Smart Community Summit 2015
Smart Community Summit 2015
Smart Community Summit 2015 17th‐18th June 2015, June 2015, Tokyo Big Sight Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan , Tokyo, Japan Putrajaya Green City Initiatives towards Smart Community Green City Initiatives towards Smart Community D Development Dato’ Omairi bin Hashim, Vice President (City Planning), Perbadanan Dato’ Omairi bin Hashim, Vice President (City Planning), Perbadanan Putrajaya Outline of Presentation 1 Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Putrajaya Green City Initiatives 3. Way Forward Putrajaya Master Plan & Current Status of Development Current Status of Development (2014) Putrajaya Structure Structure Plan: Plan: Sustainable Putrajaya Sustainable Putrajaya 2025 Regulatory Framework that sets policies & initiatives/programmes to turn Putrajaya into a sustainble low carbon green city Putrajaya Green City Initiatives Green City Initiatives Transformingg Putrajaya j y into a Green City, y, one that commits towards continuouslyy improving p g the quality of living environment by ensuring that its urban activities and development reduces carbon emission, encourages green businesses and creates a green smart communities FROM GARDEN CITY TO GREEN CITY Putrajaya: A Sustainable Low Carbon, Green Putrajaya : A Sustainable Low Carbon, Green C City At the Copenhagen COP15, Malaysia has made a conditional commitment of a reduction of carbon emission intensity of Malaysian GDP of up to intensity of Malaysian GDP, of up to 40% by 2020 from a 2005 baseline. U s t ra is t i on & M a ge m e n t ment W a t e Ma na an as ge g e i l i ty a g e ob E n e r A C i t y d mi n e t r U S oli d W g y ti o n & a a rt M Bui ld i n g T r a ns p o a n D e si g n s rb & n n i n g, P la U In tabling the 2010 Malaysian Budget, bl h l d the Prime Minister announced to “develop Putrajaya and Cyberjaya as develop Putrajaya and Cyberjaya as pioneer township in Green Technology as a showcase for the development of other townships” . th t hi ” Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013 Inventory of Putrajaya GHG Emission 2013 1. Government buildings 2. Commercial buildings 3. Public amenities and facilities 4. Residential 5 Passenger transport 5. P t t 6. Freight transport & 7. Solid waste The overall GHG emissions for year 2013 were 1,316ktCO2eq as compared to 1 120ktCO2eq for year 2012 due to the eq for year 2012 due to the 1,120ktCO increase in: the completed building floor space the number of population the number of population the number of workers. Emissions per capita were 13.2tCO p p q 2eq. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013 The inventory results indicates that the highest GHG emissions is from the building sector at 72% (953 ktCO2eq), followed by the transportation sector at 24% (312ktCO2eq) and solid waste at 4% (51ktCO2eq). The highest source of GHG emissions is from the use of electricity at 58% (785ktCO2eq), followed by petroleum at 22% (288ktCO2eq) and natural by petroleum at 22% (288ktCO eq) and natural gas at 16% (214ktCO2eq). This indicates that the citywide energy sources are still dependent on non‐renewable energy non‐renewable energy. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013 Carbon Emissions from Building Sector Building Sector Carbon Emissions by Source Seven Focus Areas PUTRAJAYA GREEN CITY 2025 PUTRAJAYA GREEN CITY 2025 (PGC2025) Planning, Urban Design & Building i. Planning principles that contributes towards reduction of carbon emission ‐ integrated & self contained neighbourhood concept. ii Green Building Design & Certification ii. Green Building Design & Certification ‐ 7 buildings have obtained green building certification; 13 buildings (under construction/planning) are expected to be certified. iii Annual City Scale GHG Inventory Annual City Scale GHG Inventory iii. iv. Reuse of Local Resources for Construction Prime Minister Office Complex p Green Building Index (GBI) ‐ Platinum Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water (KeTTHA) Building Green Building Index (GBI) – Silver Energy Commission Building Green Building Index (GBI) ‐ Platinum Green Building Index (GBI) Integrating Nature Into The Urban Fabric i. Land use planning of open spaces 40% of the total area designated as open spaces (parks, lake & wetlands) to function as carbon sink. ii Gazetting open spaces ii. Gazetting open spaces 55% of existing open spaces have been gazetted. iii. Annual Tree Inventory iii. Annual Tree Inventory Since 1997, a total of 680,769 trees were planted. iv. Greening of Putrajaya programme ‐ Tree planting programme ‐ Putrajaya urban farming programme Transportation & Mobility i. Extensive networks of pedestrian walkways & cycleways Up to date a total of 352 249km of walkways and Up to date, a total of 352,249km of walkways and cycleways have been constructed in Putrajaya. These networks are currently being upgraded ii ii. Environmental friendly NGV public buses Environmental friendly NGV public buses 150 NGV buses and 17 NGV MIDI buses in operation. iii. ECOride EV for tourist transportation Formula E Putrajaya ePrix Putrajaya hosted the second championship race venue of the single‐ p p g seater, electrically powered racing car series during its inaugural season in 2014 Transportation & Mobility Upcoming Projects Upcoming Projects i. EV Bus Demonstration project Demonstration Project for EV buses with fast charging system in Putrajaya, in collaboration New Energy and Industrial T h l Technology Development Organization (NEDO) D l tO i ti (NEDO) ii. The MRT route 2 from Sungai Buluh‐Putrajaya A planned Mass Rapid Transit line for linking Kuala Lumpur to p p g p Putrajaya and is scheduled to be completed by 2022 iii.The Kuala Lumpur–Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) project The HSR project with a stop in Putrajaya was given the The HSR project with a stop in Putrajaya was given the approval to proceed and is scheduled for completion by 2020 iv.Putrajaya intra rail/ monorail service R t f th ti f th j t th li t Request for the continuance of the project as the alignment including underground tunnel for the service has already been planned and partially constructed Energy Usage i. ‐ ‐ iiii. ‐ ‐ More and More Renewable Energy Building Integrated Photovoltaic showcase projects involving residential development, commercial buildings and government es de t a de e op e t, co e c a bu d gs a d go e e t offices. (2005‐2010) Installation of solar PV with the capacity between 12kWp‐ 48kWp for 24 government buildings. (2015) I Improvement of Energy Efficiency fE Effi i Use of energy efficient light bulbs such as LED & T6 (ongoing) Installation of light & motion sensor for lighting purposes at PJC office complex (ongoing) iii. Voluntary participation in Building Energy Consumption ‐ iv. ‐ Record 66 buildings has participated in a program to record energy consumption using Building Consumption Input System (BCiS). (ongoing) Scheme for Monitoring Of Building Sector Carbon j y Emissions in Putrajaya future program with the assistance of National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan and Tokyo Metropolitan Government) Water Usage i. ‐ ‐ Alternative Water Resources city wide rain water harvesting programme via the manmade 400 hectares Putrajaya lake. l k Lake k water is reused d for f landscape l d irrigation & city road d cleansing Treated waste water from sewage treatment plants are reused for irrigation and general cleansing purposes. ii. Lake Water Quality Control Q y ‐ Centralised sewerage treatment plant (STP), Gross pollutant trap, Wetland cell, Floating aquatic plant. Solid Waste Management i. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ii. iii. iv. Provision of 3R facilities: Permanent 3R facilities within residential areas Permanent 3R space in government quarters Mobile 3R facilities (residential & office) 3R boutique Innovative Reuse of Solid Waste Food and Garden Waste Composting Resource Recovery and Renewable Energy center (future waste to energy project) City Administration & Management i. Extensive Use of Online Services ‐ to reduce usage of paper and the need to travel. E.g. Online submission for development plan approval. approval ii. Encouraging Low Carbon Lifestyle through Community Programme ‐ PJC is i consistently i l organizing ii community i programme to encourage residents/workers to use the bicycle lane and pedestrian walkway. ‐ E.g: Putrajaya bicycle inter‐park ride, bicycle funride and walking activities Community & Stakeholders Community & Stakeholders EEngagement • LA21 Programmes involving the community & stakeholders from the business community & NGOs has already been implemented. • Programmes such as Community Policing, Community Gardening, Community Health & Fitness, 3R and many others is key towards social d l development. Way Forward Way Forward Way Forward Putrajaya is a planned city based on sustainable development principles that has evolved to be a liveable, vibrant and prosperous city that has set a new evolved to be a liveable, vibrant and prosperous city that has set a new benchmark in smart community development in Malaysia The conscious efforts in the implementation of green city initiatives and programmes in Putrajaya city management & development by various stakeholders will ensure that a sustainable and conducive living environment will be created in line with the target set in Putrajaya Structure Plan: Sustainable P t j Putrajaya 2025 D 2025 Document & Putrajaya t&P t j G Green City 2025 (PGC2025) Cit 2025 (PGC2025) Community & stakeholders engagement through LA21 programmes, education & learning needs to be further intensified to ensure that a smart community will be learning needs to be further intensified to ensure that a smart community will be gradually be created for the a sustainable future. U s t ra is t i on & M a ge m e n t ment W a t e Ma na an as ge g e i l i ty a g e ob E n e r A C i t y d mi n e t r U S oli d W g y ti o n & a a rt M Bui ld i n g T r a ns p o a n D e si g n s rb & n n i n g, P la U Putrajaya welcomes the collaboration with international organisation and agencies to assist in the development of the city to be sustainable , low carbon green city of by 2025 THANK YOU Perbadanan Putrajaya @perbadananputrajaya Perbadanan Putrajaya @putrajayacorp
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