January - Temple Beth Tzedek
January - Temple Beth Tzedek
TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK 621 Getzville Road • Buffalo, NY 14226 • (716) 838-3232 TEVET - SH’VAT 5773 JANUARY 2013 LEADERSHIP MISSION VISITS ISRAEL By Jeffrey and Leah Blum and George and Lisa Wallenfels No, we weren’t wearing dark shades and dark suits, and we weren’t trying to dodge the law. But we were on a mission nonetheless. On Oct. 27, 2012, a group of 37 Buffalonians from varying backgrounds – including many of us from Temple Beth Tzedek – boarded a plane on a Young Leadership Mission to Israel. We left our regular daily lives, homes and businesses behind to explore our heritage and homeland on a trip sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Buffalo, to develop future leaders for Western New York. No one on this trip would have guessed how much this weeklong journey would change their lives and create the possibility of changing the Buffalo Jewish community. Participants from TBT included Lisa and George Wallenfels, Leah and Jeffrey Blum, Dana and Dr. Michael Stoffman, Lynn and Joseph Catalano, Carrie Rittenhouse and Joseph Enis. Leslie and Jim Kramer also participated as co-leaders of the expedition, along with Steven and Ellen Weiss and Robert and Shira Goldberg. Michael Wise, executive director and CEO of the Federation, and Women’s Philanthropy Director Randi Morkisz staffed the trip for Federation. Now, as winter is beginning to set in here in Buffalo, the warmth generated by the camaraderie, the ruach, the energy and commitment has been unbelievable. People from different synagogues, different communities and different neighborhoods came together – some as friends, some as strangers – for one of those journeys that takes you deep into your own heart as much as to a foreign land. Learning about Jews, Israeli history, politics, geography, each other’s families and spirituality made this journey an amazing adventure. We began as acquaintances, but we ended as “family.” Our lives have become entwined with that of each other, with the Jewish people and with the past, present and future of Israel. We expect this trip to influence our Buffalo Jewish community for years to come. We are continuing this journey by participating in several leadership workshops together in the coming months as well as increasing our involvement in our synagogue and Jewish community. We welcome and invite you to ask about our trip. Federation’s young leadership group See insert for more photos From the . . . Cholent POT Am I the only one who is stunned that we have just celebrated the beginning of a new calendar year? Is there anyone else shocked at how quickly 2012 flew by? How does that happen? Each year is measured the same: 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. 31,536,000 seconds. That does not change, except on a leap year. It shouldn’t feel like it does; yet it does, for so many of us. While a calendar year is very much an invented artifice, imposing a structure that gives shape and form to shapeless and formless time, and one day is really no different than any other, nevertheless the advent of a new calendar year does give us pause. A new year is both a last chance and a new beginning. We are reminded with each flip of the calendar that life is precarious and fragile and it can come to an end in an instant. We are also reminded that life is a gift, precious beyond appreciation. How we use the day is completely our choice. Perhaps that is why the author of Psalm 90:12 exhorts: “Limnot yamenu ken hoda, v’navi levav hokhmah”; teach us to number our days, so that we may attain a heart of wisdom. Continued on page 2 From the . . . Cholent POT Continued . . . How do we feel about time? Listen to some of the ways we refer to it: we waste time, we use time, we kill time, we spend time, we make time, we fill time, we save time, we mark time. But rarely do we count time, except when the calendar reminds us that time is passing quickly. What if we treated time like we treat money? I know it is a cliché, time is money. But what if, for the sake of discussion, we felt that every second was worth one dollar. Every morning, we wake up with $86,400. The balance doesn’t carry over; each day is use it or lose it. Most of us, I would imagine, would make sure we spent every penny and get the most for our money. We are experts at spending money. But is our time less valuable than our money? Clearly not; we can recoup lost money, but never can we recover time. Once it passes, it is gone. Truth is, each of us wakes up in the morning with a full account of 86,400 seconds. Whatever we fail to use during the day disappears at night, like manna in the desert. We have no “rollover seconds”; there is no overdraft protection. Would we then count our time with the same precision as we count our loose change? Would we then plan out each day to spend our time in a way that gets the most for our money? “Teach us to number our days.” These are words so powerful, so insightful, that we use them as part of the Yizkor liturgy. “Al korkhekha atta hai” – against your will you are born; “V’al korkhehka atta met” – against your will you die, Rabbi Elazar Hakkapar teaches (Avot 4:29). None of us really makes that choice. But in the time between the two poles of birth and death, we have choices to make. And the good ones begin with counting. See you in shul. Perry Netter, Rabbi Word A FROM OUR PRESIDENT THE INSPIRING EFFECT OF A REMARKABLE COMMUNITY On Nov. 27, I attended the play, The Blue Rose, which is a stage adaptation by Darleen Pickering Hummert – performed by the Theatre for Change – from the book with the same name by Gerda Weissmann Klein, the inspiring and extraordinary humanitarian, author and survivor of the Holocaust. Mrs. Weissman Klein wrote this book in 1974 about the specialness of her neighbor, 6-year-old Jenny Innerfield, who had a developmental disability. She wanted to “help readers accept and love unconditionally every child who was physically or mentally challenged” (from the preface to the republication of The Blue Rose in 2008). This program was sponsored through the Blue Rose Foundation, with funding from the Daigler Family Scholarship Fund – as administered by the Foundation of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo – and from the Jewish Community Book Fair. This event was inspiring and remarkable on many levels. First, it was comforting and uplifting to be part of a Buffalo community where our schools and community organizations, secular and religious, come together in earnest to understand, respect and embrace the differences among us. The sheer number of students from schools throughout the area, including from our TBT Gesher School and the Kadimah School, as well as community citizens of all ages – totaling about 1,500 in attendance for the two performances – conveyed strongly that persons with disability, and their families and care-providers, are not alone. The powerful remarks of community leaders, including our own Sharla Bleichfeld, and the outpouring of support from the audience during the questions and answers, underscored the recognition of the humanity and need for relationships of every individual of every ability. 2 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Second, it is remarkable that Jenny of the The Blue Rose has become our dear friend, as have so many other special individuals, through a decade of celebrating Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim, Pesach and Shavuot together as community through our Outstretched Arm (OA) Program. This initiative, of course, is led and supported by co-chairs Lynne Birnholz and Sharla Bleichfeld, Kesher co-chairs Irv Sellers and Janet Presser, Rabbi Perry Netter and Cantor Mark Spindler, musicians Alan Sisselman, Roberta Levine, Ruth Merlin and Andy Symons, and a phenomenal group of volunteers. And it is remarkable that our Gesher School children have become exceptional role models for acceptance and understanding through their regular participation in our OA programs. That’s occurred through the leadership of our Education Director Einav Symons, with Lori Morrison and dedicated teachers. Finally, the confluence of this community joint effort for the Blue Rose production, and TBT’s enduring commitment to acts of loving-kindness, gives me hope and confidence that this collaboration will be ongoing – that Buffalo-area secular and religious organizations will continue to work together to address unmet critical needs of individuals with disability, illness and frailty in the caring embrace of community. This confidence was bolstered by the attendance at our Dec. 9 OA Chanukah program by several esteemed guests: Beverly Slichta-Cusick, president of the Blue Rose Foundation; Hummert, the director of Theatre for Change; Eleanor Daigler, from the Daigler Family Scholarship Fund; and Georgia Mesches, a board member of the Blue Rose Foundation. Stay tuned for exciting possibilities ahead. Let us know of your creative ideas and interest. Kol Ha-Kavod, TBT community, for remarkable and inspiring good work and leadership. Janet Gunner (SISTERHOOD) The ladies of Sisterhood wish you a Happy and Healthy secular New Year. Linda Steinhorn and I returned from convention exhausted and invigorated. We began our time in Summerlin, Nev., attending a United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism Shabbaton held at Temple Beth Sholom. After services, we rested (adjusting to time change), hung out and greeted others arriving for the convention. The highlight of Sunday was the installation of the 2012 – 2014 administration and a tribute to honorary convention chair Blanche Meisel. Rabbi Bradley Artson was the installing officer, and led a session on text study after Shacharit on Monday morning. Rabbi Eliott Dorff was the keynote speaker on Monday. He talked about “Conser vative Halakah, Yesterday and Tomorrow.” The overall theme of convention was “Uri, Uri, Greet the New Dawn,” so many speakers spoke about change. During lunch on Monday, winners of the Jewels in the Crown Award were recognized. Our Sisterhood received an Emerald Award, the highest level attainable. This is the second successive time we have received this award. The new Strategic Plan for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism(WLCJ) was presented on Tuesday. Jewish Theological Seminary(JTS) Chancellor Arnold Eisen spoke after lunch, as Torah Fund celebrated all it has accomplished in the past 70 years. Carolyn Baron, retiring director of Torah Fund, was recognized for her leadership, and her successor, Rabbi Abby Ture, was introduced. Wednesday was the closing plenum. Members and friends of Women’s League contributed an amount in excess of $35,000 to be distributed to guests at Fisher House, a residence for families and veterans who are receiving treatment at a nearby Veterans Administration(VA) hospital. The gift was received by the director of the West LA Fisher House, Sharon Hudson. A highlight of the closing plenum was a presentation by Rabbi Bonnie Koppell, the first female rabbi to serve as a chaplain in the armed forces. She holds the rank of colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. The closing announcement was that the next convention will be in early summer (July) 2014 in the New York City area. Sisterhood held its Chanukah meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Yasher Koach to our program chairs, Rachel Cohen and Deanna Kardaman. It was a wonderful afternoon of good food, friendship and entertainment. Our January meeting is still tentative so you will need to watch your mail for information. February will be our month for Sisterhood Shabbat on Friday, Feb. 1, and Vashti’s Banquet and Bazaar on Sunday, Feb. 17. Details will follow. B’Shalom, Carolyn and Rusty BOYZ’ IN THE HOOD (BROTHERHOOD) Happy (secular) New Year, from the ‘Hood! Well, it’s been a busy few months, and we capped it off in late December by teaming up with the TBT Membership Committee for a special pancake brunch on Dec. 25 – you know, when our only options as Jews outside the home are basically movies and Chinese food. So instead, we cooked up some pancakes, eggs and plenty of other breakfast treats, while our families and kids took part in some arts and crafts activities and enjoyed some movie entertainment. We had quite a nice crowd as usual, and a good time was had by all. Our thanks go to all the volunteers from Brotherhood and Membership who made it happen. January’s a little quieter for Brotherhood while we prepare for some upcoming activities. I’ll be heading south to Baltimore for a national leadership training program by the International Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs at the beautiful Pearlstone Retreat and Conference Center, getting armed with new ideas and inspired by the fantastic energy of our brothers across the country and in Canada. Look for more on that in the future. On Feb. 3, we’ll be partnering once again with Gesher School for the annual World Wide Wrap program, an international FJMC initiative to encourage men (and students or anyone else!) to don tefillin together. It’s a wonderful opportunity to teach and learn the mitzvot associated with wearing the two little black boxes – with the words of the Shema written inside – on the forehead and upper arm, and wrapping the leather strap around the arm and hand. And we’ll be doing it with thousands of other men around the world, even as we teach our Gesher students – boys and girls. Plus, of course, we’ll be serving brunch! There’s more to come in March, as we plan a wine tasting, and we’re also looking at a pizza program. Plus, we’ll once again be distributing our Yom HaShoah Yellow Candles to remember those we lost in the Holocaust. Remember that we’re always open to ideas and input from you, our members and guests. As always, I’m available anytime, by phone, email, one-on-one, carrier pigeon, signal flares or any means of communication if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. I look forward to seeing you at the next Brotherhood event. Until then, we are…. Together in Brotherhood, Jonathan D. Epstein President Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 3 SIMCHA SHABBAT (A celebration of monthly birthdays and anniversaries for our Temple Beth Tzedek family) We thank the following participants of the Dec. 8, 2012 Simcha Shabbat Kiddish: ANNIVERSARY BENEFACTORS Marcia & Len Saran (also honored by Melinda Saran) ANNIVERSARY DONORS Marilyn & Irv Sultz* ANNIVERSARY SPONSORS Belle & Cantor Gerald DeBruin* (November anniversary) Myra & Allan Werbow BIRTHDAY BENEFACTORS Jonathan Fogel BIRTHDAY DONORS Helen Bergman* Jerry Markzon BIRTHDAY SPONSORS Sheila Bernstein* Leah Blum Ursula Falk Sophie Fogel Jonah Fogel Noah Fogel Janet Gunner Harvey Horowitz* Jeffrey Horowitz (honored by Myra & Harvey Horowitz) Allan Lansky Elinda Reich Lilah Waldman* Robin Waldman *indicates a milestone year December Milestone Birthdays Nancy Bloom Sally Gordon David Grayck Virginia Kaufman Sheree Lamendola Rose Levin Richard Rosenthal Pauline Rosokoff Alla Segal Rose Wisel Other December Milestone Anniversaries Rose & Harold Gandel Arlene & Sid Josephson Jennie & Howard Popkin Tu B’Shvat (excerpted from Chabad.org) When’s the last time you wished a tree Happy New Year? The 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat is a great opportunity. It’s known as Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for Trees. Tu B’Shevat—celebrated this year on Shabbat, Jan. 26, 2013—is the day that marks the beginning of a “New Year for Trees.” This is the season in which the earliestblooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. Why do trees celebrate their New Year so much later than ours? It has to do with the rainy season in Israel, which commences with the festival of Sukkot. It takes four months for the rains to saturate the soil, nurture the trees and coax them into producing fruit. This is important to know if you are planning to give your tithes of fruits, as is done in the Land of Israel, because the required tithes vary from year to year. It’s also important if you are a tree and looking for something to celebrate. Humans can also celebrate along with the trees. After all, the Torah says, “Man is a tree of the field.” We are nurtured by deep roots, as far back as Abraham and Sarah; we reach upwards to the heavens while standing firmly on the ground; and when we do all this right, we produce fruits that benefit the world—namely, our good deeds. Eat some fruit on this day. Best if you can get some of those fruits for which Israel is famous: olives, dates, grapes, figs and pomegranates. The New Year of Trees Tu B’Shvat KIDDUSH SPONSORS The following have sponsored a Kiddush or S’eudah Shlisheet during the month of November: Celebrants of birthdays & anniversaries occurring during the month of November Temple Beth Tzedek, in honor of the 25th Anniversary of Cantor Mark Spindler The next Simcha Shabbat will be Jan. 19, 2013. The Gendler & Epstein families, in honor of the special birthday of For more information or to be a participant, please contact Linda Boxer (284-1534 or [email protected]) or Kim Jones in the Temple office (838-3232) 4 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Judith Epstein Roberta Levine & Alan Sisselman, in observance of the Yarhrzeit of William Sisselman Project Beit Tefilah Update Our recent activities concerning Project Beit Tefilah continue to focus on evaluation of architects and potential sites. The Design Team(whose 17 members were listed in a prior Shofar column) is getting closer to being ready to make a recommendation of an architect. Information about any recommended architect will be shared with the Board and the membership before any architect is selected. During the fall, we also retained a wetlands consultant to provide preliminary evaluations of the Bryant Woods and B’nai Shalom sites. As expected, both sites had at least some areas that could potentially be wetlands. Those potential wetlands areas were smaller at the B’nai Shalom site. We will continue to explore whether the Bryant Woods site is viable from a wetlands perspective. But we will also continue to explore other potential sites. For now, we have requested, and been granted, an extension of our deadline to make a decision on the Bryant Woods site. Many of you may be wondering – and some of you have been asking me – why it seems that the progress of Project Beit Tefilah seems to have slowed? Will we even have an opportunity to make a decision as to whether to move? Is the potential buyer ready to move forward? We continue to be in frequent contact with the potential buyers. They remain extremely motivated to do this project. They are engaging in their due diligence, including environmental evaluations of our building and land, and we will bear no risks concerning those evaluations. They have also been busy seeking partners who can participate as co-owners, co-developers and/or long-term tenants to develop a financially viable plan. The potential buyers are encouraged by their efforts and we expect that, by early spring, we will know whether this plan can happen from the buyers’ perspective. By then, we should be in a better position to decide whether this is something that we want to do. So, in short, things have been moving a little slower than we hoped. But rather than letting that get us discouraged, we have used the time to be more deliberate in our selection of architects and potential development sites. In the long run, this will make our Project Beit Tefilah even more successful. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to Janet Gunner or Harvey Sanders. Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 5 Thank You! By Cantor Mark Spindler (as delivered at Cantor’s Gala, November 17, 2012) beautiful place in which to live. First, I want to thank my wonderful family who is with me tonight. To my beautiful wife, Leona, I can’t thank you enough for your love and support through the many years we have shared together. Leona and I couldn’t be happier to be here in this wonderful city of Buffalo and its community. We each found our niche and it is just a Annie, my fabulous daughter, what can I say? I love you so much. You have been at the center of our lives. We are so proud of your accomplishments. You have graduated college and you are working as an R.N. at St. Joe’s Hospital. You are also continuing your education so that you can move up the ladder in your profession. You and your wonderful and devoted husband, Sean, are raising your two beautiful children, Lily and James, in such a wonderful and caring way. Leona and I are so proud of both of you. I have to recognize two very special people who are here tonight, who are really like family to us, and they are Julie and Bill Kaufman, our son-in-law’s parents. We are really grateful and appreciative for all that you have done for us. Thank you for all your kindness and caring. Also here are Julie and Bill’s daughters, Emily and Rachel, who also happen to be very special and kind young ladies. Sean’s older brother, Matt, and his girlfriend, Siobhan, could not be with us. Grandma Iris is also with us. You are such a sweet, caring and kind lady. You are truly a role model for the entire family. You are now recovering from a recent accident and we wish you a speedy recovery, and I am so grateful that you were able to be here with us this evening. I am so happy that my sister-in-law, Abby, is here for me on this special occasion. When my wife called Abby and told her I was being honored, she didn’t hesitate for a moment. She was coming right away. I’ve known Abby for as long as I have been married to Leona. She has treated me with such kindness, sincerity and affection. I am so glad you are here to celebrate with me. 6 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Some of my earliest and fondest memories in my life are going to Shul with my father. I would be sitting next to my father and listening to him singing the melodies along with the cantor. He loved cantorial music. He loved to listen to the music of the Eastern European cantors. When I was in Hebrew School, I excelled in Hebrew studies. I went to synagogue regularly and attended Junior Congregation. I led the service for the children at Junior Congregation. When I was studying for my Bar Mitzvah with the cantor, he encouraged me to chant from the Torah and lead services. And so I did. I read the entire Torah portion and led the Musaf service. After my Bar Mitzvah, I taught children how to read from the Torah to help the cantor out. When I was in high school, there was a synagogue in need of a Torah reader. I was able to help the synagogue, and besides, I enjoyed reading Torah. It was a rewarding experience. The congregation was so nice to me that they sponsored a special Kiddush in my honor since I was going off to college. Another occasion was where my services were needed in a small synagogue in the outskirts of where I lived. This was to lead services for the High Holy Days. My father accompanied me to the shul, and he was truly rewarded. He heard me daven and he was very, very happy for me. Through the encouragement of my father and my involvement in my synagogue, I was destined to become a cantor. As a result, I studied at Yeshiva University. I received my B.A. in music and I attended the Cantorial School simultaneously and graduated with a degree in cantorial music. My first position was as cantor of Congregation Brothers of Israel in Trenton, N.J. I served there for 11 years. I taught many B’Nai Mitzvah during the course of my stay there. It was a wonderful position. Then it was time to move on. In 1983, I went for an audition in Buffalo, N.Y. It seemed like a wonderful fit for me, but they took someone else. I took a position in Lake Hiawatha, N.J., at the Lake Hiawatha Jewish Center. It was a very small congregation. The congregation was losing members while I was there and after I served there for four years, they had to close their doors. When I began applying for other positions, the job in Buffalo was available again. I came to Buffalo for an audition, and this time, I was hired as the cantor of Temple Shaarey Zedek. I guess the second time was the charm. Continued on page 7 Your voices filled the room with such beauty and spirit that it made us all feel uplifted and set the tone for this festive occasion. I cannot begin to thank Irwin, Sharon, Audrey and Ed – and a special thank you to Penny for coordinating this magnificent tribute concert. I must make mention of my voice teacher, Marilyn Barber, without whom I don’t know where I would be. I’ve worked with other voice teachers in Buffalo, but Marilyn is the one who has guided me. She has taught me how to sing correctly, she has developed my voice to the point where I should be able to sing for many years to come, and she is a very dedicated and devoted teacher and a person who I can sincerely look up to. Rabbi Perry Netter honors Cantor Mark Spindler See insert for more photos Now, you know the rest of the story. Well, I have to say, this is an extraordinary congregation. I have had the support of everyone from day one. Everybody was so friendly and welcoming. I am so thankful and appreciative that I have been able to serve this congregation for this length of time. This congregation seems to be focused on where they are going and what their goals are. Everyone seems to be working together looking toward the future and doing what is best for the synagogue. I truly feel blessed to be part of this warm, friendly and outstanding congregation. I couldn’t be in a better place. At this time I want to thank Lisa Davidson, the chairperson of this most beautiful and memorable event. This truly was a yeoman’s effort. I know you must have spent endless hours of thoughtful consideration and preparation for this evening. It was all worth the time and effort. I also want to thank the entire committee for their dedication and hard work in preparing for this event. I am truly appreciative of all your efforts in bringing this event to its culmination. What an exciting evening. These last 25 years have been so satisfying and fulfilling for me. My first love is working with the B’Nai Mitzvah students. I have taught so many over these many years and loved every minute of being with them. I truly enjoy teaching them, guiding them and ultimately, reaching their final goal of conducting the service on the day of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. For me, it is a meaningful and moving day. I hope some of them will have an impact in our community or wherever they may be as they grow up and mature in their lives. And a word to my colleagues: What a beautiful and uplifting way to begin this special evening. I couldn’t be more pleased and excited than to have my wonderful colleagues here with me this evening. This concert was especially meaningful to me because it was performed so beautifully by my dear friends and colleagues whom I have gotten to know over my years in Buffalo. I want to thank the entire synagogue staff for their concern and caring; Cantor Emeritus Debruin, Michele Lynch and especially Allan Werbow and Kim Jones whom I’ve worked with for these last 25 years: you guys are the best. There is one special person who makes life here at Beth Tzedek a true joy. He is, of course, my Rabbi, friend and colleague, Perry. You have brought so much joy and fun, with your unbelievable intellect and your good naturedness. I have learned so much from you in the short time that you have been here. If you have some advice for me, you do it in such a way that it is positive and reassuring. I am so thrilled that we are working together and I hope that we will continue to lead this beautiful congregation together for many more years to come. I am so fortunate to have you here to celebrate this special event with me. Finally, as I look out at this packed auditorium, my heart is filled with gratitude and humility. There aren’t enough words to describe how I feel at this time. This congregation is unbelievable. You are the most loving, caring and warm people I have ever met. I want to thank all the parents of my former students and present students for being so cooperative and understanding. You have made my job that much easier. And, of course, your children are wonderful. These past 25 years have been the best years of my life. Thank you to my students, their parents and all of you who are assembled here tonight for this spectacular and meaningful event. This is truly an evening that I will remember for the rest of my life. Thank you all for coming. Cantor Mark Spindler Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 7 @ In the interests of streamlining communication with staff and committees, Temple Beth Tzedek has set up the following email addresses to ensure messages are delivered to the right people. Please use them accordingly. [email protected] – Rabbi Perry Netter [email protected] – Cantor Mark Spindler [email protected] – Executive Director Allan Werbow [email protected] – TBT President Janet Gunner [email protected] – TBT Catering [email protected] – Linda Linsky [email protected] – TBT Librarian Craig Posmantur [email protected] – TBT Office [email protected] – Administrative Assistant Kim Jones [email protected] – Administrative Assistant Michele Lynch [email protected] – Membership inquiries [email protected] – RSVP for TBT events [email protected] – Messages, articles or other submissions to Shofar editor [email protected] – TBT Roster Book Committee [email protected] – “Go Green” Initiative, for email delivery of Shofar [email protected] – TBT Webmaster Larry Boxer Could You Use A No-Interest Loan? 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Friedes Simon Friedland Rose Friedman Frank Gallin Harold Geller Frank Gellman Louis Gerst Lenore Godin Eva Goldman Morris Goldman Meyer Gordon Minnie Goun Sam Goun Avi Sarah Greenberg Mildred Grelick Rose Gross Minnie Hesch Betty Hirschberg Ben Hoffman Jack Horowitz Nathan Jacobs Morris Jacobson Henry Kahn Hyman Kardaman Fannie Katz Raquel Kubiak Emily Kurland Ellen Kushner Joseph Landberg Morris Laufer Sol Laventhal Alexander Leavy Kenneth Leve Leon I. Levenson Irwin Levine Kenneth Levine Sidney Levine Nathan Levy Harry Lewis Ellis Lichtblau Herman Lichtblau Sarah Lichtblau Sheldon Macoff Jane Magil Samuel Marks Jack Mastman Harry Mednick Isaac Mehana Gertrude “Goldie” Meltzer Robert Ian Mesch Steven Meyer Gladys Hannah Miller Max Mingal Henry Mintz Ida Narotsky Max Newman Sam Nisberg Esther Nudelman Abraham Pastor Philip Pohl Busya Polak Randy Oshlag Benjamin Plotkin Edward Plotkin Max Podolsky Mary Polakoff Jacob Post Edith Potosky Dr. A. Harry Ravins Harry Reisman Irene Ribakove Lillian Mardell Rohlman Minnie Rosenberg Samuel Rosenthal George Ross Lester Rossen Diana Samson Leo Samson Benjamin Schneiderman Harold Schneiderman Ida Schneiderman Isadore Schneiderman James Schneiderman Louis Schneiderman Joan Seeman Walter Semerau Gerhardt Shumaker Sarah Singer Rheda Sirkin William Sisselman Isadore Sniderman Selma Speier Myron Sperer Nathan Sterman Arthur Stern Sandra Stoliar Florence Taksen Luba Taylorson Sara Their Anna Tuchman Melvin Tuchman Betty Ullman William Wallach Herbert Wallen Leon Wallens Rena Wallens Esther Weinberg Leo Weinrieb Bella Williams Sarah Wolffe Dr. Maurice Zackheim Marion Zamek Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 9 We Acknowledge with Thanks to the Following TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTORS Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund In Honor of: 80th Birthday of Papa Alan Adam, Brett & Hayley Bernstein 80th Birthday of Alan Bernstein Ellen, Amy, Marc & Jen Bernstein Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Lee J. Etelson Norman & Hannah Weinberg Bradley J. Bronstein Memorial Fund In Honor of: Recovery of Lynn Bronstein Judy & Eric Davis Edna Kielar Michele Lynch Michael Bloom Carol Davis Renee Joffe Eric & Judy Davis Alvin & Joyce Mintz In Appreciation of Kesher Committee Ilene Scheib Sharon Silbiger Judy & Eric Davis Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Memory of: Mary Hanoka Lynne & Alan Birnholz Molly Forman Judy & Eric Davis Building Fund In Memory of: Rosalyn Antman Mendy & Edith Fine In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Irwin Yalowich Rachel Yalowich Janice & Jerry Robins' Granddaughter Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Roz & Harvey Podolsky Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund In Honor of: Special Birthday of Shirlee Stromberg Gluckstein Irv & Gloria Atlas Speedy Recovery of Rosalie Rosenband Illene Cooper Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund In Memory of: Dr. Robert Reisman Leonard & Rita Weiss Education Fund In Memory of: Chuck Blinkoff Illene Cooper Sylvia & Louis Cooper Fund In Memory of: David Cooper Jack Robins & Elaine Cheiffetz Fran Bogom Sarah & Ted Chertoff Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Memory of: Rosalyn Antman Gert Bacol & Bernie Engel Carol Davis Pauline Freedman Judy & Eric Davis In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Israel Sander Davis Carol Davis In Observance of the Yahrzeits of Ruth Weiss, Norman Weiss, Ralph Davis and Gloria Davis Judy & Eric Davis Sally Scheib Tinka Lendner 10 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Chanukah Outstretched Arm Program Daniel & Ida Serure Janice Felsen Carol Davis Education Fund In Honor of: Birth of David & Roberta Essrow's Great-Grandson, Ethan Elaine & Mel Brothman Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Honor of: Jared Wallenfels Being Called to the Torah Gert Bacol & Bernie Engel Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Sylvia Greenman Ilene Levine 25 Wonderful Years of Cantor Spindler Illene Cooper In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Mowry Hacker Janet Presser Janice Felsen Harvey & Myra Horowitz Beatrice Kaiser Eric & Judy Davis Molly Forman Barbara & Michael Sitrin Mark L. Josephson Torah Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Iris Statland Arlene Josephson Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Honor of: Cantor Spindler & Rabbi Netter for Kindness at Morning Minyan Cheryl Rudin Sam Cohen Illene Cooper Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Memory of: Sally Scheib Shirlee Stromberg Gluckstein Mary Hanoka Laura & Phil Recoon Samuel Weinstock Jeff & Chris Stromberg Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund In Honor of: Get-Well Wishes for Albert Brunn Shirley & Larry Magil Kiddush Fund In Memory of: Zelda Waldman Donald & Erma Bader Speedy Recovery of Annette Levenson Ilene Levine Rabbi Isaac Klein Scholar-in-Residence Endowment Fund In Honor of: Refuah Shlemah for Sylvia Greenman Muriel Segal Speedy Recovery of Rosalie Rosenband Larry & Shirley Magil Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Sylvia Greenman Ilene Levine Chanukah Outstretched Arm Program Daniel & Ida Serure In Appreciation of Kesher Committee Ilene Scheib Rabbi Isaac Klein Scholar-in-Residence Endowment Fund In Memory of: Rosalyn Antman Muriel Segal Frances Kornmehl Memorial Fund In Honor of: In Appreciation of Bernie's Aliya on Shabbat Bernie & Jill Kornmehl We Acknowledge with Thanks to the Following TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTORS Rabbi Isaac Klein Library Fund In Honor of: Helen Bergman Suzanne Kahn Pulpit Fund In Honor of: The Israeli Soldiers Oded Rauvenpoor Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Honor of: Special Birthday of Judith Epstein Ina Sanders Speedy Recovery of Rosalie Rosenband Bernie & Sandra Weinstein Ilene Levine Herb & Roz Weiss Bat Mitzvah of Leah Kramer Caroline & Ira Lieberman Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Memory of: Mary Hanoka Helaine & Harvey Sanders In Appreciation of Sisterhood Kindness to Me Illene Cooper Cantor Mark Spindler Judy & Jerry Carrel Marriage of Ellis & Laurie Werbow and the Birth of Asher Avraham Werbow Eileen & Arnold Markowitz Rabbi Isaac Klein Library Fund In Memory of: Samuel Cagen Annette Kareff Mary Hanoka Edie Teibel Robert Reisman Edie Teibel Sally Scheib Edie & Art Block Molly Forman Sandy Perlmuter Sally and William Malkinson Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Marriage of Ellis & Laurie Werbow and the Birth of Asher Avraham Werbow Barbara & Irwin Ginsberg Henrietta Steinberg Music Fund In Honor of: Cantor Spindler, for 25 Years of Service to Temple Sam Korus Pamel & Dr. Ilja Weinrieb Sara Joseph Mazel Tov & Thank You to Cantor Spindler for All Your Support and Kindness Over the Years Steve & Fern Bernstein Cantor Mark Spindler Jack Robins & Elaine Cheiffetz In Appreciation of Cantor Spindler Ilene Scheib Ritual Fund In Memory of: Grandfather, William Sperling Dr. & Mrs. Harold Levy Janice Felsen Jeanette & Frank Levin In Appreciation of Rabbi Netter Ilene Scheib Norman & Hannah Weinberg's Recent Honor from the Jewish Federation Mimi & Herschel Balsom Birth of Asher Avraham Werbow Gert Schwab Marriage of Laurie & Ellis Werbow Gert Schwab Pulpit Fund In Memory of: Aaron Dobzewitz Dr. Herschel & Mimi Balsom Beatrice Pincus Judy & Eric Davis Samuel Weinstock Drs. Lisa Benson & Lee Guterman Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Birth of Asher Avraham Werbow Rina & Mark Kotok Marriage of Laurie & Ellis Werbow Rina & Mark Kotok Temple Fund In Honor of: Judy & Jerry Carrel's 50th Wedding Anniversary Sheila & Jeffrey Carrel Mendy & Edith Fine, in Appreciation of Good Deeds Helen Ablove Receiving an Aliyah Mona Lewis In Appreciation of Temple David Rogachefsky Jeanne Johnson Birth of Spencer Pollock Rena S. Rose Cantor Mark Spindler, on his 25th Anniversary with Temple Lenore Marx Marriage of Ellis & Laurie Werbow and the Birth of Asher Avraham Werbow Donald & Erma Bader Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Sally Scheib Marian & Steve Lustig Temple Fund In Memory of: Ruth Fox Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bernhardt Jonathan Schechter & Ruth Collins Janice Felsen Lee Lippa Mary Hanoka Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Bruce S. Rein Memorial Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Rosalie Rosenband Rae Cohen Samuel Cagen Joyce & Mel Block Bruce S. Rein Memorial Fund In Memory of: Sally Scheib Henry Peita Rae Cohen Barbara Meyers Henry & Lynn Ullman Synagogue Renovation Fund In Honor of: Happy Birthday to Joe Sterman & Sylvia Weiss Herb & Roz Weiss Synagogue Renovation Fund In Memory of: Dr. Robert Reisman Joe Sterman & Sylvia Weiss Larry & Cookie Levin Oscar Smukler Larry & Cookie Levin My Parents, Peter & Yanina Sermyazhko Tamara Castro Sally Scheib Helen Ablove Frank Kurtz Janice Felsen Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Oscar Smukler Michael Bloom Shirley & Cyrus Trossman Museum Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Martin Trossman Tinka Lendner Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 11 TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK Amherst, New York TEMPLE OFFICE SCHOOL OFFICE Rabbi Cantor Cantor Emeritus Executive Director Chairman of the Board President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Non-Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Buffalo, N. Y. Permit No. 2434 838-3232 836-2660 Perry Netter Mark Spindler Gerald DeBruin Allan Werbow Harvey Sanders Janet Gunner Judy Davis Lisa Davidson Janet Presser Rick Jacobson Ariel Kostiner Alan Goldstein Mailing Address 621 Getzville Road Buffalo, NY 14226 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday Shaharit Service 8:30 a.m. Weekday Shaharit Service 7:30 a.m. Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 6 p.m. Saturday Shabbat Service 9 a.m. Daily Minha Sunday through Friday 6 p.m. Saturday Minha followed by S’eudah Shlisheet, Ma’ariv & Havdalah January 5 – 4:15 p.m. January 12 – 4:15 p.m. January 19 – 4:30 p.m. January 26 – 4:30 p.m. OUR NEXT ISSUE ALL MATERIALS FOR THE FEBRUARY SHOFAR MUST BE RECEIVED BY February 2 – 4:45 p.m. February 9 – 4:45 p.m. February 16 – 5:00 p.m. February 23 – 5:15 p.m. JANUARY 7, 2013 Find us on the Web at: http://www.btzbuffalo.org or email us at [email protected] JANUARY 2013 SUNDAY DECEMBER 2012 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 24 Tevet TEVET - SH’VAT 5773 MONDAY FEBRUARY 2013 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7 25 Tevet 2 Sh’vat 14 3 Sh’vat Gesher School Talmud Class 9:30 a.m. 20 9 Sh’vat 16 Sh’vat 19 Tevet OFFICE CLOSED 8 26 Tevet 15 4 Sh’vat Gesher School 21 10 Sh’vat Gesher School Talmud Class 9:30 a.m. Weinberg Mincha 3 p.m. 27 1 Sisterhood Board 10 a.m. Gesher School Bloodmobile Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. Gesher School 13 TUESDAY 22 11 Sh’vat Sisterhood General Meeting 12 Noon Gesher School 28 17 Sh’vat Gesher School Mishpacha 12 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar 29 18 Sh’vat Officers Meeting 7:30 p.m. Gesher School WEDNESDAY 2 20 Tevet Ritual Committee 7:30 p.m. Singable Melodies 7:30 p.m 9 27 Tevet THURSDAY 3 21 Tevet Education Committee 7:30 p.m. 10 28 Tevet Weinberg Study Session 1:30 p.m. Singable Melodies 7:30 p.m. 16 5 Sh’vat Lunch & Learn Noon Finance Committee 7 p.m. 23 12 Sh’vat 19 Sh’vat 4 22 Tevet Candle Lighting 4:36 p.m. 11 29 Tevet Candle Lighting 4:43 p.m. 17 6 Sh’vat Adult Education Committee 7:30 p.m. 24 13 Sh’vat Membership Committee 7:30 p.m. 30 FRIDAY 18 7 Sh’vat Candle Lighting 4:51 p.m. 25 14 Sh’vat Candle Lighting 5:00 p.m. 31 20 Sh’vat SATURDAY 5 23 Tevet Jr. Congregation End of Shabbat 5:25 p.m. 12 1 Sh’vat End of Shabbat 5:32 p.m. 19 8 Sh’vat Simcha Shabbat Tot Shabbat End of Shabbat 5:11 p.m. 26 15 Sh’vat Jr. Congregation End of Shabbat 5:50 p.m.
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