1939-08-03 - Hagaman Memorial Library
1939-08-03 - Hagaman Memorial Library
«Ww«a»«i|^!<'^^t." ••-'.^•^^V ^^^,,^^^^a^(,^,^i^;-;«6*i,vpy^»,' il^;j r v^~''iTV,'^t-^:n' r'j'yirsss'; »-«j<i«i»-«-^»"< . • , » - f » i < V " » r i ' , ' . X A V * ' " ^ ' 4 •'•>**''*^"*-'*****" l#HJ*et'^«^>—i#*W«M*Vt^W!*^*, B s^**«*^*-iA A % i ' * i * * l .*!i?W y llajjanau Juibrftry '•{•.<•) !(J3". THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOAVN PORTRAYING AS I T DOES LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN FAMILIAR LANGtIAGE tE^i)f Pranforli i^tiietu A N D EAST H A V E N NEWS THE HOME TO^VN PAPER _ Brivnford, Connecticut, Thursday, August 3, 1939 VOL. XII—NO. 17 TOWN Pleasure Craft "Starlite" ^'^^ Pj, •'!"'°" SPECIAL MEETIlJa TONIGHT Overturns OffStony Creek Local Woman With Thirty-FourAboard A town mcf^inp will be Iicirt tonight at 8 o'qlock in the Community House .to vote on a iicllllon request for,the rcbulldlnir ot Canoo Brook School, partially destroyed by fltc. The Board of Education announces t h a t the matter concerns not only (hat district but involves future educational policy that Is ot tar-rcaclilng Importance, educationally and flu anclally, to the whole town. Destroy Ragweed Is The O b j e c t Of Garden Club ,f _ RRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK GUANNIS CORNER — MORRIS COVE — EAST HAVEN Price Five Cents Prolonged Drought Kills Vegetation As Section Looks For Rain Soon The monthly meeting of the The following is a list of jurors Brantord Garden Club will be held selected by the jury commissioners tomorrow at 2:45 p.m. in the sumfor New Haven County from the mer home of Mrs. Charles C. DooTown of Brantord for the year Sepllttle ot Pine Orchard. The speaker, tember 1, 1939, to September 1 Excursionists Clinging To Craft Eescued By Tugboat 1940: P. August Altermatt, sexton Mrs. A.N. Croadlck of Now HaveiV, North Branford Fire Chief Issues Warning Against Fire— win discuss her color c h a r t which Hay Crop Below Average As No Relief Comes After Ca3mga, Hartford Bound—Transcript of Testimony at Mill Plain; Loren C. Baker builder, she originated. The chaVl is used Indian Neck; J. Harry Barker, inWeeks Without Rain. Hearing Sent to Washington For Decision. by a great many garden clubs surance, Cedar Street; John C. throughout state In judging their Barnes, retired. Cedar Street; HarThe prolonged drought espoolalCaptain Arthur Nelson Doollttle flower show. There will also 130 a ry J. Broadhurst, salesman. Short ly in Foxon and North Brantord, of stony Creek and witnesses were flower exhibit by members ot the Beach; Charles H. Bush, inspector, has taxed many natural resources called before a board of inquiry club which the speaker will criticShort Beach; Albert E. Coates, garto the limit and springs and small conducted In New Haven yesterday ize and Judge. Her talk will also be dener, Pine Orchard; Philip Dlestreams which have boon Unknown by Inspector A. R. Chapman and Illustrated with flowers which she bert, carpenter, Short Beach. Mary to go dry during the memory of H. C. Colgln ot the U. S. Steamboat will bring with her. Ameetliig ot C. Devlin, music teacher, Russell residents are now entirely dry or Inspection Service the "executive board will bo held a t Street; Edward A, Driscoll wirejust small mud holos. This h a s 2:15. worker, Drlscoll Road; Patrick H. Testimony given was sent to There were no children at the meant great loss of time for dairy William Castle, who has been di- Dunn, plumber. East Main Street; It was not always thus. Mrs. John Birch is chairman of Washington for decision. farmers as either the stock in pasJ. W. Bauer of Short Beach re- the committee which is trying to opening ot "Prhurose Path" at the ture must be driven distances to The hearing was In connection recting probably the most success- Albert R. Fenn, farmer, Hopson Chapel Playhouse In Quilford on with the capsizing of a custom built ful season In the Stony Creek Avenue; O. Irving Field, farmer, minds us t h a t In the summer of rid Branford of ragweed. Monday night. It was not the place suitable water supply or barrels ot A specimen Is on exhibit at, the Marblehead passenger cruiser, "Star Theatre's seventeen year history, Montowese Street; Charles B. Gold 1816 there was cold and snow tor anyone under sixteen. But there water must bo carted to the stock announces another world premiere smith, farmer, Branford. aplenty. Blackstone Memorial Library. Tliosc lite" Just before one o'clock Sunday were plenty ot people there who on pasture. on the heels ot his record-breakJanuary and February wore mild. not familiar with the weed are askmorning off Outer Island, Stony Pastures used for the milking ing production of Wesley Towner's John Hugo, real estate. Short March was cold and boisterous, the ed to examine It and join the gar- were over sixteen, and they all had Creek. Beach, Louis C. Lounsbury, merherds are brown as September pasa wonderful time. Captain "Jack" Doollttle, owner of new comedy "Not For Children" chant, Indian Neck; William J. Mc- nrst half ot It; the remainder was den club in destroying It. "Primrose Path" is the most r e - tures usually are and although tho ; . Ragweed Pollen causes Hay Fevthe boat left the public dock. Stony featuring the American debut of Kee, constable. Prospect Street; mild. hay crop was very much below averApril began warm but ended with er. Hundreds of thousands of per- cent ot George Abbott's many hits. age, many dairymen are Jlndlng It Creek at 11:30 with 33 passengers Ellen Schwanneke. Beginning on Frederick S. Prann, salesman, Pavwho had chartered It for a moon August the seventh, Mr. Castle will ed Street; Dennis Reldy, retired. snow and ice, \yhilo May was more sons are afflicted with It. Only Produced by Mr, Abbott on Broad- necessary to supplement their pasway this winter, It scored a great present "This Little Piggy Had Continued on page five light sail. Cedar Street. Charles Reynolds man remarkable for frowns than smiles. success as a very funny comedy of ture feedings with hay. This inBuds and fruits were frozen-ice All of the excurslonsts and the None" by Rene Michel. ufacturer. South Main Street a rather unusual type. It is the creases tho likelihood , ot buying Rene Michel is not nearly as well "Starlite" owner were saved. Frank E. Smith, reth'ed. Stony formed halt an inch in t h i c k n e s s story of the Wallace family, who much of tho winter supply. ,•; Miss Cynthia Chapln of Hart- knoftm in this country as on the Creek; Chauncey J. Upson, farmer, corn killed. Situation Is Grave live in a little shack In upstate New June the coldest ever known in ford, with a life belt, swam several continent, but the United States East Main Street; John R. Waters, The situation with tho market York. The family consists of Emma, hundred yards for aid and succeeded will be privileged to see his work for mason, Rogers Street; Robert Welles this latitude. "iProst and ice and the mother, who supports herself gardeners Is equally grave. Tho snow were comrnon almost every In attracting the attention ot t h e the first time under Mr. Castle's farmer. Stony Creek and her family by being no better berry growers, without Irrigation, green herb killed. "Cayuga" a passing tug boat which auspices. "This Little Piggy Had than she should be; Homer, her failed to harvest oven halt a crop. July was^ accompanied by frost brought the rescued group to the None" concerns the story of a man Harvard-graduate husband, a In some instances no black r a s p and ice. Ice formed ot the thickT. A. D. Jones Coal Co. dock. New who Is treated badly by his fellow scholar and a drunkard, who h a s berries woro marketed. Blackbar— men, and dramatically chronlclles ness of a common window glass. Haven. The Branford Serlvco Battery not held down a job for years; rles, which until the last week his reactions to the cruelty of his August was morfi cheerless, II posIn AVatcr Short While sible. Ice was foViiied half an Inch 102d Field Artillery will leave bn Grandma, a painted old lady giving I would have profited by rain are now They were In the water less t h a n neighbors. It. Involves seven differIn thlckness.Corli sold for four to August 10 tor Its annual war m a n - to singing ribald songs; and t h e Uuffe'-lnu so badly t h a t the corp wiU an hour. Several of the boat's p a s - ent settings, and a swift motionoeuvers a t Plattsburg New York, children, Claire and Davy, who eke ^^ reduced to a minimum, five dollars a buchel sengers suffered minor Injuries and picture transition from one locale to near Lake Champlain. The battery Vegotablo ^ .grovora have tolt September went out very cold and will leave Branford at 0 A. M. and out the family.Income by "Picking two were h u r t seriously enough to another. up" things out of department keenly tho flrouEht; Early smaU frosty with ice forming. warrant hospital care. Most of t h e The cast of forty includes Martin will bivouac at Rutland, Vermont, stores and people's pd'oketbooks, eroi" were nearly tallui'^B In rnany October—ice common — Novemothers were affected to some de Miller, Mary Roth, Allen Nourse, The annual meeting of the Short ^ree"by'l'ength7 tomerslo'n'ta the'Maurice Hunt, George Petrie, Louis Beach Civic Association was held ber was cold anil blustering—snow leaving eaily the next morning tor I Eva, who joins gleefully In her DaHs ot the town carrots, which grandmother's aongi... and. Magalo. 1 "ho"!* ,l\a^o '^eo". •i^tl'etod., .af?. hilly water iNelstat, Alexander Cross, Warren Friday night in the Short Beach I fell so as to mttKc sleighing. .,vThOi¥|iUo,nav.'A*»«Ai«pA\?-*';oHtho--dnem»irflt;^ .-.good pHU-lti th» Krouna>.Tt1C'8un tiakcd, ^j ^j,^jg ronmrks <""•"' '" ^o hard arOUnd tho cflrrot vfoe-presldent of the 'association, titue to. heat throughout the sum all New England, Now York andl . ^ j , , ,j,,,j ^ New Jersey, and the regular army of t p i t a l for treatment ot a lnnprflf-.pri lacerated p"*^ " ' s ° " ' lone Miggues, Charles presiding. Tlie annual reports were mer; all natuie was clad In a sable " ' People. n.s told by " - Playwright., t h a t i M s i m p o s s l b l o ^ itmenfc nf without breaking off tho leaves, and the Flist Coips area, aggiegatlng face and exposure; and James Hoyt, Harold ^Melander,^ Raymond I jgj^j, ^ „ ^ accepted. Edward Dejon, hue, and men exhibited no little 00,000 men, will attend the m a n - Robert L Buckncr and Walter Hart, Continued on page clf/ht Santagatna, Harry Sothern, Ben Crean, 25, of Hartford, was treated T. C. Bracken, and E. V. Al- anxiety concerning the future of oeuvers which win last 15 days. Is, surprisingly enough, a beautiful story of family love and loyalty. I t in the same hospital for a dislocated Fromkln, Spen Teakle, Ann Morath, len were reelected as members of this life. Since the Branford unit Is a service arm. The others were examined and Jean Horton, Maurice Sarasohn 2nd, the board for a term of three years. The following is from a clipping unit, which must make prepara- has Its touching moments along Roy Johnson, Daga Hammond, Ma- Judge Edwin R. Kelsey was elected of the Rochester American and was with Its comic ones, and tears in Continued on page seven tions for tho unit which It servos, rie Dutfey, Donald Johnson, Elea- for two years to serve the unexpired loaned by Mr. Bauer. the audience's eyes wore not all its total period of service will be IB nor Pfautz, Laurel Sheppard, Arline term of Henry Pardee, resigned. Continued on page eight days. Haber, Brook Burweir and Yale Officers of the association will The actlvtities are considered tho Burge. be chosen at the adjourned meeting The death of Rose F, Hart, widow hardest since the formation of tho which will be held Monday, Au6;ust of John M, O'Connell, occurred at Battery. 7 in the tirehouse. 0 o'clock Monday night In the home The battery made an overnight Civic taxes have been reduced one of her brother-ln-laW, John F. trip to Barkhampstod recently for dollar this year due to curtailment Kinney, 42 Bradley Avenue. Mrs. small arms range fire practice. The of expenditures and collection of O'Connell was the daughter of the members of the unit made excellent Because ot the indefinitoness of back taxes. Prevalent dry weather has creat- late Uatrlck and Kathorlne Murray records. Hart and was born in Brantord. Tho The death ot Maria Mathilda The Association has been instru- the name, Short Beacli Road, resied a serious fire hazard. dents would change the name to With six grass and brush tires I groater part of her Ilfo was spent Bengs, wife ot Joseph J. Erickson mental in getting the town to tile of 30 Terhune Avenue, occurred Pentacost and Birstol Streets to Fernwood Drive, Laurelwood Drive, since 10:50 yesterday tho condition'in NOW Havon.She returned to Bran Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johnson of provide direct drainage into the Brookslde Drive or Sterling Drive. S u n d a y a t 11:30 p. m. in New Hacalls for particular carefulness with I ford following the death of hor husThose living between the Grace van hospital. She entered the hospi- Pilgrim House, announce t h a t a new sound eliminating the basin or fire matches and cigarettes. |band five years ogo and ihade her Vrcdonburgh property and t h a t of tal last Monday and underwent a n brand of home made clam chowder saucer near the tennis courts. This afternoon a grass flre alarm homo with her sister and brothor-ln Gustavo DuBreull a r e considering operation on Thursday. Born in will be offered to the public after Yesterday the town, at the request was given at the trotting , park. jayf. Narpes, Finland, Mrs. Erickson came the 15th of the month. of the board, painted parking stri- asking the proper authorities that Yesterday Headquarters No. 8 was She Is survived by two alsteis. that section be renamed. Through the week generous samto this country 44 years ago, and pes at the ends of streets and 15 Coming from the University of summoned to five fires, the first at Miss Catherine Hart and Miss since t h a t time had been a resident ples will be distributed from «12 to 3 feet from hydrants. Arrows Indicate Until recently Alps road was cal- Manchester, England, Miss D. S t a n - 10:50 at Ilotohklss Grove between Angelina Hart, of this town and led Short Beach Road. From Hem- ton is the first from t h a t country to Seventh and Eighth Avenues; the o'clock. one way traffic of this town. Mrs. Hugh J. Farrell of East The Pilgrim House brand is made A danger sign has been posted ingway east the road to Riverside Is register at the Foxon Youth Hos- second at 11:15, on property ot the Haven, and one brother, James H a r t She was a member ot Tabor Lu by a n exclusive recipe and Is ot the at the Main Beach drain. known by the same . Likewise the tel. She Is visiting Children's Clin- Plant Co. at Stannard Avenue; tho of Branford. Also a niece and neptheran Church, a member of Narpe Manhattan type made with tomaeastern end of Main Street, Short ics in America, hiking as far as third, at 3:16 p . m. on property of Four years ago the Civic Associahew, Engenia and Rollin Kinney of Society, and the Ladies' Home So toes and is chuck full of certified Beach is also so called. Others speak tion Inherited from the Short Beach possble. She hopes to reach Iowa be Mr. Patrick of Damascus Road, the Branford. clety. Surviving her are her hus clams. Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, a of the road to Double Beach as the fore returning to England in Octo- fourth a t 3:25 on tho same property Funeral services were held at the band; two sons, Arvld and Justin, The new produce will be served float which has been reconditioned Short Beach Road. as tho second flre In Stannard Av- homo of John P. Klnnoy this mornber. both ot this place; two daughters, with meals at Pilgrim House or will and put into the water and the It Is very confusing residents enue to which the Short Beach Hose Other guests this week at the hosing at 8:30 and in St. Mary's church Mrs. Ramond Qulnn of New London be p u t up in Jars for sale to the green benches In the park which claim. tel were Lloyd Martin of Vermont; Hook and Ladder Company also r e - at 0. Burial was in St. Agnes cemeand Mrs. HUdegarde E. Sliney; also public. require p a i n t and reconditioning Maurice Spelgel, Now York; Anto- sponded, and the fifth at 0:30 p. m tery. six grandchildren, Jeanne, John, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came to each season. inette Clnes, Francis Edwards, Alice near tho Rogers apartments in Justine and Janet Erickson and the old house only a month ago. KUng, Barbara Trlbman, of Bald- Maple Street. GIACOMO PEBBICONE Barbara and David Sliney. It will be remembered that the win, N. Y; Bob Diamond, Iowa; Al Funeral services for Glacomo The funeral was held yesterday house was brought from North CRAWFORD GILLETTE TO WED thea Knight, Elvah Abbott Arthur Perrlcone of Paved Street were held M. P. RICE FIELD DAY SUCCESS afternoon from the mortuary liome Guilford a few years ago to Its preBelluscla, teachers from Rye N. Y, Tuesday morning from the funeral Announcement Is made of the A very successful Field Day was of W. S. Clancy &Sons, with ser- sent location In the Post Road. The Patricia Raney, G. W. Raney, father parlors of Lupoll Brothers, Columheld by tho M. P. Rice Hose Comvices in Tabor Lutheran Church, original building was erected in coming marriage, this month, of and daughter, Long Island. Alice bus Avenue, New Haven,with r e pany No. 2 at Hammer Field, lapt Rev. A. T. Bergquist, pastor, offi- 1690. Many or the original timbers Miss Eileen Marie, daughter of LeLong, Milwaukee; Walter Karl of quiem high mass It St. Mary's Saturday afternoon and evening. ciated and the burial was in Tabor and fireplace have been restored to Mrs. William O'Rourke to Mr. CrawChurch at 0;30 o'clock. ford P. Gillette, son of Mrs. Paul C. Howard Pate who writes the Con- Brooklyn. Large crowds lined • the central cemetery. Mrs. J. J. Collins was vo- their original state. Mr, Perrlcone died In Grace HosGillette of Madison. sumer Speaks, for the Review is at streets for tho parade which was cal soloist. pital Saturday afternoon as tho The wedding will take place In Massachusetts State College, Ammade up of many outstanding unThe bearers were John Peterson, BROTHERHOOD PICNIC SCOUTS AT CAMP result of a self inflicted gun shot herst Mass., for a short summer John Brommels, Charles Reynolds, Members of Boy Scout Troop No. Washington. The annual summer outing of tho its. wound a few hours oarllorl course on Consumer's Cooperation. Pilgrim Brotherhood will be held Oscar Wadstrom, Alfred Barnes and 8 left Sunday for a stay at Camp In tho evening a program of vau- He was the husband of Maria DlThe course Is being taken by a Saturday August 12 at tho Pawson deville was presented by Harry Carl Ericson, all of this place. Rela- Sequessen, Winsted. They were ac REGISTRARS IN SESSION large number of students who have Park Home of William E. Hitch- Tomlln of New Haven and tho fes- Staslo Perrlcone. tives attended from Worcester, companied by Scoutmaster John come from widely separated sec- cock. Registrars of Voters will be in Darlen, Bridgeport, New Haven, Van Wllgen and Mr. Thomas. Those tivities were brought to a close by ANNIVERSARY OF TORNADO tions of the country. New London and Branford. Transportation will bo arranged a huge display ot fireworks. The Charles Blackstone telephones to who went were Kenneth Bray, Nor- session tomorrow and August 11 This is the third year Mr. Pate for those meeting at the Congrega- committee headed by Captain Thofrom 1 to 9 o'clock E. S. T. for perman Esborn, Gino Nardella, George remind the Review t h a t August 0th has taken the course. mas Sudac wish to take this oppor- Is the anniversary of the tornado tional Church a t 2:30. Thomas Austin Ryer who will be fecting enrollment lists for caucus Gets Leave During Maneuvers The Institute draws many cooptunity of thanking all those who in t h a t did a tremendous amount of away for two weeks and Karl Marsh purposes. erative leaders, economists, Washany way helped to make this a n Lieut. Col. Ernest L. AverlU of the and Henry ZuWallack who will be ington officials, marketing special- ...IN EDWARD'S KNOCKABOUT nual affair the success It turned damage around Branford and more state staff has been granted a leave at camp a week. Edward Osborn of Stony Creek especially in Walllngford. VISITS HERE ists and many well known profesof absence by AdJt. General WUand a friend have returned from a out to be. Mrs. Harry T. Evans of Hinsdale sors and writers. LUNCHEON-BRIDGE liam F. Ladd of the 102d infantry PAGE MB. RIPLEY trip to the World's Fair. They made The Branford Visiting Nurse As 111. is a guest for the next two from August 13 to 27 on account of the voyage by water In Edward's Tho Hawks Will hold an outing at On the Rogers farm this year In sedation will sponsor a luncheon weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. physical Incapacity. LEAVES FOR TRAINING the seventh month, on the seventh knockabout. the Hawks Nest, Sunday, .August bridge Wednesday at Old Timbers, Prank Page. day there arrived a calf with a dis:3th. A. Makosky of 18 Elm Street Is Mrs. Evan's daughter Derunda Pine Orchard. tinct 7 marked In white on its foreI'AXES DUE UNION SERVICES Evans has returned to Hinsdale fol- one ot thoj^our students from the Taxpayers have been given notice The exterior of the Greenview head. New Haven area who will undertake lowing a vacation here. MOVE TO WORCESTER Beginning August Cth union Tavern building is being painted. The calf is now in possession of The three, accompanied by Mrs. a four-week program a t Citizens t h a t tho second half of the tax of The building is situated between Al- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Jurczyk, Alps Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lake and Church services will be held in the the list of 1038 Is due and payable Military Training Camp in Fort William Bussman recently spent Road. in the First Congregational Church their family have moved to Worthea's and the Qrlswold Block. on August 7. Devens, I four days a t the World's Pair, Instead of the First BaptUt Church.cester, Mass. UnusualNewPlay Opens M o n d a y At Stony Creek M George Abbott Comedy is Hit At Playhouse Summer Of 1816 Was Very Cold '•M m M ml Service Battery War Manoeuvers Begin August 10 S. B. Association Elects Members To Civic Board ','-^1 Rose O'Connell Dies Suddenly Maria Erickson Funeral Services Pilgrim House Held Yesterday W i l l Feature Clam Chowder Street Name is Very Confusing Headquarters is Called Again English Woman Visits Hostel Howard Pate Taking Course At Mass. State A '- h I ''^'-*'^'^-i'-^^-4'*--'-i^'*-4\^y^y^'^^^^ THE BRANFORD. EEVIfiWjTHtJRSDAy, AUGUST 3,1030 THE BRANFOnD REVIEW, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1030 Pago Two \*l\* written agreement, that he would other?" Now I, ttm,ftolng to have a ; KLI.IA1I ON MT, CAKMEIlearn to blow.a trumpet. ,,,,. fepace will not.qdmlt a detailed Jaw passed In, tills, towii compelling In former years the captain jof account pi the or)d Of the three year tii^m to ^'c^r tliclr, watcheq bn each navel Vessel prescribed t^e famine (orctibw bifiEllJiih.. Itwlllre- right wrists and l36tli ankles, tijcn call? blown on his ship and Marlpe Eva of MCiSlden, are,,,vl.sltlnB Mrs. j,j .tNIiQN CHANEL , , •pay yoii to j^J{adj,tlie thVllllnjt ^tqry ivheii tiiey slarii ,liit"chlng up tiielr drummers and fibers were required Etta K. Nesbit, Main Street, 6erII Suij,d'ayt.,yvygu,st, o,, l.l a. m. In the seVeijtcen!,h Bn4 eighteenth KrpisBnd legs tbey|Wlll be evei^j. to be familiar with tlieni. For cycAt. it Is now when Vou see one of' ^ 0 " >?> the„p^stor Roy. E. C CarBy, E..C,,!ina S. II, C/ihlpiENTfe'll chiipteri p,t first Kings.,, Did it ample, "Annie ,Laurie", might be really happen? Is It literally true? these AH ItSissies IS now, wnch yoi) you ask see one.or played for morning colors, and Klsslcs him a ^^^^x, ,j,j,p,p. ,j.^^ sympathy of I, ,Mrs. .Harry T. Evans of Hln.^dalc, Wlio knows? And what does It mat- queston, upgoestn'oar'm., , ^ "Auld Lang Syne" for retreat. Jc'sys. , Anthem, Bells by '|lj,,( spending a few days Parry Will "be siing I'ero'plc. to the aceompan withlias Mr. been and Mrs. Charles Terhunc. ter. The people believed It; so why Nowadays the Amerlc&n Legion Another one of this glorious Tribe Iment ef the harp, played by Mrs. JUbv AND ilKil rAMILV should not we, as Jesus did with has done mu^h . to, popularize ,the FIFKS AND DlUJ.MS tried to Introduce a triendl. to .M^tt Judy Is only a, house cat, so no the story of Jonah, Just try to get Kelley as biggest liar In Branfofd Jones, th9.prga,nlstjindj(:liplr,-l^der. MIgs Rita Peck, Westwood Road Is trumpet by organizing drum and Fifes and drums iitlrred the hearts \ In Natlck, Mass. for a week. 9:45 a. ni. Sundoy School. Qeorge one need look for a very serious'jfom n Jj^j icsson of faith and cpur but Matt grabbed his hand and fled I Of Americans when our forefathers I trumpet corps. thus bringing into BroWri, Superintendent; tesson tomessage In this sketch. Judy Is a jg,, ,^);igj, )j JQ ijrajtically teaches? red Persla,tj , .tabby , cat of flna jn these days of such material won- down the street. Boy but he hoofed pic: Ellpah:-A Life of Courage. Seii Rev. William Sawyer and his two:,w,ent forth to fight the battles of prominence this stlmullng type of lt.„ , .. ,, , , . , . . , , . . . , . , ( lor Topic v^Vhl.cb Road .toLlfo.? ,; sons,p; Eiis^,Euthei;ford, N, J, areltlie ,Rcj;ol,utlon,|,dlspiaylng the sort,martial music. npt we beware of. tob breedlngi ile'r,coat Is of,a beautiful dors, - ' should " ' . ; As lliere arc two,sides to tiiesesi of patriotic pride so admirably de—— texture. Her ))ablts,a're;as neo.t ajid fercat skepticism aboiit the spirit- gppd. friends of mli^e, ^one .goo^ Frldoy August 4, 7:45 p. ni. Cliolr here for t'lie remainder of August. iie'liearsai. , ,. J . , plcted In the "Spirit of 1778." | In mortal experience, the fire of tidy as tile best of housekeepers. ual possibilities of which science Is t'other bad, I Will liow tell you of Richard RusWll. of Clark Avenue Ishrlll ,,Longtones afterof,the the fife, Revolution the repentance first separates, the di;oss She has a marked Individuality. She only ..now .beginning to, tiikq cognl,with its ac-'trom the ^gold, .and rpfp.rmjitlon ^ ^r, Hn9 .Mrs, ;Neweil §tepp. pf New Is having a tonsllectomy today. will not bo.hcld, bUt.llKcs to,be b.et- isa'ripjoj 'I'Ac'cordng ,,to ;yol)r faith be the good side, Icompanylrig drum-beats, supplied.brings the light which dispels dark, Tlils was a secret iintll now,but Jcr'iey, 'fbrttie'riy qt E'ast,Haven are' ted, alio Is vcrif Intelligent, and It Onto y'dii," is brio of the laws of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Joy pf |the rhythm for j,he measured tread ness. —Mary Baker Eddy easy to train. She will rolrlovo like tljttt splrltuttl^. klngdofn which he the Kitty got oulen the bag. They!*i,i, the wiidwbbd for i'o days. p^cjciand iPayk.hi^vei. returned to'pf. ,niRrchlng, men, remaining inl , ., , , . IT., : ,, ,i, . a^well, bi'dkcn buri,tln^ tlbg. NflW eftne to set ,up. Anyone who has have an organization dpwn pn Sock I | favor for about a hundred years, | He who reforms himself, has done Judy has ^i family, qf ,nvo jChlldreij^. kept in elbse touch with the modern Street and Pantaloon Averiuo called | Hm'ati'd Vaii Siinds cq't ftls hand tlieir iiome in Ansonia. '• It was not until 1875 that the much toward reforming others, and It Is'a source of constant delight to missionary movement and heard the thp Flouncing Skirt clulj, j,All with a p(iarp )tnite this w}!eit,,it ivas; .Mr. and Mrs,. Hans PVhl_of South Army discontinued the use of the one reason why the world is not rewateh her methods of house keep- accounts vouched for by mission- members meet once a ^Inor^ti^, and hec'es'sttr'y to take several stitches. liifo'ntbw.ese.Strepl are est"ni)llshcd in fife, and adoptecl the trumpet, formed. Is. becaiise each WRVld,have aries Is not likely to doubt that ing and child training. She knows see ivho, can tell the biggest,story. ^ exactly l\ow often to feed lhem.^.l,ip dbd is very near, his people and (If I was bold I would ^ay, il'e.),,Thlf), , Mr, 'ipd Mrft. 's. C, H^ni'l'ln .anil tlie Cunningham house, Laurel St. rnalnly with a vleiv to signaling others make a beginning, and never I i/leld,units too far distant,to hear thinks of lilmseit doing It. Hn9ws hojv to put Hiem to slqe'p and iiU)\ doqs .yej7; wonderful . thing.'), night I was invited to atton(\. After ailughter, Bprfittra, of ,W[bunt .^qr-, Miss Carolyn .Zurcher of Paterso^, the more subdue tones of the fife. —T. Adams •make them tilllet. No modern tiurse wlilcii ,1/ ,lolS in .b|bll,cal . language the .minutes were road by,^the,.ifld nb'^i,'N.^Y, .wjr'e .gUests l^s't jveplk could be more particular than she anil found lii ancient mdiiuscrlpta Duck Hunter himself u,lady niem- "c'n'd b!,Mii, 'Una Mtk. Neviiiw Ham .N. J;, Miss Renee Toree of South Six years later the U.S. Marine would be thought unbelievable. Is. As for sanitation, clean faces, Orange, N._ J. and Miss LucUc Camjj- Corps also discarded the shlUtoned . It Is easier, ; to enrich pursolves ber arose .and claimed sjic; lin MalVi 's't'reet. lialr .well combed, and such necesbeYl of MaplcWbod, N. J. wore week- Instrument for the keyless trumpet, with,a tiipusand . yirtues ilia'n, to bl.lteriy, ppjibsbcl,,,, , to N. H. C. was sary things-no mother could dp correct ourselves ot a single fauit. a Cliovolet. Now she hiii) learned Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Rice pf. end gu'psls ot Miss Helene Lebza of Cr bugle. —Bruyere. But this change did not come better. She has her own notions as that he iiad .-ineakecl pvor.to Npw BerBer;Streel ,are In Old Orchard Bast Haveii. about, without some protest from to the place that Is best for them, Haven, piirclmse'd a cHovvlp ^iiiicl nialiie for a few days . She did not agree with us, so one rode around.tor, two, weeks tryinJ! MIS? .Elizabeth .Walker of'New grizzled old, titers. Continental Maday when We were all gone she to make iJi'aii/ord^.ivintqrs,' bplleve ,Af.l3s A'^P^.M"'?.'''! .h"^ .returned Xprl^ city., (s, a house guest at the rines had used ,tlfes to attract recruits and had fulher stimulated a transferred them to a place, more It Wtti), a, Roils Rpyce. .lie Ipbked I'rbiii a trip to Andover, Mask Pilgrim House. fervent patriotism by painting to her liking up stairs. She knows kind of sheoiilsh but lie lias his bid ,Our own opinions are expressed rattlesnakes on tlielr drums. how to,talk to theniand often does, gall J,u.st,,t!ie same. , Home Ow7ted liy, , Mr. and Mrs. Jahies Shephard and .|,NbrPea ppploty .meqts, today., l.ii colled Plfcs has been an established In^a voice that la,full ,of tenderness In the editorial columns but we welriie next to ,teli . STj'ANLEY|C.'ioLMAN his story was daughter, Virginia of • Bradley Avp. ,th(^,•ho^ii;,of.Mr.s.,Amanda Carlson mirslcal liistrunient units since i775. nnd solloltude. one day the other come free expressloii^-of opinions Charles Ffeeman. ,Some, of iilbntowese Street. pijp asked. ijISHING ilQUIBiWENT Even •\yhen a school was estabhquse.oot wanted to take (i look lit jProm Our Readers. We cannot de- him how. ,iiie. .heat affec'tpd j|iliii.; are on a two weeks' trailer trip to (GARDEN iTOOIiS lished for their instruction at the thepe. tiny cots, Judy met him, {(ice fen.d ^.hejpplnlpn of, our contrjbu- "Never bptiiered me," .says piiarjes, Shaifsbury, Vt. Rev. Rbbci;^ p. patchel.der .ot,,S,l. AUT.6 SUPJPilES ; karl'ne Barracks, Washington, the "to foco and In most unnililakulale ,tors,,,br enter,ii)to (ipy coritrbversy ','\Vliat did,you .do?" "On j.u^'t ..bu'lltj Paul's Ch'u'rch. In, New .-Haven,will BICYCLES, RADIOS Wr. iind Mi-s. Jaihe's 'Uon^afZ Rbsch anil' ip.r^each August 6 In the Trinity, tlfers still tried in every way to confashion .told lilm . that If he went ponqcnjlii^ iSiich oplnloiis. Articles a fire in the, hot,alr.furpfice,,.wiion,j-i;y|^^g'"i:^vV^^^^^^^^ PAINT, Etc. tinue tb use tiieir fifes. Finally, it near Jljoso, k'ltle'ns It y^ould be,, a I niuat be signed. The Review .reserves she began to get .hot, thp .ho.t .alr.snen'd 'two Vveeka hi Llile. "Maliie. • Church. sorrj'.'diiy for him. Jle stoppq(i. B,u't|tho right, to reject cbntrlbiitlbns. Just pushed the humidity,right, out was directed that no titer would be 270 Main St. Branford r( ,;j'i. mr" a^l'lipy got.older her (inxloUos )n (yi;e„feg|,ifli permitted to reenllst without a ot the house. You see it,formed,a iArk. ThoVft'as W.. Kea.tirig and her. , , If Xpu Please-^ Tel. 733 . £ qVpased. It she lioacd one, of tiieni vacuum and we sat in.thatvaoiium fjiiiiily 'b'l;,i4w Haven,are in the! ..Jolinny, dining, out, wasglven his ipak'e a,Ia(nt'n)ew,3hp,wonl at oiico and were as cool as cucumbers, Ip tp sef,wliiil, th.e trouble, wa.s, ,rp,»dy Stories of My Main Street i^'rlends fact I won't try it again the whole white bak 'cottage "until after La- flholsqi.of:,.three desserts. "I think" be; .^ald, after some reflection,,"!; bor Day. __ It is most pleasant for me, the to reso'ijo the child It It seemed ncjc family nearly had phneumpnla..Willi have, a little of both and somp ck&V.ytTsVmo>t'VoVcloTfu^"slVht^}^<">°' '""• to Jo"rncy, down Main Thls sat them fa'fick,.them Branford , O'PTliOIAii—Successor to aillette , , One^of the Tucker "pabln's.'h'tis' of the other." to see,Judy care fof, tlie^e helpless Street Saturday evening and P'lnlers looked dazed. been rented ,to Mr. iirjd j^;;5.'b'corgei infants ivlth a? much tenderness as suddenly run Into or be hailed by •AW Mn'm^s i:';;;ou.i.JJr3ilford,,.;..vi:,:)..i.: .flieiepii.ojw:a3.7;v : :; , i -.A Nightmare? Following that, yarn .eame the bdeil arid th"eir 'son of 'Ansonia. any human parent could show.! "'"''^'"""'y d"''""? friends of mine "My brother I wears his glasses to WE. CARRY A .Two of the kittens were red lllte You see them Slrpllln'g along lo- long Yank. He said the Duck Hiin-' I, ..,fi . ,-, ( •.„. ..,-. bed every night." getlier. I irieiin the woiiien of this ter was cleaning outen his well, as , .,M(s£i Mjir^ji;et,Jtoger§ the mother almost, an exact patCOMPLETE ,pf, Nqjv,Ha"Forgetful?" Tribe. Tlie shlelcs that beloiig to liils It had goiie dry, and asked h|m' ' tern. One was _a silver gray, a yi^ry jVpr) has re'txtedjlhe Beckwlth iipart- "No,'be Just.wants.to get a good LINE OF Tliei] let Jir.'inforcTs Lcluling Optician cliolc'e color. Two arb tortoise, shell Bunch stiind mostly by the curb, would he throw down a long rope nient "tor Augiist. CSreeting Cards aUeiul to .vour wiinl,.'ii. All our lenses are look at his dreatn girl." color v'ely beautiful, Now lliby are With this blcture I have JUst pain- and lie one end ^ to, the tree, so ast Camera Needs {ifrouiid right on ,pur own ])reiiiis,es... full ot'niay. They wrejitle with each | tod yo" can see me, poor helpess he could get up when lie,,was ready, ,i,Mr$. •A.,Lfiun(ierjaiid Her, dauglifVrfst Watches following I'aillit'nliy .quell (letniled, reother, bliubp one another about iiie'n't-', arid whtit I mUfit go thru The i-Ip. (liiiig ,dpwn .qiib e^(i an^.was ,ti;'r,^,iPii, Ne.w,,,,l|avpn^, ^eiitere^ tlie Fountain Pens quest oi' your I'li.v.sieinn'^ prescription. tinner, arid n'rirf play nlnV with n.Hll anything n n v l l i l m r th,'at fVi'nt' l a s t l i m e I WaS doWU tOWn I llUd tO .about lb lib thbptiier'end, wiiejri,,'to Hblnisti'o'm •cbt.tag^.p'a.tu'rday for th'e] Help Prevent Hay Fever houiie, Pocket WatcJies Examiiiations Only By Appointment! la handy until tired out. Theii tiiey-, hottr & stdry from' one of them his surpi-ls'elip saw 1130,'Dup'k.Him- remainder of tt'e. sqiisbh. by destroying Rag Weed ci'oep Into, sfiiho secret place and Here's the story:— lier float piiten,Ui(! well,';Ybu see, slecip It off. , , ' Oiie of them was asked by the gnys'1,0,'/The well was so dry when ,. Fr.e.d,Wal;iman, of.Berger..Street Abbn), ail the World that such Long; Yank trbin Branfprd Point, ii,g fojje foifd6wntha't.l'tstli;re(l,iip .is, recov^eritjg f/oitij injuries, received clu'mb, ftnlnials have is that ,whibh ""say,," Sfild Ho "Do you know Wliy I n cloud of dust, so the b,uck,lHuiiter du'rln'g a ball game Sunday. ,W ' o ,mtiiko ifyt lli(jm.,yi\bi'only,|cai;o tUoV k'oap ,tho .llBlita •buvhltiB ,on,! [ipaSediVlghit oijt tq»i,Q,'ti)P.sn;tli'at t)iey get aiid about all thp, pleasure Mo:in Street (ihOl nlh6 A.M. "Sorry cloud,pf' dust 'and stc'iJped off onto .,1 Aij\ppg.,l,he ,§ummer, r.esldent? .are thpy.httvp ^.(^pines .from, us. if Wo brother", whs the answer, "I don't ti)q gz-pund. i^i;..an.cj Mrs. John R. "Taylor of New .give thdm ij'aln, oi- do not, carb .'for' know", " I ' l l tell yoii," replied the He also said: that everypne,.,wlip, Yoric city. tllerp ha tlioy should be they hro Yank, "S6 that the Tom Cats on belonged to the .Flouncing. ,Skirt^ iiplpless. I hope this story about Chcstriut Street Caii see their way Club has to contribute at the laSt' Here for the season arp; Mr. and Judy and her lovply^bablcs will hake Home late in the moriiing." 'I'he meeting., •,, . . . , , , , Mrs. Max Slegel of New Haven. a silent, appeal to, everyone who 'has ladles 'Jdsl laughed at lilni for his The last to bring In her contribunnythliig to do with dumb anln'iixla Igndorance. tion was a little ghi. She came In to treat Ihcni kindly. It would dis- Then nnbther foliow spoke up. quietly and layed an egg on , tlie For the season, i . Mr, and Mrs, tress me If I knew "that any of "Soy", Said ho "Did you ever notice table and believe me or not there Walter Midas of New Haven are settled In Clark Avenue. them ever hud to suffer any need- so many men wearing wrist watches wasn't a dry eye In the club.. less pain or haidshlij and how their left sleeve is always As 'nother piece ot news..All tlie Mr. a'lid Mi:s. Charles b'Nelll of' E. C. C, sliorler and more winkled than the members that work for the House bt Beckett I Aveiiue, have .Rpymond Holhschlld here formed a band. Tlie 'Lawtpr "of "New Haveii with them old Duck Hunter Is the leader. He tor tile season. also plays the Batonskl. John Tuttysa 'plays the piccoleesle. The DOZENS OF EXCLUSIVE FEATUR^S.-INCLUDING SAME FAMOUS METERold Decorator works on the Bus- Mr.^and. Mrs._ Mortlme.r p, Sf|in onlce. Other Insluments are played ley, iiove as^ _ Aii'gust. iiUes(!s, inelr' 1*)llSE'i"M'ECflANISM . . . A I I D SAME FINEST QUALITY CONSTRUCflON by others whose names I^know hot. •ddugftter, liTrs. Raymond y.,,ThoI stopped by there the other mas witii her dau'giit'ei'', Jean Pf. FEATURES AS FRIGID AIRE MObELS COSTING $100 MORE! evening when a large crowd from West il'artfbrd. Harrison Avenue had. gathered to • ^ t tiie price.there's nothing else like this Hear tliem rehenrso. Biit when they .iff. iirid.. Mrs., RJl.^pU; R^c'rtif^. bf' remarkable^new Frigidaire model! Built to rendered that pathetic song' iSialn 'Stre.9,lj W|l|l) .riipvq 's,boii,i^p,.p.er7 the .same high quality standards as the roost "Brother Will You Lend Me,a Dime" py .vfljeye ,Mr.,Ra'ycraft 'has 'received expensive Frigidaire model made—witli the there wasn't a dry eye ln,the,crqvyd. ii biisiness triinsfer. same basic features that have made ,the I also heoi'd rrom.oi\e pt pijr Ipadname Frigidaire world-famous for,economIng men in town the real story^ tliat' ,, Cleofle^^ring^ii.'ptjWiililngfpfd Is ical and safer food protection...long 'years first appeared in tiie column.ot^tlie ,S,.g(ie'st this 'we^'k at ,tli.e ;"l)prne bf of'trouble-free operatipn. ,I.t's the greatest Review itnow as the M.I.P. Here, is^ Mr. a'rid Mrs.'Cliffbrd'Peterson. value of the year! Don't miss seeing it! the story, lccle,.Icoct and..PJtckie »" •,:-^-\L'Js •,(-'. V,, ) •! < " - , . : • • • 1 . Yonsqn who works, in. the Pretzel Mr. and Mrs.^Meryyn J.;Brandrltf Department heard an unusual ha.yq,,.bee)),,5jjtfrtjl'ni(i'g.j"M^s.. J. L. noise. It proved afterwards to be aii BilckleV arid da'u'giiters, boro'lhy aiid, old car that had Colitis. The.old Janet of Poughkeepsle, N. Y. critter, was trying to make the hill. 'AL'L THESE G'ENOINE FRIGIDIAIRE FEATURESI They dropped their ,i)retxzls aiid Mls^,,Gyedplyn.,floss flf, Hiji(nd(en Famous Meter-"Miscr Mechanism • t.Piece fled to the window they tried .to who will be married Saturday (n All-steel Cabinet Construction i 5'YearProraise It ,ttnd tried.to see thru the New Haven to Mr.^ Rlchi\'rd DeGoltecRoa Plan o n Sealed-in Mechanism • glass but It availed them nothing. Ifr 'Ql'tanli^i^^.the filpsightp'r of Mr. Automatic Reset Defroster • Stainless PorIn desperation they Jabbed their arid Mjs. Remore Bradley Ross ari^ celain in Food Compartment, ,• IJurablc heads right thru the ^lass and cut. .for .s^inetline ipfidg thelf-home In Dulux;£xterior . S o l i d Brass Super-ITrpezer off both their ears. When the shop tiie Deerfleld cbttage, 3ra'diey Ave • Fust Frcezing.AlI M e u l Ice Trays • Autofound out what had happen'ed m a u c T r a y Release,-. Frozen Food Storage everything closed down and rdnsid- "Mr. aricl Wrs. E..' L, Cit'S, Short Compartment • Cold,Storage Tray • U n i erable time was lost, so the orders BPach fto'ad liave, returned frbiii a MaticCold Control - M a s t e r went out from the Office,to wash: week 'end in yenna. Switch • 'Wider, Roomier aP windows. So there yoii have tlie .Cabinet • T o u c h - L a t c h stPry. D o o r O p e n e r • Exclusive .Miss BottS'^fi'oi'dlmanri "is attendF - H 4 Refrigerant • Silent ing the World's Fair today. The r;.ir{;n S e n t i n e l • Cold Speeder •Toin Gardiner j C o n J e n j e t • Built and lAr. afvd Mrs._ Waiter J. •McCarthy Backed by Cenctal Motors. of Bradley Aveiiue are vdcatlbrilrig hi Maine. •Pttgo tIElireo SHORT BEAtM Ail in the Day's Work F^ombiirR^^d'ers j£hase.Av/Sy t h ^ Hot Rblls AptDbal Blues By Keeping Tb Losi Appetites Desserts Varied As often the case when a person has .lost his or her appeup go the spirits and down go the tite, the.sight of hot rolls on the doldrums If you top oft dinner; with table will bring the lost appetite surprise dessert. A fruit pudding hack with a rUsh. Here is a roll made of quick-cooking tapioca is that win stimulate any..appetite: Cbttase Cheese Hulls always Interesting, for you can ring aidozen-seasonable changes on the 1 cup milk 1 cup .sugar •. oaslc recipes. , ,; •'This 1 tapioca cream deserves a 1 teaspoon salt plus A In the housewife's quick and 1 tablespoon butter easy files. It needs only a tew min- 1 tablesppon shortening utes' cooking and the • ingredients— Vi yeast caice except the egg white and flavoring IMi cups cottage cheese i-eanallbe mixed In the double 1 egg yolk . ,. ' boiler: or; saucepan in which it is M grated nutmeg cooked. So there's ah appreciable • Bring the milk,to a boll, and pour saving Df cooking utensils. And it it :into a bowl with the shortening, always cPmes right—for it thickens 1'tablespoon butter, H cup sugar to a rich, creamy texture as it cools. and salt.. Dissolve • the yeast in .'A • T o ' b e o n the sate side of the cup of lukewarm water, and when steeping problem, serve decaffeinat- the milk has colled to bipod heat, ed coffee with yoiir dessert. Re- add it to the other ingredients. Sift mfernber, deeatfelnated coffee requir In enough flour to make .a soft eS;, a little lohger Tirewing' time it dough; knead well .and set aside In you niKke it by the pot or percola- a warm place to rise overnight. tor metliods. • Beat together the cottage cheese and eg yolks, and add !4 cup sugar, Qiiick-Cobking Tapioca Cream '/a tablespoon flour, and 1 table1 br 2 egg yolks spoPn melted butter.; Cook in dou1-^ ciip qulck-cobklng tapioca ble boiler until thick; add grated '4 cups milk nuthieg and set aside to cool. 1,4 tup sugar , Roll out the dougn Mi Inch thick V4 teaspoon salt on tloured board and cut In 3-lhcli 1 or 2 egg 'whites .squares. Place 1 tablespoPn of cot1'. teii'spoon • flavdrihg , Do'iibie Boiler Method: Mix egg tage clieese mixture on one halt ot Jrolit wltii, ".Small •amount ot mill: in each square; turn the other halt tPp of.4biibie boiler. Add qulck-ccok oyer and pinch together with a fork. Irig . tapioca, sugar, salt, aiid re Place in a baking pan, briish with a Wai'niriig milk. Place oyer rapidly little mllic. Let rise In U warm 'place bbliing Water and cook 10 or 12 tor an hour arid a half, and biike in feiriiites after .Water bolls again,, a hot oven for 20 minutes. stirrliife frequently. Reniove from, flrfe;, Craplbca.wlU be well dlstrlbu-, ted .tiirougiiDut, but mixture will be thlti, Do not overcook). Beat 'egg white tintll Just stiff enough to Ji;pld 'siliipe. Fold hot tapioca mixture -griiduftlly into egg white. Cool ' -^^mixture. thlokeiis as it cools. When sifgh'tiy Cool, stir in flavoring; chill. Serve plain or with cream. A sandwich In Its original form Wfestern Auto AJESOdiaite Store ANAR ANDERSON Egg, Mbat, Salads CbmbihetbMakfe Tasty San es Nefed He^ Glasses? 6cii.ft.Size Annual Summer Fourth Ward Department Store ^Zf^^aus^ CONNECTICUT Walter^!!. 'liic"Car''thy Jr Vs iii Hartford fo'r 'a few Says. Mr. hrid Mirk (J^arl.es^ ,Sf^"R, of West Haven have Been Visiting Mrs.' George SaundeVS St the Central cottage. . THIS YEAR 5 0 Maiii St. Branford • GOOD ROADS • SAFE BEACHES • PEACEFUL UKJES 'Ulna CMiiECTCU'I^H-IGilTAPAWEI?, Lewis Lehr of New. London and Francis Cha'pman of NP'rwich have been visiting Charles Lehr of Main Street. 221 Montoweae St. Jhone 744 Bvunford, Coim, UOtiC COU^UIS TO COMMIcriCUI", ^tV5_wtfii2f.^^r Mrs, John Prltchard and datigfit'er .Jr mmmi LfiiiLiSJiS^SSL. t *l«?tv' declares Dorothy Greig & H Lairib CHdps Fasliioned Elvea Fine Recipes Gall For Recipe For Two BuHermilk "t'\y,..Vf:;i-it N.spmc 'ways siimnicr meals are more difllcult lo iilan iiiul prepare llinii,those Of \vlntcr.~ Families have a way ot KnlkinK at the licarly meal-anrt-polalo-andivcgelnble slandbys they en'joy in cool •wealhcr. "1 don't feel hungry", lliey'll siiy. "Let's jusl liavo a bile of sohielhini! lighl." , ' - - , , , , , , , . , -Well, there are -ways of mecUng llial silualion so lluiltlio members oflhe fnnilly.vvill think Ihcy are gelling n "light bile" but you will know lliev arc eiiling Ihe neccs^Hry foods thai are 'good foi Ihem. It is.dltflflult tor, the small ,fam- A-i long as butter has been known lly of two lo prepare iiiany. choice buttermilk has been ,wltli us, jiiid dishes due to the fact tiiat recipes as tlie art ot cookery developed are usually for tour or •more artd it down through the ages, buttermilk Is quite.a bit morc„dlfficult tp de- was a "natural" fori,many recipes. crease the pro'iiortlons ot a recliie ^^pw thp.t.wc^aiq,, Ipngcr chui-.n.our than to Increase then\. Here Is a own butter We.may sort of forget very fine reclpo.jirlnted for two but what a dollghtfiil, flavor huttormllk wlilQh can easily be Increased for does, .have aivl lts,many.liscjj, in cookery;. Jipt breads,; niuftlps, cakes, as many as desired. wafrfes griddle caltcs, salad dressT/amb Chops Elvch ing, ' Z kidney.lamb.phops Orandniotlicr's Corn Urciid 1 tablespoon butter , ',4 lublespoon minced onion 1 -3 Clip.all.purpose Hour M cup canned inushrooiils 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons chill, sauce Ml teaspoon salt '/a tablespoon flour Va tcasp,oon,,so(la,,.. .1 Vi tablespoon lemon JulCe 1 2-3 cups corn incKl Viilablespoon niliiced green peiiper 1 egg salt, pepper and paprika, 1V< oiipa biiltcrmllk . , ' Melt the butter In a small skillet, ., strt.flour,;ipeasuro.aniij.iS!J,t .wl.th Add onions, niuahrop.nis,,', grepn sugarj.jialt ijnd. sijda. CJombjnp.'wtth pepors and clilll sauce,.Slmmcrilive corn meal, Beat egg ttlM add buit'or inlmilea nnd.tiien. blend in floui;. milk, Combine liquid'.flnd conn mdal Stir well—add the lemon. Jiilee and inlxtur,'); boat .thoroughly.; flake In simmer two iiilnutcs longer. Cut a ii,bult,crcd pan ,(1x10 Inohos), at pocket In each chop and place In H20 P for 30 riilniitosr •• • •• some ot the dressing.Lay ronialnlnB: • UldiI'>;ihioi);(l]QinKcr Cako dressing .over top, ol chops. Arrange with Sorghum Icliig 111 a ishallow. piih iihd bake In 'an • 1 2-3 cups cake flour oven of 400r'. tor a'bbtit 36 to 60' 1 '4 teaspoons iglnfecr , , minutes depending on how rare the, IVi teaspoon^ qlnnanion chops are desired. M tchspobh'.filoVes Vi tuasjlbon allspldd l.tpaspooivspdfli '/a teaspoop salt M Clip biittbr Vt cup sugar , .,• i,i ,i, .i, uj ',i-CUP sor.ghum or light molasses. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson of 2 egg yolks High' Slroet, East Haven, hav.o B lableSpo6n,s butterinllk riiovod lo Main Strcec In. Branford, ,;/i,cup hot water, .I^.J: '.; ,1 ,^,i isitt flpUr, 'nieasiiro arid "sl|t .with ...iMr. and Mrs. Donald McClcvo of. spices, salt and sdUa. 'tii'eant butNow .Haven are nuwconiors lo lo*n' tre, blond hi Sugar ant| .add Tf\pand are maltlnB'tlielr home In CC' lasscs,ai;d.egB;yoHtj;,be.iit .well. Add dry in'grddlontS dlld btfttemliic 'aldar sii'eet. ternately beatlUB well after each The guest preacher, at the 8tony|AddjtlojK^!ld hrt^jwato a ^ ^ j a t ,..„.,,. ,?u„,.„.,„r oi,..ioi n„„rt„v,.,n.= blended. Turn Into i,,„i''„M a Y'eUwellCreek Church ot Christ Sunday was imUl "(itll ' ; ' , "blended, ' • - ' " " v fiirn C. W. Fuller Bake at 325 F tor 30 minutes. Sorghum Itullcr Ichig MIss Mai Ion Pries has returned fiom the Unlvcialty ot Connecticut VJ Cup buttei 3 tablespoons soighum or \lght , where alio siient a v/eck ' molasses , ,' j , ,,_,, confecHoneis' sugar . Mli-i Florence O Bilen of Odoiefe., 2Mcups teaspoon lemon cxtiaot Stiecl, East Haven has been vaca- Cream ibuttoi, add molasffcs and tioning at Moodus beat until fluffy Sift sugar and mcasUic, add giadually lo butter Mis ChailCi DeilbO Is on a vaca- mlxluic, beating until smooth Add tion trllJ lo Maine. , lemon extract. PferSdhals Individual Ham Molds make an invlUnj dish (or n hot day For instance, you can slarl a meal wilh :i lij'hl Iml nourish- Hdd Iho nilllc and heal. Roat tho egg ing hot soup, such as vegetable, chicken, or toniato. Out of a yolk aiul pour fionio of the hot.KRUCu can, of course, wliich saves you work. T h a t takes care of the over it. Then add It to the rest of Iho croam of mushroom sauce, to01)0 hot difih wo should havo a t gulher with tho cut chicken. every meal lo help keep iia lit. Sprinkle the 2 teaspoons of gelaBoiifih for Shortcake. ThiR can ho rollowed u p with per* tin In tho 2 tahloHpoonsj of water 2 cups llou'i) linps a ihcnl loaf, sliced and served and let stand, h minutes. Put the ^/t teaspoon salt cold Instead of hot as In winter. cream cheesj* In a saucepan and S toaBpoons baiting powder • VeBel&j/iea appear raw In salads add VS of tho'ean of chicken gunibo 4 tahlcspdoh's hiiltciaiid a s relishes liistehd of cooked soup, just a s It Cornea froin tho can. e a t until the cheeso and soup,are % cup (npproxImutclV) milk nnd hot. Fruits, fruit shortcakes, H well mixed. Add tho reinainluB soup frappes. mousses and Ice crciipi and then dissolvo tho soaked goln* tlib ilour,' inciiBuro,'ad'd uatt (made In your refrigerator) nmy lie tin In t h e - h o t mixture. Cool nnd apdSiftbaking, powder and sltl again. subsUtuled. tor winter's pies, pud- then add honiiand salad dressing/or Cut tho shortening into tlio (lour, dIuE3 aud cakes. mayonnaise," t'our )nto molds and then add tho^mllk by mixing In K ' popular at our house Is n jellied chill In. tlie rehlgorator until firm. smi^U amnunt a t a time until n ^\tt hnrii miO. cVeam cheeso mold. It -MaiwR G^-vIndivhlual. moldii.; - j '.'• douEli lit toi'med. noU out tho douKh • UoaisB-itBht.-io.hti'tioiicnio'yoti^noiuMiyAnd here'iJ'.'fl-chicken shortcake and cut Into Intllvldual »hoi leaks 'is substantial and nourlsliing. It'Is' we like a lot;, loo:biscuits.about 2 ' ^ jnct)es In dtaijieliiiade like this: lor. Placb on buttered baking sheeln Chicken and Mushroom Shortcake and Ijakb In hot (450°!"') o \ c n for Ham Mold, New Orleans Style 1 can condensed cream of nuish* 15-20 minutes. 1 packogo cream cheeso room .soup . .Split the boked shorltako, butler 1 can condensed chicken gumbo V2 cup milk whiio hot, and put ano spoonful soup 1 egg yolk "Creamed Chicken and M u s h i o o m ' 2 teaspoons gelallh, soaked In 2 I cup chicken, cut into about \ii over the. boliom linlr.af the biscuit. tablespoons water Ucpiaco tho top and put biio kifobnInch ^.(tutfi'oii 1 cup ground ham • Kmply tlio cream of niusliroom ful of mixluro over the top. Serves .4-5 tablespoons salad dressing soup into a saijccpan, mix well, then 6-C. or mayouualso was rather a crude thing; two pieces of,bread With a slice ot beef. .What would the Earl of Sandwich think if.he,could see the'exterit to which his little whim h a s been car'rlea-^.Otit!• The;- •^sSSti%rch'6*'M"'to-' •j^itioSS*fe'eiS,'tM^ae'slfe'*tb-,"s'erVe a p'ofatb^iess; meal, yet isn't'iricliried, diiy are. dkliity, attractive things' to's'erve the regulation spaghetti or served a t nearly all occasions and macaroni ind cheese, here is a re filled With a.rehliy amiizlrig variety 'cipe that will . be just the thing of meats, salads and sweets, for example: 'C'what'ever,that is) Egg and Mushrooin Sandwich .. , Maoa'ronl Pie Saute mushrooms and chop tine 5i 'pound cold beef with hard boiled eggs In proporMr. and Mrs:.Harry M. Ferguson 'A onion tion to suit taste. Bind with a little of'Bradley Avenue left Saturday for I Workman have bebri wdrkifig qn 3 |o'r 4 tomatoes Alps Road and Main Street, Short sweet cream .and spread between a two weeks vacation In Maine: }A • pound macaroni Beach wllh a scraper. thin slices of fresh ijread. Bre'adcrumbs Mystery Cheese SariUwich Rev, and, Mrs.. .Robert J. Pluiiib 0riited cheese 3 hard boiled eggs and their ..dauifhthers, Polly and Mr, arid Ivirs. Irving Adiims of'Oo,Stdck . 14 pourid American cheese Ann left Tuesday lo iiass the riext dar Street have inoved Into tho Bar tmsz.::3»sz'::sme:s.x-imiz:zmszssm> Salt, pepper and nutmeg two weeks at take Wa'remaug, New ker bouse In Llmewood Grovo. dut the beef into thin slices, peel 1 small onion Preslon. When going for a motor or campthe onion and slice thinly, slice the 1 plniento Narpes Socletj; will hold a food All easy game to play with a ing trip, always take some warm Misses Martha and Vestft Chill tomatoes, and boll the macaroni in '/a teaspdbn salt child When mother has a few mo- ,cloUilng even If the weather Is very foux ot North Guilford were visit Rev. William Nicolas of EB.SI Ha. sale Saturday mdrriing at 10 o'olocl; slightly salted water lintU tender, 1-8 teaspoon paprika on Ihs Green, Ing at Guilford Lakes last week. ven left Sunday for a vacation ir Cbol 'atid drain the macaroni, and Put all through food chopper, ifient's leisure Is drawing pictures I ^j^^.,,^ j ^ ^^,in t,e apprcclalecl when MUnsori, N. H. .cut it up Into small pieces. Line a using flriest knife. Mix thoroughly; sUgeested by words. The nearest the weather suddenly luriis cold as i',;! ;..•. !/,;:/ 1 Mrs. Strandberg and rier dailgh1 buttered casserole with macaroni, add seasonings ,and It not indlst, book or newspaper Is opened at It Is certain to do. Icrs, Marie and Caroiyn ot East Ha-, Irma DrlngoU has returnod^to her FOR LOCAL NEWS ^krid arrange the meat, onion and' add enough olive oil to obtain Irartdom, arid with eyes shut, the READ THE vbiifato slices in layers In the baking spreading consistency. Let stand for child 'puts a finger anywhere on the Many housewives conslde rthem ven recently called on friends at, home In WolUngford atter.a week's .visit with Mr. and Mrs.,Clifford Pe-dish, 'Season Wilt salt, pepper and Several; hours to blend the flavors, page. Whatever word his linger selves good managers. Yet they wait Lake Zoar. 'BRANFbka RsyiE^ toUoTies, the mother must repre- until cold weather and the fires are bate and Alnibnil Sandwich tcrspn. Short ;Beiich Road. • riyiitnee, pour, over a little stock and sent In some figure or scene it needed before the furnace and Mr., and Mrs. Arthur, Siiijth ot ^Cpyei-, the ,^ top with macaroni. '/b cup chopped dates East Haven \yere guests SJvturdiy at 'SiJrlnkie .with breadcrumbs and a 1/2 cup chopped blanched al- brings lo her mind. Words like chimney arc clearied. ;fire," "barn," dress' are easy, but Lake Quonnipaug. ilt'ti'e grated cheese, and bake for morids "lovely," "black" and other adjecV4 cup whipped cream about 20 minutes in a hot oven. tives are harder, while "late" or Fruit sugar clLssolves more quicky^ teaspoon salt Mcrrltt Taylor of Short Beach Mix ingredients and spread on 'forget" a n d similar words will ly t h a n granulated, but it Is belter was a weekend visitor In Waterbury I cause rauch fun and weird draw- still for sweetening cold drinks. thin slices of bread. ENDUillNG THE TEST OF TIME ings. If it is a word which cannot A. F. Bradoe of Stony Creek Is American stylists, returning from possibly be pictured, it Is mother's Sometimes when you remove a the Paris Openings tell us t h a t long- t u r n to shut her eyes arid point, and spot with Ba.sollne you leave a ring visiting relatives In Wisconsin. J haired furs.are cited as trimmings tile child .must try to draw the about the part cleaned. You can reOMATO juice, chill aiid tart, is for coats next'season, further men picture for the next word. This move this by holding It over the Miss Jeanne . Erldson has 'cbmone of the mtisi refreshing of all tioning that coats with a dressmak would be a pleasant, quiet game to steam, of the tea kettle. But you plefed a week's vacation with drinks In hot .weather. Maybe beer quality, will probably be fashion p i a y w i t h one or more children Jusl might find it safer to use something friends In Providence, R, I. 'eaiise it la tlUrst quenching or perother than gasoline to remove that Iiapi. because It iH full of vitamin C. before bedtime. leaders. But' b e all I.hilt a s li "may, torimio spot. W. W. Ham a p d , Mr. and Mrs. Juice cools and stimulates and puts GLOIIIFYING THE CARROT William Wilson, Billy Mlschler, and BEVERAGE TO SERVE new life and sparkle Into souls Hhip Irori) ajriimineij's day Heat. , . Glorifying the carrot Is a simple Miss Alice Wilson have been on a One should never clean an clee A T W E D D I N G LUNCHEON HAVE SET A H'IG&EI matter If done In .this m a n n e r : trie Iron with a knife. The scratch motor trip to Virginia, Tomato J u i c e with Cucumber Carrot Ring STANDARD OF QUALITY W h a t wines shall one serve at a Ing may spoil the finish of the ], qaii 04 OES.) toinato Juice 2 Clips boiled carrots wedding luncheon? If the item of Iron. Also, one should never overMiss Eleanor Olson of Meadow, >i cucumber (chopped) .V4 .teoiipooii aalt. expense Is no object it Is impossible 6 eggs beaten.separately Qlreet Is a t Rogers Lake, Old Lyme heat the iron. 1. tabltiHpooii fresh lime Juice Icup grated bread crumbs to do better t h a n simply start right this week. • Select a cucumber about 7,Inches 1 teaspoon mustard off with champagne, then, with the Apply a Utile denatured alcohol long. / C u t . in.half, .then peel and Vi .teaspoon paprika meat coUrse, go to a good red wine cnon the cucumber finely. Add t h e with a brush to the dark-brown Mrs, Ida, Brown and,Miss Ann' dliopped cuciimbfep to tlie toniato and then; with. the salad ^erve no 1 pint thin cream stains which cigarsttes make on Wry of East Hdveh are on a trip to jnlcQ ond let tt.'stand In-refciBeraior Mash the carrots, add bread copper and brass ash trays and the Portland, Me. wlrie iind tlien go right back to" the for a t least one hour.' Then s t r a i n . champagne. Incidentally, trying to crumbs and seasoning, b e a t In the, stains will disappear Immediately. (0reing a s riiucli of tlie, cucumber serve a wine with a s^'J-.d made with egg yolks and then fold hi the stifjiilce Ihrdifgh the ^ieve as possible. Add t h e salt ."and fresh lime Juice ari acid dressing I s / p t to prove a fly beaten ivhites Turn into a but. Sardines mixed with salad dres- Miss Mai'jorle Thdmp'son 6f East and eerve chilled. foolhardy and thai ,fess under t a - ter'ed mold, place in a p a n of hot sing and a few drops of lemon juice Haven has been vacatlorilng In Tomato 'Juice with Celery king, A well made, sharp French wa,ter, cdpk.. 30 minutes. Fill with a make an excellent filling for tiny Madison. dressing, for Instance, can start a shirmp sauce niads as follows: 1 can- < 14 OEB.) loniuto Julcu Furniture Draperies tea biscuits. Serve them hot with A-Real Figure M Speech! •}i. ittujpoon salt ! grand fight with just ajibut any 1 cup white sauce 1 Clip celery -• soups or as appetizers. fist stude: What Is a, metaphor? Bedding ,Bugs, 1 iftbJespooii lemon juice '& cup shrimps, canned or fresh wlrie, and the vaiu'e of both Is apt ?nd: \/hat.dld,)ypu,say7.-. , ; „ . . 1: teapsoon mashed anchovy to iDe ruined. Giind thfe celery In the food chopRanges Radios .ist: What Is a metaphor (meadow Add grapes, seedless or seeded, to per- then add to the tomato Juice Few drops lemop jlqe Mid.salt. I^et chill Ih the refrlgeruElectrical Appliances Add all the ingredients to the lime or mlrit gelatine for a pleasing for)? John Auerhammer of Alps. Road ior (01 a t least one l»our. S t r a i n ; 2nd: Cows what do you think? has moved to Hamden where lie .will white sauce. Cover the pan and let' flavor contrast to .serve with roasts •then add the Icmou Juice and serve chops or fowl. it stand for a few minutes where make his home with his son, Max. chilled. Niits! the contents cannot boll. Fill t h e Tomato.Juice with Lime Stage Maniiger: All ready! Riin If a child Is sick, it often is much ring arid serve. Mason Rogers Women^s Relief,carrot .. 1 can (H ozs.) loiuulo Juice up the curtalnl more acceptable to give a bowl Corps meets today a t a picnic.at! 14 teuspooif hftit , , „ Stage Hand; Say, * h b t do you with two goldfish In It than to send BWi street . New Haven 06rnW-0r»^« • Branford Point with the Guilford Help Prevent .Hay, Fever 1 lableapoon fresh lime Juice think I am—a Bqulrrel? ,' By Destroying Rag V,^eed flowers;or. jk.book. Add the sjll and fresh lime Juice and Clinton Relief Corps., U) the tomato juice. Chill and aei*ve. iDELrCiOtlrS, iP'OTiA-TOIJESS DINNERS • LIGHT FOOD is WMt m crcwe flood bid sumWierHine: \ in the & Quiet Game To Play With Mother TIPS I GAD-A-BGUTS Since 1897 Cb'OLER-iOFFS For Thirsty Days T \ 1 BEVERAGES "/I Complete tfyfrte Furnishers BULLARD'S sit Mft^gTjiyit'^tt^L^'y? ife:iSi»#!S«>ife«p«l«^,fts«A5*4ks.?^^ Page Four ffiijp S J r a n f n r t l S t U i r i t t '"•'"""'•"'•'' (""olnRiirc. There is mv ndcljtioiml, niid perlinpa more cnjnRstftblished 1»2II pelliiig circumatanoe than either Published Every Tliursdajr At of the foregoing, t h a t spoils the Braiitord, Conn, story. Mr. Roosevelt has had a by TUE IIRANFOnD REVIEW, INC. long and intensive education in 37 Rosa Street the capacity ot those to whom he speaks to hold their tongues. TJie MEYER LESHINE Publisher ALICE T. PETERSON Editor last person to whom he'would entrust such information—oven it it were true—would he one who Telephone nranfflrd. 400 Subscription Rate: would r u n t o repeat it to ii news$2.00 tt Year, Payable In Advance paper gossip specialist. Advertlslns Rales. On Application m T H E BEANFORD R E V I E W , THURSDAY, AtJOUST 3, 1939 THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT WASHINGTON THE CONSUMER SPEAKS By HOWARD PATE SNAPSHOTS Is a hellish practice to destroy or curtail any crop as long as there HOW THE TAXPAYER exists a real need for them. Judging CAN GET OUT OF THIS by human needs we have never had BUSINESS OF BELIEF—II Not all the ghosts In Washington a surplus crop of any kind. SurLast week I pointed out that write speeches for blg-wlg tongue pluses exist when all of a given crop waggers or h a u n t houses It now something has to be done about cannot be sold at a profit. T h a t Is seems. There are other ghosts who this business ot relief. We cannot why we have the paradox ot milnil In nicely when there Is need lor stop relief. Neither can we go on as lions of bushels ot food products we have been going for the past an anonymous pronunclamento. and millions of bales of cotton These mythical nigurcs have been eight years or so. We know that whlrh we do not know how to discalled to duty quite frequently of there aro ten million unemployed pose of and a sixth of the populalate. Most recently, t h e ghost has and wo know that even In t h e ev- tion sorely In need of tliese very been making some strange but im- ent of greatly Improved business same products. portant noises. The person to whom conditions we will still have a maAs to the putative corroboration Unused land can be loaned or OI^ GOVERMMENT H!<l T O U R T H 13RAWCH the mythical figure has been talk- jor problem of unemployment with i¥ rented to raise crops which have no Member Of afforded by the appoinlii.out ot ing Is no less a personage than the us for many more years. l(" We know that Improved labor- surplus problems for the use ol the New England Press Assoelatlun the President of these United J I c N u t t to one of the (host imporStates, and he has passed the saving machinery h a s permanently needy. Large scale canning operdisplaced hundreds of thousands of ations can be carried on In season' Entered an second class matter, t a n t jobs under tho New Deal, it statements on for all-to heed. October II), 1028, a t the Post Office docs not a p p e a r to have stniok The latest word the President has worKers. Destroy the machine? Of to supply food through the wlijter. at Branford, Conn., under Act ot any of the commentators, t h a t passed on from the ghost is t h a t course not. English factory workers Practically every trade and profesMarch 3, laOT, the United States has done the bus tried to destroy their machinery slon is represented among the unwith a tough and highly responsiIness boom In the bud by Us antl some hundred years ago but the | employed. Those who have special lowing the wishes of the White march of machines Is destined to skills along certain lines could be ble place to fill, the I'rosident Thursday, August 3, 1030 House In the matter of neutrality. go on. There Is absolutely no rea- put to work doing t h a t which they should turn to a man w h o bad The Chief Executive quotes the an son why labor-saving devices should can do best. In order for these 30,been a sueeossful Clovernor ot a onymous business man as saying be scrapped to spread work. It pre-1000,000 people to live in an econNEWS l l ^ M ' A MAOOI? -PORTION OF GOV£RNME^I^ t h a t the Senate has nipped a bus- sent civilization cannot make u'se ot omy of their own It would be necStale a n d a compeleiil adininisIS CONOOCteO By A B R A N C H WOT COUTeMPLATeO APPRECIATION iness boom In the bud b ylts anti- technologlcal advances for the ben-'cssary to establish some sort ot • , ; IKl -THE, C O N S T l T O - n O N ^ ^ j ^ ( j | H trnlor of affairs in the Philippines. eflt of the great mass ot people It lb scrip system. A certain amount of New Deal antics on neutrality. I t is ciiliiniltnu.s but true tiinl Tho clrouiiiHtanco t h a t the appoinReasoned the ghost: If the White doomed. Improvements in produc- scrip could be paid each worker House had its way on the question tlon must be passed on lo the pco- which would be exchangable tor any n o t until we laolc .sotnelliiiig do wo tee is himself a Presidential aspiPATENTS AND THE FARMER we could soil war materials abroad. pie In the form ot n: higher stand- ot the goods and services manulaci'ceogiii/.o ilH need or respeel, os- rant has no particular signiflcanoo. Thus would come the buslnosi ard of living and a happier and tul-1 tured or performed by the 30,000,Under the American patent syslcni this ooiiiitry lias enjoyed the Tho MeNutt tale, with perliaiis Icr hte. 1000. This would avoid competition timnto or iipprcciiile its viiluo. boom. groiitest era of indiislriiil and social in-ogress In the history of manBut reasoned the Senate: It we We know that private business has with tho regular private profit syUntil tlu! Inirriciine we were many difl'oront characters in llie bogged down. Some blame the last stem which the rest of the populacast, is bouiul to bo repealed a kind. What i.s hiipponiiig today under tho eiiccujraging gnidiince of have our way (and they did) we'll more llian liltely to uonHidor oleowar, some tho control of money by tlon would continue to live under. hundred times between now and o u r piitoiit laws is positive evidence lliiit all groups in the United keep our war materials at home Thus all the "booming" will be International bankers, some blame Think how much more useful the tricity "a ,iiist one more bill "to next June, but wo nniy be sure States beiiedt from tliein. Certainly the farmer Is a ease in point. the present Administration, some I various WPA projects could have kept over there. A survey of wlint may bo e.vpectod from research in the next tew blame taxes, some the government been If they were not damned by pay. , ' , , ; :, . that when the time coines tor tho Washington correspondents have debt, and some blame the stars, those who In one breath erltlze the AVe are given lo undorKland real imnouncenicnt, it will not ho years, conducted by a BulTulo, Now York, bank, revoals Unit the prosperity of the farmer, as well as that of tbo nmiiufaotnrer, is vitally endeavored to learn the Identity of With the exception of the latter all.WPA for not being useful while In tlmt lliove is no cause to I'ear ii ihrough a leak to a newspaper, or dopondent upon patents. Agriculture, as well iis industry and its mil- the ghost figure, but with question- of these reasons, and many others, j the next breath they quake at t h e any other back-door whisper. too, are responsible for the subnor- j thought of WPA competition with slioi'tngo of w a t e r but we a r e jn.sl lions of workers and stoekliolder,s, 1ms a stake in the American pat- able success. They do have the name mal functioning of our social econ- private business." It one stops to of one nian which some authoritarciilizing what a lionedt, w h a t n' ent Nysteiii whiuli today is the ob.ioct of ocrtuiii ill-considered attacks. tive sources say Is the real ghost In omy. I think a moment It can be easily I T COULDN'T BE DONE hli'SHiiig II lilllc raliiriill would bo. Tho ButTalo bunk nskod two thousand ])rnminent reaearch men the case. But It turns out the man What we are concerned with here seen t h a t It Is difficult, to dovlse this (|Uostion: " W h a t will bo the outslaiuling contribution from your In question Is NOT a business man, is the balancing of the budget and^work projects t h a t are useful which Wroiiks, HireaniH and wells are in When nearly a eenlnry of hiekthe reduction ot taxes while at the | at the same time do not compete but simply a speculator. u sorry stale. Pebbles and bould- oriug over an irritating int;ornii- Hold of roaoareli during tho next throe y e a r s ? " As one newspaperman remarked: same time being able to accomplish with business. Under the clroumThe responses that cauio in show t h a t there are, in the offing, uners arc out seeing the world that, lioiial issue is swept away by two "Ot late there has been a 'business- thls without causing hardship to stances the WPA has done remarkdreamtof Uses for soybeans to make plastics, corn i'or motor fuel, wood man' who goes to the Wlilte House; the unemployed. If further proof Is ably well. But It cost an awful lot nnver bol'ore saw the li(!ht o t d a y . good Hotiiry dinners wiUi a hit for lacquers, and milk for textile substitutes. New chomioiil fertilizers sits down and argues with the Pres- wanted that relief has become a of money to run it year In and year When poison ivy withers, and of praolieiil fellowship on the side, t h a t produce amazing e'lTocts on pliint growlh are reported. A new ident and always loses." permanent problem one has only to out. one has oonvineing evidence of the The whole ghostly business has be read the report of the New Haven | This Is the gist of the plan. As diofi at till' roelt it uliiiga to yon potato liarveHter wliiclrmiiy eventindly save about oiio-third the cost enieauy ot the friendly luncheonBoard ot Finance t h a t rehef has far as possible these unemployed ot potato jn'oduction lias been perfected and is about ready i'or com- come such a Joke to tho writers t h a t niny he iiretty sure it's dry I they now jestingly ask tho peanut ceased to be an emergency condl- would supply their own needs. They eoiiforeaoe—and a good story bgmercial iwo. i ' ""• ' " " ^ ' ' l ^ i ^ i l ' F a r m e r s tells us t h a t llowor and sidoH. The story uoiicorns the Rovendor who has his stand at the tlon and Is to be considered on a would not be permitted to compete A whole new American industry—the distillation ot American White House gate, If he is not, In permanent basis. Where $40,000 a with business, neither would bus•vogotuble gardens will not survive tary Clubs of aiieiit, Belgium, and llowor oils for perfumes—has boon made po.ssible hy new scientific fact, a secret White House advisor. year once sufficed the city tor re-jlness expect to make a proflt from this extreme period o[ i-ainlesn IJIUC, Franco, and what they did lief needs It Is now found that a t ' t h e m . Business would have Its and ohomical developments. 'I'liis will create new jobs in the producabout a problem that had battled Thoso In the Capital who look least halt a minion dollars a year hands full taking care of Its own lioat. tion of a commodity now imported. olllcial authorities tor decades. more seriously at the question of on a permanent relief load basis Is business among the privately emAVhiil we ilud snil'crs most is Every one ot tliesQ developments is (le|)ondent upon piitent.s. One necessary. This Is In addition to'ployed population once taxes could For mqro tlinn 80 years certain inanutaoturing cor|)oralibi) engaged principally in tbd'm'anufactnre ot business conditions are not In agree the Federal WPA, the PWA, the CCC be appreciatively lowered. Some will not t h e giirdon»,Jtt\cuH or pools but ment with the White House "spokes industries in N o r t h e r n F r a n c o had suoli'now prodiicta as those is iibw the biggest singlb cuHtoliicr for r a w a n d o t h e r toilet agencies. This wasjsay t h a t this smacks of Socialism, our own, niitiirttily sweet, dispo- dumiiod polluting waste iprodiiots The neutrality Issue has played made known a day or two after last So whati Something far worse will materials produced li.v American I'arnis. ' sition, no part In present conditions, they week's <;olumn was written. In the happen to the entire country In into the Espiorro Kivor. Because Sooros of new plasHc products, substitutes for rubber, silk and say. This school of thinkers feels end practically all cities will come another five years a t the present "\Vo hiive notiued friend and that stream (lows into the Eseaut many other ca.sentials long iinporlod can now ho made, from American earlier hopes of business aid have to this realization t h a t relief h a s ' r a t e of spending and taxing. Inflarelative grow fretful, peevish, River and so earriod the pollution grown farm prodnet;s, (hanks to Uie advance of scionfio and technolo- not been fulflllled. ceased to bo an emergency and tlon Is one possibility. And this into Belgium, especially nITeeling gy. Tho nianufnetnro ot these products provides .fobs and Incomes i'or Early In the session ot Congress, must be treated on a long range would wipe our all savings accounts, touchy and ill-natured. the oily of Client, the matter be- industrial workers wlio in turn croalo additiomil markets for the pro- they point out, there was some In- basis. lite insurance policies, and countless Conies a clouded, cooler sky, ii dication that such business deter- The plan that I suggest to bal- other things, uamo an international jimbleni. ducts of the farm. : ' " " • * ' " ' miniature shower and the crabbed Public rents as tho National Labor Rela- ance the budget, take the taxpayer | Among other things the plan iiutliorilios regularly The results for the farmer and all eoncorncd arp larger incomes tions Act, taxes and Federal fiscal out, ot this business of relief, and would divorce relief from politics, .sulky disposition improves then sought to control the anno.vanee, a n d bettor living conditions. And without the stimulus to invention policies might be revised. Because at the same time work no hardship I t would simply be one kind of snial slijis back into a more cyniuul hut the industrialists always and research jn'ovidod b y ' t h e American patent system, this process of this wishful thinking many In- on the unemployed will be orltlclz- ler economy functioning within our shunted the proposed solutions slate when' the shower retreats at dustries expanded plants. Increased ed most heartily by the very ones present larger economy. As the recould not be carried Uirough successfully to its vitnl^ conclusion. payrolls and prepared for a return who complain the loudest about un- llet workers gradually found jobs In aside. Piitiontly tho Belgian peollio insistciice ot the sun. to normal economic operations. balanced budgets and high taxes, private employment the plan could ple hoped for II settlement, but alOnly the tax structure was modi- There Is very little hope for' such be lessened In scope. It could be ways it was deliiyed. To protect | Increased when the need arose. The fled, however, and t h a t revision was dyed-ln-the-wool reactionaries. THE PARMEE GETS WHAT'S LEFT A PESKY WEED itaeir, the Belgian Govornmonl not at all t h a t It has been head The plan in brief acknowledges plan would be flexible enough to The Agriculture Dopartmont has just made a study ot farm prices lined to be. Actually, under the new that a sixth ot the population is absorb all ot the unemployed who inalallod an experimental purillTo hay fever sufl'erors it is sad calion plant and tried lo control and annoiiiioes that in 11)38 tho fariuors got lower prices for their pro- tax measure, there Is no reduction'receiving some form of government have a desire to work HOWS indeed that rag weed is the trouble alone. ducts than in pre-war days, but that the consinner was paying more In the amount ot taxes collected relief (about 22,000,000) and the un-; An outright grant ot approxlmaTho modlfled tax schedule simply omployed and their families not on tely two billion dollars (this Is much growing rapidly lliis year in spite Then, three years ago; the two for Uic products, i n other words, altbongh more nipney Avas being collects the taxes differently. government relief rolls (at least less than a year's outlay of Federal o£ the drought. s p e n t for agricultural oonimodities, the farmer was getting loss of it. Rotary Clubs onlored the pioturo. But most Important, there was n o another 8,000,000) making a total state, and local relief expenditures) Branford is organized for its The department's Bureau of Agricultural Econoniics then goes ] action on the hoped for overhaul ot of 30,000,000 needy. These 30,000,000 would be required to set the plan In At a luncheon to which tho Rotary elimination by having everyone Club of Qhent invited tho Rotary on lo give some fancy explanations of why this condition exists. One the NLRA or any change In the million people should be taken outjmotlon. After the first year or two pu|l it up wherever it is seen. deficit spending policies. of our economic system. A separate |ot operation a small administrative Club of Lillo, an engineer pro- reason, says the bureau, is that distribution costs aro higher. The burproduction for use economy should,fund would be all t h a t would be r e Scouts, '1-U'ers, Garden Club aonted the Belgian side ot Ihe eau adds otiicially: "Of course many factors have influenced changes More Argentine Beet: Washington be established tor these impoverish-• quired. members and state and town Espierre alTuir. His point was well in prices ot farm products since the pre-war y e a r s : monetary and oth- ians are wondering If the Argentine ed people within our present p r l - Thus millions of our citizens who workmen are helping to r i d t h e taken, and a tew months later tho er factors affecting the general price level, ehanges in population, in- beef Issue will ever be forgotten (a vate proflt economy. |are a drug in our society through no stale of this eominou pest. French Club reoiprooated, enter- dustrial activity and con.snmer purebasingiiower in the U, S., changes lot of them wish it would be). 0 n s Under this plan taxpayers and fault ot their own can become an Individuals are asked to co-op taining t h e Belgian Club members, in inlormilional trade and foreign denmnd conditions, anil changes ot the Congressmen tanned the private business would be treed from asset to themselves. When enough flame anew recently by carrying a the necessity ot subsidizing the vast people begin to realize t h a t there crate by destroying it wherever who were aceonipanied by the in botli tho domestic and foreign supplies of farm p r o d u c t s . " tin of the Argentine product Into relief load as thi'y have been doln: win be millions and millions of unthey find it on their own grounds. But there is a more simple—and more probable—factor the bur- the House chamber, with the a n - tor nearly ten years. Individual taxMayor of their city. Here tho employed and their dependents for Perhiipa it can novor be coin- F r e n c h view was aired, and oau has api)areutly overlooked. T h a t factor is right uiider the b u r e a u ' s nouncement t h a t "I bought this In payers and corporations, freed of many years tp come a n d this regard plolely destroyed but each weed through these trioiidly speeches, nose in the administration's poliijies of economic experimentation. the basement of the Agriculture caring tor the unemployed, should less of business Improvement, then pulled up means one loss poor h a y citizens of each nation understood And in those i)olicies sovoral causes mii,v. be found, but two are Department Building," where a be able to function In a better man- this or a similar plan will be adopgrocery and meat counter is oper- ner than at present. The argument ted. Readers ot this column might I'over victim. for tho first time tho other coun- easily seen and should be pointed out. One is (he policy of forcing ated for the benefit ot government arises that It we take 30,000,000 peo wish to express their comments on In one state we are lold it is t r y ' s rights and point ot view. higher wages (and thercforo higlier costs) in the industries which clerks. pie and their purchasing power out the foregoing. against the law tor a p r o p e r t y of our economy tho effect upon busAeooini)anied by tochnioal ex- must process aud dislributo farm products. The result is simple— it owner to let it grow on his land. Stamp Note: It Is a dull day In iness would be calamitous. To arSTOKY OF A BRAZEN MINX perts, the Froneli and Belgian boosts tho price the consumer pays for the product,, but doesn't out philately when the Post Office Degue thus Is to forget that big and Review readers often bring clipIi' wo join forces tor its deslrueRotarians then visited the purifi- tho farmer in for any larger share of the food dollar. partment Isn't thinking up somelittle taxpayers and corporations tinn it will' not bo necessary for pings or historical papers to the Tho other is the jioliey of forever adding now laxcs^on food procation plant, where valuable sugthing new for the stamp collectors. supply the government with money Review office for persual. Reading auoh a law,in Connoeliout. gestions came fortli, notably from ducts. Those are laostly hidden, undercover taxes w h i c l r d o not show Tho Indefatigable thinker-uppers which the government gives to re- one not long ago we found on the I t ' s a j o b ; the roadsides aro full tlie French engineer. A report on on tho price tag tho housewife sees in a store. They boost the costs ot in t h a t department can turn out]lief recipients. These recipients In back cover ot a journal a cllpphig of it. the inspoclion tour and resulting tho commodity, but, like the other i)olioy, add nothing to tho fann- new picture Ideas for stamps faster, t u r n spend this same money with regarding the weather, one listing than tho Bureau of Engraving can I business. This does not proflt bus If yon do n o t know the pesky proposals publislied in the weekly er's share. Nor does it add anything to the prolits of the processor, produce the flinlshed product. The;nless because business Is In reality the size of the front parlor and beside It the reo.ulred number of yards weed laake its auquaintaneo but bulletin of the Belgian Rotary handler, shipper or grocer, or to the ipmutity or quality the consumer P. O. officials are about to release giving away its goods and services necessary ot carpet—brussels. do not cultivate it. feovernmonl—for 35 new stamps, honoring great Am-; tor nothing to some 30,000,000 men District convinced tho Bolginu receives. The extra cash simply goes hack to the The most interesting long hand Orleans in tho arts and sciences. women and children. This is why memo read. In feminine hand, "I Provincial Government, a member niorc economic experimentation. I t ' s n vicious cycle I the vast relief a r m y should have a put red paint on my cheeks yesterot the Ghent Club, that the proCIRCUMSTANTIAL E V I D E N C E progi-am established for them that day—No dates Were recorded. blem ho had considered insolublo will permit them to be self-supportUfUH^etfffnA.'^uuA One ot America's biggest carpet was called on account ot darkness ing. I t is extremely doubtful it the could bo solved—by adopting the The only man who ever gets on recommendations ot tlio French —the lights went out. makers In Amsterdam, New York, All the employables among the an old maids nerves is a dentist. President at tho present stage of t o VISIT relief recipients would mark work engineer. Difi'oronoes of long has changed the name of Its oncetho p o l i t i c a r , s i t u a l i o n definitely Two years ago Louisiana passed at productive pursuits to supply has made up his mind as to his standing were composed and wprk popular "Dictator" rugs to "Liber- a law giving a ten-year exemption themselves with t h e things they Help Prevent Hay Fever ty," course. Mu^h may happen be-j on a joint control project begun, to now industries. In those two need. Idle factories should be loanBy Destroying Rag Weed •THIS YEAR years 60 million dollars worth of ed tor their use to manufacture tween nowiiind convention time By October, 1040, the water of •you might think that the com- new factories have been built In the clothing and household supplies and t h a t might'.'intluenoe his decision.) the Espierre and the Esoaut will ing ot night baseball would elimin- state. to process food. Surplus cropfe (in FOR LOCAL NEWS • GOOD ROADS I n the uecojid place, there could, flow fresh aridjJollution-fTceagaiii ate the "called on account of dark• SAIK BEACHES i spite of the present New England be no advantage, imd would be for tlio ilrst time in almost a ocii^ ties?''plaint. Not so. A recent night It's easy to seo thru a guy who • PEACEFUL LAKES READ THE drought) should be utilized by these • HISTORIC VILLACES ocrtuiu disadvantages to sucU a tury.—-From tho Rotarinu. game between Harttord and Elmlra makes a spectacle of himself. needy families. Qod knows> t h a t It BRANFORD REVIEW CONNECTICUT •i^*--"'-»'<<'^"J't^'^''''i'i^4-i.';j'^<'*'c-''^ V •V • ' i Mi;''4i.'iil,a j > ; i ^-4'tifJif%S^i)i«iJi Page Five T H E BRADFORD R E V I E W , THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1030 Fair. Granite Bay Meanderings By Charlollc Young of a Miss Helen Bauer of Springfield, Mass is passing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bauer of Main Street Book Worm Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer of Prospect Beach, West Haven are here for the summer. By JAMES PRESTON i^»l ti,;:^; "f„-ir/^'Si.Jl«^*..i,i^^,^^j;jj,^-,-,|.,4^-L^^p.^i-^i^"L,|^.j^i Dixon R. Pox, Known Here, Edits "Cavalcade of A m e r i c a " and The Library Family Settles Down To Read It. Our next door neighbor had been suggesting I read "The Cavalcade of America" but it wasn't until I had it home that we discovered it was edited Dixon Ryan Fox and Arthur M. Schleslnger. Course we all know Mr. Fox. The fomlly owns three houses here and are frequent visitors. The book Is a chronicle ot the Pageant ot Progress down through the ages of America's evolution. The Authentic Librettos ot the Italian opera—Ollbert and Sullivan Operettas and The Authentic Librettos of the Wagner Operas I have been asked to look over for my music club. "Men Can Take I t " Is a frontal attack on male fashions by Elizabeth Hawes, the author whose wit and shrewdness made "Fashion Is Spinach" a national slogan. My Ted, who wears such outstanding comfortable clothes all summer laughs with Elizabeth Hawes as she tells men why they ollng to collars, ties and coats with the temperature sizzling around the 105 degree mark outside. Other books my good husband h a s niarked for summer reading aro: " W i n d , Sand and Stars";. Antolne DeSalnt Exupery; "Your Mind, and How to Use"—W. J. Emmer; "Be- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berthlaume and their two children of Worcester, Mass., are spending a week with trayal In Central Europe" G. E. R, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fenn ot Stono Gcdyo; "Modern Oulde to Success- Street. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. ful Gardening"—M. D. Kalns; "Ad- Berthlaume attended the World's irondack Tales"— Eleanor Early; "Team-work In Colonial Days"— Walter K. Putnoy; "I Ran Away to Sea at Fifty", Mary Sheridan Falmestock. Junior returned from Sharon yesterday after a three weeks camping trip with a couple of young chaps from school . I saw Mickey Cochrane's book, "Baseball, the Fan's Game," at the Blackstone Library so I brought 11 home on his card. Also I brought "How to Be a GMan" T. H. Tracy and Leon G. Turrou In collaboration with George Daws. Found "The Life Story of the Fish" by Brian Curtis, but I think he look that book on his camping trip. Know he carried Lincoln and the Civil War by Tyler Dennett because I saw It among his luggage. Eleanor has been with us for 10 days so she and Patty have enjoyed "Decorating Is Fun 1 "by Dorothy Draper. All of Mrs. Draper's work Is mark ed by a characteristic originality and freshness of approach and a charming gayety. Eleanor has a yen to write so she read Alice Ross Colver's "If You Should Want To Write," while our Patty went for "The Five Sisters," a study of Child Psychology by William E. Blatz. Tyler Is visiting In Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Webb of Rye, New York wore week end guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brlggs. By Helen Shoemaker Mr. John Wilson ot Now York spent the week end at the homo ot Mr. Albert Benham of Norwalk Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson. visited Mr, and Mrs. Merlon Benham over tho week end. Mr. and Mrs. D, Charles Boausololl entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MaoArthur John Becker and daughter Cathor- ot Ooodsell Road have rented and Ino of Philadelphia, Ponn. on Sun- are now occupying tho Andrew's house, South Monloweso Street. day. Miss Shirley Place of West AuAnd Lastly— burn, Mass. Is the guest of her aunt Roiiico says t h a t kissing a girl and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W, because she lots you Is like scratchRowley. ing a place t h a t doesn't Itch. FINAST PURE MAYONNAISE Make your favoiltc salad taste better by using plenty of mjiyoniuilsc You can depend on the bigh quality of Finast 10'-19'5«35' BUTTER BUTTER Happy Birthday e:':::iaes'£aincc»tsrs«KS.'d)Mis£rv Spends Week Born July 29th 'Vera Bell Royce Mrs. A. Hlckox of New Haven Crlsihan was 10 years of age this spent the past week In North Gull- week. ford, the guest ot Mrs. Anna Rusconl. Janice Katherlne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Baldwin was California.. 12 on Monday. Miss Florence Camp of Prospect Hlli, Stony Creek has returned from Miss Maryanne Dooley, daughter a trl pto California. ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dooley, Jr. of Henry Street, East Haven was House Guests guest of honor at a party given Mr. and Mrs. George Paker of Monday to celebrate her ninth Taylor Avenue, East Haven, enter- birthday. tained Lieut, and Mrs. Walter S. Guests Included; Patsy Dooley, Falk of Drexel Hills, Penna., over Alice Lawlor, Jeanette Hotchklss, the weekend. Audrey Barnum Joan MacDonough. Married Announcement Is made of the marriage this week of Miss Mildred Weslerman ot Chldsey Avenue, East Haven to Mr. George Beard, also ot East Haven. The couple will live a t Guilford Lakes. Twelve—Is Robert Geler. On Tuesday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geler gave a birthday party in his honor at their summer cottage in Summer Island. GuestS'Were: Mrs. Grace Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bournett of Ivory ton I Mr. and Mi-s. Earl Abroad Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geler, Miss Janet Bradley of Church Mr. and Mrs. Wlnlfleld R. Morgan Street sails for England from Que- and Miss Jeanette Bradley. bec today. She is accompanied by Miss Irma Condon of Boston, Mass. August 3rd Is the anniversary of a classmate at Wheaton College. the birth ot Fred Bllcker. West Coast Lee Gorskl will celebrate his Miss Lauretta H. Babcock of South birthday today, August 3rd at his Main Street and her brother, An- home with an anniversary party. son T. Babcock of Baltimore, Md., are en route to the World Fair in Mrs. George Myron celebrates her San Francisco. anniversary on August n t h . Sojourn John T. Miss Lucia Bryant ot Pine Or- year on the chard Is in Coral Island Club Bermuda for three weeks. She will be Sammuel joined next week by Mrs. Thomas birthday to W. Bryant, Jr. Destroy Ragweed Miss Marlon Torrlngton. Riverside News F l l l t N AT IO N A L STO RES Jacobs honors another 8th ot August. A. Moyle adds another his list on August 7th. - Four lighted candles for Sandra Piatt on Saturday, She is the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pratt. Contiiiucd from page one Jo-Ann Donadlo, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ciharles Donadlo of East those v/ho suffer by the constant Haven, recently entertained at a Irritation ot the nose, throat and party In the home ot her grandparmouth and inflamed eyes know ents, Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Donawhat agonizing torture Hay Fever dlo of Branford In honor of her can be. Hay Fever may strike any- 8th birthday. . one— even you I Hay Fever spreads quickly and Is increasing each year. The Ragweed Pollen is borne by the wind and travels everywhere. This j menace to health must be stopped. Have two weeks Drive to destroy | Ragweed in all Townles, Cities in | our State. Hand pull by the roots Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 'Vukslnlc and burn I of Russell Street, announce the Please take this matter up with birth of a daughter, Carol Jean on authorities in our - community and July 28. Mrs. Vukslnlc Is the former ask every person, children too, to Miss 3ophle Ifkovlc. work to exterminate Rayweed. Wherever possible, plant something A Woman Again— in Its place! Her car stalled at the corner and the traffic Ught changed red, yelMiss Joyce Bragdon has returned low, green, red, yellow, green. The to her home in North Guilford after polite policeman stepped to her car a visitor at Lake Quonnlpaug with and said, "What's t h e matter, lady? M I S . Ethelyu Hessellok. Haven't we any colors you like!" Just Arrived BROOKSIDE 2 55c 2 59c 2-39c 1 lb rolls or tub CREAMERY NEW CRASS L A N D O'LAKE'S lib rolls SWEET CREAM HENFIELD-Selected is»*ecja«>saca«Ksss«eE23wes3Jf SOCIETY The funeral ot C. Jarvls Avcrlll ot Summer Island was held SaturMrs. Clifford Buell ot Harding day afternoon "with services In the Avonuc, Branford, spent tho week funeral homo ot Norman 'V. Lamb. end with Mi's, Anna Stone, of Rev. Robert J. Plumb rector ot TrinGrove Street. ity Church, officiated. The burial Mr. and Mrs. John Frlsble of Wa- was in Center Cemetery. The bearers lerbiiry spent the week end with were Louis B. Zacher, Louis and Mr. and Mrs. O. F. DuBreull of William Avcrlll, Elmer Tyler, Howard Teachnmn and William GranMain Street. nlss. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lassen who The Ladles Roma Society will were living in the Stowe cottage on Main Street have moved lo New sponsor a drawing on a Cedar Chest tilled with linen at Its annual Haven. dance to bo hold November 18. Mrs. Alberl lllllman h a s rented her summer cottage this week to Help Prevent Hay Fever Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Boucher of By Destroying Rag Weed Hartford. IVIEDIUM SIZE LAMB FORES 15 GENUINE 1939 SPRING BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED RIB ROAST X 1^ 15c PURE LARD 2 ^ 23c BAKED BEANS 2 s 25c BAKED BEANS TUNA FISH '*V 23c 2^'25c For B A K I N G or FRYING 25 HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEF HNAST LEAN ENDS FRIEND'S or B & M UGHT JELLIES Crape, Oabappte Ojo oi MIRABEL Qo'"'**' '*'•>* £-'P" PORE: oMMiMtr 2 ^ MEAl 'tCt^ 2 i^" 23c £.IH> 29c CHICKENS Eioost C a l i f o r n i a PEACHY PEACHES TOMATOES BELMONT FRESH NEW ENGUND DRESSED TO BROIL or FRY 2 % LB AVERAGE Sticed>orUaives 2 RICMMONO Stteed^or Halves RICHMOND—Red Ripe i««c O J Q r cans 3"^ns29c SPICED HAM FRANKFURTS 25 LB 2 9 c FRESHLV MADE LO 23c FISH SPECIAL HADDOCK FILLETS MNAST 2 GRAB MEAT 3 RED HEART STUFFED OLIVES FANCY IMPORTED DOG lb ^hi^3 SALAD DRESSING TOMATO JUICE 25 MILDLY CURED CORNED BEEF FOOD Diet A, B, C size Js cans 1 U) cans 45c 25c FRESH 2 "'^ 2 9 c Frc3sli FriiUs and V e g e t a b l e s PEACHES RICE or WHEAT PUFFS ^k"? 2 9c ^?SA 4 - 23c SPAM o r 25c HORMEL'S SPICED H A M 25c ORANGES 2°<33c ANGEL CAKE 12 oz can CUSTARD CALIFORNIA - MEDIUM SIZE eadi FANCY RIPE SCOT TISSUE WALDORF TISSUE SCOT PAPER TOWELS SHREDDED W H E A T COFFEE R I N G S 2 i*!« 23c e«cl. I S c RYE BREAD PtwH or CARAWAY CANTALOUPES 2 » '^ 15c BOTH FOR i,^ ^ 4 ' 21c MARYLAND - JUMBO SIZE ro« l O c POTATO V I E N N A BREAD N e w E n g l a n d Lunch Crackers ^'^>>^ Educator G r a h a m Crackers ^i"!"^ BANANAS 3 "-'23c 4""«' 19c 8,; 10c 29c IRlT NATIONAL FANCY CALIFORNIA ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 ^^^ 13c NATIVE ONIONS 3 lbs 1 0 c STORES U tr-fc •,iJ*,Ju*.^-l»flvrt^$l*( * »~d-*.liV.<-r'!(«*~?'*'*'*-».#.«HmU Page Six THE ERANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1930 TH.EjfeAM(6|fe.k'Eyil!W, THURSDAV, AVOUST '3,1039 feaseball Fbtitball SPORT NEWS Joseph M. Zaffino S^Dorts Edifor Wrestling Basketball Hod East Harnp ere Suiiday In Game W i t h Branford Club tiilc/c Nugent, Local First Italiart-AmeriGan Field Day Set For A l i g . 2 7 Local C l u b , T o Sjionsor Superli Old Saybrook Shorty Rbguski r i e l d Day, First O f lis Kind T o 13c Meld In T h i s District Takes Measure Holds Queens In Sunday, AuBU.st 27th t h e ItalianOfMeridenStans American club of Branford will Check, Win 8-1 sponsor a huge Field Day, to be Bo^cet, Best In Years Sldi/ Expert Ringmeh held on their .spiiclous grounds on Deep River, (SpepiaU.—Bill RoBoach Street, that, promises to at-,gusl<i:held Deep,River/.to, five hits tract well over 1,000 people from and JUst missed ;a. ishutout, the Dpn M^ck Heads. Pitching Staff; And Bib Phelps, Leading Home noon until midnight. The event is Mlddletown Giants, .winning 8 to 1. Run Hitter,In Middlesex Loo|) To Give Branford ToWnies Tougii bunch all. of. , t h e i r . h l t s . a n d ;Bud tlio first of its..kind to be held in It lyas, not until,the i.seyenth inBattle—Naimo To Twirl For Localsln Sabbath Day Encdiinter Jack Nug.(;(it,,,fotnicrly,^t)| Philadc'lpliiju Pcnn., iipw a,resident Pl.sherii,thelr;,sicC',moundsman, kept this district and reports coining In ning,, that a !Deep^ River player: Iiere is Branford's new. spoUiglit in. boxing circlcjitlirougliout llie the Saints',.lilt',well , licattcred.as from .the Various committees Indl- rcacher flr^t base. He fanned nine, The best ball club in the Middlesex County League will come to slate. BpxnVg experts about the state consider ]iickias one of the the . Saybrookcomblpe iWon by t h e cate)that;lt wlllbe a. big success... and drove In two runs,.with a dou-:Hammer Field Sunday afternoon when the East Hampton Bom. Before the;eYciit opens a t noon most polished amateyrs Seen inConhecticut in a clecade or more, H e .scoro.'Ot 7. to 4. Fisher.hit a tlouble a.rtiocpl tournament will.be. held ble In the second frame, when the bers will cross their mighty bats with the Branford Townies •who are andilwtt sMiglcs. A,,Mas5lnl:Sinack-' trains djilly.pt ^Im .City-gym, .sparstarting aroundV.lO o'clock in t h e Giants.scored,four,runs. :i, ed outica;.double landitwoi singles. ;,,Captain Ray.piynii of the Giants in sfeventh place in the league. The contest will start at 3:00 o'clock. ring wlthfNato Mann, pdorga Pitch; hioriilrig.with, entries from various Aco Kline was knocked,put of,the hlta.long hpmer,r,un-ln the ninth -•—: lO • —r—.—> j r p | After dropping their contest earAl aaln6r,and .Hobo Williams, well pitcher's box In the sixth inning,'.sections of the state competing, Jnnlng.jiWalter, Llndnori.iigave the D o n k e V B a S e b a I i""''"'^'^'^ season to the Belltown know bixors , th^Vebin picking, up and .loe Kubaloj,relieved hIm.Say-[Prizes,will be awarded.. ., , , , . . . ; . , .Ginnts.l0.hlts,.spm;e of which should team by the score 6 to 4, Branford the flhev, points, of the gamp brook made six doubies.i .. • ; • • •. At noon the affair will; officially have ibeenifleided betWeeriiiflrst and came back strong in a few games to through those experienced ring Ne.sjiinB,.Ci,ZaJac Jilt,J,hcb(iH iiardj.oricn.wltii a.,full round of,athletic second;, hase, iPepp., River .scored Its win, but then agaUi fell,down Into men. |i;,, . j ..... .... <., ^.y for Mcridop, each .getting .three OYcnts.-,.^schedulcd, including , soft- only, run,in the.:n!n.lh. Inning. After the doldrums of tlie league standLast sumniel' >lugehtiwnsa iiieintlie Saints outhlt ball-,track a n d several:other,, a t - y/.i LUnlnep,'ahdi.ijMoZzocci struck ing. Although with only tour wins (iH, 1 •, ; i,"i, hits. Although ber of thi}; |-Amorlqan-iLlthiianlan I....,, . Sp.ybi-ook.,15,, to, 13,.,tlicy .were not, tractions. Individual and team win- out, ;Mprt 'Wazi..andi Haser singled and eight losses, Branford's chances Olympic, team.*hlcji w(int to Eiiropc Lnllcr I: GIii|i Goes Into Second ab'l'c '16 't'tdig, Jnj.lho.^q'n.i.on the,nej's'vvill be awarded prize's. l^nd Harry Watkinson dr6ve In Waz. of trimming East Hampton are Place Tie, AVllli ^ulltortl and was),tU'o outetttiidlng sAnldrloan Game Set i^or Suiulay Afternoon At; J 13 1 iiHch .Ui'firided. Pillo\Ving the big athletic eVeritS, ba.se.s, leaving iiaser was out at. file plate trying are very slender, but are due to hit III Sliorc Mit'c L'ciigue boxer, winning the Itltle livhla class, Z:3()—Every Player Hides a program,.o.f. topnotch vaudeville, ,\b r Ij, po to score. ,1, their stride and may start put SunSaybrook ,. .li, ^•lo also .pjrtlclpatjit}. Ill,track. , ,. . A Donkey—Great F u n wjll 1 take.,t5lace;.,in the,e.venlngiaf....4 1.' D . t 8] IMiddlclowii day by setting back t h e Belltown lb.;,,,.. . Ab h po Jack Niigon't .(attends V(llftnova iMoodua (Special).— It appears Ponfiilo, tp.r,'the \;audevlllo;i se'ye'rul bo^flng •Plynn, cf' ..... Bombers. . . .. , • ......4 2 3.1 „„...5 1 2 University, belng^a' !,qlassmate.,,0.t that^the, Shofp,- Wne iLeagius^sttin- A. lyl^ssini ;,bf and wrestling bouts Will be held. i'rfpp ss 'Donkey baseball," that hilariousi. The East, Hampton t e a m , will ....5 ' 1 1 3 2 Pete Nalnio, idcixl athlete; and dlngs lire ojieratlng on the "sob-saw P. Mftsslnl ss Scanlon ss ... game which a few years back had bring one of the strongest clubs in ....5 1 3 through Peto he decided to come to principle and today Moodus was hiFisher, p KHvATic WICKV Td BE HELD .rjplan, .2b ,,.„ the spectators 'rolling In the aisle3"|the circlut, with good hurlers .and ; ....4 1 5 Branford and resWe.i hero •.with M''.first Blii<!o,JwJille, Chester inoved In^, Coultcr,^Ci i.CoiXtesfan^Si'Wiipjex'pcct to enter Mc^eken l b as the High School played t h e A1-'great hitters.. Leading t h e list pt 4 .:....$ and .Mrs. Arthur bt(vls,of! Ch.o.rry tj) a .Bocojid place .tj,e ,wlth>pullford-, Vlgglanp )-,f ,',\.. tii'o Afiuiilic Moot .this year, may get Harris 3b ... umni is due to be shown again.' Imposing moundsmen is Don Mack, J mil. Jack has a splendid roodrd the latter two lieltig a a half-game, A. Lt^Cas.trp 2b ......? their dnlr'^ blanks for the swimSunday afternoon a t 2:30 on t h e who is slated for a great season, beSmith il'b .... : 3 dee 3b ;... 2 since he tookjlu. ithese puBlHstlo removed from the top position. fliing, boatiflg apdpther events now Talmadge Field will be the scene of Ing one of the finest twlrlers to 4 .D.uda l.f .., 4 wars, ln,'(!oU6Be heiWoji 10 and lost While Moo'ilus: Wa's.^knpcklng.'^off Sullivan If .. Harry BrKzeau, local athletic direc- blsq'n,,rt,, this attractlpn which should bring'pitch for t h e Belltown comijlne in .3 one by TKO iin(li.;by amateur his Old'Lyme 11 to is, Ma'dlspn ,,surj)ris-: ....3S 13 27 12 tor announced today. out a banner crowd of fans to see | many a season, and rated by some y^ltkpwsk'y c . record Is 1 (I wins and one lost by do ed with a 7 to 3 ddoislon over the •Tottiiti .4 P 11 Ab li po a the Riverside j'lremen battle witiiias the best In the league. Manager clslon out of the twenty-eight Chester Club. The Guilford Townles Mcrldcii Rogiiskl p ..... .3 2 1 5 the Lahphier's Cove team I 2 2 'Dick Ferrari Is another hurler who battles ho has a,.tot,al,.of 17,,knoc!{; .workcct liard ,tQ trip„,Wostbrook by Jaklelo ,3b, ..;... S, Wysockiicf ......;5 3 0 37 8 1,0 27 10 Tptals outs, of the md^ti r(!.ccnt wis .the'l The same House of David donkeys, can be counted on as a good s u b iha score ofi.Q, to.,iJ ai'id Salem edC. Zajac lis .:. 5 11 1 •:\ almost record brottklhg kO''ofiDayo who have appeared in motion pic-; stltute If needed. All r h po a Deep River Sokol,.,^s , 6 1 4 Butler, 172, a leadhig light Tilay. ged, out Mld^lqncId.B.tp 4. tares, will be used. These donkeys One of the best sluggers in' the 2 p... Lindner ^b .6 4 weight Irom Norwalk,ln 1 Oseconds Last week Chester libld the edge Gormiiley c . arb hot new to this vicinity, their; circuit this season will cpver first tei &"».,/ .4 •W. Llpdnonp P.Za'jcicU, ....... ."4 0 of the m'st... round In the feature in this league by a half game. opening baseball appearance hav-: base for the visitors. This star play3 Mpzzopei 3b 3 bout nt Wainut.B^aoh Stadium. ing been followed by "donkey bas- er Is Big Ben Phelps, who is the Fans were'gi'(>elci with'h. iich-vy NessiftB 3b ... ......h ,...:.A Waz ss ....'. LEAGUE leading home run hitter in the 0 ketball." .i hitting spectacle at Moodus Sunday, Prlebo • r t A Ha^er.jllj, „.,. By virtue of ills victory over But- as their home team tripped Old K".J?CnP league, with six circuit blows, has 0 ......2 The donkey teams competing are won the plaudits of s'eve'riil of the 3 , ;( ^UNBAiTlKESULTS ;^al!kirison cf ler, he assumes the position as lead- Lyme 11 to 8. The home team put; Kubala p 0 •;.....V as follows: 3 East HainptoH l l , Essex 2 Smith, it ing contender for the .Light, Heavy- .on a ;show\ln|t(ie-,i(lrst Inning with; veteran players and bfficiars of the Riverside Firemen — Arthur Bur- Mlddle'se'x league iirid stiinds to 3 Olson c weight throne of Cpnnqc,llout.,, , , four rims,,and,added, sfven in the' Totalji 4^ 4 1,5 24 12 3, .Ajlddletowji .8,, Deep River 1 well, Dan Mautte, Pred Redding, 3 make the fans forget the great play Waz rf ... , 103 1(12 'odx—*?' Say.tirpok (7,, w;erldeti i,,,,i Ho is managed by .:.BpbNiv<e).o, of, .third; to gefcjlts-jvlnnlilg ;score. Old:Sa'yljvpok Bud Clark,i_Hen Hagen, ZJpper .Au)'i. • ;v Now Haven diid secpnded by Stan- Lyme did nobly.,aftor.pi}.e,runlaliliei ivferiaeh. ,' • boo 200 020—4' Bra'nford-Hlgganumj, (iialn) ..:28- 1 5 24 15 eriiamriier, Howard and Joe Hppkin- ers of other years.'. •Totals ...:.... W P e t Joy rHyJerisklbli Branford. They are flftli by scoring sixjin;the.-^eventh, "Tw,p.''ba§e lilts. A.'' .Masslni, P-, _ , „ . MO 031- son, Vern'Kelsey, Al Krahl, Al WU- In the other remalrilrig league ..10 . - 3 :7B,9' Middl9tow.u convinced .110:1s ready for his pro- frame and one fii 'the'•eighih..' " • ..000 ibOO 001son> Jack iPoulton, Don Alexander, games, Ivlerlden goes 'to Kliadletown Jy^lJddletp)y'n Deep, RlVQte,. ..10 ,3 .7?9 •Viggi^rijip.'?;t,threotbas.(>.,'hits C. Zafessional debut,'; but Jack'wants to Games this Suriday:^vl^ be-jiad-i T,jvo jjbase hitsi,., Watklnson, Ro Don, Hawthorne, John .Mellillo, Al for a btittle with the G,iahfs, with .'.. ....7 . 5 ..583 guslifl, D'udk; ' ho'me rims Plynn; Tyier. Ace Kline facing Bill Ko-gUski of 'assume tlio ii'glit heavyweight ison at Moodus, Westbrook meeting' jaz; dpfiijle 'lilays, P. MhSlni to La-.Hl'gganu'm ,;. ...,7 the Mlddletown club in what should throne of the state before turning the Chester tiiib,. saiom trnveifng] Castqp., left ,g;i .bases,, gaybrook 0; Saytfrppk ,P .538 stolen bases, , Watklnson, Harris; ,.:,5 ,8 ,.,.. .3,85 .doufiie. 'jil^ys Waz.i Lindner to Haser Lanphier's CoVe — Jim Fleming, prove to be a real game. Depp River pro. Jack stands,;.5 .ft, U,.in.,.aijd tp QullJofcJ lOnd Mlddlcfleld taking Me'ricleh 13;! tikse 'dh ba)[s 'ibft.i&'lsjv- Merlden Sliver Lynch, Fred Kroll, Letfy Es;s.Qx L ,.,.., .3.86 W., Lindner to.'P,'Lindner to Haser. meets a tough rival in taking on 01^ 2, o^f. l,CllnP 1^ Kiubula-jl; 'iit'i-'uck tips the, beam at 173,,lbs.) Is,,pi li^to Lbad As lester Loses :;l r LoG^l Outboari R^cilfs Tb Display Wires SMda]^ At €(^MMENT I^^ Highlana MM, Winsted iv&(^ ANy FAMUy CAM AFFORD THiS SiLENT, Pitcher Mack Bears Down SP0RTS As East Hampton Stops Essex Glub By; 11-2 Scbirb I "' * * « * * • A 1. . . 1 , I Harry H. Johnson f IN msiORir. I'SasI) Jftr^iptop and, .lyllddletoWn honi? and .'S^yb'^VDOJc ajvay befofp 'prs' leadi^ig. fans, ,$2p. and eaeh dolTiC easily'iield their sirldbin the Sun- 'nieeting tho BombSfs..,,.It vj.he two lar was giVeli cheerfully by Mr. belltown Bombers Score Seven Runs In Third Innings As Phelps Paul Birbiirle And AI Anderson Of tfraitfo'M "To •I'ai'ticfpatc On clubs win up tb August 27 their , n Pilgnifi Hous§ Nichols, Buddy Saybrook at the I'atter's home ball left on bases Deep River 5, Middle- Shumway, Pickles Ken Doyle, Hank Doyle, park and Hlgganum with Parmelee .ti)wl,v4; base.Jpn ballS;.off,Roguskl 2, Hammond, Pred Porter, Art Wetmore, Joe Deoff [W. Lindner 2;-struck|6ut by Ro- vlne, Jule Delgard, Bob Hills, Lofty on the mound, should not have trouble in disposing Essex guskio, by '^. • Lindner 4; hit by Steppins, Cal Robinson, Lucky Cor, Imuch who will have iviuscolini toeing the gitche.c, by W, Lindner, JDee; wild nln and Bud Wright. . rubber. pltpjies W. Wndn,er;u, iumpire, Al Aguzzlj time ofg.ame 2hrs. day ganie^,,of the Mlddl^^ex Counwlip,says,he,wished It had And Mack Connect For Circuit Clouts In League Battle—Game ConnecticutjPmtjoard Associa^io\i Race Program—Birbarie Loses ty ,il,cj\gue .ai;,(;l,,-,fol' IhOf, fifth week, ^anipiiiiay decide.. 'the,iperiiiant,:,fi,s piaacke, cost him twice as much. Between Branford-Higganum Postponed, Inclement Weather th'i-s, i^.'tpB final game of the series First Race Of Season At Boston In Torrid Class M Ev'cnts . ,, ,, •tf*». remained tied for .top. place. : i^o'r the two clubs.' • There is sometiiing wrong with Fast Hampton (Special).—Don (Schoolboy) Mack Vvas the hero On Sunday afternoon, August 6th 'the Connecticut Outboarc ,The i^elltpwn ,,?0|nbei;^.,, trouqped tlye ppep River,club,|The;Club is not of the Belltown Bombers' 11 to 2 victory last Sunday afternoon ov,„ East, Hampton^ p o p i t e r ^ l ^ l § l showing tlio,.om time fight. Walter Es>ejf,| 11 ..,tb'2, \vliile , Middletbwn Association. is.,coi],cl.u_cting ,an./Oi.i.tl?5?qfd, Regjitta,fit jl-Ii'|jiliu^cl^^ hp^ie.rim par_a_de„ln ,»0.:,MlddIesp^ij^A^^,,> .^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^„ ^^^ er the Essex team. He held the Essex LiUies to four well scattered 'Deep. RlVi/r' art .8' lo 1 de-' Winsted, Conriecticut. ¥his race'is being sporisoredby'the Highland! handed feat, ,9|d Saybrook conjuered the IJeilgue with 26, ii leftgu'e roe'brd ^pn't hit,behind him hits and not a run was scored on him after the jirst inning when land Lake Athletic Chib iind ,thpv are putting up §90 in.cash prizes Mof;i{^9i\iS[t.''StonS;'7 to 4 and thb ,\ylUqh .may. ^tan^ii fpr,,nvany years h.ls.teiimniates ' find (ion't give hlfn the best of sup- Catcher Johnny Nesto hit a home' for the A, B, and C,...el5t$?es, an^|—4TI—7—t " • romtii;\fiii; ;t\vo tijams Higganiim and ^tp ^C(nie.,Blg B.ijn piicin's Is, the leadAb r h po a e run over the left field wall wlthp'^^'^'' furnishing merohani^!ss.v,pi'lzoi5 for J.plloxyis:, Iftjjijat, plass M 1)30 p.ni.i Brnnfdi'd Wbre idle due to misunder ,er jwltih 'six. 'Tliose six homers have )3ort. 3 Pat Musoolini on base. |Muscollnt cf 2'h-a hoa't cfass Ml;50pm.; 1st heat' stan4i.pg not yet satisfactorily ex- cost Theodore Plaacke, the Bellring tho M and runabout olisseS. 4 Manager J(ick CJoUlter pf the Say- Mack became better as the gamej^^sano ss The first eye!it.,l,Sx|,schoduled..|pr Class A 2:10 pm.; 2nd, Jjejt,, CJlas^ plained. . .• I .4 brook ,club iiad ills players hitting went on and aside from his brll-|'^^^'° <= midgets andj.wiu stfirt at JjSO.f Jiie A, 2:30 pm.; 1st heat, Class B 3:00. 4 the ball last SUnday and gave a Ilant pitching, he hit a home run!^^'1'^^'^. ••••• runabouts-Will..vrtn4 up the ipro- pm.; 2nd heat, Class.r^ cSiZO pm.;| Only two scored oft Don'MacIc, .3 gram with their first heat at 4:30. 1st heat. Class C, 3;50 pm.; 2nd; East H^piptOn pltciher..Catcher Joliji. good example by. making two hits, Iwith Hal Bransfleld and Ben Phelps P''""'^''^'' P 1 the big third inning l^onnevler p Classes A, B and C will be run open heat Class 0 4:10 pm.; 1st heat,' "fe %"^'°'^ ^^^^ Inlilng home run one a.doubie. Saybcook ,is not yet out | on deck in the CruxelU lb 3 and the entries .will be limited to Rmiabotitsv. 4:30 ' pm.; 2nd lieat, was'one of'four lilts Don y,lolcled. of.the,.neni,ant.,race nee'dlng onlyi^"^^" ^^^ ^°'"^^'' ^""''^ seven Nuhn l b ....... 1 runs to sew up the game. Connepticyt .'putboay.d, J^s'soolation Rp^nabouts^^;|5(Jjp. m.j i^ ^, ^. .. a reliable piteiler. j Roguskl, pltcing for MIddie'tbwii 2 Ben Phelps hit another long home T. Janoski 2b members,.;l)uLtliOj;,other ..jlasses will .;,,,Jt, § 'cjipe^^eajljha^j ipapy ^people, Bill dicjli|t(,le^,;a'.run cross ii,i^tU ;the |4^emeleuskl If be open to anyone. Enti-ants not from Branford will travel to winst-' sovc^tJi,i\p,d,thdt wils the Pnly run If, BUI Hpguski can silence the run In the eighth inning with Ed Borokowek If . ......21 belonging to the the 0. O, A. will be ed Sunday and see Paji)He ^s.toeak upj for Deep raver. Roguskl scored two Belltown ;,., Bombers oil August 27, Braiisfleld on base after hitting a W. Janoski rf 3 taxed the u^ual,;$1.00 en^ry fee. All the ,yatprs|0t Jljeyiij^d L|ak'e,j , ;' mates with a double. says one Mlddletown fan, he ought triple. The ball cleared the center Gannon 2h ... drivers-jn,us.t use rpglst^fgd outfits, , 1 tp he given,tlie lteys,tp the city hall field fence and hit a garage on the ,, ,, . ••••• . and. the 'NatWiiBLOutboard Associ- ''iigalh iimiong the missing last Sun Qf Micidietpwii, ripg\isi<l is cool un- other side. Phelps made three sin- Totals ....: ..,,..32 : 2 'i 24 l l i jThe Hlgfeanu'm .club claims a ation rules .will prevail. der fire and his curve ball is break- gles a perfect day at the plate. Hal X—ran of P Bransfieid In 3rd ,day aiid,stlU,|n,lfp al),5(;ijce,,flj(j^,ev- pjione 911,11 ^t 12:30^1roni Branford, Bransfleld also had a big day with ing nicely. Thls wiilibq the first opjiortunity'er-presiiii't easterly'later changinefi Cjallecy of t. the 'game due to wet three singles. Ed Bransfleld hit two ^'^^^ Hampton ..Jm 200 200—li for ail ioiil/roflng,.enthusiasts ,to tojthOjj smitjiiijesfef ^iu;i^,. Its {gray eirounds(„^i'tj has yei: to rain in two 20D (JOO,- •000—.,S long triples and Bannister was.^^^'^" ••• • •.,, ^ see tbe.cSiincc'ticut iloys-in action 'nih'sij'iijg'purti'aih \vhicli,iasii;§uhday 4onths^ n.nd the, players made oth, frcsldent Paul Jwee j attended knocked out of the box In the sev- Three base.Hits:. E. BranSfletd^?. tills season In the state. Paul Blr- put a damper to tiie New Eiigland eiv,plt(n5J9j;.J.he, .aftprnppn,,ftl; '2; 00 two isanies last Sunday. He was at I home runs,. Phelps, Mack; stolen barle, intercollegiate midget champ OUtbjjai'd.rcEatfa;held at Bpfto.n on eanie "aiiothe"r "c'liil, sayliig that 'tiic East Hampton and saw the final enth Inning and the m'()pl;,promlnentj,,Cpnnoctir the Cl'iarjes. . |jiv(;r|;in,iwiil|^h yaul gaifne would b'e Way'ed, and that It Ipnings of tlie , Mlddletown-Deep Bannister' was. the only Essex bases: Phelps'..?;, sacrifices: Mack; cut drlvf^r.to^ay, wllV faejpntered in Blrbarie,.jOUfjj de'pion of ^fie., but- Hlpfpn.um dljj. n9f,, appppr at ,t|l|p River game.. Ifte ,di4/ij'p.t,.jiave time player to nick Mack for two hits, j l ? " on bases:, Essex 3, East Hamphis class';'Sb/VviilAl And'oVkon, who board ''racing 'flelj, wlio lo''s't his schcdulecl time Brliiitord would East Hampton Ab r h po po a citpn 7;.base on balls-off; Mick 1, to take in part of tiie Sa'ybrook-Mer P. Q Bannister 2; struck out by .Mack 5, Braiisneld 3b ...i3 drives a mighty sjieed with his boat first race this season, after copping, ciillin tlie 'B&'me, bV 'forfeit. 1 Iden game. E. Briins'fieid cf ....4 Q Bannister 4; hits,,off_:. Bannister in previously o^ned„by Hai;i;y Johnson five .straight wins over the best in" 1 '4***« iPhelps lb 0 6 l-3iiinings 15; oft BprineVler.in 1 ....4 who captured ^ni-ianyjSt'atb honors, hls'gjass M.^cv"ents.'Al'AntiersQn alL' Ml ' • : ' ' 1 17 Paul Birbarie, whq.enpountered 'H. Bransfieid 2b ....5 J11,-3 inning,O;.possed palls. Frontel, will be iri' tho start!liig 'lineup. iso w'as a.;ibser.,., ; .., : ,, , ijin ,.., The Giants aj^d.; Belltown 0 dUflcutly iii liist week's Boson Re- Nelson ss ....5 Q Nesto; .umpire: Muldoon; time of 2 To 1 each Highland Lake take, Paiilie Blibaiic had ashlshonoied Bombers who ^lavo been tied fbi' gatta after taking five straight wins Prontell c ....4 0 game, 2 hrs. 4 route B fiom, Wateibury, Brldgepoit guests, JV[i. and, Mis ^Ipitoi^ Rallcr first place for five weeks will meet is anxiQ_u.sly a,waltlng .tlj.i;. big Out- Mack p ....3 0 0 and New York; ro\ite 44 fioin Hjirt- of Delawaiq and Cal Wood of Dpla- each other on /Vugust 27 In the board cyijnts, to take pi.ace Sunday T. Wali it' ....4 0 Manager Jack Coulter ' the'Sayi lord, Mlddletown a^id New London ware, all contestants In the ,nildget meantime Ei)st Hampton will meet BOATS aiid ^ U P P L I E S g^iternodii, at Hi^hlan^,. Lake, in G.,,Waii rf Q [.brook 'club had, his .pia^.erjs hltyng ....4 1 routes 67 and 122 fiom Springfield, cla-sj Many oljP^aul's f(lends mo- Bionford and Essek away and Hlg- I'lHt lidiul Branl'ord ganum at^hoiTie befoie the Giants gitii'e i)al!.harc^ last Sur\diiy'and gaye, winsted,.Conn.,Jle hopes to make Mnidlgan x ,...0 b Worcestej and Boston , I toVcd up to Boston to see him and ga'niq wh'jo Mlddletown, \\1I1 moot ., .. . _|a.gbo'd.exampie,ti'y making two hits, teiophbnb 540 iip for.his Ibss^pn, tKe_J(ii.fii!ous chopThe com'plete program will bo as Al Anderson race. Meilden at homo. Deep River at .,..38 11 15 27 18 llone a double, lilme. self. py tiasfh of iiie ciitiries River. Totals ntm^Ui^-m "Holchkiss ;Grovo pay" Saturday. i>xtiilder Dupuls of tho.Anriox poThe progiaV.for ,tlie day will .in- lice iiict the payuga.at tiic dock and clude ft variety of land and water took the two Injured men to tho sjiorls under the supervision of Jlar-': hospital. jCfrean ,\yas dl.Scha'vgod .afBy Monday, Abel Jaeocks will A re-surfacing job is nearly com- Janice Miller,whp Sunday.left for haye, aipyqd the five hpusps ,ln San i. Th?,Junlo^ cl^oii; of,thc Plrst Bap phler's Cove Is on a two weeks mil- old V. Dbheiiy, ter ... treiitirieiit bill IBbiie Was doplete in Bradley Avenue. her home in Reyere Beacli, Mass. ford Street originally in thi> path of Ust .Ciiurch held a picnic Friday at' itary cucnnipmcnt. ttilned. Attending the- roast were: Mr. andt h e new road.,.. i.'J< . ! J . , ; . ; .ifO'f : . . • Mr, and Mrs. Joseph P. Dolan of • • Branford Point. ,, Mi.ss Bornloe LagOs of,New,.Ha- Boston Mass. Were weekohd guests , ,.; Esscurjiloii iVri^nseil, , , The Olson Block,, corner Main Mrs. Edward Simon, Mrs. Lil-.Cook, I i.^ork ^111 .pomence, t h e first of the The eiicurslqh hiid jj'ten iirriinged Jullau Morgan, Juliaij Mprgan.Sr., ,ven.ils spending two weeks at Lanhnd Hii:h streets Is being painted of Mr. and Mr!!. Frederick R. Hbudc Ijy Carl Schmid of Lcete's island, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Sar-: week Irji.Klmberiy Avenue, -i „,:i, I , Major^ Francis A. Coleman of phier's Cove, of Indian Neck. ,,,,,Ail Ijut t^Oi; houses a r e unoccu who chartered Doblittlo's btttit. Othasohn. '• Flfsli Avenup, Hptchitlss G^roye Is, a R\ed. This ,>yeeic,, to save thrcp.days' ers aboard Included Juno Hart^,i,Wes Comniiujder,,of ,t,We |hlrci liattallon ..Mrs. PUz.abelh Lincoln ot,,Bristol Miss Helen A. Thatcher has coin- ley Sorpnson,, Elizabeth. Church, pureha^es Mr. .and .Mrs. E, K. Bar- Adolpli Kuhmiy has returned .to' Jab,or,^ )iousp;Was .snaked frppi .the returned,to hqr homo Sunday..fol-i pleted a^ Vacation here and has fo,wqst .pf, 35, Santor(l,, through the' this month at Fort Devens. nai;d;,ot 35 Saiiford Street 'have .lowing ii month's vaoiitlPn at Stoiiy' turned toher duties as general sec- Goorgo. Northrop, Eddie;Hiitiiplircy, Brooklyn., after spending ..three, rear iyard and \yorked ,to tjie easl'j Barbara .Cprnstock,, ^rank, .Biiohmoved to 3ti Pardee Place. Creek. weeks wltii Mr., , a n d Mrs. George over unoccuiiied land east of numretary of the Y. W. C. A. arelii and Dorptliy Valli.all of MerI Miss Barbara Allen of Walllngtord Skut of High Street. lden; ,Ailcne Ferris,, Lvclbi'i; Trziisber,,35., .,, ,.. .,, ,,,, ;,, , , . „ , ,, i . [,i;ecenl)y, piitcrtained at a picnic at The Senior Ladies of the Chcs- Mr. niid Mrs. John Morse ot Stony kow,skl, Julia pukalmenHenvy Noito Donald Bacon, son .of, Mr. and WQrk,ts creating auito.,ajb)ti her summer iionie in Pawson Park. .hlro ,, Congregational.. Church.will Mrs. Edgar S. Bacon, of Bradley Ave, MLss Lillian Levlne of Main,Street of The Ci'eek have been entertaining Miss and Moiia Pctbrson, all of.Brlstol; excitemqiit ;and,an : interested hold a picnio, August il at the homo has tieen honorably discharged entertained Miss Shirley Kolbin of, crowd Louise Unwlii and Ted ,; Wally, of is on hand most of the time. I . Mr. ariij ivirs. DiivldB. Crittenden^ of Mrs. J. D, Hcffernnn, Stony. Sue Ives bf New il^ven. from^.the U. S. Navy after a four Branford last week. Cllnl,on;, Eleanor, Anderspii andBiiy (pt.Itljiam's folht • announce the' Creek. year enlistment. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Leavitt ot niond HoworCh ot,auiltord. Vli-glnin .Ciirlst Church picnic will be held 'birth of a daughter, Mary Dianlha, Rutherford, N. J. were weekend Gottc, ,p'r,,i<ew.,,Britain. •William Mr. and Ivlrs. Carl Nagel of Fokon, j August .5. Busses, will leave at 10:30 in New JIaven Hospital July 27i i At Pawson Piirk iiro/Mr. iirid Mrs. guests of Mr,\and Mrs. James Neo- Pratt, of Plymouth;,,t*hlllp Cfoiyoll, ^ A week.from Sunday Rev. Ed.vyard are vacationing hi Lanphier's Cove. from 101 Dewey Ave. yitSi. Crittenden is the former Spencer Hoyt and family bf Nowly of Indian Neck of Madison, .and.., William, Mpllict, L. Peet will preach .at his^ former Mrs. Edgar Bacon of Bradley Av,Mlss Carbllne Nclll of Manchester. Haven. John rilordan, I Zenb[i Davidson, Church in Holllst'er, California. enue has relumed to her home at-^ . Mrs., Florence Moore of Dodge| Kfr. and.Mis..Newell Hamlin and "Rod" Morau, ,of Hartford;, •Ciirter ter receiving treatment a t the Hos-^ Avenue is in Maine tor t\vo weeks. , ,l^rs. ilarry "rhoiripsbn of High |. .,At .Lanphier's .Cove arq Mr,:and 1 -us:! Sylvia of Mount Vornon White, of iMerldbi), , Harvard. Law .Stvect, East, Haven has been at .Mrs. George. Krbll., and fainUy.'of daughter,, :,(^Ffinc.ral,§eryices for Frederick W. pital of Si. Raphael. are at their homo in Short Beach. Sqhool student and Raymond HowStony Creek for a Week. Tegmire, husband of the late Agnes .New Haven (Who, plan to remain for, arth 24,'pf auilfoi'd.; ,, „ -M .,i Miss Shirley, Glffbid s'pont last Perry itinf) brother, pf Mrs. T. H. Fitz There will .be a meeting of the week with Mi.ss Grace Peebles at the re'st of the season. MomaugUin St. Vincent dePnul's , "Slarllte',' i>ow at niiclipr,;iit;,tho pa.triijk, 01,25 Chidsey Avenue were executive .t)oard of.ihe .East Haven! Indian Neck. : Gupsts.at the.Mr. and Mrs. WalGuild met last night nt the homp public dock, figurodiJri 'Soiitember lace H.Fbotb hb'nie, Johnsbn's Point ,, Arv. amateur show,-. ,,'lNprth .Polo of,Mrs. lield|S:\t'urflay,afternoon, from t h e Fathers' Club in the Town Hall at. Tliojnpson ot Second hurricane ,\vhon It broke its mooring .arq, Ivils? .Ethel "Thbrnpson and her.IJlglit's" \yllli be ..prissouted.al. Pine' Avenue, Alvln parjbrs of, 'VV. S. Clancy, & Sons, 43 7 p. m. on August 7. and iWas boarded by Its Oap^iri.wlio Coscy Beiich. Miss Dorothy , P.itV.siiHmbh!S,,I^iis iriotlier, Mrs. Jbsephliie R. ThompKirkham Avenue, Rev. Alfred Clark gulded.il,- botwecn. ;bi\lidiugs to Orchard August 25. Miss Janet,F(i|returned from, MomaugUin \yjiere son and of Huntington, Mass. Mahi Street 'where it .reinaliiod In pfficlated. Mr. 'Teginire, wlio was , .Registras of .Voters, and peputles shp stayed with Miss Beverly Mun.l3lan.,i.s .directing, t h e . ..show and, safely untl tho water receded. 78 years of age, died .suddenly, on win i'loid session, tomorrow,.and ,pn; son. . Mrs. E. Morris Jack Is chairman. \\ Mr,, and Mrs.i Donald Hall and 5;i)ursday, night, A Iresident ,of, East August 11 ,to revise tho primary and f iimlly , have . returned to, Hanldon Mrs. Clarence C. Towlo of CKllfbr I;(aveii. fpr 25. years, he was ,forcaucu.s, l_l.sts. .They, will be. in..the n^ai,i'y yiit^rs a conductor on, the New Town .Hail, lliVhlnnd, Foxon and' ,,,,Mi'.,and Mrs. Herbert,Warri>n, Jr. following a vacation at West Silver Ilia are at Harbor Oaks, Stony Prank, E. Allpn of •Wi!Stb'i'ppk\ la ConHntJiJd from page one .have reiurned.frbm, .a jSlaynat tho'| sands. )fqrjf, :New . ilaven and , Hartford Momauguln Schools. Creek. visiting his ddiightor, ivirs. Chniiirtian Hurriciirie cottiige, South End. pailr9p,d,, i^csldes his sister Mrs. of North Branford. troiiied at theJones dock by,Dr. Mr,, and Mrs. Franklin W. Terry This season's officers of the Hoteh Nicholas Lafcmina of New Haven, Fltzjiatclcic, Mr. Tegmire leaves aii- Joseph Carrpnp of, 40, ..Charter oiiiBi'.,sister, Mrs. Wiliiani Stevens Oak Avenue, received lacerations pfi ,Mi;. and Mi'S, Clifford ,lpii'Woifc of Now Haven .have vaeated the kiss Grove Assbcidtion fare; pres- then placed in a bus to be transpor- kir. and i/irs, Hei'liert.Hoilijhtalirig pf^^eiy ybrk.City .and iseveral nieces the .. forearm, ai\d wa§ ,reiiipved„fb, jind family we're wekend gii(!sts at llarboryu. cottage at.;; Robinson's ident and treasurer, Captain Walter ted, back lo Stony Crook, i S'.ibrt Ubach liavo mbved to 'iri... Point.jand .bo, at .,i,thei» .camii.int Stanford;, vice-president, •llftrinon Pa,ti'olnien Lewis Boyeo and Al-of aii^ .lie'phews. Burial ,was in,Green the New,Haven .hosplLarSunday fol-; Lake Zoar. diaii Neck. Lanphier's the remander of the i/'iiwn Cemetery, Tyier Street. Rpller; clerk; and,; temporary tax lowing an auioniobile accident. ... Miss, Astrld_, Anderson jof. .Jflain season. collector Pred Houde. IV u v ,;. .11.1 i . ; 1 ' i . Street,is;(>u'JoVing two weelt's vdca-|] NOW AVAILABLK ,;..:Julian Morgan, son of Mr. andMrs Mrs., Harold Boy(l. of,. ,Prospect tlbn at Indian Neck. MisSiGertrude Kepnan of.'WIllow i JMr,.' and,' Mrs. .llobert i ]3., East,of Roy Morgan of 381 Main Street, has Road is moving to Now Jersey. street Is a guest .at Indiaiji Neck; in Hamdenjare pccupying the.Blumreturned home after spending two Miss Katherlne M. ,Lyiich,,^augh,-| !the hO)ne of Judge and Mrs. John nier cpttagQi at.Ilaycoek Point-,',m weeks a t Camp Washington, in Funeral services f pr.-P.asquale, P0|-^ ter of, Mr, and .?«Iy5. t'...J.,LypcIi of Lee Gllson. Mr., and Mi's. Hobart SaRkett;,wlio Rich plfToront Satisfying Washington, Conn. niano.of 391 Cpe Avenue, who.died 474 Dl'xwell Avenue Was |United. |n, have the pi)de cottage Indian Npok Saturday after, a long illness, were marriiige J,uly, ,2.4 ,to. Charles, ,pbh- r,,Miss,iAllpei Valle ,of Jphn.son's lioye a.s.;,Uielr, ,hovisei guest, Mrs. , ,;AMS:ALiNiTsi:i!F ..jMn.-.and Mrs. Edward Lewandoski held Mpnday mprnlng at 8,,0'clopk phue, son of Francis C Dorioliue of! Polntvand tire, at their., camp at James Donnelly of New Haven. OHDER BY PHONE OE CALL AT .,i,. ^ .>.,!,; days with Mrs. I. Bodlne Valle at of 323. High Street have .returned from the funeral hoine.pf Albert,!,., Noriylch. ,„^ ,,,,„,.,, ill! ;. " . l - r r r ,.) -cy ',IMl,. 1 Porto of. 119 .Washjngtoji .Avenu.p, After Septepiiior 15 the coupli;. Lake Placid, N. Y. from a visit in Brooklyn, N. Y. • I,'The 1 St.;I 'ri'\?rese's ;,|Oar.iiival at New, Haven., A solpmii, requiem high will,live in ^Ibr;\ylch. , ,. , ,. .Stqny.GijebkjWiil bo held August 11 mas^ was celebrated at,St. 'yincpnt , .Thp, bride.formerly taught in theill lCl!s.'),'Ai-iji-pVr,,;9r Stony Crockjis and 12 at 8 p. m. .M'lss Beatrice Wlison^ of Sjdney ,dePaul's Cliu'rcli at 9 ,o'clock,,Mr. 'East Haveii Schools. iiii.SVlifiipr;^ ^prjiigp. fbr.p ,few days. Street aiid ivilss J o i n Boyd of i'ros- Ronianp loaves, iihree iSpns, ;Salv,ar' pi-ct il.oad left Saturday for two tore, James and, , John, and,;two ,,'rowns(;rid,'Club Np.,J,pf N.c^.Har, .iiMiss |Bivrbara',-McKpe. of Hbtphklks (•,, MV'.and Mrs. ^ertpn iRpblnson of Boginniiig August 7 - 1 2 from 12 to 'i Qrpye.ile^t 'l^;itiirdo!y tor two weeks I^obin^on's P,pipt,|Were in Now York •ivleeks iii; c a m p Mohawk. daughters, Mrs. Conoerta Pascelii! yen sponsored ,a,..bti.sket pi.cn(p„at at Lake Mohawk. „ 'G!ENE'R6U'S FREE SAMPLE I yesterday attending the 'World's and JMrs. Theresa Sarbo. .Meadpwmere. ..Lpd.ge, .,south, E!\d,'| I Pair. Served here or t,o take home .East, Haven .Su.nd.ay.,..'Beach pafty Ivjr, aiid, wr*'. Ml-, and Mrs. Roy Morgan of 381 MrS',;^Wlllli3.m, Jiilbran I'ot' Was iieid at 2. Entertainment at 4. iLampIjler's ;tpr -the, rbmandbridt .the' Thf! residents! of, Hotchkiss Grove Main Street gave a frankfurt roast Post, Uoad, Branford Tell Branl'ord 241-13 Saturday.evening in honor of Miss Morlimer D, Stanley, Jr. who has lalning Mrs. Biirt Dblan of 'East will liold ihelr diinual observance of The Dembc'ratlp To^ri ,Cpinmittee Haven. .. win .hold its annual 'dinner, tit..'the Nifvf Haven Yachti ciub.oh Tuesday,i,,i i4.rp;''W).i!i',;FlaEp;pf H?.yopc,k Point August 8, at 7:'30,P..iyI. J... Y.,.Sljin()nl is eiitertdlplng. .iifrs.-, William West, IS geiiei;al; '''ohhirittliiri, 'tt'sSis^S ."by a cousin, of Pittsbiirg, 'Pd.. the following cornmittees: ,'ricicets; W. J.,Tfilbot, P. Breretoii, J.'Plpm- ..I'The riieipbers of the executive binp. Enterttiihment arid 'dinner, ,R, board'Of the 'New.. Havi-h,,Colony, A, McQuiggiin jixmes Colbert, Rita National Society, .pf New England Blondl. Women.wore, entertained last Wednesday a|t fhe;hbtno.of i*4rs. Howard Word haS;b^en recplvetl.frb'm Mv! S. Palmer of 'Piiie Orchdrd. and Mrs. Austin 'ilutchlngs who. are vacationing at the Cavalier Hbtei,] ,,Rccei;t, registrations dt. the InVirginia Beach. ,dian,/Pplri't,Hoiis'e, i, iribluded, Mr. A. Splt,.wpil-^WHbwh.dr'aniatlo;crltlc arid Miss Jpan .Seiboid of T'bxbn is' David Marks bf Paramburit Pictures, entertaining, her cousin, iillss iiliiza-' beth Bradley bf Branford. Ivli'ss Betsy aailldrd of Indian .Nppic, has. fts,her. hbiiso giilist, Miss The Old Stone Church pulpit .-iyiir Peggy Weed bf MPntoidlr, N. J. be filled by the Rev. mrrbw .'Wil-. ilams of New Haven during tlie pas-' ., iyir,.,,dnd,Mi;s, R. 'C. Kripx, Jr, and tor's vacation In Maine. giiligh'ter .LeOnlpp, bf ipii'rtfbrd, are ,5Ppndliig .wblike'nd. at,.their, cottage Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crosby of .Pox In ..the Moiitbwe.se section of Indian on, with their fdriiliy are in Maine]] Ileck for a fortnight. jatftft','^'',1' ,,Mr. aridjMrs. TSviirett Hlgglnsand Miss Grace Ely O'Brlen-'ot Giiorge' ddtighter, tbis.bf 'bid Greeriwich REMEMBER-ONLY SERVEL Street was at MbodUs last week. dre visiting isirs. J. R. Higglris of • ' ' .' ; ., . ' I Hotchkiss Grove. freezes with No Moving Parts! The following books iv'ere added ,5fc» tA to the Hagam.an Memorial tlbrairy Summe;' guests of. Mr., and Mrs. MliRICA'S GIinATIiST rcfrigjapies, McKeririd at Lanphier's Cove during the last moritii: , erator value no'w becomes an Adult Fioton:—Bower, singing' are Mr. arid Mrs. Cliarles Morganeven bigger value! New low price hill; Gartii— 'Eastward iri Eden ' stern. puts this 1939 Scrvcl Blcctroliix Graeme — Mystery pf tiic . .stolen' w'thin the reach of every family^ hats; Jennings — Next to valbtir. Rbseria'ary, and Carblyri Botribor Today, for as little as you'd pay Marsh—Vanished men;. Offord— iiski b£ Stbny Creek are In Plymouth for an ordinary refrigerator, you Cloth of silver'; 'Tliompsoh—Adven Mass. fbr the surrimer. can have the important features of tares of Christopher Cplumin; Wunsch^Thlcker tliah water. the only "automauc" that has no A guest this week of Mr; and Mrs. moving, •wearing parts in its frcbzAdult non-fiction: Bryson—'Wlilch Hbwitrd C. KelSey, Storiy Creek were way America?; Kunltz—American DPndld n!nd Charles Seccbiribe of ing system.' puthors, IGOb-iooO; Overstreetr- Arisonld. Letj me; thl.nk; Ppwpl ..-m Attractive home; Seagerr-Tlliey .'.worked for ^ a Mr. and Mrs.;Herbert George o( better world. Sp.arJs—Who are these Chicago, 111. have been visiting Fred Americans?; si;oIz — Tricks opr George ot Stony Creek. minds play on iis; Wright— Here comes labor. , , ,, ,. . , Mr.,and Mrs. Harrison M. lange Both through gift and purchase Pf Elne Orchard have with them this several other., titles were pdded ^tp week Mr. and Mrs. Ricliard A. the adiiit^ 'coliectidn Wjiich ^ar^ npt, O'Brien of Maplewbbd, N. J. new,publicatibns'but are hew to trie library. . , , . . ; . . . ; Miss Mary Pisk of New .Haven is 20 new titles were added to thestaying-,with,Mlss Irma Lathrop of Grove Avenue, Pine Orchard, Children's Boom. Si^'rlim" C^aft Go'ritbst Slated For Short Beach on Old Lyme. , '. •:33J out by i'lsiic'r 7, by Kline 3, by Ku-B E A I ^ F O R D years of ago and will fight Baldwin, b!5.1a l.;;. hlfs pfff Kliu'e ,;lh,:e 2-3 in-:Deep Rlyer ..,,.„_„., ...,3 for the light., hcaywqlglit title In •8 : .231 in'ifs 13;i0f£-,KUbaia In 21273 Innings I.,., iGAMES SUNDAY., Hartrord, the latter part of August, king spoi],,... .„ ., M.i ,,. , ,, 1 10 He feels, very ,confident and with. , Ed Baldvvin.yM^., M,or.lflcn„-,ls the' 0; Umpire Jasonj time of game 2.40 JBas.t Ha,mptp.n-:at Branford b e e p River a t Old Saybrook the support of, locals tans, Branford present llgliVivbavVwei'^ht tltleholdFor Ai!ijl,9,cal Newa; Aji^d Sports lyipriaen; a t ;Mlddletown shall have a new light heavyweight or of the state. .^ ,. ._ Uead_The Bran.fprd Review Jl!gga_nuni_at.;Essex I I * - * - - -I • been 111 in the. JJqw Haven Hospital expects to return ,to his home In Elm Street this weelt. Best Team In League Visits Local Ball Park For Crucial Encounter Trains Daj|y A^ llijm City Gym With,Nare Mann, Al.Gainer.CJcorge i Old Saybrook (Special),— Both I'itcli i^ijd C!),qlicr \Yoli Kni)\v IBoxers—^Nlug^nt fVtfciuls .Vjljanova Saybrook,and the,Mei'lden S,t,,Stans hit. the ball freely Jast, Sunday afUiiiversily, Beirtg Cliisi'niate Of Pete Nainio, I.ocal Athlete ternoon... Saybrook was able.; to i»ff^V Seven 111 m . Mr-.and, Mrs., Charles A.. Gibbons Please telephone any items of lo- pf,Npw.iYorlf city are vacationing in Short Beachcal interest to 4-0628. m StI rirlMne Tlrej madt iif she Vlrtilone Fjclsry anj nxhibilhn BuiUhit at Stw Yori JTtirtJ'l fain Alio tiiit the rireiliiie lUfiibi't at the Gali/en Gate Inttmalhnal ErtJOjilion at San Frarttltco UiltntatheVokeefPirtstoitewilh JikhartJ Craokt, Marr.arel Sfeakt and the Flreitotie Sympbirty , OrthtttraiU.iJtrdirtttiorio/At/reJtl'allcnilttriiMQtu/aytteiiiiiS'iSatiQnmifeKU.CRti/Sttuvri CENTRAL 68 Main Street GARAGE Phone 968 Branford, Conn. Mrs. Geofgp,,Coe,iat ,her Pawson August 17 Is the ,,date of thp Parieswsi,terfrQPt i;home;has beei) gnferi^liXlng i«rs. George Preston ot grange. Dramatic Club picnic at New York. Branford Point. Help Prevent Hay Fever ^; Mr, arid M?s, J. Bradford Sargent;, Jr.. pt,EngIe,wop[d,;N.jj, have; leased ajbottage ,,^fe;Plne Orchard foi: the inbrith of August By Destroying Rag Weed] Anthony J. Zaniewski of Lan- •n w ObNSULT iovA iKLASTER PLUMBER—AUTHORIZED DEALER — 0 R — K E w H A V e N ' ^ A S ILxfiUT €,Oi ' HO CtlOWN, ftT. \i \*ife'^*«(v&*fc.'ii,i*«t»** r - * > » - ^ V tf-fr • • «-*•»-»« J r » « f f ' , *•'""'"7- llagacliu X-ibi'iA'y THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, AUODST 3, 1039 ll;lp I'rcvcnt Ilay Fever THE MOVIE GUYED by destroying Rag Weed Prolonged Health Aided By NORTH BRANFORD Drought A(itrvity change The Jlro siren on the North Bran Services In the local churches on ford Town Hall was tested out at on Joan Woodbury and Harold Hu- Sunday will b e GOSSIP FROM UOLLVWOOD: In Everyday Life Legal Notice Continued from page one s t , Augustine's R, C. Church, Rev. seven o'clock on Monday evening 1 Myrna Loy and William Powell ber, Now one long blast Is heard each William Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Ed- evening at the same time as a test If a spading fork is used the small REGISTRARS' NOTICE back at work, again, this time In As valuable as a vacation Is In The Registrars of Voters of the ward Daly, organist a n d choir di- call. carrots will be destroyed. Many of "Another V h l n Man". Asta la with WATCH FOR COMING I i r r S "Lady of The Tropics" with Rob- rector. Mass will be celebrated at the early carrots failed to mature. promoting health and satisfaction Town of Branford will bo in session them Judy Garland making refreshment, on Friday, August 4 and on Friert Taylor and Hedy LaMarr String beans seems to have through rest and Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Ocdney of preparations for a motor trip to "Gone With The Wind" with Clark 0:15 o'clock, Suftleld announce the birth of a weathered the drought fairly well, "Time out" tor exercise or relaxa- day, August 11, 1939 from 12 o'clock , Lake Arrowhead with her sister, Gable "Stronger Than Desire" Zlon Episcopal Church Rev. Fron- daughter at Grace Hospital on July and squash have borne much more tion and other activitcs from which noon to 9 o'clock P. M., Eastern Sue Wallace Beery fixing up a with Walter Pldgeon and Virginia d s J. Smith, Rector, Mrs. Paul R, 28. The little one is the grand daugh than most vegetables. The lima the Individual can derive genuine Standard Time (1 P. M. to 10 P. M. "Charlie Chan In Reno" Hawkins, organist and choir direc- tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gedney beans are late in maturing, tew pleasure should be a part ot every Daylight Saving Time) at the foltruly "colIOBlBto" room Tor daugh- Bruce ' ^ a b e s In tor. Holy Eucharist will be celebra- of Notch Hill Road. ter, Carol Ann', who Is attending with Sidney Toler growers having any to sell as yet. day lite If people are to live healthy lowing places for the purpose of Arms" with Mickey Rooney and J u - ted at 10 o'clock. .summer school a t U. 0. L. A The bush llmas seem to have the and happy lives, according to James perfecting the enrollment lists tor M. Cunningham, Director, Bureau caucus purposes:— "Wizard of Oz" with Freddie Bartholomew, on horseback, dy Garland Rov. and Mrs. Francis J. Smith start on the pole variety. of Mental Hygiene. In the weekly First District—Town Hall, Branleading the parade at Hollywood's Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Jack North Branford Congregational have returned from a vacation Smaller Ears Harvested annual baseball game between the Haley and Judy Garland. Church, Rev. G. Dlllard Lesslcy, spent at Chatham Mass, During the Corn which has been sprayed Is broadcast of the State Department ford. Sec you In tho Movies. pastor, Mrs, Douglas B. Holabird, month of August, the Rev. Smith producing fairly well, with smaller of Health he said t h a t a change In Second District—Public Hall, Stony iUins' comedians and the loading activity helps to break tho mo- Creek. Your MOVIE GUYED organist and choir director. Miss will have charge of all services at men. '.. Melvyn Douglass displayears t h a n usual being harvested by notony t h a t has put life In a rut, ing ii burnod finger to prove t h a t Ethel Maynard, assistant. Morning Trinity Church, Waterbury. most growers. Melons and other and anything which is conducive t o Third District—Fire House, Short ho cooked his own breakfast pan worship will be at 11 o'clock. late crops are wilting under the more happiness also makes for bet- Beach. Dated at Branford, Conn., this cakes„.......Groucho Marx, revealing Library hours have been shorten scorching rays. the tact that he has used up one Fire Chief John Hartlgan requests cd during the month of August at Fire Chief John Hartlgan ot ter mental as well as physical 28th day ot July 1939. health. Walter H. Palmer, thousand sticks of greasepaint In extreme care In the burning of r u b - the Northford Public Library. The North Branford has Issued a warnTerrence J. Brannlgan, For the person who does the twenty one years ho has playbish, use of cigarettes, and matches library will not open until one-thir- ing with regard to the careless use General Registrars. ed on stage and screen. The paint t h a t the fire hazard during the dry ty and will close at the usual hour of matches and cigarettes during strennous physical labor or works creates Qroucho's famous mousperiod may be kept a t a minimum. of four thirty. the dry period. This Is espocjally long hours, time out for rest betache Ann; Rutherford toying NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Many of tho natural water supplies important where farms are located comes valuable. Doctor Cunningwith the Idea of building a house Notice Is hereby given to all taxare getting low; a situation which Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Whitney of distances from the water line or ham continued, while time out for exercise will bring much In the way payers of the town ot Branford, and visiting new structures for must bo recognized as dangerous by Mill Road have been entertaining The parade of hits productions persons living away from the hy- guests from Vermont and New Mexi- hydrants. Several farmers are And of health and pleasure to the sed- resident and non-resident, t h a t the Ideas .Mickey Rooney ereoelng a Ing their wells low or In some cases continues at the Mllford Drive in "chinning" apparatus outside his drants. co. they already find It necessary to go entary worker. Devotion of spare the second half of the tax on the portable dressing room. The exercise Tlioatre. Cherry street and post to their neighbor's for drinking time to creative hobbles Is particu- list ot 1938, Is due and payable on larly satisfying and bring relaxa- August 7, 1939. equipment can bo moved from set Road, Mllford. Following up t h e Supervision and equipment sufwater. tion especially to those who are to set...,...., Greer Garaon spending grand picture "Hell's House" and Unless the second half is paid on ficient to prevent littering of the Outlying sections are cither withevery spare moment searching lor Something to Sing About", the ground with rubbish, garbage or out well water or it is so low they skilled and whose whose Jobs are or before September 0, 1939 Intermanagement h a s booked in more a new house. other rofJse shall be provided and are afraid to drink It. Those de- routine with little satisfaction of est at the rate of 8/10 ot one per Spring may not be in the air for fine films. Now thru Saturday night maintained. Fly-tight depositories pending on clsterno are completely accomplishment. Reading is a type cent per month or any traction the program will feature William of restful activity which brings thereof, which shall elapse from the you, but It is for the people of Carfor such materials shall be provided without water. change for the Individual, and gives due date, will be charged on the vel. "Andy Hardy Has Spring Fev- Powell and Ginger Rogers in "Star and conspicuously located. These Coming home from New Haven him an opportunity for familiarity unpaid balance. (7.2% per annum) er". Again the delightful Hardy F a - of Midnight." • depositories and any final places of added numbers stop at tho Orannls with a wide range of experience mily, with Lewis Stone as tho judge This picture, which Is a comedy I will be at the Town Hall, BranHealth officials tire making sure disposition shall not be permitted Corners spring for Jugs of spring than the contacts ot daily life per- ford from 9:00 A . M. to 12:00 Noon Mickey Rooney as Andy, Cecilia drama of thO' "Thin Man" type to become foul smelling or unsightly water. that por.Mns attending the agrimit. Parker as Marlon; Fay Holden as teams Powell and Miss Rogers In and from 1:00 P. M. until 5:00 P. M. breeding places for flies. An old-timer at Lake Quonnlpaug Ma;Hardy, and Sara Haden M Aunt an Arthur Somers Roche yarn t h a t cultural fairs throughout the state .. All foodstuffs stored or exposed Too often there is not enought every day except Thursday, August this year will be certain of tho yesterday said the lake was three Mllly, Is coming into our midst. should please. Powell Is a suave for sale must be protected from time taken out tor sociability and 17, 1939, when I will be at Stony •They'll be here at the Loow Poll lawer aided by comedy-foil sweet- safety and cleanliness of any food files and dust by suitable covers. feet below normal. for realistic thinking about the In- Creek. College Theatre for a 2nd Big Week heart Rogers. Both are called upon and drink they may obtain there, T h e term "food.stuffs" Includes Baked and cracked is the Ham- dividual problems of lite. Doctor D. P. DALY, and now showing'"Andy Hardy to solve a gangster murder mystery. and t h a t toilet facilities will be both raw and cooked foods, candy mer duck pond, Alps Road. No Cunningham advised t h a t a soluCollector ot Taxes. Gets Spring Fever," the lucky 7th A line supporting' east makes t h e adequate and sanitary, tho weekly and any other food not sold in ducks are enjoying the comforts of tion to these perplexing questions 3t 3-10-31 bulletin of the State Department of the pond. Hardy Family hit. And It's one of picture an outstanding feature single service lly-tlght containers, t h a t have been avoided, and de- WANTED—A spare-time represenAround t h e edges rock gardens the maddest and merriest pelcos of Paul Kelly, Gene Lockhart, Ralph Health announced today. Since except food In t h e process of cookvelopment of the ability and skill to tative in Branford to secure new these local fairs are largely old are Ijeing built and the rich but entertainment in years. Morgan, Leslie Fenton, Vivian Oaking. make other enjoy social occasions subscriptions and renewals for dry bottom shoveled out for the You'll, revel in this simple, hu- land, J. Farrell MaeDonald and home days where friends gather, also bring refeshment and add to one of America's most popular Single service cups, dishes, spoons contemplated garden. man story of typical American fam Robert Emmett O'Connor. Short hobnob and p u t their products on the 'Joy of living. The person who magazines. Congenial work t h a t One farmer estimates t h a t ' he enjoys the company of others and lly life to a small town. In tho trials subjects and the latest News com- display, the bulletin maintains t h a t and drinking straws shall be propays big commissions. No experthe World's Fair will not detract tected from flies and dust. All has spent close to $200 for water to and tribulations of the youngsters, pletes the bill. ience necessary. No money to infrom the Interest In them, and t h a t glasses, cups, knives, forks, spoons, save his strawberry plants but sees establishes social contacts with a and the deep heart interest t h a t Starting on Sunday night and variety of people is not likely, he vest. Free outfit and instructions. blends with the comedy. Don't miss contlmulng through TUesday night, the usual crowds can be expected. or.dlshos, t h i t are subject to re- no prospects now of their living, said, to succumb to morbid reflecWrite today to Director, Sales Corn, which enjoys heat and a tions or become preoccupied with "Andy Hardy Get's Spring Fever" tho "Maglf Icont Obsession" has been To guide local health officials the peated use, shall be thoroughly Division, The American Home, at the Loew Poll College Theatre. booked In. I t was by popular department h a s promulgated r e - washed after each.use by cleansing minimum of moisture is drying and himself or his own thoughts. 251 4th Ave., New York, New York. gulations governing t h e sanitation with hot water aiVd soap and them demand that this sensational film of public fair grounds, and the rising In clean hot water, or by another farmer thinks he has lost between seven' and eight acres ot The 2nd feature on this wonder- was arranged for the new shoy/. We Wonder— ful hold over program is "Chasing Irene Dune and Robert Taylor are bulletin warns t h a t these must be other process approved by t h e local corn alone. A congressman's wife, waking him h e a l t h officer. Apples Drop To Ground Danger" with Preston Foster, Lynn in the leading roles of a magnifi- obeyed. in the middle of the night, told him All drinking beverages not bottled Orchardlsts say apples are drop Barl, Wally Vernon, Henry Wllcox- cent story with magnificent direcRegulation 122 of t h e State Santhere were robbers In the house. tion, summing up to be magnificent itary Code states t h a t no public m u s t be kept In fly-tight contain- ping to t h e ground. Light garden "Impossible," said the congressman. LOST — Chow Dog between MoF>''<»i8WFPi'i>i»l|MWi niauguin and East Uavcm. Anentertainment. Charles,. Butter grounds shall bo used except after ers, from which t h e liquid may be truck Is failing to mature and the "There may be robbers in the Senproduce In many cases, especially ate but not in the House." swers to the name of Chang. Reworth, Henry ArmettaaHd""'RaIpn tull'and'llteral compliance with the removed only by ttfpoets. early potatoes, is small and not flrst ward, return to C5 Henry Street, Morgan are In the supporting roles following regulations: niomaugnin. grade quality. Short subject. Including Donald Any water supply available for Par? 281 Main St., East Eavon Vegetable growers doubt If rain Duck in "Donald's Better Self", and I drinking or washing dishes on the 'Confound It, sir, you nearly hit FOB SALE—9 piece Maple Dining now will come In time to salvage I ••" " " , the latest News, complete the p r o - lalr grounds shall be of safe and my wife," stammered the irate room set. Call at 112 Montowesc crops. .Sun., Moil., 'J'ues., An\;. (1-7-8 ! sanitary quality. golf. Street, Branford. gram. Continued tram page one Others declare it Is the hardest Any water found unsafe for "Did I ? " asked his comrade. j'Invitation to Happiness' tears ol laughter. But humor was season ever experienced by them. FRIGIDAIRES, S39, S45, 555. New h u m a n consumption on such "Take a shot a t mine." t h e dominant note of the evening. The New Haven Water Co. makes Help Prevent Hay Fever and used. Combination stoves, $35 grounds shall be either eliminated i Irene Bunno, Fred MaoMurray T h e raised-eyebrows department this request: to $55. Gas Ranges. Furniture, by destroying Rag Weed or purified by a process approved was busy, for much of the t u n was — Also — I n order to maintain pressure for READ THE —bedroom, living room, kitchen. by the state department of health distinctly on the risque side, but domestic needs on high elevations "CAPTAIN FURY" Reduced 50%. Studio couch, $12, or shall be posted placards doflnBRANFORD REVIEW n o one seemed to mind, after all, In the Town of Branford, It is. necGibson Stores. 59 Whalley Avenue tely warning people against Its use. — wmi — who could expect Sunday-school essary for us to stop the use of FIRST>n<ONLYln CONNECTICUT Open evenings. Fly-tight prlves or water-flushed Brian Alierne, Victor MoLaglon conduct from t h e Wallaces-and who sprinklers and hose between the toilets with a system of sewage disShorthand, Typewriting, Bookwould want It? hours of 4 P. M. and 9 P. M. We ask keeping, Accounting, Business posal approved by the state deparWed., 'P]mr.s.—Aug. il-io The leading part, t h a t of Emma your cooperation in complying with Administration, rDRIVElHTHCAIIlEI WILLIAM mont of health be provided and Dictaphone, 42 inch sink and tub combinatlon.i Arinaballa, Eobort Young in POWELL. shall be maintained In a clean and Is taken by Elizabeth Stearns. Miss this restriction. Comptometer, Day and Evening $29.95 complete. Toilet outflls GINGER Stearns has Interpreted the part Our water resources are ample Sessions. Co-educational. Enter sanitary condition. Separate In "BRIDAL SUITE" ROGERS. complete fI2.95. Uath tubs %U.Sn. J u n i t . Rautci 1AIA stallations lor men and wot^en with great wisdom. She misses none for all purposes even though the at any time. ALSO 1 ••STAri OF shall be provided and they snail of Its racy ImuUcatlons, and is con- drought should extend for weeks. ^roit ^ ^ nd ^ ^*^chtrrr ^ ^ ^ St^ ^ MIDNIGHT-Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing "Clouds over Europe" STONE COLLEGE be adequate the accommodation of tinually In character as a woman of The loss in pressure Is diie to the PLUS ~ TWO R L E L MUSICAL and Heating Materials Co., .1730 •with Lauvonoo Olivier all persons attending or using the light morals; hut she h a s em- extremely heavy draft caused by LATEST NEWS 129 Temple St., Now Haven phasize particularly the loyal sprinkling and hose use concentraState St., New Haven, Conn., fair grounds. The location of all ' M A O N I F I C E N T O B S E S S I O N " Ladies O-ift Nights RENE D U N N E — ROBERT TAYLOR toilets shall be plainly indicated by maternal, unselfish qualities In ted during the late afternoon. It is Phone 6-0028. Emma, and h a s made of her,, not a necessary to subordinate t h a t use CSB3 rirniifiBifTiMiiiiiiini signs. Fri., Sat.—Aug. ll-Vi comic caricature, but a great, fine, to the more Important need of walovable person. ter for domestic purposes. TYPEWRITERS — ALL MAKES J a n e W i t h e r s in Continued dry weather will spell New, Rebuilts, Rentals, Portables, Second honors go to J a n e Ban"BOY FRIEND" Supplies croft tor her screamingly funny • calamity for many, Also Convenient Terms i-iiiiinml ToUijilione auill'oril '11;') On The Qreen portrayal of Grandma, who wouldnt Although fog a n d overcast skies SOCIETY LAWYER recognize an Inhibition If it bit her. shielded sun parched earth from WEEK OF ATTGUST 7th to 12th FLAT WOEK This Is a wonderful part for any the sun this raornin, brief showers RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. — vcrrn —• actress with a talent for robust are predicted by the Weatherman C. B, GUY, Mgr. W a l t e r Pidgeon, Virginia Bruce WET WASH comedy, and Miss Bancroft misses tonight a n d tomorrow. Telephone 7-2738 no opportunity to roll her audience 109 Crown Street, New Haven (noted stiu- of stage and screen) in SOFT DRY In the aisles. Nor -does she forget FOR LOCAL NKWS Four line ads inserted in tlie classt h e h u m a n side of t h a t delightful READ THE old lady. ifled directory for .50e. Ads may be I'^ri., Sat.—August -1-5 Tho Sophisticated New York Comedy Hit An outstanding feature of the BRANFORD REVIEW telephoned to Branford 400 or East play Is the acting of thirteen-yearwith Alan Handley Hollywood Vanity Ware FINISHED WOBK old Barbarb Wasserman as Eva. She Haven 4-0028. Eves, at 8;45, $1,30, 90c, 55c, tax inc. Mat. Wed. 2:30, 99c, 55c tax Inc. P E E E TO T H E LADIES Is t h a t most wonderful of things to WHEN IN NEED OF BAOHELOE SERVICE Tho Littlo Tough Guys in watch, a natual child actress, with UNTIL SATURDAY, AUGUST 5tli WALLPAPER technical ability to boot, and a 'CODE of the STREETS' Dim'l lirinj!: Ilie children! Hut .vcui see it and rojir! or PAINT — wmi — great sense of fun. Olive Warren H a r r y Oavey, Fi'anlrio Thomas VISIT makes a lovely Ingenue, and Alan •PRMB^SE PATH' The George Abhott Daring Play — Also — Handley and Mitchell Harris, two UNITED WALL PAPER 'EAGLE and the HAWK' Tel. 672-2 — 672-3 Playhouse favorites, are up to their CO. •with Prederioli March and usual standards. 93 Crown St., New H a v e n Carole Lombard B. W , N«laon, P r o p . Peter Wolf has designed n o less "We Save You Money" t h a n four sets for the production, Sun., Men,, Tues., A\ig. ()-7-8 set is more effective t h a n the last, Sliinv Croi'k, d Tel. Bi-iinfonl 80!) and ambitious number; but each 'Invitation to Happiness' and the shifting was swift and WITH T H E WORLD'S GOOD NEWS WILLIAM CASTLE presents silent. Hardle Albright's direction Irene Diinno, F r e d MaoMurray win come to your home every day through Is, as always, expert.' He kept the — Also — THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tempo fast and snappy, such a n Im''BOY FRIEND" An Ititerttationnl Daily Piewsftaper portant thing, in a comedy, and It records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. Tlie Monitor with J a n e Withera brought out all tho play's deeper does not exDiolt crime nr sensation; nclllier does It Ignore ttiem, but deals correctively with them. Features Tor buiy men and all the values with a sure hand. iunilly, liicludlnB the Weekly Macaeinc Section. Wed., Thurs.—August !)-!() • GOOD ROADS Next week the Playhouse Is preTh* Christian Science FubllshlnB Society an unusual new play by Rene Michel Sapphire Tableware Nights • HISTORIC VILLAGES senting Martha Sleeper in the One, Norwfly Street, Boston, Muasachusetti Please enter my lUbsertPtlon to The ChrlatUn Science Monitor for Three Sherbet Plates F r e e comedy "No More Ladies". I t will Adupled into English by Ilnrry Sothern « period of • PEACEFUL LAKES 1 year «13.00 8 months 16.00 S months tS.OO 1 month 11.00 open on Monday, August 7th, "PRIDE of the NAVY" S a t u r d a y . issue, Jncludtnt Masi^Eliie Section: 1 year 13.60, 6 Issues 2&o Staged b y Mr. Oastle • SAPE BEACHES Charlotte Buchwald, the Chapel WITH Tliune _„ ,^ ____, Jamos Dunn, Eoohelle Hudson ICvt's. ill i): :jil.C5, $1.10, 75c—Tliurs. mat. at :2:-l5: Tuc and Sue Playhouse Playgoer, will Interview Miss Sleeper this Friday afternoon ALSO ~ Syntpfi 'Copr 'on ' Hequiit' Evenings a t fl — Tlmrsda,y a t 2:45 P . M . a t 2:45 on WICC, New Haven and SUBSCRIBE TO THE "THE LONG SHOT" Bridgeport radio station, BRANFORD REVIEW. TB£ SOME NEWSPAPER IS A VITAr, FORCE m EVERT TOWN , _ t HKi^^<^<<^^^ t^^^^|w^\% ^^^^r ^Sff^^^^ 3 Large Committee Michael Day Named To Plan Found Dead Church Carnival At Indian Neck St. Thereso's Church, Stony Crnck, will hold a carnival on the luu-ch groimds tomorrow and S a t urday nights. The committees are as follows: Rov. Father Brewer, general chairman; Wm. O'Ncll, chairman. Miscellaneous Booth: John De Mntteo, Arthur Van Haftcn, Joseph Romagnoll, Thomas Mellon; Grocerlcs, Gladys Brown, Mrs. Victor Grand, Shirley O'Neil; Dolls, Mrs. Adam Bombollski, Elizabeth G r a n del, Josephine PttvlgUonltl, Paul BlngerelU; Cakes, Mrs. Wm. O'Neil, Mrs. Joseph Collopy, Mrs. Albert Colombo, Mrs. Edward Garden, Louis LaVassa; Tickets, Jack MoneguzEl, Joseph Collopy, Joseph Rlccloltl; Linen, Mrs. Thomas Mellon, Mrs. Leo Mallloux, ''Mrs. Wm. Dow, Rosemary Mellon, Jiosephlne PavlgIlonltl; Religion, Mrs. John DeMatteo, Mrs. Mloliael McDonald, Mrs. Eber Cole, Mrs. Clementina Pullman; Tag, Helen Fisher, Dot Fisher, Evangeline Hlnes, Reglna HIncs; White Elephant, Rena Mencg'uzzi, Evelyn Page; Refreshments, Peter Blagorclll, i Herman Balastraccl, Alclne Grondin, Mary Da Eos, Julia Ablondl; Saucer Game, Mario DeNardl, Raymond Page; Music, Joseph Infantine. The body of Michael Day, 72, a railroad man, of Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. was Identified this noon by his daughter. Miss Mary Margaret Day of Hyde Park. Mr. Day's body was found a t tho beach at Indian Neck this morning whbrc ho died of an heart attack. He had been In for an early morning swim. William S. Clancy & Sons funeral parlors at West Main Street, arc holding the body for shipment to Boston. Harry Tucker Announces 3rd Annual Party New World Champions, No. Branford Boys Return . To Win State Contests Handful Of Kids Take Fife And Drum Corps Honors An'd Literally Put North Branford On The Map—Earl B. Colter Credited With Training And Drilling. Uy Mrs, Daniel Dandy I t Is easy enough for young Comedy Stars people to go off and tho usual Imway of youth get Into diffiMartha Sleeper pulsive culties which are hushed up, but a handful ot boys go off and At Playhouse when literally put tho town on tho map Local Committee Will Have Food Table At Fair -Jalia VrMulvey Was Born Here Pinero's Fable At Stony Creek Thompson-Bangs Ceremony Takes Place In Mass. Pawson Tribe Plans Outing BRANFORD LAUNDRY Selectmen Would Sell Old School W. E. Hitchcock Will Be Host Hotchkiss Family Holds Reunion Building Spurt On Bfd. Height N O MORE LADIES' T H I S LITTLE PIGGY HAD NONE' , Mrs.E.M.Crisman Miss Mavis Fa Ik, Passes Suddenly Harry Lindberg In Florida Home Wed Saturday M A R T H A SLEEPER STONY CREEK THEATRE I- — : Club Sponsors Farm-Home Day American Legion In September Elects Off icers For Coming Year George Abbott INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO CONNECTICUT I APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR | Price Five Cents then It is a story of a different A sophisticated drawing-room color. True, North Branford has been comedy Is the presentation this week nt tho Chapel Playhouse in Justly proud of its Fife and Drum Gullfoi'd. Tho piny Is "No More La- Corps for somo time but in their dles", tho Broadway and Hollywood wildest imaginations they dared not hit, by tho well-known playwright think ot tho accomplishment which Boys, and men, provided thoy are A. E. Thomas, and the star Is Miss has been' achieved by tho boys dur14 years of age or older are in- Martha Sleeper, famous on both ing the past weok . vited to a beach party Tuesday, • Earl B.-Colter, leader ot tho boys, stage and screen. August 16th at Umbrella Island. "No More Ladles" Is tho story of who has quietly boon drilling tho This is the third summer that boys three times a Weok for tho past tho sponsor, Harry Tucker, of Tuck Sherry and M a r d a Warron, who month, left with seven drummers er's Store h a s taken the boys to got' married under rather extraor- for Now York on Thursday mornbathe, swim and sail at the Island, dinary circumstances. Thoy have ing Few but the parents know A picnic lunch featuring hot dogs seen many of their friends' mar- what It was all about. Mr. Alexanrigos end in disaster, and they and watermelon will be served. der McKevnan of tho New Haven All young men of the colony are know t h a t thoy themselves are not Trap Rock Company who h a s sort invited but must register at Tuck- particularly well suited to matrimony. So they start married lite ot a fairy godfather to the boys on er's before Tuesday. many occasions, knew, for he gave A partial Hat follows of those who not expecting to make a success of Mr. Colter and John Hartlgan 8r. have asked to be included in tho It, and quite prepared for whatever timo off for tho trip. day's program; Harry Tuckor, may happen. B u t . wlien "sherry Entered Elimination Chester Myer, Tot Owens,, Sonny starts being soon around with a Tho boys, Ralph Colter, Luke night-club singer, Marcla Owens, Larry Tuckor, Billy Tuckor, popular . . „ j„.i„ i„ Henry Forte, Robert Harry William and Robert Thomp- " " d s she la not as weU prepared a s , Griffllhs, Camarota, J o h n Hartlgan Jr. ns ^on, Holbrooke Throm, TeddyUhe thought. Partly in revenge Griffl'<"drummers a n d ' Domlnio The monthly meeting of the Mairer, . Harry Gibilns, William | P a r t l yContinued J n an eflort t o , ^ ' ; :eight ' , . , ^ ! ^ " " ^ 1™?55. Marrone and Anthony Daly as bass on page Branford Garden Club was held Pusco, James Baker, Prank Proadrummers entered tho elimination Friday afternoon In the home of prlch, P a t Pacello, J. Pecceronl, Don contest in Now oYrk City on T h u r s day, winners of-wliloli' WOrO^tO *p»v*I!i»*-»J-<hm*iS!i Continued on page two Mrs. John H. Birch goive a report Jack Tyler, Jack White. on ragweed and said that the Connecticut Company h a s , ottered to have the rag weed mowed along t h e Julia V. Buckley, wife of James M. Corcoran-Sundquist Post No. 83 tracks at Double Beach. Mulvey of 70 Howe Street, Now Hamet In the Armory Tuesday night A committee lo supervise this ven, died suddenly in her home and elected the following officers: work in Branford was appointed. Saturday morning following an IllCammander, Robert Richardson; Including t h e following members; ness of a few months. She was born 1st vice commander, Lewis Jackson; Mrs. John H. Birch, Mrs. J. Wesson "The Enchanted Cottage", Sir 2nd vice commander, Stephen Bom- Pheips, Mrs. Mortimer D. Stanley, Arthur Wing Plnero's famous "fa- In Branford, a daughter of Law rencc Buckley and Mary Murphy, Miss Una Francos Bangs, daughCharlotte Marietta Scranton, wife bollski; adjutant, Raymond Ballou; Mrs S. A. Grlswold spoke of the ble" In three acts, is to be presented and lived here until the time of her of Elton M. Crlsmon, died suddenly finance oITlcer, William Krcmser; Farm and Home Day" meeting next week by William Castle a t marriage, when she moved to New ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bangs, Friday morning In her home in Co- chaplain, Ernest Albertlne; histor- which will be held In the Academy was married to Charles Baker Stony Creek. Haven. Thompson, son of Dr. and the late The marriage of Miss Mavis Lor- coa, Florida, following a brief Ill- ian, John Aheorn; sergeaiit-at- In September. There will bo an exIt tolls ot a young man, unl)apShe Is survived by her husband; Mrs. Wilson E. Thompson ol Branraine Falk, daughter of Carl Falk ness. She had planned to leave on arms, John Drotar; service ofllcer, hibit of vegetables, canned goods, py—a relic of the war—and an oldtwo sisters, Mrs. Mary Shahan and of Terhune Terrace, and Harry Lo- Friday with her' daughter K a t h e r - -p^^^l^ Reynolds; Sons of American pies, cakes, etc., with an auction of maid spinster—who marry and be- Miss Annie Buckley, both ot New ford, Point, Tuesday at the bride's reus Lindberg of Montowesc Street, Ine to Join her husband who h a d ,^^,^1,^ chairman, George Hansen all exhibits at 8 p. m. Prizes will be come inwardly transformed into Haven, and several nieces and nep- summer home in North Cohassot, Mass. ollicer, Harry Brazeau offered in each class of exhibits. radiant beings through their love. was solemnized In Tabor Lutheran recently come to Branford for a va-1 ^^^i^^^ hews. Funeral services were held John Coolac; The 4-H Club will assist. Church Saturday afternoon at cation with his parents Mr. and Ajnerlcanlzatlon, They believe this transformation to from the funeral home of Sisk Bro- Tho bride was attended by Miss 3 o'clock. Rev. A. T. Bergqulst of- Mrs. VlrgU Crisman of Indian Neck. property ofllcer, Karl Bloomqulst. yirs. Frederick T. Callln reported be an external one—believe t h a t thers, 123 Dwlght Street, New Ha- Doris Stahl of Wakeflold, Mass., her ficiated. A program of bridal music Upon being Informed of his wife's Two trustees were elected to tho Continued on page seven their bodies are grown young again ven, Tuesday morning at 8:30 with roommate at Boston University. was played, by Ellen Anderson of Illness, Mr. Crisman went to Cocoa Welcome Home Fund. Edwin PoulEventually comes the discovery requiem high mass in St. Mary's Henry Steadman Thompson ot New Haven was his brother's host man, ton will nil the unexpired two years New York City, an aunt of the bride by plane. that this Is not so. But they learn, Church, New Haven, at 0 o'clock Mrs. Crisman leaves her husband Tho ceremony took place In a bowor of Charles Lake and John Ahern, a and Harry Anderson of New York, through tho assistance ot their The burial was In St. Lawrence of arbor vltae laced with white asand daughter; her father, William three year term. an uncle of the bride, was soloist. wltch-Uke housekeeper, a knower of Cemetery, West Haven. ters. The aisle to tho altar was marThe bride was attended by her D. Scranton of New Haven; and two Executive Committee, P. C. RobContinued on page eight Bearers were: Edward and John ked with white satin ribbons carsisters, Mrs. Edwin R. Kelsey, Jr. of sister, Mrs. Harry R. Rudln of New ert Cate, chairman; P. C. Maurice Sllney, Thomas and John O'Toll, ried by two llttlb girls. Haven, as matron ot honor; Miss Rockland Park, Short Beach and Conii7iued on page eight Lewis Bracken and W. F. Cooke, Given In marriage by hor father, Avis L. Johnson of Fltchburg, Mass. Mrs. James P. O'Connor of West The Pawson Tribe No. 61 will all nephews. the brlds wora a princess gown of and Mrs. William Doty of Hemp- Hartford. hold its Annual Outing at Lake CapCommittal service was held at 2 white lace. Her tulle veil fell from stead L. I. as bridesmaids; and the pello, Guilford, Connecticut, on o'clock Monday afternoon a t Evera coronet of orange blossoms. She Misses Dorothy and Mae Lindberg, Sunday, August 20th. green cemetery. Continued on page two sisters ot the groom, as junior Anyone wishing to attend may Among those attending were 14 bridesmaids. Allan Lindberg acted purchase tickets from the following Pilgrim Brotherhood will hold its Connecticut people who pass their as his brother's best man. The ushPOSIES TO POLICE Committee Members; Steve FInta, annual picnic Saturday afternoon at winters In Cocoa Pla. Continuei on page five The selectmen have given notice Emerson Atwater, Dominic Barba, the home of .William E. Hitchcock At 11:50 p. m. Tuesday night Walt h a t written proposals or bids will Joseph Lagueux, Edward Mangan, at Pawson Park. Transportation will The 57th annual reunion of tho be received by the selectman for Michael Thomas, Louis Atwater, be arranged from the Congregation- Hotchkiss Family Association will be ter W. Kelley ot 22 Adams Avenuo, WARNING the purchase of the land and build- John Donofrlo and Vincent Ralola. al Church at 2:30. held Saturday In the Congregation- Everett, Mass. operating a motor Tickets may be procured from al Church House In Cheshire. All vehicle going east on North Main ing known as the Saltonstall School This announcement Is being made Mrs. Thomas Kelly, mother of J the following: Harold Baldwin, direct descendants and their fam- Street claimed t h a t he was forced property. to urge every citizen not to resoff the road and Into a state highBids must be In the hands of sel- Mrs. Robert Cate, of Montowesc St. | Robert Robinson, 8. V. Osborn, Ed- ilies are invited to attend, pond to any collections or solicitaway fence, Tho right front wheel and a patient In New Haven Hos-jward Michaolaon, and William B Tho program ot tho afternoon ectmen before 7 P. M. (DST) on There Is a building boom at tion that are made by persons reprepital is reported to be unchanged. I Hitchcock, J r . has been orranged by Mrs. John C. was broken off and and the fender September 1st. Branford Heights. senting The Salvation Army, other Robinson, who announces that the bent, ' Among this season's purchasers t h a n those who will solicit at the principal speaker will bo Mr. Henry Mr, Thomas Kelley of New York an and builders are: Mary MondlUo, time of the Annual IJrlve, and then H. Townshend whose mother was a uncle and an occupant of the car. they will exliiblt official credentials. Mona Avenue, lots 41-42 who has Hotchkiss. Mr. N. I. Butt of Teach- In appreciation of the treatment There Is a n Increasing amount of completed a year round home. received at the Branford Police staWere pointed Albert B. Plant, Edward V. Goal Of Perfection Not Eoaohed ers College, Columbia University tion asked for the name of the local promiscuous solicitation going on all Loretto Campane has started a Rules and Reg:ulationa will summarize the activities ot tho Allen, wmiam H. HIgley, Edward J. But A 'Well Organized D e p a r t Adopted And In Force August over the State which annoys bus- cellar on lots 43-44 and plans to go paper then came Into the Branford ment has Accomplished Much in western branch of the Hotchkiss Review office with the request that 4, 1929—Six Electors Appointed Rice William 8. Clancy and John J. iness and residential districts, par- right ahead with construction. Family. Ahern. I t s F e w Y e a r ' s Operation. To Board of Commisaioners James C. Andrews has finished ticularly on Friday's and SaturRecipes for the Hotchkiss family public mention be made of the courOn July 2nd the board of commisday's and the Salvation Army Pro- building a garage and now has a six cook book win be collected Imme- tesies received. sioners was duly organized but was begun. The Branford Department of Poroom house in process. His Is a corvincial Headquarters at Boston, The driver's father, James Kelley handlcaped by lack of appro- Twenty supernumerles were Ilfjtecl diately following the registration. was also In the car. lice is ten years old. through Major J. T. Seddon, would ner location on lots 45-46. but they were not paid except for Birthday calendars which were givRules and Regulations ot tho d e - priation. Clarence Johnston has purchased like citizens In all rural and suben out last year should be returned That month 55 arrests were made, extra work. urban communities to assist them four lots, 22, 23, 24 and 25. His gar- partment were adopted and In efMISS J. RANALLI That year 207 arrests were made. ed at this meeting, and In August 50 with but 17 in in stamping out this problem by re- age Is complete and his cellar dug fect August 4th 1028. The Town Report ot t h a t . y e a r September,. Fines aniounted to All appointments to tho force are TO BE MARRIED fusing to give a t any other time ready for carpenter work. DRUM CORPS WIN AGAIN Sale ot the property was made listed as constables; Victor H. La- $2700.05 but In all motor vehicle made by the Board of Police Comt h a n the Annual Campaign which Miss Josephine Ranalll, daughter At the annual state convention of missioners. Men are first appointed cases fines went to the State Motor Crolx, William J. McKce, Joseph through the office ot D. W. Owens, is endorsed by the local committee. for duty on the supernumerary Fife and Drum Corps last Saturday ot Mr. and Mrs. Vcnanzio Ranalll Schenck, John Sclarlnl, Charles Vehicle Department. Short Beach. Howd, Charles Haynes, and Charles By 1930 the entire department force, filing application. At the oxplr in Torrington the Stony Creek Fife of Sliver Street, will bo married HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION was reorganized and receiving train atlon of six months a supernumer- and Drum Corps was chosen state Saturday morning ut 0 o'clock in Lagerstrom. OUTING FOB CHILDREN The auxiliary of Corcoran-Sund- Police equipment, salaries and ex ing and supervision for six months ary is eligible to appointment, on champion In the ancient class for St. Mary's Church to Mr. Alex ClnAs Is Its custom, the committee of the regular force. His appointment the American Historical Association quist Post held an outing for chil- pens'es were listed at 5713.04 with an from the New Haven Police Depart- to permanent duty depends upon the fifth consecutive year. Dewey quanta of Stony Creek. Thomas of the local corps was awA reception will follow at 2:00 met over the week end at the Owen dren of veterans a t Branford Point estimated expenditure of nearly ment. Expenses Increased to $8,305 21 the proficiency h e h a s shown In a c - arded pecond prize tor bass drum- o'clock at 40 Sliver Street, Tuesday. The following children $11,000 tor the following year. ego House, Indian Neck. quiring a knowledge of police busming. The Stony Creek Fife and Professor J. D. Hicks of the De- were awarded prizes: Margaret An act creating a Board of Police and it became necessary to reduce iness, and his efficiency as an offlDrum Corps will attend the fire- Miss Alice Holmes of Harbor St., partment of History, Teachers' Jones, Winifred Kremser, Leo Pln- Commissioners in the Town ot Bran the force to two regular men. men's convention In Bridgeport as will be sixteen years ot age tomor-. College, Columbia University was neran, Paul Richardson and Walter .'ford required t h a t six electors be Early in the department's history cer. escort to the M. P. Rico Hose Co, row. chosen by the selectman. He Bp-|its high standard of efficiency was I Continued on page eight Jackson, chairman. Rotarians Enjoy Motion Pictures Of'38 Hurricane "Capitol Theatre Pequot Theatre Branford, Connecticut, Thui-sday, Augpust 10, 1939 The service battery left this m o m Ing a t 6 a. m. for Its annual m a n s*^® euvers a t Plattsburg, New York. ^ They win bivouac tonight In Rut» land Vermont. [^L|^<v, The local battery will be the a d H^^&^i,. vance detail of the regiment which t*Mw leaves August 13. They will transI B ^ ^ ' feil^fe^' i ^^H^K>ix« -^tk port everything t h a t Is necessary for the period of training and will make all preparations for the regiment when It arrives. The maneuvers win bring together some 60,000 enlisted men, the largest peacetime concentration ot American armed forces In history. The local battery will bo In comCharles E. Rolfe mand of Capt. John L. Rush, comCharles E. Rolfe of New Haven, mander of the Branford Battery, First Lieutenant Leonlal C. Morris, who was appointed chairman of the and Lieutenants Oswald E. Klugel Connecticut Development Commission by Governor Baldwin today, Is and Thomas I. Wilson. general information manager ot The Southern New England Telephone Company. We was a member of the Connecticut Publicity Commission from 1937 until It was discontinued last month and was an active sponsor ot tho bill which created the new development commission. He is a director of the Connecticut division of the Now Attention Is called to the date of tho Children's Communty Center England Council, a former director of the New Haven Chamber ot Fair, September 16. This year the Branford commit- Commerce and Grace Hospital and tee will bo In charge of the food has been engaged in many civic actable with Mrs. Plerpont Warner as tivities. His home is at 681 Forest At the weekly luncheon of the chairman. Road, West Haven. Rotary Club Monday noon In the Mrs. Beauford Reeves Is chairparlors of the Congregational man of the Branford committee re Church a program was given of pic- placing Mrs. Robert J. Plumb, re tures of the 1938 hurricane In Con- tired. - . necticut, shown by George P . WelsNew features are being organizIhg of the Works Progress Admined for this year's fair such as a istration. Forthy-three were present and the visiting Rotarians were S baby show and a doll carriage and E. Dibble of Ellzabethtown, Pa., D. bicycle parade. H. Havens,, of Atlanta, O-a., A, X. Branford residents are Invited to B5tB<>Utivc"^6wmlttoe'''Vnii*'Wft6fr •'Colljgan- 01;,Kingston,.N. J ; E * 3 I . " D ; Buriie, J r , of New Haven, John T. A u g u s t 22 to Discuss P l a n s Murphy and Thomas r . HelUy both F o r Armistice Dance ot East Haven. A resolution requesting t h e Board ol Finance to advance the necessary funds tor the rebuilding ot the Canoe Brook school was Thursday night carried during a special town meeting held In tho community house. The resolution as presented by John 0. Barnes follows: The Selectmen are hereby requested to consult with the Board ot Education, ascertain the expense necessary to put said school house In condition for use, submit their findlrJes to the Board of Finance of the town and request said board to make the the necessary appropriation from the unappropriated revenue of the town. And so soon as the Board of Finance shall have acted, to call a special meeting to pass upon the vote of the Board of Education. Among those who spoke were: Milton P. Bradley, Robert Rosenthal, John C. Barnes, Howard Whiting. Reginald Baldwin was moderator. business Directory PLAYHOUSE A N D EAST HAVEN NEWS Special Meeting Service Battery Approves Using W i l l Bivouac Burned School In Rutland, Vt. Fairs To Comply With Code Rules For Sanitation CHAPEL Cfie Pranforb J^bietn VOL X I I — N O . 18 Drive-ln Theafre Will Continue Parade Of Hits IB FORTRAYmO AS I T DOES LOCAt HAPFENINGS IN FAKHUAR LAN'GUAGE THE HOME TOWN TAPER — »t — BRANFORD - - NORTH BRANFORD STONY CREEK — PINK OKCIIARD SHORT BKACII — INDIAN NECK GRANNIS CORNER — MORRIS COVE — EAST HAVEN i D e p a r t m e n t O f Police Has Birthday -•'11 I! I