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View file - The Library - University of California, San Diego
Volume2 Issue2 Januar 19, 1968 UNRUH Parking Fees ? RAPS To datesome130 UCSDgraduate and undergraduate students, faculty andstaffhavesigned thepetition youseebelow. Itssource is theincrease in parking feesthatmarkedthebeginning of this school year.Thefeeincrease wasby no meansunexpected, butwhat thesigners ofthepetition areprotesting isthatit Wasmuchbigger thanpromised. Thecauseof thisnewincrease is therecent proposal fora parking building¯ A realcontroversy liesin whether thebuilding is a neq.essity or merely a question of personal astbetic taste. Many faculty members In tworelated moves,theRe- andstudents willhelpmaintain thebeauty ofthe gents discussed Thursday thepos- campus. feelthata building sibility of adopting new,more Thepetitioners maintain thattheoriginal plansmadeampleprorepressive rulesgoverningaccess vision for parking facilities, and that the building couldneverbe to University of California camenough toeliminate thereality ofparking lots. puses. Thefirst request wasmade large Whatisreally atstakeisthatthefeeincrease hascreated a conbyPresident Hitch totheRegents’troversy of proportions which exceed the rather thinly circulated Committee oneducational policy.petition. Themerefactof thecontroversy warrants consideration Hitch requested authority tore- by theadministration. And the need for dialogue between theadminvisestudent regulations withoutistration anditsstaff, faculty andstudents isself-evident. consultation withtheRegents. His u,-m m u.m .. uuu m"dri’mnuu m mmum-.g-m mm--u umm --m umm -.. ~ --~u .u.-: statement read:"University-wide um policies relating tostudents, use We,theundersigned students, graduate or undergraduate, faculty ofUniversity facilities, andre- andmembers of thestaffof thecolleges of theUniversity of CaN latedmatters werere-drafted by ifornia, SanDiego, do herebypetition theAdministration of this theRegents’ special committee to University to lowertheparking feeson University lots,effective review University policies (Meyerduring theacademic year1968-1969 andforat leastthesubsequent Committee) in1965.WhentheCom- three(3)yearsafterthat, toa ratenottoexceed seven (7)dollars mitteewasengaged in thisre- perquarter. Thefateof students waspondered at theRegent’s Meeting. drafting, itwasassumed thatthe Ifyouareinterested insigning thispetition, contact PatGreeley, revised policy would beadopted by 456Challenger Hall, 453-4356. theRegents. Itwasbelieved, how-m u m u ~ ~u i uu u m ~ Him n mm n ~ u m u n u~m ~m u un ever,thatallamendments of the n mm mm ~ U mm n ~ ~ i ~ mm mm mm ~ n u ~ u mm n uu u ~ ~ N m policies should notrequire Regents’ action. Accordingly, there Assembly Speaker JesseN. Un- provide student aidto luremore wasincluded inthedraft theprorahThursday labeled thereportedneedy students totheUniversity." vision that"these regulations may decision of a special University "Even ifas manyas1,000extrabe amended by thePresident, subRegents’ C ommittee to recommendstudents takeadvantage ofthisnew fromtheSate-wide acUniversity ofCali- deviates jecttoconcurrence bytheRegents Ina recent a $156yearly increase instudentstudent aid,"Unrahsaid,"the in cepted view, for the State desiganyamendment involving major fornia, SanDiego Academic Senate charges "a hypocritical bowof so-called savings tothestate will Meeting several CEPresolutions nates failasF only. Thisdeviation inpolicy." obedience to theReaganadmin- becompletely eaten upbytheadded changes were passed. Among them was a After the committee completed prompted Professor W.C.McGfll, istration¯" costofproviding instruction for ontheintegration ofpass- Chairmanof UCSD’sAcademic there-drafting of thepolicies,ruling "Thedecision of theCommitteethesenewstudents." system¯ The Senate, itwasdetermined thatthepoliciesfailintoourgrading as reported in theLosAngeles "Ifthesereports to writeto Professor R. aretrue w it should Senate voted to accept pass-fail be issued by the President Times, wouldhavetheaffectof proves onceagainthattheBoard rather Williams, chairman of the BerkethanbytheRegents inview andfurtherto modifyit along making theUniversity ofCalifornia of Regents of theUniversity is leyAcademic Senate forwaiver ot of the standing orders which pro- thelinesoftheCEPrecommendathefifthmostcostly university incapable of maintaining genuine tions. As of January 9th~ UCSD the F only ruling. The waiver ls vide that the President "shall toattend inthenation," Unrah said.independence fromoutside politi-havefullauthority passing as a gradeof expected andresponsi-accepted to be grantedas UCSD "Ifthisreportis adopted by calinfluences." C andfailure as D orF forP---F isnotthefirst bility overtheadministration... UCcampus toconthe Boardof Regents, onlythe btllty overtheadministration of purposes. StateUniversity of New York, sider fail Thisinterpretation ofpass-failC()rlL e ¯ . .student affairs." (Chapter 8, ¯ ClensonUniversity, OhioState SectionIn) Subsequently, the University, andPennsylvania State President, aftermakingcertain University willhavecombinedtuirevisions, issuedthepolicies tionandfeesexceedingthe Univerdrafted by thecommittee, butthe sityofCalifornia," notedUnrah. concurrence quoted provision reTheTimesstoryreported that provision regarding conthestudent charge increase would Wednesday evening, January 17, quoted bringaveragestudent entrance the President’s Committee of currencein majorchangeswas intothepolicy as issued costsatthestateuniversity to Chancellors metin Berkeley. Al- carried by the President. Since these poU$400annually. Themostexpensivethough onepossible areaof disciesaretheresponsibility ofthe public university in thecountry,cussion wasa choice ofsuccessor it seemsappropriate theState University ofNewYork, to Dr.Galbraith’s position as President, theprovision. Thiswill nowcharges $500.00 yearly. Chancellor of UCSD,no action todelete in "TheRegents’ Committee evi- seemsto havebeentakenonthis permitgreaterflexibility dently believes thatbyproposingpoint. TheBoardof Regents as a makingchangeswhichmay be anditwillrelieve the the64%increase instudent fees wholehasapparently notbegunto necessary, Board of becoming involved in the inoneyear, thestate administramaketheir selection. of specific regulations. tionwillbepacified andwillgive AsDr¯Galbraith explained it, wording Objections were heard fromRetheRegents thebudget figure they theinitiation lieswiththePresiandDutton. Kennedy areasking for." dentoftheUniversity. ThePresi-gentsKennedy said that to his knowledge the "Thisbeliefis totally mis- dentappoints a faculty committee hadneveractedon the placed," he said."Therecord to recommend a slateof candi- Regents consequently, disofthisadministration overthepast dates. ThePresident presents the Meyerreport, wasunnecessary. He also 12months amply demonstrates that candidates totheRegents, whothen cussion theRegents haddeliberately it is determined to "cut,trim, maketheirchoice¯ Everything is stated thephrase"subject to andsqueeze," evenifitmeans the doneinstrict secrecy toavoid ill- retained concurrence." Kennedy suggested ruination of thenation’s number feeling ifthefirst choice candidate discussion. He asked, "Is onepublic university. is notavailable andthesecond further aboutthis?" "I am thereanyimmediacy "Governor Reaganoriginallychoicemustbe accepted¯ askedfortuJtlon, or an added justas curiousto see who my "Yes,thereis,"Hitchreplied. student chaxge, attheUniversity successor willbe as youare," The needfor immediacywas Justaftertheburning of theredflag,UCSD’sAmerican flagwas demonstrated in a laterproposalflownathal/mast while tooffset inpartthecostofhighersaidGalbralth. onfinance. Four education to thestate’s taxpay- Although theChancellors tra- tothecommittee proposals weremade. ers."thespeaker charged. ditionally meetthenightbefore legislative theyarenotdirectlyTheywere: "However, theRegents’ report theRegents, trespass statutes toprorelated to the Bt~trd. Theyarea 1)extend statesthatundertheproposedPresidents’ perryoftheUniversity of Cali- Mondaywhilethe YietCong Thisaction ledtotheultimate Advisory Board. For planonly$9 to $18of the$156 fornia, require theconsent ofthe flagflewovertheRevelle lowering of the American flag instance, the UC budget for each Plaza, presently are financed by the campusis madeup by theChan- University forentering andoc- a crewcutted, to half-mast that same afternoon. brief-cased UCSD state." preponderance of University property, and juniortookit uponhimself subject topresldenttal re- cupying to Theconspicuous "This would producefrom cellors, a misdemeanor.remove philosophy professors andinterview.ThePresident presents the makeviolations the flag, and along with $9.000,000 to 1.9million dollarswhole authority ofUC police 3 otherJuniors estedstudents thatsurround the budget fortheUniversity to 2) extend anda university forthestate general fund. AnothertheRegents. topermit officers tomakeinves- janitor, SILtableandnewredflaginThe Board of Chan. burn said flag to nonexis16to32 million dollars produced outside of~eographlcal dicate thatperhaps thisincident hasno decision making ti|ratlon tence. by thechargewouldbe usedto cellors willnothappen again. authority, onlyadvisory. NEW CONTROL POLICIES AcademicSenate Grades Regents Undecided On$DChancellor Burn, Red Baby, Burn I’/~,E3 ! A~,E 2 during thethirdquarter oflast yearrequestedpermission to publish, andtheboardvotedto givethema chance provisionally, topublish. If theyhadanyhope of growing intoa decent publication, theywouldbe allowed to buttheywerenotofNormally thefunction of the continue, recognized. TheTrident Indicator editorial isto tryto ficially Timesputoutoneissuein the drawtogether twoorthree articles andthen Intoa presentation resemblingmiddleof thequarter, somesortofcoherancy, tohypoth-fellintoanexhausted silence for fiveweeks. Inthe esizea trend, andmaybecommentapproximately ff we arefeeling reallybrave. meantime, theIndicator continued That’sthe ideal.Undoubtedlypublishing, oneimportant poInt in recognition isthatit we haveoftenfailed, andwill theTime’s be self-funding. Itdidnot often failagaIn, butthisweekwe would aren’tevengoingto try.The seekto challenge theindicators subject ofthiseditorial is not position asofficial school paper, for reflected anywhere elsein the andit wouldnevercompete issue, thesubject is newspapers, ASfunds. andthetreatment issosubjectiveHow,youmayaskyourself, does thatwe canthinkof no wayto itnowhappen thata paper, which present it as a newsstory, even wasneverofficially recognized, though wefeelitshould beknown.whichwasonlytemporarily alWe simply wishto makeit quite lowedtoprint, andwhich, inany clear thattheideas presented here case, wasonlytoexist asa selfareallpresented fromanIndicator funding andnon-competitive secpoint ofview. ondnewspaper nowcometo share Denver ?Qst Now,why,witha student body ASfunds withtheIndicator, todeof3,000 should weneedtwonews- mand equal statuswith the "WHEN ASKED IF HE PLANS TO RUN NEXT YEAR, THE PRESIDENT REPLIED, papers?Why, with a student Indicator, andallwithout anyfor’I WILL CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I COME TO IT . . ’ " bodyof 3,000whould wenothave malvoteof theCommunications two newspapers? To take the Board? GoodQuestion, Better still be affirmative first, wemustgoback whyshouldthisorganization nearlya yearwhenthecommun- allowed totakeprinting timefrom ications boardUCSDwas first theindicator without officially exbeingsetup.Amongthosepri- isting? veleged tohelpwritetheby-laws Theanswer, asusualinstudent Anamusing misconception would by certain ofourmembers. These -, stand thesituation freefromsuch Intheir final formwastheeditoraffairs, liesnotwiththecourse of t~likely as thoseproduced by toariseamong themem- shipsare modelsof onesthat pressures of thethen- weekly publication laws, butwith politics andpersonal bersof theUCSDcommunity if actually existed orwereplannedadministration matters andcomknown astheIndicator. Themajor-whims.Towards theendof last I werenotto writethisletterat thetimeofourfictional I accordsome "War munityreaction Board to yourpublication. ityof themembers of thecom- year,theCommunications tomyideas. I referto of 1926"betweenthe U.S.and validity munications Boardfavored writingwas collapsing. Two members theUCSDWar GameSocietyand Great Britain andtheir respective It isin ourbestinterests to Intothe by-laws a provision weredismissed fromschool, theletter individual responsibility. by Prof.Marcuse ap- allies; theWashington Naval Con- develop members simplypearingin yourDec.1 issue. vention thattheir could beonlyonenews- onequit,several should bebased solely is assumed notto have Ourconduct toattend meetings. Twofactors papereverat UCSD.Theeditor didnotbother regard to be arethecauseof beenagreed upon.Theshipsmove onwhatweourselves oftheIndicator, because he was DeanMurphydecidedthattMs themisconception I wishto cor- at speedscorresponding to the proper.No one elseshouldor idealistic or something, opposedmeantthathemustdealwiththe rect: anything whichis ships, havegunsof cor- cansubstitute pragmatically, since his a/ Thetoo shortand In any actual this.Itallhadsomething to do situation to makedecisions for responding size,placement, num- designed withtheright ofthesouth toleave advisoryboard,the Communicasemuchtoogarbled ac- ber,range,and firepower; may usandinfactthisiswhathappens. theUnion peacefully ifit wantedcations Board, didnotexist. Itwas countof theSociety given survive damageof corresponding Justlookaroundthedormsand to,andtherightof Quebecto supposedly impossible to callthe Rulesaresimply on the backpageof the amounts; andmoveon an ocean, forfullproof. quittheCanadian Union, andthe boardtogether duringthe summer, estuary, orwhatever, rep- notregarded as thesacreddeTritonTimesof Nov.10; harbor, rightof everyone toself-deterso DeanMurphycalled a meeting b) Prof.Marcuse’s evidentlyresented bythefloor ofBuildingcreeswhichtheyaremeant to be. mination, andhowoneshould fallowofthetwoeditors,their business mostMon- Andthusit seemsclearthatreunquestioning acceptance of 2o4at CampMatthews hisideals even ifithurt. manaeers, andthe0resident and sucha strange - evencryp- day nights.To firea salvo, sponsible individual freedom isthe Consequently, theTrident Times thecommander of a shipestimates tic- newsitem. onlywayinwhichreasonable conHadtheProfessor simply con- thedistance between hiscraft and ductis tobe insured. Aslongas in termsof distancepeople tactedthePresident of theSo- histarget taketheir ownactions into ciety, GlenWilliford of455Argc alongthefloor,notesdownan theirownhandstheyshouldbe spread of shellfire, Hall, whose nameandaddress were appropriate provided thethings theyneed. This supplied IntheTriton Times item, andhasthereferee measure tosee isthetaskoftheadministrator: to he wouldhavelearned thatthe how manydirecthitsandnear create an atmosphere whereeach Times didnotobtain its"in_for-misseshe scored.A commander individual, by hisowndecision, of decides mation" fromanyofour members;sinksorswimsbytheefficacy toconduct hisaffairs ina thattheSociety doesnot"carry his own judgmentassuminghe waywhich givesdueregard tothe reasonably fairodds. ontheoretical warsituations with faces rights anddesires ofothers. The purchasedor hand-madewenAnyone interested intaking part question ofwhether this"alines.: pens"; thatourmembers arenot in theWarof 1926is Invited to phere" should encourage eachin"practicing foran American (or contact Mr.WllUford. dividual to livehisownlifeacUCSD)SS" (UCSDalreadyhas -- DeanM. Sandtn cording to somestandard is anone);andthatDr.deLaix, the otherquestion. Because we often Society’s advisor, doesn’t presume learn andaccept onlybydoing, it toholdthepower oflifeordeath I demand thatthose inaposltion wouldseemthatalmostcomplete overanyof hisfellowfaculty tomakedecisions regarding fUqurefreedomwouldbe in the best membersmerelyoverhisstu- dormrulesactin thebestin- interests ofthiseducation process. dents. terests of thestudents. Please Letpeople findoutwhatis going I wasalsogoingto notethat understand thisrequest. Therules onwithout making itsucha crime! two (orthree,or four,or n) enacted by thevarious committesIftheydomakemistakes itshould peoplecouldplaythe gameof andindividuals arebinding onthe onlyaddtotheireducational exinstant psychoanalysissee"basic manyindividual residents of this perience, notbecomecausefor Death InstInct" and"according to college. It thusseemsthatde- incuring punishment. Freud" andotherphrases in the cisions concerning moralconduct Granted a certain amount ofconDec.1 letter. Butto dealwith shouldbe foundedon somethingtrolisnecessary to preserve the anti-concepts, undefinable terms, moresubstantial thanjusttheper- rights ofothers butitseems that andotherproducts of mysticalsonal opinions orhang-ups ofthose thebulkof moral decision making authors is onlydepressing, even inauthority. Thatis,those makingshould restuponthestudents theminfun.Instead, howabout "self- suchdecisions haveanobligation selves. Eachindividual mustbe esteem" (resulting intheseekingtoactinthebestInterests ofthe prepared tolivehisownlife.No ofchallenge inrecreation aswell students, to notin theirownbest oneshouldfindit necessary as otheraspects of life), "ra- interests. Thismayseemlikean takeover anindividual’s owndetional enjoyment" (ofrecreationunreasonable request. Foradmini-cision making power. thatis mentally demanding), and strations Howdoesthisrelateto rules oftenhaveto makethe curiouslty (about aninterestIng "proper" decision andeveryone Theonlywayto prevent this ~’ subject, thenatureandhistory isstrongly is toprovide anatmoscommitted tohismoral usurption of mode/n navalwarfare). Real- upbringing, inwhich students areallowed conscience, andopin-phere ’~me~t~..~ lzingthis,theUCSDwar-garnersions.Butjudging fromthecriti-9ndencouraged to maketheirown arethereby proudof theirsemi- cismconcerning decisions which decisions. Thedifferent partisto official motto:WARIS SWELL. havebeenmadeundertheabove encourage them to make decisions Stateof the Union Message Or,as CaiusJulius Caesaronce conditions respect therights ofothers it seems thatthereis which remarked: "Bellum estsplendl- a better foundation on whichto without making ita crimeif they dumJ’AsIt thatweren’~ enough, makerules andpolicies. failtodoso.(The exception tothis weareselfish, too. Thisfoundation isbased onwhat is onlyin severecases).For LastFriday nlKhtat theBarn Todispel thefogforever, ;,ere isInthebest Interests ofthestu- makingsomethings a crimedoes is a summaryof theSociety’s dents. But what are the best innot really correct or prevent anyDoor. theStudents oftheindepenactivities: terests of thestudents? Again thing. We wagesimulated navalbat- personal opinion, morality, and To me the abovediscussion dentLeftheldtheirfirstpoetry ties;theonly"weapons" in evi- hang-upsspeakup. But they develops theideaofwhatthebest Ourrules shouldn’t. interests ofthestudents are.An reading. Thereaders included:dencearebusyminds. area variation of theFletcher I would liketosuggest whatare attempt tounderstand thisandact Prattnavalwargameonceused thebestinterests ofthestudents. DavidBonvier, JanDieperslott. accordingly In establishing new by theNavalWarCollege before I can notclaimimmunity from policies would result in muchimScale thepitfalls I haveaccused othersproved BarryLelchting, Professor Abra- the daysof computers. living conditions forthe model(waterline) warships are of falling into.Butas a studentresidents ofthiscollege. hamDlJstra, andCharles Moore used; tbevareconstructed ofwood whohasdonehisbestto underConradYoung Editorials LettersTo n icator McCarthy Speaks Chides LBJ War Stance SenatorEugeneMcCarthy de- Theologian Reveals Crisis InFaltk Oceanographic Symposium Fr. EugeneBurke,(..~.P. nationally known Catholic theoloSpeakers fromUCSDandscripps sounel bombsagainst a primitive gian, will lecture on Monday Jan. "TheOcean1968- A NewWorld" Institution whowillparticipate iv clared hispurpose inseeking tim people, against anunderdeveloped is thethemeof a University of 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Humanities Democratic presidential nomina- nation. the program, and the title of their California Centennial Symposium Theanalogies to Munich,Library Auditorium on thetopic tionistoraise thenecessary isare:Dr.Charles S. Cox, to be sponsoredtalks, felt, areabsurd. "ThePresent Crisis of Faithand on Oceanography suesandbringthemtotheAmeri- heMcCarthy professor of oceanography, "Phynext February 1 and 2 by Scripps traced thepastthree theFuture of Religious Belief." canpeople. Addressing some900 years sics of the Ocean"; Dr. Edward Institute of Oceanography, Univerofescalation, stepbystep,Fr.Burkeisprofessor oftbeology professor ofchemispersons in theU.S.GrantHotel fromthelimited at SanDiego. D.Goldberg, objective of"sta-atCatholic University, andinad- sityofCalifornia try, "Chemistry of the Ocean"; lastweek,theMinnesota Senatorbilizing thecountry ofSo.Viet-dition tohisteaching career isa L. inman, professor saidthattheDemocratic Party nam"to thepresent invitations to thesymposiumDr.Douglas objective of popular lecturer andwriter. of oceanography, "Beaches"; Prohasa serious obligation toraise saving toscientists, allof S.E.Asiafromthe Becauseof the fermentand havebeenextended isaacs, "Ocean Science and these issues, byvirtue ofthefact "yellow leaders, educators and fessor peril", at a costof 30 change within theChurch, hebe- government Ocean Technology". thatwe deplored thewarpolicy billion civic and business leaders, Dr. a year,withno endin lieves thata crisis offaith does Also, Dr.HenryW.Menard, Jr., espoused by Goldwater in 1964, sight. A Nierenberg, director of exist throughout thereligious com- William professor of geochemistry, and whichhascometo passunderthe Scripps institute said. Thesuccess or failure to meet munity, andthatthereeducation of acting director, University of Calipresent administration. thischallenge in1968becomes the priests andlaityhasnowbecome Institute of Marine Re"Ibelieve thatwe,inthisroom burdenof theDemocratic "Thesymposium willmarkthe fornia’s Party.aninescapable requisite. "What is represent themainstream of the Theintensity sources, "The Pacific Basin"; 100th anniversary of the establishofthepeople’s re- nowbeingtaught is nota contraof Democratic Partyandtheprin- sponse ofCalif- Dr. WalterMonk,professor tothischallenge willde- diction butrepresents a develop-mentof theUniversity geophysics and director of the La ciples ithasstood forhistorically ornia," he said. thatanintensive itsoutcome, he tolda mentsoprofound in thiscentury." He feelsthe termine JollaLaboratories oftheUniverwarmly responsive audience. program of reeducation hasnow institute of terms"rebel"and"dissenter" Referring "Distinguished specialists Infi- sityofCalifornia’s tohisunprecedented become critical." Geophysics and Planetary Physics, applied tohimarequestionable, elds of marine research, repreaction ofchallenging anincumbentDuring hisvisit hereFr.Burke andseesit rather astheAdmini- president senting Scripps, UCSD,andthe "OceanTidesand Waves";and in hisownparty, Mc- willgive a lecture inthephilosophy C. Urey,professor of stration’s foreign policy andcon- Carthy scientific, business, andgovern-Dr.Harold grinned andnotedthatA- department ontheOrigins ofConUniversity of ductof theVietnamese Warwhich merican communities fromhereand chemistry-at-large, political history isfull of temporary Theology. He willalso mental California, "The Primordial hasdeviated fromthe’64platform. abroad will present a series of unprecedented action...and ac- speak ata special service atthe Ina calmandlow=keyeddelivery designed forpersons who Ocean." complishment. TheSenator left La Jolla Methodist Church at9:30 lectures Others on theprogram Include: McCarthy saidthisis a timefor immediately are not specialists." forLosAngeles, con- a.m.and11a.m.onSunday Jan.21. Bascom, president, Ocean Scripps co-chairmen oftheeventWlllard reasoned judgement, moralJudge- tinuing hiscampaign swing throughOnSunday evening, Jan.21stFr. andEngineering, inc., prof-"Science ment.Thenation mustbe called California, asheseeksa victoryBurke willspeak attheKirkHouse areDr.FredB. Phleger, D.C.,"Minerals ofoceanography anddirectorWashington, on to makemoraldecisions to intheJunePrimary. Auditorium oftheLaJolla Presby-essor Foraminifera Lab- Fromthe Ocean";Dr. JohnP, determine theright course forthe terian Church at7:30p.m.on the oftheScripps chief scientist, DeepSubnation. To faceup to themoral andProf. JohnD.Isaacs,Craven, subject, "TheFuture oftheInstl- oratory, Systems Project Office, ofoceanography anddir- mergence dilemma presented by theVietnam tutloualChurch."On Tuesday professor Department of the Navy, Chevy ector of Scripps’ Marine Life ReWarisverydifficult fora nation evening at7:30p.m.atMaryStar "Military Owill Chase,Maryland, which hadlittle difficulty justiof theSea,Fr.Burkewillgive searchCroup.Themeeting Dr.Donald L. Mcfyingitsinvolvements in other be held in SherwoodHall,La" ceanography"; hisfinallecture, "ATheologian Kernan, special assistant forfishTheinstitute of international warsin thiscentury. Unless we talks abouttheChanging Church."Jolla. eries andwildlife totheSecretary, announces thatitisac- Theabovelectures reverse thetrend inforeign affairsEducation areopen Department of State, Washington, applications ofcandidates to actas globalpolicement, he cepting tothepublic andarepartof the D.C.,"FoodFromthe Ocean." declared, thealternative forthe forD68summerstudyin a joint observances of the Week For U.S.isto accept a militaristic program offered atOxford, Strat-Christian Unitysponsored by the and at the two University rolein theworldforthenext ford-upon-Avon Religious Foundation of cities ofLondon andEdin-UCSDandtheLa Jolla Adventure" hasput decade or possibly thenext100 capital Ministerial "Operation outa callfor"energetic, intelliyears. Thishasnotbeenourhis= burgh. Association. numberof scholargent,inventive, dauntless, deditorical purpose, butrather tolend A limited to co~t. from p~,~e i cated, unusual, creative teachers" ourstrength fora better world. shipsarealsobeingoffered thepas~-z|v~ passresumttonto workin southeast Americans between 20 SanDiego. Itdoesnotbefit a great nation qualified as acceptedby the Academic SenateTherewillbea program and 35 years of age. All programs beginning suchasours, theSenator observed, isasfollows: bytheliE. February I0, and anyone whois to heusingnapalm andanti-per-areadministered ¯ ’G2.Undersuchregulations as inworking withchildren eachCollege maydetermine, a stu- interested andwhobelieves theymayhave dentingoodstanding maytakeup something to teach andmoreimof onecourse per portant, jurisdiction foroffenses whichoo-was votingon, he wouldvote. to an average something to learncan Once again the need of immediacy termona ’Passed’ or’NotPassed’callKurtKuhwald curred within UCpolice Jurisdicat 286-3528 or wasclaimed, butthefirstpro.. basis. Registration under thisop- Sandy tion. Turner at232-8866 forfurposal was held hack, tionmusttakeplaceat thebe- therinformation. 3)include UC police officers in Duttonraisedthequestion of ginning of thecourse. Grades of penalcodesections, making ita "OperationAdventure"was whatwaspermissible entrance to C orbetter felony rather thana misdemeanor shallbe recorded as formed in 1966,andwiththeaid ShouldfootballPassed,gradesof D and F as to commiton the personof a theUniversity. of METRO, a social action agency crowds be disbarred? The example Not Passed. Units passed shall he police officer anassault ora batof the Methodist church, classes in satisfaction ofdegree tory, or anassault witha deadly thatcomesto mind,is the1966 counted in thechollasareaof but the grades started weapon orwitha forcelikely to UCSDteach-in. Students invited,requirements, Southeast SanDiegoin January, thegeneral public toattend, but Passed andNotPasssdshallbe 1967.Theupcoming produce great bodily injury. will usedcitypoli~ :lisregarded indetermining a stu- bethefourth. session 4) amendgovernment codesectiontheadministration to close the campus. Who has the lent’s grade-point average. 3104topermit theappointing auto invite thepublic tothe thority toadminister theloFaltyright University? Therewasalsosome oathto newemployees. students Proposal 2,3,and4 werecarrieddoubtaboutwhether are livingunderlawsor unbutDutton andKennedy challenged no.I. Thehackground presentedder whimof the President. on no.1 was:authority of the University toprohibit thequblic fromentering andoccupying University property is uncertain, TopTime ...because itsplits lif.’,’s People have, on occasion, canlped every precious second into fifths forweekson theSantaCruzcamThischronograph, oneof a ne~ pusindefiance ofthecampus’ efTenscholarships wereawarded seriesby BREITLING, supersedes fortsto remove them.Authorityto students at theUniversity of thetraditional watch. Itisdestined to limitnon-student useof the California, SanDiego bythePropforyoungmeninterested insports facllities under the"Muiford Act", hetCompany, Detriot, Michaigan, ortechnical matters, forthose enfacilities under the"MuifordAct" RobertH. Biron,vicechancelgaged in the new professions or is of circumscribed andlimited lor-administration, announced last working in oneof thedeveloping usefulness inmanysituations were December 12th. countries. Oursneverlookedmoreexciting. campus officials conclude thatuse The Breitling TopTimeis more offacilities bynon-students should A $4,008 check forthescholarHow about yours? thansimply a watch, itisa superb be controlled. Promulgation ofen- shipswaspresented to Bironby ,,chrono,, withremarkably elegant forceful rules governing access to W.E.Rickman, We’relooking for peoplewithsensitivity to Prophet vicepreslines andquite exceptional preciassure reasonable security ofUni- identanddivision manager. The the needsof others.We’relookingfor sion. As for the waterproof Topversity property isdifficult under ProphetCompanyis catererat Timemodels,theyareendowec the rare men and womenwho are willing existing law. UCSD. withan entirely newwatchcase: TheMuiford Actstates thatit to acceptallthecareerresponsibilities theamazing Breitling monocoque mustbedemonstrated thatthepub- Thescholarship recipients are: and opportunities we offer--regardless ine. licisinterfering inthepeacefulTerrance G. Baker,San Diego; pursuit ofdailyUniversity busi- MissSheiht Belden, Spring Valley; oftheirmajor. For my Information, pleaaesendme, ires: ness. Although theinstance cited Torrance Veevers, SanDiego; Jay Sign up at your placement office soon. Talk wastheSantaCruzcampus, some Gillette, C] the catalogue of new Breltllng models Seattle, Wa.;KevinF. L~ the eddressof ereitiing dealers thought theyrecognized a strongerMcCoy,San Diego;WilliamM. aboutyourfuturewithour PacificTelephone nearestme. relationship toprotests andsit-insNeill,Corona, California; Miss Name recruiter, representing theBellSystem. thancleartrespassing. Regent Leslie Swain, Hacienda Heights, Address Dutton objected thatthestate tres-California; GeorgeJ. Swanson, You havenothingto lose,and we both Zip City passing lawissufficiently cleartoSanDiego; 1/67 Raymond R. Tice,San may win. handle a SantaCruzsituation. As Diego; Patrick A.Turnbull, South forprotestors, Dutton toldthe Gate, California. Regents theywereprotected under Pacific Telephone werechosenon the thefirstamendment. He saidtNR Recipients Representing the Bell System and its Associated Compenies, the proposals wereto vaguely basisof academic achievement Equal Oppodunity Employers Breitling-Wskmenn wordedto be votedon,andthat andfinancial need, saidLynnNai15 West 47th whenheknewdefinitely what"au- bert,financial aidsofficer for thority" toprohibit thepublic be UCSD. Oxford Scholarships Adventurer LIVE LIFE UPTO Propjet Forks ItOver We’dliketo talk aboutthefutureyours andours. FilmFest Features Fine Flicks ILflE5 Krenek PremieresConcert Calendar ErnstKrenek, well-known com- AntonWebern. | m ml nnm um nu u nm Innm amm nm mm em nan ham mm m im mm mm poser, conductor andteacher, will Krenekwasbornin Viennain Jan.20:.8:00AS Dance,freefor students, RevelleCafeteriabeontheUniversity A filmfestival willbesponsored ofCalifornia, 1900.He attended schoolat the by theNewmanStudent AssociaSanDiegocampus Friday, January University of Vienna, theState Jan. 22: 7:30 HL Aud Newman Catholic Student Association, 19 to present thepremiere per- Academy tion, theLutheran Student Center, of MusicinBerlin. Fr.Burke,"ThePresent Crisisof Faithandthe formance andtheUnitedCampus Ministry. ofhislatest work, which Hecameto theUnited States in Future of Religious Belief". Themovies willheshown on Tueshecomposed forUCSD’s JohnMuir 1937andtwoyearslaterbegan dayevenings from7 to 9 College. teaching atVassar College, where 7:304050AUSB= SIL Room2622,Undergraduate Science Performance of thepiece, writ- he remained until1942.At that Building. T~reis no admission tenfora largechamber ensemble,timehe wasoffered theposition Jan.23: 5:30HL 1166-Tbeos begins at8:30p.m.intheRecitalof Deanof FineArtsat Hamline fee. Hallof Matthews Campus. R will University, Themovies are: St.Paul. 7:00 USB 2622- NewmanAssoc.Films:"A TimeFor bepresented Through A GlassDarkly, lngmar bystudents, graduate Since1947Krenekhasbeena Burning" and "Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". Bergumn andOccurrence atOwl fellows andfaculty of theUCSD composer in LosAngeles. Over 7:30 USB4050A- SIL CreekBridge........ Music Department. Following the a period Jan.16 Jan. of50years hehaswritten 24: 7:30 USB 4050A = SIL A TimeForBurning ..... performance, Krenek willdeliver some170 compositions. Jan.23 He has TheSeventh Seal,Ingmar Bergman a paperhavingto do withthe composed 18 operas, more than Jan.25: 4:15 HL Aud-Professors’ Inaugural LectureSeries, piece andhisworkin general. He 50 orchestral ................. Jan.30 works,some40 John J. Sllber, Professor of Music, "Designs of willconduct a secondperformance TheBicycle Thief,Vittorio De chamber works, as wellaspieces Music". following a reception-intermisSica .............. Feb.6 forchorus andsoloinstruments, Nothing Buta Man...... sion. Feb.13 including magnetic tape. 6:30BlakeHall- Solchelas Note:In the12 January 1968 "Thepiece, stilluntitled, was Kreunk’smostfamousopera 7:30 USB 4050A SIL commissioned by a friend of the is"Karl issue of the"Triton Times", "The V,"a political statement University whowishes to remain against Night IsMyFuture" wasscheduled theNazis written JustbeJan. 26: 8:30 Sherwood Hall UCSB Women’s Glee Club $1.00, forJan.30,"TheSeventh Seal" anonymous°" said Dr. John Stewart fore their rise to power. His most 50¢ for Students provost of JohnMuirCollege. We recent willbe showninstead, however, opera is "Der Zauberspie. wantedKrenekto composethe gel"(1966), onJan.30. done forAustrian teleJan. 30: 5:30HL 1166- Theos piece, because hehasthecreativevision. The piece for John Muir 7:00USB2622- NewmanAssociation film- "Seventh spirit whichwe hopeto inspire College was written in sections, Seal"starring ingmarBergman in thestudents ofUCSD’s second whichwereforwarded to theUCSD 7:00HL 458 APO college," Stewart said. MusicDepartment as theywere 7:30USB4050A- SIL Krenek, whowas namedoneof completed. Twoconcerts willbe featured thefirst Honorary Fellows atJohn Krenek, whoislisted in"Who~s in the"Devil’s TrillFestival" MuirCollege’s opening lastOc- Who in America," is a member atUCSD. Thefirst concert, "Midtober,hasbeenappointed a Re- oftheAmerican Musicological Sonight Concert", willbeheldJanugents’ Lecturer fortheSanDiego ciety, the AcademyofArts(Berlin) ary26intheRecilal Hall, Matthews campus. Beginning Monday, JantheNational institute ofArts Campus at11:30 p.m.Itwill feature uary8,hewillconduct a twoweek and and Lectures. electronic music anda light show, seminar on thesketchbooksof HI~resides in PalmSprings, including "Afternoon of Dracula" A musical piecewhichspenta meanssearch in threeparts.In and"TheWolfMan."It willbe large partofthetimeintheair essence thepieceis a triofor directed byAlanJohnson, graduatebetween SanDiegoandHartford threecontrabasses, played byone fellow inmusic, UCSD. Conn., willhaveitspremierepernerformer. The secondconcert,"Monde formance attheUniversity ofCal- According to Erlckson, nearly Violino", willbeheldJanuary 28 ifornia, wereflown backandforth SanDiegoon Monday, 25tapes intheRecital Hall, Matthews Cam- January 22. theNational Theatre of netween Connecticut andCalifornia ITUCH, TheITUCH(Institute DelTeatro pusat 8:30p.m.It Is a violin a nightof de la Unlversidad beforethepiecewascompletedChile,willpresent de Chile) was recital presenting theworld ofvio- Bertram Turetzky, an enthus- In September. Erickson edited drama,Friday,January19, in founded in 1941by Pedrode la linmusicfromhoedown toWebern.iasticpioneer in musicforthe thetapesdownto twoeffectiveSherwoodHall,La Jolla.The Barraandwas thencalledThe Therewillalsobe a lightshow, solobass,willplaythepiece, parts, company is beingbroughtExperimental whichwereprerecorded on theater Theatre of theUni, staging, dancing, tothemusic of entitled for versity These toLa Jollaby theCommittee "Rlcercar a’ 3,"writ- two separatechannels. ofChile. in1959thegroup Bach,Mozart,Wehern,Wilson, tenby Robert of theUniver-joined Erickson, profes- twoprerecorded parts, alongwith ArtsandLectures forces withanother univer., Oliveros - featuring improvisa-sorof musicatUCSD. sityof California, SanDiegoin sity-sponsored Turetzky’s live solo, make up organization called tionin ihecontemporary idiom. cooperation withtheIntercampus the entire piece. the Department of National Theatre WlUlam Mullen, violin Theconcert willbeginat 8:30 Turetzky, Exchange Committee of andthusbecameITUCH. wh is a membr of Cultural JohnGarvey, piano theUniversity ofCalifornia. p.m. in the UCSD RecRal Hall the music faculty at the UnlverIn addition to presenting the LynnLonidier, lights thecompany pre- world Building 409,Matthews Campus. sltyof Hartford, is responsible On Thursday, classics totheChilean audiTheprogram: At 4:00p.m.thesameday,Tur- fordeveloping looselyence,theITUCHalsopresents almost theentire sented"LaRemolienda," a Mozart,"Concerto in G Major" etzky willgiveaninformal lectur-repertory translated "TheWhirlwind," a largeselection for solo bass. "He is of modernplays Webern, "FourPieces" folk-comedy written by andoneplayeachyearwritten demonstration of technicples for responsilbe fordeveloping some two-act, by DonWilson, "17ViewsForVio- contemporary 50pieces written forthesolobassChilean playwright Alejandro Sie- a Chilean. contrabass playing. Thecompany comprises lin’,"Narrator", and"Slides"Thelecture willalsotakeplace alone,’, withmusical direction by some30 actors,manyof whom Erickson saod.In addi- beking Pauline Oliveros Wash- intheRecital s "George Hall. Victor Jara, popular Chilean singtion to the Erickson piece, six started withthegroup whenitwas ington SleptHere" Theplay,presentedTheExperimental works written forTuretzky within er-guitarist. Theatre, and, rartinl,"TheDevil’sTrill beganat 7:30p.m. unlike Erickson andTurezky collabor-thelasttwoyears,areon the in Spanish, American Actors, they are Sonata" throughout thesummerand program thecompany willpre- permenent fortheMondayevening OnFriday, employeeswho have Improvisation by theJanusTrio ated ealryfallonthedetails of the concert. sentexcerpts frommoderndrama year-round jobs. piece"Ricercar a’ 3/’ which Theprogram includes: withselected scenes fromAlbee, "LaRemolienda" isthefarcical Lopede Vega,ThortonWilder, storyofa woman, living ona reCalderon, Arthur moteAndeanmountain Pezzicati - NormanDinerstelnShakespeare, top,who MUST READ[ Miller, PeterWeiss,Brecht and sendsherthreesonsdownto the November - HaroldBudd Thisperformance will townbelowtolookforwives. The Dr J. D. Watson, NobelPrize Mr. T. HIS Fancy-B. Childs O’Neill. StudyNo.2 forsolo beginat 8:30p.m.andreservedrealaction begins whenthethree winning Biologist andauthor of Electronic seating is $4.00forthegeneralinnocents - Charles Whittenberg thefrequently usedBiology text, contrabass stumble ontothevilThe finest INDESTRUCTIBLE METAL publicand$1.00forUCSDstu- lagebrothel Intermission Molecular Biology of the Cell, andchoose threeof POCKET RUBBER STAMP. a/,- x 2". dents only. Send check or money order. B# Conversations for solo contrahas written a book thetis presently its inhabitants for mates. sure to include your Zip Code. No Whittenberg postage or handling charges. Add appearing in "Atlantic Monthly",bass- Charles salestax. Dialogue forSoloContrabassThis striking book relates the race PromptshllmHmt. Sotl,fet~ion Guortntood Schwartz tobreaktheDNAcode,andgives Elliott THn[ MQPP CO. Theconcert andlecture, sponP. O. BoxIM23LononSquaT, Station insights intotherelationships of sored by the UCSD Music DepartATLANTA, CA.,30326 themostprominent Biologists and ment,arefreeandopento the oublic. ~ll¢~lk~l~~i ~ Bid-Chemists of our day. J J Midnight Concert Hosts Lights, Chills Airborn Concert Lands For UCSD Premieres ITUCH PresentsPlays I I Medstudents prescribe PSA II TheTurntable Southern CalArtists I I Exhibit At UC D Gallery I I Stereo ¯ , R.ordlegs I S ~ Freshnew artof eightSouthern O Shea andPeterAlexander. California artists willbe shown Theartists, whoworkwithnew at theUniversity ofCalifornia, forms andmaterlals, suchasplasSanDlegoArtGallery fromTues- ticandlight, willbe presenting ~ day,January9 to Sunday,Feb- their latest works. ,, Su Liwillshowa disappearing ~ ruary 4,painter announced Donald wallen, anddirector ofLethe art work"openin~nightonlv (Tuesday, January 9)-from 6:00to We chosetheseartistsinpar. 9:00p.m. Several ofBaldessari’s ’ i UCSDArtGalIery. I I [ Tapes 459-4421 menrepresent someof thebest ctalsign painters wholayout and youngartists InSouthern Call-letter ~ormaUon on canvas. ! fornla," saidLewallen andPaul A catalog withanintroduction Brach,painter and chairman of byJamesMonte, assistant curatorI thevisualarts department, toMaurlee Tuchman atthe~os I Represented in the showare AngelesCountyMuseumof Art, willgivebackground information I DAine$~e:°hnr~i:l~ess~ic2d ontheartlstsandoneexampleof ,I Cooper, Edge,Terrence ~C4c.~lc,...~C..~c~c.,~Asher, Su Li,Douglas JessieJacobs, Ron eachoftheartlst’swork. I 1147Prospect ! FreeParklng i , m Sports. BasketballSeason Opens playsawa close tinez latched onto24points showMen’sIntramural basketball Wednesday’s forthefuture. seasonstarted Monday, January battlein openleaguebetween lngmuchpromise up22(looked good 15,1968withthegameoftheday Mandler’s Marauders andtheBto- TomBirdpinked beingplayed on Revelle’s North Chem-Blasters. JohnYeoman’s 5 in openleaguealso)withDave and3 f.t.plusJimShan- Afterand BobGorham12 each; Courtat 4:00p.m.betweenC buckets 8 points leadJimGoldberg’s andof courseRunStutheits 2 LeagneB.O.I.B.I.O.Y.A. (Tyler teau’s wastheclincher. TheWivictory overSteve points Breaded) andB.F.K.LTD.(Glen teamtoa 33-31 (Bruce Arnold) justcouldn’t Blasters. Klotzwashigh zards Forsch). B.O.I. sortofwalked all Kennel’s by getofftheground although Sam overthe B.F.K.switha 99-18 manwith15 pointsassisted win.B.O.I.’s wereledby Mark Kennel’s 6."Surprise oftheDay" Wilsonhad 6 and AllenFranz a finegamepicked up 8 Butler’s 12buckets, Toml-Iarns-JohnHayshadonlythreefouls playing to givetheP.G.’s a 88-20win. berger’s 10andtwofreethrows,fortheentire game. oftheday"DanChrisA League sawthehighspirited"Surprise plushighmanBobPoolman’s 13 "OldMen"(notoneover21 years tinez hadonlytwofouls called on baskets andsingle F.T.B.F.K.’s leadbyHubert Ltpinskl win him, ontheotherhandfought wellbut young) duetolackofheight andorgani-by forfeit overMikeJones, Argo zation suffered a humble defeat. IV. "ArgoIV whereare you?" GamesTo Watch This Comin8 MarkReid(6pts.)proved tobe B League’s playbetweenBe- Week: "sneaky pete" withhisagile foot- hemoths tooktheAlantis Animals workand nimbleballhandling (Wildebeests) 46- 38in a close fought game. Steve Nogarn Monday3:00- Revelle Courtabilities, butcouldnotkeepup fiercely play Captainof Behemoths was high B League- PurpleGophers thepace. man with7 basketsand3 f.t. Behemoths. Tuesday. January 16,1968there followed by TerryMoe’s6 basweretwogamesintheIntramuralketsand2 f.t.’s. CourtsHardCharger Wed.3:00- Reveile play Basket ballschedule. KappaSigs PeteSalsich picked up 5 points OpenLeague- Chem-wipes Bio-Chem Blasters. and G. Thomas 4. The Aminals (TracyLewis)and Chem-wipes(Wildebeests) pushed hard,Paul Tom Baker’sNadsbattlePete . Kane’sCourt ;re - bounce (Al McPherson) fromthe Open Walkerwith9, Francis Fri.4:00- Revelle CourtButChere7, bounce ZOOMwheshwenttheball. Leaguebattled fora KappaSig and AI Campbellscored6 but FakesplayKappaSigmaDelia Basketball - 8:00p.m.Friday, Busleavesat 7:00p.m.from 44-36victory.TracyLewis(K couldn’t pullahead sosuffered a wassurprised whenhewalked hardfought Jan.19,1968,UCSD0s.La Verne UreyHallparking lotandreturnsSigs) defeat. College, andSaturday, Jan.20, to UCSDfollowing tothebasket ball courts tofind ThesecondB Leaguegamewas game.Round over FENCINGNEWS thegamewhich he a walkaway(Note: 1968,UCSDvs.UC Riverside, at triptransportation 25~.Subsidyhisteamwinning walkaway not theN.A.S.Miramar Gym. hadforfeited threehoursearlierrunaway) A.S. withthePurple Gophers because oflackofplayers. Leading(GrandChampsIntramural foot- Capt.RichChenny willleadhit K Sigswas Tom BirdwRh four ball)overpowering BruceArnold’steamthisSaturday in an"EPEE’: basketsand on F.T.helpedby Wizards. P.G.’s rookie DanChris-Tournament at Riverside in preBobLitchfleld’s ninepoints and paration fortheletAll-Cal: J. Bremer’s eight.Chem-wipes Fencing Tournament at Riversid~ played wellbutthegrads ranout in February. ofgasafter thehalf. Leading his teamAI McPherson hit withII TRACK MEETING points assisted withthefastbreaks andninepointsof E. Deutsch. ALlinterested parties welcome C League’s NedgoLiah(Roger Bldg. 2693:00 Duncan) outplayed theSoulShootersLast week-endat Mammoth Wed.Jan24,1968, p.m., contact Coach Johnson. (RollBush) 42-38withBruce MerUCSDhosted thefirst of rill’s 13points andRickAndrewsamountain series of skimeetsscheduled 18points doing thetrick. Andrewsfor the 1968season.Themeet by theway,islooking good-may sponsored by thenewlyformed "POWDER PUFF BASKETBALL" California Intercollegiate be a man to watch- The Soul Southern Ski Association consisted of two Girls starta teamandgiveyou: Shooters worked hardbutcouldn’tmeetsof giantslalom. Collegesroster toG.R. Schiller, P.E. Dept., keepa pattern going- BobHun- competing in theracewereUCSD, Ext1336, nolater thanTues. Jan. SanDiegoState, Cal 23,1968."ComeonGale!" sakerscored forl0points, Steve UCLA,UCSB, StateL.A., CalState LongBeach, Topik andPetePhillips nineeach Pierce College andClaremont Col-LukeJackson seta precedent which onlydowned 22eggsinrecent dorm butcouldn’t turn thetide. lege. Pierce College’s men’s team Tobyfound impossible tomatch. He eat"in". wonfirst place, while thewomen’s teamofUCSBwonfirst. K.Sneak? c~u L. ?ro~: p: f~e 2 andShellyHererobothof UCLA Wanted:One usederaser.Yet vicepresident oftheAS. 277-8675 wonbestmanandwomanrespe~- nameprice. The editorof the Indicator tlvely. Bonnie Ellested of UCSD thought thisverystrange. How, placed third inwomens individuals. ForSale:Slightly soiled whit~ he %eked, cana publication that Ourmen’steamfinished fifth; socks. Minorrepair needed. Cal doesnotreallyexistbe called dayornight. while ourwomen’s teanv, w~sdis- 453-2000 to a meeting? Furthermore, why qualified. Persons racingfor UCSD should anyorganization which was Souveniers offl%gburnwere: Bonnie Ellested, Pauia Slm- Wanted: self-funding evenhavetobecalled rick,MarkMoore, PaulKompfner,ing.W.G.S.M.C.R.D. to a meeting todiscuss thebusCraigSterbenz, DougWilkinson, lnessrelationship of thepaper MarryKosecc andBillMoss. to theAS.Supposedly, theComThesnowconditions atMammoth mountain wereexcellent givlngthe3233 Midway ~23-1484 munications Boardwastheorranteama fuUdayofprac*’,’.e before ~e Blue Guitar Sunday’s competition. ,%enext izationhe dealtwith.Murphy music intercollegiate meetisscheduledinstruments, didnotpretend thattheTimes for February 3 and 4 at June lesranson stringe.d Mountain. instruments wasofficial; hecalled ita "fact Alamm00th Mt. Meet Clasdfled Ads of life",allthison theirone issue.The indicator cameon theconditon thateverything that ~***1~***** Fly north f0roniv’° ;i’ :8 s.. ¯ .e ’ nclsco. I O _.akla~d or San$1~.~’5 JoseElccmt Jets $177~. 727 Fan Jets I L*%~-LSacr, mento ~,,,cl .$zn..~9. I_.A. ~,11 nights ~o..~.~ vnoncyo,campusrcpor callPSA.S:,|l)icgo 29~-461 I,oryourtravcl atZcnt " I ................... J UlllCORllTlmle:********e . .][.hcou,, oe ULYSSES ¢o.,. " ~. _~_ inuinoendunexpoceedpop- Set..rd___t..d,. k " -, .........I1-. _.. * ~" ~. camefromthetalkwasunofflclal u|arDyinbsAneele,,there i enoprintovol|ob|oforthe , pnantasma orl g "a ’~ nhowin9 w, hod echedulad andnon-binding. It was .~. fromJanuary17 through 21. ~1~ It was at thesemeetingsthatit SoachGary Schilleranticipates downMammothMt. Slovewhil41. "i,,p,.¢... .,,|.how .....A. ~’A --nee GaryMoore,s(43) takeoff HesterBenesprepares to start Wwoh.,...|.¢,.~ b.,o,,.., , v,r,v,,v ,,,..=.,-W.ll, wasproposed thatthenewspapers things sliding, ~" takealternate weeksandsplit ~teh:°tldof°ur’briefOecembe n ,, ¯ ..oew~,hr.qu.,,,~o,i,,tit IRK UIglFirgS~ w funds. Allthismerely proposed, ~ro, .... 7117 FAY AWNUE 459-F35S pendingthe recogniton of the Mondey&Tuonday ~. Ir°n~/?h~rlltUndey : Times bY theC°mmunicati°ns of the new boardcame,Dean n A vaeualp ¯ u acorn Members Show,n, Murphy stood and generally told I isolation and death, ~. theAS position. He askedif it I agreed, o......., o.0,... _,,,,..,.., . I Tile -.-- .,.,,.,.o,,,o Bob Davis’ * """ w°uldbeacceptiblet°themembers 4{" Shop I Camera of theboard.Therewasno vote ’X" ¯,,,, o, o, ’ W*d.e.d*,Sond*, ~. ,, Just a generap nodding ofheads .-I~.’’’°’"’’’""d"’""’" andtheTrident Times,stillun-~ FREE PARKING recognized, wasbornforitsfirst i DONQUIXOTE ILSUCCESSO quarterofpublication. i Rus,ia-1@$7 ’0¢¢ vor,i A ¢omplo~oly ....... ItOly-lq~41~ /gc~flo VII(OU tl O ..... owe|. ~ TO be continued in nextissue. I STUDENT DISCOUNT .... THE * i ~Cl~C~C*~Cl~C~C~C~ldll~lll~l~. ~ COLLECTOR ,