City of Enid 401 W. Owen K. Garriott Road Enid, Oklahoma 73701
City of Enid 401 W. Owen K. Garriott Road Enid, Oklahoma 73701
City of Enid 401 W. Owen K. Garriott Road Enid, Oklahoma 73701 580-234-0400 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF MEETINGS Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid, Oklahoma, the Trustees of the Enid Municipal Authority, a Public Trust, the Trustees of the Enid Economic Development Authority, a Public Trust, and the Trustees of the Enid Public Transportation Authority, a Public Trust Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid, Oklahoma, the Trustees of the Enid Municipal Authority, a Public Trust, and the Trustees of the Enid Economic Development Authority, a Public Trust, will meet in regular session, and the Trustees of the Enid Public Transportation Authority, a Public Trust will meet in special session at 6:30 p.m. on the 17th day of November, 2015, in the Council Chambers of the City Administration Building, located at 401 W. Owen K. Garriott Road in said city, and the agenda for said meeting is as follows: - AGENDA MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL. 2. INVOCATION. 3. FLAG SALUTE. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 2015. 4. 5. AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS. 1. PRESENT PET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION AT THE ENID ANIMAL SHELTER. 2. QUARTERLY UPDATE BY MIKE COOPER, VANCE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CONSULTANT. 6. HEARINGS. 7. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 8. ADMINISTRATION. 1. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 2, CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE B, SECTION 2-6B-8, ENTITLED "FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS", TO PROVIDE A LICENSE FEE FOR MOBILE FOOD VENDOR FOOD PARKS; TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-3-12, ENTITLED "MOBILE FOOD VENDORS", TO ALLOW MOBILE FOOD VENDOR FOOD COURTS AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS THEREFORE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. 2. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, SECTION 9-1-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE; SECTION 9-1-2, TO ADOPT OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION (OUBCC) AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-1-4, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE; SECTION 9-1-5, TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; SECTION 9-4-2, TO ADOPT THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; SECTION 9-4-3, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-6-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE; SECTION 9-6-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-7-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE; SECTION 9-7-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-8-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE; SECTION 9-8-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-9-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE; SECTION 9-9-2, TO RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-10-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE; SECTION 9-10-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. 9. CONSENT. 1. CONSIDER AND APPROVE CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTIES AT 2317-2321 E CT AND 805-809 S CLEVELAND ST FOR APPROXIMATELY FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($477,000.00), INCLUDING CLOSING COSTS , AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL CLOSING DOCUMENTS. 2. EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF ENID'S SALES AND USE TAX. 3. ACCEPT AN OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCE BOARD (OWRB) GROUNDWATER PERMIT FOR MUNICIPAL USE FOR THE CITY OF ENID. 4. ACCEPT THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (ODEQ) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE THE HEARTHSTONE FARMS 2ND ADDITION BLOCK 2, GARFIELD COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, PROJECT NO. S-0821A. 5. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH MIES CONSTRUCTION INC., WICHITA, KANSAS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $825.00 FOR THE SOUTHWEST ENID – BASIN 2F EXTENSION, S-1506. 6. AWARD A CONTRACT TO RICK LORENZ CONSTRUCTION, INC., ENID, OKLAHOMA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $319,885.11, FOR THE SOUTH 42ND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT HIGHWAY 412, PROJECT NO. R-1604A, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AFTER REVIEW BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. 7. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH C-P INTEGRATED SERVICES, INC., OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,862.00, FOR PROJECTS, NO. M-1505 AND NO. R-1402B. 8. AWARD THE PURCHASE OF CRUSHER RUN ROCK TO DOLESE BROTHERS COMPANY, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. 9. AWARD THE PURCHASE OF READY MIX PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE TO ENID CONCRETE COMPANY, INC., ENID, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. 10. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,377,093.09. 10. RECESS TO CONVENE AS THE ENID MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY. 11. TRUSTEES OF THE ENID MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING. 12. ENID MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING. 1. AWARD THE PURCHASE OF CRUSHER RUN ROCK TO DOLESE BROTHERS COMPANY, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. 2. AWARD THE PURCHASE OF READY MIX PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE TO ENID CONCRETE COMPANY, INC., ENID, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. 3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $329,783.79. 13. ADJOURN TO CONVENE AS THE ENID ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 14. TRUSTEES OF THE ENID ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING. 15. ENID ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING. 1. CONSIDER AND APPROVE CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTIES AT 2317-2321 E CT AND 805-809 S CLEVELAND ST FOR APPROXIMATELY FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($477,000.00), INCLUDING CLOSING COSTS. 2. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,400.00. 16. ADJOURN TO CONVENE AS THE ENID PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY. 17. TRUSTEES OF THE ENID PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING. 18. ENID PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING. 1. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,747.81. 19. ADJOURN TO RECONVENE AS THE ENID CITY COMMISSION. 20. PUBLIC DISCUSSION. 21. CONSIDER CONVENING INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO 25 O.S. §307(B)(3) TO DISCUSS THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY AND PURSUANT TO 25 O.S. §307(C)(10) TO DISCUSS MATTERS PERTAINING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BECAUSE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION IS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE BUSINESS, AND TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION. 22. ADJOURN. City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 4. SUBJECT: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 2015. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION PRESENTER: Attachments Minutes MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ENID, OKLAHOMA, TRUSTEES OF THE ENID MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY, A PUBLIC TRUST, THE TRUSTEES OF THE ENID ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, A PUBLIC TRUST, AND SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ENID PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, A PUBLIC TRUST HELD ON THE 3RD DAY OF NOVEMBER 2015 The Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid, County of Garfield, State of Oklahoma, the Trustees of the Enid Municipal Authority, a Public Trust, and the Trustees of the Enid Economic Development Authority, a Public Trust, met in regular meeting pursuant to notice given by December 15, 2014, to the Clerk of the City of Enid; and the Trustees of the Enid Public Transportation Authority, a Public Trust, met in special meeting pursuant to notice given at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance to the Clerk of the City of Enid, at 6:30 P.M., on the 3rd day of October 2015, in the Council Chambers of the Administration Building of the City of Enid, located at 401 West Owen K. Garriott Road in said city, pursuant to notice thereof displayed at the entrance to the Administration Building of said city, in prominent view and which notice was posted prior to 5:00 P.M. on the 2nd day of November 2015. -MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSMayor Shewey called the meeting to order with the following members present and absent: PRESENT: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. ABSENT: Commissioner Wilson. Staff present were City Manager Jerald Gilbert, Assistant City Manager Joan Riley, City Attorney Andrea Chism, City Clerk Linda Parks, Director of Engineering Services Christopher Gdanski, Public Works Director Billy McBride, Public Utilities Director Louis Mintz, Director of Marketing and Public 1 Relations Director Steve Kime, Airport Director Dan Ohnesorge, Director of Human Resources Sonya Key, and Ex-Officio Member Col. Clark Quinn. ******** Pastor Tom Pullin from Maine Church of the Nazarene gave the Invocation, and Col. Clark Quinn led the Flag Salute. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Janzen to approve the minutes of the regular Commission meeting of October 20, 2015, and the special Commission meeting of October 29, 2015, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser, and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ******** Officer Gene Robertson introduced a two-month old male Labrador, available for adoption at the Enid Animal Shelter. ******** City Manager Jerald Gilbert recognized the City of Enid employees who participated in and won the Top Dollar Chili Award at the city-wide United Way Chili Cook-off. A grand total of $3,337.37 was raised at the cook-off to benefit the United Way. Those employees recognized were Everett Glenn, Kelby Dorris, Kim Watkins, Phil Runco, Bobby Hand, Angela Jenkins, Mike Roberts, Courtney O’Brien, Danny Smith, Stephanie Carr, Cory Buller, Ramona Avilez, Andrea Caruthers, Karen Hackett, and Mike Goodpasture. Fire Marshal Ken Helms and Assistant Fire Marshals Kevin Winter, Bill Moss and Mike Schatz were recognized for being presented the Investigators of the Year Award by the Oklahoma Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI). ATF Special Agent and IAAI board member 2 Ashley Stephens nominated the group, which resulted in a 2nd Degree Arson conviction in a May 11, 2014 structure fire located at 424 South Grand, a building owned by the City of Enid. Commissioner Rodney Timm recognized Airport Director Dan Ohnesorge for his efforts in organizing a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on October 30, 2015 commemorating completion of the Runway 17/35 Extension Project at Enid Woodring Regional Airport. ******** A hearing was held regarding the proposed rezoning of property located at 725 KL Drive, from “C-2” Planned Business Center District and “R-7” Residential Multi-Family District to “C-3” General Commercial District. It was noted that the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning at its meeting of October 19, 2015. Assistant City Planner Karla Ruther stated that if approved, the applicant was proposing to erect a hotel on the property. Commissioner Vanhooser asked where the drainage for the development would go. Director of Engineering Services Christopher Gdanski explained that there would be sewer capacity on the new sanitary sewer line when that project was complete. Capital recovery could apply if the developer decided to go south. He went on to say that if the developer decided to go to the north to Basin 2G, then the City would have to deal with the relief line at Oakwood Road, adding that the design for that project was almost complete. There being no further comments, the hearing concluded. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Brownlee and seconded by Commissioner Timm to approve an ordinance rezoning property located at 725 KL Drive, from “C-2” Planned Business Center District and “R-7” Residential Multi-Family District to “C-3” General Commercial District, and the vote was as follows: 3 AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-35 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 11-2-1 OF THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, BY CHANGING THE ZONING ON A CERTAIN PROPERTY AND DESCRIBING THE SAME, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY. ******** Brief discussion was held regarding a sidewalk variance for Ms. Sarah Jones, located at 2314 Sherry Lee. It was noted that the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, at its meeting of October 19, 2015, unanimously recommended approval of the variance. Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Vanhooser to deny the variance as requested, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Ezzell and Vanhooser. NAY: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Timm and Mayor Shewey. Motion failed. Motion was then made by Commissioner Brownlee and seconded by Commissioner Timm to approve the sidewalk variance as requested, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm and Mayor Shewey. NAY: Commissioner Vanhooser. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Vanhooser and seconded by Commissioner Janzen to adopt an ordinance amending Section 6-10-14 in Chapter 10, Title 6 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, entitled “Equipment,” to require bicycle riders to use certain equipment between one-half hour before sunset until one-half hour after sunrise to improve rider safety, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. 4 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-36 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 6, ENTITLED “BICYCLES AND PLAY VEHICLES,” CHAPTER 10, ENTITLED “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” SECTION 6-10-14, ENTITLED “EQUIPMENT,” TO REQUIRE BICYCLE RIDERS TO USE CERTAIN EQUIPMENT BETWEEN ONE-HALF HOUR BEFORE SUNSET UNTIL ONE-HALF HOUR AFTER SUNRISE TO IMPROVE RIDER SAFETY; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY AND CODIFICATION. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Brownlee to adopt an ordinance amending Section 4-5-1 in Chapter 5, Title 4 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, entitled “Definitions,” to amend the definition of trash and include alleyways as a traffic hazard when not maintained by the owner; and amending Section 4-5-8 in Chapter 5, Title 4, entitled “Trash And Weed Accumulation,” to include alleyways as a traffic and fire hazard when not maintained by the owner, and to replace the class system of violations with specific penalties, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-37 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 4, ENTITLED “HEALTH AND SANITATION,” CHAPTER 5, ENTITLED “WEEDS AND NOXIOUS MATTER,” SECTION 4-5-1, ENTITLED “DEFINITIONS,” TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF TRASH AND TO INCLUDE ALLEYWAYS AS A TRAFFIC HAZARD WHEN NOT MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER; AMENDING TITLE 4, ENTITLED “HEALTH AND SANITATION,” CHAPTER 5, ENTITLED “WEEDS AND NOXIOUS MATTER,” SECTION 4-58, ENTITLED “TRASH AND WEED ACCUMULATION,” TO INCLUDE ALLEYWAYS AS A TRAFFIC AND FIRE HAZARD WHEN NOT MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER AND TO REPLACE THE CLASS SYSTEM OF VIOLATIONS WITH SPECIFIC PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY AND CODIFICATION. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Timm to adopt an ordinance amending Section 1-11-10 in Chapter 11, Title 1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, entitled “Bail Bond Procedure,” to correct grammar and create a list of arrestable and mandatory appearance offenses, and the vote was as follows: 5 AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-38 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 1, ENTITLED “ADMINISTRATION,” CHAPTER 11, ENTITLED “MUNICIPAL COURT,” SECTION 1-11-10, ENTITLED “BAIL BOND PROCEDURE,” TO CORRECT GRAMMAR AND CREATE A LIST OF ARRESTABLE AND MANDATORY APPEARANCE OFFENSES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY AND CODIFICATION. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Brownlee to adopt an ordinance amending Section 4-4-1 in Chapter 4, Title 4 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, entitled “Nuisances,” to amend nuisances that affect the occupants of buildings, to include nuisances that interfere with stormwater, and to include nuisances that pose a danger to any persons, including blights to eliminate conditions posing a serious threat to the safety, health, and/or general welfare of the community, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 4, ENTITLED “HEALTH AND SANITATION” CHAPTER 4, ENTITLED “NUISANCES,” SECTION 4-4-1, TO AMEND NUISANCES THAT AFFECT THE OCCUPANTS OF BUILDINGS, INCLUDE NUISANCES THAT INTERFERE WITH STORMWATER, TO INCLUDE NUISANCES THAT POSE A DANGER TO ANY PERSONS, INCLUDING BLIGHTS TO ELIMINATE CONDITIONS POSING A SERIOUS THREAT TO THE SAFETY, HEALTH, AND OR GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY AND CODIFICATION. ******** Motion by Commission Janzen and seconded by Commissioner Ezzell to adopt an ordinance amending Section 2-6C-1 in Article C, Chapter 6, Title 2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, entitled “City Services And Facilities,” to increase hangar and ground rental rates at Enid Woodring Regional 6 Airport. It was noted that the Aviation Advisory Board, at its October 19, 2015 meeting, unanimously recommended approval of the rate increases, to become effective January 1, 2016. The vote was taken as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-40 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 2, ENTITLED “FINANCE AND TAXATION,” CHAPTER 6, ENTITLED “FEE SCHEDULE,” ARTICLE C, ENTITLED “CITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES,” SECTION 2-6C-1, ENTITLED “AIRPORT,” TO INCREASE RATES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Vanhooser and seconded by Commissioner Brownlee to approve contract award for Project No. S-1506A, Southwest Enid - Basin 2F Extension, to the lowest responsible bidder, Mies Construction, Inc., Wichita, Kansas, in the amount of $396,538.85, and authorize the Mayor to execute all contract documents after review by the City Attorney, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Vanhooser to approve staff recommendations on the following Consent items as listed, with the exception of Item 9.4, Award And Execute Contracts For Services Between The City Of Enid Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) And Sandbox Learning Center; Booker T. Washington Community Center (BTW); and Community Development Support Association (CDSA) To Administer The B-15-40-0006 Grant Funded Activities, and the vote was as follows: 7 AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. (1) Approval of Change Order No. 1 with Nowak Construction Co., Inc., for Project No. S1602, Sanitary Sewer Line Repair at South Grand Avenue and Frantz Avenue, which will adjust final quantities as measured in place at a reduction of $29,688.00, for a total revised contract amount of $66,936.00; and accept said project as completed by the contractor; (2) Approval of agreement with the United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, for the operation and maintenance of the streamflow-gaging station and continuous water quality monitor on Skeleton Creek; (3) Acceptance of work in Project No. S-1420A, Sanitary Sewer Extension to serve the Stonebridge Residential Development, Blocks 1-3; (4) Award and execution of memorandums of understanding for services between the City of Enid Community Development Block Grant and the Enid Public Transportation Authority and City of Enid Park Department, for B-15-40-0006 grant funded activities; (5) Denial of tort claim submitted by Ms. Marcia K. Grogan for alleged property damage in an unspecified amount; (6) Denial of tort claim submitted by Mr. John F. Taylor for alleged property damage in the amount of $915.00; (7) Approval of Change Order No. 1 with The Field Shop for Project No. M-1414A, Equipment Purchases for the Enid Television Network, which will substitute an Ikan lighting system for the City Council Chambers with a Dracast lighting system at a reduction of $3,431.00, for a total revised contract amount of $120,147.35; (8) Approval of agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to participate in Federal-Aid Railroad Project RRCS-224D(027)CS, J/P #32388(04), for improvements at the Burlington Northern Santa-Fe Railway Company’s at-grade crossing on North Cleveland Street; and authorize payment in the amount of $21,794.00 for the City’s portion of said project; (9) Allowance of the following claims for payment as listed: and (List Claims) ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Janzen and seconded by Commissioner Timm to approve Item 9.4, Award And Execute Contracts For Services Between The City Of Enid Community 8 Development Block Grant (CDBG) And Sandbox Learning Center; Booker T. Washington Community Center (BTW); and Community Development Support Association (CDSA) To Administer The B-15-400006 Grant Funded Activities, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. Commissioner Ezzell absent from vote. ******** Mayor Shewey adjourned the meeting to convene as the Enid Municipal Authority. - TRUSTEES OF THE ENID MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY PRESENT: Trustees Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser, Chairman Shewey, Trust Manager Jerald Gilbert, Trust Attorney Andrea Chism, and Secretary Linda Parks. ABSENT: Trustee Wilson. ******** Motion was made by Trustee Vanhooser and seconded by Trustee Brownlee to approve a water purchase contract between the Enid Municipal Authority and the Garber Municipal Authority, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Trustees Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Chairman Shewey. NAY: None. ******** Motion was made by Trustee Ezzell and seconded by Trustee Brownlee to allow the following claims for payment as listed, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Trustees Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Chairman Shewey. NAY: None. ******** 9 Chairman Shewey adjourned the meeting to convene as the Enid Economic Development Authority. - TRUSTEES OF THE ENID ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY – PRESENT: Trustees Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser, Chairman Shewey, General Manager Jerald Gilbert, Trust Attorney Andrea Chism, and Secretary Linda Parks. ABSENT: Trustee Wilson. ******** Motion was made by Trustee Ezell and seconded by Trustee Brownlee to allow the following claims for payment as listed, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Trustees Janzen, Ezzell, Brownlee, Timm, Vanhooser and Chairman Shewey. NAY: None. ******** Chairman Shewey adjourned the meeting to convene as the Enid Public Transportation Authority. - TRUSTEES OF THE ENID PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY – PRESENT: Trustees Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser, Chairman Shewey, General Manager Jerald Gilbert, Trust Attorney Andrea Chism, and Secretary Linda Parks. ABSENT: Trustee Wilson. ******** Motion was made by Trustee Timm and seconded by Trustee Janzen to allow the following claims for payment, and the vote was as follows: 10 AYE: Trustees Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Chairman Shewey. NAY: None. ******** Chairman Shewey adjourned the meeting to reconvene as the Enid City Commission. -MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSMr. Byrin Carr, 2604 East Randolph, addressed commissioners regarding his ongoing issues with the Garfield County District Attorney’s office and the Enid Police Department, and publicly apologized to Mayor Shewey for getting him involved with those issues. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Janzen to convene into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing economic development only, pursuant to Stat. §307(C)(10), because an executive session is necessary to protect the confidentiality of the business, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Ezzell and Mayor Shewey. NAY: Commissioners Brownlee, Timm and Vanhooser. Motion failed. Motion was then made by Commissioner Vanhooser and seconded by Commissioner Brownlee to convene into Executive Session pursuant to 25 O.S. §307(C)(10), to discuss matters pertaining to economic development, because an executive session is necessary to protect the confidentiality of the business; and pursuant to 25 O.S. §307(B)(1), to discuss the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining, or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employee, to perform a performance review of City Manager Jerald Gilbert, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Brownlee, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: Commissioners Janzen and Ezzell. 11 The meeting convened into Executive Session at 7:06 P.M. ******** In Executive Discussion the Commission discussed economic development, and performed a performance review of City Manager Jerald Gilbert. ******** Motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Brownlee to reconvene into regular session, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. The meeting reconvened into regular session at 8:15 P.M. ******** There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, motion was made by Commissioner Ezzell and seconded by Commissioner Timm that the meeting adjourn, and the vote was as follows: AYE: Commissioners Janzen, Brownlee, Ezzell, Timm, Vanhooser and Mayor Shewey. NAY: None. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. 12 City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Linda Parks, City Clerk 5. 2. SUBJECT: QUARTERLY UPDATE BY MIKE COOPER, VANCE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CONSULTANT. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION PRESENTER: City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Andrea Chism, City Attorney 8. 1. SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 2, CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE B, SECTION 2-6B-8, ENTITLED "FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS", TO PROVIDE A LICENSE FEE FOR MOBILE FOOD VENDOR FOOD PARKS; TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-3-12, ENTITLED "MOBILE FOOD VENDORS", TO ALLOW MOBILE FOOD VENDOR FOOD COURTS AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS THEREFORE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. BACKGROUND: This ordinance was reviewed by the Commission at the November 3, 2015, Study Session. This ordinance will allow property owners to create food courts for licensed Mobile Food Vendors. The property owner must provide public restrooms, trash facilities, public parking, tables, seating and utilities. The Mobile Food Vendor will remain responsible for complying with all other requirements of federal, state and local law. The ordinance also creates an annual license fee. RECOMMENDATION Approve Ordinance. PRESENTER: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney. Attachments Food Court Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 2, ENTITLED “FINANCE AND TAXATION,” CHAPTER 6, ENTITLED “FEE SCHEDULE,” ARTICLE B, ENTITLED “BUSINESS RELATED FEES,” SECTION 2-6B-8, ENTITLED “FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS,” TO PROVIDE A LICENSE FEE FOR MOBILE FOOD VENDOR FOOD PARKS; TITLE 3, ENTITLED “BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 3, ENTITLED “FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS,” SECTION 3-3-12, ENTITLED “MOBILE FOOD VENDORS,” TO ALLOW MOBILE FOOD VENDOR FOOD COURTS AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS THEREFORE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ENID, OKLAHOMA: Section I: That Title 2, Chapter 6, Article B, Section 2-6B-8 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2-6B-8: FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS: A. Restaurant License: The annual license fee required in section 3-3-9 of this code Code shall be seventy five dollars ($75.00). B. Drive-In Restaurant License: The annual license fee required in section 3-3-10 of this code Code shall be seventy five dollars ($75.00) per year. C. Outdoor Cafe Permit Fees: The permit fee referred to in section 3-3-11 of this code Code shall be three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the initial permit and fifty dollars ($50.00) each year thereafter. D. Mobile Food Vendor License: The license fee referred to in section 3-3-12 of this code Code shall be as follows: 1. The fee for a one (1) year license shall be seventy five dollars ($75.00). 2. The fee for a six (6) month license shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). 3. The fee for a single event license shall be ten dollars ($10.00). (Ord. 2015-13, 47-2015) E. Mobile Food Vendor Food Court License: The license fee referred to in Section 3-3-12 of this Code shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per year. Section II: That Title 3, Chapter 3, Section 3-3-12 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 3-3-12: MOBILE FOOD VENDORS: A. B. Separate License Each Location; Eligibility: 1. A mobile food vendor that has more than one location shall have a separate license for each location. 2. With the exception of growers who are selling only their own fruits and vegetables, applicants must have a valid license from the Oklahoma state department of health. 3. Applicants and employees shall not have been convicted of any violent crime or a crime which requires sex offender registry. Application; Fee: 1. 2. C. Application: Every application for a mobile food vendor license shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the applicant, and shall be filed with the city City clerkClerk. The application shall be on a form provided by the city City clerk Clerk and shall contain the following: a. If the applicant is an individual, the name, date of birth, telephone number and address of the applicant; if a partnership, the business name of the partnership and the name, date of birth, telephone number and address of each partner; if a corporation, the names, telephone numbers and addresses of its principal officers and the names, telephone numbers and addresses of all directors thereof. b. The names under which the applicant has engaged, does engage and proposes to engage in food service. c. Proof that the food service establishment is licensed by the Oklahoma department of health. d. Copy of Oklahoma sales tax permit. Fee: Applications shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee, as set out in subsection 2-6B-8D of this codeCode. Types Of of Mobile Food Vendors; Additional Restrictions: 1. Seasonal Food Service Establishments: a. b. c. d. 2. Includes: (1) Snow cone stands. (2) Coffee/drink stands. Geographical And and Other Restrictions: (1) Authorized on private property in commercial and industrial zones. (2) Drive-through/drive-by service and seating are not authorized. (3) Garbage receptacles shall be provided for customer use. Plat Required; Contents: The application shall be accompanied by a plat or drawing of the proposed seasonal food service establishment showing: (1) The anticipated duration. (2) Its location and dimensions. (3) The location and size of vehicle entrances and exits. (4) The location and type of surface of parking. Issuance Or or Denial: Not later than thirty (30) days after the filing of a completed application, the applicant shall be notified by the administrator of the decision on the issuance or denial of the permit. Seasonal Fruit And and Vegetable Stand: a. b. Includes: (1) Fruit and/or vegetable stands. (2) Farmers' markets. Only one license is required for a market. Individual sellers within the market are required to comply with applicable state law. Geographical And and Other other Restrictions: (1) Authorized on private property in agricultural, commercial and industrial zones. c. d. 3. (2) Drive-through/drive-by service and seating are not authorized. (3) Garbage receptacles shall be provided for customer use. Plat Required; Contents: The application shall be accompanied by a plat or drawing of the proposed seasonal fruit and vegetable stand showing: (1) Its location and dimensions. (2) The anticipated duration. (3) The location and size of vehicle entrances and exits. (4) The location and type of surface of parking. Issuance Or or Denial: Not later than thirty (30) days after the filing of a completed application, the applicant shall be notified by the administrator of the decision on the issuance or denial of the permit. Mobile Food Sales: a. b. Includes: (1) Mobile food service establishments (food trucks). (2) Mobile retail food service establishments. (3) Pushcarts. (4) Pedal carriers. (5) Temporary stands. Geographical And and Other Restrictions: (1) Authorized on private property in commercial and industrial zones. (2) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any public or private school during school hours or during school related events except when authorized in writing by said school. (3) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the entrance to a stationary business establishment which is open for business and is offering for sale the same or similar product as an item offered for sale by the licensee unless authorized in writing by said stationary business establishment. c. d. 4. (4) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a restaurant, cafe or other stationary eating establishment which is open for business unless authorized in writing by the stationary eating establishment. (5) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a public park where a city City authorized concession stand is located while the concession stand is open for business unless authorized in writing by the cityCity. (6) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a special event on public property unless licensee is taking part in the special event. (7) Drive-through/drive-by service and seating are not authorized. (8) Garbage receptacles shall be provided for customer use. Licensee shall be responsible for cleaning all of the public way surrounding the licensee's location of all debris, trash and litter generated by the vendor's activities at that location. Motorized Vehicles: (1) Shall be enclosed with top and sides. (2) Interior walls, floor, ceiling and counters shall be of smooth, durable material, capable of withstanding repeated washing and scrubbing. (3) Shall be kept well painted, in good repair, and in good sanitary condition. (4) Shall not be used for any other purpose. Special Events: Licensees taking part in a special event on public property must comply with the special event ordinance, title 1, chapter 15 of this codeCode. No additional cost will be assessed. Mobile Prepackaged Food Sales: a. Includes: (1) Motorized vehicles. b. (2) Trailers. (3) Pushcarts. (4) Pedal carriers. (5) Temporary stands. Geographical And and Other other Restrictions: (1) Authorized on private property in agricultural, commercial and industrial zones. (2) Authorized in residential zones between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. (3) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any public or private school during school hours or during school related events except when authorized in writing by said school. (4) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the entrance to a stationary business establishment which is open for business and is offering for sale the same or similar product as an item offered for sale by the licensee unless authorized in writing by said stationary business establishment. (5) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a restaurant, cafe or other stationary eating establishment which is open for business unless authorized in writing by the stationary eating establishment. (6) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a public park where a city City authorized concession stand is located while the concession stand is open for business unless authorized in writing by the cityCity. (7) Licensee shall not sell within one hundred fifty feet (150') of a special event on public property unless licensee is taking part in the special event and holds a special event vendor permit. (8) Drive-through/drive-by service and seating are not authorized. (9) Garbage receptacles shall be provided for customer use. Licensee shall be responsible for cleaning all of the public way surrounding the licensee's location of all debris, trash and litter generated by the vendor's activities at that location. D. c. Temporary Stops: Licensees may make temporary stops to sell food or beverages on the public right of way. Such stops shall last no longer than ten (10) minutes, shall not impede the normal flow of traffic and shall not constitute a traffic hazard. No customer shall be served on the street side of the vehicle. d. Special Events: Licensees taking part in a special event on public property must comply with the special event ordinance, title 1, chapter 15 of this codeCode. No additional cost will be assessed. (Ord. 2015-13, 4-7-2015) Mobile Food Vendor Food Court: 1. Separate License Each Location. A Mobile Food Vendor Food Court Owner that has more than one location shall have a separate license for each location. 2. Application; Fee: a. Application: Every application for a Mobile Food Vendor Food Court License shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the applicant, and shall be filed with the City clerk. The application shall be on a form provided by the City clerk and shall contain the following: (1) b. 3. If the applicant is an individual, the name, date of birth, telephone number and address of the applicant; if a partnership, the business name of the partnership and the name, date of birth, telephone number and address of each partner; if a corporation, the names, telephone numbers and addresses of its principal officers and the names, telephone numbers and addresses of all directors thereof. Fee: Applications shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee, as set out in subsection 2-6B-8E of this Code. Required Facilities: following: Mobile Food Vendor Food Court owners shall provide the a. Public restrooms. b. Trash facilities. c. Public parking. d. Tables and seating. e. Utilities. 4. Plat Required; Contents: The application shall be accompanied by a plat or drawing of the proposed Mobile Food Vendor Food Court showing: a. Its location and dimensions. b. The locations available for Mobile Food Vendors. c. The location and size of vehicle entrances and exits. d. The location and type of surface of parking. e. The location and size of tables, chairs and other furniture. f. The location and dimensions of restrooms. g. The location and type of utilities. h. If any portion of the Mobile Food Vendor Food Court will be located inside of a building, the location and type of heating and/or cooling to be used in the building. 4. Vendor’s Responsibilities: When a licensed Mobile Food Vendor is located in a licensed Mobile Food Vendor Food Court, the vendor shall be responsible for complying with all federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding mobile food vendors with the exception of restrooms and trash recepticals, which shall be provided by the Mobile Food Vendor Food Court licensee. 5. Issuance or Denial: Not later than thirty (30) days after the filing of a completed application, the applicant shall be notified by the administrator of the decision on the issuance or denial of the permit. Section III: Repealer. All ordinances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section IV: Savings Clause. Nothing in this ordinance hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceedings now pending in any court, or any rights acquired or liability incurred, nor any cause or causes of action accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this ordinance. Section V: Severability. If any one or more of the sections, sentences, clauses or parts of this ordinance, chapter or section shall, for any reason, be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, clause or part shall not affect or prejudice in any way the applicability and validity of any other provision of this ordinance. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commission of the City of Enid that this section of the Enid Municipal Code would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal or invalid sentence, clause, section or part not been included. Section VI: Codification. This ordinance shall be codified as Title 2, Chapter 6, Article C, Section 2-6B-8 and Title 3, Chapter 3, Section 3-3-12 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid, Oklahoma, on this ____ day of ___________________, 2015. CITY OF ENID, OKLAHOMA William E. Shewey, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk, Linda Parks Approved as to Form and Legality: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Andrea Chism, City Attorney 8. 2. SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, SECTION 9-1-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE; SECTION 9-1-2, TO ADOPT OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION (OUBCC) AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-1-4, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE; SECTION 9-1-5, TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; SECTION 9-4-2, TO ADOPT THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; SECTION 9-4-3, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-6-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE; SECTION 9-6-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-7-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE; SECTION 9-7-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-8-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE; SECTION 9-8-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-9-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE; SECTION 9-9-2, TO RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; SECTION 9-10-1, TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE; SECTION 9-10-2, TO ADOPT OUBCC AMENDMENTS AND RENUMBER PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. BACKGROUND: This ordinance was reviewed by the Commission at the November 3, 2015, Study Session. Pursuant to State law, the City is required to adopt the same codes adopted by the OUBCC or codes which are more restrictive. This ordinance will adopt the 2015 editions of the International Building Code, International Existing Building Code, International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, and the International Property Maintenance Code, as well as the 2014 National Electrical Code. RECOMMENDATION Approve Ordinance. PRESENTER: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney. Attachments Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENID MUNICIPAL CODE, 2014, TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 1, ENTITLED “BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS,” SECTION 9-1-1, ENTITLED “BUILDING CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 1, ENTITLED “BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS,” SECTION 9-1-2, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO BUILDING CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSIONS AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 1, ENTITLED “BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS,” SECTION 9-1-4, ENTITLED “EXISTING BUILDING CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 1, ENTITLED “BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS,” SECTION 9-1-5, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING BUILDING CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 4, ENTITLED “ELECTRICAL CODE,” SECTION 9-4-2, ENTITLED “ELECTRICAL CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 4, ENTITLED “ELECTRICAL CODE,” SECTION 9-4-3, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO ELECTRICAL CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 6, ENTITLED “MECHANICAL CODE,” SECTION 9-6-1, ENTITLED “MECHANICAL CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 6, ENTITLED “MECHANICAL CODE,” SECTION 9-6-2, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO MECHANICAL CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 7, ENTITLED “FUEL GAS CODE,” SECTION 9-7-1, ENTITLED “FUEL GAS CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 7, ENTITLED “FUEL GAS CODE,” SECTION 9-7-2, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO FUEL GAS CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 8, ENTITLED “PLUMBING CODE,” SECTION 9-8-1, ENTITLED “PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 8, ENTITLED “PLUMBING CODE,” SECTION 9-8-2, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO PLUMBING CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 9, ENTITLED “PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE,” SECTION 9-9-1, ENTITLED “INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 9, ENTITLED “PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE,” SECTION 9-9-2, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE,” TO RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 10, ENTITLED “FIRE CODE,” SECTION 9-10-1, ENTITLED “FIRE CODE ADOPTED,” TO ADOPT THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE; AMENDING TITLE 9, ENTITLED “BUILDING REGULATIONS,” CHAPTER 10, ENTITLED “FIRE CODE,” SECTION 9-10-2, ENTITLED “AMENDMENTS TO FIRE CODE,” TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COMMISSION AND RENUMBER, AS NECESSARY, PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE CITY OF ENID; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SAVINGS CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY, AND CODIFICATION. ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ENID, OKLAHOMA: Section I: That Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 9-1-1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-1-1: BUILDING CODE ADOPTED: A. B. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the international building codeInternational Building Code (IBC), 2009 2015 edition, excluding appendix chapters, as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures, by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use and the demolition of such structures as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said building code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-1-2 of this chapter. 1. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. 2. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the office Office of the city clerkCity Clerk. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. A violation shall be punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00); unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2013-11, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section II: That Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 9-1-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-1-2: AMENDMENTS TO BUILDING CODE: All amendments and modifications to the international building codeInternational Building Code (IBC), 2009 2015 edition, as adopted by the Oklahoma uniform building code commissionUniform Building Code Commission, are hereby adopted by the cityCity of Enid and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Additional amendments are as follows: Chapter 1 Scope Andand Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert: the cityCity of Enid Section 105.2 Work Exempt From from Permit is hereby omitted. Section 105.8 Contractors Bond Required is hereby created to read as follows: It shall be the duty of every contractor or builder, who shall make contracts for the erection or construction or repair of buildings for which a permit is required, and every contractor or builder making such contracts and subletting the same or any part thereof, to file with the cityCity a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) executed by a surety company, authorized to do business in the state of Oklahoma, payable to the cityCity, and which shall be conditioned upon compliance by the principal with all ordinances of the cityCity in reference to building regulations and buildings. Said bond shall further save and hold the cityCity harmless from any kind of loss, expense, cost, damage, action, or liability of any kind whatsoever, including reasonable attorney's fees which the cityCity may suffer or be recovered from the cityCity by reason of any loss, damage, or injuries sustained, performed by the principal or his agents, in the use of the streets, alleys, or public property of the cityCity or by reason of negligence, failure or refusal of the principal or his agents to erect or maintain proper safety devices, warning signals or barricades about such work while it is in the process of construction or repair. The bond shall be approved by the city attorneyCity Attorney. Section 109.2 Schedule Ofof Permit Fees is hereby amended to read as follows:. On all buildings, structures or alterations requiring a building permit, as set forth in section 105, the fee shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in the amounts provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal Municipal codeCode. Section 109.4.1 Triple Fees Authorized is hereby created to read as follows: All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license and/or permit for excessive repetition of violations. Section 113.1.1 is hereby created to read as follows: Appointment. There is hereby established a boardBoard to be called the construction boardConstruction Board of adjustment and appealsAppeals, which shall consist of nine (9) members. The boardBoard members shall be appointed by the mayorMayor and board of commissionersBoard of Commissioners. Section 113.3.1 is hereby created to read as follows: Membership. The construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals shall consist of nine (9) members. Such boardBoard shall consist of individuals with knowledge and experience in the technical codes, such as design professionals, contractors, and building industry representatives, specifically as follows: One registered design professional who is a registered architect. One registered design professional with structural engineering experience, or a building contractor. One building contractor, or a member from the building industry. One registered design professional with electrical engineering experience, or a licensed electrical contractor. One licensed electrical contractor, or a licensed electrical journeyman. One registered design professional with mechanical experience, or a licensed mechanical contractor. One licensed mechanical contractor, or a licensed mechanical journeyman. One registered design professional with plumbing experience, or a licensed plumbing contractor. One licensed plumbing contractor, or a licensed plumbing journeyman. A boardBoard member shall not act in a case in which he has a personal or financial interest. Section 113.3.2 is hereby created to read as follows: Terms. The terms of office of the boardBoard members shall be for three (3) years. The appointments shall be made in such a manner that the term of every member shall expire in March. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the manner in which original appointments are required to be made. No member shall serve more than two (2) terms in succession; however, partial terms shall not be considered in determining the term limit. Members are subject to loss of office due to absences pursuant to section 1-8-3A of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code and removal for cause by the mayorMayor and board of commissionersBoard of Commissioners consistent with section 1-83B of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section 113.3.3 Quorum Andand Voting is hereby created to read as follows: A simple majority of the board Board shall constitute a quorum. In allowing an exception to any provision of this or other technical codes, the affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than three (3) affirmative votes, shall be required. In modifying a decision of the code administratorCode Administrator, not less than three (3) affirmative votes, but not less than a majority of the boardBoard, shall be required. Section 113.3.4 Secretary Ofof Board is hereby created to read as follows: The code administratorCode Administrator shall act as secretary of the board Board and shall make a detailed record of all of its proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decision, the vote of each member, the absence of a member and any failure of a member to vote. Section 113.3.5 Powers is hereby created to read as follows: The construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals shall have the power, as further defined in 113.4 to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the code administratorCode Administrator and consider exceptions to only the technical codes found in title Title 9 of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section 113.4 Appeals is hereby created. Section 113.4.1 Decision Ofof Thethe Code Administrator is hereby created to read as follows: The owner of a building, structure or service system, or his duly authorized agent, may appeal a decision of the code administratorCode Administrator to the construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals whenever any one of the following conditions are claimed to exist: a. The code administratorCode Administrator rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the installation or alteration of a building, structure or service system. b. The provisions of this code do not apply to this specific case. c. That an equally good or more desirable form of installation can be employed in any specific case. d. The true intent and meaning of this code or any of the regulations thereunder have been misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted. e. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within ten (10) days after the decision is rendered by the code administratorCode Administrator. A fee as provided in section 26F-2 of the Enid municipal code shall accompany such notice of appeal. Section 113.4.2 Special Exceptions is hereby created to read as follows: The construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may allow a special exception to the application of any provision of this or other technical codes to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this code, the other technical codes or public interest, and also finds all of the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the building, structure or service system involved and which are not applicable to others. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action or inaction of the applicant. c. That allowing the exception requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this code to other buildings, structures or service system. d. That the exception allowed is the minimum exception that will make possible the reasonable use of the building, structure, or service system. e. That the allowing of the exception will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this code and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. Section Conditions Ofof Thethe Special Exception is hereby created to read as follows: In granting the special exception, the board Board may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the special exception is required shall be commenced or completed or both. In addition, the board Board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this code. Violation of the conditions of a special exception shall be deemed a violation of this code. Section 113.4.3 Notice Ofof Appeal is hereby created to read as follows: Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within ten (10) calendar days after the code administratorCode Administrator renders the decision. Appeals shall be on a form provided by the code administratorCode Administrator. Section 113.4.4 Unsafe Oror Dangerous Buildings Oror Service Systems is hereby created to read as follows: In the case of a building, structure or service system, which, in the opinion of the code administratorCode Administrator, is unsafe, unsanitary or dangerous, the code administratorCode Administrator may, in his order, limit the time for such appeals to a shorter period. Section 113.5 Procedures Ofof Thethe Board is hereby created. Section 113.5.1 Rules Andand Regulations is hereby created to read as follows: The board Board shall establish rules and regulations for its own procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this code. The board Board shall meet on call of the chairman. The board Board shall meet within ten (10) calendar days after notice of appeal has been received. Section 113.5.2 Decisions is hereby created to read as follows: The construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. Each decision of the board Board shall also include the reasons for the decision. If a decision of the board Board reverses or modifies a refusal, order or disallowance of the code administratorCode Administrator or allows a special exception to the application of any provision of this code, the code administratorCode Administrator shall immediately take action in accordance with such decision. Every decision shall be promptly filed in writing in the office Office of the code administratorCode Administrator and shall be open to public inspection. A certified copy of the decision shall be sent by mail or otherwise to the applicant and a copy shall be kept publicly posted in the office Office of the code administratorCode Administrator for two (2) weeks after filing. Every decision of the board Board shall be final; subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved party might have at law or in equity. Section 114.4 Violation Penalties is hereby amended to read as follows:. Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or direction of the code officialCode Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). Chapter 15 Roof Assemblies Andand Rooftop Structures is hereby amended to add the following language: Section 1507.1.1 Declaration Ofof Policy is hereby created to read as follows: The mayorMayor and board of commissionersBoard of Commissioners of the cityCity of Enid has determined that the use of wood shingles upon a building or structure increase the hazard that the flames of a nearby fire may spread to that building or structure. Further, the use of wood shingles may increase insurance rates charged to the owner because of the susceptibility of said shingles to be damaged as a result of hailstorm events. Because of these findings, the commission believes that the citizens of the cityCity of Enid should not be compelled by restrictive covenants to use wood shingles for their homes, building or other structures and that the health, safety and welfare of said citizens should be promoted by making such requirements invalid and unenforceable. The commission is also aware, however, that developers and residents of subdivision protected by such restrictive covenants are vitally interested in maintaining the aesthetic value of their neighborhood and that any law declaring these covenants to be invalid and unenforceable should also recognize the interest of these developers and residents. Section 1507.1.2 Covenants Requiring Use Ofof Wood Shingles Invalid Andand Unenforceable is hereby created to read as follows: All parts of all restrictive covenants contained in any deed, contract, plat or other instrument which requires the use of wood shingles on any building or structure located within the cityCity of Enid, Oklahoma, are hereby declared to be invalid and unenforceable effective January 1, 1999. Section 1507.1.3 Option Ofof Owner Subject Toto Such Restrictive Covenants is hereby created to read as follows: Pursuant to the declaration set forth in subsection 1507.1.1 above, the owner of any building or structure subject to a restrictive covenant requiring the use of wood shingles shall have the option to substitute roof covering materials compatible in color and appearance with the existing roofs in the same subdivision. The determination of compatibility shall be made by the architectural, or building committee or other similar committee of each subdivision; provided, however, that if there is no such committee in existence for a particular subdivision, then the determination of compatibility shall be made by the code administratorCode Administrator. Section 1507.1.4. Limitations is hereby created to read as follows: The provisions of section 1507.1.2 shall not be construed to abridge or abrogate the authority of architectural or building committees of subdivisions in any respect other than the right to enforce restrictive covenants requiring the use of wood shingles. All other restrictive covenants shall remain in full force and effect. Chapter 16 Structural Design is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 1612.3. Insert: the cityCity of Enid and June 19, 2012. Chapter 18 Soils Andand Foundations is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 1809.5.1 is hereby created to read as follows: Frost penetration is twenty (20) inches. Chapter 32 Encroachments Into into The the Public Right-Ofof-Way is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 3202.2.4 is hereby created to read as follows: Awnings, marquees, and walkway covers may be supported by columns or posts on the sidewalk, when they are not a hazard to pedestrian traffic, provided the columns or posts are constructed of weatherproof and maintenance free material. Location of columns or posts, also type of materials and design of the same shall be approved by the cityCity. This section is only applicable to areas zoned C-4. Section 3202.2.5 Sidewalk Oror Street Obstructions is hereby created to read as follows: Public property shall be maintained free and clear of all obstructions, including among other things fences, retaining walls, planters, columns, posts, display of wares or merchandise and sidewalk signs, except for such columns or posts as are approved in section 3202.2.4. Chapter 33 Safeguards During Construction is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 3303.7 8 Definitions is hereby created to read as follows: Demolition. The act of razing, dismantling or removal of a building or structure, or portion thereof to the ground level. Demolition Contractor. Any person or firm, which is licensed by the cityCity of Enid to engage in the business of demolitions. Section 3303.8 9 Time Limit is hereby created to read as follows: Notwithstanding the provision of 105.3, the code administratorCode Administrator shall impose a time limit of thirty (30) days as an additional condition of a permit for completion of demolition work once such work shall have commenced, provided that for cause, one (1) or more extensions of time, for periods not exceeding thirty (30) days each, may be allowed in writing by the code administratorCode Administrator. Section 3303.9 Protection Ofof Thethe Public, Property is hereby created to read as follows: Section 3303.9.1 Protection From from Moving Equipment is hereby created to read as follows: When necessary to protect pavement curbs, sidewalks, or underground structures, planks of sufficient size and thickness to prevent damage or injury thereto shall be laid under the wheels of moving equipment. Section 3303.9.2 Other Precautionary Measures is hereby created to read as follows: The code administratorCode Administrator shall have the power to require the use of other precautionary measures than those specifically mentioned in this article when necessary to protect life, property, or public improvements. Section 3303.9.3 Hazardous Materials is hereby created as follows: If hazardous materials are discovered, all operations shall cease and the code administratorCode Administrator shall be notified immediately. No work shall continue until approval is given by the code administratorCode Administrator. All material classified as hazardous by the code administratorCode Administrator shall be removed by proper methods as prescribed by rules governing that particular material (i.e. state health department, state department of labor) and at the expense of the owner of the property. Section 3303.10 License Required is hereby created to read as follows: Section 3303.10.1 Demolition Without without A a Permit is hereby created to read as follows: It shall be unlawful for any person or firm to demolish any house or other structure, or engage in the business of a demolition contractor without first obtaining a license to do so from the cityCity of Enid. Section 3303.10.2 Demolition Contractor is hereby created to read as follows: Any person desiring to engage in business as a demolition contractor shall make application for a license to do so with the city clerkCity Clerk. Section 3303.10.3 Demolition Contractor License Fee is hereby created to read as follows: The fee for a license required by the provisions of this ordinance shall be three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the first year or fraction thereof, and fifty dollars ($50.00) per year thereafter. The license shall expire on June 30 of each year. Section 3303.11 Bond Required is hereby created to read as follows: No demolition contractor's license shall be issued until the applicant therefore shall have deposited with the city clerkCity Clerk, a cash or surety bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) to be known as a demolition contractor's bond. Such bond shall be executed by the demolition contractor and the surety thereon shall be a corporate surety company authorized to do business in the state of Oklahoma. The bond shall be in favor of the cityCity of Enid and conditioned that the licensee shall faithfully and properly conduct such demolition business in compliance with all ordinances of the cityCity and for the payment of all fines and penalties imposed for the violation of such ordinances, and for the indemnification of the cityCity against all damages resulting directly or indirectly from any injury to persons or property on account of the negligence of the licensee. Such bond shall be renewed annually concurrently with the license, and the certificate of such renewal shall be filed with the code administratorCode Administrator. Section 3303.12 Insurance Required is hereby created to read as follows: No demolition contractor's license shall be issued until the applicant therefore shall have filed a certificate of insurance as proof of coverage for general liability in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), arising out of work performed under a contractor's license. Such insurance shall be kept in full force throughout the life of the license. Section 3303.13 Revocation is hereby created to read as follows: A demolition contractor's license may be revoked or temporarily suspended by the building officialCode Administrator upon notice in writing to the licensee if the contractor has violated any provision of this ordinance. Such revocation or suspension action shall only occur with the approval of the city attorneyCity Attorney. Section 3303.14 Demolition Byby Owner is hereby created to read as follows: The owner of any building or structure may demolish his own building or structure upon the issuance of a permit. The owner shall not be required to obtain a contractor's license, but shall otherwise conform to all provisions of this ordinance. Violation of this ordinance by the owner shall constitute an offense and subject the owner to penalty provisions specified herein. Section 3303.15 Exceptions is hereby created to read as follows: The code administratorCode Administrator may waive the bonding and insurance requirements of this ordinance when, in his opinion, the demolition of a particular structure will not pose a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of the public and such structure is four hundred square feet or less in size. Chapter 34 Existing Buildings Andand Structures is hereby amended in the following respectscreated: Section 3410.2 Bond Required is hereby created to read as follows: The cityCity, as a condition precedent to the issuance of such permit, shall require a bond executed by the person desiring such removal permit, with corporate surety and which bond shall be payable to the cityCity in the sum of five ten thousand dollars ($510,000.00) and shall indemnify the cityCity of Enid and any citizen therein against damage caused by the moving of such building to streets, curbs, sidewalks, shade trees, highways and any other property which may be affected by the moving of the building and further conditioned upon strict compliance with the terms of said permit, as to the route to be taken and limit of time in which to effect such removal and to repair and compensate for the repair and to pay the cityCity as liquidated damages, an amount not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) to be prescribed by the cityCity for each and every day's delay in completing such removal, or in repairing the damage to property or in clearing streets and highways of debris occasioned thereby. Section 3410.3 Conformance With with Building Code is hereby created to read as follows: Moved Building Must Conform Toto Building Code. No building permit shall be issued for moving of a building, which has been constructed for use at the place of construction to be used within the cityCity, unless the same conforms to the requirements of the building code, and without first having been procured that approval of the cityCity. The cityCity shall approve the issuance of the building permit and the use of said building upon application being made therefore by the owner, or his authorized representative, of the property upon which the building is to be located, upon compliance with the following requirements: a. Such building, when located and made ready for occupancy, shall conform to the general type of other buildings in the vicinity. b. The application shall state: (1) The location of the building to be moved; (2) The location, by legal description, of the lot upon which the applicant proposes to locate the building; (3) c. All improvements proposed for the building. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the cityCity shall: (1) Perform an on-site inspection of the building to determine whether such building is structurally sound and capable of rehabilitation. Should the building to be moved be located outside of the corporate limits of the cityCity of Enid, the applicant shall be responsible for the cityCity's actual costs of making such onsite inspection, including, but not limited to, travel and per diem, if applicable; (2) Post the site upon which the applicant proposes to locate the building for a period of ten (10) days with a notice of the proposed location of such building. d. The building proposed to be relocated must be comparable and compatible with buildings currently existing in the neighborhood of the site upon which the applicant proposes to move such building. Any plans for remodeling of such building must be submitted with the application. e. The applicant shall install a paved driveway on the lot upon which the applicant proposes to move the building, unless a paved driveway currently exists thereon. f. Improvements to the building must be completed within ninety (90) days after the date of relocation of such building. Failure to complete such work within ninety (90) days shall be cause for the cityCity to certify the building for demolition. No building may be occupied until all improvements have been completed. g. The cityCity shall deny the issuance of a permit if: h. (1) The cityCity determines that the building is structurally beyond repair; (2) If the cityCity determines that the relocation of the building would have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood surrounding the proposed relocation site. Any permit issued under this section shall be valid for a period of thirty (30) days for the building and the site for which it is issued. Additionally, no permit is transferable. Section 3412.2. Insert: April 1, 2013. (Ord. 2013-11, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section III: That Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 9-1-4 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-1-4: EXISTING BUILDING CODE ADOPTED: A. B. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the international existing building codeInternational Existing Building Code (IEBC), 2009 2015 edition, excluding appendix chapters, as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition and relocation of existing buildings, including historic buildings, as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said existing building code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this ordinance, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-1-5 of this chapter. 1. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. 2. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the office Office of the city clerkCity Clerk. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. A violation shall be punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2013-11, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section IV: That Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 9-1-5 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-1-5: AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING BUILDING CODE: All amendments and modifications to the international existing building codeInternational Existing Building Code (IEBC), 2009 2015 edition, as adopted by the Oklahoma uniform building code commissionUniform Building Code Commission, are hereby adopted by the cityCity of Enid and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Additional amendments are as follows: Chapter 1 Scope Andand Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert the cityCity of Enid. Section 108.2 Schedule Ofof Permit Fees is hereby amended to read as follows: On all buildings, electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing systems, or alterations requiring a permit, the fee shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in the amounts provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section 108.4.1 Triple Fees Authorized is hereby created to read as follows: All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license and/or permit for excessive repetition of violations. Section 113.4 Violation Penalties is hereby amended as follows: Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or changes the occupancy of a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or direction of the code officialCode Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). Chapter 13 14 Performance Compliance Methods is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 13011401.2. Insert April 1, 2013December 23, 2015. (Ord. 2013-11, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section V: That Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 9-4-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-4-2: ELECTRICAL CODE ADOPTED1: A. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the national electrical codeNational Electrical Code (NEC), 2011 2014 edition, excluding appendix chaptersInformative Annexes, as published by the National Fire Protection Association, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations and minimum standards governing electrical work within the cityCity, as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said electrical code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-4-3 of this chapter. 1. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. 2. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. B. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. A violation shall be punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00); unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2013-14, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section VI: That Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 9-4-3 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-4-3: AMENDMENTS TO ELECTRICAL CODE: Article 90 Introduction is hereby amended in the following respects: 90.9 10 is hereby created to read as follows: All public utilities engaged in the furnishing of electricity, operating under a franchise with the cityCity of Enid, shall be exempt from compliance with this chapter insofar as the same affects property owned or controlled by such utility. Article 100 Definitions is hereby amended in the following respects: Insert: Electrical Contractor Oror Employing Electrician: Any person engaged in the business of wiring, rewiring, installing, repairing or altering any electrical wiring, or installing or repairing any electrical apparatus, electrical appliances, or electrical equipment. Insert: Electrical Dealer: Any person engaged in the business of selling or offering for sale electrical materials, devices, apparatus and electrical apparatus and electrical appliances that are not installed by such persons. Insert: Electrical Equipment: Any electrical wires, appliances, apparatus or electrical construction of any kind whatsoever, installed in or used in or about any building or other structure in the cityCity. Insert: Electrical Work: Any construction, installation, maintenance or repair of electrical conductors and equipment installed within or on private and public buildings and other premises, including yards, carnival and parking lots, industrial substations, and the conductors that connect the installations to a supply of electricity, and other outside conductors adjacent to the premises; also mobile homes and travel trailers. Insert: Electrician's Apprentice: A person other than a master or journeyman electrician, who, as his principal occupation, is engaged in learning and assisting in electrical wiring and electrical work, but must be in the company of a licensed master electrician or electrical contractor and must work under the immediate supervision and direction of and in the presence of a master or journeyman electrician. Insert: Journeyman Electrician: Any person in the employ of an electrical contractor or employing contractor, actually engaged in the work of wiring, rewiring, installing, repairing or altering any electrical wiring, or installing or repairing any electrical apparatus or electrical appliances. Insert: Master Electrician: Any person who has the qualifications of an electrician and is familiar with the construction of electrical wiring and apparatus, and the hazards involved, and who does the actual work himself, or through journeyman electricians; the term includes contracting or employing electrician. Article 120 Electrical Inspector is hereby created to read as follows: 1. Qualifications: The minimum qualifications for electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector are as set forth in Oklahoma Statutes, which is three (3) years of active experience in the electrical industry. In creating job descriptions and open position, the city managerCity Manager may require additional qualifications. 2. Duties: It shall be the duty of the electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector to enforce all laws and ordinances relating to the electrical code, to issue permits, and make such inspections as may be required. 3. Right Ofof Entry For for Inspection: Subject to constitutional limitations, the inspector Inspector or his authorized representative shall have the right to enter any premises for the purpose of inspecting the same, at such time as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public health. Article 130 Permits Andand Inspections is hereby created to read as follows: 1. 2. Permit Required; Exceptions: a. No electrical work, unless excepted in this section, shall be undertaken prior to issuance of a permit therefore by the electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector. b. A permit shall not be required for: 1) Minor repair work, such as repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses, changing lamp sockets and receptacles, taping bare joints, and replacing drop cords, 2) Maintenance and repairs on the premises of a person regularly employing journeymen electricians for that purpose. Permit Application, Issuance Andand Fee: An electrical permit shall be issued after application has been made therefore, and upon the forms prescribed by the cityCity, showing that the ordinances of the cityCity will be complied with, and upon payment of the fee provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. 3. Inspection Andand Concealment Ofof Certain Wires: All wires which are to be hidden from view shall be inspected before concealment, and the person doing the electrical work shall notify the electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector to make the required inspection before such wires are concealed, and shall not conceal the same until permission has been obtained in writing from the electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector. 4. Inspection Fee: A fee as provided in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code shall be paid to the director of financeCity for each electrical inspection to be made. 5. Certificate Ofof Inspection Oror Service Permit: Upon the completion of wiring in any building, structure or place, the licensee installing the same shall notify the electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector, who shall cause the installation to be inspected, and, if found to be in compliance with this chapter, shall issue a certificate of inspection, or service permit, authorizing connection to the electrical circuit, and the energizing of the installation. No such connection or energizing shall be made until such a certificate or service permit is issued. 6. Triple Fees Authorized: All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license and/or permit for excessive repetition of violations. Article 140 Electricians is hereby created to read as follows: 1. State License Required: Any electrical contractor, journeyman electrician or apprentice electrician who performs work in the cityCity is required to have an Oklahoma license. 2. Registration Required; Marking Ofof Vehicles: a. No person, as principal, agent, manager, or employee, shall conduct, manage or carry on the trade, calling or business of an electrical contractor, or do any electrical work of any kind or description in the cityCity, for which an electrical permit is required, without registering with the city clerkCity Clerk and securing a registration from the cityCity. The city clerkCity Clerk shall issue such registration upon presentation of a valid electrical contractor's license issued by the state of Oklahoma and upon payment of the required fee and posting of bond, where required. b. All vehicles used in electrical work shall have signs stating the name of the contractor and the cityCity registration number in letters at least two inches (2") high affixed to both sides of the vehicle. 3. 4. Issuance Ofof Registration: a. The city clerkCity Clerk shall issue an electrical contractor's registration upon presentation of the state license2, bond where required, and payment of the annual fees as established in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. b. All registrations shall expire July 31 of the following year after their issuance. Penalty fees shall be charged for late registration as established in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. c. All services performed by utility companies operating under franchise agreements, and the employees of such utility companies, are hereby exempt from subsection 3a of this section for work done under the supervision and direction of said utility companies. Revocation Ofof Registration: a. Subsequent to a hearing, conducted as hereinafter provided in this subsection, the construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals may recommend the suspension or revocation of an electrical contractor registration issued pursuant to this code to the mayorMayor and board of commissionersBoard of Commissioners if it has reason to believe or finds that the holder has: 1) Made a material misstatement in the application for any registration or renewal thereof; 2) Loaned or illegally used his registration; 3) Violated any provisions of this code; or, 4) Committed any act specified in this code as grounds for suspension and/or revocation of any registration. b. Complaints against any person registered under this chapter may be filed with the boardBoard by the officeOffice of the electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector. Such complaint shall be investigated by or before the boardBoard. All complaints must be in writing, signed and duly verified by the officeOffice of electrical inspectorElectrical Inspector. This procedure shall not be exclusive and shall not preclude the filing of a complaint in the municipal court. c. The person against whom a complaint is signed shall be entitled to a public hearing before the boardBoard. Within ten (10) days after the filing of a written complaint, the boardBoard shall serve written notice of the complaint upon the registered person. The notice shall be served either personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the notice is served personally, it must be served at least ten (10) days prior to any scheduled hearing. If the notice is served by mail, it must be postmarked at least ten (10) days prior to any scheduled hearing. The notice shall include: d. 1) A statement of the time, place and nature of the hearing; 2) A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held; 3) A reference to the particular sections of the code and rules involved; 4) A copy of the complaint; 5) A statement that the accused has a right to a public hearing in his defense at which time he may respond to the allegations in the complaint by his testimony, the testimony of witnesses, or other admissible evidence; 6) A statement that the individual has a right to be represented by legal counsel and a right to confront his accusers; and, 7) A statement that, based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, the boardBoard shall decide to either dismiss the complaint or recommend suspension or revocation of the registration. The boardBoard, in its hearing, shall follow the rules of evidence of the state. All writings or documents admitted into evidence shall become part of the record of the proceedings. A party or members of the boardBoard may conduct direct and cross examinations required for a full and true disclosure of the facts. After all evidence has been submitted, the boardBoard shall vote to either dismiss the complaint or recommend to the mayorMayor and board of commissionersBoard of Commissioners suspension or revocation of the registration. A recommended suspension shall include a recommendation for the period of time during which the registration is to be suspended; provided, however, that a registration cannot be suspended for a period of time exceeding six (6) months. (Ord. 2014-36, 11-18-2014) Section VII: That Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 9-6-1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-6-1: MECHANICAL CODE ADOPTED: A. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the international mechanical codeInternational Mechanical Code (IMC), 2009 2015 edition, excluding appendix chapters, as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of mechanical systems as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said mechanical code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-6-2 of this chapter. B. 1. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. 2. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. A violation shall be punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00); unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2013-12, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section VIII: That Title 9, Chapter 6, Section 9-6-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-6-2: AMENDMENTS TO MECHANICAL CODE: All amendments and modifications to the international mechanical codeInternational Mechanical Code (IMC), 2009 2015 edition, as adopted by the Oklahoma uniform building commissionUniform Building Code Commission, are hereby adopted by the cityCity of Enid and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Additional amendments are as follows: Chapter 1 Scope Andand Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert the cityCity of Enid. Section 103.5 Mechanical Contractors is hereby created to read as follows: a. State License Required: Any mechanical contractor, mechanical journeyman, mechanical apprentice or sheet metal worker who performs work within the cityCity is required to have a state license. b. Registration Required: 1) Registration; Fee; Issuance: a) No person shall work at the occupation or engage in the business of installing, altering, replacing, or repairing any mechanical equipment or apparatus within the cityCity without registering with the city clerkCity Clerk and securing a mechanical contractor registration. The city clerkCity Clerk shall issue such registration upon presentation by the applicant of a valid license or registration issued by the state State of Oklahoma and upon payment of the required fees. In addition, no person shall install, replace or repair gas piping unless such person is licensed in accordance with the mechanical licensing act of the state of Oklahoma1 and duly registered with the cityCity or is licensed and registered as a plumbing contractor pursuant to the laws of this state and the cityCity. b) The fees for such registrations shall be as provided in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. c) All registrations shall expire July 31 of each year. d) Any person in the cityCity who shall do work specified in this chapter requiring a permit shall be registered annually. Failure to renew within thirty (30) days of expiration will subject the registrant to a daily penalty fee as provided in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F, of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code for each day or part thereof over the thirty (30) days. Registration shall be in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. e) Certificates of registration shall be issued to registrants who shall carry the same upon their persons at all times while working. The mechanical inspectorMechanical Inspector shall have the right to demand a current registration certificate from any workman. 2) Inactive Contractors: Any person holding a valid contractor's state license, and not engaged in the business of contracting, may register as inactive for an annual fee as provided in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Said inactive contractor may work only as a journeyman until registered as a contractor. Failure to renew registration annually as an inactive contractor will subject the individual to the licensing requirements of this chapter. 3) Exemptions; Utility Companies: All services performed by utility companies operating under a franchise agreement, and the employees of such utility companies, are hereby exempt from the licensing provisions of this chapter for work done under the supervision and direction of said utility companies. c. Marking Ofof Vehicles: All vehicles used in mechanical work shall have signs stating the name of the contractor and the cityCity license number in letters at least two inches (2") high, affixed to both sides of the vehicle. Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule is hereby amended to read as follows:. All work requiring a permit or inspection under the mechanical code shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in the amounts provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section is hereby created to read as follows: Triple Fees Authorized. All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license for excessive repetition of violations. Section 106.5.3. Paragraph 2 - Insert 75%. Paragraph 3 - Insert 50%. Section 107.1.1 Entry Powers shall be created to read as follows: Subject to constitutional limitations, it shall be unlawful for the owner or user of any mechanical equipment to refuse to permit inspection of same after reasonable advance notice by the mechanical inspectorMechanical Inspector, or to prevent the entry of said inspector Inspector for that purpose at any reasonable time, and after proper introduction and presentation of proper credentials. Section 108.4 Violation Penalties is hereby amended to read as follows:. Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair mechanical work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code officialCode Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 108.5. Insert $100. Insert $500. Section 109.1.2 Construction Board Ofof Appeals is hereby created to read as follows: Appeals shall be made to the construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals in the same manner as provided in the building code. Section 109.2 is omitted. Section 109.3 is omitted. Section 109.4 is omitted. Section 109.5 is omitted. Section 109.6 is omitted. Section 109.7 is omitted. Chapter 2 Definitions is hereby amended in the following respects: 1. Amend: Alteration: A change in a mechanical system that involves an extension, addition or change to the arrangement, type or purpose of the original installation. Also, a change in the function, components, or both. 2. Insert: Maintenance: The performance of repairs designed to avoid shutdowns. In regard to any installations incidental to maintaining such equipment in a running condition, said installations shall be confined to the replacement of parts broken, worn or defective, of a nature contained in or upon major units and shall not permit the operator to install units, compressors, or any major portion of such equipment, nor shall such persons be permitted to perform any work in or upon said equipment which would, by reason of the extent of such repairs, in fact, constitute an actual reinstallation job. 3. Insert: Mechanical Apprentice: Any person engaged in the work of installing, altering, or repairing equipment or apparatus herein regulated within the cityCity who is not licensed, but working under the direct supervision of a licensed mechanical journeyman or contractor, and is in the employ of a mechanical contractor of the several classes herein defined. 4. Insert: Mechanical Contractor (Limited): Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of installing, replacing, altering, or repairing cooling units not exceeding twenty five (25) horsepower and/or heating systems not exceeding five hundred thousand (500,000) Btus BTUs per hour input and/or including boilers without size limitations. 5. Insert: Mechanical Contractor (Unlimited): Any person engaged in the business of installing, replacing, altering, or repairing all mechanical equipment within the scope of this chapter. 6. Insert: Mechanical Dealer: Any person engaged in the business of selling or offering for sale mechanical equipment, devices, apparatus, and appliances that are not installed by such person. 7. Insert: Mechanical Equipment: All of the several types and kinds of air conditioning (including heating) equipment and refrigeration equipment, including, but not limited to, furnaces, boilers, gas fired appliances, ventilating apparatus, incinerators, pressure vessels, and all fittings, vents, ductwork and safety or regulating devices appertaining thereto. 8. Insert: Mechanical Installation: The initial physical location of a system or unit at a given place and the preparation of same for use or service. A replacement of existing equipment with equipment of a different size or type shall be deemed a new installation if any existing utility services must be altered in capacity, or otherwise, to serve such equipment. 9. Insert: Mechanical Journeyman (Limited): Any person in the employ of one of the two (2) classes of mechanical contractors as provided herein, and licensed by the state and actually engaged in the work of installing, altering, or repairing cooling systems not exceeding twenty five (25) horsepower and/or heating systems not exceeding five hundred thousand (500,000) Btus BTUs per hour input. 10. Insert: Mechanical Journeyman (Unlimited): Any person in the employ of one of the two (2) classes of mechanical contractors as provided herein, and licensed by the state, and actually engaged in the work of installing, altering, or repairing mechanical equipment. 11. Insert: Repair: The removal and/or replacement of portions of a system or unit without disconnecting supplying utilities; the purpose of such removal and replacement may be for cleaning, adjustment, or the introduction of new components of like type and size. 12. Insert: Replacement: The physical disconnection of a system or portions of a system or unit from the utilities supplying the same, and the insertion of a new system, unit or portion of either, with approved components of like type and size, and the reconnection of the utility supply lines. 13. Insert: Sheet Metal Worker: Any person engaged in the occupation of installing, replacing, altering, or repairing supply exhaust, return, ventilation, and underslab duct systems, and any apparatus installed in connection therewith. Chapter 3 General Regulations is hereby amended in the following respects: 1. Section 301.710.1 is hereby created to read as follows: A disconnecting means shall be installed within sight and easy reach in the ungrounded leads of each power circuit to electrically operated components. The disconnecting means shall in no case be installed farther than 25 feet from the service side of the equipment. On new construction a GFCI protected 115-volt outlet shall be installed within sight, but not to exceed 25 feet from the service side of ground level equipment or 6 feet from attic or crawl space located equipment. Section 301.8 11 is hereby amended to read as follows: Plumbing Connections And Drainage. Potable water supply and building drainage system connections to equipment and appliances regulated in this code shall be in accordance with the international plumbing codeInternational Plumbing Code. Additionally, no wastewater from cooling or air conditioning systems shall be permitted to drain or discharge upon any street or alley. All systems discharging twenty-five (25) gallons or more water per minute shall be connected with the storm sewer system of the cityCity. Systems discharging less than twenty-five (25) gallons of water per minute may be connected with the sanitary sewer system if no storm sewer connection is available. Chapter 6 Duct Systems is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 603.8 is hereby amended to read as follows:. Ducts shall be approved for underground installation. Underground metal ducts shall have two (2) inch concrete encasement. Prior to pouring the concrete encasement, all duct piping, metal joints and fittings shall be properly sealed with an approved waterproof coating to ensure water-tightness. (Ord. 2013-12, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Footnotes - Click any footnote link to go back to its reference. Footnote 1: 59 OS § 1850.1 et seq. Section IX: That Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 9-7-1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-7-1: FUEL GAS CODE ADOPTED: A. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the international fuel gas codeInternational Fuel Gasl Code (IFGC), 2009 2015 edition, excluding appendix chapters, as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing fuel gas systems and gas fired appliances as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations of said fuel gas code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-7-2 of this chapter. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. B. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. (Ord. 2013-10, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section X: That Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 9-7-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-7-2: AMENDMENTS TO FUEL GAS CODE: All amendments and modifications to the international fuel gas codeInternational Fuel Gasl Code (IFGC), 2009 2015 edition, as adopted by the Oklahoma uniform building commissionUniform Building Code Commission, are hereby adopted by the cityCity of Enid and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Additional amendments are as follows: Chapter 1 Scope Andand Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert the cityCity of Enid. Section 103.5 Fuel Gas Contractors is hereby created to read as follows: a. State License Required: Any person who engages in the occupation or business of installing, altering, replacing or repairing any consumer gas piping within the cityCity is required to be licensed by the state State of Oklahoma as a plumbing or mechanical contractor or must otherwise be authorized by the Oklahoma state State department Department of health Health to do such gas work and be working for a licensed contractor. b. Exemptions; Utility Companies: All services performed by utility companies operating under a franchise agreement, and the employees of such utility companies, are hereby exempt from the licensing provisions of this chapter for work done under the supervision and direction of said utility companies. Section 106.6. Fees Schedule is hereby amended to read as follows:. All work requiring a permit or inspection under the fuel gas code shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in the amounts provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section Triple Fees Authorized is hereby created to read as follows:. All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of a permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license for excessive repetition of violations. Section 106.6.3. Paragraph 2 - Insert 75% Paragraph 3 - Insert 50% Section 107.1.1 Entry Powers shall be created to read as follows: Subject to constitutional limitations, it shall be unlawful for the owner or user of any mechanical equipment to refuse to permit inspection of same after reasonable advance notice by the mechanical inspectorMechanical Inspector, or to prevent the entry of said inspector Inspector for that purpose at any reasonable time, and after proper introduction and presentation of proper credentials. Section 108.4 Violation Penalties is hereby amended to read as follows:. Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair mechanical work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code officialCode Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 108.5. Insert $100. Insert $500. Section 109.1.2 Construction Board Ofof Appeals is hereby created to read as follows:. Appeals shall be made to the construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals in the same manner as provided in the building code. Section 109.2 is omitted. Section 109.3 is omitted. Section 109.4 is omitted. Section 109.5 is omitted. Section 109.6 is omitted. Section 109.7 is omitted. Chapter 4 is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 404.9 12 Minimum Burial Depth shall be amended to read as follows:. Underground piping systems shall be a minimum depth of 18 inches below grade, except as provided for in section 404.912.1. Section 404.10.113.1 Separate Ditch For for Gas Piping shall be created to read as follows: The laying or installing of gas piping in the same trench with water, sewer drainage, or electrical lines is prohibited. The distance between such lines shall be not less than five (5) feet unless approved by the plumbing inspectorPlumbing Inspector. Section 406.4 Testing Of PipingTest Pressure Measurement shall be amended to read as follows:. Before any system of gas piping is finally put in service, it shall be tested to ensure that it is gas tight. Where any part of the system is to be enclosed or concealed, this test shall precede the work of closing in. To test for tightness, the piping shall be filled with air or inert gas, but not with any other gas or liquid. Testing or purging of gas piping systems shall comply with NFPA 54, but the test pressures shall be as follows: metallic gas lines shall be pressure tested at fifteen (15) psig for ten (10) minutes; plastic gas lines shall be tested at fifty (50) psig for ten (10) minutes. Any gas lines exceeding 500 cubic feet of volume shall be tested thirty (30) minutes for each 500 cubic feet or fraction thereof. Mechanical gauges used to measure test pressures shall have a range such that the highest end of the scale is not greater than five times the test pressure. (Ord. 2013-10, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section XI: That Title 9, Chapter 8, Section 9-8-1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-8-1: PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED: A. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the international plumbing codeInternational Plumbing Code (IPC), 2009 2015 edition, excluding appendix chapters, as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing systems as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations of said plumbing code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-8-2 of this chapter. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. B. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. (Ord. 2013-13, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section XII: That Title 9, Chapter 8, Section 9-8-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-8-2: AMENDMENTS TO PLUMBING CODE: All amendments and modifications to the international plumbing codeInternational Plumbing Code (IPC), 2009 2015 edition, as adopted by the Oklahoma uniform building commissionUniform Building Code Commission, are hereby adopted by the cityCity of Enid and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Additional amendments are as follows: Chapter 1 Scope Andand Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert the cityCity of Enid. Section 102.3.1 Plumbing Installation Oror Maintenance Byby Homeowner is hereby created to read as follows: Nothing in this code shall prevent a homeowner from installing or maintaining plumbing within his own property boundaries, providing such plumbing work is done by himself and is used exclusively by him or his family. In the case of a lawn sprinkling or irrigation piping system, not only can the homeowner install the system on his own property as provided for herein, but also any person, firm or corporation solely engaged in the business of installing such systems. Such privilege as provided for in this section does not convey the right to violate any of the provisions of this code nor is it to be construed as exempting any such plumbing work from being properly permitted or required fees from being paid therefore. Section 103.3 Plumbing Inspector Qualifications is hereby amended to read as follows:. The code administratorCode Administrator, with the approval of the applicable governing authority, may appoint or hire such number of officers, inspectors, assistants and other employees as shall be authorized from time to time. A person shall not be appointed or hired as inspector of construction who has not had at least 5 years experience as a building inspector, engineer, architect, or as a superintendent, foreman or competent mechanic in charge of construction. The inspector should be certified, through a recognized certification for the appropriate trade. Section 103.5 Plumbing Contractors is hereby created to read as follows: a. State License Required: Any plumbing contractor, plumbing journeyman, or plumbing apprentice who performs work within the cityCity is required to have a state license. b. Registration Required: 1) Registration; Fee; Issuance: a) No person shall work at the occupation or engage in the business of installing, altering, replacing, or repairing any plumbing equipment, fixtures or apparatus within the cityCity without registering with the city clerkCity Clerk and securing a plumbing contractor registration. The city clerkCity Clerk shall issue such registration upon presentation by the applicant of a valid license or registration issued by the state of Oklahoma and upon payment of the required fees. b) The fees for such registrations shall be as provided in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. c) All registrations shall expire July 31 of each year. d) Any person in the cityCity who shall do work specified in this chapter requiring a permit shall be registered annually. Failure to renew within thirty (30) days of expiration will subject the registrant to a daily penalty fee as provided in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F, of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code for each day or part thereof over the thirty (30) days. Registration shall be in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. e) 2) c. Certificates of registration shall be issued to registrants who shall carry the same upon their persons at all times while working. The plumbing inspectorPlumbing Inspector shall have the right to demand a current registration certificate from any workman. Exemptions; Utility Companies: All services performed by utility companies operating under a franchise agreement, and the employees of such utility companies, are hereby exempt from the licensing provisions of this chapter for work done under the supervision and direction of said utility companies. Marking Ofof Vehicles: All vehicles used in plumbing work shall have signs stating the name of the contractor and the cityCity license number in letters at least two inches (2") high, affixed to both sides of the vehicle. Section 106.6.2 Fee Schedule is hereby amended to read as follows:. All work requiring a permit or inspection under the plumbing code shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in the amounts provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section Triple Fees Authorized is hereby created to read as follows: All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of a permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license for excessive repetition of violations. Section 106.6.3 Fee Refunds. Paragraph 2 – Insert 75% Paragraph 3 – Insert 50% Section 108.4 Violation Penalties is hereby amended to read as follows:. Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair plumbing work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code officialCode Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 108.5. Insert $100. Insert $500. Section 109.1.2 Construction Board Ofof Appeals is hereby created to read as follows: Appeals shall be made to the construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals in the same manner as provided in the building code. Section 109.2 is omitted. Section 109.3 is omitted. Section 109.4 is omitted. Section 109.5 is omitted. Section 109.6 is omitted. Section 109.7 is omitted. Chapter 3 General Regulations is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 305.6 4 Freezing is hereby amended to read as follows: Water, soil or waste pipes shall not be installed or permitted outside of a building, or concealed in outside walls or in any place where they may be subject to freezing temperatures, unless provision is made to protect them from freezing. Water service piping and sewers shall be installed below recorded frost penetration but not less than two (2) feet six (6) inches below finished grade for water piping and one foot six (6) inches below finished grade for sewers subject to the plumbing official'sPlumbing Official’s and/or department of environmental qualityDepartment of Environmental Quality approval for septic systems in climates with freezing temperatures. Plumbing piping in exterior building wall, or areas subjected to freezing temperatures shall be adequately protected against freezing by insulation or heat or both. Chapter 4 Fixtures, Faucets and Fixture Fittings is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 412.5 Floor Drains is hereby created to read as follows: Floor drains may be installed in all public toilet rooms, etc. (see definition of Public or Public Utilization in chapter 2) at the discretion of the design engineer or the plumbing officialPlumbing Official. When floor drains are installed in the above-mentioned rooms, the floor drains shall be not less than 2 inches. Exception: All public toilets for health care and institutional facilities shall have a minimum of one floor drain. Chapter 6 Water Supply and Distribution is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 605.4 MaterialsWater Distribution Pipe is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Above Ground. Materials for water distribution pipes and tubing when copper water tubing shall be the minimum type "L", or be in table 605.4, all to be installed with approved fittings; except that changes in direction in copper tube (ASTM B88) may be made with bends having a radius of not less than four (4) diameters of the tube, providing that such bends are made by use of forming equipment which does not deform or create a loss in cross-sectional area of the tube. (b) Under Ground. Inaccessible water distribution piping under slabs when copper water tubing shall be minimum type "K", or shall be in table 605.3. No joints shall be allowed under slabs except with approval of the plumbing inspectorPlumbing Inspector. Any material subject to corrosion shall be protected when used in corrosive soils. Section 605.22.2 3.1 Joints For for Plastic Pipes Andand Fittings is hereby created to read as follows: PVC pipe and fittings may be solvent cemented using the proper cement recommended for the particular materials. All pipe cuts shall be square and both pipe and fittings shall be cleaned of all soil, dirt, oil and grease. Solvent joints shall be made in accordance with the applicable ASTM standards. Joints shall be allowed to dry before testing. Should any leak occur on water test, the defective joint shall be replaced. All solvent cements and primers shall comply with requirements of the NSF standard 14 and shall be labeled to identify the laboratory certifying compliance for the particular cements and primer being used. Mandatory use of a colored primer is required, different in color from that used to cement the joint. Chapter 7 Sanitary Drainage is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 702.1 Above-Ground Sanitary Drainage Andand Vent Pipe is hereby amended to read as follows:. Above-ground soil, waste and vent pipe shall conform to one of the standards listed in table 702.1. PVC pipe shall be schedule 40 or heavier. Section 702.2 Underground Building Sanitary Drainage Andand Vent Pipe is hereby amended to read as follows:. Underground building sanitary drainage and vent pipe shall conform to one of the standards listed in table 702.2. PVC pipe shall be schedule 40 or heavier. Materials subject to corrosion shall be protected when installed in corrosive soil. Section 702.3 Building Sewer Pipe is hereby amended to read as follows:. Building sewer pipe shall conform to one of the standards listed in table 702.3. PVC pipe shall be schedule 40 or heavier. Section 703.6 7 Minimum Size Building Sewer is hereby amended created to read as follows: No building sewer shall be less than four (4) inches in size with the exception of force lines. Section 710.3 Underground Drainage Piping is hereby amended created to read as follows: Any portion of the drainage system installed under slab or below a basement or cellar shall not be less than two (2) inches in diameter. Chapter 9 Vents is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 904.1 Roof Required Vent Extension is hereby amended to read as follows: All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least twelve (12) inches above the roof, except that where a roof is to be used for any purpose other than weather protection, the vent extensions shall be run at least 7 feet (2134 mm) above the roof. Chapter 10> is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 1003.3.4 Grease Trap And Grease Interceptors is hereby created to read as follows: Grease traps shall conform to PDI G101 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or be approved by the plumbing inspector. (Ord. 2013-13, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section XIII: That Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 9-9-1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-9-1: INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE ADOPTED1: A. Adoption: The 2006 2015 edition of the international property maintenance codeInternational Property Maintenance Code, save and except such portions as may hereinafter be amended, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and are now filed in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set forth at length herein, and the provisions therein shall be controlling in the use, maintenance and occupancy of all dwellings, dwelling units and/or structures within the area of jurisdiction of the cityCity. B. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of the publication adopted in subsection A of this section. (Ord. 2008-12, 4-15-2008, eff. 6-1-2008) Section XIV: That Title 9, Chapter 9, Section 9-1-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-9-2: AMENDMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE: The international property maintenance codeInternational Property Maintenance Code, 2006 edition, is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 106 is amended to read as follows: Section 106 - Violations. Chapter 1 Scope and Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert the City of Enid Section 106.1 Unlawful Acts Any person, firm, corporation or agent, who shall violate a provision of this code, unless specified otherwise, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, alter, demolish or move any structure, or has erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or demolished a building or structure in violation of this code shall be guilty of an offensemisdemeanor,. The violations of this section shall be a class D offensepunishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person charged has been previously convicted once under this section or any of the following sections of this code: 4-3-2; 4-4-2; 4-5-8; 4-6-8; 7-7-2; 8-4-7; and 11-14-8, in the last five three (53) years, then a violation of this section shall be a class C offensepunishable by a fine of two hundred dollars ($200.00), and if previously convicted more than onceor unless the person charged has previously been convicted under this section or any of the above referenced sections twice or more in the last five three (3) years, then a violation of this section shall be a class B offensepunishable by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 107.1 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 107.1 Notice to Person Responsible Whenever the housing officialCode Official determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this code or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, he shall give notice of such alleged violation to the person or persons responsible therefor and such alleged violations shall constitute a nuisance. Section 107.2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 107.2 Form Such notice shall: 1. Be put in writing; 2. Include a description of the property sufficient for identification; 23. Include a statement of the violation(s) and reasons why it is being issued; 34. Allow 10 days to correct safety violations, allow 45 days to correct major violations and 60 days to correct minor violations with a maximum time limit of 120 days for any combination, subject to approval of the housing officialHousing Official; and 45. State that, if such repairs, reconstruction, alterations, removal or demolition are not voluntarily completed within the stated time as set forth in the notice, the housing officialCode Official shall institute such legal proceedings charging the person or persons, firm, corporation or agent with a violation of this code. 6. Include a statement of the right to file a lien in accordance with Section 106.3. Section 107.3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 107.3 Method of Service Service of notice shall be as follows: 1. By delivery to the owner personally, or by leaving the notice at the usual place of abode of the owner with a person of suitable age and discretion; or 2. By depositing the notice in the United States post officePost Office addressed to the owner at his last known address with postage prepaid thereon; or 3. By posting and keeping posted for 24 hours a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the premises to be repaired. The removal of this notice is a class B offensepunishable by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00). 107.5 is omitted. Section 108.6 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 108.6108.4.1 Removal Ofof Placard. The code officialCode Official shall remove the condemnation placard whenever the defect or defects upon which the condemnation and placarding action were based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces or removes a condemnation placard without the approval of the code officialCode Official shall be subject to the penalties provided by this code. Violation of this section is a class A offenseshall be punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 111 is amended to read as follows: Section 111 - Means Of Appeals. Section 111.1. Application for appeal. Any person directly affected may enter an appeal in writing to the construction board ofConstruction Board of adjustments and appeals Appeals within 10 days following the date of service of notice of deficiencies from the housing officialHousing Official as specified in section 107.3. Such appeal shall state the location of the property and the date of the notice of violations. The appellant must state the variance or modification requested, the reasons therefore, and the hardship or conditions upon which the appeal is made. The fee as provided in section 2-6F-2 of the Enid municipal code shall accompany such notice of appeal. Section 111.7 is amended and entitled "Appeals From from Construction Board.". Section 111.7 Appeals From Construction Board. Any person may appeal the decision of the construction boardConstruction Board of adjustments and appeals Appeals to Garfield County district District court Court pursuant to 12 Oklahoma Statutes section 951, if said appeal is filed within 30 days from decision being rendered. Chapter 2 Definitions is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 202 "General Definitions" shall be amended to include a definition of owner: Owner. Any person, agent, operator, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable interest in the property; or recorded in the official records of the state, county, or cityCity as holding title to the property, including the guardian of the estate of any such person, and the executor or administrator of the estate of such person if ordered to take possession of real property by a court; or a property manager or any person who signs the rental contract, lease or "rent to own documents" on behalf of the owner. Chapter 3 General Requirements is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 302.10 is created to read as follows: Section 302.10 Care Ofof Premises - Open Storage. It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant to utilize the premises of such property for the open storage of any ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, televisions, recliners, sofas, dressers, building material, building rubbish, vehicle parts or similar items. (Ord. 2008-12, 4-15-2008, eff. 6-1-2008; amd. Ord. 2008-15, 7-15-2008) Footnotes - Click any footnote link to go back to its reference. Footnote 1: State law reference - adoption of technical codes by reference, 11 OS § 14-107. Section XV: That Title 9, Chapter 10, Section 9-10-1 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-10-1: FIRE CODE ADOPTED: A. Adoption: Pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes section 1000.23, the cityCity of Enid hereby adopts that certain technical code known as the international fire codeInternational Fire Code (IFC), 2009 2015 edition, including appendix chapters B through D and H through J, as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the occupancy of buildings and premises as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said fire code are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-10-2 of this chapter. 1. Where such code conflicts with other adopted codes, the more restrictive shall apply. 2. B. Three (3) copies of said adopted code have been and are now on file in the officeOffice of the city clerkCity Clerk. Violation: No person shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or of the publication adopted by or amended in this chapter. A violation shall be punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2013-9, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section XVI: That Title 9, Chapter 10, Section 9-10-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014, is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-10-2: AMENDMENTS TO FIRE CODE: All amendments and modifications to the international fire codeInternational Fire Code (IFC), 2009 2015 edition, as adopted by the Oklahoma uniform building commission, are hereby adopted by the cityCity of Enid and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein. Additional amendments are as follows: Chapter 1 Scope Andand Administration is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 101.1. Insert the cityCity of Enid. Section 105.1.1 Permits Required is hereby amended to read as follows:. Permits required by this code shall be obtained from the fire officialFire Marshal. The permit fee shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in the amounts provided for in title Title 2, chapter Chapter 6, article Article F of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code. Section Triple Fees Authorized is hereby created to read as follows: Triple Fees Authorized. All fees are tripled if work is started prior to the issuance of any permit. Existing equipment change outs shall be permitted to start prior to inspection and issuance of permit. The assessment and/or payment of triple fees shall in no way prevent further penalty, such as suspension or revocation of a license for excessive repetition of violations. Section 108.1 Board Ofof Appeals Established is hereby amended to read as follows: Appeals shall be made to the construction board of appealsConstruction Board of Appeals in the same manner as provided in the building code. Section 108.2 is omitted. Section 108.3 is omitted. Section 109.3 Violation; Penalties is hereby amended to read as follows:. a. Violation: The fire chiefFire Chief, the fire marshalFire Marshal and the assistant fire marshalAssistant Fire Marshal shall have the authority to issue citations to and/or file a complaint on persons who violate any provision of title Title 9, chapter Chapter 10 of the Enid municipal codeMunicipal Code, this code, or any of the other technical codes adopted by the cityCity of Enid. b. Penalty: Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do any other work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code officialCode Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00), unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes within the last three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00); or unless the person has previously been convicted of a violation of one of the technical codes twice or more within three (3) years, then a violation shall be punishable by a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00). Section 111.4. Insert $100. Insert $500. Chapter 5 Fire Service Features is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 506.3 Required For Certain Structures is hereby created to read as follows: The following structures shall be equipped with a key box at or near the main entrance or at such other location as may be required by the fire chiefFire Chief or his designee: a. Commercial buildings; b. Industrial buildings; c. Schools and universities; d. Governmental buildings; and e. Multi-family residences that have restricted access through locked gates or locked doors that have a common corridor for access to the living units. Section 506.3.1 Installation Prior Toto Issuance Ofof Occupancy Permit is hereby created to read as follows: All newly constructed structures which require a key box, as outlined in section 506.3, shall have the key box installed and operational prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. No occupancy permit, whether temporary or permanent, shall be issued until the required key box is installed and operational. Section 506.3.2 Authority Ofof Fire Chief is hereby created to read as follows: The fire chiefFire Chief or his designee shall designate the type of key box system to be implemented with the cityCity of Enid and shall have the authority to require all structures to use the designated system. Additionally, the fire chiefFire Chief or his designee shall be authorized to implement the rules and regulations for use of the key box system. Section 506.3.3 Keeping Key In in Key Box is hereby created to read as follows: The owner or operator of any structure required to have a key box shall, at all times, keep a key in the key box that will allow the fire department to access the structure. Section 506.3.4 Effect Ofof Authority is hereby created to read as follows: This chapter does not obviate the authority under the applicable fire prevention code to require a key box system where access has been a problem. Section 506.3.5 Violation shall be created to read as follows: A violation of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Chapter 9 Fire Protection Systems is hereby amended in the following respects: Section Assignment Ofof Responsibility is hereby created to read as follows: a. Any person, partnership, corporation, or organization owning and/or operating a building or structure used as a hospital, church, theater, hotel, motel, apartment house, residential rental property, rooming house, rooming house, dormitory, rest home, nursing home, day nursery, convalescent home, auditorium, or childcare institution, shall install in such building or structure a smoke detector or detectors in accordance with the international fire codeInternational Fire Code and international property maintenance codeInternational Property Maintenance Code as adopted by the cityCity of Enid. b. Any person, partnership, corporation or organization who is a lessor of a residential rental property shall explain to the lessee or tenant the method of testing the smoke detector to ensure that it is in working order. The responsibility for checking the smoke detector to determine whether such detector is in working order is with the tenant or lessee leasing or renting a one- or two-family dwelling, including an apartment in each apartment house, and not with the person, partnership, corporation or organization who is a lessor of the residential rental property to the lessee or tenant. c. All owners of single-family dwellings or duplexes shall install smoke detectors as required by the international fire codeInternational Fire Code and international property maintenance codeInternational Property Maintenance Code as adopted by the cityCity of Enid. Chapter 34 57 Flammable Andand Combustible Liquids is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 34045704. Locations Where Above-Ground Tanks Are Prohibited. Insert residential. Section 34065706.2.4.4 Locations Where Above-Ground Tanks Are Prohibited. Insert residential. Chapter 35 58 Flammable Gases Andand Flammable Cryogenic Fluids is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 35065806.2 Limitations. Insert residential. Chapter 38 61 Liquefied Petroleum Gases is hereby amended in the following respects: Section 38046104.2 Maximum Capacity Within Established Limits. Insert commercial, industrial and agricultural. Storage shall not be allowed within residential zones. (Ord. 2013-9, 2-21-2013, eff. 4-1-2013) Section XVII: Repealer. All ordinances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section XVIII: Savings Clause. Nothing in this ordinance hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceedings now pending in any court, or any rights acquired or liability incurred, nor any cause or causes of action accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this ordinance. Section XIX: Severability. If any one or more of the sections, sentences, clauses or parts of this ordinance, chapter or section shall, for any reason, be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, clause or part shall not affect or prejudice in any way the applicability and validity of any other provision of this ordinance. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Commission of the City of Enid that this section of the Enid Municipal Code would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal or invalid sentence, clause, section or part not been included. Section XX: Codification. This ordinance shall be codified as Title 9, Chapter 1, Sections 9-1-1, 9-1-2, 9-1-4 and 9-1-5; Title 9, Chapter 4, Sections 9-4-2 and 9-4-3; Title 9, Chapter 6, Sections 9-6-1 and 9-6-2; Title 9, Chapter 7, Sections 9-7-1 and 9-7-2; Title 9, Chapter 8, Sections 9-8-1 and 9-8-2; Title 9, Chapter 9, Sections 9-9-1 and 9-9-2; Title 9, Chapter 10, Sections 9-10-1 and 9-10-2 of the Enid Municipal Code, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Enid, Oklahoma, on this ____ day of ___________________, 2015. CITY OF ENID, OKLAHOMA William E. Shewey, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Linda S. Parks, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Legality: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Andrea Chism, City Attorney 9. 1. SUBJECT: CONSIDER AND APPROVE CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTIES AT 2317-2321 E CT AND 805-809 S CLEVELAND ST FOR APPROXIMATELY FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($477,000.00), INCLUDING CLOSING COSTS , AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL CLOSING DOCUMENTS. BACKGROUND: This is a companion item to 15.1. Pursuant to the Agreement with Hunt Properties, Inc., the City will acquire approximately 23 parcels in the Lahoma Addition. The expenses incurred in acquiring these properties will be recouped by the City upon sale of the properties to Hunt Properties, Inc. RECOMMENDATION Approve contracts and authorize the Mayor to execute all closing documents. PRESENTER: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Amount: Funding Source: EEDA Y $477,000.00 Attachments Contracts City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Erin Crawford, Chief Financial Officer 9. 2. SUBJECT: EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF ENID'S SALES AND USE TAX. BACKGROUND: This agreement meets the requirement in 68 O.S. 2702A to authorize the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) to administer the City's sales tax and use tax ordinances. In 2006 the City of Enid approved a sales tax agreement and a use tax agreement with the OTC. The new agreement combines the sales tax and use tax agreements and reflects the reduction in retention fee retained by the OTC from 1% to 0.5% pursuant to Oklahoma HB 1875, passed in May 2014 and effective July 2015. This agreement will be in effect renewing annually provided that the tax rate does not change. RECOMMENDATION Approve agreement. PRESENTER: Erin Crawford, Chief Financial Officer. Attachments OTC Agreement AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE SALES AND USE TAX ORDINANCES OF THE CITY/TOWN AND AN AGREEMENT TO ENGAGE IN COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES BY THE CITY/TOWN OF THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this _ day of , __ pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2701 et seq. of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, between the Oklahoma Tax , Commission, hereinafter referred to as "Commission," and the CitylTown of Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality," for the administration of effective sales and use tax ordinances on file with the Commission hereinafter referred to as "Ordinances," levying %) upon sales within or outside a municipal sales or use tax of percent ( of the Municipality and to authorize Municipality to engage in compliance activities as hereinafter defined. 1. This Agreement is based upon the Ordinances for the collection of sales and uses taxes by the Municipality, certified copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Municipality may, at any time and from time to time, amend or repeal the Ordinances and, to the extent that the Municipality amends or repeals the Ordinances, the Municipality shall promptly provide the Commission with a certified copy of the ordinance effecting such amendment or such repeal. An increase or a decrease in the municipal sales or use tax rate shall become effective only on the first day of a calendar quarter. Provided, however, the sales and use tax rates levied by the Municipality if the Municipality levies both a sales and use tax, must be identical. The Municipality shall notify the Commission of an increase or a decrease at least seventy-five (75) days prior to the close of the current calendar quarter and shall provide the Commission with a certified copy of the ordinance affecting such increase or such decrease. 2. A. The Commission shall administer and shall enforce the Ordinances and shall collect the municipal sales and use tax, and the interest and penalties with respect thereto as provided in the Ordinances except as provided, in paragraph 16 below. It is recognized and acknowledged that: (a) the Ordinances levy municipal sales tax upon all sales within the Municipality as authorized by Section 2701 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and (b) the term "sale" as used in the Ordinances has the same meaning as the term "sale" has in the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code; and (c) the Ordinances levy municipal use tax upon all transactions within or without the Municipality as authorized by Section 1411 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and (d) the term "use" as used in the Ordinances have the same 1 meaning as the term "use" has in the Oklahoma Use Tax Code; and (e) the permits for sales and use tax issued by the Commission shall be the sales and use tax permits used by the municipality for the enforcement and collection of sales and use taxes within and without the municipality and said permits, as issued by the Commission, shall include the zip code plus the four digit location code commonly called the zip plus 4, when available. To facilitate such administration, such collection and such enforcement of local taxes, the Commission shall designate a Local Tax Coordinator of the Commission who shall be generally responsible for matters related to the collection of local taxes and, with respect to such matters, shall directly advise the Administrator of the Commission. The duties which may be performed by the Local Tax Coordinator and/or other employees of the Commission under his or her supervision, shall include, without limitation, B. (a) acting as liaison between the Commission and municipalities with respect to the administration, the collection and the enforcement of local taxes, (b) addressing concerns of the Commission and/or taxpayers with respect to the administration, the collection and the enforcement of municipal taxes by municipalities, (c) consulting with municipalities concerns and trends with respect to local taxes, (d) coordinating collection and enforcement actions by the Commission and municipalities with respect to local taxes, (e) coordinating the provision by the Commission to municipalities of information and (f) providing educational and other support to municipalities in their collection and enforcement efforts. In making decisions with respect to the administration of local taxes, the Commission will consider the view expressed by the Municipality. The Municipality shall not request that the Local Tax Coordinator perform any duties which are the sole responsibility of the Municipality. 3. The method of computing sales tax to be used by vendors in collecting both state and municipal sales tax is prescribed in Section 1362 of the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code. The method of computing use tax to be used by vendors in collecting both state and municipal use tax is prescribed in Section 1401 of the Oklahoma Use Tax Code. 4. The discount (deduction) allowed to vendors in Section 1367.1 of the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code shall be applicable to both state and local sales tax remittances. Monetary allowances provided for in 68 O.S. § 1354.31 shall also be applicable to both state and local sales tax remittances. The discount (deduction) allowed to vendors in Section 1410.1 of the Oklahoma Use Tax Code shall be applicable to both state and local use tax remittances. Monetary allowances provided for in 68 O.S. § 1354.31 shall also be applicable to both state 2 and local use tax remittances. 5. The Commission shall retain, as its sole compensation for its services rendered hereunder, an amount not to exceed one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the municipal sales or use taxes collected for services rendered in connection with such collections and the interest and penalties with respect thereto, collected by the Commission hereunder. The applicable percentage is set forth in Exhibit A as incorporated herein. 6. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Commission shall give no preference in applying an amount received for state, municipal and county sales or use taxes owed by a taxpayer to the extent that such amount is less than the aggregate state, municipal and county sales or use tax liability of the taxpayer. Any such amount shall be applied pro rata to the satisfaction of the claims of the Commission, the claims of the Municipality and the claims of other municipalities and counties based on the portions of the aggregate state, municipal and county sales or use tax liability of the taxpayer represented by their respective claims. 7. The municipal sales or use tax received and collected by the Commission pursuant to this Agreement shall be deposited in the State Treasury as required by law. The Commission shall use its best efforts to cause to be paid to the Municipality no later than the tenth day of each calendar month all municipal sales and use tax, and the interest and the penalties with respect thereto, received and collected by the Commission during the immediately preceding calendar month, less any amount withheld by the Commission under Paragraph 5 and less any amounts deducted by the Commission in connection with refunds hereunder. 8. The Commission shall require reports of municipal sales and use tax from vendors, shall maintain records of reports, receipts and collections from vendors. The Commission shall maintain the records in such a manner that the amount due the Municipality each month by a vendor can be determined by the Commission and can be provided to the Municipality. The requirement for the Commission to maintain its records in a verifiable form is intended to require the Commission to maintain its records in a form capable of producing reports that can be electronically downloaded into, at a minimum, an excel spreadsheet or its equivalent; the Commission will use a form which is capable of being understood by a person reviewing such records. The Commission shall make available to the Municipality a monthly statement of the municipal sales and use tax, and interest and penalties with respect thereto, received and collected by the Commission during the immediately preceding calendar month, the amounts, if any, refunded by the Commission to taxpayers during the immediately, preceding calendar month and the amount withheld by the Commission under Paragraph 5. The Commission shall allow an annual review of the Commission's expenditures associated with the collection and enforcement of municipal sales and use taxes. 9. In the event a vendor remits sales or use taxes due but fails to submit city attachments, or submits a report from which the sales or use tax due Municipality cannot be determined, the Commission will allocate to Municipality such sales or use tax received pro rata based on the vendor's percentage allocation for the most recent report filed or, if no report has been filed, according to the best information available to the Commission. Such amount, and any interest and penalty as provided in Section 217 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes with respect thereto, shall be paid to the Municipality in accordance with Paragraph 7. Interest will begin as of the date the vendor remittance is deposited to the State Treasury. 10. The Municipality acknowledges that the Commission is responsible for making 3 refunds to taxpayers of municipal sales and use taxes previously collected by the Commission on behalf of the Municipality. The term "refunds" as used herein shall include payments made pursuant to filed claim for refund(s) or amended return(s) approved by the Commission. The Commission's determination of any taxpayer's liability for sales and use taxes shall be binding as between the Municipality and the taxpayer. Any refund of municipal sales and use tax previously paid by the Commission to the Municipality shall be paid from subsequent collections of the municipal sales and use tax. Such refund shall be deducted from the collections payable by the Commission to the Municipality, in the immediately following calendar month following the notice requirements set out in paragraph eleven (11). 11. The Commission shall provide notice to the Municipality via the OKTap user Account to municipalities so that a municipality may view all the requests for refunds that have been filed, processed and recommended approval. All claims for refund shall be documented as outlined in OAC 710:65-11-1 upon discovery of a remittance error by the vendor. Commission, through the Local Tax Coordinator, will notify Municipality at such time the Commission determines the final amount to be refunded pursuant to a claim or remittance error. The Commission shall make available to a municipality, upon request, copies of the claims processed and recommended for approval in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2000.00) or more and related supporting documents prior to the claim being considered for approval by the Commission. The Commission shall post the requested claim documents on the municipality's OKTap user account to comply with this requirement. Municipality agrees that any amount contained in the notice given pursuant to this section will be considered as advisory only until such time as a final determination has been made by the Commission. Any municipal sales or use tax, and/or any interest and penalties with respect thereto, paid under protest by a taxpayer to the Commission during the immediately preceding calendar month shall be paid by the Commission to the Municipality as part of the payment being made by the Commission to the Municipality. If the protested municipal sales or use tax, interest or penalties are required to be refunded, such amount and any interest required to be paid thereon will be paid out of subsequent collections by the Commission. The municipality may request by a blanket advisement to the Commission that it be notified of any hearing wherein the Commission hears a claim for refund of a protest of an assessment. If an affected municipality shall have requested such notice in writing, the Commission shall, at the same time the parties are notified of the scheduled hearing, provide written notice of the hearing date and time via electronic mail, e-mail, or mail through the United States Postal Service to the municipality affected. 12. In the event a municipality is notified as required and set out in paragraph 11, above, that it has been paid sales or use tax funds that should have been paid to another municipality, the Tax Commission shall adhere to repayment provisions of the provisions of paragraph 10. 13. The Commission shall provide to the Municipality a full and complete list of the names and the addresses of the persons and the entities which or who report doing business within the boundary of the Municipality during the preceding calendar year via the OKTap user Account. In addition the Commission shall via OKTap provide the following: A. additions to, and deletions from, the full and complete list of the names and the addresses of persons and entities which or who report doing business during the 4 preceding calendar year within the boundary of the Municipality; B. a full and complete list of the persons and the entities specified in paragraph 12(a) which or who are more than sixty (60) days delinquent in filing and/or remitting municipal sales and use taxes pursuant to the Ordinances; and C. a full and complete, list of all persons and all entities paying municipal sales and use tax under the Ordinances, and/or interest and penalties with respect thereto, and the amount of such remittances. D. the number of audits completed and assessments determined by the Commission with respect to municipal sales and use taxes, and/or interest and penalties with respect thereto, under the Ordinances during the preceding calendar year; and Commission also agrees to provide Municipality reports in addition to those outlined above under the following terms: A. The report is requested in writing or via e-mail, outlining the information required and regularity of the report. B. The report complies with all terms and statutes outlined within this agreement. C. The information requested is available to the Commission. D. Commission will be provided a minimum of thirty (30) days to compile new requests unless otherwise agreed. E. Commission shall provide the requested report(s) within ninety (90) days unless otherwise agreed. 14. The Commission shall monitor the administration, the collection and the enforcement of municipal sales and use taxes, and/or interest and penalties with respect thereto, under the Ordinances. The Commission shall provide the Municipality such information as may be requested by the Municipality with respect to any protest or any refund of municipal sales or use taxes levied by the Municipality. The Municipality shall also be entitled to consult with the Commission's legal staff about protests and refunds and, to the extent that a protest or a refund involves one or more hearings, the Municipality shall, through legal counselor other designated staff employed by the Municipality, be entitled to be present and observe such hearing(s); provided, however, the administrative law judge or the Commission may limit the number of counselor other designated staff, if any, who may be present to the extent necessary to permit the hearing to be conducted in an orderly fashion and without undue trepidation on the part of the taxpayer. To the extent that such documents and/or such information relates to municipal sales or use taxes, and/or interest and penalties with respect thereto, and is requested, at any time and from time to time by the Municipality, the Commission shall promptly provide to the Municipality (a) copies of applications for sales tax permits, (b) copies of sales or use tax reports, (c) copies of installment or other payment plans, if any, with taxpayers and (d) other documents and other information. 5 The Commission shall promptly notify the Municipality of any conduct which the Commission believes might be the basis for a criminal prosecution by the Municipality under the Ordinances and shall provide to the Municipality all of the documents and the information in the possession of the Commission with respect thereto, including, without limitation, the names of employees of the Commission who might be witnesses with respect thereto. The Municipality acknowledges that Section 205 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which makes the records and the files of the Commission confidential (subject to specified exceptions) and which prohibits disclosure of such records and such files (subject to specified exceptions), includes the Commission's records and files with respect to the receipt and the collection of municipal sales and use tax. Nothing contained herein is intended to require the Commission to disclose to the Municipality any information whose disclosure to the Municipality is prohibited by Section 205. The Commission acknowledges that (a) Section 205(c)(7) of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes permits the Commission to furnish information disclosed by the records and the files of the Commission to an official person or body of this state who is concerned with the administration or the assessment of certain taxes, such as the Municipality, (b) Section 205(c)(22) of Title 68 permits the disclosure to the governing body or municipal attorney, if so designated by the governing body, of information directly involved in the resolution of issues arising out of the enforcement of a municipal sales and use tax ordinance, such as the Ordinances, pursuant to a municipal tax collection agreement, such as this Agreement, and (c) Section 22-107 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes and Section 205.1 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes permits the Commission to release specified information to municipalities. The Municipality acknowledges that Section 205 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes may prevent the disclosure by the Municipality and persons associated with the Municipality of information which is provided by the Commission to the Municipality and that improper disclosure by the Municipality or any such person of such Information may result in civil and criminal liability. The Municipality shall comply with the restrictions imposed by Section 205. 15. The Commission has the authority to enter into an installment or other payment agreement with any taxpayer, including a taxpayer prosecuted under a municipal sales or use tax ordinance, for state and local taxes owed by the taxpayer. Commission will, through its use of a pay plan in order to keep a delinquent business open, collect the liability as quickly as possible by requiring a significant down payment and completion of the pay plan in as short a period as possible. The Municipality shall be entitled to consult with the Commission's legal staff about an installment or other payment agreement prior to negotiation of such an agreement. The installment or other payment agreement shall be void if the taxpayer becomes delinquent in future tax liability or payment under the agreement becomes delinquent. The Commission shall furnish a list of all sales and use taxpayers which have entered into agreements with the Commission on a monthly basis along with the terms, conditions and status of each such installment or payment agreement. In the event of termination of this Agreement, the Commission will cause to be 16. paid over to the Municipality, all municipal sales and use tax funds in its possession then due and payable under this Agreement. The Municipality shall thereafter be liable for and shall pay any refunds of municipal sales or use tax required by law to be made, including refunds of municipal sales or use tax, penalty and interest paid under protest that must be refunded and any interest required thereon. After such termination, the Commission's liability shall extend only to the amount of such funds being held by it. The Municipality agrees to pay any interest 6 required by law to be paid on such refunds. 17. The Commission shall have the authority to assess and to collect, on behalf of the Municipality, the municipal sales and use taxes levied by the Ordinances, and the interest and the penalties with respect thereto, including, without limitation, any municipal sales or use tax, interest and/or penalty existing on the date hereof except as provide in paragraph 18 below. The Municipality agrees to refrain from contacting directly persons or entities doing business within the boundary of the Municipality subject to the requirements of paragraph 19. Municipality does have the inherent authority to contact vendors within and without the municipality concerning the vendor's alleged violation of municipal ordinances prior to the initiation of criminal prosecution. The Municipality may inquire of the Commission into the compliance of persons and entities with the Ordinances and, to the extent that the Municipality determines that any person or any entity has not complied with the Ordinances, the Municipality may request the Commission to issue a proposed assessment against such person or such entity. To the extent that the Commission receives any such request, the Commission shall review such request within 45 days. If, after said review, Commission believes that-such request presents a basis for a proposed assessment, Commission shall issue a proposed assessment. Any such proposed assessment shall be resolved as provided in Sections 201 et seq. of Title 68 and the procedural rules promulgated by the Commission. The Municipality may, at the option of the Municipality, request the Commission to initiate a show cause proceeding against a person or an entity which the Municipality believes, in good faith, not to be in compliance with the Ordinances or any provision thereof. To the extent that the Commission receives any such request, the Commission shall review such request within 45 days. If after said review, Commission believes that such request presents a basis for a show cause proceeding, Commission shall initiate a show cause proceeding. Such show cause proceeding shall be conducted as provided in the procedural rules promulgated by the Commission. The Commission and the Municipality acknowledge the mutual interest of the Commission and the Municipality in maximizing compliance with the Ordinances and the collection of local taxes thereunder. The Municipality may, at any time and from time to time, either alone or in conjunction with other municipalities, submit a written proposal for collection and enforcement activities for consideration by the Commission; provided, however, it is expressly understood that any such written proposal must provide for coordination with the collection and enforcement activities of the Commission, provide for the use of the then applicable audit standards of the Commission and otherwise be in form and in substance to the Commission. In the event that Municipality's proposal is accepted by Commission, Municipality will be authorized to conduct the activities included in such proposal on behalf of Commission and no other action will be authorized by the Commission by a municipality or municipalities not included in the accepted proposal. Provided further that upon the request of the municipality, either alone or in conjunction with other municipalities, the Commission shall enter into contractual agreements with the municipality or group of municipalities whereby the municipality or group of municipalities are authorized to implement or augment the Commission's enforcement through a contract with a private aUditor(s) or audit firm(s) of the municipal tax. The auditor(s) or audit firm(s) shall first be approved by the Commission and once approved shall be appointed as an agent of the 7 Oklahoma Tax Commission for purposes of the audit. Contracts with a private auditor or audit firm are not subject to the limitations of Section 262 of title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and the parties, the municipality, private auditor or audit firm and the Commission, are authorized to exchange necessary information to effectively perform the contracted audit. The municipality, its officers and employees and the private auditors or audit firms may receive all information necessary to perform the audit and shall preserve the confidentiality of such information as required by Section 205, title 68, of the Oklahoma Statutes, including the penalties set out therein. The Commission shall be furnished the audit results and all relevant supporting documentation. The municipalities shall pay for the private auditor(s) or audit firm(s) by deduction from the tax assessment resulting from said audit unless another method of payment is set out in the contract with the private auditor or audit firm. Any municipal sales and use tax funds recovered as a result of the use by the municipality of a private auditor or audit firm shall not be subject to the retention calculated by the Commission as provided in Paragraph 5 of this agreement, in addition the Commission shall pay to the municipality any retainage that the Commission shall be entitled to for collection of county sales and use tax and shall pay to the municipality the state's pro rata share of the expenses of the auditor. Provided further, the Commission shall have no obligation to any municipality that does not participate in an audit conducted under subsection D of Section 2702 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes or an audit conducted pursuant to this section. Notice of a proposed independent audit shall be provided to the municipality and the municipality shall within 30 days provide acceptance or rejection of participation in the audit. Failure to act within the 30 day time period shall mean that the municipality shall not be included in the audit. Failure to act with respect to a particular independent audit within the 30 day time period shall relieve the Commission of its obligation to audit on behalf of the municipality with respect to that particular audit. 18. The Commission acknowledges the need for municipalities to have input into rulings made by the Commission regarding requests for waivers of penalties and interest assessed on municipal sales and use taxes. Therefore, the Commission agrees to provide municipalities with the opportunity to make recommendations regarding such waiver requests. Such notification shall not include waiver requests received by the Commission through its Voluntary Disclosure Agreement Program. The Account Maintenance Division or the General Counsel's Office of the Commission will notify municipalities at least two weeks prior to submission of a waiver request to the Commission. The notification will apply to all waiver requests for penalties and interest that was assessed on state and local sales and use taxes in excess of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Any recommendation made by the municipality will be presented to the Commission at the time of consideration of the request. If the municipality fails to make a recommendation in the time allotted, the Division will present the request to the Commission without a municipal recommendation. The Division will notify the municipality of the Commission decision. 19. A City/town may commence compliance activities under the following conditions: A. The following words and terms, when used in this Agreement, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: 1. "Agent" means an employee of the Municipality or person or entity acting under contract with the Municipality and certified by the Commission as an agent 8 for the purpose of compliance activities as set out in this agreement except for municipal criminal prosecution. 2. "Compliance activities" means all actions to assist or induce a delinquent seller to comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations, to accurately and timely collect, source, report and remit sales and use taxes within the municipality's jurisdiction and shall include: a. The identification of and reporting to the Tax Commission any unregistered sellers making sales sourced to the municipality under the laws of this state. "Unregistered seller" shall mean any delinquent seller which has failed to apply for a sales or use tax permit with the Tax Commission. Provided, the term shall not include any out-of-state seller that does not have a legal requirement to register with the state; b. The prosecution of any criminal violations of a municipal ordinance related to the payment of sales or use taxes. "Prosecution" shall mean the initiation of legal proceedings by the filing of a complaint in a municipal criminal court of record pursuant to Section 28-113 of Title 11 or by the filing of a complaint in a municipal court not of record pursuant to the provisions of Section 27-115 of Title 11; and c. Any additional compliance activities that may be performed by the agent of the municipality on accounts of delinquent sellers that were assigned to the agent at the request of the municipality that do not result in a duplication of compliance activities. Compliance activities shall not include the following activities, over which the Tax Commission shall have sole authority: a. Registering new taxpayer accounts, b. Issuing and administering taxpayer permits, c. Receiving returns, d. Receiving remittances of sales and use taxes, e. Issuing assessments, f. Conducting hearings under Section 212 of Title 68, g. Developing pay plans in consultation with the municipality as provided in the Agreement for Administration of the Sales and Use Tax Ordinances, h. Revoking permits, i. Taking legal action to close a business, j. Issuing refunds and credits, k. Managing audits, and I. Determination of taxability of sales transactions. 3. "Delinquent seller" means any person making sales of tangible personal property or services in this state, the gross receipts or gross proceeds from which are taxed by law and fails to obtain a permit, file a sales tax return as required by law, or is delinquent in whole or in part in the collection and remittance of sales or use taxes. 9 4. "Enhanced collections" means any remittance of past due or unpaid state sales or use taxes, including penalty and interest, obtained from a delinquent seller that was not registered, underreported, failed to report or remit, failed to comply with a payment plan, or arising from liens filed by the Tax Commission following documented compliance activity of a municipality or person or entity acting under contract with such municipality. B. Municipality elects to engage in the compliance activities designated by notice to the Commission; provided that Municipality may change its designation upon timely notice. C. This Agreement shall include appointment of persons or entities approved by the Commission conducting compliance activities on behalf of Municipality as agents of the Commission. No appointment shall be necessary or required for Municipality to engage in prosecution of any criminal violations of its ordinance related to the payment of sales or use taxes. All persons, including municipal employees and employees of entities acting under contract with a municipality, that will be performing compliance activities for Municipality must meet minimum qualifications provided herein and undergo training provided by the Tax Commission. The minimum qualifications shall consist of a bachelor's degree; or an equivalent combination of education and experience, substituting one year of experience in business management, tax revenue, credit collections, or investigative work for each year of the required degree. Provided, the minimum qualifications provided herein shall not apply to employees of municipalities seeking appointment as an agent if the municipality has a population less than 25,000. Contracts with a private auditor or audit firm are not subject to the limitations of Section 262 of title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and the parties, the municipality, private auditor or audit firm and the Commission, are authorized to exchange necessary information to effectively perform the contracted audit. The municipality, its officers and employees and the private auditors or audit firms may receive all information necessary to perform the audit and shall preserve the confidentiality of such information as required by Section 205, title 68, of the Oklahoma Statutes, including the penalties set out therein. With the execution of this Agreement, Municipality shall provide the names of all persons, including employees of Municipality, who will be performing compliance activities on behalf of Municipality. The Commission shall issue letters of appointment for all persons who meet or are exempt from the minimum requirements. Municipality agrees to notify the Commission when additional persons are added by Municipality to conduct compliance activities on behalf of Municipality. Municipality further agrees to immediately notify the Commission of the termination of employment or cancellation of contract of any person appointed as an agent for the purposes of conducting compliance activities. D. The Commission shall provide to Municipality and agents appointed by the Commission to perform compliance activities all information necessary to perform compliance activities. Municipality and agent shall preserve the confidentiality of the information as required by Section 205 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Failure to comply with the statutory confidentiality requirements shall result in immediate 10 withdrawal of appointment of any person to perform compliance activities and may result in civil and criminal liability. Nothing herein shall limit Municipality's use of information provided by the Commission in prosecution of violations of Municipality's tax ordinances. E. As provided in Section 2702(E)(3) of Title 68, the Tax Commission shall reimburse a municipality performing any of the compliance activities defined above as follows: 1. The Tax Commission shall pay to the municipality an amount equal to three-fourths of one percent (% of 1%) of enhanced collections from any unregistered seller identified and reported to the Commission by a municipality for any sales made during the period the seller was unregistered with the Tax Commission; 2. The Tax Commission shall not retain any fee and refund any fee retained from the collection of city sales and use taxes remitted as a result of the prosecution of any criminal violations of a municipal ordinance; and 3. The Tax Commission shall pay to the municipality an amount equal to three-fourths of one percent (% of 1%) of enhanced collections from any delinquent seller as a result of other compliance activities documented by the municipality or person acting under contract with such municipality. To receive compensation, Municipality shall provide documentation of compliance activities which generated the enhanced collections. Documentation shall consist of reports, on forms prescribed by the Commission, listing the name of the delinquent seller, date of compliance activity, type of activity, and such other information as may be necessary to identify the delinquent seller, compliance activity, or enhanced collections. The Commission shall provide reimbursements on a monthly basis and provide a monthly report to Municipality indicating, at a minimum, the name of the delinquent seller, amount of enhanced collections, and date of remittance by the delinquent seller in the previous month. The Commission shall use its best efforts to cause reimbursements as a separate distribution to be paid to Municipality no later than the tenth day of each calendar month following the month of receipt of the report of enhanced collections filed with the Commission. 20. It is recognized and acknowledged that the Municipal Ordinances include criminal sanctions for violation of the Ordinances. Notwithstanding anything else contained herein, the Municipality shall have the exclusive authority to prosecute any criminal violations of the Ordinances and the Commission shall refrain from taking any such action. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the State of Oklahoma from prosecuting persons for crimes under state law, including, without limitation, embezzlement by a vendor of a municipal sales tax. 21. To the extent that the Municipality decides to prosecute criminally any action under this Agreement, the Commission and the Municipality shall cooperate, in good faith, to 11 maximize collections under the Ordinances and to minimize duplicative effort by the Commission and the Municipality. 22. Where the municipality takes the action recognized by paragraph 20 of this Agreement for prosecution to enforce its sales or use tax ordinance, all taxes shall be paid by the taxpayer directly to the Commission. Any resulting payment of municipal tax shall not be subject to the retention calculated by the Commission for the collection of city sales and use taxes as provided in Paragraph 5 of this agreement, subject to the implementation plan established in paragraph 28 of this agreement. 23. The Municipality agrees that, if there is a challenge to the constitutionality or the legality of the Ordinances or any provision thereof (other than a challenge based on the application by the Commission of the Ordinances or any provision thereof), the Municipality shall be responsible for the resolution of such challenge. If such a challenge is based on the application by the Commission of the Ordinances or any provision thereof, the Commission shall be responsible for the resolution of such challenge. The party responsible for the resolution of any challenge shall make all decisions with respect to the prosecution and the settlement of any litigation with respect to such challenge and the other party shall cooperate with the responsible party with respect to the resolution of such challenge. The Commission shall provide notice to the Municipality of any challenge. Notice will be provided within seven (7) business of the receipt of the challenge and the municipality shall be allowed to participate in any decision. 24. The change in the boundary of Municipality shall be effective for sales tax purposes only, on the first day of a calendar quarter following the enlargement of the municipal city limits. If a municipality should de-annex a territory the sales tax from business or firms located in the de-annexed area shall cease on the effective date of the de-annexation ordinance. Municipality shall give the Commission notice in writing of any annexation or deannexation of territory to the municipality at least as required by Title 68 Oklahoma Statutes Section 2701. The notice shall include a verified copy of the boundaries of the newly annexed or de-annexed territory. In addition all Municipality limit lines shall be shown in map form, and certified to the Commission by the municipal clerk. 25. Neither Municipality nor Commission has entered into this Agreement with the intention of violating state law or the provisions of the Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement. If it is determined by either party that any provision violates either state law or the Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement, such provision of the Agreement shall be null and void. The remaining provision of the Agreement shall be in effect until the expiration or termination of the Agreement. 26. If a dispute arises from the application of paragraph nineteen (19) of this Agreement, and if the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, the Commission and Municipality agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation. Either party may request mediation before the Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services in the manner the Director deems appropriate. 27. This Agreement shall be in effect from , __ until , _ _ _ _, and shall renew without action of the parties for additional terms of one (1) year provided that the current rate has not been changed and neither party has given written notice to the other party of its intent to terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the then current term. Either party may terminate this contract for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to terminate to the other party. 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and affixed their official seals the day and year first above written. THE MUNICIPALITY OF OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION A Municipal Corporation Mayor //~-~<~-~~~ L~~ Dawn Cash, Vice-Chairman ATTEST: (CITY SEAL) Municipal Clerk ATTEST: (STATE SEAL) Assistant Secretary - OTC APPROVED BY THE CITY OF BY LEGAL DEPARTMENT DATE _ City Attorney 13 EXHIBIT A Retention Fee = 0.5% 14 City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Ashley Keim, Executive Assistant 9. 3. SUBJECT: ACCEPT AN OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCE BOARD (OWRB) GROUNDWATER PERMIT FOR MUNICIPAL USE FOR THE CITY OF ENID. BACKGROUND: OWRB has approved the following permit for the use of groundwater for municipal use. Permit # Area (Ac) Qty (Ac-ft) 2012-573 160 320 The well is located in Major County in the Ames well field. Specifically, in the SW Quarter of the SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 36, T21N, R10W IM, Major County, Ames, OK. Upon acceptance of this permit by the Commission, it will be recorded as permanent record. RECOMMENDATION Accept OWRB Permit. PRESENTER: Murali Katta, P.E., Project Engineer. City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Ashley Keim, Executive Assistant 9. 4. SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (ODEQ) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE THE HEARTHSTONE FARMS 2ND ADDITION BLOCK 2, GARFIELD COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, PROJECT NO. S-0821A. BACKGROUND: ODEQ approved a permit to construct 1,080 linear feet of eight inch (8”) sanitary sewer line to serve the Hearthstone Farms 2 nd Addition Block 2, located in the NW/4, Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 7 West of the Indian Meridian, Garfield County, Oklahoma. This subdivision is located off of Mill Run along Sand Hill Drive. After acceptance of Permit No. SL000024080883, it will be recorded as permanent record. RECOMMENDATION Accept ODEQ Permit. PRESENTER: Lucky Airehrour, Project Engineer. City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Ashley Keim, Executive Assistant 9. 5. SUBJECT: APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH MIES CONSTRUCTION INC., WICHITA, KANSAS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $825.00 FOR THE SOUTHWEST ENID – BASIN 2F EXTENSION, S-1506. BACKGROUND: Change Order No. 1 will add $825.00to the contract for adding Owners and Contractors Protective Liability Insurance with the City of Enid named as insured. This item was inadvertently left out of the specifications and it is recommended to be in place for this sanitary sewer project. Final contract amount will be $397,363.85. RECOMMENDATION Approve Change Order No. 1. PRESENTER: Robert Hitt, P.E., City Engineer. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Y Amount: $825.00. Funding Source: Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund. City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Ashley Keim, Executive Assistant 9. 6. SUBJECT: AWARD A CONTRACT TO RICK LORENZ CONSTRUCTION, INC., ENID, OKLAHOMA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $319,885.11, FOR THE SOUTH 42ND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT HIGHWAY 412, PROJECT NO. R-1604A, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AFTER REVIEW BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. BACKGROUND: This project will address widening, adding a turning lane, and associated drainage for the new development and increased truck traffic at this intersection. Two (2) bids were received, shown low to high: Rick Lorenz Construction $319,885.11 A-Tech Paving $354,894.00 Engineer's Estimate $331,763.75 Rick Lorenz Construction, Inc. submitted the lowest, responsible bid for the amount of $319,885.11. RECOMMENDATION Award contract to Rick Lorenz Construction Inc. in the amount of $319,885.11 and authorize the Mayor to execute all contract documents after review by the City Attorney. PRESENTER: Robert Hitt, P.E., City Engineer. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Y Amount: $319,885.11. Funding Source: Capital Improvement Fund. Attachments Canvass of Bids FROM: Laura Sheldon DATE: November 5, 2015 S. 42nd FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS Lorenz Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 186 Enid, OK 73702 PAGE 1 OF 1 CANVASS OF BIDS for Street Improvements at HWY 412 Project Number R-1604A PRODUCT/SERVICE BID PRICE Base Bid $ 319,885.11 Bid meets or exceeds all major specifications: Bid meets or exceeds all minor specifications: X X YES YES NO NO DEVIATIONS: Did meet the specifications. A-Tech Paving P.O. Box 2865 Edmond, OK 73083 Base Bid Bid meets or exceeds all major specifications: Bid meets or exceeds all minor specifications: $ 354,894.00 X X YES YES NO NO DEVIATIONS: Did meet the specifications. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract to Lorenz Construction, Inc., in the amount of $ 319,885.11. City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Ashley Keim, Executive Assistant 9. 7. SUBJECT: APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH C-P INTEGRATED SERVICES, INC., OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,862.00, FOR PROJECTS, NO. M-1505 AND NO. R-1402B. BACKGROUND: This project consists of constructing a 6-foot wide concrete trail along the south side of East Broadway Avenue from 3rd Street to 12 th Street along with the construction of ADA ramps from 3rd Street to 16th Street associated with the previous East Broadway Avenue mill and overlay project. As part of the trail work retaining walls were removed and the front yards laid back between 6th Street and 7 th Street. Completing this work uncovered five water service lines and removed a driveway slope wall. This change order provides for lowering the water service lines and replacing the driveway slope wall after re-grading the yard. Change Order No. 3 will increase the contract amount by $5,862.00 and add seven (7) calendar days to the contract time. The revised contract amount is $577,951.68. RECOMMENDATION Approve Change Order No. 3. PRESENTER: Jomara Ortiz, Project Engineer. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Y Amount: $5,862.00. Funding Source: Capital Improvement Fund. City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Courtney O'Brien, Executive Assistance 9. 8. SUBJECT: AWARD THE PURCHASE OF CRUSHER RUN ROCK TO DOLESE BROTHERS COMPANY, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. BACKGROUND: This is a companion item to 12.1. The City of Enid recently published bid proposals for Crusher Run Rock. The bid proposal solicited prices on various sizes of crusher run rock through June 30, 2016. Dolese Brothers Company was the only vendor that responded. RECOMMENDATION Award the purchase of Rrusher Run Rock to Dolese Brothers Company through June 30, 2016. PRESENTER: Billy McBride, Public Works Director. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Amount: Funding Source: Multiple Funds. Y N/A Attachments Crusher Run Rock City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Courtney O'Brien, Executive Assistance 9. 9. SUBJECT: AWARD THE PURCHASE OF READY MIX PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE TO ENID CONCRETE COMPANY, INC., ENID, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. BACKGROUND: This is a companion item to 12.2. The City of Enid recently published bid proposals for Ready Mix Portland Cement Concrete. One bid, meeting all specifications, was received from Enid Concrete Company, Inc, of Enid, Oklahoma. The bid is valid until June 30, 2016. RECOMMENDATION Award the purchase of Ready Mix Portland Cement Concrete to Enid Concrete Company, Inc through June 30, 2016. PRESENTER: Billy McBride, Public Works Director. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Amount: Funding Source: Multiple Funds. Y N/A Attachments Ready Mix Concrete City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 9. 10. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,377,093.09. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION PRESENTER: Attachments Claimslist JP Morgan Claimslist PURCHASE ORDER CLAIMS LIST 11/17/2015 FUND 10 DEPT 000 - N.A. 01-00565 01-02082 01-02291 01-03030 01-03620 01-03718 01-04340 01-04687 01-04911 01-05041 01-06041 01-06041 01-15125 01-15125 01-15125 01-15125 01-15125 01-15125 01-15125 01-15127 01-16010 01-19047 01-30420 01-33090 01-53300 01-67400 01-80343 STAERKEL VET CLINIC AT&T MOBILITY POND CREEK VETERINARY CLINIC OKLAHOMA UNIFORM BUILDING CODE MATOUSEK VETERINARY CLINIC BUSINESS WORLD, INC. STEINERT VETERINARY CLINIC, INC. EARNHEART OIL, INC. ANTHEM BANK & TRUST ENID PET HOSPITAL FARMERS GRAIN COMPANY-POND CREEK FARMERS GRAIN COMPANY-POND CREEK OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK NATURAL GAS PIONEER TELEPHONE CO., INC. AT & T OLSON ANIMAL HOSPITAL, INC. CAT CLINIC, INC. ANIMAL CARE OF ENID, INC. WESTEL FENTRESS OIL COMPANY, INC. PO0131677 PO0131595 PO0131673 PO0131556 PO0131678 PO0131756 PO0131672 PO0131755 PO0131617 PO0131674 PO0131526 PO0131633 PO0131532 PO0131539 PO0131541 PO0131644 PO0131645 PO0131646 PO0131601 PO0131542 PO0131766 PO0131759 PO0131671 PO0131676 PO0131670 PO0131767 PO0131525 REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER OUBCC 10/15 REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER UNLEADED/ST REIMB/INTEREST OVERPAYMENT REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER DIESEL/ST DIESEL/ST MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER REIMB/SPAY/NEUTER MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 OIL/ST N.A. TOTAL $134.00 $5,382.72 $135.00 $760.50 $410.00 $118.81 $240.00 $11,673.46 $360.96 $111.00 $11,505.66 $11,851.68 $305.67 $310.43 $929.19 $33,264.76 $1,267.07 $62,169.35 $2,371.94 $558.80 $219.41 $1,326.48 $95.00 $295.00 $1,440.00 $442.23 $1,137.82 $148,816.94 PO0131596 PO0131757 PO0131584 PO0131724 PO0131784 PO0131632 PO0131560 PO0131658 MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 CHASE PAYMENT LOGO JACKET/K MARTIN LOGO JACKET/S CARR WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 EVENT TICKETS (60) FLORAL ARRANGEMENT 2015 SPONSORSHIP ADM. SERVICES TOTAL $50.33 $918.63 $62.34 $68.74 $334.64 $2,920.00 $133.95 $4,000.00 $8,488.63 PO0131705 PO0131757 PO0131707 PO0131784 PO0131710 PO0131726 PO0131785 WIPES/CLEANER/TOWELS CHASE PAYMENT IPAD DATA PLAN 11/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 PRINTS ADVERTISING DRUG SCREENS (5) HUMAN RESOURCES TOTAL $243.04 $785.06 $16.66 $179.71 $55.94 $181.00 $250.00 $1,711.41 FUND 10 DEPT 100 - ADM. SERVICES 01-01586 01-01783 01-04116 01-04116 01-04319 01-04680 01-60600 01-74160 DISH NETWORK JP MORGAN CHASE DOWNTOWN THREADS DOWNTOWN THREADS NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE ENID EVENT CENTER ENID FLORAL & GIFTS GRAND NATIONAL QUAIL CLUB FUND 10 DEPT 110 - HUMAN RESOURCES 01-01338 01-01783 01-02082 01-04319 01-05017 01-05134 01-32760 J & P SUPPLY, INC. JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE ENID TYPEWRITER CO., INC. ENID NEWS & EAGLE INTEGRIS BASS OCCUP. MEDICINE Page 1 of 12 FUND 10 DEPT 120 - LEGAL SVCS. 01-00612 01-01755 01-02131 01-02154 01-03921 01-03921 01-03967 01-04023 01-04077 01-04563 01-04789 01-04818 01-04834 01-04914 01-04917 01-16145 01-33380 01-33380 01-44890 01-78470 PHYSICIANS GROUP, LLC CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALITIES LEXISNEXIS OAKTREE MEDICAL CENTER, PC EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC. EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC. COLDIRON, JACK D NEUROSCIENCE SPECIALISTS, PC BROWN, MICHAEL S. C/O RANDY WAGNER XPRESS WELLNESS, LLC MOORAD, AMAL E., MD MOODY, BILL D., JR. MOGG, RODNEY R FORENSIC FLUIDS LABORATORIES, INC. NEW, COURTNEY PETTY CASH OPFER, DAVID OPFER, DAVID EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES INC OK SPINE HOSPITAL PO0131790 PO0131623 PO0131771 PO0131787 PO0131624 PO0131786 PO0131626 PO0131631 PO0131629 PO0131642 PO0131772 PO0131780 PO0131788 PO0131625 PO0131748 PO0131804 PO0131528 PO0131618 PO0131782 PO0131650 WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 10/15 WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MILEAGE REIMB WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL REFUND/OVERPAYMENT REIMB/DEED COPIES WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL WC/MEDICAL LEGAL SVCS. TOTAL $204.20 $165.46 $1,033.00 $88.00 $596.12 $581.99 $66.01 $146.61 $142.60 $131.83 $200.00 $397.90 $100.97 $435.48 $204.00 $3.00 $317.36 $317.36 $380.96 $3,378.35 $8,891.20 PO0131583 PO0131757 PO0131784 WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 CHASE PAYMENT WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 SAFETY TOTAL $8.50 $1,402.71 $2.52 $1,413.73 PO0131604 PO0131757 PO0131606 PO0131550 PO0131548 PO0131691 WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 ANNUAL FIRE EXT INSPECTIONS (4) LOGO SHIRTS (2) LOGO JACKETS (4) PR/MARKETING TOTAL $16.65 $409.52 $394.77 $61.00 $62.26 $297.40 $1,241.60 PO0131757 PO0131608 PO0131649 PO0131792 PO0131721 PO0131806 PO0131620 PO0131722 PO0131597 CHASE PAYMENT TORT CLAIM PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES REIMB/FILING FEES PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOTAL $1,248.87 $222.69 $3,575.00 $1,500.00 $588.00 $67.00 $659.30 $694.35 $478.47 $9,033.68 FUND 10 DEPT 140 - SAFETY 01-01163 ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE 01-04319 NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE FUND 10 DEPT 150 - PR/MARKETING 01-01163 01-01783 01-02421 01-02466 01-04116 01-04116 ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS JP MORGAN CHASE SUDDENLINK FIRECO OF OKLAHOMA, INC. DOWNTOWN THREADS DOWNTOWN THREADS FUND 10 DEPT 200 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT 01-01783 01-03089 01-04858 01-04921 01-05134 01-16145 01-39700 01-39700 01-42400 JP MORGAN CHASE CUMMINS CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. CO. PETERSEN, DONALD J. JAMES R. WALDO, P.L.L.C ENID NEWS & EAGLE PETTY CASH GARFIELD CO. LEGAL NEWS GARFIELD CO. LEGAL NEWS AT & T Page 2 of 12 FUND 10 DEPT 210 - ACCOUNTING 01-01163 ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS 01-16145 PETTY CASH PO0131583 PO0131799 WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 REIMB/TRAVEL/E CRAWFORD ACCOUNTING TOTAL $51.20 $229.43 $280.63 PO0131757 PO0131804 CHASE PAYMENT REIMB/DESK DRAWER RECORDS & RECEIPTS TOTAL PO0131757 CHASE PAYMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL $181.61 $181.61 PO0131559 PO0131757 MEMBERSHIP DUES/C BAUER CHASE PAYMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL $438.00 $840.86 $1,278.86 PO0131757 PO0131737 PO0131784 PO0131587 PO0131587 PO0131587 PO0131587 PO0131587 PO0131587 PO0131636 PO0131636 PO0131636 PO0131636 PO0131805 PO0131806 PO0131580 PO0131580 PO0131580 PO0131580 PO0131580 CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 MOW/425 S GRANT MOW/225 E STATE MOW/2411 E OAK MOW/2421 E OAK MOW/701 N 6TH MOW/1505 E MAPLE MOW/730 N 5TH MOW/508 S PIERCE MOW/109 W OAK MOW/606 W POPLAR REIMB/FILING FEES REIMB/FILING FEES MOW/713 N INDEPENDENCE MOW/435 S BUCHANAN MOW/1415 E OKLAHOMA MOW/1910 E BROADWAY MOW/802 S INDEPENDENCE CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL $112.48 $97.57 $260.28 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $150.00 $75.00 $225.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $147.00 $195.00 $69.00 $69.00 $164.00 $69.00 $164.00 $2,397.33 FUND 10 DEPT 220 - RECORDS & RECEIPTS 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE 01-16145 PETTY CASH $11.92 $24.38 $36.30 FUND 10 DEPT 250 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE FUND 10 DEPT 300 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 01-01057 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE FUND 10 DEPT 350 - CODE ENFORCEMENT 01-01783 01-02082 01-04319 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-04732 01-16145 01-16145 01-80177 01-80177 01-80177 01-80177 01-80177 JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE DEAL LAWN CARE PETTY CASH PETTY CASH ALVARADO'S QUALITY MOWING ALVARADO'S QUALITY MOWING ALVARADO'S QUALITY MOWING ALVARADO'S QUALITY MOWING ALVARADO'S QUALITY MOWING Page 3 of 12 FUND 10 DEPT 400 - ENGINEERING 01-01163 ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS 01-02116 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, PLC 01-04116 DOWNTOWN THREADS PO0131687 PO0130446 PO0131584 WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 G-1601A GIS WEBVIEWER MAINT LOGO JACKET/A KEIM ENGINEERING TOTAL $80.35 $1,286.25 $62.34 $1,428.94 PO0131757 PO0131758 PO0131784 PO0131585 CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 CYLINDER RENTAL PUBLIC WORKS MGMT TOTAL $369.17 $1,457.28 $1,339.00 $364.33 $3,529.78 PO0131757 PO0131551 PO0131784 PO0131807 PO0131574 PO0131579 CHASE PAYMENT FUEL PUMP REPAIR WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 REIMB/TAG SHOP TOWEL SERVICE BOOTS/B SALYER FLEET MAINTENANCE TOTAL $729.87 $186.82 $2,786.63 $10.00 $181.14 $125.00 $4,019.46 PO0131750 PO0131762 PO0131757 PO0131758 PO0131763 PO0131763 PO0131565 PO0131563 PO0131784 PO0131765 PO0131778 PO0131585 PO0131760 PO0131761 PO0131574 PO0131599 PO0131746 PO0131576 PO0131764 M-1501A EXPANSION JOINTS (5) CLEANER/DEODORANT CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 ANNUAL FIRE EXT INSP (6)/RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (11) LACQUER THINNER/PAINT/RESPIRATORS (2) PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 10/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 FENCE REPAIR M-1501A CONCRETE GRINDING WHEELS (4) TABLE/BENCH/CROSSLIN PARK BUSHINGS/DRAIN LINE SHOP TOWEL SERVICE M-1501A BREAKER RENTAL M-1501A REBAR/WIRE/DRILL BITS TROWEL/HOSE PAINT LINER/ROLLER PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL $35.00 $124.54 $1,849.72 $586.43 $86.39 $607.50 $134.79 $82.00 $2,463.14 $37.43 $4,571.69 $8.29 $444.43 $4.28 $71.11 $84.81 $662.36 $21.77 $10.94 $11,886.62 PO0131536 PO0131621 PO0131533 PO0131757 PO0131611 V119 GUTTER BROOM BOOTS/C ALCORN/R EASTEP STAKES CHASE PAYMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (3) $320.00 $250.00 $7.90 $1,136.94 $250.00 FUND 10 DEPT 700 - PUBLIC WORKS MGMT 01-01783 01-02082 01-04319 01-13017 JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE MUNN SUPPLY, INC. FUND 10 DEPT 710 - FLEET MAINTENANCE 01-01783 01-01908 01-04319 01-16145 01-35300 01-80246 JP MORGAN CHASE DOUBLE CHECK COMPANY, INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE PETTY CASH UNIFIRST, INC. ATWOODS FUND 10 DEPT 730 - PARKS & RECREATION 01-01017 01-01338 01-01783 01-02082 01-02466 01-02466 01-03000 01-03107 01-04319 01-04847 01-05005 01-13017 01-15061 01-30830 01-35300 01-67330 01-80153 01-80473 01-80473 ALBRIGHT STEEL & WIRE COMPANY J & P SUPPLY, INC. JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY FIRECO OF OKLAHOMA, INC. FIRECO OF OKLAHOMA, INC. CARTER PAINT CO. CHEM-CAN SERVICES, INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE W.W. STARR LUMBER CO., INC. ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. MUNN SUPPLY, INC. OK CORRECTIONAL INDUST. LOCKE SUPPLY, INC. UNIFIRST, INC. HERTZ RENTAL INC KINNUNEN, INC. ACE HARDWARE-SOUTHERN HARDLINES ACE HARDWARE-SOUTHERN HARDLINES FUND 10 DEPT 740 - STRMWTR & ROADWAY MAINT. 01-00447 01-00878 01-01017 01-01783 01-02466 FRONTIER EQUIP. SALES, LLC BROWN'S SHOE FIT COMPANY ALBRIGHT STEEL & WIRE COMPANY JP MORGAN CHASE FIRECO OF OKLAHOMA, INC. Page 4 of 12 01-02623 01-03089 01-04033 01-04033 01-04033 01-04209 01-04319 01-04552 01-05005 01-08018 01-33210 01-50210 01-80153 01-80224 01-80246 01-80246 SHOE SHOW, INC. CUMMINS CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. CO. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. PATTERSON MOWING NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE ADVANCE SERVICES ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. HOTSY OF OKLAHOMA, INC. P & K EQUIPMENT, INC. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. KINNUNEN, INC. T & M PRINTING, INC. ATWOODS ATWOODS PO0131613 PO0131735 PO0131581 PO0131688 PO0131736 PO0130457 PO0131784 PO0130459 PO0131567 PO0131537 PO0131545 PO0131612 PO0131610 PO0131534 PO0131614 PO0131614 BOOTS/B BRUCE/M MCCLEAVE ASPHALT GYPSUM SAND SAND MOW/HIGHWAY RIGHTS OF WAY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 MOW/HIGHWAY RIGHTS OF WAY CONCRETE PORTABLE HOTSY REPAIR V592 LOCK NUT OIL SAW BLADES (8) TIME CARDS (500) BOOTS/Z SCOFIELD/J MARSH BOOTS/N GROOM/E BUFFUM STRMWTR & ROADWAY MAINT. TOTAL $159.95 $2,711.36 $273.16 $624.03 $2,465.00 $1,750.00 $12,035.55 $3,800.00 $450.00 $738.10 $56.00 $107.13 $82.56 $37.15 $219.93 $214.88 $27,689.64 PO0131578 PO0131600 PO0131769 PO0131757 PO0131758 PO0131784 PO0131660 PO0131746 PO0131582 BOOTS/M GOODPASTURE/K HACKETT BOOTS/M AGUILAR BOOTS/K KIRKPATRICK CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 DIESEL DRILL/MASON BITS/DRILL BITS BOOTS/I PEREZ TECHNICAL SERVICES TOTAL $246.50 $130.00 $125.00 $2,122.37 $190.02 $1,423.82 $393.34 $389.50 $109.99 $5,130.54 PO0131553 PO0131696 PO0131656 PO0131752 PO0131583 PO0131791 PO0131757 PO0131647 PO0131654 PO0131793 PO0131598 PO0131697 PO0131588 PO0131590 PO0131591 PO0131592 PO0131593 PO0131594 PO0131801 PO0131801 POSTAGE LEASE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 POSTAGE RESERVE TAPE SHEETS/INK CARTRIDGE WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 RAGS CHASE PAYMENT BOOKS (98) BOOKS (70) ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION 11/15 COPIER USAGE 10/15 SILICONE CAULK/SCREWS REIMB/BOOK REIMB/BOOK REIMB/BOOK REIMB/BOOK REIMB/BOOK REIMB/BOOK REIMB/TRAVEL/J CHAMPION REIMB/TRAVEL/B GILL LIBRARY TOTAL $86.59 $86.59 $3,000.00 $127.47 $8.15 $50.65 $7,802.29 $1,270.28 $1,072.66 $1,176.68 $276.78 $7.68 $9.99 $8.50 $5.00 $33.97 $21.99 $21.99 $150.77 $126.16 $15,344.19 FUND 10 DEPT 750 - TECHNICAL SERVICES 01-00878 01-00878 01-00878 01-01783 01-02082 01-04319 01-51190 01-80153 01-80246 BROWN'S SHOE FIT COMPANY BROWN'S SHOE FIT COMPANY BROWN'S SHOE FIT COMPANY JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT KINNUNEN, INC. ATWOODS FUND 10 DEPT 900 - LIBRARY 01-00085 01-00085 01-00085 01-00085 01-01163 01-01338 01-01783 01-02016 01-02016 01-03454 01-04661 01-04847 01-04905 01-04906 01-04907 01-04908 01-04909 01-04910 01-16145 01-16145 PITNEY BOWES PITNEY BOWES PITNEY BOWES PITNEY BOWES ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS J & P SUPPLY, INC. JP MORGAN CHASE BRODART CO., INC. BRODART CO., INC. OCLC ONLINE COMPUTER LIBRARY CENTER OKLAHOMA COPIER SOLUTIONS, LLC W.W. STARR LUMBER CO., INC. PENCE, HANNA R. PHILLIPS, BROOKLYN R. BROWN, JARROD DEAN ADAMSON, ANGELA SANCHEZ REDDICK, AUBREE A. SCOTT, JENNIE A. PETTY CASH PETTY CASH Page 5 of 12 FUND 10 DEPT 950 - SALES TAX TRANS. 01-03060 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 01-19099 SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 01-77520 BANK OF OKLAHOMA, NA PO0131800 PO0131803 PO0131802 EMA SALES TAX TRANSFER 11/15 SCHOOL SALES TAX TRANSFER 11/15 SCHOOL BOND TAX TRANSFER 11/15 SALES TAX TRANS. TOTAL $663,195.96 $96,419.26 $85,082.24 $844,697.46 PO0131075 PO0129744 COPIERS (6) IT-1601 GP DYNAMICS UPGRADE CAPITAL ASSETS & PROJECTS TOTAL $24,142.55 $370.00 $24,512.55 PO0131709 PO0131768 ANNUAL SOFTWARE RENEWAL AUCTION PROCEEDS/RANGE ROVER SPECIAL PROJECT TOTAL $600.00 $12,300.00 $12,900.00 PO0131796 PO0131808 PO0131795 PO0131794 PO0131794 PO0131794 PO0131794 STOP LOSS FEES 12/15 FLEX ACCOUNTS 11/15 EAP SERVICES 11/15 DENTAL FEES 10/15 DENTAL CLAIMS 10/15 HEALTH ADMIN FEES 10/15 HEALTH CLAIMS 10/15 HEALTH FUND TOTAL $20,941.36 $476.40 $1,233.33 $1,752.37 $14,479.41 $21,906.02 $428,803.43 $489,592.32 PO0131757 PO0131546 PO0131651 PO0131784 PO0131727 PO0130276 PO0131543 PO0131609 PO0131799 PO0131547 PO0131739 PO0131545 PO0131597 PO0131668 CHASE PAYMENT COFFEE WILDLIFE REMOVAL 7/15-6/16 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 JANITORIAL SERVICE 11/15 A-1301E REPLACE ILS/MALSR/PAPI SOUND SYSTEM/RIBBON CUTTING ANNUAL DUES/D OHNESORGE REIMB/TRAVEL/D OHNESORGE WATER SOFTENER RENTAL 10/15 CHARTS/SECTIONALS V829 TRANSMISSION VALVE MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 OIL/ST AIRPORT TOTAL $343.68 $45.10 $3,000.00 $9.21 $187.50 $312,679.25 $150.00 $350.00 $93.15 $47.00 $71.15 $812.31 $256.74 $312.93 $318,358.02 PO0131562 PO0131731 PO0131555 PO0131757 OIL DYED DIESEL/UNLEADED FUEL METERED AIR FRESHENER/LINERS/CLEANER CHASE PAYMENT FUND 10 DEPT 955 - CAPITAL ASSETS & PROJECTS 01-00793 ONESOURCE MANAGED SERVICES 01-03521 TRIBRIDGE HOLDINGS, LLC FUND 12 DEPT 125 - SPECIAL PROJECT 01-04009 COVERTRACK GROUP, INC. 01-07098 GARFIELD CO. TREASURER FUND 14 DEPT 145 - HEALTH FUND 01-04822 01-64810 01-70870 01-78180 01-78180 01-78180 01-78180 STOP LOSS INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. WORKSITE BENEFIT PLANS, INC. FOCUS INSTITUTE, INC. BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OK BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OK BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OK BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OK FUND 20 DEPT 205 - AIRPORT 01-01783 01-02712 01-02985 01-04319 01-04684 01-04851 01-04904 01-15110 01-16145 01-23062 01-23076 01-33210 01-42400 01-80343 JP MORGAN CHASE FARMER BROS. CO. USDA WILDLIFE SERVICES NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE OROSCO, NANCY RURAL ELECTRIC, INC. KOWALSKI, GARY OK AIRPORT OPERATORS ASSOC. PETTY CASH WATER ONE, INC. WING AERO PRODUCTS, INC. P & K EQUIPMENT, INC. AT & T FENTRESS OIL COMPANY, INC. FUND 22 DEPT 225 - GOLF 01-00540 01-00540 01-01338 01-01783 SIMONS PETROLEUM, LLC SIMONS PETROLEUM, LLC J & P SUPPLY, INC. JP MORGAN CHASE Page 6 of 12 $826.62 $781.70 $170.40 $1,064.95 01-02208 01-02446 01-02674 01-04173 01-04744 01-04918 01-66210 SOONER PUBLISHING MARKETING JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL P & K EQUIPMENT, INC. STILLWATER DE LAGE PUBLIC FINANCE, LLC. CHELSEA INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INC. HIBU, INC. YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION USA PO0131622 PO0129229 PO0131552 PO0129230 PO0131561 PO0131753 PO0129231 ADVERTISING 11/15 MOWER LEASE 11/15 BEDKNIFE SHOE BLADE GRINDER LEASE 12/15 HOSTED RESERVATIONS 12/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 GOLF CART LEASE 10/15 GOLF TOTAL $328.40 $622.37 $486.40 $377.15 $245.00 $40.00 $2,649.00 $7,591.99 PO0131736 PO0125518 SAND R-1505A 2015 CONCRETE REPAIRS STREET & ALLEY TOTAL $1,528.79 $2,220.43 $3,749.22 PO0131544 PO0131661 PO0131738 PO0131583 PO0131757 PO0131295 PO0131784 PRINTER MAINTENANCE 10/15 FIELD SERVICE TOOL REPAIR (2) CRIMPERS (2) WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 CHASE PAYMENT BILLING PAPER WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 UTILITY BILLING TOTAL $344.37 $1,100.00 $35.40 $63.45 $6.00 $3,112.50 $623.15 $5,284.87 PO0131662 EDA TIF 05 TAX APP FEE E.M.A. TOTAL $1,500.00 $1,500.00 PO0131575 PO0131757 PO0131758 PO0131577 PO0131577 PO0131563 PO0131655 PO0130829 PO0130821 PO0131624 PO0131797 PO0131784 PO0131538 PO0131781 PO0131625 PO0131034 PO0131798 PO0131660 PO0131540 PO0131576 SHOP TOWEL SERVICE CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 WATER COOLER RENTAL 10/15 BOTTLED WATER PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 11/15 V265 AIR COOLER/WIRING HARNESS RENTAL DOZER/PROPERTY INS V265 ENGINE REPLACEMENT WC/MEDICAL REIMB/TRAVEL/MOLO TRAINING WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 V224 WINCH CABLE WC/MILEAGE REIMB WC/MEDICAL V224 EGR/TURBO REPAIR MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 DIESEL V211 CYLINDER REPAIR SCREWS/NUTS/BOLTS SOLID WASTE SERVICES TOTAL FUND 30 DEPT 305 - STREET & ALLEY 01-04033 DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. 01-04033 DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. FUND 31 DEPT 230 - UTILITY BILLING 01-00793 01-00917 01-00917 01-01163 01-01783 01-03095 01-04319 ONESOURCE MANAGED SERVICES HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS JP MORGAN CHASE OKLAHOMA BUSINESS FORMS, INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE FUND 31 DEPT 315 - E.M.A. 01-02891 BANK OF OKLAHOMA, N.A. FUND 31 DEPT 760 - SOLID WASTE SERVICES 01-00146 01-01783 01-02082 01-03022 01-03022 01-03107 01-03253 01-03253 01-03253 01-03921 01-04206 01-04319 01-04594 01-04742 01-04914 01-05070 01-07102 01-51190 01-80228 01-80473 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC. 624 JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY CULLIGAN OF ENID CULLIGAN OF ENID CHEM-CAN SERVICES, INC. YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY COMPANY YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY COMPANY YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY COMPANY EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC. DELANGEL, SARA NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE CERTEX USA, INC. SMITH, BOBBY A. FORENSIC FLUIDS LABORATORIES, INC. ENID MACK SALES, INC. GARFIELD R W D #5 JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT LYNN'S MACHINE, INC. ACE HARDWARE-SOUTHERN HARDLINES Page 7 of 12 $211.62 $189.64 $1,710.84 $8.50 $24.00 $175.00 $3,870.61 $1,050.00 $27,009.90 $26.99 $573.49 $27,312.44 $445.30 $86.19 $410.51 $8,074.60 $48.25 $393.33 $280.00 $1.90 $71,903.11 FUND 31 DEPT 785 - PUBLIC UTILITIES MGMT 01-01178 ACCURATE, INC. 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE 01-02082 AT&T MOBILITY PO0131549 PO0131757 PO0131758 SAMPLE ANALYSIS CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 PUBLIC UTILITIES MGMT TOTAL PO0131732 PO0131733 PO0131757 PO0131758 PO0131784 PO0131730 PO0131660 PO0131734 PO0129317 CRUSHER RUN SAMPLE ANALYSIS CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 CHLORIDE/FLUORIDE TESTING DIESEL LUBE/PIPE SUPPORTS CHLORINE 7/15-6/16 WATER PRODUCTION TOTAL PO0131757 PO0131789 PO0131784 PO0131641 PO0131652 PO0131585 PO0131804 PO0131660 CHASE PAYMENT WC/MEDICAL WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 WC/REIMB TRAVEL LIFT STATION PUMP REPAIR CYLINDER RENTAL REIMB/CDL PERMIT/J TREVINO DIESEL WATER RECLAMATION SERVICES TOTAL PO0131757 PO0131652 PO0131657 CHASE PAYMENT BLOWER MOTOR REPAIR WW BLOWER REPAIR WASTE WATER MGMT TOTAL PO0131314 SIDE LOAD GARBAGE TRUCK E.M.A. EQUIP REPLACEMENT TOTAL PO0131603 PO0131529 M-1511A APPRAISALS (3) PROPERTY APPRAISAL E.E.D.A. TOTAL $140.00 $203.72 $414.45 $758.17 FUND 31 DEPT 790 - WATER PRODUCTION 01-00159 01-01178 01-01783 01-02082 01-04319 01-14118 01-51190 01-80246 01-80258 UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY ACCURATE, INC. JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE NCL OF WISCONSIN JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT ATWOODS BRENNTAG SOUTHWEST, INC. $494.45 $25.00 $1,184.79 $1,371.93 $963.74 $483.47 $786.66 $33.97 $1,691.80 $7,035.81 FUND 31 DEPT 795 - WATER RECLAMATION SERVICES 01-01783 01-04013 01-04319 01-04825 01-05006 01-13017 01-16145 01-51190 JP MORGAN CHASE STILLWATER MEDICAL CENTER AUTHORITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE HIDDEN, TRAVIS M ENID ELECTRIC MOTOR MUNN SUPPLY, INC. PETTY CASH JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT $2,626.63 $455.04 $24,376.57 $114.81 $1,899.65 $8.70 $90.50 $393.33 $29,965.23 FUND 31 DEPT 799 - WASTE WATER MGMT 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE 01-05006 ENID ELECTRIC MOTOR 01-05084 EVANS ENTERPRISES $189.43 $1,351.82 $1,200.00 $2,741.25 FUND 31 DEPT 956 - E.M.A. EQUIP REPLACEMENT 01-00447 FRONTIER EQUIP. SALES, LLC $210,595.35 $210,595.35 FUND 32 DEPT 325 - E.E.D.A. 01-04795 DEMOSS, MARK A. 01-04466 ENCOMPASS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Page 8 of 12 $900.00 $1,500.00 $2,400.00 FUND 33 DEPT 335 - V.D.A. 01-00223 COOPER, MICHAEL G. 01-00223 COOPER, MICHAEL G. PO0131693 PO0131694 REIMB/PHONE SERVICE REIMB/ADC CONF/ENERGY FORUM V.D.A. TOTAL $90.49 $855.98 $946.47 PO0131750 PO0131757 PO0128555 PO0128321 PO0128553 PO0131581 PO0131581 PO0131581 PO0131635 PO0131728 PO0128852 PO0131557 PO0131567 PO0131567 PO0131619 PO0131634 PO0131297 PO0131535 PO0131751 PO0124857 PO0131558 PO0131586 PO0131746 P-1504 REBAR/EXP JOINTS (10) CHASE PAYMENT P-1504 FENCING R-1502A 2015 ST RESURFACING P-1504 CANOPY SHADES M-1501A CRUSHER RUN/CONCRETE P-1503A CONCRETE P-1504 SCREENINGS P-1503A SCREENINGS P-1504 CRUSHER RUN M-1501A CROSSLIN PED TRAIL M-1501A NAILS/SCREWS/WASHERS M-1501A CONCRETE P-1504 CONCRETE P-1504 CONCRETE P-1504 CONCRETE P-1504 CONCRETE R-1604A PUBLICATION P-1504 STAKES M-1508 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE M-1501A ANCHORS (50) M-1501A TRUNCATED DOMES (4) P-1504 REBAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL $73.70 $1,019.03 $28,365.00 $10,497.60 $6,670.00 $1,213.64 $1,896.00 $425.86 $2,057.23 $278.71 $1,353.62 $21.51 $1,194.38 $2,274.00 $220.00 $1,065.94 $1,326.51 $338.05 $30.38 $14,800.00 $20.66 $1,036.38 $84.00 $76,262.20 PO0128321 R-1502A 2015 ST RESURFACING STREET IMPROVEMENT TOTAL $29,119.28 $29,119.28 PO0131554 F-1503A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE STORMWATER FUND TOTAL PO0125330 PO0131554 W-1502A WATER METER MAINTENANCE W-1304A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE WATER CAP. IMPROVEMENT FUND TOTAL FUND 40 DEPT 405 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 01-01017 01-01783 01-02402 01-03089 01-03899 01-04033 01-04033 01-04033 01-04033 01-04033 01-04033 01-04847 01-05005 01-05005 01-05005 01-05005 01-05005 01-07037 01-08022 01-31260 01-59360 01-80153 01-80153 ALBRIGHT STEEL & WIRE COMPANY JP MORGAN CHASE TITAN FENCE CO. CUMMINS CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. CO. CHILD'S PLAY, INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. DOLESE BROTHERS CO., INC. W.W. STARR LUMBER CO., INC. ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. ENID CONCRETE CO., INC. GARFIELD COUNTY COURT CLERK HUGHES LUMBER CO., LLC BRUEGGEMANN ENGINEERING FASTENAL COMPANY KINNUNEN, INC. KINNUNEN, INC. FUND 41 DEPT 415 - STREET IMPROVEMENT 01-03089 CUMMINS CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. CO. FUND 43 DEPT 435 - STORMWATER FUND 01-46000 TRAYNOR, LONG & WYNNE, PC $161.00 $161.00 FUND 44 DEPT 445 - WATER CAP. IMPROVEMENT FUND 01-03594 BUDGET PLUMBING & CONSTRUCTION, LLC 01-46000 TRAYNOR, LONG & WYNNE, PC Page 9 of 12 $26,120.00 $15.20 $26,135.20 FUND 50 DEPT 505 - 911 01-01783 JP MORGAN CHASE 01-42400 AT & T 01-66190 AT&T PO0131757 PO0131692 PO0131703 CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 911 TOTAL PO0131711 PO0131531 PO0131648 PO0131308 PO0131720 PO0131757 PO0131695 PO0131708 PO0131714 PO0131786 PO0131698 PO0131719 PO0131784 PO0131713 PO0130885 PO0131527 PO0131627 PO0131690 PO0131715 PO0131715 PO0131706 PO0131717 PO0131700 PO0131807 PO0131701 PO0131671 PO0131670 PO0131770 PO0131718 UNIFORMS (3) BATTERIES/SCISSORS/TONER BATTERIES JAIL CONTRACT MOWING 10/15 CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 FLAME SENSOR TISSUE/TOWELS WC/MEDICAL/J HODGES UNIFORM LOGOS (3) OLETS FEE 11/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 RADIO REPAIR/REPROGRAM TABLETS/DOCKS (22) TARGETS (9) WC/MEDICAL/G MCBRIDE CONSULTING SERVICE NOTARY STAMP/Z FRAZEE CLIPS/DESK PAD COFFEE/CREAMER/SUGAR/CUPS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES (2) ID CARDS (3) REIMB/TAGS (2) K9 EXAM/TREATMENT REIMB/VACCINES/EXAMS REIMB/VACCINES/MEDS PHYSICALS (3) PEST CONTROL 10/15 POLICE TOTAL PO0131695 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 C.I.C. TOTAL PO0131757 PO0131630 PO0131541 PO0131646 CHASE PAYMENT KITCHEN EQUIPMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 CONFERENCE CENTER TOTAL $1,777.20 $1,788.96 $10,480.97 $14,047.13 FUND 51 DEPT 515 - POLICE 01-00605 01-01472 01-01472 01-01542 01-01780 01-01783 01-02082 01-02123 01-03569 01-03921 01-04116 01-04164 01-04319 01-04368 01-04581 01-04903 01-04915 01-04916 01-13089 01-13089 01-13145 01-15050 01-16004 01-16145 01-23055 01-30420 01-53300 01-58530 01-65460 SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, INC. STAPLES ADVANTAGE STAPLES ADVANTAGE GARFIELD CTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE AUTHORITY B & B LAWN CARE JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY BRADFORD INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CORP. GRIMSLEY'S, INC. EXPRESS SCRIPTS, INC. DOWNTOWN THREADS OK DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE CHASE ELECTRONICS BRITE COMPUTERS FULLER, KODY WILLIAM PARDEE, JEFFERY RF RESULTS, LLC MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLY MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLY MID-AMERICA WHOLESALE, INC. OK ASSOC. OF CHIEF OF POLICE PDQ PRINTING PETTY CASH WHEATLAND ANIMAL CLINIC OLSON ANIMAL HOSPITAL, INC. ANIMAL CARE OF ENID, INC. INTEGRIS OCC. EMPLOYEE HEALTH ACTSHON PEST CONTROL $335.70 $419.76 $51.34 $108,000.00 $240.00 $4,459.86 $1,874.58 $7.98 $180.38 $26.92 $15.00 $350.00 $3,791.91 $15.00 $78,235.52 $2,475.00 $450.00 $454.00 $25.50 $25.60 $364.43 $150.00 $15.00 $48.50 $623.00 $324.00 $270.00 $1,425.00 $140.00 $204,793.98 FUND 52 DEPT 525 - C.I.C. 01-02082 AT&T MOBILITY $478.12 $478.12 FUND 60 DEPT 605 - CONFERENCE CENTER 01-01783 01-04680 01-15125 01-15125 JP MORGAN CHASE ENID EVENT CENTER OK GAS & ELECTRIC OK GAS & ELECTRIC Page 10 of 12 $196.49 $10,615.51 $196.32 $16,304.71 $27,313.03 FUND 65 DEPT 655 - FIRE 01-00781 01-01783 01-02021 01-02082 01-02466 01-02466 01-02938 01-03448 01-03545 01-04030 01-04319 01-04337 01-04888 01-09006 01-12039 01-12051 01-13089 01-15132 01-15132 01-19165 01-19235 01-30830 01-32760 01-51190 01-51190 01-55160 01-79980 01-80473 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER, INC JP MORGAN CHASE B'S QUALITY DOOR, INC. AT&T MOBILITY FIRECO OF OKLAHOMA, INC. FIRECO OF OKLAHOMA, INC. OKIE EXTRICATION PIONEER CONSTRUCTION OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH WELDON PARTS, INC. NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE BOCKUS PAYNE ASSOCIATES FULLERTON WELDING SUPPLY INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL CORP. LIFE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. MERRIFIELD OFFICE SUPPLY O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, INC. O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, INC. STEVENS FORD, INC. SOUTHWEST TRUCK PARTS, INC. LOCKE SUPPLY, INC. INTEGRIS BASS OCCUP. MEDICINE JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC PIONEER BUSINESS SOLUTION ACE HARDWARE-SOUTHERN HARDLINES PO0131669 PO0131757 PO0131663 PO0131740 PO0131680 PO0131680 PO0131640 PO0131682 PO0131754 PO0131681 PO0131784 PO0123323 PO0131667 PO0131643 PO0131628 PO0131638 PO0131639 PO0131679 PO0131679 PO0131666 PO0131664 PO0131665 PO0131783 PO0131659 PO0131660 PO0131683 PO0131741 PO0131684 V1021 BATTERY CHASE PAYMENT TORSION SPRING/STA 5 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 ANNUAL FIRE EXT INSPECTIONS (4) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (13) HOSE REEL DROPLINES (4) WALL WATERPROOFING EMT LICENSE/J WEST V1031 TIE ROD ENDS/SLACK ADJUSTER WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 M-1408A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE V1022 AIR VALVE M-1408B DOOR SWEEP WC/MEDICAL/N FOSTER FLAGS (3) TONER V1008/V1012/V1016/1018 FILTERS CARB CLEANER/RUBBING COMPOUND V1002 REGULATOR/MOTOR ASSEMBLY V1031 YOKE KIT THERMOSTAT PHYSICALS (8) V1008 FUEL PUMP DIESEL RESTRAINT STRAPS (6) MONTHLY SERVICE 11/15 SHOVEL/HAMMER CHISEL/PAINT FIRE TOTAL $112.95 $1,532.48 $275.00 $340.94 $410.36 $903.75 $331.23 $656.00 $85.00 $662.96 $154.48 $2,417.50 $120.70 $13.25 $585.31 $89.55 $70.37 $26.82 $75.33 $225.82 $17.80 $41.62 $2,554.36 $31.95 $393.34 $94.25 $32.91 $235.43 $12,491.46 PO0131702 PO0131704 PO0131699 PO0131699 MONTHLY REIMB 10/15 MONTHLY REIMB 10/15 MONTHLY REIMB 10/15 AFIS MONTHLY REIMB 10/15 FORENSIC CLEET TOTAL $5.00 $4,168.58 $2,308.40 $2,231.06 $8,713.04 PO0131743 PO0131757 PO0131742 PO0131784 PO0131745 PO0131785 PO0131744 WATER COOLER RENTAL 11/15 CHASE PAYMENT MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 WAREHOUSE PARTS 10/15 MONTHLY SERVICE 10/15 PHYSICAL PIKEPASS EPTA TOTAL $10.25 $91.26 $222.53 $1,223.02 $88.78 $90.00 $5.40 $1,731.24 FUND 82 DEPT 825 -CLEET 01-02587 01-03274 01-55470 01-55470 OK BUREAU OF NARCOTICS CLEET OK STATE BUREAU INVESTIGATION OK STATE BUREAU INVESTIGATION FUND 99 DEPT 995 - EPTA 01-01163 01-01783 01-02082 01-04319 01-15127 01-32760 01-47300 ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIONS JP MORGAN CHASE AT&T MOBILITY NAPA AUTO PARTS-WAREHOUSE OK NATURAL GAS INTEGRIS BASS OCCUP. MEDICINE OK TURNPIKE AUTHORITY Page 11 of 12 FUND 70 DEPT 705 - CDBG 70-01783 70-03132 70-03132 70-04176 70-05134 JP MORGANCHASE COMMERCIAL CARD CDSA CDSA STEPHANIE CARR ENID NEWS & EAGLE PO0131773 PO0131747 PO0131747 PO0131723 PO0131725 CHASE PAYMENT B-14 (395) EMERGENCY REPAIR B-14 (395) HOME B-13 (392) REIMB/TRAVEL B-13 (379) ADMIN/PUBLIC NOTICE CDBG TOTAL COMBINED BREAKDOWN OF TOTALS EMA EEDA EPTA REMAINING FUNDS $329,783.79 $2,400.00 $1,747.81 $2,377,093.09 TOTAL CLAIMS $2,711,024.69 Page 12 of 12 $615.94 $7,657.04 $13,601.03 $341.09 $231.00 $22,446.10 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST 10-26-15/11-8-15 FUND 10 DEPT 100 - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACCOUNTANCY BOARD BIG DANS STEAKHOUSE ENID WINNELSON CO GOOGLE *SVCSAPPS_WLG-O JUMBO FOODS PAYPAL *CITY MGMT A SCHIEBERS DONUTS & DEL STAPLES 00106633 THE GRILLE AT THE NORT THE NEAT COMPANY TRUCKPRO INC 034 WOODWARD HOLIDAY INN E PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 ANNUAL CPA REGISTRATION MEAL/EMERG MGMT TRAINING/M HONIGSBERG VACUUM BREAKER/PIPE/SILICONE CHARGE UNDER DISPUTE CAKE/CM BIRTHDAY CITY MANAGERS CONF/J RILEY MEAL/COMMISSION MEETING CERTIFICATE FOLDERS/FOIL SEALS MEAL/EMER MGMT SEMINAR/M HONIGSBERG REIMBURSE AUTO CHARGE SERVICE V683 LED FLASHERS LODGING/EMER MGMT SEMINAR/M HONIGSBERG ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TOTAL 51.00 11.99 101.74 4.16 24.99 370.00 69.92 114.89 8.11 (119.88) 198.71 83.00 918.63 FUND 10 DEPT 110 - HUMAN RESOURCES ACE HARDWARE LOWES #00205* PREHIRE SCREENING SERV SQ *LANEY'S CUPCAKES A STAPLES 00106633 STARBUCKS #10612 ENID THE GROOM CLOSET PET C PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PAINT/RAGS/BRUSH/THINNER/ACETONE PAINT/GUIDE/ROLLERS BACKGROUND SCREENS (7) HALLOWEEN PARTCIPITATION CUPCAKES INK CARTRIDGE/STICKIES/CORR TAPE HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST PRIZE POND FILTERS HUMAN RESOURCES TOTAL 51.93 59.80 308.75 62.57 132.01 50.00 120.00 785.06 FUND 10 DEPT 140 - SAFETY ATWOOD 01 ENID BOSTON'S GOURMET PIZZA CHICKEN EXPRESS-ARLING HAMPTON INN ONCUE EXPRESS 0061 P5 ARLINGTON / UTA PDQ PRINTING QT 947 08009474 SALTGRASS - ARLINGTONN SARKU JAPAN 201 STAPLES 00106633 TEXAS L & C #7143 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 SAFETY JACKETS (14) MEAL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO MEAL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO LODGING/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO V635 FUEL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO MEAL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO SAFETY MANUALS V635 FUEL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO MEAL/OSHA TRAINING/ L ANGUIANO MEAL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO INK CARTRIDGE/FLASH DRIVE MEAL/OSHA TRAINING/L ANGUIANO SAFETY TOTAL 503.87 21.34 7.77 616.40 27.90 10.37 12.00 33.97 25.67 12.48 101.98 28.96 1,402.71 FUND 10 DEPT 150 - PR/MARKETING PDQ PRINTING SHI CORP WM SUPERCENTER #499 PO0131757 ETN MEDIA BADGE PO0131757 MS OFFICE LICENSE PO0131757 BOOKCASE/FILE TRAYS PR/MARKETING TOTAL 3.00 332.00 74.52 409.52 FUND 10 DEPT 200 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT CRACKER BARREL #325 TU DELTA 00621425271235 HILTON GARDEN INN TULS ITASCA GRILL M20350013 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 MEAL/NLC CONF/B SHEWEY AIRFARE/NLC CONF/T WILSON LODGING/NLC CONF/B SHEWEY MEAL/NLC CONF/T WILSON Page 1 of 7 17.37 80.60 165.90 20.18 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST JUMBO FOODS KTA - TRANSA TEMP -QPS OMNI NASHVILLE SQ *TESFA GREEN CAB NA TSC OK-009 WAL-MART #0499 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 MEAL/COMMISSION MEETING TOLLS/NLC CONF/T WILSON LODGING/NLC CONF/B SHEWEY CAB/NLC CONF/T WILSON MEAL/COMMISSION MEETING VENDING MACHINE SNACKS GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOTAL 10-26-15/11-8-15 484.58 2.00 277.95 28.75 107.82 63.72 1,248.87 FUND 10 DEPT 220 - RECORDS & RECEIPTS ACE HARDWARE PO0131757 KEYS RECORDS & RECEIPTS TOTAL 11.92 11.92 FUND 10 DEPT 250 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2000 CED AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS LIVEPERSON, INC PO0131757 WALL PLATES PO0131757 LABEL MAKER TAPE PO0131757 ONLINE CHAT/COE WEBSITE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL 11.46 11.15 159.00 181.61 FUND 10 DEPT 300 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AIA PRODUCTS / DUES BRAUMS #242 HAMPTON INNS JOHNNY CARINOS PP*OKLAHOMABUI TRAPPERS FISH CAMP & G PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 AIA PRODUCTS DUES/C BAUER MEAL/CODE CONF/C BAUER LODGING/CODE CONF/C BAUER MEAL/CODE CONF/C BAUER 2015 FALL CODE CONF/C BAUER MEAL/CODE CONF/C BAUER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL 588.00 5.43 89.00 16.09 130.00 12.34 840.86 FUND 10 DEPT 350 - CODE ENFORCEMENT LOWES #00205* PO0131757 PAINT/ROLLER 112.48 CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL 112.48 MEAL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION FILTERS MEAL (10)/DEPT MEETING MEAL/SUPERVISOR MEETING CALCULATOR/DESKTOP SCANNER MEAL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 75.80 100.58 35.74 37.98 74.97 44.10 FUND 10 DEPT 700 - PUBLIC WORKS MGMT BIG COUNTRY MEAT MARKE BRADFORD INDUSTRIAL SP PARADISE DONUTS PARADISE DONUTS STAPLES 00106633 WAL-MART #4390 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PUBLIC WORKS MGMT TOTAL 369.17 FUND 10 DEPT 710 - FLEET MGMT ACE HARDWARE ALBRIGHT STEEL WIRE EN ATWOOD 01 ENID LOCKE SUPPLY - ENID NAPA TRACS STAPLES 00106633 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 LEVEL WELDING ROD/TUBE CASTERS HOT WATER HEATER/INSULATED UNIONS ONLINE VEHICLE INFO 10/15 INK CARTRIDGE FLEET MGMT TOTAL Page 2 of 7 17.97 38.54 19.96 254.85 132.00 266.55 729.87 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST 10-26-15/11-8-15 FUND 10 DEPT 730 - PARKS & RECREATION 2000 CED AT&T DATA ATWOOD 01 ENID BRAUMS #16 LOWES #00205* SPRINKLERWAREHOUSE. SQ *GRAND AVENUE CAFE UNIV MAILING SERVICES PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PVC CONDUIT/DON HASKINS LIGHTING IPAD DATA PLAN 11/15 CONCRETE MIX MEAL (4)/SPRAY TESTING PAINT/FITTINGS/FILES/MULCH/BULBS IRRIGATION BOX LIDS/INSULATION MEAL (4)/DEPT MEETING TRAINING MATERIAL PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL 38.44 30.00 6.98 26.16 951.40 387.25 39.49 370.00 1,849.72 FUND 10 DEPT 740 - STRMWTR & ROADWAY MAINT AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL BB MACHINE & SUPPLY IN BB MACHINE & SUPPLY IN ENID IRON & METAL CO PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 LIFEPROOF IPAD CASES (2) PDF EXPERT IPAD APP V157 HOSE REEL V192 HOSE PLATE STRMWTR & ROADWAY MAINT TOTAL 233.98 19.98 105.62 597.51 179.85 1,136.94 FUND 10 DEPT 750 -TECHNICAL SERVICES AIRGAS CENTRAL AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS ATWOOD 01 ENID ATWOOD 01 ENID ATWOOD 01 ENID ATWOOD 01 ENID ATWOOD 01 ENID INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY KMART 3128 LOWES #00205* M&M SUPPLY CO. ROSE STATE COLLEGE WOR SHI CORP SIGNWAREHOUSE.COM WAL-MART #0499 WAY OUT WEST WAY OUT WEST PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 WELDING JACKET/LENS ADAPTERS/HOT CHOCOLATE COAT/COVERALLS/M AGUILAR COAT/COVERALLS/D STUBBS JEANS/M AGUILAR POSTHOLE DIGGER/TOOL BOX V602 PRYBAR BATTERY DVD PLAYER CONCRETE ADHESIVE/CAULK TECH SERV SHOP TOOLS D OPERATOR CLASS/D STUBBS MS OFFICE LICENSE WHITE VINYL JEANS/ D STUBBS COAT/COVERALLS /IPEREZ JEANS/I PEREZ TECHNICAL SERVICES TOTAL 59.57 196.30 209.98 119.98 49.98 52.98 26.99 3.59 79.99 23.26 181.54 368.00 332.00 191.50 56.91 114.90 54.90 2,122.37 FUND 10 DEPT 900 - LIBRARY AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMAZON.COM AMAZON.COM AMAZON.COM APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL BEDLAM BAR-B-Q CENTER POINT LARGE PRI DART/TARTAN/MCNAUGH DMI* DELL K-12/GOVT GREATMATS.COM PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 INK CARTRIDGE/TAPE/VACUUM BELTS/BATTERIES BOOKS (33) CHROMEBOOKS (2) COLORED PENCILS/TISSUE/TAPE/DRILL BITS STORYTIME MUSIC MEAL (4)/OLA TRAINING BOOKS (22) BOOKS (67) MEMORY UPGRADE CARPET TILES Page 3 of 7 326.92 375.37 478.00 213.32 184.83 48.73 464.94 969.33 629.86 258.89 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST GUTHRIE TRAVEL PLAZA HIDEAWAY PIZZA BROADWA JS DONUTS KOHLER SERVICE PARTS LAKESHORE LEARNING MAT LOS CABOS RIVERWALK LOWES #00205* MARRIOTT HOTELS TULSA MARRIOTT TULSA HOTEL S OKLA 00 OF 00 PILOT 00005066 PILOT 00005066 PIZZA HUT #029878 QUALITY LOGO PRODUCTS QUILL CORPORATION RECORDED BOOKS RECORDED BOOKS SCHOOLSIN.COM SQ *GOBEN'S GOODIES STAPLES 00106633 STAPLES DIRECT THE MULE USPS 39282704133607748 WAYFAIR*WAYFAIR WWW.NEWEGG.COM PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 V637FUEL/ODL CLASS MEAL (3)/WEBSITE TRAINING MEAL (12)/DEPT MEETING SOLENOID KIT/PISTON COVER KIT TOY STORAGE CABINET MEAL (5)/TECH TRAINING BULBS/COVE BASE/ADHESIVE/BITS MEAL (2)/GAFE SUMMIT LODGING (6)/TECH TRAINING OLA DUES/M SHERRILL MEAL (2)/WEBSITE TRAINING V637 FUEL/WEBSITE TRAINING PIZZA/TEEN PARTY LOGO MUGS CUPS BOOKS (3) BOOK CD (6) PUPPET HOLDERS (2) HALLOWEEN CANDY PENCILS/ITUNES CARD/STORYTIME DESK CHAIR/FRAMES/PAPER/MAILERS MEAL (3)/ODL PHOTOSHOP SHIPPING FEES CURTAIN/CURTAIN ROD ADAPTER CARDS LIBRARY TOTAL 10-26-15/11-8-15 10.50 42.42 43.55 293.15 573.85 120.12 281.39 9.77 439.32 51.00 8.18 20.00 72.69 294.40 68.64 170.70 288.30 137.00 75.00 102.84 543.72 44.50 18.39 79.07 63.60 7,802.29 FUND 20 DEPT 205 - AIRPORT AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS JAMIE'S BARNSTORMERS LOWES #00205* LOWES #00205* PDQ PRINTING STAPLES 00106633 STUART C IRBY PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 COMPRESSOR BELT MEAL (2)/RIBBON CUTTING CEILING TILES TOILET KIT/BATTERIES RIBBON CUTTING PROGRAMS FOAMBOARD/SCOTCH TAPE LIGHT BULBS AIRPORT TOTAL 29.99 25.68 74.88 37.96 52.50 23.07 99.60 343.68 FUND 22 DEPT 225 - GOLF AUTOPAY/DISH NTWK IN *D.A.L. SECURITY LL IN *TOTAL COM, INC. PP*OKLAHOMAGOL SUDDENLINK-NAT'L SITE THE GARDEN HOUSE PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 MONTHLY DISH SERVICE 10/15 ALARM RADIO BATTERY GCSAA ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION INTERNET TREES (4) GOLF TOTAL 227.00 78.00 85.00 75.00 74.95 525.00 1,064.95 FUND 31 DEPT 760 - SOLID WASTE ENID IRON & METAL CO APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL ATWOOD 01 ENID PO0131757 PROBES PO0131757 PDF EXPERT APP PO0131757 BOTTLED WATER Page 4 of 7 6.00 9.99 44.85 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST ATWOOD 01 ENID ATWOOD 01 ENID ATWOOD 01 ENID LAMPTON WELDING SUPPLY WINCHELL'S DONUTS PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 JEANS (2)/R HUNTER JEANS (3)/J BURDEN JEANS (3)/J SANBORN WELDING ROD MEAL/SAFETY MEETING SOLID WASTE TOTAL 10-26-15/11-8-15 47.98 26.64 26.64 16.56 16.98 195.64 FUND 31 DEPT 785 - PUBLIC UTILITIES MGMT BIG COUNTRY MEAT MARKE FAMILY DOLLAR #2065 STAPLES 00106633 WAL-MART #4390 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 MEAL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION GREASE WIPES INK CARTRIDGE MEAL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION PUBLIC UTILITIES MGMT TOTAL 75.80 4.50 56.98 66.44 203.72 FUND 31 DEPT 790 - WATER PRODUCTION CERTEX - OAKLAHOMA CIT LOWES #00205* LOWES #00205* PO0131757 SAFETY LATCHES PO0131757 INSULATION/PIPE FITTINGS/CHECK VALVE PO0131757 PIPING WATER PRODUCTION TOTAL 100.82 202.25 881.72 1,184.79 FUND 31 DEPT 795 - WATER RECLAMATION SVS 2000 CED ADVANCED WATER SOLUTIO ALBRIGHT STEEL WIRE EN ALBRIGHT STEEL WIRE EN ATWOOD 01 ENID BB MACHINE & SUPPLY IN BIG COUNTRY MEAT MARKE ENID IRON & METAL CO MUNN SUPPLY STAPLES 00106633 UNITED SUPERMARKET 3 USA BLUE BOOK PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 BIT/CONNECTORS WATER SOFTENER RENTAL ANGLE IRON V349 METAL COATS (13) V349 PUMP MEAL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION METAL PLATE ACETYLENE/OXYGEN MONITORS/WIRELESS DEVICE MEAL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION WATER METER PARTS WATER RECLAMATION SVS TOTAL 310.37 19.45 33.84 49.91 726.50 410.00 61.13 330.75 71.74 389.96 56.55 166.43 2,626.63 FUND 31 DEPT 956 - WASTEWATER MGMT BEARING RUBBER & HYDRA UPS (800) 811-1648 PO0131757 RUBBER GASKET MATERIAL PO0131757 SHIPPING FEES WASTEWATER MGMT TOTAL 150.28 39.15 189.43 FUND 40 DEPT 405 - CAP. IMPROVEMENT ENID WINNELSON CO FASTENAL COMPANY01 HUGHES LUMBER COMPANY YUCKOS INC PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 P-1504 STOPS/PLASTIC SLEEVES P-1504 ANCHORS P-1504 WOOD STEAKS/SIDING/FORM BOARDS P-1504 SIGNS/WASTE CONTAINERS CAP. IMPROVEMENT TOTAL 12.48 18.72 325.83 662.00 1,019.03 FUND 50 DEPT 505 - 911 DOWNTOWN THREADS I/O SOLUTIONS, INC. PO0131757 LOGO SHIRTS (37) PO0131757 911 TEST/R SINGLETON Page 5 of 7 766.37 62.00 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST L A POLICE GEAR INC LOWES #00205* THE PUBLIC SAFETY GROU 10-26-15/11-8-15 PO0131757 JACKETS (16) PO0131757 LIGHT BULBS PO0131757 TRAINING AIDS 911 TOTAL 531.89 17.94 399.00 1,777.20 FUND 51 DEPT 515 - POLICE AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMPCO PARKING OKLAHOMA ASIA SUPER BUFFET ATWOOD 01 ENID BLAUER MANUFACTURING BUBBA GUMP - CHICAGO COPS PRODUCTS FAMILY DOLLAR #2065 GALLS GO AIRPORT EXPRESS MID JACK'S OUTDOOR POWER E LOVE S COUNTRY00000521 PAPA GJORGJO NORTH PEGASUS ON THE FLY PIGSKIN'S BBQ PRECISION DELTA CORP SANTA FE CATTLE COMPAN SAVOR-MCCORMICK PLACE SHERATON CHICAGO HOTEL SHOEBUY.COM SNT RIVERMIST STAPLES 00106633 STEVENS FORD TC'S OF ENID INC THE FLAG STORE OF CONN THE GARAGE MIDTOWN WHATABURGER 1004 Q26 WHATABURGER 573 Q26 WYNDHAM GARDEN INN PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 SENSAPHONE ALARMING PARKING/IACP CONF/B SKAGGS MEAL (3)/CLEET/ADA COATS/MAINTENANCE UNIFORM SHIRTS (3)/PARKING COMPLIANCE MEAL/IACP CONF/B SKAGGS UNIFORM/SUPPLIES/HONOR GUARD CLEANER UNIFORM PANTS (3)/PARKING COMPLIANCE SHUTTLE/IACP CONF/B SKAGGS V1030 GENERATOR LABOR V2185 FUEL/CLEET/ADA MEAL (4)/CLEET/ADA MEAL/IACP CONF/B SKAGGS MEAL (4)/CLEET/ADA AMMUNITION MEAL (7)/CLEET/ADA MEAL (3)/IACP CONF/B SKAGGS LODGING/IACP CONF/B SKAGGS UNIFORM BOOTS/PARKING COMPLIANCE V2185 FUEL/CLEET/ADA CERTIFICATE HOLDERS V2061 CLUSTER PROGRAMMING PISTOL/GLOCK AMERICAN FLAG (2) MEAL/OBN TRAINING/A BARBER MEAL (4)/CLEET/ADA MEAL/OBN TRAINING/A BARBER LODGING/OBN TRAINING/A BARBER POLICE TOTAL 539.10 32.00 36.90 129.98 209.97 29.72 255.26 51.00 165.96 16.00 110.33 32.42 57.25 9.59 63.22 341.89 102.19 42.10 1,391.00 104.99 31.64 36.56 117.18 50.00 136.65 16.73 25.70 8.53 316.00 4,459.86 FUND 60 DEPT 605 - CONFERENCE CENTER MISSION REPAIR INC. UPS*1Z37T71E0395120103 PO0131757 IPAD REPAIR PO0131757 SHIPPING FEES CONFERENCE CENTER TOTAL 175.84 20.65 196.49 FUND 65 DEPT 655 - FIRE AMAZON.COM AMAZON.COM BURGER KING #2865 Q07 CARL'S JR 1644 FELD FIRE JACK IN THE BOX #6100 JIMMY JOHNS - 2187 LA QUINTA INN & SUITES PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 METAL DETECTOR UNIFORM SHIRTS (4)/M ANDERSON MEAL/CLEET TRAINING/M SCHATZ MEAL/CLEET TRAINING/M SCHATZ GLOVES MEAL/CLEET TRAINING/M SCHATZ MEAL/FIRE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING LODGING/OKIAAI CONF/K HELMS Page 6 of 7 180.62 108.28 8.39 9.82 261.69 7.48 69.16 196.00 PURCHASING CARD CLAIMS LIST LOWES #00205* MISSISSIPPI MADNESS MOTEL 6 TULSA AIRPORT MSC CLASS C NFPA NATL FIRE PROTECT OREILLY AUTO 00001883 SADDORIS COMPANIES INC STAPLES 00106633 SUMMIT SIGN AND SAFETY TACO BELL #4462 THE FIELDHOUSE USPS 39282704133607748 WAL-MART #0499 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 PO0131757 10-26-15/11-8-15 M-1408B REPLACEMENT GLOBES/GROMMETS V1000 FUEL/CLEET TRAINING/M SCHATZ (CREDIT) REFUND FOR ERRONEOUS CHARGE LIGHTS/WIRE/PIGTAILS CODE BOOK V1005 TIRE GAUGE SHOP TOWEL SERVICE INK CARTRIDGES (2) COAT/M ANDERSON MEAL (3)/CLEET TRAINING/M SCHATZ MEAL/CLEET TRAINING/M SCHATZ SHIPPING FEES DISINFECTING WIPES FIRE TOTAL 60.69 55.01 (56.75) 163.71 171.95 2.46 74.88 75.98 67.39 25.73 7.02 19.15 23.82 1,532.48 FUND 70 DEPT 705 - CDBG BAILEY'S BARBEQUE CHEDDAR'S #280 CHEESECAKE FACTORY #18 FW SAUCER #4 FW SAUCER #4 SHERRY'S CONVENIENCE TOWNEPLACE STES FT WTH VIVO 53 RESTAURANT PO0131773 PO0131773 PO0131773 PO0131773 PO0131773 PO0131773 PO0131773 PO0131773 B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) LODGING/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR B-13(392) MEAL/ENVIR REVIEW TRAINING/S CARR CDBG TOTAL 7.50 20.63 16.13 12.20 17.78 8.04 514.05 19.61 615.94 FUND 99 DEPT 995 - EPTA STAPLES 00106633 WAL-MART #0499 PO0131757 PHONE CASE/LABEL TAPE/CANNED AIR PO0131757 (CREDIT) RETURN DECORATIONS EPTA TOTAL JP MORGANCHASE CLAIMS LIST TOTAL Page 7 of 7 107.83 (16.57) 91.26 $ 35,423.12 City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 12. 1. SUBJECT: AWARD THE PURCHASE OF CRUSHER RUN ROCK TO DOLESE BROTHERS COMPANY, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. BACKGROUND: This is a companion item to 9.8. The City of Enid recently published bid proposals for Crusher Run Rock. The bid proposal solicited prices on various sizes of crusher run rock through June 30, 2016. Dolese Brothers Company was the only vendor that responded. RECOMMENDATION Award the purchase of Crusher Run Rock to Dolese Brothers Company through June 30, 2016. PRESENTER: Billy McBride, Public Works Director. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Amount: Funding Source: Multiple Funds. Y N/A City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 12. 2. SUBJECT: AWARD THE PURCHASE OF READY MIX PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE TO ENID CONCRETE COMPANY, INC., ENID, OKLAHOMA, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016. BACKGROUND: This is a companion item to 9.9. The City of Enid recently published bid proposals for Ready Mix Portland Cement Concrete. One bid, meeting all specifications, was received from Enid Concrete Company, Inc, of Enid, Oklahoma. The bid is valid until June 30, 2016. RECOMMENDATION Award the purchase of Ready Mix Portland Cement Concrete to Enid Concrete Company, Inc through June 30, 2016. PRESENTER: Billy McBride, Public Works Director. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Amount: Funding Source: Multiple Funds. Y N/A City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 12. 3. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $329,783.79. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION PRESENTER: Attachments Claimslist JP Morgan Claimslist City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Andrea Chism, City Attorney 15. 1. SUBJECT: CONSIDER AND APPROVE CONTRACTS TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTIES AT 2317-2321 E CT AND 805-809 S CLEVELAND ST FOR APPROXIMATELY FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($477,000.00), INCLUDING CLOSING COSTS. BACKGROUND: This is a companion to item 9.1. Pursuant to the Agreement with Hunt Properties, Inc., the City will acquire approximately 23 parcels in the Lahoma Addition. The expenses incurred in acquiring these properties will be recouped by the City upon sale of the properties to Hunt Properties. RECOMMENDATION Approve contracts. PRESENTER: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney. Fiscal Impact Budgeted Y/N: Amount: Funding Source: EEDA Y $477,000.00 City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 15. 2. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,400.00. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION PRESENTER: Attachments Claimslist JP Morgan Claimslist City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 18. 1. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,747.81. BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION PRESENTER: Attachments Claimslist JP Morgan Claimslist City Commission Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Submitted By: Kristin Martin, Executive Assistant 21. SUBJECT: CONSIDER CONVENING INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO 25 O.S. §307(B)(3) TO DISCUSS THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY AND PURSUANT TO 25 O.S. §307(C)(10) TO DISCUSS MATTERS PERTAINING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BECAUSE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION IS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE BUSINESS, AND TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION. BACKGROUND: The City Attorney recommends the Mayor and Board of Commissioners go into Executive Session pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. §307(B)(3), to discuss “the purchase or appraisal of real property,” and pursuant to 25 Okla. Stat. §307(C)(10), to confer “on matters pertaining to economic development, including the transfer of property, financing, or the creation of a proposal to entice a business to remain or to locate…” within Enid because public disclosure of the matter to be discussed would violate the confidentiality of the business. Upon conclusion of the Executive Session, the Commission will reconvene into Regular Session to take any necessary action. RECOMMENDATION Convene into Executive Session. PRESENTER: Andrea L. Chism, City Attorney.