6$4%$0HOJUJWF4DJFODF 4UVEFOU"TTPDJBUJPO presents UIBOOVBMDPHOJUJWFTDJFODFDPOGFSFODF Sunday / April 7th 2013 / Price Center Ballroom West .PWFNFOUBOE.FNPSZ NBQQJOHUISPVHIDPOTDJPVTOFTT 4DIFEVMFPG&WFOUTBNQN 10:30-10:55 10:55-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:15 1:15-2:30 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:30-4:30 Check-In Welcome Address from CSSA Board Dr. Mingxiong Huang Dr. David Kirsh Dr. Benjamin Bergen Lunch Break: Food Provided Lab Booth Presentations & Poster Session Dr. Douglas Nitz Guest Keynote Speaker Grad Student Q&A Panel CogSci Laboratory Booths Language and Cognition Lab Principal Investigator: Benjamin Bergen Website: http://cogsci.ucsd.edu/~bkbergen/lcl The Language and Cognition Lab studies the cognitive processes that underlie language use, and build detailed models of these mechanisms so they can be implemented in computational models. Their research covers the three domains of linguistic knowledge - meaning, form, and the relation between them. Distributed Cognition and Human-Computer Interaction Lab Principal Investigators: Edwin Hutchins and James Hollan Website: http://hci.ucsd.edu The research of the Dcog-HCI lab focuses on environments in which people pursue activities in collaboration with elements of the social and material world: what people do, how activities are coordinated, and what role technology should play, believing in the promise Dcog holds as a framework for the design and analysis of augmented environments and digital artifacts. Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory Principal Investigator: Jaime Pineda Website: http://bci.ucsd.edu The Cognitive Neuroscience Lab is interested in information processing in the brain. One area of interest is the relationship between mirror neuron activity as reflected in the EEG and social cognition. Another area of interest is the neural basis of gender differences during visual tracking. The primary goal is understanding the complex interplay between brain biology and cognition. KA Lite Project Principal Investigator: Jamie Alexandre Website: http://learningequality.org The Foundation for Learning Equality (FLE), largely composed of UCSD undergraduate and graduate students in Cognitive Science, is dedicated to creating tools for the sharing and creation of open-licensed educational content for use by anyone around the world, with special emphasis on reaching the 65% of the world that does not have Internet access. KA Lite, an open-source platform for deploying Khan Academy videos and exercises in offline and lowbandwidth contexts on low-powered hardware, was soft-launched in December of 2012, and is already seeing widespread global deployment, particularly in India and sub-Saharan Africa. Professional speakers Dr. Mingxiong Huang: "Obtaining Source Images of Brain Rhythms and Detecting Injuries in Patients with Mild TBI" Dr. Mingxiong Huang is a professor at UCSD's Department of Radiology ; a research health scientist and physicist at VA’s San Diego Healthcare System, and the Associate Director of the UCSD MEG Center. Dr. Huang has developed advanced source-imaging approaches to the analysis of MEG, integerated MEG with other structural and/or functional brain imaging techniques, and applied MEG to study neurological and psychiatric disorders in humans. Dr. David Kirsh: "Extending Embodied Cognition Beyond the Brain" Dr. David Kirsh is a professor at UCSD and runs the Interactive Cognition Lab which studies the nature of Distributed Collaboration, Interactivity, Coordination, Human Computer Interaction, E-Learning, Attention Management, and How to increase the Context Awareness of our environments. Dr. Kirsh's area of research include Theory of Interaction, Environmental Design, and Information Architecture. Dr. Benjamin Bergen: "Thinking and Driving" Dr. Benjamin Bergen is an associate professor at UCSD and runs the Language and Cognition Lab which specializes in the cognitive processes that underlie meaning. His areas of research include language comprehension, metaphorical language and thought, how people use grammar to encode meaning and how grammar structures affect comprehension, language and driving distraction (and ways to mitigate it), and meaning units inside words. Dr. Douglas Nitz: "Movement Maps Space Maps Memory" Dr. Douglas Nitz is an associate professor at UCSD and runs the Systems Neuroscience Lab which focuses on the neural basis of spatial cognition and episodic memory, hippocampus, parietal cortex, premotor cortex. His research ares include neuroscience how parietal cortex permits imagination. Research Poster session Cindy Lam - Undergraduate Student Chiba Lab Esther Walker - Graduate Student Embodied Cognition Lab Jeremy Karnowski - Graduate Student Distributed Cognition and Human-Computer Interaction Lab Andy Alexander - Graduate Student Systems Neuroscience Lab Tim Mullen - Graduate Student de Sa Lab Ben Cipollini - Graduate Student de Sa Lab Matt Shalles - Graduate Student Cognitive Neuroscience Lab Baland Jalal - Researcher Center for Brain and Cognition (V.S Ramachandran) Graduate Student Q&A Panel Jeremy Karnowski Rachel Ostrand Luke Miller Megan Bardolph Daniel Frost Esther Walker Special Thanks: Special thanks to Thanh Maxwell, the undergraduate advisor in the Cognitive Science Department; Dr. Kutas, the Chair of the Cognitive Science Department; and to the UCSD OneStop for helping us put this conference together. Conference Organizers: Alex Rosengarten, Neema Mahdavi, Alison Noda, Marian Wang, Sandy Zerkle, Ramya Kedlaya, Suzanna Osuna, Vanessa Hollingsworth, Divya Krishnakumar Brought to you by the Cognitive Science Student Association (CSSA): Thanks for coming! We hope to see you again next year!