Cultural Connections (March 13-14, 2015) Arthur Dixon Elementary School is hosting its 17th annual “Cultural Connections” African Marketplace and Bazaar. “Cultural Connection” was initiated in March 1998 to provide a unique entrepreneurial experience for students of Dixon school. “Connections” showcases the creativity, skill and business acumen of local entrepreneurs. It also provides an entrepreneurial workshop for students, teachers and a unique consumer market for the community. Complete w/Cocktails: Healthy & Sexy (December 6, 2014) Retail Therapy with a Drink! Join us for a completely FREE, WOMEN-ONLY day party shopping experience whose purpose is to encourage shopping with local entrepreneurs paired with a woman’s favorite accessory: sexy cocktails made with healthy ingredients. Sponsored by Natural Passion. 2nd Biennial International Bazaar (May 17, 2014) Shopping, entertainment, exhibits, raffle, and fun for the entire family! Hosted by the South Suburban Chicago (IL) Chapter of The Links, Inc. Biz to Biz Shop & Swap (April 26, 2014) Are you a business owner who has inventory or supplies that you no longer have a need for? The Biz to Biz Swap & Shop is where businesses can sell to other businesses or swap products/supplies. Items no longer needed i.e. gift boxes, packaging materials, business equipment, items in abundance, and anything that you want to part with can benefit another business or someone looking for a great deal. This event is specifically for businesses to sell, shop or swap with other businesses (the 1st hour of the event is open to vendors only for priority shopping). The event is also open to the public. WE WILL NOT BE SELLING OR REGULAR MERCHANDISE, ONLY USED & USED BUSINESS ITEMS. Bla ck Wo men's Expo (March h 28-30 0, 2014 4) An eve ent that seeks s to empower,, educate, imp prove, and ce elebrate the livves of Black w women and their families. Cul tural Connec C ctions (March h 21-22 2, 2014 4) Arthur Dixon Elementary School is hosting its 17th annual “Cultural “ Con nnections” Afrrican Marketp place and Bazzaar. “Cultural Connection” was initiated in Marc ch 1998 to pro ovide a uniqu ue entreprene eurial experien nce for students of Dixon sschool. “Conne ections” show wcases the cre eativity, skill and a business acumen of lo ocal entrepren neurs. It also provides an e entrepreneurial worksh hop for studen nts, teachers and a unique e consumer market m for the community. Sheccky's Girrls Nightt Out 11.7.13‐11 1.8.13 Hey theere, Chicago… …Shecky’s Girrls Night Out is blowin’ into o the Windy CCity, and you’re invited! D Discover uniqu ue designers, sip ourr delectable d drinks, and cap your night w with some prretty pamperiing and glorio ous Goodie Baags. Com mplete w w/Cockta ails 10.26 6.13 It's Bacck! Enjoy a daay party shopping experien nce Complete e w/Cocktails ! Sponsored b by Natural Paassion CLICK H HERE FOR MO ORE INFORMA ATION My H Happy N Nappy Exxperiencce 10.5.1 13 Come ccelebrate being naturally yyou!! We havve several seggments planneed to help yo ou find new w ways to celebrrate Your Hap ppy Nappy Experience! TThis event is for all ages, w with opportun nities to learnn & discuss heealthy hair & self‐care. Wee also believe in supporrting the community which h is why we w will have busin nesses availa ble for your rretail therapyy. nted by Curls Unleashed, th he Traveling N Naturalista, & & Natural Hairr Nation Presen Natu ural Passsion Hom me Partyy 7.6.13 3 Home Party. Naturaal Passion is delighted to present itself tto the ladies o of Cleveland H Natu ural Passsion Hom me Partyy 6.9.13 3 Naturaal Passion is delighted to present itself tto the "Passio onate about O Our Passion" Home Party. Eartth Fest 5 5.11.13 The Un niversity of Ch hicago's annu ual Earth Fest event showccases local susstainable bussinesses and o organizationss from the Chicago oland area. H Hosted by the Office of Susstainability. Blacck Entrep preneurs Empow wermen nt Netwo ork Even nt 4.24.1 13 The Blaack Entrepren neurs Empow werment Netw work event is aimed at Blacck Entrepreneeurs looking tto connect w with other " Creativve Minds for aa Common Go oal" in order to build a nettwork of reliaable customers, business aallies and refeerrals. Entrepreneurs will include Caterers, Health an nd Beauty Co onsultants, Evvent Planners,, Website Dessigners, Artistt, Financial hers, EduTainers, Musician ns and much m more. Consultants, Publish Sheccky's Girrls Nightt Out 4.4 4.13‐4.5..13 Hey theere, Chicago… …Shecky’s Girrls Night Out is blowin’ into o the Windy CCity, and you’re invited! D Discover uniqu ue designers, sip ourr delectable d drinks, and cap your night w with some prretty pamperiing and glorio ous Goodie Baags. Cultural Con nnection n 3.8.13‐‐3.9.13 Arthur Dixon Elementary School is hosting its 16th annual “Cultural Connnection” Afrrican Marketp place and Bazzaar. “Cultural provide a uniq que entreprenneurial experrience for stud dents of Dixo on school. Connecction” was initiated in Marrch 1998 to p “Conneections” show wcases the cre eativity, skill aand business acumen of loocal entrepreeneurs. It also o provides an entrepreneurial workshop for stu udents, teach hers and a unique consum er market forr the commun nity. 2013 3 Clevela and Nattural Haiir Care aand Fitneess Expo o 2.24.13 3 Now in n its 3rd year, the Cleveland Natural Hair Care Expo iis a unique cuultural, spiritu ual and educaational experiience with the purposse of fulfilling the holistic n needs of its fo ollowers. Here e, one will gaain the educattional resourcces of natural trends in hair and bo ody, transition ning to naturaal, alternative e daily living ssolutions and the opportunity to share knowledge w with fellow entrepreneurs and people. With h an emphasiss on green livving, the Cleveeland Natural Hair Care Exxpo is a haven n for natural daily reemedies, as w well as, an enttertaining exp perience for tthe families a nd individualls alike to take a break from the norm. Mali Yetu Annual Kwanzaa Celebration 12.27.12 (Cleveland, OH) This FREE Kwanzaa celebration will feature speakers, entertainment, a community dinner, and vendors for the principle of Kujichagulia (Self Determination)! Complete w/Cocktails Enjoy a night of shopping, pampering, and appetizers with Natural Passion and friends, Complete with Cocktails. Sponsored by Natural Passion Sister's Hair Gallery Christmas Extravaganza 12.9.12 Come out and shop for Xmas with the Sister's Hair Gallery! World Language Fair 11.30.12 The Annual World Language Fair: Wildcat World Adventure! Come out and join us in a celebration of diverse cultures as we enjoy international films, music, arts and crafts, dancing and delicious food! Hosted by the Murray Language Academy PTO Natural Passion Party 11.24.12 (Cleveland, OH) Natural Passion invades the "Land" with the Fall and Winter 2012 Collections of Natural & Organic Personal Care Products. Private Event Phenomenal Women NFP Pre-Holiday Vendor Expo 11.3.12 The Focus of the Phenomenal Women Social Club is to build a network of unique and successful Women who will provide aid and assistance to the needy through charitable acts and works. The group consist of Career Women, Entrepreneurs, Retirees, Students and Homemakers. Our aim is to uplift, encourage, support and learn from one another through positive interaction. The Phenomenal Women Social Club is a group of outstanding Women making a difference. Shecky's Girls Night Out 10.24.12-10.25.12 Hey there, Chicago…Shecky’s Girls Night Out is blowin’ into the Windy City, and you’re invited! Discover unique designers, sip delectable drinks, and cap your night with some pretty pampering and glorious Goodie Bags. You don’t want to miss this!!!! Shop. Share. Love. Vibe. 7.29.12 Shop. Share. Love. Vibe. a fusion of art and experience a lifestyle and cultural growth and simple togetherness 3rd Annual Chocolate & Dessert Fantasy 7.11.12 This is an evening of pure indulgence for everyone! Have a sweet tooth?? We have the cure! Everyone deserves to spoil themselves...and what better way to do it than with sweets! This evening will be packed wall to wall with delightful desserts and chocolates of every flavor. Admission includes complimentary drink, raffle, music, shopping, pampering section, cash bar, unlimited chocolate, desserts, and more! Portion of proceeds will go to the help out a good cause! Presented by: Cutting Edge Events and Ladies Night Chicago Hyde Park Summer Festival 6.30.12-7.1.12 "Celebrate Hyde Park" is a series of festivals and a celebration of the Hyde Park community in Chicago. The events are designed to bring people of all ages to East 53rd street for fun, food, music, art, and family entertainment. The neighborhood celebration highlights the many local shops, restaurants, artistic and musical talent which makes Hyde Park the Cultural Coast of Chicago's neighborhoods. Sassy City Chicks Fashion Bash 6.21.12 Chi City fashionistas: looking for a ladies' night out? Step out in style with the Sassy City Chicks! Our Spring Fashion Bash, hosted at Venue One, will feature discounted apparel & accessories, FREE spa treatments, and sassy swag! Dangerous Curves Ahead Annual Charity Fashion Show 5.19.12 Dangerous Curves Ahead is a one-of-a-kind event that takes place every spring since 2009 at Chicago's gorgeous Zhou B Art Center. DCA fights homelessness while embracing the beauty in all women, slim and plus size alike. From their energy-infused, all sizes runway show featuring new & established fashion designers, to the fabulous lineup of over 30 exhibitors to shop, Dangerous Curves Ahead has something for you. Green Festival 5.5.12-5.6.12 The world’s premier event dedicated to sustainability, social justice and ecological balance. Shecky's Girls Night Out 4.19.12-4.20.12 Hey there, Chicago…Shecky’s Girls Night Out is blowin’ into the Windy City, and you’re invited! Discover unique designers, sip delectable drinks, and cap your night with some pretty pampering and glorious Goodie Bags. You don’t want to miss this!!!! Green Metropolis Fair 4.14.12 Join us for this special all day Earth Month Event to celebrate spring, sustainable living & wellness! Hosted by the Green Parents Network, and Green Exchange Extravaganza Vendor and Craft Spring Expo 3.10.12 This event will feature 80 vendors and crafters appealing to women, men, and children of all ages. Celebrate Black HERstory Month Event 2.18.12 On Februaury 19, 2011 Chicago Natural Beauty Meetup held its first meeting. In less than one year the group has grown to over 400 members. They are proud to be a group of women who empower, support and inspire one another. Their one year anniversary party will be unlike any other Natural Hair Event. Join them as they celebrate Black HERstory Month with some of our favorite Chicago Natural Hair Gurus. Sponsored by Rachel O. African American History Fair & Marketplace 2.10.12 Hosted by the Murray Language Academy PTO Gloss Magazine Online Salute to Black Media Soiree 1.27.12 Join NATURAL PASSION, as a Sponsor, at GMOs “2012 Salute to Black Media Soiree,” which will recognize media professionals in Chicago and the surrounding areas, making a difference in their communities and in the field. General admission gift bags will include a 4oz Opulent Polish! Body Butter from Natural Passion! **NON-SELLING EVENT* Beautiful Black Businesswomen Mini Vendor Expo 4.2.11 Join Natural Passion and several other extraordinary women as we embody the principles of Ujamaa (coopera ve economics)! All Occasion Fair 4.16.11 Are you ge ng married soon? Planning a big birthday? Celebra ng an anniversary? Don’t miss Apostolic Church of God's “All Occasion Fair,” where you connect with the vendors who can help you bring to life your vision for your event. Beautiful Black Businesswomen Mother's Day Expo 5.7.11 Not sure what to get your mother, grandmother, sister, friend, or special mother for Mother's Day. Stop by the Mother's Day Expo and choose from an array of products. There will be great gi s available to purchase at any budget! May Fest (Celebrate Hyde Park) 5.21.11 Celebrate Hyde Park begins the 2011 season with Mayfest, their first event of the year, featuring The American English Beatles. This is a great me of year in Chicago; Spring bringing a new fresh and exci ng me to be outdoors and a fantas c me to enjoy food, fun, and music. Hosted by the South East Chicago Commission. Chicago Naturals Meetup 5.28.11 Black Girl with Long Hair is an ever‐growing community of black, La na and mul ‐racial women who choose to wear their hair naturally — with minimal or no use of chemicals, heat, weave or extensions. They discuss everything from styling and upkeep to the social implica ons of going natural. They do not do official product reviews, and are not licensed cosmetologists or sociologists. They are just women who love natural hair and believe in the power of community. Chicago Pride Fest 6.24.11/6.25.11 This celebra on of community pride showcases an eclec c lineup of arts and cra s, food and other vendors. It also features entertainment on two stages with one dedicated to some of Chicago's fine performers in the gay community. Hosted by the Northalsted Business Alliance. Natural Passion 2011 Events 1 Ethnic Arts Festival 7.16.11/7.17.11 (Evanston, IL) This year marks the 26th anniversary of the Evanston Ethnic Arts Fes val, a celebra on of arts and cultural diversity unlike any other! Surrounded by the flags of more than 100 na ons honoring the diversity of our planet, a endees experience the colors, sounds, and aromas of world cultures. Every con nent is represented in song, dance, spoken word, visual arts and food. Hosted by the City of Evanston Cultural Arts Division Chicago Naturals Meetup 7.24.11 Ti and Miko Branch, founders of Miss Jessie’s will be in a endance at the July 24 meetup! They will be giving out 400 (yes!) gi bags containing FULL SIZED Miss Jessie’s products! In addi on, they will do a live styling demo and Q & A session. Girlfriend Soiree 8.6.11 Enjoy an a ernoon of shopping and pampering with the Girlz! In an effort to sup‐ port established not‐for‐profit organiza ons that service women as well as fund scholarships and training programs for deserving youths, Girlfriend Soiree, Incor‐ porated has hit the Chicagoland area as a socially conscious, philanthropic com‐ pany that raises money through what every woman loves to do—SHOP! Showcas‐ ing local entrepreneurs in the community while providing a fun‐filled, sister‐ bonding, stress‐free atmosphere where women of all ages, races, and cultures can stop, shop, sip, and sample, Girlfriend Soiree™ exemplifies the idea of Shop‐ ping with a Purpose. Presented by VMB Business Incentives, Ltd. Sankofa Fine Art Expo 8.13.11/8.14.11 (Cleveland, OH) 11th Annual Cleveland Fine Art Expo, “REACHING HIGHER, INSPIRE & INNOVATE". Sankofa “Fine Art Plus” is a nonprofit community arts organiza on established to increase the distribu on, preserva on and visibility of Ethnic Art, specifically in Northeastern Ohio. African Festival of the Arts 9.2.11-9.5.11 The African Fes val of the Arts is the flagship program of Africa Interna onal House USA, Inc. (AIH), a not for profit organiza on working to bridge the divides between the peoples of the African Diaspora in Chicago with its unique brand of cultural programming. Shecky's Girls Night Out 10.4.11-10.5.11 Shecky’s Girls Night Out is blowin’ into the Windy City, and you’re invited! Discover unique designers, sip delectable drinks, and cap your night with some pre y pampering and glorious Goodie Bags. Natural Passion 2011 Events 2 "Here's to Life" Concert featuring Zemrah 10.22.11 Enjoy the smooth, sultry sounds of Zemrah, jazz & contemporary vocalist for her "Here's to Life" Concert. Montford Point Marine's Association Flea Market 11.5.11 Monthly Indoor Flea Marketed broadcasted LIVE by! Hosted by the MPMA Entertainment Committee Kurls, Koffee, & Knowledge 11.6.11 Come out to this complimentary event for a unique experience. There will be a meet & greet session, great music,goodie bags, raffles, tutorials, guest speakers, games, shopping with vendors, complimentary B/C for a volunteer, and a natural hair growth challenge session. The first 35 guest will receive a goodie bag! Hosted by Sharde Israel. A.R.I.S.E Business, Bridal Expo, & Job Fair 11.12.11 Hosted by the Salem Bap st Church of Chicago. Tis' the Season with Kanvas Salon & Spa 11.19.11 Join Kanvas Salon and Spa for their Christmas Extravaganza! Come out and enjoy a night of food, fun, & shopping; this is the perfect place to get a head start on your Christmas shopping! Natural Passion 2011 Events 3 Diva's Destination 11.20.11 Mark your calenders for Diva's Des na on Shopping Extravaganza‐Celebra ng Beauty & Fashion!!! Chicago Naturals Christmas Fest 12.10.11 Taliah Waajid will be distribu ng gi bags containing 5 2oz samples of their award winning products to the first 1,200 a endees! And with more than 80 vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry to vintage clothes and body products, this will be the perfect place to do your Christmas shopping! Throughout the day (at noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.) there will be haircare presenta ons by the Taliah Waajid team, including styling ps for Christmas par es and other holiday celebra ons. Fifty Pretty Panties 3rd Annual Vendor Show 12.11.11 There will be free hot and cold Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails (Margaritas and Apple Mar ni). The first 50 guest will receive a free apprecia on gi . Also turn old Gold into New Cash, will be on‐site. Come do your holiday shopping with us! WVON's Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration 12.17.11 Join WVON for their 20th Annual Pre‐Kwanzaa Celebra on and Holiday Marketplace — a day full of food, fun and ac vi es! Sister's Hair Gallery Christmas Extravaganza 12.18.11 Come do your your last minute Christmas shopping with us here at Sister's Hair Gallery!! Cole Haan, Converse, Jewelry, Purses, Shoes, and of course, Natural Passion!! Hosted by Anise Salter & Andrea Wilbon-Lee. Mali Yetu Annual Kwanzaa Celebration 12.27.11 (Cleveland, OH) This Kwanzaa celebra on will feature speakers, entertainment, a community dinner, and vendors for the principle of Kujichagulia (Self Determina on)! Natural Passion 2011 Events 4