Silverwood Theme Park
Silverwood Theme Park
Silverwood Theme Park THE COUNTDOWN CLUB - TEACHER'S ROSTER SHEETS In the spaces below, write the names and grades of your students who have successfully completed a minimum of 10 hours of recreational reading. If you need additional space, simply reproduce this form. Submit all forms to your school's designated Countdown Club Coordinator by the deadline date. Entries will be accepted only from Coordinators in schools receiving the Reading Is The Ticket Program. Coordinators must send in all required forms. Please keep copies of this sheet and the Student Tally sheets for your records and ease of distribution of student tickets. Turn in these sheets to your Countdown Club Coordinator by: (date to be filled in by Reading Club Coordinator) Schoolname________________________________________________________________________ Teacher's name __________________________________ email __________________________ School address_______________________ City_ _ _ _ __ State__ Zip________________ Phone number (1.-_ _--1 The following students have completed a minimum of 10 hours of recreational reading and are eligible to receive one free admission to Silverwood Theme Park. STUDENT NAME 1. _____________________________ GRADE STUDENT NAME 2. _____________________________ 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22. 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24. 23. 5. _____________________________ 25. 6. _____________________________ 26. 7. _____________________________ 27. 8. _____________________________ 28. 9. _____________________________ 29. 10. ______________________________ 30. 11. ______________________________ 31. 12. _____________________________ 32. 13. _____________________________ 33. 14. _____________________________ 34. 15. _____________________________ 35. 16. _____________________________ 36. 17. ______________________________ 37. 18. _____________________________ 38. 19. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 39. 20. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 40. TEACHER'S SIGNATURE (One qualifying teacher per roster) GRADE 21. TOTAL NUMBER OF QUALIFYING STUDENTS Classroom number _______________ 22 Knowledge Unlimited, Inc. ©2015 YOU R CH ILD CAN EARN A FREE ADMISSION TO SILVERWOOD THEME PARK THIS SUMMER!!! Your school is taking part in an exciting program that's designed to get your child reading for fun! It's the Reading Is the Ticket Countdown Club. Every student who completes 10 hours or 600 minutes of recreational reading will earn a ticket good for free admission to Silverwood Theme Park. It's fun, it's easy, and it doesn't cost a thing! Here's how it works: • Students in grades K to 8 in participating schools are eligible to join the club. • Your child brought home a Tally Sheet with this letter. Use this sheet to write down all the things he or she reads, and the number of minutes your child spends reading. Then date and initial each reading session. This sheet must be signed by a parent or family member and returned when completed or your child may not be awarded a ticket. • ~e~~es!~:~~';:k~ld reads for at least 600 minutes or 10 hours total over the course of the • Reading must be completed by the date written on this letter by the teacher or coordinator and ~:a~~~:~~~~:t~:t!aIlY i~h:~~~,:~~h~:~i~I~~~r~~::~\~::!~ED Tally sheets in to his or her I I , • Reading to complete school assignments doesn't count for the Countdown Club. But any other reading - books, comic books, magazines, newspapers, online reading, you name it counts, provided it's recreational reading . • You can read to your child, your child can read aloud to you, or your child can read alone. It all counts toward the 10 hours for the Club. • If your child completes 10 hours of reading and turns in the Tally Sheets on time, he or she will receive a ticket good for 1 free child's admission to Silverwood Theme Park! Everyone who completes 600 minutes of reading will earn a free admission ticket! There are no obligations, and there's no cost to you! Tickets earned may only be used by the child who earned them they are not transferable to another sibling or a parent/adult. Tickets are valid from June 14th to September 27th, 2015. We hope that you take part in this exciting program: It's a great way to motivate your child to read and to get ready for a day of family fun at Silverwood Theme Park! Return your Tally Sheet(s) to the teacher by: (date to be filled in by Reading Club Coordinator) 20 Knowledge Unlimited. Inc. © 2015