2016 - Alamosa School District
2016 - Alamosa School District
Employee Handbook 2016-2017 Alamosa School District RE-11J ALAMOSA SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-11J BOARD OF EDUCATION MISSION STATEMENT AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES MISSION Our mission is to maintain a culture of educational excellence that: Promotes exemplary academic success Develops confidence and abilities to embrace the challenges of a rapidly changing world Encourages personal growth Nurtures individual talents Fosters a culture of respect that values and celebrates diversity Provides a safe and healthy environment CORE BELIEF Our mission will be accomplished through a partnership of staff, students, family and community. GUIDING PRINCIPLES 1. School professionals accept responsibility for effective instruction of ALL students. 2. Staff will engage in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) 3. School improvement will emphasize the utilization of best practice. 4. School administrators are efficient managers and effective instructional leaders. BOARD OF EDUCATION The Alamosa School District covers seven Board of Education Director Districts. The Board of Education generally meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Office. These meetings are open to the public. The Boards’ meeting time is dedicated to their mission and focus areas. Anyone wishing to make a presentation may be placed on the agenda by contacting the Superintendent’s office by the Monday preceding the meeting. Public participation is an opportunity to present brief comments or pose questions to the Board regarding agenda items. Each person must limit comments to three minutes. The following is the listing of current Board of Education members. District Number Director District #1 Name Charlie Sanchez 2631 County Road 12 S. Alamosa, CO 81101 719-580-7777 Term Expires November, 2017 Director District #2 Jan DeSautell 1118 Riverbend Ct. Alamosa, CO 81101 719-480-2828 November, 2019 Director District #3 Neil Hammer 73 Sierra Ave. Alamosa, CO 81101 719-589-6876 November, 2017 Director District #4 Erica Romero Appointed 11/14/11 elec. 11/5/13 208 13th Street Alamosa, CO 81101 719-588-3789 November, 2017 Director District #5 Mandy Jackson 3917 C.R. 107 S. Alamosa, CO 81101 719-588-3428 November, 2019 Director District #6 Arlan Van Ry 6609 County Road 114 S. Alamosa, CO 81101 719-580-5615 November, 2017 Director District #7 Christine Haslett 6851 C.R. 10 South Alamosa, CO 719-580-4092 November, 2019 DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLAN Improvement Strategy #1: Systematic Standards Based Curriculum Description-Systemic Standards Based Instruction- Focused on Essential Concepts: Continue to embed a standards based teaching framework, district wide, based on high expectations for every student. Instruction and learning will be focused on essential concepts with frequent progress monitoring through formative assessments that will help to determine appropriate interventions and ensure greatest impact on student achievement. Action Step Timeline Responsibility Measures of Success Curriculum Work Align and articulate curriculum (vertically and horizontally) on an annual basis -ensure that curriculum is systemic and the necessary concepts and skills are developed, supported, and built upon at each grade level. 20142018ongoing ASD Instructional staff, district, building and school level leadership, department reps All core content and elective curriculum turned in and posted on website, cross reference with standards to ensure alignment Use student performance data from state assessments to identify any gaps in the curriculum 2016-2018 ASD instructional staff, district, building and grade level leadership teams Critical Content Instructional staff and administration will continue curriculum and assessment work, analyzing curriculum to identify critical concepts in each content area. Staff will utilize the three step approach to identify essential critical concepts in each content area. 20162018 Building administration, department reps, Asst. Superintendent Critical Content documented at each grade level and for each content area, objectives aligned to critical content, formative and summative assessments in place to assess student learning Improvement Strategy #2- Effective Research Based Instruction Description: Teachers will utilize effective instructional strategies in their classrooms that will ensure the appropriate level of rigor, student engagement, and inclusion of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model Action Step Timeline Responsibility Measures of Success Professional Development focused on research based instructional strategiesto include differentiation (SIOP), intentional lesson planning, GRR, Marzano’s strategies 2016-2018 District Leadership Team, building administration, Asst. Superintendent Staff attendance at scheduled PDs, evidence of learning in lesson plans Systemic Reading Instruction- AES will provide a balanced literacy approach that is inclusive of direct, systematic instruction of foundational reading skills K-5. Those skills will be further developed at the middle school and high school levels using Standards Based instruction with an emphasis on Close Reading strategies. 2015-2018 ELA Instructional staff, building administration, Asst. Superintendent Lesson plans, student performance on formative and state assessments Peer support through instructional coaching 2016-2018 District Leadership Team, Building administration, coaching teams Peer coaching sessions each quarter, administrative coaching sessions 2 x’s each quarter for each teacher PLC time to assess lessons, analyze results from DFAs, plan future lessons based on results 20162018 District Leadership Team, building administration, Asst. Superintendent One PLC each month focused on district work Identify critical factors that impact the success of our disaggregated groups and build a toolbox of effective instructional strategies that can be used to help our ELL, Special education, and minority 2016-2018 District Leadership Team, building administration, district administration, instructional staff Identification and documentation of critical factors Established plans to address specific factors populations achieve at high levels Improvement Strategy #3- Post Secondary Options Description: Students will develop the necessary skills so that they are capable of pursuing post-secondary options when they graduate and of being productive members of society. Action Step Timeline Responsibility Measures of Success Provide learning opportunities to ensure students are prepared for college or to enter workforce when they graduate from high school- college visits, career fairs, development of ICAPS 20162018 District administration, District instructional staff, district counselors AES- Journey to Success, Graduation ceremonies at Kinder, 5th OMS- Rite of Passage- 8th grade. Job Days, Naviance AHS- graduation, college visits, Naviance, college prep classes Ombudsman- Naviance 1st semester- Early ReleaseCollege/Career Prep Event Improvement Strategy #4- Family Partnerships Description: ASD will develop a structure for creating a system that engages parents, family and community that supports the educational process of the students in the district Action Step Timeline Responsibility Measures of Success Family Engagementput structures in place to encourage more active family participation in students’ education 20162018 District Leadership Team, building administration, building instructional staff Identified means of communication at each building Building Leadership Team, Building administration, Assistant Clearly articulated and documented building plans in place and accessible - Effective communication processes in place - School representatives responding to concerns Positive Behavior and Academic Support System in place and running consistently throughout school year 20162018 Documentation of concerns expressed and response to concerns Overview of building level plans to include: academic and behavioral expectations, Description of positive reward system, incentives attached to plan, discipline matrix, communication process to inform staff and parents ID highest needs in each building- establish priority levels and put specific building plans in place Principals, Deans of Students, MTSS Staff, District administration, Transportation Director ALAMOSA SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-11J 2016-2017 ACADEMIC CALENDAR The Alamosa School District academic calendar is developed annually and amended if necessary. 2016 2017 ALAMOSA SCHOOL DISTRICT AUGUST S 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 T W T 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 (24) 25 30 31 S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M JANUARY F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 SEPTEMBER T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 T F 2 (3) 4 (5) 6 9 (10) 11 (12) 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 OCTOBER T W NOVEMBER S M T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 T 3 10 17 24 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 DECEMBER ( T 1 8 15 22 29 ) Parent/Teacher Conf. (4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Early Release 1/2 Work Day 1/2 Staff Dev. Elem. Work Day (No School K-5 only) Staff Dev. - No School No School Begin/End Full Work Day-No Classes Aug. 1-19 Aug. 17,18,19 Aug. 22,23 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Sept. 5 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 17 Oct. 28 Nov. 21-25 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 23- Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 27 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 March 9 March 10 March 20-24 April 14 May 8 May 25 May 25 May 26 May 27 Floating Work Day New Teacher Orientation Staff Development 6th & 9th Grade Orientation AE Parent/Teacher Conferences Student's First Day Labor Day - No School AE Parent/Teacher Conferences OMS & AHS P/T Conferences OMS Parent/Teacher Conferences AE & AHS P/T Conferences End of First Quarter Teacher Comp Day - No School 1/2 Work Day 1/2 Staff Develop. AE Work Day -No School K-5 Thanksgiving Break AE Work Day -No School K-5 End of First Semester Winter Break Full Work Day - No Classes AE Work Day -No School K-5 OMS & AHS P/T Conferences AE Parent/Teacher Conferences AE & AHS P/T Conferences OMS Parent/Teacher Conferences Teacher Comp Day - No School President's Day - No School End of Third Quarter 1/2 Work Day 1/2 Staff Develop. Spring Break Good Friday - No School AE Work Day - No School K-5 End of Second Semester Student's Last Day Full Work Day - No Classes Graduation P rofessional L earning C ommunities (PLCs) provide teachers the opportunity to analyze student data, collaborate and plan for student success All Early Release days for PLC's are Wednesdays Elementary Students released at 1:15 p.m. Secondary students released at 1:40 p.m. Visit our website at www.alamosa.k12.co.us for building level information and activity calendars. K-12 Online Registration: July 25 - August 5 Parent - Student Open Houses Scheduled at: AHS and OMS on August 10th AES on August 11th and 12th Additional information regarding online registration and open houses will be provided in mid-July S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 S M T S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M T W 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S M 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 FEBRUARY W T 1 2 5 (6) 7 (8) 9 12 (13) 14 (15) 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 T F 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 MARCH W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 APRIL MAY 7 14 21 28 W 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 Elem 35 41 41 47 Total Student Days 164 Sec First Qtr Second Qtr Third Qtr Fourth Qtr 36 43 42 48 169 Elem 8 3 3 Total Teacher Days 178 Sec 4 3 2 178 Work Days Staff Dev P/T Conf KEY HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES All employees are responsible for becoming familiar with and adhering to the provisions of the “G” policies relating to employment. The following selection represents only a portion of the district’s policies related to employment. The complete policy manual can be found on the district’s website. Changing state laws and regulations, as well as new problems, issues, and needs, give rise to the continuing need to develop new policies or to revise existing ones. As new policies or changes to existing policies arise, every effort is made to update the policies on the district’s website in a timely manner. Alamosa School District, in cooperation with the Alamosa Education Association, follows a negotiated agreement (see AEA Agreement) which dictates many Licensed Staff personnel benefits and procedures. All Employees: EA EB EBAB EBAB-R EBBA EBBA-R EBBA-E EBBB EDB EGAD EGAEA EID GA GBB GBEA GBEB GBEBC GBED GBGA GBGAA GBGAB GBGB GBGD GBJ GBJA GBK Safety of Staff Environmental and Safety Program Hazardous Materials Regulation Prevention of Disease/Infection Transmission Regulation Guidelines for Handling Body Fluids in Schools Accident Reports Maintenance/Control of Materials and Equipment Copyright Compliance Electronic Communication HIPPA Compliance Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives Staff Involvement in Decision Making Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest Staff Conduct Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff Tobacco-Free Workplace Staff Health Staff Training in Crisis Prevention/Management First Aid Training Staff Personal Security/Safety Worker’s Compensation Personnel Records and Files Disclosure of Information to Prospective Employers Instructional Staff Concerns/Complaints/Grievances Support Staff (Classified) Employees: GDA Support Staff Positions GDB Support Staff Contracts and Compensation GDBA Support Staff Salary Schedules GDBC Support Staff Supplementary Pay/Overtime GDBD Support Staff Fringe Benefits GDC Support Staff Leaves and Absences GDCA Support Staff Sick Leave GDCB Legal Leave GDD Support Staff Vacations/Holidays GDE/GDF Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring GDE/GDF-R Regulation GDG Part-Time/Substitute Staff Employment GDJ Support Staff Assignments/Transfers GDK Support Staff Schedules/Calendars GDO Evaluation of Support Staff GDO-R Regulation GDQB Resignation of Support Staff GDQC Retirement of Support Staff GDQD Discipline/Suspension/Dismissal of Support Staff GDR Non-School Employment of Support Staff KI Visitors to School Administrative and Instructional Employees: GCB Instructional Staff Contracts/Compensation GCBA Instructional Staff Contracts/Compensation/Salary Schedules GCBA-R Regulation GCBB Administrative Staff Contracts and Compensation/Salary Schedules GCBC Instructional Staff Supplementary Pay/Overtime GCBD Instructional Staff Fringe Benefits GCCA Instructional Staff Leaves and Absences GCCAA-1 Voluntary Leave Donation GCCAB Instructional Staff Emergency and Legal Leave GCCAC Instructional Staff Maternity/Paternity/Parental Leave GCCAD Instructional Staff Military Leave GCCB Administrative Staff Leaves and Absences GCCBA Administrative Staff Sick Leave GCCBB Administrative Staff Emergency and Legal Leave GCCBC Administrative Staff Maternity/Paternity/Parental Leave GCCBD Administrative Staff Military Leave GCD Administrative Staff Vacations/Holidays GCE/GCF Instructional Staff Recruiting/Hiring GCE/GCF-R Regulation GCFC Instructional Staff Certification/Credentialing Requirements GCG/GCGA Part-Time/Substitute Employment GCG/GCGA-R Substitute Pay Scale GCHA/GCHB Mentor Teachers/Administrators GCI Professional Staff Development GCKA GCKA-R GCKB GCKB-R GCOE GCP GCP-R GCQC/GCQD GCQE GCQF GCR GCS Instruction Staff Assignments and Transfers Regulation Administrative Staff Assignments and Transfers Regulation Evaluation of Evaluators Professional Staff Promotions and Reclassification Regulation Resignation of Instructional and Administrative Staff Retirement of Instructional Staff Discipline/Suspension/Dismissal of Instructional Staff Non-school Employment of Instruction Staff Professional Research and Publishing INFORMATION FOR ALL EMPLOYEES The Alamosa School District is an equal opportunity employer. See Policy GBA. Persons desiring employment or promotional opportunities for all positions must apply through the Administration Office. All employment conditions are addressed in the district’s policies. All employees are responsible for abiding by federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations. Violations of the law while in the course of performing your job duties or otherwise representing the District are considered Alamosa School District policy violations. Workplace and Sexual Harassment It shall be a violation of policy for any member of the district staff to discriminate against another on the basis of sex or harass another staff member or student through conduct or communications of a sexual nature. All employees must familiarize themselves with policy GBAA Sexual Discrimination and Harassment. Staff Use of the Internet The District provides Internet access to employees to promote educational excellence and to facilitate resource sharing, innovation, and communication. Policy GBEE requires all employees to read, understand, and sign an agreement to abide by guidelines and terms and conditions of internet use. A signed copy of the completed Annual Acceptable Use Agreement (see policy GBEE-E) must be provided to your supervisor annually. Americans with Disabilities Act Section 504: 1973 Rehabilitation Act (Amended) No otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States shall, solely by reason of this handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. This applies to those areas covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Any employee who has a disability that may require an accommodation should notify his/her immediate supervisor. Child Abuse and Neglect Personnel in the Alamosa School District schools and offices shall cooperate to expose, by early identification, child abuse and neglect and report suspected cases to the proper authorities. In compliance with Alamosa School District policies JLF, and JLF-R, any school official or employee who has reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect or who has observed the child being subjected to circumstances or conditions which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, as defined by statute, shall immediately upon receiving such information report or cause a report to be made to the appropriate department of social services or local law enforcement agency. Dress Code Alamosa School District employees are expected to abide by the Staff Dress Code, as outlined in policy GBEBA. Emergency Closings The superintendent is empowered to close schools in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which threaten the safety, health or welfare of students or staff members. (see policy EBCE and EBCE-R). When conditions prompt a decision to cancel school, the public will be notified through the broadcast media and the district website as soon as possible. For more information, contact the Transportation Director at 719-589-9115. Illegal Substance and Alcohol-Free Schools/Workplace The Alamosa School District maintains an illegal substance and alcohol free workplace for all employees. It is unlawful and against policy to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use a controlled substance, as defined by state law. (see policy GBEC). All employees must annually acknowledge that they have received a copy of the Drug-Free Workplace policy. Legal Assistance The Alamosa School District is obligated by law to defend employees in legal actions resulting from acts done or omitted in good faith in the course of their employment. (see policy GBG). Applicability of state and federal liability protections to specific circumstances shall be made on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions stated in state and federal law may reduce or preclude liability protection. Workers’ Compensation All employees are covered by legal mandate, for medical and compensation benefits if a job-related injury or illness occurs. The Alamosa School District is self-insured and pays all premiums for employee coverage. Contact the Administration Office for additional information, related forms and instructions. Payroll It is the district’s practice that all employees receive compensation for work performed in accordance with the Board approved salary schedules and policies. Actual salary schedules for all employees are available on the Alamosa School District website at http://alamosa.k12.co.us/dist/pagesalaryschedules.html. If the district finds that an employee has been under-compensated according to the applicable salary schedule, the district will make adjustments to ensure that the employee is paid correctly. If the district finds than an employee has been overpaid, arrangements will be made with the employee to ensure repayment. It is the employee’s obligation to verify the correctness of compensation and to notify the payroll office at 719-587-1612 if there is a problem. Also, employees who have questions about their salary or deductions should contact the payroll office. Personal Information Changes It is extremely important that personnel records are accurate and current. At any time during the year that name or address changes occur, the employee must report the change promptly, in writing, to the payroll office. Employees, who change their status such as through marriage, should remember that changes might need to be made on W-4, retirement, insurance and beneficiary forms. Pay Frequency Alamosa School District employees are paid on the last calendar day of each month. In the event that the last calendar day falls on Saturday or Sunday, employees will be paid the Friday preceding the last calendar day of the month. Direct Deposit The Alamosa School District offers Direct Deposit for all employees. To participate in the direct deposit program, contact the payroll office. ALAMOSA SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-11J Employee Benefits at a Glance!!!! All Alamosa School District employees are required by State law to be a member of PERA. 8% of your gross salary is deducted from your check each month and the district matches that with 19.15% of your gross. The District’s contribution will increase to 19.65% effective January 1, 2017. All employees hired after April 1, 1986, are required to pay into Medicare with 1.45% of your gross salary. The District matches that with 1.45% of your gross salary. All employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. If you are injured while doing your job, the District’s WC Insurance will pay for your medical expenses for that injury! The ONLY requirement is that you report your injury immediately in writing and if medical care is needed, you go to one of the District’s appointed physicians. A health insurance benefit (single premium $447.00 annually), is provided for all employees who participate in the District’s health plan and who work 30 or more hours per week. A $20,000 life insurance policy is also included in the health plan. The District pays for a $20,000 life insurance policy as well as disability insurance for all full time regular employees (30 or more hours per week). A Section 125 Flex Plan is available for employees to have health insurance premiums, out of pocket medical expenses and dependent day care costs deducted before taxes. American Fidelity provides those services to the District. Employees receive staff leave each year. This leave is based on your position and number of months that you work. Unused staff leave is carried to the next year. The District buys back unused staff leave credited above 58 days. Number of days bought back is based on your position and number of months worked. You may have your paycheck deposited into your checking or savings account at any bank or savings & loan that you choose as long as that institution receives direct deposits. The District has group dental insurance plans, life insurance plans, 403(b) plans and PERA’s 401(k) plan that you may participate in. All employees are eligible at time of employment to participate in the 403(b) and 401(k) plans. If you have any questions concerning any of the above please contact Dawn Richardson at 587-1612 or [email protected]. Early Retirement Alamosa School District Administrators may elect Early Retirement at the age of 50 or older with 10 years of service of which all ten years must have been continuous in the District. (see policy GCQEA and GCQEA-E). The Administrators Early Retirement Schedule is as follows: Alamosa School District Licensed staff may elect Early Retirement at the age of 50 or older with 15 years of service, of which ten (10) must have been continuous in the District. (see policy GCQEB and GCQEB-E). The Early Retirement Schedule for Licensed Staff is as follows: Alamosa School District Classified staff may elect Early Retirement at the age of 50 or older with 15 years of service. (see policy GDQCA and GDQCA-E). The Early Retirement Schedule for Classified Staff is as follows: INFORMATION FOR LICENSED EMPLOYEES Grievances The Alamosa School District maintains procedures for prompt and equitable resolution of differences. If an employee or group of employees feels a rule, regulation or policy of the district has been misapplied or misinterpreted, the grieving party is expected to follow the employee grievance procedure. (see policy GBK). Professional Development Staff development activities occur during and after school time throughout the year. Some are districtwide in scope while others are planned for specific groups such as subject area teachers, grade level teachers, or individual school staff members. Staff development is considered a critical element in school improvement and a vital component in the district’s commitment to excellence. (see policy GCI). Resignation of Instructional /Administrative Staff In accordance with state statutes, a teacher or licensed administrator may cancel a contract prior to the beginning of an academic year by giving written notice no later than 30 days prior to the start of the academic year, during an academic year by giving at least 30 days written notice, or at any time by mutual agreement with the Board of Education. A teacher or licensed administrator who fails to honor a contract, except in accordance with the statutes, shall be held responsible for the ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in securing a replacement, or for 1/12th of his or her annual salary, whichever is less. In addition, the teacher's or administrator’s license may be suspended. A teacher or licensed administrator who resigns during the term of the contract shall be paid the prorated amount of the annual salary for each day the teacher has been on duty. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY REGARDING STUDENT RECORDS As an employee of the Alamosa School District, I have been made aware of my duties and responsibilities regarding the confidentiality of student information. I understand that in the course of performing my duties as an employee of the Alamosa School District I may have access to information concerning students of the district. I understand that, with certain exceptions, access to personally identifiable student information is limited to the students, the parent or guardian of the student, and other persons authorized by state and federal law. I have read and understand policies JRA/JRC, JRA/JRC-R, JRA/JRC-E-1, JRA/JRC-E-2, and JRCA. I understand and agree that I will not release in any form, written, oral or electronic, any personally identifiable student information to any person not authorized to receive such information. I also understand and agree that if I have any questions regarding whether I may release personally identifiable student information to a third party, I will refer the request to my immediate supervisor. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK RECEIPT The Alamosa School District Employee Handbook is available on the district’s web site at www.alamosa.k12.co.us. A printed copy is available in each school library and in the principal or director’s office, as well as the administration office. I agree to read the handbook and to abide by the rules and instructions governing employment in the Alamosa School District. The information in this handbook is subject to change. I understand that changes in the policies may supersede, modify, or eliminate policies summarized in the employee handbook. As the district provides updated policy information, I accept responsibility for reading and abiding by the changes. I understand that no modifications to contractual relationships or alterations of at-will employment relationships are intended by this handbook. This signature page must be signed at the beginning of every school year and returned to the Administration Office and will be become part of your personnel file. I also understand that I have an obligation to inform the human resource office of any changes in personal information such as phone number, address, etc. I also accept responsibility for contacting my supervisor or the human resource office if I have any questions or concerns and need further explanation. ______________________________ Signature of Employee ______________________________ Printed name of Employee _______________ Date