"Taco Road", A Merrie Melodies Fan Fic


"Taco Road", A Merrie Melodies Fan Fic
(Insert Merrie Melodies Theme)
(Insert title theme from "Tabasco Road")
One night in a town called Pallet Town, there was a crate that said “To Prof. Oak,
From Gary Oak in Meh-he-co”. But the crate was empty, but there were tiny footprints
leading into Pallet Town somewhere. But meanwhile, in a quaint little house somewhere
in Pallet Town.
Ash & Misty were told to guard the house while Delia and Brock were away for
the weekend. Ash and Misty slept in Ash’s bedroom. Misty got the top bunk whilst Ash
got the bottom. But as Ash & Misty slept, there was a commotion going on in the kitchen.
Some music was playing “La Cucaracha” somewhere. It seemed to be coming from the
mouse hole between the fridge and the stove.
Inside the mouse hole were Mexican mice dancing to the Mexican music. Next to
the mouse hole was a poster that said:
The mouse hole was actually a Mexican Mice bar.
And all of the mice were watching Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all of
Meh-he-co, run around a sombrero to the theme of the “Mexican Hat Dance”.
Speedy stopped as the mice cheered for him. Then two mice declared a toast for
Speedy Gonzales.
“To Speedy Gonzales!” The first mouse said as he raised his glass.
“El fastest mouse in all of Meh-he-co!” The second mouse said.
Suddenly, Speedy saw his friends, Pablo & Fernando about drink Mas Tequilas.
So he zipped up to them.
“Pablo! Fernando!” Speedy said, stopping them from drinking the drinks.
“Speedy!” Fernando said as he dropped his cup and hugged Speedy. “Me,
“Muy, muy el mejor compañero.” Pablo said, also dropped his cup and joined in
the hug.
“I told you two before, no more Mas Tequila.” Speedy said, breaking up the hug.
“Remember what happened last time? Besides, you’re already muy loaded again.”
Then Speedy zipped back to the Mexican hat and resumed his dance. But Pablo &
Fernando had spare cups of Mas Tequila under their sombreros and they drank them.
Then they were even more slurred than before. Everyone cheered for Speedy as he ran
around the sombrero again. Then later on when it was 4:00 a.m., the bar began to close as
all of the mice left the bar and when to the front door. Well, almost all of the mice. Pablo
& Fernando were so drunk that they went the other way. And they couldn’t stay quiet as
they sang “La Cucaracha” really loudly.
“La cucaracha, la cucaracha, doesn’t want to travel far,” Pablo and Fernando
both sang. “Porque no tiene, porque le falta, cigarettetos or cigars.”
They both laughed as they walked under a table.
“I think we sing pretty good, eh Fernando?” Pablo said as he pulled on a
“Sí, Pablo. We sing VERY good.” Fernando said as he too pulled on the
On the table, over the tablecloth was a vase and when Pablo and Fernando pulled
on the tablecloth hard, they yanked it off and the vase toppled over, fell off the table and
smashed onto the floor! The smashing sound caused Ash & Misty to wake up!
“Huh?” Ash said. “What was that?”
“Someone must be in the house.” Misty said.
“It better not be Team Rocket trying to get my Pikachu again!” Ash said. “We'd
better go check it out.”
Meanwhile, Speedy Gonzales has rounded every mouse and took them all to a
cheese boat that was ready to be shipped off to Mexico. But when Speedy counted every
mouse on board, he knew he was missing two! Pablo and Fernando were not on board!
He searched all over the ship, but they were nowhere to be found. Then he found a
mouse, sitting down against the wall.
“Hey, Manuel.” Speedy began. “You see Pablo y Fernando?”
“No está en el ship.” Manuel said in Spanish. “Todavía están en la casa de Pallet
Town, y once again muy plenty stinko boraccho.”
“Ay, ay, ay!” Speedy said. “They must still be in Pallet Town and could walk
right into troubleamente! I better go back and finds them queek!”
So Speedy ran back into Pallet Town and began searching for Pablo and
“Pablo! Fernando! Are you in here?” Speedy called as he looked inside of a
garbage can, then inside of an empty paper bag, then inside of an empty glass bottle.
“Pablo? Fernando?”
Meanwhile, back at the Ketchum Residence, Ash & Misty had both gotten
dressed and got their Pokeballs ready. When they poked their heads outside of Ash’s
room, they didn’t see Team Rocket… but two drunken mice walked by wearing Mexican
“Señoritas in Las Vegas, are so awful tall and skinny,” The Mexican mice sang.
“I rather haves an enchilada…” The first mouse sang.
“Or betters yet, a hots dog weenie.” The second mouse finished as they both
It was none other than Pablo and Fernando and they were the ones who woke up
Ash & Misty.
“Hey… they aren’t Team Rocket.” Misty said. “They’re only mice.”
“MEXICAN mice.” Ash declared.
“Mexican mice?” Misty asked.
“Yeah. The kind of mice that Prof. Oak ordered for his experiments.” Ash said.
“Whatever happened to his package, it might have released all the mice. But at least we
found two of them so far!”
“Well then we’d better get those mice and bring them to Professor Oak right
away!” Misty said.
“Right.” Ash replied as he and Misty stepped out of the room and went up to the 2
Pablo & Fernando were heading for the stairs.
“We’d betters go catch up with the other amigos on that cheese shipping, Pablo.”
Fernando said.
“Sí, señor.” Pablo said. “We don’ts want to 'cause troubles like that one time
weeth that uno pussygato.”
Suddenly, Ash & Misty bent down behind Pablo & Fernando and their faces were
staring right at them.
“Hey, Pablo?” Fernando said, tapping on Fernando’s shoulder.
“What is it, Fernando?” Pablo asked.
“Did you see uno Ash Ketchumo & uno Misty Waterflowera?” Fernando said,
pointing to Ash & Misty behind his back.
Pablo looked behind and saw them.
“Sí, Fernando.” Pablo replied. “You did see uno Ash Ketchumo & Misty
“’Ola Señor Ketchum, you wants a fight?” Fernando said, putting up his dukes.
“*Speaks Spanish* Put up your dukes, you gringo Pokemon Trainer you.”
“¡Pegúelo a él, amigo! Pook ‘im in la belly, Fernando.” Pablo said.
“These mice must have eaten some very strange cheese.” Misty said as she
walked away. “I'll get a cage for them. You just hold onto them so they don’t get away.”
“Maybe they must've had some wine with their cheese.” Ash said, lifting up
Fernando by their tail. “Either way, in their native tongues, I'd say they're muy loco in la
“*Speaks Spanish* You chicken, huh? Did la gringo pussygato got your tail?”
Fernando said.
Meanwhile, Speedy had looked all over Pallet Town for Pablo and Fernando. But
they were nowhere to be found.
“Pablo, Fernando?” Speedy called for his amigos, then something went in his
mind. “They must be still in the house!”
Speedy ran towards Ash & Misty’s house and he went inside through the front
door. Then he began to search all over the kitchen for Pablo & Fernando. No sign of
them. Then he tried looking through the living room. Still no sign of them. But when he
went upstairs…
“Fernand- Ohhhh, Jumpin’ Frijoles!” Speedy said.
Speedy saw Fernando & Pablo being held by their tails by a Pokémon Trainer
named Ash. Then he saw another trainer, a gym leader named Misty walk up to him with
a cage.
“Make your move, you gringo trainer you!” Fernando said.
“Give heem big hit in la face, Fernando!” Pablo said and then to Ash, “Your
grandmother is parte de Rocket Team!”
Speedy ran off and then came right back with a pipe wrench.
“AH-HAH! OLÉ! OLÉ! ANDALENTE! EPA! EPA!” Speedy shouted as he ran
up the stairs and headed towards Ash with the pipe wrench and whacked his foot with it!
“YAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Ash yelled in pain as he let go of Pablo and Fernando.
“YEEE-HAH!” Speedy yelled as he ran off.
Speedy took off at full speed and scooped up Pablo. Then Speedy ran back down
the steps, ran outside of the house and put Pablo inside of an empty can of sardines.
Speedy sealed him in and went back to find Fernando, but all he could find was
Fernando’s sombrero.
“Poor Fernando, unfortunando.” Speedy said as he took off his sombrero in
respect. “Esta la vila.” Speedy said as he shrugged.
Then Speedy ran back outside, went up to the sardines can, unsealed it and found
Fernando with Pablo inside.
“If I had some more tequila, or another mas cerveza…” Pablo and Fernando both
“I'd combata Pancho Villa,” Pablo sang.
“And geeve heem punch in la cabeza.” Fernando sang, then they both laughed.
“Pablo, Fernando. Que pasa?” Speedy said.
Fernando tried to look up at Speedy, but since he was drunk, everything he sees
was all warbled out.
“Hey, Pablo.” Fernando said, pointing to Speedy behind him. “I found es
pussygato, no?”
“Sí, es uno pussygato grosso!” Pablo said, putting up his dukes. “Combato!
“No, no, no, amigos. I take you both to la sheep.” Speedy said, “Come on,
Fernando. I take you to the outskirt of town first.” Speedy said, taking Fernando out of
the can, then he closed the can, but leaving a crack of it opened. “Pablo, I come back for
you as soona es posible.”
Then Speedy ran off with Fernando. But little did he know that around the corner
of the house, Ash and Misty were observing the whole scene. Ash’s legs were bandaged.
“Geeze, that’s a fast mouse!” Ash said.
“Well, he’s gone for now. And for we know, that other mouse is inside of that
sardines that can.” Misty said. “So go get him, Ash.”
“I’m not going near that can.” Ash said. “The last time I tried to get that mouse, I
got hit on the foot with a pipe wrench.”
“Fine.” Misty scoffed, walking up to the can. “I’ll get him myself. You just go get
the cage.”
Meanwhile, Speedy took Fernando out of town and left him by the entrance sign.
“You wait here, Fernando.” Speedy said, “While I get Pablo. YEEE-HAH!”
Speedy ran back into town. But as he did, Fernando suddenly slurred back into
Meanwhile, Speedy ran up to Ash’s house and tried to get Pablo. But when he
did, he saw the can that Pablo was hiding in getting picked up by Misty. Then he saw her
opening the can and picking up Pablo.
“Hallo, señorita.” Pablo said. “Would you like a kiss, no?”
Misty just ignored him as Ash brought the cage up to him. Speedy had to do
“Ándale! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba!” Speedy yelled as heWait! He’s going too fast! I can’t see what he’s doing!
Speedy Gonzales: *to readers* Oh, excusa… Esta this part of the story too much rapido
for the readers' eyes to follow? Do not worry, amigos. I show you what I deed in El Slow
“Andale! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba!” Speedy yelled in slow motion as he ran up to
Misty with a mallet.
Speedy used the mallet and slammed Misty’s right foot.
“DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Misty yelled in slow motion as she
lost her grip on Pablo, just before she put him in the cage.
Speedy caught Pablo just in the nick of time as he ran up to a mousetrap and
placed him on it. It was a bad place to put Pablo, because the mouse trap was about to
snap! Speedy quickly got Pablo off of the trap just before it was triggered. Then Speedy
placed Pablo inside of a bottle, and safely sealed him in with a cork. Then taking out a
small, but powerful stick of dynamite, Speedy ran back for Misty as he jumped up onto
her wrist where she once held Pablo in her hand. Speedy placed the dynamite stick onto
the palm of her hand, placed her fingers around the dynamite stick, and then lit the fuse
with a match. Then Speedy jumped off and ran away just before the dynamite blew up
Misty. After the explosion cleared, she was all charred up.
“*to audience* Did that help you all understand what happened?” Misty said in
slurred tone as she fell over to the ground.
Meanwhile, Speedy ran up to the bottle that he put Pablo in and pulled the cork
out. But when he looked inside, Pablo was gone.
“Pablo? Where are you, Pablo? Pablo?” Speedy said, looking for Pablo.
But that wasn’t his only problem. Fernando had made it back up to Ash’s house.
“Pablo? Pablito? Where are you, mi amigo? Pablo…” Fernando called for his
“Are you in here, Pablo?” Fernando called for him as he walked through the
doubled doors. “Pablo?”
The doubled-doors was actually a trap set up by Ash and Misty. But then Speedy
ran up them.
“Hey, señor Ash & señorita Misty…” Speedy greeted. “Que esta doing weet that
tarp? You do magic trick?”
Ash and Misty just shook their heads as they took off the fake bar and revealed
that they tricked Fernando into a cage. They stuck their tongues out at Speedy, but
Fernando thought they were sticking his tongue out at him.
“Don’t stick out your tongues at me, you gringo trainers you.” Fernando said,
snapping his fingers at Ash and Misty.
“Andalay! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba! Epa! Epa! Olé! Olé! Epa! Ándale! YEEHAH!” Speedy said as he ran around Ash and Misty a few times, and then ran over their
feet hitting them hard!
“YAHHHHHHH!!!!/DAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Ash and Misty both yelled.
He was going too fast again, but luckily, we remembered what he did last time.
“You don’t think…” Ash said to Misty.
“He could've” Misty said.
They looked in the cage to see another stick of dynamite lit.
“Oh, no…” Ash and Misty said in unison as the dynamite blew up.
Once the smoke cleared, Speedy ran up to them.
“Excuse me, señor and señorita, did you two see my other friend Pablo?” Speedy
“OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ash and Misty both yelled in fear as
they both ran away from Speedy at top speed, eventually running out of town in order to
get away.
“Awww, too bad.” Speedy said. “Now Pablo y Fernando have no gringo
Pokemon trainers to play weeth.”
Suddenly, Speedy heard the front door opened… He looked around the corner and
saw 2 adults with a Pokémon-like cat breaking into the house.
“With those twerps scared out of town…” One of them said, possibly a female
“We can go into their house…” Another continued, the voice is a male.
“And steal all d’ere Pokemon and dat Pikachu…” The cat said in a New Jersey
kind of voice.
It was none other than Team Rocket Members, Jessie, James and Meowth. They
broke into the house and they were just about to go steal Ash and Misty’s Pokemon.
“First, you have to get past us, you gringo Rocket grunts! YEE-HAH!” A
Mexican voice said.
“Huh?” Team Rocket said as they looked down.
They saw Pablo and Fernando putting up their dukes and getting ready to fight
“Olé, Olé, Rocket gruntos, put up your dukes!” Fernando said. “We can take you
two on! We’ll even take your dumb gringo pussy gato on!”
“*Speaks Spanish* We fight whole bunch of you cheeckens! YEE-HAH!” Pablo
Meanwhile, Speedy is about to go back into the house, just before he did, he said,
“Grab onto your sombreros, Amigos! 'Cause here we go again!”
(Insert Merrie Melodies Ending Theme)
(Insert Merrie Melodies Theme)
(Insert title theme from "Tabasco Road")
One night in a town called Pallet Town, there was a crate that said “To Prof. Oak,
From Gary Oak in Meh-he-co”. But the crate was empty, but there were tiny footprints
leading into Pallet Town somewhere. But meanwhile, in a quaint little house somewhere
in Pallet Town.
Ash & Misty were told to guard the house while Delia and Brock were away for
the weekend. Ash and Misty slept in Ash’s bedroom. Misty got the top bunk whilst Ash
got the bottom. But as Ash & Misty slept, there was a commotion going on in the kitchen.
Some music was playing “La Cucaracha” somewhere. It seemed to be coming from the
mouse hole between the fridge and the stove.
Inside the mouse hole were Mexican mice dancing to the Mexican music. Next to
the mouse hole was a poster that said:
The mouse hole was actually a Mexican Mice bar.
And all of the mice were watching Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all of
Meh-he-co, run around a sombrero to the theme of the “Mexican Hat Dance”.
Speedy stopped as the mice cheered for him. Then two mice declared a toast for
Speedy Gonzales.
“To Speedy Gonzales!” The first mouse said as he raised his glass.
“El fastest mouse in all of Meh-he-co!” The second mouse said.
Suddenly, Speedy saw his friends, Pablo & Fernando about drink Mas Tequilas.
So he zipped up to them.
“Pablo! Fernando!” Speedy said, stopping them from drinking the drinks.
“Speedy!” Fernando said as he dropped his cup and hugged Speedy. “Me,
“Muy, muy el mejor compañero.” Pablo said, also dropped his cup and joined in
the hug.
“I told you two before, no more Mas Tequila.” Speedy said, breaking up the hug.
“Remember what happened last time? Besides, you’re already muy loaded again.”
Then Speedy zipped back to the Mexican hat and resumed his dance. But Pablo &
Fernando had spare cups of Mas Tequila under their sombreros and they drank them.
Then they were even more slurred than before. Everyone cheered for Speedy as he ran
around the sombrero again. Then later on when it was 4:00 a.m., the bar began to close as
all of the mice left the bar and when to the front door. Well, almost all of the mice. Pablo
& Fernando were so drunk that they went the other way. And they couldn’t stay quiet as
they sang “La Cucaracha” really loudly.
“La cucaracha, la cucaracha, doesn’t want to travel far,” Pablo and Fernando
both sang. “Porque no tiene, porque le falta, cigarettetos or cigars.”
They both laughed as they walked under a table.
“I think we sing pretty good, eh Fernando?” Pablo said as he pulled on a
“Sí, Pablo. We sing VERY good.” Fernando said as he too pulled on the
On the table, over the tablecloth was a vase and when Pablo and Fernando pulled
on the tablecloth hard, they yanked it off and the vase toppled over, fell off the table and
smashed onto the floor! The smashing sound caused Ash & Misty to wake up!
“Huh?” Ash said. “What was that?”
“Someone must be in the house.” Misty said.
“It better not be Team Rocket trying to get my Pikachu again!” Ash said. “We'd
better go check it out.”
Meanwhile, Speedy Gonzales has rounded every mouse and took them all to a
cheese boat that was ready to be shipped off to Mexico. But when Speedy counted every
mouse on board, he knew he was missing two! Pablo and Fernando were not on board!
He searched all over the ship, but they were nowhere to be found. Then he found a
mouse, sitting down against the wall.
“Hey, Manuel.” Speedy began. “You see Pablo y Fernando?”
“No está en el ship.” Manuel said in Spanish. “Todavía están en la casa de Pallet
Town, y once again muy plenty stinko boraccho.”
“Ay, ay, ay!” Speedy said. “They must still be in Pallet Town and could walk
right into troubleamente! I better go back and finds them queek!”
So Speedy ran back into Pallet Town and began searching for Pablo and
“Pablo! Fernando! Are you in here?” Speedy called as he looked inside of a
garbage can, then inside of an empty paper bag, then inside of an empty glass bottle.
“Pablo? Fernando?”
Meanwhile, back at the Ketchum Residence, Ash & Misty had both gotten
dressed and got their Pokeballs ready. When they poked their heads outside of Ash’s
room, they didn’t see Team Rocket… but two drunken mice walked by wearing Mexican
“Señoritas in Las Vegas, are so awful tall and skinny,” The Mexican mice sang.
“I rather haves an enchilada…” The first mouse sang.
“Or betters yet, a hots dog weenie.” The second mouse finished as they both
It was none other than Pablo and Fernando and they were the ones who woke up
Ash & Misty.
“Hey… they aren’t Team Rocket.” Misty said. “They’re only mice.”
“MEXICAN mice.” Ash declared.
“Mexican mice?” Misty asked.
“Yeah. The kind of mice that Prof. Oak ordered for his experiments.” Ash said.
“Whatever happened to his package, it might have released all the mice. But at least we
found two of them so far!”
“Well then we’d better get those mice and bring them to Professor Oak right
away!” Misty said.
“Right.” Ash replied as he and Misty stepped out of the room and went up to the 2
Pablo & Fernando were heading for the stairs.
“We’d betters go catch up with the other amigos on that cheese shipping, Pablo.”
Fernando said.
“Sí, señor.” Pablo said. “We don’ts want to 'cause troubles like that one time
weeth that uno pussygato.”
Suddenly, Ash & Misty bent down behind Pablo & Fernando and their faces were
staring right at them.
“Hey, Pablo?” Fernando said, tapping on Fernando’s shoulder.
“What is it, Fernando?” Pablo asked.
“Did you see uno Ash Ketchumo & uno Misty Waterflowera?” Fernando said,
pointing to Ash & Misty behind his back.
Pablo looked behind and saw them.
“Sí, Fernando.” Pablo replied. “You did see uno Ash Ketchumo & Misty
“’Ola Señor Ketchum, you wants a fight?” Fernando said, putting up his dukes.
“*Speaks Spanish* Put up your dukes, you gringo Pokemon Trainer you.”
“¡Pegúelo a él, amigo! Pook ‘im in la belly, Fernando.” Pablo said.
“These mice must have eaten some very strange cheese.” Misty said as she
walked away. “I'll get a cage for them. You just hold onto them so they don’t get away.”
“Maybe they must've had some wine with their cheese.” Ash said, lifting up
Fernando by their tail. “Either way, in their native tongues, I'd say they're muy loco in la
“*Speaks Spanish* You chicken, huh? Did la gringo pussygato got your tail?”
Fernando said.
Meanwhile, Speedy had looked all over Pallet Town for Pablo and Fernando. But
they were nowhere to be found.
“Pablo, Fernando?” Speedy called for his amigos, then something went in his
mind. “They must be still in the house!”
Speedy ran towards Ash & Misty’s house and he went inside through the front
door. Then he began to search all over the kitchen for Pablo & Fernando. No sign of
them. Then he tried looking through the living room. Still no sign of them. But when he
went upstairs…
“Fernand- Ohhhh, Jumpin’ Frijoles!” Speedy said.
Speedy saw Fernando & Pablo being held by their tails by a Pokémon Trainer
named Ash. Then he saw another trainer, a gym leader named Misty walk up to him with
a cage.
“Make your move, you gringo trainer you!” Fernando said.
“Give heem big hit in la face, Fernando!” Pablo said and then to Ash, “Your
grandmother is parte de Rocket Team!”
Speedy ran off and then came right back with a pipe wrench.
“AH-HAH! OLÉ! OLÉ! ANDALENTE! EPA! EPA!” Speedy shouted as he ran
up the stairs and headed towards Ash with the pipe wrench and whacked his foot with it!
“YAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Ash yelled in pain as he let go of Pablo and Fernando.
“YEEE-HAH!” Speedy yelled as he ran off.
Speedy took off at full speed and scooped up Pablo. Then Speedy ran back down
the steps, ran outside of the house and put Pablo inside of an empty can of sardines.
Speedy sealed him in and went back to find Fernando, but all he could find was
Fernando’s sombrero.
“Poor Fernando, unfortunando.” Speedy said as he took off his sombrero in
respect. “Esta la vila.” Speedy said as he shrugged.
Then Speedy ran back outside, went up to the sardines can, unsealed it and found
Fernando with Pablo inside.
“If I had some more tequila, or another mas cerveza…” Pablo and Fernando both
“I'd combata Pancho Villa,” Pablo sang.
“And geeve heem punch in la cabeza.” Fernando sang, then they both laughed.
“Pablo, Fernando. Que pasa?” Speedy said.
Fernando tried to look up at Speedy, but since he was drunk, everything he sees
was all warbled out.
“Hey, Pablo.” Fernando said, pointing to Speedy behind him. “I found es
pussygato, no?”
“Sí, es uno pussygato grosso!” Pablo said, putting up his dukes. “Combato!
“No, no, no, amigos. I take you both to la sheep.” Speedy said, “Come on,
Fernando. I take you to the outskirt of town first.” Speedy said, taking Fernando out of
the can, then he closed the can, but leaving a crack of it opened. “Pablo, I come back for
you as soona es posible.”
Then Speedy ran off with Fernando. But little did he know that around the corner
of the house, Ash and Misty were observing the whole scene. Ash’s legs were bandaged.
“Geeze, that’s a fast mouse!” Ash said.
“Well, he’s gone for now. And for we know, that other mouse is inside of that
sardines that can.” Misty said. “So go get him, Ash.”
“I’m not going near that can.” Ash said. “The last time I tried to get that mouse, I
got hit on the foot with a pipe wrench.”
“Fine.” Misty scoffed, walking up to the can. “I’ll get him myself. You just go get
the cage.”
Meanwhile, Speedy took Fernando out of town and left him by the entrance sign.
“You wait here, Fernando.” Speedy said, “While I get Pablo. YEEE-HAH!”
Speedy ran back into town. But as he did, Fernando suddenly slurred back into
Meanwhile, Speedy ran up to Ash’s house and tried to get Pablo. But when he
did, he saw the can that Pablo was hiding in getting picked up by Misty. Then he saw her
opening the can and picking up Pablo.
“Hallo, señorita.” Pablo said. “Would you like a kiss, no?”
Misty just ignored him as Ash brought the cage up to him. Speedy had to do
“Ándale! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba!” Speedy yelled as heWait! He’s going too fast! I can’t see what he’s doing!
Misty: *screaming in pain* DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Speedy Gonzales: *to readers* Oh, excusa… Esta this part of the story too much rapido
for the readers' eyes to follow? Do not worry, amigos. I show you what I deed in El Slow
“Andale! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba!” Speedy yelled in slow motion as he ran up to
Misty with a mallet.
Speedy used the mallet and slammed Misty’s right foot.
“DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Misty yelled in slow motion as she
lost her grip on Pablo, just before she put him in the cage.
Speedy caught Pablo just in the nick of time as he ran up to a mousetrap and
placed him on it. It was a bad place to put Pablo, because the mouse trap was about to
snap! Speedy quickly got Pablo off of the trap just before it was triggered. Then Speedy
placed Pablo inside of a bottle, and safely sealed him in with a cork. Then taking out a
small, but powerful stick of dynamite, Speedy ran back for Misty as he jumped up onto
her wrist where she once held Pablo in her hand. Speedy placed the dynamite stick onto
the palm of her hand, placed her fingers around the dynamite stick, and then lit the fuse
with a match. Then Speedy jumped off and ran away just before the dynamite blew up
Misty. After the explosion cleared, she was all charred up.
“*to audience* Did that help you all understand what happened?” Misty said in
slurred tone as she fell over to the ground.
Meanwhile, Speedy ran up to the bottle that he put Pablo in and pulled the cork
out. But when he looked inside, Pablo was gone.
“Pablo? Where are you, Pablo? Pablo?” Speedy said, looking for Pablo.
But that wasn’t his only problem. Fernando had made it back up to Ash’s house.
“Pablo? Pablito? Where are you, mi amigo? Pablo…” Fernando called for his
Fernando then saw a strange small building covered with a tarp. It also had the
word 'Cantinita' on it. Fernando believed it was the cantina they were in before, so he
decided to go look for him in there.
“Are you still in there, Pablo?” Fernando called for him as he walked through the
doubled doors of the can. “Pablo?”
The cantina was actually a trap set up by Ash and Misty. But then Speedy ran up
“Hey, señor Ash & señorita Misty…” Speedy greeted. “Que esta doing weet that
tarp? You do magic trick?”
Ash and Misty just shook their heads as they took off the fake bar and revealed
that they tricked Fernando into a cage. They stuck their tongues out at Speedy, but
Fernando thought they were sticking his tongue out at him.
“Don’t stick out your tongues at me, you gringo trainers you.” Fernando said,
snapping his fingers at Ash and Misty.
“Andalay! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba! Epa! Epa! Olé! Olé! Epa! Ándale! YEEHAH!” Speedy said as he ran around Ash and Misty a few times, and then ran over their
feet hitting them hard!
“YAHHHHHHH!!!!/DAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Ash and Misty both yelled.
He was going too fast again, but luckily, we remembered what he did last time.
“You don’t think…” Ash said to Misty.
“He could've” Misty said.
They looked in the cage to see another stick of dynamite lit.
“Oh, no…” Ash and Misty said in unison as the dynamite blew up.
Once the smoke cleared, Speedy ran up to them.
“Excuse me, señor and señorita, did you two see my other friend Pablo?” Speedy
“OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ash and Misty both yelled in fear as
they both ran away from Speedy at top speed, eventually running out of town in order to
get away.
“Awww, too bad.” Speedy said. “Now Pablo y Fernando have no gringo
Pokemon trainers to play weeth.”
Suddenly, Speedy heard the front door opened… He looked around the corner and
saw 2 adults with a Pokémon-like cat breaking into the house.
“With those twerps scared out of town…” One of them said, possibly a female
“We can go into their house…” Another continued, the voice is a male.
“And steal all d’ere Pokemon and dat Pikachu…” The cat said in a New Jersey
kind of voice.
It was none other than Team Rocket Members, Jessie, James and Meowth. They
broke into the house and they were just about to go steal Ash and Misty’s Pokemon.
“First, you have to get past us, you gringo Rocket grunts! YEE-HAH!” A
Mexican voice said.
“Huh?” Team Rocket said as they looked down.
They saw Pablo and Fernando putting up their dukes and getting ready to fight
“Olé, Olé, Rocket gruntos, put up your dukes!” Fernando said. “We can take you
two on! We’ll even take your dumb gringo pussy gato on!”
“*Speaks Spanish* We fight whole bunch of you cheeckens! YEE-HAH!” Pablo
Meanwhile, Speedy is about to go back into the house, just before he did, he said,
“Grab onto your sombreros, Amigos! 'Cause here we go again!”
(Insert Merrie Melodies Ending Theme)
(Insert Merrie Melodies Theme)
(Insert title theme from "Tabasco Road")
One night in a town called Pallet Town, there was a crate that said “To Prof. Oak,
From Gary Oak in Meh-he-co”. But the crate was empty, but there were tiny footprints
leading into Pallet Town somewhere. But meanwhile, in a quaint little house somewhere
in Pallet Town.
Ash & Misty were told to guard the house while Delia and Brock were away for
the weekend. Ash and Misty slept in Ash’s bedroom. Misty got the top bunk whilst Ash
got the bottom. But as Ash & Misty slept, there was a commotion going on in the kitchen.
Some music was playing “La Cucaracha” somewhere. It seemed to be coming from the
mouse hole between the fridge and the stove.
Inside the mouse hole were Mexican mice dancing to the Mexican music. Next to
the mouse hole was a poster that said:
The mouse hole was actually a Mexican Mice bar.
And all of the mice were watching Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all of
Meh-he-co, run around a sombrero to the theme of the “Mexican Hat Dance”.
Speedy stopped as the mice cheered for him. Then two mice declared a toast for
Speedy Gonzales.
“To Speedy Gonzales!” The first mouse said as he raised his glass.
“El fastest mouse in all of Meh-he-co!” The second mouse said.
Suddenly, Speedy saw his friends, Pablo & Fernando about drink Mas Tequilas.
So he zipped up to them.
“Pablo! Fernando!” Speedy said, stopping them from drinking the drinks.
“Speedy!” Fernando said as he dropped his cup and hugged Speedy. “Me,
“Muy, muy el mejor compañero.” Pablo said, also dropped his cup and joined in
the hug.
“I told you two before, no more Mas Tequila.” Speedy said, breaking up the hug.
“Remember what happened last time? Besides, you’re already muy loaded again.”
Then Speedy zipped back to the Mexican hat and resumed his dance. But Pablo &
Fernando had spare cups of Mas Tequila under their sombreros and they drank them.
Then they were even more slurred than before. Everyone cheered for Speedy as he ran
around the sombrero again. Then later on when it was 4:00 a.m., the bar began to close as
all of the mice left the bar and when to the front door. Well, almost all of the mice. Pablo
& Fernando were so drunk that they went the other way. And they couldn’t stay quiet as
they sang “La Cucaracha” really loudly.
“La cucaracha, la cucaracha, doesn’t want to travel far,” Pablo and Fernando
both sang. “Porque no tiene, porque le falta, cigarettetos or cigars.”
They both laughed as they walked under a table.
“I think we sing pretty good, eh Fernando?” Pablo said as he pulled on a
“Sí, Pablo. We sing VERY good.” Fernando said as he too pulled on the
On the table, over the tablecloth was a vase and when Pablo and Fernando pulled
on the tablecloth hard, they yanked it off and the vase toppled over, fell off the table and
smashed onto the floor! The smashing sound caused Ash & Misty to wake up!
“Huh?” Ash said. “What was that?”
“Someone must be in the house.” Misty said.
“It better not be Team Rocket trying to get my Pikachu again!” Ash said. “We'd
better go check it out.”
Meanwhile, Speedy Gonzales has rounded every mouse and took them all to a
cheese boat that was ready to be shipped off to Mexico. But when Speedy counted every
mouse on board, he knew he was missing two! Pablo and Fernando were not on board!
He searched all over the ship, but they were nowhere to be found. Then he found a
mouse, sitting down against the wall.
“Hey, Manuel.” Speedy began. “You see Pablo y Fernando?”
“No está en el ship.” Manuel said in Spanish. “Todavía están en la casa de Pallet
Town, y once again muy plenty stinko boraccho.”
“Ay, ay, ay!” Speedy said. “They must still be in Pallet Town and could walk
right into troubleamente! I better go back and finds them queek!”
So Speedy ran back into Pallet Town and began searching for Pablo and
“Pablo! Fernando! Are you in here?” Speedy called as he looked inside of a
garbage can, then inside of an empty paper bag, then inside of an empty glass bottle.
“Pablo? Fernando?”
Meanwhile, back at the Ketchum Residence, Ash & Misty had both gotten
dressed and got their Pokeballs ready. When they poked their heads outside of Ash’s
room, they didn’t see Team Rocket… but two drunken mice walked by wearing Mexican
“Señoritas in Las Vegas, are so awful tall and skinny,” The Mexican mice sang.
“I rather haves an enchilada…” The first mouse sang.
“Or betters yet, a hots dog weenie.” The second mouse finished as they both
It was none other than Pablo and Fernando and they were the ones who woke up
Ash & Misty.
“Hey… they aren’t Team Rocket.” Misty said. “They’re only mice.”
“MEXICAN mice.” Ash declared.
“Mexican mice?” Misty asked.
“Yeah. The kind of mice that Prof. Oak ordered for his experiments.” Ash said.
“Whatever happened to his package, it might have released all the mice. But at least we
found two of them so far!”
“Well then we’d better get those mice and bring them to Professor Oak right
away!” Misty said.
“Right.” Ash replied as he and Misty stepped out of the room and went up to the 2
Pablo & Fernando were heading for the stairs.
“We’d betters go catch up with the other amigos on that cheese shipping, Pablo.”
Fernando said.
“Sí, señor.” Pablo said. “We don’ts want to 'cause troubles like that one time
weeth that uno pussygato.”
Suddenly, Ash & Misty bent down behind Pablo & Fernando and their faces were
staring right at them.
“Hey, Pablo?” Fernando said, tapping on Fernando’s shoulder.
“What is it, Fernando?” Pablo asked.
“Did you see uno Ash Ketchumo & uno Misty Waterflowera?” Fernando said,
pointing to Ash & Misty behind his back.
Pablo looked behind and saw them.
“Sí, Fernando.” Pablo replied. “You did see uno Ash Ketchumo & Misty
“’Ola Señor Ketchum, you wants a fight?” Fernando said, putting up his dukes.
“*Speaks Spanish* Put up your dukes, you gringo Pokemon Trainer you.”
“¡Pegúelo a él, amigo! Pook ‘im in la belly, Fernando.” Pablo said.
“These mice must have eaten some very strange cheese.” Misty said as she
walked away. “I'll get a cage for them. You just hold onto them so they don’t get away.”
“Maybe they must've had some wine with their cheese.” Ash said, lifting up
Fernando by their tail. “Either way, in their native tongues, I'd say they're muy loco in la
“*Speaks Spanish* You chicken, huh? Did la gringo pussygato got your tail?”
Fernando said.
Meanwhile, Speedy had looked all over Pallet Town for Pablo and Fernando. But
they were nowhere to be found.
“Pablo, Fernando?” Speedy called for his amigos, then something went in his
mind. “They must be still in the house!”
Speedy ran towards Ash & Misty’s house and he went inside through the front
door. Then he began to search all over the kitchen for Pablo & Fernando. No sign of
them. Then he tried looking through the living room. Still no sign of them. But when he
went upstairs…
“Fernand- Ohhhh, Jumpin’ Frijoles!” Speedy said.
Speedy saw Fernando & Pablo being held by their tails by a Pokémon Trainer
named Ash. Then he saw another trainer, a gym leader named Misty walk up to him with
a cage.
“Make your move, you gringo trainer you!” Fernando said.
“Give heem big hit in la face, Fernando!” Pablo said and then to Ash, “Your
grandmother is parte de Rocket Team!”
Speedy ran off and then came right back with a pipe wrench.
“AH-HAH! OLÉ! OLÉ! ANDALENTE! EPA! EPA!” Speedy shouted as he ran
up the stairs and headed towards Ash with the pipe wrench and whacked his foot with it!
“YAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Ash yelled in pain as he let go of Pablo and Fernando.
“YEEE-HAH!” Speedy yelled as he ran off.
Speedy took off at full speed and scooped up Pablo. Then Speedy ran back down
the steps, ran outside of the house and put Pablo inside of an empty can of sardines.
Speedy sealed him in and went back to find Fernando, but all he could find was
Fernando’s sombrero.
“Poor Fernando, unfortunando.” Speedy said as he took off his sombrero in
respect. “Esta la vila.” Speedy said as he shrugged.
Then Speedy ran back outside, went up to the sardines can, unsealed it and found
Fernando with Pablo inside.
“If I had some more tequila, or another mas cerveza…” Pablo and Fernando both
“I'd combata Pancho Villa,” Pablo sang.
“And geeve heem punch in la cabeza.” Fernando sang, then they both laughed.
“Pablo, Fernando. Que pasa?” Speedy said.
Fernando tried to look up at Speedy, but since he was drunk, everything he sees
was all warbled out.
“Hey, Pablo.” Fernando said, pointing to Speedy behind him. “I found es
pussygato, no?”
“Sí, es uno pussygato grosso!” Pablo said, putting up his dukes. “Combato!
“No, no, no, amigos. I take you both to la sheep.” Speedy said, “Come on,
Fernando. I take you to the outskirt of town first.” Speedy said, taking Fernando out of
the can, then he closed the can, but leaving a crack of it opened. “Pablo, I come back for
you as soona es posible.”
Then Speedy ran off with Fernando. But little did he know that around the corner
of the house, Ash and Misty were observing the whole scene. Ash’s legs were bandaged.
“Geeze, that’s a fast mouse!” Ash said.
“Well, he’s gone for now. And for we know, that other mouse is inside of that
sardines that can.” Misty said. “So go get him, Ash.”
“I’m not going near that can.” Ash said. “The last time I tried to get that mouse, I
got hit on the foot with a pipe wrench.”
“Fine.” Misty scoffed, walking up to the can. “I’ll get him myself. You just go get
the cage.”
Meanwhile, Speedy took Fernando out of town and left him by the entrance sign.
“You wait here, Fernando.” Speedy said, “While I get Pablo. YEEE-HAH!”
Speedy ran back into town. But as he did, Fernando suddenly slurred back into
Meanwhile, Speedy ran up to Ash’s house and tried to get Pablo. But when he
did, he saw the can that Pablo was hiding in getting picked up by Misty. Then he saw her
opening the can and picking up Pablo.
“Hallo, señorita.” Pablo said. “Would you like a kiss, no?”
Misty just ignored him as Ash brought the cage up to him. Speedy had to do
“Ándale! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba!” Speedy yelled as heWait! He’s going too fast! I can’t see what he’s doing!
Misty: *screaming in pain* DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Speedy Gonzales: *to readers* Oh, excusa… Esta this part of the story too much rapido
for the readers' eyes to follow? Do not worry, amigos. I show you what I deed in El Slow
“Andale! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba!” Speedy yelled in slow motion as he ran up to
Misty with a mallet.
Speedy used the mallet and slammed Misty’s right foot.
“DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Misty yelled in slow motion as she
lost her grip on Pablo, just before she put him in the cage.
Speedy caught Pablo just in the nick of time as he ran up to a mousetrap and
placed him on it. It was a bad place to put Pablo, because the mouse trap was about to
snap! Speedy quickly got Pablo off of the trap just before it was triggered. Then Speedy
placed Pablo inside of a bottle, and safely sealed him in with a cork. Then taking out a
small, but powerful stick of dynamite, Speedy ran back for Misty as he jumped up onto
her wrist where she once held Pablo in her hand. Speedy placed the dynamite stick onto
the palm of her hand, placed her fingers around the dynamite stick, and then lit the fuse
with a match. Then Speedy jumped off and ran away just before the dynamite blew up
Misty. After the explosion cleared, she was all charred up.
“*to audience* Did that help you all understand what happened?” Misty said in
slurred tone as she fell over to the ground.
Meanwhile, Speedy ran up to the bottle that he put Pablo in and pulled the cork
out. But when he looked inside, Pablo was gone.
“Pablo? Where are you, Pablo? Pablo?” Speedy said, looking for Pablo.
But that wasn’t his only problem. Fernando had made it back up to Ash’s house.
“Pablo? Pablito? Where are you, mi amigo? Pablo…” Fernando called for his
Fernando then saw a strange small building covered with a tarp. It also had the
word 'Cantinita' on it. Fernando believed it was the cantina they were in before, so he
decided to go look for him in there.
“Are you still in there, Pablo?” Fernando called for him as he walked through the
doubled doors of the can. “Pablo?”
The cantina was actually a trap set up by Ash and Misty. But then Speedy ran up
“Hey, señor Ash & señorita Misty…” Speedy greeted. “Que esta doing weet that
tarp? You do magic trick?”
Ash and Misty just shook their heads as they took off the fake bar and revealed
that they tricked Fernando into a cage. They stuck their tongues out at Speedy, but
Fernando thought they were sticking his tongue out at him.
“Don’t stick out your tongues at me, you gringo trainers you.” Fernando said,
snapping his fingers at Ash and Misty.
“Andalay! Pronto! Arriba! Arriba! Epa! Epa! Olé! Olé! Epa! Ándale! YEEHAH!” Speedy said as he ran around Ash and Misty a few times, and then ran over their
feet hitting them hard!
“YAHHHHHHH!!!!/DAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Ash and Misty both yelled.
He was going too fast again, but luckily, we remembered what he did last time.
And Speedy ran off, Ash and Misty looked at each other with worried looks.
“You don’t think…” Ash said to Misty.
“He could've…” Misty said.
They looked in the cage to see another stick of dynamite lit.
“Oh, no…” Ash and Misty said in unison as the dynamite blew up.
Once the smoke cleared, Speedy ran up to them.
“Excuse me, señor and señorita, did you two see my other friend Pablo?” Speedy
“OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ash and Misty both yelled in fear as
they both ran away from Speedy at top speed, eventually running out of town in order to
get away.
“Awww, too bad.” Speedy said. “Now Pablo y Fernando have no gringo
Pokemon trainers to play weeth.”
Suddenly, Speedy heard the front door opened… He looked around the corner and
saw 2 adults with a Pokémon-like cat breaking into the house.
“With those twerps scared out of town…” One of them said, possibly a female
“We can go into their house…” Another continued, the voice is a male.
“And steal all d’ere Pokemon and dat Pikachu…” The cat said in a New Jersey
kind of voice.
It was none other than Team Rocket Members, Jessie, James and Meowth. They
broke into the house and they were just about to go steal Ash and Misty’s Pokemon.
“First, you have to get past us, you gringo Rocket grunts! YEE-HAH!” A
Mexican voice said.
“Huh?” Team Rocket said as they looked down.
They saw Pablo and Fernando putting up their dukes and getting ready to fight
“Olé, Olé, Rocket gruntos, put up your dukes!” Fernando said. “We can take you
two on! We’ll even take your dumb gringo pussy gato on!”
“*Speaks Spanish* We fight whole bunch of you cheeckens! YEE-HAH!” Pablo
Meanwhile, Speedy is about to go back into the house, just before he did, he said,
“Grab onto your sombreros, Amigos! 'Cause here we go again!”
(Insert Merrie Melodies Ending Theme)