eloquencewasted as,pledges start initiation^ stunts maroontossers
eloquencewasted as,pledges start initiation^ stunts maroontossers
WE A Merry \ ( i| . 4 5 . \ ( > . THE LAFAYETTE WISH—Everybody Christmas 1 I. A Happy N e w E . \ . S T < ) \ . r . \ . . \ \ l " - l ) X i ' . S l ) . \ V , niCCIv.MI'.KR 19. 192.^ ELOQUENCEWASTED AS,PLEDGES START INITIATION^ STUNTS Frosh Found Difficulties Hitherto Unknown—Speeches F l o a t On Mid niRht Air—Grim P r a n k s P l a y e d On Townspeople. UNIQUE T E N N I S BEST WISHE.S-^ot GAME Melange Work Far Ahead of Previous Schedules; Many Sections Completed Work on the llljl .Melange has or write-ups. The l o m p l e l e senior pniceeiled wil limit a lireak and tlle senliiiii is in Hhe jiriiiter's hands. stall' is far ahead of the usual sclic- Faculty editor. F.liner lliiliii has CMIIUilule. Kditor I.. II. i:i<|riili;e aniunin- |iletcly revised the data oil faculty nieinliers and liroiighl it up to date. ees t h a t liefore the l l i r i s t n i a s vai-aF.very man on the faculty was intertiuii ciiiuiiienccs all of the copy exviewed in order to gain accurate and cept one feature section and a few complete information. odds ami ends will have lioen sent to -More than i.'ill cuts have already the printer. lieen made for the nniiiial liy the .\11 of the work w a s s y s t e m a t i z e d Xortlicrn Eiiginving Co. All of the and certain men were held respoiisi- engraving except a few groii]is will lile for copy included iu their depart- lie completed before Christmas. Kolment. 1!. P. Hanies. a s s i s t a n t edi- lowing vacation the reniaiiiiiig tor-in-chief, has had full charge of groups will lie photographed and g e t t i n g o u t the junior, sophoinure. prints rushed to tlie engraver. and freshmnn sections. This work The Melange stuff is w o r k i n g to is now completed. The Kditor took g e t the Melange on sale in time for )iersonai cliarge of the senior sec- the iiicn to take it home with them tion, and the assigning of the seini- al Easter. JOINT COUNCILS FROSH DEBATERS WIN FROM SOPHS DISCUSS PROBLEM IN ANNUAL TILT OF FORMAL DANCES Receive 2-1 Decision For Affirmative Inter-Fraternity and Student Councils Decide to Petition Faculty On Question of World Court—UnAgain For More Formals—Comusual Interest in O u t c o m e — S t u m i t t e e To Present Matter. dents Coach Teams. VOTE I S CLOSE RENEW PETITION Willi iniich disciisr-ion pro and con, the Student Council and tlle Iiilerf n i t e n i i t y council argued llii' niatler of formal dances at their joint meeting last Wednesday afternoon. The formal dance ipiestion was the sulijeel of most illlere^t and w a s taken up from all viewpoints. i:iiH|iieU(V 011 sulijeet8 rangiii}; from The eomliined bodies voiced llic liiirwiii's 'I'licoiy t o a seientitic exii|iiiiiiin that t h e y liclicved the stuilenl ].l,iniiiiiiii of t h e donrtli of b a n a n a s body had a valid and good argiinieiit \v:i- literally w a s t e d on desert air in on their side. Likewise t h e y took in(lie wee sniall hoiir.s of the moriiiu;.'. line Krnsli w a s given tlie Herculean Tile sophoinores were represented to consideration the faculty's viewi:isk of ]ilayinir the last quarter of liy \V. I'.. H a y s . . \ . F. Ciiiteras, and ]ioiiit. They ujdield the faculty acfraternity till' l.elii,!;li ".Minie on Jfareli Field all Klmcr .Mattliews. aud the victorious tion in trying to raise liv hi~ |iroverl)ial ''I-onesonie." .\iifre-linmn t e a m w a s composed of scholarship and to lessen Saturday iitlier )ile(lgee k e p t the dormitory rowF.dwurd Cogoliii. Williain F. Hart, cuts. However, it w a s the <ipiiihiii of in an uproar liy p l a y i n g a set of ten- Cagemen Defeat B r o o k l y n Universi- Richards and Lerando Give Able W y t h e T. lioUiiig. Ir.. and Itoli.'rt H. the t w o councils llinl the faculty action had been too severe, and ( h a t ni' alone at m i d n i g h t . Speeches—Monroe Doctrine E x - lleiluian, alternate. The second-year ty Club 30-25; Then Receive nien were coached b y Paul Lcliman its luelhod of remeilyiiig the siliniplained In Various Aspects. One of t h e Circck F r e s h m e n w a s Truncing Fsom R u t g e r s 33-20. '•27>. of the v a r s i t y t e a m , and the, tioii would not properly l a k e care of seen )>ortrnying t o a n i c e t y the niities. The Jloiiroe Doetrine in its ethical, ••youiitislers" by F.lmer K. Huhn. '24. the matter. a< oiili'okera took it. of one d e s t i t u t e The t w o councils, lirinly believed The l . a f a y e l t e liasketcers met vic- political, and historical aspects w a s and Everett .lones '27, nlso of Hie of sanity. A corpulent meniber of tha i Ihe stinlent body had a good tory and defeat this week, winning iilily Iiresented t o m e m b e r s of the vnrsity. Tlmt both t e a m s had prolittlie police force noon p u t n s t o p to tliis. however, on rouiplnints of citi- over the CniveiHity Cluli of Ilrook- Spanish Cluli a t a m e e t i n g held in ed by the greater experience of their ease und t h a t this should lie presentcoaches w a s evident iu both their ed to the f a c u l l y personally. A s a zens. Anotlier F r o s h . n«piring t o the lyn 30-2."i, and losing t o Hutgers rill- llrainerd Hall last Friday eveniii; pin of liis particular f r a t e r n i t y , is re- ill. Hoth g a m e s were h o t l y contest- The meeting, the "lirnn \'elada" of material and tlieir manner of pre- result of this, a e o n i m i l t e e w n s apjiointed which w a s l o go before the porteil l o liftvo s e c r e t l y f o l l o w e d .1 ed, the winner in each ease s h o w i n g the year, wns a celebration of t h e l e u t u t i o n . f a c u l l y and g i v e the students' side decided -Muperiority over ills oppollimh anniversary of the Monroe Docnwn aii<l liis w i f e t o tlic portals, of Teams Well Coached of the matter. This e o m m i t t e e will trine. Over n i n e t y people were pretlieir doiiiieile w h e r e he np])roaclied n i i i t s . probably iip]iear before the faculty l . a f a y e t t e invailed Hriioklyn for the sent to hear addresses liy Dean A. K. tlie couple and prophesied t h e ndveiit The work of both t e a m s sliowed of the r,rim Reaper. F a t e liad it lirst contest of tlle year, and display- Ifeckel, I'rof. K. (1. Ilielmrds. and that they had made a thorough .study at the hitler's nexl m e e t i n g . tliat Dentil had v i s i t e d tlint home re- ed inidseason form, scoring sixteen I'rof. L. Z. Ixraiido. ot the subject and prepared their Ur. Heekel deliiied the Monroe ca.ses very cently, anil R m e r r v ohnse resulted. Held g o a l s t o its opponent's seven. carefully. C-onsislent DR. B I N G H A M A D D R E S S E S GAYLEY CHEMICAL SOCIETY the liet it ious seor w i n n i n g liy a hair's Captaiii Crate and Jloore led in the Doctrine a s the foreign jioliey ot the t e a m work rather thaft individual scoring, while liepa, Diiiry, Kearney Cnited S t a t e s , giving 11 historical lirillianey inarkeil the case presentInvadtli. Speaking on "Soiiie Kecent Diseach sent the sphere through the sketch .showing Ihc origin and evolu- ed by each class. However, the Siili-atoinie llivcstij^ation of of the Doctrine from the time slight superiority of several of the coM'i'ics ill nets twice. Apparitions S t a l k Fortli . \ t X e w Urunswiek. Kutgers over- of its promulgation in President speakers m a y earn t h e m promotion lious,'' I'rofessor Kugeiie C. liin):ham I'lirllu'iniore. j;aiint apparitions whelined the .Maroin i|uintet with a Monroe's m e s s a g e t o Congress, De- to the v a r s i l y Kjiiud. Couch A. IL explained l o the (jayley Chemical Sosliilkiii): fortli from unexpected al their regular meeting terrilic ollensive. Calhoun t a k i n g the irnilier 2. 18'j:i. T h e doctrine wus not Tha.ver will need several m e n because ciety, liaiints under the cover of nocturnal Thursday evening, how c h e m i s t s have lead in lield goals scored. A t the of British origin a s is supposed hy tliree debates will be in preparation lihiekiiess have'ViA^'erilly accosted and ilctermiiied the eleetricul charge on end of the lirst half. L a f a y e t t e w a s many, said the Dean. "It is funda- at once after the holidays. rather severely frightened severnl of ions, .lohn Hermes, 'Jt, simke on the m e n t a l l y American and wns a natural four points t o the giMid. lirilliant The general work of both t e a m s "lioiir .\toin.'' the Campus " n i g h t h a w k s , " c o n s * jiltiy li.v Captaiii Callander and the development of our foreign jiolicy, w a s aliout equal. A g r e a t deal of i|iieiilly looiiing D a ^ V " R u m o r from X e x t 'J'linrsday iii;;lil will be given llusliy Calhoun soon overeainc the eiiiliodyiiig prinei|iles thnt had re- w i l and humor w a s evident in all the her moorings of education. Others over t o a business meeting of the the earliest •small lead, and Hutgers crept steadi- ceived snnctioii from speeches. 'J'he freshmen showed hii\e noted n i g h t l y cordons of guards .Mplia ( h i Sigiiiii. period of our national existence." ly to her liiial victorious position. a slight superiority in their eonstrm;thrown aniuiid a f e w of the imjiorThe Doctrine h a s heen expanded to The condition of Coacli Mill .\iitive work and their rebuttal w a s afSo liiiii liuildings nn the Campus, proliBIOLOGY CLUB W I L L derson is lejiorted t o lie daily ini- meet the needs of the g r o w i n g .Anien- stronger. The debate naturally alily Jilaced there t o prerlude nil HOLD M E E T I N G TONIGHT liroving. It is expected t h a t he will 11111 state, he ndded. *'\Ve cannot af- hinged on the clause, "usi i l is now |"rs-iliilities of advance and d e s t n i e a s s u m e cluirge of the sqimd after the ford t o abandon t h e Doetrine, as constituted.'' The freshnieu, howtiuii hy a supposititious e n e m y , nnd I'apers by (leoi';;e X'liiiDcrvcer and vacation, when he will faee the task some persons advocate." ever, were able t o w i t h s t a n d all the ii'siilts thus far h a v e been favornhle I.s;»is Klmore will be the principal of preparing a t e a m for the Xurtlia t t a c k s on that point, and so could III l!nr-ar Tjnne. Political Meaning Told subjects for discussion ut the meeterii trip. Cooper I'nion is the n e x t not he lieiiteii. ing of the JJiology Club t'niight. t e a m t o oppose L a f a y e t t e . -Mr. Kichards, foUoiwing Dr. Heckel's Humorous P r a n k s P l a y e d The chairman of the m e e t i n g w a s "Some T'ubereulosis Keseareh" is the remarks, expounded t h e political sig- Coach .\. 1!. Thayer, of the varsity (Continued on |iage three) subject of the Jiaper by Jlr, X'aiiDerI'liiiik- witliiii the various houses nillcanee of the Doctrine, and ilealt team. The judges were I'rofessor C. veer while Jlr. Klmore will report on lia\e lieen ei|tially liiinioroiis. .\fter with the prolilenis.pf governmeiit and Jl. Cordon, Jlr. I!. C. Kichards, and the rcr-iilt of a recent trip to tliir T H R E E H O U S E S HOLD ilinner p l a y s and other forms of eiiS A T U R D A Y I N F O R M A L S law involved. The Alonroe Doetrine, Jlr. JVilliam Kddy. A fuirly large Bethlehem W a t e r Works. trrlaiiinient, iu whieh the jiledgees he said, althoiijili acipiiesced in by represenlalion from both classes' Professor Kunkel ami four niembers lia\c fiiitiired a s "goats." have affordInformal d a i i w s were prominent other nations, eould not he eonsider- was oil hand, and nfler the debate the of the eliili spent Saturday afternoon 111 ileleitalile chasers for the evening a m o n g the week end social activities. ed a principle of international law frc'limeii went to the platform and classifying' the trees on the cumpus. incaU. T w e n t y - l i v e couples were entertained since it i* mnintuined and interpreted congratulated their victorious classA chart is being prepared liy the de.\- THE L A F A Y E ' l T E goes t o a l the Sigma Xu lioii.se. Musie w a s .solely by the l'nited S t a t e s . Sulise- mates. purliuenl which will give the name, |iie>~ this year's initiatory cere- furnished by Snyder's t)rcliestra. ipieiit to the acquisition of I'orto T h i s is the seeoml eoiisceutive year charucleristics and local ion of ever^ liiunies, for the g r e a t e r part, arc Imt KuViilf.v luenibers present included liico. the liberation of Culia. and the t h a t the freshmen have captured this tree on the college grounds. lil>tory. Nevertheless, it m a y lie Dr. and .Mrs. li. \V. Kunkel, I ' r o f c - recognition of the iiidepeiidenco of iiitel'-chiss contest. Ily doing so. they safi'ly asserted t h a t families and sor and .Mrs. 11. T. Speiigler, M J . and I'anama iu I'.Kia, the C n i t e d S t a t e s , he have retained unlirokeu their string COLLEGE DOCTOR'S REPORT stticlhearts will hear weird and pro- .Mrs. L. II. IKilmaii. nienlioned, had eome to build up a of victories in this year's inter-class SHOWS SICKNESS INCREASE li\ tales l i m i n g the Christinas vueaA t the I'hi (iainina Delta dance. Carildieaii "Knipire" of no little im- contests, having won the cane liiiii nf "lIiiw I suffered to g e t tlii> Fled .Morgan and his orchestra cap- liortance liecuu.se of the n e c e s s i t y of rush and banner scrap. rieadaches and h e a v y colds top the IK'IIIIIiflll gold jiin." ably supplied t h e music. T h i r t y )irotectiiig the Cunal. Jlr. I!iehards Iiot of sicknesses, rcjiorted a l the advocated the b e t t e r m e n t of e x i s t i n g couples attended, and the eliaperones College Doctor's ofliii' during llie p a s l were I'rofes.sor and Mrs. It. 1). I'ren- relations lietween the I'liited S t a l e s LOEHLER W I N S T A U week. Jtlanie is a l l r i b i i t e d to llifc COLLEGE BAND PREPARES tiee, Dr. and -Mrs. \V. JL S m i t h , and and the S o u t h American countries. B E T A PI E S S A Y P R I Z E sudden clian;,'e ill the weather. FOR IMPORTANT CONCERTS Major and -Mrs. Hates Tucker. The Doctor this mouth made neurly Lerando S p e a k s The Sigma Chi F r a t e r n i t y w a s hosv double the amount of culls made lust 'lolin C. l.oeliler, ''24, w o n the jirixe 1)1. Lerando, in a talk lilled with Willi three iinportaiit eiigageinents t o a large niiniher of dancers-. For month. 'J'he records in the Doctor's iiitercsling fact and keen wit, lirought offered by the local chaiiter of Tau Iniokiil for .lanuary und F e l n u u r y . this e v e n t Fred L i p p i i i c o t f s Manpiis oflice show that :ili2 room calls and Heta r i otiered for the best paper the evening t o a l i l t i n g climax. He the college bund h a s been practicing Orchestra ]>rovided a n excellent prosi.vty oflice ealls were mude during delivered on au assigned subject by showed the a t t i t u d e of the South regularly for the past few w t e k s . g r a m . F a c u l t y .guests were Profesthe month of Xovember. W i t h i n the -American countries toward the IXic the newly initialed niembers. of the -\ll of the men w h o played during the sor and Mrs. JL I). Steever, Dr. and tirst few d a y s of December there were fraternity. Jlr. I.ochler prepared a Mrs. J. \V. Tupper, Captain and Jlrs. trine since 1HJ4, when it lir^t eaiue l o a total of 8S cases. fiMithall season are reporting each K. S. Dollarhide, and Mr. and Jlrs. the iitlentioii of Siniou llolivur, the paper on the lopic "T'lie Kngineei' as week for the practices. .\ii interesting feature of the rejiort the several lilieiator, and the father of I'aii- an Kxeculive,'' one of C. W. MaeDougal. The seliedule for the baud includes was the number of fractures and tlii'iiies given l o the recently elecled -Americanism. The a t t i t u d e Iwcuine a sjiraiiis. Jt contained one fractured II trip to H a c k e t t s t o w n , X. •!.. a tonhostile one, said Dr. Ix'iando, when a iiiidergi'adiiutes. It is hoped by the ivrt at the First Presbyterian ALL SENIOR P I C T U R E S the pajier of Jlr. nii.-e. t w o fractured hands and seven lio.ston politician compared South chapter that Cliurcli of Kaston, and a concert ut S H I P P E D OUT M O N D A Y -\iiierica to a hum from which the li<iehler will stand high in the list of sjiruins. T w o eases of aiijiendicitis were rethe local Opera H o u s e , .North .•Vmeriean is able t o cut a those jiresented by the various cliupJiorted during Xovenilier, nls<i Hixty terg in the country, a s he deliverifd -V telegram reivived from Wliite slice l o e a t w i l h his dish of pork and cases of •^iistro-eiiteritis. Seventeen Studio -Monday afternoon hy Editor beans. ((Ireat laughter and ap- the address in a s t y l e w o r t h y of Y. M. C. A. C O N T R I B U T I O N S eases of acute g a s t r i t i s , three of higher reeo;;nition. C O N T I N U E TO COME IN Kldredge of the Melange s t a t e d that pluii.se.) He emphasized the iniport^rijijie. one of ijuinsy, and six of every senior order for pictures had aiice of the I'uii-.Ainericiiu I'nion and luryngitis were also on the list. I ceil shipped from their «iirices. s l a t e d that a similar niiioii among MUSICAL C L U B S TO A P P E A R ^Niiii contributions still s t r e a m i n g T h e s e orders have lieen coming In Furopean n a t i o n s is the only soUiI N LARGE E A S T E R N C I T I E S PROF. BOQUE HONORED ill. llie siil)Mriptiiiiis t o the Y. M. every d a y since lust week. .Ml seniors tiiiii for her problems. Dr. Lerandit BY CHEMICAL SOCIETY ''. -\. drive now ujigregate approxi- nre urged to get these pictures from then g a v e an account of the huppenI'liif. I!. II. llo.|ue. .\ssistant iiiai.ly .*2:iiKi.iii». The iji^.VKMMi ;."ial the Jiost office a s SIMIII a s possible. ingA of the Fifth I'an-.Vmericun CongTrips to ten cities in iieij^hlioriiig I'rofessor of ( lieiiii.>try. w a s elected is ia|iilly approaching realization. s t u t e s are included in the t e n t a t i v e ress, about whieh nothing to tlle pre• • • councilor of the l/<'lii;;li VaUey SecHoth - i n d e n t s and f a c u l t y have sent h a s been published liecause of schedule lor the Combined Jlu-'icul DAVIDSON LEAVES HOSPITAL tion of the .Vmeriean ( h c i n i c a l SofesiiohdiHl lib<'rally t o the appeal for the intense secrecy which surrounded Clubs this season us unnuunced by i i e t y a t the Dei-eiiibcr nicelin^ of •lie annual b u d g e t . The faculty JIunuger Stirling. The trijis a s now the event. the .Section held at the Hotel TrayFrederick (jordon Davidson, '20, who "uliM-riptions a l r e a d y a m o u n t t o upThe direetor general of the I'uii- outlined include Huiiiptun, N . J., lor. .Mleiilown. The other officers ward of iiCl.)0.(Kt, and the t o t a l had the nii'<fortuiie to his*- fonr linJludison, X', J., Xewark, X". J., X e w .\iiiericuii Cnion. Dr. L. S. Uowe. sent e l w t e d were: ('liHirinan, W, O. Kiiioiint of cash contributions i- gers of his left hand and a part of one I'it.v, Xew Haven, Conn., his excuses to Dr. I./eraii>li> for not York Snelling: \'icecliairiiiaii. K. K. Ko.;HiiKcr of his right hand, in au a i r i d e n t il'SKI.IHI. Hagerstown, .Md., Cliambersburg, I'a., c o e | , • secretary-treasurer, W. K. in Ihe Mechanical Ijilxiratory on Fri- liciii'- able to a t t e n d the mctlinv'. The ( anipaiyn < iiinniitlee h a s I'XSeranton, I'a., Wilkes-Harre, I'a., and I..UIV11. d a y , IVeeiulier 7, left for his home freined its appreciation of the ready Lansford. J'a. I'lans are under w a y for a three in Ardiuore, Oklahoma, on Monday. LIBRARY TO R E M A I N O P E N support j.'i»eii to it. and Chairman 'J'he First I'resin terian Church in d a y regional m e e t i n g n e x t fall ut Mr. Davidson returned from the DURING HOLIDAY PERIOD I'VaiiciH W. Davison s t a l e s that a s a Kaston will be the plaee for the OJMUILafisyette in honor of Professtir hospital last FViday w i t h hia hand "••"It of the large amount subseriliod iug concert on February o. Euch Hart, who will have at t h a t t i m e well on the w a y t o recovery. The Students renminiiiK on the <am•h*- Y. .\r. C. . \ . will IH- able to i'arry Friday UIKI Tuenduy evening the elubs completed tifty years service with doctors at the hospital are of the pus during the Christmas Holidays "Ut the e x t e n s i v e prograni of e x are rehearsing in preparation for t h e the Cliemieal Dejiartment of the Colopinion that he will have partial use will h t v e ai-ci'ss t o the library it psniiii,!, that w a s idaiined w i t h t h e concertik lege 'i'his meeliiif; will IH- hehl in of the injured meinber. wus uiiiiounc«'d. The library will lie arrsiiKement of the l.iid;.'ct. coujunetion with Founders Duy end oiM'ii on all d a y s except Christmas thu College Centennial. MERRY CHRISTMAS und Xew Years. MERRY CHRISTMAS MERRY C H R I S T M A S , rr,-liiiieii fraternitv pledgees foiiml till' nnlll t o their eoveted Greek l e t t e r |iiM-i lieset w i t h (liflienltios not stipuhiteil in •ru-iliiii^' talk'*"' wlieii ni(wt i;i the iiatiiuuil frnteriiitj- groups l>ej,'an their |ireiiiitiatii)ii liorse-play on the (•i'iii|)ii« oil Momlay. MAROONTOSSERS DEAN ADDRESSES SPLIT TWIN BILL SPANISH STUDENTS In the second annual deliale liet w e e n the t w o under-classes, which took place in 1 S o u t h College at eight o'clock 011 T u e s d a y e v e n i n g , the f r e l i i i i c n were victorious over their ohl rivals, the sophomores, b y a 2-1 decision. T h e subject for t h e debale w a s the one used in the recvnt varsit y c o n l e s t s : "ISesolved, t h a t the Cnited S t a t e s should join the JVorlil Court (of iiiternatioiial Airairs) ns i l is now conslitiiled."' iiiiiiiiiMiM Year P R I C E T E N CENTS Twelve Seniors Commissioned Cadet Officers in College Military . \ f l c r I'ompctition covering two iiioiiths. twcdve seniors have l«'eii (-(immissioncd a s cadet officers in the l . a f a y e l t e College Keserve Officers Training Corps. Tlie <-olumissioiis arc for captains and l i e u t e n a n t s in the four companies. In turn, these ollicers will compete for the ollicers of cadet major and cadet adjutant, who will be appointed later in the year. . \ t (he end of the year one senior will be chosen in the regular a r m y . The new cadet officers are: Conipany "-V"—('. Jf. .Xrmslrong, ( a p - Unit tain. W. .1. liolirman. First Lieutena n t ; X. Wiggins, Second Lieutenant Conipany "ll"—S. L. Stirling, Capt a i n : II. .\. Jlorris. First Lieiitcnanl : I.. Jl. lirockway. Second Lieutenant. Company ''('"— (;. II. Decker, Capl a i n : .1. W. Crii'.ier. First Lieiitcuaiil : II. K. .lohnson. Second Lieutenant Company " I ) ' ' - F . K. Tn-ssler. ( a p l a i n : \ . II. Wiley. First Lieutena n t : .1. L. Wismcr, Seeoml Lieutenant. FAREWELL DANQUET SPARKS PICTURES FOR SUTHERLAND LIFE OF JACKSON E a s t o n Alumni To Honor Retiring Former S t a t e College President Gives Coach Tomorrow Night At NorthGraphic Sidelights On Life Of "Old ampton Country Club. Hickory" Jackson. Ill :i|i|irceiutioii for the remarkable record Ihal Coach Dr. .lohn H. Siitlierlaiid has made Hiiice his arrival live years ago, and l o this man w h o has Jilaeed the Jlaroon and W h i t e in tlie lootball liiiieli<.dit by develojiiiig a lighting: maeliine t h a t h a s crushed ill ilefeat I'eiinsylvania. Cornell. I'ittsliiiigli and others, the L a f a y e t t e . \ l iiniiii .\ssociiilioii of Fastoii and vicinity will gather nt the .\orlliaiii|iti 11 Country ( liili Tliursday evening. Dccemlier 21) to tender a coinjilinientary dinner to ".lock" Siitherland who leaves to a s s u m e the reins as coach of the I'liiversily of Pittsburgh, his .Mma J l a l e r . Keali/.ing t h a t ilnring the lust live years U i f a y e l t e h a s administered l o their old time honored rivals, l..elii;;li, live successive d e f e a l s and t h a t Couch Siitherland has or^ani/.cil n lifllitiiig sjiirit ill the footliall men t h a t can not be equalled by uny college in the country, the L a f a y e t t e alumni of Kaston have urged ull true L a f a y e t t e men to resjiond l o the call anil join in g i v i n g 'Mock'' a lilting send-off. C i i d e r t h e siijiervisioii of David H. .Skillman e x t e n s i v e jihiiis have been mude for thu informal dinner. The reservations have la-en s t r i c t l y limited to tw.o liiindred nnd it will 1M! iieeessury"ld refuse ull ajijilications after the qiioia is reached. S t o t z To Preside .Iiid;;e liobert . \ . .Stotz, I'lesidcnt of the Kaston Aluinni .Assoeiatio'i will Jireside over the dinnpr. A m o n g the several sjieakers cliosen for the affair are .Attorney .lames W. Fox. Dr. I'aul Correll, Kaljili Yarnell and Thomas Fisher. The c o m m i t t e e in charge of the dinner is liojiing thut a cajiacily crowd w h o have been urdeiit siijiporters nf Sutherland's regime will be Jiresent t o greet the ritiriiig iiiacli us a mark of resjiect for his fireat work w i l h the Jlaroon and \V liitc. Kaeh aliiiniiiis is fjivcii the ojijiorliiiiily of inviting one friend who is a Lafayette rooter, not necessarily a l.,afayette man, a s his g u e s t . The siiliscrijition is l|!.i.llU u Jilate. I t is rei)iies(ed thut all reservutiuns be made a s soon a s jiossible to insure a Jilace. All checks HIIOIIIII be made jiayalilc to Jlorris Williams, and mailed to Da\ id H. Skillman, Kaston Trust ( oinjiany, Kaston. Dr. K. K. Sjiarks, president eiiieriliis of t'eiiiisylvunia S t a t e College, sjieaking oil tlle subject of "Old Hickory 'lackson," kejit his audience uf students, ussembled nt tlle regulur Wednesday afternoon lecture in Pardee, uiiceasiii;;ly interested and anxious for more. M i t h the sparkling hiinior that he li:is a l w a y s shown in his addresses at L a f a y e t l e , Dr. Sjiarks lold in outline form the varied life of the veteran and I'resident Andrew .laekson, bringing new light oil many jihases of his Jirivate life. Dr. Sjiarks iH-gaii with the early life of Jackson in the miildle wes-t, tracing it sketchily tlii'on;;li the iH-riod of his legal ambitions. W i t h grajdiie details, the sjieaker lold of .Taekson's lirst exjierienees as I'roseciiling .Attorney in Ihe region that is now the s l a t e of Tennessee iliellldillg the hardshijis niirt trials that the future jiresident w a s forced to iinderfio. S h o w s Love For Wife Then Dr. .Sparks, w e n t on to tell of the great allection of .Andrew .lackson for his wife, nnd of his cons t a n t ilesi.'e to have Jlrs. .laekson become the lirst l a d y of the land, and to sec her lirml.v established in the JiiJiU&JJgWy-, .-iPtft-t^l"J"'<'T showed very clearly Uio overwhelming grief that came ujion I'resident .laekson, when, on the eve of the realization of his m o s t cherished hojies, Jlrs. •laekson died, as her husband t h o u g h t , the victim of unreasoning sciiudal. Dr. .Sparks had many old jiictures from his historical collections showing .\iidre\v .laikson and his ojijionent Henry t lay. the veteran ciqnjiromise maker, in the height of their iiolitieiil fame. He also had rejiriMliictions of ^ome of the election jirojiagauda used at the time of the m o s t sjiirited cam. jiaign in Aimirican history. With the lielji of tli|.se illiistruti'ing Dr. Sjuirks exjiluined the methods of cunijiui;;!! jiiiblieity t h a t were used in those times, which ho showed t o be rudieally different from a n y t y p e used before or since. N'ot for a minute during the talk w a s there a letuji in the interest or in the nttentioii of tho audience, and when Dr. Sparks ehised liin talk a little before the end of the hour, there w a * such an ontbiirst of ajijiluuse t h a t he w a s foreed t o tell another story to g e t rid of his eager listeners. FROSH PLAYERS SCORE TRIUMPH OPENING NIGHT Play To Full Houses On T w o E v e n ings—Pour One Act P l a y s Presented—Atwill Thomas Stat^— S t a g i n g W e l l Done. FIRE PREVENTED I'luyiiig to full houses, tlic Freshmnn I'layers very successfully jiresenled four one a c t plays Tliursday und Fridny evenings in the I.,illlo Theatre. T h e audiences were liiglily enthused over IIK; wnrk of the lirst year men, and showed tlieir ajiprecialioii by much ujijilaiise. "The Jledicine Show," by Staiirt Walker, wns the lirsl on the |iio;rrani. In this, a Jilay (.•oiicerniiig "jiii' white trash." F. E. Hunnell, '27, disjilayed considerable poise and stage jiresence. His interpretation of the wouhl-bo qiiiick doctor wus exi'cllent. 'J'he secund jirodtntion was ".Sh:im,'* by Frank Toinpkins. \l. 11. Jfaillaii'l, '27. as the thief, did line work iu this, w i t h the hii:liand, interjircted by II. L. Xixon. '27, t a k i n g s<;coiid honors. The Jilay w a s well executed as a satin* (Ui the w a y .some jicojilo set UJI a jiretence, when uinli'rni'ath all is sham. Main Production Jn the Jilace of inijiort:iiii'i', third on the prograni, came the "piece do resistance," "The Came of Chess," by J'Cenneth (loodnian. 'J'liis w a s by far (he stellar jiieseiitation of the cvei.ing. T h e cast had been well clioa<'ii, and each one jilaycd his role w i t h excvjilioiial uliility. A t w i l l I'hoinas, '27, us .Alexis Alexaiidrovilch, did t h e best work of the evening. In h i s jKirt as the lliissian noble, be showed a cousumniate degree of stage skill whicii is seldom seen in the work of Freshmen. H i s manner w a * easy, his voice excellent, nnd his K''uerul interpretation sjilendid. (Jeorge C. Williams, '27, jdayed the radical, tho revolutionist, in a w a y which jileased everyone. His eliaracteri/.atiou of t h i s tragical, would be a s s a s s i n w u s highly realistic. Tlm eliiiiux of the jilay, ending in the d e a t h of the inaii who came to kjll, w a s yery powerful and forceful. The dessert of tho evening wa.si "The Jlaker of Dreams," w r i t t e n by Olijiliant D o w n . 'The honors in t h i s are divided a m o n g all (lirce cliaructers, Cecil Hcntiey, Hurohl F. Kline, _ and \V. X. Finley. 'i'he jiroduction was idealistic, dealing w i l h Pierrot's search for love anil haiijiiness, when the object of his search w a s all thu time in his o w n home. Staging Well Done The s t a g i n g of all llireo jiiuys w a s beuiitifiiUy done. T h e new cychiruma ."erveil very well on its lirst ujijiearaiKv. Heing of a neutral color, it eould be changed i n t o dillerent shades by the varied colors of lighting which were iiseil. The eleetrieal work w a s very well handled, and the projicrties were well taken care of. -An e x t r a moment of tenseness w a s felt by the audience on thu lirst night, when, in "The (Jamc of Cliesa," a candelulira w i t h seven lighted candles 'was aecidently overturned against the clotli liackgroiind. President JraeCrackcn, s i l l i n g near the front of the theatre und on a n a i - l o seat, leaped IIJHIII tbe sta;;e, but before he eould reueh (hem, the cuiidles FIVE HUNDRED AT\rEND hail been extiiigiiislied and juilled in F I T T I N G O B S E R V A N C E OF CONCERT IN MADISON, N. J. behind t h e scenery b y somnone w h o C H R I S T M A S COMMUNION BOOKED FOR G L E E S T E R S luckily had liecn hiandiiig there. Five hundred s t u d e n t s and faculty Harold Crane, '24, has arranged members jiarticijiated in the Cliristfor a (ilee ( l u l l concert in Madison, PSYCHOLOGY C L A S S mas Cominiiniuii Service lield in ColVISITS STATE ASYLUM X'. .1. aliiint the middle of February. ton Jlemorial Cliajiel on Sunday evenThe exact date has not been ilecided ing. The Psychology class in intelliUJIOII. Ill connection with this triji. The soft glow i4 the candles bulliManap'r .Stirling is iie^'oliHling w i t h gence t e s t i n g , under Ihe snjiervision ed the beautifully decorated interior II juirty in N'evN ^•ork for a concert of I'rofessor -\. It. I iillilaiid, is inakof tlle chajiel, and sjiread a. quiet ill that city following the JIadison ing daily trijis this week t o the air of s a n c t i t y over the greut iiiinllomeuputhie S t u t e Ilosjiilul, Allenrecital. puiiy of worshijijiers. From liveinsanity, -\t the regular rehearsal Tuesday town, to s t u d y cases of thirty o'elock until six the deeji, and jMissible cures. night it w a s announced that t w o re- (iieir causes solemn music of tlle ort;an and the hearsals a week, on T u e s d a y nnd Kucli m e m b e r of t h e eluss sjurnds joyou* songs of u q u a r t e t jirejiariMl I'riday nights, will be held hereafter. two d a y s a l tlia institution, and in the w a y for the administrution of that time m a k e s a thorough iiisjiecthe .Sacrament of thu J.<ord's iSiipjier. tion of the various ile|iartincnls of the -\t the end of thu musical service, A L P H A CHI SIGMA lioA|iital und stiidii's the different I N I T I A T E S S E V E N MEN lyjies of i n s a n i l y , which arc eseinjilithe doors of the chajiel were closed, lied by i n m a t e s used a t Ihc clinic and thu Communion Service began w i l h the quiet ili;'nity t h u t has alThe Lufuyette cliujiter of .Mjiliu lield each afternoon. w a y s been observed. -After the sing- Clii .Si^-mu. the honorury cheinicul ing of a Christinas h y m n by the s o i i e t y , iiiitiult'd live men ut i l s whole con};reguti<iii, the Klenienls meeting last Sul unla y evening in E X P E N D I T U R E S ON LIBRARY A N A L Y S E D BY COMMITTEE were adiiiiiiistered by l.Mfayette men W a s h llall. who have given tlieir lives l o the serThe initiation on .Saturday wus vile- of l!i«l, Jiarticiilarly in the for- Ihe lirst since the installation of t he The F a c u l l y Coniniitti 11 the eif-n lields. chajiter here at Ihe collcg.. The Library has recently made an anulyKvery detail of the cereiiiiiiiy w a s initiates include one graduate, one sis of the m o n e y ex|ieiideil on t h e The new Lihrary in re<iMit yeurs. 1( liiids tlmt curried out jierfeetly, and the Christ senior und five juniors. thu ma* sjiirit of j o y o u s trunijnility w a s niembers are .lames H. Wilson, Kd- eurreiit prriodieals, including not allowed t o slacken for a moment. ward W. Fliekinger, "24, Hanover, seientilie and foreign jH'riiKliculs o t ^ » , Tho decorations were effectively I'a., Charles K. Iteaver, Kaston, Kay- dered b.v the various dejiarlinents, l i ^ H I worked out u i t h the dark ehudes uf nmnd C Ilriant. CU|M- May, X. .1., now costing the Library more tlian spruce liriKhtened wilh iheerful ( harles 11. I.U1111111. New Kingston, fourteen hundred dollars a y e a r . ( l i r i s t m u s red and softly gleaming I'a.. KiilM-rt L. Xull, Diule City. Flu., Practically all tho im(iorlaiit scholarunder the w a v e r i n g light of the and Henry .\. I'helps, .Ir., Ilazleton. ly periodii'uU are available for s t u Pa., all of the elass of '25 dents a t the V a n Wickle I..ibrar7, candles. \\'ciInc?i'1,T\'. DfO'inilir-s j Page T w o THE COMMUNICATION X K e Lafayette Founded in 1870 Devoted to the Interest of the Alumni and Studenta of Lafayette Collexe. Binioesa Manager EARL D. BUCK, " Phine. 1812 K. K. LaBar Ass't Bus. Mgr. R.J. Murray CSrculation Mgr. C. H. Armstrong Ass't. Cir. Mgr. j, „ „ Aas't. Cir. Mgr. organ Businesa Stan John H. Eupp Summer H. Babcock William R. Howson Ervin S. Sachenmaier W. A. Wagstaff Earl W. Smith Dr. .Sparks i v r l a i i i l y delivered a •cintillatiiig address l a s t AVednesday ifteriioon. •\\alter Camji's y e a r l y eleven is more inijiortaiit than bis daily dozen these d a v s . The F.lectriial Knginei'rs 11.eel every week to dLsi-iHs c'lrreiit jiro'ileins. A\e sujijiose t h e y often s w i t c h from one subject l o the other. -Mr. Kditor: It is no trick for a man fo yell. "Hoorny L n f a y c t t e " a t a football game ou .March Field. Xo vast amount of sjiirit is reijuirFd to shout it anywhere uniong an a s s e m b l a g e of .Maroou rooters under organized cheering, but it does l a k e a t n i e U i f n y c U e man t o sja-ak nj) for his college when unsupported amid a host of jiartiiilly iiostiie lay meu. 1 ' Xow tlie olijeel of this l e l t e r is not to advocate .yoiiig almut liny jieaccfiil c i l y . wherein one chances t o abide, reiiderin;.' "'INU " to llie law abiding jiojiiiliice. lllit il is siiujil.v to stre-<s tlle llece•^ily uf inaiiitainilig the fraternal L a f a y e l l e sjiirit w h e n w e are sjiread t o the four w i n d s a s well as ill dwelling together on our fair green hill. Jleuiliers of the Cav ley ( licmicnl S o e i e t y will engage iu a debate in the laboratory n e x t m o n t h o n the PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION: q u e s t i o n : Can .A Fluoride? If a freshnian can be jiuiiislied by One Year (29 Issues) la.so | | Single Copy I t should precipitate ijuite a dis- Calumet merely for remissness in cussion. s a y i n g "hello" to-a~fellow s t u d e n t e n Entered as Second Class Matter, Sept. 27, 1911, at the Post OBi<x at conntered on the camjnis. how niucli Easton, Penna., under Act of March 5, 1897. The men enrolled in t h a t Practical more euljiable is tliv l-afayctte man Politics course should be t a u g h t the who refiLscs to t^ji'ogiiize amither jlrojier w a y to distribute jioor cigars. I j i f a y e t t e 'nan a t au o u t of town AN APPRECIATION dance, or who. ackiiowleduiiig him ns It's dangerous to throw the bull a friend, declines to Irade partner.even tlmugh y o u are in .Sjiani-li with him—even nJ>on request. The Alumni Testimonial Dinner to Coacli Sutherland Class. The Christmas vacation is well and our lufayette football stjuad tomorrow night will he nigh a t hand with i t s host of good a fitting tribute to a great coach and an etjually great V o u never can tell. M a n y a good times in store. In the larger cities team. It will mark the passing of a man who came to s k a t e fails to mnke the hockey-team. surely, nnd esjiccially a t intercolleLafayette with three Lehigh defeats staring hiai j« ther., giate danees. from time l o t i m e four It's great t o have a n a m e beginning or live, jiossibly more, I.<ifayette men face and who leaves -with an unbroken string of five with "B." AVlien J o h n n y Budd goes will find theniselves sprinkled iiiiiid a cherished victories over the Brown and White. Wilh to cliajiel a half dozen men g e t mark- host of merryjiiakers from all over Sutlierland will ever be associated the names of some of ed present. the tHiuntry. X'ow t h e n , shouldn't the greatest gridiron warriors that have done battle for these exchange introductions if t h e y The Sojdiomorcs were nnnblo to arc at all actjuainted a t college a s their Alma Mater. Victories over Cornell, Pittsburgh, University of . •.use the fire-plug in their debate with long ns their escorts are socially comtlic Freshmen. patible. Pennsylvania and Boston College bear testimony ^tgi "the genuine achievements of an eleven that was acknowledged in 1921 to be Inter-collegiate Chan'ipions of the East. In Dr. Sutherland's five )ear sway over our gridiron destinies the Maroon has rolled up thirty-three victories, two ties and eight defeats. l u f a y e t t e men have not seen their eleven defeated on March Field since 1918.. With Dr. Sutherland's departure for Pittsburgh where he will succeed Glen Warner as coach of the Panthers, Lafayette will lose by graduation Captain ".\rt" Deible, "Arch" Ackroyd, "Jim" Conti, "Bob" Mitinger, "Milt" O'Connell, "Joe" Marhefka and "Ed"' Kearney. The retiring coach leaves to his successor a peerless backfield combination and the nucleus for another strong line. Lafayetle men have como to have an abiding respect arid admiration fur the tall Scotchman \\'ho gave us one of football's greatest teams. AN'ith the e.^cception of a certain date early next October w e wish him unqualified success at Pittsburgh. T<) the men who helped in such a large nfeasurc"" to make his brilliant jrec^irlB ^fts«vble we?J again extend our heartiest congratulations. AVe can inir>f;iiie the hyjiocritical smile of t h a n k s t h e s e loving a u n t s will g e t from the Freshmen for the p r e t t y green neck-ties for Cliri?.tmas. Cer,-£ntes Club Play Act. T.—One bull and two torcndoi-s. Act. II.—One bull and one dor. A c t III.—One bull. torea- Our soccer team lost to f.<'liigh last .Saturday. It all goes to jinive there is something t o the l a w of averages if one o n l y w a i t s l o n g enough. The Campus D o g barks forth his annual Jlerry Xinn.s. He w o u l d also say—Ilajijiy X e w A'ear. I h i t he's thinking of the exams.. RADIO CLUB P R E P A R E S FOR TRANS-ATLANTIC TESTS 'To be sure it is ndvLsable to attend public, or scmi-jiublie affairs, w i t h a tolerably large comjiany; but for many of u s w h o are not of the promoting tyjic i t is imjiossildo to arrange jinrties. I t i.+ renlly lamciitalile that a fellow should be eomjielli d to danee with one girl from ten to one-thirty when other l . a f a y e t l e Isiys about him could cut in or trade Avitli little or no discomllture t o themselves. At a dance in X'ew York only this jiast Thanksgiving recess 1 wiliiessed t w o such tyjiical niniiifestal ions of sellishness. I t is easy l o term the lonely bird "wet,"' bnt a s long as he is from your o w n college and you do not k n o w h i m to be objecliuiiable there is a .\K)l!.\lj OHI.KIATIOX involved l o help liin. out. This Christmas vacation, fellows, is a. line t i m e t o s t a r t , — w h a t many of fls falTi'd'to do after the big ;;aines —to show the b o y s the same friendly sjiirit abroad as on the campus 01 I j i f a y c t t e . l i n a l jirejiaratioiis for the Trans. \ t l a i i l i c American l l a d i o jA'Ugue t e s t s are Is'iiig made by the IJadio Club. The test**, which s t a r t on Friday, are between Knrojieau and N o r t h Ann'rican a m a t e u r s . A brown silk derby ha.'i been olfered by X. B. AVarner l o the lirst Ainerican a m a t e u r w h o connects w i t h a European a m a t e u r 011 a t w o w u y set. The Freshman-Sophomore debate on the tjuestion of the World Court in South (."(illcgc last night is not likely to solve the problenis of world peace or iiiHuence Congressional action. It does, however, indicate a splendid revival of interest in an activity which is rapidly regaining its proper place on the campus. T w o years ago the suggestion of an underclass debate -would have been met ts'ith laughter. I^st year the Sophomores spV^ke to three judges and an equal nuniber of students. Last night tiie debate attracted several townspeople, a number of faculty members and about fifty undergraduates. The speakers presented convincing cases and were greeted by an enthusiastic audience. The varsity team has been encouraged by a corresponding increase of interest. This Renaissance of interest in non-athletic activities has not been ctinfined to tlebating. It has maile its invigorating force felt in practically every campus activity. T b e call for candidates by the publications was answered with a splendid response of men. The various departmental clubs, conibined musical organizations, dramatics and campus activities generally have obtained a flying start into the year. The signs are pointing in the right direction. They indicate genuine interest in very wholesome activities on the part of a greater number of men than ever before. The Bulletin which Annual Eejiorts contains the RELIGIOUS I>afayette College COMViCNTION will be repre week. the It will be a Ijook of Indianapolis, Indiana, from Decem- e i g h t y pages this year, eight pages ber t w e n t y - e i g h t h until January Bulle- lirst. The delegation is a s f o l l o w s : t i n is being jirinted by the InteUi- Koswell P. Barnes, '24, John 11. geuocr Pruiting Comjiany of Ivancas- Kupp, '-24, l>iwell L Ijine, ''24, J a m e s more than last ter, Pennsylvania. year. The .\iiy one t a n se- cure a eojiv ujKj ujijilicatiou to '2.1, Krnest 1). N a t h a n , ''2o, AVal- ter S. Stillman, '2(i, J . Elmer M a t t h ews, F B O S H COMPETITION FOR ••2il, und W a l t e r .\. i'.i^ftn. The delegates will lie headed 'IS. by . . L A F A Y E T T E S T A F F B E G I N S Koswell 1'. Barnes, Prekident of the t o l U g e Y. M, C. A. Competition fur jKisitioiis o u t h e editorial l U l f of T H E L A i A Y E T T K w a s opened for freshmen l a s t week. A t an organization m e e t i n g l a s t Tnesilay evening eighteen tirst year men were present. A m o n g the eontestunt.s • r e ieveral experienced rejairters of local newspajiers. Thr conijietition w i l l continue until Mareh 1. .Any ad ditionalfrethmen who are interested are requested t o leave their names ftt T U E L A F A Y E I T E ollice. LOST A N D F O U N D A R T I C L E S One ^lii k'.'r, t w o bunches of k e y s , !»<• hul-*. one caji, one fountain Jen. and t w o Kvcrsharji jicneils arc Is'ing liel'l iiTiclainied at the Lust and I'liiinil Iturcau of the N . 31. C. A. in llrailierd Hall. Thr owners of the nusguidNl_artlcU'i We urged to call for them Tsfore iW Christniui vacation. AND SHIRTS Collar Attached Styles, $2.95 gi.'-M.nV SHOES I'OR MI'.M' Dr. Williani S. Hall, will a l l e i i d an IvIiK'iitional ( onference to be held a t the Waldorf H o t e l in Philnilcljihin OM llecember '2'i. THE BIG STORE OH THE SQUARE l.iiriil 1 Iim-- (,f |.,,.,. W A R S H A W STATIONERY CO. i0.i-i65 Madis'in Avj., Albany, N. Y, MAROON A N D W H I T E CAFE J. L. FRY, Prop. i;..giilar Dinner ami SM|iiK.r S|in.«|| .\|,al T i c k e t s .*l.iMi, .•^^li.-iii, ami fj,j|| w i l h 10',;, discount. Strictly Home Made Pie Ni.'hl Senile s 1.1 11, CenU-c SijiKire, Easton, P.i- I'rofes.sor Harry 'T. Siicn^ler will rcjire^'iit l . a f a y e l t e at the dinner of the L a f a y e t t e .Alumni nt the Ibiis Hotel. I'atcliogue. 1,. 1. on Thursday December i". Dr. an.l Mrs. Albert K. Ileckcl will sjM'iid the ( ' h r i s l m a s H o l i d a y s a t Mrs. Heckel's former home in Indiana. Dr. .lames W. Tiijijier will read a -JHtJier on "Tejiehing of High .School Knglish from the A'iewjioint of College Knglish.'' before the College nml k'liiversily Ji.iund Tabic l o be licid at I'liiladeljihia. Tliursday. D c i v m lier lili. in l o n n e c l i o n with the meeting of the P e n n s y l v a n i a ,St'ite VAucation Associalioii. Dr Tiijijier will also attend ii m e e t i n g of the .Modern l.iiiiguage -•Association to be held at the Ciiivers i t y of Alichigan on December 27, 28 and '2it. Dr. Williani H. -Mien will attend a m e e t i n g o f ' t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a .State Kducation -Association t o be held in Pliihldeljihia on D-.-eemlM-r 2i'i. Dr. .-Allen is a meniber of the e x e c u t i v e einnmiltee of the "Kiiiind Table of Colle};es and I'niversilies", which is a division of the I'Miicational . \ s s o cialion. What a difference just afewcents make T FATIMA ,y Juxt^ ^e JxnP \ ^ . Easton, Pa, Bank and Pine Sts, Phone 335 DUMBFOUNDED i-lmnp:er: " M y , isn't that d u m m y lifelike, standing iu front of tlie Finchluy .shop." L i s t c i i e n " S i r , that's m y {Apolur/iia husband." to Tlie Widow) DAMP WASH We Specialize in Family Washing. Each wash is Laundred in an Individual Washer and Deliverer Damp. 24 HOUR SERVICE RICE A N D P F E A R R I N G Electric Sanitary Laundry 425 Pine St. Phone 3866-H Order your 1940 calendar now. if The Live Store Always Reliable N $ ^SJTS'^^ merrt and JIappp iSeto gear Jnst keeji un i)hifj^,'in!.f\vith pood cheer PmUished in the imterest of Eleetrieal Development by an Institution that will be helped by what' ever help% the Mustry. Uriny Dad a tie from 'm the Square: Some Holeproof Htijiv for Mother to wear. These sifts A\in ser\-c tiierc Is no xluubl; It'ri a gift we know they'll 1)C pleased about.. BU$H& BULL LAUBACH'S A Merry Christmas Neckband Styles, $2.50 These are high grade Metric shirts, have linen bands, single and double cuffs; collar wilh or without buttons. Sizes i.v',1. to i«. 'J'he best shirt of its kind we know of. ;iii'l MURPHY Ji.iy will he yours we lui\ i; no fear. WHITE <|iiick smiliii^: sti'\i>'i- .'ll Wlien yon RO home l<i those .su dear; OXWEAVE ;^i'l M 41 College Book Store H. W . A D L E M A N Booklneping Service Co. 414 Easton Trust Bldg., E A S T O N . PA. Will Writing Paper 150 S H E E T S , size 6x7 and 100 ENVELOPES Printed w i l h IIMIII,. U,„1 a i l d r e s in ll'nU Br.,i, Hliic Ink. S III „. where Jio-tpaid 011 ;, ci'ijit of *l.lMi. -M y back if ii,,i satislied. Leave your Laundry at the Write or Phone for Particulars K. Iliilchison, '•2'>, Walter J. Cough- the lin, Registrar. Weekly Audits Monthly Audits Tax Service Financial Statements Investigations Settlement of Partnerships General Consultations SHOPPERS JOHNSTON ; ^ PERSONAlT s LATE GIFT NOTES SYSTEM For Every Business Pres.ideiit, sented by nine deh'gates at ^ne QuadTreasurer, Dean, Ilegistrar and Li- rennial Coiiveutii>n of the Student brarinn w i l l be ready for diatribution Volunteer Movement to be held al next of 'The Reinartz receiving outfit which was stuluii from the radio club is being replaced by anuther. This one is expected to be coIUpletc^l within tlle nvxt i c w days. The steel towers which are being jilaced on t o p of Pardee Hall will aid the local station in receiving the signals. . T h e t e s t s iM'giii this F r i d a y and last till J a n u a r y 11. The Xortli American station lirst picking up a European station will win the prize. S T U D E N T S WILL ATT&NJ) B S A O Y FOR D I S T R I B U T I O N Men's and Boys' Outfitters 108-116 Northampton St., E A S T O N , PA- Fellows! FACULTY Jack Daniel. I'.li'i. W H O L E S O M E SIGNS B U L L E T I N OF R E P O R T S Kciss S. llolVnnin, '^2:^, former editorni chief of TIIF, L.VFAVKTTF will be Jiresent at the tirst rciiiihir meeting of the (ijien Forum Club lomiirrow night a t the t'hi Phi linuse. Mr. Hoirman has recently returned from an extended triji in Kiirojie and will speak nlsiut the cuiulitions of llic eoiinlries which he visitwi. The ( hi I'hi F r a t e r n i t y will a e t as. hosts. All -tudeiits are cordially i n v i t e d to intend. Tojiics for discussion n t eii-uing nieelings were oiitliiied by nienilicrs of last year's elub nt a n iiiforimil m e e l i n g held at the home of I'lofessor .Miller D. S t e e v e r , head of the llcjiartiiicnt of Civil I l i g h l s , last Tlnirsdav cvcniiijj. M', At your service Freshmtn ^ 4 Huntington Barber Shop M SHERER BROS. H O F F M A N TO B E P R E S E N T A T O P E N FORUM M E E T I N G LAFAYETTE SPIRIT ABROAD Published by The Lafayette Freia. Iac. EditOT-in-Cliief aERBERT R. BROWN, Phone '1122 L. H. Eldredge Managing Editor X.A.Grasier Ass't. M'g'r. Ed. fi. E. Huhn News Editor B. H. Campbell Sports Editor A. R. Bernstein Exchange Editor P. S. Iiehnmn Alnmni £ditor Associate Editon I. C. MaeCartney R. B. Montgomery C. S. Drolsbaugh E. C. Doremua E. D. Nathan W. E. Hays R. M. Boarti C. R. Mease R. S. Meagher William Adams F. J. McGIynn LAFAYETTE o w is llic time to plan your v o r k for 1940. \N'liat you are doing then vill depend a good deal on what you do today and after graduation — and the way you do it. Obviously, you improve your chances for n hig j o b if you go wliere big jobs are and will be. T h a t means lit youi-self to take a place in some industry with a future. r i a n n i n g twenty or more years ahead is all in the day's work, among the telejihone companies of America. The electrical generating and manufactaring companies likewise look far into the future. T o put a telephone in every home, to light the ir>,(KM),000 houses that are not yet wired, to devise «nd promote many aiipliaiues for the comfort of man—all this will require dfcades of time and billions of capital, Chietly it will need the brains of men. It has long been sail thai electricity is in its infancy. That is still true. Vou are fortunate who can see this industry a little further along on its way to a glorious maturity. .Villi jeinember boys we're mi "On The Sijuare." Willi potjd clothes for Collejje Wear. Jacob Easton Western Etectric Compattv Mayer ON T H E SQUARE Penna. + Wherever people loot to electricity for the comforts and conveniences of life today, the iVestem Electric Company offers a service as broad as the functions of electricity itself. Sumier 34 •/ « $trit* A • . « . i . f . . _ ' 3 j :••.; JAVoiliustlay. Dcccmhor Tf), 1923 IsOCGER MEN LOSE TO LEHIGH ELEVEN iBrown and W h i t e Team Downs Maioon Soccerites F o r Third Consecutive Time—Score 5-1. Pliiviiif; it>-- linnl jinnio of tho sou011. ill'.' l.afa.votto C<illege socror I'iiin mi't ih'fial ut the hands of the ,i'lil}:h I'liiversity olevon nt T a y l o r u'ld la^t S a t n r d n y n f t o n i o o n . A hir;.v and cnthnsia^tic crowd w i t n c s s ,H1 ilii' iiintost. lA'hiyh's v i i t o r y over till' MiiriHiii tliU vear iinivki'd tintliinl I'l'iisi'ciitivf v i l l I'nr the l i r o w n ;iiiil \ \ liiU' iMiiitcr.i. THE W I N T R Y W I N D S BRING SNOW AND GALOSHES W i n i e r , imaiinonneeil, and npI'arently iT)jardloss of eiitiiiinv reijiiireinents. iinide n crashing advent into I j i f a y e t t e College last Ki'iday morning. W h e n sluilents tnmliled forth from tlioir hods for S o'cloek t h e y lioliold a large i|imiit i t y of .laines Oliver I'lirwoods' chief s t a g e a i r e s s o r y . Soon otlier sounds iH'gan t o liiiklc on the icy nir. S w i s h , s w a s h ; elink, clank; t h e i h y t h m i e heat* fell faster and faster ns the hands 011 t h e clock approached eight. Caloslies had again taken their sinnenio place in Cidloge lilo. Till' lir-l Inilf of Uu' iiiiinc w a s i\iiily iiialilii'd and Ijil'avvlto wav tlic lilsl to sroiv wlli'll IhlliimU IHIIHI ,.,| till' oval siinnrcly tliroii^jli the ,i|.ri»;lils. Tin' t a l l y w a s a icMill of a siiiiiinia;:i' jilay followin;^ a cornor kiik. Walters of Ixdii^h soon evened tho oiiniit and there w a s no more fcniiiL' diiriii); the remninder of the S i x N a t i o n a l F r a t e r n i t i e s and Local Clubs I n i t i a t e Pledges Ipi-riiiil. S e c r e t s of Btiotherhood lli.tli teams jilayed a stell.ir •lamc FRATERNITIES HOLD INITIATION RITES lit llie <i|ii'nliii{ iif the soeond hull' Imt I al'lor nveiity m i n n t e s of p l a y the Lnliiyilie defense w e a k e n e d and Tx''|liii;li SI Hied fiiiir .uoals. Keniandez nnd Itiitz eaeli aeeountin;; for t w o . lehigh Lafayette llubliard f l o a l . . . . JliCiiiifihoy Jliolieleiia I5.F.1! Oir Clothier L.F.ll I>.p I Mori ur i;.U.B • Ilalioock e C.H.lt -.Tohn.son llii.iiiiaii li.II.B IJniiel N.iiiN ..0.15 •Whittlesey 11.11.^ l.K -Cooley I r.niainlez CV •Stiles Walters l.L Toole I I'iiiudii O.L Armentrout lioals. Walter.s. Kornandez 2, Ihitz I. I'.alH'oek. S u l i s t i t u t u n i s , I.ohipli. Ilill" for Walters, Trumliore for Jlleliili'iin: I j i f a y c t t e , CampboU for Bnhoock. Referee, Horace Williams. Tome of halves, 45 m i n u t e s . CHAPLAIN C A R R U T H E R S D I S C U S S E S B I R T H OF C H R I S T I'sing a s his t e x t the words "His iiainc sliall lie called .Tesiis.'' Chaplain C a i n i l h e r s ]irearlieil a doctrinal scriniin iH'nring upon the Birtli narrativos of the N e w T e s t a m e n t . The sornion in Cnlton Cliapid w a s mu primarily on tlie tii|iii' of the \'irgiii l i i i t h lllli in the t r e a t m e n t i'f llie tlienie it w a s necessary t o lii^cuss wliy our Lord w a s nol ealled hy some n a m e that would einiiliasi/.e His \ i r g i n hirth. •tsiiili<- it' word ciiiihl have lieen ciiiiicd, nnd Christ iiuild have come d o w n as a llgiire of Iiisloiy w i t h the liallle. "Son of Mary." l i o w e v e r . even tho the hirth iiarralives do l a y e m p h a s i s on the Virgin Hirth, the n a m e of the child liiMs not emphasize t h a t idea. Two Into Nine nalioiinl nnd local fraternities and cliilis are i n i t i a t i n g new iiien into their n i y s l e r i c s this week. I'ollinving is a list of men already initiated, a n d t h o s e who, i t is stnted. will lie initiated prior to the ClirLsliiias H o l i d n y s , CAMP N A M E S D E I B E L 1918 I N SECOND SELECTION T l i e i i , ire K lliigey i? Kle.'trienl Walter ( amp lias annoiiiiced his K i i g i i i e i •, 4(17 .Main St., Uellertowii. seleitlon for his mylliiCul -Ml .\nie- Penna. licaii. gridiron eleven for the 11123 -cason. l a m p ' s tiulection appears in Collier's for this w e e k . (.>n tlie tirst team not a l.afnyetto player is meiitinned altlioiigli ( a p tain Arthur Doiliel is jilaced a t a lackle on the second eleven. Of Kill gridiron warriors who received lionoralile mention three were menihers of the Maroon t e a m which rejiresented l . a f a y e t l e dur'.ngj the past : casiiii. 'I'lie Mariiiin players are Biiild at g u a r d ; Cliicknnski liall liack and lieliliai'ill al fiilliiaik. BOYD E L E C T E D FROSH BASKETBALL MANAGER John O. Boyd, of Brooklyn, . \ . V.. w a s elected m a n a g e r of the Kresliman hasketliall team al a nieeting of Ihe Krc-liniaii class after chapel last riiursday. Alanager B o y d is arranging a silicdiile of thirteen games w i t h jirep schools and lirst year t e a m s of oilier eolleges. Ciiaih Donald Cliarle* Wolfe, '2."i, issued a call for candiilati's for the team ou 'I'liesday. T w e n t y uieii respiiniled and Coach Widfc plans t o start streniions practiie ininiediately. •^S^* •,''~»"Zf-ai3rr'» J^"-l (So'Qnertsticvt l''ir.sl-C'l:is.>; / H E itylc approved by c o l k s * nMB of ukra^tHu«rvmta«« f t r . L i ^ l w«ichi t o p c o a u and irtnur - -righca ar* equally in < at tha pricaa aet BO cutiaai vatiwly low by L U X E N B E R G . At4»ufictyred and loid exchunety kf N A T L U X E N B E R G « BROS. *• 1 B m d m v N. W. Cor. I M i S l . N^ 9Me N«» York Cky Ihir S t y l e Memo. IsMik will he s e n t free cn Reijuest orlotv^amorjol» rmfcral B iiiUJ nwoul)W\) nnirflai>J Ike iTNflMj di||icullte^ erxiDUMercd \-Oi\IrQcf milk us for nouP M)orlt_ arvd rcMrievc \Vc beivefiU of OUP fifleci^xjeorff SELECT PIPES and SMOKING TOBACCO ()(lcn\vel(k'i's Drii"- .'-^tnrc THATCHER 'S CIRCLE ARCADE Oiuility— Stotz Bros. Rogers Peet clothes Investments— (jtiality Iiats, shoes and fixinjT;s, too. NJel-opr bloFv for Ike use or color j-ijiKWr Ir book for leK^^^ black, oi\d .._- Ike cost (jp , -JlCR. vukvic rcbroauctiop.s. •c|iroaucnop.s. WRITE FOR QURCOMPirrt PROfiOSITION TDMV THE NORTHERN ENGRAVING CO. ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY, KnOOLIMMUM. mUUMtRS OkNTON OHIO Kiigravings in I!I24 Melange 451 Church Street -^ KARLDON BARBER SHOP OPERATED UNDER HOTEL MANAGEMENT MAKING A SPECIALTY OF FEATURING STUDENT WORK Phone 85-J. J. B, WILLIS VARSITY SHOP I,'i4 & 156 N o r t h a m p t o n S t . FOUNTAIN SERVICE—LUNCHEONETTE CIGARS—CIGARETTES—TOBACCO PIPES—SUNDRIES C. A. NUSS, Prop. Third and Feny Streets, i*4> I'f >I4. *^' B Insist on the IVtrick-Duluth Lahel. It is a mark of s w e a t e r eliaraeter. Sold hy h e t l e r dealers. Send for iiiterestiiii;, illustrated K n i t W e a r Hooklet .Vddresa D e s k X a . X The College Book Store F. A. PATRICK & CO. Tombler's Market National Provision Company Men's Gifts at THE HUB . Phone 3074 SUITS OVERCOATS MACKINAWS SHEEP LINED COATS RAINCOATS SWEATERS May this be the happier Chri^mas You have ever known V. 'S.- PIPES BOX CIGARS COLLEGE JEWELRY PEN AND PENCIL SETS BOX CANDY CARD TRAYS CIGARETTES CUSHION TOPS NEW BOOKS FANCY PENCILS FOUNTAIN PENS SMOKING ARTICLES MEMORY BOOKS AND NOVELTIES Sttmpf- LARGEST HOTEL, RESTAURANT A N D FRATERNITY SUPPLY HOUSE IN EASTON •''•••^ -y- li-,J * . ) . / : Suggestions for Xmas ( l i a r a c t e r is k n i l t e d into r a t r i e k - U u l u l h S w e a t e r s in I'litriek MIIIH, from .varnsof I'atrick quality, noted for their life and 8|iriiif;iiiCBS. It is apiiarent in their Btyle and m a k e and lit— their ample Hize, "set in" xleeveH, hunil looped fienir.K and hand worked hutton holes. .V reinfori'liiK strip across (lie shoulderH gives added strengtli and prevents stretching o u t of 14-16 NORTH FOURTH STREET Make This An Electrical Christmas Elaston, Pa. DULUTH, MINN. Q U A L I T Y I'KODUCTS ONLY College Hill S w e e t S h o p and I'lutnhing Hardware, Cutlery and fioneral Hoiisefnniiahiiigs FRUIT AND PRODUCE At The VARSITY SHOP: Kastun, Pa. The Jos. F. Crater's Sons I'rices nimleralc. The Family Laundr, alsogood work on shirts and col lara. Our service is economical to you. JUlrKour delovj. JKWELERS 421-423 Northampton St., Hm*. Rogers Peet clothes OUR SPECIALTY Fox <& Pulmer Co., Stoves, Hangea and Warm Air Furnaces. 5teain and Hot Water Heating STOTZ BROS. Bell Phone 3269 When you break your glasses or nead new ones see Hot and Cold Sandwiches Deiley's Markets l-"ir.si-Class ' r a i l i i r i i i i ; — l"irst-Kalc Repairini.; and Altering Neatly Done CLEANING AND PRESSING 12 North Third Street Opposite Hotel lliintrngton Phone 2527 Sweaters JillfirJtviual Biaifrst Man^tmmiF jSgl'Mni a sucixrtful Annual" ylrMOafh/iirm" ^Our Ssifftrhons" ViirBaek.efSpmtMi\t'ir^yKarhmis SHIRTS NECKWEAR MUFFLERS SHEEP-LINED D R E S S GLOVES KNIT VESTS BELTS INITIALS 30-22 s o . THIRD STREET PHONE 24S7 EVERYTHING TO EAT FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. HOME COOKING EATING CLUBS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES DELICATESSEN SPECIALTIES, SALADS, ETC. CATERING. SANDWICHES TRY US. W E MAKE DELICIOUS BAKED BEANS 1 5 < tb Store Open Evenings From This Thursday Until Xmas WALTER C. THOMAS CO. Xmas Checks Cashed—Xmas Boxes Free n-13-15 SOUTH THIRD STREET 228 228 No other shaving cream has it Northampton! Street Northampton Street •i-lC«l*«C*i^'HC-H«*HC-HC-MC-H^^ '•^^^:^(^^(&w^m^^^^?^. Talk Jt Over At Hame A ChriatfUM Vacation Sugfestion To Seniors We want a slogan i^fnSj 11. Sulihtitutions-I'utijersi Kurkiis |i,r Manek; l U n k e t h for Knander, Manck for Karkiis, Karkns for Manck, l l a z i l for Ilauh, (>sgo<id for I ullioun. Mchn for D a r w e n t . Ijifayctt*—Wcl for Kearney, Kearney for Moore, Blackfan lor Keurnev, Millman for Kepa. Keferee Call Keed, Springdeld. I inpire-Harry Wallum, Central Board. Time of halves, '20 minutes. r " ^ ^ H I S is your last year in college. This Is your last Christmas vacation. Your career after graduation is a question thatyou will want to talk over with the folks at home. They wiH be even more interested than you are. Now is the time to do it. The John Hancock has in its field organizatlc t producers who began as lite insurance men immedi' ately after graduation and have made a conspicuous success of tt. Whv waste time trying out something else which looks 'just as good" and then come into the life insurance work to compete with the man who goc Into the game from the start? Talk it over at home and remember that you can gee Infotmation and helpful advice by addressing describing the hinged cap that can't get lost. Can you give it to us? Perhapsyou shavewith Williams'and knowhow gentle and soothing its quick-working lather is to the skin. Perhaps you haven't begun to use Williams' yet. Whichever the case, we'll pay real money for your ideas. $250 in prizes & I aili. CHRISTMAS ALFREO DUNHILL ^ O u r varicu? butlicolinxsMiill |irove of ^imllnvtlwl value value b ijou >-vUi\uii\irea I'll. MERRY Rejirescntativc of Limuloii Rogers Peet clothes (alhoun >' <^''"»t* Manck *"••• ^o»« Darwent C Duffy Knauder O Rt'pa alluh <1 Kearney (Ioals from f l o o r - C a l h o u n (li), Knander ( 3 ) . Kauli, D a r w e n t , KarkiiK. ( r a t e (2) DulTy, Keiia, Kearney, (ioalx from foul line—Ilanli, 3 in 1 t r i e s ; ( alhonn, 2 in 4 ; Manek, 2 in I; Kiiaiider -' in «; Osgisid, 0 in 0; I rale li in 10. .Moore, 2 ill '>; Dulfy. I in .1; lt4pii, 1 ill :i; K e i n i n y , O in The FLY-FRONT Coat WADE H. FITZHUGH Special Sanitary Sea Foods ROGERS P E E T COMPANY Broadway Herald Sq. at r . t h St. "Four a t 3S!h St. Convenient Broadway Corners" F i f t h Ave. a t A\'arrcn nt 41st St. N e w York City r H Ike froWloiv,of < Jf wiOMor^ p lor occenrul AIM\UO1, T h e t a D e l t a Chi—Ezra M. Stiles, '2l'i, P a t e r s o n , X. .1.; iToliu F. Tim. '27. Pitl^liurgb, P n . ; T. Harris Brosius. '27, H a z e l t o n , P a . ; E d w a r d R. Phillips, "27, P a t e r s o n , X. J Kappa S i g m a — W i l l i n m X. Finley, '211, Baltimore, .Md.; John Q. :\rask, "27. P l y i n o u t h . Pn.; J o h n K. Bush, '27. T./<ickiiort, X . Y . ; Kdwanl I. H. B e n n e t t , '27, E a s t o n , P a . ; John H. IJeininga, '27. Oiik Park, 111. D e l t a T a u D e l t a — ( i n y Winkjor, '24. Wasliingtoii, I'a.: J a m e s W . Weaver '2ii. Kaston. P a . S i g m a Chi—Thomas .M. B e l t s , '27 Clearlield, Pa.; Krederiek K. Bunnell, "27, Klizalielh, X. J . ; Jolm ('. (Iraham, '27, Butler, P a . ; Carl K. Heintel, '27, Williamsport, P a . ; John P. l l o a g l a i i d , '27, W i l l i a m s p o r t , P a . ; Don B. Knapp, '27, H a w w o r t h , X. .1.; Uiihert B. Wliitcliead, '27, Williainsport. P a . ; Charles H. Ijiimon, '•2'>, N e w Sphinx—IXiiighis ('. .Messenger, '2.'i, Tiipton, P u . ; l l n s s e l l JI, H a r l m a n , '20, .Viiothcr einphasls t h a i t h e s e iiarF l e e t w o o d , I'li.; Ceorge J. Shipman, Mlivi's make is t h a i which r e l a t e s '2ii, E a s t o n , Pa.; Harold P. liesli, •2(i. to the iiaiiie ( l i r i s l . acrordiiig to Freohind, Jld. (ha|ilaiii rarriilliors. This is ;i techArrows—Kliiier K. Huliii, '24, Aliiiial .Messianic name, and to lie 1111l e n t o w n , P a . ; Irwiii JL S t e w a r t , '27, ili'i>.tiM<il reipiiri's a s t u d y of the Dry Bull, P a . ; I^-ighton 11, S c o t t , '27, I'liiplielic l e f e r e i i i e s in I Ile Old TesLansford, Pa. laini'iit l o the iiniiing nl llie Alessiali. Z e t a P s i — E . Hart Cieoiie, Kustoi >lill. the inline Christ is not given P a . : (ieorge Bailey, W a s h i n g l o n , I). 111 Ihe Lord a t H i s liirthday. T h i s ('.; X o r m a n Bavlis. Brooklyn, X. Y . ; is signillcant liecause t h e n a m e of a Ijirry F o s t e r , Bidgcwood, X. .L; IL •liwisli child is of (he i i t m o s t iniK. S i n i l h , Ilonesdale, Pa.; lloberl K. piirtanre. and each child is supposed 'riiismaii, Boston, T e x a s ; Herhert ( III III' uliat his name is. the Cliaplain Fitzgerald, X e w York C i t y ; P a u l P. Ji'iliircd. Morrison, .Mtooiia, I'a.; Koberl P. lie saiil ill p a r t : - '"The third t i l l e .Mien, ^\'illiaUls|llH•t, I'a.; Uicliard T. that niiglit l i a \ e heen given H i m . is (Kliorne, XarU-rtli, Pa.; Jack S. •'I'Mis. and this is e . \ a i l l y the nnme, JIauc, Cincinnali, Ohio. that the hirth narratives give Christ. This is iloiihly impressive, liecause MAROON T O S S E R S iif llie seven liiindred t i m e s wliere S P L I T T W I N BILL •Ic-iis is given an niipellalion (lieie arc only four places where t h e tith' il'onliiiiied frill". page one) name, .Tesus, is g i v e n , and t h e y all T h e lineups for llie two games reilncc t o <ine and are found in the played this week follow: llirill nurrative. 'riierefore, the name r i i i v e r s i t y Cluh. (2.'i) L a f a y e t l e (.TO) •Ii'^iis is s i g n i l i i a n t aliove e v e r y other Kiiipe K Moore till''. The preacher then pointed out .farvis 1" <nite thut .Ic-iis m e a n s ".V Saviour," and lleeker >•' 1^""> llial he was called .lesus liecause H i s Smith ^ Kearney main jnirpose in life w a s t o he a Karnaw H lli'im Savii'iir to the world. (Ioals from floor—Crale 5, .Mooii 4. D u l l y •-'. Kearney 1, Ilepa 2, JliUnian, Knipe a, Keriiaw .3, Sniilh. Our N e x t S h o w i n g a t iHials fllllll foul line—Jloore, DufJOE V I N B E R G S TAILOR SHOP fy, K e a r n e y Knipe •'i. .lurvis, iiecker. Will He l»n S i i l i s t i l i i t i i i n s - . M i l l i n a n for Moore. T u e s d a y , Jan. 29 I t e f e r e e - l l i u n n , Cornell; Umpire liiitter. Cornell. CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN Kutgers (33) I^fa.vettc (20) Pa<re Three Monciay, January 7th S i g m a N u — David .1. Kirk, '20, Tyrone, I'a.; .loliu 1''. Couhiii. '20, Hudson, P a . ; W y t h o T. Boiling, '27, .Seranton, P n . ; Frederick P. Dalilstroii. "27, Jamestown, N. Y.; W i l l i a m L. C o l w n l l s , '27, Xorristown, Pa.: Charles K. Kidner, '27. X e w York, X. Y . : Willinm T. Zielenlinch, '27, Elizabeth, X. J . ; Kdward L. llogoUii, '27, Seranton, P a , Tarms—.TameB T. Hugh, '20, Philadelphia. Pa. Keiisiiigtoii. LAFAYETTE DE PINNA 5th Avenue at 50th St,, NE.W Y O R K WILL SHOW AT THE COLLEGE BOOK-SHOP Today and Tomorrow DECEMBER 19th and 20th their importations and exclusive prodtictions Aaency Depattment in young men's clothing and furn'shinir-;. For the be«t Mntenct of Un words eriew oa Ihe value ofthe WUIteme' Htngcd Cap, we offer Ihe iBllowincprlsee: let prUeSI0l>;2ndpri<e •M:twothiidprilea,USeach;two4thpriica,*la eaon; el iiSth prIece.aS each. Any undargradeate orgradaatealudefitieellfiblc.Ulwoornwrepereonaeubmlt Idcotlcelrlecanadremcd worthy of prlece,thc fiill emounlof the prise wlUbeaward•d to eeeh. Contret cir >ee et inldnichl March 14. 1924- Wlnnero evlll be HnnouBced ae eoootheeoaftrr ae poaetblc. Subn it eoy Dumber of slocana but write onolM elieol peperonly,puttingnaiae, •ddreee, college end dene at topofeach iheal. AAdrees lettere lo Contest Editor, The J. B.WIIHama ConOlaston bury.Conn. MR. FINNEGAN, Representative. U r c INSURANCE COMPAI or •oarON. MAagACMUsgrrs Sifly-OMCjMn <» business. Now intuiimt O n e BiDion, Sa>cn Huiuir.. M O t M M i o r t in imlieies 0n 3,130,000 lM«f i?^"^'i?^^^.x®^SJ^^^r^i:^^^^ , i2^t2 " ' \ \ ' c i l i n ' - < l . - i y , n ( ( T i n I i < r ,,^^ ,f^ Tlir. Pas^c Fiinr L A.UUiMINI ALUMNI FORMER EDITOR WRITES LETTER Ross Hoffman W r i t e s From Paris t o Instructor J.iiiigochian on Franco — Gtrnuin Relations l;o>~ .1. Ilciirnmii. "2:1. l u n m r nliliir <>i llli-; i . A I W V K i r i : . writing' from I'Miis Ici Mr. S. II. •iaini.'iii'liiaii. in>lni<l(>r ill Sininli);;y, iliiclcr llu' diili' • 'I Niivcnili.T I'.l. i'.t'2'.i. ti'lls nf tlic ]>ri'sciit slniinril icliitioiis liclwccn I'raiiri' anil IJciinaiiy. I'arts of hin li'll.'i- llial a i r of t-ju'cial inliTi'st l.Il.uv. "Mx w i a l l i a;:aiii>l the I'li'iicli 11 uinl Miiiii'W lial. l l is pcrli'itlv oli\ inns lliat (•rrniany lias IH-IMI vir liiiil/.i'il liy ('a|iilali-tii' (losjiiit isni. anil mil r n i i r l i iiiilitariMm. T liavt' llol Ilini; Iml iittiT conili'iiinalioii for I'otli (oM'inaii ami l-'irni-li jioxfriiiiioiils. Tlicy liavc sairiliccil tlle in I r i c s i s nf lllllll |ico|ilcs in a i|narrrl tor tlic iiiiliislrial ln'i;ciiiiniy ol Kiiin|ic. 'I'liis iilca thai licniian ilc )^rcssinii ami (lisiiilcfinilinn is liciiiir Jorccd liy llic Vrciicli in Wcstpluilia i s iiniisi'iisc. I'a-sivc r e s i s t a n c e of course. licl|icil to iiii|io\crisIi the I ' c i d i . hnt it miisi he rcuicnilu'icil Ihat jiassivc rcsisiancc w a s a!lO);ctli cr a liiolisli and iiisn|i|iiirtahlc move. - \ s for t h e factors in the (Iisiiitci;riitioii. it is a m i s t a k e to helieve that Bismarck's imiierial iroatiou w a s aiiylliini; hut a I'riissian coup. Bavaria is a s diircrent from fiermany a s ;Mcxic'> is from Ihe f i i i t c d .'states of America. (Tliat is exajrjienited. lull it is llic hest iliisiratioii 1 can iliiiik ofl I t s traditions are those nf till' Holy llonian Kinpiic. not modern iMiluslria? licrmaiiy. ( i e r m a n y is lull of )iiir(iiiiliirisiii and w a s liefnrc llic W a r - only wc liparfl lesn" ;il"iiii il. II looks to me as tliiiii;:h s i c will CO hack t o t h e old Confcdclatioii. and [ a m not sure hut that it will he a t;o,id I liin;. 'I-'raiicc, I f e d . has acted hailly in rcviviiif.' niililarisin ami llic race in ill iiianiciils. I helieve she is lieailiiic lasl Inward a liiii'.m ial siiiasimp whieli will allect all Kurope. On tlm whole t h i s continent is jn a IIICKK and t h e main dilTiculty is Ihc wiiefiil lack of holiest ami cleaiilicnded sfatpsiminship. Kurope is hciii;; ruined hy llaldwins. Toiinarcs. Streeainanns. and Stinnes. 1 would almost weliiiiiic l.loy.i ticorjie hack ill the arena, and il |ook.s a s if lie is coniintf." OLD GRAD I S R E W A R D E D A F T E R 25 Y E A R S ' S E R V I C E BANQUET December 26th—AH Colic;;,. Uin ner, ."siale Kducal ional .Vssociation. riiiladelpliia. Hotel W a l t o n , li:(>w P. M. Price per jdate .tM.IX), If y o u want u place losetvetl. drop u card t o Dr. W i l l i a m O. Allen. TSouth Collcu'c. Kaston. I'a. December 27th—Patclio;;iie -VI umni .\ss<icintioii ilinner. Ii:.'i0Koe's H o t e l Patchoniie. - L. I.. X. Y. Ladies will a t l e i i d ; orchc-irnr and ilancinjr. Kor further in.'orIllation, write .JoscpU 'J', l.oscc. i ; i | . . l'atcho;;iie. L.'T?, X . V. February 27th—Cliicaco .\liim-' ni Assoeiation Dinner. •'. K. '•^'.i'lv iii;;cr. I l l W. .Moiiroe'-Bt'^ t hicaga' II .Secietarv. SHANER PUBLISHES LEARNED TREATISE Enlightening Discovery Concerning Heart Action Made b y Alumnus, Univ. of Alberta Professor. Ualph Kaust Shaner. I'll. I), 'l.-i, has rciently pnhlislicd a discursive treatise 'Iln the Muscular .\rcliitectiirc of the N'crlcliratc \ ' e n t r i c l c " in the ".lournal of .\iiatiimy." \'nliillie Iiflyi'i;;lil. Pursulii;; llic famous iiivcsli;;al ioiis of ihc celcluatcd seienlist Mall, former I'rofessor of A n a t o m y at .lohns llniikins I'niversity in t h e ventricle f o i m a l i o n of t h e mainmali. Dr. .shaner carried t h e research ou into the lield of other vertchratcs inclnilln;; hirils. reptiles, niiipliiliians. and tisli. Through his iiivesti;;atioii it has beon iliseovered t h a t t h e muscles of the ventricle iirp so nrranped that when tliey contract t l i e y create a I wist In;; motion similar t o that einployeil in wrin;;in;; out a wet towel. A\illi this force acting as a pninp. t h e lilood is forci'd out t o the dillerent parts of the IKMIV through the arteries. The discovery of this fact throws n e w light upon Ihc decrease of the volume of Ihc heart which has pii//leil seient i s i s fnr some time. Dr. Sliancr's article w a s prepared with the greatest care, and is made d e a r hy great iiiiiiihers of graphically executed drawings nhowiug t h e he-.irls of diMcrent species of<.vcrtelirates ill process. The author iCt.pr.-scut I'rofessor of .Vnatoin.v a t tlte Cui versity of .\lherta, whicii is a t Kdcst article marks t h e re'iilt of researches that have IH-CII conducted for some lime past. 1 » licv. William II. Wells. I). I)., Lnfay c t t e , IHIHi. on Dcieiiilicr lit li wa-» presented willi a check for llllT chillarH hy the lncmller^• of tlii> Kirst I'resliylerian I liiinli, llliiey. I'liiladelphia. in recoMiiilion of his li.") years' \\'ork a s pastor. Jluriii;.' his ciillc;re eoiirse. Dr. ^\•|•l|s preached ill the folic;;,. Hill I'rcsliyterian ihapcl. I'arsons street, Kastmi. Ilr. AX'clls is t h e o n l y pastor tho f Iliicy church has had and In' has done a jircal work I l i c i c ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED .\ir. and Alls. II. .1. |!uir, of Knst Oiaiiyc, .New .Icrsc'y. Imve rciriitly aiiiiuiiiici'il the cii);a;;i iiieut of their ihiiiyhlcr. Miss KIsic .1. Hurr. t o Kdw a n l Moiiin^'toli .\llcn, '22. nf Kast <iiaii;;e. The marriage will ociiir Decenilier J l . Mr. Alien is a meniher of Ihc Alpha ( h i Itlm fruternity. and is al present employed in the lladio D i v i s i o n of t h e .Multiple Klectric I'roilnetif Cumpuiiy, Iiicorpuruled of .Vowiirk. X e w Jersey. CALENDAR • S I X T E E N A N D A HALF DAYS FOR C H R I S T M A S VACATION t lasses for the year l'.i'2:i will lerininate a t mx n Friday with t h e heginning of t h e annual Christmas n cess. S t u d e n l s will resume work again on .Mondav. .lanuary 7. The l a i a t i o i i period llii.i year extends over siMceii ami a half d a y s , t w o and one half more than were granted last year. -Mrcady students w h o l i \ e gieat dislaiices from the college have.'(le{liirtcd fur Ihcir homes. Those men who were furtiiiiatc in olilnuiing johs ill I'ncle .Sam's mail service. .Xnicrican Itailway K.vprcss. and stores during the llolhlay rush will have Iheir alisences from classes cxeiiseil on approval hy Dean .Mhert K. lleckel. The grand exodus of the niidergraduates is expecled t o begin tomorrow evening. .\ s t e a d y stream of slndents will continue t o migrate on east. west, south and north hound trains until snmetimc S a t i i n l a y <ir Sunday. when only the resident facnl y nieinliers will remain. ComparaS K I L L M A N F U L L Y RECOVERED tively few out of town men will spend the l l o l i d a y s in Kaston. l)a\iil I!. Skilliiian. assistant to I'lisidciii .1, II. MacCracken. w h o has TRUSTEES MEET NEXT MONTH IHCII conlined to Dr. CorieH's Uospital for snme time, was ahle to l e a \ c The .lanuary .Mcctin'_' of the Hoard hist .Monday. Mr. Skillman will nf Trustees will he held Wednesday spend Ihe Christmas holidays wilh .lanuary lli. at t h e t'nion League his sister at ( hcstmit llill, I'hihidel. t lull. Pliiladelpliia. pliia. FACULTY trial liuilding. steel linn ami ice jilants. pUltu construe- race. Kast tlrangc. X. .1.. is engineer T w o sons of Lafa.vctte arc a t pre for X e w Vork Teleiihone Co., 104 Sent members of t h e faculty at CarHrond S t . . X'ew Vork t^il v. .\. Parker .Mc.Moen, .Alifllintowii. I'a. negie Institute of Teehnology, I'illsis ail auditor fur thu iStandard Steel liurgli. Pa. Morris R. Trexicr. 'OS, is 1913 Work. ISiirnluim, I'a. M. II. P. Kitchcl. Alpha ( h i Itho, inst rill tor in Industrial Science, and is Civil lOiiginecr for t h e .S. O. (O., Charles Williamson. '12, is an inslriici:iliiigc S. LaHar is i n t h e lumber Kielimond, Cal., w i t h residence, jU.'i tor in Plivslcs. liiisiness. address, :il!) JtvUciiiuiite Kiinthill Uh-a., Oaklaiul, Ca^,. . \ v c . . I l a w l c v , I'a. 1909 .lohn Wagi'iier (ircen, orchardist, ."211 Met a i t i i e y S t . . Kasttuu I'a. PRESENTATION w I Mill ;t h i t — y e l y o n i>ay iiiithiiiy for it. House Building COMING W E E K 1910 X. R o y -Miller. 40!) Sunset Kd.. W . Heading. Pa. is a d v e r t i s i n g manager for the Wilson lioggles. Inc., KeaiUiig. William D. Kirkpatrick, sales iiijiiiager with an office a t 147 X . 7tli St.. l'hiladel)iliili. lives a t .'542 Harper A v e . , Drexel llill, I'eniia. -Vngiist H. Scliaaf is a s s i s t a n t superiiitenilent for t h e Itrooklyu I'nion l i a s Co., Williamsburgh Wurks, X . I2tli S t . . a n d K e n t Aw., w i t h residence, 1111 Dorchester, ltd. Urooklyn. (ieorge C. Baker i s superiirteiident of school.s. Moorestowii, X . .T. L. T. It. .Soutwick. Delt Kappa Kpsilon. is a civil engineer, West Palm Jleach. Klorida. HERMAN BARBER S H O P (ALL A M E R I C A N Easton's Leading Theatres - STRAND ORPHEUM s.\'r. DI£CK.MII1':R JJIUI 1911 <liiy K. S m i t h is niamigcr of Retail .Store at ( a m p t o w n . I'a. llobert P. S c o t t , .Tr., Sigma ( h i . is in the liaiiking liiisiiiesii. Funnel':!. Xatiomil liank, Uutler. I'eniia. Christian Liidewig S i e b e r f s oecnpatioii is that of a sanitary engineer for the llnreaii of Kngineering, Peiiiisylvaniii Dept. of Health, Harrisburg. I'a. licsidoiKv, Camp Ilill, I'a. -Martin H. Limlalniry is a Kriiil Package .ManufiHliirer, I! .lunipcr .St., liiirlington, X, ,1. Kev. Kohert L. Logan is pastor of Presbyterian (hnrch. Kighlli and liroadway. (Juiiicy, III. Electric Heaters For $7,50 Week of December 24 J. W A R R E N EMMA BUNTING ;in(l till' .\c\\' N'l irk C*;isl Tii KERRIGAN "BEHAVE YOURSELF BETTY" I l e n I I if "Covered Wagon"" I'RI.. .S.\T.. DliC. 28-21J 'I'lic r.i.t,^ Mti.sical Tlit "HELEN O F TROY, N. Y." 'llic .^clwyii Theatre .V. N'. Kassclas W. Hrown. Sciota l i d . . C o n y . I'a.. is engineer for ( d n y Water Siipjily Co. .Miisic.'il Cdiiicily .Scii.sation Coiupaiiv' of ."^ixty—• .•Special ( Irchcstra COLONIAL "Thundering Dawn" SHOP) C E N T R E SQUARE next to Smith's Cafe H O T E L KARLDOIN R F S T A U R A N T fjrKiNT U N T I L M I D N I G H T SERVICE TAliLK D ' H O T E AMD A LA CART1-: STUDENT r.XTKONACa-: I N V I T E D r . e l l J'lu m e PURITY CONFECTIONARY, F R U I T AND LIGHT LUNCH Manos and Chiames I'-.'i.Mi.n, I'a. e;6 Centre Square GET YOUR Oymnniiiiim rmitH nnd i:i|iii[ii!iciit. F o o t ISiiU iind Athletic Oonds, .Jcrscrs nnd S»'c(itcrs: (IvmuuKiiiiu, Trnck, A t b l i l i e anil liuskct Hall Sillies; Kisliiiif,' Tnckic; l'ni"t« uud Varuihlics at KIEFER'S 4O0 NORTIIA.MI'TO.V STKIiET WALTER L CREV£IIN&!& 225 Cattell Street EASTON, PA. Also full line uf bulbs, lamps and eleetrieal supplies S. W. Corner Centre Square IJreaklast - - - <> I Stiii'lay Ltinclieon - -J i J Chicken \\ affle Dinner Uuinc CoukiiiK- O'l'.^'- Strietly Home Made Pies. Kcserv.'itidiis ( a n lie .Made ]'"or l-aniilie.^. ARTIST'S M A T E R I A L S Oil. tempera and .show card colors in tithes, pans and jar.s. Com])lete line of arti.st's hrn.shcs and jiaint .'^cts. Also a ftill line of house paints, varnislics, wa.xes and siiecial floor finishes. EASTON P A I N T - U P S T O R E n o So. Third Street Phone 2247-] SEMPLE'S DRUG STORE Kodaks and Photo Supplies, Expert Developing and Printing for Amateurs. 323 N O R T H A M P T O N ST. Weatherford's Pharmacy 3rd & Spring Garden Drugs Soda Cigars Tobaccos & Cigarettes at Lowest Prices. CATERING T O LADIES A N D GENTLF.MEN FOOD A N D SERVICE O F Q U A L I T Y . N e w York Restaurant HARRY R. B A S S E T T French Dry Oleaning A Specialty Clothes Cleaned and Pressed by SanitaryProcess 127 Cattell Lt. 48 C E N T R E S Q U A R E Open Day and Night. 12 SOUTH In Rear BANK of E a s t o n STREET National KLEIINHAIN'S Florist THIRD STREET 1 THEATRE 1 NEW YORK SHOE SHINING & HAT CLEANING PARLOR 8 SOUTH FOURTH STREET EASTON, PA. P e t e r B a l l a s , Prop. December 24-25-26 "THEBROKEN WING" .\ I'lll ill >|)lay Taken l-roin Tli^' I'.i-;" S l a ^ c l l i t . See Tlu?'Crkshing Aeroplanes! Opera House Two Big Special Holi.iay Week Bills MiD.NK.ii'r M.\Ti.\i':i': X1':\V Y'E.'KR S K\ K. First Natiimariaok Shoe Shining Pailor CIGARS CIGARETTES A N D C. M. SCRIMA & BROS. 701 Wood St., Better Shoe Repairing and Service. We Call and Deliver. Bank W E A V E R ' S PHARMACY EVERYTHING FOR THE MOTORIST Way Bros. 29 South Third St.. Easton, Pa. .^ Bell Phone 171 EASTON, PA. North Third St. Entire Week Dec. 24th MAGAZINES SUPPLIES Phone 1254 SMITH'S N E W CAFE "Barefoot B o f By J. G. Whittier, Also "HANSEL AND GRETEL" A. C Smith Drugs, C i g a r s , f r d r s And Candies Cor. Cattell & Monroe £ts . W i t h I ".ally JV^fiy Diecembor 27-28-29 "ToTbe Last Man" D E C E M B E R 2 0 , 21, 32 "SALOMY JANE" 7%c Warner BARBER SHOP 15 So. Third St., Easton. Never flunks Complimenta of -this lifetime friend -at DE.SK L A J I P S $-^.75—$15.00 Easton, Pa. Soda Water, Cigars, Drugs Candy, TYPEWRITERS Xew L'sed and Kcbtiilt H. L. HEYMANN CO. Uffite K(|uipnu-nt 3i8-ao-a2 Ferry Street, Pubscrjbc for "TUe Lyre" mmitnfm.1... feet ;irc c l a i l i n . M a y ' s s h o e s i s Opera FOR T H E Kobert S. W a l t e r . D e l t a T a u D e l t a , is viec-principal of The .Swavely .School. 41111 Coniiceticut Ave., ^\'aslliiigton. D. C. RADIO 1916 F r a n k A. Afareh, -ind, ,Tr., in an •<•couiitant a t t h e Banker'f T r u s t Co., Jtl W a l l S t . , X . V. City. H e resides >it t h e D e l t a Knppa Kpsilon C'lnb, :!(i W . 41tlt .St., X e w Vork City. o f k n o w iill,' tlwit y m i r May's I'aul 11. Walter i* a physician, 00 K. Brutiil !St., Jiethleliem, I'a., i f s i deiKv, loO.') Prospect A v e . , UctUtehein. ELECTRIC S H O P I'resident AtaK'rackcn will repre sent liUfayelte a t the mreliiij; of I lie .\ss<M-iatioii of .Xnicricun Colle>!cs to IM- hehl iu > e w Vork Cit.v, .laniiarv , l u t h and l l t h . The "fed" npiiuiiiririiHiwiiniTriiiiiiiiiiiiibiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiitTiTiim^ James E. Hauck Professor Dona hi Ilisliop I'rentiee will represent I j i f a y e t t e at a nieetiiij; of the .Vilmiiiistrative Oificers nf N'hcHdH of Kn;;iiiceriii}; t o lie held in Ann .\rhor. .lunnary i.'itli uml Jiitli. l o consiiler the prn|MiKpil iiive»ti(;atiiiii cif Kn|:iiiccrin;; Kcliicalfon. ' | - B igiz JOE R E D A , Prop. Professor .lames W. Tiipja'r will represent L a l a y e l t e al t h e nicctiiio of t h e Moilern Laii};iiu):e -Vssociat inn t o lie helil a t Ann ArlKir, iliehi^ran. duriii;; t h e ( liristniaii liolidays. 1 • I. .A. Iloin is conccilicd wilh the FORMER A L U M N I SECRETARY TEACHING I N CHICAGO buying and selling of food sliilfs, acting in the capacity of a broker with P.. II. 1). .Molt. Phi Delta Theta. is 1907 licv. .Mr. lo'orgc K. Kickes, "(l.'i. forbusiness and rci'ideiicc address l.'cJu Krank .\. .Samlcrs i* princi|ial of a farmer near Millingtoii, X. ,1. mer aluuini s e c r c l a i y . and now iliree -\dams A v e , Seranton, I'a. lliiili Scliool, .llackcttstowni, N. .1. tor of reli;;ious education of tlic PresII. i;idredge Ooile is ill flic l u h e r bytery of ( liiniSo, i« Kiviiijr " '"''''' Samuel t l . Wihle, hrokor. oflice ."iJ Ijsiiig business w i t h ofiiee a l l.'il I T R E N T O N A L U M N I TO E R E C T MEMORIAL LAMP H E R E study every S a t u r d a y inornint: at the William S t . , X . V., lives i n '21 Dodd W e s t m i n s t e r llldg., I llii ago, 111. ResiScioiid IVcsbytcrian Older Hoys' Con dcinc al'i X. Grove . \ v e . , thik I'ark SI.. Kast Itraiitfe. X . .1. 111. .\ memorial iu the form of a lamp ferenee of tlie Cliica>.'o Presby tcr.i to old "Doe'' Hurley, whom all of t h e wliicli is liciii;; held December liSili igoS I!c\. Ualph K. D c K a y is u clergy- older men remeniber as. o n e of t h e and 2!»tli in Ibc K<lKc\vatcr I'resbytcr Iiarry D. Kiioioy. It.'J Kast .'liltli S t . . lixtiin>i) aruuml t h e canipus. \UK been iaii ( Iiiircli, t liicapo. Ul. X e w Vork C i t y , is m i n i n g engiiicrt-r man in Cato, X c w Vork, pro]iosed for crecthin on t h e campus for the T e x a s tiiilf .Sulphur Co., 41 1;. F. liloyd. l.'iOO Itcrsliire .\vc.. Kast 42ml (?t., X e w Vork C i t y . (iilbcrt It. Hoiiharo, ."lO X. Pearl St.. by the Trenton L a f a y e t t e Alumni -Asliridgefoii. X . .7.. is general cmilrao- soeiation. . \ t a baiii|iict belli by thr- Pittsliiir^di. I'a.. is ii trainiiip' officer .\. I!. Shinier. l.'iO:! Washciigt0.11 St.. l o r for lionhani Kiigiiiceriiig and Con- assiH'iatioii last montli a t the Stacy for llic \ e l e r a n s Uiircau. .\llc;.duiiic\ Hotel, it w a s ilecided ti> have the nidt.'., Pittsbiircb. Kastnn. is supc.Tisor of truck for IJ. st n n l i o i i Co., llridgeton. • • » Iniii]! ready for the aniiual elass reV. 1!. J!. Kaston, I'a. H u n t i n g t o n B a r h i r Shop I'Miiiiiiiil .L Riche is a mercliant hi- unions this .lune. It, will be erected At your service freshmen Krank 11. Kinsey, D. I'. Iiiijs a husi- calcil at (it .V. .Main .St., (iloversville, at some suitable |ioint ou t h e campus a', seleeled b y the directors of Ibe iiess of his. o w n a t l-'-i Hig.^'lnw S t . . X . V . College a n d a committee from the N'ewark. X . .1., a s a. c o n s u l t i n g struc tiiral engineer spcciiilizing in imUisHenjamin R. P.rown. 4li Vernon Ter- Associat ion. NOTES. ^las: I N O T E S LAFAYE.rjH r 800 P R E P A R E D S P E E C H E S jBUii l.'i-.Minutc iirc|mroiI ijiwclicB, ftnjtions, fSbuys, •Ifbutcs, addresses a'lid Uctnrcs on tbe followini^ subjects: rinanec, Kilucation, Kcliiiion, Political und .Social O o a s i o n s , Bpoecbeii for Itanquets, Cliurcli Societies, Club T a l k s , I'eiiiiions nnd .'Vnniversuries, .M'terDinner Talks, Xoou-ilay l.uncli Talks, Debates for ull occasions. -Vvcraiic cost "j to l.'ic eaeli in Krou|> lots. All speeclics w r i t t e n by rollege or univerBity {graduates. \Vrite for list. Public Speakers Mu;;ttzliie oontuins 10 speeclics every montb. 2r>c per copy. College reprcsentutivc wanted. PUBLIC S P E A K E R S SOCIETY BOX 304, HARRISBURG, PA. COMPLIMENTS OF Easton Sanitary Milk Go. R E I N I N G E R ' S FOR J E W E L R Y Diamondi, W a t c h e s , Clocks, J e w e l r y Cut Glass a n d Silverware ai4 Northampton St., EASTON, PA. Near Second Street Confectionary & Ice Cream a,..,...„i!,1,1,1.1.1,11.1 , / , , / i j / ^ ^ THE COLLEGE PRINT SHOP John jJ J D. Sandt liell 3 0 7 2 J Subscrilie for "The Lyre"* a ai. .sac. Gripped in rubber-^ guaranteed Bell Phone 1561 Baggage Transfei SANDT BROS. There is reason for Rubbersel'a remarkable service. E v e r y R u b berset bristle is gripped everlastingly in hard rubber—it c a n t come out, cct mixed wilh the lather—hinder 3having. RUBBERStl Jus.t (or aJded certainty. R u b b e r e d B t u b h e s a r c guaranteed — u n c o n d i t i o n a l l y . The hrimtlea atay in. Each brush m a k e s g o o d —orwcc'n. Get this prime easenti«l l o a clean, tool s h a v e . . . toda:* . . . i t a n y store o n the campus. Mado b y R u b b e r s e t Company, Newark, N . J., U. S. A . W. H. MOORE OPTICIAN Oftice Iliiurs: n tu 12 .V .M. I:0() t o 5 P. M. Kvcniu^'!* a n d Suiiduys by Ajipoiut UlPIlt 32S N O R T H A M P T O N S T . . (Over SCIUIIIC'B Drug Store) Phone 3299-B D. M. HAWKE. D. D. S.. [JOIN T H E A L U M N I ASSOCIATIOM ALUMNI Rubbersets arc a l w a y s ready to whip u p a big, speedy lather that works d o w n to ihc very rootn of tho hair - h o l d i n g each •reel, easy to cut. liigli a t Porter St "ALWAYS WIDE AWAKE" T a x i c a b Service and Garage DISTRIBUTORS MILLER CORD T I R E S "Geared t o T h e Road" .Ml Kinds of Ite|iair Work—Cars T o w . ed D a y or N i g h t R o o m 201 Northampton Nat. Bank Bldg., £aston, Pa. — . , y^ T R U E friend is a s t a u n c h * ^ one—alwayi! reliable. Men w h o b o u g h t their Rubberset Shaving Brushes w a y back in 1888, when w e first started, still find them tho s a m e reliable friends each morning, RUBBE" I^HAViNG BRUSH ' '•' *^^^^i^**-' -SB
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