Windows Explorer
Windows Explorer
Using Windows Explorer FIGURE WIN2.1 Windows Explorer Title Bar Menu Bar Computers store files in a manner similar to a traditional paper-based filing system. A traditional filing system has file cabinets, drawers, files, and folders. Windows has multiple drives, folders on those drives, and files within the folders. In each system, a document (or file) is the smallest unit of data. Using Windows’ file management tools, you can control and organize your data files in a way that is meaningful to you. Operating system and program files, however, should not be moved or removed by a typical user. With Windows Explorer, you can create folders, move folders, and rename folders. You also can move, copy, rename, and delete files. When you open Explorer, your files are displayed in the right pane with these column headings: Name, Size, Type, and Modified. Folders are always displayed first, in alphabetical order, and files are displayed in alphabetical order after the folders. By clicking on a column heading, you can sort the column in the opposite order. Standard Toolbar Links Toolbar Address Bar Folders Pane Contents Pane Status Bar TABLE WIN2.1 Windows Explorer Components (Note: Before completing the steps in this topic and the remaining topics in this section, the Windows Data Files folder and its contents must be available on your computer’s hard drive. This folder can be downloaded from the EMC/Paradigm Web site, or you may get it from your instructor.) 1 2 Component Function Title bar Displays the application name and/or the open file name Menu bar Provides access to various commands Click the Start button on the Taskbar and then point to Programs. Standard toolbar Allows quick access to features Links toolbar Offers quick access to various sites on the Internet Folders pane Lists the folders and drives to which you have access When you point to Programs, a side menu displays. Contents pane Displays the contents of the folder or drive selected in the Folders pane Status bar Provides information about the items displayed in the Folders pane and the Contents pane. This information changes depending on what you have selected. At the side menu, click Windows Explorer. Step 1 3 ? b em Click the down-pointing triangle at the right side of the Views button on the Windows Explorer Standard toolbar and then click Details at the drop-list list. Step 3 ? em Pro l b Pro l Figure WIN2.1 shows the Windows Explorer window. See Table WIN2.1 for a list of the components and their functions. Step 2 If your Windows Explorer window does not display toolbars, click View and then Toolbars on the Menu bar. Click the toolbar you wish to display (you will see a check mark next to the toolbar name). If the Views button is not visible, increase the width of the Windows Explorer window until it displays on the toolbar. If your View is already set to Details, you can skip step 3. 4 Step 4 Click the column heading Name to sort the files in descending order. By default, folder and file names are displayed in ascending order. Clicking the Name column heading changes the order from ascending to descending. Descending order is Z to A for text names and higher numbers to lower numbers for number names written as integers. An integer is a whole number. 18 Managing Files and Customizing Windows W Managing Files and Customizing Windows INDOW 19 S S W (continued) INDOW