Take the Lead - Indiana Horse Council


Take the Lead - Indiana Horse Council
Take the Lead
Indiana Horse Council
1202 East 38th Street
Communications Building
Indianapolis, IN 46205-2869
March, 2016
The Official Publication of the Indiana Horse Council, Inc.
Our Mission
The Indiana Horse Council,
Inc. is a non-profit
corporation dedicated to
the well-being of the
horse industry. The
Indiana Horse Council, Inc.
protects, promotes and
preserves the interests
and activities within the
Indiana equine industry in
areas of education,
legislation, promotion and
Join or Renew Indiana Horse Council
USE THIS FORM –Please Print
New Application
Business/Association Name
Membership Type and Dues Owed
Lifetime $205.00
Lifetime Yearly insurance renewal $20.00
Individual with insurance $50.00
Individual with NO insurance $30.00
Family with insurance $80.00
Family with NO insurance $40.00
Business $105.00
Youth $20.00
Association $80.00
Mail Completed form with payment to:
Indiana Horse Council
1202 East 38th Street
Communications Building
Indianapolis, IN 46205-2869
Take the Lead is an official quarterly publication of the Indiana Horse Council. Subscription is free with paid IHC membership. To
advertise in Take the Lead---Full Page $100.00, Half Page $50.00, Quarter Page $25.00, Bus Card Size $15.00. Articles and ad deadlines
are due 30 days before next publication. Take the Lead Editor, Mary Williams, [email protected].
March, 2016
 Hoosier Horse
Fair & Expo
April 1-3, 2016
 Colt Starting
April 1-2, 2016
 Breed
Showcase April
1-3, 2016
 Octoberfest
Charity Horse
Oct. 14-16
Indiana Horse Council’s Annual
Meeting and Election of Officers
2016 Officers
On January 17, 2016 the IHC held the
annual membership meeting. The meeting
was held at the Hendricks County
Fairgrounds and Conference Center. During
this meeting all committees gave year end
reports. A special presentation was given by
Melissa Voigt on Understanding and Applying
Principals of Horse Welfare.
After the reports and presentations
were complete, the election results were
reported by the election committee. Leaving
the board after their 2015 term were Bill
Dollard, Jim Noel, and Penny Rogers. They
were replaced by Jessica Peters, Tara Lane,
and Vic Boyer. Others on the ballot were
Elizabeth Christie, Kathy Raplee, and Darla
Following the IHC Membership
Meeting, the Board of Directors held their
January board meeting. Officer elections
were held during this meeting. 2016 Officers
are as follows: President Jennifer ReaganWilson, Vice President-Dustin Birge,
Secretary-Katie Teeters, and TreasurerYvette Rollins.
The February board meeting will be
held during the 2016 IHC Board Retreat at
Saint Mary of the Woods. Beginning in
March, the IHC board will resume holding
their monthly meetings at the
Communications Building of the Indiana State
Fairgrounds. As always these meetings will
be open to the public and we encourage all
members to attend and have their questions
---By Dustin Birge
Jennifer Wilson-Reagan
Dustin Birge
Katie Teeters
Yvette Rollins
Board Members
Vic Boyer
Lyle Endres
Not Pictured Tara Lane
Indiana Horse Council Mission
We are a 501 (c) (3) Indiana non-profit corporation organized in 1992 to encourage support of and
funding for worthwhile charitable, scientific, and educational projects benefiting the horse and horse
related activities in Indiana by serving the needs of both donors and recipients.
Indiana Horse Council
Apply Now for IHC
Board Development
President, Jennifer WilsonReagan ‘18
[email protected].
Equine Assisted Program
Vice President, Dustin Birge ‘16
Equine Welfare
[email protected]
Governmental Affairs
Secretary, Katie Teeters ‘16
Hoosier Horse Fair
Treasurer, Yvette Rollins ‘18
Horse Show Development
[email protected]
The Board of Directors
Octoberfest Charity Horse Show
Vic Boyer ‘19
Queen Contest
Lyle Endres ‘18
[email protected]
Melinda Gerrish ‘16
[email protected]
Trails, Land Use and Zoning
Jessica Peters ‘19
Youth development and 4-H
Tara Lane ‘19
For our young cowgirls and cowboys under 12 years of age, if they bring the completed
coloring page to the IHC Booth during Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo they will receive a
Horse Fair
Ellen Beard—
Saddle/Hunt Seat
Tim Boyer
Jodi Funk
Steve Lantvit
John Lyons—
*Josh Lyons—
Jim Masterson
Jennifer Mosier—
Judged Events
*Lynn Palm—
Jennifer Wilson
Above names verified at
time of publication.
2016 Hoosier Horse Fair
and Expo Kickoff Trail Ride
The Kickoff Trail Ride is
returning to the Hoosier Horse Fair and
Expo on Friday, April 1, 2016. Under
new management, the Kickoff Trail Ride
is being simplified, primarily to focus on
showcasing the versatility of Indiana
horses, raising awareness for the
Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo, and just
have a great time. This year's ride is
being organized by new manager,
Jennifer "Jenn" Wilson Reagan, who is
also the new President of the Indiana
Horse Council, Inc.
Registration for the ride will
begin at 7:30 a.m., and it will be
located near the FFA Pavilion (Gate 12)
of the Indiana State Fair Grounds. We
will begin the ride at 9:00 a.m. sharp.
We will first head west on 42nd street
over to Butler University. We will turn
north on Sunset Avenue, around 49th
and then head back to Gate 12. We will
ride through the Indiana State
Fairgrounds and into the Youth Arena.
The schedule calls for the ride to arrive
inside the Youth Arena around 10:30
The 2016 Indiana Horse Council
Queen and members of her court
courtesy of a Percheron drawn carriage
driven by Tony Boyle, and the
Indianapolis Police Department Horse
Patrol are working out details to
attend. We are super excited to have
Mid America Cowgirls Rodeo Drill Team
carrying our national and state flag in
our trail ride.
We will honor our great nation
with the presentation of the national
anthem and flag when we arrive in the
Youth Arena at the end of the ride.
We are also hoping to have officers
from the Indianapolis Metropolitan
Police Department Mounted Patrol
ride with us.
The 2016 Kickoff Trail Ride
is a great opportunity for you
showcase your group or team, or
come by yourself and have a great
time! This year's ride is going to be
a great opportunity for all
equestrians, from trail riders to
arena competitors, to socialize and
ride or drive their horses through
Indianapolis streets. Driving rigs
are encouraged and welcome!
There will not be a box
lunch provided this year as there
has been in years past, but there
will be bottled water and donuts
available to participants during
registration. As part of the $40.00
entry fee, each rider will receive a
newly designed 2016 Kickoff Trail
Ride Sweatshirt and a day pass to
the Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo.
Stalls are available for $25.00 so
you can stall your horse and go
spend the day at the Hoosier Horse
Entries for the 2016 Kickoff
Trail Ride must be submitted by
March 21, 2016. Entry forms can
be found
at http://hoosierhorsefair.org/kickoff-events/kick-off-trail-ride/.
If you have any questions,
concerns, or suggestions, please do
not hesitate to contact Jenn
at [email protected].
You should come ride or drive with
2016 Indiana Horse Council Queen Contest
By Jessica
IHC 2015
This year the Indiana Horse Council will be
hosting their 2nd Annual Indiana Horse Council
Queen Contest. The crowning will take place
Thursday, March 31st at the Hoosier Horse Fair’s
Tail Gait Event. Last year was the first year for the
contest and it was a fantastic year full of fun,
horses, and beautiful young ladies.
Last year, in March, the Indiana Horse
Council crowned their first ever Queen, Miss
Jessica Peters. Jessica was joined by her court, 1st
Runner up, Kaecee Dollard; 2nd Runner Up,
Adrianna Erdie, and Miss Congeniality, Laney
These four girls started their journey
representing the IHC during the three day event,
the Hoosier Horse Fair and Expo. Packed into
three days, these girls interviewed on live radio
with Better Horse Radio, participated in the
recognition of the Make A Wish Foundation,
presented the scholarship award, and signed
autographs at the rodeo meet and greet, just to
name a few.
But their journey to get there was not
easy. Back in February 2015 applications were due
by February 1st. Thirty eight young women applied
to be our first ever Queen. They all met up at
Indiana Downs for the interview and test portion
of the contest. February 28th, 2015 the top 10
were announced that night after scores were
tallied from the interview and test.
That following weekend they were to ride
in a horsemanship pattern where they could
choose to ride Western or English.
Later the top 10 met for a luncheon where they
got better acquainted with one another. That
same day the girls voted on who they thought
deserved the title of Miss Congeniality. But the
winner was not going to be announced until a few
weeks later at the IHC Tail Gait event Thursday
night before the Hoosier Horse Fair & Expo.
The Tail Gait Event was a very elegant night, a night you
must not miss out on. The ten ladies swapped out their jean and
boots for lovely evening gowns and heels. JD Cannon from Hank
FM was the MC for the night and provided some entertainment
along the way. After the HHF&E clinicians were recognized, the
time came to announce the result of the Queen Contest. The
anticipation was about to come to an end and the results were
ready to be read.
The first announcement of the night was Miss
Congeniality. The unanimous winner was Miss Laney Netherly.
Next, the announcement for 2nd Runner Up, Miss Adrianna Erdie.
The nerves were now racing as JD moved onto the results for 1st
Runner Up, Miss Kaecee Dollard.
Hearts were pounding by this time in the night. The ladies
were getting anxious for the long awaited results and then there
was a long pause from the MC….. The winner of this year’s 2015
Indiana Horse Council Queen is, Contestant #2, Miss Jessica
A word from the current Queen, Jessica Peters…….
I am thrilled to be sharing with you the journey us four
ladies took in the quest to become Queen and court. There is one
thing that I am sure of, 38 lives changed that day after the
interviews and test. We met great young women along the way
who shared the same passion as we did. Being a role model and
advocate for the Indiana Horse Council has been a fulfilling
experience. I have been given opportunities that would have
never presented themselves without being a part of the IHC.
Being Queen has allowed me to share my knowledge
about the horse industry as well as educate horse men and
women about the opportunities and benefits of being a
membership of the IHC. The equine world is a small world and we
all share the same passion and love for our horses and the people
we get to share it with. Horse events such as the HHF&E,
Octoberfest show, and the State Fair all bring people together to
share like interest.
The Queen program has been created not only to help
promote and advocate for the Indiana Horse Council and its
mission to promote the well-being of the horse industry; but it
was also created to encourage the equine youth to develop a
drive and want to better the industry they have a passion for. The
Queen and her court will have numerous opportunities to speak
with people about their concerns and praises of the horse world
we live in. Thus gaining communication skills, analytical skills, and
developing their desire to learn, grow, and make a difference.
Join us the night of the Tail Gait event, Thursday
March 31st to see who will get their chance at making a
difference in the world we all live and work in and let’s
support them along the way.
Your Queen,
Jessica Peters
Highlights from a Busy Year