Yearbook 2013 - Petrockstowe


Yearbook 2013 - Petrockstowe
Yearbook 2013
St Petroc’s
Village Events
Group Reviews
Art Gallery
News from the
Take a look back at
Check out what our
See what our artists
village Church; all
some of the best
community groups
have been producing
happenings and
village events of
have been up to...
this year!
Nearly a year has passed since I took on
the responsibility of being Editor for the
Petrockstowe News. There are times
when I would have gladly given it back
to Carol, particularly in the early days
when using Microsoft Word for
compiling the publication. It was when I
first realised that ‘Word’ had a few
idiosyncrasies that pushed my patience
to the very edge, my all-time favourite
was the little trick ‘Word’ played by
moving the adverts around the page
with no apparent logic. After venting my
frustration, one day on the Tarka Trail to
Pip Mahoney.
Pip came up with the suggestion that I
use Publisher another Microsoft
program, which is far more user friendly
and to a certain degree I have never
looked back; not that Publisher is
perfect but by comparison it is.
So a big Thank you to Pip. I also should
thank Carol Squires for the brilliant job
she did as Editor for a very long 4 years,
she also had ‘Word’ but managed to
cope with it. Thank you Carol for
handing over a well-run village
magazine, I hope to maintain the high
stands you set.
I won’t review the events of the year,
that is the job of this publication, but I
will thank all of the contributors for their
articles and for getting them to me by
the deadline I have to set each month.
Also a big thank you to Ford Motor
Company, for printing our village
magazine each month at their cost. It
would be remiss of me not to thank Paul
Everett, who through his former
employment with Ford Motor arranged
for the magazine to be printed
by them under their ‘Ford in
the Community scheme’.
The advertisers have always
played a big part in funding
the Petrockstowe News, so a
big thanks to them, and can
we still have your money
Yearbook 2013
Finally or almost finally- this is turning
into an awards ceremony speech-I
would like to thank all of you who have
praised my efforts and this may seem
bizarre but I would also like to thank
those that have offered constructive
criticism and those that have just
The constructive criticism has made me
assess and make adjustments to the
appearance of the magazine and those
that have just criticised because they
don’t like change, I also say thank you
because it makes me more determined
to carry on as it means despite their
Petrockstowe News.
I must mention the fact that the
Petrockstowe News is partly funded by
the National Lottery, as they agreed to
fund the cost of a Laptop for the sole
purpose of publishing the News, also
there is method to my getting a Lottery
grant for the laptop…it means when I do
hang up my editors hat, I can just hand
over the laptop to the new incumbent
who will have everything he or she
needs to carry on the proud tradition of
editing the Parish magazine.
3 Welcome
21 Group Reviews
An introduction to Petrockstowe’s first
Check out what has been happening this year
in each of Petrockstowe’s groups
7 Parish Council
Get the roundup of what’s been going on in
the Parish Council this year.
25 Art Gallery
See what our budding artists have been
producing this year!
9 News from the Church
12 Event Reviews
We look back on the events in Petrockstowe
in 2013
20 Other News in Brief
What do you think of
Petrockstowe’s first ever
Yearbook? Give your
feedback on Facebook...
Covers all Other achievements in 2013
Yearbook 2013
Welcome to the Petrockstowe Yearbook 2013. This special edition of the
Petrockstowe News shines a light on the achievements and events that
have occurred in Petrockstowe throughout the last year. Within this
yearbook you will also find Group Reviews, news from the Church and
Parish Council, as well as an Art Gallery!
Pip Mahoney (Yearbook Editor)
Yearbook 2013
People of Petrockstowe
Mr W Luxton
Vice Chairman
Mrs I Fisher
Mrs J Harris
Mr A Hunkin
Mr D Kelsey
Mr B Cameron
Mrs J Jeffs
Mrs H Harris
Team Vicars Rev Susannah Metz
Rev Martin Warren
Village Group Leaders
Mr K Rooke
Baxter Bookings
Mrs J Jeffs
Mr K Heaman
Baxter Secretary
Mrs L Morgan
Mrs C Squires
Play Area
Mrs H Harris
Mrs A Luxton
Mrs J Skinner
Senior Circle
Mrs J Warden
Recreation Field
Mrs L Hansen
Men’s Skittles
Mr M Stapleton
Mr P Mahoney
Ladies’ Skittles Mrs M Steer
Newsletter Editor
Mr K Rooke
Mr D Kelsey
Mrs A Berry
North Devon Journal
Mr D Kelsey
Neighbourhood Watch Mrs C Pink
Ward Councillor
Cllr P Collins
Poppy Appeal
Mr M Banks
Local MP
Mr G Cox MP
Parish Council Review 2013
The first meeting of the year took place on January
15th under the Chairmanship of William Luxton. The
question of poor broadband reception in the village
was raised, and it was agreed to ask Michael Wright to
clarify this subject at the next meeting of the Council.
The on going problem of bad pot holes in local roads
was raised and the Clerk was asked to write to the
Highways Authority.
business around the area. The Chairman
congratulated Pip on his excellent presentation and
promised him financial support from the Parish
Vice Chairman Irene Fisher took the next meeting held
on March 19th . The subject of Land Registry with
regard to The Square was raised. Cllr Josie Jeffs agreed
to investigate this matter.
It was agreed that the poor Broadband reception and
the installation of a defibrillator kit be raised at the
Annual Parish Meeting in April. District Cllr Phillip
Collins spoke on the new Parish plan and Torridge
Council`s Core Strategy from 2011 to 2031, when
16,000 houses are due to be built in North Devon over
this period. 15 members of the public were welcomed
to the meeting on April 16th when Michael Wright
addressed the Council on the problem of increasing
the village Broadband speed, it was agreed that a
petition be organized through the Village Newsletter
and sent to Geoffrey Cox M.P. Pip Mahoney then
spoke about the Village Website that he is creating as
part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. He
hopes that an updated website could help tourism and
Mr Lewis of Langtree, then spoke of the advantages of
installing a defibrillator in the village. It was hoped
that money could be raised by grants and
contributions from local groups and clubs’ charities.
Cllr Julie Harris agreed to look into the pricing of this
appliance. The Chairman then gave his Annual Report,
thanking everyone who helped to keep the village
neat and tidy.
He also thanked Carol Squires who was retiring as
editor of the Village Newsletter and welcomed the
new editor, Keith Rooke.
Yearbook 2013
Parish Council Review 2013 continued
cuts amount to £30 million. Lastly, the meeting on
Tuesday September 17th was taken by the Vice
Chairman. Cllr Josie Jeffs reported that the question
of the Land Registry appertaining to The Square is
still in the hands of the solicitors. A themed Curry
Night is to be held on Wednesday October 30th to
help raise money for the village defibrillator. The
Clerk is to write to the Highways Authority regarding
a 20 mph limit being put in place in the village.
He also thanked Barry Jeffs who had recently painted
the interior of the Hall. Congratulations were given
to District Councillor Phillip Collins on being elected
as Leader of Torridge Council.
At the meeting on Tuesday May 21st it was
confirmed that the Council owns the War memorial
and its surround, also the bus shelter. PCSO Melissa
Baker reported that there had been hardly any crime
in the past 6 months apart from the theft of a
wheelie bin.
There were reports on many village activities
throughout the year ranging from the Sports Day ,
the Village Fete, the Gardening Club, Ladies Group,
History Group, Cricket Club, Skittles, Art Group,
Petrockstowe News and many Church events. It is
amazing how many active groups exist in a small
village such as Petrockstowe.
David Kelsey
UNDER PUBLIC SESSION members of the public
expressed considerable disquiet concerning the
proposal to build 12 houses to the rear of properties
in Rectory Rise. As yet, the Parish Council have to be
officially informed about this project.
At the meeting on Tuesday July 18th there was
discussion concerning the deeds of The Square which
are in the hands of solicitors in Okehampton . Cllr
David Kelsey agreed to investigate the provision of
new climbing ropes in the Play Area. The new Hall
bar has been built and was funded by a Lottery
grant. District Cllr Collins reported that there would
have to be a 10% cut in the Torridge Council budget
over the next 3 years. Over all Devon County Council
News from the Church
A review of the year is taken from the beginning of
December 2012, with the most significant period in
the Church calendar being the preparations for
Christmas. This began with the Christingle Service on
Sunday December 2nd when children are able to
participate. In the evening we attended a delightful
candlelit Advent Carol Service at Huish Church.
On 16th we held a United Family and Young Peoples’
Carol Service when Father Christmas visited and
collected the gifts which the congregation had given
for the Refugee centre in Plymouth.
The very popular Punch and Pie was held at
Brightmanshayes, hosted by the Kent family, on
December 2nd.
Services at Christmas included the Service of Nine
Lessons and Carols
and Holy Communion on
Christmas Day.
Services throughout the year follow the same pattern,
the 1st Sunday of the month being Holy Communion at
11am, Evening Prayer on the 2nd Sunday at 6.30pm, a
United Service with the Chapel on the 3rd Sunday and
Holy Communion at 6.30pm on 4th Sunday.
Our lovely old Church is kept clean, and decorated
with flowers, by a band of volunteers, well organised
by Ann Luxton who is a gifted flower arranger, making
some stunning displays for special services and
We are also privileged to have a team of Bell Ringers
who keep the bells well primed at the two evening
services each month.
JANUARY. The PCC, together with Merton School,
organised a very successful Beetle Drive in the Baxter
Hall. The Rev Martin Warren, our Team Vicar,
departed on a 3 month Sabbatical at the end of the
month for a period of quiet and contemplation.
FEBRUARY was a quiet month with time for reflection
and no fund raising events to think about.
MARCH. Mothering Sunday was the next item to mark
on the calendar with the Service being held in the
chapel. The Roast beef lunch , which was held in the
Baxter Hall, was very popular and of great benefit to
our funds. As ever, Ian, Brenda and David Kent worked
like Trojans in the kitchen, aided by members of the
PCC and helpers, serving 85 people. Continued...
Yearbook 2013
News from the Church continued
March was also a busy month for special services
with Palm Sunday on 24th, Good Friday on 29th and
Easter Sunday on 31st. These services play a very
important part in the Christian year.
APRIL was another quiet month, but with
preparations for the Annual Parish Meeting on
Sunday 28th keeping the PCC busy, time flew by.
Martin had thankfully returned safely home and
much refreshed from his Island off the west coast of
Scotland, and was able to chair the meeting. We
welcomed Chris Smith to the PCC
MAY. Ascension Day on Wednesday 9th was another
important day in the Church calendar
with a Service being held in the evening.
On 12th May, we welcomed several people from
nearby Parishes who joined us for a Rogation Service
at Hallwood Farm in the old barn. We then walked
out into the fields where Susannah
blessed the crops and prayed for a good growing
season and harvest. We then returned to the barn
for a delicious cream tea.
Later in the month we had 2 Weddings in the church,
the first being Carol and Brian Cameron’s daughter
Anna, then in June the Kirk family brought their
daughter to be wed.
JULY. On Saturday July 6th, St Petroc’s Church hosted
a Ringing Festival, from 2pm til 9pm, when many
teams of bell ringers competed for a coveted prize
and enjoyed a tea served by the PCC.
AUGUST and SEPTEMBER . On Saturday 14th the
Church was open for the Historic Churches Day
allowing people to visit all the churches in Devon.
OCTOBER. Our annual Harvest Festival Service on
October 13th was a highlight of the year with the
church being beautifully decorated with produce
from Hallwood Farm, courtesy of Richard and Ruth
Kelsey, plus superb flower arrangements. The
traditional Harvest Loaf was kindly made by Irene
Fisher. Following a traditional service, accompanied
by Nigel Taylor’s organ playing and the Village Voices
choir, the congregation enjoyed a delicious lunch in
the Baxter Hall with an Auction of Produce by David
Kent which raised a helpful sum towards Church
On Sunday October 27th we held a Vintage Tractor
Run with 37 tractors driving around 20 miles through
local villages and returning to the Baxter Hall for a
splendid hot lunch prepared and served by the PCC.
The 1940’s Evening was held on November 9th and
was enjoyed by all who attended.
The annual joint Remembrance Service on Sunday
November 10th was held in the Methodist Chapel and
the Church with Wreath laying at the War memorial.
Maureen Kelsey
Yearbook 2013
Macmillan Coffee
Morning 2013
The Macmillan Coffee Morning
was held on the 27th September
co-ordinated by Ann Jones.
Ann would like to thank her
band of willing helpers and to
everyone who came on the day
or sent in donations. An
astounding sum of £514.08 was
Baxter Hall Concert
On June 15th, three lively bands visited Petrockstowe performing some truly
sensational music! Dambuskers, Firewater and Dead Man’s Shoes rocked
away to an ecstatic audience, who couldn’t get enough of their
“It was the best night I have had in years!”
“Fantastic!” Martin
However, the entire event wouldn’t of been possible without the efforts of
Josie and Baz sacrificing many an evening at The Yarde researching what bands
play there, and it was through their efforts that Chris Stucky got on board and
organised the three bands and made the evening what it was!
Spring Show
This year’s Spring Flower & Produce Show was, as always, well
attended despite the poor weather having a slight impact on the
number of flowers entered.
The show made for a great afternoon for a catch-up with friends
along with tea and cakes!
Yearbook 2013
Yearbook 2013
Summer Fete
The Summer Fete, Saturday 27 July, was held in the Recreation Field. As usual, there was an abundance of
activities; from the well attended Fun Dog Show to the Crockery Smash; from the side stalls to the Fun Run;
there was something for everyone!
The fete opened with the Fun Dog show; where there were many different classes, including ‘The Dog with
the Waggiest Tail’, ‘The Dog with the most appealing eyes’, and ‘The Dog most like its owner’.
Meanwhile, there were many side stalls to explore, including the tombola and raffle, tea and cake stall, beer
festival, coconut shy, welly wanging and crockery smash! In addition, there were a number of stalls run by
local charities and keen fundraisers.
Summer Show
The Summer Flower and Produce Show, Saturday
10th August, was a huge success. There were in excess of
350 entries! Classes varied from the ‘longest runner bean’ to
the photographic competition.
Entries were staged between 9.00- 10.00 am; The Baxter Hall
was a hub of excitement and anticipation; villagers had spent
months perfecting their entries.
After the judges had made their final decisions, the doors
were opened and the crowds came flooding in to discover
how successful they had been! Others came along for a
coffee and catch-up and to try out the new Baxter Bar!
In conclusion, the Summer Flower and Produce Show was a
tremendous success; the tables were full to bursting with
entries; the tea and cakes were sumptuous; the hall was full
of spectators buzzing with excitement!
Yearbook 2013
Curry Night
The Curry Night in the Baxter Hall, 30 October, was a great success with 110 sitting down to enjoy the delightful
cooking of Paul and Becky Giles-Phillips. Guests enjoyed the transformed Baxter Hall, which was unrecognisable;
paper flowers, the ‘Tandoori Palace’ gazebo, and wonderfully décor adorned the walls and tables- you would be
forgiven for mistaking the hall to be a genuine curry house!
The 110 guests enjoyed a delicious three- course Indian meal, beginning with Poppadoms with chutney and spicy
dips, followed by an array of different curry dishes- from the red- hot chilli to the smooth chicken korma. Finally,
the guests were treated to some coconut ice-cream with chocolate chili sauce- !‫(مزیدار‬delicious!)
The event also included an auction where Paul’s cooking expertise was on offer for one night; this alone raised a
whopping £200!
Finally, a huge thank you and well done should be given to all the organisers and decorators, waiters and
waitresses, bar men and women, and, of course, Paul and Becky Giles-Philips
1940’s Evening
Tractor Run
The Petrockstowe Vintage Tractor run, held on
October 27th, was a great success. In spite of dull
weather and with the odd shower thirty-seven
hardy vintage tractors with their drivers and
passengers enjoyed a drive around the local area
Many came to take photos and watch as the
procession drove through the village after a
prayer from Susannah. Ninety-five sat down to a
hot lunch of cottage pie served by the PCC.
Thanks to all who made pies, sweets or helped in
any way.
The 1940’s evening, Saturday 9 November, was
enjoyed by everyone in the Baxter Hall, which
decorated with some extremely authentic wartime
scenery. Many of the guests were dressed in outfits of
the period. Food of the wartime era was enjoyed by
everyone, this was followed by a `Sing-along` of
wartime songs accompanied by Vera and William
Collins on the organ and saxophone.
Much fun was also had playing games organised by
Roger Vooght. Many thanks were given to Ian Kent,
Ann Luxton, Maureen Kelsey, Mary Beresford and
other members of St Petroc`s Church PCC for
organising such a successful fund raising event for the
Yearbook 2013
Other News in Brief…
Mystery Tour
This year’s sell out village Mystery Tour took place
on the 6th August with an early start from the
Baxter Hall car park. The tour took the excited
passengers to Weymouth, Otter Nurseries, West
bay, Portland and Seaton! The weather also
enhanced this exhilarating trip as you can see by the
Baxter Hall
Back in June, the Baxter Hall received a new bar
area. Nicknamed the ‘Baxter Bar’, it provides a more
spacious area in which to buy, and serve, both soft
and alcoholic drinks. Well done to all those involved
in the construction!
In addition, Baz has also worked tirelessly
redecorating the entire hall; the end result looks
Golf Ball Run
Following the last home cricket match of the season
the Annual Golf Ball Run took place from North
Town Crossroads; the longest running ball was won
by David Kelsey with the second by Liam Brend and
the shortest, Gary Beer.
Group Reviews
After over fifteen years, professional artist Mac has
hung up his brushes to enjoy the rest of his
retirement. Since his departure the group meetings
have been moved from a Monday afternoon to a
Friday morning. This, along with the new tutor
Netty has seen a resurgence of interest in the art
group. We now have 12 budding artists all willing to
learn from Netty, who not only brings a great deal
of expertise and knowledge to the group, but she
also exudes a great deal of enthusiasm and fun.
Netty immediately sought to begin more structured
lesson plans; making all twelve artists try something
out of their comfort zone. We are still keen to
attract further new members to our group, so if you
have painted/drawn before and always meant to
start again, you will be made very welcome,
similarly if you have never drawn or painted before,
please come and join us, you maybe pleasantly
Keith Rooke
2013 started with Neil and Carol and Chris and Doreen
taking over running the Club following Gerard and Ann’s
retirement after 16 very successful years.
The February meeting proved to be quite a stressful
night as the speaker was diverted along unknown
narrow lanes and tracks and became lost – eventually a
very entertaining talk was delivered and enjoyed by the
members. Thankfully no other problems arose during
the year and subjects covered ranged from growing
weird and wonderful plants in a garden on the edge of
Dartmoor to the last talk in November on nature
reserves in Costa Rica.
The annual summer barbeque took place in June and the
members enjoyed the excellent spread and French wine
provided. The last event of the year was the Christmas
meal at the Half Moon, Sheepwash– we ended the year
with a very enjoyable and happy time.
Carol & Neil Squires
Yearbook 2013
The 2013 season ended with a mixed bag of results
starting by losing a Friendly match on Tuesday
August 20th v a touring side, The Crossbatters. The
team also lost against another touring side,
Cuddington C C on Saturday August 24th. However,
they won a further friendly match v Weare Giffard
on Sunday August 25th. A very tight finish took
place on Sunday September 1st in a League match v
North Molton away, the home team scoring 169
with Petrockstowe replying 159 all out. The last
League game of the season also v North Molton at
home, had to be cancelled due to heavy rain. The
team were pleased to finish 3rd in the 4th Division
of the North Devon League. Overall it has been a
much better season with some beautiful cricketing
weather compared to 2012. Altogether, combining
League and Friendly fixtures the team won 13
matches, lost 8 and had 5 cancelled. The club are to
have their end of season prize giving and social
evening in The Laurels on Saturday 28th. The last
home match of the season took place on Sunday
September 22nd with a match v Clinton Devon
Estates XI, yet another excellent village afternoon of
fun, with a close fought game won by Petrockstowe
by one run in the last over. We were pleased to
welcome our President Lord Clinton during the
match. Many thanks must be given to Ken Heaman
for not only organising all the fixtures but selecting
many of the teams; also to Ted Seath and Roy
Horwood for all their hard work keeping the cricket
field in such an excellent condition.
`Most Improved Player of the Year to Liam Brend.
Chairman Lawson Tremellen said that the Club had
had a successful season and had benefitted from
the much better sunny weather, ending the season
fourth in Division Four of the North Devon League.
Lawson also thanked the Committee members for
all their work throughout the summer months.
Petrockstowe Cricket Club
The Club held their End of Season Prize giving and
Social evening in The Laurels on Saturday
September 28th. Lee Cockwill won trophies for Best
League Batsman, Best League Bowler and `Player`s
Player of the Year`. Ted Seath presented his cup for
The group has enjoyed a variety of talks and
outings over the last twelve months starting in
January with David Kelsey showing a film of
farming in Kent in the late 1930s which brought
back memories to many in the audience of farming
as it was in the local area.
For February and March we joined with Merton
group for talks on Hubba the Dane and the battle
of Cynuit with reference to Merton and Beaford
and Dr Tod Grey reminding us of some of the more
challenging areas of our local history such as the
Black Shirts who were active in Devon during World
War2, looting and piracy.
In April Paul Rendell told us of all the
different industries that have been a part of
Dartmoor over many years including mining for tin,
copper, silver and arsenic, making glass, peat
cutting, quarrying granite, hydro electricity, a paper
mill and a gun powder factory which we found
fascinating. So many have left their mark on the
moor and can still be seen today.
During June and July we enjoyed a visit to the Sea
Lock at Weare Gifford though it poured with rain a
soon as we arrived and a walk around Bideford east
in lovely sunshine with Peter Christie. It's amazing
how much more you see on foot rather than
driving in a car.
In August we held our AGM and were delighted to
have one of our own members Elizabeth Vooght
with the help of her son Roger talk on her
childhood in Germany during the war and how she
came to England, married a farmer and moved to
In September we had another joint visit with
Merton group on a private tour of Weare Gifford
Hall organised by Philip Collins. This beautiful
house was a joy to see. Unfortunately the weather
wasn't good enough to look around the
garden. Charles Innis came in October and gave an
entertaining and informative talk on his Reflections
of the River Torridge. We followed this with a
group meal at the Lymington Arms, Winkleigh an
enjoyable social event.
We finished off our year with another joint meeting
at Merton when films of the 50s and 60s of local
people and events will be shown.
We welcome anyone who is interested in history to
our meetings which are held in the Baxter Hall on
the first Friday of the month at 7.30p.m. Phone
Ann Luxton the secretary for details.
Ann Luxton
Yearbook 2013
Cooking Demonstrations... A Games Evening (to include Skittles, Table Tennis, Scrabble etc.) Poetry evening when
we all bring along our favourite poem, or indeed one we have written...A Visit to the local Pottery to make and
Paint Pots...Petrockstowe Past & present, A look at old photos and talks of life today and how things used to be....A
Reflexology talk...A Pimms afternoon....A Picnic by the river...A talk on The day in the Life of a Vicar...An insight into
the use of the Devonshire Dialect...A presentation on "My Dancing years"...A trip to Tavistock to see the Christmas
tree Spectacle and Lights. And at the end of the year we all get together for a Christmas Lunch and a drink at the
Laurels Inn.
As a group we support the village events by providing and serving Cakes Tea and Coffee. We hold fund raising
events to raise money for our chosen Charity....Coffee Mornings once a month, Cake sales at Shows and Fetes
both in Petrockstowe and, at other local village events, Car Boot sales, Bingo & raffles, Quiz nights, Cream teas and
what has become an annual event, a Pimms afternoon ,where all the ladies in the Village are invited to come
along. We plan trips out to different places ,we arrange walks and lunches.
Our Chosen Charity for the last two years has been for village causes... divided between the village Church, the
village Chapel and the village hall.. all of which require money to help with their upkeep.
Ann Tomkins
New Village Website
Earlier this year, Petrockstowe received a brand
new village website. The original village website
hadn’t been updated for over a decade, as a result
I decided to take on the challenge of rebuilding
the site!
The new website is crammed full of fun and
informative features including: extensive information about all of Petrockstowe’s facilities; a brief
history of the village; information about the groups; and a ‘visit’ section to promote tourism within
the area. In addition, the monthly Petrockstowe newsletters were also made available online along
with an interactive events calendar!
Subsequently other features have been added to the site including: a village video, event reviews,
and a comprehensive ‘Visit’ section.
P Mahoney
Yearbook 2013
Yearbook 2013