view church directory - Zion Lutheran Church
view church directory - Zion Lutheran Church
Blessed to be a Blessing Zion Lutheran Church • 22 North Second Street • Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0266 • UNIVERSAL CHURCH DIRECTORIES - 30 Bowman Street - Mansfield, OH 44903 - 1-888-742-5823 - - 2015 Zion Missions & Outreach Dear Friends and Members of Zion, Our theme for this 2015 Pictorial Directory is “Million Dollar Love Story.” We chose this theme because of the “Love Story” of Doug and Katie Graf. Their gift of love to Zion has helped us give over $1 Million dollars to more than 100 missions, organizations, projects and agencies. Katie was an only child and her parents, who lived in Tiffin, Ohio, were proud, wealthy and involved in the community. Doug’s family had a blacksmith business in nearby Waterville. After her father had died, Katie took Doug home to introduce him to her mother. It didn’t go well. In fact, after several times of being with Doug, Katie’s mother was still so against this boyfriend, that she told her daughter, “All of this wealth is yours if you stop dating Doug.” Not long after, Katie made it clear to her mother that her love for Doug was more important than her mother’s money. Aurora House They married, and Katie became an elementary school music teacher. Doug was a custodian for the local schools. During the 50 years that they lived in Waterville, Katie’s mother wisely invested “her” wealth in nursing home corporations. Katie and Doug continued their careers as a public school music teacher and a custodian. Since they weren’t able to have children, our church, Zion Lutheran, became their family. Katie directed the children’s choirs and Doug took care of the building and grounds. According to the investment policies, every 10 years Katie’s mother reinvested and re-allocated her wealth. Ten years went by, then another, and so on. When in 2000 it came time for the money to be re-invested, Katie’s mother had died. As a result, the money went to first of kin: Katie. By this time Katie was in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimer’s, and she knew nothing about the money that had been left to her. Doug was overwhelmed, having never seen that much money in his life. His main concern was making sure Katie was financially secure in the nursing home, and then he made arrangements to give “God’s” money ($2.7 million) to their “first of kin”: Zion Lutheran Church. Doug died in 2000, Katie two years later. Once we realized that Zion, as ‘their family,’ would inherit this money, we set up a Mission Endowment fund which was established in 2004. We developed 3 Bible principals for the management and disbursement of the endowment fund. The first was from Exodus 19:5 “…Indeed the whole earth is mine.” We realized that it was not our money. It was God’s! The second principal came to us from Luke 12:12-31, the parable of the rich fool, who gained lots of wealth, built bigger barns to store them in, and then he died! God was telling us, “Share it. Don’t hoard it.” Our third principal came from Acts 1:8 where Jesus told the disciples; “Be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth.” This guided our distribution process where funds would go to Jerusalem (Waterville and the surrounding area); Judea and Samaria (Northwest Ohio and Ohio); and to the ends of the earth. Live Nativity Guatamala Trip AWCFM Kids Against Hunger Habitat for Humanity Community VBS Exercise Room With these Biblical principles, and Doug and Katie’s love for each other, we have been able to give away over $ 1 million dollars in ten years through our Mission Endowment fund. A special thank you goes to Sherry Moon for organizing this directory, and to all who participated and had their pictures taken. We hope you enjoy this pictorial directory as we give thanks to God for His gift to us. Know that we continue thanking God for all of you! Pastor Steve Bauerle Pastor Dan Bredberg Dodoma Medical Mission Haiti House Esther Ministry Team Music Staff Jon & Tom Praise Team VBS Queen Karen Pastor Steve & Amy Jessica, Steve, Karen, Dan, & Amy Pastor Dan & Jessica Gail & Karen Carole & Jody Wedding Guru Gail 1 Zion Christian Preschool 2 Zion Youth Ministry 3 Arnold, Steve & Nicki Olivia, Alayna Bauerle, Steve & Amy Kaylyn Schaffer, Erik Billow, Alfred & Mary Bredberg, Dan & Jessica Lucas, Isaiah, Karis Brough, Jeffrey & Lynn Burger, Barbara & Barb Billow Clark, Megan Claypool, Skip & Carolyn *Enderle, Phil & Laura Megan, Madison Danhauer, Ron & Dorothy Davis, Carolyn Elben, Carol Feusse, Richard Firestone, Dan & Melissa Carson, Wyeth Foley, Chris & Sarah Christian 4 Frederickson, Craig & Kris Fuhr, Destani Erica Gregory Gallagher, Chuck & Pat Gerwin, Josh & Janel Landry Glanz, James & Judith Hagemeyer, James Hall, Howard & Barbara Hauser, Joseph Heinz, Roy & Joan Hood, Chad & Tiffany Bexton, Coleson Junkins, Betty Jurski, Evelynne Todd, Aaron Keys, John & Jennifer Evelyn Knepper, Dale & Karen Kosanka, Donald & Jamie Kramp, Andrew & Michele Ayla *King, Randy & Mary Beth Alyssa, Spencer 5 Lange, David & Amy Alexis, Brandon, Kyle Lauer, Bryan & Diane Lehman, Harriet Libbe, Scott & Jane *Livingston, Scott & Julie Longstreet, Leonard & Doretta Lonzy, Patricia *Lowe, Sally Luderman, Darrell & Donna Luedtke, Richard & Sheri Lusch, Evelyn Lusch, John & Joyce Macera, Sam & Janet Martin, Chris & Susan *Masiker, Mike & Chris Mason, Rex & Carol 6 Meyer, Bruce & Karen Meyer, Daniel & Jillian Trey, Mikayla, Kamryn, Audrey Meyer, Doug & Amber Isaac, Alexis, Natalie Moon, Sherilyn Moosman, Dorothy Moosman, Jeffrey & Debra Nichols, William & Jessica Cara, Adelyn Ovacek, Thomas & Heidi Ian, Abi Pagan, Michael & Connie Olivia, Owen Podiak, Kathie Jesse, Sammy Pool, Kevin & Kay Nicholas, Alexandra Raber, Jennifer Tori, Sean, Casey Rasey, Mike & Shelby Rhoades, Jon & Trish Mattimoe Adam Robinson, Wilma Rosebrock, John & Carol Amy 7 *Semancik, Josh & Jonelle Joel, Jonah *Sargent, Nick & Stephanie Abbie, Aubrey Schwanz, Jon & Jill Scheiding, Mike & Trudy *Spilker, Eldon & Val Shenefield, Bob & Joyce Shiffert, Scott & Amy Betsy Torres, Andy & Norrene Umlauf, Joanna *Wardell, Dick & Dorothy Wardell, Tom Weihl, Harold & Mary Weihl, Terry & Ellen *Whitmer, Bryan Gail, Kari, Ellie, Aimee, Shelbie Wielinski, Paul & Martha Josie, Frank Williams, Ted & Patricia Hoffman 8 *Denotes Submitted Photo Zion Lutheran Church 22 North Second St. • Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0266 • ALBERT, Bill & Donna BIRSEN, Tom & Kim BURGER, Barb & Barb Billow DAVIS, Sally ARNOLD, Stephen & Nikki BISCHOFF, Dan & Patty CARSON, Lori DICK, Matt & Cathy BONIFAS, Dennis & Sarah CASE, Thomas & Dawn 875 Maple Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2571 Olivia, Alayna 2347 Heatherglen Dr. Maumee, OH 43537 419-360-2913 ARTIM, Keith & Shannon 5949 Little Turtle Trl. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2147 AUGUSTINE, Deborah 145 Birchcrest Dr. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-873-1078 BAKER, Diane 410 Overlook Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2292 BALTZ, James & Debra 440 Hickory Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8097 BATDORF, Dennis & Judy 860 Village Pkwy. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-7945 BATTLES, Larry & Karen 5746 Weckerly Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0503 BAUERLE, Pastor Steve & Amy Kaylyn Schaffer 7844 Royal Hampton Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4202 BEAM, Carol 11031 Villacourt Ln. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0791 BEEBE, Larry & Teresa 3209 Stone Wall Rd. Maumee, OH 43537 BEVERLY, Gary & Barb 10155 Providence-NeapolisSwanton Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-0717 BILLOW, Al & Mary 4323 S. Watercrest Dr., #47 Toledo, OH 43614 419-382-8810 6661 Waterville-Monclova Waterville, OH 43566 419-877-5991 3923 Timber Valley Dr. Maumee, OH 43537 567-742-7462 44 N. Melody Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0704 P.O. Box 138 Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2766 7024 Co. Rd. 13 Swanton, OH 43558 419-410-4988 Gina 5960 Bucher Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-861-8192 BOSTLEMAN, Jeremy & Shannon 12420 Box Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-9015 DISHER, Delores 855 Loch Haven Blvd. Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-8947 Alexander , David 1952 Meadowlark Toledo, OH 43614 419-376-8758 CHARLES, Hazel 816 Oak Knoll Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-874-5828 BREDBERG, Pastor Dan & Jessica Lucas, Isaiah , Karis 34 John St. Waterville, OH 43566 419-973-5204 455 Wilkshire Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4618 CRIPPEN, Anthony & Angela Camryn 3175 Sterlingwood Ln. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-873-5051 Jared 7729 S. Fulton Lucas Swanton, OH 43558 419-467-1143 BUCHWALD, Curtis & Shannon DANHAUER, Ron & Dorothy Isabella, Oliver 196 Margaret Pl. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-304-6447 8402 Heller Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0277 DAVIS, Carolyn BUKOVINSZKY, George & Lisa 2486 Co. Rd. T3 Liberty Center, OH 43532 419-832-1732 Abigail 132 Rutledge Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3788 9 7810 N. Branch Trl. Monclova, OH 43542 419-878-2061 DOHRMANN, Michael & Kathie Eric, Anthony, Hailie 929 Liberty Waterville, OH 43566 419-343-3565 DURIVAGE, Jim & Patti 509 Yorkshire Haskins, OH 43525 419-823-7700 BRUDERLY, Kurt & Robin DODGE, Randy & Jan CLARK, Megan CLAYPOOL, Skip & Carolyn Isaac 2467 Cotwold Rd. Toledo, OH 43617 7322 Crabapple Cove Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0228 DOVE, Jon & Kelly 7801 Winter Sweet Dr. Holland, OH 43528 419-460-0864 BROWN, Megan 8315 Grayhawk Cir. Columbus, OH 43240 614-844-5879 CLARK, Doug & Marcia 7801 Winter Sweet Dr. Holland, OH 43528 419-214-8940 BROUGH, Jeff & Lynn 22900 Poe Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-0125 CEDARGREN, Amy CEDARGREN, Deanna BRANDENBERG, Darrel & Ashley DIGBY, Joe & Vickie DISHER, Bette Elena, Sophia, John 411 W. Broadway Maumee, OH 43537 419-897-6306 BOX, Joe & Becky Sara, Christine 5240 Eber Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5126 CASE, Tom & Carol 8147 S. Bridgeway Maumee, OH 43537 419-868-9068 Ashton, Kennison 875 Cherry Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-441-2875 2234 Heatherwood Toledo, OH 43614 419-389-6238 1391 Eastridge Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4298 Greg 8340 Neapolis-Waterville Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8807 EIBEN, Jim & Carol 402 Overlook Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3991 ENDERLE, Phil & Laura Megan, Madison 302 Cedar Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4814 ESALKOV, Emily 1445 Oak Hill Ct., Apt. 3 Toledo, OH 43614 EXNER, Lisa 813 Heritage Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8421 EXNER., Richard Sr. GLANZ, Jeff & Lynda HAUSER, Don FEROW, Paul & Allison GLANZ, Jim & Judy HEILMANN, Jacob & Jacqueline 45 Naugatuck, Apt. A Waterville, OH 43566 419-280-8562 Chase Ferow FEUSSE, Richard 8883 Browning Dr., #411 Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3396 FINCK, Jack & Sue 800 W. Broadway Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-2140 FIRESTONE, Dan & Melissa Carson, Wyeth 856 Maple Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3131 FITCH, Tammy 1106 Springcrest Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3883 FOLEY, Sarah & Chris Christian , Boden 11 Orchard Waterville, OH 43566 419-708-3702 FREDERICKSON, Craig & Kris 15673 Roachton Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-878-8067 FREIMARK, Carolyn 7100 S. Wilkinson Way, #201 Perrysburg, OH 43551 989-450-0437 FUHR, DESTANI 55 Mt. Vernon Waterville, OH 43566 419-410-5118 FULTS, Justin & Megan Sloane , Ryder 7919 Royal Hampton Waterville, OH 43566 419-205-5466 GALLAGHER, Chuck & Pat 15320 Bishop Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-353-0971 GARMAN, Benjamin Kendall 424 Cole Rd. Monroe, MI 48162 GEER, Lawrence & Dolores 830 Liberty Waterville, OH 43566 GERWIN, Janel/Josh Landry 1114 Kimball Rd. Gibsonburg, OH 43431 419-601-1139 12359 Bailey Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-1520 1090 Waterville Monclova Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0999 24523 Village Ln. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-4640 Rylee, Braelyn , Eden 7845 Greenville Crossing Waterville, OH 43566 419-351-1898 GLANZ, Tom & Marlene HEILMANN, Mary Trevor 8053 Trent Lock Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2444 10200 Waterville Neopolis Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-877-5942 GOATLEY, Jeff & Laura HEILMANN, Pauline Jeff, Megan 820 Phillips St. Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-2431 7555 Finzel Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5542 HEINZ, Roy & Joan GOODEMAN, Tom 1431 Riverwalk Ct. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2327 12892 Heritage, Apt. 101 Plymouth, MI 48170 GREGORY, Jason & Emily KEEL, Darlene 9727 Old State Line Rd. Holland, OH 43528 KEENAN, Mary Ann 865 Maple Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0583 KELLY, Larry & Debbie 6561 Anthony Dr. Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-4645 KEYS, John & Jennifer Evelyn 104 Dogwood Dr. Swanton, OH 43558 419-575-2320 KING, Randy & Mary Beth Alyssa, Spencer 1060 Farnsworth Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2962 HICKS, Jason & Ila KNEPPER, Dale & Karen HOOD, Chad & Tiffany KNOX, Denise GROHOWSKI, Mark & Amy HULL, Bonnie KOLUCH, Joe & Linda GYURGYAK, Alex & Julie JACKSON, Jessica KOSANKA, Don & Jamie Erica 6732 South St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-206-8530 462 Cedar Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4444 GREGORY, Michele Bexton , Coleson 6149 S. Fulton Lucas Swanton, OH 43558 419-262-2134 2486 Co. Rd. T3 Liberty Center, OH 43532 419-832-1732 5320 Manore Rd. Swanton, OH 43558 419-875-5673 1460 C Waterville Monclova Waterville, OH 43566 567-952-0010 Alex, Kylie , Michael 345 S. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0669 6515 Field Ave., Apt. E Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-206-7059 JOHNSTON, Mark & Lori HACK, Tim & Jacque Tyler , Kyle , Allison 10410 River Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-1045 Tegan 3948 Azalea Maumee, OH 43537 419-867-7334 JUNKINS, Betty HAGEMEYER, Jim 1206 Dixie Hwy. Rossford, OH 43560 419-666-3137 1102 Waterville Monclova Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-6321 JURSKI, Eve HALL, Howard & Barb 378 N. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0378 388 S. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-6406 KAGY, Matt & Gina HAMANN, Mike & Kim 7052 Joannes Way Maumee, OH 43537 419-867-7674 10655 Ramm Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0954 KANE, Jackie HARRIS, Tim & Nicole 817 Roche de Boeuf Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0713 Liam, Oliver 5711 Bucher Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-705-6370 KANIA, Erik & Jennifer Hannah, Harrison 7645 Indian Springs Rd. Maumee, OH 43537 419-491-1144 10 755 Village Pkwy. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3748 14100 Mohler Rd. P.O. Box 575 Neapolis, OH 43547 419-875-5137 9930 N. Blue Prairie Dr. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-878-8251 Hali 6951 Yawberg Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-875-6595 KRAMP, Andrew & Michele Ayla 240 Marie Pl. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-601-1138 KRAUSE, Dale & Marla Jeremy, Matthew 852 Heritage Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2651 KRUEGER, George & Ginny 5401 Lose Rd. Monclova, OH 43542 419-893-5305 LANGE, David & Amy Alexis, Kyle, Brandon 511 Independence Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0680 LANGE, Jeff & Laura Connor, Callen 7847 Royal Hampton Waterville, OH 43566 419-441-2468 LAUER, Bryan & Diane 11123 West St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5887 LEHMAN, Harriet 10130 Rupp Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5885 LEY, Toby & Michelle 6844 Wycliffe Dr. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-3372 LIBBE, Sarah 488 Nora Dr. Perrysburg, OH 43551 LIBBE, Scott & Jane 5995 Dowling Rd. Luckey, OH 43443 419-833-1167 LIVINGSTON, Scott & Julie Kaylie 11183 Gillett St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-9718 LONGSTREET, Leonard & Doretta 6661 E. Blue Prairie Dr. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-878-7251 LOWE, Sally Kingston Residence of Sylvania 4125 N. King Rd., #114 Sylvania, OH 43560 419-517-0188 LOZNY, PATRICIA 8278 Woodbrier Ln. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-875-6350 LUDERMAN, Darrell & Donna 5439 Black Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8362 LUEDTKE, Dick & Sheri 5962 Lynwood Ct. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-9429 LUSCH, Evelyn 352 S. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2846 LUSCH, John & Joyce 29 N. Melody Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-7749 MACDONALD, Dianna 26800 Woodmont Dr., Apt. #3 Perrysburg, OH 43551 MACERA, Sam & Janet 859 Maple Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-6826 MAGGARD, Jay & Christie MILLER, Jeff & Janell Emma, Hailey, Hannah 3571 E. Pleasant Valley Rd. Seven Hills, OH 44131 419-345-0390 Blake 16997 Pratt Ln. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-356-8100 MARTIN, Chris & Susan MILLER, Tracey 6029 N. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-902-9074 Kennedy, Morgan 7309 Chip Shot Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3344 MASIKER, Mike & Chris MOON, Sherry 845 Liberty Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-441-2815 520 Wilkshire Dr. P.O. Box 145 Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4490 MASON, Jeff & Emily Maya, Layne 1627 Co. Rd. P McClure, OH 43534 419-748-7333 MOOSMAN, Dorothy 8205 Noward Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8457 MASON, LaDonna MOOSMAN, Jeff & Debbie 9401 Maybrook Oklahoma City, OK 73159 11032 West St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5135 MASON, Rex & Carol 190 S. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0100 MYERS, Keith & Heather 290 N. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-9041 MATZINGER, James P.O. Box 444 Neapolis, OH 43547 419-875-6746 MYERS, Tom & Cathy 3721 Whitehosue-Spencer Rd. Swanton, OH 43558 419-877-0510 MCDOWELL, Whitney Leah, Lexi, Mack 418 Overlook Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 440-242-1282 NAUMANN, Mike & Pam 263 Carriann Cove Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32225 METZGER, Seth & Amanda NELSON, Mark & Amy Samantha, Lauren, Abigail, Elizabeth 8105 Winding Ridge Blvd. Monclova, OH 43542 419-392-1902 Abbi, Kelsey 848 Village Pkwy. Waterville, OH 43566 419-441-2139 NEMETH, Willie & Penny MEYER, Bruce & Karen 304 W. John St. Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-5232 211 Cedar Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-345-0957 NICHOLS, Craig & Peggy MEYER, Dan & Jill 6102 Winslow Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-9541 Trey, Mikayla, Kamryn, Audrey 10720 Box Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-345-7835 NICHOLS, William (Chris) & Jessica MEYER, Doug & Amber Cara, Adelyn 11159 Gillett Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-460-3858 Isaac, Alexis, Natalie 527 Independence Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-345-0947 NICKEL, Doug & Tawny MEYERS, Pastor Kurt & Donna Serenity, Dalton 14805 Weston Rd. Weston, OH 43569 419-343-8749 3680 Schneider Toledo, OH 43614 419-385-6795 MICHAELIS, Brent & Karen OLLIGSCHLAGER, Kara Kyle 6157 Texas St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5354 Jeff, Josh 835 Maple Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2301 11 OPOKA, Joe & Arlene 3242 Estuary P. Maumee, OH 43537 OVACEK, Thom & Heidi Ian, Abi 7267 Crabapple Cove Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-4970 PAGAN, Michael & Connie Olivia, Owen 5117 Bainbridge Toledo, OH 43623 419-304-7404 PERRY, Lonnie & Tracy Cody, Megan 8636 Yawberg Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-875-5478 PETH, Dan/Lisa 3745 Weckerly Rd. Monclova, OH 43542 419-867-8225 PODIAK, Doug & Kathie Jesse, Samantha 1102 Springcrest Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0177 POOL, Kevin & Kay Nick, Ally 1109 Bending Brook Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8575 RABER, Chris & Jennifer Tori, Casey, Sean 10430 Airport Hwy., Lot 117 Swanton, OH 43558 419-867-0793 RASEY, Mike & Shelby Cameron, Brandon 376 S. River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2345 REDDINGTON, Patrick & Lori 8140 Donnington Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8740 REES, John & Jody Jorey 15647 Swift Current Ct. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-873-5913 RHOADES, Jon/Trish Mattimoe Adam 1122 Hugo Maumee, OH 43537 419-340-0071 RILL, Joan 5848 Crossbrooke Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0338 RILL, Mike & Kelly 7737 Prov-Neap-Swan Rd Swanton, OH 43558 419-875-4114 ROBINSON, Dr. Wilma C. The Waterford at Levis Commons 7100 S. Wilkinson Way, Apt. 220 Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-205-5255 ROBINSON, James & Debbie 440 Patriot Dr. E. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2151 ROBINSON, Wilma David 142 Edgerton Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4621 ROCHTE, Paul & Lori 39 N. Sixth St. Waterville, OH 43566 ROSE, Joe & Vicki 11134 Temperance Ave. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0886 ROSEBROCK, John & Carol Amy 3825 Deer Valley Ln. Maumee, OH 43537 419-754-3751 SARGENT, Nick & Stephanie Abigail, Aubrey 439 N River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0406 SAUTTER, Jake & Katie Grace, Avery, Maggie 6615 Co. Rd. 33 Helena, OH 43435 419-288-2392 SCHEIDING, Mike & Trudy 11368 Birch Pointe Dr. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5228 SCHULTZ, Jack & Karen Kensey 444 Patriot Dr. E. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-5222 SCHULTZ, Keriann 638 Harrison Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 SCHULTZ, Paul & Barb 1576 Southridge Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8379 SCHWANZ, Jon & Jill 437 Harvest Ct. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0425 SCHWERER, Jeff & Jill Jillian, Jordan, Joshua 10954 Springbrook Ct. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-0018 SELLERS, Scott & Lynne Grant, Garrett 4707 Round House Cir. Monclova, OH 43542 419-878-3981 SWEEDE, Rob & Ella WEIHL, Steve & Lisa SZYMANOWSKI, Dale & Fran WEIHL, Terry & Ellen 800 Continental Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0250 SEMANCIK, Josh & Jonelle 613 Northfield Maumee, OH 43537 419-897-9815 Joel, Jonah 847 Cherry Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-392-3095 TAVORMINA, Joel & Candy 11005 Winslow Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-877-5520 SHENEFIELD, Bob & Joyce 9 Gatewood Dr. Waterville, OH 43566 419-351-3236 TIMBROOK, Mike & Barb 14684 Dexter Falls Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-878-8983 SHIDLER, Ashley 24940 Fort Meigs Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 TIMBROOK, Pat SHIFFERT, Scott/Amy 121 N. Wintergarden Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Betsy, Clara 1016 Keeler St. Maumee, OH 43537 TORRES, Andy & Norrene 3329 Stonebrooke Ln. Maumee, OH 43537 419-868-8881 SMITH, Craig & Kimberly Isaac, Anthony, Kamryn 472 Sycamore Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-7128 TUCKER, Stacey Payton 1025 Farmview Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0580 SMITH, Dave & Diane Hunter, Kennedi 19020 Brillhart Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-823-8039 UMLAUF, JoAnna 425 Anthony Wayne Trl., #101 Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-4828 SMITH, Greg & Cindy Brandon, Ashley, Lindsey 609 Hollister Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-4137 VALASEK, Jay & Denise Hathaway 1566 Watermill Ln. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-874-0008 SMITH, Jaime & Carol 1423 Southridge Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2427 VETTER, Shane & Ashley 18800 Liberty High Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-823-4802 SPENCER, Mike & Stephanie Kamryn 209 S. Sixth St. Waterville, OH 43566 419-304-2126 WALGRAVE, Jason & Renee Andrew, Caroline 5912 Iron Ct. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0305 SPILKER, Eldon & Val 9070 Avery Ct. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2242 WALTER, Cheryl 28 N. Fourth St Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2606 STEINGASS, Jon 2329 Densmore Dr. Toledo, OH 43606 WARDELL, Dick & Dorothy 6944 Anthony Wayne Trl. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0620 STILES, Herb & Lisa 7535 Manore Rd. Whitehouse, OH 43571 419-875-5436 WARDELL, Tom 7713 Dutch Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-6983 STURGEON, Win & Phyllis 869 Maple Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-5394 WEIHL, Harold & Mary 14282 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-823-1057 12 16505 Middleton Pike Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-823-7033 Kelly 14021 Ovitt Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-823-1322 WHITMER, Bryan 11239 Waterville St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 WHITMER, Jeff & Gail Kari, Aimee, Eillie, Shelbie 11436 Box Rd. Grand Rapids, OH 43522 419-832-0155 WIELINSKI, Matt & Tracee 8 Karis St. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-3433 WIELINSKI, Paul & Martha Josie, Frank 9748 River Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-5524 WILLIAMS, James & Patricia Hoffman 1460 Waterville-Monclova Rd., Unit F Waterville, OH 43566 567-952-0006 WINTER, Cheryl 455 S. River Rd Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-2981 WOESSNER, Mike & Heather Alivia, Abigail, Katelyn, Kamryn 4395 Morgan Pl. Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-283-0464 YOUTZY, Josh & Jana Aubrey, Skylar 7860 Royal Hamton Ln. Waterville, OH 43566 419-572-9694 ZEIGLER, Robert & Carol 9175 Waterville-Neapolis Rd. Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-8386 Zion Missions & Outreach Dear Friends and Members of Zion, Our theme for this 2015 Pictorial Directory is “Million Dollar Love Story.” We chose this theme because of the “Love Story” of Doug and Katie Graf. Their gift of love to Zion has helped us give over $1 Million dollars to more than 100 missions, organizations, projects and agencies. Katie was an only child and her parents, who lived in Tiffin, Ohio, were proud, wealthy and involved in the community. Doug’s family had a blacksmith business in nearby Waterville. After her father had died, Katie took Doug home to introduce him to her mother. It didn’t go well. In fact, after several times of being with Doug, Katie’s mother was still so against this boyfriend, that she told her daughter, “All of this wealth is yours if you stop dating Doug.” Not long after, Katie made it clear to her mother that her love for Doug was more important than her mother’s money. Aurora House They married, and Katie became an elementary school music teacher. Doug was a custodian for the local schools. During the 50 years that they lived in Waterville, Katie’s mother wisely invested “her” wealth in nursing home corporations. Katie and Doug continued their careers as a public school music teacher and a custodian. Since they weren’t able to have children, our church, Zion Lutheran, became their family. Katie directed the children’s choirs and Doug took care of the building and grounds. According to the investment policies, every 10 years Katie’s mother reinvested and re-allocated her wealth. Ten years went by, then another, and so on. When in 2000 it came time for the money to be re-invested, Katie’s mother had died. As a result, the money went to first of kin: Katie. By this time Katie was in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimer’s, and she knew nothing about the money that had been left to her. Doug was overwhelmed, having never seen that much money in his life. His main concern was making sure Katie was financially secure in the nursing home, and then he made arrangements to give “God’s” money ($2.7 million) to their “first of kin”: Zion Lutheran Church. Doug died in 2000, Katie two years later. Once we realized that Zion, as ‘their family,’ would inherit this money, we set up a Mission Endowment fund which was established in 2004. We developed 3 Bible principals for the management and disbursement of the endowment fund. The first was from Exodus 19:5 “…Indeed the whole earth is mine.” We realized that it was not our money. It was God’s! The second principal came to us from Luke 12:12-31, the parable of the rich fool, who gained lots of wealth, built bigger barns to store them in, and then he died! God was telling us, “Share it. Don’t hoard it.” Our third principal came from Acts 1:8 where Jesus told the disciples; “Be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth.” This guided our distribution process where funds would go to Jerusalem (Waterville and the surrounding area); Judea and Samaria (Northwest Ohio and Ohio); and to the ends of the earth. Live Nativity Guatamala Trip AWCFM Kids Against Hunger Habitat for Humanity Community VBS Exercise Room With these Biblical principles, and Doug and Katie’s love for each other, we have been able to give away over $ 1 million dollars in ten years through our Mission Endowment fund. A special thank you goes to Sherry Moon for organizing this directory, and to all who participated and had their pictures taken. We hope you enjoy this pictorial directory as we give thanks to God for His gift to us. Know that we continue thanking God for all of you! Pastor Steve Bauerle Pastor Dan Bredberg Dodoma Medical Mission Haiti House Esther Blessed to be a Blessing Zion Lutheran Church • 22 North Second Street • Waterville, OH 43566 419-878-0266 • UNIVERSAL CHURCH DIRECTORIES - 30 Bowman Street - Mansfield, OH 44903 - 1-888-742-5823 - - 2015
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