grade 3 module 1 units 1, 2, 3 student workbook
grade 3 module 1 units 1, 2, 3 student workbook
NYS COMMON CORE ELA CURRICULUM GRADE 3 MODULE 1 UNITS 1, 2, 3 STUDENT WORKBOOK Page intentionally left blank 1 ELA Workbook Grade 3 Module # 1 Units 1, 2, 3 Name___________________ 2 Page Intentionally Left Blank 3 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 1 Quotes from My Librarian Is a Camel1 by Margriet Ruurs Name: Date: Directions 1. Read the quote. It is okay if you don’t understand it yet. 2. Think of a question you have based on what you read. It might be a question you are curious about, or a question about a word or phrase that you do not understand. 3. 8QGHUOLQHZRUGV\RXGRQ·WNQRZRUFDQ·WÀJXUHRXW,WLVRND\LI \RXXQGHUOLQHGDORWRI words. It is good just to start noticing hard words! 4. &LUFOHZRUGVWKDWKHOS\RXÀJXUHRXWSRVVLEOHDQVZHUVWRWKRVHTXHVWLRQV 5. Write possible answers to your questions using complete sentences. Quote: “A driver and a librarian divide the books into two boxes. They saddle them on the camel’s back, which is covered with a grass mat for protection. A second camel carries a tent that serves as the library roof.” Questions I have: 1 © Boyds Mills Press (2005). 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 4 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 1 Quotes from My Librarian Is a Camel1 by Margriet Ruurs Quote: “But the volunteers aren’t done yet.… They cross a river in their truck and drive until they can go farther. Then they unload the boxes of books to take them to the small villages. From here they must walk four hours … crossing log bridges while carrying the boxes of books on their shoulders.” Questions I have: Quote: “The Books-by-Elephant delivery program serves thirty-seven villages, …They have even designed special metal slates that won’t break when carried on the elephant’s back across the rough land.” Questions I have: 1 © Boyds Mills Press (2005). 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 5 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 1 Quotes from My Librarian Is a Camel1 by Margriet Ruurs Quote:´7KHER\VWDNHWKHLU\RXQJIULHQGIRUDULGHRQWKHLUVOHGDVWKH\ZDONWRWKHSRVWRIÀFHWRSLFNXSWKHLU books.…While the northern wind howls across the tundra, they read fantasy and action novels. ” Questions I have: Quote: ´7KHFRXQWU\KDVVHYHQÁRDWLQJOLEUDULHV7KH.DOLPDQWDQ)ORDWLQJ/LEUDU\consists of a wood boat, 8 PHWHUVORQJDQGPHWHUVZLGH7KHERDWZKLFKLVSRZHUHGE\DGLHVHOHQJLQHFDQFDUU\XSWRÀYHKXQGUHGERRNVµ Questions I have: 1 © Boyds Mills Press (2005). 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 9 6 Page Intentionally Left Blank 7 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 2 Supporting Materials Close Read Recording Form for the book: Name: Date: Capturing the Gist in a Story $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQ\RXURZQZKDWGR\RXWKLQNWKHOHVVRQRI WKLVVWRU\LV" Gathering Important Details in a Story Somebody … (character) in … (setting) wanted … (motivation) but … (problem) so … (resolution) After thinking more closely about the characters and their motivations, now what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? 1 Kylene Beers, When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003), 144–49. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 8 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 2 Example of a Partially-Completed Close Read Recording for reading of Rain School Close Read Recording Form for the book: Rain School Name: Date: Capturing the Gist in a Story $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQ\RXURZQZKDWGR\RXWKLQNWKHOHVVRQRI WKLVVWRU\LV" I think the lesson of the story is Gathering Important Details in a Story Somebody … (character) in … (setting) Chad wanted … (motivation) to go… but … (problem) there was no … so … (resolution) the students… After thinking more closely about the characters and their motivations, now what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? I think the lesson of the story is because the kids … 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 9 9 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 2 Example of Close Reading Routine Chart with Non-Linguistic Representations Read and think on your own. Talk with your group about the text. Write notes or answer questions about the text. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 10 10 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 2 Examples of Non-Linguistic Representations of Learning Target Vocabulary in this Lesson details discuss main message sort 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 11 11 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 2 Examples of Sentence Starters for Think-Pair-Share The character(s) in this section are 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 12 12 Page Intentionally Left Blank 13 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 3 Rain School: Questions from the Text 1DPH 'DWH $FFRUGLQJWRWKHWH[WZKDWLVWKHÀUVWOHVVRQWKHWHDFKHUVD\VWKHVWXGHQWVZLOOOHDUQ" +RZGRHVWKHDXWKRUGHVFULEHWKHLQVLGHRI WKHVFKRRO" +RZGRHVWKHWHDFKHULQWKLVVWRU\IHHODERXWKHUVWXGHQWV·ZRUN"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHVWRU\ 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 14 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 3 Rain School: Questions from the Text :K\GRHVWKHDXWKRUVD\´LWGRHVQ·WPDWWHUµWKDWWKHVFKRROKDVGLVDSSHDUHG"8VHGHWDLOVWRVXSSRUW\RXU DQVZHU 5HDGWKLVVHQWHQFHIURPWKHVWRU\´7KHLUQRWHERRNVDUHUXPSOHGIURPOHDUQLQJµ%DVHGRQWKHWH[WWKHZRUG UXPSOHGPHDQV DQHZ EIXOO FZRUQ GKHDY\ 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 15 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 4 Selecting a “Power Book” That I Want to Read (Homework) Name: Date: Learning Target: I can select a “power book” that I want to read. 1. A “power book” is 2. The title of my “power book” is 3. I picked this book because 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 16 Page Intentionally Left Blank 17 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 5 Paragraph Pre-assessment: What Is One Reason You Want the Power of Reading? Name: Date: Learning Target: I can write an informative paragraph with a clear topic that explains why I want to get the power of reading. Write a paragraph to answer the question: What is one reason you want the power of reading? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 18 Page Intentionally Left Blank 19 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 6 Close Read Recording Form for Name: Date: Capturing the Gist in a Story $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQ\RXURZQZKDWGR\RXWKLQNWKHOHVVRQRI WKLVVWRU\LV" Gathering Important Details in a Story Somebody … (character) in … (setting) wanted … (motivation) but … (problem) so … (resolution) After thinking more closely about the characters and their motivations, now what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? 1 Kylene Beers, When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003), 144–49. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 20 Page Intentionally Left Blank 21 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 7 Nasreen’s Secret School: Questions from the Text 1DPH 'DWH $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\KRZGLGWKHFLW\RI +HUDWFKDQJHIRUWKHZRUVH":K\GLGLWFKDQJH" $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\ZK\GLG1DVUHHQVWRSVSHDNLQJDQGVPLOLQJ" $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\LQZKDWZD\GLGWKHER\VRI WKHYLOODJHKHOSWKHJLUOVRI 1DVUHHQ·VVFKRRO" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 22 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 7 Nasreen’s Secret School: Questions from the Text :KDWHYHQWRUHYHQWVLQWKHVWRU\PDGH1DVUHHQFKDQJHEDFNWREHLQJDKDSS\FKLOG" :KDWGRHVWKHDXWKRUPHDQZKHQVKHZULWHV´1RZVKHFDQVHHEOXHVN\EH\RQGWKRVHGDUNFORXGVµ" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 23 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 8 Paragraph Writing Graphic Organizer Name: Date: Topic: Detail: Explain: Detail: Explain: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 24 Page Intentionally Left Blank 25 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 9 Close Read Recording Form for _______________ 1DPH Date: Capturing the Gist in a Story $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQ\RXURZQZKDWGR\RXWKLQNWKHOHVVRQRI WKLVVWRU\LV" Gathering Important Details in a Story2 6RPHERG\« (character) LQ« (setting) ZDQWHG« (motivation) EXW« (problem) VR« (resolution) After thinking more closely about the characters and their motivations, now what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? 2 .\OHQH%HHUV:KHQ.LGV&DQ·W5HDG:KDW7HDFKHUV&DQ'R3RUWVPRXWK1++HLQHPDQQ² 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 26 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 10 That Book Woman: Questions from the Text 1DPH 'DWH :K\GRQ·W&DODQGKLVIDPLO\VHHPDQ\SHRSOHZKHUHWKH\OLYH"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXU DQVZHU $FFRUGLQJWRWKHWH[WLQZKDWZD\VGRHV&DOKHOSKLVIDWKHU" :K\GRHV&DOWKLQNWKH+RUVH:RPDQ·VKRUVHLVEUDYH"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU +RZGRHV/DUNUHDFWZKHQ&DOZDQWVWROHDUQWRUHDG"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU :KDWLV&DO·VJLIWWRWKH%RRN:RPDQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 27 Unit 1 Assessment 28 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 11 End of Unit 1 Assessment: Reading Closely 5HDGWKHVWRU\ÀUVWIRUHQMR\PHQWDQGWKHÁRZ Reread: Getting the Gist and Finding Unfamiliar Vocabulary Section Endings What is the gist of this section? What are some unfamiliar words, or words others may not know? Stop at: He refuses. They do not know that the whole of the library is in my restaurant, thinks Anis. [the last words of the story] 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 29 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 11 End of Unit 1 Assessment: Reading Closely Reread: Gathering Important Details in a Story1 Somebody … (character) in … (setting) wanted … (motivation) but … (problem) so … (resolution) After thinking about the characters and their motivations, what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? 1 Kylene Beers, When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003), 144–49. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 30 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 11 End of Unit 1 Assessment: Reading Closely Reread: The Librarian of Basra: Questions from the Text 1. According to the text, what kinds of books are in the Library of Basra? 2. How does Alia feel about the books? Use details from the text to support your answer. 3. How do people help Alia to save the books? Use details from the text to support your answer. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 31 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 1, LESSON 11 End of Unit 1 Assessment: Reading Closely Reread: The Librarian of Basra: Questions from the Text 4. How does Anis avoid getting into trouble with the soldier? Use details from the text to support your answer. 7KHWH[WVWDWHV´$OLDZRUULHVWKDWWKHÀUHVRI ZDUZLOOGHVWUR\WKHERRNVZKLFKDUHPRUHSUHFLRXVWRKHUWKDQ mountains of gold.” What does the word precious in this sentence mean? a. b. c. cute valuable delicate Why did you choose this? Use details or clues from the text to support your answer choice: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 9 32 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 1 Close Read Recording Form for Name: Date: Capturing the Gist in a Story $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQ\RXURZQZKDWGR\RXWKLQNWKHOHVVRQRI WKLVVWRU\LV" Somebody … (character) In … (setting) Wanted … (motivation) But … (problem) So … (resolution) 1 Kylene Beers, When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003), ??–??. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 33 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 1 Close Read Recording Form for Capturing the Gist in a Story After thinking more closely about the characters and their motivations, now what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 34 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 2 Thank you, Mr. Falker: Questions from the Text 1DPH 'DWH +RZGLG7ULVKDIHHODERXWERRNVZKHQVKHZDVDYHU\\RXQJJLUO"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXU DQVZHU $WWKHHQGRI WKHVWRU\KRZGLG7ULVKDIHHODERXWUHDGLQJ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU :KDWREVWDFOHVGLG7ULVKDIDFHLQKHUMRXUQH\OHDUQLQJWRUHDG"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU :K\GR\RXWKLQN0U)DONHUDVNHG7ULVKDWRSOD\DJDPHDIWHUVFKRRORQHGD\"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWR VXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 35 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 4 The Boy Who Loved Words: Questions from the Text 1DPH 'DWH $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\ZKDWDUHVRPHH[DPSOHVRI WKLQJVWKDWSHRSOHFROOHFW"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWR VXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\ZK\GLG6HOLJIHHOORQHO\"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\ZKDWPDGH6HOLJGHWHUPLQHGWRÀQGKLVSXUSRVH"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW \RXUDQVZHU $FFRUGLQJWRWKHVWRU\KRZGLG6HOLJÀQG0HORG\"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 36 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 4 Using Context Clues: The Boy Who Loved Words 1DPH 'DWH 'LUHFWLRQV/RRNDWWKHZRUGLQbold7KLQNDERXWWKHWH[WDURXQGLW&URVVRXWDQ\ZRUGVWKDW\RXWKLQNDUH QRWJRLQJWRKHOS\RX7KHQWKLQNDERXWWKHFOXHZRUGV\RXKDYHOHIW:ULWHDZRUGWKDW\RXWKLQNPLJKWPHDQ WKHVDPHWKLQJ)LQDOO\ZULWHZK\\RXWKLQNWKLV :KLOHRWKHUFKLOGUHQEXVLHGWKHPVHOYHVZLWKEDWVQHWVDQGDOOPDQQHURI EDOOV6HOLJVWD\HGRQWKHRXWVNLUWV DOZD\VRQWKHperiphery ²OLVWHQLQJDQGFROOHFWLQJZRUGV :KDWLVDQRWKHUZRUGWKDWPLJKWPHDQWKHVDPHWKLQJ" :KDWFOXHVIURPWKHWH[WPDGH\RXWKLQNWKLV" +HSDFNHGDrucksackZLWKDSLOORZDQGEODQNHWDSSOHVKRQH\FUHDPVRGDDQGKLVHQWLUHFROOHFWLRQRI ZRUGV :KDWLVDQRWKHUZRUGWKDWPLJKWPHDQWKHVDPHWKLQJ" :KDWFOXHVIURPWKHWH[WPDGH\RXWKLQNWKLV" «KRZDWHYHQLQJWKHOLJKWGLPPHGWRDQQRXQFHWKHDUULYDORI WZLOLJKWDQGVWDUVDusk6HOLJQRWHG« :KDWLVDQRWKHUZRUGWKDWPLJKWPHDQWKHVDPHWKLQJ" :KDWFOXHVIURPWKHWH[WPDGH\RXWKLQNWKLV" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 37 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 4 Using Context Clues: The Boy Who Loved Words 6HOLJZDVWRRWLUHGWRWKLQN+LVH[KDXVWHGEUDLQFRXOGLPDJLQHEXWRQHWKLQJ²slumberDVSOHQGLGZRUG :KDWLVDQRWKHUZRUGWKDWPLJKWPHDQWKHVDPHWKLQJ" :KDWFOXHVIURPWKHWH[WPDGH\RXWKLQNWKLV" TremulouslyKHDVNHG´0PPD\,KDYHDZRUGZLWK\RX":KZKZKDWLV\RXUQDPH" :KDWLVDQRWKHUZRUGWKDWPLJKWPHDQWKHVDPHWKLQJ" :KDWFOXHVIURPWKHWH[WPDGH\RXWKLQNWKLV" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 38 Page Intentionally Left Blank 39 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 5 Reading Stamina Tracker Name: Date: Book Title: This means I: Not there Yet. Still Working on It! I did it! Stay in my reading spot Read silently or in a whisper voice Read the whole time 6WLFNZLWKP\ERRNXQWLO,ÀQLVKLW Use reading strategies to understand what I read Read carefully, and don’t just eat books like Henry did One thing I did to build my stamina was: Next time, I will work hard to: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 40 Page Intentionally Left Blank 41 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 6 Supporting Material Title* 1DPH Date: Learning Targets ,FDQLGHQWLI\P\UHDGLQJVWUHQJWKVDQGFKDOOHQJHVLQRUGHUWRVHWJRDOVIRUEHFRPLQJDQLQGHSHQGHQWDQGSURÀFLHQWUHDGHU I can sort information about my strengths and challenges as a reader into categories. :KDW,·P'RLQJ:HOO Evidence How are my strengths connected to the characters in 7KH%R\:KR/RYHG:RUGV7KH,QFUHGLEOH%RRN(DWLQJ%R\ and 7KDQN<RX0U)DONHU" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 42 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 6 Information/Evidence Recording Form :KDW,1HHGWR:RUN2Q Evidence How are my challenges connected to the characters in 7KH%R\:KR/RYHG:RUGV7KH,QFUHGLEOH%RRN(DWLQJ%R\ and 7KDQN<RX0U)DONHU" One thing I did to build my stamina was: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 43 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 6 Information/Evidence Recording Form Good Ideas from Reading Superpowers Anchor Charts How are these reading superpowers connected to the characters in 7KH%R\:KR/RYHG:RUGV7KH,QFUHGLEOH%RRN (DWLQJ%R\DQG7KDQN<RX0U)DONHU" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 9 44 Page Intentionally Left Blank 45 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 6 Accordion Graphic Organizer on My Reading Goals 1DPH Date: Topic: The reason for this letter… 'HWDLO6RPHWKLQJ,·PGRLQJZHOO« Explain: Evidence- How I know I am doing this well… Detail: Something I need to work on… Explain: Evidence: How I know I need to work on this… 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 13 46 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 6 Accordion Graphic Organizer on My Reading Goals Detail: Something else I need to work on… Explain: Evidence: How I know I need to work on this… 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 14 47 Mid-Unit 2 Assessment 48 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 7 Mid-Unit 2 Assessment Name: Date: How can you become a powerful reader? You have read 7KDQN<RX0U)DONHU and 7KH%R\:KR/RYHG:RUGV and have listened to a read-aloud of 7KH,QFUHGLEOH %RRN(DWLQJ%R\<RXKDYHDOVRDQDO\]HG\RXULQGLYLGXDOUHDGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ1RZZULWHDQH[SODQDWRU\SDUDJUDSKLQ which you describe your strengths and challenges as a reader and ways in which you will become a powerful reader. 8VHGHWDLOVIDFWVDQGH[DPSOHVWRKHOSVXSSRUW\RXURSLQLRQ%HVXUHWRXVHVSHFLÀFHYLGHQFHIURPWKHERRNVZHKDYH UHDGWRFRQQHFW\RXURZQJRDOVWR7ULVKD6HOLJRU+HQU\ 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 49 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 7 Mid-Unit 2 Assessment Name: Date: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 50 Page Intentionally Left Blank 51 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 8 Identifying Criteria for a Fluent Reader :KDWGRHVDÁXHQWUHDGHUVRXQGOLNH" 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 52 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 8 Fluent Reading Criteria Checklist 7DUJHW 1RW<HW $OPRVW7KHUH ([FHOOHQW &RPPHQWV 3KUDVLQJ ,FDQJURXSPDQ\ ZRUGVWRJHWKHUDV, UHDG 5DWH ,FDQUHDGOLNH,WDON DQG,RQO\VWRSZKHQ LWPDNHVVHQVHLQWKH WH[W 3XQFWXDWLRQ ,FDQSD\DWWHQWLRQWR WKHSXQFWXDWLRQDQG, XVHLWWRKHOSPHNQRZ KRZWRUHDGWKHWH[W ([SUHVVLRQ ,FDQXVHH[SUHVVLRQ WRUHDGDQGLWKHOSVPH XQGHUVWDQGWKHVWRU\ 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 53 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 9 Fluent Reading Criteria Checklist 7DUJHW Not Yet $OPRVW7KHUH ([FHOOHQW &RPPHQWV 3KUDVLQJ ,FDQJURXSPDQ\ words together as I read.) Rate (I can read like I talk, DQG,RQO\VWRSZKHQ it makes sense in the text.) 3XQFWXDWLRQ ,FDQSD\DWWHQWLRQWR WKHSXQFWXDWLRQDQG, XVHLWWRKHOSPHNQRZ how to read the text.) ([SUHVVLRQ ,FDQXVHH[SUHVVLRQ to read and it helps me XQGHUVWDQGWKHVWRU\ 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 54 Page Intentionally Left Blank 55 Unit 2 Assessment 56 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 2, LESSON 10 End of Unit 2 Assessment Text Helen Keller :KHQ+HOHQ.HOOHUZDVDFKLOGVKHZDVYHU\VLFNDQGEHFDPHGHDI DQGEOLQG6KHZDVQRWDEOHWRVHH RUKHDU6KHZRXOGIHHOSHRSOHV·KDQGVWRXQGHUVWDQGZKDWWKH\ZHUHGRLQJ+HOHQOHDUQHGWRGRPDQ\ WKLQJVWKLVZD\+RZHYHUVKHVWDUWHGWREHFRPHVDGEHFDXVHVKHFRXOGQRWWDONRUUHDG +HU IDPLO\ NQHZ WKH\ PXVW KHOS KHU ´:H PXVW ÀJXUH RXW D ZD\ WR KHOS RXU VZHHW +HOHQµ WKH\ VDLG ´:KR PLJKW EH DEOH WR WHDFK KHU"µ WKH\ DVNHG 7KH\IRXQGDWHDFKHUQDPHG0LVV6XOOLYDQ6KHWDXJKW+HOHQWKHVLJQVIRUOHWWHUV7KHQVKHZRXOGVSHOO WKHZRUGVLQ+HOHQ·VKDQGWRWDONZLWKKHU 2QHGD\0LVV6XOOLYDQWRRN+HOHQWRWKHZDWHUSXPS6KHSRXUHGZDWHURQKHUKDQG6KHVSHOOHGWKH OHWWHUV:$7(5DVWKHZDWHUUDQRYHU+HOHQ·VKDQG +HOHQOHDUQHGWKDWWKHZRUG´ZDWHUµPHDQWWKHZDWHUWKDWVKHIHOWRQKHUKDQG 6KH UDQ HYHU\ZKHUH DVNLQJ 0LVV 6XOOLYDQ WKH QDPH RI GLIIHUHQW WKLQJV +HU WHDFKHU ZRXOG VSHOO WKH ZRUGVLQKHUKDQG+HOHQZDVVRKDSS\6KHFRXOGQRZÀQDOO\XQGHUVWDQGWKHZRUOGDURXQGKHU :ULWWHQE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJIRULQVWUXFWLRQDOSXUSRVHV 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 57 Unit 3 58 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 1 Physical Environments around the World1 Written by Expeditionary Learning for Instructional Purposes (680 Lexile level) Introduction All around the world, the way that people live is closely connected to their physical environment. The landforms, and the temperature, the seasons, and the amount of rainfall in a place are all important parts of its physical environment. Some places around the world, such as the Arctic, are very cold all year round. What do you think people who live there wear? Probably not T-shirts and shorts! If you’re thinking warm clothing, you’re right! Climate Climate is how hot or cold, wet or dry a place is. Some places have climate that changes with the season. For example, here in New York State, our summers are usually hot. We do get some rain, but it doesn’t happen every day. Our winters are cold. In some parts of New York State we get lots of snow in winter. Spring and fall are not too hot or too cold. We usually get some rain during those seasons. There are some places in the world where it is always hot. Most of those places are near the equator. Some of those hot places are also very dry. These hot, dry, places are called deserts. The Sahara desert in Africa is a great example of a place like this. Other hot places can be very rainy. Indonesia is a great example of a place like this. Remember those people who live in the Arctic? They live in cold climates. Even though it is cold, it is very dry, and if the air is dry, there will be no moisture in the air to make snow. In fact, it gets so cold (below 14° F (–10° C)) that it hardly ever snows! It is a cold desert. The reason why you see snow in pictures of these places is that when it does sometimes get warm enough to snow, the temperature never gets high enough to melt the snow, so the snow stays there year after year. Landforms and Water Features Mountains, valleys, hills, forests, cliffs, and plains are all examples of landforms. In some parts of New York State, WKHUHDUHPDQ\PRXQWDLQVKLOOVDQGIRUHVWV6RPHSDUWVRI 1HZ<RUN6WDWHDUHYHU\ÁDW6RPHSODFHVDURXQGWKH ZRUOGOLNH$IJKDQLVWDQKDYHDORWRI PRXQWDLQV2WKHUSODFHVOLNHWKHJUDVVODQGVRI $IULFDDUHYHU\ÁDW 2FHDQVULYHUVZDWHUIDOOVODNHVDQGED\VDUHDOOH[DPSOHVRI ZDWHUIHDWXUHV<RXFDQÀQGDOORI WKHVHZDWHU features in New York State! Some places around the world, like Finland, are right on the ocean. It has a long coast, where the water meets the land. Summary The climate, landforms, and water features of a place are important parts of their physical environment. All around the world, there are lots of different kinds of physical environments. Think about this: What would living near an ocean be like? How about living in a desert? What about living high up in the mountains? Would life be exactly the same in all these places? 1 Adapted from Junior Classroom Atlas5DQG0F1DOO\&RPSDQ\,6%1/H[LOH 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 59 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 1 Physical Environments Around the World2 Written by Expeditionary Learning for Instructional Purposes (530 Lexile level) Introduction There are many different physical environments all around the world. Physical environment means things like the land, temperature, seasons, and rainfall in a place. Some places around the world are very cold all year. The Arctic is like this. What do you think people in the Arctic wear? Not T-shirts and shorts! Climate Climate is how hot or cold, wet or dry a place is. In some places the climate changes in each season. Think about New York State. Our summers are often hot. We get some rain, but it doesn’t rain every day. Our winters are cold. In some parts of New York State we get a lot of snow. Spring and fall are not too hot or too cold. We often get rain in the spring and fall. Some places in the world are very hot all year. Most of those places are near the equator. Some of those places are also very dry. The hot and dry places are called deserts. The Sahara Desert in Africa is a good example. Some hot places can be rainy. Indonesia is a good example. Remember those people who live in the Arctic? It is a cold climate. It is so cold that it doesn’t snow much! But when it does snow, the snow never melts, so snow is always on the ground. It is also very dry. It is a cold desert. Landforms and Water Features Some examples of landforms are mountains, valleys, hills, forest, cliffs, and plains. There are many mountains, KLOOVDQGIRUHVWVLQ1HZ<RUN6WDWH6RPHSDUWVRI 1HZ<RUN6WDWHDUHYHU\ÁDW6RPHSODFHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG KDYHPRXQWDLQV$IJKDQLVWDQKDVDORWRI PRXQWDLQV2WKHUSODFHVDUHYHU\ÁDW7KHJUDVVODQGVRI $IULFDDUHÁDW 6RPHH[DPSOHVRI ZDWHUIHDWXUHVDUHRFHDQVULYHUVZDWHUIDOOVODNHVDQGED\V<RXFDQÀQGDOORI WKHVHLQ New York State! Some places around the world are right on the ocean. Finland is on the ocean. It has a long coast, where the water meets the land. Summary The climate, landforms, and water features of a place are important parts of the physical environment. There are lots of different physical environments around the world. What would living near an ocean be like? What would living in the mountains be like? What would living in a desert be like? Would life be the same in all those places? 2 Adapted from Junior Classroom Atlas5DQG0F1DOO\&RPSDQ\,6%1/H[LOH 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 60 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 1 Physical Environments around the World (Directions and Discussion Questions) Name: Date: Target I can retell key details from an informational text. Directions * Read the informational text Physical Environments around the World aloud with your partner. * Then reread on your own, silently. * Identify key vocabylary. $IWHU\RXKDYHÀQLVKHGUHDGLQJWKHWH[WWZLFHZRUNWRJHWKHUWRFRPSOHWHWKH following steps 1. Tell your partner three important details from the text. Explain why you think they are important. 2. Discuss the four questions mentioned in the last paragraph. 3. Look at the picture you have been given and discuss: a. The landforms and water features in the picture. b. What you think the climate must be like. c. What obstacles to getting books someone living in this environment might have. d. How those obstacles might be overcome. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 9 61 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 2 Map Scavenger Hunt Name: Date: Learning Targets ,FDQXVHDSK\VLFDOPDSWRÀQGDYDULHW\RI ODQGIRUPVDQGZDWHUIHDWXUHV ,FDQXVHDZRUOGPDSWRÀQGWKHFRXQWULHVZHKDYHEHHQUHDGLQJDERXW ,FDQH[SODLQWRDFODVVPDWHRUWHDFKHUZKDW,XQGHUVWDQGDERXWWKHPDSV,DPXVLQJ Directions $V\RXFRPSOHWHHDFKLWHPEHVXUHWRFKHFNLWRII 1. Find a compass rose on one of the maps. )LQGWKH(TXDWRURQDZRUOGPDS 3. Find a map key. 4. The world is made up of land and water. ContinentsDUHWKHODUJHVWERGLHVRI ODQGOceans are the largest ERGLHVRI ZDWHU D8VHDZRUOGPDSWRÀQGWKHFRQWLQHQWV North America South America Africa Europe Asia Australia Antarctica E8VHDZRUOGPDSWRÀQGWKHIROORZLQJRFHDQV 3DFLÀF Atlantic Indian Arctic 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 62 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 2 Map Scavenger Hunt 5. Find the following somewhere on a map: a. Desert areas E0RXQWDLQV c. Rivers d. Islands 6. Look at the informational text “Physical Environments around the World.” Find the landforms and countries \RXUHDGDERXW/LVWWKHPKHUH 8VHDPDSRI 1HZ<RUN6WDWHWRÀQG a. New York City E $OEDQ\WKHFDSLWDORI 1HZ<RUN6WDWH c. Niagara Falls d. Mountains e. Lakes f. Rivers )LQGWKHFRXQWULHVZHKDYHUHDGDERXW a. Afghanistan E ,UDT c. Chad 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 63 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 2 Map Scavenger Hunt 9. Look carefully at the landforms and water in one of those countries. What is the physical environment like there? ([SORUHWKHPDSV 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 64 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 2 Exit Ticket: Three Things I Learned About Reading Maps Name: Date: 7RGD\,H[SORUHGPDSV+HUHDUHWKUHHWKLQJV,OHDUQHGDERXWUHDGLQJDPDS 1. 2. 3. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 65 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 3 Close Read Recording Form for Name: Date: First Read: Capturing the Gist in a Story $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHRQ\RXURZQZKDWGR\RXWKLQNWKHOHVVRQRI WKLVVWRU\LV" Second Read: Gathering Important Details in a Story* Somebody … (character) In … (setting) Wanted … (motivation) But … (problem) So … (resolution) * Based on Kylene Beers, When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003), 144–49. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 66 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 3 Close Read Recording Form for After thinking more closely about the characters and their motivations, NOW what do you think the lesson of this story is? Why do you think this? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 67 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 4 Waiting for the Biblioburro: Questions from the Text 1DPH 'DWH :KRLVWKLVSDVVDJHDERXW"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU :KDWSK\VLFDOIHDWXUHVLQWKLVFRXQWU\PDNHLWGLIÀFXOWWRDFFHVVERRNV"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXU DQVZHU +RZGRSHRSOHRYHUFRPHWKHVHGLIÀFXOWLHVWRDFFHVVERRNV"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 68 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 4 Waiting for the Biblioburro: Finding Similarities and Differences Recording Form 1DPH 'DWH ([SHUW%RRN :KDWLVVLPLODU" 7KLVFRXOGEHFKDUDFWHUPRWLYD WLRQSK\VLFDOHQYLURQPHQWSURE OHPRUVROXWLRQ In Waiting for the Biblioburro… GHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[W ,QWKHERRNP\H[SHUWJURXSUH UHDGBBBBBBBBBBBBB GHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[W :KDWLVGLIIHUHQW" 7KLVFRXOGEHFKDUDFWHUPRWLYD WLRQSK\VLFDOHQYLURQPHQWSURE OHPRUVROXWLRQ In Waiting for the Biblioburro… GHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[W ,QWKHERRNP\H[SHUWJURXSUH UHDGBBBBBBBBBBBBB GHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[W 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 69 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 5 Model Paragraph That Book Woman In the story That Book Woman, the Book Woman overcomes many obstacles to bring books to chilGUHQ)RUH[DPSOHVKHKDVWRJHWSDVWGLIÀFXOWSK\VLFDOREVWDFOHV,QWKHVWRU\LWVD\VWKHIDPLO\OLYHV way up in the mountains. This would make it hard to reach them, so the Book Woman uses a horse. Also, she has to go through very bad weather. The story shows her coming to their house in rain, fog, snow, and cold. The bad weather would make it hard to reach the family. In That Book Woman, the Book Woman has to get past many obstacles to bring books to children. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 70 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 5 Paragraph Writing Graphic Organizer Name: Date: Paragraph Writing Graphic Organizer Topic: Detail: Explain: Detail: Explain: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 71 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 6 Using Text Evidence to Determine the Main Idea: Accessing Books Around the World Text title: What do you know about the main idea right now? Who is this passage about? (Details from the text) What physical features in this country make it GLIÀFXOWIRUSHRSOH to access books? (Details from the text) How do people overcome these GLIÀFXOWLHVWRDFFHVV books? (Details from the text) What else do you notice? (Details from illustrations, photographs, and maps) After looking closely at details, now what do you think the main idea of this text is? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 72 Page Intentionally Left Blank 73 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 7 Using Text Evidence to Determine the Main Idea: Accessing Books Around the World Text title: What do you know about the main idea right now? Who is this passage about? (Use details from the text) What physical features in this country PDNHLWGLIÀFXOWIRU people to access books? (Use details from the text) How do people overcome these GLIÀFXOWLHVWRDFFHVV books? (Use details from the text) What else do you notice? (Details from illustrations, photographs, and maps) After looking closely at details, now what do you think the main idea of this text is? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 74 Page Intentionally Left Blank 75 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 8 My Librarian is a Camel: Questions from the Text Finland :DWFKIRUWKHVHLPSRUWDQWYRFDEXODU\ZRUGVDV\RXUHDG VNLUWV VFUDPEOLQJ DUFKLSHODJR VHYHUH SRSXODWHG RYHUVHHV :KDWODQJXDJHVWRWKHSHRSOHRI WKHVHLVODQGVVSHDN"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU :K\GRWKHOLEUDULDQVXVHERDWVWREULQJERRNVWRSHRSOH"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU ,QWKHODVWSDUDJUDSKZKDWNLQGRI SHRSOHGRHVWKHDXWKRUGHVFULEHWKHPRVW"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWR VXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU ,QWKHÀUVWSDUDJUDSKWKHDXWKRUZULWHV´7KHDUFKLSHODJRLQWKHVRXWKZHVWFRQVLVWVRI WKRXVDQGVRI URFN\ LVODQGVµ:KDWGRHVWKHZRUGarchipelagoPHDQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 76 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 8 My Librarian is a Camel: Questions from the Text Papua New Guinea :DWFKIRUWKHVHLPSRUWDQWYRFDEXODU\ZRUGVDV\RXUHDG UHPRWH IRUG FKDULWDEOH GHVSHUDWHO\ steep JUDWHIXOO\ GHVWLQDWLRQ UXJJHG :KHUHGRWKHYROXQWHHUVLQ3DSXD1HZ*XLQHDFRPHIURP"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU ,QWKHVHFRQGSDUDJUDSKLVVD\V´%XWWKHYROXQWHHUVDUHQ·WGRQH\HWµ:KDWGRHVWKHDXWKRUPHDQE\WKLVSKUDVH" 8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU ,QWKLVDUWLFOHZKLFKSHRSOHVHHPPRVWH[FLWHGZKHQWKHYROXQWHHUVFRPH"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW \RXUDQVZHU ,QWKHÀUVWSDUDJUDSKLWVD\V´9ROXQWHHUVIURP+RSH:RUOGZLVHDQRQSURÀWFKDULWDEOHRUJDQL]DWLRQµ :KDWGRHVWKHZRUGcharitablePHDQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 77 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 8 My Librarian is a Camel: Questions from the Text Indonesia :DWFKIRUWKHVHLPSRUWDQWYRFDEXODU\ZRUGVDV\RXUHDG PHDQV HFRQRPLFDO tugs SURPRWHV UXPPDJLQJ :KDWLVWKHPDLQZD\SHRSOHWUDYHODPRQJWKHLVODQGVRI ,QGRQHVLD"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXU DQVZHU :K\GLGWKHOLEUDULDQVVWDUWXVLQJFRQWDLQHUVÀOOHGZLWKERRNV"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU $FFRUGLQJWRWKHWH[WZKDWDUHWZRUHDVRQVWKDWELF\FOHVDUHDJRRGZD\WRWUDQVSRUWERRNV"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKH WH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU ,QWKHWKLUGSDUDJUDSKLWVD\V´7KH\DUHDOOH[FLWHGDERXWUXPPDJLQJWKURXJKDQHZER[RI ERRNVWRUHDGµ :KDWGRHVWKHZRUGrummagingPHDQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 7 78 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 8 My Librarian is a Camel: Questions from the Text Thailand :DWFKIRUWKHVHLPSRUWDQWYRFDEXODU\ZRUGVDV\RXUHDG OLWHUDF\ VODWHV UHPRWH WUDQVIRUPHG PRXQWDLQRXV UHIXUELVKHG :K\DUHWKHUHQRVFKRRORUOLEUDULHVLQWKLVDUHDRI 7KDLODQG"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU +RZPDQ\SHRSOHGRHVWKH%RRNVE\(OHSKDQWSURJUDPKHOSWRHGXFDWH"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW \RXUDQVZHU :K\GLGSROLFHLQ%DQJNRNFUHDWHWKH´/LEUDU\7UDLQIRU<RXQJ3HRSOHµ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW \RXUDQVZHU 5HUHDGSKUDVHVIURPWZRVHQWHQFHVLQWKLVH[FHUSWDERXW7KDLODQG´ROGWUDLQFDUULDJHVKDYHEHHQtransformed LQWRDOLEUDU\µDQG´7KHSROLFHKDYHHYHQtransformedWKHDUHDDURXQGWKHWUDLQLQWRDJDUGHQZKHUHWKH\JURZKHUEV DQGYHJHWDEOHVµZKDWGRHVWKHZRUGtransformedPHDQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 8 79 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 8 My Librarian is a Camel: Questions from the Text Zimbabwe :DWFKIRUWKHVHLPSRUWDQWYRFDEXODU\ZRUGVDV\RXUHDG UXUDO FDSDELOLWLHV SDYHG DJULFXOWXUDO LQDFFHVVLEOH ,QWKHDUHDRXWVLGHRI %XODZD\RKRZGRSHRSOHJHWDURXQG"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU +RZLVXVLQJDGRQNH\FDUWEHWWHUWKDQXVLQJDFDURUWUXFN"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU :KDWGRWKH\SODQWREULQJWRSHRSOHLQWKLVUHJLRQVRRQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU ,QWKHÀIWKSDUDJUDSK´6LQFHWKLVLVDQDJULFXOWXUDOVRFLHW\ROGHUUHDGHUVZDQWERRNVRQIDUPLQJµ:KDWGRHVWKH ZRUGagriculturalPHDQ"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 9 80 Page Intentionally Left Blank 81 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 9 Mid-Unit Assessment: Using Text Evidence to Determine the Main Idea: Accessing Books Around the World Text title: “Kenya” What do you know about the main idea right now? Who is this passage about? (Use details from the text) What physical features in WKLVFRXQWU\PDNHLWGLIÀFXOW for people to access books? (Use details from the text) How do people overcome WKHVHGLIÀFXOWLHVWRDFFHVV books? (Use details from the text) What else do you notice? (Details from illustrations, photographs, and maps ) After looking closely at details, now what do you think the main idea of this text is? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 82 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 9 Mid-Unit Assessment: My Librarian is a Camel: Questions from the Text for “Kenya” :K\FDQ·WFDUVWUDYHORQWKHURDGVLQ.HQ\D"8VHGHWDLOVIURPWKHWH[WWRVXSSRUW\RXUDQVZHU 2. Why are camels chosen over other animals to act as librarians? Use details from the text to support your answer. ,QWKHÀUVWSDUDJUDSKWKHWH[WVD\V´%XW\RXQJSHRSOHLQZKROLYHLQQRPDGLFYLOODJHVLQWKHDUHDDUHKXQJU\IRU books.” What do you think the word “hungry” means here? Use details from the text to support your answer. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 83 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 10 Paragraph Writing Accordion Graphic Organizer Name: Date: Topic: Detail: Explain: Detail: Explain: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 84 Page Intentionally Left Blank 85 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 11 Model Paragraph That Book Woman In the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, people go to extraordinary lengths to get books. One example of this is the “Book Woman.” She carries books on her horse to people’s houses deep in the mountains. Then she comes back two weeks later to switch those books for new ones. She does this for free! The lady librarian in the book is necessary because of the physical environment. For example, people live very far from schools and libraries so they can’t get to books. Also, they are LQWKHPRXQWDLQVVRWKHSDWKVDUHGLIÀFXOWWRWUDYHO)LQDOO\WKHZHDWKHUFDQEHWHUULEOHNHHSLQJ people trapped in their houses. The “Book Woman” is a very special librarian because she is brave enough to ride through rough land and weather to help kids learn to read. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 86 Page Intentionally Left Blank 87 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 12 Accessing Books Around the World Paragraph Content Checklist Learning Target Not Yet Almost There Excellent! Teacher Comments I can write a clear topic sentence that introduces my reader to my special librarian or organization. I can include important details about my special librarian or organization: 1. where the librarian/ organization is located 2. how the person/ organization acted in a special way in order to deliver books. I can write a conclusion that wraps up the paragraph for my reader. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 88 Page Intentionally Left Blank 89 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 13 Accessing Books around the World Paragraph Conventions Checklist Target Not Yet Almost There Excellent! Teacher Comments I can use correct capitalization in my writing. I can use end punctuation correctly. I can spell grade appropriate words correctly. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 4 90 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 13 Accessing Books around the World Paragraph Content Checklist Learning Target Not Yet Almost There Excellent! Teacher Comments I can write a clear topic sentence that introduces my reader to my hero. I can include important details about my librarian/ organization: 1. where the librarian/ organization is located 2. how the person/ organization acted in a special way in order to deliver books. I can write a conclusion that wraps up the paragraph for my reader. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 91 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 14 Hooking Our Readers! Directions: Read the hooks below with your group and answer the question below each one: 1. “Have you ever met someone who changed your life forever?” What did the writer do to make this hook captivating? 2. “In the 1930s, President Roosevelt created a program to bring books to areas of Kentucky where there weren’t many schools or libraries.” What did the writer do to make this hook captivating? 3. “It’s not the horse alone, that’s brave, I reckon, but the rider, too.” What did the writer do to make this hook captivating? 4. “Falling in love with reading is like magic!” What did the writer do to make this hook captivating? 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 92 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 14 Accessing Books Around the World Paragraph Conventions Checklist Target Not Yet Almost There Excellent! Teacher Comments I can use correct capitalization in my writing. I can use end punctuation correctly. I can spell grade appropriate words correctly. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6 93 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 15 Accessing Books around the World Paragraph Conventions Checklist Target 1RW<HW Almost There Excellent! Teacher Comments I can use correct capitalization in my writing. I can spell gradeappropriate words correctly. I can use correct end punctuation in my writing. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 94 Page Intentionally Left Blank 95 Unit 3 Assessment 96 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 17 End of Unit On-Demand Assessment: Accessing Books around the World: An Informative Paragraph Read a new short excerpt from My Librarian is a Camel, about a new country. Write an informative paragraph describing whom the librarian or organization is and why the person or organization is special. You may use your “Accessing Books Around the World” recording forms or your background NQRZOHGJHWRZULWH\RXUSDUDJUDSK<RXPD\DOVRXVHWKHDFFRUGLRQJUDSKLFRUJDQL]HULI LW·VKHOSful. You will write all by yourself today. Remember to try to meet all of the criteria for a quality informative paragraph. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 4 97 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 17 Paragraph Writing Graphic Organizer (optional) Name: Date: Paragraph Writing Graphic Organizer Topic: Detail: Explain: Detail: Explain: 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 5 98 GRADE 3, MODULE 1: UNIT 3, LESSON 17 Accessing Books around the World Paragraph Content Checklist /HDUQLQJ7DUJHW Not Yet Almost There Excellent! Teacher Comments I can write a clear topic sentence that introduces my reader to my hero. I can include important details about my librarian: 1. Where the librarian is located; 2. How the person or organization acted in a special way to deliver books. I can write a conclusion that wraps up the paragraph for my reader. 1<6&RPPRQ&RUH(/$&XUULFXOXP *UDGH0RGXOH &RS\ULJKWE\([SHGLWLRQDU\/HDUQLQJ1HZ<RUN1<$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 6