CITY OF WASKOM CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING PERMIT APILlCA1 ION ORDINANCE fl280 (APPLICANT MUST COMPLETE ALL 01 PAGE 1) Name of Applicant____________________________ Business Name of Applicant_______________________ - Mailing Address Phone *t Cell # Physical Address of Proposed Construction/Building_________ or Residential (Circle One) Type of Structure Proposed date of beginning of construction or placement of structure on location (Must receive valid permit before the beginning of any construction or development). I affirm that I have read and understand Ordinance #280 requiring construction/building permits in the City of Waskom. I understand that a permit fee of $25.00 must be paid before the City will issue a permit. I agree to allow the City of Waskom to inspect the site at the above location at their convenience before permit is granted. I understand construction must begin on or before the 30 th day after the permit is granted. If a permit herein is granted, but construction has not begun on or before the 30th day, the permit expires and a new permit must be issued by the City. I understand that it is my responsibility to contact all parties that may have lines, pipes or other objects running under or through the property where structures are to be built or placed. Calling DIGTESS at 1-800 344 8377 or 811 for underground utility location requests will help in determining line locations. I understand that if the location of development is in, or in close proximity to, a floodplain, that a floodplain development permit may be required and additional fees may apply. I understand the building/construction area is to be clearly marked and that an approved copy of this permit shall be kept on site and available for viewing by City of Waskom representatives at all times. By issuing of this permit, the City of Waskom assumes no liability for damages to person or property, for any reason associated with the replacement, construction, or locations of any structure. I understand that no City of Waskom utilities will be furnished until a valid construction/building and/ or floodplain development permit(s) have been granted. Date: Signature of Applicant Complete and Return To: City of Waskom P.O. Box 730 430 West. Texas Ave. Waskom, TX 75692 Page 1 of 2 City of Waskorn Construction/Building Permil (Page 2 For City of Waskom Use Only) Review Date Permit Reviewed by Permit Granted Permit Denied for the following reasons: Comments: City Official (Office) Date City Official (Code Enforcement) Date City Official (Water/Sewer) Date Is property located in or within close proximity to a Flood Plain? ()Yes ()No If yes a Flood Plain development permit is required to ensure compliance with ORDINANCE #270 "FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE" before issuing a construction/building development permit. FLOOD PLAIN ADMINISTOR(s) Date Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCI NO. 280 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING (ONSI RU(.1 ION/BUU DING PERMITS IN THE CITY OF WASKOM, TEXAS; AN[) PROVIDING A Pt NAI.1Y AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING ORDINANCE B 223-1 OF THE CITY OF WASKOM'S ORDINANCES BY AMENDING THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLAT - IONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Waskom has determined that the health, safety and welfare of the public requires that any person, firm, or corporation must give notice of any development addition to, substantial Improvement or construction to any existing structure prior to beginning such construction to any residence with the City of Waskom; and that failure to abide by the same notice requirement should be properly penalized. ihis ordinance repeals and replaces Ordinance No. 232-1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY Of WASKOM, TEXAS: SECTION I (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or other entity to violate any provision of this ordinance. (b) The code enforcement officer of the City shall be responsible for enforcement of this ordinance. 11w code enforcement officer, or his designated representatives, has the authority to issue citations to persons violating the provisions or this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the code enforcement officer, or his designated representative, in the performance of their duties. (c) The code enforcement officer, or their designated representative, shall have the authority to enter into any building or premises to inspect for and enforce the provisions of this ordinance. (d) The code enforcement officer, or employee charged with the enforcement of this code, while acting for the City, shall not thereby rendered liable personally, and is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage accruing to persons or property as a result of any act required , permitted, or denied in the discharge of official duties. 1 SECTION II (a) That no person, firm, or corporation shall begin any: development, substantial improvement, constructlovi, oi addition to any lot or structure within the City of Waskom, texas without first giving notice of such Intended development, construction, or addition to the Cit y of Waskorn by requesting and obtaining a valid CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING PERMIT from the City of Waskom at City Hall in Waskom, lexas prior to commencement of such intended development, substantial improvement, construction, or addition. (b) No person, firm or corporation shall locate, move onto or add any manufactured permanent structure (including but not limited to: mobile homes or manufactured storage buildings) to any real property within flu. (Ity of Waskom, Texas without first giving notice of such intended construction or addition to the City of Waskorn by requesting and receiving a valid building/construction permit from the City of Waskom at City Hall in Waskon-i, Texas prior to commencement of such intended construction. Any person, firm, corporation, or other entity that proposes to locate, move onto or add any manufactured permanent structure must also comply with any 0th ci City Ordinance(s), existing at the time of such permit request, relating to the placement of said structure within the City of Waskom. (c) The City of Waskom will not grant any permit which is intended for any structure, building, manufactured home, or any other permanent structure, to be placed on any City of Waskom's property, street right-of -ways, pipeline right-of-ways and/or easements, or any other property or easements under the City of Waskom's control. All City of Waskom's pipeline easements will be fifteen(15) feet in width, seven and one half (7.5) feet from each side of the centerline of the pipeline, unless otherwise stated in an original easement. No structure or any other development will be allowed within seven and one half (7.5) feet of any pipeline belonging to the City of WasI.orir that will hinder maintenance, ingress, or egress, except for roads, driveways, and fencing. (d) No structure shall be located, constructed, or placed, on a lot, parcel, or tract of land within twenty (20) feet of a property line adjacent to a City of Waskom's street right-of-way. (e) No building shall be located, constructed, or placed between the front of any residence and the street right-of. way. (f) No structure that is intended for a family dwelling may be located, constructed, or placed, on a lot, parcel, or tract of land with dimensions less than fifty (50) feet on the narrow dimension nor one hundred (100) feet on the long dimension. Said structure shall not be within ten (10) feet of any side or back property line, nor within fifty (50) feet of any structure occupied or which could be occupied as a residency on the same lot, parcel, or tract of land. (g) A copy of the approved permit shall be kept on the construction/building site at all times. (h)The cost for obtaining a proper construction/building permit as required is $25.00. (i) Any development in/or in close proximity to a FLOOD PLAIN, shall require a FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT in addition to a CONSTRUCTION/BUILDING PERMIT. U) Any manufactured home to be moved in, placed, or located within the City Limits of Waskom Texas will require an additional manufactured home permit. (k) No City of Waskom Utilities (Water/Sewer) will be furnished to any development, construction, or placement of any structure which requires a federal, state, or local permit(s), until such permit(s) are acquired. 2 *DEVELOPMENT - means any man-made change to improved ,i,id unlmprovd teal estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structure, mining, dredging, filling, grading, I)aVlnK, excavation or drilling operati storage of equipment or materials. oil'. in Sk('Tl( )N Ill This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions ofordiiiances ofihe City of Waskom, as amended, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which C'rnI conflicting provisions the more stringent provision will prevail. SECTION IV It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections or this ordinance are severable, and if any phase, clause, sentence, or paragraph of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment of decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phases, clauses, sentences, or paragraphs of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phase, clause, sentence, or paragraph. SECTION V Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any the provisions of this ordinance shalt be fined not more than OO.00 dollar( s) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION VI All rights and remedies of the City of Waskom are expressly saved as to a violations of the provisions of this ordinance, as amended, or any other ordinances protecting the potable water supply from contamination which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be aficcied by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION VII This ordinance will be in full effect on the date of its approval by the City of Waskom's Board of Aldermen. 3 of SECTION VIII This Ordinance No. 280 shall be in full force and effect ailci us pitsmige, and ills so ordained PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14 DAY OF AU(.UST 2012. MAYOR, City of Waskom A CITY SECRETARY, City of EFECTIVE: AUGUST 14, 2012 4 Amendment to: Ordinance No. 280 Construction/Building Permit Application in Waskom, Texas WHEARAS, the City of Waskom's Board of Aldermen has previously adopted regulations regarding the Construction/Building Permit Application in Waskoni, Texas in Ordinance No. 280 on August 14, 2012 WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen now desires to amend this ordinance by adding the following subsection to Section II: Section II (I) Once a permit is issued under Section 11(a), construction must commence on or before the thirtieth (30th) day after the permit is granted. If a permit herein is granted, but construction has not commenced on or before the 30th day, the permit expires and a new permit must be issued by the City. This amendment passed this the 14th day of APRIL ATTEST: Jesse Moore, Mayor I ity Secretary 2015.