Areas andServices
Areas andServices
Areas and > Ricardo Rospigliosi Ferro Human Resources / Deputy manager > Mercedes García Belaunde Image and Communications Area / Head > María Elena Aguirre Huamán Treasury Area / Head Ser > Fabio Boudri Silva Accounting and Budgets Area / Head vices > Minerva Mayorga Silva Quality Management Area / Head > Antonio Manzanares Gaitán Coercive Collection Area / Head > Patricia Vargas Rotta Logistics and Heritage Control Area / Head > Luis Martinez Aponte Surveillance Area / Head 65 problems Consumers can see their solved > Karim Salazar Vásquez Citizens Attention Service / Head > Karen Muñoz, César Herrera and Maria Cecilia Olivares Citizens Attention Service / Staff data_ THE NUMBERS DESCRIBE THE VOLUME, TIMELINESS AND EFFICIENCY OF THE CITIZENS Attention Service, whose main goal is to guide users on procedures and formalities and meet and solve consumer complaints, with the objective of reaching a conciliation agreement. Complaints met at a national level throughout 2008: 11 982. Conciliation percentage: 92%. SAC [ 152,791 12,000 users were met by the Document Reception Service in the year 2008. more than in the year 2007. ] CITIZENS ATTENTION SERVICE The Citizens Attention Service (SAC) is present in all Indecopi’s local and regional offices nationwide. In this way it guarantees the quality and uniformity in the complaint services and orientation to citizens. T he SAC offers the following services: consumption complaint services, orientation in Intellectual Property and Competition, Document Reception and a Central Archive. Likewise, it is in charge of the administration of Indecopi’s documents through its distribution and custody. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS'08 In 2008 officials from the SAC offered orientation to more than 236 000 citizens throughout the country through its different offices or dissemination campaigns and informative modules. Likewise, in coordination with the Image and Communications Area (IMC), the SAC participated in more than 300 radio and television interviews, spreading the rights and obligations of the consumers. The SAC has actively participated in training suppliers, placing special emphasis on the banking and financial sectors, as well as the tourism sector. Throughout the year they managed to train close to 1 200 suppliers, among banking officials, tourism agents and personnel from Promperu in charge of the Tourism Information Services. Regarding the Central Archive, guidelines were implemented for the classification for the Access to Information of the documents transferred to the Archive, as a mechanism to ensure the protection of the data assets according to what is stipulated by the Security NTP ISO 17799 guidelines. In the same way, and in coordination with the General Archive of the Nation, the first documentary exhibit of Peruvian invention patents took place. Another important aspect to point out in 2008 is the document reception service through its windows that serve a double purpose. Through this service more than 150 000 users were attended and more than 228 000 documents were received with a waiting time less than eight minutes. GOALS'09 In 2009 we plan to implement new telephone communication software in the call center. This cutting edge technology will allow us to establish management indicators, measure the true demand of this service and carry out the necessary adjustments in terms of the institutions’ operational capacity. >>> 67 data_ INDECOPI ACTIVELY TOOK PART IN TRADE NEGOTIATIONS ROUNDS OF FREE TRADE Agreements subscribed during 2008 with Singapore, Canada and China, as well as the ongoing one with the European Union - Andean Countries, specifically at work tables in reference to Intellectual Property, Competence, Technical Obstacles to Trade and Trade Defense. Likewise, during 2008 Indecopi took part in activities leading up to the implementation of a Trade Promotion Agreement with the United States. CRI >>> In terms of the coordination with the decentralized offices, we plan to closely monitor their activities through the implementation of performance indicators and implement a training plan that will address the problem situation according to the needs of each office. GEG SAC CRI IMC AGC Regarding the Document Reception Service, and taking into consideration the validity of a new legal framework on the subject of trademarks, we plan to open an additional multiple window to ease the heavy paperwork. On the other hand, the Central Archive will promote the digitalization of documents Project in coordination with the Information Technology Management and will work on the elimination of unnecessary documentary heritage in order to optimize the available space. TECHNICAL COOPERATION AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AREA The Technical Cooperation and International Affairs Area (CRI) taps resources from national and foreign cooperation to strengthen through projects, capacities on matters such as Consumer Protection, Intellectual Property and Competition. T he CRI is in charge of coordinating Indecopi’s participation in international entities and forums on Competition and Intellectual Property with the purpose of positioning the institution at an international level. Likewise, CRI coordinates the participation of Indecopi's officials, in their technical capacity, at Negotiation Rounds our country is promoting to the end of subscribing trade agreements. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS'08 In November, the CRI organized the tenth edition of the In-service Training Program for Latin American Government Institution Officials. Due to the fact, Peru assumed the Presidency of the Asia - Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2008. CRI’s activity, which started for this purpose in 2007, was focused on planning and organizing meetings and seminars in the framework of the Intellectual Property Experts Group (IPEG) and the Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) throughout the year, four meetings, two seminars, four plenary meetings and a conference with representatives of the 21 APEC economies were carried out. [ US$ 419,000 is the amount assigned for the second phase of the project on Strengthening Competition and Consumer Protection Areas, COMPAL Program financed by the United Nations Conference for Trade and In addition, Indecopi took part in APEC’s Economic Committee (EC). This enabled it to take part in the preparation of a chapter on the Economic Policy Report on Competition Policies in its different development stages. For the benefit of the Inventions and New Technologies Directorate as well as the institution’s e-platform, the CRI began the execution of the Project “Implementation of a Technological Information Platform based on Patent Documents”, that will enable Indecopi to obtain an electronic patent database. The project is financed by the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), in its capacity as administrator of the Korean Alliance Fund for technological knowledge and innovation with a contribution of US$ 354 600 for its execution. In the Standardization area, the expansion of the Access to Market and Integration Program was achieved through Standardization (NOREXPORT), and in view of the good results obtained, it was possible to increase the IDB contribution through an addendum that extends its execution period up to June 8th ] 2009. Likewise, it was possible to increase the cooperation from US$ 387, 0000 to US$ 850,000. In November, the CRI organized the tenth edition of the In-house Training Program for Latin American Officials Government, which gathered professionals from Competition and Intellectual Property agencies of the region in Lima. GOALS'09 It is expected to have a patents eplatform, which will serve as a basis for the following automation processes in other Indecopi areas. Within the framework of activities scheduled for 2009, it is expected to create awareness in micro and small enterprises (Mypes) on the importance of adapting their processes and products to already established and internationally acknowledged standards. Likewise, training will continue for Mypes technicians, business associations, evaluators, auditors, training centers and independent consultants through a course on how to interpret standards and guidelines. 69 IMC IMAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS AREA The Image and Communications Area (IMC) focuses on the design and execution of image and dissemination strategies for the services that Indecopi offers citizens in order to generate trust, credibility and solid positioning. GEG SAC CRI IMC AGC “Indecopi within reach” offered relevant information on the issues of institutional competition, serving more than 1,400 users at informative booths set up in shopping centers such as Plaza San Miguel, Mega Plaza and Plaza Jesus Maria. T he IMC has a Press and Communications Unit (UPC) that is responsible for the dissemination of institutional activities that promote competition, free trade and protect intellectual property in Peru. It also has an Information and Documentation Center (CID) responsible for managing and offering information services to the public. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS'08 In 2008, the IMC organized more than 60 institutional events, among which were the “Indecopi within reach” campaign, whose goal was to develop a close relationship with the public by attending to their questions and complaints. “Indecopi within reach” offered relevant information on the issues of institutional competition, serving more than 1,400 users at informative booths set up in shopping centers such as Plaza San Miguel, Mega Plaza and Plaza Jesus Maria. Similarly, in order to disseminate the importance of defending consumer rights, Indecopi scheduled special activities for World Consumer Rights Day. Among these activities was the recognition of companies and media that, according to the public, offer the best service to consumers. As always, Intellectual Property Week was celebrated in april in order to create awareness among citizens of the harm caused by piracy, highlighting the importance of respecting intellectual property rights. The traditional destruction of pirated material was carried out, as well as the recognition of various national artists and businesspeople. Additionally, the Image and Communications Area coordinated the preparation of a nationwide market study in order to evaluate the institution’s image and positioning, and thus establish communications strategies for 2009. It should be noted that the institution’s presence in the media was strengthened thanks to the management of the radio stations of leading broadcasters on the outskirts of Lima (Radio Stereo Villa in Villa El Salvador; Radio Comas; Radio Canto Grande in San Juan de Lurigancho; and Radio Maria in Lince), and the ongoing presence on the national program “The Consumer´s Voice” on CPN Radio. In this sense, the UPC achieved significant dissemination of issues relevant to Indecopi in the media of the capital city, [ 24,641 document consultations registered by the Information and Documentation Center. 351,788 visits to the Virtual Library. ] with a total of 1,740 news items published in newspapers, 542 radio interviews and 124 televised interviews. GOALS'09 The IMC will continue to organize campaigns and events that generate direct contact between Indecopi and the public in order to disseminate its institutional services and reinforce the good image of the institution. Furthermore, the UPC plans to hold training workshops for journalists around the country. Through virtual teleconferences, the heads of Indecopi’s Regional Offices will be trained in the appropriate dissemination of news items in their respective cities. Similarly, a new radio station will be established in the Constitutional Province of Callao. Following this same line, the CID will expand access to information through the design of a new Reference Service, as well as the publication of specialized electronic bulletins, catalogues and guides by sector, which will arrive through the Company Alert System. 71 AGC QUALITY MANAGEMENT AREA GEG SAC CRI IMC The Quality Management Area (AGC) promotes the improvement of the processes and services offered by Indecopi through the continuous maintenance and evaluation of its Quality Management System. To do this, it carries out internal audits twice a year and is responsible for proposing, developing and monitoring activities related to plans, policies and strategies aimed at improving the quality of the processes and services provided by the institution. AGC With the support provided by the AGC and thanks to the dedication of the institution’s collaborators, Indecopi’s ISO 9001 certification was maintained. I n sum, AGC seeks to ensure that Indecopi is a model of international management and service, contributing to the well-being of society. The following stand out among the AGC’s principal functions: Disseminate, maintain and improve the Quality Management System (SGC), implemented in accordance with ISO 9001, as well as the institution’s Quality Policy; direct the Management System implemented by the National Metrology Service in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025; advise the agencies on how to implement, maintain and improve the SGC; and provide the Management with the necessary information to review the Quality System, as well as to disseminate the results among the members of the Quality Committee. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS'08 In 2008 the AGC was able to reinforce the knowledge of its internal quality auditors by holding a workshop on auditing techniques in May. Additionally, with the support provided by the AGC and thanks to the dedication and commitment of the institution’s collaborators at all levels, Indecopi’s ISO 9001 certification was maintained, as well as the ISO/IEC 17025 accredi- tation for the temperature laboratory of the National Metrology Service. During Quality Week 2008, the Quality Management Committee of Peru, whose secretary is in charge of the Industrial Development Center of the National Society of Industries (SNI), recognized Indecopi as one of the institutions that has renewed the certification of its Quality Management System two consecutive times. We were also able to incorporate six of the seven local Indecopi offices into the internal quality auditing processes. The scope of this internal evaluation was broadened in the regional office of La Libertad to incorporate Consumer Protection cases. GOALS'09 Maintain and expand the team of internal quality auditors, adapt the Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2008; maintain and renew Indecopi’s ISO 9001 certification; systematize the activities of the agency itself; improve the dissemination mechanisms of the Quality Management System; and finish adapting Indecopi’s documented procedures to the regulatory changes resulting from the signing of trade promotion treaties and from changes in the legislation relating to the functions of the various agencies of the institution. 73 trained We have new equipment, staff and improved facilities. > José Dajes Castro National Metrology Service / Head > Galia Ticona and Gustavo Burnes National Metrology Service / Staff SNM [ 7,788 calibrations performed by the SNM in 2008 ] NATIONAL METROLOGY SERVICE The National Metrology Service (SNM) is in charge of safeguarding, protecting and maintaining the national measurement unit standards. The SNM also offers calibration services for equipment and measuring systems of the industrial, commercial and scientific sectors. The work of the National Metrology Service goes from defining the accuracy of small and industrial scales, to defining the criteria used to measure the volume and performance of natural gas, to evaluating the measurement and calibration systems of companies that provide those services. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS'08 Optimizing the existing calibration services With new equipment, trained personnel and improved facilities, the SNM has performed a greater number of calibration services in 2008 than in previous years, reaching 7,788 calibrations. Thanks to the support of the German Technical Cooperation (PTB), negotiations were initiated to implement a basic infrastructure for the performance of calibration services for natural gas meters for domestic and industrial use. To this end, the SNM has received technical assistance from consultants from Mexico, Germany and Brazil. In August, the SNM held the International Chemical Metrology Seminar in Cusco. This activity was part of the Strengthening of Chemical Metrology Infrastructure-Apec project, in which more than 15 representatives of the Asia-Pacific economies participated. Additionally, in 2008 the International Seminar “Developing Strong Metrology in the Region” was held, as well as the Regional Workshop “Theoretical and Practical Aspects in the Measurement of Potable Water.” GOALS'09 The National Metrology Service hopes to become an associate member of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) and to sign a Mutual Recognition agreement with its Committee (CIPM - MRA) in 2009. This will allow SNM to broaden its technical competencies, which will lead to the facilitation of international trade. Specifically due to its incorporation into the BIPM, the SNM is planning to carry out a seminar with international experts to be held for the first time in Peru on May 20, 2009, World Metrology Day. Later, from October 25 to 30, the General Assembly of the Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) will be held in Lima, with the participation of more than 30 representatives of the Metrology Institutes of the Americas. A series of meetings and seminars will be held throughout the week. The SNM has set the approval of the Legal Metrology Regulations as an objective for 2009 for vehicle speed monitors (cinemometers) and breathalyzers (ethylometers), as well as the implementation of the Time and Frequency laboratory that will allow the (official) Peruvian Time to be established. It also plans to inaugurate the Chemical Metrology labs, and hopes to offer a durometer calibration service as well as Distilled Water, pH and conductivity materials, among others, as certified material. 75 Profile of Executives GENERAL MANAGEMENT Ana María Capurro Sánchez GENERAL MANAGER (until 02.29.2008) Lawyer by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). At Indecopi she has worked as Technical Secretary of the Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Commission and the Repression of the Unfair Competition Commission. (1993-1995). She was an advisor of the Board of Directors from the year 1998 to 2000. Her position was Technical Secretary of the Intellectual Property Court from November 2000 until September 2006. On October 1st, 2006 she was promoted to the position of General Manager. Eduardo de la Piedra Higueras GENERAL MANAGER (since 03.01.2008) Business Administrator from the University of Lima, with Post Graduate Studies in Marketing from London University and diverse specialty courses from ESAN and the Kellog University in the United States. He has followed training courses in Management, Marketing, Planning, Quality and Sales at Training Center at Xerox Company in Washington. Between 1971 and 1976 he worked as a representative Assistant at the Bank of Boston in Nicaragua, United States and Mexico. From 1979 until 1988 he was the Finance Director at Xerox in Peru, and in 1989 he took on the position of General Manager in such company until the year 2002. During the years 2003 and 2004 he exercised the position of Director of Finances and Information Technology at the Xerox Company in Brasil, with venue in Rio de Janeiro. INSTITUTIONAL SUPERVISORY BODY ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCES MANAGEMENT Oscar León Llerena Eduardo de la Piedra Higueras ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCES MANAGER (until 02.29.2008) Business Administrator from the Universidad de Lima (University of Lima). Has a Post Graduate Degree in Marketing from the London University and has followed diverse specialty courses at ESAN and at Kellogg University in the United States. He has taken training courses in Management, Planning, Marketing, Quality and Sales at the Training Center of the Xerox Company in Washington. Between 1971 and 1976 he worked as a representative Assistant of the Bank of Boston in Nicaragua, United States and Mexico. From 1979 until 1988 he was the Finance Director at Xerox in Peru, and in 1989 he took on the position of General Manager in such company until the year 2002. During the years 2003 and 2004 he exercised the position of Director of Finances and Information Technology at the Xerox Company in Brasil, with venue in Rio de Janeiro. AUDITOR Certified Public Accountant by the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (National University Federico Villarreal). With specialization studies in Finances and Control from the Universidad del Pacifico (Pacifico University), and Auditing Studies from the Universidad de Lima (University of Lima). Master’s in Business Administration by the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peruvian University of Applied Sciences). Dhenis Cabrera Garrido ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCES MANAGER (since 03.01.2008) Lawyer, graduated from the Universidad Catolica del Peru (Catholic University of Peru), with Post Graduate studies in Business Marketing at CENTRUM (Business College from the Catholic University of Peru) and specialization studies in Foreign Trade from the National School of Customs. He has worked as Manager of Administration and Finances at OSITRAN. He was appointed Manager from March 1st to July 31st, 2008. Patricia Dávalos Moscol HUMAN RESOURCES DEPUTY MANAGER (until 03.02.2008) Industrial Engineer from the Universidad de Lima (University of Lima). Postgraduate studies in the Master’s Program of Business Administration from ESAN University. Ricardo Rospigliosi Ferro HUMAN RESOURCES DEPUTY MANAGER (since 03.03.2008) Bachelor in Chemistry by the Universidad Catolica del Peru (Catholic University of Peru). Post Graduate Degree in Human Resources Management from ESAN. Director of the Peruvian Association of Human Resources from 2002 to 2004. Tax Administration Service (SAT), Banco Financiero del Perú, Informática y Gestión Empresarial, COFIDE, Gold’s Gym. Patricia Vargas Rotta Víctor Pacheco Postigo Administration by the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University), with specialization studies in Purchasing Management at the Post Graduate School of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) (Peruvian University of Applied Sciences). HEAD OF THE DATA PROCESSING AND SYSTEMS AREA (since 11.24.2008) Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (National Engineering University). With postgraduate studies in information technology, business administration and financial management. He has worked at public and private institutions, in management positions related to information technology, production and administration. TECHNOLOGY Juan Domingo Pereyra Vela Fabio Boudri Salas HEAD OF THE LOGISTICS AND HERITAGE CONTROL AREA HEAD OF THE ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETS AREA (until 02.15.2008) Economist from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (National University of San Marcos), with a Master’s degree in National Planning and Development and Foreign Trade from the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (National Engineering University). Has worked as General Manager at Cía. de Negociaciones Mobiliarias e Inmobiliarias (Real Estate Negotiations Company), a Private Law state-owned company belonging to FONAFE, where he was in charge of the management and achievement of the recovery objectives of the company. Certified Public Accountant by the Universidad Ricardo Palma (University Ricardo Palma). With 13 years of experience in Auditing, Accounting and Budgeting, at Institutions such as: National Controller’s Office, Harsen Holm – Coopers & Lybrand. Norma Edith Córdova Rodríguez HEAD OF THE DATA PROCESSING AND SYSTEMS AREA (until 08.08.2008) Bachelor’s in Computer Science by the Universidad de San Marcos (University of San Marcos), Master’s Degree in Business Administration from ESAN. Experience in merger processes, implementation of central stations, planning and Project management in public and private sector companies such as the Labor Bank, Catholic University Sapientiae Venues, HEAD OF THE LOGISTICS AND HERITAGE CONTROL AREA (since 11.01.2008) Bachelors Degree in Business Luis Martínez Aponte HEAD OF THE SURVEILLANCE AREA Lawyer from the Universidad Catolica del Peru (Catholic University of Peru), with a Master’s degree in Intellectual Property and Competition from the Universidad Catolica del Peru (Catholic University of Peru). Has worked as an Assistant Manager at the Copyright Office, specialist in Intellectual Property subjects. Antonio Manzanares Gaitán HEAD OF THE COERCIVE COLLECTION AREA Lawyer from the Universidad de San Martín de Porres (San Martin de Porres University), with postgraduate studies in Economic Regulation, Consumer Protection, Industrial Organization and Competition Policies. Master’s studies in Law, with a major in Intellectual Property and Competition from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Business Management Master’s studies from the Universidad del Pacifico (Pacifico University) and Master’s studies in the Recovery of Coactive Credit and Collection from the PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). >>> 77 María Elena Aguirre Huamán LEGAL MANAGEMENT CITIZENS ATTENTION SERVICE HEAD OF THE TREASURY AREA Public Accountant from the Universidad Ricardo Palma (Ricardo Palma University), with a diploma in Government Financial Administration from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos National University). With 11 years Rodolfo Castellanos Salazar Karim Salazar Vásquez LEGAL MANAGER HEAD Lawyer, graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru), with Post graduate studies in Procedural Law and Lawyer from the Universidad de San Martín de Porres (San Martin de Porres University), graduate from the Master’s in Law of Competition and Intellectual Property of of professional experience in financial areas such as Accounting and Treasury. Commercial Law from the University of Salamanca and Competition Law from the Escuela Iberoamericana de Defensa de la Competencia (Iberoamerican School of Competition Defense), Spain. Ex Member in the Board of Solution of Controversies of OSITRAN, ex member of the Board of Directors of OSINERG and ex member of Indecopi’s Board. the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). Extrajudicial conciliator accredited by the Ministry of Justice. ECONOMIC STUDIES MANAGEMENT José Tavera Colugna MANAGER Economist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru); with a Master’s and PhD from the University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, United States. Economics Professor from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). TECHNICAL COOPERATION AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AREA Sonia Papi HEAD (since 04.01.2008) Bachelor of Arts in Private Law by the University Jean Moulin; Lion III, Master’s in International Society Law and Community Law from the same university. Has worked at the Nation’s District Attorney Office as Manager of Projects and International Technical Cooperation area (2001-2008), and as Coordinator of the Public Ministry before the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation (2001-2003). IMAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS AREA Mercedes García Belaunde HEAD Social communicator from the Universidad de Lima (University of Lima). Carried out Master’s Studies in Communications from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). Until February 2007 worked as member and Commercial Manager of Compulso – Consulting Firm in Corporate Communications. Has participated in the editing of television news reports and written communication means. Was editor of the Consumer Defense section from El Comercio Newspaper. She has worked as a professor at the undergraduate level at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). Likewise, she has participated as a speaker and conference lecturer at a national and international level, on subjects related to Consumer Rights. Was member of the Commission of Consumer Protection of Indecopi from December 26th, 2003 to February 10th, 2007. PRESS AND COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Marcelo Olguín Aguilar HEAD (until 01.08.2008) Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism Jaime Bausate y Mesa, with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Commercial Management from the Postgraduate school of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) (Peruvian University of Applied Sciences) and the Escuela de Organización Industrial de España (EOI) (Industrial Organization School in Spain). Carlos Hernández Suárez HEAD (since 04.23.2008) Bachelor of Arts in Communications, by the Universidad de Piura (University of Piura). Master’s degree in Marketing and Commercial Management by the Business School EOI of Spain in agreement with the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peruvian NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE University of Applied Sciences) (2005). in Economics from ILADES-Georgetown University. Has worked at international, public and private institutions in management positions. DOCUMENTATION CENTER Augusto Mello Romero HEAD (since 09.01.2008) Economist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). With masters studies Luz Tellería Segalá HEAD Bachelor of Arts in Library Science and Information Technology by the Library Science and Information Technology School of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos National University). AREA OF PROMOTION OF COMPETITION AND INNOVATION Juan Rodríguez Guerra HEAD (until 05.20.2008) Lawyer from the Universidad de Lima (University of Lima) and Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) granted by the Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA. OFFICE OF DESCENTRALIZED SERVICES Freddy Freitas Vela HEAD Abogado por la Pontificia Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). Studies in Strategic Management from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, United States. NATIONAL METROLOGY SERVICE José Dajes Castro HEAD Mechanical Engineer by the Universidad Nacional del Callao (National University of Callao). Masters in Business Administration by the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (San Ignacio de Loyola University). Has received training at the Metrological Institutes in Europe and the United States. Representative of Peru and Member of the Technical Committee of the Metrology Interamerican System. 79