ENGLISH P HILIPPINES Training Center INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 3 Campuses Certified Programs BOARDING SCHOOL CEBU ESL ∙ CAMBRIDGE ∙ IELTS ∙ TOEIC ∙ TOEFL ∙ BUSINESS SMEAG Philippines Training Center, Inc. was established in 2006 and currently operates three campuses which offers a broad range of programs such as ESL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, CAMBRIDGE, EAP and GAC. SMEAG also offers guaranteed programs with specific entrance dates and different selection of overseas universities which makes SMEAG unique to other schools. With the specialized educational programs and state-of-the-art facilities, SMEAG Philippines Training Center is one of the best and most sought out English Language schools in the Philippines. Philippines Training Center Seoul Branch Busan Branch Japan Branch 1st. Campus 2nd. Campus 3rd. Campus 2302 OFFICIA Bldg, 92, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea (TEL. 82-2-586-8677 FAX. 82-2-586-8681) 22th Floor, KNN Tower, Sentum-seoro 30, Heaundae-gu, Busan, Korea (TEL. 82-70-8628-8677 / FAX. 82-51-711-7322) Yamano26 Bldg.2F 1-21-12, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (TEL. 81-3-5302-2239 / FAX. 81-3-5302-2238) Minoza st., Brgy, Tigbao, Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines (TEL. 82-70-7500-9949 / 63-32-346-7297) 2815, S.Cabahug St. cor, F.Gochan St., Mabolo, Cebu City, Philippines (TEL. 82-70-7500-9948 / 63-32-231-6077) Emillio Osmena cor., Bataan St., Guadalupe, Cebu City, Cebu 6000, Philippines (TEL. 82-70-8637-8688 / 63-32-520-9208) 1st SPARTA 2nd CLASSIC 3rd CAPITAL The date of publication : 2014 Copyright ⓒ 2014 SMEAG EDUCATION Welcome Message SMEAG has the tools to transform your dream of MASTERING English into reality GREETINGS. Welcome to SMEAG Philippines Education Center. English has quickly taken its position as a mandatory requirement to advance in this fast growing Contents SMEAG Philippines Training Center 08 era of globalization. A considerable number of students start their studies with a firm determination and aim to improve their English language skills. However, in reality it is not easy to reach such goal. The more you treat English as a subject to study and a hurdle that you must overcome, the further you drift away from your ambitions. In order to receive the utmost achievement, you need to incorporate the use of English into your daily lifestyle. You must make it a habit to live and breathe English to obtain maximum results. Learning English is never a simple path, but with a systematic educational program 12 specialized to conform to your appropriate level, the dream can become a reality. SMEAG Philippines Training Center has a structured dormitory so students can ultimately focus in their studies during their stay. With the certification from the British Council as an authorized IELTS exam center, as an ETS certified TOEIC center with an outstanding education system, and several partnerships with universities, all these make SMEAG unique and dynamic. Through our professional and 18 compelling educational curriculum and accredited testing and certification programs, we, at SMEAG, will strive to help you improve your English language skills so you can leap forward as a global talent. With our multi- globally authenticated testing and teaching programs, we 26 SMEAG INTRODUCTION 04 Company History 06 SMEAG is special 07 4 prides of SMEAG 10 14 24 English education ever available. Thank You. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 08 1st Center _ Sparta Campus 10 2nd Center _ Classic Campus 12 3rd Center _ Capital Campus SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION 14 ESL 16 CAMBRIDGE 18 IELTS 20 TOEIC 22 TOEFL 24 EAP 25 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 30 work hard to provide you with the best SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION 26 Volunteer Activity 28 Travel Attractions in Cebu 30 SMEAG PEOPLE 32 Schedule of activities and official Tests 33 Regulations 34 Certificates SMEAG INTRODUCTION - Company History Company History 2013 January 2012 February • Rakuten, Japanese Company’s 1st “Studying English Abroad” Program 2011 • GAC teaching Center authorized by ACT (American College Test) ES March April • Opening of TOEIC Program • Opening of ERC Institute (EAP) Program 2010 February History 2009 January • Soon Chun Hyang University “Study English Abroad” 2008 February 2007 July st • 1 English Camp 2006 August 26 • Establishment of SME Philippines Training Center (85 students) • Opening of ESL[English as a second Language] Program December • Selected as the best training Center in the Philippines • 2nd English Camp • Establishment of 1st Campus(Sparta) : Talamban Area (150 capacity) April • Establishment of 2nd Campus(Classic) : Mabolo Area (300 student capacity) July • Establishment of 1st Campus(Sparta) Premium English Dormitory : (360 capacity) • 5th Junior Camp December • Daegu Kyungbook has 2nd “Study English Abroad” Project • 6th Junior Camp • MOU between SME and CIC (Cambridge International College) Pathway program June • Expansion of 2nd Campus (Classic) : Building B (505 capacity) • MOU between SME and WonKwang Health Science University for Overseas Employment July • Opening of VIVA College Pathway program • 7th English Camp August • Wonkwang Health Science University 1st “Overseas Employment” Project June • 2nd Campus (Classic) opens authorized IELTS testing venue and IELTS Resource Center verified by British Council • Gu Mi University “Studying English Abroad” Program • Partnership with Singapore INFORMATICS • First official Academic Module IELTS exam at an official testing venue in SME 2nd CAMPUS (Classic) July • Establishment of SME 3rd CAMPUS (Capital) : Guadalupe Area (850 capacity) • Hallym Polytechnic University, Won-Kwang Health Science University “Study English Abroad” program • Authorized TOEIC Testing venue verified by ETS in SME 3rd CAMPUS (Capital) • Han-Yang & Won Kwang Health Science University “Studying English Abroad” Program • MOU between with SME and Australia BROWNS College and Opening of Pathway Program • MOU between SME and Australia NSW TAFE and Opening of Pathway Program • 9th English Camp May • Agreement between SME and American College Test Evaluation Institution (ACT) and GAC • Opening of IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Program • Daegu Keisung High School “Studying English Abroad” Project Agreement • MOU between SME and Australia IMAGINE EDUCATION and Opening of Pathway Program July December • 10th Junior Camp • Daegu Kyungbook Dormitory 1st “Study English Abroad” Project / 4th English Camp June • British Council training seminar & Pre-TEST exclusively for SME teachers • Hallym Polytechnic University “Studying English Abroad” Project Agreement December • MOU between SME and Australia William Angliss TAFE and Opening of Pathway Program • Opening of the program to enter “Canada Centennial College” December • 3 English Camp / Global Going Abroad Camp May July October rd • MOA between SME and St. Theresa’s College located in CEBU • 11 th English Camp August • MOU between SME and Australia Sunshine Coast TAFE and Opening of Pathway Program December • Opening of authorized TOEIC Speaking & Writing testing venue by ETS • Opening of Daegu Keisung High School, Hallym Polytechnic University “Study English Abroad” Project • Han-Yang & Won Kwang University “Studying English Abroad” Program • 8th English Camp • 12th English Camp SMEAG Philippines Training Center 04 05 • Geum Gang & Won Kwang Health Science University “Studying English Abroad” Program February • MOU between SME and Australia Southbank TAFE and Opening of Pathway Program • MOU between SME and Le Cordon Bleu Australia Center (the biggest Cooking School in the world) and Opening of Pathway Program March • Japan DeNa / Hoju-Jogajuin / Tokyo International college of Music Therapy “Studying English Abroad” Project for Company employees • Establishment of SIEC (SME International Education Center) May • Opening of CAMBRIDGE Exam Preparation Program • MOU between SME and Australia Wide Bay Institute of TAFE and Opening of Pathway Program June • Han-Yang & Won Kwang University “Studying English Abroad” Program July • Won Kwang University “Studying English Abroad” Program • 13 th English Camp December • Establishment of SMEAG Philippines Center • Opening of TOEFL Program • 14 th English Camp 2014 January • Na Law Firm “Studying English Abroad” Program March • Opening of Authorized iBT TOEFL Testing Venue Han-Kyeong University ONLY SMEAG PHILIPPINES TRAINING CENTER IS AT SMEAG PHILIPPINES TRAINING CENTER UNIQUE 1. Authorized IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, CAMBRIDGE and ACT ES Testing Venue exclusively in Philippines Cebu City of Cebu ANNUAL ALUMNI OF 4,000 STUDENTS Because of the satisfaction of academic excellence and level of education, recent graduates have been recommending SMEAG Philippines Training Education Center to their friends and families. We have an average of 4,000 student graduates from SMEAG every year. By staying in constant contact and having reunions with their fellow batch mates from various countries, graduates help build and expand SMEAG’s network. ▶ The largest scale in Philippines, 3 CAMPUSES With a total of 1,000 capacity, SMEAG is the largest Education Institution in Philippines and offers outstanding English Study Environment, having partnerships with International Authorized Testing Institution(British Council, EST & ACT ES) and more than 90 Universities and Global companies. Sparta Campus – 210 / Classic - 330 / Capital – 410 = Total 1,000 Among the language schools in Philippines, the most foreign students are studying in SMEAG Philippines Training Center. We believe that interaction and communication with different cultures will strengthen every student’s social and language skills. In addition, students will be able to explore the different cultures that surround them. Students who graduate from SMEAG Philippines Training Center will be able to establish a wider interpersonal relationship, not just amongst their own cultures, but with various nationalities. ▶ The most trained teachers After hiring outstanding teachers whose major is English literature or Education, they (will be) are trained regularly. IELTS – 50 / TOEIC – 50 / TOEFL – 30 / CAMBRIDGE – 40 / BUSINESS – 30 ▶ The most students of diverse nationalities & multinational managers ESL CAPITAL TOTAL 1,000 STUDENTS CAMBRIDGE 260 330 410 50 100 150 20 BUSINESS IELTS TOEIC CLASSIC SPARTA SMEAG Philippines Training Center operates a variety of college admissions and training programs for students who wish to study overseas. Through the association of universities and educational institutions in various countries, such as the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Singapore, amongst other countries, SMEAG graduates have the opportunity to travel and study abroad. SMEAG Philippines Training Center as a private school has the only IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, ACT and CAMBRIDGE Testing Center and Resource Center that has been certified from the British Council, and the only GAC Teaching Center in the Philippines. The GAC program is an internationally recognized university preparation program for students who do not have English as their first language. Successful completion of the GAC program will guarantee them entrance into one of 90 Pathway Universities in over 10 countries. Based on the accumulated teaching experience for long time, SMEAG has operated authorized Testing Venue after passing strict certification process. Both SMEAG’s students and others can apply for all official tests. (*Other schools / institutions that use the official logo or insist that they are a testing venue can be suited.) Cambridge Authorized Testing Venue (SMEAG 1st Center Sparta Campus) IELTS Authorized Testing Venue by British Council (SMEAG 2nd Center Classic Campus) TOEIC & TOEFL Authorized Testing Venue by ETS (SMEAG 3rd Center Capital Campus) 2. The largest, most trained teachers and diverse nationalities of students DIVERSE STUDENT BODY A WIDE SELECTION OF PATHWAY PROGRAMS AVAILABLE at SMEAG Classic Campus P H I L I P P I N E SMEAG Philippines Training Center has 3 campuses in Cebu, Philippines. With a capacity of 860 students, it is the largest English educational institution in the Philippines. Each campus has its own specialized program, operation and management systems and is offering a variety of facilities to study and convenience for all students. All SMEAG students will have CAMBRIDGE ESOL / IELTS / TOEIC / TOEFL weekly mock test. (Also) SMEAG will support students who joined the guarantee course with a free tuition and exam fee until they get their target score. With the help of our highly trained teachers, 98% of our IELTS examinees have reached their target score while studying at our center. With 7 step hiring process, SMEAG is always pursuing ways to advance the level of education for our students through regular evaluations and seminars. Capital Campus The 4 Prides of SMEAG: THE LARGEST ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL for 860 students in PHILIPPINES IELTS/TOEIC/TOEFL/CAMBRIDGE TARGET SCORE GUARANTEE COURSE 98% SUCCESS RATE Sparta Campus 80 The largest trained teachers OTHERS VIETNAM 3% 7% 3. Going Abroad to enter the international Universities. ▶ GAC As the only accredited GAC Teaching Center certified by ACT ES in Philippines, SMEAG offers an internationally recognized university preparation program. ▶ EAP Without an official IELTS score and entrance test, SMEAG EAP program allows students to enter overseas universities, in cooperation with Le Cordon Bleu, TAFE and many overseas universities and institutions abroad. 4. Student Management System CHINA + TAIWAN 10% KOREA JAPAN Among more than 300 schools in Philippines, SMEAG has the most multi international students such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thailander, Iranian, Spanish and Russian. Also SMEAG has the multinational managers who are working for the successful study of the students. China + Taiwan (10%) / Korea (45%) / Vietnam (7%) / Japan (35%) / Others (3%) 98% 45% SMEAG’s Online Academic management System makes it possible to manage Class schedule, attendance records and Test results effectively. ▶ Preparation Program for Official tests 35% NATIONALITY RATIO ▶ Online Academic Management System All SMEAG students are taking a weekly Mock Test in each authorized Testing venue and evaluated objectively. Students can confide in their skills and more than 98% of the students have reached their target score. IELTS TARGET SCORE SUCCESS RATE ▶ Safety Education SMEAG Safety Education trains students how to react to unexpected emergency cases and problem with local people. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 06 07 SMEAG INTRODUCTION - SMEAG is special SMEAG is special SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION st 1 Campus SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION - 1st Center _ Sparta Campus ■ Intensive & Sparta Type Training ■ CAMBRIDGE Certificate valid for your whole life SMEAG Philippines Education 1st Center (Sparta Campus) Strict rules and academic regulations are enforced at SMEAG Sparta Campus to challenge students who are prepared to maximize their English training during their enrollment. Premium Dormitory 1F Living room / Teacher room | 2F 2/3 People Dormitory LOCATION CAMPUS FEATURES SMEAG SPARTA Campus is located in Talamban, Cebu, Philippines. The vast area of Talamban is located uptown just outside of Cebu City. Various fruits, corn, and sugar cane plants once fostered, but the growing demand for residential complexes and educational facilities has commercialized the region. Cebu North General Hospital and various schools surround SMEAG SPARTA Campus, providing a safe educational environment. • Certified Center • Classroom • Dormitory • Other Facilities RULES AND REGULATIONS Premium Dormitory [2 people room - 6 / 3 people room 24] • Entering and exiting the premises are prohibited on the weekdays • Curfew is strictly enforced on the weekends (Saturday – 10PM, Sunday – 9PM) • Morning and Evening SPARTA classes including Sunday evenings are mandatory CAMBRIDGE ESOL Authorized Testing Venue 1:1 Classrooms – 72, 1:4 Classrooms – 12 1:8 Classrooms – 2, Meeting Rooms – 5, Self-Study Room 1 person room – 10, 2 people room – 48, 3 people room - 35 ining Hall, Canteen, Pool, Fitness Center, TV Room, D Basket Ball, Badminton & Valley Ball Court Dining hall 3 people room 1to1 1to4 • In the dormitory, students should speak English at all times, teachers reside on the premises at the Premium Dormitory and have a TEA TIME schedule with the students to enhance their English skills after their classes. • For the safety of the students, transportation to and from the dormitory and campus is provided 70 times a day Classroom Building Pool/Main Office / Class room / Self-Study room / Dining Hall Program ESL 1 Basic English Course ESL 2 Basic English Course + Customized 1:1 additional class Premium ESL Cambridge Exam Tea Time in Premium Dormitory Private Shuttle Bus Premium Place for Relaxation •Course 1 - KET •Course 2 - PET •Course 3 - FCE •Course 4 - CAE •Course 5 - CPE Convenient Facilities GYM / TV LOUNGE SMEAG Philippines Training Center 08 09 SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION nd 2 Campus SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION - 2nd Center _ Classic Campus ■ An international official score for entering a university and emigration ■ Authorized IELTS, ACT GAC Teaching Center A Building Dormitory / Classroom nd SMEAG Philippines Education Center 2 CAMPUS (Classic Campus) IRC IELTS Resource Center / Dining Hall SMEAG Philippines Training Center is a British Council certified IELTS Testing Center, and a certified overseas university special admissions program GAC (Global Assessment Certificate) center authorized by ACT (American College Testing), a U.S. college assessment organization. LOCATION SMEAG CLASSIC campus is located in Mabolo, Cebu, Philippines. Mabolo lies in the heart of Cebu City and is known for having two adjacent shopping centers, Ayala and SM Mall. Mabolo is considered a safe area that is surrounded with government offices as well as many residential villas. A convenient location, Mabolo has many accommodations so tourists will be able to enjoy and access all parts of the city with ease. RULES AND REGULATIONS • Morning and Evening SPARTA classes are mandatory during the first 4 weeks of study • Curfew : Mon to Fri : 09PM - 5AM / Saturday, Sunday & Holiday : 11PM – 5 AM • Weekday outings and weekend overnight stays are allowed with prior permission. CAMPUS FEATURES Dining Hall • Certified Center IELTS Resource Center / IELTS Testing Center • Classroom 1:1 Classrooms – 162, 1:4 Classrooms – 20, 1:8 Classrooms – 4, Conference Room, Self-Study Room • Dormitory 1 person room - 15, 2 people room - 81, 3 people room – 12 4 people room – 8, 5 people room - 6 • FacilitiesDining Hall, Canteen, GYM, Golf Practice Range, TV Lounge, Basket Ball Court, Badminton Court, Valley Ball Court, Ping Pong Table 2 people room B Building Classroom / Dormitory / Self-Study Room / IELTS Testing Venue Program ESL ESL 1 Basic English Course ESL 2 Basic English Course + Customized 1:1 additional class IELTS IELTS RESOURCE CENTER EAP / GAC 3 people room 1to4 Office Canteen •Course 1 - Pre-IELTS •Course 2 - 5.5 Guarantee •Course 3 - 6.0 Guarantee •Course 4 - 6.5 Guarantee •Course 5 - 7.0 Guarantee B Building GYM / Golf Practice Lounge / Canteen / Laundry Overseas University entrance Course SMEAG Philippines Training Center 10 11 SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION rd 3 Campus SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION - 3rd Center _ Capital Campus ■ An international official score for job application ■ Authorized ETS, TOEIC, TOEFL Testing Center 2F Lobby / Movie Theater SMEAG Philippines Education 3rd Center (Capital Campus) SMEAG Capital Campus is an ETS authorized TOEIC & TOEFL testing center with state-of-the-art learning facilities and a variety of amenities. LOCATION CAMPUS FEATURES SMEAG CAPITAL Campus is located in Guadalupe, Cebu, Philippines. Guadalupe is the political center of CEBU PROVINCE where government agencies surround the CAPITOL. Many of the government’s key personnel and their families reside in the residential areas surrounding the Capitol making it a safe and dynamic region. • Certified CenterETS authorized TOEIC & TOEFL Testing Venue • Classroom 1:1 classroom – 156, 1:4 classroom – 21, 1:8 classrooms – 4 Group Classroom – 3, Movie Theater, Self-Study Room • Dormitory 1 person room – 8, 2 people room – 6, 3 people room – 111, 4 people room – 81 • FacilityDining Hall, Canteen, Coffee Shop, Gym, TV Lounge, Basket Ball Court, Badminton Court, Valley Ball Court, Ping Pong Table, Movie Theater, Chicken Shop RULES AND REGULATIONS • Morning and Evening SPARTA classes are mandatory during the first 4 weeks of study • Curfew : 11PM – 5AM • Weekday outings and weekend overnight stays are allowed with prior permission. TOEIC ESL 1 ESL 2 Listening & Reading Speaking & Writing TOEFL ETS authorized TOEIC & TOEFL Testing Venue 4 people room capital1f Program ESL Dining Hall Business Canteen 6F GYM Basic English Course Basic English Course + Customized 1:1 additional class •Course 1 – Pre-TOEIC •Course 2 – 600 Guarantee •Course 3 – 700 Guarantee •Course 4 – 800 Guarantee •Course 5 – 900 Guarantee Preparation Course for an official Test •Course 1 – Pre-TOEFL •Course 2 – 60 Guarantee •Course 3 – 80 Guarantee •Course 4 – 100 Guarantee •Course 5 – 110 Guarantee 1F Chicken Restaurant English for an Business Environment Coffee Shop SMEAG Philippines Training Center 12 13 6F TV Lounge SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION ESL RECOMMENDED STUDENTS -Students who lack the foundation and want intensive 1:1 classes Main Campus SPARTA CAMPUS CLASSIC CAMPUS CAPITAL CAMPUS Starting Dates Every Monday English as a Second Language ESL program is the foundation course of SMEAG. Students are encouraged to utilize their skills through conversation, grammar, reading, listening, writing, and vocabulary classes. SMEAG ESL has been operating 620 minutes classes in a day for four modules (Listening/ Reading/ Writing/ Speaking). SMEAG ESL system, as a bridge, helps students to improve their balanced English skills to proceed to high-level courses. Program Description Courses ESL – 1 ESL – 2 Features 4 Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) + Discussion ESL - 1 + Additional 1:1 class tailored to the weak skills through careful analysis/ consultation •1:1 ▶ READING & WRITING A •1:1 ▶ LISTENING & SPEAKING A •1:4 ▶ DISCUSSION A Classes (45min each) 1:1 Classes •1:1 ▶ READING & WRITING B •1:1 ▶ LISTENING & SPEAKING B •1:4 ▶ DISCUSSION B NONE 1:1 PLUS 180 mins 270 mins Point 1. SPECIAL TRAINING FOR L/S & R/W TEACHER Optional Classes •Survival English •Story Telling & English Expression •Pronunciation & Accent Training •Music •Speak Up Sparta Classes • CNN • Pattern & Grammar • Step Up • News & Sitcom • TOEIC • Cambridge • IELTS Classes are taught (1:1) by teachers who have received special training in the areas of Reading/ Writing and Listening/Speaking. Through the teacher’s intensive curriculum, students will be able to receive a systematic training that will benefit their studies. ☞ Profesional teachers for each modules / Best books for each modules / Regular teacher training / Strict coaching and appraisal by supervisors and team leaders / Satisfaction of students UP !!! Enrollment period 4+ weeks Regular class: 360min Special class: 90min Sparta class: 170min Feature of ESL program in each campus Sparta Campus Recommended Students Sparta Class Mon~Fri morning 80min Mon~Thurs evening 90min Weekly test SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION - ESL Lecture Hours: 620 min SMEAG ESL FEATURES Point 2. Daily Activity Through SMEAG RED DIARY Classic & Capital Campus Students who concentrate and focus on their study more if there are strict rules Students who can control themselves to study in a free atmosphere and also travel in Philippines It is mandatory for students to attend all Sparta classes during the entire duration of their study period. Students cannot go out on Saturday if they have negative points. All new students must attend all Sparta classes only for the first 4 weeks. If not, warning will be given. Students must comply with the weekly exam schedule during the entire duration of their study period. If not, warning will be given and going out will be limited depending on the number of the warning. Students must take weekly test once in 4weeks. If not, warning will be given. Every day, students will be able to work on listening dictation during L/S class and writing essays in R/W class. Each assignment will be evaluated daily as a necessary part of the progress in the student’s ability to learn vocabulary, grammar, and various expressions. Point 3. ESL 2 PROGRAM Add 2 tailored 1:1 classes after thorough analysis / consultation of the weak points from the Placement Test. Additional classes will provide a balanced learning of 4 skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) by focusing more on student’s weak points. PROGRAM SCHEDULE TIME CLASS Morning Sparta Classes 06:40~08:00 ESL 1 : 08:40 ~ 09:25 1st Class Improving communication skills through balanced training of 4basic skills (L / R / W / S) 09:30 ~ 10:15 2nd Class 10:25 ~ 11:10 3rd Class 11:15 ~ 12:00 4th Class 13:00 ~ 13:35 5th Class 13:50 ~ 14:35 6th Class ESL 2 : Additional classes by counseling of students will give more specific 1:1 training for their weak points. th 14:45 ~ 15:30 7 Class 15:35 ~ 16:20 8th Class 16:30 ~ 17:15 9th Class 17:20 ~ 18:05 10th Class 19:00 ~ 19:45 19:50 ~ 20:35 Evening Sparta Classes CONTENT STEP-UP VOCABULARY & IDIOMS Grammar & Pattern Grammar & Pattern English CNN CNN News 1:1 Class (L/S) Special class Special Class (Story Telling & English Expression A / B) 1:4 Class (Discussion) Special Class (Music A / B) 1st Class 2nd Class Survival English A/B 3rd Class 4th Class 5th Class 6th Class CONTENTS OF ESL STUDENTS Highest improvement in basic English conversation in the shortest amount of time (620 minutes of class per day) (620min in a day- 270min Regular classes, 180min Specail classes, 170min Sparta classes). 7th Class 8th Class 9th Class 10th Class Music A/B Speak Up A/B Story Telling Pronunciation & English & Accent Expression Training A/B A/B 1:1 Listening and Speaking 1:1 Reading and Writing 1:4 Discussion SPECIAL CLASS ESL Course Book 1:1 Class (R/W) IELTS IELTS Speaking News & Sitcom Listening & Speaking Step Up Vocabulary/ Listening/ Useful expressions SPARTA CLASS Weekend’s Schedule SMEAG Weekly Test Improving English communication skills through weekly test. CLASS CONTENT Friday TIME 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 09:00 ~ 12:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday TOEIC / IELTS / Progress Test (Cambridge ESOL) Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) SMEAG Philippines Training Center 14 15 SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION Cambridge Recommended Students -Who want to improve their English skills with a tight schedule and have a certificate which is valid in the whole life and study advanced English expressions. Opening Date Every Monday internationally recognized English language proficiency test. Program Descriptions Course 1 KET Course 2 PET Course Organization (Each Class 45 Min) Organization (Each Class 45 Min) Morning Sparta Step Up •1:1 ▶ Writing A •1:2 ▶ Speaking A •1:4 ▶ Reading A •1:8 ▶ Listening A Grammar & Pattern 1&2 •1:1 ▶ Writing B •1:2 ▶ Speaking B •1:4 ▶ Reading B •1:8 ▶ Listening B Regular Class Optional Class Evening Sparta Course 3 FCE Course 4 CAE Course 5 CPE CNN •1:1 ▶ Writing & Use of English A •1:1 ▶ Writing & Use of English B •1:2 ▶ Speaking A •1:2 ▶ Speaking B •1:4 ▶ Reading A •1:4 ▶ Reading B •1:8 ▶ Listening A •1:8 ▶ Listening B Survival English • Story Telling & English Expressions • Pronunciation & Accent Training • Music •Speak Up Step Up Valid Official IELTS 3.0 or TOEIC 400 or TOEFL 40 or SEMAG Level 1H or KET Pass with Merit (85 %) None REQUIREMENTS News & Sitcom / TOEIC TOEIC / IELTS Speaking Valid Official IELTS 4.5 or TOEIC 580 or TOEFL 60 or SEMAG Level 2H or PET Passing Grade (75%) IELTS Speaking IELTS Speaking Valid Official IELTS 6.5 or TOEIC 860 or TOEFL 80 or SEMAG Level 4L Valid IELTS 7.5 or or FCE Passing Grade TOEFL 100 A (80%) ※ SMEAG Level Test can be acknowledged TOTAL Class : 620 min Regular Class : 360 Min Special Class : 90 Min Sparta Class : 170 Min TEST SUPPORT •After meeting the minimum requirements for each course, students can apply. •Observance of SPARTA CAMPUS regulations during the study period •Weekly CAMBRIDGE MOCK TEST 100% Mandatory Attendance (Warning will be provided for any absence or cheating) TIME CLASS Morning Sparta Classes STEP-UP VOCABULARY & IDIOMS Grammar & Pattern Grammar & Pattern English CNN CNN News KET (Key English Test) 08:40 ~ 09:25 1st Class 1:1 Class (Writing A) Special class With a tight schedule, students can have an international English certificate and learn useful expressions 09:30 ~10:15 2nd Class 1:1 Class (Writing B) 10:25 ~11:10 3rd Class 11:15 ~12:00 4th Class 13:00 ~13:45 5th Class 1:4 Class (Reading A) 13:50 ~14:35 6th Class 1:4 Class (Reading B) 14:45 ~15:30 7th Class 1:2 Class (Speaking A) FCE (First Certificate in English) 15:35 ~16:20 8th Class 1:2 Class (Speaking B) CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) 16:30 ~17:15 9th Class 1:8 Class (Listening A) Advanced English) Students want to study advanced English. 17:20 ~18:05 10th Class 1:8 Class (Listening B) 19:00 ~19:45 Evening Sparta Class A STEP-UP VOCABULARY & IDIOMS 19:45 ~19:50 5 Min Break News & Sitcom News & Sitcom 19:50 ~20:35 Evening Sparta Class B CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE EXAM PREPARATION PET (Preliminary English Test) Students can practice various and practical English expressions Course 3, 4 : Point 2. First and only authorized CAMBRIDGE Testing Venue and Program Students at SMEAG can study Cambridge Program and use the latest CAMBRIDGE data. Through the regular training, teachers at SMEAG can learn the latest information and efficient teaching methods to share with the students. CONTENT 06:40~08:00 Course 2 : Teachers at SMEAG Philippines Training Center are trained for specific classes such as Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing and Use of English which can provide essential skills and information to students. Point 3. Offer of the latest CAMBRDIGE TEST Information & regular Teacher Training Program Schedule Course 1 : Point 1. Specialized teachers divided by each specific class SMEAG Philippines Training Center is operating CAMBRIDGE Test Preparation Program and authorized Testing Venue. It is easy that students at SMEAG can have a good score, because they can practice the weekly MOCK Test in an authorized testing venue. 12 weeks enrollment (less than 3 warnings) *Course 5 (CPE) is supposed to open within 2014 NOTE SMEAG CAMBRIDGE Main Point 1st & 2nd Class 3rd & 4th Class 5th & 6th Class 7th & 8th Class 9th & 10th Class Point 4. TEST results of CAMBRIDGE students SMEAG Philippines Training Center provides a free test fee to students who register more than 12 weeks. SMEAG Philippines Education Center is proud of the high exam pass rate of more than 90%. Special Class (English Expressions A) Special Class (English Expressions B) Survival English English Accent & Cambridge Speak Up Expressions Pronunciation Speaking Data of SMEAG CAMBRIDGE students Acquaintance of International authorized English Certificate through systematic SMEAG CAMBRIDGE Program! 1:1 Writing 1:2 Speaking 1:4 Reading Weekend’s Schedule SMEAG Weekly TEST CAMBRIDGE TEST (in authorized Testing Venue) → Each skill will be evaluated and managed SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION - Cambridge Study Period More than 4 weeks Test Support : 12 weeks ESOL is an organization that created an CAMBRIDGE is a test to evaluate a step by step English Level from Beginner to Advanced. At SMEAG Philippines Education Center provides necessary skills and information for an exam to students through specialized teachers of each skill such as listening, reading, speaking, writing & Use of English. Cambridge students at SMEAG Philippines Education Center can know the recent exam trend through SMEAG teachers who regularly take an official CAMBRIDGE test and use latest CAMBRIDGE information SMEAG has. COURSES SPARTA CAMPUS With a history of over 150 years, Cambridge TIME CLASS CONTENT Friday 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 09:00 ~ 12:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday CAMBRIDGE TEST Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) Sunday 21:00 ~ 22:30 Sparta Class Sunday Sparta Class – Mandatory Attendance (Only 1st Campus) SMEAG Philippines Training Center 16 17 1:8 Listening SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION IELTS RECOMMENDED STUDENTS -Students who plan to study abroad or immigrate to a different country -Students who need to acquire a target score in a shortest time -Students who wish to utilize a more in-depth formal English Every Monday IELTS Guarantee course: Allocated Monday of every month Enrollment period 4+ weeks IELTS Guarantee course: 12+ weeks by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, the British Council and IDP (IELTS Australia). Program Description Course 1 PRE IELTS COURSES Classes (45min each) Course 2 5.5 Guarantee •1:1 ▶ R/W A •1:1 ▶ R/W B •1:1 ▶ L/S A •1:1 ▶ L/S B •1:4 ▶ DISCUSSION A •1:4 ▶ DISCUSSION B •1:8 ▶ PRE IELTS A •1:8 ▶ PRE IELTS B •1:1 ▶ SPEAKING A •1:1 ▶ WRITING A •1:4 ▶ READING A •1:8 ▶ LISTENING A IELTS 3.5 or TOEIC 490 above Course 4 6.5 Guarantee Course 5 7.0 Guarantee •1:1 ▶ SPEAKING B •1:1 ▶ WRITING B •1:4 ▶ READING B •1:8 ▶ LISTENING B IELTS 5.0 or TOEIC 680 above SMEAG has the first and only authorized official IELTS testing venue in the Philippines among English language academy. Since July 2011, SMEAG Training Center, together with the British Council, conducts the official IELTS test (Academic Module) in Classic Center. IELTS 6.0 or TOEIC 800 above NONE PERIOD FOR GURANTEE NONE 12 weeks (enrollment period) ※ Guarantee students must follow the entrance date and finalize which module will be taken upon registration. GURANTEE BENEFITS NONE Free tuition and actual examination opportunities will be provided until the target score is achieved Only for students who have a 100% regular class attendance rate and no warnings OFFERED EXAM NONE Students with a 12-week enrollment period will be given a free actual examination opportunity (Students with 3 warnings from academic and /or admin department will be disqualified) * Free formal exam will be taken 10 weeks after the date of entry. NOTE Actual IELTS 6.5 above ※ Official test score or SME level evaluation score is acknowledged. •Students are required to maintain a complete attendance in Sparta Classes for the first 4 weeks of enrollment as well as a perfect attendance in the weekly IELTS Mock Tests during study period. PROGRAM SCHEDULE Lecture Hours : 620 min CLASS Morning Sparta Classes 06:40~08:00 Course 1 : This IELTS preparation course is designed for students who have no experience and knowledge about the test. st 08:40 ~ 09:25 1 Class CONTENT Pattern / Grammar Grammar/Idiom CNN Listening/Dictation IELTS IELTS Listening 1:1 Class (Speaking) A 2nd Class Course 2 : 10:25 ~ 11:10 3rd Class By using effective problemsolving approaches, students will be able to improve their English language skills while preparing for the test. 11:15 ~ 12:00 4th Class 13:00 ~ 13:45 5th Class 1:4 Class (Reading) A 13:50 ~ 14:35 6th Class 1:4 Class (Reading) B Course 3, 4, and 5 : 14:45 ~ 15:30 7th Class 1:1 Class (Writing) A 15:35 ~ 16:20 8th Class 1:1 Class (Writing) B 16:30 ~ 17:15 9th Class 1:8 Class (Listening) A 17:20 ~ 18:05 10th Class 1:8 Class (Listening) B 19:00 ~ 19:45 19:50 ~ 20:35 Evening Sparta Classes This advanced course is for students who require a more systematic and detailed management of their studies in order to reach the target score for their higher educational purposes. (Servival English) Special Class (Servival English A / B) Point 2. British Council sponsored "Official Test Trainer Seminar" SMEAG host an IELTS Workshop conducted by the British Council. The Workshop involves utilizing Newest and Accurate information of IELTS in traning the teachers. In result, SMEAG students are able to experience a better quality of IELTS education through their teachers. Point 3. IELTS RESOURCE CENTRE SMEAG IELTS RESOURCE CENTRE (IRC) receives the latest IELTS resources from British Council. IELTS RESOURCE CENTRE provides Variety of study materials for the test takers • the latest IELTS practice workbooks • Audio CDs, DVDs Point 4. Step by Step SMEAG IELTS Guarantee Program Special class Special Class 09:30 ~ 10:15 SME IELTS Point 1. British Council authorized "Official IELTS Testing Venue" REQUIREMENTS TIME Regular class: 360min Special class: 90min Sparta class: 170min Course 3 6.0 Guarantee 1st & 2nd Class 3rd & 4th Class 5th & 6th Class 7th & 8th Class 9th & 10th Class Speech A/B Survival English A/B Business A/B English Expression A/B Speak Up A/B Free tuition and actual examination fee will be provided to the student until the target score is achieved. Students who enter the IELTS guarantee course on the entrance date and study more than 12 weeks with a 100% class attendance rate and without any warnings will be given the opportunity to enjoy a free tuition and examination fee after a failure to get the target score from the actual IELTS examination. (Accommodation, visa and other miscellaneous fees are excluded) Results of Student Achievements Current SMEAG students are trying to obtain scores for immigration, employment, or further studies in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia through our organized SME IELTS course. TOEIC TOEIC Listening News & Sitcom Listening & Speaking IELTS IELTS Exam Preparation 5.5 7.0 6.5 4.5 8.0 5.0 6.0 3.5 Weekend’s Schedule CLASS CONTENT Friday TIME 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 09:00 ~ 12:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday IELTS Test Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) SMEAG IELTS WEEKLY TEST IELTS Mock test (Authorized testing venue) → Every week (Gathering and counseling students score) 12 weeks SHIN JEONG ** 12 weeks KIM **HYUN SMEAG Philippines Training Center 12 weeks KANG ** SEUL 12 weeks CHOI JAE ** 18 19 The result of official IETLS test from SMEAG IELTS Course students. SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION - IELTS Starting Dates IELTS is an internationally recognized English proficiency test developd SMEAG IELTS tests all four language skills - listening, reading, writing, and speaking.. SMEAG offers students the best level of education owing to the best qualified teachers who go through a stringent seven step selection criteria and two months of intensive training. MAIN CAMPUS CLASSIC CAMPUS International English Language Testing System SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION TOEIC Recommended Students -who need an official score for getting a work or immigration within a short period CAPITAL CAMPUS Opening Date Every Monday TOEIC Guarantee Entry : once a month Study Period Total Class : 620 Min Regular Class : 270 Min Special Class : 180 Min Sparta Class : 170 Min Since developed by ETS(Education Testing Service) in 1979. TOEIC(The Test of English for International Communication) is an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment. TOEIC Program at SMEAG Philippines Training Center, TOEIC R&D Team not only develops the TOEIC Program for students who want to improve their English skills but also checks the latest question trends and applies to SMEAG Textbook. SMEAG 3rd center CAPITAL CAMPUS is also an authorized TOEIC Testing Venue verified by ETS. SMEAG TOEIC Main Points Program Descriptions COURSES TARGET SCORE Course 1 Pre-TOEIC •1:1 ▶ Pre Foundatio Course Organization •1:1 ▶ Listening & Reading VOCA (Each Class •1:4 ▶ DISCUSSION 45 Min) REQUIREMENTS Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 TOEIC 600↑ TOEIC 700↑ TOEIC 800↑ TOEIC 900↑ •1:1 ▶ Foundation Class [Grammar, Pattern English & Dictation] A •1:1 ▶ Foundation Class [Grammar, Pattern English & Dictation] B •1:1 ▶ TOEIC RC B •1:1 ▶ TOEIC RC A •1:4 ▶ TOEIC LC B •1:4 ▶ TOEIC LC A Valid Official TOEIC 400 or TOEFL 40 or IELTS 3.0 above None Valid Official TOEIC 500 or TOEFL 60 or IELTS 4.0 above SMEAG CAPITAL CAMPUS is an authorized TOEIC Testing Venue verified by ETS. From July of 2012 up to now, an official TOEIC test has proceeded in SMEAG CAPITAL CAMPUS managed by SMEAG Philippines Training Center and ETS. (TOEIC Listening & Reading / TOEIC Speaking & Writing) Valid Official TOEIC 650 or TOEFL 80 or IELTS 5.5 above Valid Official TOEIC 790 ※ SMEAG Level Test can be acknowledged GUARANTEE CONDITIONS Point 2. Systematic Teacher Management None 12-weeks Enrollment (Designated Course Enrollment Period) GUARANTEE BENEFITS None Free Tuition and Exam fee will be provided until obtaining their target score. 100 % mandatory attendance of regular classes, 0 warning (Must stay at SMEAG) TEST SUPPORT None 12 weeks enrollment (less than 3 warnings) A free official exam is to be taken 11 weeks after date of entry. NOTE With 10 years experience, the R&D manager at SMEAG regularly trains teachers and improve the quality of the TOEIC class. SMEAG teachers regularly take Mock Test and official Test and keep the latest test trends. Based on the latest official test materials, the updated textbooks are one reason that students can get a high score. •After meeting the minimum requirements for each course, students can apply. •4-week mandatory attendance for Sparta classes Weekly TOEIC MOCK TEST 100% Mandatory Attendance (Warning will be provided for any absence or cheating) CLASS 06:40~08:00 Course 1 : Preparation Course for students who want to take TOEIC guarantee Course Course 2, 3 : With practical TOEIC textbooks, students can learn how to solve a question. Course 4, 5 : To get a job or practical English skills for international Business, students will be trained by more systematic and detailed management system. Grammar/Idiom CNN Listening/Dictation TOEIC TOEIC Reading Comprehension 1:1 Class (Reading A) 1st Class 08:40 ~ 09:25 CONTENT Pattern / Grammar Morning Sparta Classes Special class st rd th Point 4. TOEIC Speaking & Writing Class nd 1 &2 Class 3 &4 Class 5th & 6th Class 7th & 8th Class 9th & 10th Class Speech Movie Business Idiom & Expression Music 09:30 ~ 10:15 2 Class 1:1 Class (Reading B) 10:25 ~ 11:10 3rd Class Special Class (Movie A) 11:15 ~ 12:00 4th Class Special Class (Movie B) 13:00 ~ 13:45 5th Class 1:4 Class (Listening A) 13:50 ~ 14:35 6th Class 1:4 Class (Listening B) 14:45 ~ 15:30 7th Class Special Class (Expression A) 15:35 ~ 16:20 8th Class Special Class (Expression B 16:30 ~ 17:15 9th Class 1:1 Class (Foundation A) 17:20 ~ 18:05 10th Class 1:1 Class (Foundation B) 19:00 ~ 19:45 Evening Sparta Class A TOEIC TOEIC Listening Comprehension 19:45 ~ 19:50 5 Min Break News & Sitcom Listening & Speaking 19:50 ~ 20:35 Evening Sparta Class B Step-Up Class VOCA & Expression nd Point 3. Guarantee Program After passing TOEIC Course at SMEAG Philippines Training Center, if students cannot get their target score, SMEAG provides tuition and exam fees [Accommodation & other miscellaneous fees(Visa / Electronic & Water / Textbook) are excluded]. Students should keep 100 % mandatory attendance of regular classes and 0 warning. This benefit will be provided until students obtain a target score. Program Schedule TIME Point 1. Only authorized TOEIC Testing Venue in Cebu verified by ETS Customized Speaking & Writing class helps students improve their skills. SMEAG Philippines Training Center will provide Speaking & Writing Class to students with a chance to practice iBT/CBT Mock Test in an authorized Testing venue. This experience can make students obtain their target score more quickly. Score Improvement of SMEAG TOEIC Guarantee students Through systematic SMEAG TOEIC Program, Korean, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam students at SMEAG can get an official TOEIC score for their job requirements or for those who are planning to live abroad. 630 780 750 875 450 440 300 Score Up 12weeks 435 Score Up 12weeks 865 910 575 Weekend’s Schedule TIME CLASS CONTENT Friday 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 08:00 ~ 10:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday TOEIC TEST Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) SMEAG Weekly TEST TOEIC TEST (in authorized Testing Venue) → Each skill will be evaluated and managed Hokuto ** [JAPANESE] Pham Hong ** [VIETNAMESE] SMEAG Philippines Training Center 335 Score Up 12weeks Takura ** [JAPANESE] 20 21 Official TOEIC Test scores of students who had SMEAG TOEIC Program SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION - TOEIC More than 4 weeks TOEIC Guarantee Course : 12 weeks Test of English for International Communication SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION TOEFL Recommended Students -Who need an official score for getting work or immigration -Who need a target score within a short period. -Who want to improve more actual English skills than basic communications Study Period More than 4 weeks TOEIC Guarantee Course : 12 weeks TOTAL Class : 620 Min English abilities at the university level for non-native people who plan to enter University or Graduate School in America, Canada, Australia, England and etc. SMEAG TOEFL Main Points Program Descriptions COURSES TARGET SCORE Course Organization (Each Class 45 Min) Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Pre-TOEFL TOEFL 60↑ TOEFL 80↑ TOEFL 100↑ TOEFL 110↑ •1:1 ▶ R & W A •1:1 ▶ R & W B •1:1 ▶ L & S A •1:1 ▶ L & S B •1:4 ▶ TOEFL Speaking A •1:4 ▶ TOEFL Speaking B •1:8 ▶ Pre-TOEFL A •1:8 ▶ Pre-TOEFL B REQUIREMENTS Point 2. SMEAG TOEFL PROGRAM based on a distinguished IELTS Center in Philippines. None 12-weeks Enrollment (Designated Course Enrollment Period) None Free Tuition and Exam fee will be provided until obtaining their target score. 100 % mandatory attendance of regular classes, 0 warning (Must stay at SMEAG) None 12 weeks enrollment (less than 3 warnings) A free official exam is to be taken 10 weeks after date of entry. Purpose of Development CLASS With practical TOEFL textbooks, students can learn how to solve a question. Course 4,5 : For students who want to study advanced English skills or need more systematic and detailed cares for immigration or Graduate School Listening / Dictation TOEIC Reading Comprehension 1:1 Class (Writing B) 2nd Class 09:30 ~ 10:15 CNN TOEIC 10:25 ~ 11:10 3rd Class Special Class (Movie A) 11:15 ~ 12:00 4th Class Special Class (Movie B) 13:00 ~ 13:45 5th Class 1:4 Class (Reading A) 13:50 ~ 14:35 6th Class 1:4 Class (Reading B) 14:45 ~ 15:30 7th Class 1:1 Class (Speaking A) Special class st nd rd th 1 &2 Class 3 &4 Class 5th & 6th Class 7th & 8th Class 9th & 10th Class Speech Movie Business Idiom & Expression Music 15:35 ~ 16:20 8 Class 1:1 Class (Speaking B) 16:30 ~ 17:15 9th Class 1:8 Class (Listening A) 17:20 ~ 18:05 10th Class 1:8 Class (Listening B) 19:00 ~ 19:45 Evening Sparta Class A TOEFL TOEFL Vocabulary 19:45 ~ 19:50 5 Min Break News & Sitcom Listening & Speaking 19:50 ~ 20:35 Evening Sparta Class B Step-Up Class VOCA & Expression th Evaluation of English Conversation Ability of applicants for Studying Abroad & Emigration Applicant University students or graduate who need English Ability Studying abroad & emigration, job seekers Features Scientific English providing synthetic Scores with 4 skills of assessment Academic module & General module Tested Skills Listening / Reading / Writing / Speaking TIME Through the systematic SMEAG TOEFL Program, achieve the target score for study or a job in America, Canada or Australia. I am a SMEAG student who is now studying SMEAG TOEFL Program in SMEAG Capital Campus after having studied ESL Program for 6 weeks in SMEAG Sparta Campus. CLASS CONTENT Friday 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 09:00 ~ 15:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday TOEFL Test Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) SMEAG Weekly TEST Point 4. iBT TOEFL Weekly Mock TEST The customized TOEFL program in SMEAG helps students obtain a target score. Every Saturday, SMEAG provides students with a chance to practice iBT/CBT Mock Test in an authorized Testing venue. SMEAG Epilogue – Jung Hui Rak (Willy), TOEFL 10 weeks + ESL 6 weeks Weekend’s Schedule TOEFL TEST (in authorized Testing Venue) → Each skill will be evaluated and managed British Council, IDP, Cambridge English Ability Assessment for entering university in English Speaking Country After passing TOEFL Course at SMEAG Philippines Training Center, if students cannot get their target score, SMEAG provides tuition and exam fees [Accommodation & other miscellaneous fees(Visa / Electronic & Water / Textbook) are excluded]. Students should keep 100 % mandatory attendance of regular classes and 0 warning. This benefit will be provided until students obtain their target score. Grammar/Idiom 1:1 Class (Writing A) 1st Class 08:40 ~ 9:25 CONTENT Pattern / Grammar Morning Sparta Classes 06:40~08:00 Course 2, 3 : ETS IELTS International English Language Testing System Point 3. Guarantee Program TIME Preparation Course for students who want to take TOEFL guarantee Course Test of English as a Foreign Language Host Organization Program Schedule Course 1 : TOEFL (iBT) Valid Official TOEIC 790 •After meeting the minimum requirements for each course, students can apply. •4-week mandatory attendance for Sparta classes. Weekly TOEIC MOCK TEST 100% Mandatory Attendance (Warning will be provided for any absence or cheating) Regular Class : 360 Min Special Class : 90 Min Sparta Class : 170 Min Point 1. Authorized TOEFL Testing Venue in Cebu verified by ETS SMEAG CAPITAL CAMPUS is an authorized iBT TOEFL Testing Venue in Cebu, Philippines verified by ETS which manages TOEIC and TOEFL throughout the world. Since 2014, official iBT TOEFL TEST has proceeded in SMEAG CAPITAL CAMPUS and managed by both SMEAG Philippines Training Center and ETS. Valid Official TOEIC 490 Valid Official TOEIC 700 Valid Official TOEIC 860 or TOEFL 40 or TOEFL 60 or TOEFL 80 or IELTS 3.5 above or IELTS 5.0 above or IELTS 6.5 above ※ SMEAG Level Test can be acknowledged None GUARANTEE CONDITIONS GUARANTEE BENEFITS TEST SUPPORT NOTE •1:1 ▶ Speaking A •1:1 ▶ Speaking B •1:1 ▶ Writing A •1:1 ▶ Writing B •1:4 ▶ Reading A •1:4 ▶ Reading B •1:8 ▶ Listening A •1:8 ▶ Listening B authorized iBT TOEFL Test center. For example, TOEFL Speaking test is recorded by using a mike instead of talking to a person and the Writing task allows us to practice our typing ability. Because especially SMEAG TOEFL team is organized with skilled teachers, if you wanna study much more upgraded English, I will recommend SMEAG TOEFL Program. My first plan is ESL 8 weeks + IELTS 8 weeks but fortunately, I saw a chance to study TOEFL in SMEAG Capital Campus and changed my plan. For other students who plan to study in a foreign country, I am writing my objective opinions regarding the difference of ESL and TOEFL Program. TOEFL program is not all fun. The purpose of ESL is to communicate with each other while speaking English, but TOEFL program is a little different in atmosphere and a class method because TOEFL provides a score. Even though SMEAG TOEFL Program is the first step, I haven’t experienced uncomfortable things to study TOEFL regarding the content and system while studying. All SMEAG TOEFL students should take a weekly TOEFL Mock TEST while using an SMEAG Philippines Training Center 22 TOEFL Program has 5 courses. I studied Course 2 which has a target score of more than 60. In course 2, students can learn various skills and Course 3 provides more practice tests. TOEFL usually asks about the topics related with University Life of which I don’t have any background knowledge. TOEFL Reading is related with each major and Listening test uses a lecture of professor and conversation in the Campus life. Finally, I hope my experience will be helpful for other students who have a plan to study TOEFL. 23 SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION - TOEFL Every Monday TOEIC Guarantee Entry : once a month TOEFL developed by America ETS(Educational Testing Service) measures TOEFL Test evaluates 4 English skills such as Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking of the students who plan to enter University or Graduate School. TOEFL exam proctors at SMEAG Capital Campus are directly trained by ETS Headquarters and SMEAG provides much more effective TOEFL class. CAPITAL CAMPUS Opening Date Test of English as a Foreign Language SMEAG CAMPUS INTRODUCTION EAP Recommended Students SMEAG EAP program teaches a curriculum in practical and professional techniques relating to their profession. At SMEAG Philippines Training Center, students who have successfully completed the training will have the opportunity to enter to a pathway college without having to take a separate entrance exam. COURSES REQUIREMENTS EAP Course 1 Completion conditions Benefits Study Period Acquire an equivalent score of 5.5 from IELTS Lecture Hours: 620 min Regular class: 360min Special class: 90min Sparta class: 170min The course helps students who have basic English skills to improve their English with a corresponding score of IELTS 5.5 before they enroll foreign university. Lessons taught using the EAP textbooks. EAP Course 2 : The course guides students who have intermediate level to achieve their English skills corresponding to IELTS 6.5 before they enroll foreign university. Lessons taught using the EAP textbooks. Acquire an equivalent score of 6.5 from IELTS CLASS Morning Sparta Classes Pattern / Grammar Grammar/Idiom CNN Listening/Dictation IELTS Listening IELTS Listening 08:40 ~ 9:25 1st Class 09:30 ~ 10:15 2nd Class 1:1 Class (IELTS Reading & Writing) A / B 3rd Class 10:25 ~ 11:10 4th Class 11:15 ~ 12:00 5th Class 13:00 ~ 13:45 th 6 Class 13:50 ~ 14:35 14:45 ~ 15:30 7th Class 15:35 ~ 16:20 8th Class th 9 Class 16:30 ~ 17:15 10th Class 17:20 ~ 18:05 Evening Sparta Class 19:45 ~ 19:50 19:50 ~ 20:35 -Students who want to get an effective English speaking drill for English interview, discussion and accredited English speaking exam. CONTENT 06:40~08:00 19:00 ~ 19:45 Special class st 1:8 Class (English Aptitudes) A / B nd 1 &2 Class rd th 3 &4 Class th th th 5 &6 Class th 7 &8 Class th th 9 & 10 Class it is possible to adapt to the work environment and grow as professional expert worldwide 1:4 Class (Academic English) A / B Special Class (English Expression) A / B Weekly test for every Saturday will help students improve English communication skills. CAPITAL CAMPUS Every Monday Speech A/B Survival English A/B Business A/B English Expression A/B Speak Up A/B Enrollment period More than 4 weeks 1:1 Class (IELTS Listening & Speaking) A / B Lecture Total : 620 min. Business 1: TOEIC Listening TOEIC Listening News & Sitcom Listening & Speaking Regular Class: 270 min Special Class: 180 min Sparta Class: 170 min IELTS Class IELTS Class CLASS CONTENT Friday 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 09:00 ~ 12:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday IELTS TEST Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) SMEAG has a MOU with 134 TAFE campuses in Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney. Students who have successfully completed the training will have the opportunity to enter into a pathway college without an official IELTS score. Program Description BUSINESS - 1 Business 2 Regular Class: 450 min Sparta Class: 170 min BUSINESS - 2 Learn the systematic and proper usage of business language skills to the actual business world Evaluation of the exact conversation ability through TOEIC SPEAKING and WRITING Engage to various group activities and processes for business efficiency PURPOSE •1:1 ▶ BUSINESS IN USE A •1:1 ▶ BUSINESS IN USE B •1:1 ▶ TOEIC SPEAKING AND WRITING A •1:1 ▶ TOEIC SPEAKING AND WRITING B •1:4 ▶ PRACTICAL BUSINESS A •1:4 ▶ PRACTICAL BUSINESS B SUBJECT (45mins each) (2 Optional Class) Survival English • Story Telling • Pronunciation & Accent Training • Music • Speak Upbusiness efficiency FEATURES •1:1 ▶ Vocabulary and Listening A •1:1 ▶ Vocabulary and Listening B •1:1 ▶ Reading & Grammar A •1:1 ▶ Reading & Grammar B •1:1 ▶ Speaking & Writing A •1:1 ▶ Speaking & Writing B •1:1 ▶ Business Correspondence A •1:1 ▶ Business Correspondence B •1:4 ▶ Skills in Business A •1:4 ▶ Skills in Business B Intensive Business Course Regular Business Course SPARTA CLASS (Short- term students recommended) CNN • Pattern & Grammar • Step Up • News & Sitcom • TOEIC • Cambridge • IELTS TOEIC Speaking and Writing test is required every other week. Student’s evaluation is carried out weekly bases: Issuing certificate according to attendance rate, assignment. OTHERS Program Schedule Course offered at Entrance Date Weekend’s Schedule TIME SMEAG Weekly TEST ☞ commonly used in the international business atmosphere, Business 1 : Regular Business Course for effective communication in the work place + Basic skill learning from Special and Sparta classes TIME CLASS 06:40~08:00 Morning Sparta Classes 08:40 ~ 9:25 1st Class 09:30 ~ 10:15 2nd Class 10:25 ~ 11:10 3rd Class BUSINESS 1 BUSINESS 2 CNN Listening/Dictation (Advance) TOEIC Reading (Intermediate) 1:1 Class 1:1 Class (Business in Use) A / B ( Vocabulary and Listening ) A / B Special Class 1:1 Class (Survival English) A / B (Reading & Grammar) A / B 11:15 ~ 12:00 4th Class 5th Class Business 2 : 13:50 ~ 14:35 6th Class (Practical Business) A / B (Speaking & Writing) A / B Intensive structured business course for students who want to have great effects in short-term period. 14:45 ~ 15:30 7th Class 1:1 Class 1:1 Class ( Business 15:35 ~ 16:20 8th Class 9th Class 17:20 ~ 18:05 10th Class 19:00 ~ 21:00 Evening Sparta Class Grammar/Idiom (Beginner) TOEIC 13:00 ~ 13:45 16:30 ~ 17:15 CONTENT Pattern / Grammar 1:4 Class Special class 1st & 2nd Class 3rd & 4th Class Speech A/B Survival English A/B Special Class 7th & 8th Class 9th & 10th Class 1:1 Class Correspondence ) A / B (TOEIC S/ W) A / B 5th & 6th Class English Business Speak Up Expression A/B A/B A/B 1:4 Class (Speak Up) A / B (Skill in Business ) A / B TOEIC TOEIC Listening (Intermediate) News & Sitcom Listening & Speaking (Advance) Step-Up Class Vocabulary & Expression (Beginner) Weekend’s Schedule SMEAG Weekly TEST TOEIC MOCK TEST (Conducted in official test site) CLASS CONTENT Friday TIME 18:00 ~ 19:00 Recognition Day English Speech / Activities Saturday 09:00 ~ 12:00 Weekly Test / Weekends, Holiday IELTS Test Holiday Special Class (Exam Preparation / Speech / Drama) FEATURES OF SMEAG BUSINESS COURSE Point 1. Development of Proficient Business Communication Skills SMEAG Business course will let you know whether you can or learn how to communicate effectively in an international community and in business culture. It is where students learn professional skills that is combined in various ways and in the real business situation. Point 2. Strict Class Performance Evaluation Le Cordon Bleu Le Cordon Bleu stands for “Blue Ribbon”, meaning “the best Patisserie School” in French: has campus in Sydney and Adelaide. They offer Culinary, Patisserie Diploma, Hospitality Managements- Advanced Diploma, Bachelor and Master. TAFE NSW Is the biggest national high-grade teaching educational institution in Australia and has many campuses. Their programs focus on techniques of operation. Australia TAFE is known for a role model of global educational system. SOUTHBANK TAFE A training college, located at Brisbane Australia, a representative of Queensland (QLD). They offer well organized Pathway courses to enroll to university after students graduate. SMEAG BUSINESS introduces an evaluation system that grades the students output such as: making e-mails, reporting, interviewing, and telephoning with the proper use of English Language. Researched and submitted outputs will be collected and create a portfolio. With this, students are trained to make their own professional documents. Point 3. Accredited TOEIC SPEAKING and WRITING Evaluation SMEAG is a certified TOEIC SPEAKING AND WRITING test center. A good opportunity to have a periodic evaluation, check their own ability and meet the International Standards. TOEIC Speaking evaluates the speaking skills in a variety of situations such as telephone English, presentations, one-to-one communication and video conference. TOEIC Writing helps you create a variety of business related forms such as emails, memo, reports and etc. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 24 25 SMEAG PROGRAM INTRODUCTION - EAP / BUSINESS EAP Course 1 : 12+ weeks -Students who want to learn techniques in delivering business background and knowledge that a person has. 12 weeks CLASSIC CAMPUS Enrollment period •1:4 ▶ ACADEMIC ENGLISH A •1:4 ▶ ACADEMIC ENGLISH B •1:8 ▶ ENGLISH APTITUDES A •1:8 ▶ ENGLISH APTITUDES B Program Schedule Main Campus Entrance Dates: SMEAG EAP Entrance Dates -Students who wish to work for a global company and manage the customers from various foreign countries. IELTS 5.0 Or TOEIC 680 1. Less than 3 regular class absences during the entire period of their study 2. Essential to attend first 4weeks 100% Sparta class 3. Must acquire 100% attendance on weekly IELTS mock exam ※ These three conditions must be completed TIME Starting Dates Recommended Students EAP Course 2 IELTS 4.0 Or TOEIC 550 •1:1 ▶ IELTS Reading & Writing A •1:1 ▶ IELTS Reading & Writing B •1:1 ▶ IELTS Listening & Speaking A •1:1 ▶ IELTS Listening & Speaking B Classes (45min each) -Students who want to improve their specialized studying skills such as presentation, making reports. BUSINESS By learning the English expressions and business etiquette SMEAG BUSINESS is designed to be understood easily with various application of skills and which can be applied in real business world. The Evaluation System after every task achievement will help you aim a great progress. Program Description -Students who plan to enroll in university in other countries without an Official English Test score -Students who wish to utilize a more in-depth formal English Test of English for International Communication ACTIVITIES Activities Voluntary Service Possibility of having various activities in CEBU SMEAG Voluntary Activity Island Hopping Students will have the opportunity to engage in a rewarding volunteer service while continuing their English education. From medical services to protecting the nature, volunteer activities broaden horizons through new experiences and allow the students to serve in various fields. Although it is only for a short period of time, the talents of students through donations will contribute to the development of the people and the area. SMEAG Philippines Education Center is not only committed to English education but creating a “together” world for a brighter future. You can have a chance to experience the natural environment like the coral islands (while) across the sea. Through Snorkeling, you will feed thousands of tropical fishes and try eating sea food in the Marine restaurant. Also it is possible to enjoy Ocean Sports such as jet ski, banana boat, Kayak and Parasailing. Golf During the Study period, students can enjoy Golf in a blue sky and green grass environment, which will remove stress from studying. All SMEAG students can enjoy Golf with reasonable expenses in Alta Vista Country Club located along the ridge, Air Base Golf Club that even novice can play. CEBU Country Club has the longest history in providing the best service and environment for golf. ORPHANAGE VISIT VOLUNTEERING Volunteering can be a rewarding experience for young students as well as adults as they spend time with children at orphanages. Activities can not only give material donations but also be fun and create unforgettable memories that will warm the hearts of the children. Participants will receive an official certificate in recognition of the hours they volunteered. PLANTING ACTIVITY Scuba Diving The Philippines Sea is considered to have the most beautiful seas to enjoy Scuba Diving because of many tropical fishes and amazing sights. You can learn with cheaper expense than in Korea and Australia and you are able to experience diving in the famous diving points in the Philippines. After learning the basic knowledge and skills, you can have a Scuba Diving License too. The Planting Activity program is a Green Activity that protects our Earth from desertification and makes CEBU’s nature more beautiful. A fun filled and rewarding day can be obtained while climbing a mountain 1 hour from CEBU, enjoying nature’s view and planting trees to make it better. BAZAAR DONATION It is not difficult to see many less fortunate people on the streets wearing torn or faded clothing. Clothes or other goods left behind by the students who returned to their country after their stay at SMEAG Philippines Education Center regularly donated their things to the open bazaar. All proceeds from the bazaar are used to provide meals for the less fortunate children. With simple events, there will be a fun time between volunteers and residents. MANGROVE PLANTING I t i s e a s y to s e e s c h o o l buildings in CEBU that are old and need to be repainted. The goal of Painting Activity is to give better school environment and have a good time with local children. Mangrove protects the beautiful sea environment and is relevant for its various uses such as protecting the coral reef and provides the corals and seaweeds their proper nutrition. Mangrove’s root plays a role as water purification and a source of supply such as clam, crab, shrimp and etc. for fishermen. Since mangrove is ideal for absorbing carbon dioxide, it can protect the earth from global warming and reduce the effect of tidal wave. The existence of the mangrove plant is way high necessary. ※ Each activity provides T-Shirt and Certification of recognition. Check all schedules Page 32. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 26 27 ACTIVITIES - Activities / Voluntary Service PAINTING ACTIVITY ACTIVITIES SMEAG TOUR Cebu Resort TOURIST ATTRACTIONS ← Imperial Palace Waterpark Resort & Spa Since opening in September of 2009, Imperial Palace has become the most public and popular resort that tourists love. Imperial Palace is located in front of a beautiful sea and conveniently within 15 minutes from the CEBU international airport. Because Imperial Palace has a good waterpark facility, 8 restaurants and incidental facilities, it is popular to most Korean. ← / ←← Plantation Bay Bohol ↑ Plantation Bay is one of the biggest Bohol is 1 hour away from Cebu, it has a clear, beautiful resorts in CEBU Mactan Island. Each beaches and a quite island mood that comforts all the manager of different areas does their visitors who spend their time in the island. One of the best to offer the best service possible. most famous tourist spots in Bohol is the Alona Beach, The artificial pool in Plantation Bay is even though it is small, it is considered as one of the known as the biggest man-made pool most beautiful places in Philippines. You can also find in Asia and full of sea water, a total of the Chocolate Hills and the Tarsier Monkey which are 7 pools with tropical trees and palm considered the most popular attraction in the island. The trees located everywhere. Chocolate Hills is a group of small hills that looks like the “Kisses Chocolate” and the Tarsier Monkey which ← / ←← lives only in Bohol Island is considered the smallest animal in the world. Crimson Resort and Spa Kawasan Falls → Built in July of 2010, Crimson Resort Kawasan Falls is 3 hours away from Cebu City Down & Spa is a single villa type of resort Town, located near Moalboal and has 3 falls surrounded offering convenience and relaxing by the forests, it’s been best known by the natives and environment. The strengths are the foreigners to have a beautiful forest tract toward the falls. luxury villa and the pool which shows a beautiful horizon. Bantayan Island →→ Bantayan Island, located in the northern part of Cebu, has a beautiful sea and white sandy beach, which is also called as “Small Boracay”. It is not easy to reach Bantayan Island, it is 3 hours travel by bus and 1 hour by ship from Cebu City. Most Tourists visit the island to see the beautiful jade green color sea and white sandy ← beaches even if there no luxury resorts compared to Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa other places. Ogtong Cave and Santafe Town are other attractions that can be found in Bantayan Island. With around 500 rooms, 5 restaurants and 2 pools, Shangri-La’s Mactan Tops Hill, 30-40 minutes away from Cebu City, offers a Resort & Spa is one of the most magnificent view magnificent night view of Cebu City popular resorts in CEBU. Especially, and Mactan Island. At around at 4 PM, most people Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa can experience the most beautiful sunset, see the has the best beach and is known for mesmerizing red sky and night view, it is one of the most the largest spa facility in Asia. unforgettable experience in Cebu. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 28 29 ACTIVITIES - Travel Attractions in Cebu TOPS Hill → ACTIVITIES SMEAG People ← TEAM LEADER ← NURSE Teachers at SMEAG Philippines Education Center are A registered nurse is working in the main office separated into many teams and each team has a team at SMEAG Philippines Education Center to be leader to manage their group. Along with the Academic responsible for checking the health conditions Director and Supervisors, team leaders are responsible of the students and providing proper emergency for the management and also the improvement of their measure if their sick. members. Through strict recruitment process and simulated classes of its teachers before having classes, SMEAG teachers are trained to be the best instructors ↑ SA TEACHERS to provide the needs of our students. SA Teacher, or Student Assistant Teacher, is responsible for the management of the student’s ↑ GUARD academic progress. Students can receive their All 3 campuses of SMEAG Philippines Education academic schedule and counseling for their Center have a dedicated security personnel team academic concerns through their designated SA that protects and guards the students 24 hours teachers. a day. Additional guards placed outside the campus walls and local police patrol the area to ensure the safety of the students. → TEACHERS After receiving regular trainings and Education seminars, SMEAG teachers are evaluated strictly and taught to provide wide knowledge to students as a mentor and sometimes as a good friend that can share their feelings and concerns. ← LAUNDRY ↑ COOKING TEAM SMEAG provides students with laundry service The cooking team works together to provide a every other day. Each campus has its own well-balanced diet for the students’ health. The specified place where students can request chefs are constantly configuring and developing laundry service on specific days. menus to meet the demands of a healthy diet. Menu includes cuisines from South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and Russia. ← R&D → HOUSE KEEPER With long experiences and distinguished skills, The house keeping service at SMEAG is provided R&D Team at SMEAG Philippines Education once a week at the requested time of students. Center is dedicated to developing not only Including room cleaning, various services such outstanding teaching methods, curriculums as the prevention of epidemics and sheet/quilt/ and systematic program but also programs that pillow-case change are also offered. would improve the English skills of the students. ↑ EMERGENCY TEAM ↑ STAFFS SMEAG Philippines Training Center has dedicated The Emergency Team which is made up of a Admin staff are dedicated and responsible for managers from diverse countries such as South nurse, a security guard, and a driver from evening a wide variety of administrative work such as Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, and Russian until the early morning hours, is responsible for SSP issuance, visa extension, administration, to help students. They do their best to assist the safety and good health of the students. and SMEAG’s own payment system (E-money students for their school life and successfully card) and The Academic staff are in charge of achieving their academic goals. attendance, score and weekly test. Both staff ACTIVITIES - SMEAG People ← MANAGERS always try to give students’ comfortable school life. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 30 31 ACTIVITIES School Rules and Regulations Activity / Official Test 2014 Schedule Scuba Diving Golf Picnic at TOPS 1 05 Sun 11 Sat 19 Sun 2 02 Sun 08 Sat 3 02 Sun 4 06 Sun Jan Feb Mar Apr 5 May 6 Jun 7 Jul 8 Aug 04 Sun 01 Sun 06 Sun Cambridge IELTS TOEIC PET FCE Academic General 25 Sat - - - 25 Sat 18 Sat 11 Sat 16 Sun 22 Sat 22 Sat 27 Thu - 22 Sat 15 Sat 08 Sat 15 Sat 23 Sun 29 Sat 15 Sat 15 Sat 08 Sat 15 Sat 15 Sat 15 Sat 22 sat 12 Sat 20 Sun 26 Sat - - 12 Sat 12 Sat 24 Thu 12 Sat 19 Sat 10 Sat 14 Sat 12 Sat 18 Sun 22 Sun 20 Sun 24 Sat 28 Sat 26 Sat 30 Fri 05 Thu 21 Sat 24 Thu 30 Fri 05 Thu 24 Thu 17 Sat 07 Sat 25 Fri 24 Sat 28 Sat 26 Sat 17 Sat 21 Sat 19 Sat 17 Sat 14 Sat 19Sat 03 Sun 09 Sat 17 Sun 23 Sat - - 21 Thu 21 Thu 16 Sat 16 Sat 13 Sat 21 Sun 27 Sat - - - 27 Sat 20 Sat 13 Sat 10 04 Sat 12 Sun 18 Sat 26 Sun 11 Sat 11 Sat 11 Sat 26 Sun 18 Sat 11 Sat 11 02 Sun 08 Sat 16 Sun 22 Sat 15 Sat 15 Sat 08 Sat 22 Sat 22 Sat 08 Sat Nov 12 Dec 18 Sat 15 Sat 22 Sat 11 Sun 24 Sat 15 Sun 21 Sat 28 Sat 06 Sun 12 Sat 5. Responsibility The school is no longer responsible for the student upon the end of their school life like graduation or expulsion. 6. Registration and Extensions 6.1There will be one time non-refundable 10 Million Won registration fee 6.25 days (excluding legal holidays) after the application, an invoice will be presented. The tuition and dormitory fees must be paid in full at least two weeks before the start of the enrollment. 6.3In case of an extension, students must inform the administration office and apply at least 4 weeks in advance of their graduation date. Payment must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the first day of the extension. Failure to pay their tuition fee 2 weeks in advance will result in an automatic cancellation of their application. 6.4After the registration before starting to study, the departure date can be changed one time. The second time, the service charge of changing the date is 10 Million won but the dormitory will not be affected. 6.5The tuition fee can not be forwarded and transferred. 6.6Students are responsible for the additional costs of services below. a) Visa extension fee: SMEAG’s staff will extend the student’s visa on their behalf in order to prevent penalties from Philippines Immigration. On the first visa extension, students should pay the full amount in advance. b) SSP fee (Special Study Permit): New students need to fill out the SSP application form on their first day. Students are able to maintain their legal student status with the SSP certification c) ACR I-Card Issuance fee: A Philippines ACR I-card is an identification card issued by the Philippines Bureau of Immigration for foreigners from other countries staying in the Philippines for more than 59 days. d) Course and Dormitory Change fee: Extensions, changing courses, or dormitory may incur additional charges in accordance with the provisions stated by SMEAG. e) Other travel, medical costs, telephone costs, and personal allowance are the sole responsibility of the student 6.7Students are required to write on the application any allergies, medical conditions, or handicap for the protection of the school and other students. In case of extreme medical conditions, SMEAG reserves the right to refuse the application. 7. REFUND POLICY 7.1Pre-departure a) Students may receive a full refund if they cancel at least 2 weeks prior to their scheduled departure date. However, the registration fee will not be refundable. b) 2 weeks ~ 4 days prior to the scheduled departure date: Students who cancel their registration will be compensated for 2 weeks of room and boarding fee. c) 3 days prior to scheduled departure date: Students who cancel their registration will be compensated for 1 week of tuition and 4 weeks of dormitory Cancellation before 14 days 07 Sun 13 Sat 19 Fri 25 Thu ※ All TEST dates can be checked on SMEAG or British Council and ETS website. 05 Fri 05 Fri 13 Sat 25 Thu 13 Sat 06 Sat Registration Dormitory Tuition No refund All amount refund All amount refund All amount refund Cancellation before 4 days to 14 days No refund All amount refund except 2 weeks Cancellation before 3 days No refund All amount refund except 4 weeks All amount refund except 1 week 7.2After departure a) When arriving at SMEAG if students cancel, all amounts will be refunded except the tuition fees of 2 weeks and the dormitory fees of 8 weeks b) After starting the study, the refund is available in a 4 week basis and 60% will be refundable. c) All refund amounts will be processed within 30 days and given by each respective agency. d) SMEAG’s minimum registration period is 4 weeks and if there is less than 4 weeks, there will be no refund. e) If students are late or absent from the opening date, there will be no refund and no make-up class. Tuition refund Dormitory refund 23 Sat Within 50% of scheduled stay 60 % 60 % 30 Sat After 50% of scheduled stay No refund No refund 14 Sun 27 Sat 18 Sat 26 Sun 02 Sun 09 Sun 29 Sat 13 Sat 21 Sun Remarks In case of inevitable circumstances (ex: Student’s illness, immediate family’s death, etc.) SMEAG will refund 50% of the student’s tuition cost regardless of the notice date (Medical certificate will be required) 2. Sparta Class & Weekly Mock Test Attendance 2.1All students who arrive at SMEAG must be in accordance with the provisions of each campus and attend morning and evening Sparta classes 2.2If a student’s attendance ratio is below 90 percent during the 4 week term, a warning will be issued. 2.2.1 SMEAG SPARTA CAMPUS : Mandatory attendance during the whole study period 2.2.2 SMEAG CLASSIC, CAPITAL CAMPUS : Mandatory attendance during the first 4 weeks 2.3Sparta Class will start from Evening Sparta on the 2nd day 2.4All SMEAG students must take a weekly test[Progress Test, CAMBRIDGE, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL] in accordance with the regulations of each campus. 2.5Students who fail to take a weekly test are subject for a warning based on SMEAG academic regulations. 3. SMEAG Graduate Certificate A graduate certificate will be given to students in their last week who have attended more than 80% classes. If the attendance ratio is below 80%, a graduate certificate will not be issued. Admin Regulations 1. Dormitory Regulations 1.1Dormitory room assignments are a unique privilege of SMEAG. All students must live in the assigned room unless there is an acceptable valid reason for a change. 1.2Students who wish to change their rooms within the same campus due to personal reasons will be charged 500 pesos. (For changing campuses, 500 pesos will be charged from the 2nd change) 1.3At the time of registration students must sign the dormitory agreement form. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the dormitory agreement may result in expulsion. 1.4Personal toiletries will not be provided by SMEAG and is the responsibility of the student. 1.5If a SMEAG employee has been accused of theft, SMEAG will not be held liable until after a thorough investigation by authorities have been made. 1.6All furniture is the sole property of SMEAG. Students who damage any property or remove them from the school will be held responsible for full reimbursement. 1.7Cooking and eating food are prohibited in the dormitory room and public space in order to protect a fire problem and harmful insect and those behaviors can result in a warning and expulsion. Students can eat food in the canteen. 2. Deposit Regulations 2.1Upon arrival at SMEAG, an initial PHP 2,500 room deposit must be made (100% refundable) 2.2P300 key deposit must be made upon arrival. Because we have to change the door lock when students lost a key. When students return a key to come back, a key deposit will be 100% refundable. 2.3P 200 E-Money Card deposit must be made upon arrival. When students return the card, an E-Money card deposit will be 100% refundable. 2.4Students are responsible for paying water and electricity at the end of every month (Electricity: 12pesos per 1KW, water: 10pesos per day) 3. Curfew and Visit Regulations 3.1All students must strictly adhere to the crew regulations a) SMEAG SPARTA (Talamban): Exiting the campus grounds is strictly prohibited during the weekdays. On Saturdays, students are allowed to go out after 5 AM or after the weekly test, but must return to campus by 10 PM. (Students who fail to attend the weekly test will be restricted to exit the premises) During holidays, curfew is 10 PM. On Sundays, students must return to campus by 9 PM to attend evening Sparta classes. b) SMEAG CLASSIC (Mabolo) : The weekday Curfew time is 9 PM to 5 AM and the weekend Curfew time is 10 PM to 5 AM. The front gate will be strictly controlled by a security guard to ensure students abide by the rule. c) SMEAG CAPITAL (Guadalupe): Curfew time is 11 PM to 5 AM regardless of weekday or weekend. d) Students who wish to stay out during the weekends or holiday must fill out a stay-out permission form in advance. (All forms must be submitted before 6:00 PM on Friday or one day before a holiday.) 3.2Students are strictly prohibited from entering the opposite gender’s room. This will cause immediate expulsion from the school if they cross the red-line on the opposite gender’s floor. 3.3Outside visitors are strictly checked by SMEAG security guards. Even though getting a permit to enter SMEAG, they are strictly prohibited from entering the dormitory room. 8. Holding Period Policy 8.1If there are more than 4 weeks remaining in the enrollment period, Holding will be available. 8.2SMEAG will deduct 2 weeks (tuition and board) from the total duration and students can restart within 6 months. 8.3VISA Extension Fee and SSP Issuance fees will not be refunded. In case the students needs a VISA Extension or SSP Issuance (valid for 6 months), it is the student’s responsibility to reapply. 8.4Dormitory choice will be subject to availability. 8.5Pick-up service will not be available. 4. Drink & Smoking Prohibitions 4.1Bringing liquor/alcoholic beverages inside campus is strictly prohibited. Violent behavior, vandalism, disturbance of peace, or fights after drinking will result in a warning or expulsion according the regulations of SMEAG and Philippines Laws. 4.2In order to keep a pleasant dormitory environment and prevent the risk of fire, smoking is only permitted in designated areas. If a student is caught smoking in their rooms or is caught throwing away the cigarette buds, it will result in a warning and they will be charged 1,000 pesos for clean-up. 9. Disclaimer Policy 9.1SMEAG or its agents shall not be liable for canceled or extended flight schedules due to a natural disaster 9.2SMEAG is not liable for any accidents outside of its premises without the permission of SMEAG. 9.3SMEAG is not reliable for damage of property or life during travel, going out or stay-out. 9.4Classes are held 5 days a week. However, SMEAG will not compensate for Philippine holidays, temporary holiday and special holidays. 9.5SMEAG has the authority to change its prices to adhere to the 10% (6 month) exchange rate and tax increase in accordance with the relevant laws of the Philippine government. If necessary, SMEAG can change the opening date or Course curriculum & Program for the better quality of study. 9.6SMEAG has the right to expel students who break the rules and regulations of the school. Students who have truancies, warnings, commit acts of violence, have bad attitudes, or anything thereof to prevent a positive academic atmosphere will be on grounds of expulsion. 9.7If students lead a meeting or gather a group for the bad purposes and would give SMEAG any damages, SMEAG has the right to expel those students without any warning and ask for compensation. 9.8When expelling students, SMEAG can inform the result of their parents and agents. 5. Cleaning & Laundry 5.1Housekeeping is done once a week and beddings will be changed when the room is being cleaned. If there is a proper reason, students can ask to change beddings. Students can request housekeeping services by filling out the housekeeping form on the bulletin boards a week in advanced. 5.2Laundry drop and pick up is available in a designated area and time. If there are delicate or expensive clothes, laundry can be rejected and SMEAG is not responsible for any color damage or alterations. Any lost or damaged items will be reasonably compensated. SMEAG Philippines Training Center 32 6. Warnings, Penalties and Grounds of Expulsion 6.1Students will be expelled without a warning if they enter the opposite gender’s rooms, or is caught drinking in the rooms, or damage the pride of SMEAG with any improper purpose. 6.2Students will receive warnings and be on grounds of expulsion if their attendance rate is less than 50%, cause too much excessive noise inside campus, or commit violent acts towards each other or making threat to managers. All final decisions will be made by SMEAG. 6.3Receiving 5 warnings will result in expulsion. 33 ACTIVITIES - Schedule / Regulations 07 Sun Oct 12 Sun 4. Refunds after Expulsion In case of expulsion due to improper demeanor of students, no refund will be made. Cancellation request period 9 Sep TOEFL KET 08 Thu 1. Class Attendance and Class Changing 1.1SMEAG has the sole discretion to arrange students’ class and teachers. 1.2Students must be in their classrooms within 5 minutes after the bell, otherwise they will be marked as absent. 1.3In order to maintain professionalism in the classroom, we ask students to refrain from wearing short skirts or shorts, and/or flip flops. 1.4Students are allowed to change classes once in every 2 weeks. If a student wants to change the class, he/she must fill out a change of class form with the Student Assistant(SA) teacher on Thursdays until 6PM. Priority for teachers will be decided in consideration of attendance, warnings, and studying duration. Students can start their reassigned schedule the following week on Monday. 1.5If there is a problem with a class due to a labor strife, unexpected circumstances or absences/early dismissal/late of teachers, a substitute will be provided. 3. Studying Lifestyle In order to maintain the safety of all students, strict rules and regulations are enforced. Before coming here, students who have insurance can get an insurance amount from the insurance company. SMEAG is not liable if the property of the student is stolen or damaged. Official test schedule (SMEAG TESTING VENUE) Island Hopping Academic Policy 1. Designation The official name of the school is SMEAG Philippines Training Center. The campus located in TALAMBAN shall be known as SMEAG SPARTA, the campus located in MABOLO shall be referred as SMEAG CLASSIC, and the campus in GUADALUPE shall be called SMEAG CAPITAL. 2. Bylaws Agreement Students must sign the agreement before they start at SMEAG Philippines Training Center. By signing the agreement, the student agrees to observe all the rules and regulations. • Below is a schedule of various activities that will be sponsored by SMEAG. • If you wish to apply, please visit the Admin Office and speak to the Manager for further information. • Payments can only be made using the E-Money card or with a coupon. Activity General Provisions All sorts of Certificates & Conclusion of Certificate Certification 1. BUSINESS PERMIT 9. LE CORDON BLUE This Certificate proves that SMEAG Philippines Education Center is operating a legal English Education School in CEBU Le Cordon Blue is the best cooking/ confectionery school whose name’s meaning is a blue color ribbon. Through a contract between SMEAG and Le Cordon Blue, after finishing SMEAG EAP Program, entrance to Le Cordon Blue is allowed without IELTS Score. 2. CERTIFICATE OF TVET PROGRAM REGISTRATION 10. AUSTRAILIA TAFE This Certificate proves that TESDA(Technical Education AND Skills Development Authority) allows SMEAG Philippines Education Center to give English Education to students. 3. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION This Certificate proves that the immigration office of Philippines allows SMEAG Philippines Education Center to accept foreign students and allows the operation of the English School. 1 1 2 9 10 10 TAFE is a Public Institution Technical University operating around 1,300 campuses throughout the Australia and supported and managed by the central government of Australia. Each school operates various programs and offers Diploma and Advanced Diploma course. Through the Pathway between SMEAG Philippines Education and TAFE, after students pass SMEAG EAP Course, they can enter the major TAFE course without IELTS score. 11. INFORMATICS 4.SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMSION INFORMATICS as a member of the magnificent foundation listed on the stock market in Singapore and the largest private school in Singapore, having a history of 29 years of teaching. INFORMATICS has 351 centers in 58 countries and operates the Admit program in 30 universities throughout the world. After MOU with SMEAG Philippines, if students pass SMEAG EAP Course, they can enter each center or university without IELTS score. This Certificate proves that SMEAG Philippines is organized as a stock company 5. BRITISH COUNCIL This Certificate proves that SMEAG as an only partner verified by British Council can operate exclusively authorized IELTS Testing Venue and IELTS Resource Center 12. STC (SAINT THERESA’S COLLEGE) As the best Liberal Art College in CEBU, STC is proud of their strong curriculum and high employment rates. After students pass the English Program in STC, they can receive a certificate for school credit. 6. HOPKINS This Certificate proves that SMEAG Philippines Education Center is an exclusive TOEIC Testing Venue in the Philippines that has a contract with ETS Hopkins. TOEIC(TEST of English for International Communication) is developed by ETS(Education Testing Service) as a Non-Profit Company 3 4 5 10 11 12 7. ACT GAC(Global Assessment Certificate) developed by ACT Education Solutions. Limited as ACT’s subsidiary company is a Foreign Country University Entrance program. This Certificate proves that SMEAG is an only Education Center with a contract between SMEAG and ACT. 13. BMC WELDING ACADEMY Located in Cebu Philippines, BMC has produced the welders with 6G World class Level and provides the manpower to America, Canada and Austria successfully. Through MOU between SMEAG Philippines and BMC WELDING ACADEMY, SMEAG operates Recruiting and Welding programs in Asia. 14. WONKWANG HEALTH SCIENCE UNIVERSITY As Won Buddhism foundation corporation and with the long history, this MOA proves that Won-Kwang Health Science having 27 subjects of 6 groups such as Health Science, Health Wel-Being, Hotel Tourism, Society Business and Practical Art, promises general cooperation with English Education in SMEAG Philippines. 8. ACT GAC & EPP ACT GACT & EPP developed by ACTes is a systematic and verified English program. This Certificate proves that after studying this program at SMEAG Philippines Education Center will be allowed to give a certificate of ACTes completion. 15. HALLYM COLLEGE 6 7 8 13 14 15 As Technical University built in April of 1939 and having 21 subjects, this MOA proves that Hallym College promises general cooperation with SMEAG regarding their English Education.
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