ Excavation / Trenching / Fill / Termite Control / Drilled Concrete Piers / Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks / Parking Bumpers / Common Work Results
for Fire Suppression / Automatic Sprinkler Systems / Fire Protection Piping / Mechanical / Common Work Results for Plumbing / Expansion Fittings
and Loops for Plumbing Piping / Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for Plumbing Piping / Escutcheons for Plumbing Piping / Meters and Gages for Plumbing
Piping / General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping and
Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Domestic Water Piping Specialties / Sanitary Waste Piping Specialties / Electric
Domestic Water Heaters / Fuel-Fired Domestic Water Heaters / Plumbing Fixtures / Common Work Results for HVAC / Common Motor Requirements
for HVAC / Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Vibration Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment / Identification for HVAC Piping
and Equipment / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / HVAC Insulation / Instrumentation and Control for HVAC / Fuel Gas Piping / Metal Ducts
/ Air Duct Accessories / HVAC Power Ventilators / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Roof Top Air Conditioners / Unit Heaters / Electrical / General
Requirements for Electrical Work / Common Work Results for Electrical / Sealing of Penetrations / Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and
Cables / Wire Connections and Devices / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems / Empty Conduit
Systems / Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Outlet, Pull and Junction Box / Pull and Junction Boxes / Underground Ducts and Raceways
for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Over Current Protective Device Coordination Study / Lighting Control Devices / Energy
Efficient Harmonic Cancellation Dry Type Transformers / Switchboards / Panelboards / Electricity Metering / Wiring Devices / Fuses / Enclosed Switches
and Circuit Breakers / Transient-Voltage Suppression System / Interior Lighting / Exterior Lighting / Sleeves and Sleeve Seals for Electronic Safety and
Security Pathways and Cabling / Digital Addressable Fire Alarm System
Bids To: Sub Bids Only to GC’s listed - Private Job
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-11
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/29/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Flintco Inc Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 372-9600 Fax (901) 372-8989
Bidding: 2/17/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Wall Repairs and Renovations - Byram City Hall
Byram,MS / Hinds Co (in 2/3/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Desc: Selective Demolition / Site Clearing / Earthwork / Fine Grading / Compaction Control and Testing / Termite Control / Concrete Curbs and Paving
/ Concrete Formwork and Form Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement and Reinforcement Supports / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Mortar / Brick / Cold
Formed Metal Framing Systems / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Woodwork / Membrane Flashing / Moisture Barrier / Insulation /
Metal Siding Systms / Metal Roofing Systems / Flashing and Sheet Metal Sealants and Caulking / Aluminum Storefront Entrances / Finish Hardware /
Glass and Glazing / Gypsum Wall Board / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring and Base / Carpet / Painting
Bids To: City Hall Conference Room, 5901 Terry Road, Byram, MS
Plans From: Mark S. Vaughan, Architect Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-6111 / Fax (601) 925-6112
Prebid Conference: 2/5 @ 10Am, Board Room City Hall
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-25
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/3/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/17/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Joyner Splash Pad
Tupelo,MS / Lee Co (in 1/20/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,13,15,16
Desc: Demolition / Site Clearing / Site Grading / Excavation and Fill / Termite and Insect Control / Erosion and Sediment Control / Water Distribution
/ Landscape Grading / Sodding / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Mortar and Grout / Masonry Reinforcement
and Accessories / Concrete Masonry Units / Metal Fabrications / Vapor Retarder (15 Mil) / Liquid Applied Waterproofing System / Joint Sealant / Steel
Doors and Frames / Door Hardware / Metal Stud Framing System / Portland Cement Plaster / Gypsum Board / Ceramic Tile / Paint / Solid Plastic Toilet
Compartments / Wall Louvers / Plaques / Interior Signage / Restroom Accessories / Aquatic Structures / Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials /
Mechanical / Mechanical Specifications / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical Identification / Pipe Insulation
/ Valves / Meters and Gages / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Plumbing Specialties / Electric, Domestic
Water Heaters / Louvers / Power Ventilators / Mechanical Commissioning / Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Grounding and Bonding /
Conductors and Cables / Raceways and Boxes / Wiring Devices / Panelboards / Interior Lighting / Electrical System Commissioning
Bids To: Chambers of the Tupelo City Council, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 71 East Troy Street, Tupelo, MS 38804
Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 840-8062 / Fax (662) 840-8092
Prebid Conference: 2/6 @ 10AM, Con Rm Tupelo Dept Parks & Rec,
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-10
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Aqua Design Systems Fayetteville,GA Phone (770) 716-5592 Fax (770) 716-5081
F & F Construction Co. Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 398-1900 Fax (901) 332-8103
Gregory Construction Services, Inc Columbus,MS Phone (662) 328-2225 Fax (662) 328-2202
JM Duncan Inc. Faulkner,MS Phone (662) 587-2211 Fax (662) 992-8579
Prairie Construction Saltillo,MS Phone (662) 321-9936 Fax (662) 841-9335
*Stewart Environmental Construction, Inc. Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 841-9202 Fax (662) 841-9208
Bidding: 2/17/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Roof Replacement City Hall
Kosciusko,MS / Attala Co (in 1/29/2015)
Divisions: 2,6,7
Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Miscellaneous rough Carpentry / Styrene Butadiene / Styrene Modified Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing
/ Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealants
Bids To: City of Kosciusko, 222 East Washington St., Kosciusko, MS 39090
Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-2699 / Fax (601) 352-2693
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-22
Additional Info: CD’s are $50.00.
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4463 Fax (662) 283-3009
*E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944
*Eddie Pearson Roofing, LLC Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-3624 Fax (601) 582-3645
*Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602
Bidding: 2/19/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
New Roof and Related Work - HS & MS Cafeteria, Kitchen and Classroom Wing
Itta Bena,MS / Leflore Co (in 1/22/2015)
Divisions: 2, 6,7,9
Desc: Asbestos Abatement / Site Protection / Or Equal Parts / Rough Carpentry / Single Ply Roofing System / Caulking / Painting
Bids To: Architect for the Owner, Leflore County School District, Central Office, 1901 Hwy 82 West, Greenwood, MS
Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC Greenville, MS / Phone (662) 332-0388 / Fax (662) 332-0391
Prebid Conference: 2/12 @ 10AM, HS Cafeteria, 401 Lakeside Dr., Itta
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-18
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944
Mid-Western Commercial Roofers Inc. Mobile,AL Phone (251) 633-7005 Fax (251) 633-7555
Bidding: 2/19/2015 at 3:00:00 PM
Turner Center - New Roof
University,MS / Lafayette Co (in 1/27/2015)
Divisions: 2,5,6,7,8,9,15,16
Desc: Selective Demolition / Minor Demolition for Remodeling / Existing Utilities / Disposal of Material / Job Site Fencing / Lawns and Grassing / Metal
Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Wood Decking / Roof Deck Insulation / Modified Bituminous Sheet Roofing / Preparation
for Re-Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and Downspouts / Roof Specialties and Accessories / Roof Hatch / Joint Sealers / Curb
Mounted Dome Skylight / Curb Mounted Barrel Vaulted Skylight / Quarter Round Plastic Glazed Unit Skylights, Non-Thermalized / Lean-To Skylight /
Painting / Mechanical/Plumbing / General / Electrical General / Basic Materials and Methods - Electrical
Bids To: University of Mississippi, Office of the Director of Purchasing, 164 Jeanette Phillips Drive, PO Box 8750, University, MS 38677
Plans From: Shafer & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-1628 / Fax (662) 324-8239
Prebid Conference: 2/6 @ 10AM, Physical Plant Con Rm, 700 Hathorn Rd
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-21
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
*Accurate Roofing Co., Inc. Potts Camp,MS Phone (662) 333-6300 Fax (662) 333-6389
B Four Plied Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 366-1544 Fax (901) 797-8428
*Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4463 Fax (662) 283-3009
*E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944
G & G Constr SM & Roofing Tupelo ,MS Phone (662) 842-5858 Fax (662) 842-5857
*Graham Roofing, Inc. West Point,MS Phone (662) 492-9555 Fax (662) 492-9591
*Guaranteed Roofing Co., Inc. Pearl,MS Phone (601) 939-2848 Fax (601) 939-2782
*Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602
*Mandals, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 864-1474 Fax (228) 864-1408
*Rowell Roofing, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-9494 Fax (601) 736-8015
Bidding: 2/19/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Hail Damage Repair - Phase II Puckett Out Buildings
Puckett,MS / Rankin Co (in 1/26/2015)
Divisions: 2,6,7
Desc: Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Preparation and Demolition for Re-Roofing / Asphalt Shingles / Metal Roof Panels /
Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts / Joint Sealers
Bids To: Rankin County School District at 1220 Apple Park Place, Brandon, MS
Plans From: J H & H Architects/Planners/Interiors, PA Flowood, MS / Phone (601) 948-4601 / Fax (601) 355-6200
Prebid Conference: 2/11 @2PM, RCSD Central Office
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $25 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-08
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/26/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/19/2015 at 12:00:00 PM
Walmart Neighborhood Market - Pass Road
Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,16
Desc: Termite Control / Chain Link Fences / Chain Link Gates / Ornamental Metal Fences / Ornamental Gates / Cart Corral / Structural Concrete /
Concrete Slabs / Cast In Place Concrete / Color Stamped Concrete Finishes / Burnished Concrete Floor Finishes / Plant Precast Architectural Concrete
/ Unit Masonry / Manufactured Stone Veneer / Structural Steel / Masonry Anchors / Steel Joists / Metal Deck / Cold Formed Metal Framing / Metal
Fabrications / Plastic Materials / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Architectural Woodwork / Protective Surfacing / Non Fibeglass Plastic Panels
/ Water repellents / Building Insulation / Water Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System / Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing / Sheet
Metal Trim / Gutters / Downspouts / Manufactured Curbs / Roof Hatches / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors / Steel Frames / Access Doors / Access Frames /
Coiling Counter Shutters / Sectional Overhead Doors / Flexible Strip Doors / Traffic Doors / Aluminum Framed Storefronts / Automatic Sliding Entrance
Doors / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base / Carpet / Paints / Coatings / Metal Toilet
Compartments / Wall Gaurds / Corner Gaurds / Flagpoles / Metal Canopy / Toliet Accessories / Lock Boxes / Service Window Units / Teller Window Units
/ Loading Dock Equipment / Food Service Equipment / Sub Metering Insturmentation / Building Automation System / Fire Suppression / Mechanical /
Building Services Piping / Building Services Equipment / Siphonic Primary Roof Drain System / Fuel Gas Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Domestic Water
Heaters / Refrigeration System / HVAC Equipment / Air Distribution / Electrical / Wiring Methods / Static Uninterruptible Power Supply / Electrical
Distribution Center / Enclosed Switches / Circuit Breakers / Branch Circuit Panelbords / Lighting / Communications
Bids To: Sub Pricing Only! Submit bids directly to White-Spunner
Plans From: White-Spunner Construction Company, Inc. Mobile, AL / Phone (251) 471-5189 / Fax (251) 300-3870
Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-01
Est. Cost: requested
Bidding: 2/20/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Meadowlands Commerce Park Water Test Wells
Waynesboro,MS / Wayne Co (in 1/22/2015)
Desc: Mobilization / Demobilization / Tempory Silt Fence / Tempory Erosion Checks / Potable Water Supply Test Holes and Test Wells
Bids To: Wayne County Board of Supervisors at 610 Azalea Drive, Waynesboro, MS 39367
Plans From: Waggoner Engineering, Inc. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 355-9526 / Fax (601) 352-3945
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-19
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Griner Drilling Richland,MS Phone (601) 932-4511 Fax (601) 932-4751
Layne Christensen Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4312 Fax (601) 922-9358
Thompson Brothers Drilling Inc. Ellisville,MS Phone (601) 425-0970 Fax (601) 425-0972
Bidding: 2/20/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
New Water Well No. 6 and Appurtenances
Richland,MS / Rankin Co (in 1/23/2015)
Divisions: 26,31,32,33,46
Desc: Electrical / Diesel Powered Generator / Trenching / Temporary Silt Fence Properties / Temporary Erosion Checks / Chain Link Fences and Gates
/ Site Work and Driveway / Water Supply Wells Vertical Turbine / Water Supply Test Wells / Water Supply Well Yard Piping / Controls and Electrical /
Chlorine Feed Equipment with Fiberglass Enclosure / Fluoride Feed Equipment
Bids To: City of Richland, Richland City Hall, 380 Scarbrough Street, Richland, MS 39218
Plans From: Engineering Service Richland, MS / Phone (601) 939-8737 / Fax (601) 939-8799
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-32
Est. Cost: $748,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/3/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
Layne Christensen Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4312 Fax (601) 922-9358
*Mid-South Water, LLC Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-4076 Fax (662) 843-1717
Bidding: 2/20/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
SRH Exterior Hardening Window, Door & Roof Replacement
Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 1/21/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,32
Desc: Site Preparation / Demolition / Concrete Forming and Accessories / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast In Place Concrete / Self-Leveling Underlayment
/ Unit Masonry / Cold Formed Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Finish Carpentry / Architectural
Woodwork / Bituminous Dampproofing / Sheet Waterproofing / Water Repellants / Batt Insulation / Exterior Insulation Finish Systems / Weather Barriers
/ Standing Seam Metal Roof Panels / Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts
/ Applied Fireproofing / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Access Doors and Panels / Overhead Coiling Doors / Automatic
Entrances / Aluminum Framed Storefront Windows and Window Walls / Glazed Hurricane Resistant Aluminum Unitized Curtain Wall / Impact Resistant
Aluminum Windows and Window Walls / Unit Skylights / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Metal
Lath / Portland Cement Plastering / Tile / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings / Concrete Floor Sealer / Resilient Flooring / Carpeting / Wall Covering /
Paints and Coatings / Handrails and Wall Bumpers / Wall Handrails / Wall Panels / Corner Guards / Toilet Accessories / Signage / Countertops / X-Ray
Radiation Protection / Concrete Paving / Painted Pavement Markings / Chain Link Fence and Gates / Sodding
Bids To: Mr. Joseph Foster, Director of Materials Management, Singing River Healthe System, Singing River Hospital, 2809 Denny Ave., Pascagoula,
Plans From: Hardy and Associates/Architect, PLLC Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 215-1851 / Fax (228) 215-1852
Prebid Conference: PRELIM - 1/29 at 10AM, SRH Med Staff Conf Rm
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $300 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport, Jackson Bin #: GP-7, JX-28
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/21/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax
Bidding: 2/23/2015 at 1:00:00 PM
DeSoto Central HS & MS Expansion
Hernando,MS / De Soto Co (in 2/3/2015)
Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,26,27,31,32,33
Desc: Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Tests and Inspections / Unit Masonry / Structural Steel /
Steel Joist / Metal Roof Deck / Metal Fabrications / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Plastic Laminate Faced Architectural Cabinets / Bituminous
Dampproofing / Thermal Insulation / Modified Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Roof Specialties / Roof
Accessories / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts / Door Hardware /
Glazing / Non-Load Bearing Steel Framing / Ceramic Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Tile Floor / Resilient Base and Accessories / Exterior
Painting / Interior Painting / Visual Display Units / Signage / Plastic Toilet Compartments / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Extinguisher
Cabinets / Fire Extinguishers / Exterior Canopies / Audio Visual Equipment / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Plastic Laminate Clad Countertops / Simulated
Stone Countertops / Fire Suppression Piping / Mechanical / Plumbing Specialties / Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods / Plumbing Hangers and
Supports / Plumbing Identification / Plumbing Pipe Insulation / Plumbing Valves / Domestic Water Piping / Plumbing Meters and Gages / Sanitary Waste
and Vent Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers / HVAC, Basic Materials and Methods / General Provisions, Mechanical
/ Balancing and Testing by Independent Agency / Mechanical HVAC Insulation / Controls / Air Distribution Equipment (Fans) / Low Velocity Ductwork /
Ductwork Accessories / Air Inlets and Outlets / Packaged Roof-Top Heating/Cooling Units / Electrical / General Provisions, Electrical / Basic Electrical
Materials and Methods / Grounding / Cable Trays / Electrical Supports & Seismic Restraints / Lighting and Receptacle Controls / Panelboards / Surge
Protection Device / High Efficiency K-7 Transformers / Lighting / Structured Cabling System / Interactive Board and Projection System / Intercom System
Expansion / Clearing and Grubbing / Earthwork / Erosion, Sedimentation and Dust Control / Termite Control / Asphaltic Concrete Paving / Concrete
Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks / Lawns and Grasses / Sodding / Water Distribution System / Disinfection of Water Distribution System / Sanitary Sewer
System / Storm Sewer System
Bids To: DeSoto County School District, 5 East South Street, Hernando, MS 38632
Plans From: Allen & Hoshall, PLLC Memphis, TN / Phone (901) 820-0820 / Fax (901) 683-1001
Prebid Conference: 2/12 @ 10Am, DeSoto Cty Sch Dist., 5 East South St
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-41
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/3/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
Barnes & Brower Inc. Memphis,TN Phone (901) 794-3481 Fax (901) 794-3482
C & M Builders Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 342-7182 Fax (662) 342-5332
Fulwood Construction Olive Branch,MS Phone (662) 890-8904 Fax (662) 890-8949
Jaycon Development Corporation Memphis,TN Phone (901) 794-4134 Fax (901) 794-4213
Murphy & Sons Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 393-3130 Fax (662) 393-8111
*Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447
Wagner General Contractors Memphis,TN Phone (901) 386-0060 Fax (901) 383-2736
Zellner Construction Memphis ,TN Phone (901) 794-1100 Fax (901) 794-9141
Bidding: 2/23/2015 at 3:00:00 PM
Hope Sullivan HVAC Replacement
Hernando,MS / De Soto Co (in 2/3/2015)
Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,23,26
Desc: Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Joint Sealants / Fixed
Louvers / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Exterior Painting / Interior
Painting / Mechanical / Plumbing Specialties / Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods / Plumbing Hangers and Supports / Plumbing Identification /
Plumbing Pipe Insulation / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / HVAC, Basic Materials and Methods / General Provisions, Mechanical / Balancing and
Testing by Independent Agency / Mechanical HVAC Insulation / HVAC Controls / Air Distribution Equipment (Fans) / Low Velocity Ductwork / Ductwork
Accessories / Air Inlets and Outlets / Mechanical – HVAC (VRN) / Electrical / General Provisions, Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods /
Electrical Supports and Seismic Restraints / Surge Protection Devices / Overhead Electrical Service / Switchboards
Bids To: Sesoto County School District, 5 East South Street, Hernando, MS 38632
Plans From: Allen & Hoshall, PLLC Memphis, TN / Phone (901) 820-0820 / Fax (901) 683-1001
Prebid Conference: 2/11 @12PM, Hope Sullivan Elementary School
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-23
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/3/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
C & M Builders Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 342-7182 Fax (662) 342-5332
Murphy & Sons Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 393-3130 Fax (662) 393-8111
National HVAC Service Memphis,TN Phone (901) 345-5700 Fax (901) 345-6103
*Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447
Bidding: 2/23/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Oak Grove Central HVAC Replacement
Hernando,MS / De Soto Co (in 2/3/2015)
Divisions: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,23,26
Desc: Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Joint Sealants / Fixed
Louvers / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Exterior Painting / Interior
Painting / Mechanical / Plumbing Specialties / Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods / Plumbing Hangers and Support / Plumbing Identification /
Plumbing Pipe Insulation / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / HVAC Basic Materials and Methods / General Provisions, Mechanical / Balancing and
Testing by Independent Agency / Mechanical HVAC Insulation / HVAC Controls / Air Distribution Equipment (Fans) / Low Velocity Ductwork / Ductwork
Accessories / Air Inlets and Outlets / Mechanical – HVAC (VRV) / Electrical / General Provisions, Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods /
Electrical Supports and Seismic Restraints / Surge Protection Devices / Underground Electrical Service / Switchboards
Bids To: Desoto County School District, 5 East South Street, Hernando, MS 38632
Plans From: Allen & Hoshall, PLLC Memphis, TN / Phone (901) 820-0820 / Fax (901) 683-1001
Prebid Conference: 2/11 @10Am, Oak Grove Elementary School
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-05
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/3/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax
C & M Builders Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 342-7182 Fax (662) 342-5332
Murphy & Sons Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 393-3130 Fax (662) 393-8111
National HVAC Service Memphis,TN Phone (901) 345-5700 Fax (901) 345-6103
*Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447
Bidding: 2/23/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
New Roof and Related Work - Union County Extension Center
New Albany,MS / Union Co (in 1/22/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,15,16
Desc: Asbestos Abatement / Site Protection / Earthwork / Termite Treatment / Concrete Work / Latex Underlayment / Rough Carpentry / Finish
Carpentry / Gypsum Sheathing / Insulation / Weather Barrier / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Joint Fillers / Steel Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Finishes
/ Gypsum Board / Suspended Acoustical Ceiling / Resilient Tile Flooring / Carpet / Painting / Miscellaneous Specialties / Fire-Protection Specialties /
Electrical / Grounding and Bonding / Hangers and Supports / Electrical Identification / Electrical Demolition / Low Voltage Electrical Power / Conductors
and Cables / Conduits / Boxes / Cabinets and Enclosures / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches / Panelboards / Luminaries / Mechanical / Mechanical
Identification / Piping Insulation / Duct Insulation / Plumbing Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Plumbing Equipment / Small Split System Heating and Cooling /
Ducts / Duct Accessories / Power Ventilators / Air Outlets and Inlets
Bids To: Architect for the Owner, Board of Supervisors’ Board Room, 109 East Main Street, New Albany, MS
Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC Greenville, MS / Phone (662) 332-0388 / Fax (662) 332-0391
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-16
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/22/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
6-MDOT-STP-1439-00(005) / 106928301
, / Lauderdale Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Mill and Overlay US 11 Approximately 4 Miles from I-59 to Arundel Road, Known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-1439-00(005) / 106928301 in
Lauderdale County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
IR Waiting Area Renovations Package B
Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/15/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,21,22,23,26,27,28,
Desc: Demolition / Selective Electrical Demolition / Cast Underlayment / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Wood Casework / Firestopping / Joint Sealers
/ Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Impact Resistant Wood Doors (Flush) / Door Hardware / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient
Flooring / Painting and Coating / Cubicles / Wall and Corner Guards / Common Work Results for Fire Suppression / Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems /
Mechanical / Medical Gas and Vacuum Systems / Identification for HVAC and Plumbing / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing and Performance / Testing for
HVAC / HVAC Insulation / HVAC Ducts and Casings / Air Duct Accessories / Air Outlets and Inlets / Electrical / General Provisions / Electrical Systems
Codes and Standards / Basic Materials and Methods / Low-Voltage Electrical / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports
for Electrical Systems / Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Enclosed
Switches / Interior Lighting / Hangers and Supports for Communications Systems / Conduits and Backboxes for Communications Systems / Nurse Call/
Code Blue Systems / Fire Detection and Alarm
Bids To: In the Office of Construction, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
Plans From: Cooke Douglass Farr Lemons Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 366-3110 / Fax (601) 366-3181
Prebid Conference: 2/17 @2PM, Const Con Rm, AB008, Bldg D
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-48
Est. Cost: $70,000 - $80,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/15/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Additions and Renovations To Union County Heritage Museum
New Albany,MS / Union Co (in 2/4/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16
Desc: Geotechnical Investigation / Earthwork / Demolition / Termite Treatment / Fencing / Concrete Work / Latex Underlayment / Masonry / Structural
Steel / Rough Carpentry / Gypsum Sheathing / Finish Carpentry / Cabinet Work / Insulation / Weather Barrier / Synthetic Single Ply Roofing System /
Flashing and Sheet Metal / Joint Fillers / Through Wall Copper Flashing / Steel Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Aluminum Storefront / Aluminum Clad
Wood Windows / Finish Hardware / Finishes / Gypsum Board / Waterproofing for Tiling / Porcelain Tile Work / Suspended Acoustical Ceiling / Carpet
/ Painting / Miscellaneous Specialties / Plastic Toilet Compartments / Fire Protection Specialties / Architectural Aluminum Canopy / Modular Laminate
Casework / Window Treatments / Mechanical / Basic Mechanical Requirements / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Mechanical Insulation /
Plumbing / Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) / Heat Generation / Refrigeration / Air Handling / Air Distribution / Automatic Temperature
Controls / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / Basic Electrical Requirements / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Service and Distribution
(600 Volt and Below) / Lighting / Testing
Bids To: Architect for the Owner at the Union County Heritage Museum, 114 Cleveland Street, New Albany, MS
Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC Greenville, MS / Phone (662) 332-0388 / Fax (662) 332-0391
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-51, GP-1A
Est. Cost: $1,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
New Preschool and Office of Special Services Relocation
Madison,MS / Madison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,22,23,26,27,28,31,32,33
Desc: Selective Structure Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Plastic-Laminate-Faced Architectural Cabinets / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint
Firestopping / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts / Door Hardware
/ Glazing / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Tile Ceilings / Resilient Base and Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring /
Resilient Athletic Flooring / Tile Carpeting / Interior Painting / Visual Display Surfaces / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
/ Fire Extinguishers / Aluminum Walkway Covers / Flagpole / Residential Appliances / Play Field Equipment and Structures / Horizontal Louver Blinds
/ Manufactured Wood-Veneer-Faced Casework / Simulated Stone Countertops / Division 21 Specifications are Included on the Drawing Sheets – Not
Included in the Project Manual / Division 22 Specifications are Included on the Drawing Sheets – Not Included in the Project Manual / Division 23
Specifications are Included on the Drawing Sheets – Not Included in the Project Manual / Electrical / General Provisions / Codes and Standards /
Electrical Equipment/Material Submittals / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V)
/ Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding and Bonding System / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Lighting Control Systems
/ Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunication Raceway System / Communication System / Equipment/Material Submittals / Telecommunication
Cabling System (Premises) / Intercommunication System / Safety/Security System / Equipment/Material Submittals / Fire Detection and Alarm System
/ Site Clearing / Earth Moving / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Paving / Concrete Paving Joint Sealants / Pavement Markings / Playground Protective
Surfacing / Chain Link Fences and Gates / Decorative Metal Fences and Gates / Planting Irrigation / Turf and Grasses / Plants / Storm Utility Drainage
Bids To: Madison County School District, 476 Highland Colony Pkwy, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-2699 / Fax (601) 352-2693
Prebid Conference: 2/12 @10AM, 476 Highland Colony Pkwy, Ridgeland MS
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-56
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
1-MDOT-NH-0002-06(021) / 106946301
, / Lee Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Mill and Overlay US 45 from Monroe County Line to US 45 A, Known as Federal Aid Project No. NH-0002-06(021 / 106946301 in Lee County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
2-MDOT-NH-0014-03(069) / 106949301
, / Perry Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Overlay Approximately 7 Miles of US Highway 98 from Lake Perry Road to Green County Line, Known as Federal Aid Project No. NH-001403(069) / 106949301 in Perry County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
3-MDOT-NH-0015-01(131) / 106697301
, / Franklin Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Overlay Approximately 5 Miles of US 84 from East End of Bude Bypass to Homochitto River Bridge, Known as Federal Aid Project No. NH-001501(131)/106697301 in Franklin County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
5-MDOT-HSIP-0059-01(114) / 106818301
, / Forrest Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Overlay I-59 Loop Ramps at US 49 with High Friction Surface Treatment, Known as Federal Aid Project No. HSIP-0059-01(114) / 106818301 in
Forrest County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $250,000 - $500,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
7-MDOT-ER-2167-00(002) / 106530301
, / Wayne Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Slide Repair on SR 184 at Waynesboro, Known as Federal Aid Project No. ER-2167-00(002) / 106530301 in Wayne County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $500,000 - $1,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
8-MDOT-STP-2904-00(014) / 106926301
, / Scott Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Mill and Overlay Approximately 6 Miles of US 80 from 2.412 Miles East of 3 Lane to West of Forest, Known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-290400(014) / 106926301 in Scott County
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: Jx-71
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Landscaping Enhancement Project - Long Beach Harbor
Long Beach,MS / Harrison Co (in 1/26/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Landscape Planting / Sodding
Bids To: City Clerk, City Hall, 201 Jeff Davis Ave, Long Beach, MS
Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 436-7612 / Fax (228) 436-7676
Prebid Conference: 2/05 @ 2pm
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-1B
Est. Cost: requested
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Pineville Area Sewer Improvements - Rebid
Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 2,16
Desc: Mobilization / Demobilization / Demolition / Restoration / Clearing / Grubbing / Strucutre Removal / Obstruction Removal / Earthwork / Excavation
/ Utility Line Encased Crossing / Riprap / TRM / Storm Water Management / Painted Traffic Markings / Seeding / Hydro Mulching / Hydro Seeding /
Sodding / In Grade Preperation / Aggregate Base Pavemetn / Asphalt Pavement / Seeding / Silt Fence / Erosion Checks / Sewer Force Mains / Crushed
Limestong Base Course / Water Vlaves / Drainage System / Chain Link Fencing / Low Pressure Sewer / Pumps Chart / Piping / Vlave / Air Valves /
Vaults / Step Pump Station / Septic Tanks / Variable Frequency
Bids To: Board Conference Room, First Judicial Courthouse, Gulfport, MS
Plans From: Knesal Engineering Services, Inc. Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 867-9100 / Fax (228) 865-0043
Prebid Conference: 2/6 @ 9:30am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-16
Est. Cost: 200,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Pipe Rehab & Valve Replacement - Escatawpa River Crossings
Moss Point,MS / Jackson Co (in 1/21/2015)
Divisions: 2,13
Desc: Demolition / Piping / Mill Type Detailed Piping Specification / Steel Pipe / Steel Fittings / Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Wraps / Asbestos
Bids To: Jackson Port Authority, 3033 Pascagoula Street, Pascagoula, MS
Plans From: Compton Engineering Pascagoula, MS / Phone (228) 762-3970 / Fax (228) 769-9079
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-3C
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/23/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Advanced Construction and Development Mobile,AL Phone (251) 661-1416 Fax (228) 474-0080
Alamiss Construction, Inc Lucedale,MS Phone (601) 947-2542 Fax (601) 947-8742
*Colom Construction Co., Inc. Ripley,MS Phone (662) 837-3474 Fax (662) 837-3494
Graham Construction Co. Inc. Moss Point,MS Phone (228) 475-9739 Fax (228) 475-4574
Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550
Insituform Technologies Chesterfield,MA Phone (636) 530-8610 Fax (836) 898-5094
JWB Construction LLC Taylorsville,MS Phone (601) 374-0239 Fax (000) 000-0000
Twin L Construction Pass Christian ,MS Phone (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155
Bidding: 2/24/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
4-MDOT-IM-0059-03(093) / 106187301,302,303
, / Newton, Lauderdale Co (in 2/5/2015)
Desc: Mill and Overlay I-20 and I-59, Known as Federal Aid Project Nos. IM-0020-02(082), IM-0020-02(082) and IM-0059-03(093) / 106187301,302 and
303 in Newton and Lauderdale
Bids To: MDOT, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Rm. 1013, Ms. Dept. of Transportation, Admin. Bldg., 401 N. West St., Jackson
Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71
Est. Cost: $15,000,000,- $20,000,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/25/2015 at 4:00:00 PM
The South Area Contract Infrastructure Upgrade
Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 1/13/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Site Work Selective Site Demolition, Site Preparation & Clearing, Earthwork, Trench Backfilling, Erosion Control, Asphalt Paving, Concrete
Pavement, Concrete Sidewalks/Gutters/Curbs, Storm Drains, Water Main, Fire Hydrants, Valves, Sanitary Sewers, PVC Piping, Manholes/Catch Basin/
Inlets / Hydroseeding / Wattles / Hot Bituminous Pavement / Under Drains / Low Pressure Portland Cement Grout / Large Diameter Gravity Sewer Pipe
/ Traffic Markings / Raised Pavement Markers / Sewage Pumping Station / Duplex/Triplex Pump Control Panel / Auger Boring / Concrete Formwork /
Concrete Reinforcement / Cast In Place Concrete / Concrete Finishes / Miscellaneous Metals
Bids To: City of Biloxi, Mayor’s Office, City Hall, Lamuese Street, Biloxi, MS
Plans From: City of Biloxi Engineering Division Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 435-6271 / Fax (228) 435-6179
Prebid Conference: 01/20/15@ 10 am, Biloxi Com Cntr, MLK Blvd Biloxi
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-4B
Est. Cost: $80 Million
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/13/2014)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
***Requested Information From Arc/Eng , Phone Fax
Bidding: 2/26/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Central MS Crime Lab (Landscaping) Dept. of Public Safety
Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/30/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Irrigation Systems / Grassing / Plant Material
Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201
Plans From: Barlow-Eddy-Jenkins P.A. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 352-8377 / Fax (601) 352-7232
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $25 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-50
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/30/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 2/26/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Old Kinard Water Tank Demolition
Oxford,MS / Lafayette Co (in 1/27/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Clearing and Grubbing / Erosion Control / Structure Demolition / Chain Link Fence and Gates / Lead Contaminated Soil Removal
Bids To: University of Mississippi, Office of the Director of Purchasing, 164 Jeanette Phillips Drive, PO Box 8750, University, MS 38677
Plans From: Engineering Solutions, Inc. Pontotoc, MS / Phone (662) 489-1525 / Fax (662) 489-1725
Prebid Conference: 2/17 @ 130PM, Physical Plant Con Rm, 700 Hathorn R
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-20
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/27/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 3/2/2015 at 4:00:00 PM
Raleigh Elementary School Renovations 2015
Raleigh,MS / Smith Co (in 1/29/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,12,22,23,26
Desc: Site & Safety Information For Bidders / Hazardous Materials information For Bidder / Albert L. Love, PH.D. REM – Environmental & Occupational
Health Consultant / Demolition / Engineering Control of Asbestos Containing Materials / Cast Underlayment / Rough Carpentry / Architectural
Woodworks / Thermal Insulation / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Metal – Framed Storefronts &
Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Painting & Coating / Visual Display
Boards / Signage / Plastic Toilet Compartments / Toilet Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Meters & Gages for
Plumbing Piping / General Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping & Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping
& Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Domestic Water Piping Specialties / Sanitary Waste And Vent Piping / Testing,
Adjusting & Balancing for HVAC / Duct Insulation / Metal Ducts / Air Duct Accessories / Ventilation Systems / Air Distribution System / Air Outlets & Inlets
/ Diffusers, Registers & Grilles / Split System Air Conditioners / Common Work Results for Electrical / Low Voltage Conductors & Cables / Grounding
& Bonding for Electrical Systems / Coordination / Raceway & Boxes for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Identification For
Electrical Systems / Lighting Control Devices / Wiring Devices / Panel boards / Fuses / Enclosed Switches & Circuit Breakers / Indoor Lighting / Exterior
Bids To: Smith County School District, P. O. Bpx 308, 212 Sylvarena Ave., Raleigh, MS. 39168
Plans From: Dean & Dean/Assoc. Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 939-7717 / Fax (601) 939-3420
Prebid Conference: 2/11 @ 1pm @Raleigh Elem. Cafeteria
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-33
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*Casablanca Construction, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677
*Larry J. Sumrall Contrs., Inc. Laurel,MS Phone (601) 649-4490 Fax (601) 426-9622
Bidding: 3/2/2015 at 4:00:00 PM
Taylorsville Attendance Center Renovations
Taylorsville,MS / Smith Co (in 1/29/2015)
Divisions: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,12,22,23,26
Desc: Engineering Control of Asbestos Containing Materials / Site and Safety Information for Bidders / Hazardous Materials Information for Bidder /
Demolition / Cast Underlayment / Rough Carpentry / Architectural Woodwork / Thermal Insulation / Metal Roof Panels / Firestopping / Joint Sealers /
Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Metal Framed Storefronts and Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Gypsum Board Assemblies /
Tiling / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Painting and Coating / Visual Display Boards / Signage / Plastic Toilet Compartments / Toilet Accessories
/ Fire Protection Specialties / Horizontal Louver Blinds / Mechanical / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Specialties / Common Work Results for Plumbing
/ Meters and Gages for Plumbing Piping / General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment /
Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Domestic Water Piping Specialties / Sanitary
Waste and Vent Piping / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Duct Insulation / Metal Ducts / Air
Duct Accessories / Ventilation Systems / Air Distribution System / Air Outlets and Inlets / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Split System Air Conditions
/ Electrical / Coordination / Wiring Devices / Common Work Results for Electrical / Low Voltage Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for
Electrical Systems / Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Lighting Control Devices / Panelboards / Fuses /
Enclosed Switches and Circuit Speakers / Indoor Lighting / Exterior Lighting
Bids To: Smith County School District, P O Box 212, Sylvarena Avenue, Raleigh, MS 39168
Plans From: Dean & Dean/Assoc. Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 939-7717 / Fax (601) 939-3420
Prebid Conference: 2/11 @ 3PM, Taylorsville Elem Cafeteria
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-34
Est. Cost: $300,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/4/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*Larry J. Sumrall Contrs., Inc. Laurel,MS Phone (601) 649-4490 Fax (601) 426-9622
Richard Womack Construction, LLC Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-5675 Fax (601) 849-4966
Sullivan Enterprises Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-4121
Bidding: 3/3/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Admin. Building Generator - Clinton Public School District
Clinton,MS / Hinds Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 16
Desc: Electrical / General / Work in Existing Facilities / Raceways / Emergency / Standby Power System / Grounding / Conductors / Panelboards /
Surge Protective Device
Bids To: Clinton Public School District, PO Box 300 (39060), 203 Easthaven Drive, Clinton, MS 39056
Plans From: The Power Source, PLLC Madison, MS / Phone (601) 605-4820 / Fax (601) 605-4875
Prebid Conference: 2/17 @10AM, Project Site
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-54
Est. Cost: requested
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 3/3/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
RTU Replacement - West Tallahatchie HS Auditorium
Webb,MS / Tallahatchie Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Selective Demolition
Bids To: West Tallahatchie School District, 1096 Friendship Road, Webb, MS 38966
Plans From: Major Design Studio, PLLC Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 425-2485 / Fax (662) 241-6829
Prebid Conference: 2/26 @10AM, West Tallahatchie HS Auditorium
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-55
Est. Cost: $100,000
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 2/5/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 3/4/2015 at 4:00:00 PM
Caillavet Ball Park: Pkg 4 - Signage
Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Bids To: Mayor’s Office, 2nd Floor, City Hall Building, 140 Lameuse St, Biloxi, MS
Plans From: Dale Partners Architects, P.A. Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 374-1409 / Fax (228) 374-1414
Prebid Conference: 2/12 @ 10am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-2A
Est. Cost: requested
Bidding: 3/4/2015 at 4:00:00 PM
Caillavet Ball Park: Pkg 5 - Audio Visual
Biloxi,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 27
Desc: TV Distribution System / Sound Reinforced System
Bids To: Mayor’s Office, 2nd Floor, City Hall Building, 140 Lameuse St, Biloxi, MS
Plans From: Dale Partners Architects, P.A. Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 374-1409 / Fax (228) 374-1414
Prebid Conference: 2/12 @ 11am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-2B
Bidding: 3/5/2015 at 1:30:00 PM
Demolition of Buildings At Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center
Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 1/26/2015)
Desc: Site Clearing / Excavation / Fill and Backfill / Trenching for Site Utilities / Soil Treatment for Termite Control / Seeding /
Bids To: In The Office of the Adjutant General, State of Mississippi, New Addition, First Floor Classroom No 192B, 1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson,
Plans From: Mississippi Military Department Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 313-6135 / Fax (601) 313-6163
Prebid Conference: 2/18 @ 10AM, BLDG 6600 DPW Con Rm, Camp Shelby, MS
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-09
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/26/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Bidding: 3/9/2015 at 1:00:00 PM
Navigational Channel Restoration
Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 2
Desc: Disposal Site / Dredging / Permit
Bids To: Terry Miller, Clerk of the Board, Jackson County General Services Building, 2915 Canty Streeet, Suite R, Pascagoula, MS
Plans From: Seymour Engineering Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 385-2350 / Fax (228) 385-2353
Prebid Conference: 2/19 @ 10am
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulport Bin #: GP-20
Est. Cost: requested
Bidding: 3/10/2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Terminal 3 M&R Facility
Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 2/5/2015)
Divisions: 3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,21,22,23,26,27,28,31,32,33
Desc: Concrete Forming / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast In Place Conrete / Concrete Curing / Precast Structural Concrete / Structural Steel Framing /
Metal Deck / Nonload Bearing Metal Studs / Cold Formed Steel Framing / Metal Fabrications / Metal Stairs / Rough Carpentry / Plastic Laminated Faced
Architectural Cabinets / Thermal Insualtion / Formed Metal Wall Panels / Thermoplastic Polyolefin Roofing / Sheet Metal Trim / Sheet Metal Flashing
/ Roof Accessories / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors / Hollow Metal Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Overhead Coilign Doors / Aluminum Framed
Entrances / Aluminum Framed Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Non Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Tiling / Acoustical Tile Ceilings /
Resilient Base / Resilient Tile Flooring / Exterior Painting / Interior Painting / Panel Signage / Toilet Accessories / Fire Extinguishers / Fire Extinguisher
Cabinets / Canopies / Residential Appliances / Sleeves / Fire Suppression piping Sleeve Seals / Escutcheons Fire Suppression Piping / Fire Protection
Piping General Duty Valves / Fire Suppression Piping Heat Tracing / Fire Suppression Piping Identification / Fire Suppression Equipment / Fire
Department Connections / Wet Pipe Sprinkler / Dry Pipy Sprinkler / Mechanical / Pipe / Pipe Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports / Anchors
/ Mechaincal Sound Control / Mechanical Vibration Control / Mechanical Insultion / Packaged Oil and Lube System / Plumbing / Plumbign Fixtures /
Plumbing Trim / Domestic water Heaters / Packaged Air Conditions / HVAC / Heating and Cooling Terminal Units / Fans / Air Cleaning / Air Treatment
/ Ductwork / Air Terminal Units / Controls / Insturmentation / Testing / Adjusting / Balancing / Electrical / Codes / Standards / Electrical Materials /
Raceways / Fittigns / Boxes / enclosures / Conductors / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding / Bonding / Lightning Protection / Panelboards
/ Dry Type Transformers / TVSS / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Lighting Control System / equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunication
Raceway / Communications /Telecommunication Raceway / Fire Alarm Conductors / Fire Alarm Cables / Digital Addressable Fire Alarm System /
Pile Load Tests / Site Grading / Excavation / Trenching / Dewatering / Fill / Termite Control / Prestressed Concrete Piles / Aggregate Base Courses /
Concrete Paving / Chain Link Fences / Chain Link Gates / Site Water utility Distribution Piping / Pipe Culverts / PVC Gravity Piping / PVC Pressure Pipe
Bids To: Executive Director, MS Port Authority, 2510 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS
Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335
Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-08
Est. Cost: requested
Bidding: 3/19/2015 at 2:00:00 PM
Data Center Improvements - Repair Roof Leaks
Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 12/15/2014)
Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,9
Desc: Site Preparation / Demolition / Self-Leveling Underlayment / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Waterproofing / Weather
Barriers / Standing Seam Metal Roof, Wall and Soffit Panels / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Gypsum Board Assemblies /
Painting and Coating
Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201
Plans From: Sanders Engineering Inc Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 924-0047 / Fax (601) 924-6812
Prebid Conference: 3/12 @ 1PM
Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-07
Plan Holders: (Updated Date 1/29/2015)
* Indicates Membership in ABC
*Cal-Mar Construction Co., LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 932-5409 Fax (601) 939-3566
*E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944
*Mandals, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 864-1474 Fax (228) 864-1408
*Rowell Roofing, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-9494 Fax (601) 736-8015
ABC - Bid Results
For Bid Dates From 1/22/2015 To 2/5/2015
* Indicates Membership in ABC
Tupelo, MS - Lee
***Under Advisement
Jackson, MS - Hinds
Tony Watson Electric
Tupelo, MS - Lee
***Under Advisement
Magnolia, MS - Pike
Estimate: $800,000 - $900,000
***Under Advisement
Louisville, MS - Winston
War Construction
, - Harrison
10-MDOT-HSIP-0064-01(029) / 105293301
* F & F Construction, Inc.
, - Lauerdale
11-MDOT-BR-0075-01(010) / 102482301
* T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc.
, - Scott
N.L. Carson Construction Co. Inc.
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Estimate: $5,000,000-$10,000,000
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
, - Newton
13-MDOT-BR-0472-00(015) / 102367302
* Key, LLC
, - Newton
14-MDOT-STP-1436-00(002) / 106929301 IN NEWTON CO.
Estimate: $100,000-$250,000
Estimate: $250,000-$500,000
W. E. Blain & Sons
, - Lincoln
15-MDOT-BR-2175-00(010) / 101840301
* Key, LLC
Clinton, MS - Hinds
16-MDOT-BWO-5222-25(001) / 502891301. BWO-5223-25(001) /
502891302, BWO-5224-25(001) / 502891303,
Estimate: $500,000-$1,000,000
Coleman Hammons Construction
Benton, MS - Yazoo
* APAC - Mississippi, Inc.
Vicksburg, MS - Warren
* APAC - Mississippi, Inc.
, - Hancock
3-MDOT-IM-0010-01(142) / 106407301
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Warren Paving $3,824,674
, - Lincoln
4-MDOT-NH-0015-01(130) / 106925301
* Dickerson & Bowen, Inc.
, - Lafayette
Lehman Roberts Co.
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Jackson, MS - Hinds
7-MDOT-BR-0020-01(192) / 105022301
* T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc.
, - Jones
8-MDOT-STP-0022-01(079) / 106950301
* Dunn Roadbuilders, LLC
Philadelphia, MS - Neshoba
9-MDOT-STP-0024-04(025) / 106927301
* Dickerson & Bowen, Inc.
Covington, LA - Saint Tammany
Estimate: $10,000,000-$15,000,000
Estimate: $1,000,000-$5,000,000
Estimate: $6,533,170.00
Gallo Mechanical
Mississippi State, MS - Oktibbeha
T & M Steel
Hattiesburg, MS - Forrest
C.B. Developers
Brookhaven, MS - Lincoln
* Smith Painting & Contracting, Inc.
University, MS - Lafayette
Estimate: $500,000-$1,000,000
Estimate: $800,000
***Requested Information From Arc/Eng
Canton, MS - Madison
***Under Advisement
Raymond, MS - Hinds
Estimate: $400,000 - $600,000
***Requested Information From Arc/Eng
Long Beach, MS - Harrison
Estimate: $1.8 Million
***Under Advisement
DCD Construction
JO Collins Constr
Mississippi State, MS - Oktibbeha
Estimate: $350,000
War Construction
Hazlehurst, MS - Copiah
Estimate: $12,000,000
***Under Advisement
Tupelo, MS - Lee
Estimate: $10000000
***Under Advisement
Canton, MS - Madison
***Under Advisement
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Tupelo, MS (800) 438-6832
Jackson Plan Room
5165 Old Brandon Road, Pearl, MS 39208
800-806-7222 • (601) 944-0421 • Fax: (601) 944-0513
Tupelo Plan Room c/o Tull Brothers
104 Airpark Road, Tupelo, MS 38801
(662) 407-0888 • Fax: (662) 407-0884
Presorted Standard
Gulfport Plan Room
10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2, Gulfport, MS 39503
(228) 897-1711 • Fax: (228) 897-2711
Dated Material, Prompt delivery requested
Cleveland Plan Room c/o Robinson Electric
825 N Chrisman, Cleveland, MS 38732
(662) 843-3978 • Fax: (662) 843-6217
Columbus Plan Room c/o American Glass Company
2206 Short Main St., Columbus, MS 39701
(662) 327-4874 • Fax: (662) 328-7316
Hattiesburg Plan Room c/o Smith Painting & Contracting
652 West 4th St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401
(601) 583-8157 • Fax: (601) 544-3508
Mississippi Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Publication Editor: Effie Adams
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