LIFT EV’RY VOICE AND SING James Weldon Johnson, Words | John Rosamond Johnson, Music Lift ev’ry voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered; Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou Who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou Who hast by Thy might, led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee. Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee. Shadowed beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land. Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. 3 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Co n t en t s 4 5 Greetings 17 Appreciation 21 Schedule of Events 127 National Board of Directors 129 Special Contribution Fund Trustees 131 NAACP National Staff 135 Sponsors 165 Commerce & Industry Show Exhibitors/Retailers Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Greetings 5 Greetings from the CHAIRMAN Welcome to the 102 nd NAACP National Convention in the “City of Angels.” I am privileged to extend greetings to you and your families on behalf of the Association’s leadership and honored to lead this powerful organization into its second century as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world and offers a wealth of unforgettable experiences for convention attendees. Just steps away from the Los Angeles Convention Center, you will find LA’s newest addition – LA Live. LA Live and the heart of the city are synonymous – it’s where LA comes alive with the city’s best music, entertainment, restaurants, and sports events. I hope you will find time to explore and enjoy the sights and sounds of this beautiful city. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N In 1909, the National Negro Committee issued the original call – denouncing oppression and racism – and demanding that the “Constitution be strictly enforced and the civil rights guaranteed under the Fourteenth Amendment be secured impartially to all.” The founding fathers of the NAACP called for equal education, equal voting rights, and equal access to a living wage job. My friends, despite our best efforts to secure the promises inherent in the Constitution, the call has not been answered on behalf of all Americans. 6 It is the duty of this Association – and ours, as its members, to begin this next century by re-issuing “The Call” for all people to “Affirm America’s Promise.” With your continued dedication, support and active participation, the “new frontline” for social justice advocacy will continue to march its way across this great country and fulfill the promise on which it was established. We start today in Los Angeles. The future is calling… and with your help, the NAACP will answer! Welcome to LA! Shadowed Beneath His Almighty Hand, Roslyn M. Brock Chairman NAACP National Board of Directors Greetings from the VICE CHAIRMAN & CHAIRMAN Dear Delegate: Welcome to the 102nd Annual Convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. On behalf of the National Board of Directors and the National Convention Planning Committee I am pleased to welcome you to Los Angeles. We meet here under the theme NAACP: Affirming America’s Promise. This year’s theme reflects the fact that for more than 102 years this Association has responded to the call to people of conscience and goodwill, to make this nation live up to the promises made in the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and its subsequent amendments. The document speaks to the rights of citizens, but our nation has not always extended those rights to all those who, by right, should benefit. To that end, the founders of this Association called on this nation to affirm those promises for all of us. Today, the NAACP continues to carry out that mission. Our vision is a nation free from prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. Our goal is a society that celebrates and extends the promises of the Constitution to all of its people without reservation or hesitation. Please enjoy the hospitality of the Los Angeles Branch. They have worked long and hard to prepare for your time here. They have put together some exciting and entertaining activities that we are sure you will enjoy. We applaud their efforts and congratulate them for a job well done. Please have a wonderful convention and a magnificent visit to the west coast. Remember, we are here to Affirm America’s Promise. Leon W. Russell Vice Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors Chairman, National Convention Planning Committee Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE This convention has been planned to provide the information and tools necessary for every attendee to return to his/her community and work effectively to insure that every member of their community can enjoy the benefits and opportunities which are their birthright. We encourage you to take advantage of everything that has been prepared for you. We also invite you to recommit yourself to work to ensure that our nation moves ever forward and never backward. The Founders issued their call 102 years ago; this Convention is planned as one tool in your armory as you continue to answer that call. 7 Greetings from the PRESIDENT AND CEO Greetings, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to this year’s National Convention, “The NAACP: Affirming America’s Promise.” The Promise of America are the truths we hold self-evident: Our rights. Our beliefs. Our collective conscience, our nation’s soul. They all come down to one core value: Equality. The quality that makes America great – that makes us America – is that we have a Constitutional right to equality under the law. Yet today, we are facing unprecedented, coordinated attacks on our civil rights across our nation. In recent months, we have witnessed attempts in North Carolina to amend state policy to accelerate the resegregation of its public schools, a widespread assault on voting rights—including an effort in Florida that would remove up to 300,000 voters off the rolls, continued attacks on the rights of women and immigrants, in addition to the well-publicized offensive on the rights to organized labor. When the odds are high and the path is steep, the volunteers of the NAACP are there: Affirming America’s Promise. Clad in yellow NAACP jackets and t-shirts, carrying voter registration forms, placards, and legal briefs, we seek only to be a beam of hope pointing the way to a better day for all of us. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Realizing America’s Promise does not guarantee a dream home, but it does promise that we are treated fairly when we earn that opportunity. America’s Promise does not guarantee a dream job, but it does promise fair pay for a day’s labor. America’s Promise does not guarantee a college degree, but it does promise the right to equal access to an education that allows us to provide for our families. America promises Opportunity. 8 Every generation has a responsibility to this nation: We must act to affirm America’s Promise for the next generation. To be affirmed, this Promise must come alive. It must live and breathe every day within our shores, in our cities, in our schools, on our police forces, at our banks, in our government, in our charities, in our courts, in our places of worship and in our homes. When we successfully fight to turn around a failing school, we invite a generation to dream the American Dream, and we affirm America’s Promise. When we make it possible for millions more families to finally get the health care they deserve, and ensure their children are not denied because of a pre-existing condition, we affirm America’s Promise. When we stop a state from criminalizing children by arresting them at school for dress-code violations or adolescent pranks, we stop the state from conditioning children to become prisoners, and we affirm America’s Promise. When we make it possible for young families to buy their first homes on fair terms, we increase their beliefs in themselves, their investments in their neighborhoods and their beliefs in America’s Promise. When a group of students in South Carolina elect a 12-year-old named James Clyburn to lead their local NAACP youth council, and 50 years later that child has become one of the most powerful leaders in our nation, no one can deny America’s Promise. Our children are precious. In defending their rights to fair treatment and training them to assert their own rights, we affirm America’s Promise. Thank you for supporting the NAACP. Thank you for affirming America’s Promise. All my best, Benjamin Todd Jealous NAACP President and CEO Greetings from the CALIFORNIA NAACP STATE CONFERENCE Dear Delegates, Friends, and Supporters: Welcome to the 102nd Annual Convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The California/ Hawaii State Conference applauds the tireless work of the Los Angeles Branch members under the leadership of President Leon Jenkins to make this the most exciting national convention in recent years. It is humbling to participate in the making of the most important civil rights meeting in the world. The theme “Affirming America’s Promise” points to the work before us before we can claim victory of equal justice in America for everyone. As a member of the Convention Planning Committee, I note that much attention was devoted to your comfort and enjoyment while visiting Los Angeles. We gave equal time, however, to the creation of a substantive agenda that will enlighten and inspire us to return to our local environments and work harder for all who need our voice and assistance. The struggle continues for a quality education for all regardless of their race or domicile, universal health care, and freeing our communities from an oppressive national criminal justice system. The City of Los Angeles and all of Region 1 receive you with open arms and offer to serve in any way we can to enhance your stay. We also thank Vice President and Chairman Leon Russell, members of the Convention Committee, and staff for a job well done. Enjoy! Alice A. Huffman State Conference President National Board Member Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE In my role as National Board Member, please join me in applauding the fresh leadership of our two vibrant young leaders, Chairwoman Roslyn Brock and President/CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. They will lead this convention towards adopting progressive policies that will guide our organization’s work over the next year to respond to the 21st century needs of our people. 9 Greetings from the LOS ANGELES NAACP BRANCHES Friends: As I complete my term on the National Board of the NAACP, representing Region 1, I want to say it has been a pleasure, and honor to have served the members of this great civil rights organization. It is fitting that I welcome you to my home state of California, and to the great city of Los Angeles which has been my home for many years. Thanks are extended to the national staff of the NAACP and to the members, friends, and supporters of the Los Angeles NAACP for working so hard to make this convention a success. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N We are meeting this week to discuss our convention theme, “Affirming America’s Promise” – fulfilling those promises of equal opportunity and social justice and most importantly the “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The struggle continues now, more than ever. The NAACP is the best organized institution in the United States to help fulfill America’s promise to our people. They should be commended for withstanding the many tests of time to keep pushing forward for our rights. 10 This convention should re-energize each and every one of us to continue the great legacy of this organization. Each generation must face the challenges and obstacles associated with equal opportunity. The NAACP has survived those civil rights struggles and has stepped up to the plate each and every time to protect the rights of African Americans. I say to you, enjoy the convention, learn all you can from our sessions, and go back home with a renewed sense of urgency to make this world a better place. Yours in the Struggle, Willis Edwards Willis Edwards National Board Member Region 1 Greetings from the MAYOR OF LOS ANGELES Dear Friends, On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, it is a pleasure to welcome members and guests to The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s (NAACP) 102nd Annual Convention, Affirming America’s Promise. As a city that prides itself on its diversity, Los Angeles is proud to host the NAACP’s 102nd Annual Convention. As our nation’s oldest civil rights organization, the NAACP deserves recognition for its continued advancement of policies upholding civil rights at the state, federal and global level. The NAACP plays a crucial role in promoting understanding and harmony in our great city. As always, it is an honor to support an organization that stands at the forefront of progress. I extend my best wishes for a memorable convention and continued success. Very truly yours, Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Antonio Villaraigosa Mayor 11 Greetings from the LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL Dear Attendees: Greetings, and welcome to Los Angeles. It is a tremendous honor to host the 102nd NAACP Annual Convention. I hope you will discover during your stay that Los Angeles is on the leading edge of what it means to be a 21st century city. First and foremost, that means we are a city where our diversity is our greatest strength, and is something we cherish and celebrate. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Here in Los Angeles you will find one of the most vibrant and historic African American communities in the nation. While Los Angeles was founded as a Spanish city that was later under Mexican rule, a majority of those who settled the original pueblo were of African descent. And in 1928, the first NAACP national convention held in the Western United States was at Los Angeles’ Dunbar Hotel, which was the heart of Central Avenue’s legendary jazz scene and hosted the likes of Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton and Count Basie. Today, driving down world-famous Crenshaw Boulevard, you will find the urban village of Leimert Park, where Los Angeles’ African American art and music scenes continue to thrive. 12 Los Angeles is home to a Thai Town, Little Armenia, Chinatown, Little Bangladesh, Koreatown, Little Tokyo and Historic Filipinotown. You will find boulevards where Ethiopian restaurants cluster at one end and Kosher restaurants cluster on the other. And of course I hope you can find the time to enjoy Hollywood, our world-class beaches and boardwalks, the historic and futuristic architecture of Downtown, the natural beauty in Griffith Park and along the Los Angeles River, and the so many other sights, sounds and flavors that define Los Angeles. At a time when the nation’s economy is reeling, I also invite you to learn about how Los Angeles remains the nation’s most concentrated manufacturing center, is our nation’s link to the Pacific Rim and home to the United States’ busiest seaport, and about Los Angeles’ tax exemptions and incentives for businesses. It is easy for an elected official to declare his or her city the greatest on this earth. But I urge you to not take my word for it. Enjoy Los Angeles to the fullest while you are here, and I know you will agree. Have a wonderful stay, and God bless. Sincerely, Eric Garcetti President, Los Angeles City Council Councilmember, District 13 Greetings from EDISON INTERNATIONAL Dear NAACP Delegates and Attendees: It is a distinct honor for Edison International to serve as a Lead Sponsor of the 102nd Annual NAACP Convention. On behalf of the more than 20,000 dedicated employees of Edison International, I salute the work of the NAACP and its more than 100 years of service in promoting equal opportunity in American life. This year, as Edison International celebrates its 125th anniversary, we are proud to serve people in 14 states, in some of the most diverse communities in the nation, through our Southern California Edison utility and the Edison Mission Group of power generators. Edison International is known as one of the country’s foremost suppliers of safe, reliable, and affordable electric service. But we are more than that. We have a deep commitment to improve the quality of life of our customers across our service territories. Our partnerships with those communities are based on trust, built over time, and grounded in mutual respect. Equally important, Edison employees have a long tradition of contributing their time and energy to charitable organizations that weave the values of dignity, opportunity, and equality into the fabric of the community. Edison International welcomes you to our unique community of Southern California. We wish you a wonderful and meaningful convention. Respectfully yours, Theodore F. Craver, Jr. Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Edison International Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE We engage with our communities on many levels. We have a 30-year history of assisting and contracting with minority and other diverse suppliers. Edison also supports community organizations that assist underserved populations. We foster academic excellence in educational institutions across the region, to help educate and train the energy workforce of the future. 13 Greetings from TOYOTA MOTOR SALES, U.S.A., INC. Greetings, It gives me great pleasure to welcome The Delegation to this year’s convention for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Toyota is proud to partner with the NAACP as we gather to celebrate the organization’s 102nd anniversary of service to the community. As one of the country’s longest serving civil rights organizations, I commend and applaud the NAACP on its efforts towards equal opportunity and rights for all people. With respect for people and continuous improvement as Toyota’s guiding principles, we share in your mission to promote a more inclusive society and will remain committed to representing and supporting diverse populations and communities in all aspects of our business. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N On behalf of more than 365,000 Toyota workers and partners in the United States, I congratulate the NAACP on a job well done. We hope this year’s convention will be enjoyable and memorable for all. 14 Sincerely, James E. Lentz President & Chief Operating Officer Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Greetings from WELLS FARGO & COMPANY On behalf of Wells Fargo and our 280,000 team members, I welcome you to the 102nd Annual NAACP National Convention. We’re pleased to be a lead sponsor and an active participant in the national conference again this year. This wonderful gathering of NAACP members and supporters demonstrates how working together can have a positive impact in people’s lives and can build strong, healthy, stable communities. Both Wells Fargo and the NAACP have similar values and commitments to our communities. Both organizations are focused on providing fair credit access, sustainable homeownership, and financial education resources. Wells Fargo has taken many steps to provide financial education tools and banking resources to the African American community. Most recently, we worked with the NAACP to open the Financial Freedom Center in Washington, DC, and distribute our free Hands of Banking® money management program. At Wells Fargo, we value and learn from the diversity of our team members, customers, suppliers, and communities. Many of our leaders and team members are passionately committed to diversity and inclusion, which they show by participating in our African American or other diverse team member networks as well as by personal community outreach. Best wishes for a successful convention! Sincerely, John G. Stumpf Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Wells Fargo & Company Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE We appreciate the opportunity to continue to grow with the NAACP through Wells Fargo’s many partnerships on the local, state, and national levels. I am hopeful the convention programs will provide you with inspiration and insights to continue the NAACP’s mission of advancing the equality of all Americans. 15 The Sunlit Path “ Now is the time to rise from N the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 16 ” This is the path we have traveled and continue to travel, paved with the promises we’ve been made, leading into the light of hope for a better future in which those promises are actualized for all people. Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Appreciation 17 O n behalf of the NAACP National Office, the Los Angeles NAACP, NAACP California State Conference and all of the delegates and visitors, it is a pleasure to express our gratitude to the choruses and individual artists whose musical talents have contributed so much to the success of the 102nd Annual NAACP Convention. We also wish to express our gratitude to the volunteers and ushers. TELEPHONES Our sincere thanks to Sprint/Nextel and AT&T for providing all of the wireless telephones used throughout the week of the Convention by our staff and security personnel. TWO-DAY NAACP DIVERSITY CAREER FAIR Over 5,000 convention visitors are expected to attend the NAACP Diversity Job 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Fair in the Information Exchange Center. Attendees will have an opportunity 18 to explore employment opportunities with potential employers in the areas of sales, healthcare, finance, computer engineering, retail, restaurant, government, etc. The Job Fair is open to the entire community and will offer exhibitors the opportunity to meet some of the region’s most experienced and diverse candidates. CONVENTION ORGANISTS The organ used throughout the Convention is a Hammond B-3 Organ. Convention Organists: Reverend Ronald Terry & Ms. Christal Brown-Gibson The NAACP thanks Toyota for its generous provision of shuttle vehicles during the national convention. 42ND ANNUAL COMMERCE & INDUSTRY SHOW Our delegates are invited to visit the Commerce and Industry Show, which is located in Los Angeles, California. The show will open on Saturday, July 23rd with a Grand Opening at 2:00 p.m. Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE We are pleased to welcome the exhibitors to this year’s show, representing a vast range of products, services and activities. Included are numerous corporations, government agencies, and private nonp ro f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n s f ro m a c ro s s t h e nation all of which are equal employment opportunity employers. 19 20 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Schedule of Events 22............Wednesday, July 20th 22............... Thursday, July 21st 26................Saturday, July 23rd 32.................. Sunday, July 24th 52.................Monday, July 25th 83.................Tuesday, July 26th 100..........Wednesday, July 27th 122.............Thursday, July 28th Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 22................... Friday, July 22nd 21 Wednesday, July 20 th 9:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M. ACT-SO REGISTRATION Wilshire Grand Hotel 8:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. ACT-SO STUDENT COMPETITION KICK-OFF ORIENTATION Wilshire Grand Hotel Thursday, July 21 st 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N 9:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. 22 ACT-SO COMPETITIONS OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC Los Angeles Convention Center Production Office – Room 401 Dance – Petree Hall C Music Vocal Contemporary – Room 403 B Music Instrumental Contemporary – Room 408 B Drama – Room 404 A/B Oratory – Room 406 A/B Music Instrumental Classical – Room 402 A/B Filmmaking – Room 407 Entrepreneurship – Room 409 A/B Music Composition – Room 410 Music Vocal Classical – Room 411 Theatre Friday, July 22 nd 9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. ACT-SO WORKSHOPS Wilshire Grand Hotel 9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. ACT-SO SCIENCE/VISUAL ARTS VIEWING Room 151-152, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION West Lobby, Los Angeles Convention Center NAACP 102nd CONVENTION KICK-OFF REVIVAL Los Angeles, CA Friday, July 22, 2011 7:00 p.m. Second Baptist Church 2412 Griffith Avenue • Los Angeles, CA 90011 Rev. William S. Epps, Pastor “LET JUSTICE ROLL!” But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:24 Guest Speaker: Bishop T. Larry Kirkland Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Presiding Prelate 5th Episcopal A.M.E. District 23 Friday, July 22 nd 2:00 P.M. PRESS CONFERENCE Plaza 1-3, J.W. Marriott Hotel PARTICIPANTS: Roslyn M. Brock Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors Elkridge, Maryland Leon W. Russell Chair, Convention Planning Committee Vice Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors Clearwater, Florida Benjamin Todd Jealous President and CEO, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Leon Jenkins President, NAACP Los Angeles Branch Los Angeles, California 24 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. REVIVAL SERVICE – SECOND STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Los Angeles, California 9:00 P.M. – 1:00 A.M. ACT-SO MEET AND GREET SOCIAL ACT-SO BADGE REQUIRED Wilshire Grand Hotel Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 25 Saturday, July 23 rd 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION West Lobby, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 11:40 A.M. HEALTH SYMPOSIUM – AFRICAN AMERICAN SURGEON GENERAL ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Platinum Ballroom E & F, J.W. Marriott Hotel “SOUNDING THE ALARM ON HEALTH IN BLACK AMERICA” The purpose of this symposium will be to respond to the leadership of the country’s only African American surgeon generals that served the country as America’s doctors. This roundtable session would focus on results of Healthy People 2010, health care for African Americans and the role of racism in health inequities. SPONSORED BY: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PRESIDING: 26 Karen Boykin-Towns Chair, NAACP National Health Committee President, NAACP Brooklyn Branch Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Brooklyn, New York WELCOME : Roslyn M. Brock Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors Vice President, Advocacy and Government Relations Bon Secours Health System Marriottsville, Maryland MODERATOR: Bill Whitaker CBS Evening News Correspondent Los Angeles, California SPONSOR GREETINGS: Gregory A. Adams President Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region Oakland, California Saturday, July 23 rd / 9:00 A.M. – 11:40 A.M. HEALTH SYMPOSIUM – AFRICAN AMERICAN SURGEON GENERAL ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Roslyn M. Brock Welcome Vice Admiral Regina Benjamin Panelist Dr. Joycelyn Elders Panelist Dr. David Satcher Panelist Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Karen Boykin-Towns Presiding 27 Saturday, July 23 rd PANELISTS: Vice Admiral Regina Benjamin, USPHS Surgeon General of the United States Washington, DC Dr. Joycelyn Elders 15th Surgeon General of the United States Little Rock, Arkansas Dr. David Satcher Director, The Satcher Health Leadership Institute Morehouse School of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Albertine Allen Health Chair, NAACP Laporte Country Branch Michigan City, Indiana Valerie Cohen Health Chair, NAACP Queens Branch Queens, New York 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N CLOSING REMARKS: 28 Dr. Rose Blackburne Member, NAACP National Health Committee Prince George’s County, Maryland 12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. HEALTH SYMPOSIUM LUNCHEON Gold Ballroom Salon 2 & 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel “30 YEARS AND STILL FIGHTING: COMMEMORATING THE FIGHT AGAINST THE HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIC” SPONSORED BY: WELCOME: Reverend Keron Sadler Program Manager, NAACP Health Department Baltimore, Maryland Saturday, July 23 rd / 12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. HEALTH SYMPOSIUM LUNCHEON Pat Harvey Mistress of Ceremonies Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Shavon Arline Remarks Dr. Gail Wyatt Guest Speaker 29 Saturday, July 23 rd MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES: Pat Harvey Award Winning Broadcast Journalist CBS 2 Los Angeles, California INVOCATION: Reverend Carolyn Cooke Pastor Sunnyside Baptist Church Los Angeles, California SPONSOR GREETINGS: Anthony P. Carter Vice President Global Diversity Inclusion Chief Diversity Officer Johnson & Johnson New Brunswick, New Jersey LUNCH SERVED PRESENTATION OF THE MONTAGUE COBB AWARD: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Barbara Sapp Davis Member, NAACP National Health Committee Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Houston, Texas 30 INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER: Larry Lucas Member, NAACP National Health Committee Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Mitchellville, Maryland GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Gail Wyatt Associate Director, UCLA AIDS Institute Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Bio-Behavioral Sciences Los Angeles, California PRESENTATION OF THE UNSUNG HERO: Willis Edwards Member, NAACP National Health Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Los Angeles, California Saturday, July 23 rd SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Karen Boykin-Towns Chair, NAACP National Health Committee President, NAACP Brooklyn Branch Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Brooklyn, New York REMARKS: Shavon Arline Director, NAACP Health Program Baltimore, Maryland BENEDICTION: Bishop Gregory L. Dixon First Church of God Inglewood, California 1:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. COMMERCE & INDUSTRY SHOW GRAND OPENING Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY Join Chairman Roslyn M. Brock, Vice Chair Leon W. Russell along with President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous as they officially open the 42nd Annual Commerce & Industry Show. Hall A – Exhibits 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. NAACP NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Plaza 1-2, J.W. Marriott Hotel Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Hall A – Retail Expo 31 Sunday, July 24 th 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. PRAYER BREAKFAST/MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR DECEASED NAACP OFFICERS AND MEMBERS (TICKETS REQUIRED) Platinum Ballroom A – D, J.W. Marriott Hotel SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: Reverend Theresa A. Dear Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Bartlett, Illinois INVOCATION: Dr. David E. Goatley Executive Secretary and Treasurer Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Washington, DC 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N SPONSOR GREETINGS: 32 Carole A. Young General Manager, Global Diversity Chevron/Texaco Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Houston, Texas Nathalie Miles Eli Lilly, Inc Corporate Director State Government Affairs Northwestern USA Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Seattle, Washington INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER: Reverend Nelson B. Rivers, III Vice President, NAACP Stakeholder Relations Pastor, Charity Missionary Baptist Church North Charleston, South Carolina SPEAKER: Bishop Mildred Hines Episcopal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Los Angeles, California Sunday, July 24 th / 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. PRAYER BREAKFAST/MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR DECEASED NAACP OFFICERS AND MEMBERS Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Bishop Mildred Hines Speaker 33 Sunday, July 24 th BENEDICTION: Rabbi Randall Brown Director of Interreligious Affairs American Jewish Committee Los Angeles, California 8:45 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR OPENING SESSION — REGISTRATION & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center Unit Presidents and Legal Redress Chairs may attend the Seminar free of charge SPONSORED BY: WELCOME: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Kim Keenan NAACP General Counsel Baltimore, Maryland 34 9:00 A.M. – 5:00P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION West Lobby A, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 1ST SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “LEGISLATIVE UPDATE” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International MODERATOR: Khyla Craine 2011 NAACP Law Fellow Camp Spring, Maryland Sunday, July 24 th PANELISTS: Honorable Robert C. “Bobby” Scott Representative, United States House of Representative Washington, DC Hilary Shelton Director, NAACP Washington Bureau Sr. Vice President, NAACP Advocacy & Policy Washington, DC 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. COMMERCE & INDUSTRY SHOW Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. NAACP AUTHORS PAVILION Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. NAACP HEALTH FAIR Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. RETAIL EXPO Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:05 A.M. – 11:05A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 2ND SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “SUPREME COURT PREVIEW AND REVIEW” SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Frances Kirby 2011 NAACP Law Fellow Lexington, Virginia PANELISTS: Pamela S. Karlan Co-Director, Stanford Law School Supreme Court Litigation Clinic Stanford, California Lia Epperson Jealous Associate Professor American University Washington College of Law Washington, DC Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE MillerCoors Marriott International 35 Sunday, July 24 th 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. BRANCH, COLLEGE CHAPTER & YOUTH COUNCILS OFFICERS’ MEETING (Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers) Concourse Hall 151, Los Angeles Convention Center This year the National Board of Directors, Special Contribution Fund Board of Trustees and senior staff embarked on the first strategic planning process in the Association’s second century. Over the last six months, they have worked diligently to consider what long-term goals, operational strategies and specific measurable criteria need to be targeted in order to realize our vision. Join us at this year’s officers’ meeting as we unveil our work to date and invite your feedback, so that across the country we can align our fieldwork with our vision and values, and move closer to the fulfillment of our great mission. PRESIDING: Zephanii Smith Member, NAACP National Board of Directors President, NAACP California/Hawaii Youth & College Division Stockton, California 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N OPENING REMARKS: 36 Roslyn M. Brock Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors Elkridge, Maryland Benjamin Todd Jealous President and CEO, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland OVERVIEW AND DIALOGUE ON 2012 STRATEGIC PLANNING EFFORT: Leon W. Russell Chair, NAACP Convention Planning Committee Vice Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors Clearwater, Florida BENEDICTION: Dr. Alfreddie Johnson True Faith Christian Center Compton, California Sunday, July 24 th 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. WIN EMPOWERMENT SUMMIT/BRUNCH Diamond Ballroom Salons 1 – 4, J.W. Marriott Hotel “CRITICAL ISSUES FACING WOMEN AND GIRLS” The equity gap remains for women and girls. WIN mobilizes to combat these ills. SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Dr. Thelma T. Daley NAACP WIN Director Baltimore, Maryland INVOCATION: Reverend Andrea Beckham Church of Scientology Inglewood, California BRUNCH SPONSOR GREETINGS: PANELISTS: Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis President, Society for the Psychology of Women Associate Professor of Psychology Pepperdine University Valley Village, California Kemba Smith Pradia Author Founder and Vice President of the Kemba Smith Foundation Indianapolis, Indiana Donna Richardson Joyner Empowerment Ambassador Dallas, Texas Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Mary Coffin Executive Vice President Head of Mortgage Servicing Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Wells Fargo & Company Charlotte, North Carolina 37 Sunday, July 24 th / 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N WIN EMPOWERMENT SUMMIT/BRUNCH 38 Dr. Thelma T. Daley Moderator Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis Panelist Kemba Smith Pradia Panelist Donna Richardson Joyner Panelist Angela Dean Designer Lia Epperson Jealous Breanna Thrope A Voice of Youth Sunday, July 24 th THE VOICE OF YOUTH: Breanna Thrope “A Voice of Youth” Los Angeles, California EMPOWERMENT via FASHIONS DeanZign, Inc. Los Angeles, California BENEDICTION: Nirinjan Singh Khalsa Sikh Dharma of Southern California Southern California 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. YOUTH ADVISORS ORIENTATION: ADVISORS 101 Room 408 A & B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: Ericka Cain State Advisor, NAACP Texas Youth & College Division Dallas, Texas WELCOME: PRESENTERS: Loretta Brown State Advisor, NAACP Georgia Youth & College Division Morgan, Georgia Ebony Jackson Region V Adult Representative NAACP National Youth Work Committee Miami Garden, Florida Maureen Duncan Region III Adult State Advisor NAACP Indiana Youth & College Division NAACP National Youth Work Committee Anderson, Indiana Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Satia Austin State Advisor, NAACP California/Hawaii Youth & College Division Los Angeles, Oceanside, California 39 Sunday, July 24 th Linda Lydia Region VI Adult Representative NAACP National Youth Work Committee Duncanville, Texas 11:00 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 3RD SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ECONOMIC JUSTICE: CREDIT AS A BARRIER TO OPPORTUNITY” SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Zenia Wilson 2011 NAACP Law Fellow Parkville, Maryland 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PANELISTS: 40 Stuart Rossman Director of Litigation National Consumer Law Center Boston, Massachusetts Washington, DC Melanie M. Peterson Trial Attorney EEOC Philadelphia District Office Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Diane M. Standaert Legislative Counsel Center for Responsible Lending Durham, North Carolina 12:10 P.M. – 1:25 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 4TH SESSION & BROWN BAG LUNCH Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ATTACK ON CLASS ACTIONS” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International Sunday, July 24 th MODERATOR: Yolanda Melville 2011 NAACP Law Fellow Rockville, Maryland PANELIST: Joseph Sellers Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC Washington, DC 12:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE WELCOME SESSION Room 408 A & B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: Zephanii Smith Member, NAACP National Board of Directors President, NAACP California/Hawaii Youth & College Division Stockton, California WELCOME: Raygena Smith President, NAACP Los Angeles Youth Council Gardena, California Reverend Charles L. White, Jr. National Field Director/Director, NAACP Field Organizing Baltimore, Maryland Jeilvon Austin Chair, Entertainment Committee California/Hawaii NAACP Youth & College Division Oceanside, California Stefanie L. Brown NAACP National Field Director Director, NAACP Youth & College Division Baltimore, Maryland Larry Brown, Jr. Social Media Manager, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland Jonathon Lewis Regional Youth Field Fellow NAACP Baltimore, Maryland Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE PRESENTERS: 41 Sunday, July 24 th Kirin Kennedy Regional Youth Field Fellow NAACP Baltimore, Maryland William Syms Regional Youth Field Fellow NAACP Baltimore, Maryland 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. BRANCH, COLLEGE CHAPTER & YOUTH COUNCILS OFFICERS LUNCHEON Concourse Hall 152, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PRESIDING: 42 Dr. Ernest Johnson, Esq. Chair, Membership and Units Committee President, NAACP Louisiana State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Baton Rouge, Louisiana GREETINGS: Leon Jenkins President, NAACP Los Angeles Branch Los Angeles, California SPONSORS GREETINGS: Priscilla Esridge Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion CVS Woonsocket, Rhode Island Noel Massie President, UPS Central California District Atlanta, Georgia RECOGNITION OF BRANCHES CELEBRATING CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARIES HONOREES: Dr. Annie B. Martin President, NAACP New York, New York Branch Member, NAACP National Board of Directors New York, New York Sunday, July 24 th Michael Curry, Esq. President, NAACP Boston Branch Boston, Massachusetts BENEDICTION: Dr. Arthur Chang Pastor, Christian Science Founder’s Center for Positive Spirituality Los Angeles, California 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. ACT-SO AWARDS CEREMONY Exhibit Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center Open to the general public 1:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 5TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “PROTECTING THE VOTE IN 2011 (PART I): REDISTRICTING – EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES FOR JOBS, EDUCATION AND JUSTICE” SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: PANELISTS: Derrick Johnson, Esq. President, NAACP Mississippi State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Jackson, Mississippi Victor Goode, Esq. Assistant General Council NAACP Baltimore, Maryland Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Charles Martinez 2011 NAACP Law Fellows Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 43 Sunday, July 24 th 3:05 P.M. – 4:05 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 6TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “LABOR (PART I): FEDERAL CONTRACT COMPLIANCE” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International MODERATOR: Frances Kirby 2011 NAACP Law Fellows Lexington, Virginia PANELISTS: Edward G. Kramer, Kramer & Associates, L.P.A Cleveland, Ohio 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N William Smitherman Regional Director, Pacific Region U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance San Francisco, California 44 4:10 P.M. – 5:10 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 7TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “PREDATORY LENDING LITIGATION” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International MODERATOR: Yolanda Melville 2011 NAACP Law Fellows Rockville, Maryland PANELISTS: Gary Bledsoe Gary L. Bledsoe & Associates Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Austin, Texas Sunday, July 24 th Brian Kabateck Kabateck Brown Kellner, LLP Los Angeles, California Austin Tighe Feazell & Tighe, LLP Austin, Texas 5:15 P.M. – 6:15 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 8TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ETHICS (PART I): CHALLENGES OF REPRESENTING ORGANIZATIONAL CLIENTS” SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Kristen Mcintosh 2011 NAACP Law Fellows New York, New York PANELIST: Shane T. Hamilton Anthony & Middlebrook, P.C., Grapevine, Texas MUSICAL PROGRAM Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center CHOIR: LA Convention Mass Choir 6:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. OPENING PUBLIC MASS MEETING Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: Leon W. Russell Chair, NAACP Convention Planning Committee Vice Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors Clearwater, Florida PARLIAMENTARIAN: Myrlie Evers-Williams Chairman Emeritus, NAACP National Board of Directors Pomona, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 5:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 45 Sunday, July 24 th “LIFT EV’RY VOICE & SING” AUDIENCE LED BY: Reverend Ronald Terry Macon, Georgia INVOCATION: Imam Qazi Asad Chairman, Muslim Interfaith Los Angeles, California POSTING OF COLORS: United States Air Force GREETINGS: Honorable Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) United States Senate Washington, District of Columbia Honorable Maxine Waters (D-CA) Member, United States House of Representatives Los Angeles, California 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Leon Jenkins President, NAACP Los Angeles Branch Los Angeles, California 46 INTRODUCTION OF PRESIDING OFFICERS/ PARLIAMENTARIANS: Leon W. Russell Chair, NAACP Convention Planning Committee Vice Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors Clearwater, Florida These officers will preside and serve as parliamentarians at the Legislative plenary sessions, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Judge Fred L. Banks, Jr. Jackson, Mississippi Amos Brown San Francisco, California Honorable Laura Blackburne Jamaica, New York Willis Edwards Los Angeles, California Myrlie Evers-Williams Pomona, California Sunday, July 24 th / 6:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. OPENING PUBLIC MASS MEETING Honorable Dianne Feinstein Greetings Maxine Waters Greetings Leah Daughtry Introduction of Keynote Speaker Mary J. Millben Musical Selection Leon Jenkins Greetings Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Honorable 47 Sunday, July 24 th / 6:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N OPENING PUBLIC MASS MEETING 48 Roslyn M. Brock Keynote Speaker Sunday, July 24 th Cecil House Rosemead, California Alice Huffman Sacramento, California Greg Mathis Detroit, Michigan Nathaniel Miles Seattle, Washington Leon W. Russell Clearwater, Florida Zephanii Smith Stockton, California Reverend Oscar Tillman Phoenix, Arizona PRESENTATION OF SEVENTEENTH MEDGAR EVERS AWARD: Myrlie Evers-Williams Chairman Emeritus, NAACP National Board of Directors Pomona, California Adora Obi Nweze Chair, NAACP Education Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Miami, Florida Hazel N. Dukes Member, National Board of Directors & Chairman, Election Supervisory Committee New York, New York INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Reverend Leah D. Daughtry Pastor, The House of the Lord Church, Washington, DC President, On These Things, LLC – political consulting, strategic planning, & event management CEO, Democratic National Convention Committee (2007-2009) Washington, DC KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Roslyn M. Brock Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors Elkridge, Maryland Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE RULES FOR ELECTING A BOARD MEMBER-AT-LARGE: 49 Sunday, July 24 th MUSICAL SELECTION: Mary J. Millben Trained Coloratura Soprano Helen Hayes Award Nominee New York, New York SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Alice Huffman President, NAACP California State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Sacramento, California BENEDICTION: Bishop Chris Ward President Inglewood Area Ministers Association Inglewood, California 9:00 P.M. – 11:30 P.M. YOUTH SOCIAL California Ballroom, Sheraton Hotel 9:00 P.M. – 11:30 P.M. DELEGATES OPENING RECEPTION (TICKETS REQUIRED) Rose Garden – Transportation to be provided SPONSORED BY: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N NAACP LOS ANGELES BRANCH 50 9:00 P.M. – 1:00 A.M. COLLEGE CHAPTER NETWORKING RECEPTION Polaris Room, Sheraton Hotel HOST: Justin Bryant President, NAACP Georgia Youth & College Division Atlanta, Georgia 10:00 P.M. LATE NIGHT WORSHIP SERVICE Gold Ballroom 3-4, J.W. Marriott Hotel CHOIR: Little Zion Baptist Church Compton, California SPEAKER: Reverend Michael Fisher Pastor , Little Zion Baptist Church Compton, California 51 Monday, July 25 th 5:45 A.M. – 6:15 A.M. MORNING FITNESS Atrium 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel SPONSORED BY: Creator of Body Gospel and Sweating in the Spirit Ambassador to the President’s Council on Fitness and Nutrition. FITNESS INSTRUCTOR: Donna Richardson Joyner Dallas, Texas 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE REGIONAL MEETINGS Los Angeles Convention Center 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Election of Committees and Nomination of Youth Representatives to the National Youth Work Committee 52 Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII 8:00 A.M. – 9:15 A.M. Rooms 406 A & B Room 515 A Room 515 B Room 404 A & B Room 403 B Room 408 B Theatre 411 REGIONAL MEETINGS Los Angeles Convention Center Regional Meeting for Organization and Election of Committees A. B. C. D. Resolutions Credentials Rules Annual Election Supervisory Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Rooms 406 A & B Room 515 A Room 515 B Room 404 A & B Room 403 B Room 408 B Theatre 411 Monday, July 25 th 8:00 A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR REGISTRATION & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center Unit Presidents and Legal Redress Chairs may attend the Seminar free of charge 8:30 A.M. – 9:40 A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 9TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ETHICS (PART II): REPRESENTING NAACP UNITS” SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Khyla Craine 2011 NAACP Law Fellows Camp Springs, Maryland PANELIST: Kevin Tate Assistant Federal Defender Federal Defender of Western North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION West Lobby A, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. MUSICAL PROGRAM Exhibit Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center CHOIR: Brookinaries Choir of First AME Church Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. 53 Monday, July 25 th / 9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. FIRST PLENARY SESSION Stewart Kwoh Greetings Marc Morial Greetings Supervisor Honorable Alice Huffman Mark Ridley-Thomas Greetings Eric Garcetti Greetings Greetings Marlynn Smith Musical Selection Judge Greg Mathis Introduction of Keynote Speaker Honorable 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Antonio Villaraigosa Greetings 54 Monday, July 25 th 9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. FIRST PLENARY SESSION Exhibit Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: Willis Edwards Member, National Board of Directors Los Angeles, California PARLIAMENTARIAN: Lew Shomer Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Santa Monica, California INVOCATION: Rabbi David Wolpe Sinai Temple Los Angeles, California MUSICAL SELECTION: Marlynn Smith Soprano Los Angeles, California Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa Mayor, City of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Thomas Saenz President and General Counsel Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund Los Angeles, California Stewart Kwoh Executive Director Asian Pacific American Legal Center Los Angeles, California Marc Morial CEO, National Urban League New York, New York Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE GREETINGS: 55 Monday, July 25 th / 9:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N FIRST PLENARY SESSION 56 Benjamin Todd Jealous Keynote Speaker Monday, July 25 th Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas County of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Honorable Eric Garcetti Council President Los Angeles, California Alice Huffman President, NAACP California State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Sacramento, California SPONSOR GREETINGS: Xavier Williams Senior Vice President Public Sector and Healthcare AT&T Dallas, Texas PRESENTATION OF THE WILLIAM ROBERT MING ADVOCACY AWARD INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Judge Greg Mathis Founder, Prisoner Empowerment Education and Respect Initiative Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Detroit, Michigan Benjamin Todd Jealous President and CEO, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland SPECIAL SESSION FOR NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS BENEDICTION: Brother Billy Curl Pastor, Crenshaw Church of Christ Los Angeles, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE KEYNOTE SPEAKER: 57 Monday, July 25 th 9:45 A.M. – 10:45 A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 10TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ATTORNEY AND THE MEDIA” SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Victor Goode Assistant General Counsel NAACP Baltimore, Maryland PANELISTS: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Joshua Koltun Law Office of Joshua Koltun Francisco, California 58 Alberta Phillips Editorial Writer Austin American Statesman Austin, Texas 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. COMMERCE & INDUSTRY SHOW Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. NAACP AUTHORS PAVILION Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. HEALTH FAIR Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. RETAIL EXPO Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center Monday, July 25 th 10:50 A.M. – 11:50 A.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 11TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: RECOVERY IN THE GULF” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International MODERATOR: Zenia Wilson 2011 NAACP Law Fellows Parkville, Maryland PANELISTS: Reilly Morse Policy Director Mississippi Center for Justice Biloxi, Mississippi Dorcas R. Gilmore, Esq. Assistant General Counsel, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland 11:50 A.M. – 12:50 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 12TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “SCHOOL DESEGREGATION AND FAIR HOUSING ADVOCACY: YOU MEAN THERE’S A CONNECTION?” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International MODERATOR: Charles Martinez 2011 NAACP Law Fellow Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Jacqueline Patterson Director Environmental and Climate Justice NAACP Baltimore, Maryland 59 Monday, July 25 th PANELISTS: Peter Graham Cohn Law Office of Peter Cohn Petaluma, California Victor Goode Assistant General Counsel NAACP Baltimore, Maryland Darryl C. Towns Commissioner/CEO NYS Homes and Community Renewal New York, New York 12:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. RELIGIOUS LEADERS LUNCHEON Concourse 151 & 152, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PRESIDING: 60 Reverend Nelson B. Rivers, III Vice President, NAACP Stakeholder Relations Pastor, Charity Missionary Baptist Church North Charleston, South Carolina INVOCATION: Bishop Roger Smith LDS Church Los Angeles, California MUSICAL SELECTIONS: Extension Gospel Ensemble West Angeles Church of God in Christ LUNCH SERVED SPONSOR GREETINGS: Michael Bender EVP and President Walmart West Walmart Stores Monday, July 25 th / 12:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. RELIGIOUS LEADERS LUNCHEON Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Bishop Charles E. Blake Speaker 61 Monday, July 25 th INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER: Elder Gerald D. Johnson California State Religious Chair Pastor, City of Refuge Church of God in Christ Oceanside, California SPEAKER: Bishop Charles E. Blake Presiding President, Church of God in Christ Los Angeles, California BENEDICTION: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Reverend Deron Johnson Pastor Calvary CME Church Pasadena, California 62 12:30 P.M. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE MEETING Room 501C, Los Angeles Convention Center 12:30 P.M. RULES COMMITTEE MEETING Room 501C, Los Angeles Convention Center 12:30 P.M. ELECTION SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE Room 410, Los Angeles Convention Center 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. CLARENCE M. MITCHELL, JR. MEMORIAL LECTURE LUNCHEON Petree Hall C, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: Honorable Laura Blackburne Vice Chair, NAACP Legal Committee Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Jamaica, New York Monday, July 25 th / 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. CLARENCE M. MITCHELL, JR. MEMORIAL LECTURE LUNCHEON Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Kamala Harris Speaker 63 Monday, July 25 th INVOCATION: Dr. Marvis L. Davis, Sr. Pastor New Bethel Baptist Church Venice, California SPONSOR GREETINGS: Larry Waters Multicultural Relations Director MillerCoors Kansas City, Missouri Jimmie Walton Paschall Sr. Vice President External Affairs and Global Diversity Officer Marriott International Bethesda, Maryland INTRODUCTION OF LAW FELLOWS: Tara O’Connor Counsel Kellogg’s Company Battle Creek, Michigan 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER: 64 Honorable Laura Blackburne Vice Chair, NAACP Legal Committee Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Jamaica, New York SPEAKER: Kamala Harris California Attorney General Sacramento, California PRESENTATION OF JUANITA JACKSON MITCHELL LEGAL ACTIVISM AWARD PRESENTATION OF FOOT SOLDIERS AWARDS BENEDICTION: Reverend Eugenio Raphael Pastor St. Marks United Methodist Church Los Angeles, California Monday, July 25 th 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS (Branch Administration, Civic Engagement, Criminal Justice, Economic Empowerment, Education, Environmental & Climate Justice, Faith, Health, Juvenile Justice, Labor, Legislative, LGBT, Membership, Youth Climate Justice and Youth Health) BRANCH/UNIT ADMINISTRATION Room 404 A & B, Los Angeles Convention Center “PRESIDENT, TREASURER AND SECRETARY GETTING THE JOB DONE” The goal of this workshop will focus on duties and roles of unit leadership. FACILITATORS: Reverend Gill Ford National Director of Unit Capacity Building, NAACP Field Operations & Membership Department St. Louis, Missouri Nazar Scott Unit Compliance Officer Baltimore, Maryland 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Room 402 A & B, Los Angeles Convention Center “PROTECT THE DREAM: PLANNING YOUR 2012 VOTER REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION CAMPAIGN” As pivotal elections approach in 2012, how do we register, educate and energize a complacent African American electorate while responding to relentless attacks on voting rights through voter ID laws, felon disenfranchisement and restrictions on early voting? How will changes in voting laws impact your voter registration efforts? How should you be talking about attacks on voting rights in local communities? Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Yutiv L. Stafford Report and Verification Coordinator Baltimore, Maryland 65 Monday, July 25 th How can technology help your efforts to register and educate voters? How do you formulate a voter registration plan that is based on realistic metrics and goals? How will our new 50-state voter database revolutionize the NAACP’s civic engagement work? SPONSORED BY: MODERATOR: Derrick Johnson Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Jackson, Mississippi PANELISTS: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Anita Earls, Esq. Executive Director Southern Coalition for Social Justice Durham, North Carolina 66 Arif Mandani Executive Director Progressive Technology Project Minneapolis, Minnesota Gregory T. Moore Executive Director NAACP National Voter Fund Washington, DC Jeanette Senecal Senior Director For Elections and e-Democracy League of Women Voters Washington, DC Marvin Randolph Deputy Executive Director Campaign for Community Change Washington, DC Monday, July 25 th PLANNING YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION CAMPAIGN PRESENTER: Marvin Randolph Deputy Executive Director Campaign for Community Change Washington, DC DEMONSTRATION OF SMARTVAN VOTER DATABASE SYSTEM 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. CRIMINAL JUSTICE Room 408 B, Los Angeles Convention Center “IMPACT: UNDERSTANDING THE COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ON COMMUNITIES OF COLOR” The goal of this workshop will be to briefly highlight some of the key components (Law Enforcement Accountability, War on Drugs/Mass Incarceration, Misplaced Priorities: over spending on incarceration, Crime Prevention, and Immigration) of the Criminal Justice department in a broad overview that speaks to the work we have engaged in thus far as well as the next issues we plan to engage on. MODERATOR: PANELISTS: Pablo Alvarado National Day Laborer Organizing Network Los Angeles, California Susan Burton A New Way of Life Los Angeles, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Alice Huffman President, NAACP California State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Sacramento, California 67 Monday, July 25 th Neill Franklin Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Medford, Massachusetts Kim McGill Youth Justice Coalition Los Angeles, California Constance Rice Advancement Project Los Angeles, California 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. ECONOMIC JUSTICE Room 403 A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N “PROTECTING OUR WEALTH AND RESTORING THE TRUST” 68 Within the African American community, homeownership has been the primary vehicle for building wealth. In this workshop, participants will learn more about practical strategies and legal protections they can use to safeguard their assets. Workshop panelist will discuss: 1) The standards for responsible lending practices, 2) critical things consumers must consider when borrowing money, 3) new state and federal legislative laws that protect consumers from predatory lending, and, 4) financial institutions that are complying with consumer protection legislation as opposed to others whose practices continue to perpetrate financial injustice. PRESIDING: Leonard James Chair, NAACP Economic Development Member, NAACP National Board of Director Houston, Texas MODERATOR: Darryl C. Towns Commissioner CEO of NYC Homes and Community Renewal New York, New York Monday, July 25 th PANELISTS: Mariko Chang Author and Independent Consultant Boston, Massachusetts Keith Corbett Executive Vice President Center for Responsible Lending Durham, North Carolina Bruce Marks Chief Executive Officer Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts David Vladeck Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection Federal Trade Commission Washington, DC 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. EDUCATION Room 408 A, Los Angeles Convention Center “AN EDUCATION AGENDA FOR THE NAACP’S SECOND CENTURY” PRESIDING: Adora Obi Nweze Chair, NAACP Education Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Miami, Florida MODERATOR: Tiffany Beth Glenn Education Director NAACP Baltimore, Maryland Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE This workshop will cover how the NAACP has focused its education advocacy & attention on reforms that can help all children graduate ready for college and career success – universal pre-k, expanded learning time, effective teaching and targeting resources to students most in need. 69 Monday, July 25 th PANELISTS: Carol Brunson Day National Black Child Development Washington, DC LaShawn Route Executive Director National Equity Project Oakland, California 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE JUSTICE 411Theatre, Los Angeles Convention Center “THE AIR WE BREATHE: TAKING ACTION AGAINST TOXIC EXPOSURES IN AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES” 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N In this workshop, participants will learn about threats to African American communities posed by airborne toxic exposures and public health, economic, sociocultural, and other effects of exposure. Panelists will share strategies to address disproportionate burden of airborne toxic exposures on communities of color through local, state, and national level action. 70 MODERATOR: Jacqui Patterson Director, NAACP Climate Justice Baltimore, Maryland OPENING REMARKS: Katherine Egland Chair, NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Subcommittee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Gulfport, Mississippi PANELISTS: Alicia Garza People Organized to Win Economic Rights San Francisco, California Ananda Lee Tan Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives Berkeley, California Monday, July 25 th Barbara Lott-Holland The Labor Strategy Center/Bus Riders Union Los Angeles, California Leigh Touchton NAACP Valdosta-Lowndes Branch Valdosta, Georgia Lisa Garcia Environmental Protection Agency USEPA Headquarters Washington, DC 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. FAITH WORKSHOP Room 406 A & B, Los Angeles Convention Center “REVIVING THE PROPHETIC RELATIONSHIP WITH COMMUNITIES OF FAITH” This workshop will cover how the NAACP and the Faith Community can strengthen and in some cases revive their relationship to energize a joint commitment to expand the fight for social justice in the 21st Century. OPENING REMARKS: MODERATOR: Reverend Nelson B. Rivers, III Director, NAACP Stakeholders Relations Baltimore, Maryland FAITH LEADERS TOOLKIT: Dr. David E. Goatley Executive Secretary and Treasurer Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Washington, DC Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Reverend Amos Brown Chair, NAACP Religious Affairs Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors San Francisco, California 71 Monday, July 25 th PANELISTS: Reverend Florance McKoy Neighborhood Church Coalition Charlotte, North Carolina Reverend Ronnie Miller-Yow Black Methodist Church Renewal (BMCR) Nashville, Tennessee Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr. President, Progressive National Baptist Convention Washington, DC Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate, 4th Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church Chicago, Illinois 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. HEALTH Room 515 B, Los Angeles Convention Center 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N “HEALTH REFORM: TRUTH ABOUT THE LAW ONE YEAR LATER” 72 This workshop will address one of the national NAACP health priorities: Health Care Reform Implementation. The passage of the health care law requires clear translation and open dialogue on how the NAACP should begin to prepare to stand as an advocate on the federal state and local levels. This will be a working session and will end with clear strategies for Units/State Presidents to implement. SPONSORED BY: SPONSOR GREETINGS: Dr. Juanita L. Watts Board-Certified Family Practice physician Kaiser Permanente’s Glendale Medical Office San Francisco, California Monday, July 25 th PRESIDING OFFICER: Dr. John E. Arradondo Member, NAACP National Health Committee Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Old Hickory, Tennessee MODERATOR: Nate Miles Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Member, NAACP National Health Committee Seattle, Washington PANELISTS: Caya Lewis, MPH Center for Medical and Medicaid Services United States Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Dr. Garth N. Graham, MD MPH Deputy Assistant Secretary of Minority Health Office of Minority Health Washington, DC Dr. Winston Wong Medical Director, Community Benefit Director, Disparities Improvement and Quality Initiatives Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, California NAACP Health Department Baltimore, Maryland 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. LABOR Room 502 B, Los Angeles Convention Center “THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: THE IMPACT ON THE WORKING FAMILY” Join top Educators, Researchers and Policy experts in an interesting and stimulating presentation and discussion on the jobs crisis facing the country’s black families and listen to their examples and involvement in community program projects and people that are having a positive effect in our communities. This Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE CLOSING REMARKS: 73 Monday, July 25 th workshop will provide you with information to assist you in working with public, legislative and private officials to help improve the jobs situation. Come learn how you can make a difference in your communities by advocating for good, sustainable jobs that support our communities and families. PRESIDING: Richard Womack Chair NAACP Labor Committee Washington, DC MODERATOR: Dedrick Muhammad NAACP Sr. Director Economic Programs Executive Director of the Financial Freedom Centers Baltimore, Maryland PANELISTS: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Dr. Steven Pitts Labor Policy Specialist UC Berkeley Labor Center Berkeley, California 74 Madeline Janis Co-Founder and Executive Director Los Angeles Alliance National Economy Los Angeles, California William E. Spriggs Department of Labor Assistant Secretary for Policy Washington, DC 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. LEGISLATIVE Room 515 A, Los Angeles Convention Center “THE NAACP’S FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE STRATEGY FOR AFFIRMING AMERICA’S PROMISE” This workshop will focus on strategies and goals being employed to advance the NAACP’s “bread and butter” legislative civil rights agenda in the 112th Congress. In addition to training participants on how to advocate our concerns to the U.S. Congress and federal Monday, July 25 th agencies responsible for implementing our nation’s laws and regulations, this workshop will provide our members with updated Congressional Agendas, strategy guides, legislative report cards, action alerts, issue alerts, issue updates and other appropriate educational material. MODERATOR: Reverend William Barber Chair, NAACP Political Action & Legislative Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Goldsboro, North Carolina PANELISTS: Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (OH) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC Congresswoman Laura Richardson (CA) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC Congressman Robert “Bobby” Scott (VA) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. LGBT Room 409 A & B, Los Angeles Convention Center “OUR COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY: WHY WE MUST OVERCOME HOMOPHOBIA” Building upon the ground breaking work of the NAACP LGBT Taskforce, this workshop will provide an in-depth analysis on social issues and policies that disproportionately affect the LGBT Black community, this public forum will examine the complex layers of homophobia within the Black community and new ideas on the important role of Black straight allies, civil rights organizations, families, churches and colleges to eradicate stigma, violence and discrimination of Black gay people. Like most Black Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA) U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 75 Monday, July 25 th people, Black LGBT people share a common history and continued struggle to eradicate racism, yet their identities, talents and leadership are diminished because of homophobia. Through film, engaged dialogue and featured presentations from academics, activists, clergy and policy makers this informative and provocative forum will examine the significant contributions of Black gay leaders within the Civil Rights movement, the role of Black straight allies in addressing homophobia and how we can collectively overcome LGBT discrimination. PANELISTS: Julian Bond Chairman Emeritus, NAACP Washington, DC Beverly Guy-Sheftall Professor of Women’s Studies Spelman College Atlanta, Georgia 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Kenyon Farrow Writer, Activist and Scholar New York, New York 76 Darryl Stephens Actor Los Angeles, California 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. MEMBERSHIP Room 403 B, Los Angeles Convention Center This workshop will discuss methods for building a successful membership recruitment and retention system that will aid in growing the quality and quantity of members and recruit a new generation of youth members. Techniques will include discussing the importance of interpersonal skills, motivation techniques, organizational strategies and leadership principles. MODERATOR: Andrea Brown Gee National Director, NAACP Membership Department Baltimore, Maryland Monday, July 25 th PANELISTS: Akousua Tysus President, NAACP District of Columbia Branch Washington, DC Taj Tashombe President Emeritus National Urban League Young Professionals Los Angeles, California 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE CLIMATE JUSTICE WORKSHOP Room 407, Los Angeles Convention Center “GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK” This workshop will introduce the issue of Climate Justice to young people and how they can advocate for cleaner, healthier communities. Participants will learn skills in the area of clean energy and energy efficiency through showcasing existing, efficient practices in youth entrepreneurship efforts. SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: PANELISTS: Tony Bautista Sustainability Director LA CAUSA Los Angeles, California Darryl Molina Youth Program Director Communities for a Better Environment Hunting Park, California Quinton Sankofa Program Director Mandela Marketplace Oakland, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Quentin James Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Washington, DC 77 Monday, July 25 th 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE HEALTH WORKSHOP Room 405, Los Angeles Convention Center “GET HYPE: HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE EVERYWHERE” This interactive workshop will address the health crisis among young, Black Americans; topics include but are not limited to mental health, youth obesity and HIV/AIDS. PRESIDING: Arleya Horne Member, NAACP National Board of Directors New Orleans, Louisiana MODERATOR: Tracy Broughton 2011 Miss America Orange County, California 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PANELISTS: 78 Martinez Brown Greater Than AIDS Ambassador HIV Activist Education Program Manager Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Washington, DC Robert Ferguson, MS CN Motivational Speaker and Fitness Expert Founder, Diet Free Life Los Angeles, California Camille Winbush Actress/Activist Los Angeles, California Dr. Mwata Dyson Dyson Report New York, New York Monday, July 25 th 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE JUVENILE JUSTICE WORKSHOP Room 410, Los Angeles Convention Center “STOP THE VIOLENCE, START THE LOVE: ADDRESSING YOUTH INCARCERATION & PUBLIC SAFETY” This workshop will address the questions, does incarceration make communities safe or does it lead to more crime? Over the last thirty years the one size fit all strategy of incarceration has been used to address crime in communities of color. This workshop will consist of leading youth organizers and activist that work on cutting-edge projects that build strategies to engage young people on setting public safety priorities that prevent violent crime while reducing the need for incarceration focused strategies. MODERATOR: D. Lamont Roberts Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Memphis, Tennessee PRESENTERS: Robert “Biko” Baker Executive Director The League of Young Voters Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dr. Niaz Kasravi Senior Manager for Law Enforcement Accountability, NAACP Criminal Justice Department Baltimore, Maryland Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Tshaka Barrows Program Manager Community Justice Network for Youth/ Haywood Burns Institute San Francisco, California 79 Monday, July 25 th 2:45 P.M. – 4:15 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 13TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: “PROTECTING THE VOTE 2011 (PART II): CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGES DEFENDING SECTION 5 OF THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT” MODERATOR: Khyla Craine 2011 NAACP Law Fellow Camp Springs, Maryland PANELISTS: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Kristen Clarke Co-Director, Political Participation Group, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) New York, New York 80 Anita Earls, Esq. Executive Director Southern Coalition for Social Justice Durham, North Carolina Marcia F. Johnson-Blanco Co-Director, Voting Rights Project Lawyers Committee Washington, DC Eddie Hailes Managing Director & General Counsel Advancement Project Washington, DC Monday, July 25 th 4:20 P.M. – 5:20 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 14TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International “LABOR (PART II): WORKERS’ RIGHTS UNDER ATTACK AND THE IMPACT ON AFRICAN AMERICANS” MODERATOR: Frances Kirby 2011 NAACP Law Fellows Lexington, Virginia PANELISTS: Angelia Wade, Esq. Associate General Counsel, AFL-CIO Washington, DC Carlos R. Perez Reich, Adell & Cvitan Los Angeles, California 4:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. YOUTH COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITY Midnight Mission – Los Angeles, California 5:25 P.M. – 6:25 P.M. CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 15TH SESSION Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center “ADVANCED MONITORING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT PRACTICES” SPONSORED BY: MillerCoors Marriott International Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE SPONSORED BY: 81 Monday, July 25 th MODERATOR: Kristen Mcintosh 2011 NAACP Law Fellows New York, New York PANELIST: Richard A. Rosenthal Independent Monitor City of Denver Denver, Colorado 8:30 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. PRESIDENT AND CEO RECEPTION (TICKETS REQUIRED) LA EXCHANGE – 618 S. Spring Street SPONSORED BY: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N 10:00 P.M. 82 LATE NIGHT WORSHIP SERVICE Gold Ballroom 3-4, J.W. Marriott CHOIR: Bethel A.M.E. Church GUEST SPEAKER: Reverend Dr. Kevin Calloway Pastor Bethel A.M.E. Church Los Angeles, California Tuesday, July 26 th 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE REGIONAL MEETINGS Los Angeles Convention Center Election of Committees and Election of Youth Representatives to the National Youth Work Committee Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII 8:00 A.M. – 9:15 A.M. Rooms 406 A & B Room 515 A Room 515 B Room 404 A & B Room 403 B Room 408 B Theatre 411 REGIONAL MEETINGS Los Angeles Convention Center Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Rooms 406 A & B Room 515 A Room 515 B Room 404 A & B Room 403 B Room 408 B Theatre 411 ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION West Lobby A, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. MUSICAL PROGRAM Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. LEGISLATIVE SESSION – RESOLUTIONS ONLY 2010 RESOLUTIONS Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: Leon Russell Chair, NAACP 2011 Resolutions Committee Vice Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors Clearwater, Florida PARLIAMENTARIAN: Judge Fred L. Banks, Jr. Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Jackson, Mississippi Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. 83 Tuesday, July 26 th INVOCATION: Reverend Mark Whitlock Pastor, Christ Our Redeemer AME Irvine, California GREETINGS: Danny Bakewell Chairman, NNPA Los Angeles, California Eugene Chin Yu President Korean American Federation Los Angeles, California REPORT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE (Includes Voting, Alternate, Observers, Exhibitors, Job Fair, Retailers) PRESENTATION OF THE KELLY MILLER ALEXANDER, SR. NAACP STATE CONFERENCE PRESIDENT’S AWARD 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PRESENTATION OF THE RUPERT RICHARDSON MEMORIAL LEADERSHIP AWARD 84 2011 RESOLUTIONS: Laura Blackburne Member, NAACP 2011 Resolutions Committee Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Jamaica, New York BENEDICTION: Reverend S. Diana Masters Pastor, Wesley United Methodist Church Los Angeles, California 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. COMMERCE & INDUSTRY SHOW Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. NAACP AUTHORS PAVILION Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. NAACP HEALTH FAIR Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center Tuesday, July 26 th 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. RETAIL EXPO Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 12:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. JOB FAIR – GRAND OPENING Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 12:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. ELECTION FOR BOARD OF DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Room 410, Los Angeles Convention Center 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. 39TH NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Diamond Ballroom, J.W. Marriott Hotel SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: Alice Huffman President, NAACP California State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Sacramento, California INVOCATION: WELCOME: Leon Jenkins President, NAACP Los Angeles Branch Los Angeles, California SPONSOR GREETINGS: Cecil House Senior Vice President, Safety & Operations Support & Chief Procurement Officer Edison International Rosemead, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Dr. Roy Petit Pastor Miracle Center Apostolic Church Los Angeles, California 85 Tuesday, July 26 th / 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. 39TH NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Chris Woods Musical Selection 86 Hill Harper Keynote Speaker Tuesday, July 26 th Zafar J. Brooks Director, Government Relations and Diversity Outreach Foundation Valley, California GREETINGS: Dr. Ernest Johnson, Esq. Chair, NAACP National Membership and Units Committee President, NAACP Louisiana State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Baton Rouge, Louisiana MUSICAL SELECTION: Chris Woods Violinist Los Angeles, California INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Alice Huffman President, NAACP California State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Sacramento, California KEYNOTE SPEAKER: CLOSING REMARKS: Andrea Brown-Gee Director, NAACP Membership Department Baltimore, Maryland BENEDICTION: Reverend Alexander Hamilton Pastor Community Baptist Church Compton, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Hill Harper Actor, Activist and Author of Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest your Destiny Los Angeles, California 87 Tuesday, July 26 th / 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. YOUTH ADVISORS LUNCHEON 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Stefanie L. Brown Greetings 88 Tyrone Willingham Keynote Speaker Tuesday, July 26 th 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. YOUTH ADVISORS LUNCHEON Petree Hall D, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: Reverend Elisha Morris State Advisor, NAACP Pennsylvania Youth & College Division Philadelphia, Pennsylvania INVOCATION: Reverend Xavier Thompson Pastor, Southern Missionary Baptist Church Los Angeles, California GREETINGS: Stefanie L. Brown NAACP National Field Director Director, NAACP Youth & College Division Baltimore, Maryland SPONSOR GREETINGS: ADVISOR APPRECIATION: Valarie Littleton-Cohen State Advisor, New York Youth & College Division Region II Adult Representative, NAACP National Youth Work Committee Flushing, New York INTRODUCTION OF KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Sha-Reese Cunningham State Advisor, NAACP Kentucky Youth & College Division City, Kentucky KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Tyrone Willingham Former NCAA Football Coach San Jose, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Ernie Ward Good Year Tire & Rubber Company Akron, Ohio 89 Tuesday, July 26 th REMARKS: Reverend Charles L. White, Jr. National Field Director/Director, Field Organizing NAACP Baltimore, Maryland BENEDICTION: Reverend E. Wayne Gaddis Pastor Greater True Light Baptist Church Los Angeles, California 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE MALE FORUM Theatre 411, Los Angeles Convention Center MODERATORS: Kameron Middlebrooks Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Des Moines, Iowa Quincy Cummings Advisor, NAACP Illinois Youth & College Division Bloomington-Normal, Illinois 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PRESENTATION OF MENTORS: 90 Chauncee Gibbs President, NAACP Tennessee Youth & College Division Nashville, Tennessee MENTORS: Brian Roland Assistant Treasure, NAACP Texas State Conference Prairie View, Texas Robert Rooks National Director, NAACP Criminal Justice Department Baltimore, Maryland 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE FEMALE FORUM Room 408, Los Angeles Convention Center MODERATOR: Paige Floyd Member, NAACP National Board of Directors President, NAACP New Jersey Youth & College Division Princeton, New Jersey Tuesday, July 26 th PRESENTATION OF MENTORS: Valeska Gutierrez 3rd Vice President, NAACP California/Hawaii Youth & College Division Oakland, California MENTORS: Andrea Brown Gee National Director, NAACP Membership Department Baltimore, Maryland Alethea Bonello Region V Director NAACP Atlanta, Georgia 2:30 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION FUND TRUSTEES MEETING Room 150 A-C, Los Angeles Convention Center 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. TIME AND PLACE COMMITTEE MEETING Room 152 B, Los Angeles Convention Center 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. LEGISLATIVE SESSION – RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: PARLIAMENTARIAN: Judge Fred L. Banks, Jr. Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Jackson, Mississippi INVOCATION: Apostle Beverly “Bam” Crawford Bible Enrichment Fellowship Int’l Church Inglewood, California BENEDICTION: Reverend Michael Beckwith Agape International Spiritual Center Los Angeles, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Leon Russell Chair, NAACP 2011 Resolutions Committee Vice Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors Clearwater, Florida 91 Tuesday, July 26 th 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. ARMED SERVICES & VETERANS AFFAIRS PRE-DINNER RECEPTION Foyer, J.W. Marriott Hotel SPONSORED BY: SPONSOR GREETINGS: Cole Brown VP West BU Human Resources Walmart Stores 7:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. ARMED SERVICES & VETERANS AFFAIRS DINNER Diamond Ballroom 1-5, J.W. Marriott Hotel SPONSORED BY: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PRESIDING CO-HOSTS: 92 Dr. Marcella Maxwell Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee New York, New York Mr. Jimmy Love Acting Principal Director Office of Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity Pentagon, Washington, D.C. MUSICAL PRELUDE: United States Air Force Band INTRODUCTIONS: Mr. Jimmy Love PRESENTATION OF THE COLORS: United States Air Force Band NATIONAL ANTHEM: United States Air Force Band Tuesday, July 26 th INVOCATION: Chaplin, U.S. Air Force NAACP GREETINGS: Dr. Marcella Maxwell VETERANS GREETINGS: Jason Young Chief Master Sergeant, Retired, USAF & Team Leader/Director Los Angeles Veterans Resource Center Los Angeles, CA DoD GREETINGS: Honorable Dr. Clifford L. Stanley Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Washington, DC SPONSOR GREETINGS: Rhonda Watlington Operations Initiative Specialist Delhaize America, LLC (Food Lion, LLC) Salisbury, North Carolina MEMORIAL MESSAGE: United States Air Force Representative DINNER IS SERVED INTRODUCTION OF GUEST SPEAKER: United States Air Force GUEST SPEAKER: General Norton Schwartz Chief of Staff United States Air Force Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Ms. L. Mecole “Cole” Brown Vice President West BU Human Resources Walmart Stores 93 Tuesday, July 26 th / 7:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N ARMED SERVICES & VETERANS AFFAIRS DINNER 94 Tuesday, July 26 th PRESENTATION OF THE JESSE BROWN DISTINGUISHED LEADERSHIP AWARD PRESENTER: Brigadier General Robert A. Cocroft US Army (Retired) CEO, Center for Veterans Issues, Ltd. Milwaukee, Wisconsin RECIPIENT: Dwight Radcliff 55th United States Air Force Veteran and Former President/CEO U.S. Veterans Initiatives Los Angeles, California (Deceased) PRESENTATION OF THE JULIUS E. WILLIAMS COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD PRESENTER: Mr. Anthony Hawkins National Coordinator Congressional Black Caucus Veterans Braintrust Washington, DC RECIPIENT: New Directions, Inc. Los Angeles, California PRESENTER: Hilary Shelton Director, NAACP Washington Bureau Washington, DC RECIPIENTS: Brigadier General Balan R. Ayyar US Air Force Commander, Air Force Recruit Service Randolph Air Force Base, Texas Captain Carsten P. Stahr US Air Force Mission Support Flight Commander Royal Air Force Mildenhall, United Kingdom Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE PRESENTATION OF THE NAACP MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD 95 Tuesday, July 26 th PRESENTATION OF THE BENJAMIN L. HOOKS DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD PRESENTER: Hilary Shelton Director, NAACP Washington Bureau Washington, DC RECIPIENT: Mr. Fabian F. Hollis US Air Force Director of Staff, 116 Air Control Wing Robins Air Force Base, GA ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ROY WILKINS RENOWNED SERVICE AWARDS: Dr. Marcella Maxwell ROLL CALL OF AWARD RECIPIENTS: United States Army Master Sergeant Mark Jordan 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N United States Navy Legalman First Class John M. McBroom 96 United States Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Larry McCutcheon United States Air Force Master Sergeant Kyle D. Green Army National Guard Major Gregory L. Sampson Air National Guard Colonel Ondra Berry United States Coast Guard Lieutenant Deon J. Scott 4th Estate (Defense Agencies) Mr. Theodore A. Hackney, Jr. CLOSING REMARKS: Mr. Jimmy Love BENEDICTION: Chaplin U.S. Air Force Tuesday, July 26 th 7:00P.M. – 10:00 P.M. YOUTH NIGHT PUBLIC MASS MEETING Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center “ALL OF THE LIGHTS: IMPACT OF MEDIA ON YOUTH OF COLOR” In the past, many young people dreamed of jobs that serviced others, like lawyers, doctors, firemen and teachers. In today’s society, youth are often overwhelmed with images that draw them not towards service jobs but towards entertainment professions – they want to dunk like Lebron, sing like Beyonce and act like Halle. With many of us tuned in to a 24-hour media cycle, what role does the media play in how young people of color view themselves and their communities? What impact do positive and negative images of African Americans have on youth today? This interactive forum will feature young activists and entertainers as we address the media’s influence on youth of color. SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: SPECIAL GUEST PERFORMANCE: Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles GREETINGS: Raygena Smith President, NAACP Los Angeles Youth Council Los Angeles, California Charles Dickerson Conductor Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Zephanii Smith Member, NAACP National Board of Directors President, NAACP California/Hawaii Youth & College Division Stockton, California 97 Tuesday, July 26 th / 7:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. YOUTH NIGHT PUBLIC MASS MEETING 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Michael B. Jordan Panelist 98 Chloe Hilliard Panelist Robert “Biko” Baker Presenter Tuesday, July 26 th PANELISTS: Michael B. Jordan Actor Los Angeles, California Chloe Hilliard Editor, New York, New York Robert “Biko” Baker Executive Director The League of Young Voters Milwaukee, Wisconsin Alisha Cowan-Vieira Director of Media, Strategy & Content Development American Values Institute Brooklyn, New York CLOSING REMARKS: Stefanie L. Brown NAACP National Field Director Director, NAACP Youth & College Division Baltimore, Maryland 10:00 P.M. LATE NIGHT WORSHIP SERVICE Gold Ballroom 3-4, J.W. Marriott Hotel First Church of God/Center of Hope GUEST SPEAKER: Bishop Gregory Dixon Pastor First Church of God/Center of Hope Inglewood, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE CHOIR: 99 Wednesday, July 27 th 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE REGIONAL MEETINGS Los Angeles Convention Center Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII 8:00 A.M. – 9:15 A.M. REGIONAL MEETINGS Los Angeles Convention Center 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII 100 Rooms 406 A & B Room 515 A Room 515 B Room 404 A & B Room 403 B Room 408 B Theatre 411 Rooms 406 A & B Room 515 A Room 515 B Room 404 A & B Room 403 B Room 408 B Theatre 411 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. TICKET SALES – REGISTRATION CLOSED West Lobby, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. MUSICAL PROGRAM Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. PLENARY SESSION Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: Reverend Oscar Tillman Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Phoenix, Arizona PARLIAMENTARIAN: Cecil R. House Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Rosemead, California Wednesday, July 27 th / 9:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. PLENARY SESSION “No Turning Back: Redistricting, Protecting Our Voting Rights and the Road to 2012” David Bositis Panelist Judith A. Browne-Dianis Panelist Derrick Johnson Panelist Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Barbara Arwine Panelist 101 Wednesday, July 27 th INVOCATION: Rt. Reverend Diane M. Jardine Bruce Bishop Suffrangen of the Episcopal Diocese Cathedral Center of St. Paul Los Angeles. California “NO TURNING BACK: REDISTRICTING, PROTECTING OUR VOTING RIGHTS AND THE ROAD TO 2012” 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N The hope for progressive change that led to historic African American voter turnout in 2008 gave way to voter complacency in 2010. As a result, we find ourselves battling forces at the local, state and national level determined not only to halt the gears of civil rights progress but also to undo many of the NAACP’s hard-fought victories. As pivotal elections approach in 2012, how will we educate our communities about this clear and present danger? What role will redistricting play? How will we respond to the relentless attacks on voting rights through voter ID laws, felon disenfranchisement and restrictions on early voting? How will the NAACP ensure that a maximum number African Americans are ready, willing and able to exercise their franchise in 2012? 102 This plenary will feature a panel discussion, presentation and Q&A session that will highlight these issues and outline strategies for our success. INTRODUCTION OF CHARGE: Reverend William Barber President, NAACP North Carolina State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Goldsboro, North Carolina MODERATOR: Lorraine Miller Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Washington, DC Wednesday, July 27 th PANELISTS: Barbara Arwine Executive Director Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Washington, DC David Bositis Senior Research Associate Civic Engagement and Governance Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies Washington, DC Melanie Campbell President and CEO National Coalition on Black Civic Participation Washington, DC Judith A. Browne-Dianis Co-Director Advancement Project Washington, DC Anita Earls Executive Director Southern Coalition for Social Justice Durham, North Carolina Derrick Johnson President, NAACP Mississippi State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Jackson, Mississippi PRESENTATION ON NAACP 2011–12 VOTER REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. JOB FAIR Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. RETAIL EXPO Hall A, Los Angeles Convention Center Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Wade Henderson President and CEO The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Washington, DC 103 Wednesday, July 27 th / 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N LABOR LUNCHEON 104 Cecil Roberts Speaker Wednesday, July 27 th 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. LABOR LUNCHEON Diamond 4-10, J.W. Marriott Hotel SPONSORED BY: OPENING REMARKS: Richard Womack Chair NAACP Labor Committee Washington, DC PRESIDING: Donna McDaniels Assistant Director LIUNA Minority Advancement Dept. Washington, DC Richard Womack, Jr. State and Local Coordinator Philadelphia, Pennsylvania INVOCATION: WELCOME REMARKS: Councilman Herb Wesson Los Angeles City Council, 10th District Los Angeles, California GREETINGS: Honorable Curren Price California State Legislative, 26th Senate District Los Angeles, California María Elena Durazo Executive Secretary/Treasurer Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Los Angeles, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Dr. Carl C. Baccus Pastor Southside Church of Christ Los Angeles, California 105 Wednesday, July 27 th SPONSOR GREETINGS: Clayola Brown President A. Philip Randolph Institute Washington, DC REMARKS: Micheal Mulgrew President United Federation of Teachers, Local 2 New York, New York Roslyn M. Brock Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors Elkridge, Maryland Benjamin Todd Jealous President and CEO, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland PRESENTATION OF THE NAACP BENJAMIN L. HOOKS “KEEPER OF THE FLAME AWARD”: Richard Womack, Sr. and Dawn Chase 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N SPEAKER: 106 Cecil Roberts President United Mine Workers of America Triangle, Virginia 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. ROY WILKINS YOUTH LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON Petree Hall, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: PRESIDING: Courtney Cohen Chair, NAACP National Youth Work Committee Flushing, New York INVOCATION: Reverend Margaret Hudley McCauley Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Wednesday, July 27 th / 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. ROY WILKINS YOUTH LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Roy Wilkins 107 Wednesday, July 27 th GREETINGS: Ariana Noble 1st VP California/Hawaii NAACP Youth & College Oceanside, California Reverend Charles L. White, Jr. National Field Director/Director, Field Organizing, NAACP Baltimore, Maryland SPONSORS GREETINGS: Courtney Jones Director, Public Affairs The Nielson Company New York, New York Patricia Miller Vice President, Human Resources Southern California Edison Rosemead, California 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N INTRODUCTION OF ROUNDTABLE: 108 Ariana Noble 1st Vice President, California NAACP Youth & College Division Oceanside, California Nicholas Green President, NAACP North Carolina Youth & College Division Raleigh, North Carolina YOUTH & COLLEGE DIVISION CHANT: Reiniery Chavez President, NAACP Alabama Youth & College Division Tuskegee, Alabama LUNCH/ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS REMARKS: Stefanie L. Brown NAACP National Field Director Director, NAACP Youth & College Division Baltimore, Maryland Wednesday, July 27 th BENEDICTION: Randolph Dobbs Administrator, Los Angeles Baha’I Center Los Angeles, California 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. RUN OFF ELECTION (IF REQUIRED) Room 410, Los Angeles Convention Center 2:30 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. PLENARY SESSION Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center “CELEBRATING THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NAACP YOUTH & COLLEGE DIVISION” In 2011, the NAACP Youth & College Division celebrates 75 years of formal existence as the premier organization for young, civil rights activists. For over seven decades, Youth & College Division members have been at the forefront of many civil rights battles such as leading successful efforts to integrate lunch counters and acquiring equal voting rights. Through the use of dramatic presentations and artistry, the dedicated, intelligent and militant youth leadership of the Youth & College Division and the role it has played in shaping the civil rights movement in this country will be commemorated and celebrated. Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 109 Wednesday, July 27 th 4:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. SPECIAL PLENARY SESSION Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: “ARTISTS AND ACTIVISM” 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N This portion of the plenary session, “Artists and Activism” will bring together actors to discuss the impact artists and celebrities in the entertainment industry have on American politics and culture. The discussion will cover the brave sacrifices that have been made in the past to advance civil rights in the entertainment industry and the use of “celebrity” to educate the public on issues and causes. It will speak to network and studio corporate responsibility, as well as focus on the importance of having diverse artistic voices and points of view. It will also address the positive and negative impact the use of celebrity in the media has on how we see the world, and the influence it has on how we view issues and diverse communities. 110 PRESIDING: Judge Greg Mathis Founder, Prisoner Empowerment Education and Respect Initiative Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Detroit, Michigan PARLIAMENTARIAN: Nathaniel Miles Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Trustee Seattle, Washington MODERATOR: Vic Bulluck Director, NAACP Hollywood Bureau Santa Monica, California INVOCATION: Father Alexi R. Smith St. Andrews Russian Greek Church El Segundo, California Wednesday, July 27 th / 4:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. SPECIAL PLENARY SESSION Willis Harris Panelist Louis Gossett, Jr. Panelist Tatyana Ali Panelist Rosario Dawson Panelist Blair Underwood Panelist Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Harry Belafonte Panelist 111 Wednesday, July 27 th GREETINGS: Bernard Parks Los Angeles, California SPONSOR GREETINGS: Meredith Moore Director, External Relations and Brand Outreach McDonald’s Corporation INTRODUCTION OF PANELISTS: Clayola Brown Chair, NAACP Image Awards Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Washington, DC PANELISTS: Harry Belafonte Actor New York, New York 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Willis Harris Black Stuntman’s Association (BSA) Las Vegas, Nevada 112 Louis Gossett, Jr. Actor Los Angeles, California Tatyana Ali Actress/Activist Los Angeles, California Blair Underwood Actor Studio City, California Rosario Dawson (pending production schedule) Actress Los Angeles, California REMARKS: Clayola Brown Chair, NAACP Image Awards Committee Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Washington, DC BENEDICTION: Rabbi Steven Jacobs Woodland Hills, California Wednesday, July 27 th 7:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. FILM SCREENING – “THE HELP” Regal Cinema LA Live Theatre 800 W. Olympic Blvd. • Los Angeles, California ATTENDING: Viola Davis – Actress Bryce Dallas Howard – Actress Octavia Spencer – Actress Tate Taylor – Writer & Director Kathryn Stockett – Novelist SPECIAL GUEST: Myrlie Evers-Williams Chairman Emeritus Pomona, California 7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. JUANITA JACKSON MITCHELL YOUTH FREEDOM FUND AWARDS DINNER Concourse Hall, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: Amber Riley Actress – Glee, Fox Los Angeles, California HOST: Tristan Wilds Actor – 90210, The CW Los Angeles, California INVOCATION: Reverend Seth Pickens, Sr. Pastor Zion Hill Baptist Church Los Angeles, California LIFT EV’RY VOICE AND SING Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE HOSTESS: 113 Wednesday, July 27 th / 7:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. FILM SCREENING Attending: Bryce Dallas Howard Actress Octavia Spencer Actress Tate Taylor Writer & Director Kathryn Stockett Novelist Myrlie Evers-Williams Special Guest Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Viola Davis Actress 115 Wednesday, July 27 th / 7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. JUANITA JACKSON MITCHELL YOUTH FREEDOM FUND AWARDS DINNER 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Amber Riley Hostess 116 Dr. Marc Lamont Hill Keynote Speaker Tristan Wilds Host Wednesday, July 27 th SPONSOR GREETINGS: Pamela Alexander Director, Community Development and Fund Operations, Ford Motor Company Member, NAACP Special Contribution Fund Detroit, Michigan YOUTH CHARGE: Shayla King Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Chicago, Illinois INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER: Jessica Thomas President, NAACP Pennsylvania Youth & College Division Philadelphia, Pennsylvania KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Marc Lamont Hill Author/Activist/Commentator Associate Professor of Education Columbia University New York, New York MEDGAR EVERS AWARD PRESENTATION: Jessica Orey President, Mississippi NAACP Youth & College Division Jackson, Mississippi PRESENTATION OF GLOSTER B. CURRENT AWARDS: Manuel Davis Advisor, NAACP Delaware Youth & College Division Lower Sussex, Delaware D’Angelo Byrd President, NAACP Ohio Youth & College Division Dayton, Ohio Amani Myles President, NAACP Kansas Youth & College Division Wichita, Kansas Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Kambrell Garvin President, South Carolina NAACP Youth & College Division Columbia, South Carolina 117 Wednesday, July 27 th Mamie Kettle Advisor, NAACP Mississippi Youth & College Division McComb, Mississippi Mark Crump President, NAACP Texas Youth & College Division Dallas, Texas Linda Plummer Advisor, NAACP Maryland Youth & College Division Montgomery County, Maryland PRESENTATION OF YOUTH & COLLEGE DIVISION AWARDS: An’hayla Stanley President, NAACP Virginia Youth & College Division Richmond, Virginia Edward Perry President, NAACP Missouri Youth & College Division Kansas City, Missouri 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Kayla Davis President, NAACP Indiana Youth & College Division Anderson, Indiana 118 Terell Wilson President, NAACP Connecticut Youth & College Division Norwich, Connecticut Jocelyn Travis Advisor, NAACP Ohio Youth & College Division Cleveland, Ohio Rene McNeil Advisor, NAACP North Carolina Youth & College Division Laurinburg, North Carolina Sannye Jones Advisor, NAACP Florida Youth & College Division Eustis, Florida REMARKS: Stefanie L. Brown NAACP National Field Director Director, NAACP Youth & College Division Baltimore, Maryland Wednesday, July 27 th / 7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M. YOUTH FREEDOM FUND DINNER CONCERT Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Miguel 119 Wednesday, July 27 th BENEDICTION: Reverend Terry Brown Pastor Liberty Baptist Church Los Angeles, California YOUTH FREEDOM FUND DINNER CONCERT PERFORMANCE BY: Miguel 8:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. GOSPEL EXTRAVAGANZA Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center SPONSORED BY: GREETINGS: 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Reverend Julius C. Hope Director, Religious Affairs NAACP Detroit, Michigan 120 INVOCATION: Bishop L. Daniel Williams Pastor, The Baptist Church of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ Los Angeles, California GUEST RECORDING ARTIST: Marvin Sapp BENEDICTION: Reverend E. V. Hill, II Pastor Zion Hill Baptist Church Los Angeles, California Wednesday, July 27 th / 8:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. GOSPEL EXTRAVAGANZA Marvin Sapp Guest Recording Artist Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE 121 Thursday, July 28 th 9:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. MUSICAL PROGRAM Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center 9:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. FINAL PLENARY SESSION Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center PRESIDING: Alice Huffman President, NAACP California State Conference Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Sacramento, California PARLIAMENTARIAN: Amos Brown Member, NAACP National Board of Directors San Francisco, California INVOCATION: Reverend Dr. Henry L. Masters, Sr. Pastor, Holman United Methodist Los Angeles, California 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N PLENARY SESSION: “RESTRUCTURING AND AFFIRMING OPPORTUNITIES FOR BLACK MEN” 122 Undeniably, our nation made a significant achievement by electing Barack Obama as President in 2008. Yet the social conditions that face the Black community—and in particular the societal issues facing African American men—have become more complex and difficult to address. Over the last decade, Black male unemployment has risen, rates of incarceration remain disproportionately high and Black males continue to perform beneath their academic potential. These issues along with many others have made it difficult for the Black community to enjoy and affirm America’s great promise of opportunity for their families and achieve success in society. This plenary will address the systemic issues facing Black men in the areas health, economics, voting, education and criminal justice. Panelists will discuss what must be done to ensure that Black men have opportunities to advance themselves, support their families and strengthen their communities. MODERATOR: Judge Greg Mathis Founder, Prisoner Empowerment Education and Respect Initiative Member, NAACP National Board of Directors Detroit, Michigan Thursday, July 28 th PANELISTS: Robert Townsend Actor and Activist Los Angeles, California Helen Mitchell, MPA Director of Strategic Planning & Policy Development for Congressman Danny K. Davis Office Washington, DC Sandre Swanson Chair, Assembly Select Committee on Status of Boys and Men of Color in California Los Angeles, California LOVE LETTER TO MY BROTHERS: Thea Monyee Spoken Word Artist Los Angeles, California INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER: Roslyn M. Brock Chairman, NAACP National board of Directors Elkridge, Maryland INVITED SPEAKER SPECIAL PRESENTATION OF 2010–2011 CORPORATE CAMPAIGN CHAIR FINAL REPORT OF THE 2011 CREDENTIALS WELCOME TO HOUSTON, TEXAS – YEAR 2012 ANNUAL CONVENTION GREETINGS: Greg Ortale President and CEO Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau Houston, Texas BENEDICTION: Reverend Dr. Henry L. Masters, Sr. Pastor, Holman United Methodist Los Angeles, California Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE CORPORATE MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS 123 Thursday, July 28 th 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. YOUTH & COLLEGE NEXT STEPS SESSION Room 403 A, Los Angeles Convention Center FACILITATORS: Kara Staten NAACP Region III Youth Representative NAACP National Youth Work Committee Cincinnati, Ohio Arnold Woods NAACP Region IV Youth Representative NAACP National Youth Work Committee Urbandale, Iowa 7:30 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. FREEDOM FUND/SPINGARN AWARDS PRESENTATION Hall B, Los Angeles Convention Center FREEDOM FUND 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N SPONSORED BY: 124 PRESIDING: Dr. Ernest Johnson President, Louisiana State Conference NAACP Chairman Committee on Membership & Units Baton Rouge, Louisiana Thursday, July 28 th INVOCATION: Reverend Dr. William Epps Second Baptist Church Los Angeles, California PRESENTATION OF THE THALHEIMER AWARD WINNERS D I N N E R S E RV E D PRESIDING: Jesse H. Turner, Jr. Treasurer, NAACP National Board of Directors Chairman, 2011 NAACP Spingarn Award Committee Memphis, Tennessee LIFT EV’RY VOICE AND SING INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER AND PRESENTATION OF THE 96 TH SPINGARN MEDALIST: Ambassador Andrew Jackson Young Founding Principal and Chairman Good Works International Atlanta, Georgia HONOREE: Frankie Muse Freeman Civil Rights Activist and Former NAACP Attorney St. Louis, Missouri Edison International Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Bank of America Corporation BMW of North America, LLC General Motors Company The Coca-Cola Company ExxonMobil Corporation FedEx Corporation Sprint/Nextel Corporation UPS BENEDICTION: Reverend William Monroe Campbell Pastor Mt. Gilead Baptist Church Los Angeles, California CLOSING: God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE SPONSORS VIDEO GREETINGS: 125 Thursday, July 28 th / 7:30 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. FREEDOM FUND/SPINGARN AWARDS PRESENTATION 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N Andrew Jackson Young Presenter 126 Frankie Muse Freeman Honoree National Board of Directors 127 N AT I O N A L B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N 128 CHAIRMAN Averitt, Ophelia James, Quentin Roslyn M. Brock Banks, Hon. Fred L. James, Leonard, III Barber, Dr. William, II Jefferson, Howard VICE CHAIRMAN Bledsoe, Gary Johnson, Derrick Leon W. Russell Bond, Julian Johnson, Dr. Ernest Boykin-Towns, Karen King, Shayla A. Breckenridge, Cora Lucy, William Brock, Roslyn M. Lydia, Bob Brown, Amos Martin, Dr. Annie B. Brown, Clayola Mathis, Hon. Greg Brown, Debra Middlebrooks, Kameron Butler-Grant, Jessica Miller, Lorraine Cash, Donald Mondesire, Jerome W. Cofield, William E. Nweze, Adora Obi Cohen, Courtney Ratliff, Rev. Keith A. Coleman, Carolyn Roberts, Demar Lamont Crowell, James W., III Robinson, Madie A. Crumpton, Harold Rucks, Alfred J. Dear, Rev. Theresa A. Russell, Anita L. DuBose, Edward Russell, Leon Dukes, Hazel N. Saperstein, Rabbi David N. Edwards, Willis Scruggs, Dr. Julius R. Egland, Katherine T. Shearin, Rev. Morris L. Esdaile, Scot X. Smith, Maxine A. Evers-Williams, Myrlie Smith, Zephanii N. Floyd, Paige G. Springs, Leonard F. Gallman, James Sweet-Love, Gloria Goatley, Dr. David Tillman, Rev. Oscar S. Graves, Bishop William H. Turner, Jesse H., Jr. Holmes, Bishop Roy A. White, Yvonne Horne, Arleya Wilson, Lillie Holiefield, General Womack, Richard G. Huffman, Alice Special Contribution Fund Trustees 129 NAACP SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N 130 CHAIRMAN Alexander, Pamela Lucas, Larry Eugene J. Duffy Altenau, Jeanette Maxwell, Marcella Anthony, Rev. Wendell McMorris, Lamell Arradondo, Dr. John E. Miles, Nathaniel Bazemore, Melvin Nweze, Adora Obi Billingslea, Robert O’Banner, Clarence Blackburne, Hon. Laura D. Proctor, Dwayne Bland, Larcine Randolph, Dr. Lonnie Bolling, Barbara Robinson, Madie Breeding, Carl L. Sabol, Barbara Brock, Roslyn M. Sapp Davis, Barbara Burke, Dr. Kenyon C. Shomer, Lewis Cofield, Juan Silver Parker, Esther Dixon, Georgette Smith, Hilton Dorn, Angela Smith, Larry Duffy, Eugene J. Springs, Leonard F. Edwards-McNabb, Sybil Steele, CeLois Egland, Katherine T. White, Thomas E. Furr, Johnny, Jr. Willie, Herm M. Gaston, Patrick Williams, Roy Levy House, Cecil Wilson-Thompson, Kathleen Iolani-Smith, Gwendolyn Young, Carole VICE CHAIRMAN Marcella M. Maxwell GENERAL COUNSEL/ SECRETARY Kim Keenan, Esq. Johnson, Roger Kalahar, Thomas L. PRESIDENTS CIRCLE Kelly, Ivan B. Col. Evers-Williams, Myrlie Lombard, Tanya Leah Graves, Earl, Sr. Lisman, Michael R. Henry, “Hank” Aaron NAACP National Staff 131 OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N N A A C P N AT I O N A L S TA F F Shawna Webster Senior Director, National Board Office 132 Nicholas Wiggins Manager, Board Relations Barbara Brown Executive Assistant EXECUTIVE OFFICE Benjamin Todd Jealous President and CEO Roger C. Vann Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff Kia Heath Vice President, Executive Operations Jotaka Eaddy Special Assistant to the President and CEO Ericka Gortman Executive Assistant & Scheduler Stephanie Hall Special Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff CRISIS Jabari Asim Editor-in-Chief Lottie Joiner Senior Editor India Artis Business Manager Reginald Thomas, Jr. Director of Advertising Wayne Fitzpatrick Art Director Tehra Williams Administrative Assistant DEVELOPMENT Moneese de Lara Senior Vice President, Development Paula Brown-Edme Associate Director, New York Development Office Renau Daniels Director, Corporate Development Ebony Jones Administrative Coordinator Sadie Harris Executive Assistant, Correspondence Keisha Leverette Major Gifts Officer Carrlyn Evans Administrative Coordinator Scott Melton Director of Annual Funds ADMINISTRATION Alvin Starks Senior Director, Foundation Relations Lewis Conaway Maintenance Grounds Technician Neanna Roane McLean Administrative Coordinator Ronald Lamyssaire Incoming Mailroom Clerk Mildred B. Roxborough Special Assistant, SCF Philip White Outgoing Mailroom Coordinator Matthew Schwieger Office Operations Manager ACT-SO Jessie Sigmon Executive Assistant Anana Kambon Director, ACT-SO Program EVENTS PLANNING Jamie Jones-Branch Administrative Coordinator Ana Aponte-Curtis Vice President, Events Planning COMMUNICATIONS Chantél Clea Goins Executive Assistant Christopher Fleming Director, Communications Felisha Fowlkes Administrative Coordinator Derek Turner Senior Communications Associate Mary Wright Exhibits Manager Joi Ridley Communications Associate FIELD & MEMBERSHIP OPERATIONS Alethea Bonello Regional Field Director Darnel Brown Constituent Services Representative Stefanie Brown National Field Director – Youth & College Crystal Brannon Cash Receipts Coordinator Dawnyell Harris Executive Assistant Melissa Lawson General Ledger Accountant Craig Lee Grants Accountant Sylvia O’Neal Cash Disbursement Specialist Reverend Gill Ford Director, Unit Capacity Building Nazar Scott Compliance Coordinator Trudy Grant Manager, Stakeholder Relations Ezelma Smith Cash Disbursement Specialist Reverend Julius C. Hope Director, Religious Affairs HOLLYWOOD BUREAU Michael Jordan Constituent Services Representative Vicangelo Bulluck Executive Director, Hollywood Bureau Kirin Kennedy Regional Field Fellow Cynthia Mayhew-Hinds Senior Manager, Special Projects Audrey A. Lamyssaire Manager, Constituent Services Robin Harrison Senior Manager, Special Projects Jonathon Lewis Regional Field Fellow HUMAN RESOURCES James Murray Librarian/Archivist Cathy Grantham Vice President, Human Resources Kevin Myles Regional Field Director Nancy Bailey Manager Jerome Reide Regional Field Director INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Reverend Nelson B. Rivers III Vice President, Stakeholder Relations Jacob Frimpong Director, Information Technology Yutiv Stafford Reports & Verification Coordinator Tonya Banks Systems Administrator William Syms Regional Field Fellow Lasan Coger Senior Systems Administrator Shawn Ward-Dunlap Correspondence Coordinator LEGAL DEPARTMENT Carmen Watkins Regional Field Director Kim Keenan General Counsel Reverend Charles White National Field Director – Adult Anson Asaka Assistant General Counsel FINANCE Dorcas Gilmore Assistant General Counsel Brenda Watkins Noel Chief Financial Officer Victor Goode Assistant General Counsel James Williams Controller Merlgene Lumley Executive Assistant Keianna Thompson Deputy Controller Saundra Grice Legal Support Specialist Affirming AMERICA'S PROMISE Keena Davis Administrative Coordinator 133 N A A C P N AT I O N A L S TA F F 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N 134 Lanita Ross Legal Support Specialist Tiffany Beth Glenn Director, Education Kendra Glover Paralegal Melissa Gopie Manager Office Operations Executive Assistant, Economic Program Evan Johnson Records Maintenance Coordinator MEMBERSHIP Andrea Brown-Gee Director of Membership Jacqueline Anderson Senior Data Processing Clerk Sharon Chew Data Entry Clerk Sidra Kirnon Data Entry Clerk Victoria Murchison Senior Secretary Hope Randall Data Entry Clerk Rebecca Guerra Program Specialist (Criminal Justice) Wendy Hamilton Executive Assistant to the Chief Program Officer Niaz Kasravi Senior Manager, Law Enforcement Accountability Nicole Kenney Economic Education Specialist Dedrick Muhammad Senior Director Economic Programs & Executive Director Financial Freedom Center Wanda Worrell Life Membership Secretary Jacqueline Patterson Director, Environmental & Climate Justice Program NEW MEDIA Robert Rooks Director, Criminal Justice Eric Wingerter Director, Web Campaign/New Media Keron Sadler Manager, Health Programs Larry Brown Youth & College Social Network Project Manager Morgan Shannon Program Specialist (Health) Courtney-Rose Harris Youth & College Social Network Project Specialist Kimberly Shores Administrative Coordinator (Environmental & Climate Justice and Education Programs) Curtis Johnson Social Media & Online Specialist WASHINGTON BUREAU Eric Oliver Web Developer Hilary Shelton Director of the Washington Bureau & Senior Vice President of Advocacy PROGRAMS Brandon Johns Policy Analyst Steve Hawkins Chief Program Officer & Executive Vice President Shavon Arline Director, Health Program Lillian Bowie Director, Economic Partnerships & Development Carol Kaplan Senior Congressional Analyst Adam Lee Legislative & Communications Secretary Valerie McDonald Receptionist Secretary Dawn Chase Manager, Diversity and Inclusion Cathy Miller Operations Manager Vivian Duru Program Coordinator (Health) Joseph Reed Policy Analyst Mjiba Frehiwot Director, Organizing & Training Sponsors 135 SPONSORS LEAD CONVENTION SPONSORS GOLD BRONZE CONVENTION SPONSORS CONVENTION SPONSORS Walmart Stores, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. Bank of America Corporation Ford Motor Company Kaiser Permanente Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. Marriott International, Inc. The Walt Disney Company Johnson & Johnson BBVA Compass The Nielson Company McDonald’s Corporation SILVER 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N CONVENTION SPONSORS 136 ExxonMobil Corporation MillerCoors LLC CVS Caremark Corporation State Farm Mutual SEIU SEIU-ULTCW Food Lion, LLC Hyundai Motors America Chevron Corporation Sprint/Nextel Corporation FedEx Corporation The Coca-Cola Company BMW of North America, LLC Time Warner Cable General Motors Company Eli Lilly and Company CONTRIBUTING CONVENTION SPONSORS AFL-CIO PhRma Nationwide Insurance US Army Good Year Tire & Rubber Company Eastman Kodak Farmers Insurance Group 42 nd Annual Commerce & Industry Show 165 NAACP COMMERCE SHOW HALL A 10 2 ND N A A C P A N N U A L C O N V E N T I O N NAME 166 BOOTH # NAME BOOTH # Admin. for Children & Families 123 National Education Association 212 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 417 911 The American Legion 142 National Geopacial Intelligence Agency American Petroleum Institute 132 National Wildlife Federation 913 US Army 216 Nationwide 210 US Navy Recruiting Command 124 The Nielsen Company 108 Perks Group 905 711 AT&T 511 Bank of America 411 BBVA 239 Bazan PR 919 SEIU-Services Employees International Union Black EOE Journal 122 Selective Service System 120 California African American Museum 917 Share International USA 909 US Census Bureau 111 Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 141 Coca Cola 605 Time Warner Cable 617 US Dept. of Education 134 Toyota Motor Sales 401 Department of Veterans Affairs National 138 UFCW Minority Coalition/Faces of Children 921 Descendants of Freedmen Assn 136 United States Postal Service 110 Edison International 201 113 Federal Communications Commission 130 University of Maryland University College Wells Fargo 101 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp 222 128 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania 117 Federal Trade Commission Ford Motor Company 701 General Motors 225 Hyundai 725 HEALTH FAIR Johnson & Johnson 211 AIDS Healthcare Foundation 431 US Department of Justice 915 Alcoholics Anonymous 541 Kaiser Foundation Health 611 CDC National Partnerships 639 Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau 114 Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services 439 US Marine Corps 116 218 Department of Veterans Affairs Health 517 McDonald's Corporation Metlife 907 FDA Office of Women's Health 638 NAACP AUTHOR PAVILION 737 Greater Than AIDS 423 NAACP HOLLYWOOD BUREAU 719 RWJF Center/ Meharry Medical College NAACP PROGRAMS 129 NAACP WASHINGTON BUREAU 238 NABVETS/Vietnam Veterans of America 140 541A National Library of Medicine 738 National Park Service 641 Together Rx Access 539