hut radio laboratory - Department of Radio Science and Engineering


hut radio laboratory - Department of Radio Science and Engineering
Antti V. Räisänen and Stina Lindberg
The Radio Laboratory is active in research and education in the fields of RF, microwave
and millimeter wave techniques and their applications. The Radio Laboratory has 4
professors. The total personnel of the Radio Laboratory is over 50 including 20 postgraduate students and a number of undergraduate students working on their M.Sc. thesis.
In 2003, 2 Doctor degrees, 2 Licentiate degrees and 20 Diploma (M.Sc.) degrees were
awarded to the students of the Radio Laboratory. The Radio Laboratory scientists
published 47 papers in refereed international journals, presented 67 papers in
international conferences, and published 4 text books for the international markets. In
2003, the Radio Laboratory contirbuted in organization of two international scientific
meetings: the 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre wave Technology and Applications and
the International Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel Physical Phenomena.
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering
Radio Laboratory
P.O. Box 3000
FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
Street address: Otakaari 5 A, Espoo
Professor Antti Räisänen
Tel.: + 358-9-4512241
Fax: + 358-9-4522152
E-mail: [email protected]
Secretary Stina Lindberg
Tel.: +358-9-4512252
Fax: +358-9-4512152
E-mail: [email protected]
4.1 Short Visits by Foreign Scientists
4.2 Long Visits by Foreign Scientists
4.3 Research Work in Foreign Institutes by Radio Laboratory Scientists
6.1 Doctor of Science (Technology)
6.2 Licentiate of Science (Technology)
6.3 Master of Science (Technology)
7.1 Participation in International Research Programs/Projects
7.2 Millimeter Wave Techniques
7.3 RF Applications in Mobile Communications
7.4 Advanced Artificial Materials and Smart Structures
8.1 Institute of Digital Communications (IDC)
8.2 Millimetre Wave Laboratory of Finland - MilliLab
10.1 University Boards
10.2 Other Boards and Activities
11.1 International Conferences, Meetings and Visits
11.2 National Conferences
11.3 Conferences Organized by the Radio Laboratory
12.1 Books and Chapters in Books
12.2 Refereed Journal Articles
12.3 Published Proceedings of International Conferences
12.4 Publish Proceedings of National Conferences
12.5 Other Presentations at Scientific Meetings
12.6 Refereed Final Reports on Research Projects
12.7 Non-Refereed Articles and Reports
12.8 Patents
Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) is the oldest and largest university of
technology in Finland. It was founded in 1849 as a technical high school and obtained the
university status in 1908. HUT is situated in the town of Espoo about 10 km northwest
from the center of Helsinki. It has 12 departments with some 14000 undergraduate
students and 2700 postgraduate students. The Department of Electrical and
Communications Engineering (ECE) is the largest department with about 3500 students.
Its annual intake of undergraduate students is now about 400. The ECE Department has
over 50 professor positions in the fields of electronics, telecommunications and electrical
The Radio Laboratory was established in 1924 originally in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering. It has been part of the Electrical Engineering Department (later
ECE Department) since 1941 when the new department was founded. Currently the
Radio Laboratory one of the largest units (laboratories) in the university. The Radio
Laboratory is a member laboratory of the Institute of Digital Communications (IDC), and
it also belongs to the Research Area of Radio Science together with the Electromagnetics
Laboratory, Laboratory of Space Technology and Metsähovi Radio Research Station.
Furthermore, the Radio Laboratory is involved in MilliLab - Millimetre Wave Laboratory
of Finland, which has the status of External Laboratory of the European Space Agency
(ESA). MilliLab is a joint research institute between HUT and VTT (State Technical
Research Centre).
In 2000 the Radio Laboratory and the Signal Processing Laboratory of the Department of
Electrical and Communications Engineering formed the Smart and Novel Radios
Research Unit SMARAD. In 2001 the Academy of Finland selected SMARAD as one of
the centres of excellence in research for period 2002 – 2007. The leader of the research
unit is Professor Antti Räisänen. SMARAD specializes in research on RF, microwave
engineering and millimeter wave and data communications signal processing. The results
are foreseen to have practical application especially in future wireless communication
systems. What is meant by ‘smart’ antennas or materials is their adaptability to RF
signals or fields. On the other hand, SMARAD is working also on other novel methods
for radio engineering.
For the Radio Laboratory year 2003 was successful in many ways. The Radio Laboratory
researchers published 49 papers in refereed international journals and presented over 67
papers in international conferences. Furthermore, the Radio Laboratory scientists
published 4 text books in international markets. In radio engineering education good
results were achieved with 2 degrees of Doctor of Technology (30 in ECE Department), 2
degrees of Licentiate of Technology (17 in ECE Department) and 20 degrees of Diploma
Engineer (261 in ECE Department).
The Radio Laboratory is a strongly international research unit: about 1/3 of the Radio
Laboratory personnel is from abroad, it participates in many international research
projects, it receives every year several research visitors and several Radio Laboratory
researchers work in foreign research institutes. In 2003 the Radio Laboratory personnel
was involved in preparation of several proposals for the European Union 6th Framework
Program. Out of those proposals 2 Networks of Excellence, namely ACE and
METAMORPHOSE, and one Integrated Project, namely WINNER, were selected by the
Commission for funding. The Radio Laboratory
METAMORPHOSE (Prof. Sergei Tretyakov).
In 2003 the Radio Laboratory organized two major scientific meetings In May (together
with MilliLab): The 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and
Applications: circuits, systems, and measurement techniques, was held in Dipoli.
Professor Antti Räisänen served as Vice-Chairman and Dr. Juha Mallat served as the
Secretary General of the Workshop. About 150 researchers around the world participated.
In May 2003: the International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel
Physical Phenomena. The seminar was co-chaired by Professor Sergei Tretyakov and
Professor Orest Vendik (St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University). In addition to 23
regular presentations, 5 tutorial lectures were delivered by invited professors.
Radio Laboratory is located on the third and fourth floors of wing C of the Electrical an d
Communications Engineering building. The premises contain totally 1400 square meters
of area for research laboratories and offices.
Radio Laboratory has measurement equipment for the frequency range of 30 kHz to 3000
− basic passive waveguide hardware up to 300 GHz
− phase-locked Gunn oscillators up to 140 GHz
− BWO sweepers for 118 - 714 GHz
− frequency multipliers up to 300 GHz
− mixers and detectors up to 300 GHz
− power meters up to 3 THz
− vector network analyzers for the frequency range of 5 MHz - 40 GHz
− vector network analyzer for 45 MHz - 50 GHz and extension for 75 – 110 GHz
− vector network analyzer for 8 - 350 GHz and extensions for 350 – 800 GHz
− scalar network analyzer for 2 - 26 GHz
− spectrum analyzers for the frequency range of 30 Hz - 325 GHz
− vector spectrum analyzer for 20 Hz - 3.5 GHz
− signal generators for the frequency range of 1 Hz – 60 GHz
− frequency synthesizers for 2 - 110 GHz
− oscilloscopes to 20 GHz
− frequency counters to 20 GHz
− anechoic chamber for 1 - 200 GHz
− small anechoic chamber for 200 MHz – 10 GHz
− near-field antenna test instrumentation
− specific absorbtion rate (SAR) measurement system for mobile phones (joint
ownership with STUK, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland)
− several CAD workstations for mathematical and scientific processing software:
Radio Laboratory cooperates with VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) and other
HUT laboratories and has therefore access to many other sophisticated research facilities.
The total budget of the Radio Laboratory was over 2.531.000 euros, from which the
funding through the university budget (including special funding for SMARAD) was
1.173.000 euros (46 % of total). Most of the researchers and students working in the
Radio Laboratory were paid from the project funding, which was in total 1.358.000
euros. The same applied to acquisition of new measurement equipment, etc. Project
funding from external sources in 2003 for research was as follows (in euros):
SA (Academy of Finland)
Tekes (Technology Development Center)
ESA (European Space Agency)
Finnish industry and other domestic funding
The number of permanent, full-time employees in the Radio Laboratory financed by the
University budget was 9.2 on December 31, 2003. The total number of employees
working in the Radio Laboratory during the year 2003 was 72:
Ala-Laurinaho, Juha, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Azzinnari, Leonardo, M.Sc.
Belov, Pavel, M.Sc.
Denchev, Vasil, B.Sc.
Dudorov, Sergey, D.Sc. (Tech.)
El-Sallabi, Hassan, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Eskelinen, Pekka, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Frestadius, Harri, Mr.
Geng, Suiyan, M.Sc.(Tech.)
Golikov, Viatcheslav, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Hienonen, Sami, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Häkli, Janne, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Icheln, Clemens, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Immonen, Paavo, Mr.
Ikonen Pekka, Mr.
Kahra, Eino, Mr.
Karttunen, Aki, Mr.
Kilpiä, Ville-Hermanni, Mr.
Kivekäs, Outi, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Senior Scientist
Research associate
Research associate until 31.5.
Research assistant
Research associate
Research associate
Professor, Director of the IDC
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Senior scientist
Research assistant from 1.6.
Laboratory technician
Trainee from 20.5.
Research assistant until 31.8.
Research associate on maternity leave until
Senior scientist
Research assistant
Research associate
Research assistant until 30.6.
Research associate
Laboratory technician
Research associate, on leave of absence
from 1.4.
Kivinen, Jarmo, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Kolmonen, Veli-Matti, Mr.
Koskinen, Tomi, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Kuokkanen Mika, Mr.
Kärkkäinen Mikko, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Laakso, Lauri, Mr.
Laitinen, Tommi, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Lehto, Arto D.Sc. (Tech.)
Lindberg, Stina, B.Sc.(Econ.)
Lioubtchenko, Dmitri, Ph.D.
Lönnqvist, Anne, M.Sc. (Tech).
Maksimovich, Yelena, Dr.
Mallat, Juha, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Maslovski, Stanislav, M.Sc.
Mikas, Filip, M.Sc.
Mikhnev, Valeri, Dr.
Mylläri, Tuula, Mrs.
Möttönen, Ville, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Nakari Risto, Mr.
Noponen, Eero, D.Sc. (Tech).
Ollikainen, Jani, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Ranvier Sylvain, M.Sc.
Zhao, Xiongwen, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Senior lecturer
Research associate
Research associate
Visiting researcher 28.4.-31.5.; 1.7.-30.7.
Senior Scientist
Research associate
Socrates stipendiate from 3.9.
Visiting researcher 21.3.-31.5.; 12.9.-31.10.
Research associate
Research assistant until 30.9.
Senior scientist until 31.8.2003
Research associate until 31.1.2003
Trainee 1.3-31.10. Research associate
from 1.11.
Visiting professor 1.9. -31.12.
Professor, Director of the Radio
Research associate
Research associate
Laboratory technician
Laboratory manager
Visiting professor 20.7.-20.8.; 21.11.-23.12.
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate from 11.2.
Research associate until 30.9.
Professor emeritus (Member of Parliament
until 31.3.)
Research assistant from 17.5.
Reserch assistant
Research associate, on leave of absence
until 31.9.
Research associate
Summer trainees
Alitalo, Pekka, Mr.
Holopainen, Jari, Mr.
Kiuru, Tero, Mr.
Kolmakov, Igor, M.Sc.
Lehtiniemi, Tuukka, Mr.
Roos, Otto, Mr.
Räisänen Ilari
Samsonov, Leonid, Mr.
Turunen, Jukka, Mr.
IAESTE trainee 1.6.-20.8.
IAESTE trainee 3.6.-31.8.
Rutledge, David, Ph.D.
Räisänen, Antti, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Salo, Jari, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Salonen, Ilkka, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Schmuckli, Lorenz, Mr.
Sibakov, Viktor, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Simovski, Constantin, Ph.D., Dr.Sc.
Sulonen, Kati, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Suvikunnas, Pasi, Lic.Sc. (Tech.)
Säily, Jussi, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Tchitcherine, Dmitri, M.Sc.
Teräsranta, Hannele, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Tiuri, Martti, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Toivanen, Juha, Mr.
Tretyakov, Sergei, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Vainikainen, Pertti, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Viikari, Ville, Mr.
Villanen, Juha, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Vuokko, Lasse, M.Sc. (Tech.).
Wall, Eric, Mr.
Vitie, Matias, Mr.
IAESTE trainee 28.5.-1.8.
Lehto, Arto, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Salonen, Erkki, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Somervuo, Pekka, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Tolmunen, Timo, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Tuovinen, Jussi, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Urpo, Seppo, D.Sc. (Tech.)
HUT Radio Laboratory
University of Oulu
Turku Polytechnic
HUT Metsähovi Radio Research Station
Adjunct teachers in 2003
Airikkala, Kai, M.Sc. (Tech).
Baills Thierry, M.Sc. (Tech).
Bergholm, Petri, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Ellä, Juha, M.Sc. (Tech).
Huuhtanen, Timo A., Lic.Sc. (Tech).
Hyrsylä, Mika, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Hämäläinen, Ville, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Kauppinen, Hannu, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Koivunen, Kari, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Kilpi, Pekka, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Lahti, Harri, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Louhi, Jyrki, D. Sc. (Tech.)
Louhos, Juha-Pekka, M.Sc. (Tech).
Niemensivu, Jukka, (Eng.)
Nyberg, Petri, M.Sc. (Tech).
Mikkola, Pekka, M.Sc. (Tech).
Pettersson, Markus, M.Sc. (Tech).
Putkonen, Jyri, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Rauhala, Antti, M. Sc. (Tech).
Sehm, Tomas, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Tarna, Toivo, Lic.Phil.
Tarnanen, Hannu, D.Phil.
Vintola, Ville, M. Sc. (Tech).
Uusimäki, Matti, M.Sc. (Tech).
Turku Polytechnic
Turku Polytechnic
Turku Polytechnic
Short Visits by Foreign Scientists
Dr. Daniel de Chambure, Principal Mechanical System Engineer, Herschel/Planck
Project, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands; and Mr. Jerzy Lemanczyk, Technical
Officer, ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, 18 June
Prof. Orest Vendik, St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia, 25-28 May
Prof. Jun-Ichi Takada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 7 – 8 July, Visiting
lecture: “Superresolution measurement of non-specular wave scattering from
building surface roughness”
Dr. Philippe Goy, Ecole Normale Superieur, 18-20 September
Professor Vladimir Lyubtchenko, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics
Russian Academy of Sciences Russia, 22 September - 24 October, Visiting Lecture:
“Millimeter-wave radio links for local area networks” on 2nd of October
Dr. A. Swami, US Army Res. Lab., USA, 6 October, Visiting lecture: “On the
performance of episodic UWB systems”
Prof. Alexei Vinogradov, Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics,
Scientific association OIVT RAN, Moscow Russia, 15 -24 October. Visiting lecture:
“Electrodynamical properties of metamaterials” on 23rd of October
Long Visits by Foreign Scientists
Lic. Sc. Leonardo Azzinnari, Politechnico di Torino
M.Sc. Pavel Belov, St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, until 31
D.Sc. (Tech.) Sergey Dudorov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
D.Sc. (Tech). Hassan El-Sallabi, Garyounis University, Libya
B.Sc. Vasil Denchev, Sofia Institute of Technology
M.Sc. Suyian Geng, China Research Intitute of Radio Propagation, China
Lic.Sc. Viacheslav Golikov, Tomsk University of Automatic Control Systems and
Radioelectronics, Russia
D.Sc. (Tech). Clemens Icheln, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Dr. Dmitri Lioubtchenko, The Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Dr. Yelena Maksimovitch, The Institute of Applied Physics, Belorussia, 1 April – 31
May and 12 October – 18 November
M.Sc. Stanislav Maslovski, St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics
M.Sc. Filip Mikas, Czech Technical University, from 1 September
Dr. Valeri Mikhnev, The Institute of Applied Physics, Minsk, Belorussia, 5 March –
3 June and 10 October – 18 November
M.Sc. Sylvain Ranvier, Ecole Française d’Electrique et d’Informatique, from 1
Dr. David Rutledge, Visiting Professor, Californian Institute of Technology, from 1
September to 31 December
Prof. Constantin Simovski, St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, 25
June - 26 August and 28 November - 23 December
M.Sc. Dmitri Tchitcherine, St. Petersburg State University, from 11 February
D.Sc. (Tech). Xiongwen Zhao, China Research Intitute of Radio Propagation, China
Research Work in Foreign Institutes by Radio Laboratory Scientists
M.Sc.(Tech). Lasse Vuokko, Tokyo Institute of Technology until 30 September
M.Sc.(Tech). Tommi Laitinen, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, from 1
The following courses are offered by the Radio Laboratory (not lectured in 2003: S26.125, S-26.142, S-26.150, S-26.181, S-26.901):
S-26.003 Orientation Course for Studies of Electrical and Communications
Engineering for 1st year students (1 credit), A. Räisänen, professors of the department
and other staff, visitor lecturers. Selected examples of research in the electrical
engineering and motivation for the studies of mathematics, physics, computer science etc.
S-26.101 Foundations of Radio Engineering for 3rd year students (3 credits), A.
Räisänen. Transmission lines and waveguides, basic microwave circuits, antennas, radio
wave propagation, radio systems.
S-26.105 Parts of Radiocommunications Systems for 4th year students (2 credits), A.
Lehto, P. Eskelinen, P. Vainikainen, J. Kivinen. Structures of radiocommunications
systems, transmitters, receivers, phase locking, noise, modulation, nonlinearities, link
S-26.112 RF and Microwave Engineering for 4th year students (3 credits), P.
Vainikainen. Planar transmission lines, passive components, amplifiers, oscillators,
mixers, integrated circuits, etc.
S-26.116 Millimeter Wave Engineering for 4th year students (2 credits), A. Lehto, J.
Mallat, Radio Laboratory researchers from Millimeter Wave Group. Millimeter wave
components, transmitters, receivers, applications.
S-26.125 Radar Engineering for 4th year students (2 credits), O. Klemola. Operating
principle of the pulsed radar, radar equation, clutter, electronic warfare, radar
applications, etc.
S-26.135 Antenna Techniques for Telecommunication for 4th year students (2 credits),
P. Vainikainen, A. Lehto. Antennas for fixed mobile and telecommunications
S-26.140 Radio Equipment for Telecommunication I for 4th year students (2 credits),
adjunct teachers from industry. Technology on radio links.
S-26.142 Radio Equipment for Telecommunication II for 4th year students (2 credits),
adjunct teachers from industry. Technology of mobile phones.
S-26.149 Research Seminar on Radio Engineering for 4th year and postgraduate
students (1 credit), A. Räisänen, P. Vainikainen. Weekly seminar lectures on research
projects. Several visiting lectures from other research laboratories and institutes or from
S-26.150 EMC Design and Testing for 4th year students (2 credits), S. Tretyakov, P.
Vanikainen, V. Sibakov. Electromagnetic compatibility and testing.
S-26.161 Special Assignment in Radio Engineering for 4th year students (2 - 5 credits),
P. Vainikainen, J. Mallat, and staff. Individual projects in connection with radio
engineering research conducted in the Radio Laboratory.
S-26.181 Industrial Applications of Microwaves for 4th year students (2 credits), P.
Vainikainen. Measurement of properties of materials with microwave sensors.
S-26.182 Analytical Modelling in Radio Engineering, for 4th or postgraduate students
(2-5 credits), S. Tretyakov. Analytical models of thin layers, interfaces, periodical
structures and artificial materials.
S-26.191 Laboratory Course in Radio Engineering for 4th year students (4 credits), A.
Lehto and course assistants. Microwave measurements: theory and equipment.
Laboratory experiments on antenna measurements, GSM transmitter, and GSM receiver.
In the spring semester design, fabrication, and measurement of a transistor amplifier.
S-26.199 Laboratory Course in Electronics for 3rd year students (3 credits), J. Mallat,
assistants and staff in cooperating laboratories. Nine laboratory experiments and a special
assignment in the fields of applied electronics, circuit design, electron physics, radio
engineering, and space engineering.
S-26.200 Postgraduate Course in Radio Engineering (2-5 credits), annually varying
topics. In autumn 2003: “Power Amplifiers” by visiting professor D. Rutledge, Caltech.
S-26.300 Postgraduate Course in Radio Engineering (2-5 credits), annually varying
topics. In spring 2003: Computational Electromagnetics with the Integral Equation
S-26.901 Project in Electrical Engineering for 1st year students (2 credits), Prof. N.N.
Getting acquainted with project work, radio wave spectrum allocation, and antennas.
Doctor of Science (Technology):
Hassan M. El-Sallabi: Modeling and characterization of urban radio channels for mobile
Thesis defence: 7 July, 2003
Opponents: Prof. Jun-ichi Takada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
and D.Phil. Terhi Rautiainen (Nokia)
Preliminary examiners: Prof. Pierre Degauque (Université de
Lille) and Prof. I-Tai Lu (Polytechnic University in Brooklyn)
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Jussi Säily:
Instrumentation of a submillimetre wave hologram compact
antenna test range
Thesis defence: 19 September, 2003
Opponent: Dr. Philippe Goy (Ecole Normale Superieur)
Preliminary examiners: Prof. Neal Erickson (University of
Massachusetts) and Dr. Taavi Hirvonen (P.J. Microwave Oy).
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
6.2. Licentiate of Science (Technology)
Jari Salo:
Detection of the number of multipath components for measured
propagation channels
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 16 June, 2003
Graduation date: 16 June 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Viacheslav Golikov: Passive intermodulation in mobile communications antenna
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 16 June, 2003
Graduation date: 16 June 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Master of Science (Technology)
Seija Perälä:
Uncertainty in radio frequency measurements: theoretical review
and a case study (Integroidut koplanaarisilla johdoilla toteutetut
kaistanpäästösuodattimet taajuusalueella 30-60GHz)
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 27 December, 2002
Graduation date: 27 January, 2003
Research done at: Orbis Oy
Tuomo Katajamäki: Dual-band microstrip phased array antenna (Kaksitaajuinen
vaiheistettu mikoliuska-antenniryhmä)
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 24 November, 2002
Graduation date: 24 February, 2003
Research done at: Radionet Ltd.
Markus Ala-Hautala: Saman taajuuden täytelähettimen käyttö DVB-T-verkon osana
(On-channel gap-fillers as a part of DVB-T -network)
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 24 February, 2003
Graduation date: 24 February, 2003
Research done at: Digita Oy
Tuomo Mäkitie:
Mobiilipalveluiden kehittäminen radioverkoissa (Development of
mobile services in the Radio Networks)
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 24 February, 2003
Graduation date: 24 February, 2003
Research done at: DOX Europe Oy
Juha Villanen:
Compact antenna structure for mobile handsets (Käsipuhelimen
pienikokoinen antennirakenne)
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 24 February, 2003
Graduation date: 24 February, 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Patrik Pousi:
Digital meteorological radiosonde telemetry (Digitaalisen
meteorologisen radiosondin telemetria)
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 28 April, 2003
Graduation date: 28 April, 2003
Research done at: Vaisala Oyj
Suyian Geng:
Indoor wideband radio channel measurements and modeling at 60
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 28 Apri, 2003
Graduation date: 28 April, 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Mika Kuokkanen:
Mm-aaltoalueen aaltoputki-mikroliuskajohtosiirtymän optimointi
herkkää vahvistinta varten (Optimization of mm-wave
weaveguide-to microstrip line transition for low-noise amplifier)
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 25 August, 2003
Graduation date: 25 August, 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Jarkko Unkeri
Wideband radio channel modeling for outdoor WLAN systems
(Laajakaistaisen etenemiskanavan mallinnus WLAN-järjestelmille)
Supervisor: Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 26 May, 2003
Graduation date: 26 May, 2003
Research done at: Radionet Ltd.
Kaarle Jaakkola:
Optimization of rectenna for 869 MHz radio frequency
indentification system (Rectenna-osan optimointi 869 MHz:n
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 20 June, 2003
Graduation date: 20 Oktober, 2003
Research done at: VTT Information Technology
Risto Nakari:
Taajuusstabilisuuden vaikutus SAR-tutkan paikannustarkkuuteen
(Frequency stability’s effect on the location accuracy of SAR
Supervisor: Prof. Pekka Eskelinen
Thesis accepted: 22 September, 2003
Graduation date: 22 September, 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Lasse Ruokokoski: Aktiivinen kalibraattori synteettisen apertuurin tutkalle (Active
calibrator for a synthetic aperture radar)
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 22 September, 2003
Graduation date: 22 September, 2003
Research done at: Ylinen Electronics Oy
Ville-Hermanni Kilpiä: Experimental frequency converter for a DVB-T transmitter
(Kokeellinen taajuusmuunnin DVB-T lähettimeen)
Supervisor: Prof. Pekka Eskelinen
Thesis accepted: 22 September, 2003
Graduation date: 22 September, 2003
Research done at: HUT Radio Laboratory
Ilkka-Hermanni Hakala: High effeciency power amplifier design for WCDMA base
stations using bare-die devices (Korkean hyötysuhteen tehovahvistimen suunnittelu WCDMA tukiasemiin koteloimattomia
sirutransistoreja käyttäen)
Supervisor: Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 20 October 2003
Graduation date: 20 October, 2003
Research done at: Nokia Reserch Center
Jukka Suominen:
Integrated thin-film balun transformers
Supervisor: Prof. Sergey Tretyakov
Thesis accepted: 20 October, 2003
Graduation date: 20 October, 2003
Research done at: Micro Analog Systems Oy
Sami Ovaska:
Elegant breadboard 70 GHz receiver for the Planck satellite
(Planck-satelliitin 70 GHz:n Elegant eadboard vastaanotin
Supervisor: Pekka Eskelinen
Thesis accepted: 20 October, 2003
Graduation date: 20 October, 2003
Research done at: Ylinen electronics Ltd.
Tomi Kovero:
Integrated coplanar waveguide bandpass filters in the frequency
range 30-60 GHz
Supervisor: Prof. Antti Räisänen
Thesis accepted: 24 August, 2002
Graduation date: 24 February, 2003
Research done at: VTT
Wenche Backman: Error correction of predicted signal levels in mobile
communications (Feljustering av förutspådda signalstyrkor I mobil
Supervisor: Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 17 November, 2003
Graduation date: 17 November, 2003
Research done at: VTT
Mikko Pikander:
Differential GPS positioning and its alternatives in marine
environment (Differentiaali-GPS ja sen vaihtoehdot merellisissä
Supervisor: Pekka Eskelinen
Thesis accepted: 17 November, 2003
Graduation date: 17 November, 2003
Research done at: The Finnish Defence Forces
Tommi Toivonen:
(Calibration of radiation measurement equipment at mobile phone
frequencies) Supervisor: Pertti Vainikainen
Thesis accepted: 17 November 2003
Graduation date: 17 November 2003
Research done at: STUK
7.1. Participation in International Research Programs/Projects
ESA Projects
Submillimetre Wave Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR
(Partners: ESA/ESTEC, MilliLab, Saueressig GmbH, Laboratory of Machine Design
Millimetre and submillimetre wave open structure integrated receiver front-end
technology development (KASIMIR)
Partners: Technicl University of Darmstadt, Radiometer Physics, ESA/ESTEC, MilliLab
Investigation of New Measurement Techniques
Partners: ESA/ESTEC, MilliLab
Comparative On-wafer Measurements of European Schottky Diodes
Partners: ESA/ESTEC, MilliLab
Optimisation of Low-loss LNA Transition
Partners: ESA/ESTEC
Development work for a primary power measurement standard for D-band, second phase
Partners: ESA/ESTEC, MilliLab
EU COST actions
COST Action 273 "Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks"
Partners: 109 participating institutions representing 29 countries
COST Action 284 "Innovative Antennas for Emerging Terrestrial & Space-based
Partners: 48 participating institutions representing 18 countries
Millimeter Wave Techniques
7.2.1 Power standard and accompanying dielectric waveguide research and
(Dudorov, Lioubchenko, Mallat, Räisänen, Tuovinen; funding from ESA and
Academy of Finland)
MilliLab is developing millimetre wave power measurement and power standard
capabilities at frequencies above 110 GHz. Waveguide power standard services are not
generally available at these frequencies although accurate power measurements or
calibrations will be increasingly in demand especially at frequencies approaching 200
GHz. In 2003, MilliLab carried out the operation verification and test activities related to
the power standard system for D-band (110-170 GHz) setup in MilliLab in December
2002. This was linked to the finalising activities of a project called “Development work
for a primary power measurement standard for D-band, second phase” for ESA/ESTEC.
The power standard is now ready and in operation for internal and customer use.
MilliLab's power standard development is supported by research in dielectric materials
and especially in their application to dielectric waveguides. These are studied for
replacing relatively lossy metal waveguides at high millimetre wave frequencies, with a
specific MilliLab application in the input section of a power standard.
Investigation of new measurement techniques
(Möttönen, Mallat, Räisänen; funding from ESA)
An ESA project for identifying the needs for new measurement techniques in the
microwave and millimetre wave area, and to outline development plans to fulfil these
needs was started in MilliLab in the end of 2001. Also, the objective is to design and
develop a measurement facility for on-wafer testing up to 220 GHz.
This activity is closely related to former projects (VTT) on the on-wafer testing of chip
devices and MMIC circuits. Within this project the development needs of measurement
capabilities shall be investigated by taking into account future space missions and
commercial and scientific terrestial applications on one hand, and the current status of
European capabilities on the other. The needs to extend existing capabilities (e.g. to new
frequencies, new power, sensitivity or accuracy levels) and to develop new capabilities
(calibration standards, electro-optic measurements, etc.) shall be addressed. Further, the
possibilities offered by recent technological advances for new measurement techniques
shall be studied.
At the early stage of the project, the extension of on-wafer measurement system up to 220
GHz was procured. Following that the system was modified for separate gain tunability.
The validity of the measurement facility is investigated by measuring and modeling
planar varactor diodes in a quartz coplanar waveguide (CPW) on-wafer test set-up. The
characterisation measurements include S-parameter measurements (50−220 GHz), a
capacitance (∼10−50 fF range) measurement with a precision LCR meter, and a DC
parameter measurement.
Figure 1. Coplanar on-wafer probes used in the S-parameter measurements (calibration
in progress).
Comparative on-wafer measurements of European Schottky diodes
(Möttönen, Mallat, Räisänen; funding from ESA)
The objectivity of this activity is to test and characterise European planar Schottky diodes
on which basis the quality of millimetre-wave diodes and comparison between diodes
from different manufacturers could be carried out. An on-wafer testing within the activity
is intended up to 220 GHz. This activity covers the work and acquiring of an on-wafer
test bed that are needed for an on-wafer-measurements-based characterisation of planar
Schottky diodes provided by two European manufacturers. The results of the former
project (see previous Section) help in the construction of test set-ups and in performing
tests and characterisation procedures.
Figure 2. One type of European planar Schottky diodes; top view on left and bottom view
on right.
Optimisation of low-loss LNA transition
(Kuokkanen, Möttönen, Mallat, Räisänen; funding from ESA)
A low-noise millimetre wave amplifier module (LNA) typically consists of an MMIC
chip inserted in a low-loss waveguide block. Accordingly, transitions are needed to
connect the signal from the waveguide to the chip, both at the input and output port. In
order to minimise the noise figure, the input transition should have minimum losses and
together with a matching circuit provide the transistor with an optimum source
impedance. Optimisation of the LNA transition is essential in implementing extremely
sensitive millimetre-wave receivers.
A European Space Agency funded project, focused on optimising of a low-loss LNA
transition was successfully accomplished in June 2003. The objective of this study was to
investigate feasibility of substituting the function of a typical lossy on-chip matching
network by modifying the transition (part of chip) and/or introducing low-loss waveguide
tuning elements. A baseline design was defined for a modified transition with very low
loss and with the ability to provide the input transistor readily with the optimum source
impedance. The simulations results of a specific LNA (typical LNA structure) at 94 GHz
showed that by optimising the LNA input transition the loss can be reduced by 0.6 dB.
This reduction is significant when constructing ultra low-noise millimetre-wave
amplifiers. The results indicate that the performance of LNAs currently available can be
still further improved. In this study, also an extensive tolerance analysis was carried out
with several different structure parameters in order to find out the performance sensitivity
on different parameter changes.
Figure 3. Simulated propagation of the electromagnetic field through the waveguide-tomicrostrip transition.
7.2.5 Hologram CATR
(Ala-Laurinaho, Häkli, Säily, Lönnqvist, Koskinen, Viikari, Ranvier, Mallat,
Tuovinen, Räisänen; funding from ESA, Academy of Finland, GETA and Tekes)
Testing of electrically large reflector antennas at submillimeter wavelengths is an
extremely challenging task. Far-field measurements are ruled out because of atmospheric
effects, near-field measurements are technically very complicated and expensive, and
conventional compact antenna test range measurements are difficult due to high surface
accuracy requirement of the reflectors. In the hologram CATR, the needed plane wave is
formed with the use of a binarized amplitude hologram. The feed horn transmits a
spherical wave onto one side of a computer-generated amplitude hologram structure that
modulates the field so that a planar wave is emanated from the other side of the structure.
The hologram pattern is determined numerically by calculating the structure required to
change the known input field (radiation pattern of the feed) into the desired output field
(plane wave). The pattern is realized on a metal layer that is on top of a dielectric
substrate. The plane wave is designed to leave the hologram at a certain angle so that the
other diffraction modes generated by the hologram do not disturb the plane wave. The
antenna under test (AUT) is illuminated with this plane wave. The design and analysis of
the hologram for CATR is based on the combination of physical optics (PO) and finitedifference time-domain (FDTD) method.
The Radio Laboratory was carrying out an ESA project where the feasibility and
applicability of a submillimeter-wave hologram CATR were studied. The project
consisted of several tasks including development of the hologram manufacturing, antenna
test campaign of a large test antenna at 322 GHz, demonstration of the hologram CATR
for 650 GHz, and the development of the dual reflector feed system for the hologram
The ADMIRALS representative test object (RTO) was constructed by EADS Astrium for
comparison of potential antenna testing methods at mm- and sub-mm wavelengths. The
diameter of the ADMIRALS RTO main reflector is 1.5 m. The diameter of the quiet-zone
extent had to be larger than that. The required hologram was made from three 1 m × 3 m
pieces, which were joined together to form the final 3 m × 3 m hologram structure. The
patterns were exposed with a laser on the photosensitive resist on top of the copper layer
of the hologram material (17 µm copper on 50 µm Mylar). Chemical wet etching was
used for processing the slots to the copper layer. The pieces were aligned with hair
crosses and a magnifying glass. For exact match of the edges, the pieces were cut one on
top of the other. The metal stripes of the hologram pieces were soldered together, thus
forming a mechanically strong and electrically invisible seam. A vacuum table was used
to support the hologram pieces and to keep them firmly in place during the cutting of the
edges and the actual joining. Figure 4 shows the hologram surrounded by absorber walls.
Figure 4. The 3 m × 3 m hologram for the ADMIRALS RTO tests.
The tests of the ADMIRALS RTO were carried out in the large test hall of the High
Voltage Institute at HUT during summer 2003. The measurement set-up was removed
from the test hall after the measurements. Thus, the constructions had to be easy to
assemble and disassemble. However, the strict accuracy requirements, e.g., for the
antenna positioner and the plane-wave scanner were to be fulfilled at the same time. The
layout of the CATR, i.e., its orientation in the hall and the position of the installed
absorbers were carefully designed in order to avoid reflections and minimize the amount
of needed absorbers.
The quiet-zone field of the CATR was probed with a planar scanner to verify the quality
of the plane wave. The scanner was designed and constructed by the Laboratory of
Machine Design at HUT. The scanner has a 2-metre linear stage that allows rotation to
fixed positions so that horizontal, vertical, and both diagonal scans could be made. The
planarity of the scanner was tested with a laser tracker in the beginning of the quiet-zone
probing. The information was later used for the correction of the measured phase in the
quiet-zone probing.
A high-accuracy antenna positioner capable of carrying the large mass (400 kg) of the
AUT was built by modifying the pedestal of an old anti-aircraft gun. The transportable
antenna positioner is elevation-over-azimuth type and during the antenna rotation the
centre of the ADMIRALS RTO main reflector stayed in the centre of rotation. The
realized positioner is capable of rotating the antenna from -12° to +90° in elevation and
full 360° in azimuth. The angle information is read from digital 26-bit absolute angle
encoders, which give reading precision of 0.0001°. The positioner has variable speed AC
drives in both rotation directions. The Laboratory of Machine Design at HUT designed
and carried out the modification work. Figure 5 shows the modified antenna positioner
and the mounted ADMIRALS RTO.
Figure 5. Antenna positioner and mounted 1.5 m ADMIRALS RTO.
The dedicated transmit module constructed for ADMIRALS RTO tests at EADS Astrium
was used as the transmitter both in the quiet-zone probing and in the antenna
measurements. In the quiet-zone measurements, AB Millimètre MVNA-8-350 millimetre
wave network analyzer with its receiver extension ESA-2 was used. This configuration
gave a sufficient dynamic range of about 50 dB and allowed also the phase measurement
of the quiet-zone field. Phase errors due to the cable flexing during the probe movement
were corrected with a phase correction system, which is based on the use of a pilot signal.
In the measurements of the high gain RTO the dynamic range was about 80 dB, when a
dedicated receiver module of the RTO was used. A LabView™-based software was
developed for controlling the MVNA and other measurement equipment. The angle
encoders of the antenna positioner were read and AC drives were simultaneously
operated. Similar operations were needed for controlling the quiet-zone field scanner.
The radiation pattern of the RTO was measured in angular ranges of −85°…+85° in
azimuth direction and −12°…+12° in elevation direction. Also a two-dimensional
radiation pattern in the vicinity of the main beam lobe was measured. The general
agreement between the measured results and the results obtained by EADS Astrium in
their reflector CATR is good.
Hologram CATR for 650 GHz
The submillimetre wave hologram manufacturing and performance was also tested at 650
GHz. Two holograms about 1 metre in size were manufactured on two different
materials. Good performance was achieved with both holograms, thus proving the
applicability of the holograms for antenna testing at high submillimetre wavelengths.
For the demonstration CATR at 650 GHz, a powerful phase-locked transmitter and a
sensitive receiver were needed in the quiet-zone field verification. The used transmitter
was a backward-wave oscillator (BWO). The phase locking of the BWO was
accomplished by controlling the acceleration voltage of the tube. A down-conversion
mixer operating with the 5th harmonic was developed for the use in the BWO phaselocking loop at 500−700 GHz. The receiver was a wave-guide type Schottky harmonic
mixer pumped by a phase-locked Gunn-oscillator. The source oscillator and receiver
were associated with a millimetre wave vector network analyser (MVNA), thus enabling
both amplitude and phase measurements.
Dual reflector feed system
The use of a dual reflector feed system (DRFS) for hologram illumination was also
studied. The hologram aperture amplitude taper, which is required for reducing edge
diffraction, can be accomplished with shaped hologram illumination instead of narrowed
slots. This eases the hologram manufacturing since very narrow slots are not needed. The
use of DRFS increases also the quiet-zone size relative to the hologram size. Other
advantages in the use of the DRFS may be the decreased cross-polarization produced by
the hologram and the reduced polarization dependency. Geometrical optics based
synthesis software was developed and the operation of the synthesised DRFS structure
was simulated with GRASP8 reflector antenna analysis software. The reflector surfaces
were milled and the feed system was assembled in England by Thomas Keating Ltd. The
DRFS operation was tested by measuring the beam illuminating the hologram with a
planar xy-scanner. The measured operation agrees well with the simulated results.
A phase hologram compact RCS-range for scale model measurements
(Lönnqvist, Mallat, Noponen, Ala-Laurinaho, Säily, Koskinen, Häkli, Viikari,
Räisänen; funding from Academy of Finland, GETA, Tekes, IDC)
The research and development of a compact test range for radar cross section (RCS) scale
model measurements at 310 GHz was continued in 2003. In this range the plane wave
needed for RCS determination is generated by a phase hologram. The hologram offers at
submillimetre wave lengths advantages over traditional reflectors and lenses.
Tests and calibration studies with the initial RCS range based on a small-size hologram
were concluded and development focus was moved on to a range using a larger
hologram. This range will more comfortably allow the use and measurements of actual
potential target models since the quiet-zone diameter is increased to 0.25 m.
In autumn 2003, a student paper on an area of the research subject was presented by A.
Lönnqvist in AMTA 2003 Conference (Irvine, California, USA). The paper was chosen
by the conference organisers to be one of the five student paper award winners.
Design method development for phase holograms
A new design method was implemented for the phase holograms utilized in the RCS
range. The original design scheme implicitly assumed purely transparent and nonreflecting planar interface between the input half-space where the feed horn is located
and the dielectric hologram plate. This assumption simplified the design problem
considerably. In reality, however, the input interface of the hologram induces internal
reflections and resonances inside the hologram plate, which may significantly deteriorate
the uniformity of the resulting quiet-zone field. These resonances can be reduced by
applying onto the input interface a suitably designed dielectric antireflection layer or
adaptation layer with the thickness on the order of λ/4 and the permittivity chosen
between those of air and the hologram material, or equivalently, a sub-wavelengthstructured linear groove pattern yielding the desired effective permittivity.
The new design algorithm explicitly addresses the objective of resonance reduction by
optimizing the thickness of the adaptation layer on the input interface and the actual
hologram groove structure on the output interface simultaneously in each hologram point,
i.e., for all appropriate combinations of the local grating period and the local angle of
incidence of the input wave. The criteria for determining the optimal adaptation layer
depth are ambiguous; we have chosen to consider the simulated evolution of the locally
transmitted power and phase when the hologram groove depth is increased. In the
original design setup disregarding the input interface these evolution curves are smooth
and slowly varying. In contrast, introduction of the reflecting input interface gives rise to
sharp resonant variations in the evolution curves. Now the optimization of the adaptation
layer involves finding such a layer depth that minimizes the deviations from the original
smooth curve shapes in terms of least-squares optimization.
Results of the numerical simulations indicate clear increase in the transmitted power and
improvement of the field uniformity. The fabrication of holograms with an adaptation
layer appears also feasible. In the fabrication phase the depth variations of the adaptation
layer would translate into equivalent depth variations of the groove structure consisting of
adjacent linear grooves, patterned onto the input interface of the hologram plate.
7. 3
RF Applications in Mobile Communication
7.3.1 Wideband radio channel measurements and modeling
(Kivinen, Zhao, Suvikunnas, Vuokko, Salo, Kolmonen, Geng, Sulonen,
Karttunen, Vainikainen; funding from Academy of Finland, Tekes/IDC and
The design of the MIMO channel sounder at 5.3 GHz was completed, the system was
constructed, and the first measurements were performed. The system development
included the following items: new dual-polarized antenna arrays, a high-power 32channel pin diode switch for the transmitter, an improved pseudonoise generator, the
control unit for the switch, and reconstruction of the HUTDU sampling unit.
Two spherical arrays were constructed. Thus, a double-directional characterization of
MIMO radio channel with full DoA and DoD estimation in azimuth can be done based on
measurements. The elevation angle is limited due to limited number of channels (32) at
each end. Also, full characterization in the polarization domain can be performed due to
having dual-polarized elements. Two configurations with different azimuth range can be
selected including either 15 or 16 antenna elements. Also, a planar 4x4 dual-polarized (32
channels) array was designed and subcontracted. The planar array is used in the
transmitter with high elevation, e.g. in macro or microcells.
Figurek7. Developed spherical antenna array:: supporting structure and the final array.
Measurements were performed in microcell (TX in Helsinki, Aleksanterinkatu), small
microcell (TX Helsinki, Pukeva parking house) and outdoor-indoor configuration (Espoo,
Otaniemi) with the planar array in TX and a spherical array in RX. The total amount of
collected raw data exceeds 150 Gbytes. An example of one impulse response in microcell
is shown in Fig. 8. The thorough analysis of the data will be done in the following years.
With the channel sounding system of HUT, many measurement setups are possible today.
Center frequencies 275 MHz, 2.154 GHz, 5.3 GHz and 60 GHz can be used and large
16x64 and 32x32 MIMO matrices can be measured at 2 and 5 GHz. Thus, complete
measurements in DoA, DoD, polarization and delay domains as a function of location are
MIMO measurements have been and will be used for following purposes: 1) DoD and
DoA estimation using advanced methods, 2) studying antenna performance by
convolving measured radiation patterns with the DoD and DoA data, 3) modeling of
MIMO radio propagation channels (empirical, semi-empirical), 4) studying of
propagation mechanisms (deterministic modeling).
Txh=10 m
Figure 8. Spatial impulse response: NLOS microcell
The data analysis was concentrated on evaluation of antenna configurations for MIMO
systems, based on the 2 GHz MIMO measurements performed previously. Effects of the
number of elements, their separation and polarization were studied for both transmitter
and receiver antenna. Increasing the distance between TX antenna elements increases
resolution resulting in decreased eigenvalue spread and increased capacity. The effect is
smallest in picocellular indoor environment, because indoor environment is more scatterrich than outdoor environment. Adding more elements in the TX antenna configuration
increases TX diversity and resolution. The effect on eigenvalue spread does not vary
between the environments as clearly as when the distance between elements is increased.
Adding elements is more beneficial than enlarging the spacing. When comparing three
environments, the smallest eigenvalue spread is indoors.
The evaluation methods for MIMO antenna configurations by using measurement data
were further developed. It was noted that traditional performance measures such as Mean
Effective Gain (MEG), which were designed for single-input single-output channels, do
not reveal the full truth about MIMO antenna configurations' performance. The key point
is that, with MIMO, both SNR and correlation properties of the signal play a key role;
this is in clear contrast to SISO systems where only the SNR is important. Based on this
observation, a measure, termed MEG-adjusted capacity, was conceived to evaluate
MIMO antenna configurations. Moreover, under high SNR conditions, it was discovered
that the MIMO capacity can be decomposed into a sum of three terms, that can be used to
analyze the echieved capacity in more detail. This research is continued during 2004.
Both mobile and DoA measurements have been performed at 60 GHz in indoor
environments to study propagation behavior and mechanisms in the millimeter wave
frequency band. Empirical radio channel models and parameters have also been derived
from the measured data for future MBS and WLAN systems. The study shows that at 60
GHz diffraction is still quite important for NLOS propagation links. In LOS links, the
first and second order reflections from smooth surfaces are important. The coherent
bandwidth, rms delay spread, and multipath number variation along mobile routes have
been derived. Excellent linear relationship exists between multipath number and rms
delay spread. The tapped delay line (TDL) channel models have also been developed at
this frequency band for system simulations.
Doppler spectra studies have been performed at 5 GHz in multipath scattering
environments. Horned, narrow, and flat Doppler spectra were observed. The shape of a
Doppler spectrum was determined by the angle-of-arrival distributions both in the
azimuth and elevation planes. The flat Doppler spectra were observed in some indoor
mobile measurements where waves from the elevation plane have important contribution.
Polarization behavior at 2, 5, and 60 GHz has been studied for indoor mobile
communications. It is shown that there is no obvious difference between powers received
with VP or HP in LOS corridors. Definite difference can be observed in NLOS corridors,
but it is not too significant to be considered in a system design. Depolarization effects are
more serious in the NLOS case, and they depend strongly on the antenna types applied at
the terminals.
Development of new diffraction coefficients
(El-Sallabi; Zhao, funding from GETA and IDC)
Accurate prediction of radio wave propagation depends on modeled propagation
mechanisms. Diffraction process usually works as a secondary source of the field in the
non line of sight cases. The choice of the diffraction coefficient is important for
accurately predicting the signal amplitude resulted from the diffraction process.
Diffraction formulas are well established for perfectly conducting infinite wedges, for
absorbing wedges, and for impedance-surface wedges. The impedance-surface diffraction
formulas are rather cumbersome to use for propagation prediction in mobile
communications. Thus, the difficulty of using the rigorous solutions for propagation
prediction forces simplifications. In this work, we have proposed several new
formulations for the diffraction coefficients.
A new heuristic diffraction coefficient was proposed for dielectric wedges with high
losses for parallel and perpendicular field polarizations. The new heuristic diffraction
coefficient shows clear improvement in agreement with the rigorous Maliuzhinets’
diffraction coefficient. Moreover, the proposed diffraction coefficient is as simple to
compute as the previously proposed and popular Luebbers’ and Holm’s coefficients. We
also improved limitations of Holm’s diffraction coefficient in the illumination region by
redefining reflection angles used in the calculation of Fresnel reflection coefficient
involved in the computation. The improved diffraction coefficient gives results that are
very close to the rigorous diffraction coefficient at both illuminating one face and two
faces of the wedge.
Furthermore, a new formulation Maliuzhinets’ diffraction coefficient for right angle lossy
wedges has been recommended and compared with Luebbers’ and Holm’s heuristic
diffraction coefficients. It is shown that both Luebbers’ and Holm’s diffraction
coefficients are invalid in the illumination region. Holm’s diffraction coefficient is
accurate enough when applied in the diffraction region. Luebbers’ and Holm’s diffraction
coefficients are invalid for 270 degree lossy wedges. However, the Maliuzhinets’
diffraction coefficient is very satisfactory for both right angle and 270 degree lossy
Ray-based propagation modeling in urban perpendicular street grid
(El-Sallabi; funding from GETA and IDC)
Ray-tracing techniques have been used for the prediction of multipath components in
site-specific scenarios for microcells. The lengthy time spent in ray-trace computation is
a major problem in mobile radio propagation prediction for urban microcellular
environments. This work, which is a continuation of our previous work, overcomes the
computation time problem by giving the propagation model with an explicit form
expression. The advantage of a closed-form model is the easiness in use for studying
propagation problems. The explicit form expression provides the radio paths that couple
the transmitter to the receiver at any point in the perpendicular street including paths
having the same path length but different angles of arrival and departure. The ray
characteristics are given in terms of complex amplitude for vertical and horizontal
polarizations, path length, angle of arrival and departure. A set membership criteria is
proposed to determine the coupling radio paths. The proposed model is not only capable
in providing macroscopic quantities like mean field values and mean delay spread, but
also the full wideband channel information, i.e., space dependent complex channel
responses with high delay resolution. The proposed model can be used for studying
different propagation problems in urban street grid for microcellular communications
with applications e.g. in antenna diversity techniques, multi-input multi-output (MIMO)
channel capacity analysis, etc.
Influence of chip frequency on characterizing radio channels for rake
(El-Sallabi; funding from GETA and IDC)
Successful design of advanced wireless communication systems requires more and more
detailed characterization of the radio propagation channel. Design of future systems,
based on wideband direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA)
technology, requires information about the number of distinguishable multipaths, and
their characteristics such as relative power, lifetime, etc, for rake receiver design. The WCDMA is one of the air interface techniques proposed for 3rd generation (3G) cellular
systems. The nominal bandwidth of the first phase of the 3G W-CDMA systems is 5
MHz. The choice of a wide channel bandwidth can provide high data rate. The new
frequency bands that will be allocated to W-CDMA cellular networks for systems beyond
3G might open the possibility to use higher bandwidths than the 5 MHz specified in the
3GPP. The use of wide channel bandwidth enables rake receivers to resolve more
multipaths. This improves the receiver sensitivity and lowers the transmit power
requirements for mobile terminals. This work presents analysis of measurement results
for understanding the influence of the bandwidth on temporal channel characteristics in
microcellular environment. The temporal characteristics under study are power delay
profiles in terms of number of rake receiver fingers and part of their characteristics. This
understanding provides knowledge for successful design of rake receiver. This work
reports analysis of measured power delay profiles of different bandwidths, i.e., 5, 10, 20,
and 30 MHz, in terms of fingers and their characteristics. The measurement data of
different bandwidths are obtained by filtering down the measured impulse responses
having bandwidths of 30 MHz. It has been shown that in a perpendicular street, doubling
the bandwidth requires one more finger to capture the power of not more than 0.5 dB less
than the total power with about 90 % probability.
7.3.5 Antennas for handsets
(Villanen, Kivekäs, Azzinnari, Ollikainen, Lehtiniemi, Icheln, Vainikainen,
funding from Academy of Finland/IDC, GETA, and industry)
The size reduction of handsets, the development of UMTS and multiband terminals, and
the requirement to keep the power absorbed by the user below the standardized levels
regardless of the handset size continue to set more stringent requirements and create new
challenges for small antenna research.
In 2003, the design and bandwidth optimisation of dual-resonant small antennas as well
as dual-polarised small antennas has been studied, mainly for planar antennas like PIFAs
or patch antennas. Novel theoretical and experimental results have been obtained, and
general guidelines and limitations for the optimal design of these antennas have been
established. The results can be used to predict and improve the performance of handset
antennas. The results have been applied in the development of novel multiband internal
antenna elements.
Novel compact antenna structures for mobile handsets have been studied. The antenna
structures are based on coupling elements used to optimally couple to the chassis
wavemode and to minimize the volume of the antenna structure. The designed antenna
model seen in Fig. 9 has a very small volume and its single band prototypes meet all the
E-GSM900 and GSM1800 specifications (bandwidth, efficiency, etc.).
The work on frequency-tunable small antennas has been continued. Such structures use
an auxiliary tuning circuit to extend the effective bandwidth of existing antenna designs
so that additional system bands can be covered. Methods to analyze frequency-tunable
handset antennas have been further developed and applied to practical cases of handset
antennas. Based on these, a prototype has been designed, constructed and measured. The
tested topology appears to work for the single-resonant case, but in the dual-resonant
case, problems with low efficiency were noticed due to in-band non-radiating resonances
and solutions have been identified as a future topic of the research.
Figure 9. Example of the typical structure and geometry of a non-resonant coupling
structure used as a handset antenna.
The development of analysis tools for handset antennas that utilize polarization diversity
to decrease the impact of fast fading caused by multi-path signal propagation has been
continued. Diversity gain can be obtained, when at least two signals carrying the same
information but with different fading characteristics (i.e. low correlation) are present at
the receiver. Polarization diversity takes advantage of the independent fading of vertically
and horizontally polarized signal components. The performance of prototypes was first
verified by radio-channel sounder measurements, both indoors and outdoors. Based on
these measurements the applicability of the tool for predicting the diversity performance
of antenna designs was assessed.
The study on the effects of various chassis-related parameters on the operation
bandwidth, radiation efficiency, and SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of internal handset
antennas has been continued, both by electromagnetic simulations (FDTD/MoM)1 and
measurements at 900 MHz and 1800 MHz. In addition, the general energy-absorption
mechanism in the human tissue has been studied.
Passive intermodulation in base station antennas
(Hienonen, Golikov, Vainikainen, Räisänen; funding from Academy of Finland
and industry)
Passive intermodulation (PIM) distortion generated in a GSM base station antenna
appears as interference at the base station receiver, which can degrade the performance of
the receiver. Intermodulation products are generated when two or more high power
transmitting signals enter a nonlinear component. The term passive intermodulation
refers to intermodulation products created in passive devices that are usually considered
to be linear, such as antennas, filters, connectors and cables. Typically, when applying
two GSM signals with powers of 43 dBm to these devices, intermodulation levels range
from −90 to −120 dBm.
During this research, typical causes of passive intermodulation distortion in antennas
have been identified, the physical phenomena behind these non-linearities have been
investigated, and measurement methods of passive intermodulation have been developed.
Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) and Method of Moments (MoM) –based simulation software
packages were used in the study.
50 dB coupler
Port 1
Port 2
Reference signal unit
VNA out
Vector Port R
Cal out
Receiver unit
Port 2
GPIB bus
X motor
Y motor
Scanned PIM
Reflected PIM
PIM3 [dBm]
x [mm]
Figure 6. a) Block diagram of the PIM near-field scanner. b) Scan results from a
microstrip line. The PIM source is located at x = 195 mm.
The passive intermodulation level of a device can be measured with dedicated analysers,
but they do not give information on the locations of the distortion sources. For the PIM
source localisation, near-field measurement equipment for EGSM900 frequency band has
been developed (Figure 6). The equipment can detect PIM levels down to −110 dBm with
Tx power of 2x43 dBm. It has also been used to investigate the PIM near-field
distribution of various PIM sources.
It has also been found, that the impedance loading of a PIM source may have a large
effect on the measured PIM response. A quantitative expression has been derived and
verified for predicting the distortion level change of a PIM source as a function of the
impedance loading at the transmitting and intermodulation frequencies. The results can
be utilized both in PIM measurements as well as in the design of low-PIM devices.
Antenna structures for adaptive antenna systems
(Salonen, Suvikunnas, Vainikainen; funding from Tekes/IDC)
Internal MEBAT (Measurement-based antenna testbed) project was started at the
beginning of the year 2003. The purpose of this project was to establish the validity of
new antenna evaluation method. In this method, the measured or simulated radiation
pattern of test antenna is convolved with estimated channel data. The channel estimation
can be performed using, e.g., classical beamforming or some superresolution method.
Classical beamforming, which was implemented for spherical array, was used in this
project. The new method was verified by performing the Multiple−Input
Multiple−Output (MIMO) and diversity analysis of some test antenna configurations, and
by comparing them with the results of direct channel measurements with the same
antenna configurations. Based on these comparisons, the new method is reliable apart
from some restrictions. Data recorded earlier with a channel sounder was used for
validation of this new method.
The new antenna evaluation method was used in the BROCOM project of IDC. The
performance of a mobile radio link depends significantly on the radiation properties of
both base and mobile stations. For example, the use of multi-element antennas at the
mobile terminal for MIMO or diversity configurations will be important in the next
generation of mobile systems, in order to reach the higher data rates that are promised. A
first prototype antenna for the laptop type device was developed at 5 GHz range in this
project. That microstrip antenna with two feeds was simulated and also manufactured.
The preliminary antenna evaluation of prototype antenna was carried out using developed
evaluation method. Different diversity combining methods, like maximal ratio combining
(MRC), equal gain combining (EGC), and selection combining (SC), were adopted in the
first evaluation process and MIMO analysis will be performed later.
With MEBAT also different base and mobile station MIMO antenna configurations were
compared in several propagation environments. In this context, the idea on a new figure
of merit for the antenna designers of MIMO systems was arisen. The new figure of merit,
which is called the mean effective link gain (MELG), is practically the extension of mean
effective gain (MEG) used for Single−Input Single−Output (SISO) and Single−Input
Multiple−Output (SIMO) systems. Further, the separation of different mechanisms
providing capacity in MIMO systems is under consideration partly based on this project.
The effect of mutual coupling of antenna arrays was further studied. The mutual coupling
between antenna elements can distort the array pattern; the resulting pattern differs
significantly from the desired pattern. Reflected power to the antenna feed system and
increased correlation between signals received with array elements are also problems
resulting from mutual coupling.
The pattern distortion due to mutual coupling can be corrected by modifying feed
voltages. A linear correction can be done using a correction matrix derived by matrix
pseudoinverse and this technique was examined further. Iteration was used to find
identical element patterns, which are not pre-determined and which are for array, where
the element spacing is not exactly the same as in the real array. The final pattern
matching is better than if some pre-determined element patters were used. The correction
method using scattering matrix in pattern correction needs reference level adjustment to
the input of an ideal parallel resonator. The simplified model circuit was examined
numerically with the measured port scattering matrix data.
The use of pseudoinverse method for pattern generation using weight patterns was
examined further. It was shown, that with iteration the use of robust weighting with
inverse of wanted array amplitude pattern gives better relative scale matching of the
wanted and obtained array amplitude patterns with wide nulls for wide region of array
amplitude pattern parameters.
The connection between pattern correlation and scattering matrix established earlier
theoretically and proven for measured array data with single-plane patterns was proven
with simulated two-element array data with 3-dimensional patterns.
A four-element microstrip antenna configuration with two back-to-back dual-polarized
elements was developed as a smart antenna prototype for 5 GHz. The structure was
characterized using available propagation data.
Measurements of radiated fields of mobile phones
(Laitinen, Icheln, Vainikainen; funding from Tekes/IDC, Academy of Finland)
The total radiated power and the directional radiation pattern are important radiation
characteristics of mobile terminals. Both can be determined, e.g., by measuring two
orthogonal tangential components of the electric field on a spherical surface enclosing the
mobile phone. An amplitude-only measurement is usually sufficient in the far field,
whereas in the near field the measurement of the complex field components is required in
order to accurately determine radiated power and directional pattern. In practice the far
field is measured at discrete measurement locations, e.g. with 10° steps, and a suitable
interpolation is carried out for obtaining the field values between the discrete locations.
One research subject is the theoretical and practical investigation of possibilities for
"real-time" determination of the radiation characteristics of a mobile phone by probing
the radiated fields at a large number of locations simultaneously. Such a measurement
set-up requires a suitable number of measurement channels, and the corresponding
number of antenna elements. Furthermore, a phase-retrieval network was developed that
allows measuring the complex radiated fields of a mobile terminal, by using one of the
measurement channels as the phase reference. In traditional systems, 3-D pattern
measurements yield only amplitude information.
The optimum number of measurement locations has been found by analyzing the
influence of the number of measurement locations on the uncertainty of the determination
of the EM field parameters. It was shown that by measuring the complex EM field at 50
locations on a spherical surface enclosing the EUT, the total radiated power of a mobile
phone situated next to a phantom head could be determined with an uncertainty of about
0.1 dB at the frequency of 1.8 GHz.
A prototype measurement system called RAMS (Rapid Antenna Measurement System)
was constructed with 32 dual-polarised patch antennas to demonstrate the theoretical
results in practice. The radius of the measurement sphere is 1 m so that not only a head
phantom, but a complete user can be situated next to the phone under test (see Fig. 10a).
A base station simulator controls an active phone under test. The 64 measurement
channels are collected by a spectrum analyzer or a vector network analyzer through a 64channel switch box, shown in Fig. 10b.
Figure 10. a) RAMS measurement setup with test user, b) 64-channel switch box
Linear high efficiency transmitters for future communications
(Golikov, Kivinen, Vainikainen; funding from industry)
In the wireless communications, link-level capacity is going to be increased by more
efficient modulation methods like OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
and parallel architectures like MIMO, which includes spatial coding of the transmitted
signal. A major problem in such techniques is the increase of the peak to average ratio
(PAR) of the signal. This requires high dynamic range and linearity for the transmitter,
which causes low efficiency of the power amplifier.
In this project, parallel architectures were studied. One possibility is to use the two
branch MIMO transmitter in a LINC (Linear amplification with nonlinear components)
configuration. Here the two branches transmit with constant envelopes; hence the backoff requirement for the power amplifier is significantly reduced. During the year, a
testbed was designed to study different implementations of linear transmitters.
7.3.10 Propagation phenomena in dielectric structures and application for structure
(Maksimovitch, Mikhnev, Vainikainen; funding from Tekes)
A novel signal processing technique suitable for the recognition of small underground
targets using frequency domain reflection coefficient data has been proposed. The radar
range profile is constructed from the backscattered signal as a real part of the inverse
discrete Fourier transform multiplied by the pseudospectrum obtained via eigenvector
method. Consequently, the signatures of small buried objects appear in different form and
can be subdivided in four categories designated conditionally as air-medium interface,
medium-air interface, inclusion of high density in the medium; inclusion of low density.
Experimental studies showed that the proposed technique is valid for distinguishing
simple underground objects such as void, metal rod, etc. The approach can be extended to
the discrimination of complex targets such as landmines by creating beforehand a set of
signature templates.
In the problem of 1D reconstruction of the dielectric permittivity profile in a layered
dielectric half-space, the case of lossy medium has been considered. If the reflection
coefficient data are given only for the normally incident electromagnetic wave, retrieving
both the permittivity and conductivity profiles is impossible in the general case. This was
concluded from several numerical examples demonstrating that the effect of a lossy layer
in the stratified half-space can be simulated almost perfectly by a suitable distortion of
the dielectric permittivity profile. For the reconstruction of both permittivity and
conductivity in a stack of homogeneous slabs, important a priori information about the
object is to be available, e.g., exact knowledge of the number of homogeneous layers and
their thickness. Then the parameters of interest can be derived from the solution of an
optimization problem.
Advanced Artificial Materials and Smart Structures
7.4.1 Artificial magnetic materials
(Maslovski, Ikonen, Kolmakov, Tretyakov; funding from Academy of Finland
and Tekes)
Various possibilities to design artificial magnetic materials for microwave frequencies
have been investigated. Such composites can be used in microwave engineering at
frequencies where no natural low-loss magnetic materials are available. A new magnetic
particle (metasolenoid) formed by a stack of many parallel single split-ring resonators has
been proposed and analyzed analytically, numerically, and experimentally. It has been
shown that the effective permeability can reach reasonably high values over a wide
frequency range when using such inclusions.
Figure 11 shows the geometry of the new magnetic inclusion (left) and a comparison of
the effective magnetic permeability of the new composite and the known artificial
materials based on split-ring resonators.
Figure 11. The proposed magnetic inclusion is an array of metal split rings (left). It
shows much more pronounced magnetic properties as compared to the usual double
split-ring inclusions (right).
Near-field imaging and enchancement of evanescent waves
(Maslovski, Alitalo, Tretyakov; funding from the Academy of Finland and Tekes)
We have investigated the concept of the perfect lens introduced by J. Pendry, i.e., a
possibility to achieve optical resolution well below the wavelength limit using a
backward-wave (also called Veselago or double-negative) material slab lens. The
“amplification” of evanescent waves in a Veselago's slab lens is a phenomenon that
easily contradicts intuition and common sense, especially for those who are used to
associate the word “amplification” with an active device that amplifies signal power.
However, it can be shown that this amplification is simply an excitation of coupled
surface modes at the two sides of a slab waveguide filled by a Veselago medium.
In our work, we have shown that there is a direct analogy between the phenomena taking
place at the slab interfaces and at a couple of phase-conjugating planes placed in free
space. One does not necessarily need a composite medium possessing negative material
parameters or another kind of backward-wave medium to realize a superlens. The same
effect can be achieved using two parallel artificially made surfaces or sheets imposing
boundary conditions of field conjugation. Nonlinear or active materials acting as wave
mixers can be used for this purpose. Working as a planar lens, the proposed device will
be able to focus propagating modes of a source (due to the negative refraction at the
interfaces) and, in the same time, “amplify” the evanescent modes (due to surface mode
resonances), i.e., it will provide sub-wavelength resolution imaging. Thus, an alternative
to Pendry's original device has been found.
Furthermore, we have shown that a simpler passive and linear system of two coupled
planar material sheets possessing surface mode (polariton) resonances can be used for the
purpose of evanescent field restoration and, thus, for the sub-wavelength near-field
imaging. The sheets are placed in free space so that they are parallel and separated by a
certain distance. Due to interaction of the resonating surface modes (polaritons) of the
sheets an exponential growth in the amplitude of an evanescent plane wave coming
through the system can be achieved. This alternative system has been proven to be
realizable at microwaves by grids or arrays of resonant particles. The necessary
electromagnetic properties of the resonating grids and the particles have been
investigated and established. Theoretical results are supported by microwave experiments
that demonstrate amplification of evanescent modes. In Figure 12, some experimental
results are presented.
Figure 12. Experimental demonstration of near-field enchancement.
Left: the experimental set-up. Resonant particles were positioned on two parallel foam
holders located between two highly conducting planes. The probe used to scan the field
distribution is seen on the top. A similiar antenna was used as the source (Not shown on
the photo. It was positioned between the conducting planes.
Right: the dependence of the field amplitude along the device axis. Amplification of the
evanescent fields created by a small dipole antenna is clearly seen.
Antennas with the use of artificial materials
(Maslovski, Tretyakov, Ikonen, Simovski; funding from the Academy of Finland,
Tekes, and the industry)
The influence of material coverings on the antenna bandwidth has been theoretically
investigated for antennas formed by thin electric or magnetic line sources. It has been
shown that uniform thin layers of arbitrary passive materials (including Veselago, lefthanded, or double-negative materials) cannot help to overcome the bandwidth limitations
imposed by the amount of energy stored in the antenna reactive field. Alternative
possibilities offered by complex composite materials in the antenna design have been
identified. New antenna prototypes using artificial materials to improve antenna
performance have been developed.
Development of computational methods
(Kärkkäinen, Tretyakov; funding from GETA and Academy of Finland)
The development of computational methods using the finite-difference time-domain
method has been continued in the year 2003. A novel FDTD technique for modelling
conducting interfaces coated with dispersive materials has been developed. The use of
impedance sheet conditions when modelling planar wire grids has been considered. The
use of sparse wire grids in certain antennas has been studied numerically and
Impedance sheet conditions are currently being further studied. They can be useful in
modelling frequency selective surfaces, which find many applications in stealth
technology, antennas and filters. The ongoing work on impedance sheet conditions in
FDTD continues during the year 2004.
The focus of the work on impedance boundary conditions has been in planar interfaces
between materials. However, material bodies with corners or other singular points where
the surface impedance concept does not apply are to be addressed in the future.
Figure 13. The monostatic scattering width of an infinitely long cylinder with a squareshaped cross section. The proposed model is seen to yield similar results as the
conventional computational approach, where the fields inside the coatings are resolved
with small cells in FDTD. The advantage of the proposed method over the traditional
approach is in the computational efficiency: the proposed method required less memory
and the code is much faster to execute.
7.4.5 Artificial surfaces and their applications
(Simovski, Tretyakov, in cooperation with ESA-ESTEC; funding from Academy of
Finland and Tekes)
We have considered electromagnetic behavior of artificial magnetic conductors, both
theoretically and experimentally. The performance of the known mushroom layer has
been compared with novel designs that involve more complicated shapes of metal
patches. The role of vias connectors between the patches and the ground plane in
stabilization of the resonant frequency with respect to variations of the incidence angle
has been considered in detail. Experimental results validate the analytical model of
artificial magnetic conductors and show that the new structures possess better stability of
their properties with respect to the incidence angle and the field polarization. Figure 14
shows various patch geometries that we have studied.
Figure 14. Different geometries of patch arrays for creating artificial magnetic
conductors. On the top the patch array of a Sievenpiper's mushroom structure is shown,
on the right there is an array of spiral elements with small square patches, and on the left
array we show modified spiral elements (including loops).
Figure 15 illustrates the phase reflection diagram for new artificial high-impedance
surfaces. Note that the frequency at which the surface behaves as a magnetic wall (the
reflection phase is –180 degrees) is stable with respect to the incidence angle.
Figure 15. AMC of spirals with loops. Phase reflection diagrams versus frequency for
different incident angles (TE-polarization). Experiment (left) and analytical model
(right). Different curves are for different incidence angles of plane waves exciting the
Institute of Digital Communications (IDC)
The Institute of Digital Communications (IDC) was established in 2000 as an interdepartment research institute (mainly in departments of Electrical and Communications
Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering) to continue and combine the work
of two institutes: Institute of Radio Communications (IRC) and Institute of
Telecommunications and Software Engineering. The goal is to co-ordinate research in the
field of digital communications at Helsinki University of Technology and offer a single
interface towards telecommunications industry, operators, and other research
organisations for the member laboratories. Professor Petri Vuorimaa from the TML
laboratory was the chairman of the board of directors of IDC in 2003 and professor Pekka
Eskelinen from the Radio Laboratory is the director of IDC.
At Helsinki University of Technology, there exists long research experience in the field
of digital communications in several research areas. The Institute of Digital
Communications combines the expertise of 14 laboratories, about 40 professors and over
150 researchers. The participating laboratories are:
Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering:
Circuit Theory Laboratory
Communications Laboratory
Electromagnetics Laboratory
Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory
Radio Laboratory
Signal Processing Laboratory
Space Technology Laboratory
Telecommunications Technology Laboratory
Department of Computer Science and Engineering:
Computer and Information Science Laboratory
Information Processing Science Laboratory
Telecommunication Software and Multimedia Laboratory
Theoretical Computer Science Laboratory
Department of Automation and System Technology:
Control Engineering Laboratory
Interactive Services and Technologies for Mixed Broadcasting, Navigation
and Communication in the Mobile Society (BROCOM) (Funding from Nokia,
Sonera, Digita, Finnish Broadcasting Company and the Defence Forces)
New technologies, methods, services and particularly system level solutions for a
combined interactive broadcasting, navigation and mobile communication environment
will be sought in this three year project, which started in fall 2001.
During the year 2003, activities have been carried out by IDC, Radio Laboratory (RAD),
Telecommunication Software and Multimedia Laboratory (TML), Laboratory for
Theoretical Computer Science (TCL), Signal Processing Laboratory (SIG) and
Communications Laboratory (COM). The IDC office is responsible for project
administration and coordination tasks. Seven technical research projects have been going
on within these laboratories concentrating on the following six areas of interest:
• Radio wave propagation and modelling
• Telecommunications
• Signal processing
• Mobility & security
• Telecom business opportunities
• Digital multimedia
Participating institutions, which also participate in the funding, are Tekes, Nokia, Finnish
Broadcasting Company, Digita, TeliaSonera and Finnish Defence Forces. The supervisor
of the project is professor Pekka Eskelinen, director of IDC at HUT. The whole project is
coordinated by Markku Nieminen and Aura Paloheimo (IDC). The project is a part of
Tekes research program “Networks of the future” (NETS). The total cost of the project is
about 2 600 000 € for the whole three year period.
BROCOM participated in two Tekes workshops:
- NETS Midterm Review Workshop in 28.04.2003
- NETS Research Workshop 3.-4.11.2003
In NETS midterm Review Workshop Brocom was evaluated to be one of the bests in its
category. The measured characteristics were novelty, commercial significance, potential
for internationalization / commercialization, strength of the consortium, clarity and
BROCOM participated also in Finnish academy ‘Science 03’ CD-rom project.
The research contribution of the RAD in Brocom is to provide important information on
the radio wave propagation and antenna systems to support link and system level
performance considerations. The work has been well done and organized in RAD. During
the report period, the main tasks focused on wideband radio channel measurements and
modelling at 60 GHz, adaptive antenna research at 5 GHz, and MIMO radio channel
studies at 2 and 5 GHz.
At 60 GHz frequency, several measurement campaigns were carried out. Some indoor
radio channel models and parameters have been derived, e.g, path loss and tapped delay
channel models, relationship between rms delay coherence bandwidth, relationship
between multi path number and rms delay spread, frequency and spatial correlation of the
channels etc. The indoor DoA measurement results show that in this frequency band,
diffraction is still a quite important mechanism in LOS cases. Transmission loss is very
high, and in LOS cases, the first two times reflections are important. The block effects of
a person and the other obstacles were also investigated.
In adaptive antenna research at 5 GHz a new channel sounder system was developed. A
new antenna prototype at 5.3 GHz was manufactured and it can be located at a corner of a
laptop for the application of the future WLAN communications. It is a two stacked and
dual-polarized patched antenna with four inputs. The scattering matrix and the element
input patterns have been measured. The preliminary evaluation of the prototype was
carried out combining the radiation pattern of the antenna with indoor measured data
collected by sounder system.
Eigenvalue spread, ergodic capacity, diversity gain, channel correlation matrix etc., have
been studied for 2 GHz MIMO radio channels.
In this RAD research group, one M.Sc. thesis was completed, another is almost ready.
Two journal publications and three conference papers were published or accepted.
In the second RAD Brocom sub-project, a test transmitter concerning the mobile handset
reception techniques and the digital television broadcasting enhancements was designed.
Work was done during this reporting period. First a background study of DVB-T
technology and technical requirements was made. After the requirements had been
established, a preliminary schematic for the test transmitter was outlined. A coarse link
budget calculation was based on the wanted coverage area, studies concerning the
propagation on chosen frequency, and regulations governing the broadcasting. From this
link budget transmission power requirements for the system are obtained, and a full
technical description of the test transmitter was completed.
One M.Sc. thesis was completed, and one conference paper was published during the
report period.
Millimetre Wave Laboratory of Finland - MilliLab
8.2.1 Background
MilliLab is an ESA External Laboratory on Millimetre Wave Technology in the form of a
joint laboratory between Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and HUT. The
main purpose of MilliLab is to offer support to European space industry in the field of
millimetre wave technology. However, other than space technology companies and
organisations are as well welcome to use MilliLab’s expertise.
MilliLab supplies services at millimetre wave frequencies in
− device modelling
− device characterisation
− measurement and testing
− research and development.
The parent organisations, VTT and HUT, have for a long time been prominent in the
fields of microwave and millimetre wave technology. Under the common institute
MilliLab this all has been strengthened in millimetre wave engineering, research and also
in education. All the resources and cooperative assets of these organizations are readily
available via MilliLab. The total number of research personnel with millimetre wave
experience is about 20. Besides the funding from its parent organisations, MilliLab has
received support from TEKES and ESA/ESTEC.
MilliLab’s contact person at the university is MilliLab Senior Scientist. MilliLab Senior
Scientist participates also in the education and teaching activities in the Radio Laboratory
where he is positioned as a researcher with teaching responsibilities.
In 2003, MilliLab hosted, in cooperation with ESA/ESTEC, VTT, HUT, and some
cosponsor bodies, a conference titled 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology
and Applications: circuits, systems, and measurement techniques. This international
conference took place in the architecturally famous Dipoli building in HUT campus area
in May 21-23, 2003. The conference continued the MilliLab and ESA/ESTEC tradition
started in 1998 by a previous Workshop. In 2003 the Workshop was again successful
with a total of about 150 participants from all over the world. In the technical
programme, there were altogether over 100 papers in five Plenary Sessions with
distinguished invited speakers, in 12 regular oral Sessions held two in parallel, and in two
separate Open Forum sessions for poster presentations. Workshop Proceedings copies are
available from MilliLab.
8.2.2 Research and development projects
MilliLab is as one part of following its strategy developing power measurements above
110 GHz. In connection to this, MilliLab has received ESA/ESTEC investment funding
for equipment which are used for supplying services to any potential customer. MilliLab
workers are also taking part in several other research or development projects and much
of this is reported elsewhere in this report and not duplicated here. However, the
following summary concerns a dominantly service-oriented project that was carried out
in MilliLab, HUT Radio Laboratory:
Development work for a primary power measurement standard for D-band, second phase
This activity and project in power standard development enjoyed ESA/ESTEC
investment support. The project on the development of the 100-170 GHz power standard
system was finalised in 2003. After the power standard system was successfully
assembled in MilliLab in December 2002, the operative use period was started including
also some verification and comparison measurements during 2003. The system is in use
as a power reference for MilliLab equipment and for customer service. For the operative
use of the system in future, cooperation possibilities with the Centre for Metrology and
Accreditation (MIKES) will be studied.
Services and capabilities
MilliLab supplies services, design, development, research and manufacturing in the areas
− Waveguide S-parameter measurements up to 700 GHz
− On-wafer S-parameter measurements up to 110 GHz (also when cooled)
− On-wafer noise parameter measurements up to 110 GHz, waveguide to 200 GHz
− Spectrum measurements up to 325 GHz
− Measurement of RF power up to 3000 GHz
− Cryogenic testing of components: between 20 K and room temperature
− Material measurements up to 200 GHz
− Measurements and modelling of antennas and quasi-optics
− Communication systems and subsystems
− Design of mm-wave active and passive circuits
− Receiver front-ends
− Signal generation up to 700 GHz
Many of our capabilities are continuously being extended, for example, by widening
available frequency ranges. Our aim is to extend measurement capabilities to cover
frequencies well above 300 GHz if not such already. The currently existing status of
MilliLab’s main measurement services is presented in URL: MilliLab/
pages/services.htm. The website includes more details of MilliLab activities and
capabilities, and also with respect to the services and work carried out in the premises of
MilliLab, VTT Information Technology.
Centre of Excellence in Research
The Academy of Finland has selected SMARAD as one of the centres of excellence in
research for the period 2002 –2007. According to the Academy: “A unit selected as a
centre of excellence is a research unit or researcher training unit which comprises one or
several high-standard research teams with shared, clearly defined research goals, and
which is at, or has good potential for reaching, the international forefront in its field. The
Academy funds the centres of excellence in research together with other funders, such as
the universities, the National Technology Agency Tekes, ministries, business enterprises
and foundations.” Twenty-six centres of excellence were selected for the period 2000 –
2005 and sixteen more centres of excellence were selected for the period of 2002 –2007.
SMARAD is aiming at world-class research and education in radio engineering and
related signal processing in radio transceivers. SMARAD was formed by the Radio
Laboratory and the Signal Processing Laboratory of the Department of Electrical and
Communications Engineering of HUT. The total number of employees within the
research unit is about 70 including about 30 graduate students and several undergraduate
students working on their Master’s thesis. All the involved faculty are active members of
the IDC (Institute of Digital Communications) and are co-operating in radio and
communications engineering related projects. IDC is a joint institute of several
laboratories in the ECE and Department of Information Technology at HUT that
coordinates both basic and applied research projects. In the education sector, the
participating faculty provides curricula in radio engineering and signal processing in
communications. SMARAD has a well-established network of co-operating partners in
industry, research institutes and academia worldwide. Its funding sources are also diverse
including the Academy of Finland, Tekes and industry. IDC serves as an umbrella
organization for most of the telecommunication projects. In addition, the Radio
Laboratory is the initiator and a contributor to MilliLab, ESA External Laboratory (a joint
institute between VTT and HUT). As a by-product of this research the SMARAD
provides highest-level education and supervision to graduate students in the areas of radio
engineering and communications through HUT and Finnish graduate schools such as
Principal Investigators:
Prof. Antti Räisänen, chairman
− Millimeter wave techniques
Prof. Visa Koivunen, vice-chair
− Statistical and array signal processing in communications
Prof. Timo Laakso
− Signal processing in communications: receiver architectures and algorithms
Prof. Sergei Tretyakov
− Advanced artificial materials and smart structures
Prof. Pertti Vainikainen
− High-frequency and microwave engineering
Members of the the Scientific Advisory Board (in 2003):
− Prof. Leo Ligthart, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
− Prof. Björn Ottersten, Kunglika Tekniska Högskola, Sweden
− Professor, Vice-Rector Mauri Airila, HUT
− Dr. Ritva Dammert and Ms. Anu Huovinen, Academy of Finland
− Dr. Kari-Pekka Estola, Nokia Research Center
− Professor Markku Kivikoski, Tampere University of Technology
− Mr. Juha Tanskanen, Tekes
University Boards
Antti Räisänen
− Board of Directors of MilliLab, Chairman
− E.C.E. Department Council, Vice-member
Pertti Vainikainen
− Deputy Head of E.C.E. Department
Deputy Chairman of the E.C.E. Department Scientific Board
Member of the E.C.E. Department Board
Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Digital Communications
Pekka Eskelinen
− Board of Directors of MilliLab
Other Boards and Activities
Antti Räisänen
− Fellow, IEEE
− Member, Finnish Academy of Technology
− Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2002 –
− Experimental Astronomy, member of the Editorial Board
− Expert statements for Chalmers University of Technology, IEEE Fellow Committee
− Member of the Board, SSF Program of High Frequency Electronics, Chalmers
University of Technology, until April 2003
− Member of the Board, SSF Strategic Research Centre: Cente for High Speed
Electronics and Photonics, Chalmers University of Technology, 2003 –
− Reviews for IEE Electronics Letters, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,
European Microwave Conference, etc.
− Finnish National Committee on Radio Frequency Administration, member
− URSI, member of the Finnish National Committee
− Member of the Board, CSC-Center for Scientific Computing, until June 2003
− The 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: circuits,
systems, and measurement techniques, Espoo, Finland, May 21-23, 2003; Co-Chair
of the Organizing Committee and TPC
− The 11th Microcoll, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary, September
10-12, 2003; member of the TPC
Pertti Vainikainen
− Research Institute for Networks and Communications Engineering (RINCE) of
Dublin City University, member of the advisory board, 1999 − Radio Administration Advisory Board, member
− Reviews for IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Subsurface Sensing Technologies and
Applications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Antennas
and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE VTC Spring ’04, etc.
Pekka Eskelinen
− European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Scientific Committee member
− Institute for the Joining of Materials, Scientific Board Member
− IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Associate Editor
HF2004 Conference, member of the Scientific Board
TUTKAS, Deputy Member of the Board
MATINE, Scientific Advisory Board for Defence,
Technology, vice chair
Electronics and Information
Sergei Tretyakov
− Radio Science, Associate Editor
− Electromagnetics, member of the Editorial Board
− International Bianisotropics Conference Committee, member
− The 2003 International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel
Physical Phenomena, general chair
− Reviews for Radio Science, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Optics Letters,
Electromagnetics, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Journal of Physics A:
Mathematical and General, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Physical Review
E, etc.
Jari Salo
− Reviews for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference – Spring 2004
Jarmo Kivinen
− Review for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, Transactions on
Instrumentations and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring ‘04
Juha Ala-Laurinaho
− Reviews for IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Xiongwen Zhao
− Reviews for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, European Transactions on Telecommunications, IEEE
Communications Letters
Juha Mallat
− Conference Secretary and Member of Organising Committee, Session Chairperson
(Session B4) and Session Co-Chairperson (Session B6), 3rd ESA Workshop on
Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: circuits, systems, and measurement
techniques, 21-23 May 2003, Espoo, Finland
− Review for IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Hassan El-Sallabi
− Reviews for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation
− TPC member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2003-Fall
− TPC member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2004-Spring
International Conference, Meetings and Visits
COST 273, 6th Management Committee Meeting, Barcelona, Spain 15-17 January, 2003
Participants: P. Vainikainen, T. Laitinen
Presentations: O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, T. Lehtiniemi, P. Vainikainen: Connection
between the chassis length, bandwidth, efficiency, and SAR of internal mobile phone
T. Laitinen, P. Vainikainen, T. Koskinen, O. Kivekäs: Characterization of the radiated
fields of mobile terminal antennas from a small number of amplitude-only and complex
field samples
COST 273 2nd Workshop and 7th MCM meeting, Paris, France, 21-23 May, 2003
Participants: P. Vainikainen, P. Suvikunnas
Presentations: P. Suvikunnas, K. Sulonen, J. Kivinen, P. Vainikainen: Effect of antenna
properties on MIMO-capacity in real propagation channels
P. Boutou, J. Krogerus, J.O. Nielsen, T. Bolin, I. Egorov, K. Sulonen: Measurement of
radio performances for umts mobile in speech mode: the first draft of the prestandard
L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Clusterization of measured DoA data in an urban
macrocellular énvironment
COST 284, Workshop on innovative Antennas, Budapest, Hungary, 6-8 April, 2003
Participants: K. Sulonen, J. Villanen
Presentation: J. Villanen, J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, P. Vainikainen: Compact antenna
structures for mobile handsets
COST 273 8th Management Committee Meeting, Prague 24-26 September, 2003
Participants: J. Kivinen, J. Salo, P. Vainikainen L. Vuokko
Presentations: J. Kivinen, P. Suvikunnas, J. Salo, P. Vainikainen: Effect of antenna
polarization in 2x2 MIMO systems
J. Salo, P. Suvikunnas, J. Kivinen, P. Vainikainen: Some insights into MIMO capacity:
the high SNR case
J. Kivinen, P. Suvikunnas, J. Salo, P. Vainikainen: Effect of polarization in 2x2 MIMO
L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Experimental study of clusters in urban
macrocellular environments
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium2003, (PIERS), Singapore, 7-10
January, 2003
Participant: M. Kärkkäinen
Presentations: M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov: FDTD-Model of dielectric and
conducting structures based on a higher-order SIBC
M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov: A new class of analytical absorbing boundary
Observatoire de Paris, 9-10 January, 2003
Visitor: A. Räisänen
EU 6FP Network of Excellence Proposal “FERMAT (MMCT)”, Steering Committee
Meetings, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
4 February, 2003
18 March, 2003
1, April, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen
SSF Programmes: High Frequency Electronics, and Quantum Devices and
Board Meeting 13, Göteborg (Chalmers), 3April, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen
SSF Strategic Research Centre: Center for High Speed Electronics and Photonics, Board
meeting 0, Göteborg (Chalmers), 3 April, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen
Board meeting 1, Göteborg (Chalmers), 14 October, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen
Final Presentation of KASIMIR project, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 4 April,
Participants: V. Möttönen, A. Räisänen
National eScience Centre (NeSC) and The Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
(EPCC), Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 May, 2003
Visitor: A. Räisänen
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Hinxton, Cambridge, UK, 9 May, 2003
Visitor: A. Räisänen
19th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Monterey
CA, USA, 24-28 March, 2003
Participant: M. Kärkkäinen
Presentation: M.K Kärkkäinen: FDTD model of electrically thick material coatings based
on a higher-order surface impedance boundary condition
IEE 12th International Conference on Antennas & Propagation ICAP 2003, Exeter, U.K.,
31 March - 3 April, 2003
Participant: P. Vainikainen
Presentations: J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, C. Icheln, P. Vainikainen: Internal multiband
handset antenna realized with an integrated matching circuit
O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, P. Vainikainen: Connection between the chassis length,
bandwidth, efficiency, and SAR of internal handset antennas
O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, T. Lehtiniemi, P. Vainikainen: Connection between the chassis
length, bandwidth, efficiency, and SAR of internal mobile phone antennas
URSI-F 473, Osaka, Japan, 18 April, 2003
Participant: L. Vuokko
Presentation: L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Clusterization of measured DoA data
in an urban macrocellular environment
Workshop on Special Materials, Florence, Italy, 15-17 April, 2003
Participant: S. Tretyakov
Presentation: S. Tretyakov and S. Maslovski: Negative refraction, near-field memory and
perfect imaging in backward-wave slabs and other artificial media (invited)
EPMCC’03, Glasgow, U.K., 23-25 April, 2003
Participants: P. Vainikainen, X. Zhao
Presentation: X. Zhao, I.T. Rekanos, P. Vainikainen: A recommended Maliuzhinets’
diffraction coefficient for right angle lossy wedges
IEEE 2003 Vehicular Technology Conference, Jeju, Korea 22-25 April, 2003
Participant: H. El-Sallabi
Presentations: H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Improvement in a heuristic UTD
diffraction coefficient for prediction of tadio wave propagation
H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: A new heuristic diffraction coefficient for prediction of
tadio wave propagation
IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, Tampa, USA, 5-8 May, 2003
Participant: P. Eskelinen
Presentations: H. Eskelinen, P. Eskelinen: An experimental arrangement for injection
locking Ka-band oscillators
P. Eskelinen, J. Säily: Enhancing the frequency stability of a millimeter wave network
analyzer with an add-on unit
IEEE IMTC-2003, Vail, CO, USA, 20-22 May, 2003
Participant: T. Laitinen
Presentations: T. Laitinen, P. Vainikainen, T. Koskinen, O. Kivekäs: Amplitude-only vs.
complex field measurements for mobile terminal antennas with a small number of
measurement locations
2003 International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems (IWUWBS) Workshop, Oulu, 34 June, 2003
Participant: J. Kivinen
SPIE, Maspalomas, Spain, 19-21 May, 2003
Presentation: A.J. Viitanen, S.A. Tretyakov: Optically controlled microwave switch
Northern Optics 2003, The joint conference of the Optical Societies of Denmark, Finland,
Norway and Sweden, 16-18 June, 2003, Espoo
Participant: E. Noponen
Presentation: E. Noponen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, V. Viikari, J.
Ala-Laurinaho, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen, J. Salo, J. Meltaus, M.M. Salomaa, Phase-type
diffractive element for planar millimeter-wave generation at 310 GHz
11th International Conference on the Joining of Materials, Helsingør, Denmark, 25-28
May, 2003
Participant: P. Eskelinen
Presentation: P. Eskelinen, H. Eskelinen: Conductive joints in prototyping and field repair
of radio frequency devices
9th IEE Conference on HF Radio Systems and Techniques, Bath UK, 23-26 June, 2003
Participant: V-H. Kilpiä
Presentations: P. Eskelinen, A. Eskelinen: An improved adaptive high power vector
network analyzer for HF antenna tests
P. Eskelinen: The role of HF navigation systems performance in selected aviation
IEEE MTT-S, International Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia, USA, 8-13 June, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen (Associate Editor of MTT Trans.)
IEEE 2003 AP-S/URSI, Columbus, OH, USA, 22-27 June, 2003
Participants: T. Koskinen, V. Golikov, C. Simovski
Presentations: T. Koskinen, J. Mallat, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, J. Häkli, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J.
Tuovinen, A.V. Räisänen: Performance of a small 650 GHz hologram
P. Mladenov, S. Prosvirnin, S. Tretyakov, S. Zouhdi: Planar arrays of wavy microstrip
lines as thin resonant magnetic walls
C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, P. de Maagt: Artificial high-impedance surfaces:
Theoretical analysis for oblique incidence
V. Golikov, S. Hienonen, P. Vainikainen: Effect of impedance loading at higher harmonic
on passive intermodulation
IEE 3G 2003 Conference, London, UK, 25-27 June, 2003
Participant: P. Eskelinen
Presentations: P. Eskelinen, M. Nieminen, A. Paloheimo: A research project of interactive
services and technologies for mixed broadcasting, navigation and mobile communication
S. Ahonen, P. Eskelinen: Performance estimations of mobile terminal location with
database correlation in UMTS networks
Workshop on Optical Properties of Complex Materials, San Sebastián, Spain, 7-11 July,
Participant: S. Tretyakov
Presentation: Physical means to store and amplify evanescent modes (invited)
International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France
21-25 July, 2003
Participant: Ye. Maksimovich
Presentation: V. Mikhnev, Ye. Maksimovitch, P. Vainikainen: Characterization of
shallow underground targets using wideband microwave reflectometry
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Cracow, Poland,1-4 September,
Presentation: A. Viitanen, S. Tretyakov: Modeling microstrip-line structures with regular
hole arrays on the ground plane
IEICE Workshop AP2003-41, Hakodate, Japan, 30 July - 1 August 2003
Participant: L. Vuokko
Presentation: L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Microscopic propagation
mechanisms extracted from measured DoA data in an urban macrocellular environment
Internationa Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 03,
Torino, Italy, 8-12 September, 2003
Participant: S. Maslovski
Presentation: S.I. Maslovski, S.A. Tretyakov, I.S. Nefedov, M.K. Kärkkäinen: Resonators
with backward-wave slabs (invited)
The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC 2003), Beijing, China, 7-10 September, 2003
Participant: L. Vuokko
Presentation: L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Clusterization of measured directionof-arrival data in an urban macrocellular environment
11th Microcoll 2003 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 10-11 September, 2003
Participants: A. Räisänen (session chairman, invited speaker), S. Hienonen
Presentations: V. Golikov, S. Hienonen, P. Vainikainen, J. Villanen: Near-field
measurements of passive intermodulation sources in antenna feeding network
J. Villanen, J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, P. Vainikainen: Compact antenna structures for
mobile handsets
A.V. Räisänen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, E. Noponen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T.
Koskinen, J. Häkli: A compact RCS-range based on a phase hologram for scale model
measurements at submm-wavelengths (invited plenary talk)
International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, MWP2003, Budapest, Hungary,
September 10-12, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen, invited speaker
Presentation: A.V. Räisänen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, E. Noponen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J.
Säily, T. Koskinen, J. Häkli: A compact RCS-range based on a phase hologram for scale
model measurements at submm-wavelengths (invited plenary talk)
11th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Sendai, Japan, 24-26 September,
Participant: V. Möttönen
Presentations: V.S. Möttönen, A.V. Räisänen: Fifth-harmonic waveguide mixer for
500−700 GHz
V.S. Möttönen, A.V. Räisänen: Novel coplanar waveguide-to-rectangular waveguide
IEEE 2003 Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 6-9 October, 2003
Participant: H. El-Sallabi, J. Salo, K. Sulonen
Presentations: J. Villanen, J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, P. Vainikainen: Compact antenna
structures for mobile handsets
K. Sulonen, P. Suvikunnas, J. Kivinen, L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen: Study of different
mechanisms providing gain in MIMO systems
J. Salo, H. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Detection of number of two-dimensional cisoids for
array processing algorithms
H. El-Sallabi, J. Salo, P. Vainikainen: Influence of bandwidth on rake receiver fingers for
enhanced IMT2000 for microcellular communications
European Microwave Week 2003, Munich, Germany, 6-10 October, 2003
Participants: A. Räisänen (Member of EuMA General Assembly), S. Tretyakov, V.
Mikhnev, P. Eskelinen, V. Sibakov
Presentations: J. Ruoskanen, P. Eskelinen, H. Heikkilä, A. Serkola, J. Peltonen:
Millimeter wave backscattering experiments in arctic winter
V.-H. Kilpiä, P. Eskelinen: An experimental frequency converter for DVB tests
V. Mikhnev, P. Vainikainen: Wideband tapered-slot antenna with corrugated edges for
GPR applications
S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski, Thin absorbing structure operational for all incidence
25th Anniversary Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Meeting and
Symposium, Irvine, CA, USA 19-24 October, 2003
Participants: A. Räisänen (session chair), J. Mallat, A. Lönnqvist, J. Häkli
Presentations: A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: A phase hologram based compact
RCS range for scale models (student paper award winner)
J. Häkli, J. Ala-Laurinaho, A.V. Räisänen: Dual reflector feed system for a CATR based
on a hologram
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2003, Hawaii, USA, 13-16
October, 2003
Participants: S. Tretyakov, M. Kärkkäinen
Presentations: M.K. Kärkkäinen: A subcell FDTD model of electrically thin frequencydispersive layer.
M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski, P.A. Belov: A numerical study of the
amplification of evanescent fields in backward-wave slabs
S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, M.K. Kärkkäinen, P. Belov: Recent research in the field of
bacward-wave metamaterials and related devices
M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, P. Belov: A numerical study o the
amplification of evanescent fields in backwawrd-wave slabs
S. Tretyakov, I. Nefedov, A. Sihvola, S. Maslovski, C. Simovski: A metamaterial with
extreme properties: The chiral nihility
EU FP6 Network of Excellence “ACE”
Governing Board Meeting, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 11 November, 2003
Participant: A. Räisänen
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden, 15 December
Visitor: A.V. Räisänen acted as the faculty opponents in the PhD thesis defence of Vassen
National Conferences
The XXXVII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 20-22, 2003,
Participant: E. Noponen
Presentation: E. Noponen, V. Viikari, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, J.
Ala-Laurinaho, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen, J. Salo, J. Meltaus, M.M. Salomaa: Phase
hologram for plane wave generation at 310 GHz.
URSI/IEEE XXVIII National Convention on Radio Science, Oulu, 16-17
October, 2003
Participants: P. Vainikainen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, V. Möttönen, P. Ikonen
Presentations: J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, S.
Ranvier, A. V. Räisänen, J. Säily, J. Tuovinen, V. Viikari: Tests of the ADMIRALS
antenna in a hologram compact antenna test range.
P. Ikonen, S.I. Maslovski, I.A. Kolmakov, S.A. Tretyakov: A new artificial
magnetic particle: Analytical model and measurements.
V.S. Möttönen, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: Characterisation of Schottky diodes through
Conferences organized by the Radio Laboratory
11.3.1 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications
The 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: circuits,
systems, and measurement techniques was organized in Espoo, Finland, on 21-23 May,
2003 by the Radio Laboratory together with MilliLab, ESA/ESTEC, and VTT
Information Technology. The workshop was attended by about 150 scientists from all
over the world. More than 100 presentations were given, and in all respects the
conference repeated the success of the previous similar Workshop held in 1998, also then
in Espoo. A Workshop Proceedings book was published with an accompanying CD to
follow with some extra presentation material included. The Workshop venue was Dipoli
building in the campus area of HUT. The Thursday night Workshop Reception was held
in a restaurant in a restored old-time fortification building hall on the island of Särkkä.
The island is located in beautiful Baltic Sea surroundings although located quite near the
harbour area of Helsinki.
Technical Programme Overview
3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications:
circuits, systems, and measurement techniques, Espoo, Finland
Wednesday, 21st of May 2003:
Registration: 07:45Opening Remarks: 09:00-09:20 J. Tuovinen, R. Coirault
Plenary session 1: (Invited speakers), 09:20-10:20, 2 x 30 min
N. Mandolesi, J. Louhi
Coffee break 10:20-10:50
Session A1: Communications
Session B1: Planck
10:50-12:30, 5 x 20 min
10:50-12:30, 5 x 20 min
Lunch break 12:30-13:30
Plenary session 2: (Invited speakers), 13:30-15:30, 4 x 30 min
W. Menzel, G. H. Tan, T. Gaier, E. Kircher
Coffee break 15:30-15:50
Session A2: Novel Materials and Periodic
Session B2: Sources
15:50-16:50, 3 x 20 min
15:50-16:50, 3 x 20 min
Open Forum 1 (with wine): 17:15-19:00, location: Micronova
During Open Forum, short tours in MilliLab facilities were arranged.
Thursday, 22nd of May 2003:
Plenary session 3: (Invited speakers), 08:30-10:00, 3 x 30 min
D. Lippens, I. Mehdi, D. Smith
Coffee break 10:00-10:30
Session A3: MMIC
Session B3: Quasioptics
10:30-12:10, 5 x 20 min
10:30-12:10, 5 x 20 min
Lunch break 12:10-13:00
Plenary session 4: (Invited speakers), 13:00-14:30, 3 x 30 min
R. Plana, H. Ogawa, P. de Maagt
Open Forum 2 (with coffee): 14:30-16:00, location: Dipoli
Session A4: Microfabrication
Session B4: Measurement Techniques
16:00-17:40, 5 x 20 min
16:00-17:40, 5 x 20 min
Workshop reception: Boat transportation at 18:00 from the pier near Hotel Radisson SAS, a walking
distance from Dipoli.
Friday, 23rd of May 2003:
Plenary session 5: (Invited speakers), 08:30-10:00, 3 x 30 min
A. Barnes, T. Noguchi, H. Merkel
Coffee break 10:00-10:30
Session A5: Applications and Receivers
Session B5: Antennas
10:30-12:10, 5 x 20 min
10:30-12:10, 5 x 20 min
Lunch break 12:10-13:10
Session A6: Mixers and Receivers
Session B6: Passive and Waveguide Components
13:10-14:50, 5 x 20 min
13:10-14:50, 5 x 20 min
More detailed programme information with all chairpersons, speakers/authors,
presentation titles etc., is available in the Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre
Wave Technology and Applications: circuits, systems, and measurement techniques, J.
Mallat, A. Räisänen, J. Tuovinen (editors): ESA WPP-212.
Participants from the Radio Laboratory:
A. Räisänen (Vice-Chair of the TPC, session chair), J. Mallat (Secretary General, session
chair), P. Eskelinen (session chair), A. Lönnqvist (session chair), J. Häkli (session chair),
S. Tretyakov (session chair), P. Belov, H. Teräsranta, S. Geng, J. Ala-Laurinaho (session
chair), J. Säily, V. Möttönen (session chair), T. Koskinen, M. Kärkkäinen, J. Kivinen, D.
Lioubtchenko (session chair), S. Dudorov, P. Vainikainen (session chair).
Presentations by the Radio Laboratory scientists:
P.A. Belov, S.A. Tretyakov, C.R. Simovski: Artificial and controllable materials for
microwave and millimeter wave applications.
S. Geng, J. Kivinen, X. Zhao, P.Vainikainen: Measurements and analysis of wideband
indoor radio channels at 60 GHz.
S.N. Dudorov, D.V. Lioubchenko, J.A. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: On the optimal transition
from rectangular dielectric waveguide to metal waveguide in frequency range of 75-110
GHz: simulation and experimental results.
D.V. Lioubchenko, S.N. Dudorov, J.A. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: Dielectric rod antenna for
W-band with good input match.
D.V. Lioubchenko, S.N. Dudorov, J.A. Mallat, J. Tuovinen, A.V. Räisänen: Power
standard for frequency range of 110-170 GHz.
J. Kivinen: 60 GHz Wideband radio channel sounder.
A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, E. Noponen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T. Koskinen, J. Häkli,
A.V. Räisänen: A phase hologram compact RCS range for scale model measurements.
V.S. Möttönen, A.V. Räisänen: Wideband fifth-harmonic waveguide mixer using two
planar Schottky diodes.
J. Säily, A.V. Räisänen: Scattering studies from radar absorbing materials (RAM) at 200600 GHz.
J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Mallat, J. Säily, J. Tuovinen,
A.V. Räisänen, J. Lemanczyk: Dual reflector feed system for sub-mm wave region
hologram CATR.
J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T. Koskinen, J. Häkli, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, J. Tuovinen,
A.V. Räisänen, J. Lemanczyk: Preparations for testing the ADMIRALS RTO in an ad-hoc
CATR based on a hologram.
J. Häkli, J. Mallat, J. Säily, J. Ala-Laurinaho, A. Lönnqvist, T. Koskinen, A.V. Räisänen:
Improving the measurement accuracy of a planar near-field scanner for submillimetre
wave antenna testing
11.3.2 International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel Physical
The International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel Physical
Phenomena was held during May 26-27 of the year 2003 at Helsinki University of
Technology. It was 10th seminar in the annual line of such events which started in 1994 at
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. The following countries and
universities hosted the Seminar during the previous years:
1994 - Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
1995 - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
1996 - The University of Limoges, Limoges, France
1997 - The University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
1998 - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
1999 - The University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
2000 - The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England
2001 - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2002 - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
The seminar presentations were divided into the following sections by scientific content:
1. Artificial materials, metamaterials, and Veselago media
2. Periodical and PBG structures
3. Applications of ferroelectrics and superconductors
4. High-impedance surfaces
5. Microwave applications of novel materials
The seminar was co-chaired by Professor Sergei Tretyakov and Professor Orest Vendik
(St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University). In addition to 23 regular presentations, 5
tutorial lectures were delivered by invited professors.
26.05. Monday
Tutorial Lectures 1 and 2
10:00-10:30 S. Tretyakov: Artificial materials and metamaterials
10:30-11:00 A. Viitanen: Analytical impedance modeling of complex surfaces
Session 1. Artificial materials, metamaterials, and Veselago media
11:20-11:40 T. Akalin, T. Decoopman, X. Mélique, O. Vanbésien, D. Lippens: Lefthanded metamaterials: applications to the routing of electromagnetic
11:40-12:00 M. Kärkkäinen, S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, P. Belov: Evanescent waves
in LHM slabs: numerical study with the FDTD method
12:00-12:20 T. Decoopman, O. Vanbésien, D. Lippens: Metamaterial-based
transmission lines in a fin-line technology
12:30-12:50 I. Kolmakov: Theoretical investigation of microstrip transmission lines and
resonators on artificial magnetic media
12:50-13:10 E. Prati: K-U band crossover in split ring resonator negative permeability
13:10-13:30 S. Maslovski: Pendry’s lens: physics behind and possible alternatives
Session 2a. Periodical and PBG structures
14:30-14:50 A. Rusanov, V. Yakovenko: Interaction of an electron beam with surface
plasmons in solid-plasma waveguides
O. Shramkova: Damping of magnetoplasma waves in a semiconductor
V. Kaganovich: Propagation of electromagnetic waves in stratified
periodic gyrotropic structures at oblique incidence. Saturation of waves
intensities at selective reflection
T. Uusitupa: Studying 120o PBG waveguide bend using FDTD
27.05. Tuesday
Tutorial Lectures 3 and 4
09:00-09:30 O. Vendik: How to provide a wide operation temperature range of
microwave ferroelectric phase shifters?
09:30-10:00 I. Vendik: LTCC based microwave devices for wireless communications
Session 3. Applications of ferroelectrics and superconductors
10:10-10:30 E. Di Gennaro: A study of microwave complex conductivity in the
multiband superconductor MgB2
10:30-10:50 A. Melkov, V. Marchenko , A. Tkachenko, D. Khokhlov: Formation of
superconducting microbolometers on silicon substrates
10:50-11:10 M. Vasiliev: Temperature dependence of the dielectric responce of
BaxSr1-xTiO3 with a variable composition factor x
Session 2b. High-impedance surfaces
12:20-12:40 F. Bilotti, L. Vegni: Spectral domain full-wave analysis of integrated
structures with (high) impedance ground planes
12:40-13:00 S. Clavijo, R. Diaz: Surface wave suppression bandwidth design of
Sievenpiper high-impedance surfaces
13:00-13:20 M. Kärkkäinen: FDTD analysis of a simple patch antenna utilizing
artificial impedance surfaces
Tutorial Lecture 5
14:20-14:50 A. Sihvola: Straightforward numerical modus operandi in the analysis of
heterogeneous media
Session 4. Microwave applications of novel materials
14:50-15:10 L. Jylhä, A. Sihvola: Computational field analysis of materials with
complex geometries
15:10-15:30 Ya. KolmakovL. Jylhä, A. Sihvola: Computational field analysis of
materials with complex geometries
15:40 – 16:00 D. Morozov, K. Smirnov, O. Okunev, G. Goltsman: Submilimeter
imaging system based on the AlGaAs/GaAs hot electron bolometer mixer
16:00-16:20 V. Denchev, P. Ikonen: Small antennas utilizing artificial materials
Participants from the Radio Laboratory: S. Tretyakov, S. Dudorov, V. Denchev, M.
Kärkkäinen, D. Lioubtchenko, S. Maslovski, P. Belov
Books and Chapters in Books
A. V. Räisänen, A. Lehto: Radiotekniikan perusteet (Fundamentals of Radio
Engineering, in Finnish). Otatieto, Helsinki, Finland – 11th renewed and extended
edition, 2003, 292p.
A.V. Räisänen, A. Lehto: Radio Engineering for Wireless Communication and
Sensor Applications, Artech House (Boston, Massachusetts), May 2003, 396p.
H. Eskelinen, P. Eskelinen: Microwave Mechanics, Artech House 2003,
Norwood, MA, USA, 366 p.
Sergei Tretyakov: Analytical Modeling in Applied Electromagnetics, Artech
House 2003, Norwood, MA 272 p.
D. Lioubtchenko, S. Tretyakov, S. Dudorov: Millimeter-wave waveguides,:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London 2003, 190
J. Mallat, A. Räisänen, J. Tuovinen (editors): Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop
on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: circuits, systems, and
measurement techniques, ESA WPP-212, 21-23 May 2003, Espoo, Finland, 682
S. Tretyakov and S. Maslovski (editors): Proceedings of International Student
Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel Physical Phenomena, Helsinki
University of Technology Radio Laboratory Publications, Report S260, 26-27
May 2003, Espoo, Finland, 91 p.
This book provides the reader with the basics in
radio engineering, i.e., in techniques needed in
generation, control, detection, and utilization of
radio waves. The text is approaching the relevant
problems both from the electromagnetic theory
based on Maxwell’s equations and from the circuit
theory based on Kirchoff’s and Ohm’s laws. Brief
introductions to the electromagnetic theory as well
as to the circuit theory are provided. Besides
passive transmission lines and components, also
active RF circuits are dealt with, and when added
with fundamentals of antennas and radio wave
propagation, this book leads the reader to radio
systems with noise and modulation considerations.
Finally a broad range of applications are described:
radiometry, remote sensing, radio astronomy, RF
sensors, as well as power and medical applications
are included. The book is concluded by a short
review of biological effects and safety standards.
This book provides the reader with the basics in
radio engineering (in Finnish). Brief introductions
to the electromagnetic theory as well as to the
circuit theory are provided. Besides passive
transmission lines and components, also active RF
circuits are dealt with, and when added with
fundamentals of antennas and radio wave
propagation, this book leads the reader to radio
considerations. Finally a broad range of
applications are described: besides various
wireless communication applications, also
radionavigation, radar, radiometry, remote
sensing, radio astronomy, RF sensors, as well as
power and medical applications are included.
Moreover, the book includes a short review of
biological effects and safety standards.
This book is about analytical modeling and
understanding of material layers, composites,
artificial materials and metamaterials. It explains
electromagnetic properties of new artificial
electromagnetic surfaces and metamaterials,
especially size-dependent phenomena in materials,
materials with predefined, engineered, and
electrically controllable properties, backward-wave
or double negative materials and novel prospective
devices like, for example, the perfect lens.
This book is about the key elements of the
millimeter-wave technology: various millimeterwave waveguides, waveguide transitions, and
devices. The book can serve both as a tutorial
presenting the basic theory and the main
experimental techniques necessary for the work with
millimeter-wave waveguides and millimeter-wave
devices, as well as a monograph presenting new
developments in this field. Examples show the use
of millimeter-wave waveguides in the design of
microwave devices and antennas.
This book offers detailed guidance in the mechanical
aspects of designing and manufacturing microwave
components. The book takes an interdisciplinary
approach that combines design and manufacturing,
mechanical and electrical design, and microwave
component performance and productivity. By
exploring the immediate connection between
electrical and mechanical quality, practitioners more
easily arrive at cost-effective solutions and reduce
the unnecessary use of “double-tolerancing”.
Detailed CAD manufacturing documents help ensure
immediate start-up manufacturing and enable direct
CNC-control of CNC machines.
This book is the Proceedings of the 3rd ESA
Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology
and Applications (for more details, see Section
Proceedings of the International Student Seminar on
Microwave Applications of Novel Physical
Phenomena that was held during May 26-27, 2003
at Helsinki University of Technology. It was the
10th seminar in the annual line of such events which
started in 1994 at Chalmers University of
Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. The book contains
abstracts of 23 presentations accepted by the
Technical Program Committee.
Refereed Journal Articles
J. Säily, P. Eskelinen, A.V. Räisänen: Pilot signal based real-time measurement and
correction of phase errors caused by microwave cable flexing in planar near-field
tests. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2003, pp.
J. Meltaus, J. Salo, E. Noponen, M.M. Salomaa, V. Viikari, A. Lönnqvist, T.
Koskinen, J. Säily, J. Häkli, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: Millimeterwave beam shaping using holograms. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques,
Vol. 51, No. 4, 2003, pp. 1274-1280.
U. Frisk, M. Hagström, J. Ala-Laurinaho, S. Andersson, J.-C. Berges, J.-P. Chabaud,
M. Dahlgren, A. Emrich, H.-G. Floren, G. Florin, M. Fredrixon, T. Gaier, R. Haas,
T. Hirvonen, Å. Hjalmarsson, B. Jakobsson, P. Jukkala, P. S. Kildal, E. Kollberg, J.
Lassing, A. Lecacheux, P. Lehikoinen, A. Lehto, J. Mallat, C. Marty, D. Michet, J.
Narbonne, M. Nexon, M. Olberg, A. O. H. Olofsson, G. Olofsson, A. Origné, M.
Petersson, P. Piironen, R. Pons, D. Pouliquen, I. Ristorcelli, C. Rosolen, G. Rouaix,
A. V. Räisänen, G. Serra, F. Sjöberg, L. Stenmark, S. Torchinsky, J. Tuovinen, C.
Ullberg, E. Vinterhav, N. Wadefalk, H. Zirath, P. Zimmermann, R. Zimmermann:
The Odin satellite, Part I: Radiometer design and test. Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Vol. 402, 2003, pp. L27-L34.
I.T.Rekanos, A. Räisänen: Microwave imaging in the time domain of buried multiple
scatterers by using an FDTD-based optimisation technique. IEEE Trans. Magnetics,
Vol. 39, No. 3, 2003, pp. 1381-1384.
X. Zhao, J. Kivinen, P. Vainikainen, K. Skog: Characterization of Doppler spectra
for mobile communications at 5.3 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular and
Technology, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2003, pp.14-23.
M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov: A class of analytical absorbing boundary
conditions originating from the exact surface impedance boundary condition, IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2003, pp. 560563.
M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.I. Maslovski: Wave propagation, refraction, and focusing
phenomena in lorentzian double negative materials: a theoretical and numerical
study, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 37, No. 1, April 2003, pp. 47.
M.K. Kärkkäinen: Subcell FDTD modeling of electrically thin dispersive layers,
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 51, No. 6, June,
2003, pp. 1774-1780.
O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, P. Vainikainen: Wideband dielectric resonator antenna for
mobile phones, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 36, No. 1, January
2003, pp. 25-26.
K. Sulonen, P. Suvikunnas, L. Vuokko, J. Kivinen, P. Vainikainen: Comparison of
MIMO antenna configurations in picocell and microcell environments, Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2003, pp. 703-712.
O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, T. Lehtiniemi, P. Vainikainen: Effect of the chassis length
on the bandwidth, SAR, and efficiency of internal mobile phone antennas,
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2003, pp. 457-462
I.T. Rekanos: Time-domain inverse scattering using lagrange multipliers: an iterative
FDTD-based optimization technique, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and
Applications, Vol 17, No. 2, 271-289, 2003, pp. 272-289.
S.A. Tretyakov, C.R. Simovski: Dynamic model of artificial reactive impedance
surfaces, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2003,
pp. 131-145.
S. Tretyakov, I. Nefedov, A. Sihvola, S. Maslovski, C. Simovski: Waves and energy
in chiral nihility, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 17, No.
5, 2003, pp. 695-706.
V.V. Yatsenko, S.I. Maslovski, S.A. Tretyakov, S.L. Prosvirnin, S. Zouhdi: Planewave reflection from double arrays of small magnetoelectric scatterers, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2003, pp. 2-11.
P.A. Belov, R. Marqués, S.I. Maslovski, I.S. Nefedov, M. Silveirinha, C.R.
Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov: Strong spatial dispersion in wire media in the very large
wavelength limit, Physical Review B, Vol. 67, 2003, pp. 113103(1-4).
P.A. Belov, C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov: Example of bianisotropic
electromagnetic crystals: The spiral medium, Physical Review E, Vol. 67, 2003, pp.
S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski, I.S. Nefedov, M.K. Kärkkäinen: Evanescent modes
stored in cavity resonators with backward-wave slabs, Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2003, pp. 153-157.
S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski: Thin absorbing structure for all incidence angles
based on the use of a high-impedance surface, Microwave and Optical Technology
Letters, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2003, pp. 175-178.
S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski, M.K. Kärkkäinen: Negative refraction, near-field
memory and perfect imaging in backward-wave slabs and other artificial media, Atti
della Fondatione Giorgio Ronchi, Anno LVIII, No. 3-4, 2003, pp. 453-457.
S.A. Tretyakov, A.J. Viitanen, S.I. Maslovski, I.E. Saarela: Impedance boundary
conditions for regular dense arrays of dipole scatterers, IEEE Trans. Antennas
Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 8, 2003, pp. 2073-2078.
M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov: Finite-difference time-domain model of
interfaces with metals and semiconductors based on a higher order surface
impedance boundary condition, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 9,
2003, pp. 2448-2455.
X. Zhao, S. Geng, L. Vuokko, J. Kivinen, P. Vainikainen: Polarization behaviors at
2, 5 and 60 GHz for indoor mobile communications, Wireless Personal
Communications, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2003, pp. 99-115.
V. Mikhnev, P. Vainikainen: Single reference near-field calibration procedure for
step-frequency ground penetrating radar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing, Vol. 41, No.1, 2003, pp. 75-80.
H. M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Influence of chip frequency on characterizing radio
channels for rake receiver fingers for CDMA systems in microcellular environment,
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer
Sciences, Japan, Vol. E86-A, No.10, Oct. 2003, pp. 2492-2500.
H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Radio wave propagation in perpendicular streets of
urban street grid for microcellular communications. Part I: channel modeling,
Progress In Electromagnetic Research (PIER), Vol. 40, 2003, pp. 229-254. (Abstract
also as: H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Radio wave propagation in perpendicular
streets of urban street grid for microcellular communications. Part I: channel
modeling, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 17, No. 8, 2003,
pp. 1157-1158.)
H. M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Improvement in a heuristic UTD diffraction
coefficient, IEE Electronics Letters., Vol. 39, Jan. 2003, pp. 10-12.
N. Y. Ermolova, P. Vainikainen: On the relationship between peak factor of a
multicarrier signal and aperiodic autocorrelation of the generating sequence, IEEE
Communications Letters, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 2003, pp. 107-108.
D.V. Lioubtchenko, I.A. Markov, T.A. Briantseva: GaAs surface modifications
under Au evaporating flux, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 211, No 1-4, 2003, pp.
K. Sulonen, P. Vainikainen: Performance of mobile phone antennas including effect
of environment using two methods. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, Vol. 52, No. 6, December 2003, pp.1859-1864.
S. Hienonen, P. Vainikainen, A.V. Räisänen: Sensitivity measurements of a passive
intermodulation near-field scanner. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol.
45, No. 4, 2003, pp. 124-129.
V.A. Mikhnev, Ye. Maksimovich, P. Vainikainen: Features of the practical use of
wide-band antenna systems of subsurface radars with the stepwise frequency tuning,
Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2003, pp. 60-66.
(Translated from: V. Mikhnev, Ye. Maksimovitch, P. Vainikainen: Some practical
issues of using wideband antennas in the step-frequency ground penetrating radar,
Defectoscopia, No. 1, 2003, pp. 69-77 (in Russian).)
J. Villanen, P. Eskelinen: Small Ku-band phased array antenna system, IEEE
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2003, pp. 7-12.
S. Ahonen, P. Eskelinen: Mobile Terminal Location for UMTS, IEEE Aerospace and
Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2003, pp. 23-27.
P. Sjöman, T. Ruokokoski, N. Hughes, P. Jukkala, P. Kangaslahti, S. Ovaska, P.
Eskelinen: Planck Satellite 70 GHz EBB version back end module, IEEE Aerospace
and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 5, 2003, pp. 22-25.
J. Ruoskanen, P. Eskelinen, H. Heikkilä: Millimeter wave radar with clutter
measurements, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 10,
2003, pp. 19-23.
37. J. Ruoskanen, P. Eskelinen, H. Heikkilä: Target detection trials with a millimeter
wave radar system, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No.
11, 2003, pp. 26-30.
38. P. Belov, S. Maslovski, C. Simovski, S. Tretyakov: A condition composed on the
electromagnetic polarizability of a bianisotropic scatterer, Technical Physics Letters,
Vol. 29, No. 9, 2003, pp. 718-720. (Translated from: P.A. Belov, S.I. Maslovski,
C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov: On one condition on the polarizability of a lossless
bianisotropic scatterer, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol. 29, No. 17, 2003,
pp. 36-40.)
39. P. Belov: Backward waves and negative refraction in uniaxial dielectrics with
negative dielectric permittivity along the anisotropy axis, Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2003, pp. 259-263.
40. M. Kärkkäinen: Finite-difference time-domain Surface impedance models for
electrically thick dispersive material coatings, Radio Science, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2003,
pp. 16-1--16-14.
41. M. Kärkkäinen: Numerical study of wave propagation in uniaxially anisotropic
lorenzian backward-wave slabs, Physical Review E, Vol. 68, No 026602, 2003, pp.
42. S. Maslovski: On the possibility of creating artificial media simultaneously
possessing negative permittivity and permability, Technical Physics Letters, Vol. 29,
No. 1, 2003, pp. 32-34.
43. S. Maslovski and S. Tretyakov: Phase conjugation and perfect lensing, Journal of
Applied Physics, Vo. 94, No. 7, 2003, pp. 4241-4243.
44. S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, P. Belov: An analytical model of metamaterials based on
loaded wire dipoles, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vo. 51, No.
10, 2003, pp. 2652-2658.
45. S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, I. Nefedov, A. Viitanen, P. Belov, A. Sanmartin:
Artificial Tellegen particle, Electromagnetics, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2003, pp. 665-680.
46. I.S. Nefedov, S. A. Tretyakov: Waveguide containing a backward-wave slab, Radio
Science, Vol. 38. No. 6, 2003, p. 1101-1109.
47. K. Kalliola, H. Laitinen, P. Vainikainen, M. Toeltsch, J. Laurila, E. Bonek: 3-D
Double-directional radio channel characterisation for urban macrocellular
applications, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 11,
2003, pp. 3122-3133.
48. O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, T. Lehtiniemi, P. Vainikainen: Bandwidth, SAR, and
efficiency of internal mobile phone antennas, accepted for publication in IEEE
Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2003)
49. C. Icheln, J. Krogerus, P. Vainikainen: Use of baluns in small-antenna radiation
measurements, accepted for April 2004 issue of IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement (2003)
50. S. Hienonen, V. Golikov, P. Vainikainen: Near-field scanner for the detection of
passive intermodulation sources in base station antennas, accepted for publication in
IEEE Transactions on EMC (2003).
51. N. Ermolova, P. Vainikainen: On the design of a strictly nonlinear microwave
amplifier in a multicarrier transmission system, accepted for publication European
Transactions on Telecommunications (2003).
52. J. Säily, A.V. Räisänen: Characterization of submillimeter wave absorbers from 200600 GHz, accepted for publication in International Journal of Infrared and
Millimeter Waves (2003).
Published Proceedings of International Conferences
1. E. Noponen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, V. Viikari, J. AlaLaurinaho, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen, J. Salo, J. Meltaus, M.M. Salomaa: Phase-type
diffractive element for planar millimeter-wave generation at 310 GHz. Proceedings of
Northern Optics 2003, The joint conference of the Optical Societies of Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden, June 16-18, 2003, Espoo, Finland, paper P097, p. 135.
V.S. Möttönen, A.V. Räisänen: Wideband fifth-harmonic waveguide mixer using
two planar Schottky diodes. Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave
Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May 2003, pp. 243-247.
3. D.V. Lioubtchenko, S.N. Dudorov, J.A. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen:
Dielectric rod
antenna for W-band with good input match, Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on
Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May 2003, pp.
4. S. Geng, J. Kivinen, X. Zhao, P. Vainikainen: Measurements
and analysis of
wideband indoor radio channels at 60 GHz, Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on
Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May 2003, pp.
5. J. Säily, A.V. Räisänen: Scattering
studies from radar absorbing materials (RAM) at
200-600 GHz. Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology
and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May 2003, pp. 453-458.
6. M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov: FDTD-Model of dielectric and conducting
structures based on a higher-order SIBC, Conference Digest of Progress in
Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 7.-10.1.2003, Singapore, p. 150.
7. M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov: A new class of analytical absorbing boundary
conditions, Conference Digest of Progress in Electromagnetics Research
Symposium, 7.-10.1.2003, Singapore, p. 147.
8. M.K Kärkkäinen: FDTD model of electrically thick material coatings based on a
higher-order surface impedance boundary condition, Electronic proceeding on 19th
annual review in applied computational electromagnetics, Monterey, California, 2229 March, 2003, pp. 211-216.
9. J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, C. Icheln, P. Vainikainen: Internal multiband handset
antenna realized with an integrated matching circuit, Proceedings of The Twelfth
International Conference on Antennas and Propagation (ICAP2003), Exeter, UK,
March 31 - April 3, 2003, pp. 629-632.
10. O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, P. Vainikainen: Connection between the chassis length,
bandwidth, efficiency, and SAR of Internal handset antennas, Proceedings of The
Twelfth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation (ICAP2003), Exeter,
UK, March 31 - April 3, 2003, pp. 735-738.
11. X. Zhao, I. Rekanos, P. Vainikainen: A recommended maliuzhinets diffraction
coefficient for right angle lossy wedges, Proceedings of EPMCC’03, Glasgow, U.K.,
22-25 April, 2003, pp. 195-198.
12. T. Laitinen, J. Ollikainen, C. Icheln, P. Vainikainen: Rapid spherical 3-D field
measurement system for mobile terminal antennas, Proceedings of IMTC-2003, Vail,
Co, USA, 20-22 May, 2003, pp. 968-972.
13. T. Laitinen, P. Vainikainen, T. Koskinen, and O. Kivekäs: Amplitude-only vs.
complex field measurements for mobile terminal antennas with a small number of
measurement locations, 2003 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology
Conference (IMTC2003), CD-rom,Vail, CO, USA, 20-22, May, 2003, pp. 958-962.
14. J. Villanen, J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, P. Vainikainen: Compact Antenna Structures
for Mobile Handsets, Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall
2003 (VTC2003-Fall), Orlando, FL, October 6-9, 2003, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-78037955-1), paper 08A_02.pdf.
15. J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Mallat, J. Säily, J.
Tuovinen, A. V. Räisänen, J. Lemanczyk: Dual reflector feed system for sub-mm
wave region hologram CATR. Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre
Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May, 2003, pp. 353-358.
16. J. Häkli, J. Mallat, J. Säily, J. Ala-Laurinaho, A. Lönnqvist, T. Koskinen, A. V.
Räisänen: Improving the measurement accuracy of a planar near-field scanner for
submillimetre wave antenna testing. Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on
Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May, 2003,
pp. 399-405.
17. J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T. Koskinen, J. Häkli, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, J.
Tuovinen, A.V. Räisänen, J. Lemanczyk: Preparations for testing the ADMIRALS
RTO in an ad-hoc CATR based on a hologram. Proceedings of 3rd ESA Workshop on
Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May 2003, pp.
J. Kivinen: 60 GHz wideband radio channel sounder, Proceedings of 3rd ESA
Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23
May, 2003, pp. 171-175.
A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, E. Noponen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T. Koskinen, J.
Häkli, A.V. Räisänen: A phaserd hologram compact RCS range for scale model
measurements, Proceedings of 3 ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology
and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May 2003, pp. 511-516.
H. Eskelinen, P. Eskelinen: An experimental arrangement for injection locking Kaband oscillators, Proceedings of IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, Tampa, USA,
5-8 May, 2003, 4 p.
P. Eskelinen, J. Säily: Enhancing the frequency stability of a millimeter wave
network analyzer with an add-on unit, Proceedings of IEEE Frequency Control
Symposium, Tampa, USA, 5-8 May 2003, 4 p.
P. Eskelinen, H. Eskelinen: Conductive joints in prototyping and field repair of radio
frequency devices, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on the Joinign of
Materials, Helsingør, Denmark, May 25-28, 2003, 5p.
P. Eskelinen, A. Eskelinen: An improved adaptive high power vector network
analyzer for HF antenna tests, Proceedings of 9th IEE Conference on HF Radio
Systems and Techniques, Bath UK, 23-26 June, 2003, pp. 48-51.
P. Eskelinen: The role of HF navigation systems performance in selected aviation
accidents, Proceedings of 9th IEE Conference on HF Radio Systems and Techniques,
Bath UK, 23-26 June, 2003, pp. 262-264.
P. Eskelinen, M. Nieminen, A. Paloheimo: A research project of interactive services
and technologies for mixed broadcasting, navigation and mobile communication,
Proceedings of IEE 3G 2003 Conference, London, UK, 25-27 June, 2003, pp. 282284.
S. Ahonen, P. Eskelinen: Performance estimations of mobile terminal location with
database correlation in UMTS networks, Proceedings of IEE 3G 2003 Conference,
London, UK, 25-27 June, 2003, pp. 400-403.
T. Koskinen, J. Mallat, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, J. Häkli, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J.
Tuovinen, A. V. Räisänen: Performance of a small 650 GHz hologram. Digest of
2003 IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Vol. 3, Columbus,
OH, USA, June 22-27, 2003, pp. 532-535.
J. Ruoskanen, P. Eskelinen, H. Heikkilä, A. Serkola, J. Peltonen: Millimeter wave
backscattering experiments in arctic winter, Proceedings of European Microwave
Week 2003, Munich, Germany, 6-10 October 2003, 4 p.
V.-H. Kilpiä, P. Eskelinen: An experimental frequency converter for DVB tests,
Proceedings of European Microwave Week 2003, Munich, Germany, 6-10 October
2003, pp. 463-466.
V. Golikov, S. Hienonen, P. Vainikainen: Near-field measurements of passive intermodulation sources in antenna feeding network. Proc. of the 11th Microcoll
Conference, Budapest, 10-11 September, 2003, pp. 289−292.
A.J. Viitanen, S.A. Tretyakov: Optically controlled microwave switch device, Smart
Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 5116, part 2, pp. 543-550,
Maspalomas, Spain, 19-21 May, 2003, pp. 543-550.
P.A. Belov, S.A. Tretyakov, C.R. Simovski: Artificial and controllable materials for
microwave and millimeter wave applications, 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre
Wave Technology and Applications, Millilab, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May, 2003, pp.
H. Teräsranta, A. Viitanen, S. Tretyakov: Modelling and measurement of a regular
metal hole array sheet structure, 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology
and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May, 2003, pp. 465-470.
P. Mladenov, S. Prosvirnin, S. Tretyakov, S. Zouhdi: Planar arrays of wavy
microstrip lines as thin resonant magnetic walls, IEEE Antennas and Propagation
Society International Symposium, vol. 2, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 22-27, 2003,
pp. 1103-1106.
35. C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, P. de Maagt: Artificial high-impedance surfaces:
Theoretical analysis for oblique incidence, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
International Symposium, vol. 4, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 22-27, 2003, pp. 434437.
36. A. Viitanen, S. Tretyakov: Modeling microstrip-line structures with regular hole
arrays on the ground plane, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design,
vol. 2, Cracow, Poland, September 1-4, 2003, pp. 221-224.
37. S.I. Maslovski, S.A. Tretyakov, I.S. Nefedov, M.K. Kärkkäinen: Resonators with
backward-wave slabs: Evanescent modes memorized, Intern. Conf. on
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA’03, Torino, Italy, September 812, 2003, pp. 443-446.
38. S.N. Dudorov, D.V. Lioubchenko, J.A. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: On the optimal
transition from rectangular dielectric waveguide to metal waveguide in frequency
range of 75-110 GHz: simulation and experimental results, Proceedings of the 3rd
ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland,
21-23 May, 2003, pp. 665-670.
39. D.V. Lioubchenko, S.N. Dudorov, J.A. Mallat, J. Tuovinen, A.V. Räisänen: Power
Standard for Frequency Range of 110-170 GHz, Proceedings of the 3rd ESA
Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23
May, 2003, pp. 535-540.
40. P. Belov, S. A. Tretyakov, Simovski, C.R.: Artificial and controllable materials for
microwave andmillimeter wave applications, Proceedings of the 3rd ESA Workshop
on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Espoo, Finland, 21-23 May, 2003,
pp 123-128.
41. A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: A thphase hologram based compact RCS
range for scale models, Proceedings of the 25 Annual Meeting & Symposium of the
Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), Irvine, CA, USA, 19-24
October, 2003, pp. 118-123.
42. J. Häkli, J. Ala-Laurinaho, A.V. Räisänen: Dual
reflector feed system for a CATR
based on a hologram, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting & Symposium of the
Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), Irvine, CA, USA, 19-24
October, 2003, pp. 269–274.
43. L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Clusterization of measured DoA Data in an
urban macrocellular environment, Proceedings of URSI-F 473, Osaka, Japan, 18
April, 2003, 4p.
44. L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Microscopic propagation mechanisms
extracted from measured doa data in an urban macrocellular environment, IEICE
Technical Report, Vol. 103, No. 230, IEICE Workshop AP 2003-41, Hakodate,
Japan, 30 July - 1 August, 2003, pp. 1-6.
45. L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Clusterization of measured direction-ofarrival data in an urban macrocellular environment, The 14th IEEE International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2003)
Proceedings, Vol. II, Beijing, China, 7-10 September, 2003, pp. 1222-1227.
46. V. Golikov, S. Hienonen, P. Vainikainen: Effect of impedance loading at higher
harmonic on passive intermodulation, Proceedings of the IEEE AP-S International
symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Columbus, OH. USA, 22-27 June, 2003,
vol. 4, pp.378-381.
47. V. S. Möttönen, A. V. Räisänen: Fifth-harmonic waveguide mixer for 500−700 GHz,
Technical Digest of the 11th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics,
Sendai, Japan, 24−26 September, 2003, p. 29.
48. V.S. Möttönen, A.V. Räisänen: Novel coplanar waveguide-to-rectangular waveguide
transition, Technical Digest of the 11th International Conference on Terahertz
Electronics, Sendai, Japan, 24−26 September, 2003, p. 80.
49. A.V. Räisänen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, E. Noponen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T.
Koskinen, J. Häkli: A compact RCS-range based on a phase hologram for scale
modelthmeasurements at submm-wavelengths (invited plenary talk). Proceedings of
the 11 Microcoll, Budapest, Hungary, September 10-11, 2003, pp. 105-108.
50. A.V. Räisänen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, E. Noponen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T.
Koskinen, J. Häkli: A compact RCS-range based on a phase hologram for scale
model measurements at submm-wavelengths (invited plenary talk). Proceedings of
the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, MWP2003, Budapest,
Hungary, September 10-12, 2003, pp. 55-58.
51. H. M. El-Sallabi: Influence of bandwidth on rake receiver captured power for
enhanced IMT2000, IEEE 2003 Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, FL,
USA, 6-9 October, 2003, 08D 04 inCD.
52. J. Salo, H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Detection of the number of twodimensional cisoids in white Gaussian noise for array processing algorithms, IEEE
2003 Vehicular Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 6-9 October, 2003,
paper 08A_03 in CD
53. H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: Improvement in a heuristic UTD diffraction
coefficient for prediction of radio wave propagation, Proc. of the IEEE Vehicl.
Technol. Conf. VTC2003-Spring, April 21-24, 2003, Jeju, Korea, paper 101 in CD.
54. H.M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: A new heuristic diffraction coefficient for
prediction of radio wave propagation, Proc. of the IEEE Vehicl. Technol. Conf.
VTC2003-Spring, April 21-24, 2003, Jeju, Korea, paper 102 in CD.
55. V. Mikhnev, Ye. Maksimovitch, P. Vainikainen: Characterization of shallow
underground targets using wideband microwave reflectometry. Proceedings of the
2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS
2003), Toulouse, 21-25 July 2003, CD, 7 p.
56. V. Mikhnev, P. Vainikainen: A comparative study of data proecessing algorithms for
radar imaging of stratified building structures. Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), Berlin, 1619 September, 2003, CD, 7 p.
57. V. Mikhnev, P. Vainikainen: Wideband tapered-slot antenna with corrugated edges
for GPR applications, Proceedings of the 33st European Microwave Conference,
Munich, Germany, 6-8 October 2003, pp. 727-730.
58. M.K. Kärkkäinen: FDTD analysis of a simple patch antenna utilizing artificial
impedance surfaces, Proceeding of International Student Seminar on Microwave
Applications on Novel Physical Phenomena, Espoo, May 26-27, 2003, pp. 73-75.
59. M.K. Kärkkäinen, S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, P. Belov: Evanescent waves in LHM
slabs: numerical study with the FDTD method, Proceeding of International Student
Seminar on Microwave Applications on Novel Physical Phenomena, Espoo, May 2627, 2003, pp. 13-16.
60. S. Maslovski: Pendry’s lens: physics behind and possible alternatives, Proceeding of
International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications on Novel Physical
Phenomena, Espoo, May 26-27, 2003, pp. 26-29.
61. M.K. Kärkkäinen: A subcell FDTD model of electrically thin frequency-dispersive
layer, Electronic proceedings of PIERS 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 13-16, 2003, p.
62. M.K. Kärkkäinen, S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski, P.A. Belov: A numerical study of
the amplification of evanescent fields in backward-wave slabs, 13.-16.10.2003,
Electronic proceedings of PIERS 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, 13-16 October, 2003, p.
63. S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, M.K. Kärkkäinen, P. Belov: Recent research in the field
of bacward-wave metamaterials and related devices, Electronic proceedings of
PIERS 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, 13-16 October, 2003, p. 233.
64. S.A. Tretyakov, S.I. Maslovski: Thin absorbing structure for all incidence angles
based on the use of a high-impedance surface, Proceedings of European Microwave
Week 2003, Munich, Germany, 6-10 October 2003, pp.1107-1110.
65. S. Tretyakov, I. Nefedov, A. Sihvola, S. Maslovski, C. Simovski: A metamaterial
with extreme properties: The chiral nihility. Electronic proceedings of PIERS 2003,
Honolulu, Hawaii, 13-16 October, 2003, p. 468.
66. M. Kärkkäinen, S. Tretyakov, S. Maslovski, P. Belov: Evanescent waves in LHM
slabs: Numerical study with the FDTD method. Proceedings of the International
Student Seminar on Microwave Applications on Novel Physical Phenomena, Espoo,
Finland, 21-22 May, 2003, 13-16.
67. K. Sulonen, P. Suvikunnas, J. Kivinen, L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen: Study of
Different mechanisms providing gain in MIMO systems, Proceedings of IEEE 58th
Vehicular Technology Conference 2003-Fall, Orlando, Florida, USA, 6- 9 October,
2003, paper 03C_01.pdf.
Published Proceedings of National Conferences
E. Noponen, V. Viikari, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, J. AlaLaurinaho, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen, J. Salo, J. Meltaus, M.M. Salomaa: Phase
hologram for plane wave generation at 310 GHz. Proceedings of the XXXVII Annual
Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Helsinki, March 20-22, 2003, paper
13.20, p. 377.
V.S. Möttönen, J. Mallat, A.V. Räisänen: Characterisation of Schottky diodes
through measurements. Digest of the XXVIII URSI National Convention on Radio
Science & IV Finnish Wireless Communication Workshop, Oulu, 16 – 17 October,
2003, pp. 54-55.
J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, S. Ranvier, A.V.
Räisänen, J. Säily, J. Tuovinen, V. Viikari: Tests of the ADMIRALS antenna in a
hologram compact antenna test range. Digest of the XXVIII URSI National
Convention on Radio Science & IV Finnish Wireless Communication Workshop,
Oulu,16 – 17 October, 2003, pp. 263-266.
P. Ikonen, S.I. Maslovski, I.A. Kolmakov, S.A. Tretyakov: A new artificial magnetic
particle: Analytical model and measurements, URSI/IEEE XXVIII Convention on
Radio Science, Proceedings of XXVIII National Convention on Radio Science & IV
Finnish Wireless Communication Workshop, Oulu, 16-17 October, Oulu, pp. 217220.
Other Published Presentations at Scientific Meetings
1. O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, T. Lehtiniemi, P. Vainikainen: Connection between the
chassis length, bandwidth, efficiency, and SAR of internal mobile phone antennas,
COST 273 Temporary Document TD (03) 041, 6th Management Committee Meeting
of COST 273, Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks, Barcelona, Spain,
January 15-17, 2003.
2. J. Villanen, J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, P. Vainikainen: Compact antenna structures for
mobile handsets, 3rd Management Committee Meeting of COST 284, Innovative
Antennas for Emerging Terrestrial and Space-Based Applications, Budapest,
Hungary, April 6-8, 2003.
3. T. Laitinen, P. Vainikainen, T. Koskinen, and O. Kivekäs: Characterization of the
radiated fields of mobile terminal antennas from a small number of amplitude-only
and complex field samples, COST Temporary Document TD (03) 051, 6th
Management Committee Meeting of COST 273, Towards Mobile Broadband
Multimedia Networks, Barcelona, Spain, 15-17 January, 2003.
4. L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Clusterization of measured DoA data in an
urban macrocellular environment, COST 273 Temporary Document TD(03)122,
Paris, France, 21-23 May, 2003, 5p.
5. P. Suvikunnas, K. Sulonen, J. Kivinen, P. Vainikainen: Effect of antenna properties
on MIMO-capacity in real propagation channels, 2nd COST 273 Workshop on
Broadband Wireless Access, Paris, France, May 21-22, 2003, pp. 1-6.
6. P. Boutou, J. Krogerus, J.O.Nielsen, T. Bolin, I. Egorov, K. Sulonen: Measurement of
Radio Performances for UMTS Mobile in Speech Mode: the First Draft of the
Prestandard, COST 273-meeting, Paris, France, 22.5.2003, COST 273 Temporary
Document paper TD(03)140, 16p.
7. I. Salonen, P. Vainikainen: Robust downlink beamforming with wide null sectors for
realistic array using directional weighting, COST 284 4th Management Committee
Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 16 September, 2003, 4p.
8. J. Salo, P. Suvikunnas, J. Kivinen, and P. Vainikainen: Some Insights into MIMO
Capacity: the High SNR Case, COST 273 8th Management Committee Meeting,
Prague, Czech Republic, September 24-26, TD (03) 185, 2003.
9. J. Kivinen, P. Suvikunnas, J. Salo and P. Vainikainen, Effect of antenna polarization
in 2x2 MIMO systems, COST 273 Temporary Document, TD(03)197, Prague, Czech
Republic, 24-26 September, 2003, 6 p.
10. L. Vuokko, P. Vainikainen, J. Takada: Experimental study of clusters in urban
macrocellular environments, COST 273 Temporary Document TD(03)176, Prague,
Czech Republic, 24-26 September 2003, 12p.
11. H. M. El-Sallabi, P. Vainikainen: A New Heuristic Diffraction Coefficient for
Prediction of Radio Wave Propagation, COST273 Temporary Document, TD(03)027,
Barcelona, Spain, 15-17 Januar, 2003, 7p.
Refereed Final Reports
1. H. M. El-Sallabi: Modeling and characterization of urban radio channels for mobile
communications, Helsinki University of Technology, Radio Laboratory, Report S
261, July 2003, 160 p.
2. J. Säily: Instrumentation of a submillimetre wave hologram compact antenna test
range, Helsinki University of Technology, Radio Laboratory, Report S 262,
September 2003, 100 p.
3. V. Möttönen, M. Kuokkanen, J. Mallat, A. Räisänen, P. Piironen: Summary report:
Optimisation of low-loss LNA transition, Summary Report, ESTEC Contract No.
16765/02/NL/LvH/nv, Dno. OLNAT-SR-VM-02-03, 2003, 46 p.
4. V. Möttönen, M. Kuokkanen, J. Mallat, A. Räisänen, P. Piironen: Mid-term progress
report: Optimisation of low-loss LNA transition, ESTEC Contract No.
16765/02/NL/LvH/nv, Dno. OLNAT-MPR-VM-01-03, 2003, 15 p.
5. V. Möttönen, A. Räisänen: Final report: Mm and sub-mm-wave open structure
integrated receiver front-end technology development: 650 GHz subharmonic
waveguide mixer, ESTEC Contract No. 11806/96/NL/CN, 2003, 38 p .
6. V. Möttönen, A. Räisänen: Final report: Modelling of quasivertical Schottky diodes
for a submm wave application, CCN to ESTEC Contract No. 11806/96/NL/CN, 2003,
32 p.
7. A. Lönnqvist, J. Ala-Laurinaho, T. Koskinen, J. Häkli, J. Mallat, J. Säily, A.
Räisänen, J. Tuovinen, V. Viikari: Final Report for Task 1 of the project
Submillimetre Wave Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR: Development of the
hologram manufacturing. WP120: Procurement and testing of sample holograms,
WP130: Procurement of a hologram for 650 GHz, WP140: Procurement of a large
hologram for 322 GHz, ESTEC Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB, CCN-01, Dno.
SUBHOLO-FR-AL-01-03, MilliLab, December 2003, 21 p.
8. J. Häkli, J. Ala-Laurinaho, T. Koskinen, J. Mallat, A. Lönnqvist, J. Säily, A.
Räisänen, J. Tuovinen: Final Report for Task 2 of the project Submillimetre Wave
Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR: Dual reflector feed system for the
hologram CATR, ESTEC Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB, CCN-01, Dno.
SUBHOLO-FR-JH-01-03, MilliLab, December 2003, 38 p.
9. J. Säily, T. Koskinen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, V. Möttönen, J. Mallat, J. Häkli, A.
Lönnqvist, V. Viikari, A. Räisänen, J. Tuovinen: Final Report for Task 3 of the
project Submillimetre Wave Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR:
Instrumentation and demonstration of a hologram CATR at 650 GHz, ESTEC
Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB, CCN-01, Dno. SUBHOLO-FR-JS-01-03, MilliLab,
December 2003, 30 p.
10. T. Koskinen, J. Säily, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Häkli, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, V. Viikari,
V. Möttönen, A. Räisänen, J. Tuovinen: Final Report for Task 4 of the project
Submillimetre Wave Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR: Design and testing of
a hologram CATR at 322 GHz, ESTEC Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB, CCN-01,
Dno. SUBHOLO-FR-TKo-01-03, MilliLab, December 2003, 36 p.
11. J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Säily, T. Koskinen, J. Häkli, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, A.
Räisänen, J. Tuovinen, V. Viikari: Final Report for Task 5 of the project
Submillimetre Wave Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR: Antenna
measurement with a hologram CATR, ESTEC Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB, CCN01, Dno. SUBHOLO-FR-JA-01-03, MilliLab, December 2003, 25 p.
12. J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, J. Säily, A.
Räisänen, J. Tuovinen, V. Viikari: Final Report for Task 6 of the project
Submillimetre Wave Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR Report: Comparison
of antenna measurement techniques, ESTEC Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB, CCN01, Dno. SUBHOLO-FR-JA-02-03, MilliLab, December 2003, 21 p.
13. J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Häkli, T. Koskinen, A. Lönnqvist, J. Mallat, A. Räisänen, J.
Säily, J. Tuovinen, V. Viikari: Abstract and Summary Report: Submillimetre Wave
Antenna Testing Using a Hologram CATR, ESTEC Contract No. 13096/98/NL/SB,
CCN-01, Dno. SUBHOLO-FR-JA-03-03, MilliLab, December 2003, 17 p.
14. S. Ranvier: Participation in the hologram CATR (Compact Antenna Test Range)
project, EFREI Master thesis, 40 p.
Nonrefereed Articles and Reports
1. J. Säily, A.V. Räisänen: Studies on specular and non-specular reflectivities of radar
abosrbing materials (RAM) at submillimtre wavelengths, Helsinki University of
Technology, Radio Laboratory, Report S 258, February 2003, 59 p.
2. Räisänen, S. Lindberg (eds.): HUT Radio Laboratory Research and Education 2002,
Helsinki University of Technology, Radio Laboratory, Report S 259, March 2003, 62
3. P. Eskelinen: Book review: MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal / 50 Years of Radar,
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol 18, number 1, January 2003,
pp. 37-38.
4. P. Eskelinen: Book review: Principles of radar and sonar signal processing, IEEE
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol 18, No. 3, March 2003, pp. 31-32.
5. P. Eskelinen: Reviewer’s Response, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Magazine, Vol 18, No. 5, May 2003, pp. 41-42.
6. A. Räisänen: Älykkäille ja uusille radioille riittää spektriä, Signaali, No. 1, 2003, s.
7. P.Eskelinen: Book review: Opto-mechatronics handbook, IEEE Aerospace and
Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 10, October 2003, pp. 24-25.
8. J. Tuovinen, J. Mallat (editors): Research activities of MilliLab 2001-2002, MilliLab,
Espoo, Finland, 2003, 45 p.
9. A. Oja, A. Alastalo, J. Knuuttila, A.V. Räisänen, I. Tittonen, A. Kallio, M.M.
Salomaa: MEMS-radio yhdelle piisirulle, Prosessori (Erikoisjulkaisu: Elektroniikan
suunnittelu), November 2003, pp. 56-57.
1. J. Tuovinen, A. Vasara, A. Räisänen: Antennen-Kompaktmessanlage, Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, Patent Nr. 4292497, 26.06.2003.
2. J. Ollikainen, O. Kivekäs, P. Vainikainen: Tunable patch antenna for wireless
communication terminals, US Patent 6650295, November 18, 2003.
3. J. Ollikainen, P. Vainikainen: Oikosuljetuilla mikroliuskoilla toteutettu laajakaistaantenni (Broadband antenna realized with shorted microstrips), Pat. FI110395 B,
Appl. 971235, 25.03.1997, (15.1.2003), 22 p.