Chassis, Control Systems And Equipment
Chassis, Control Systems And Equipment
Chassis, Control Systems and Equipment 1 Introduction Recent years have seen increasing social demands to reduce the environmental impact of vehicles while also 2 Suspension 2. 1. Base suspensions As shown in Table 1, the suspension types of new enhancing safety. Automakers are locked into continu- modelvehiclesof2014donotdiffergreatlyfromrecent ouscompetitiontodevelopfuelefficientandactivesafety trends. technologies.Themainvehiclesnewlylaunchedin2014 areshowninTable1(1)(2). In addition to specifically environmentally friendly vehicles, such as hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicles (HVs, PHVs, and EVs), the first commercially Themaintypesoffrontsuspensioncontinuetobethe McPherson strut type for medium size or smaller class vehicles, and the double wishbone type for larger vehicles. Themaintypesofrearsuspensioncontinuetobethe available fuel cell vehicle (FCV) was also launched in torsionbeamtypeforcompactandsmallervehicles,and 2014.SinceFCVsrequirededicatedpartssuchashigh- the double wishbone or multi-link types for larger ve- pressure hydrogen tanks, the development of chassis hicles. thatareapplicabletothesenewvehiclepackageswillbe necessary.Atthesametime,theadoptionofnewtech- The front suspension of the Mercedes-Benz C-Class was changed from a McPherson strut type to a 4-link nologies to conventional engine vehicles such as idling type, and the suspension type and arm position made stopandenergyregenerationmechanismsisincreasing. similar to that of the E-Class and S-Class (3). Recently, The development of chassis systems such as motorized the trend to develop large scale platforms with com- vehiclecontroltechnologies,lighterparts,andtireswith monized parts and components to facilitate the simulta- rollingreductionwereactivelypromotedin2014. Automakers are announcing various active safety technologies such as automatic braking and lane depar- neous development of various models has accelerated. The MQB (4) from VW and TNGA (5) from Toyota are twoexamples. ture prevention control to help mitigate collision dam- TheToyotaMiraiachievedanunderfloorpackagefor age.Thesesystemsaremadepossiblebyelectronically FCVsbyinstallingtwohigh-pressurehydrogentanksin controlledchassiscomponents,andsuchtechnologiesare aconventionalplatform(aMcPhersonstrutfrontsuspen- greatly evolving. Active safety technologies are being sion and a torsion beam rear suspension). In addition, adoptedinluxuryvehiclesaswellasagrowingnumber heavypartssuchastheFCstackandhigh-pressurehy- of compact class vehicles including mini-vehicles. This drogentankswereplacedatlowpositionsatthecenter trend is only expected to continue. In addition, the de- of the vehicle to lower the center of gravity and to en- velopmentofautomateddrivingtechnology,whichforms hanceagilecorneringperformance(Fig.1). the basis of advanced active safety technology, is progressing,andautomaticdrivingtestsonpublicroadsare beingconducted. Ford reduced the weight of the frame of the F150 by approximately 27 kg by increasing the ratio of high strength material in the frame from 23% (2013) to 78%, This article describes the chassis and vehicle movement control technology trends focusing on the new modelsandtechnologyreleasedin2014. adoptingauniformboxshapeastheframesection,and improvingthestampingmethod(6). Tire sizes are gradually shifting to narrow widths and larger diameters, triggered by the launch of the Copyright©2015SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersofJapan,Inc.Allrightsreserved 155/70R19ontheBMWi3attheendof2013.Sincethis winds and transverse gradients, and a control that sta- tiresizeisanefficientwayofloweringtherollingresis- bilizesthesteeringangleagainstkickbackwhendriving tanceofthetiretoimprovefuelefficiency,thistrendis straightonroughroads(4).Inaddition,theAcuraRLX highly likely to accelerate with knock-on effects on the andTLXhavearightandleftindividualtoeanglecon- design of the wheelhouse to allow the usage of other trolsystemintherearsuspensionasanewsteeringsys- sized tires and an increase in the turning circle of the temconfiguration.Thistechnologyenableshighturning vehicle. performanceandbrakingstabilityinvariousdrivingsce- 2. 2. Suspension controls Followingrecenttrends,airsuspensionsandelectroni- nariosbysettingtheoptimumtoeangle(7). In contrast, BMW and Mercedes-Benz are aiming to cally controlled shock absorbers were adopted mainly balance handling properties with straight line stability in high-class sedans and SUVs. However, Mercedes- by extending the adoption of variable gear systems, in Benz adopted a four-wheel air suspension (the Airmatic which the gear ratio of the rack and pinion differ de- suspension)forthefirsttimeintheC-Class.Thisdiffers pending on the steering angle as a measure to improve fromrecenttrends,inwhichfewermodelshaveadopted mechanicalsteeringperformance(8). suchasuspension(Fig.2). Recently,theadoptionofEPSisextendingtovehicles The aims of this suspension are probably to further with large axle loads such as SUVs. Along with the improvemaneuveringstabilitybyloweringthecenterof trend to reduce the steering gear ratio, these systems gravity, and to reduce the running resistance by lower- are also likely to increase the necessary assist force. ingthevehicleheightaccordingtothedrivingstate. Accordingly, it will be necessary to consider necessary Recently, more models have adopted electronically controlled shock absorbers to ensure both maneuvering stability and ride comfort. A trend of new models in 2014 is damping force control systems using magnetic measuresintheeventofanaccident(9). 4 Brakes The mandatory adoption of electronic stability con- fluid. Furthermore, the systems developed by each trol (ESC) is expanding globally and the application of automaker change the characteristics of the air suspen- automatic collision damage mitigation brakes is also in- sion and electronically controlled shock absorbers using creasing. The adoption of automatic braking, which is drive mode select functions, which allows the driver to particularlyeffectiveforreducingcollisiondamageatlow selectthevehiclecharacteristics.Thegeneralmethodis speeds,hasspreadrapidlytocompactandmini-vehicles. toswitchthecharacteristicsoftheengine,transmission, Inthefuture,asthedevelopmentofhigherperformance andelectricpowersteeringatthesametime. systems is anticipated, the adoption of sensors such as 3 Steering The adoption of electronic power steering (EPS) has radars and cameras as well as brake controls such as adaptivecruisecontrol(ACC),whichwasmainlyadopted inluxuryvehiclesasaconvenientfunction,areexpected becomecommon,andautomakersareusingdifferentas- toenterwideruse.AstheadoptionofESCpressuriza- sist systems from the standpoints of output, layout, and tionfunctionsareactivelyspreading,theoperationrange cost.Mainstreamsystemsarecolumnassistforcompact of these functions as motion control systems is also in- orsmallervehicles,andrackassistformediumorlarger creasing.Forexample,Hondahasadoptedacontrolthat vehicles.However,someautomakershaveadoptedpin- applies the brakes so slightly that the driver does not ionassistforcompactvehiclesandadualpiniontypefor noticetotheinnerwheelswhenthesteeringanglewheel compacttomediumsizedvehicles.Inaddition,thegen- is increased and to the outer wheels when the steering eral trend is to decrease the overall steering gear ratio wheelangleisreturned.Suchcontrolimprovesrespon- toimprovehandlingpropertiesandagility. siveness and convergence performance (10). Further Another trend for steering control technology is to improvementofperformanceinaccordancewiththeex- adopt controls that compensate for mechanical proper- pansionofbrakingfunctions,suchastheresponsiveness ties (such as inertia and friction), while also improving forenhancingcollisionavoidanceperformance,durability comfort. For example, VW has adopted a control that for the larger operation ranges and frequency, and qui- assists the necessary steering force for constant cross eteroperationwillberequired. Copyright©2015SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersofJapan,Inc.Allrightsreserved (2) Table 1 Chassis and vehicle control systems of new vehicles launched in 2013(1) Market Manufacturer/ brand Japan Daihatsu Model Category Drivetraintypes Suspensiontype Drivetrain (ISS:includesidle Front/Rear Steering layouts stopsystem) ():suspensionforAWDlayout Vehiclecontrolsystems Copen Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD ISS Strut/torsionbeam EPS Vehicle Stability Control (VSC), Traction Control (TRC), BrakeOverrideSystem,EmergencyStopSignal Wake Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Strut/torsionbeam (3-link) EPS Vehicle Stability Control (VSC), Traction Control (TRC), Crash-avoidance braking function at low speed range, Erroneous start prevention function, Preceding vehicle departurereportingfunction Move Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Strut/torsionbeam (3-link) EPS Crash-avoidance braking function in low speed range, Erroneous start prevention function (reverse), Erroneous start prevention function, Preceding vehicle departure reportingfunction N-BOX SLASH Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Strut/torsionbeam (DeDion) EPS EPB, Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA), City-Brake Active System(CollisionMitigationBrakes,FalseStartPrevention Function), Hill-start Assist function, Emergency Stop Signal Grace Medium HV Strut/torsionbeam (DeDion) EPS Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA), City-Brake Active System (Collision Mitigation Brakes, False Start Prevention Function), Hill-start Assist function, Emergency Stop Signal NX SUV Gasoline FWD/ ISS/ AWD HEV Strut/doublewishbone EPS EPB, NAVI AI-Adaptive Variable Suspension system (AVS), Blind Spot Monitor (BSM), Pre-Collision System, LaneDepartureAlert,Drive-StartControl RC Sporty Gasoline RWD HEV Doublewishbone/ multi-link EPS ECB, Lexus Dynamic Handling system (LDH), NAVI AIAdaptiveVariableSuspensionsystem(AVS),VDIM,Blind Spot Monitor (BSM), Rear Crossing Traffic Alert (RCTA), Pre-CollisionSystem,LaneDepartureAlert Mazda Demio Compact Gasoline/ FWD/ diesel AWD ISS Strut/torsionbeam EPS ABS, Brake Assist, Traction Control System (TCS), Dynamic Stability Control system (DSC), Hill Launch Assist, Lane Departure Warning System, Smart City BrakeSupport,CruiseControl Mitsubishi ekspace Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Strut/3-link EPS ABS,EBD,ActiveStabilityControl(ASC),HillStartAssist, brakeassist,e-Assist(ForwardCollisionMitigationSystem inlowspeedrange,erroneousstartpreventionfunction) Nissan Skyline Medium Gasoline RWD/ ISS/ AWD HEV Doublewishbone/ multi-link EPS Electro-Hydraulic power steering system (vehicle speed sensitivetype),DirectAdaptiveSteering,ABS,EBD,Brake Assist, Intelligent pedal (Distance Control Assist), Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC), Hill Start Assist, DRIVING ASSISTANCE (extension of drive mode select), Active LaneControl,EmergencyBrake,IntelligentCruiseControl, backcollisionpreventionassistsystem(BCI),backvehicle detection warning (BSW), Lane Departure Prevention (LDP), Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Backup Collision Intervention(BCI) Tiana Medium Gasoline Strut/multi-link EPS ABS,EBD,ActiveTraceControl,VehicleDynamicControl (VDC),BrakeAssist,EmergencyBrake,drivemodeselect, cruisecontrol,Emergencyassistforpedalmisapplication DayzRoox Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Strut/3-link EPS ABS,EBD,BrakeAssist,VehicleDynamicControl(VDC), HillStartAssist,EmergencyBrake,Emergencyassistfor pedalmisapplication e-NV200 Van EV Strut/leafrigid EPS Regenerativebrakingsystem,ABS,EBD,VehicleDynamic Control(VDC),HillStartAssist Levorg Medium Gasoline AWD ISS Strut/doublewishbone EPS EPB, EyeSight Ver.3 Active Lane Keep, Hill Start Assist, Pre-collision Braking System, Pre-collision Throttle Management, Pre-collision Throttle Management when reversing, EBD, ABS, Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC), Active Torque Vectoring, Brake Assist, Brake Override, Active torque split AWD, Variable torque distribution (VTD)-AWD,ACC WRX Medium Gasoline AWD Strut/doublewishbone EPS EPB, EyeSight Ver.3 Active Lane Keep, Hill Start Assist, Pre-collision Braking System, Pre-collision Throttle Management, Pre-collision Throttle Management when reversing, EBD, ABS, Multi-mode Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC), Active Torque Vectoring, Brake Assist, BrakeOverride,Variabletorquedistribution(VTD)-AWD LegacyB4 Medium Gasoline AWD ISS Strut/doublewishbone EPS EPB, EyeSight Ver.3 Active Lane Keep, Hill Start Assist, Pre-collision Braking System, Pre-collision Throttle Management, Pre-collision Throttle Management when reversing, EBD, ABS, Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC), ActiveTorqueVectoring,ActivetorquesplitAWD,ACC Honda Lexus Subaru FWD/ AWD FWD FWD Copyright©2015SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersofJapan,Inc.Allrightsreserved Table 1 Chassis and vehicle control systems of new vehicles launched in 2013 (continued) Market Manufacturer/ brand Japan Subaru Model Category Suspensiontype Drivetraintypes Drivetrain Front/Rear (ISS:includesidle Steering layouts ():suspensionforAWDlayout stopsystem) Vehiclecontrolsystems Legacy Outback SUV Gasoline AWD ISS Strut/doublewishbone EPS EPB,EyeSightVer.3ActiveLaneKeep,X-Mode(withHill Descent Control), Hill Start Assist, Pre-collision Braking System, Pre-collision Throttle Management, Pre-collision Throttle Management when reversing, EBD, ABS, Multimode Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC), Active Torque Vectoring Hustler Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS/ AWD regeneration Strut/trailinglink EPS False start prevention function, Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Hill Hold Control, ABS, Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) with brake assist, Radar brake support Alto Mini-vehicle Gasoline FWD/ ISS/ AWD regeneration Strut/torsion EPS False start prevention function, Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Hill Hold Control, ABS, Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) with brake assist, Radar brake support Noah/Voxy MPV Gasoline FWD/ ISS/ AWD HEV Strut/torsionbeam EPS ECB, S-VSC with Active Torque Control AWD System, ABS, EBD with Brake Assist, Hill-start Assist Control, CruiseControl Esquire MPV Gasoline FWD/ ISS/ AWD HEV Strut/torsionbeam EPS ECB, S-VSC with Active Torque Control AWD System, ABS, EBD with Brake Assist, Hill-start Assist Control, CruiseControl Mirai Medium Fuelcell Strut/torsionbeam EPS ECB,S-VSC,ABS,EBD,withBrakeAssist,Hill-startAssist Control,CruiseControl,LaneDepartureAlert,Pre-collision SafetySystem RLX Medium Gasoline FWD/ HEV AWD Double wishbone/multilink EPS Precision All-Wheel Steer (P-AWS), ABS, EBD, Hill start assist,AutomaticBrakeHold,VehicleStabilityAssist(VSA) with traction control (TRC), Motion adaptive steering, AgileHandlingAssist(AHA),LaneKeepingAssistSystem, ACC,CollisionMitigationBrakingSystem,RoadDeparture MitigationSystem TLX Medium Gasoline FWD/ AWD Strut/4-link EPS Precision All-Wheel Steer (P-AWS), ABS, EBD, Hill start assist, Automatic Brake Hold, Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) with traction control (TRC), Motion adaptive steering, Agile Handling Assist (AHA), Super Handling All-WheelDrive(SH-AWD), LaneKeepingAssistSystem, ACC,CollisionMitigationBrakingSystem,RoadDeparture MitigationSystem Audi TT Sporty Gasoline/ FWD/ dieselISS AWD Strut/4-link EPS Audi magnetic ride, ABS, EBD, Electronic stabilization control(ESC),AntiSlipRegulation(ASR),HillHoldAssist, RetractableRearSpoiler,parkingsystemwithrearsensor BMW 2Series ActiveTourer MPV Gasoline FWD ISS Strut/multi-link EPS EPB, Dynamic Damper Control, Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Collision Warning, Lane Departure Warning, Traffic JamAssist(TJA),Head-UpDisplay i8 Medium PHV AWD Doublewishbone/ multi-link EPS EPB,DynamicStabilityControl(DSC),HighBeamAssist, CollisionWarning,ActiveParkDistanceControl ELR Medium PHV FWD Strut/torsionbeam EPS EPB, Continuous Damping Control (CDC), ABS, Dynamic Rear Proportioning, Brake assist, Traction Control, Lane Departure Warning, ACC, Automatic brake assist, Front &RearParkingAssist,ForwardCollisionAlert Escalade SUV Gasoline AWD Doublewishbone/ 5-linkrigid EPS EPB,Automaticloadleveling,rear,MagneticRideControl with selectable sport mode, Surround Vision, Bird's eye view, Safety Alert Seat, Lane Departure Warning, Rear Cross-Traffic Alert, Side Blind Zone Alert, Lane Change Alert,ACC,FrontandRearAutomaticBraking,Automatic SafetyBeltTightening C1 Small Gasoline FWD ISS Strut/torsionbeam EPS ABS, EBD, Emergency Brake Assist, Cornering Stability Control, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Hill Start Assist,StopandStart C4Cactus Crossover Gasoline/ FWD dieselISS Strut/torsionbeam EPS ABS, EBD, Emergency Brake Assist, Cornering Stability Control, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Hill Start Assist, Stop and Start, Cruise Control, Reverse Parking Sensor 200 Medium Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Strut/multi-link EPS ABS, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Brake Assist, EPB, Forward Collision Warning, Collision Mitigation System, ACC with Stop & Go, Lane Departure Warning, LaneKeepAssist,BlindSpotMonitor,UltrasonicParking Assist,RearCrossPathDetection,ActiveGrilleShutter Suzuki Toyota Outside Acura Japan (launched inthe home country ofeach automaker) Cadillac Citroen Chrysler FWD Copyright©2015SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersofJapan,Inc.Allrightsreserved Table 1 Chassis and vehicle control systems of new vehicles launched in 2013 (continued) Market Manufacturer/ brand Outside Chevrolet Japan (launched Ford inthehome country ofeach automaker) Model Category Drivetraintypes Suspensiontype Drivetrain (ISS:includesidle Front/Rear Steering layouts stopsystem) ():suspensionforAWDlayout Tahoe SUV Gasoline Mustang Sporty FSeries GMC RWD/ AWD Vehiclecontrolsystems Doublewishbone/ multi-link EPS Front/rear Park Assist, Rear Cross Traffic Alert, Side BlindZoneAlert,CruiseControl,TrailerBrakeControl, Gasoline FWD ISS Strut/multi-link EPS ABS, EBD, Traction Control (TRC), AdvanceTrac, EmergencyBrakeAssist Pickup Gasoline FWD/ ISS AWD Doublewishbone/leaf EPS ABS, EBD, Traction Control (TRC), AdvanceTrac with RollStabilityControlandCurveControl,HillStartAssist Yukon SUV Gasoline Doublewishbone/ multi-link EPS Magnetic ride control, Automatic rear air level control, ABS, Brake Assist, Hill Start Assist brakes, Integrated trailer brake controller, StabiliTrak (stability control systemwithbrakeassist,includestractioncontrol),ACC Hyundai Sonata Medium Gasoline FWD HEV Strut/multi-link EPS ABS, EBD, Traction Control System, Electronic Stability Control(ESC),BrakeAssist,VehicleStabilityManagement, DriveModeSelect,SmartCruiseControlwithStart/Stop Capability Kia SoulEV MPV EV FWD Strut/torsionbeam EPS TCS EPB, Flex Steer System, Hill Assist Control, Vehicle StabilityAssist(VSA),ABS,Tractioncontrol(TRC),ACC Land Rover Discovery Sport SUV Gasoline/ diesel FWD/ AWD Strut/multi-link EPS Hill Descent Control, ABS, EBD, Electronic Traction Control,HillStartAssist,DynamicStabilityControl,EPB, EmergencyBrakeAssist,RollStabilityControl,BlindSpot Monitoring with Closing Vehicle Sensing alerts, Parallel Park,ParkingExit,PerpendicularParking,ReverseTraffic Detection,Automaticemergencybraking Lincoln MKC SUV Gasoline FWD/ AWD Strut/multi-link EPS AdvanceTrac with Roll Stability Control, EPB, ABS, Traction Control (TRC), Torque Vectoring Control, IntelligentAll-WheelDrive Mercedes- CClass Benz Medium Gasoline RWD Doublewishbone/ multi-link EPS Agility Control suspension, Airmatic Agility Package, ABS, Radar Safety Package, Brake Assist Plus (Brake AssistPluswithCross-TrafficAssist),RearCPA(rear-end collision warning system with damage mitigation brake), Pre-safeBrake(withpedestriandetection),AdaptiveBrake (Hold function, Hill Start Assist), CPA Plus (emergency braking), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Cross-wind Assist, Active Parking Assist, EPB, Cruise control and Variablespeedlimiter Opel Corsa Compact Gasoline/ FWD dieselISS Strut/torsionbeam EPS ABS,EBD,ElectronicStabilityProgram(ESP) Peugeot 108 Small Gasoline FWD ISS Strut/torsionbeam EPS Electronic Stability Program (ESP), EBD, ABS, Tyre pressuresensor Porsche Macan SUV Gasoline AWD ISS 5-link/trapezoidal EPS PorscheActiveSuspensionManagement,PorscheStability Management, Porsche Hill Control, Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus, Off-Road button, Adaptive cruise control with Porsche Active Safe, Lane Change Assist, Lane Assist Renault Twingo Small Gasoline RWD ISS Strut/DeDion EPS ElectronicStabilityControl(ESC),ABSwithBrakeAssist, Lane departure warning, Emergency Brake Assist, Tyre pressuresensor,Cruisecontrol smart fortwo Small Gasoline RWD ISS Strut/DeDion EPS Crosswindassist,Hillstartassist,ABS,Electronicstability control(ESC) VW Golfsports van MPV Gasoline/ FWD dieselISS Strut/4-link EPS DynamicChassisControl,ABS,Electronicstabilitycontrol (ESC), Electronicparkingbrake,AdaptiveCruiseControl, LaneAssist,ParkAssist,AutomaticPost-CollisionBraking System Passat Medium Gasoline/ FWD/ dieselISS AWD Strut/4-link EPS ABS,Electronicstabilitycontrol(ESC),Electronicparking brake with Auto Hold function, Hill Hold Control, Trailer Assist, ACC, Driver's Assistance Pack Plus, Lane Assist, ParkAssist RWD/ AWD The adoption of electronic parking brakes (EPBs) is Types of regenerative-friction brake coordination also increasing. Although these systems were mainly include systems such that use accumulative hydraulic adoptedinEurope,newmodelsofmediumsizeorlarger pressureandcontrolsusingelectricmotors.Varioussys- vehicles and SUVs in Japan, the U.S., and Europe have temsarebeingdevelopedinparallel. adopted this as standard equipment. As the Honda NBoxSlashadoptedadrumtypeEPBforthefirsttime(11), thistrendmaydevelopfurtherinthefuture. 5 Other Vehicle Controls In recent years, active safety technology combining Copyright©2015SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersofJapan,Inc.Allrightsreserved FC stack High-pressure hydrogen tank Fig. 1 Layout of hydrogen tanks and FC stack of Toyota Mirai(5) recognition and chassis control technology has rapidly Fig. 2 Mercedes-Benz C-Class Airmatic suspension(3) spreadandbecomemoresophisticated. Subaru'sEyeSightVer.3(12)isequippedwithafunction that assists the driver's steering operation to main- References (1) tain the center position in the lane. The catchphrases Japanese Motor Vehicles Guidebook 2013-2014, Vol.60 ofthepreviousgenerationofthesystem,(avehiclethat (2) Websitesofeachautomaker does not crash) and the current system (a vehicle that (3) WebsiteofMercedes-Benz, staysinitslane)haveattractedtheattentionofcustom- ers. (4) WebsiteofVW, (5) Website of Toyota Motor Corporation, http:// Googleannouncedthatthetotalrunningdistanceofits automatedvehiclesexceededonemillionkilometers(13), whileAudidemonstratedautomateddrivingonacircuit (6) WebsiteofFord, (14).Thesteadyprogressofautomateddrivingtechnol- (7) WebsiteofAcura, ogywillpushadvancedactivesafetytechnologybeyond (8) WebsiteofBMW, itsexistingframework. (9) Yoneki,etal.,“FailOperationalEPSbyDistrib- The development of chassis and vehicle control technologiesnecessaryfortheseactivesafetysystemsisexpectedtobecomeevenmoreimportantinthefuture. MoreandmorevehiclessuchasHVsandEVsareusingmotordrive.Forthesevehicles,variousmotor-based vehiclemotioncontroltechnologieshavebeenproposed. Asoneexample,theAcuraRLXhasadoptedatechnology to improve turning performance and stability by installing independently controlled motors to the left andrightwheelsattherearandcontrollingthebraking power to each wheel, regardless of the driving force at thefrontwheels(11). uted Architecture,” 5th International Munich ChassisSymposium2014 (10) Kojima et al., “Development of Agile Handling Assist,”HondaR&DTechnicalReview,Vol.26, No.1,pp.46-54(2014) (11) Website of Honda Motor Co., Ltd., http://www. (12) Website of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., http:// (13) OfficialblogofGoogle,http://googleblog.blogspot. jp/ (14) WebsiteofAudi, Copyright©2015SocietyofAutomotiveEngineersofJapan,Inc.Allrightsreserved