Fanha`aniyan Pulan Chamoru - Western Pacific Fishery Council
Fanha`aniyan Pulan Chamoru - Western Pacific Fishery Council
2015 Fanha‘aniyan Pulan Chamorro Klint Maxino • Tamuning Elementary School • First Place, Grade 3–5 January January 20 - February 17, 2015 20 R S 30 S R 9 S R TUE 6 06:04 17:59 N 6 21 R S 31 S R 10 S R W ED 6 07:01 19:00 N 6 22 THU R S 6 07:55 20:02 N 6 23 R S 2 S R 12 R S FRI 6 08:47 21:02 N 6 24 R S 3 S R 13 R S SAT 6 25 R S WED 6 S R 6 4 00:59 12:49 14 R S 09:37 22:01 N 6 SUN 6 10:26 22:59 N 6 26 R S 5 S R 15 R S MON 6 11:13 23:55 N 6 27 TUE R 6 12:01 N 6 28 S R 7 S R 17 R S WED 6 00:50 12:49 N 6 29 S R 8 S R THU 6 01:45 13:38 N 6 3 2 1 0 FRI 6 02:38 14:28 N 6 SAT February -1 6 03:30 15:19 N 6 1 SUN S R 6 04:20 16:09 N 6 MON 6 05:08 16:59 N 6 TUE 6 05:54 17:48 N 06:37 18:36 N 6 THU 6 07:18 19:23 N 6 6 S R 16 R S FRI 6 07:58 20:10 N 6 SAT 6 08:36 20:56 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 M ON 6 09:54 22:29 N 6 TUE 6 10:34 23:17 N 6 11 WED 6 S 11:16 N 6 THU 6 00:07 12:01 N 6 FRI 6 N 6 SAT 6 01:53 13:42 N 6 SUN 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Respetu (Respect): Always remember that in addition to showing respect for others, respect must also be practiced for our ancestors, our land, our ocean and our culture. Plant local trees and keep our island clean. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Mahimahi/Botague Offshore trolling (Jan 20 – Feb 17) Skipjack/Bonita Offshore trolling (Feb 15 – 17) Yellowfin tuna Offshore trolling (Feb 15 – 17) 02:49 14:38 N 6 MON 6 03:45 15:37 N 6 TUE 6 04:42 16:39 N 6 SUN 6 09:15 21:42 N 6 Marina Flores • Guam Adventist Academy • First Place, Grade 6–8 February February 18 - March 19, 2015 18 R S 28 S R 10 S R WED 6 05:38 17:41 N 6 19 THU R S 6 20 R S 2 S R 6 MON 6 09:58 22:53 12 S R 06:32 18:42 N 6 FRI 6 07:24 19:44 N 6 21 R S 3 S R SAT 6 08:15 20:44 N 6 22 R S 4 S R 14 R S SUN 6 09:05 21:43 N 6 23 R S 5 S R 15 R S MON 6 09:55 22:41 N 6 24 R S 6 S R 16 R S T UE 6 10:44 23:38 N 6 25 R WED 6 11:35 N 6 26 S R 8 S R 18 R S THU 6 27 S R 9 S R 6 MON 6 04:15 16:22 19 R S 00:33 12:25 N 6 FRI 6 01:26 13:16 N 6 3 2 1 0 SAT March -1 6 02:17 14:06 N 6 1 S R 11 S R SUN 6 03:06 14:56 N 03:52 15:45 N 6 TUE 6 04:36 16:33 N 6 WED 6 05:17 17:20 N 6 THU 6 05:57 18:07 N 6 FRI 6 06:36 18:53 N 6 7 S R 17 R S SAT 6 07:15 19:39 N 6 SUN 6 07:54 20:26 N 08:33 21:14 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 TUE 6 09:15 22:02 N 6 WED 6 N 6 THU 6 10:44 23:45 N 6 13 FRI S 6 11:34 N 6 SAT 6 00:38 12:27 N 6 SUN 6 01:33 13:23 N 6 MON 6 02:27 14:21 N 6 TUE 3 2 1 0 -1 Inafa’målek (Compassion and Caring): Work together to make things good. Get together with family and friends to clean up a beach or park. Always leave your picnic area cleaner than when you found it. Take your trash and properly dispose of it. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Mahimahi/Botague Offshore trolling (Feb 18 – Mar 19) Skipjack/Bonita Offshore trolling (Feb 18 – Mar 19) Yellowfin tuna Offshore trolling (Feb 18 – Mar 19) 6 03:22 15:21 N 6 WED 6 N 6 THU 6 05:07 17:23 N 6 Jessicah Jimenez • Guam Adventist Academy • Third Place, Grade 9–12 March March 20 - April 17, 2015 20 R S 30 S R 9 S R FRI 6 05:59 18:24 N 6 21 R S 31 S R 10 S R SAT 6 06:50 19:24 N 6 22 SUN R S 6 07:41 20:24 N 6 23 R S 2 S R 12 R S MON 6 08:32 21:23 N 6 24 R S 3 S R 13 R S TU E 6 09:24 22:21 N 6 25 R S 4 S R 14 R S WED 6 10:17 23:17 N 6 26 THU R 6 27 S R MON 6 S R 6 6 02:56 15:06 16 R S 11:09 N 6 FRI 6 00:11 12:01 N 6 28 S R 7 S R 17 R S SAT 6 01:02 12:51 N 6 29 S R 8 S R SUN 6 01:49 13:41 N 6 3 2 1 0 MON 6 02:34 14:30 N 6 TUE April -1 6 03:16 15:17 N 1 6 WED 6 10:22 23:27 11 S R 03:56 16:04 N 6 THU 6 04:36 16:50 N 6 FRI 6 05:14 17:36 N 6 SA T 6 05:53 18:23 N 6 5 S R 15 R S SUN 6 06:33 19:11 N 07:14 19:59 N 6 TUE 6 07:57 20:50 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 THU 6 09:31 22:34 N 6 FRI 6 N 6 SAT 6 S 11:16 N 6 SUN 6 00:20 12:12 N 6 MON 6 01:13 13:09 N 6 TUE 6 02:05 14:07 N 6 WED 6 N 6 THU 6 03:46 16:05 N 6 FRI 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Inagofli’e (Friendship): Accept, share and enjoy the companionship of others in making Guam a healthier place to live. Educate newcomers of our Chamorro cultural values, history, traditions and practices so that they also learn to respect our island, our culture and our people. Teach them to reduce, reuse and recycle. Mahimahi/Botague Offshore trolling (Mar 20 – 24) Skipjack/Bonita Offshore trolling (Mar 20 – Apr 17) Yellowfin tuna Offshore trolling (Mar 20 – Apr 17) 04:36 17:05 N 6 WED 6 08:43 21:41 N 6 Damien Palomo • Tamuning Elementary School • First Place, Grade K–2 April April 18 - May 17, 2015 18 R S 28 S R 8 S R SAT 6 05:26 18:05 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 9 S R SUN 6 06:17 19:04 N 6 20 R S 30 S R MON 6 07:09 20:04 N 6 21 TUE R S 6 08:02 21:02 N 6 22 R S 2 S R 12 R S WED 6 08:56 21:58 N 6 23 R S 3 S R 13 R S THU 6 24 R S MON 6 S R 6 4 01:40 13:55 14 R S 09:50 22:52 N 6 FRI 6 10:43 23:43 N 6 25 SAT R 6 26 S R WED 6 S R 6 6 03:16 15:50 16 R S 11:34 N 6 SUN 6 00:30 12:24 N 6 27 S R 7 S R 17 R S MON 6 01:13 13:12 N 6 3 2 1 0 TUE 6 01:54 13:59 N 6 WED 6 02:34 14:46 N 6 THU May -1 6 03:13 15:32 N 6 1 S R 11 R S FRI 6 03:52 16:18 N 6 SAT 6 04:31 17:06 N 6 SUN 6 05:11 17:55 N 05:54 18:45 N 6 5 S R 15 R S TUE 6 06:39 19:37 N 07:27 20:30 N 6 THU 6 08:18 21:24 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 FRI 6 09:12 22:17 N 6 SAT 6 10:07 23:10 N 6 10 SUN 6 S 11:04 N 6 MON 6 00:01 12:01 N 6 TUE 6 00:51 12:58 N 6 WED 6 N 6 THU 6 02:28 14:52 N 6 FRI 6 N 6 SAT 6 04:06 16:49 N 6 SUN 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Mana’ayuda (Cooperation): Cooperate with others to make Guam a healthier place to live. Join your Mayor and Vice Mayor by planting local trees in your village. Support your village programs to reduce, reuse and recycle. Skipjack/Bonita Offshore trolling (Apr 18 – May 17) Yellowfin tuna Offshore trolling (Apr 18 – May 17) Rabbit fish/Mañahak Talaya, Scoop net (Apr 20–29) Goatfish/Tia‘o Talaya, Gill net (Apr 24 – May 17) Trevally/I‘e‘ Talaya, Gill net (Apr 24 – May 17) 04:56 17:48 N 6 Meirysha Camacho • Tamuning Elementary School • Third Place, Grade 3–5 May May 18 - June 15, 2015 18 R S 28 S R 7 S R M ON 6 05:48 18:46 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 8 S R TUE 6 06:42 19:43 N 6 20 R S 30 S R WED 6 07:36 20:39 N 6 21 R S 31 S R 10 R S THU 6 08:30 21:32 N 6 22 FRI R S 6 09:23 22:22 N 6 23 R S 2 S R 12 R S SAT 6 24 R S WED 6 S R 6 3 02:01 14:40 13 R S 10:15 23:08 N 6 SUN 6 11:05 23:52 N 6 25 R MON 6 11:53 N 6 26 S R 5 S R 15 R S TUE 6 00:33 12:40 N 6 27 S R 6 S R WED 6 01:10 13:26 N 6 3 2 1 0 THU 6 01:49 14:12 N 6 FRI 6 02:28 14:59 N 6 SAT 6 03:08 15:47 N 6 SUN June -1 6 MON 6 S R 6 1 00:26 12:47 11 R S 03:49 16:37 N 04:34 17:29 N 6 TUE 6 05:21 18:22 N 06:11 19:17 N 6 4 S R 14 R S THU 6 07:05 20:12 N 6 FRI 6 08:01 21:06 N 6 SAT 6 3 2 1 0 -1 SUN 6 09:56 22:50 N 6 MO N 6 10:53 23:39 N 6 9 TUE 6 S 11:50 N 6 WED 6 N 6 THU 6 01:14 13:43 N 6 FRI 6 N 6 SAT 6 02:49 15:37 N 6 SUN 6 03:39 16:34 N 6 MON 6 04:31 17:31 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Akseptasion (Acceptance): Accept responsibility for yourself and your family by minimizing your impact to the island’s environment. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Skipjack/Bonita Offshore trolling (May 18 – June 15) Yellowfin tuna Offshore trolling (May 18 – June 15) Goatfish/Tia‘o Talaya, Gill net (May 18 – 25) Trevally/I‘e‘ Talaya, Gill net (May 18 –25) Marlin/Båttó Offshore trolling (May 26 – June 15) 08:58 21:59 N 6 Audrina Peralta • Dominican Catholic School • Third Place, Grade K–2 June June 16 - July 14, 2015 16 R S 26 S R 6 S R TUE 6 05:24 18:28 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 7 S R WE D 6 06:18 19:21 N 6 18 R S 28 S R THU 6 07:12 20:13 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 9 R S FRI 6 08:05 21:01 N 6 20 R S 30 S R 10 R S SAT 6 08:56 21:46 N 6 21 SUN R S 6 09:45 22:28 N 6 22 R S 2 S R 12 R S MON 6 10:33 23:09 N 6 23 R S 3 S R 13 R S TUE 6 11:20 23:48 N 6 24 R WED 6 12:06 N 6 25 S R 5 S R THU 6 00:27 12:52 N 6 3 2 1 0 FRI 6 01:04 13:39 N 6 SAT 6 01:44 14:28 N 6 SUN 6 02:27 15:18 N 6 MON 6 03:12 16:11 N 6 TUE July -1 6 WED 6 S R 6 1 00:48 13:32 11 R S 04:01 17:05 N 04:54 18:01 N 6 THU 6 05:50 18:57 N 6 FRI 6 06:48 19:51 N 6 4 S R 14 R S SAT 6 07:47 20:45 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 MON 6 09:45 22:25 N 6 TUE 6 10:42 23:13 N 6 8 WED 6 S 11:39 N 6 THU 6 00:00 12:35 N 6 FRI 6 N 6 SAT 6 01:36 14:28 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Gineftåo (Generosity): Be willing to share your Chamorro history, culture, values and knowledge with others. Show them that you have respect for our island and our ocean. Be a good role model. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Skipjack/Bonita Offshore trolling (June 16 –23) Yellowfin tuna Offshore trolling (June 16 – 23) Marlin/Båttó Offshore trolling (June 16 –July 14) SUN 6 02:26 15:24 N 6 MON 6 03:18 16:20 N 6 TUE 6 04:10 17:14 N 6 SUN 6 08:46 21:36 N 6 Haruka Kitadate • Guam Adventist Academy • Third Place, Grade 6–8 July July 15 - August 13, 2015 15 R S 25 S R 4 S R WE D 6 05:03 18:05 N 6 16 R S 26 S R 5 S R THU 6 05:56 18:54 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 6 S R FRI 6 06:48 19:40 N 6 18 R S 28 S R SAT 6 07:38 20:24 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 8 R S SUN 6 08:27 21:05 N 6 20 R S 30 S R 9 R S MON 6 09:14 21:45 N 6 21 R S 31 S R 10 R S TUE 6 10:00 22:24 N 6 22 WED 6 R S 10:46 23:03 N 6 23 R S 2 S R 12 R S THU 6 11:32 23:42 N 6 24 FRI R 6 12:20 N 6 3 2 1 0 SAT 6 00:22 13:08 N 6 SUN 6 01:04 13:59 N 6 MON 6 01:51 14:52 N 6 TUE 6 02:41 15:46 N 6 WED 6 03:35 16:42 N 6 THU 6 04:32 17:38 N 6 FRI August -1 6 05:32 18:33 N 6 1 S R 11 R S SAT 6 06:32 19:26 N 6 SUN 6 MON 6 S R 6 3 03:51 16:50 13 R S 07:33 20:18 N 08:33 21:08 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 TUE 6 09:31 21:57 N 6 WE D 6 10:30 22:46 N 6 THU 6 11:27 23:35 N 6 7 FRI 6 S 12:24 N 6 SAT 6 00:24 13:20 N 6 SUN 6 01:15 14:15 N 6 MON 6 02:07 15:09 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Minesñgon (Perseverance): Keep working hard to reach your goals to make a healthier Guam even when it gets difficult. It will take time to teach newcomers and young people to respect our island, our ocean, our people and our culture. Patiently reduce, reuse and recycle. Marlin/Båttó Offshore trolling (July 15 – Aug 13) TUE 6 02:59 16:01 N 6 WED 6 N 6 THU 6 04:42 17:36 N 6 Leah Angoco • Guam High School • Fourth Place, Grade 9–12 August August 14 - September 12, 2015 14 R S 24 S R 3 S R FRI 6 05:33 18:20 N 6 15 R S 25 S R 4 S R SAT 6 06:21 19:03 N 6 16 R S 26 S R SUN 6 07:09 19:43 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 6 R S MON 6 07:56 20:22 N 6 18 R S 28 S R 7 R S TUE 6 08:42 21:01 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 8 R S WED 6 09:28 21:40 N 6 20 R S 30 S R 9 R S THU 6 10:14 22:19 N 6 21 R S 31 S R 10 R S FRI 6 11:02 23:01 N 6 22 SAT R S 6 11:51 23:44 N 6 23 SUN R 6 12:41 N 6 3 2 1 0 MON 6 00:31 13:33 N 6 TUE 6 01:22 14:27 N 6 WED 6 02:16 15:22 N 6 THU 6 03:13 16:17 N 6 FRI 6 04:13 17:11 N 6 SAT 6 05:14 18:04 N 6 SUN 6 06:15 18:56 N 6 MON 6 September -1 07:16 19:47 N 6 1 S R 11 R S TUE 6 WED 6 S R 6 2 04:18 17:01 12 R S 08:16 20:38 N 09:16 21:28 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 THU 6 10:15 22:19 N 6 FRI 6 11:14 23:11 N 6 5 SAT 6 S 12:10 N 6 SUN 6 00:03 13:05 N 6 MON 6 00:56 13:58 N 6 TUE 6 01:48 14:48 N 6 WED 6 02:39 15:35 N 3 2 1 0 -1 Responsapblidåt (Responsibility): Always be someone others can depend on to make Guam a safe, healthy and clean place to live. You show that you are responsible when you reduce, reuse and recycle. Marlin/Båttó Offshore trolling (Aug 14 – Sep 12) Rabbit fish/Mañahak Talaya, Scoop net (Aug 18 – 23) Bigeye scad/Atulai Net, Rod and reel casting (Aug 24 – Sep 12) 6 THU 6 03:29 16:19 N 6 FRI 6 N 6 SAT 6 05:06 17:41 N 6 Isabella Quintanilla • Daniel L. Perez Elementary School • Second Place, Grade K–2 September September 13 - October 11, 2015 13 R S 23 S R 3 S R SU N 6 05:53 18:20 N 6 14 R S 24 S R 4 S R MON 6 06:39 19:00 N 6 15 R S 25 S R TU E 6 07:25 19:39 N 6 16 R S 26 S R 6 R S WED 6 08:11 20:18 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 7 R S THU 6 08:58 20:59 N 6 18 R S 28 S R 8 R S FRI 6 09:46 21:41 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 9 R S SAT 6 10:35 22:26 N 6 20 R S 30 S R 10 R S SUN 6 11:26 23:14 N 6 21 R MON 6 12:17 N 6 22 S R 2 S R TUE 6 00:05 13:10 N 6 3 2 1 0 WED 6 00:59 14:03 N 6 T HU 6 01:56 14:56 N 6 FR I 6 02:55 15:48 N 6 SAT 6 03:54 16:40 N 6 SUN 6 04:55 17:32 N 6 MON 6 05:56 18:23 N 6 TUE 6 06:57 19:15 N 6 WED 6 October -1 07:59 20:07 N 6 1 S R 11 R S THU 6 09:00 21:01 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 SA T 6 10:57 22:49 N 6 SUN 6 11:52 23:43 N 6 5 MON 6 S 12:44 N 6 TU E 6 00:35 13:32 N 6 WED 6 01:26 14:18 N 6 THU 6 02:15 15:00 N 6 FRI 6 03:03 15:41 N 6 SAT 3 2 1 0 -1 Minagåhet (Honesty): Be sincere, truthful, trustworthy and loyal in all that you do and say about taking care of our island. Educate newcomers to have respect for our island and its resources and how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Marlin/Båttó Offshore trolling (Sep 13 – Oct 5) Bigeye scad/Atulai Net, Rod and reel casting (Sep 13 – Oct 11) Goatfish/Tia‘o Talaya, Gill net (Sep 25 – Oct 11) Trevally/I‘e‘ Talaya, Gill net (Sep 25 – Oct 11) 6 03:50 16:20 N 6 SUN 6 04:36 16:59 N 6 FRI 6 09:59 21:55 N 6 Ysabella Basto • Daniel L. Perez Elementary School • Fourth Place, Grade K–2 October October 12 - November 10, 2015 12 R S 22 S R MON 6 05:22 17:38 N 6 13 R S 23 S R 2 S R T UE 6 06:09 18:17 N 6 14 R S 24 S R WED 6 06:55 18:58 N 6 15 R S 25 S R 4 R S THU 6 07:43 19:40 N 6 16 R S 26 S R 5 R S FRI 6 08:32 20:24 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 6 R S SAT 6 09:22 21:11 N 6 18 R S 28 S R 7 R S SUN 6 10:13 22:00 N 6 19 R S 29 S R 8 R S MON 6 11:04 22:52 N 6 20 R S 30 S R 9 R S TUE 6 11:56 23:46 N 6 21 R WED 6 12:47 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 THU 6 00:42 13:38 N 6 F RI 6 01:39 14:28 N 6 SAT 6 02:37 15:18 N 6 SUN 6 03:36 16:08 N 6 MON 6 04:36 16:58 N 6 TUE 6 05:37 17:51 N 6 WED 6 06:39 18:44 N 6 THU 6 07:40 19:39 N 6 FRI 6 08:41 20:35 N 6 31 S R 10 R S SAT 6 09:39 21:31 N 6 3 2 1 0 November -1 1 SUN 6 S R 10:35 22:26 N 6 MON 6 11:26 23:19 N 6 3 T UE 6 S 12:14 N 6 WED 6 00:10 12:58 N 6 THU 6 00:59 13:40 N 6 FRI 6 01:47 14:20 N 6 SAT 6 02:33 14:58 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Måolek Kotdura (Good Judgment): Make wise choices. Use the Chamorro cultural values as a foundation for living. Be a good role model for newcomers and younger people. Show them how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Bigeye scad/Atulai Net, Rod and reel casting (Oct 12 – 25) Goatfish/Tia‘o Talaya, Gill net (Oct 12 – 25) Trevally/I‘e‘ Talaya, Gill net (Oct 12 – 25) Wahoo/Toson Offshore trolling (Oct 26 – Nov 10) SUN 6 03:19 15:37 N 6 MON 6 04:05 16:16 N 6 TUE 6 04:52 16:56 N 6 Andrea Blas • Daniel L. Perez Elementary School • Second Place, Grade 3–5 November November 11 - December 10, 2015 11 R S 21 S R WED 6 05:39 17:38 N 6 12 R S 22 S R 2 S R THU 6 06:28 18:22 N 6 13 R S 23 S R FRI 6 07:19 19:08 N 6 14 R S 24 S R 4 R S SAT 6 08:10 19:57 N 6 15 R S 25 S R 5 R S SUN 6 09:02 20:49 N 6 16 R S 26 S R 6 R S MON 6 09:53 21:42 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 7 R S TUE 6 10:44 22:37 N 6 18 R S 28 S R 8 R S WED 6 11:34 23:32 N 6 19 THU R 6 12:23 N 6 20 S R 30 S R 10 R S FRI 6 00:28 13:11 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 SAT 6 01:25 13:59 N 6 SUN 6 02:22 14:47 N 6 MON 6 03:20 15:37 N 6 TUE 6 04:19 16:28 N 6 WED 6 05:20 17:22 N 6 THU 6 06:21 18:18 N 6 FRI 6 07:21 19:14 N 6 SAT 6 08:19 20:11 N 6 29 S R 9 R S SUN 6 09:14 21:07 N 6 MON 6 10:05 22:00 N 6 3 2 1 0 December -1 1 TUE 6 S R 10:52 22:51 N 6 WED 6 11:36 23:40 N 6 3 THU 6 S 12:17 N 6 FRI 6 00:28 12:57 N 6 SAT 6 01:14 13:35 N 6 SUN 6 02:00 14:14 N 6 MON 6 02:46 14:53 N 6 TUE 6 03:33 15:34 N 3 2 1 0 -1 Hulat Maisa (Self-Control): Work hard to control your thoughts and behavior. While it is easy to just throw your trash on the ground or in the water, show others that you have respect for our island, our ocean, our people and our culture. Make it a regular practice to reduce, reuse and recycle. Wahoo/Toson Offshore trolling (Nov 11 – Dec 10) Mahimahi/Botague Offshore trolling (Nov 22 – Dec 10) 6 WED 6 04:22 16:17 N 6 THU 6 05:12 17:03 N 6 Jihye Choi • Guam Adventist Academy • Second Place, Grade 6–8 December December 11, 2015 - January 8, 2016 11 R S 21 S R 31 S R FRI 6 06:04 17:52 N 6 12 R S 22 S R SAT 6 06:56 18:43 N 6 13 R S 23 S R SUN 6 07:49 19:37 N 6 14 R S 24 S R 3 R S MON 6 08:41 20:32 N 6 15 R S 25 S R 4 R S TUE 6 09:32 21:28 N 6 16 R S 26 S R 5 R S WED 6 10:22 22:24 N 6 17 R S 27 S R 6 R S THU 6 11:10 23:20 N 6 18 FRI R 6 11:57 N 6 19 S R 29 S R 8 R S SAT 6 00:15 12:44 N 6 20 S R 30 S R SUN 6 01:12 13:31 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 MO N 6 02:09 14:20 N 6 TUE 6 03:07 15:11 N 6 WED 6 04:06 16:04 N 6 THU 6 05:05 16:59 N 6 FRI 6 06:03 17:55 N 6 SAT 6 07:00 18:51 N 6 SUN 6 07:53 19:47 N 6 28 S R 7 R S MON 6 08:43 20:40 N 6 TUE 6 09:29 21:31 N 6 3 2 1 0 TUE 6 January -1 10:53 23:07 N 6 1 W ED 6 S R 11:32 23:54 N 6 2 THU 6 S 12:11 N 6 FRI 6 00:40 12:49 N 6 SAT 6 01:26 13:29 N 6 SUN 6 02:14 14:11 N 6 MON 6 03:03 14:55 N 6 TUE 3 2 1 0 -1 Minatatñga (Courage): Stand strong for your beliefs, and do what’s right. If someone drops or throws trash on the ground, have the courage to pick it up in front of them and properly dispose of it to set a good example. It is courageous to reduce, reuse and recycle. Wahoo/Toson Offshore trolling (Dec 11 – 31) Mahimahi/Botague Offshore trolling (Dec 11 – Jan 8) Goatfish/Tia‘o Talaya, Gill net (Dec 27 – Jan 8) Trevally/I‘e‘ Talaya, Gill net (Dec 27 – Jan 8) 6 03:53 15:43 N 6 WED 6 04:46 16:33 N 6 WED 6 10:12 22:20 N 6 Jacobi Headlee • Guam High School • Second Place, Grade 9–12 Umagahaf January January 9 - February 7, 2016 9 R S 19 S R 29 S R SAT 6 05:39 17:27 N 6 10 R S 20 S R 30 S R SUN 6 06:33 18:22 N 6 11 R S 21 S R MO N 6 07:25 19:20 N 6 12 R S 22 S R TUE 6 08:17 20:17 N 6 13 R S 23 S R 2 R S WED 6 09:07 21:14 N 6 14 R S 24 S R 3 R S THU 6 09:55 22:11 N 6 15 R S 25 S R 4 R S FRI 6 10:43 23:08 N 6 16 SAT R 6 11:30 N 6 17 S R 27 S R 6 R S SUN 6 00:04 12:18 N 6 18 S R 28 S R 7 R S MON 6 01:01 13:07 N 6 3 2 1 0 -1 TUE 6 01:58 13:58 N 6 WED 6 02:56 14:51 N 6 THU 6 03:53 15:45 N 6 FRI 6 04:49 16:40 N 6 SAT 6 05:43 17:35 N 6 SUN 6 06:33 18:29 N 6 MON 6 07:21 19:21 N 6 26 S R 5 R S TUE 6 08:06 20:11 N 6 WED 6 08:48 20:59 N 6 THU 6 09:28 21:46 N 6 3 2 1 0 FRI 6 10:07 22:33 N 6 SAT 6 10:46 23:19 N 6 31 SUN 6 February -1 S 11:25 N 6 1 MON 6 R S 00:06 12:06 N 6 TUE 6 00:53 12:48 N 6 WED 6 01:43 13:33 N 6 THU 6 3 2 1 0 -1 Guinaiya (Love): Love your island with all its natural resources and all it provides to the health and well-being of our people. Love it by practicing to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Trevally/I‘e‘ Talaya, Gill net (Jan 9 – 25) Goatfish/Tia‘o Talaya, Gill net (Jan 9 – 25) Mahimahi/Botague Offshore trolling (Jan 9 – Feb 7) 02:33 14:22 N 6 FRI 6 03:26 15:13 N 6 SAT 6 04:19 16:08 N 6 SUN 6 05:12 17:05 N 6 About this Calendar The 2015 Fanha‘aniyan Pulan CHamoru (Chamorro Lunar Calendar) features the contributions and advice of the Guam Chamorro Lunar Calendar Committee, which was initiated by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council. The calendar highlights traditional fishing and conservation practices of the Chamorro people of the Mariana Archipelago and aims to raise public awareness about archipelagic ecosystems, ecosystem-based management and traditional knowledge and practices. The tide charts with the moon rise and set times in Chamorro time for Apra Harbor, Guam, were provided by OceanFun Publishing, New Zealand. The moon phases were derived using information from QuickPhase and the UK Nautical Almanac Office.The seasonal fishing predictions were provided by the fishermen in the committee and consolidated by committee member Jesse Rosario. The calendar features some of the winning entries from the art contest held on Guam with the theme of “Nihi ta fameska, hagas kustumbre ginen mañaina-ta” (Let’s go fishing, a responsible and traditional activity). The practice and perpetuation of culture and tradition made the people of the Mariana Archipelago resilient and ensured the availability of food through sound traditional management and sustainable use of natural resources. Teachers were encouraged to include this contest in their lesson plans. Guam Lunar Calendar Committee Art Contest Sponsors Anthony J.P. Ada, Ed Benavente, Julie “Jill” Benavente, John Calvo, Joseph Artero Cameron, Jeremy Cepeda, Frank Cruz, Dr. Larry Cunningham, Tim Dela Cruz, Manuel P. Duenas II, Michael Duenas, Chip Guard, Leonard Z. Iriarte, Carlos L. Laguana, Dr. Lisa Linda Natividad, Peter R. Onedera, Selina Onedera-Salas, Anthony J. Ramirez, Anthony “Malia” Ramirez, Felix Reyes, Jesse Rosario, Vincent John Salas, Edward San Nicolas, Barry D. Smith, Edward C. Tedtaotao, Frank C. Tedtaotao and John C. Tedtaotao. Fish Eye Marine Park, Guam Tropical Dive Station, McDonalds of Guam and Under Water World. Art Contest Judges Ronni Alexander, Deeann Bernard, Joey Certeza, Magdiel Corpuz, Vera Ferrara, Shirley Irons, Millie Lujan, Dr. Lisa Natividad, Anthony “Malia” Ramirez and Marlijo Serineo. Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council 1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1400 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 522-8220 Fax: (808) 522-8226 [email protected] Guam Contacts Council Member Michael Duenas Guam Fishermen’s Cooperative Association Phone: (671) 472-6323 Council Member Mariquita “Tita” Taitague Department of Agriculture Phone: (671) 735-3962 Council On-Site Coordinator Carl Dela Cruz Phone: (671) 988-8256 [email protected] Council On-Site Coordinator John Calvo Phone: (671) 649-3150 [email protected] About the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council Created by Congress in 1976, the Council has authority over US fisheries in the Pacific Ocean seaward of the state waters of Hawai‘i, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) and seven US remote island possessions. The fisheries in federal waters surrounding Guam and the CNMI are managed under the Mariana Archipelago and Pacific Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plans. Traditional knowledge and wide community involvement are integral parts of the ecosystem-based approach to fishery management. A publication of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council pursuant to NOAA Award NA14NMF4520236. © 2015, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council Front cover art: Deanna McMahon, First Place, Guam High School, Grade 9–12 ISBN 978-1-937863-22-7
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