enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE OPTIMIZED FOR ENDURO FORK SEALS™ RECOMMENDED PARTS FOR SERVICING THE R-7 PLATINUM® -Plastic bucket/drain pan -2mm Allen wrench -8mm Allen wrench -Flat-bladed screwdriver -Pocket screwdriver -20mm 6-point socket -11mm socket -Ratchet wrench -Adjustable flat-jawed wrench -Torque wrench -Clean, “lint-free” rags -5 wt. fork fluid -5w/30 synthetic motor oil -80 wt. fully synthetic gear oil -“Super-Slick Grease” or “PrepM” -”Red Devil Grease” -Oil syringe (or other measuring device) -Shock pump ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 1 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING TABLE OF CONTENTS TOOLS REQUIRED .................................................................. 1 SLIDER/OUTER LEG ASS’Y, REMOVAL ............................ 3-7 AIR SPRING LEG DIS-ASSEMBLY ....................................... 8-11 AIR SPRING LEG RE-ASSEMBLY ....................................... 12-14 DAMPER LEG DIS-ASSEMBLY ........................................... 15-16 DAMPER LEG RE-ASSEMBLY ........................................... 17-19 SEAL REMOVAL ...................................................................... 20 ENDURO FORK SEALS™ INSTALLATION ....................... 21-22 SLIDER/OUTER LEG ASS’Y, RE-INSTALLATION ........... 23-26 SUSPENSION/DAMPING FLUID ......................................... 18-19 AIR PISTON LUBRICATION .................................................... 14 NEGATIVE COIL SPRING ..................................................... 8-9, 13 AIR PISTON .......................................................................... 11-12, 14 SNAP VALVE SPV® ...............................................................16-17 2 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 1) Remove the red SPV Air Cap from the right side of the crown. (Right side of the fork from rider’s view) 2) Use a small screw driver to relieve the air pressure from the SPV chamber. NOTE: A small amount of oil may “mist” out with the air, so watch your eyes! ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 3 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 3) Turn the rebound adjusting knob to halfway between both extremes. The knob is located at the bottom Right side of the fork from the rider’s view. Centering the knob helps to avoid putting pressure on the rebound adjusting components while removing the retaining screw. 4) Use a 2mm Allen wrench to remove the retaining screw. Hold the knob to keep it from rotating while tightening the screw. 5) Pull the rebound knob straight down to remove it from the damper assembly. 4 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 6) Use an 8mm Allen wrench to turn the damper rod Clockwise up into the fork leg. Be prepared for oil at this point... 7) Once the threads have cleared the leg casting, use the Allen wrench to compress the rod up into the leg and move over to the left fork leg while allowing the semi-bath oil to drain. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 5 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 8) Use an 11mm socket or wrench to loosen the retaining bolt at the bottom of the left leg (rider’s perspective). NOTE: This is a standard bolt that is removed by turning in a Counter-Clockwise direction. Once the bolt is broken loose, you can remove it by hand, but be prepared for oil.... ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 6 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL REAL WORLD CYCLING R-7 PLATINUM® 9) Remove the air cap at the top of the left leg and release the air pressure. Be prepared for a small amount of oil to discharge with the air. 10) Pull the outer leg assembly off. (Also known as the “slider” or “lowers”) NOTE: If you do not wish to inspect or service the internals of the spring leg, you may skip Steps 11-20 and proceed directly to Step 21. 7 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 11) Using a good-quality adjustable wrench or flat-jawed pliers, carefully loosen the end cap at the bottom of the spring leg. Finish unwinding the end cap by hand and remove the negative spring/push rod assembly. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 8 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING Pictured at right is the negative spring/push rod assembly. The R-7 is classified as an “All Air Spring” because the positive spring does not use an auxiliary coil spring for the initial travel and “sag” adjustment, as did the Skareb line of forks. The spring on this assembly is a negative spring, causing the lower rod to be retracted up into the stanchion tube until the air chamber is sufficiently pressurized. The spring pictured below is the stock spring for the R-7 Platinum, and is Titanium. The negative springs on the Super and Elite models are steel. The Titanium spring weighed 0.5 Ounces, or 15 Grams on our scale. There are no “ride kits” available for the R-7 forks. Manitou says that one negative spring rate is suitable for all riders. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 9 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 12) Use a 20mm socket to remove the air top cap. 13) There is a small amount of oil on top of the air piston that must be poured out at this time. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 10 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 14) Remove the Air Piston. The easiest way to remove the air piston is to use a rod or long wooden dowel to push the air piston down and out of the bottom of the leg. If the air piston seems “stuck” in place, a slight tap on the rod will get it moving and you will be able to push it out the bottom of the leg. Clean the air piston and inspect the seal rings for damage. Inspect the inside of the leg for debris or scratches. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 11 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 15) Grease the seal rings of the Air Piston and start it into the top of the leg. The large “cup” faces up. 16) Wiggle the piston from side to side while applying downward pressure with your thumb until the piston clears the threads. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 12 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 17) Lubricate the top portion of the negative spring with a heavy grease such as Rock ‘n’ Roll Red Devil®. Because the semi-bath oil can get into the fork leg and mix with the gease, apply the grease sparingly on the lower portion of the spring. 18) Re-insert the pushrod assembly into the fork leg from the bottom and tighten the end cap. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 13 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 19) Put approximately 3cc of oil on top of the air piston. NOTE: The purpose of this oil is to lubricate the air piston and maintain an air seal. Manitou usually recommends 40wt or greater “automotive oil.” Our personal preference is 80wt synthetic gear oil (although a lighter grade is probably fine). 20) Lube the threads and O-ring of the top cap, thread in by hand, and torque to approximately 30 Inch Pounds. Now, on to the damping leg..... ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 14 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING NOTE: If you do not wish to inspect or service the internals of the damper leg, you may skip Steps 21-34 and proceed directly to Step 35. 21) Remove the SPV air valve cap and releive any remaining air. 22) Remove the top cap using a 20mm socket. 23) Drain out the old damping oil into an appropriate container. 15 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 24) Using flat-jawed pliers or an adjustable wrench, loosen the end cap. Take your time and be careful not to damage the plastic wrench “flats.” 25) Remove the Snap Valve SPV Assembly. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 16 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 26) Verify proper movement and “spring-back” of the gold piston. 27) Use Super-Slick Grease® or other suspension grease to lube the threads at the bottom of the stanchion tube and the blue Teflon® seal. On this particular fork, getting the SPV piston past the threads was not very difficult. Once the piston was started into the leg (as picured at the right), rotating the other end of the rod in a small circle while lightly prushing in on it caused the piston to slide easily past the threads. 28) Tighten the end cap. 17 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 29) In stages, pour about 125cc of 5wt damping oil into the top of the SPV leg. Slowly pump the damping rod as you add the oil. 30) Verify the correct suspension fluid height. (Factory recommendations on page 19) A simple method for setting the oil height is to use an oil syringe and a piece of plastic tubing. For example, if you were setting the oil height to 100mm, you would measure from the bottom of the syringe body out 100mm onto the plastic tubing. Mark and cut the tubing. Insert the syringe and tubing into the fork leg until the syringe body is resting against the crown. Remove it and look for fluid on the end of the tubing. If the tubing did not contact fluid, add fluid until it is higher than the end of the tube. Re-insert the syringe with the plunger fully compressed into the syringe body. Holding the syringe against the crown, pull the plunger up, removing the excess oil until only air is being pulled into the syringe. You are now at whatever level you chose to cut the tubing at. 18 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING Factory Recommendations for R-SEVEN Oil Levels: • • • • • Snap-Valve SPV 80-100mm travel ............................ 108-123mm* TPC / Lockout (crown mounted) 80-100mm travel ..... 110-125mm* FFD (“Fluid Flow Damping) 80-100mm travel ............. 110-125mm* Remote Lockout 80-100mm travel .............................. 104-119mm* Platform + Damping, 80-100mm travel ....................... 73-88mm* *Measured from the top of the crown where the top cap screws in, to the surface of the oil, with the damper rod fully extended. 31) Lubricate the O-ring and threads of the top cap. 32) Tighten the SPV top cap to 30 Inch Pounds. 33) Pressurize the SPV chamber to 40 PSI. 34) Install the red SPV valve cap. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 19 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 35) Remove the old wiper/seals by inserting a flat-bladed screwdriver under the back end of the wiper/seal and applying downward pressure on the screwdriver handle until the wiper/seal “pops” up and out. Note that the shaft of the screwdriver is wrapped in tape to protect the finish of the fork. The foam rings found under the wiper/seal will not be re-used. They will be replaced with a special “inner oil seal.” 36) If the lowers are particularly dirty, it’s time to move to the sink and use some biodegradable degreaser. 37) Chase the degreaser with a mixture of hot water and dish soap and a little brushing, if needed. RINSE well with hot water. 38) Thoroughly dry the lower legs. 20 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 39) Lubricate the inside of the seal head (pictured on the left) and the outer edge of the oil seal with Super-Slick Grease. The side with the letters and numbers faces UP, or AWAY from the oil. The side with the groove and garter spring faces DOWN, or TOWARD the oil. 40) Start the seal into the lower leg and use your thumbs to press it down evenly until flush with the top edge of the lower leg. 41) Use a large inverted socket and extention to carefully seat the inner oil seals in each leg. 40 21 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 42) Install the Enduro Wipers: a) Apply a thin coating of grease to the insertion area of the Eduro Wiper. b) Start the wiper into the insertion area of the lower leg. It should not be difficult to start, as the leading edge is slightly tapered. c) If the wiper goes in easily enough, you may seat it by hand. d) If you are unable to seat the wiper by hand, use a piece of 1-1/4” PVC pipe to press the wipers in until no gap can be seen below the wiper “lip.” 22 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 43) Check the O-ring at the bottom of the damper rod. If this O-ring has been damaged, it will result in oil leaking at the bottom of the fork leg. The clear factory O-ring can be replaced with a standard rubber O-ring from the hardware store (take it in and match it up). Lubricate the O-ring and threads at the bottom of the damper rod. 44) Lubricate the inside of the new seals and wipers with SuperSlick Grease®. DAMPER ROD 45) Before re-installing the lowers, verify that the hardware is correctly configured on the rods.... ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 23 COMPRESSION ROD enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 46) Start the lowers over the rods and up to the stanchion tubes. Be sure the reverse arch is facing the right way. 47) Carefully work one wiper over its respective end cap and just barely onto the stanchion; then work the other wiper on to its stanchion. When both sides are started, slide the lowers about halfway down (don’t let the stanchions enter the lower bushings yet). 48) Inject16-20cc of semi-bath oil into each lower leg. Angle the bottom of the fork upwards and use an oil syringe. Manitou recommends Motorex® Semi-Bath 5/40w synthetic oil. Other brands of fully synthetic multi-viscosity oils are acceptable. 24 ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 49) Put about 90 PSI into the air spring chamber to fully extend the rod. (It requires this much pressure to overcome the negative spring) 50) Cover the lower casting holes with a clean towel (to prevent oil from being ejected) and push the lower assembly all the way onto the stanchions. 51) Insert and tighten the Compression Rod Fixing Bolt. Inspect the O-ring and replace it if torn or distorted. Lubricate the O-ring and threads with Super-Slick Grease®. Recommended torque: 20 Inch Pounds. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 25 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING 52) Use the 8mm Allen wrench to wind the Rebound Damper Rod back into the lower leg casting. If the damper rod is out of reach, you can relieve air pressure from the spring side and push the lowers further up the stanchions. Remember to turn the Allen wrench counter-clockwise to tighten. Recommended torque is 10-30 Inch Pounds. 53) Insert the Rebound Knob and tighten the set screw, using a 2mm Allen wrench. Hold the knob to keep it from rotating while tightening the screw. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 26 enduro fork seals .com PICTORIAL SERVICE MANUAL R-7 PLATINUM® REAL WORLD CYCLING PROPER CARE OF YOUR ENDURO FORK SEALS™ Even in relatively clean and dry conditions, you will find that the stanchions and top edges of the wipers get dirty. Use a soft, clean cloth to carefully clean the stanchion tubes and wipers. Drizzle some Stanchion Lube™ onto the clean stanchion tubes and allow it so settle on the tops of the wipers. Stanchion Lube™ by Finish Line® Compress the fork a few times. Using a soft cloth work the excess Stanchion Lube™ into the upper legs. Before each ride, rotate your bike backwards over the rear wheel, allowing the oil to prelube the stanchion/bushing interface and inner oil seal. This will extend the life of your seals and bushings. ©2005 Real World Cycling/enduroforkseals .com All rights reserved. 27
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