It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took


It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took
Illustration by Dante DeSanctis and Jack Zhau
“It is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden, and it
grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches.”
Luke 13:19
Earth’s Awakening
Do you hear it?
The sweet lullaby of a songbird, drifting on the morning air as if from Heaven,
Spring is here.
I feel the world come alive beneath my feet,
All around me life is stirring; a miracle forming.
Every little bud is awaiting the moment when the Sun shall call for them by
And they shall burst forth with colors and wonders so dazzling; they could only
be made by the hands of God.
The creatures of the wild are awakening.
Every living thing on God’s green Earth can sense it.
As I stand here, surrounded by the peaceful silence of nature, I hear it
Whispered in the wind, barely capable of being heard
Spring is here.
Sydney Amspacher
To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the
inner music the words make. ~Truman Capote
Monsignor Picard, Mrs. Matteo and Mr. Rosenblatt for making our school the
wonderful place that it is.
Mustard Seed Committee:
Georgia O’Connor
Nikki Koval
Laura Platero
Grace Hageman
Connor DiMarco
Mikayla Griffin
Grade 1
Leprechaun Sightings
I saw a leprechaun in the tree. His name was Duke. I caught him. I asked
for his gold. He said, “No” but he said I may have a wish. I wished for a Wii U.
He said I would have my Wii U by 3:00 p.m.
Dean Bergkoetter
I saw a leprechaun in the woods. Her name was Pam. I caught her. I
asked for her gold. She said, “No!” She said I could have a wish. I told her I
wanted a giant egg. She said, “Yes” and gave me a giant egg.
Kelsey Blackshire
Dr. Martin Luther King was a minister. He said, “Peace not war.” He also
said we should use our words not fists. Dr. King walked with people and sang
with people. He helped people protest in peace.
Julia Brandon
I am thankful for: school, God, mom, dad, love, crayons, my brother and the
Nicholas Braunstein
I like Saint Andrew School because it’s a good Catholic School. It’s my
favorite school. I like all the teachers. They make it a good school. It has a chapel
and that’s why I like the school.
Nikhil Vyas Cook
I am thankful for: love, family, my sister, rainbows, Christmas, Jesus, colors,
Thanksgiving and food.
Siena Fazio
My name is Nicole. I am seven years old. I am in the first grade at Saint
Andrew School. I love school because I like to do tests. I also like to hear about
God. My favorite subject is S.R.A. I like my teacher a lot!
Nicole Iliff
I like Saint Andrew School because I learn about God. I pray every day.
School is fun. My favorite subject is art. I like to read. My best friend is Rebecca.
We have lots of fun together. I like to ride the bus, and I like to go to Daisies.
Lana Leiter
I am thankful for: family, house, God, love, mom, dad, rainbows, television
and Jesus.
Giovanna Montalbano
I am thankful for: God, Jesus, family, water, oceans, dogs, television and
Rebecca Morein
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a
minister. He said, “Love, not hate!” In 1964, he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Then
he died.
Ethan Neels
I like Saint Andrew School because Mrs. Hamski is here to help me. I like to
go to lots of activities. All my friends are here. My favorite subject is religion. I
try to be nice to people. I like art, too. At recess, I like the red bars. School is fun!
Sarah Nelson
My name is Darby. I am in first grade at Saint Andrew School. I like my
school because we learn about God. My favorite subject is math because I love
Darby Spencer
I like Saint Andrew School because it is a Catholic school. My favorite
subject is music. I learn a lot from Mrs. Hamski. I like to go to lots of activities like
art and chapel. I like to give and share. Also, I like recess.
Matthew Steffe
Spring Poems
Nicholas Rieder
Madeline Thievon
Sarah Warunek
The scarf was as itchy as a bug’s bite.
Andrew Chaszczewicz
If I could change one thing about snow, it would be when it drops it turns to
Mackenzie Kelly
The fire in the fireplace was like a hot summer day.
Dillan Smith
When I see a snowflake, it makes me feel like I want to follow it and see where it
Gavin Zikria
If I could have something grow on trees…
If I could have something grow on trees, it would be colorful string because I love to make
bracelets with the colorful string so whenever I am bored, I can just make a bracelet.
Olivia Burke
If I could have something grow on trees, it would be presents so I would be able to give gifts to
Colin Broderick
If I could have something grow on trees, it would be a heart because I would give hearts to
people who are hurt, sad, or bored to cheer them up!
Isabella Kaness
My Penguin
I once swam with a penguin one winter afternoon. I asked him what his name was and he
said, “My name is Tiny.” He asked if we could be BFFs. I said it would be okay, but my
mom said no because we had to go.
Calvin Gauker
My penguin’s name is Casper. He doesn’t want to go to the North Pole because he doesn’t
want to see his Christmas presents. Also, if he does, he will be on the naughty list!
Matthew Millevoi
The Emperor’s Egg
The penguin takes care of his egg.
The penguin sits on its egg until it hatches.
Down in the penguin’s throat, there is a pouch that feeds the chick until the mother
comes back.
The chick has a call that is different from the dad’s.
Nicholas Nocera
An Angel Visits Mary
This story is from the New Testament. This story is about how an angel visited Mary and
told her she would become the mother of Jesus. She was scared but said she loved God. She did
what he said. I like this story because I am happy for Mary.
Kayla Maahs
Noah’s Ark
This story is about a man named Noah. All of the people were bad except his family.
Then one day God came and told him to build an ark and put two of the exact animals on the ark.
He was going to flood the world and have all the bad people die. I learned that you should be
good like Noah.
Jonathon Vassalluzzo
resident Obama
R omney
lection day
ecret Service
naugural ball
D emocrat
ighteen to vote
N ovember 6
he American Flag
Antonio DiLossi
Post Cards from the Edge
Dear Velma Venus,
Hi! Did you know Venus is the
second planet from the sun? It has
zero moons. It is very hot there, so
you don’t want to go there for the
breeze you wanted!
Velma Venus
68 Planet Alley
Outer Space, NY
Your Friend,
Maureen Phelan
Maureen Moon
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Space,
Did you know Mars has the
biggest volcano found in space? Mars
Mr. and Mrs. Mars Space
is smaller than Earth. We should try
85 Train Space
to go to the volcano and see how long
Outer Earth, Washington
we can stay there without being
Your Friend,
Cole Sun
Cole Ruibal
The substitute was a fright,
I tried to be polite.
Her hair made me scream,
I thought this was a dream.
I opened my mouth to ask questions,
That really wasn’t a good suggestion.
Her voice sounded like alarms,
I really didn’t mean any harm.
If you thought that was bad,
You should see our teacher, Ms. Mad.
Olivia Boruta
Most pigs like spring,
But some pigs don’t.
The pigs that don’t
Will never learn, they just won’t.
The pigs that do, teach the ones that don’t
To love spring a lot.
They finally do.
Thank you, pigs.
Thank you.
We love spring too!
Brynn Davis and Maria Gordon
The Queen
The Queen of Hearts
Made some tarts
To celebrate
An exciting date
To which she cannot participate.
Jillian Evans
The snow is just right
For a nice winter night
Until it turns bright
And the snow is just right.
Grace Gluckman
My sister likes to sing a song,
She also likes to play ping pong,
We like to honor King Kong,
How could we go wrong?
Katelyn Millevoi
It’s finally here,
No more waiting,
Get up and cheer.
Flowers on the ground,
Blue skies above,
The beautiful sound
Of the song of a dove.
The sun is very bright,
But grab a cool drink
And you’ll be all right.
Elizabeth Nelson and Jillian Evans
I did not study.
I am so scared.
My mom said to study
but I did not care.
I fell asleep and woke up,
It looked so bright.
It was morning time.
The bus was here.
Oh no,
I did not study.
But then I remembered,
The test was Monday.
The End!
Julia Noone
School is Fun
School is fun.
School is good.
I’ll be sad,
When the year is done.
Steve Phillips
School is Fun
School is fun,
when learning in the Sun.
School is great fun,
when learning with someone.
Grace Profy
Hey snow!
Did you know?
You make us slow.
We wear warm clothes,
It is still so cold.
The ice makes us slip.
Winter, be prepared!
Logan Russell
School is Fun for Everyone
Every day riding the bus,
I say, “Hello” to Mr. Buck.
I see a backpack with two pens,
I say, “Hello” to all my friends.
Breakfast for lunch, what a great day.
All the kids say, “Hurray!”
School is over for today,
Tomorrow will be another day.
George Vyzaniaris
Red roses are blooming,
No one is glooming.
The Queen of Hearts,
Is very smart.
She went to bed
To rest her head,
To find the red roses blooming again.
Abby Windish
Shiny, flashy
Glow, shimmer, glimmer
Bright in the night sky
Shine, flash, flicker
Beautiful, amazing
Allison Bergkoetter
Bright, shiny
Glow, shimmer, gleam
Shine bright like diamonds
Radiate, glisten, burst
Maddie Blackshire
I look up at the sky and what do I see?
Millions of stars twinkling and smiling at me.
Caitlin Byrnes
Shiny, bright
Sparkle, shine, glisten
Light up night sky
Shimmer, twinkle, light
Yellow, small
Night light
Michael D’Aulerio
S parkly
T remendous
A mazing
R adiant
S ensational
Grace Finley
Bright, glistening
Shine, glow, shimmer
Bright lights of night
Glimmer, twinkle, gleam
Luminous, golden
Joseph Ranieri
Where Are You?
Plants, where are you?
You do grow everywhere.
So where are you now?
Audrey Sanft
Star Bright
A star is like a flashlight.
They are both very bright.
Mia Spinelli
Radiant, extraordinary
Shoot, shine, sparkle
Nightlights for the moon
Dazzle, twinkle, glow
Brilliant, luminous
Elsie Stankus
The Sky
The sky, oh the sky!
Look at the clouds up there go by.
Samantha Villari
Freedom is not only a lifestyle but a right which we are very
fortunate to have. I have found that the people who live without
freedom are the people who are always searching and seeking freedom.
In our country, when you break the laws your freedom is taken
away. Criminals go to jail and lose the freedom to live where they want,
see who they want, do what they want and even eat what they want. I
am sure that when criminals are in jail, all they are thinking about is
when they will get back what was rightfully theirs, their freedom.
In the 1930s the Nazis decided to take the freedom away from the
Jewish people. For the Jews, it was much worse than even the convicted
criminals. This is because the Jews had their freedom taken away for no
reason. Unlike the criminals, the Jews did nothing wrong to cause their
loss of freedom. I can just imagine that the entire time Nazis treated the
Jews so cruelly, the Jews were always thinking about why this was
happening and when they would get back their freedom.
As incomparable as my life is to the Jewish people and the
criminals, I also feel a loss of freedom sometimes. Even in my own eleven
year-old life, my freedom is taken away when I am punished. I do not
like to lose my freedom to use my phone, watch television and have
friends over. In fact, when I lose my freedom, I am constantly asking
my mother for it back.
I have never really thought about freedom before. However, now that I
have, I hope I will never take freedom for granted again.
Sam Burke
White bunnies eating the grass
First Holy Communion at Mass
A beautiful pink butterfly
The white clouds in the sky
Bright yellow lemonade
That brings bees and then a band aid
Going to the town pool
Never wanting to go to school
And the April showers
That brings the May flowers.
Sarah Cahill and Emily Noone
Roberto Clemente’s Helping Hands
Nothing got in Roberto’s way of helping Nicaragua.
In Nicaragua, there was a terrible earthquake.
Caring for others was what Roberto did frequently.
Artificial legs were paid for to help a boy.
Roberto did anything to get money for Nicaragua.
A giant earthquake hit Nicaragua.
Goods were sent from all over for the victims.
Unfortunately, Roberto died delivering packages.
A lot of people were killed; more were hurt.
Kaitlyn Conahan
Inspiring Man
Everyone in Nicaragua needed help because of a huge earthquake.
All Roberto Clemente wanted to do was help.
Roberto was remembered by his fans.
The plane he took to Nicaragua crashed in the ocean and Roberto died.
He got 3,000 hits in baseball.
Quite the helpful and caring person he was.
Unity for everyone was his goal.
Always, he tried his best in baseball.
Kindness and athletic were two words that described him.
Everyone came to his baseball games to see him play.
Ava Danastorg
Roberto Clemente
Pittsburgh Pirates had their doubts about Roberto.
In 1934, Roberto was born in Puerto Rico.
The Pittsburgh Pirates are Pittsburgh’s home team.
Three thousand was the magic number.
Shame on the people who doubted him.
Billboards were put up in remembrance of Roberto after his death.
Underestimating him did not work.
Roberto was the Pirate’s right fielder.
Go, Roberto, Go!
He was the first Latin American to make the Hall of Fame.
People in Nicaragua were in need of help after the earthquake.
In the end Roberto died in a plane crash.
Roberto helped a 14-year old boy with no legs.
After the plane crash a billboard read, “Adios Amigo.”
The number everyone was counting on was 3,000.
Engines spewed fire from his plane.
September 1972 he faced Steve Carlton.
Mireille Dina
What does Freedom Mean to Me?
Freedom to me means the right to speech, religion, school and personal belongings. I feel
free because I can go to school and speak how I feel. Similarly, when I have basketball practice
or other activities, I am free to attend them. At school, I am treated equally to other children by
my teachers. In addition, I get a good education at school. On the weekends, I get to play freely
and go to church with my family.
Ghetto children did not have the same rights as me, but they did find ways to express
themselves. For instance, ghetto children were not allowed to talk freely, but they expressed
their feelings through writing in their journals. In addition, they created secret schools because
they were not free to receive an education. The ghetto children also had very few personal
belongings and shared living spaces with a lot of people.
In conclusion, I feel lucky because I have freedoms that the ghetto children did not have.
Nevertheless, the ghetto children still found ways to become free without these rights. These
similarities between us help me appreciate what I have and how they survived.
Penzi Hill
First Communion
With my dress on, sitting in the pew,
While the music is starting to cue.
My hands folded nice and tight,
Waiting to receive Jesus with all my might.
Remembering all I was taught,
Sitting there while no one fought.
Getting up to receive the Lord,
Everyone was quiet, no one was bored.
The Lord is now in my hand,
On this beautiful quiet land.
Now I am in 5th grade,
Wishing that I have always stayed.
The Lord is still in my heart,
Because no one will ever tear us apart.
I go to church every Sunday,
Thinking about Jesus on my way.
The second graders will receive Him soon.
The night after I got mine there was a full moon.
They should think about him every minute.
It’s not a surprise, you don’t win it.
It’s just the Lord,
You receive him at Mass.
Everyone always has to pass,
You will receive him,
At last…
Olivia Nace and Emily Cahill
Our Free Country
Do you think our country is bad? Then travel to the Middle East and see how bad it is
there! Our country has more freedom than most countries. We have the freedom to vote, we can
protest if there is something that needs to be changed, and we choose how we live our life.
Freedom is good because it lets us choose our government. In some countries, like some
in Africa and the Middle East, they don’t have that choice and the people there are unhappy and
sometimes start to fight the government. Because we have freedom and can vote for who we
want in our government, we don’t have that problem. Since we can vote, people are not as angry
about things our government does and can choose to change it.
Another reason why freedom is important is because it lets us protest if we don’t agree
with something. Even children can protest something that they think needs to be changed, like
the length of lunch or recess. Some people think rules should be followed without complaint. But
I think protest is good because it teaches us to stand up for our beliefs when rules are unfair.
A third reason I think freedom is good is because freedom allows us to choose how we
want to live. People wouldn’t be as happy if they couldn’t choose the food they wanted to eat,
the clothes they wear or the music they listen to. In some places like China, they force people to
do things that the government thinks they are best at, such as sports. Luckily in our county, we
can choose what job we want, and I think we are happier because of that.
So how bad do you think our country is now? Other countries don’t have as much
freedom as we do. We are happier here than many other people are in their own country because
we are not forced to do jobs we don’t want to, we can change what we don’t like and can choose
how we want to live. I am proud to have freedom in our country.
Christopher Sax
I Am
am small and outgoing
wonder about my future
hear a lion’s meow
see God’s Kingdom
want to talk to a unicorn
am small and outgoing
I pretend I have wings
I feel a pool full of Jell-O
I touch a Pegasus’s horn
I worry about the victims of illegal drugs
I cry for the Newtown shooting victims
I am small and outgoing
I understand that we are all different
I say, “YOLO”
I dream of floating above the clouds
I try to cartwheel down a hill
I hope that there is more food in my pantry
I am small and outgoing.
Paige Aita
I Am
I am athletic and kind
I wonder about my future
I hear a majestic waterfall flowing in my mind
I see a beautiful flower garden
I want to find love in every corner
I am athletic and kind
I pretend to see an imaginary kingdom
I feel an angel’s guidance
I touch the sky above my head
I worry about the environment
I cry for people who are being abused
I am athletic and kind
I understand God’s hopes for me
I say to follow your dreams
I dream about my future
I try to live out my faith
I hope to one day see heaven
I am athletic and kind.
Katrina Becker
I Am
I am sweet and friendly
I worry about my future
I hear a dragon’s roar
I see the planet, Uriel
I want world peace
I am sweet and friendly
I pretend to be a hero
I feel a unicorn’s horn
I touch a dragon’s scale
I worry about war
I cry about animal abuse
I am sweet and friendly
I understand God’s love for me
I say we should stand up for what we believe
I dream about people being treated equal
I try to bring smiles to faces
I hope for justice
I am sweet and friendly.
Alexandra Bethman
I Am
I am flexible and technical
I wonder why some people don’t dance
I hear the counts of a beat
I see myself dancing on stage
I want to be a professional dancer
I am flexible and technical
I pretend to dance in a show
I feel myself glide across the room
I touch my point shoe on the ground
I worry that I might hurt myself
I cry when I miss dance class
I am flexible and technical
I understand everything about dance
I say that dance is a sport
I dream of becoming a professional dancer
I try my best every day
I hope to get better
I am flexible and technical.
Claire Broderick
I Am
I am polite and athletic
I wonder what my future will be in life
I hear God’s call for me
I see the love that is given to me by my family
I want to achieve many things in life
I am polite and athletic
I pretend that I am veterinarian, taking care of the animals of the world
I feel happy and loved
I touch the bright and powerful love that I am given
I worry about what the world will be like in the future
I cry when I watch inspiring movies
I am polite and athletic
I understand what God has called me to do in my life
I say that God will always love us
I dream about a happy world
I try to do my best to help others
I hope that everyone can realize God is the one, true God
I am polite and athletic.
Zoe Carbino
Growing Up Too Fast
Did you realize that when you are a kid, you want to grow up fast and become an adult,
and when you’re an adult you want to be a kid again? Being a kid can be tough, but being an
adult may be even harder. And you may not know the differences between the two, that is, the
pros and the cons. That’s why I will be telling you the positive and negative aspects of being a
kid versus being a grown up. So, do yourself a favor, and read ahead to learn more.
Wow, being a kid is nice. A great thing about being a kid is that you don’t have to worry
about going to work every day. But, you still have an obligation to go to school five days a week.
Sometimes school and work are tough, but we all manage to get our work done. As a kid, you
also have to do chores. You have to clean your room and take out the trash. But then again,
you’ll still have to do chores even when you’re older, sadly. Another great thing about being a
kid is that you don’t have to pay bills. No mortgage or car insurance to worry or stress about.
Being a grown up can be great! For example, you can do things like stay up late, and
your mom or dad won’t scold you for staying up late! You have more freedom, like being able
to drive and have your own place to live. But in addition to having more freedom comes, having
lots more responsibilities, like being responsible for doing errands and taking care of your
family. You need to get your kids to where they need to go. You’re obligated to raise them into
good people in the future. When you’re a grown up, you have to take care of not only yourself,
but also others. And it may be hard to balance your work and home schedule, but you still have
to make it work.
Tony Carbino
I Am
I am funny and generous
I wonder what the universe is like
I hear birds chirping
I see wild animals playing
I want to travel
I am funny and generous
I pretend nothing is wrong
I feel the bottom of the ocean
I touch the world as I see it
I worry about people being killed
I cry when people are fighting a disease
I am funny and generous
I understand everything happens for a reason
I say tomorrow is another day
I dream of sleeping in
I try to help everyone in anyway
I hope for a life full of peace
I am funny and generous
Thi Xuan DeCaprio
I am athletic and fast
I wonder what it is like to fly
I hear angelic voices singing
I see His plan for me
I want to do my best
I am athletic and fast
I pretend things don’t bother me
I feel my guardian angel on my shoulder
I touch your pain
I worry for my friends
I cry for the sick
I am athletic and fast
I understand the meaning of life
I say, “Life can only get better”
I dream of world peace
I try to use my talents
I hope people can get along
I am athletic and fast.
Emily Gauker
I Am
I am smart and athletic
I wonder how tall I will be
I hear the basketballs pounding
I see unicorns flying
I want curly hair
I am smart and athletic
I pretend to live in a castle
I feel a guardian angel on my shoulder
I touch a basketball hoop
I worry about my family’s health
I cry when I think about my Pop Pop
I am smart and athletic
I understand that I will die someday
I say ice cream for dinner
I dream of staying a kid forever
I try for Distinguished Honors at school
I hope to go to Heaven someday
I am smart and athletic.
Caitlin Grabowski
I Am
I Am
I am athletic and fun
I am smart and athletic
I wonder if I will go to Heaven when I die
I wonder what age I will be when I die
I hear a mermaid splash
I hear the radio singing
I see friendly ghosts
I see birds flying
I want to start my life over again
I want to play basketball in college
I am athletic and fun
I am smart and athletic
I pretend that I am famous
I pretend to be a teenage mutant turtle
I feel the winds brush against my legs
I feel like I am on a cloud
I touch the clouds in the sky
I touch my basketball shoes
I worry about my life
I worry about violence
I cry for my grandmother
I cry when I am sad
I am athletic and fun
I am smart and athletic
I understand your feelings
I understand that I will die someday
I say love is powerful
I say Jesus is my Savior
I dream for a beautiful life
I dream I will live a happy life
I try my best at being nice
I always try to do my best
I hope my life is successful
I hope to be a good basketball player
I am athletic and fun.
I am smart and athletic.
Tracy Heinze
Emily Higgins
I Am
I am creative and athletic
I wonder what career I will have when I grow up
I hear loud horns of triumph
I see the sun saying goodbye to the moon
I want to see the ball on New Year’s Eve
I am creative and athletic
I pretend I’m the little princess
I feel excited when I run
I touch the soft skin of my baby sister
I worry that I won’t make the honor roll
I cry when my sister gets hurt
I am creative and athletic
I understand that I have to work hard to be successful in life
I say that the United States has the right to vote
I dream that I will once visit the Statue of Liberty
I try my best in everything
I hope I get into a good college
I am creative and athletic.
Katie Irelan
I AM….
I am young and free.
I wonder what I’ll grow to be.
I hear a laugh.
I see the sea.
I am young and free.
I pretend that I can fly.
I feel the presence of passersby.
I touch the rays of the shining sun.
I worry peace will never come.
I cry that my dog won’t be healthy.
I am young and free.
I understand God’s love for me.
I say the things I may not be.
I dream that I’ll succeed in life.
I try to go through trouble and strife.
I hope heaven is the place I’m meant to be.
I am young and free.
Grace Kennedy
I Am
I am athletic and strong
I wonder if I’ll catch the pass
I hear muddy cleats running
I see awesome plays
I want to win
I am athletic and strong
I pretend to make a shot
I feel the dirt under my cleats
I touch a winning game
I worry I will mess up
I cry about my loss
I am athletic and strong
I understand the game
I say I’m the best
I dream of my wins
I try to give 110%
I hope I win the game
I am athletic and strong.
Molly Kraunelis
I Am
I am athletic and passionate
I wonder about my future
I hear the crowd cheer
I see the crowds in the stands
I want to win
I am athletic and passionate
I pretend to be the MVP
I feel goosebumps
I touch the sky
I worry that I’m not good enough
I cry to win it all
I am athletic and passionate
I understand the game
I say rise above hate
I dream to win it all
I try my hardest
I hope to be successful
I am athletic and passionate.
Regan McKissick
I Am
I am athletic and kind
I wonder what my future will be like
I hear happy things
I see trees of green
I want people to be nice always
I am athletic and kind
I pretend I am a queen
I feel happy
I touch a summer cloud
I worry about violence
I cry when I watch Marley and Me
I am athletic and kind
I understand God’s love for me
I say children are our future
I dream of a day with all my friends
I try to do my best
I hope for my wishes to become reality
I am athletic and kind.
Alexa Roth
I Am
I am athletic and artistic
I wonder how hot the sun is
I hear little kids’ laughter
I see the blue ocean waves
I want to live at the beach
I am athletic and artistic
I pretend to have a purple pet turtle
I feel happy
I touch the snow falling on my face
I worry that the world will end
I cry when people die
I am athletic and artistic
I understand my family
I say that turtles are cool
I dream that I can fly
I try to be a good person
I hope to live for a long time
I am athletic and artistic.
Cassidy Schwartzott
I Am
I Am
I am athletic and proud
I wonder what I would do without lacrosse
I hear the ball go into the net
I see the ball go into my stick
I want lacrosse practice every night
I am athletic and proud
I am athletic and smart
I wonder how good I really am
I hear the laughs of kids playing soccer
I see the light beam shining on the field
I want to meet Mia Hamm
I am athletic and smart
I pretend I am on the Penn State team
I feel like I can fly down the field
I touch the grass on ground balls
I worry if the ball won’t go in the net
I cry when I don’t play
I am athletic and proud
I pretend to be a pro at soccer
I feel the sweat dripping down my face
I touch the grassy field
I worry that my career will end
I cry about losing the game
I am athletic and smart
I understand the game
I say how lucky I am to be on the field
I dream of running down the field
I try my best every day
I hope I keep playing the rest of my life
I am athletic and proud.
I understand the game
I say to my teammates that we will win
I dream about being state champions
I try to be the best
I hope to be amazing
I am athletic and smart.
Lauren Seibel
Rachael Senyk
Everybody loves sports
Whether they’re tall or short
It’s the joy of the game,
That makes fans go insane,
And when the game’s done, they want more
Soccer is the game on the green
When the fans will shout and scream
There are thousands of bets,
For when the ball hits the net,
‘Cause they want the point for their team
Basketball is the game on the court
That’s not so grateful to the short
KD and James,
Are the kings of the game,
And the faces of this spectacular sport
Football is the game with the push
With the ball, you might want to rush
The booming bands,
And the loud, screaming fans,
You’ll never get anyone to shush
Baseball is the game with the bat
It can’t get much simpler than that
Single, double,
Home run or triple,
Either way, the fans will throw their hats
Hockey is the game on the ice
Where players bring out the “not nice”
The puck’s hit by the stick,
As 3 periods tick,
And the losers will pay the price
And when the game is done
And there’s no fan or athlete to run
It’s because there’s no game,
To make fans insane,
That’s why all sports are so fun!
Isabella Spinelli
I Am
I Am
I am kind and caring
I wonder what my job will be
I hear happiness everywhere I go
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
I want peace everywhere
I am kind and caring
I am athletic and joyful
I wonder why the leaves shed
I hear the dog bark
I see a play fly by
I want to go to Florida
I am athletic and joyful
I pretend that I can fly
I feel there is hope
I touch God’s light
I worry about tornadoes
I cry for my grandmother
I am kind and caring
I pretend I’m swimming in the ocean
I feel a hawk’s feathers
I touch the sky
I worry that the sun will stop shinning
I cry when my dog is hurt
I am athletic and joyful
I understand how life works
I say God will protect me
I dream about a vacation with my family
I try to do my best
I hope my wishes come true
I am kind and caring.
I understand that God loves me
I say a prayer
I dream of going to space
I try to work my hardest
I hope for sunshine
I am athletic and joyful.
Nicolette Tumasz
Nicholas Verderame
A beating heart ready to share the wonderful gift of love
An apple peeking through the tops of the trees in the brisk fall
Tasty, bright red popsicle juice dripping down a toddler’s face in the heat of the summer
The loud sirens of the fire truck speeding down the street
The perfect crunch of a juicy red apple when you take the first bite
The loud crumble of a Kit-Kat wrapper
Cherry water-ice chilling the flaming heat inside your body
Strawberries freshly picked from the picture-perfect spring garden
A perfectly sliced watermelon with black and white seeds ready to be eaten
A basketball jersey that has your lucky number on the back
Dark red ink oozing out of a pen onto your busy hand
A toasty warm fire roasting the chill from throughout your body
Red can bring upon good luck and good attitude.
Miranda Behr
Newly cut grass on which intense soccer games are played
Thick and big leaves growing on an oak tree signifying that spring is near
The forest green color of a twenty-dollar bill earned after a long day of chores
Loud shout of Eagles fans after they lose another game to the Giants
The cheerful Irish music played on Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th
Faint giggling of little children as they go down the slide in the park during fall
The juicy crisp of a Granny Smith apple after a long, warm summer’s day
The soft and salty taste of tasty steamed broccoli
Tangy sweetness of a freshly picked kiwi packed with flavor
Warm ocean breezes as you walk off the beach after a long day in the hot, scorching sun
The prickliness of a fresh smelling Christmas tree where all of your ornaments will be placed
The lush, green flowers in a garden and the plants that bring joy to all
The color green can bring relaxation to all.
Ryan Danastorg
Leaves crackling beneath your feet while walking through the park on a fall day
The swish of a basketball net when you score a three pointer
Freshly squeezed juice at your favorite breakfast spot
The deafening roar of Flyers fans when a game winning goal is scored
The fresh smell of mouth-watering Florida oranges being squeezed into juice
Excited and high-pitched voices of boys and girls saying trick-or-treat on a crisp and cool
Halloween night
Eating freshly made and lightly salted pumpkin seeds on your porch under the fall sky
Cream pie dotted with whipped cream and splattered with chocolate chips
Pumpkin ice cream on a chilly, not so ice creamy night
Red, hot burning fire when you get your hands just a little bit too close
Seagulls squalling and circling as an orange creamsicle is opened on the beach
The most disliked Mets celebrating a walk off win against the Phillies as shadows spread across
the infield
Orange can take you to a whole different world of emotions.
Connor Fife
The Calming Shade of Wilderness
Cadmium Green
Sharp blades of grass in the summer
Large jungles in South America
A hundred dollar bill
A peaceful meadow
Nature’s calm voice
The rustling of treetops
Delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream
Disgusting lima beans
Mountain Dew Soda
Slime from the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards
Slippery seaweed
A slimy caterpillar crawling across your skin
Cadmium Green can help you relax.
Nicholas Fioravanti
Unforgettable Brown
A delicious chocolate candy bar
Salty roasted peanuts
A fresh cup of coffee
Falling trees crackling
Kids stomping through wet dirt
Squirrels cracking acorns
The sweetness of chocolate pudding
Soft bread in your mouth
Creamy peanut butter on a spoon
Coarse sand under your feet
Smooth rocks on the ground
Rough tree bark in your hand
Brown adds warmth and sweetness to your life.
Kyle Gardyan
Perfectly bloomed roses on a bush in your mother’s garden that can be seen from your peaceful
kitchen window
A squeaky, old, rusty wagon that is in the back of your shed waiting to see the sunlight again
A brand new scarlet Ferrari parked in the garage across the street waiting for its driver
Your hard working heart after a two hour soccer practice on a beautiful, cloudless summer day
The fluttering of a ladybug’s dainty wings as it tries to escape the clutches of a toddler at the
Sizzling, steaming charcoals of your dad’s grill on the Fourth of July as you wait for your lunch to
be cooked to perfection
The refreshing taste of ice cold Coca Cola as the sun, bursting with color, is setting on the beach
Ripe, sweet cherries on top of your vanilla sundae as you count down the days of summer
The strong taste of ketchup on your French fries at a baseball game as you anticipate a score
Crunchy, crisp sounds of leaves under your feet during the fast approach of fall
The roughness of an old barn’s paint in the woods behind your house that scares you
The delicateness of a ripe tomato in your grandmother’s backyard that is perfect for picking
Red can give you love through a box of chocolates on Saint Valentine’s Day.
Grace Hageman
The deep, wet swimming pool as it opens on the first day of summer
Swinging at the park while looking up at the never ending, clear sky
Watching the tiny fish go by underneath the big, sparkling ocean
The slash of my ice skates when making a sharp turn at the corner of the rink
Sitting on the beach while listening to the roaring waves crash on the shore
Hearing the soft swoosh of the sea breeze as I take a mile walk in the soft sand
Taking the refreshing first sip of my turquoise Gatorade after a long, hot inning of baseball
The first piece of my delicious, aqua cake being cut after the Happy Birthday song
Shoving a giant, fluffy piece of cotton candy into my mouth after the carnival rides
Getting soaked at the water park by huge splashes of a cannon ball
Laying my head down on the periwinkle pillow after a long, scorching day at school
Rain rushing down on my head in an enormous thunderstorm as I race to the car
Blue causes laughter and joy to an immense crowd enjoying the cooling water during the
blazing days of summer.
Grace Kane
Look Outside
Grass on my front lawn
The tree tops of a vast jungle
Shiny emeralds underground
A grasshopper jumping and chirping at night
Big green frogs croaking near the river,
Ireland’s national anthem
A fresh salad in my bowl
The bitter limes at the back of my fridge
The green apple I just bit
The papery texture of a dollar bill
Soft green crayons mixed up in a crayon box
The warmth of the air during the springtime
Green makes the nature around you stand out.
Ryan Lawlor
Bright leaves of full trees rustling in the summer
A Granny Smith apple being effortlessly sliced by a monstrous blade
Those reusable bags at the grocery store that make you feel guilty for not “going green”
The plop of a bunch of unripe bananas onto the soft and comforting earth
A slight autumn breeze running through the freshly cut outfield grass of Citizens Bank Park
The distinct tearing open of presents under the verdant Christmas tree
The juicy bit of a dill pickle that comes with your freshly grilled burger
A tortilla chip at the breaking point under the weight of a huge blob of guacamole
A tuft of grass setting in your mouth after making a web gem diving catch
A thick wad of cash being fanned out on the smooth felt blackjack table
The sudden pierce in your skin that comes with the curious touch of a thorny cactus
The slippery escape of a moist tadpole from a small child’s hand
Green can energize you with the luminescence of spring and new life.
James Marek
The bright color of the sun up high
The beauty of daffodils blooming in the spring
An elevated giraffe at the zoo, eating trees and other plants too
The annoyance of a bumblebee buzzing in my ear
Teeth munching on corn-on-the-cob during a 4th of July picnic
The sound of children listening to Big Bird
Yellow tastes like my mother’s famous banana cream pie
The flavor of sweet lemonade on a hot summer’s day
The feeling of cheese melting on your tongue
It feels like the smooth peel of a ripe banana
It’s the bumpiness of running your finger over corn-on-the-cob
It gives you the feeling of happiness from the inside out
Yellow can brighten up your day and put a smile on your face.
Sierra Rhoades-Zagorski
A Christmas tree standing strong and tall under a blanket of soft snow
Throwing a small, squishy, grape into the air then catching it lightly in your mouth
The gentle canopy of leaves above the trees that protect you from rain and sun
The deep croak of a bumpy toad, perched upon a lily pad
A pair of cleats lightly padding the ground, chasing a soccer ball
The soft, steady whistle of the wind blowing through the trees
A bright, sour lime popsicle running down your chin and cheeks
Chugging an ice cold lemon-lime Gatorade after a soccer tournament in the scorching heat
Crispy, thin, slices of a fresh cut Granny Smith apple
A long, slimy strand of seaweed wrapping itself around your leg
Soft moss under bare feet, cushioning your every step
The soft grass running through your toes and fingers as you turn cartwheels in the bright sun
Green covers all surfaces of nature, invading the earth with plants and animals.
Abigail Schroeder
The bright sun drawn at the corner of each kindergartener’s artwork
A golden retriever’s fur reflecting from the sun
Fresh daffodils swaying and singing, “Spring is here”
Newborn chicks’ first tweets at the farm
The buzzing of busy bees when the flowers bloom in the spring
Honks from a yellow buggy with peace signs as headlights
Sweet honey dripping from the golden spool
Sour lemons that make faces crunch up
An Easter marshmallow peep stuffed inside your mouth
The heat coming from the sun on your dry skin while waiting to dip in the pool
A warm, friendly smile when you meet someone for the first time
Children laughing at the beach as the sandcastles are built
Yellow can bring joyful memories in the gloomy days.
Marissa Tumasz
Glowing orbs of light rest on Heaven’s doorstep
Illuminating the nighttime sky
Like the flames of many candles in a darkened room
Showing the quiet village below in starlight
Put there to dispel the gloom.
The light of the moon shines with a golden hue
That mingles with the inky blackness that
Cloaks the night.
But the moon remains, strong and bright and warm
As if to remind us that even in darkness
There will Always Be Light.
Sydney Amspacher
Starry Night
Looking out the window
I see a sky so blue
With a moon so bright.
Never in my little life,
Have I ever seen a moon
As beautiful as this one.
The light flows
Like an ocean’s waves
On a calm summer day.
The hills are singing lullabies
As the city below sleeps.
The stars dance happily
For they are bright as day.
They shine like they are the only
Star in the sky this night.
As I look from my window,
I cannot see all the beauty
That awaits in the night.
The church bells ring,
For midnight has struck.
I hope the beauty never leaves
For I cannot wait for the next night,
The fights of beauty
That lights my heart like a campfire.
Faith Carbino
A Starry Night
Quiet sky, late at night,
Crescent moon is burning bright.
Little village, sleeping town,
Flowing light all around.
Van Gogh’s stokes, stiff and right,
Continue on all through the night.
Orbs are dancing, light is prancing,
Van Gogh’s head is swiftly glancing.
Church bells ring,
Everything is peaceful.
The light is a bright light on the eve
Of the artist night.
Countryside, mountains cry
As moonlight dances across the sky.
The wind is whistling, light is glistening
Van Gogh’s hand is blistering.
Through the night and through the day,
Vincent Van Gogh slaves away.
And lo, what a pretty sight
On this very starry night.
Hugh Collins
An Ode to Martin Luther King Jr.
I have a dream
Of an oasis of freedom and justice,
Of a beacon of light,
Of a joyous daybreak from captivity,
Of life, liberty and a promise,
A table of brotherhood where all people join hands.
I have a dream,
Where all are free at last,
Where freedom rings
On a sunlit path,
I have a dream; the American dream.
Mikayla Griffin
An Ode to the King of Freedom
Suffering will be history,
Replaced with freedom and salvation,
How everything should be.
Cruelty to man will condense,
We are all God’s children
In one big brotherhood.
Come out from being hidden.
Paul Horgan
Starry Night
The night is oh so starry
And Van Gogh’s mind is lost
In all the nightly specta
And with the midnight frost.
A gaze into the sky
Is all that must be done
To keep his sanity settled
And just let the night run
A nighttime full of dreaming
Weightlessly gliding around
The immense silence lingers
There is not a single sound.
Andrew Kelly
Some shine bright
And never stop
But burn out.
Some may appear dull
They shine for short times
But never die
For those stars
Are special.
Their light lives on and on
When wind blows
Or clouds cover
The light may seem to disappear.
But when the sky is clear
The special stars will shine
Brighter than the sun itself.
And the world will cherish their beauty
And their light lives on and on.
Alyssa Mattia
Van Gogh’s Vision
Van Gogh takes his pencil
And begins to sketch.
During this stretch,
He draws the silver crest of the wind.
So vivid you can feel the breeze on your cheek.
So calming you can’t even speak.
A stoic mountain casts a shadow over the sleepy scene,
Large and monstrous like nothing you’ve ever seen.
He feels the contrast between good and evil.
His perspective is looming over the city;
Trying to make it thought provoking yet pretty.
Van Gogh had a vision, a longing to be home.
Georgia O’Connor
Found Poem:
King of Courage
They were judged by color
Instead of holding hands
Brother to brother
Marching ahead
They didn’t turn back
And kept dreaming of the day
When they wouldn’t be judged for their color
They stood for freedom together
While working in the sweltering weather
The said, “We will be free one day”
He said, “I have a dream today”.
Olivia Raccosta
Oh starry night,
With stars so bright,
The night is alive,
Alive with stars as bright as flares.
Returning home,
On a beautiful summer night,
The yellow and blue in the sky,
Give an illuminating glow to stars up high.
Kristi Serafin
The End