St. Matthew’s News The Newsletter of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church WWW.Sml-Lex.org July 2016 VBS Sunday, July 17th – July 21st Meal at 6 pm Classes start at 6:30 pm Join us on Sunday July 17th for a cook-out kick-off!!! Dear Family and Friends of St. Matthew’s: Named after Julius Caesar while he was still a general officer July has always been one of my favorite months. If for no other reason it is the month we celebrate the birth of the United States of America. Many scholars of the English language believe that the Declaration of Independence contains the most powerful statement in the English language: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Join us this July 17-21 for Vacation Bible School for “Surf Shack” where we will “Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love!” Surely in our pursuit of Happiness we will learn of God’s Amazing Love. The Adult class will focus on a “Virtual” tour of the Holy Land and the evidence that Biblical Archeology has provided us. July is also a time for vacations. School is out beaches, lakes and mountains call. For those who are travelling this month please be careful, enjoy God’s beautiful creation, be refreshed and come back to us invigorated for God’s mission. See you in Church Pastor Bob Seth Ewing, Myrtie Heywood, Cooper Hardy, Ann Trivison, Norma & Harold Williams, Larry and Carolyn McCartha, Harry Keisler, James Jumper, Cromer Jumper, Jeff Hall, Nina Watts, Minnie Monts, Nettie Bell Alewine, Tiffany Shealy, Harlow Piszcz, Jeff & Amy Liptak, Bill Rivers, Barbara Fisher, Carl Enlow Sr., Gene Backman, Dorothy Craps, Annette Stafford, Martin Watts, Elizabeth Harvey, Connie Carter, Roy & Olivia Whittle, Rosetta Leaphart, David Rhimer, Jim Huggins, Ava Dibenedetto, Laura Beck, Wayne Keisler, Diane Caughman, Jenny Owens, Al Stevenson, Susan Wingard Lattimer, Parker Cowherd, Brady Hicks, Helen Harman, Lydia Lindler, Lindsey McCartha, Ginny Tawzer, Amy Price, Phil Carter, Michelle Nugent, Jennifer Lineberger, Kaylin Zimms, Dustin Johns, Dorothy Smith, Donna Roof, Carolyn Hammond, Roger Williams Annie Wannamaker, and Alice Harmon. We pray for all who serve in our armed forces, especially Patrick Mason, Clynt Campbell, Amy Shelby Storrs, D.J Hoover, Joe Mason, Gus Monaco, Chris Basquil, Trevor Dean, Dustin Dean, Jeff Shuler, Jeff Hoover, Eric L. Baker, Mason Frier, Madison Leitner, Travis Mann, Jacob Robertson, Mason Cox, Dallas Moses, Douglas Vance, Carrie Fink, Megan Asbill and Brant Thibault. Special Offering in July is for Reed Craps Scholarship Fund. Please mark your gift in the “other” portion of your envelope and designate “Scholarship”. Thank you for your assistance. July 17, 2016 - LMM Breakfast Meeting at 7:45 a.m. Cooks: Howard McCartha and Pastor Bob The WELCA group will not meet for July!! Special Offering in July is for Reed Craps Scholarship Fund. Please mark your gift in the “other” portion of your envelope and designate “Scholarship”. Thank you for your assistance. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1- Sandy Alewine 2- Coolidge Steele 2- Karen Smith 5- Ann Black 6- Lynn Balch 6- John Gruber 7- Pam Stocker 7- Brenda Snyder 7- Zachary Blackburn 9- Joann Keisler 9- Kevin Kyzer 10- Joyce McCartha 10- Kaye Steele 10- Laurie Owens 11- Ronald Norris 12- Randy Smith 12 - Rodney Desjarlais 12- Kevin Richmond 13- Adam Piszcz 16 - Nancy Watson 17 - Kylie Steele 17 - Mark Cothran 19- LaVern Steele 19- Lance Lowman 20- Dianne Kyzer 20- Kathy Trock 22- Verlene Jumper 23- Melvin Whittle 23- Joshua Smith 23- Franklin Keisler 24- Jamie Aldsworth 25- Sherill Asbill 25- Nolan Pollard 26- Ivory Smith 28- Curt Brown 28- Deidre Smith 28- Justin Murray 29- Rhonda Birchmore 29 - Angel Richmond 30- Holden Roof 31- Phil Stocker 31 - Daniel Jones 31 - Nathen Shumpert HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 10Jr. 11121520- Charles & Crystal Morehouse 21- William & Judy Rivers Marvin & Tammy Smith Barry & Kaye Steele Kevin & Dotti Steele Charles & Jill Hanna 22- Daniel & Sharon Settles 28- Eddie & Donna Roof 29- Don & Gale McCartha 29- Jeremy & Lauren Harmon LAY ASSISTA2T 3 - Stefni Smith-King 10 - Miranda Cox 17 – Ronald Norris 24 – Doug Whittle 31 – Cheryl McCarthy ACOLYTE FOR MO2TH McKayla Lowman CRUCIFER 3 – Karlie Steele ALTAR FLOWERS 3 - Marvin & Tammy Smith 10 - Michael & Amanda Hicks 17 24 31 - Roger & Jamie Shumpert GREETERS 3 – Delores Lowman 10 – Kaye Steele 17 – Beth Whittle 24 – Bruce Smith 31 – Ann Smith USHERS Mark Cothran, Head Usher Kevin Steele Rusty Williams Ronald Norris ALTAR GUILD/ WASH COMMU2IO2 WARE Gale McCartha Lois Roof Allison Taylor OFFERI2G COU2TERS 3 – Jeffery & Delores Lowman 10 - Doug & Beth Whittle 17 – Michael & Amanda Hicks 24 – Roger Shumpert & Charles Norris 31 – Karen Smith & Sandra Page If you are available to fill-in any of the blanks listed above, please sign up or call the church office. Thank You!! Needed each month for expenses May receipts (Current) May over/under variance (Current) YTD over/under variance (Current) = = = = $ 14,370 $ 14,584 $ 214 $ -6,835 We continue to take food for the LICS Food Pantry every Sunday. Below is a list of foods for this month: July 3 – Canned/dry soup July 10 – Rice/rice products July 17 – Tomatoes/spaghetti sauce July 24 – Breakfast foods July 31 – Pork & beans, canned fruit The Happy Quilters will meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. We will have a morning group that meets from 9 am - noon, and an evening group that meets from 6 – 9 pm. We will gladly accept donations of yarn, fabric, old sheets, and old blankets, etc. VBS Sunday, July 17th – July 21st Registration Form Child’s Name ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________ Phone numbers: Home _________Cell _____________work ________ Age Information Date of birth__________________ age__________________ Last school grade completed _____________________ Home Church ___________________________________________ Allergies/Medical Information/other ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts Name ______________________ Phone _______________________ Name ______________________ Phone _______________________ Dismissal Information Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS __________________________________________________________ Are parents helping with Surf Shack VBS? ____ If yes where? __________________ Volunteers are needed in many areas!! Mark you calendar for our Annual Church Picnic at Camp Kinard. Our picnic will be held on August 28th. More information coming soon!! As a reminder, we record every Sunday Service. Please contact Linda Singley at 359-2366 if you would like a copy or know of a shut-in in need. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. Robert and Mrs. Doris Lindler in the death of their son; Keith and to Mrs. Sam Grainger in the death of her husband; Laverne. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during such a difficult time. St. Matthews Family, I wanted to thank each of you for the many cards and prayers for me during my illness. Barry Steele Have a safe and happy July 4th!! St Matthews WELCA is collecting books to donate to Lutheran Services of the Carolinas. These books may be new or slightly used. They are needed for children of all ages, 3 to 18. These books will be given to children who receive services from this organization. If you have books to donate, please place them on the short pew in the children's choir. Books not deemed suitable or in good shape will be donated to LICS.
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