Opportunity knocking
Opportunity knocking
Feature Opportunity knocking Remodels and green upgrades offer hot prospects in the Canadian metal building industry By Scott Ringler and Jane Swayze There is no doubt the recent downturn relatively good condition.” As well, Canadians new home construction market, it certainly On the other hand, medical facilities are fore- creasing, while on the residential front, LEED provincial governments, Canada Mortgage in the global economy will have a sig- are not excessively overextended in debt or will help lessen the blow. These conditions casted to see an increase predominately due Homes is now being introduced. and Housing Corp., financial institutions and nificant impact on the Canadian building mortgage commitments. present opportunities for the metal building to aging generations requiring more frequent products industry as residential consumers medical care and long-term care facilities. industry in 2009. However, for Canadian While these factors mean the overall companies that are able to optimize their economy may not suffer as much as its U.S. shift focus to products that are more durable product mix, remain flexible during changing counterpart, Mabro said, the most notable and long-lasting than other building materials. construction patterns and adhere to sound changes for Canadian building products financial practices, 2009 should be a period While the average consumer is more inter- local utilities. Regardless of the source, it is ested in reducing energy consumption overall, apparent that environmental sustainability there is an increased focus on integrated green is a growing concern, and it indicates that stable, but significant growth is not expected strategies that are particularly suited to metal Canadian consumers and companies alike are Companies that can offer renovators a broad as business owners cut back on large over- roofing products, particularly for commercial becoming more environmentally conscious in manufacturers will result from a lack of range of residential products or that can tailor heads and commercial developers seek to developers wishing to move “off the grid.” their planning activities and purchases. of “practical opportunity” rather than the available capital, which will alter construc- their offerings to take advantage of the retro- minimize the creation of excessive “unlease- “doom and gloom” predicted by some. tion patterns and slow building activity. fit market also stand to gain from this shift in able” inventory. Again, the key for manufac- a positive number of new construction and What to Watch On the residential construction front, most construction focus. turers is developing alternative products that retrofits heading toward untraditional building Overall, 2009 will be a slower period in con- enable commercial owners and developers to practices in order to reduce annual operating struction that will be coupled with a shift in What is clear is that fiscal restraint will be Office construction will remain relatively “Across all building markets, we’ve seen the order of the day for Canadian metal build- affected will be new construction as a result ing products manufacturers. of tighter borrowing conditions and high Outside the Home meet diverse renovation and retrofit needs to costs,” Mabro said. Metal roof systems, for priorities in construction patterns. This down- levels of housing inventory. According to Institutional construction is predicted to con- replace the slowdown in new construction. example, that incorporate solutions for both turn, however, does not mean there are not op- Where to Make Money published reports, Canada will see a drop of tinue increasing above 2007 and 2008 levels, active and passive solar thermal energy collec- portunities for growth for those metal building “Even though economic conditions in the Unit- 5.7 percent in new residential builds through but only in certain defined segments. While Easy Going Green tion, reflective recycled standing-seam roofing products manufacturers willing to go beyond ed States will definitely impact global markets, 2010. This drop, however, should be buoyed the total number of industrial, commercial and Mabro noted a particular opportunity will be for reduced cooling consumption in the sum- traditional market segments and take advan- Canada is in a better economic position than by increases over the next two years in institutional starts is expected to decrease the “continued growth of ‘green’ initiatives mer months, as well as integrated roof systems tage of the changes in construction patterns in most other countries,” said Emile Mabro, vice residential remodels as homeowners resist slightly, total put-in-place investment dollars that will see continuous investment as we to collect rainwater for nonpotable uses, are both commercial and residential markets. president and general manager of Vicwest, the urge to upgrade or downsize, opting should rise by 6.4 percent, according to fore- move into 2009.” Green initiatives in Canada becoming more common occurrences. Oakville, Ontario, Canada. “We are rich with rather to invest in renovations, additions and casts from Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. have begun to catch up to our U.S. counter- natural resources, largely self-sufficient in regular home maintenance repairs. energy, and—despite some job loss, primarily Though the increase in home retrofits in the automotive sector—labor markets are in won’t entirely offset the decreases in the Construction of educational buildings will, The increase in sustainable building Scott Ringler is national marketing director and parts in both the ICI and residential markets. practices can be attributed in large part to Jane Swayze is marketing specialist for Vicwest, however, see a drop as enrollment levels con- The number of nonresidential buildings achiev- the various financial support and investment Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Details can be found at tinue to decline, especially in rural markets. ing the LEED Canada recognition is steadily in- systems offered by Canadian federal and www.vicwest.com. We are rich with natural resources, largely self-sufficient in energy, and labor markets are in relatively good condition. Citadel High School, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. 40 METAL CONSTRUCTION NEWS JANUARY 2009 Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Material supplied by Vicwest and installed by Igloo Erectors, Edmonton. w w w. m e t a l c o n s t r u c t i o n n e w s . c o m VicElite Standing Seam Roof Profile topped off this near zero-energy wartime home in Toronto. Chosen for its reflectance values and aesthetic appeal, the Vicwest roof was integrated well into the concept of near zero-energy usage. Two thermal solar heating collectors (on left) were mounted to the roof to heat the home’s water and radiant floor heat system. Also on the right, 16 solar photovoltaic panels are mounted to convert sunlight into electricity. w w w. m e t a l c o n s t r u c t i o n n e w s . c o m JANUARY 2009 METAL CONSTRUCTION NEWS 41