The Wright-Patterson Officers` Spouses` Club - Wright
The Wright-Patterson Officers` Spouses` Club - Wright
The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club March 2016 Volume 53 Issue 7 Table of Contents Board of Governors .. pg 2 OSC & You ............... pg 3 Welfare ...................... pg 4 Calendar.................... pg 4 Antiques Societè ....... pg 5 Book Club ................. pg 5 Bridge (Contract)....... pg 5 Bridge (Duplicate) ..... pg 5 Brush & Palette ......... pg 5 Bunco ........................ pg 5 Chicks4Flicks ............ pg 6 Coffee Group ............ pg 6 Happy Hour Crafting . pg 6 Lunch Bunch ............. pg 6 Mah Jongg ................ pg 6 Photography Club ..... pg 6 Play Group ................ pg 6 Raise Your Glass ...... pg 6 Rubber Stamp Club .. pg 6 Skylarks..................... pg 7 Spouses Night Out.... pg 7 ISG ............................ pg 8 ROWW...................... pg 9 Auction Photos .......... pg 10 Museum Volunteers.. pg 11 Thrift Shop................. pg 11 RSVPs....................... pg 11 The 2015-2016 WPOSC Board of Governors Executive commitee President ······················ Lynne Donahue ········813-992-2025 [email protected] 1st Vice President ··········· Bekah Kuhlman ·······402-250-8758 [email protected] 2nd Vice President ·········· Pam Woodard ··········617-955-7975 [email protected] Secretary ······················ Lori Enochian ··········937-912-9909 [email protected] Admin Treasurer ············ Beth Newberry·········937-306-8062 [email protected] Welfare Treasurer ··········· Shasta Lantz ············520-954-5718 Parliamentarian ·············· Toni Lynch ·············808-260-5258 Standing Committees Activities ······················ Tracie Navarra ·········808-381-3140 Child Care ···················· Position Available Hospitality/Newcomers ···· Emily Cordell ··········407-454-1493 CoChair······················ Kara Welch ·············816-738-1310 Mah Jongg Book Sales. ···· Amy Jo Jones ··········937-426-1567 Membership·················· Emily Cordell ··········407-454-1493 Programs······················ Paula Cardenas ·········937-384-0092 CoChair······················ Cristina Lewis ··········937-331-8913 Reservations Line - Answering Machine ············937-315-1550 Reservations Chair ·········· Robin Cook·············210-542-6653 CoChair···················· Erin Simmons ··········520-861-3177 Scholarships ·················· Stacey Imhoff ··········937-350-5009 Thrift Shop ··················· Rosemary Miller ·······937-458-3806 Ways & Means ·············· Jerry Miko ··············937-470-0730 Web Coordinator ············ Christi Brendlinger. ···210-882-0166 Welfare························ Kelly Lesnick···········480-370-8297 The Wright Word ··········· Robin Stone·············850-803-3139 Special Events Airmen’s Cookie Drive…..Cara Albers ·············813-601-2335 Holiday Decorations ········ Kristin Ballard··········513-435-0011 CoChair···················· Kaile Kring ·············308-830-0015 Special Volunteer Groups A.F. Museum Guides······· Sue Craven··············937-233-3538 CoChair ···················· Sara Lowe···············937-878-3558 Special Interest Groups Int’l Spouses’ Group ········Inma Kusnierek ········937-325-0371 CoChair ····················Yuko Tamura···········937-236-4224 CoChair ······················Larisa Celeste ············732-939-2777 ROWW ·······················Mary Rodin ·············937-878-0032 Activities Antiques Societé·············Elizabeth Clark ·········937-429-2410 CoChair ·····················Kathy Cohrs ············937-427-3609 Book Club ····················Sandra Moore ··········937-298-2859 Bridge (Contract) ············Mary Rodin ·············937-878-0032 CoChair ·····················Sue Fecke ···············937-256-6122 Bridge (Duplicate)···········LaVerne Will ···········937-256-9833 CoChair ·····················Sandy Ferrell ···········937-431-1751 Brush & Palette ··············Leigh Whitehead·······937-233-5843 CoChair ·····················Patty Sprouse ···········937-291-2007 Bunco··························Tracie Navarra ·········808-381-3140 CoChair····················Ashlyn Summers ······480-388-9913 Chicks4Flicks ················Destiny Tomlin ········239-292-2477 Coffee Group·················Stephanie Pier ··········478-662-7030 Happy Hour Crafting ·······Cara Albers ·············813-601-2335 Lunch Bunch·················Kim White ··············937-522-1297 CoChair ·····················Cathy Long ·············937-751-4890 Mah Jongg····················Amy Jo Jones···········937-426-1567 Play Group ···················Jill Evans ················614-595-9099 CoChair ·····················Emily Schmidt ·········813-440-0799 Photography Club ···········Nicole Soeder ··········586-703-1190 CoChair ·····················Megan Markling ·······405-315-3970 Raise Your Glass ············Susie Sincock···········310-617-7230 CoChair ·····················Bekah Kuhlman········402-250-8758 Rubber Stamp Club ·········Lori Enochian ··········937-912-9909 Skylarks ·······················Sally Lee ················937-874-5123 Spouses’ Night Out ·········Bekah Kuhlman········402-250-8758 CoChair ·····················Emily Cordell ··········407-454-1493 Honorary Executive Commitee Honorary Advisor ···········Ruth Ann Thompson ··································Spouse of AFLCMC Commander Honorary Advisor ··········· Wayne Reeves ··································Spouse of AFLCMC Executive Director Advisor························Kathryn Devillier ··································Spouse of 88th ABW Commander Advisor························Erik Oberg ··································Spouse of 88th ABW/CV Want to become a member of the Wright-Patt Officers’ Spouses’ Club? Complete membership form from and mail to: WPOSC Membership, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324 Need to make changes? Contact [email protected] to change address, telephone number, email, rank, organization, or resignation. If you are PCSing and have paid your dues for one year, you may request a refund of the balance. The Wright Word 2 March 2016 The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club is all about you and what you want to make of it. It can be an occasional meeting or a more indepth position where you have input on what happens. Either way, you can be guaranteed to meet friendly people of all ages, from all places, and all with similar military experiences of moving, promotions, and going with the flow of their spouses’ career. Here are some photo highlights of what you may have missed if you haven’t come to an event. Spouses Night Out 2015 ISG 4th of July 2015 Honor Flight 2015 TS Reopening August 2015 BUNCO, January 2016 Casino Night, November 2015 August 2015 Welcome Coffee Playgroup Halloween, October 2015 ROWW Octoberfest 2015 Alexis Gomez Concert, September 2015 The Wright Word 3 March 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, Brush & Palette Bldg 95 9:30am -12:30pm 9:30am -2:30 pm Skylarks 9:30am-11am Kittyhawk Chapel Bridge (Contract) Rockers, 9:30 am 6 Foot, Fist, Lunch RSVPs Due 7 BUNCO 6:00 pm Andi Durrell’s House 8 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Thursday 3 Friday 4 10 9:30am -2:30 pm Foot, Fist, Lunch Rubber Stamp Club WP-Club, 10:30 am Bldg 95, 10 am-Noon Photography 10 am Schuester Center 5 ISG Meeting Chapel #3, 10:30 am 9 Brush & Palette Bldg 95 Saturday 11 Raise Your Glass Barrel House at 6:30 pm 12 Rubber Stamp Club Road Trip Indianapolis Antiques RSVP Due 13 14 15 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Coffee Group Time & Place TBA SNO 7:00 pm Raise Your Brush 20 27 21 28 Happy Hour Crafting Place & Time TBA 22 Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm 29 16 17 18 Bridge (Contract) Rockers, 9:30 am Book Club B&N at 10 am Antiques Societé WP-Club 11am Social 11:30 am Seating Brush & Palette Bldg 95 9:30am -2:30 pm Fisher House Brunch Set up by 10 am 19 Playgroup 10 am Run Around Fun Town Photography 9:30am WP-Club Hang Photos 23 Bridge (Duplicate) Rockers, 9:30 am 30 24 25 26 Thrift Shop Closed until April 5th 31 ROWW WP-Club 10:45am Social, 11:30am Seating Mah Jongg Bldg 95, 9:30am -12:30pm Kelly Lesnick…480-370-8297 [email protected] Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities Fisher House Volunteer Brunch. WPOSC members have the opportunity to provide brunch for the families staying at Fisher House. Food is generally set up and ready to serve to the guests at 10:00 am. Fisher House brunch is scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month (16 Mar, 20 Apr, 18 May). Choose to serve or bring a dish or both using this link: f0445a8aa28a7f94-fisher The Wright Word Honor Flight Dayton, 2016 flights. Fisher House Silent Auction Basket Join the crowd in welcoming the reItem Donation Drive. WPOSC mem- tired troops home. After an all-day bers have the opportunity to provide a event for each veteran, it’s only an donation to go into baskets for the hour or two of your time in giving the Fisher Nightingale House Silent Auctroops their own welcome home party tion. Donations will be collected at our that they may not have had the first monthly WPOSC function and assem- time around. bled to make several baskets with (2 Apr, 30 Apr, themes of “Dayton Local” and “Date 28 May, 3 Sep, 1 Night.” You may also call me to coor- Oct, 5 Nov) dinate collecting your donation. 4 March 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). ANTIQUES SOCIETÉ BOOK CLUB Elizabeth Clark……….937-429-2410 Sandra Moore………...937-298-2859 [email protected] [email protected] Kathy Cohrs…………..937-427-3609 [email protected] Meeting: Thursday March 17 at 10 am Location: Barnes & Noble, Fairfield Mall Hats, Gloves & More Hats Friday, March 18 11am Social & 11:30am Seating $15 WP-Club & $17 Non-Members Due to our January meeting being cancelled, we have rescheduled that presentation to be our March luncheon. Our own Evelyn Pelan will be presenting the history of hats and gloves. Evelyn will be giving a power point presentation and displaying many examples from her personal collection. Please feel free to wear your own hat and gloves ensemble to the event. Bring a friend for a day of learning, good food and friendship. Luncheon Menu: Italian mixed green salad with olives, tomatoes and parmesan cheese, Lasagna or Cheese Filled Manicotti, California blend vegetables, rolls & butter, dessert, coffee & tea Reservations are due by Friday, March 11 at 6 pm. Please note this is a week earlier than normal. A-L. . . .Betty Gray…….937-237-8192 M-Z. . . .Janet Lee ……..937-767-5541 The Wright Word We are meeting at Barnes & Nobles for Yyetta Whitehead's review of the classic writer, Edgar Allan Poe. He was born in 1809 but orphaned in 1810 and taken in by a couple in Richmond, VA. He became a poet and writer but died in Baltimore at age 40 in mysterious circumstances. For our reading this month, you can choose any of Poe's books you wish, and we will have our usual lively discussion following the review. Classic month is always very popular, and I am certain that Yyetta will give us an interesting insight into the life of this talented author. BRIDGE (DUPLICATE) LaVerne Will……….937-256-9833 Sandy Ferrell……… 937-431-1751 Meets: every 4th Wednesday Playtime: 9:30 a.m. to mid-afternoon Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes each, with an hour break for lunch. Players with all skills are welcome. BRUSH & PALETTE Leigh Whitehead…….937-233-5843 [email protected] Patty Sprouse………...937-291-2007 Meets: Wednesdays Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Our club meets once a week on Wednesdays. All artists at all levels working with all medias are welcome. Don’t work alone on your projects, bring them in and enjoy some company. We help each other if we can, plus we also have an instructor available at least once a month to help with all aspects of painting. BUNCO BRIDGE (CONTRACT) Mary Rodin…………...937-878-0032 Sue Fecke……………..937-256-9833 Meets: Every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Time: 9:30 am to mid-afternoon Location: Rocker Lounge - WP Club We play 7 progressions of 35 minutes each, with an hour break for lunch. Players with all skills are welcome. 5 Tracie Navarra ….…..808-381-3140 [email protected] Ashlyn Summers ........... 480-388-9913 Meets: Monday, March 7 6 pm Social, 6:30 pm Dice Roll! Where: Andi Durrell’s House 1866 South Red Robin Drive Xenia, Ohio 45835 Email Tracie to get on the Evite list! March 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). CHICKS4FLICKS MAH JONGG RAISE YOUR GLASS Destiny Tomlin………239-292-2477 [email protected] Amy Jo Jones………..937-426-1567 [email protected] Susie Sincock…………310-617-7230 Bekah Kuhlman………402-250-8758 March Meeting TBA, Look for Evite COFFEE GROUP Stephanie Pier………..478-662-7030 [email protected] Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each Month. Time and Place TBD - Look for the Evite! HAPPY HOUR CRAFTING Cara Albers…………..813-601-2335 [email protected] Join us the last Monday of each month for a night of fun, friends, and crafts. Complete the group led craft or bring your own to work on. A small fee is required for materials if you wish to participate in the group craft. Please bring a snack or drink to share and contact me with any questions. I look forward to seeing you! LUNCH BUNCH Kim White…………...937-522-1297 [email protected] Cathy Long………….937-751-4890 [email protected] March Meeting TBA - Look for Evite Meets: Every Tuesday Time: 9:30 am- 12:30 (or until 2:30ish) Mah Jongg is a Chinese game of skill, strategy and calculation. Similar to Rummy but uses tiles rather than cards. The main objective is to build sets through drawing and discarding tiles. Come by and try it once! PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB RUBBER STAMP CLUB Lori Enochian……...937-912-9909 [email protected] Nicole Soeder ………..586-703-1190 [email protected] Megan Markling …….405-315-3970 [email protected] Our group consists of photographers with all levels of skill. We enjoy learning new things together and supporting one other. Examples of February’s projects When: Thurs., March 17 at 10 am Where: Run Around Fun Town In March, we will be trying a new paper craft that doesn’t even involve rubber stamps! Joann Mathews and Lori Enochian will jointly be teaching the fine art of Zentangle! Please bring a black Micron 01 pen. These are available at most of the local craft supply stores. (Use your coupons!) Other supplies, if necessary, will be listed in the Evite. A separate Evite will go out for those interested in attending the Heirloom Rubber Stamp and Paper Arts Festival in Indianapolis on Saturday, March 12. This will be a day trip, leaving early in the morning and stopping for dinner on the way home. Visit our Facebook page at Continued on next page 3/8: Schuester Center, 10 AM 1 W 2nd St., Dayton OH 45402 3/16: WP-Club 9:30 AM Put up photos *Want to join the WPOSC Photography Group Facebook page? Just ’friend’ me (Nicole Soeder) and then you can post photos, ask about the next outing, etc. PLAY GROUP Jill Evans……………..614-595-9099 Emily Schmidt…..……813-440-0799 The Wright Word 3/11: The Barrel House at 6:30pm (Downtown Dayton) 417 E. 3rd Street Dayton, Ohio 6 March 2016 Points of Contact for each group are listed at the beginning of each article. Unless otherwise stated, all groups meet in the OSC Activities Room, Building 95 (same building as the Thrift Shop). RUBBER STAMP cont. All levels of stampers are welcome at all our events, even beginners who have never inked up a stamp. We’ll bring you up-to-speed in no time! We’ve all got lots of crafting tips and techniques to share, plus news on where to find the best bargains, stamp conventions, and stamping websites! Pull up a chair and join us! Please send an email, and we’ll get you on our mailing list! Example of March’s project The Wright Word SKYLARKS SPOUSES’ NIGHT OUT Sally Lee……………..937-874-5123 [email protected] Bekah Kuhlman……402-250-8758 Emily Cordell………407-454-1493 Meets: Every Tuesday morning Where: Choir Room, Kittyhawk Chapel 3/15: Raise Your Brush Time: 9:30 am to 11:00 am 169 N. Main Street Centerville, OH The Skylarks are busy working up a proLook for Evite gram of brand new music for the spring. Music for this program includes Roger EmerInclement Weather: The son’s “True Colors,” Carole King’s “You’ve WPOSC follows the Fairborn City Got a Friend,” and a fun medley of golden oldies such as “Splish Splash,” “Yakety Yak,” Schools with regard to inclement and “Poison Ivy.” weather. When Fairborn schools Skylarks would like to offer a warm welare closed, activities and events are come to our new soprano, Heather Reiman. cancelled. Should there be a delay We could still use a few more sopranos, secin school openings, check with the ond sopranos, and altos, and if any men would like to join us, we even have some activity point of contact. Closing musical offerings for you to share as well! and delays by WPAFB will superPlease come check us out—you’ll be glad sede all other closings and delays. you did! 7 March 2016 Chair: Inma Kusnierek (Spain).................................... 937-325-0371 ............................................... [email protected] Co-Chair: Yuko Tamura (Japan) ................................ 937-238-8816 ............................................... [email protected] Co-Chair: Larisa Celeste (Romania)........................... 732-939-2877 ............................................... [email protected] The ISG met on February 5th to What fun we had! No one wanted ADDRESS: Chapel #3 in the Prairies Housing celebrate Valentine's Day. Members to leave, so we are planning an6568 Chapel Lane, Riverside, Ohio were met with a Valentine themed other dance class for April. room and some lucky members Our next meeting will be March DIRECTIONS: Colonel Glenn Highway toward Airtook home hand made 4th at 10:30 am with a way Road; turn left at the “Speedway” Valentine themed door Save The Date: beauty/make up demonstra- traffic light onto Spinning Road; turn wreaths for welcoming The International tion that will prepare anyone right onto Chapel Lane; Chapel 3 is at the end. guests. We learned the Spouses' Group for the upcoming St. Patty's International Fair "Language of the Day celebrations! The door During winter months, our meetings will take place at Fan," talking to our prizes will be in theme with are cancelled if Fairborn Schools are the Wright-Patt canceled due to inclement weather. Valentine with NO Club on April 14th St. Patrick’s Day. WORDS, only with If you enjoy learning from 11:00 am to the magic of moving a 1:00 pm. $10.00 per about different cultures, meetentry. fan! ing new people, and tasting Our members were new foods, please feel free to so energized that after our Bingo join us! Family and friends are algames we had time for a Line dance ways welcome to attend our meetclass lead by Debbie Minnich. ings as well. The Wright Word 8 March 2016 Cost: $14 WP-Club Members $16 Non-Members Date: Thursday, March 31 Where: WP-Club Fireside Room Time: 10:45 am Social, 11:30 am Seating hold a teacup, the etiquette for using our napkins and There will be a doctor at our March luncheon, which incidentally is our last how to flirt with a fan. Our members participated in our event for a few months. Dr. Max A. Clark will be joining us and presenting theme by dressing in their new information about women's health. hats and white gloves. It He will be pointing out things to be on seemed just like old times. the lookout for and ways we can affect Our centerpieces were brightly colored Birthday our daily lives in order to keep ourgifts. Each gift held a teaselves as healthy as possible. Please cup and saucer. We had a join us as we learn how we can be cupcake cake and everyone healthier and happier. sang Happy Birthday to Menu: Champagne Punch, Tossed US! Salad with Ranch and Italian, Homemade Meatloaf with sauce, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, rolls and butter, apple pie and cherry pie, coffee, tea and water CASH only, no charges or checks Is There A Doctor In The House? And to our friend, Jackie Barry, we will miss you! ROWW’s January Birthday Tea was held on January 28th. Our speaker was Katie Nowack from Dayton History and Carillon Park. Katie talked to us and gave us information on events at the Patterson House and the park. The teas that they have at the Patterson House sound wonderful. Many of our members are already planning a trip to the park. Katie showed up wearing a Victorian dress and carrying her antique teacup. She showed us the proper way to The Wright Word 9 March 2016 The Wright Word 10 March 2016 WPOSC ONLINE Go to and click on the blue “Make A Reservation” box in the upper right corner. Enter your information in the reservation form. Choose whether you will pay by cash, check, or PayPal for credit cards. (Note: all PayPal payments will be assessed $1.00 per reservation to cover processing fees.) Await a reservation confirma- tion email (followed by a PayPal confirmation email if you chose to pay by credit card). state the following: Your Name, Telephone Number, Email Event Name WP club member: Yes or No Any Guests? Menu selections available basis. All guest charges will be billed to the host member. Anyone who is eligible for membership in the WPOSC may attend only one function before joining. A WPOSC member cannot bring an existing WPOSC member as a guest. PAYMENT Cash or check payment MUST You will receive a call or email confirming your reservation and requesting your payment information. Do not assume you have a reservation until you have been contacted. If you have not been contacted within 48 hours, please call or email again. GUESTS Guests are welcome on a space- PHONE/EMAIL Call 937-315-1550 or send an email to: [email protected] When calling or emailing, please THRIFT SHOP BE received on or before the date of the event. Credit Card payments are not accepted at the door and can only be used if using the online reservation system. All confirmed reservations will be required to pay in full for the function even if the member does not attend the event. Paying by check? Make check payable to: Wright-Patterson OSC (WPOSC) No-shows with a reservation will be billed the appropriate amount. No reservations will be accepted after the deadline. In addition, walk-ins cannot be accommodated on the day of the function. The Wright Word Editor: Robin Stone Proofreaders: Lynne Donahue, Bekah Kuhlman, Pam Woodard, and Lori Enochian The Wright Word is an unofficial magazine of The Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club, P.O. Box 67, Fairborn, OH 45324. Standard US postage paid at Xenia, Ohio and additional mailing offices. Subscription to members is included in annual dues. The opinions expressed herein no way represent those of the United State Air Force or the WPOSC and are solely the opinions of the individual writers. Products or services advertised do not constitute endorsement by the Air Force or the WPOSC. Reprints by permission. Printed by DOMICONE PRINTING INC. The above logos were obtained from Special Services Branch, FASC. Other logos were obtained from the corresponding websites of the article. Editor email address: [email protected]. The Wright Word 11 The Thrift Shop will be closed from March 25 to April 5. Chair: Rosemary Miller ……...…937-458-3806 Manager: Paula Cardenas ……...937-384-0092 Location: Building 95 on Wright Avenue, sharing the building with Outdoor Recreation and the Officers’ Spouses’ Club Activities Room. Contact Information Office Phone.……………….937-879-5630 24 Hr Info Line……………..937-285-0306 Hours of Operation T, W, & F……………9:30 am to 2:00 pm Please check with the Thrift Shop for exact times & dates. Hours of Consignment T, W, & F……………9:30 am - 11:30 am To volunteer at the Thrift Shop, call Rosemary Miller or email her at [email protected] Sue Craven…………………937-233-3538 [email protected] Sara Lowe ……………………..937-878-3558 If you would like to learn more about what we do and how you may become a volunteer, just contact Sue or Sara. They both are long-time museum guides and would be glad to share their knowledge. Training and orientation are provided to all of our volunteers. You may design your own tour, escort groups through the museum, or read to classes on school tours. New volunteers are always welcome, and all branches of the military are accepted as volunteers. Come and join us! March 2016 The Wright Word Wright-Patterson Officers’ Spouses’ Club P.O. Box 67 Fairborn, OH 45324 POSTMASTER: Address Service Requested Time Dated Material - Please deliver promptly PRST Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 35 Xenia, OH 45385 Reservation Line: 937-315-1550 Email: [email protected] Web: Inside This Issue of The Wright Word March Activities ROWW Birthday Photos ISG Photos Volunteer Opportunities MOVING? LET US KNOW! The post office will not forward your newsletter, and we will be charged for each issue returned to us. Please help us contain these costs by letting us know as soon as possible if you have changed addresses. Thank you.
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