Augüst - CityMasala


Augüst - CityMasala
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August 2006
A Lifestyle and Entertainment Magazine for Today’s South Asian
Beyond Skin
Are your digital
files safe?
Daru Ka
Know Your Nasha
Garma Garam
Health Talk
Meet The Wedding Planners
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
A Lifestyle and Entertainment Magazine for Today’s South Asian
From Our Desk to Yours
The month of August heralds 59 years of Independence for both India and Pakistan.
Both countries have grown by leaps and bounds during this time, and have also had
to sustain terrible losses. They continue to show astounding resilience and fortitude
when faced with natural as well as man made calamities. The CityMasala Team feels
a deep sense of pride for our respective countries and what they stand for.
Food for thought: what does Independence really mean? Is it liberation from oppression? Is it freedom to do exactly what we want? How does Independence relate
to the individual? Since we live in a free world, we consider ourselves free to do
whatever we want… within reason. Who sets these guidelines and restrictions? And
if they are placed on us, does that mean that we are not completely free?
This month’s issue deals with the wedding season. If you’re getting married or know
someone who is, the wedding planners covered in Achievers’ Club could make the
wedding of your dreams come true. They bring expertise, creativity and contacts
which you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere.
Vish gives you tips on hurricane preparedness and the organization and safe keeping of digital files in Tech Talk. We have film reviews and the latest masala from
Nandini and Kavita. Health Talk, our newest column, brings you information on
Insomnia – its causes and symptoms – and suggests some natural cures for this ailment. Auntyji is still very opinionated, but what will take you by surprise is her journey down memory lane and the insight she provides on children today. A friendly
reminder, please take Auntyji in the spirit she is meant to be taken in – lighthearted
and fun. In Daru Ka Nasha, Ashish brings you the stages of nasha based on the
company you keep. Kavita also brings us Beauty in this issue which is about skin
disorders and some cures to get relief from them.
On the Cover
Cover Feature:
Wedding Season – Meet the
Wedding Planners
Hurricane Preparedness: Are your
Digital Files Safe?
Bollywood: Hottest Summer Releases
and more masala
Beauty - Beyond Skin Deep
Health Talk: Insomnia
Daru Ka Nasha: Stages of Nasha
Also In this Issue:
Reel Talk: Movie Reviews
Auntyji Ko Pucho
Wining and Dining
Star Lite Star Brite: This Month’s
Masala Nite, promises to be the hottest and the most happening party for the professional desi. Brought to you by CityMasala and Gro Styles, Masala Night is slated
for August 18th, 2006 at Shalimar restaurant. Read more about this new and exciting event on page 7.
Your feedback, thoughts and opinions are important to us. Express yourself at
[email protected] or [email protected].
A reminder, talk about CityMasala, rave about CityMasala, make your friends
read CityMasala and ask for your copy of CityMasala by its name!
Chhaya Sanghavi and Shaphali Jain
Editor and
Chhaya Sanghavi
Shaphali Jain
Graphic Designer
Dawn Sallas
Ashish Jain
Javid Lateef
Kavita Trivedi
Nandini Chakraborty
Nicolas Aujula
Vish Viswanathan
Zed Rehman
Guest Contributor:
Dr. K. M. Jain &
Dr. Mrs. Adarsh Jain
Published By:
CityMasala LLC
On the Web:
CityMasala is published by CityMasala LLC. The opinions and viewpoints of our contributors and advertisers do not necessarily reflect those of CityMasala’s.
CityMasala disclaims any liability with respect to the use of or reliance on any such information and further disclaims any liability to any party for loss or damage
caused by errors or omissions, negligence, accident or any other cause. CityMasala reserves the right to reject any advertisement they deem unacceptable or inappropriate for publication in CityMasala. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and originality of content. Copyright © 2005 CityMasala LLC. All rights
reserved. Reprinting of any material without prior permission from CityMasala is prohibited.
August 2006
To the CityMasala Team,
Love the layout of your magazine.
It has a “wow”factor that encourages the reader to find out more.
- Puja Gaglani
To the CityMasala Team,
Congratulations on bringing out a
fine entertainment style magazine.
It is colorful and appealing with interesting articles. Love the “ChaiTime” idea. We wish you the best
in this venture and look forward to
your growth in geometric proportions. - Vinod Vasudeva
About Daru Ka Nasha: Man...
Your “first peg” (article) was
good, but I don’t agree with your
comments about mixing anything
with scotch. DON’T PUT ICE,
Single Malt Highland Whiskey or
Scotch. Don’t waste or water down
the taste. That’s my mantra! - Vish
Viswanathan(Tech Talk)
We say: We will try our best to get
Exposed back in upcoming issues.
About Auntyji Ko Pucho:
You said: In reference to the
Auntyji column in June of 2006 in
CityMasala Magazine, I feel I must
tell you what the bindi signifies.
According to our sabhyata, a married woman wears a red bindi and
a widow wears a black bindi. I do
not feel that Auntyji answered this
question in a manner that explains
our Indian traditions. - Mr. India
We say: Thank you for your feedback. Auntyji Ko Pucho is a
column that is meant to be taken
with a fistful of salt. Her opinions
are hers alone and are written in a
light vein. Her aim is to entertain,
and sometimes, enlighten.
MASALA NITE August 18th , at 9:00PM
The second Chai Tim e event, sponsored by CityMasala
and hosted by Delhi Darba r Restau rant was held o n
July 30 th and once again, we were met with an
astounding r esponse f rom the c omm unity. Bringing
everyone together has never b een more fun!
Come Dan ce the nigh t away!
Masala Nite is finally h ere! Let the party begin! C ome
and check out the mos t happening, the m ost talked
about, the m ost exciting event to take p lace in the
Tamp a B ay area on Augus t 18 th, 2006 at 9 p m. DJ
Dean, DJ J. We st and Baydu m Beats will be in the
house! Desi remixes, bhangra, and w hatever else that
gets y ou in the groove and o n the dance floor – Masala
Nite will have it and mo re. There will also be a fashion
show brought to y ou by Gro Styles and lucky d raw
prizes to make the evening even mo re exciting and
Masala Nite will be h osted at Sh alimar Restau rant on
204 N. Morgan Ave. in downtown Tamp a. Get there
before 1 1:00 PM and get a drink o n us.
We look forw ard to partying with you.
For mo re information about attending our eve nts, please
call 813-642-3313 or send an email with your contact
inform ation to [email protected]
August 2006
Kiran Bahl – GroStyles
Kiran is a vivacious and savvy businesswoman – a wedding planner who makes
your special day really special. She thinks
out of the box, adds her certain flair, and
while she’s at it, she keeps your budget in
Kiran is the owner of GroStyles in Tampa
and Orlando. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business management and
married her high-school sweetheart, Raj
Bahl, in 1999. She went to India to do her
works out best for the customer. They
wedding shopping. “I wanted to design
get the best and after all, the customer
everything myself. I got everything cusis most important!” The inventory for
tom made – the decorations, return gifts,
both the stores is bought and shipped from
the attires, the invitations – and I really
India. Inventory is received every two
enjoyed the whole process.” That’s where
weeks and Kiran, or her ‘in-laws, personthe seed sprung and she was inspired by
ally go to India every two months to touch
the concept of merging business with
base with emerging fashions, trends and
fashion. She got together with her ‘inupdates. Of the support in her life Kiran
laws, Kishore and Vandana Bahl, and set
says, “All this would not have been posup shop inside their home. They met with
sible without their help.”
huge success and opened the doors to the
first Gro Styles on Orange Blossom Trail
How does wedding planning fit into her
in Orlando, in June 2002, and the second
business model? She realized that there
Gro Styles on Fowler Avenue in Tampa in
was a growing need in our community
2004. She says, “Being brought up here
when numerous customers would queshas helped me relate to the non-Indian
tion her about wedding arrangements such
crowd as well as the Indian American
as photographers, wedding invitations, or
generation. What style they look for,
specific outfits. Customers can find their
what makes them feel comfortable. I also dream wedding attire on the Internet or in
feel that competition is healthy – ecoa magazine, consult with Kiran and she
nomics taught me that! Competition
Contact Kiran at 813-843-9040 or visit
can have that exact ensemble custom made
for you in India in about 2-3 weeks. Kiran
custom designs everything, including outfits for the entire family, wedding cards,
thank you cards, return gifts, wedding
décor such as mandaps, jaimalas, decorations for the horse and just about anything
else you can possibly think of having in
a typical desi wedding. Turnaround time
from start to finish is about two months.
Kiran and Raj have known each other
since High School. She married Raj when
she turned 20 and Raj was 23. Raj has a
Masters in MIS – Management Information Systems. Little Rahul came along
5 years later – November 7th, 2005. Raj
helped GroStyles go paperless and clutterfree. He helped increase the efficiency in
the business by enabling electronic communication between Gro Styles and the
distributors in India to make the ordering
process seamless. He created an electronic
blue print to facilitate the creation of an
inventory database as well as the website
which will be up in the near future. He
is also the marketing guru for the business and of Raj, Kiran says, “the biggest
thing about him is the way he supports
me. He’s always here and encourages me
at each step. I couldn’t have done this
without him.”
Pinky Patel – Nikun Events
Pinky is a creative genius and feels that
her mother’s talents live on in her. She
brings this creative energy to Nikun
Events and to every wedding that she
plans and organizes.
Born in Uganda, Africa, her family had
to leave during the Idi Amin military
overthrow in 1972. They went to India
for a few years and then on to London
from where she completed her bachelors
in computer science and math in 1985.
She then moved to Chicago and worked
in the IT industry and got married to
Shailesh Patel, a pharmacist, in 1990. She
created the mandap for her own wedding. Nikita, now 14 and getting ready
for High School, and Kunal, 11, followed
soon and they moved to Orlando in 1997.
She worked as a computer engineer for
about 5 years but wanted to do something
that she loved.
“I’ve always been creative. Being raised
in Africa and England, you have to do
everything yourself.” She found herself
very involved in the BAPS mandir in
Chicago. She helped raise funds by making floral mandaps and wedding garlands.
Over the years, she started specializing in
making these garlands. She would donate
all her proceeds to the mandir and still
does. She still gets out of state orders for
these garlands. She says, “I owe all this to
my mother. We were surrounded by her
creativity, with the rangoli that she would
create with oil paints in Africa. I remember a lot of her talents. Her work lives on
in me.” Pinky’s work is displayed, along
with that of other talented artists, in the
BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Orlando.
Nikun Events officially came about last
year in 2005. After having helped out several friends and family put weddings ...
contd. on page 10
August 2006
August 2006
Achievers’ Club
contd. from page 8
together, Pinky realized that this is
something she truly loves doing. “When
a bride comes to me and asks me to put
something unusual together, I love it. It
keeps me going. My mind shifts into gear
and I deliver.” She says that when brides
go to see her with their books, she can
tell that they are under a lot of pressure.
“I like to take that stress away.” She also
notices a change in the community when
a wedding is being planned. “Everyone
wants to go back to traditions, regardless
of whom they’re getting married to. Having people like me around makes it that
much easier. I can mix the contemporary
with the traditional.”
What sets Nikun Events apart is the ability to create a unique concept that stands
out. It specializes in weddings and special
events decor, designer centerpieces created
from fresh flowers or candles to customize
themes, ethnic rangoli, fruit carvings and
Contact Pinky at 407 – 448-7128; email [email protected]
egg less cakes. Wedding services include
wedding planning, decorations, onsite coordination and on the day coverage. It can
provide you with a list of suppliers such as
mehndi artists, hair stylists, DJs, videographers, photographers and priests. Pinky
will take the hassle away from the family,
the bride and the groom so they can enjoy
their special day.
“Our goal is to exceed your expectations”
Yuti Williams – Signature Weddings –n- Events
time as you do in putting together a
wedding today, the least that you should
expect from your wedding planner is that
they should be there for you 24-7.”
About her own wedding, she says, “My
mother and I planned the entire 4-day
event for 500 people. I learned a lot from
this experience.”
Yuti is a recent bride of March, 2004. She
offers a one stop wedding experience for
the bride. “I am their age – I talk like
them – I think like them. I want their
special day to be perfect.”
Born in Baroda, India, Yuti moved with
her family to the US in 1984. Yuti’s father,
Pravin Joshi is a maharaj as well as a
physical therapist. He had published some
of his work which was recognized by a
hospital in the US and the whole family
found themselves on a TWA flight to the
US. One of Yuti’s earliest memories is
of her father having to walk to work in
the snow. “And to think we had Indian
winter clothes for the frigid winters of
Illinois!” She says she has complete
admiration for her parents and for the life
they have made here. “My mom is the
reason I got into this business. She is
a 100% of my support – my inspiration
– my best friend.”
She says she had a hard time growing
up Indian and American and in finding
herself. Her parents moved to Orlando in
the middle of her 4th grade year and that
is when she formed some roots and some
great friendships. She met her husband in
7th grade. Adam Williams is a photographer who is involved in corporate video
production as well as Indian wedding
photography and videography for their
production company, Sattva Productions.
“He completely embraced our culture
from the beginning.” About Adam being accepted by the family, Yuti says,
About Adam, “Adam is such a great
photographer – we spend a lot of time in
getting the album together and producing several preview copies. We have the
bride approve everything.”
“Adam is a computer engineer. My father
loved him immediately because he would
fix things around the house!”
For Yuti, Signature Weddings –n- Events
came about close to two years ago. Her
own experiences in planning her wedding
and more importantly, her wedding album
and video, set up the format for the business. Her background in theater, one of her
passions, is shared with Adam and lends
them expertise in producing an event. She
is able to offer a one stop wedding experience for her customers due to the set up
that her family affords. Her father, Pravin
Joshi, is the maharaj, her mother, Varsha
Joshi is the accountant/coordinator, and
Adam and Yuti handle everything else.
They are a very close knit family. Yuti
talks about being able to set her business
apart from the rest due to the excellent
customer service and attention to detail
that they offer. “When you spend as much
Signature Weddings –n- Events offers
one of the largest mandap inventories in
Central Florida and handles all aspects
of the décor. Yuti says, “Why I do this so
well is because I can relate to the brides.
I understand that they need to hear from
me right away. Typically, Indian brides
don’t want to hire a planner. They have
family and friends who can take care
of a lot, but eventually, it all falls on the
bride. The more they can put their trust
in me to go ahead and do my magic, the
more I can ensure that they have the perfect wedding.” She believes that wedding
planners today have to keep up with the
times. She believes in competition in her
field, “I don’t frown upon competition
– it’s all about the bride in the end. We
should work with other vendors to do the
best we can.”
Yuti can be contacted at 407-905-6796; email [email protected]
August 2006
August 2006
Tech Talk
By Vish Viswanathan
Are my digital files safe?
Digital Media Management and Storage
Digital Media is a collective term for digital files that store digital audio (mp3, wma etc.), video
(meg, avi, etc.) and images (jpeg, gif, etc.). In addition, regular document files (ascii, word, html
etc.) are also stored digitally on the computer. All these files need to be managed so that you can access them, search them and archive them properly. In addition, you also need to store them for safe
keeping and future use.
Digital Media Management
Digital images or photos are the biggest
chunk of digital media files (probably
second after mp3 files) that people have
on their computers these days due to the
invasion of digital cameras.
I use Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 as my
photo management software. I feel that
Google’s Picasa is the best free photo
management software. Typically, this is
how I manage digital photos using
Adobe Photoshop Album:
1. Download photos from camera to a
temporary directory on the computer.
2. Backup the complete downloaded batch
of photos to a recordable CD using your
favorite CD burning software.
3. Delete all the bad and irrelevant photos
using Adobe Photoshop Album from the
temp directory.
4. Tag the photos with names like “Vacation”, “Birthday” etc.
5. Move the photos from the temporary
directory to a directory structure that
will make it easier for you to search and
access your photos on a later date. Use
Photoshop to move the photos otherwise it
doesn’t get cataloged in the software.
There are several products both commercial and shareware that will help you
manage your music files. My favorite is
MusicMatch Jukebox which allows you
to organize and find your music. MediaMonkey is a good shareware product and
iPod users can’t go wrong with iTunes.
I haven’t come across any good digital
video management software specifically
for digital video files. Microsoft iView
Pro is a software that helps manage digital
assets. Adobe Premiere Elements is a
powerful software for editing your home
videos and allows you to create professional looking videos and burn them into
DVDs, but it doesn’t manage your video
Backup and Storage
The next step is backing up and storing
files in a safe place for future use or recovery. There are several ways to backup
these digital media files, same as backing
up your regular files on a computer. The
two main backup methods are – external
storage devices like CD or DVD, USB
flash drive, hard drive etc. or online
backup solutions.
The method that is used for backup and
storage depends on the size of the files
and the importance of those files. If a few
1000 photos need to be backed up, a CD
or DVD media can be used. For a larger
collection the solution is to back it up onto
a hard drive. For this you can use a USBbased external hard drive. A better way
is to back up and share your files using a
networked storage device.
NETGEAR’s Storage Central SC101.
The Storage Central is not an external
hard drive, and it isn’t exactly a hard drive
enclosure. It has an Ethernet port and
connects to your home network, so any
computer on your network can store files
and access files stored on hard drives connected to it. You can install this with two
drives and then automatically “mirror”
your data, so all your digital media files
are always duplicated and protected. If one
hard drive crashes than another drive with
the data is available.
For those folks who are really paranoid
about the safe keeping of their digital files
and for those who live in high risk areas
like flood-prone or hurricane-prone areas,
different backup and storage strategies
are recommended. You may want to store
your digital media and important files in
a remote location (other than your home)
like a bank locker, preferably in a different geographical location, or use an online
backup service. The biggest disadvantage
of online backup is cost, so you need to really shop around and find the one that best
suits your needs.
Some of the most popular backup services
are @backup (, iBackup
(, Iomega Istorage Online
(, Xdrive (
I manage and store all my digital media
files in the ways described above. First,
make a backup of the raw files in an as-is
condition i.e. images from digital camera,
videos from camcorder etc. onto CDs or
DVDs. Second, edit and keep only the
relevant images, video and audio files on
the computer and use software to manage
those files. Third, make a backup of all
the files on a separate hard drive. I also
store important documents and files in a
bank locker.
For more information, please write to
[email protected]
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
Bollywoods Masala!!
By Nandini Chakraborty
Om Shanti Om
No, it’s not what you think. I was fooled,
too. Farah Khan’s latest endeavor, Happy New Year, has officially been changed
Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa
Aby’s baby and Ash seem to have an on
again off again romance. A few months
ago, respectable
newspapers were screamctable news
ing headlines
were to be married.
dlines that they w
Soon afterwards
terwards there were
w accusations
that thosee were marketi
marketing ploys to bolster
interest in Umrao Jaa
Jaan. They were
recently spotted in Chennai catching up
on movies, sharing meals, and clubbing
together. Personally, I think it’s a good
match. His brooding sensuality and her
exotic beauty make them look pretty good
together. At least she won’t have to go
through the Nicole Kidman syndrome of
having to spend years looking shorter than
her spouse!
Mere paas aao mere doston, ek
kissa suno…
to Om Shanti Om. And here I was
thinking that this was yet another remake,
namely of Karz, in the works. She’s got
quite a casting coup going on, though.
Amitabh Bachchan, SRK, Sanjay Dutt,
Priyanka Chopra, Raveena Tandon,
Manisha Koirala, Zayed Khan & Uday
Chopra star in what I think is supposed to
be a comedy.
Issi liye Mummy ne meri tumhe
chai pe bulaya hai
Aby Baby and Tabu make an interesting
combination for this movie, Cheeni Kum.
Tabu is a tourist in London who visits a
restaurant where Bachchan is the chef.
The food isn’t up to snuff; they have a tiff,
and thus begins a romance between two
very disparate individuals.
Hey Ram
Director Rajkumar Santoshi has announced plans to bring the Ramayan
to the big screen. Casting has not been
finalized – any takes on who would play
the main characters? It would be interesting to see if this adheres to the traditional
story or if it has a modern twist. There
was a certain charm in the simplicity and
awful special effects of Ramanand Sagar’s
original tele-series.
More like ten stories, seven directors, and
seventeen actors & actresses. Director
Sanjay Gupta is planning a directorial
feat of ten ten-minute unrelated short stories with (to name a few): Nana Patekar,
Soha Ali Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Tusshar
Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Arjun Rampal,
Vivek Oberoi, Jimmy Shergill, Bipasha
Basu, Aftab Shivdasani, Esha Deol and
Anupam Kher.
Kajra re, kajra re
Aby Baby and Jr. B will be hitting the
dance floor yet again for Kabhie Alvida
Na Kehna. This time they’re to do a rock
n’ roll item. BTW, did you know that
they’re also singing in a separate album
for music directors Vishaal & Shekhar?
Both actors have some interesting movies in the works. Nishabd is Bachchan’s
latest Ram Gopal Verma movie with
a Lolita-like twist. I don’t know how
I feel about watching him romancing a
teenager. Isn’t that why his career came
to a screeching halt in the 90s? Tabu
will be seen in Mira Nair’s adaptation of
Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel, The Namesake.
She plays the role of Ashima Ganguly
through various stages of life. Irfan
Khan is her husband; Kal Penn (Harold
and Kumar Go To White Castle) plays the
main character, Gogol Ganguly. This is
a movie worth watching. Read the book
first, though!
August 2006
Bollywood Movie Reviews
By Kavita Trivedi
Fanaa Dir: Kunal Kohli; Cast: Aamir Khan, Kajol, Tabu and Rishi Kapoor
To choose between right and wrong is simple;
Fanaa is the story of Zooni (Kajol), a
but to make a decision that can change a life
blind Kashmiri girl who travels with her
for the better or destroy it, is the theme of this
dance troupe to Delhi to perform at the
film. Kunal Kohli brings a brilliant script. The
Republic Day celebrations. She meets
first ever pairing of Kajol and Aamir is mesthe flirtatious tour guide Rehan (Aamir
merizing throughout the film.
Khan), who is fascinated by her innocence
and beauty. After falling in love, the pair
Kajol returns to the big screen after a 5 year
decides to get married and Rehan takes
break. She looks stunning and her portrayal
Zooni to an eye surgeon in an attempt to
of Zooni is fantastic. Aamir Khan excels in
get her sight back. While Zooni is recovhis role, turning out a confident and top rated
ering from her operation, she receives
performance. Rishi Kapoor and Tabu do an
news of a terrorist attack on the parliaexcellent job in their supporting roles.
ment house and Rehan is one of the many innocent citizens feared
An excellent musical score has been provided by the recently split
to be dead. She still does not realize that the man she loves leads a
Jatin-Lalit. The melodious ‘Chand Sarfarish’ has the smooth
secret life as a wanted terrorist. Years later, fate brings a seriously
vocals of Shaan and ‘Des Rangila’ and ‘Tere Hath Mein’ are just
wounded Rehan to his wife’s doorstep. Will she recognize him?
as popular.
More importantly, will she forgive him?
Overall, an exhilarating and touching film- definitely worth a
Omkara Dir: Vishal Baradwaj; Cast: Ajay Devgan, Vivek Oberoi, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor,
Bipasha Basu, Konkana Sen Sharma and Naseeruddin Shah
Omi’s mind, Omi snaps and becomes hell bent on
Set against a political backdrop in Uttar
destroying his own safe and secure world.
Pradesh, acclaimed director Vishal Baradwaj’s
Love is blind and jealousy is a dangerous obseslatest offering tells the story of Omkara (Ajay
sion that can destroy even the strongest of warriors
Devgan), the gifted chief who heads a gang of
is the film’s theme.
outlaws, including the devious Langda (Saif Ali
Khan) and the dynamic Kesu (Vivek Oberoi).
Omkara is the first Hindi adaptation of ShakeTrouble begins when Omi recruits Kesu as his
speare’s Othello and boasts an all star cast of some
chief Lieutenant instead of Langda. Enraged,
of Bollywood’s leading actors. Vishal Baradwaj
Langda falsely implicates Omi’s beautiful wife
also brought us the 2004 hit, Maqbool, which was
Dolly (Kareena Kapoor) in a love affair with
an interpretation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. OmKesu. With the unsuspecting help of Langda’s
kara was one of the biggest Bollywood releases this year and was
wife Indu (Konkana Sen Sharma) and the willing help of fellow
screened at this year’s prestigious Cannes film festival.
grouch Raju (Naseeruddin Shah), his plan is put into action and
This is an epic not to be missed.
ends in a horrifying tragedy. As Langda continues to poison
Krrish Dir: Rakesh Roshan; Cast: Hrithik Roshan, Rekha, Priyanka Chopra and Naseeruddin Shah
Father and son duo, Rakesh and Hrithik Roshan,
make an explosive return for the most anticipated film of the year - the sequel to the Sci-Fi
hit Koi Mil Gaya, Krrish.
The film boasts incredible fight sequences and
stunning special effects. The surprise is seeing the
lead actor in a double role. This is scripted brilliantly by none other than Rakesh Roshan himself.
In Krrish, Krishna (Hrithik Roshan) is left in the
Action director Tony Ching Siu Tung’s (House of
hands of his grandmother, Sonia (Rekha). KrishFlying Daggers fame), action and fight sequences
na has inherited all of his father’s supernatural
are slick and above all, technically believable,
powers and in an attempt to protect him from
which help bring this fantasy to life. Hrithik
the world, his grandmother takes him far away.
Roshan has given an outstanding performance and Naseeruddin
With no real friends, Krishna grows up surrounded by wildlife.
Shah is the perfect choice for the role of Dr Arya.
One day he meets Priya (Priyanka Chopra), who is on a trekking
holiday from Singapore, and falls in love with her. Krishna goes
Krrish is a bold and refreshing fantasy that will appeal to
to Singapore to find Priya and even though life here is not at all
people of all ages- so move over Spiderman, India’s first ever
what he expected, he manages to adjust. This is also when he is
superhero is here to stay!
forced to use his powers and dons a mask to become Krrish to
save people’s lives.
August 2006
Beauty Is Beyond Skin Deep
By: Kavita Trivedi
Beat that burning Itch: Don’t let a skin disorder take over your life.
You are not alone if you suffer from an irritable itch or flaky and dry skin. Whether it is because of acne, rashes, rosacea, or due to
common flare ups such as psoriasis or eczema, having a skin disorder is not easy to deal with or a pretty sight. Although there are no
known cures for such skin disorders, they can easily be controlled. The secret to healthy glowing skin lies in a healthy and balanced
diet. The constant use of manufactured and medicated creams can confuse and dry out your skin, ruining its PH balance.
Here are a few healthy tips that are guaranteed to ease and nourish your skin the
natural way:
1. Drink plenty of water:
dairy products: Eat more green vegetables
such as green beans, broccoli and cucumber. Also eat plenty of fish and fruit to
maintain a balanced diet.
Your skin is the largest organ in your
body and is prone to every day bacteria
and changing weather conditions. Drink
at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water
contains plenty of minerals, which will
stop your skin from dehydrating and drying out.
3. Less Alcohol: Although an occasional
2. Cut down on fatty foods. i.e., fried,
have the better. Herbal teas such as straw-
glass or two of wine is not too bad, cut
down on hard spirits. Drink fresh fruit and
vegetable juices such as carrot, apple and
orange, which are high in minerals, iron,
and vitamins A and C.
4. Herbal drinks: The less caffeine you
berry and chamomile are ideal as they
both contain soothing elements that help
to nourish your skin. Though slightly expensive, Chinese tea contains 12 different
herbs including jasmine tea leaves, which
help soothe allergies and Eczema
6. Primrose and Starflower Oil: These
are available as either multivitamin tablets,
syrups or as body moisturizing creams.
These are extracted from the actual seeds
and contain healthy elements, which aid
the skin to restore its natural balance.
Health Talk Insomnia (Sleeplessness)
By: Dr. Adarsh Jain and Dr. K. M. Jain
Sleep is essential for life. During sleep, the brain and body organs are rejuvenated. Most of us need about 5 to
9 hours of sleep. When we wake up and feel fresh and energized, the sleep we have had is probably enough. As
daylight fades, it sends a stimulus to the brain and activates Melatonin (which causes sleep) and deactivates Serotonin (which keeps us alert). Sleeplessness can be transient and may last for a few days. If it lasts longer than a
month, it needs to be looked into as it will adversely affect various aspects of your life.
Symptoms of Insomnia:
* Not feeling fresh and energized after a full
night’s sleep.
* Difficulty with falling asleep or staying
*Waking up too early or difficulty with
waking up in the morning.
* Physical symptoms like fatigue, lethargy,
headaches and inability to work.
* Mental symptoms like mood swings,
stress, depression, anxiety, decreased
attention span and effects on memory.
Possible causes for Insomnia
Physical causes
* Chronic pain conditions.
* Medical conditions such as blocked nose
and chest.
* Noisy environment.
* Extreme hot or cold temperatures.
* Disturbance of body’s biological clock
due to jet lag, constantly changing working
hours, lack of exposure to sunlight due to
indoor working conditions.
* Inactivity.
* Drugs and stimulants such as caffeine and
Mental causes
* Worry
* Excitement
Help for Insomnia
Recognize and respect the biological
rhythm of the body:
Follow the signals sent by your body.. Sleep
and wake up preferably at the same time
each day.
Create a routine to help yourself ease into
sleep each night. A warm bath, loose clothing, the right kind of pillow and mattress,
dim lights, light relaxing music, light reading
material, a light snack or warm milk drink,
gentle massage of limbs, feet hands or face,
gentle exercise of rhythmic soothing movements as in yoga or Tai Chi (not rigorous),
relaxing essential oils of lavender, chamo-
mile or passion flower, all of these can be
used to aid and invite sleep.
Avoid bright, blinking lights, noisy loud
music, vigorous exercises, caffeinated
drinks, heavily spiced meals late at night and
Worry and stress need extra measures to
calm the body and mind:
Meditate: Meditation occurs when your
mind is not thinking of the future or the past,
but is in the here and now. Help your mind
be free of thought by focusing on breathing
or on a chant, or you may choose to keep
yourself aware of the surrounding sounds.
Whenever the mind wanders, make yourself
bring it back to this awareness.
Sleep inducing drugs:
Over the counter drugs should be used only
in case of a true emergency. All drugs have
side effects and it is important that you
explore natural methods before you resort to
A harmoniously balanced mind and body respond well to relaxation. A combination of a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, lentils and legumes, nuts, seeds, plenty of water, lots of fresh clean air and sunshine, physical activity and a tranquil mind will
give you the necessary balance.
August 2006
August 2006
Auntyji Ko Pucho
By: Auntyji
Now that summer is here, Auntyji finds herself reminiscing about her childhood days in India.
During her younger days, she used to be the ugly duckling that blossomed into a swan (but, that
ddidn’t happen until much later). Summer vacations were a special time in her life. They would
start with drives to India Gate in the evenings, and then a boat ride followed by an ice-cream. Then
there would be a long walk to Bengali Market for some chaat-papri. Later on, as the weeks progressed, Auntyji, along with her family, would go to Simla or Nainital for a month. There, she would
laze away the days reading Nancy Drew mysteries. Her mother would give her one rupee for each
book read to improve her reading skills. A rupee went far in those days and would buy a lot of churan.
Auntyji feels sorry for all the desi kids out there. Their lives have become so hectic and stressful due to
competition in schools and all the activities that parents insist they be involved in. What ever happened
to the simple pleasures of life like going out to fly a kite or playing gullie-danda all evening and coming
back home all dusty and sweaty, indulging in the pure pleasure of guzzling chilled ganne-ka-juice?
Desi children tend to be over achievers and fairly good in their studies, and their parents have no problems in using guilt to urge them on, (this is stereotyping, but it is true). For the longest time all that the parents wanted
was for their children to do well in school. Exposure to the arts, culture, sports, ethics, world affairs, etc. took a back seat.
Now, it seems that all these issues have been taken up with a vengeance coupled with the pre-existing pressure of excellence in school work. Children of this generation have to grow up too quickly, they have to lose their innocence to become
over achievers and they will never be able to regain this time, their childhood. Auntyji wonders sometimes… people of
Auntyji’s generation (parents of this generation) did not have to fill every minute of their childhood with activities and
studies. They were left alone to enjoy the simple pleasures of life... they came out OK!
Take a moment out of life to smell the roses, look up at the starry skies, get soaked in the rain, play with the puppy next
Q: Auntyji, recently we went on a cruise
along with three other families. We each
have two to three children ranging in
ages from 3 to 9 years old. All of us had a
wonderful time. The couples could hang
around the pool, or go to the casino and
spend time with each other. The kids were
in heaven. They had the run of the ship
to do anything they wanted and really let
their hair down. It was a wonderful vacation for all of us, the kids were un-supervised which they loved, and it gave us a
break. We plan on doing this again.
The problem is that when I mentioned
this to an American friend of mine, she
was aghast. She thought it was very
rude and inconsiderate of us to have our
children run around freely instead of
assigning them to the proper childcare
facilities provided by the ship. I don’t see
anything wrong with it, they were secure
on the ship. Is there something we should
Offended desi couples from Ft. Lauderdale
A: You are really clueless, aren’t you?
How would you feel if you had paid good
money and were looking forward to a relaxing vacation in the sun and by the pool?
Instead, you get a bunch of unruly kids
running around without any supervision.
What you and your friends did was bad
etiquette and very inconsiderate. Auntyji is
surprised that no one complained!
Auntyji strongly feels that this blame lies
solely on you adults. Children will be
children, and in this case they were totally
neglected by their parents. It is understandable that sometimes children need to
run loose, but let them do that in an empty
field or in the privacy of your own home.
Not in a public space that inconveniences
other people.
Desis like you give all of us a bad name.
One should always be courteous to people
and their surroundings. We are under great
scrutiny as other people view our native
land based upon our behavior. We are the
ambassadors of our country. Being brash
and uncaring should not be qualities we
exhibit so unabashedly.
Q: Auntyji, I am writing to you anonymously as I have a problem with my wife
as well as with the wives of my friends.
They show no respect to their husbands
and have become too Americanized. My
friends and I are worried about their
behavior and how it will impact our
children. How can we bring them back in
touch with our Indian value systems?
Disrespected husbands from Orlando
A: Auntyji had a good mind to find out
where all of you live to give you a piece
of her mind. You should be ashamed of
yourselves – writing in to Auntyji for such
a stupid thing rather than trying to talk to
your wives to resolve the situation. This
is the problem with desi marriages. You
men have double standards and cannot
deal with women having some fun. You
can drink, party, wear whatever you want
and entertain till the cows come home.
The women, however, should behave
like docile cows so that they don’t pass
on “wrong” values to the children. They
should be maids, ayahs, teachers, seductive in bed, and should be able to earn
money, all rolled into one. Would you be
able to pull this off? Give your wives a
break. Talk to them and find out what they
enjoy doing. If you spend more time with
them, show them respect, they will respect
you in return. It is all about mutual give
and take. You give respect to your friends,
how about extending some to your better
Auntyji wishes all her readers happy
reading and looks forward to helping
more lost souls find their way to happiness and common sense. Write to Auntyji
at [email protected]
August 2006
August 2006
Daru Ka Nasha
Wining & Dining
By: Ashish Jain
Mere pyare darubazon! Since we now have the basics of mixing daru [refer to last month’s article], we now need to focus on the
enjoyment and merrymaking associated with daru. In this article, I will attempt to cover the levels of nasha in different settings and
scenarios. Being a step away from the twelve step program, I have had countless opportunities to observe, participate in and enjoy the
different levels of nasha. For simplicity’s sake, I will break down the levels into 4 different stages signified by drink 1, 2, 3 and 4 .
Nasha levels of the Nasheele Aankhon
Vali [the ladies]
Having less mass than the gents (generally speaking), the ladies in our lives get
buzzed sooner & get happier sooner too.
On the flip side, or the downside, they
crash & snooze a lot sooner too. 1st drink
is nahi nahi , 2nd drink is balle balle, let’s
dance/party etc., 3rd drink is “you did
/or did not do this”, or even better, “your
mother did /or did not do this” followed
by the 4th drink level which is “I love you
so much”, or “where is the bathroom/
BMW/ Mercedes/ Lexus and I live in a 6
bedroom mansion”, 2nd drink is about “I
make this much mullah” or “I’ve accomplished this and that”, 3rd drink is more of
“I’m great and you’re a moron” followed
by the 4th drink which is a solo rendition
of Vande Mataram. [Remember this level
pertains to some typical desis who are
not comfortable in their own khal – Not
Nasha levels with good friends
The best amongst all these groups to
drink and enjoy with is our group of good
friends. In the daru ka nasha levels, a
good friend is described as someone you
Nasha levels with the gora crowd
have seen drunk, he/she has a made a
Daru with the gora crowd transfers most
of us [not all] back to the British Gora Raj. fool of himself/herself in front of you and
you have reciprocated in kind. 1st drink
We find ourselves overtaken by this inane
need to explain or build up our drinks with is all about life, the wife, the job, money,
a basic run down and venting of life’s
such statements as “I only drink scotch”
problems. The 2nd drink is all about talks
or “I would like a flaming Tom Collins
of the good times of days gone by [if over
with 3 olives in a martini glass [a drink
30], or the good time that are yet to come
which does not exist, but hey, we need to
[if under 30]. The 3rd drink brings out
show sophistication!] Now, to the levels
the LOWE [read as LOVE] in us and the
with the gora crowd, [that you need to
camaraderie begins –“Man I miss you” to
impress], 1st drink goes with “I drive a
“You da Man”. Then on to the final stage
Write in with any comments or your feedback to [email protected]
Café Masala
Simple in appearance, home like in atmosphere and affordable on the wallet, Café
Masala is a restaurant-cum-grocery store.
Owned and run by Jagdish and Aruna
Patel, Café Masala offers only vegetarian
food and has been around for four years.
One of the advantages of eating at Café
Masala is that you can get your Indian
grocery shopping done while you lunch.
Mr. And Mrs. Patel add a personal touch to
the restaurant. Jagdish manages the front
while Aruna cooks fresh food everyday.
There are no frozen gravies to fall back
on or leftovers served the next day. Aruna
says that their customers come back because they like the food which tastes like
homemade food – delicious and low in
oil and sugar. Most of the food offered at
Café Masala is Gujarati food and before
you smirk, there is hardly any sugar (if at
all) in the vegetables, tadka daal or kadhi!
The first time we went to Café Masala to
eat, I had no idea what to expect from the
food. It looked so simple. From the buffet,
I had puri, bataka nu rasa waalu shaak
(potatoes with gravy), vatana nu shaak
(peas veggie), pakoras, papad, and then I
tried kadhi and couldn’t help going back
for seconds and thirds and more. The
puris and chapattis come out piping hot
from the kitchen and are brought to your
table while you eat. For dessert, the gulab
jamuns were fresh, warm and hit the spot!
Lunch is usually a buffet offering one farsan (appetizer), two vegetables, dal/kadhi,
rice, chapattis/puri, salad, papad, dessert
(sheero and sukhdi sometimes, yum!) and
of course, pickles.
or the 4th drink [my personal favorite],
which involves philosophical discussions,
Pink Floyd or Gulam Ali, a new appreciation for qawalis and a lot of bhai chara
followed by a late night /early morning
hunger pangs and the advent into the
kitchen to make ande ki bhujiya.
I do realize that we may all have many
different permutations and combinations of the levels of nasha. For the sake
of keeping this simple, and due to space
constraints, I have tried to cover just the
basics. In the next issue, I will attempt to
cover various foods that complement our
In conclusion “Drinking can make you
do things that you may, or may not do,
otherwise” and definitely, please do not
drive after consuming alcohol – it is not
worth it.
Tip of the night – Drink a glass of water
after every other drink as it keeps you
hydrated, in the zone, reduces hangovers
and makes you have less regrets the next
Cheers and enjoy!
The typical vegetables you will find in
the buffet are bhindi aloo, tinda aloo,
mixed vegetables, chhole, aloo matar
etc, the appetizers are samosas, spring
rolls, pakoras, patra etc. They also offer
Kathiawadi thali once a month. Please call
and confirm the day. You may also place a
special order for foods like theplas, rotis,
farsan, chevdo, farsi puri, batatawada,
khandvi, and sweets in advance, to take
home with you.
You may also order idli, dosa, medu vada,
or uttapam on weekdays if you opt to not
go for the buffet. On Saturdays and Sundays you are in for a treat with ragda patties, pav bhaji, dahivada, dahipuri, paani
puri, bhel and samosas.
Café Masala is centrally located on 11136
North 30th St, Tampa, FL 33612. Reservations are not required. For catering, special
orders or directions, their phone number is
August 2006
August 2006
Star Lite Star Brite
By Astrologer Nicolas Aujula
Zodiac of the Month
Leo: Jul 23rd – Aug 22nd Ruled by the Sun; Gemstone: Ruby; Lucky Day: Sunday
Confident and bold, your regal presence commands respect and admiration. Loud and dramatic, you love to be the
center of attention and enjoy the occasional drama. Possessing a generous and giving nature, you love to indulge in the
finer things in life. Majestic and commanding, you radiate confidence and love to take charge in the bedroom exploring the red hot pleasures of sex. Aided with a powerful libido, you are an explosive lover. Throw admiration and praise
your way, and you are the center of the world. Possessed by a strong dramatic nature, you love to put your emotions and love on show,
whether you give a hit or a flop depends on how you play with the crowds. Your Horoscope: You need to examine your relationships
and partnerships to see them for what they are. Business and relationship partners tend to look better under the deceptive influence of
Neptune so use your logic and rationale in your decisions.
Aries: Mar 20-Apr 19th
Ruled by Mars; Gemstone: Red Coral;
Lucky Day: Tuesday
This is a time where ideals
will become very important
to you and you will work
hard to turn them into reality.
This influence helps you to expand your
dreams and aspirations and allows you
to put into practice those long awaited
ambitions that need to be fulfilled. This
is a good time to analyze your ideas and
Virgo: Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Ruled by Mercury; Gemstone: Emerald;
Lucky Day: Wednesday
You feel less disciplined in
your daily work. Daydreams
of a better job drift into your
mind. You must realize that you
need to put hard work and effort in trying
to realize your dreams. Groundwork and
realism is needed in pursuing your ambitions. Keep a check on your health, as your
energy levels may be low.
Taurus: Apr 20th – May 20th
Rules by Venus; Gemstone: Diamond
Lucky Day: Friday
When you feel unsure of your
path and goals in life, take a
step back and ponder upon
what you wish to achieve and
where you want to go. You may become
disillusioned with your career and decide
to change your profession to do something
different. The light will shine on how you
feel about your work.
Libra: Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Ruled by Venus; Gemstone: Diamond
Lucky Day: Friday
Neptune strongly enhances
your creative and artistic
abilities. This is the time
when your imagination has
an overwhelming room to
expand with strong intuition that aids you
with decision making. Love affairs are idealistic where love and affections are strong.
Gemini: May 21st – Jun 20th
Ruled by Mercury; Gemstone: Emerald;
Lucky Day: Wednesday
You will be motivated to explore
and discover the meaning of life
which may lead you to selfawareness and aid your personal
development. You are open to new ways of
thinking and philosophies, thinking of who
you are and where you are headed spiritually.
Scorpio: Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Ruled by Mars and Pluto; Gemstone:
Red Coral; Lucky Day: Tuesday
There can be wonderful
opportunities to host dinner
parties and get-togethers at
your home where you can
chill and catch up with your
friends and acquaintances. Avoid being too
lazy in the home where you may tend to
become bored and disillusioned. Introduce
some excitement and innovation in your
daily chores to help spice up your life.
Cancer: Jun 21st – Jul 22nd
Ruled by the Moon; Gemstone: Pearl
Lucky Day: Monday
Focus on learning more
about yourself so that a more
refined person can emerge.
You may experience inner
freedom as you are released
from personal boundaries and attachments
that have held you back in the past. This is
a beneficial time to undertake a new health
and fitness regime/activity.
Sagittarius: Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Ruled by Jupiter; Gemstone: Yellow
Sapphire; Lucky Day: Thursday
This is a time when you
may be less rational and
more emotional, when intuition is strong and instincts
thrive, when imagination is
influenced by your inspirations, daydreams
and fantasies. Follow your heart as it’s
time to turn your visions into reality. Be
brave and take the plunge. You will not
regret it.
Capricorn: Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Ruled by Saturn; Gemstone: Blue Sapphire; Lucky Day: Saturday
Your financial status can go up
and down and there may be a
tendency to ignore financial matters. Sort out your bills and debts
and keep an eye on your expenditure to
avoid any possible problems. Your sex life
will thrive as you are more inventive and
passionate than usual, so let your libido
Aquarius: Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Ruled by Saturn and Uranus; Gemstone: Blue Sapphire; Lucky Day:
Take that course or read those
books you have been thinking
about. Knowledge from this can
lead you to bigger and better
things, as the information you
gain now can affect your career in the year
to come. A secret admirer can be found in a
library. Keep your eyes peeled.
Pisces: Feb 19th – Mar 19th
Ruled by Jupiter and Neptune; Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire; Lucky Day:
This is a time for deep reflection and inner concerns when
you may withdraw from the
big things in life to evaluate
your life in peace and quiet. Nostalgic
memories of your childhood can crop up
and it is a favorable time for self-healing
and transformation. There may be psychic
experiences and vivid empowering dreams.
Nicolas Aujula is a certified Astrologer with
the New Age Foundation. He is a multidisciplined practitioner qualified in Natural
Health and Holistic Therapies and is a Counselor and Therapist accredited in emotional
and psychological health. Visit Nicolas at
August 2006
August 2006
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Dear Raj, Happy 30th Birthday!
You’ve accomplished much
in quite a short time, and have impressed one and all. Most
of all, you make us proud of who you are and what you stand
for, today and always. Always remember, NEVER GROW UP!!
Love, Kiran, Rahul, Butters, & All Family and Friends
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006
August 2006